Describe People Appearance

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cok N | can name parts of the body © & HEMET i (plural feet) 27 ankle 28 toes 11 mouth 12 lip 13 tooth (plural teeth) kn wa eS —€ 13 @ True or false? Write T or F. "ve got two ... > i 3 ears. 7 > 4 waists —___ 8 1 5 knees. 9 2 6 shoulders 10 © Which one is different? Circle it. finger thumb (waist) hand foot wrist toe ankle arm hand wrist stomach neck ears nose lips cheeks finger chin hair mouth teeth lips shoulder eyes legs knees ankle shoulder chest neck bottom wN-y Noun © complete the words. > hoir 4 8 b____m 1c 5 9 wat 2s_ —h 6 3 coat 7 oe Ba Test yourself. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Name the parts of the body. 32 PEOPLE 13 | can describe people A General description 69 (How tall He) He's 175 cms ital) (How much does she weight) She weighs about 60 kgs) (] i y tall average height short slim average weight —_ overweight b are | (very) good-looking. +), | beautiful. He's . Me Lich etc She's | (very)attractive. She's | Mot very attractive. @ True or false? Write Tor F. peer > Ifyou are overweight, you aren't slim, 1 _ + Thin means slim, but slim is 1 Average height means not tall and not short, more positive. 2. Attractive and good-looking mean the same. + Itisn't polite to tell someone 3 You can say a man is good-looking or beautiful. aes uae Be 4. If someone is fat, they are overweight. + "The opposite of beautifull 5 The answer to ‘How much does he weigh?’ is ‘200 cms’... good-looking is ugly, but 6 7 8 ‘How tall are you?’ is correc Lee ue ps . ' they're ugly. Itis polite to call someone fat and ugly. Thin and slim mean the same, but thin is more positive. @ complete the dialogues. Don't use the words in italics in your answer. > Ishe attractive? ~ Yes, he's 3204-locking_ 1 She's not tall or short, really. ~ No, she's average —. 2 Are the two brothers attractive? ~ Yes, they're both 3. Is she quite thin? ~ Yes, she's very 4 5 6 He's about average weight. ~ Yes, he Is he overweight? ~ Yes, he's a bit ——__ Is she very attractive? ~ Yes, she's —___ 8 B Test yourself. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Say the words. PEOPLE 33 B Hair and eyes 6% How long? What colour? What kind? blonde ee evalu: short lightbrown shes got | meditmtensth ol dark brown $2 | curly @ hair long He's got blue eyes a moustache @ cross out the adjective you don’t need. She's got long, dark brown, black hair. (or She's got long, dark-brown, black hair.) I've got medium-length, short, curly hair. Her hair is short, blonde, light brown, and wavy. My sister's hair is short, long, and curly. My brother's got short, grey, black hair and a moustache. My father’s got a beard and long, wavy, straight hair. MUN © complete the questions. (You will write your answers in Exercise 6.) ABOUT YOU > Is your hair brown? Is it d2-k_. brown or light. brown? Now it's blonde. 1 Isyour hair long, m.. 2. What colour is it bl L—, br, org? 3 Is your hair st. OC? 4 5 Have you got ab. or am... ? Have you got br. eyes? @ sour YOU Write your answers to the questions in Exercise 5, Then, if possible, tell another person about yourself. [ve got ong, dark hair « 34 PEOPLE C How old are they? 6% Age | wordphvase > 18 months; before : they can walk ababy ae } teens (13> about 17) [2310 or 11 a child plural children ut ony, <) carly twenties @0-524) 13> about 17 | a teenager ox a young person his | mid-thirties (34 36) plural young people her ‘ late fifties (57 > 59) > an adult about 45 > 60 amiddle-aged person > an elderly man or woman |_(more polite than old) © Match 1-8 with a-i. > me(45)_4 a elderly 1 my wife (38) b inher late thirties 2. myson (6 months) ¢ a teenager 3. my daughter (7) din my mid-forties / 4° my brother (47). e ababy 5 mynephew (14)___ ¥ inher early sixties 6 my aunt (63)__ 9 anadult 7 my father (79)____ h_ middle-aged 8 myniece (21)___ i achild > ababy Marcus (my siste a young person a middle-aged person someone in his/her twenties e words and phrases. ® Read the police description. Which The man weare looking foris in his mid-thirties. He is slim, with dark brown curly hair and a moustache. If you see him, please ring the police on 0088 997 4422. ABOUT YOU Write the names of people in your family, or tell