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Here is a list of 500 words used for describing symptoms:

1. Abdominal pain
2. Achiness
3. Acid reflux
4. Agitation
5. Allergy
6. Alopecia
7. Anemia
8. Angina
9. Anxiety
10. Appetite loss
11. Arthritis
12. Asthma
13. Back pain
14. Bleeding
15. Bloating
16. Blood in urine
17. Bloodshot eyes
18. Blurred vision
19. Body aches
20. Bone pain
21. Bowel problems
22. Breathlessness
23. Bruising
24. Burning sensation
25. Chest pain
26. Chills
27. Chronic cough
28. Cold
29. Congestion
30. Confusion
31. Constipation
32. Coughing up blood
33. Cramps
34. Cuts
35. Dandruff
36. Decreased appetite
37. Depression
38. Dermatitis
39. Diarrhea
40. Difficulty breathing
41. Difficulty swallowing
42. Dizziness
43. Dry mouth
44. Earache
45. Eczema
46. Edema
47. Exhaustion
48. Eye pain
49. Fainting
50. Fatigue
51. Fever
52. Flushing
53. Forgetfulness
54. Frequent urination
55. Gastrointestinal bleeding
56. General discomfort
57. Generalized pain
58. Hair loss
59. Halitosis
60. Headache
61. Heart palpitations
62. Hemorrhage
63. Hives
64. Hot flashes
65. Indigestion
66. Inflammation
67. Insomnia
68. Irritability
69. Itching
70. Jaundice
71. Joint pain
72. Lethargy
73. Light sensitivity
74. Loss of balance
75. Loss of coordination
76. Loss of consciousness
77. Loss of appetite
78. Low blood pressure
79. Low-grade fever
80. Memory loss
81. Menstrual irregularities
82. Migraine
83. Mood swings
84. Muscle cramps
85. Muscle weakness
86. Nausea
87. Nervousness
88. Night sweats
89. Numbness
90. Painful urination
91. Palpitations
92. Panic attacks
93. Paralysis
94. Paresthesia
95. Phlegm production
96. Poor concentration
97. Postnasal drip
98. Rapid heartbeat
99. Rash
100. Red eyes
101. Redness
102. Reflux
103. Respiratory distress
104. Restlessness
105. Runny nose
106. Sadness
107. Scaly skin
108. Seizures
109. Sensitivity to light
110. Sensitivity to noise
111. Sexual dysfunction
112. Shortness of breath
113. Sinus pain
114. Skin lesions
115. Sleep disturbances
116. Sneezing
117. Sore throat
118. Spasms
119. Stiff joints
120. Stiff neck
121. Stiffness
122. Stomach pain
123. Stuffy nose
124. Suicidal thoughts
125. Sweating
126. Swelling
127. Swollen glands
128. Tachycardia
129. Tenderness
130. Thirst
131. Throat clearing
132. Tickling cough
133. Tingling
134. Tiredness
135. Tonsillitis
136. Tremors
137. Trouble sleeping
138. Unexplained weight loss
139. Unsteady gait
140. Upset stomach
141. Urinary frequency
142. Urinary urgency
143. Vaginal discharge
144. Vertigo
145. Vomiting
146. Weakness
147. Weight gain
148. Wheezing
149. Worsening pain
150. Yellowing of skin
151. Abnormal bleeding
152. Abnormal heartbeat
153. Acidic taste in mouth
154. Acne
155. Aggression
156. Altered taste
157. Anorexia
158. Anticipatory anxiety
159. Aphasia
160. Arm pain
161. Asthenia
162. Ataxia
163. Black stool
164. Bleeding gums
165. Bloated abdomen
166. Blood in stool
167. Bloodshot ears
168. Blue skin
169. Bone tenderness
170. Bowel urgency
171. Brain fog
172. Breath odor
173. Brittle nails
174. Burning urination
175. Buttock pain
176. Cardiac arrhythmia
177. Chest tightness
178. Clammy skin
179. Clouded vision
180. Clumsiness
181. Cold extremities
182. Cold sore
183. Colicky pain
184. Colored sputum
185. Compromised immunity
186. Confabulation
187. Conjunctivitis
188. Convulsions
189. Coordination difficulties
190. Corneal abrasion
191. Coughing fits
192. Crawling sensation
193. Cyanosis
194. Decreased libido
195. Delirium
196. Dental pain
197. Difficulty concentrating
198. Difficulty hearing
199. Difficulty walking
200. Digestive issues
201. Discharge
202. Disorientation
203. Distorted vision
204. Double vision
205. Dry eyes
206. Dry skin
207. Dysmenorrhea
208. Dyspareunia
209. Dysphagia
210. Dysphasia
211. Dyspnea
212. Dysuria
213. Ear discharge
214. Early satiety
215. Eczematous rash
216. Elbow pain
217. Enlarged lymph nodes
218. Enlarged prostate
219. Enuresis
220. Epigastric pain
221. Erythema
222. Excessive sweating
223. Excessive thirst
224. Eye discharge
225. Eye pain with movement
226. Facial droop
227. Facial swelling
228. Fatigability
229. Febrile
230. Flank pain
231. Flashing lights
232. Flatulence
233. Food cravings
234. Foot pain
235. Foul odor
236. Frequent falls
237. Frequent hiccups
238. Frothy sputum
239. Gait disturbances
240. Genital itching
241. Genital sores
242. Glassy eyes
243. Gluten intolerance
244. Gritty sensation in eyes
245. Groin pain
246. Guttate rash
247. Hair thinning
248. Hallucinations (auditory, visual)
249. Hand tremors
250. Hay fever
251. Head fullness
252. Heartburn
253. Hematochezia
254. Hematuria
255. Hemoptysis
256. Hiccups
257. High-pitched wheeze
258. Hoarseness
259. Hot urine
260. Hydration issues

