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Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

NAME: ______________________________________ ID_____________________ SECTION ____________

DLD Mockup Examination Date: Nov 25, 2023 Time: 25 minutes

1. The Octal equivalent of the binary number 1011101011;

A. 7353. C. 5651.
B. 1353. D. 5657.

2. In Boolean algebra, (A.A’) + A = ?

A. A. C. A’.
B. 0. D. 1.

3.D flip flop can be made from a J-K flip flop by making;
A. J = K. C. J = 0.
B. J = K = 1. D. J = K’.

4.In 16-Bit 2’s complement representation, the decimal number -28 is;
A. 1111 1111 0001 1100 C. 1111 1111 1110 0100
B. 0000 0000 1110 0100 D. 1000 0000 1110 0100

5.Original ASCII coding scheme uses ____ bits for coding 128 different characters.
A. 6 C. 8
B. 7 D. 16

6.Which coding scheme is used in computer to represent data internally?

A. Decimal. C. Binary.
B. Integral. D. None.

7.A device which converts BCD to seven segments is called;

A. Encoder C. Multiplexer
B. Decoder D. None.

8.In 2's complement representation the number 11100101 represents the decimal
A. +37. C. +27.
B. -31. D. -27.

9. If one input of an XNOR gate is 0 and the other is A, the output will be;
A. 0. C. A.
B. 1. D. A’.

10. The circuit of the given figure realizes the function;

A. Y = (A’+B’)C + (DE)’ C. Y = AB + C + DE
B. Y = A’+B’ + C’ + D’ + E’ D. Y = AB + C(D+E)

11. The basic storage element in a digital system is;

A. Flip flop C. Multiplexer
B. Counter D. Encoder

12. A full adder can be made out of;

A. Two half adders. C. Two half adders and a NOT
B. Two half adders and an OR gate.
gate. D. Three half adders.

13. Minimum number of 2-input NAND gates required to implement F = (X’+Y’).

(Z+W) is;
A. 3 C. 5
B. 4 D. 6

14. For the K map in the given figure the simplified Boolean expression is;

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A. A’C’ + A’D’ + ABC. C. A’C + A’D + ACD.
B. A’C + A’D’ + ABC. D. A’C’ + A’D’ + ABC’.

15. A 4:1 multiplexer requires __________ data select line;

A. 1. C. 3.
B. 2. D. 4.

16. An 8 bit data is to be entered into a parallel register. The number of clock pulses
required is;
A. 8. C. 2.
B. 4. D. 1.

17. A XOR gate has inputs A and B and output Y. Then the output equation is.
A. Y = AB C. Y = A’B + AB’
B. Y = AB + AB’ D. Y = AB + A’B’

18. How many J-K flip flops are required to design 4-Bit Gray bit counter;
A. 3 C. 4
B. 2 D. 1

19. Full adder circuit can be implemented by;

A. Multiplexers. C. AND or OR gates.
B. Half Adders. D. Decoders.

20. How many flip flops are required to design Modulus-6 counter;
A. 3. C. 6.
B. 2. D. 4.

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