John Merriman - Europe 1789 To 1914 - Encyclopedia of The Age of Industry and Empire. Vol. 5-Charles Scribner's Sons (2006)

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1789 TO 1914

John Merriman
Yale University

Jay Winter
Yale University

Jane Burbank
New York University

John A. Davis
University of Connecticut

Steven C. Hause
Washington University, St. Louis

Mark S. Micale
University of Illinois

Dennis Showalter
Colorado College

Jonathan Sperber
University of Missouri

1789 TO 1914

Volume 5
Talleyrand to Zollverein; Index
John Merriman and Jay Winter
Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire
John Merriman
Jay Winter
Editors in Chief

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Europe 1789 to 1914 : encyclopedia of the age of industry and empire / edited by John
Merriman and Jay Winter.
p. cm. — (Scribner library of modern Europe)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-684-31359-6 (set : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-684-31360-X (v. 1 : alk. paper) — ISBN
0-684-31361-8 (v. 2 : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-684-31362-6 (v. 3 : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-684-
31363-4 (v. 4 : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-684-31364-2 (v. 5 : alk. paper) — ISBN 0-684-31496-7
1. Europe–History–1789-1900–Encyclopedias. 2. Europe–History–1871-1918–
Encyclopedias. 3. Europe–Civilization–19th century–Encyclopedias. 4. Europe–
Civilization–20th century–Encyclopedias. I. Merriman, John M. II. Winter, J. M.
D299.E735 2006
940.2’8–dc22 2006007335

This title is also available as an e-book and as a ten-volume set with

Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction.
E-book ISBN 0-684-31496-7
Ten-volume set ISBN 0-684-31530-0
Contact your Gale sales representative for ordering information.

Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

n n
Maps of Europe, 1789 to 1914 . . . xvii
Ulm, Battle of
VOL UME 5 Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich
Umberto I
n Universities
Unkiar-Skelessi, Treaty of
Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de Utopian Socialism
Tchaikovsky, Peter
Tennyson, Alfred n
Thiers, Louis-Adolphe
Tirpitz, Alfred von
Tobacco Van Gogh, Vincent
Tocqueville, Alexis de Venice
Tolstoy, Leo Verdi, Giuseppe
Tories Verga, Giovanni
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de Verne, Jules
Tourism Victor Emmanuel II
Toussaint Louverture Victoria, Queen
Trade and Economic Growth Vienna
Trafalgar, Battle of Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène
Transportation and Communications Virchow, Rudolf
Treitschke, Heinrich von Vladivostok
Tristan, Flora
Tunisia W
Turati, Filippo Wagner, Richard
Turgenev, Ivan Waldeck-Rousseau, René
Turner, J. M. W. Wales


Wallace, Alfred Russel n

War of 1812 Y
Warsaw Yeats, William Butler
Waterloo Young Czechs and Old Czechs
Webb, Beatrice Potter Young Hegelians
Weber, Max Young Italy
Weininger, Otto Young Turks
Wellington, Duke of (Arthur Wellesley)
Wells, H. G.
Wilberforce, William Z
Wilde, Oscar Zasulich, Vera
William I Zionism
William II Zola, Émile
William IV Zollverein
Windthorst, Ludwig
Witte, Sergei
Wollstonecraft, Mary n
Wordsworth, William
Working Class
Systematic Outline of Contents . . . 2527
World’s Fairs Directory of Contributors . . . 2539
Wundt, Wilhelm Index . . . 2559

vi E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

VOLUME 1 Anarchism
n Andreas-Salomé, Lou
Anneke, Mathilde-Franziska
Introduction . . . xix Anticlericalism
Maps of Europe, 1789 to 1914 . . . xxix Anti-Semitism
Chronology . . . xxxvii Aristocracy
Arnold, Matthew
Artisans and Guilds
A Art Nouveau
Abdul-Hamid II Asquith, Herbert Henry
Absinthe Associations, Voluntary
Action Française Atget, Eugène
Acton, John Athens
Addis Ababa, Treaty of Auclert, Hubertine
Adler, Alfred Augspurg, Anita
Adler, Victor Austen, Jane
Adrianople Austerlitz
Africa Australia
Agassiz, Louis Austria-Hungary
Agricultural Revolution Austro-Prussian War
Airplanes Automobile
Albania Avant-Garde
Alcohol and Temperance
Alexander I
Alexander II
Alexander III
Alexandra B
Algeria Baden-Powell, Robert
Alliance System Bagehot, Walter
Alsace-Lorraine Bakunin, Mikhail
Amsterdam Balkan Wars


Balzac, Honoré de Brontë, Charlotte and Emily

Banks and Banking Brougham, Henry
Barbizon Painters Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
Barcelona Brussels
Barrès, Maurice Brussels Declaration
Barry, Charles Budapest
Baudelaire, Charles Bulgaria
Bäumer, Gertrud Bund, Jewish
Beards Burckhardt, Jacob
Beardsley, Aubrey Bureaucracy
Bebel, August Burke, Edmund
Beethoven, Ludwig van Business Firms and Economic Growth
Belgium Butler, Josephine
Belgrade Byron, George Gordon
Belinsky, Vissarion
Bely, Andrei
Bentham, Jeremy
Berdyayev, Nikolai
Bergson, Henri C
Berlin Cabarets
Berlin Conference Cabet, Étienne
Berlioz, Hector Caillaux, Joseph
Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste Cajal, Santiago Ramón y
Bernard, Claude Canada
Bernhardt, Sarah Canova, Antonio
Bernstein, Eduard Capitalism
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von Captain Swing
Bismarck, Otto von Carbonari
Black Hand Carducci, Giosuè
Black Sea Caribbean
Blake, William Carlism
Blanc, Louis Carlsbad Decrees
Blanqui, Auguste Carlyle, Thomas
Blok, Alexander Carpenter, Edward
Body Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stewart)
Boer War Catherine II
Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia Catholicism
Bolsheviks Catholicism, Political
Bonald, Louis de Cavour, Count (Camillo Benso)
Bonapartism Center Party
Borodino Central Asia
Bosnia-Herzegovina Cézanne, Paul
Bosphorus Chaadayev, Peter
Boulanger Affair Chadwick, Edwin
Boulangism Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Bourgeoisie Chamberlain, Joseph
Boxer Rebellion Champollion, Jean-François
Brahms, Johannes Charcot, Jean-Martin
Braille, Louis Charles X
Brentano, Franz Charles Albert

