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1. Mata ajaran : Modern Telecommunication Engineering (2 SKS)

2. Kode Mata Ajaran : ENEE800601
3. Jenjang Pendidikan : S2 Khusus Manajemen Telekomunikasi
4. Program Pendidikan : S2 Khusus
5. Dosen Pengajar : Ir. Muhamad Asvial, MEng, PhD
Penanggungjawab : Ir. Muhamad Asvial, MEng, PhD
6. Sistem Kelas : Serial
7. Hari Kuliah : Kamis
8. Tujuan Pengajaran : This lectura aims to discuss the principle of the
telecommunication system, focused on the engineering
aspects of modern telecommunication applications.
Students are expected to analyze a telecommunication
system and calculate its technical aspects.
9. Metode Pembelajaran: Kuliah +Diskusi
10. Sistem Evaluasi : Tugas (20%), Ujian Tengah Semester (40), Ujian Akhir
Semester (40%)
11. Buku Acuan/Ajar : (khusus modul untuk topik transmisi)
a. R.L. Freeman, “Telecommunications System Engineering”, Wiley-
Interscience, 2004
b. S. Park, “Strategies and Policies in Digital Convergence”, Information
Science reference, 2007
c. Others

Depok, 3 September 2019

Dosen Penanggungjawab

Ir. Muhamad Asvial, MEng., PhD


Semester Gasal 2019/2020

Pertemuan Pokok Bahasan Media Tugas Dosen

1 Digital Communication Systems LCD MA
2 Technological Elements in LCD MA
Transmission Channel, Backbone
and Backhaul Network.
3 Modern Application of Broadband LCD MA
4 Interconnection System LCD Ass. I MA
5 Spectrum Analysis LCD MA
6 Techniques of Modulation and LCD MA
7 Mobile Cellular Evolution towards LCD Ass. II MA
8 Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)
9 Broadband Wireless Access LCD MA
10 Technological Platform for Modern LCD MA
11 Digital TV and Cloud Computing LCD MA
12 NGN and Green ICT
13 Open Systems in Digital LCD Ass. MA
Convergence III
14 Governance Content LCD MA
15 Emerging Trend of Technology for LCD Ass IV MA
Ubiquitous Network
16 Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS)

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