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NAME: _______________________________ DATE: ___/___/___ Grade: ___________


1- Reading: You are going to read a magazine article about pollution of the atmosphere. Choose the most
suitable heading from the list (A-I) for each part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra hading which you do
not need to use. There is example at the beginning (0): (2 ach)

A Before ozone existed

B Repair gets slower
C People ignore warnings
D Ozone hole a certainly
E The future is our responsibility
F The function of the ozone layer
G Delayed reaction
H Humans to blame
I Strange results

The ozone Layer

What is it? What is happening to it?

0 I

In September 1982, Dr. Joe Farman, a British scientist working in the Antarctica, found that a dramatic
change had taken place in the atmosphere above his research station on the ice continent. His instruments set up to
measure the amounts of a chemical called ozone in the atmosphere, seemed to go wild. Over just a few days they
recorded that half the ozone had disappeared.

He couldn’t believe his eyes, so he came back to Britain to get a new instrument to check his findings. But
when he returned the following year at the same time, the same thing happened. He had discovered a hole on the
ozone layer-an invisible shield in the upper atmosphere - that turned out to extend over an area of the sky as wide
as the United Stated and as deep as Mount Everest is high. When he published his findings in scientific journals,
they caused a sensation. Scientists blamed pollution for causing the ozone hole.

The ozone layer is between 15 and 40 kilometers up in the atmosphere, higher than most aeroplanes fly.
This region contains most of the atmosphere’s zone, which is a special form of the gas oxygen. Ozone has the
unique ability to stop certain dangerous invisible rays from the sun reaching the Earth’s surface - rather like a pair
of sunglasses filters out bright sunlight. These rays are known as ultra-violet radiation. This damages living cells,
causing sunburn and more serious diseases. The ozone layer is vital to live on the surface of the Earth.

Until the ozone layer formed, about two thousand million years ago, it was impossible for any living thing
to survive on the surface of the planet. All life was deep in the oceans. But once oxygen was formed in the air, and
some of that oxygen turned to ozone, plants and animals could begin to move on to land.

But now humans are damaging the ozone layer for the first time. In the past ten years, scientists have
discovered that some man-made gases, used in everything from refrigerators and aerosols to fire extinguishers, are
floating up into the ozone layer and destroying the ozone. The most common of these gases are called
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

The damaged is worst over Atlantic, and near the North Pole, where scientists have seen small holes appear
for a short time each spring since 1989. So far, these holes have healed up again within a few weeks by natural
processes in the atmosphere that create more ozone. But each year, it seems to take longer for the healing to be
completed. Also, all round the planet, there now seems to be less ozone in the ozone layer than even a few years

This first new international law to atop people making or using CFCs was the Montreal Protocol, agreed by
most of the world’s governments in 1987. Since then, there have been new controls on other chemical that
destroyed ozone. The problem is that it takes roughly eight years for CFCs, which are released when an old fridge
is broken up, to reach the ozone layer. That is why, despite all the cuts, ozone holes were deeper than around both
the North and South Poles in 1993. Amounts of CFCs on the atmosphere will continue to rise for another five
years, say scientists.

Every year, the atmosphere will attempt to repair damage to the ozone layer caused by our pollution. But
we are stretching its capacity to recover to the limit. If we stop using all ozone-destroying chemicals within the
next five years, it is likely to be at least the middle of 21 st century before the ozone hole stops forming over
Atlantic each year. And, if we are to survive, we all have to face the problem now.

2- Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. DO
NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between two and five words including the word given: (2
a) I last saw him at my 21st birthday party. (since)
I _________________________________________________________ my 21st birthday party.
b) Do you know who coat belongs to? (coat)
Do you know_____________________________________________________________is?
c) Jo’s training accident meant she couldn’t take part in the race. (prevented)
Jo’s training accident ________________________________________________part of the race.
d) Cyclists are not allowed to ride on the station platform. (must)
Bicycles ____________________________________________________ of the station platform.
e) To Alan’s amazement, the passport office was closed when he arrived. (find)
Alan____________________________________________________ the passport office closed.
f) It isn’t necessary to look tickets for the show in advance. (need)
You _________________________________________________ tickets for the show in advance.
g) The top shelf was so high that the children couldn’t reach it. (high)
The top shelf was _______________________________________________the children to reach.
h) I’d prefer you to start work next week. (rather)
I _______________________________________________________________ work next week.
i) “Do you remember what you have to do?” the teacher asked her class. (what)
Carol ________________________________________________________ temper with her staff.
j) There is no ice-cream left. (run)
We ___________________________________________________________________ ice-cream.
3- Rewrite the sentences, starting as shown, so that the meaning stays the same: (2 each)

a) It was only when only daughter arrived that I found out about the accident.
Not until_______________________________________________________________________
b) Janet broke her arm, and also injured a leg.
Not only _______________________________________________________________________
c) My parents cannot be blamed for that situation in any way.
In ____________________________________________________________________________
d) The storm was so terrible that everybody had to leave the city.
e) The train had hardly left station when was an explosion.

4- Transform the following sentences into passive: (1 each)

a) We will close the store at 6 P.M.
b) You must fasten your seat belt during landing.
c) You must not give these tablets to children.
d) People say that he is 108 years old.

5- Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense: (1,5 each)

a) It’s time you __________________________________ (to do) something about that.
b) I hope it ______________________________________ (not/ to train) tomorrow.
c) I wish you ____________________________________ (to stop) talking all the time.
d) Jane wishes her daughter __________________________ (to marry) Joe, but they broke up.
e) I wish I _______________________________ (to be) rich. I work so much and earn so little.
f) I would rather you ________________________ (to stay) at home because it’s raining so much.
g) I would prefer _______________________________________ (to drink) wine tonight.
h) It’s vital that he ________________________________________ (to be) here soon.
i) They suggested that Peter __________________________________ (to leave) the city.
j) Suppose I ___________________________________ (to have) that money, what would you do?

6- Complete with suitable preposition: (1 each)

a) If you don’t know the meaning of the word look it __________ in a dictionary.
b) They are looking ________________________ traveling to Jamaica.
c) I look ____________ her as one of the family.
d) The teacher insisted ____________ seeing the answers.
e) Alice takes care ____________ my child while I’m working.
f) I am fond ____________ you!!!!
g) Jennifer is not interested ____________ history.
h) While I was reading the text I came ____________a word I didn’t know.
i) When the burglars broke ____________the house the alarm went ____________.
j) They went ___________doing the same thing. They did not stop even thought I asked so much.
k) She looked ___________ to see who was following her.
l) What do you do ___________ the summer?
m) Keep __________from the dog!! It may bite you.
7- Put the following in the INDIRECT SPEECH: (2 each)
a) “I am going away tomorrow, mother” he said.
b) “Go and get me a paper” the teacher said.
c) “Watch the milk and don’t let it boil over” the mother said.
d) “Who left the lights on?” said Ann.
e) “Did you decide what to do?” Paul said.

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