viii E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Chartism Cossacks
Chateaubriand, François-René Counterrevolution
Chekhov, Anton Courbet, Gustave
Chemistry Crime
Childhood and Children Crimean War
China Crispi, Francesco
Cholera Croce, Benedetto
Chopin, Frédéric Cruikshank, George
Cinema Crystal Palace
Cities and Towns Cubism
Citizenship Curie, Marie
Civilization, Concept of Curzon, George
Civil Society Cuvier, Georges
Class and Social Relations Cycling
Clausewitz, Carl von Czartoryski, Adam
Clemenceau, Georges
Clothing, Dress, and Fashion
Coal Mining
Cobbett, William n
Cobden, Richard D
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty Daguerre, Louis
Cockerill, John Danish-German War
Coffee, Tea, Chocolate D’Annunzio, Gabriele
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Danton, Georges-Jacques
Colonialism Darwin, Charles
Daumier, Honoré
David, Jacques-Louis
VOL UME 2 Davies, Emily
De Vries, Hugo
C (CONTINUED) Deák, Ferenc
Colonies Death and Burial
Combination Acts Debussy, Claude
Commercial Policy Decadence
Committee of Public Safety Degas, Edgar
Communism Degeneration
Comte, Auguste Delacroix, Eugène
Concert of Europe Delcassé, Théophile
Concordat of 1801 Demography
Congress of Berlin Denmark
Congress of Troppau Deraismes, Maria
Congress of Vienna Deroin, Jeanne
Conrad, Joseph Diaghilev, Sergei
Conservatism Dickens, Charles
Constable, John Diet and Nutrition
Constant, Benjamin Dilthey, Wilhelm
Consumerism Diplomacy
Continental System Directory
Cooperative Movements Disease
Corn Laws, Repeal of Disraeli, Benjamin
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Dohm, Hedwig

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 ix

Doré, Gustave Federalist Revolt

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Feminism
Doyle, Arthur Conan Ferdinand I
Dreadnought Ferdinand VII
Dreyfus Affair Ferry, Jules
Drugs Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Drumont, Édouard Fin de Siècle
Dublin Finland and the Baltic Provinces
Dueling First International
Durand, Marguerite Flâneur
Durkheim, Émile Flaubert, Gustave
Dvorák, Antonı́n Fontane, Theodor
Football (Soccer)
Forster, E. M.
n Fouché, Joseph
Fourier, Charles
Fox, Charles James
Eastern Question France
East India Company Francis I
Economic Growth and Industrialism Francis Ferdinand
Economists, Classical Francis Joseph
Education Franco-Austrian War
Edward VII Franco-Prussian War
Egypt Frankfurt Parliament
Ehrlich, Paul Frazer, James
Eiffel Tower Frederick III
Einstein, Albert Frederick William III
Electricity Frederick William IV
Eliot, George Freemasons
Ellis, Havelock Frege, Gottlob
Emigration French Revolution
Endecja French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars
Engels, Friedrich Freud, Sigmund
Engineers Friedrich, Caspar David
Environment Furniture
Estates-General Futurism
Exile, Penal n
Gagern, Heinrich von
Gaj, Ljudevit
Gall, Franz Joseph
F Galton, Francis
Fabians Gambetta, Léon-Michel
Factories Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Fashoda Affair Gaskell, Elizabeth
Fauvism Gaudı́, Antonio
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett Gauguin, Paul

x E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Gender Hölderlin, Johann Christian

Generation of 1898 Friedrich
Geneva Convention Holy Alliance
George IV Homosexuality and Lesbianism
Géricault, Théodore Housing
Germany Hugo, Victor
Giolitti, Giovanni Humboldt, Alexander and Wilhelm von
Girondins Hundred Days
Gissing, George Husserl, Edmund
Gladstone, William Huxley, Thomas Henry
Glinka, Mikhail Huysmans, Joris-Karl
Godwin, William
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gogol, Nikolai VOL UME 3
Goncharov, Ivan
Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de n
Gorky, Maxim
Gouges, Olympe de
Goya, Francisco Ibsen, Henrik
Great Britain Immigration and Internal
Great Reforms (Russia) Migration
Greece Imperialism
Grimm Brothers Impressionism
Guesde, Jules India
Guimard, Hector Indochina
Guizot, François Industrial Revolution, First
Industrial Revolution, Second
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
n Intelligentsia
H International Law
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich
Hague Conferences
Hardenberg, Karl August von
Hardie, James Keir
Hardy, Thomas J
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène Jacobins
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Jadids
Heine, Heinrich Japan
Helmholtz, Hermann von Jarry, Alfred
Herder, Johann Gottfried Jaurès, Jean
Hertz, Heinrich Jelacic, Josip
Herzen, Alexander Jena, Battle of
Herzl, Theodor Jenner, Edward
Hirschfeld, Magnus Jewish Emancipation
History Jews and Judaism
Hobson, John A. Jingoism
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von John, Archduke of Austria

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 xi

Jomini, Antoine-Henri de Leopold I

Jung, Carl Gustav Leopold II
Lesseps, Ferdinand-Marie de
Levée en Masse
n Liberalism
Liebermann, Max
Kadets Liebknecht, Karl
Kafka, Franz List, Georg Friedrich
Kandinsky, Vasily Lister, Joseph
Karadjordje Liszt, Franz
Kautsky, Karl Literacy
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson) Lithuania
Kierkegaard, Søren Lloyd George, David
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Lombroso, Cesare
Kipling, Rudyard London
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Loos, Adolf
Klimt, Gustav Louis II
Koch, Robert Louis XVI
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Louis XVIII
Kossuth, Lajos Louis-Philippe
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von Lovett, William
Kropotkin, Peter Luddism
Krupp Lueger, Karl
Kuliscioff, Anna Lumière, Auguste and Louis
Kulturkampf Luxemburg, Rosa
Kutuzov, Mikhail Lyell, Charles

L n

Labor Movements M
Labour Party Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Laennec, René Mach, Ernst
Lafayette, Marquis de Machine Breaking
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Madrid
Lamartine, Alphonse Mafia
Landed Elites Mahler, Gustav
Larrey, Dominique-Jean Mahmud II
Lasker-Schüler, Else Maistre, Joseph de
Lassalle, Ferdinand Majuba Hill
Lavoisier, Antoine Malatesta, Errico
Law, Theories of Malthus, Thomas Robert
LeBon, Gustave Manchester
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste Manet, Édouard
Leipzig, Battle of Mann, Thomas
Leisure Manners and Formality
Lenin, Vladimir Manning, Henry
Leo XIII Manzoni, Alessandro
Leopardi, Giacomo Marat, Jean-Paul

xii E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Marconi, Guglielmo Museums

