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Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 33-44

The Life Changer: Social Workers in Rehabilitation Facilities for Child in

Conflict with the Law

Mark Erana Patalinghug1*)

1Departmentof Criminology, Faculty of Bachelor of Science in Criminology, J.H. Cerilles State College-
Dumingag Campus, Caridad, Dumingag Zamboanga del Sur, 7028, Mindanao Philippines.

Received: 29 March 2021; Revised: 20 April 2021; Accepted: 30 April 2021


Delinquent minors are offered special services intended to prevent them from entering the juvenile
justice system. Through productive activities, delinquents are trained to acquire socially acceptable
behavior with the help of social workers. This phenomenological study explored the social workers'
experiences in handling juvenile cases. The study focused on 10 social workers from rehabilitation
facilities of children in conflict with the law in the Zamboanga Peninsula Region, Philippines. The
result of the study revealed that working with the juvenile's case, social workers have encountered
positive and negative experiences. The study leads to the challenges and plight of social workers in
their day-to-day activity in juvenile case management. As for how the participants coped with the
challenges, they have been mentored and adjusted very well like their work. They also managed their
challenges by viewing them as advocacy and service to humanity through altruistic activities.

Keywords: Juvenile Rehabilitation; Challenges of Social Workers; Role of Social workers

How to Cite: Patalinghug, M.E. (2021). The Life Changer: Social Workers in Rehabilitation
Facilities for Child in Conflict with the Law. Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11(1), 33-


*)Corresponding Author.
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Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
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Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 34

INTRODUCTION es the social workers faced during the ini-

tial contact with the CICL and the rehabili-
As a profession, social work high-
tation process. This study focused on the
lights the growth of social workers' per-
institutional-based of rehabilitating the
sonal qualities, and also needs them to
CICL. Lastly, this study presents the cop-
possess the professional values, experi-
ing strategies and mechanism of social
ence, theories, and practical skills are re-
workers about the stress and challenges
quired (Kam, 2020). Social work practice
they have faced in working with the cases
in the rehabilitation centers for juvenile
of CICLs’ rehabilitation process.
delinquents had played a vital role in the
In the background of the rapidly
reformation and transformation of the
evolving social work career and practice
lives of delinquent children. In recent dec-
in the Philippines, particular attention is
ades social work had been involved in re-
given to the recent trends on the experi-
habilitating juveniles in correctional facil-
ences, challenges, and coping mechanisms
ities and their functions became a vital
involved in the practice of social work in
role in the criminal justice process in re-
rehabilitation centers for the juvenile.
solving cases of children engaging in
criminality in international and local Role of Social Workers in Juvenile Justice
practice. The position of social workers System
became marginalized as law enforcement Social workers play a meaningful
officials dominated the area of corrections task in reforming and implementing inter-
(University of Missouri-Columbia, 2012). vention programs to the prisoners by ca-
However, their job in prisons is still a ne- tering the legal services, maintain family
cessity (Emmanuel & Ponnuswami, 2019) relationships, and after-care rehabilita-
and has a vital role in the Criminal Justice tion. In Yesudhas (2011) the role of social
System (Sinha, 2020). In social work, the work was viewed as the provides help
earliest practices involved substantial
and support that is lacking in the prison
participation in prisons, in courts (Young programs or not attended properly.
& Lomonaco, 2001), and deal with adult As the vanguards in counseling with
prisoners and youthful offenders the child at risk and young offenders, so-
(Bazemore, & Walgrave, 1999; Shaikh, cial workers intermingle with these sus-
2019). ceptible groups (Lim, 2017). Sinha (2020)
Until today social work practice in cites the duty of social workers in rehabil-
youth rehabilitation centers has seldomly itating juvenile delinquents and youth at
been studied, no results have shown risk, to avoid auxiliary loss of rights, to
about the experiences of social workers in make society more inclusive, and to cre-
dealing with the cases of child-in-conflict ate amplified social stability. Such youth
with the law (CICL), how to properly entrusted to social workers' care whose
manage the rehabilitation process, and to part is to guide by giving advice and inter-
address the challenges in rehabilitating vention concentrated at plummeting the
CICL. stress of adult life present among youth
This research examines the perspec- like family and teachers (Lim, 2017). Its
tives of social workers engaged in the re- highpoints the distinctive nature of work-
habilitation of CICL. It delves into the pos- ing with youth, subsequently involving
itive and negative experiences of social face-to-face human interaction, and en-
workers in handling CICL cases and reha- compassing and seeking to recognize the
bilitation using a qualitative approach in
personal circumstances. It embraces
the Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines. working with adolescents who have fewer
The next aim would explore the challeng- rights than adults, who are frequently

Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 35

susceptible, lack control, and maybe pro- clients and to fathom their situation with
vocative – thereby creating room for ex- a focus on the individual subjects (Parton,
ploitation or harm or manipulation. How- 2008). Notwithstanding, numerous re-
ever, young people act in a distinct group searches pointed out that social workers
with behavioral problems, their deeds face high levels of work-related stress due
regulated by social work as unabridged. It to limited resources, unclear job expecta-
infers that social workers must construe tions, and communication with the organ-
the youth's real individualities so that ization (J. F. Boyas et al., 2015), secondary
they can assimilate it in the personal con- traumatic stress (Bride, 2007; Naturale,
dition into the broader societal milieu. 2007) and burnout (Adams et al., 2006; J.
Social workers have also proceeded Boyas & Wind, 2010; Sprang et al., 2011).
as crucial probation officers, in the early These contributed to child welfare is a
days of the juvenile justice program, to demanding and challenging career.
rehabilitate young offenders. Rehabilita- Social workers perform important
tion was limited to turning lawbreakers tasks, supporting vulnerable communities
into law-abiding people. For several and ensuring their welfare. Because of
years, corrections conceptualization has frequent interactions with clients with
encompassed safe correctional facilities, trauma often these workers are vulnera-
such as infirmaries and jails, providing ble to experiencing burnout, secondary
rehabilitation, education, treatment, and trauma, and vicarious trauma (Singer et
de-addiction services (Sinha, 2020). al., 2020).
The delivery of programs, counting Adult/elder protective service and
pre-sentence investigation and monitor- child protective service social workers
ing, remediation, and returns to these receive low salaries, though they are bur-
communities, come to be their essential dened with high caseloads (Child Welfare
task (Shaikh, 2019). The juvenile pro- Information Gateway, 2016; Otto & Bell,
grams aimed at rehabilitating young of- 2003).
fenders in re-entry in mainstream society Social workers are among the few
and stopping at-risk young people from practitioners who have the most excellent
dropping out of crime, thereby encourag- experience and adequate training to rec-
ing Social Workers to monitor their cli- ognize risk and protective factors (Torres
ents carefully (Lim, 2017), since they are & Mariscal, 2016). However, in social
spirited participants in concerted cam- work literature, the concept of joy is fre-
paigns to foster the growth of young peo- quently lacking (Pooler et al., 2014).
ple (Walker, 2003). Therefore, it is pre- In the Philippine setting, rehabilita-
carious to find suitable rehabilitation pro- tion centers for youthful offenders are un-
grams for youth (Snyder & Merritt, 2014), der the supervision of social workers.
and within rehabilitation centers, social Hence the social workers involved in
workers also face inimitable legal glitches youth rehabilitation are exposed to chal-
and defiance quandaries. lenging and enormous tasks. Relatively
studies on social workers’ experience in
Challenges and Experiences of Social
juvenile rehabilitation centers in the Phil-
ippines is not present in the literature. In
As mentioned, the cornerstone and the present study, the effort is to explore
element of social work, knowing the cli- social workers' experiences handling mi-
ent's nature is effective care personaliza- nors’ cases within youth rehabilitation
tion (Lyon, 2010). It can be a labor- centers in Western Mindanao, Philippines.
intensive and time-consuming task for
social workers to create a connection with

Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 36

RESEARCH METHODS cond part dealt with the challenges en-

countered by the informants in handling
A qualitative-descriptive phenome-
juvenile cases, and the last part concerned
nological design was used in this study to
the informant's coping mechanism on the
explore and describe the experiences of
challenges encountered in handling juve-
social workers in handling juvenile cases
nile cases.
in the Philippines. This design is the most
In conducting this study, I asked per-
appropriate for the present study since it
mission and approval from the Depart-
explores the shared experiences of social
ment of Social Welfare and Development
workers handling juvenile cases as it goes
(DSWD) regional office. The office ex-
around the structures of consciousness in
plained to me the terms and conditions to
human experiences which the researcher
be agreed upon and to be complied with
believed is the most suitable for the ex-
by the researcher who intended research
ploratory study. It is in this context that
involving the agency, centers, and institu-
the purpose of the phenomenological ap-
tion. As permission was granted, I strictly
proach agrees with the idea of Lester
followed the terms and conditions stipu-
(1999) to illuminate the specific and to
lated in the contract. Before I conducted
identify phenomena through the perspec-
the interview and focus group discussion,
tive of the research key informants. All
I explained to the informants the purpose
the key informants in this study discussed
of the study in the manner in which the
such a private event, most were eager to
interview was done. I informed the in-
be part of the social and educational re-
formants that it will be recorded with the
search, and all their stories to be made
aid of a voice recorder to document the
public (while having the assurance of a
interview and with the undertaking not to
confidential identity) for in-depth re-
divulge their identities. When the inform-
search in the conduct of the study. Finally,
ants agreed to participate in the inter-
key informants in this study described
view, I requested them to sign the In-
their experiences in handling juvenile cas-
formed Consent Form to signify their will-
ingness to proceed with the interview.
This phenomenological qualitative
The informed consent form in detail in-
study was conducted in the Philippines.
cluded the type of research intervention,
Social workers from center-based and
voluntary participation, the purpose of
community-based assigned to handle cas-
the study and how it will be conducted;
es of the juvenile are the key informants.
the benefits for the participants; how the
There were 6 key informants in the focus
privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality of
group discussion (FGD) and 4 key inform-
the participants will be ensured, among
ants in an in-depth interview (IDI). Pur-
others. Before the interview, I assured
posive sampling was utilized in selecting
that the data gathered would be treated
the participants for this study. The main
with the utmost confidentiality. To keep
criterion for selecting the participants
the anonymity, their place of origin, their
was the phenomenon of social workers
names, and their offices are not men-
handling juvenile cases. I made use of an
tioned. The names of the participants
interview guide containing open-ended
were substituted by pseudonyms.
questions. The interview guide was self-
As to the issue of the rigors of quali-
made but undergo thorough validation. It
tative research is essential to the study, I
particularly reflects the major points of
strictly adhere to the standards in doing
the sub-problems. The research instru-
this qualitative research. I did consider
ment consists of three parts: first part fo-
quality criteria for ensuring that the study
cused on the experiences of the inform-
is trustworthy. I followed the criteria in-
ants in handling juvenile cases; the se-
Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 37

