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Static-typed programming

Static-typed programming is a style of programming where the types of variables are known
and checked at compile time. This means that the programmer has to declare the type of each
variable before using it, and the compiler will verify that the variable is used correctly according
to its type. For example, in C++, a static-typed language, you have to write something like this:

int x = 10; // declare an integer variable x and assign it 10

double y = 3.14; // declare a double variable y and assign it 3.14
x = y; // this will cause a compile-time error, because x is an integer and y
is a double

The advantage of static-typed programming is that it can catch many errors at

compile time, before the program runs. This can make the code more reliable, secure,
and efficient. However, it also requires more work from the programmer, who has to
specify the types of all variables and make sure they are consistent.

Some examples of static-typed languages are C, C++, Java, Rust, Go, Scala. Some of these
languages also have features like type inference or generics, which can make the code more
concise and flexible without losing the benefits of static typing1.

Dynamic programming language

A dynamic programming language is a type of programming language that allows

many common programming behaviors to be performed at runtime, rather than at
compile time. This means that the code can be modified, extended, or evaluated while
the program is running. For example, in Python, a dynamic language, you can write
something like this:
x = 10 # assign 10 to x, no need to declare its type
y = 3.14 # assign 3.14 to y, no need to declare its type
x = y # this is valid, x can change its type at runtime
def foo(): # define a function foo
foo() # call foo
foo = 42 # assign 42 to foo, no error, foo is no longer a function

The advantage of dynamic programming languages is that they can make the code
more concise, flexible, and expressive. They also enable features like
metaprogramming, reflection, and eval. However, they also have some drawbacks,
such as lower performance, higher memory consumption, and less type safety.

Some examples of dynamic programming languages are JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Lua
and Perl. Some of these languages also have features like type annotations or JIT compilation,
which can improve the performance and readability of the code.

Static typed programming and dynamic typed programming are two different
styles of programming that have their own advantages and disadvantages. Here is a
brief comparison of them:

 Type checking: Static typed programming checks the types of variables at

compile time, while dynamic typed programming checks them at runtime. This
means that static typed programming can catch many type errors before the
program runs, but it also requires the programmer to declare the types of all
variables. Dynamic typed programming allows the programmer to write code
without specifying the types of variables, but it also makes it harder to detect
type errors until the program crashes.
 Performance: Static typed programming can produce faster and more efficient
code, because the compiler can optimize the code based on the types of
variables. Dynamic typed programming can have lower performance and
higher memory consumption, because the interpreter has to perform type
checking and conversion at runtime. However, some dynamic languages use
techniques like JIT compilation or caching to improve their performance.
 Flexibility: Dynamic typed programming can offer more flexibility and
expressiveness, because the code can be modified, extended, or evaluated at
runtime. Dynamic languages also enable features like metaprogramming,
reflection, and eval. Static typed programming can be more rigid and
restrictive, because the code has to follow the rules of the type system.
However, some static languages use features like type inference or generics to
make the code more concise and flexible without losing the benefits of static
 Examples: Some examples of static typed languages are C, C++, Java, Rust, Go,
Scala . Some examples of dynamic typed languages are JavaScript, Python,
Ruby, PHP, Lua and Perl. Some languages are hybrid or multi-paradigm,
meaning they can support both static and dynamic typing in different ways.
For example, C# has a dynamic keyword that allows dynamic typing for certain
variables. Python has type annotations that allow optional static type checking
for certain variables.

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By doline

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