Marie-Antoinette Music
Markets Musil, Robert
Marriage and Family Mussorgsky, Modest
Martineau, Harriet
Martov, L.
Marx, Karl n
Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue N
Nadar, Félix
Matisse, Henri
Nanking, Treaty of
Maurras, Charles
Maxwell, James Clerk
Mazzini, Giuseppe
Napoleon III
Napoleonic Code
Méliès, Georges
Napoleonic Empire
Mendel, Gregor
Nash, John
Menzel, Adolph von
Naval Rivalry (Anglo-German)
Mesmer, Franz Anton
Metternich, Clemens von
Nechayev, Sergei
Meyerhold, Vsevolod
Nelson, Horatio
Michel, Louise
Michelet, Jules
Newman, John Henry
Mickiewicz, Adam
New Zealand
Nicholas I
Military Tactics
Nicholas II
Mill, Harriet Taylor
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Mill, James
Nightingale, Florence
Mill, John Stuart
Millet, Jean-François
Nijinsky, Vaslav
Millet System
Nobel, Alfred
Milyukov, Pavel
Norton, Caroline
Novalis (Hardenberg, Friedrich von)
Moltke, Helmuth von
Mommsen, Theodor
Monet, Claude
Monetary Unions O
Montenegro Oceanic Exploration
Montessori, Maria O’Connell, Daniel
Morisot, Berthe O’Connor, Feargus
Moroccan Crises Octobrists
Morocco Offenbach, Jacques
Morris, William Old Age
Moscow Olympic Games
Mozzoni, Anna Maria Omdurman
Mukden, Battle of Opera
Munch, Edvard Opium Wars
Münchengrätz, Treaty of Otto, Louise

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 xiii

Ottoman Empire Poincaré, Raymond

Owen, Robert Poland
Police and Policing
Polish National Movement
Poor Law
V OLU M E 4 Popular and Elite Culture
Population, Control of
n Populists
P Pornography
Pacifism Portsmouth, Treaty of
Paganini, Niccolò Portugal
Paine, Thomas Positivism
Painting Posters
Palacký, František Poverty
Palmerston, Lord (Henry John Temple) Prague
Pankhurst, Emmeline, Christabel, and Sylvia Prague Slav Congress
Pan-Slavism Pre-Raphaelite Movement
Papacy Press and Newspapers
Papal Infallibility Primitivism
Papal State Professions
Paris Prostitution
Paris Commune Protectionism
Parks Protestantism
Parnell, Charles Stewart Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Pasteur, Louis Prussia
Pater, Walter Psychoanalysis
Paul I Psychology
Pavlov, Ivan Public Health
Pavlova, Anna Puccini, Giacomo
Peasants Pugin, Augustus Welby
Peel, Robert Pushkin, Alexander
Péguy, Charles
Pelletier, Madeleine
Peninsular War n
People’s Will Q
Philhellenic Movement Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques
Picasso, Pablo R
Piedmont-Savoy Race and Racism
Pilgrimages Radicalism
Pinel, Philippe Railroads
Pissarro, Camille Rank, Otto
Pius IX Ranke, Leopold von
Planck, Max Ravachol (François Claudius
Plekhanov, Georgy Koenigstein-Ravachol)
Pogroms Ravel, Maurice
Poincaré, Henri Realism and Naturalism

xiv E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Red Cross Schiele, Egon

Reign of Terror Schinkel, Karl Friedrich
Renan, Ernest Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Repin, Ilya Schlieffen Plan
Republicanism Schnitzler, Arthur
Restaurants Schoenberg, Arnold
Restoration Schopenhauer, Arthur
Revolution of 1905 (Russia) Schubert, Franz
Revolutions of 1820 Science and Technology
Revolutions of 1830 Scotland
Revolutions of 1848 Scott, Walter
Rhodes, Cecil Seaside Resorts
Richer, Léon Second International
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Secret Societies
Risorgimento (Italian Unification) Secularization
Robespierre, Maximilien Semmelweis, Ignac
Rodin, Auguste Separation of Church and State
Roentgen, Wilhelm (France, 1905)
Roland, Pauline Sepoy Mutiny
Rolland, Romain Serbia
Romania Serfs, Emancipation of
Romanies (Gypsies) Seurat, Georges
Roman Question Sewing Machine
Romanticism Sexuality
Rome Shamil
Rossini, Gioachino Shaw, George Bernard
Rothschilds Shelley, Mary
Roussel, Nelly Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Rude, François Shimonoseki, Treaty of
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria Siberia
Ruskin, John Sicilian Fasci
Russia Sicily
Russian Orthodox Church Siemens, Werner von
Russo-Japanese War Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph
Russo-Turkish War Silver Age
Rutherford, Ernest Simmel, Georg
Sismondi, Jean-Charles Leonard de
Sister Republics
S Smallpox
Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François de Smiles, Samuel
St. Petersburg Socialism
Saint-Simon, Henri de Socialism, Christian
Salvation Army Socialist Revolutionaries
Sand, George Sociology
San Stefano, Treaty of Soloviev, Vladimir
Satie, Erik Sorel, Georges
Schelling, Friedrich von South Africa

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 xv

Spain Stravinsky, Igor

Spencer, Herbert Strikes
Speransky, Mikhail Strindberg, August
Spiritualism Struve, Peter
Sports Subways
Staël, Germaine de Suez Canal
Statistics Suffragism
Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Suttner, Bertha von
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) Sweden and Norway
Stephen, Leslie Switzerland
Stevenson, Robert Louis Symbolism
Stolypin, Peter Symonds, John Addington
Strachey, Lytton Syndicalism
Strauss, Johann Syphilis

xvi E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
MAPS OF EUROPE, 1789 TO 1914

The maps on the following pages show the changes in European national boundaries from
1789 to 1914, including the unification of Italy and of Germany.