troduced by Lincoln & Guba (2011) to in- search phenomena. Formulated meanings
clude (a) credibility, (b) dependability, (c) were constructed from the significant
generalizability, and (d) confirmability. statements and which were arranged into
To prevent that I could influence the re- fourteen cluster themes which resulted in
sult of the study, I observed the process of to form of three emergent themes. The
bracketing. To this effect, I made use of emergent and sub-emergent themes were
notes to fine-tune my data formulation presented in table 1.
and analysis. In the data gathering and Positive Experiences of Informants in
data analysis, the ambiguous data in the Handling Juvenile Cases
transcript were referred to the inform-
ants for clarification. Further, for the veri- Social workers as the case managers
fication of the theme developed during for the juvenile in the court have been ex-
the data analysis, it was presented and posed to varied activities involving chil-
reviewed, emergent themes were identi- dren in conflict with the law. The social
fied and accepted by the informants. Ad- role of the workers is responding to social
ditionally, I consulted the ethics commit- calls to action for changing the lives and
tee for the transcription, data analysis, transforming every child into a produc-
findings, and interpretation. The discus- tive and responsible person. Working
sion and exchange of thought with the with this juvenile who has been a victim
committee was done in achieving depend- of circumstances that lead them to violate
ability as part of the exploratory evalua- certain laws is a fertile source of infor-
tion on the veracity of the results of this mation to be cultivated to produce viable
study. The shared informants' experienc- information on their experiences.
es were dealt with thoroughly and given Marked by Reciprocity: Change is Possible
enough depiction based on the inform- Through Teaching Acceptance of Mistakes
ant's point of view of the experiences.
This theme is associated with the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION transformation of a child's attitude while
under the care, guidance, and supervision
There were 520 significant state- of a social worker. Reciprocity in psychol-
ments extracted from the informants’ ogy represents a reaction to the positive
transcripts referring directly to the re-
Table 1. Emergent Themes and Subthemes
Source: Processed by the Author (2020)

Emergent Theme Cluster Themes/ Subthemes

 Marked by Reciprocity: Change is Possible Through

I. Positive Experiences Teaching Acceptance of Mistakes
 Selflessness: The Greatest Work of Life

 Every Action Has a Reaction

II. Negative Experiences  Undoing: Burden in Action.

III. Challenges Encountered  The Complexity of Work: Duty Set no Boundaries,

by the Informants  Test of Authority: Child Towards Rehabilitation.

IV. Coping Mechanism on  Adjustment: The Master of All Trade

the Challenges  Advocacy: Driver to Collaborate and Partnership

Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 38

action that was given. Children in Conflict of the social worker. Further, this theme
with the Law (CICL) who are in rehabilita- represents the considerable efforts exert-
tion centers have responded more coop- ed by the social workers to help the child
eratively to the rehabilitation process and who is under social and moral recovery to
become kinder in dealing with the social be treated regularly with unfailing love
workers who showed genuine concern to and dealt with in a manner appropriate to
them while being antagonistic if dealt his or her well-being. In handling juvenile
with differently. cases, social workers did not only en-
In connection with the objective of gaged themselves to facilitate and assist
my inquiry, I asked the informants about in the proceedings of the case but they
their personal experiences in handling were also responsible for the welfare of
juvenile cases specifically on the positive the juvenile in the rehabilitation process.
one. The majority of the participants ex- Helping juvenile in the rehabilitation and
perienced diverse transformations. To dig case proceedings requires attention, thus
deeper into their responses, the inform- as a result, social workers spent most of
ants stated that they see the transfor- their time working for the benefit of the
mation of behavior not only on the child juvenile even leaving their families and
but also in themselves while handling ju- working beyond official time.
venile cases. Informant 7 in the focus Informants opined that the indul-
group discussion confirmed that the gence to perform their work diligently,
transformation had come to light when tediously, and being selfless in serving the
you constantly teach and guide the juve- juvenile has a positive outcome not only
nile on the right path. He narrated, but the for the children but for their family as
outcome is, if there is a positive result at well. Informant 7 also narrated his experi-
least, of course, I can answer your ques- ences in working with juvenile cases in
tion. It somehow made me think that they RRCY, he stated, this will be my last state-
can obey me which also serves as my ment, sir, that when you work at RRCY,
stepping stone to improve myself and for me, it is really good. Why? Because if
overcome my shortcomings. Actually, I you already have your own family, this
can really say that there are still so many can help you and give you ideas on how to
deficiencies. These challenges at work manage your own family in such a way
will be your stepping stone so that little that they will follow the right path. There
by little, you will improve, and then you are more insights that you will get here
will achieve positive results. This means compared to the insights of our parents,
that it's a challenge on my part that the which are very inadequate. Accordingly,
things that I taught to them will have a there are many insights that we can apply
good result, will have an impact, that they to our own family especially in raising our
will become obedient and well-behaved children. That is why I don’t have regrets
children, and that they will show a posi- about why I chose to work here. Although
tive response to what I taught to them. in my first years of working here, maybe
for the first four years, I wanted to give up
Selflessness: The Greatest Work of Life
but I have no regrets that I have worked
Providing services to the juvenile here because I gained so many insights
and CICL for their best interest does not and knowledge. As I have said a while ago,
only limit within the time that is allocated I was reformed here, it's as if I have gone
for duty. Selflessness means setting aside through a rehabilitation process. I was
personal needs and interests by showing also able to apply what I have learned
greater concerns about the child's welfare here to my own family and the impact
while under the supervision and custody was really good.
Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 39