another student. "s son) an elderly woman an elderly man — a baby — someone in his/her fifties a Test yourself. Cover column two of the table. Look at the ‘age’ column and say the man are the police looking for, X or Y? @® Write a description of the other man. Use the text above to help you. The other man is PEOPLE 35 14 | can talk about character a A What's he/she like? 6 Word Example Meaning friendly | The students in my class are all really | happy to mect and talk to other people Friendly; it's great. ove unfriendly kind He visited me a lot in hospital, which ‘warm, friendly and always wanting to help was really kind. other people nice Imet Colin on holiday and he's a really | kind and friendly (a very important word in mice guy. spoken English) syn pleasant opr horrible fun Tlove Karen; she's great fun. something or someone that makes you happy funny John makes me laugh — he's just a really | making you langh funny man. relaxed My parents are very relaxed: they calm don't get angry if I'm late. clever Tom is very clever — the best student in | able to learn and understand very quickly our class. syn intelligent orp stupid quiet She's quiet, but she can be funny, someone who is quiet doesn't say very much serious like our teacher but she's very someone who is serious thinks a lot and doesn't serious. laugh very much @ complete the words. >» fin a We use this question to find out more about 1 5 someone or something. 2 6 What's Jack like? ~ He's very nice. 3 7 Nat What's... Answer the questions. Whi ‘He'slike very nie, What was the film like? ~ Great! at do you call someone who... > asynonym for nice? pleasant _ 1 the opposite of friendly? a synonym for clever? ‘the opposite of nice’ the opposite of clever? > likes meeting and talking to people? friendly 5. makes you laugh? — 6 thinks a lot and doesn’t laugh a lot? 7 is usually calm ? — 8 always wants to help others? 2 3 4 © complete the conversations. 1 What's Alex like 2 ~ He's nice, but he’s very — _. He doesn’t laugh much. 2 What —______ Ana‘s parents like? ~ Well, her mother's great _______; I like her very much. But her father doesn’t like people very much — he's really .__. 3. _._. was your grandmother like? ~ She was very ___~ she always helped everyone. And she was ..______ too. She went to university. 36 PEOPLE B We like each other 69 WHY WE LIKE each. other Gemma: “| met Sophie at university. | was ‘on my own, and she came up and talked to me; she’s like that. What’s interesting is that ‘we're complete opposites. She’s very happy to meet new people, but I'm really shy; she’s very sociable, I'm quiet; she’s sporty, and I'm not. But it wasn’t important. We became friends and shared a flat for two years. I’m very organized and did most of the housework. Sophie's not very tidy, and she can be lazy around the house. But she’s a great cook and a really nice person.” Glossa ‘on my own alone ox without other people be complete opposites be very different shy Ifyou're shy, you can't talk easily to people you don't know. sociable friendly and liking to talk to people sporty liking sport and good at it share a flat live in the same flat as another person organized An organized person plans things well. tidy A tidy person likes everything to be in the right place. ore untidy lazy A lazy person doesn't like working. ovr hardworking Really is important in spoken English. It means ‘very’ and you can use it before most adjectives. I'm ina really nice class. She was really horrible to me. @ Find and write four more examples of really + adjective from page 36. > really Kind — © Read the text again. Are these statements true or false? Write T or F. > Sophie likes sport. 1 1 Gemma was alone when she met Sophie. —__ Gemma and Sophie are very different. Sophie likes meeting new people. ____ They lived together at university. —___ Gemma's sociable. —__ Sophie's very unfriendly. ____ Sophie's untidy. Gemma doesn’t plan things. ....— aryaurawn @© sour YOU Write your answers or ask another student. What are you like? Are you ... 1 sporty or not sporty? .. 2. avery relaxed person? 3. usually tidy or untidy? 4 lazy or hardworking? ________ 5 quiet or very sociable? 6 avery organized person? PEOPLE 37

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