MAPS OF EUROPE, 1789 TO 1914

Europe, 1789 Norwegian

of B
International border Sea

0 100 200 mi. Faroe
0 100 200 km Shetland nd
Helsingfors nl a St. Petersburg
Islands NORWAY f Fi
G ul f
Christiania Stockholm



DENMARK Copenhagen l
Ba Königsberg
Wales England Hanover Warsaw
London Saxony
Brussels H O LY
Austrian GALICIA
Netherlands ROMAN Bohemia
OCEAN Paris Bavaria Vienna Moldavia
Munich Buda
Bay of Wallachia Black
Biscay PIEDMONT Venice Sea
TUSCANY PAPAL Constantinople
ri T
at T
ANDORRA Corsica ic O

(France) Rome M
a AN

Madrid EM
Minorca Naples PIRE
Lisbon S PA I N Britain) SARDINIA

Ty r r h e n i a n
Majorca Athens
Iviza (Spain) Sea
Algiers Tunis
Malta Crete
OTTOMAN (Ottoman Empire)
Mediterranean Sea

xviii E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
MAPS OF EUROPE, 1789 TO 1914

G R E AT France in 1789
International border


n Lille
English Channel s

Sei Île de
ne France S TAT E S
N o r m a n d y iv e r
Paris Nancy





re R iv
Loi Franche
Nantes F R A N C E Comté NEUCHÂTEL
OCEAN Burgundy
La Rochelle


i v er

Bay of
Rhône R

Biscay Ga




Gascony e
Toulouse u
La Marseille
0 50 100 mi.

0 50 100 km


S P A I N Mediterranean Sea

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 xix
MAPS OF EUROPE, 1789 TO 1914

KINGDOM OF (to Russia)
SWEDEN St. Petersburg

Sea N
0 200 400 mi. Amsterdam EMPIRE
0 200 400 km
KINGD (to Russia)
Frankfurt Prague



Madrid CORSICA iat OT


KINGDOM (France) S M Constantinople

Naples EM
Gibraltar SICILIES Athens

Mediterranean Sea

Europe, 1815
Boundary of the German Confederation, 1815

xx E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
MAPS OF EUROPE, 1789 TO 1914

SWITZERLAND Italian Unification
Kingdom of Sardinia, 1858
Added to Sardinia, 1859 and 1860
Added to Italy, 1866
Added to Italy, 1870
Turin Venice

(to France) PARMA


(to France) Florence

Ligurian Sea TUSCANY

(France) a

Naples OF THE

Ty r rh e n i a n S e a

Ionian Sea
0 50 100 mi. dit
0 50 100 km
ra S I C I LY

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 xxi
MAPS OF EUROPE, 1789 TO 1914


Sea Baltic
Holstein Prussia

Hamburg Mecklenburg I
S Prussia
NETHERLANDS Brandenburg Vist
u la
U Berlin Posen R.





Saxony rR

Ems Thuringia .
Sedan Silesia
LUX. Frankfurt
M ain R. Sadowa
To Paris
Lorraine Bavaria

German Unification

Munich nub
Baden e R.
Hohenzollern Prussia, 1865
Added to Prussia, 1866
Added to form North German
Confederation, 1867
SWITZERLAND Added to form German empire, 1871
0 50 100 mi. Boundary of German empire, 1871
Route of Prussian armies in
0 50 100 km
Austro-Prussian War
Route of German armies in
Franco-Prussian War
Battle sites

xxii E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1
MAPS OF EUROPE, 1789 TO 1914

Europe, 1914
International border



0 250 500 mi.


0 250 500 km


lti c




LUX. Caspian


Black Sea








Spanish Tunisia
Morocco (Fr.) Med
Morocco (Fr.) anean Sea

Egypt (Br.)
Libya (It.)

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 xxiii
Talleyrand resigned his bishopric. His diplomatic
TALLEYRAND, CHARLES MAUR- career began in 1792 when he was sent on a
ICE DE (1754–1838), arguably the most mission to London to improve relations between
famous diplomat that France ever produced. France and Britain. Expelled from Britain in
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord was February 1794, he moved to the United States,
born in Paris on 2 February, the son of a noble where he settled in Philadelphia. There he traveled
army officer. Neglected by his parents, as a young quite extensively, made money from property
boy he sustained a foot injury that gave him a limp speculations, and frequented a circle of fellow
for the rest of his life, thus ruling out the possibility French émigrés.
of a military career. Instead he trained for the Allowed to return to France, he arrived in Paris
priesthood, was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in September 1796 and resumed a relationship
in December 1779, but then led a very secular life with Anne-Louise-Germaine de Staël (1766–
in Paris aristocratic society, openly consorting 1817). Partly due to her influence, Talleyrand
with his mistress Adelaide Filleul, the Countess of was appointed minister of foreign affairs by the
Flahaut, by whom he had an illegitimate son. Directory in July 1797. In December 1797, he
Nevertheless, his aristocratic credentials secured met Napoleon Bonaparte for the first time and
his appointment as bishop of Autun in 1788. soon began planning with him the expedition to
Egypt, which set sail from France in May 1798.
In April 1789, Talleyrand was elected a deputy
Meanwhile, Talleyrand had acquired a new mis-
of the clergy of Autun to the Estates General. On
tress, the wife of Charles Delacroix, Talleyrand’s
10 October 1789 in the National Assembly, the
predecessor as minister of foreign affairs. By her
successor to the Estates General, he proposed that
he had another illegitimate son, Eugène Delacroix
all Church property should be confiscated to solve
(1798–1863), who became a famous Romantic
the continuing financial crisis. The acceptance of
artist. Talleyrand resigned as minister of foreign
this proposal in November deprived the Roman
affairs in July 1799 and soon began plotting a coup
Catholic Church in France of nearly all its wealth
d’état to remove the Directory with Joseph Fouché
and led to its radical restructuring in the Civil
(1759–1820, the minister of police) and Napoleon
Constitution of the Clergy (July 1790). Talleyrand
Bonaparte (who had returned from Egypt in
was one of only four bishops to swear an oath of
October 1799).
loyalty to this Constitution, and as a ‘‘constitu-
tional bishop’’ on 14 July 1790 he officiated at Following the coup d’état of 10 November
the Feast of the Federation, the national ceremony 1799, Napoleon reappointed Talleyrand minister
in Paris to commemorate the first anniversary of foreign affairs. Talleyrand negotiated the Treaty
of the storming of the Bastille. In January 1791, of Lunéville with Austria (9 February 1801) and


supported Napoleon’s policies of reconciliation helped to negotiate the separation of Belgium from
with royalists and Roman Catholics, but he was the Netherlands. He died on 17 May 1838. To his
soon disagreeing with the First Consul over the critics he was the serial betrayer of the Roman
severity of the Treaty of Amiens with Britain (27 Catholic Church, the Directory, Napoleon I, and
March 1802), the annexation of Piedmont to Charles X, and the personification of corruption
France (21 September 1802), and the declaration and vice. To his admirers he was the consummate
of war against Britain (18 May 1803). Neverthe- politician and diplomat, who always sought the
less, Talleyrand was, at the very least, a passive true interests of France.
accomplice in the execution of Louis-Antoine- See also Concert of Europe; Congress of Vienna; France;
Henri de Bourbon-Condé, the Duke of Enghien French Revolution; Napoleonic Empire; Restoration;
(20 March 1804). When Napoleon assumed the Revolutions of 1830.
imperial title (2 December 1804), Talleyrand
became Imperial Grand Chamberlain. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Whereas Napoleon sought to impose French Primary Sources

