Malcolm X Autobiography

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Malcolm x Autobiography

Malcautobiography is their ship name.

Foreword & Introduction

the us postal office just issued a stamp dedicated to Malcolm
X Shabazz

this is being told in the perspective of Malcolm’s son

Alex Haley, the author is the godfather of this fella

he believes the book stands on the pedestals next to the

diary of Anne frank and other gems

Alex gave the current narrator the opportunity to write the


its been six years (daddy….-quandale dingle)

he has been asked to write a postscript about the events

after his father’s dead

his grandparents are earl and Louisa little started a large

family of 8 children.

Malcolm x Autobiography 1
they were crusaders for the Marcus Garvey's universal negro
improvement association

as Malcolm was gone his wife supported his cause through

thick and thin

Malcolm’s funeral was in 1965.

his father is James Baldwin

Introduction time

Malcolm was about to announce his rupture with Elijah


the Sunday before he came to discuss the plan and give out
the needed documents to Micheal S Handler

they went to see ms handler who was impressed by Malcolm

There was a sense of uncertainty in everything Malcolm said

showing how he really wasn’t sure if he could get out of his

Micheal’s first meeting with Malcolm was on march 1936 in a

Muslim restaurant of temple number seven on lenox avenue

Malcolm denounced his vow to Christianity and saw it as a way

to oppress slaves

He supported Islam

Malcolm became an icon among other black people during his


Malcolm went to various african countries to find islam but

could not

assasination killed Malcolm before he ever had the chance

he wanted the negro problem to be renamed to the white man’s


Finishes off by accounting for Malcom’s acheivements in the

grand scheme of things.

Malcolm x Autobiography 2
Chapter 1
Malcolm’s mother told him when she was pregnant with him, a
party of ku klux klan members went to their house guns at

this was at Omaha Nebraska

she stood at the door and told them her situation

3 children while pregnant with another and the father is

currently elsewhere.

they had beef with malcolm’s father

His father was Earl little and a baptist minister.

he was dedicated to the marcus aurlius garvey’s U.N.I.A which

was the universal negro improvement association

his father supports the idea of bringing black people back to


Malcom is the 7th child of earl and is the lightest in skin

tone (thats gonna change smth later i bet)

earl was a six foot four tall dark skinned man

he was fron reynolds georgia

he had 3 other children named ella earl and mary.

the mother is pregnant again.

its a girl and her name is yvonne

they moved to langsing michigan in 1929

two white men attacked the family.

the house was lit on fire.

Malcolm slowly sees that stuff ain’t fair after being robbed
of a dollar

Malcolm x Autobiography 3
Malcolm has had a horrible image of africa likely due to

after a dispute over biscuits malcolm beleives the best way

to get something is to ask for it.

Malcolm is now 6.

Earl is DEAD

the life insurance company won’t pay back the family what
they owe them upon his death

they played it off as a suicide

The great depression kicked in

they only ate dandelions?

the littles have to rely on welfare to live

Malcolm steals from stores now.

the welfare agents blame louise

they also call her crazy for not accepting pork due to
seventh day diets

and as such she is sent to a mental hospital

turns out its called the Kalamazoo Psychiatric Hospital.

the kids are split up as a result

as expected Malcolm blames this on the welfare agents.

Chapter 2 Notes
Its June 27, 1937, James J Braddock wins a championship. the
heavy weight champion

all black people went to Lansing and went wild

his little brother Reginald decided to keep quite about a

fight between Malcolm and a white boy

the boy’s name was bill Peterson

Malcolm x Autobiography 4
Malcolm wanted to fight him again

Malcolm got expelled from school for pranking a teacher

he was put in court and had to go to a reform school.

Malcolm got his own room there and he was happy.

he was also allowed to eat with white people for once.

this case it was the Swerlins

they were talking about black people with the hard R

talking about their poor living state but shiny cars out
front (gotta pull up in style y’know?)

they viewed Malcolm like a pet and less like a person

there were various events exclusive to black people with the

occasional band

also Malcolm was brought by friends to dances and some people

might’ve liked him but he wasn’t on the market y’know?