Negative Experiences of Informants in cially, when the child reach the police sta-
Handling Juvenile Cases tion without the presence of the social
workers, while the police are preparing
On the negative experience of social
for the documents. The police will declare
workers in handling juvenile cases, the
that the child is of legal age because there
following themes were created: Every Ac-
are no available supporting documents to
tion Has a Reaction and Undoing and Bur-
confirm that the child is still minor. That
den in Action.
is why, sometimes, the case will no longer
From the social workers' perspec-
reach WCPD, instead, it will go directly to
tive, the negative experiences they faced
the investigator and at the time that the
are not merely caused by lack of re-
juvenile is in the custody, the child will
sources which is a prevalent factor. It was
complain that there is physical violence
rooted deeply in the counterparts of the
involved. Although it was already being
workers who also take charges in han-
denied, again and again, I could say that
dling the juvenile case, which become the
because the child would really tell me,
source of abuses. The attitude and stress-
and we can also see that there are traces
ful aggressive behavior of juvenile delin-
of physical abuse visible in the child's
quents toward social workers and refor-
skin. That is my sad experience in han-
mation have greatly contributed to these
dling children.
negative experiences. Adding on the un-
pleasant experience is the perennial prob- Undoing: Burden in Action
lem that was grounded in the parental This denotes that when the counter-
practices and concerns toward the juve- parts of social workers during the initial
nile which greatly contribute to the cur- contact with the child will not perform
rent state of the child. their task, in some situation, the child ex-
Every Action Has a Reaction periences an antagonistic approach from
those who process them in the initial con-
This theme refers to the experiences
tact and pass on to the next stage, such as
of social workers that are sources of
forwarding the child to the custody of so-
stress circumstances in meeting the de-
cial worker, without thoroughly accom-
mand of their work and the needs of their
plishing their function. The result will be
clientele. Though the social workers
detrimental to the child's welfare and is a
strive to prevent themselves from being
burden on the part of the workers. As a
stressed in their work by not involving
result, the juvenile himself/herself will
their feelings, the nature and line of their
become not receptive to the process and
work as social workers causes stress. This
displays aggressiveness. Though the so-
theme explains how social workers be-
cial workers strive to avoid stress in their
came affected by the actions, moves, and
work by not involving their feelings but
the decision of the people involved in
the nature and line of their cause stress.
handling CICL from the moment that the
Informant 2 described her hardship
juvenile is under their supervision. Be-
when the agencies involved did not per-
sides, the demands, conditions, or situa-
form their functions. She said there are
tions of social workers and client relation-
some cases that are quite different or
ships have significantly affected the bal-
somewhat complicated. There are some
ance of emotion and work.
situations wherein they might really get
Informant 3 elaborated how she was
angry at me or they might have a different
affected in handling juvenile, the unsatis-
perception on several things. That is why,
fying experience that I had especially
even though supposedly, we should work
when handling children in conflict with
as partners, I will just work on my own
the law is ahmm… There are some, espe-
Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 40