domination over Europe, Talleyrand believed in Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de. Memoirs of
the balance of power and unsuccessfully urged Talleyrand. Edited by the Duke of Broglie. 5 vols.
moderation on Napoleon after the successive New York, 1891.
defeats of Austria, Prussia, and Russia. In August
Secondary Sources
1807, Talleyrand resigned as foreign minister and
Bernard, Jack F. Talleyrand: A Biography. New York, 1973.
from 1808 publicly criticized Napoleon’s policies,
at a time when Napoleon was at the height of his Brinton, Crane. The Lives of Talleyrand. New York, 1936.
success. While Talleyrand supported Napoleon’s Dwyer, Philip G. Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, 1754–
marriage to Marie-Louise (1791–1847) of Austria, 1838: A Bibliography. Westport, Conn., 1996.
he bitterly opposed the invasion of Russia in 1812. WILLIAM FORTESCUE
Thus, although Napoleon had made Talleyrand a
prince and extremely rich, Talleyrand deserted him
in 1814 to play a leading role in the restoration of n
the Bourbons. In April 1814, Talleyrand persuaded
Alexander I (1777–1825) of Russia to accept the
Russian composer.
return of the Bourbons and the French Senate to
depose Napoleon and offer the French throne to Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in Votkinsk,
Louis XVIII (1755–1824). Russia. His father worked as a superintendent of
state mines; his mother, who was half French,
Once more the minister of foreign affairs (13
insisted on hiring French servants to attend to her
May 1814), Talleyrand represented France at the
son. Even as a child, Tchaikovsky was introspective
Congress of Vienna. Brilliantly exploiting the
and neurotic. By age thirteen, his homosexuality
principle of legitimacy that the Allies claimed to
had become obvious. At fourteen he lost his only
uphold, Talleyrand secured for France remarkably
true friend, his mother, to cholera. He felt no
favorable terms. However, the Hundred Days epi-
closeness to any of his other relatives, nor was he
sode resulted in harsher treatment of France by the
interested in communicating with any of his peers.
Second Treaty of Paris (20 November 1815).
After a short period as a student in a government
Forced to resign in September 1815, Talleyrand
law school, which he despised, he left to study with
retired to his country estate, Valençay.
the composer and pianist Anton Rubinstein, the
During the late 1820s, Talleyrand actively founder of the St. Petersburg Conservatory of
supported the liberal opposition to Charles X Music. Several years thereafter, he accepted an offer
(1757–1836); in the Revolution of 1830, he con- to teach harmony and was also invited by several
tributed to the accession of Louis Philippe (1773– western and southern European countries to
1850) as king of the French. As a reward, he appear as a guest conductor in major concert halls,
was appointed French ambassador in London as well as at his home base, the Moscow Conserva-
(September 1830–November 1834), when he tory. He resigned from his professorship in 1878.

2306 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Tchaikovsky was one of the innovators of Rus- of involvement with a male member of the British
sian Romanticism, but he also considered it his imperial family.
duty to introduce Russian patriotism and national-
Tchaikovsky’s major works include the operas
ism into his music. His vast output included piano
Undine, 1869; Mazepa, 1884; Pathetique, 1893;
and violin concertos, choral works, symphonies,
Queen of Spades, 1890; and Eugene Onegin, 1879;
chamber music, and church music. His most crea-
the ballets The Nutcracker Suite, 1892; The Sleeping
tive works were in genres that included fantasies,
Beauty, 1890; and Swan Lake, 1877; the sympho-
overtures such as ‘‘Romeo and Juliet,’’ choral
nies No. 4 in F Minor, No. 5 in E Minor, and
works, and piano-and-violin concertos. In western
No. 6 in B Minor (Pathetique); the Piano Concerto
Europe, Tchaikovsky’s music was well received,
No. 1 in B-Flat Minor; and the Americanized
and in Russia he was considered to be the most
Russian vocals ‘‘None but the Lonely Heart’’; ‘‘Why
Romantic and patriotic of composers. The literary
Did I Dream of You’’; and ‘‘Don Juan’s Serenade’’;
giants of his time were Fyodor Dostoyevsky and
as well as chamber and instrumental music.
Leo Tolstoy, yet controversy exists over whether
Tchaikovsky ever made the time or had the desire See also Diaghilev, Sergei; Music; Mussorgsky, Modest;
to meet either of them. Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai.

In 1888 Tchaikovsky took a significant tour to

Leipzig, Germany, to meet with Edvard Grieg and
Johannes Brahms. He also visited London, Paris, and Abraham, Gerald, ed. Tchaikovsky: A Symposium. London,
Prague. His labors on Symphony No. 5 in E Minor
became increasingly intense and emotional, which Brown, David. Tchaikovsky. 4 vols. New York, 1978–1992.
fed his neurotic despair. Nevertheless, he insisted Garden, Edward. Tchaikovsky. New York, 1973.
on continuing his travels. He went to the United Strutte, Wilson. Tchaikovsky: His Life and Times. Speld-
States and to England, where he was awarded an hurst, U.K., 1979.
honorary doctorate of music at Cambridge.
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich. The Diaries of Tchaikovsky. Trans-
Tchaikovsky’s attempts to masquerade as het- lated by Wladimir Lakond. New York, 1945.
erosexual were obvious to all. The only woman he Volkoff, Vladimir. Tchaikovsky: A Self-Portrait. Boston, 1975.
ever truly loved was his mother. He spent one night Warrack, John.Hamilton Tchaikovsky. London, 1973.
with Desire Artot, a singer and prima donna of a
visiting Italian troupe, but refused to comment LEO HECHT
on it. In the 1870s he visited Georgia and other
Russian territories. A former student of his, Antonia
Milyukova, talked him into marrying her but the
marriage did not last long. Beginning in 1876 he
was subsidized by the wealthy widow Nadezhda von TELEGRAPH. See Science and Technology.
Meck, who gave him the means to survive. In 1885
he bought a house in Maidanovo, near Moscow and
lived there until a year before his death. n
Despite his successes, his mental condition TELEPHONES. Private enterprise, operating
deteriorated, and this was aggravated when under government-granted concessions, initiated
Nadezhda von Meck stopped supporting him, urban telephone service in most European countries
both financially and socially. By then he was no (except Germany) in the late 1880s, though virtually
longer in need of her money, but the psychological all were nationalized in the 1880s and 1890s. The
damage was noticeable. On his deathbed, he government-operated post and telegraph (and
repeated her name over and over. He had just later, telephone) administrations (PTT) then often
completed his last symphony, the Pathetique, restricted telephone network development to pro-
which he rightfully considered his masterpiece. tect their earlier telegraph investments. As a result,
Several historians have claimed that he wanted to by 1914 the telephone was far more developed in
poison himself after having allegedly been accused the United States (which had nearly two-thirds of