Malcolm remarks of how feared and revered Mrs. Swerlin is and

how god forbid someone get on her bad side.

at school Malcolm got annoyed by how a Mr.wilson kept making

N word jokes

since Malcolm was on the basketball team he got to experience

first hand the dances that happened after the games

he usually layed low due to the change in vibe when he was


when Malcolm played elsewhere he was constantly being called

the n word and “coon”

Malcolm became class president in his seventh grade class.

Maynard still occasionally came to talk to Malcolm

Malcolm still visted his mother on occasion

Ella, Malcolm’s older sister got married.

Malcolm x Autobiography 5
she was originally in boston but planned to visit lansing.

She was very proud of her dark skin which was rare in those
times (not anymore though i’ve got dark skin and proud about

ella has a second husband now his name is frank and is a


Malcolm saw various races committing life in harmony and was

absolutely shocked. flabbergasted even.

Mr o wanted malcolm to limit his ambitions and not become a


oh yea he wanted to be a lawyer.

everyone was under the impression Malcolm wasn’t happy


Malcolm was now thinking smaller

such is chapter 2

Chapter 3 notes:
i forgor to put stuff here til after page 45…

Malcolm got home and Ella said there was a telephone call
from someone named shorty.

over at roseland state ballroom someone had left their shoe

shining job.

the shoeshine guy was named freddie

Malcolm is called “shorty’s homeboy”

benny goodman was playing outside and freddie would

occasionally let him go outside to hear it has he was
teaching Malcolm the ropes.

freddie warns that some people will try various hustles like
asking for reefers or liqour and you should pay attention to
whos a cop and who isn’t

Malcolm x Autobiography 6
he tells malcolm everything in this world is a hustle

he also calls malcolm red

it occured to malcolm that freddie did more selling of liquor

and reefers as opposed to shining shoes in order to make cash

also apparently a reefer is a type of cigerette. i regret

googling that.

many white girls went to black dances for buisness, pleasure,

or because they had black friends there.

duke is a guy who was a alto saxman

johhny hodges was a idol of shorty’s as he wanted to be a sax


at one of his many dances he took his first drink and smoked
a cigerette for the first time.

Malcolm had half enough for a zoot

Shorty showed Malcolm credit and called up the clothing store

the next day

a young jew was the salesmen that came it. he knew malcolm
was shorty’s friend

he ended up buying a zoot suit a complementary belt a blue

feather four inched brim hat and a golden chain

Malcolm loved this credit stuff but little did he know

Chapter 5
Malcolm heres some vendors selling ham and cheese sandwiches
ice cream and coffee

old man rountree was a friend of ella’s and recomended a

railroad job for malcolm

he was an elderly pullman porter

Malcolm x Autobiography 7
Ella wanted malcolm out of boston and away from sophia

Malcolm wanted to join on account of wanting to go to new


harlem in particular

Ella wanted Malcolm out of the army so she thought a train

job would prevent him from getting drafted

sophia said malcolm would never be satisified with what was

in nyc.

she was right

malcolm learned the strat of putting on a show for white

people to get them to buy stuff.

he got a room at a ymca

despite the crappiness of the place malcolm saw it as heaven.

finish from page 80

Friday reading notes

chapter 7
Malcolm has had a disturbing amount of hustles during the
last two years he’s been in Harlem.

a crook tried to deal him cards and thought he was being mad

malcolm tried to whip out his gun but some irish cops got
called over.

they didn’t find his gun tho

smooth criminal intensifies*

being a hustler ain’t easy since if you slow down someone

will take advantage of that.

Malcolm x Autobiography 8
malcolm started doing stick ups and robberies

bro had a bunch of guns

reginald was a big fan of music but never admitted to it

malcolm was running a hustle around off-brand merchandise

sophia met reginald and she was all over him doing all this
stuff for em

the mayor shut down the savoy ballroom due to world war 2
apparently. everyone thinks it was to stop white women
dancing with black people.

Reading notes (real)

Malcolm x Autobiography 9

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