261. Hyperactivity
262. Hyperesthesia
263. Hyperglycemia
264. Hyperhidrosis
265. Hypersalivation
266. Hypersexuality
267. Hypersomnia
268. Hypertension
269. Hyperthyroidism
270. Hypervigilance
271. Hyperventilation
272. Hypoglycemia
273. Hypotension
274. Hypothyroidism
275. Impaired balance
276. Impaired coordination
277. Impaired memory
278. Impaired vision
279. Impotence
280. Increased appetite
281. Increased urination
282. Inflammatory bowel disease
283. Inflamed gums
284. Insect bite
285. Insatiable hunger
286. Intense itching
287. Interstitial cystitis
288. Irritable bowel syndrome
289. Jaw pain
290. Joint stiffness
291. Kidney stones
292. Knee pain
293. Labored breathing
294. Leg cramps
295. Light-headedness
296. Limited mobility
297. Linea nigra
298. Loss of taste
299. Low back pain
300. Low-grade temperature
301. Macular rash
302. Malaise
303. Melena
304. Metallic taste
305. Microcephaly
306. Miosis
307. Mood changes
308. Mouth sores
309. Muscle atrophy
310. Muscle fasciculations
311. Muscle rigidity
312. Muscle soreness
313. Muscle spasms
314. Muscle wasting
315. Muscle weakness (generalized, localized)
316. Myalgia
317. Myoclonus
318. Nail discoloration
319. Neck pain
320. Neonatal jaundice
321. Night blindness
322. Nipple discharge
323. Nocturia
324. Nonhealing wound
325. Nosebleeds
326. Numbness and tingling in extremities
327. Obstructed breathing
328. Occasional dizziness
329. Oily skin
330. Oral thrush
331. Osteoarthritis
332. Osteopenia
333. Osteoporosis
334. Otalgia
335. Ovarian cysts
336. Painful bowel movements
337. Painful intercourse
338. Painful menstruation
339. Painful urination
340. Painful walking
341. Pallor
342. Panic disorder
343. Paranoia
344. Parasthesia
345. Pectoral muscle pain
346. Pelvic pain
347. Penis discharge
348. Perineal pain
349. Peripheral neuropathy
350. Photophobia
351. Plantar fasciitis
352. Poor appetite
353. Post-exertional malaise
354. Postprandial pain
355. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
356. Prickling sensation
357. Proctalgia
358. Prostate enlargement
359. Pruritus
360. Psychomotor agitation
361. Pulmonary edema
362. Purulent discharge
363. Rapid breathing
364. Rectal bleeding
365. Rectal pain
366. Red palms
367. Red spots
368. Restless leg syndrome
369. Rigors
370. Satiety
371. Scalp tenderness
372. Scapular pain
373. Seborrhea
374. Seizure activity
375. Sensation of heaviness
376. Sensitivity to touch
377. Sexual pain
378. Shaking
379. Shoulder pain
380. Sinus congestion
381. Skin discoloration
382. Skin peeling
383. Skin sensitivity