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2307

the world’s telephones, or nearly ten for every one The telephone was occasionally applied to
hundred people) than anywhere in Europe. deliver concert music and stage entertainment—
for example, in Budapest (the Telefon Hirmondo
Telephone devices patented by Alexander
operated by the Puskas brothers in 1893), Paris
Graham Bell (1847–1922) were first demonstrated
(the Theatrophone), and in London. The first
in London and several continental cities in 1877–
European automatic telephone exchange (using
78. The inception of regular telephone service
strowger devices developed in the United States)
varied across European capitals, from London and
began operation in Berlin in 1899, but most
Paris in 1879; followed by Stockholm, Copenhagen,
European nations relied on (often high-capacity)
and Christiania, Norway, in 1880; Berlin, Vienna,
manual switches to the eve of World War I. The
and several Italian cities in 1881; Helsinki and
Lisbon in 1882; Brussels, Moscow, and St. Peters- first pay telephone kiosks appeared in Britain by
burg in 1883; Luxembourg City in 1885; 1904, and soon in other nations.
and finally various Spanish cities in 1886–87. As Europe fell far behind U.S. rates of telephone
these dates suggest, early telephone development system growth and technical developments from
concentrated in urban areas with many potential 1890 to 1914, chiefly because of PTT monopoly
users, providing little interconnection among them control of telephone services across Europe. This
and little or no service to small communities and usually meant that insufficient capital was made
rural areas. Virtually all switching of calls required available for system expansion (telephones had
manual operation using male, and later female, low priority in national budgets), telephone rates
operators. Women operators were required to be
were held to artificially low levels by national
single (and to resign upon marrying) in Britain,
parliaments (thus financially starving the systems
Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden.
even more), and telephone administrators generally
Local pricing of telephone service varied. Most were subordinate to those directing telegraph and
subscriber charges were based on per use with postal services. Further, and with few exceptions,
some reflection of the distance carried or (more there was virtually no overall system planning or
rarely) a flat charge for a given period of use. There policy and very little study of either rates charged
was considerable variation in the prices charged by or traffic carried. On the other hand, German and
different PTTs. By the mid-1880s, the Inter- Swiss PTTs stood out for their effective operation
national Telegraph Bureau in Bern, Switzerland, of telephone networks, and the three Scandinavian
began to collect and publish statistics on telephone nations retained private ownership and thus a
availability and use. By 1887, Germany’s PTT had strong commercial impetus to expand telephone
123 exchanges and more than 22,000 subscribers, availability. This shows up in some statistics:
while Sweden’s privately owned operation (with by 1914, a third of British telephones were in
148 exchanges and nearly 13,000 subscribers) was London, but the city still had but 3.5 telephones
second. Other nations fell far behind. per 100 people, while Stockholm had 24; Copen-
hagen, 9; Berlin, 6.6; and Paris, 3.2.
The growing need to interconnect service
across national boundaries raised similar questions As had been the case earlier in the United
as had the telegraph decades earlier: the need for States, telephone use was limited for the first sev-
some means of setting and interconnecting varied eral decades to government officials, businesses,
technical standards, as well as melding different and the wealthy who could afford the equipment
currencies and means of paying for telephone and service charges. Only very slowly—and barely
service—and determining how to divide revenues so by 1914—was telephone service made more
across the telephone systems involved. Among the widely available to and affordable by the general
earliest international links were landlines connect- public, at first with phones in public places and pay
ing such European cities as Brussels and Paris. stations, and later in individual homes.
Over-water routes took longer: the first was London
to Paris in 1891, and Britain to Ireland by means See also Science and Technology; Transportation and
of an undersea cable from Scotland two years later. Communications.

2308 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Between 1832 and 1842 Tennyson published
Baldwin, F. G. C. The History of the Telephone in the United no new volumes, but he edited and wrote much
Kingdom. London, 1925. during this melancholic period, initiating In Memor-
Bennett, Alfred Rosling. The Telephone Systems of the iam, which celebrated Hallam, ‘‘The Two Voices’’
Continent of Europe. London, 1895. Reprint, New (originally entitled ‘‘Thoughts of a Suicide’’) and
York, 1974. his ‘‘English Idylls.’’ In 1842 Tennyson published
Chapuis, Robert J. 100 Years of Telephone Switching (1878– Poems to unfavorable reviews. The volume included
1978). Amsterdam, 1982. ‘‘Morte d’Arthur,’’ ‘‘Locksley Hall,’’ and ‘‘The
Holcomb, A. N. Public Ownership of Telephones on the Vision of Sin.’’ That same year the prime minister,
Continent of Europe. Boston, 1911. Sir Robert Peel (1788–1850), granted him a pension
Webb, Herbert Laws. The Development of the Telephone in of £200 for life, easing his financial burden. In
Europe. London, 1911. Reprint, New York, 1974. 1847 Tennyson published his first long poem,
The Princess, a conservative view of university
education for women.
On 13 June 1850, Tennyson married Emily
Sellwood, after a very long and uncertain courtship,
due in part to her father’s early disapproval of
TEMPERANCE. See Alcohol and Temperance.
Tennyson’s unorthodox lifestyle and liberal reli-
gious views.

