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The Handmaid’s Tale: Chapter presentations

Researching a chapter

In groups you will be given a chapter to present to the rest of the group. When working on your
chapter you may wish to consider the following:

• Summary – you should produce a brief summary of the chapter identifying any key events
which take place in it and discussing their significance in relation to the rest of the novel.
• Narrative technique – we have talked about the different aspects of narrative technique in
The Handmaid’s Tale. Can you find any interesting examples in this chapter? Is suspense
generated? How? You will need to identify the five Ws here.
• Character – are any new or interesting aspects of characters revealed in the chapter you
have been given? Are any new characters introduced? What is their significance? You
should also consider the relationships between characters.
• Theme – how does this chapter relate to the themes you have already identified in the
• Language – is there any familiar or interesting imagery in the chapter? Is there other
language which is characteristic of the novel or striking in any way?

Presenting your chapter

• You will need to present your findings on this chapter to the rest of the class in as
interesting a way as possible.
• You must ensure you provide quotes and examples to support your ideas.
• You could present information using an OHP, pictures, handouts or worksheets.
• You could encourage involvement from the rest of the class through discussion or individual
or group activities but ensure these are well planned and structured.
• If you require multiple copies of anything you produce you must give the work to your tutor
well in advance of your presentation.
• You should aim to make your presentation last between 10 and 15 minutes. If you are
planning individual or group activities as part of your presentation you will need more time
than this.

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