384. Skin thickening
385. Slowed movement
386. Slurred speech
387. Smelly feet
388. Sneezing fits
389. Sore gums
390. Sore muscles
391. Sore nipples
392. Sore testicles
393. Sore tongue
394. Spasticity
395. Speech difficulties
396. Spider veins
397. Splinter hemorrhages
398. Splinting
399. Spluttering cough
400. Stiff back
401. Stiff hips
402. Stiff shoulders
403. Stiffness in legs
404. Stinging sensation
405. Stomach cramps
406. Stool urgency
407. Strained muscles
408. Stuttering
409. Substernal pain
410. Sun sensitivity
411. Superficial pain
412. Swollen ankles
413. Swollen breasts
414. Swollen joints
415. Swollen lymph nodes
416. Swollen testicles
417. Tachypnea
418. Taste alterations
419. Temporal headache
420. Tension headache
421. Testicular pain
422. Throbbing pain
423. Thumb pain
424. Tinnitus
425. Toe pain
426. Tooth sensitivity
427. Torticollis
428. Transient loss of vision
429. Trapped gas
430. Trembling
431. Tremors at rest
432. Trench foot
433. Uncontrolled movements
434. Unexplained bleeding
435. Unexplained bruising
436. Unexplained weight gain
437. Unsteady handwriting
438. Urinary hesitancy
439. Urinary incontinence
440. Urinary retention
441. Urticaria
442. Vaginal dryness
443. Vaginal itching
444. Vaginal odor
445. Visual disturbances
446. Vomiting blood
447. Warmth in extremities
448. Watery eyes
449. Weak nails
450. Weakness on one side
451. Weeping skin
452. Weight loss plateau
453. Wet cough
454. White patches on skin
455. White spots in mouth
456. Wind pain
457. Wrist pain
458. Yellow eyes
459. Yellow nails
460. Yellow skin
461. Zigzag lines in vision
462. Acetone breath
463. Acute confusion
464. Altered mental status
465. Amnesia
466. Aneurysm
467. Anhedonia
468. Anosmia
469. Aphagia
470. Apraxia
471. Areflexia
472. Ascites
473. Atonic seizures
474. Barrel chest
475. Bitter taste
476. Bleeding between periods
477. Bleeding during intercourse
478. Bleeding from gums
479. Blood in sputum
480. Bloody diarrhea
481. Bluish lips
482. Bluish nails
483. Bone deformity
484. Bradycardia
485. Breath-holding spells
486. Brittle hair
487. Broad-based gait
488. Cachexia
489. Calf pain
490. Cardiac murmur
491. Cardiac tamponade
492. Cheek pain
493. Chest congestion
494. Clonus
495. Cold fingers
496. Cold intolerance
497. Color blindness
498. Coughing up phlegm
499. Dark urine
500. Decreased hearing

Please note that this is a long list, and it may be more practical to split it into multiple

parts when copying it into an Excel sheet.

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