n The year 1850 also marked a professional turn-

ing point. Tennyson anonymously published In
TENNYSON, ALFRED (1809–1892),
Memoriam, which enjoyed tremendous success and
English poet and the leading representative of
won him the favor of Queen Victoria (r. 1837–
Victorian verse.
1901), who helped bring about his appointment as
Born in Somersby, Lincolnshire, Alfred, Lord poet laureate that same year. Tennyson had finally
Tennyson was a precocious child who wrote poems secured his reputation and finances.
after the styles of John Milton (1608–1674) and
the British Romantics. A massive poem, In Memoriam captured the
public imagination, highlighting many concerns of
In November 1827 Tennyson entered Trinity the Victorian age as the author searched for the
College, Cambridge, where his standing as a poet meaning of life and death and tried to come
grew and in June 1829 he won the chancellor’s to terms with the loss of his friend. The poem
gold medal for his poem, Timbuctoo. The death struggles with religious doubt and faith, weighing
of his father in March 1831 revealed his family’s spiritual belief in immortality against emerging
deep financial indebtedness, and Tennyson left scientific theories of evolution, astronomy, and
Cambridge without taking a degree. modern geology. Tennyson cemented his position
In 1832 Tennyson published Poems, a volume as national poet with his Ode on the Death of the
that included ‘‘The Lotos-Eaters’’ and ‘‘The Lady Duke of Wellington (1852) and a poem about the
of Shalott.’’ Reviewers’ attacks deeply distressed 25 October 1855 Charge of the Light Brigade at
the self-critical Tennyson, but he continued to Balaklava in the Crimea in Maud and Other Poems
revise his old poems and compose new ones. (1855).
In September 1833, Tennyson’s close Cam- In 1859 Tennyson published the first four
bridge friend Arthur Hallam died suddenly. The loss parts of Idylls of the King, a series of twelve con-
of Hallam, recently engaged to marry Tennyson’s nected poems that reviewed the legend of King
sister Cecilia, dealt a serious blow to Tennyson. He Arthur, in whom he held a lifelong interest. He
soon drafted ‘‘Ulysses,’’ ‘‘Morte d’Arthur’’ and held Arthur up as an exemplar of human spiritual-
‘‘Tithonus’’—three poems prompted by the death, ity, while the poems infused elements of traditional
but all with strong classical echoes that spoke to his romance with middle class Victorian morality. The
expressly modern and personal sentiments. poems were an immediate success and thrust upon

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2309

Tennyson an undesired public fame, which rose with Ricks, Christopher B. Tennyson. New York, 1972.
further publications, such as Enoch Arden (1864). Tennyson, Charles. Alfred Tennyson. New York, 1949.
In September 1883 Tennyson accepted a peer- STEPHEN VELLA
age as First Baron and took his seat in the House of
Lords in March 1884. In 1886 he published a new
volume containing ‘‘Locksley Hall Sixty Years
After,’’ which assaulted modern decadence and
liberalism and retracted the earlier poem’s belief TERROR, THE. See Reign of Terror.
in inevitable human progress.
In the last two decades of his life Tennyson
also turned to poetic drama, though his plays
proved only moderate successes, broadcasting his THIERS, LOUIS-ADOLPHE (1797–
growing disapproval of the religious, moral, and 1877), one of the founders of the Third Republic
political tendencies of the age. His poem ‘‘The in France.
Ancient Sage,’’ published in Tiresias and Other Adolphe Thiers was born in Marseilles on
Poems (1885), aired a more hopeful suggestion 15 April 1797. He overcame birth outside wed-
of eternal life. lock, desertion by his father, relative poverty, and
Tennyson remained productive well into old a stature of just five feet and two inches with his
age. He wrote the elegy ‘‘Crossing the Bar’’ in ambition, intelligence, and industry. A pupil at the
October 1889 while crossing the Isle of Wight. lycée in Marseilles, he went on to study law at
Despite ill health, he finished his last volume, The the University of Aix-en-Provence. Although his
Death of Oenone, Akbar’s Dream, and Other Poems family had suffered financially during the Revolu-
in 1892. He died on 6 October 1892 in Aldworth, tion, Thiers embraced liberal political ideas after
Surrey, aged eighty-four. 1815, and following graduation chose journalism,
not law.
Tennyson’s fame was challenged during his
own lifetime, when poets Robert Browning Moving to Paris in 1821, he joined the lead-
(1812–1889) and Algernon Charles Swinburne ing liberal newspaper, Le Constitutionnel. Thiers
(1837–1909) emerged as rivals. Early twentieth- also embarked on a major historical work, his
century critics, who held aloft the modernist History of the Revolution (ten volumes, 1823–
approaches of such poets as William Butler Yeats 1827), which provided a liberal interpretation of
(1859–1939) and T. S. Eliot (1888–1965) and the Revolution and a rational explanation for the
celebrated the rediscovery of poets John Donne Jacobin Terror. In January 1830, a new Paris
(1572–1631) and Gerard Manley Hopkins liberal newspaper was founded, Le National,
(1844–1889), further eroded Tennyson’s reputa- and, with François-Auguste-Marie Mignet
tion. Around the turn of the twenty-first century, (1796–1884) and Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Armand
appreciation for the abundance and variety of Carrel (1800–1836), Thiers became one of its
Tennyson’s sweeping lyricism reemerged, most three editors. Le National argued that the king’s
especially for his In Memoriam, ‘‘Crossing the ministers had to have a majority in the Chamber
Bar,’’ and ‘‘Ulysses.’’ of Deputies, supported opposition candidates in
parliamentary elections, attacked the Jules
See also Carlyle, Thomas; Romanticism.
Armand Polignac (1780–1847) ministry, and
opposed the four ordinances of 26 July
1830. Thiers was one of the principal authors of
Martin, Robert Bernard. Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart. a protest against the ordinances drawn up on
Oxford, U.K., 1980. 26 July and signed by forty-four journalists.
Ormond, Leonée. Alfred Tennyson: A Literary Life. New He also played a leading role in persuading
York, 1993. Louis-Philippe (1773–1850), Duke of Orleans,
Richardson, Joanna. Pre-eminent Victorian, A Study of Ten- to succeed King Charles X (1757–1836) after
nyson. London, 1962. the latter’s abdication.