and they will also work on their own. It anytime is work time for the caseworkers.
actually created a division or a gap. Like There were times that the language and
in a situation where we were no longer other aspects become the barrier in han-
informed about a particular case and it dling juvenile cases. Thus this represents
was already forwarded to us because a a challenging task for them since workers
court order for custody has already been will not only rely on the written methods
issued. Supposed to be, social workers of handling the child but will depend on
must be informed first because we are the the current situation.
ones who will assist the juvenile in the Our informant said, yes of course.
shelter. There were really several situa- Because being a social worker, we don’t
tions that we were no longer informed. At own our time. Our attention might be
some point, maybe, it’s just fine that they called anytime and we have to sacrifice
will no longer inform us. But when the especially if you are available, so why not.
juvenile is already in the shelter, we need By doing so, there are some personal
to make the case study. Why do we need businesses that you need to set aside for
to be informed? Because the task of the the sake of your call of duty. Especially, I
police here is only until the juvenile has don’t have another source of income, this
been turned over. After the turnover, it is work is my bread and butter. So if you
now our task to process and to do the rest will say if my work did affect my personal
of the works while the juvenile is still in life, my answer is yes. Even if I am at
the shelter which includes enhancement home, I still think about my work, how I
activities, and the task of helping and en- might be able to finish it. Especially in my
couraging the parents to get involved in case wherein, recently, I have just under-
the formation activities. That is why those gone an operation, so I have not been in
who are in-charge in the shelter really the office for a long time. So when I came
want us to be informed ahead. But since back, I had to double my time to cope
there is already a gap between the two. with all the works that I have to accom-
The police usually get angry at us, be- plish.
cause somehow, we really need to be Test of Authority: Children in the Direction
there to assist. It’s just that the environ-
of Rehabilitation
ment is no longer healthy between the
two agencies. Child compliance in the process of
rehabilitation will challenge the social
Challenges of the Informants in Handling worker's ability to manipulate the situa-
Juvenile Cases tion. A juvenile before submitting him-
This theme represents the obstacles self/herself to the authority in the custo-
that social workers have faced in working dy and rehabilitation will perceive it as a
with different and diverse challenges in punishment. They perceived the situation,
working and handling juvenile cases or not the purpose of the social worker's un-
the CICL. dertakings toward his or her case. Reha-
bilitation centers where social workers
The Complexity of Work: Duty Set no
worked out the improvement of the juve-
nile's cases by establishing rapport with
This implies that being a social their clientele, is a new environment for
worker working with juveniles, every- the juvenile which is very different from
thing is possible to happen beyond the the outside world. Due to this, during the
call of duty. Working with these youths first stage in juvenile custody youth will
requires no specific job description to be display aggressive or non-participating
performed, no set time for work because behavior. We cannot deny that this situa-

Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 41

tion is present because the juvenile is still work has been given to them because of
undergoing adjustment and adaptation. purpose by the Divine Creator. Other
Informant 6 in focus group discus- workers believe that juvenile delinquents
sion shared his challenging experience in are victims of circumstances who need
terms of the juveniles' reaction towards the services and help of a social worker
him. He shared, it is here in this rehabili- who receives them with widely opened
tation center, there are other CICLwhere- arms. In the manner that social workers
in they test the authority there. Their re- perform their work, they did not think of
spect seemed to depend on who is in the it as work but as advocacy. This leads
authority. them to collaborate and share their expe-
riences with other social workers on the
Coping Mechanism on the Challenges
methods they applied in handling juvenile
The social workers shared and ex- cases. This theme emerges based on how
posed what are the coping mechanisms social workers have coped with the chal-
they applied and utilized to cope with the lenges and problems they faced in han-
challenges they faced in handling juvenile dling and working with a juvenile.
cases. Informant 7 in focus group discus-
Adjustment: The Master of All Trade sion also shared how the mentoring has
helped him to overcome his challenges,
The manner how the social workers then next sir, how I resolved it is through
coped with the challenges they faced in mentoring I received from other center
handling juvenile cases would contribute staff. My senior staff, like mam meme, our
to the existing body of knowledge in con- center heads before, our co-workers be-
nection to the strategies in dealing with fore who are older than us. Just like that, I
work-related stress and problems they just listen to their advice because I know
faced. This theme elaborates the strate- that I am still a neophyte in terms of
gies on how social workers who are working with CICL.
tasked with handling the juvenile case
and rehabilitation process overcome and CONCLUSION
solve the challenges and problems they
This study provides us with a
glimpse of the experiences of social work-
Informant 1 unlocked her experienc-
ers handling juvenile cases. The finding of
es on how she solves and cope with her
the study revealed that social workers
challenges in handling juvenile case and
have faced experiences that poses a nega-
rehabilitation, as she shared, to be re-
tive and positive impact on the lives of
lieved from stress, sometimes, I would file
juveniles and those who work with their
a leave of absence to give time for myself.
cases. Along with this, the social workers
There is also the time that you would ex-
have experienced aggression from their
perience a headache because of your
clients and conflict among juveniles as
work, I can really say that it is very stress-
part of the adjustment period of the child
ful. Sometimes, I would go on a vacation,
in the rehabilitation centers. The greatest
and sometimes, I would file a sick leave so
achievement that a social worker is al-
that I could also relax.
ways longing for, the transformation of
Advocacy: Driver to Collaborate and Part- the life of the child under their manage-
nership ment. This transformation can only be at-
Social workers have coped with the tained through proper nurturing and car-
challenges they are facing through advo- ing for the CICL. Further, during the initial
cacy. Workers have perceived that their contact with the CICL, if the process is not
properly observed it will affect the proper
Copyright © 2021, Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, ISSN: 2088-3706 (Print), ISSN: 2502-9320 (Online)
Available Online at
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11 (1), April 2021, 42

disposition of cases in favor of the best based workers, social workers, and law
interest of the child. enforcers to identify the boundaries in
This study has also shown that in performing their respective functions.
handling juvenile cases, social workers' Finally, on center-based and commu-
attitudes and mindsets have effects in nity-based approaches in handling juve-
meeting their challenges towards working nile cases, the current study has not iden-
with the cases of a juvenile. tified the different experiences as to
This study has shown that cultural where they are based. Social workers in
background and communication and lan- the community are facing challenges in
guage barriers have a significant influence the handling process during the initial
on the attitude of the child towards reha- contact with the child and with the agen-
bilitation and case processing. Though cies involved. On the other hand, the cen-
social workers were trained to handle this ter-based workers have to deal not with
occurrence in handling cases of juvenile the steps and inter-agency issues but with
but will lead to misunderstanding and the issues of how to deal with the juve-
confusion. niles’ rehabilitation. It is also encouraged
Another significant finding which that future research would focus on the
made this study unique, revealed that the relationship between community-based
implementation of the law for the protec- and center-based social workers and how
tion of children is widely recognized and the two work in handling juvenile delin-
implemented, however, officers who han- quent cases.
dled CICL have committed lapses in their
responsibilities during the initial contact ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
with the child. This study received a financial grant
Based on the findings and the con- from J.H. Cerilles State College with BOT
clusion drawn from this study, the follow- Resolution No. 019 series 2018. We deep-
ing recommendations were made. First, ly extend our thanks to Dr. Edgardo H.
DSWD must work in knowing the plight of Rosales, for facilitating the financial grant
social workers. This is an important as- for this research. Additionally, the Depart-
pect to understand the needs of every ment of Social Works and Development
worker in working with the community (DSWD) Region 9 for granting permission
and in the rehabilitation center to address to conduct the study. Lastly, a deep appre-
his or her needs and the essentials for the ciation to Mrs. Salome E. Mangubat, Cen-
case management which eventually will ter Head of Residential Based Facility for
lead to effective work performance. In children in conflict with the law in Polan-
most cases, the social workers working co Zamboanga del Sur for the support and
with juvenile delinquents have encoun- assistance during the data gathering. This
tered departmental and inter-agency diffi- study was approved by the University of
culties. Second, inter-agency in the gov- Cebu, Cebu City research censor.
ernment involved in handling juvenile
cases such as CICL evaluate their services REFERENCES
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