2310 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

On 21 October 1830, Thiers was elected dep- In the National Assembly elections of 8 Febru-
uty for Aix-en-Provence. He served as minister of ary 1871, following the armistice with Germany of
the interior from October 1832 to January 1833, 28 January, twenty-six departments elected Thiers.
and then as minister of commerce and public This remarkable indication of his popularity
works. Minister of the interior once more, Thiers ensured his election in Bordeaux as ‘‘Chief of the
was blamed for the massacre of the Rue Transno- Executive Power’’ (13 February 1871). Thiers then
nain (13 April 1834), when several innocent had to accept the harsh terms of the Treaty of
civilians were killed in a shoot-out between repub- Frankfurt (10 May 1871)—the payment of a large
lican militants and soldiers and guardsmen. Never- indemnity and the loss of Alsace and Lorraine.
theless, Louis-Philippe appointed him to head a Meanwhile, by ordering the removal of cannon
ministry from February to August 1836, and again from Paris on 17 March 1871, Thiers had
from 1 March 1840. In his second ministry, Thiers provoked the outbreak of the Paris Commune.
apparently threatened a war between France and The defeat of the Paris Commune temporarily
the other European powers over Egypt and Syria. crushed the radical Left, while the opposition of
Alarmed, Louis-Philippe eventually dismissed Thiers to a monarchical restoration helped to check
Thiers (22 October 1840). the royalist Right. Instead, Thiers presided over the
emergence of a conservative Republic. By the time
Out of government office for the rest of the of his resignation (24 May 1873), he had achieved
July Monarchy, Thiers began his mammoth History financial stability, the full payment of the indemnity
of the Consulate and Empire (twenty volumes, owed to Germany, and the ending of German
1845–1862). This long and detailed narrative military occupation of French territory. Thiers
history portrayed Napoleon I (r. 1804–1814/15) continued to be a deputy, but took little part in
as a Romantic hero and successful military com- parliamentary debates.
mander. After Louis-Philippe had dismissed
François-Pierre-Guillaume Guizot (1787–1874) Thiers died on 3 September 1877. His excep-
on 23 February 1848, he invited Thiers to form a tionally long career, from the 1820s to the 1870s,
ministry, but by then it was too late to save the July indicates the political continuities in this period,
Monarchy. despite four changes of regime, and the close
connections between journalism, historical writing,
Elected to the National Assembly on 4 June and politics common in nineteenth-century France.
1848, Thiers backed Napoleon III (1808–1873) in His political legacy, a combination of patriotism,
the presidential election of 10 December 1848. Yet liberalism, and conservatism, had a profound effect
Thiers did not accept ministerial office and became on the Third Republic.
increasingly critical of the Prince-President. Briefly
imprisoned after the coup d’état of 2 December See also France; Guizot, François; Liberalism; Paris
Commune; Restoration; Revolutions of 1830;
1851, Thiers then led a life of exile in Brussels, Revolutions of 1848.
London, and Switzerland until allowed to return
to France in August 1852. In May 1863, he gained
election to the Legislative Body, where he joined
the opposition while remaining separate from Primary Sources
the republican Left. He campaigned for liberal Thiers, Louis-Adolphe. Discours parlementaires de M.
freedoms (though not free trade), opposed the Thiers. Edited by M. Calmon. 16 vols. Paris, 1879–89.
Mexican expedition, and warned against the expan- ———. Notes et souvenirs de M. Thiers: 1848: Révolution du
sion of Prussian power in Germany. In July 1870 24 février. Paris, 1902.
he desperately tried to discourage war with Prussia.
Once the war had begun, he urged the concentra- Secondary Sources
tion of French troops in the Paris area. He refused Bury, J. P. T., and R. P. Tombs. Thiers, 1797–1877. London,
to serve as a minister under Empress Eugénie
or in the provisional government formed after 4 Guiral, Pierre. Adolphe Thiers, ou, De la nécessité en politique.
Paris, 1986.
September 1870, but he did agree to accept a diplo-
matic mission to seek foreign assistance for France. WILLIAM FORTESCUE

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2311

n the Dreadnought type, armed with large guns.

TIRPITZ, ALFRED VON (1849–1930), Thus he openly challenged the Royal Navy, which
Prussian admiral. as a result quickly lost its margin of superiority in
modern vessels. By reducing the age of replace-
Alfred Peter Friedrich Tirpitz (who was ment of older ships in 1908, he further accelerated
ennobled in 1900) was born on 19 March 1849 the tempo of German battleship building. Contrary
in the small town of Küstrin in the eastern part of to his own expectations, this step was the begin-
Prussia. The son of a judge, he joined the Prussian ning both of an arms race and the decline of his
Navy in 1865 and soon made a brilliant career. In plan. After the failure in 1908 of British attempts to
the 1880s he was responsible for the development induce the German government to reduce its
of the new torpedo weapon. In 1891 he became building program, the Royal Navy started to out-
chief of staff of the Baltic naval station. He also build its German rival in 1909. At the same time,
quickly attracted the attention of the new kaiser, Tirpitz began to lose support within the govern-
William II, himself a naval enthusiast, for unlike ment as well as with the public. Steadily increasing
many of his elder comrades Tirpitz had a clear costs and Germany’s isolation among the great
concept of both naval policy and naval strategy. powers seemed to require a change in German
Although the extent of the influence of foreign and naval policy. Supported by the Kaiser,
Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan on Tirpitz is difficult Tirpitz was, however, still strong enough to thwart
to measure, their concepts were similar. Mahan the attempts of Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg,
believed that the Roman Empire was shaped by appointed chancellor in July 1909, to negotiate a
its control of the sea; Tirpitz was deeply convinced naval agreement. Moreover, Bethmann Hollweg’s
that history had proven sea power to be a prereq- fiasco in the Moroccan crisis in 1911 offered Tir-
uisite to the German Empire’s power, prestige, pitz an opportunity to once again increase the navy.
welfare, and social stability in the twentieth cen- Tirpitz eventually pushed through a new naval bill
tury. Accordingly, he developed a plan to achieve in 1912, stabilizing a building rate of 3 capital ships
these aims by building a battle fleet that he believed a year. The Imperial Navy now consisted of 61
would be able to gain command of the sea. capital ships, 40 light cruisers, 144 torpedo boats,
and 72 submarines.
Appointed commanding admiral of the German
East Asian Squadron in 1896, he was called back in In spite of this success, his influence on German
June 1897 to become secretary of the Imperial politics was diminishing. The Moroccan crisis, the
Navy Office. Supported by the new secretary for Balkan Wars in 1912 to 1913, and the threat of
foreign affairs, Bernhard von Bülow, and using a world war on the Continent strengthened the
modern methods of propaganda to influence both position of the army, which was enlarged twice in
parties in the Reichstag as well as the public, he 1912 and 1913. Moreover, in early 1914 even
Tirpitz realized that his policy was on the verge of
began to realize what historians later were to call
bankruptcy due to financial constraints and rising
the Tirpitz Plan, which aimed at securing ‘‘a place
costs on the one hand and Britain’s determination
in the sun’’ for Germany. For the advocates of this
to preserve its naval supremacy on the other. His
policy, it seemed inevitable that Germany would
policy’s obvious lack of success did not harm his
challenge Britain’s supremacy in the world and on
popularity, however. Members of the German
the seas. In June 1898 the Reichstag passed the First
Right were convinced that he was the ideal candi-
Navy Law, which established a battle fleet consisting
date to replace Bethmann Hollweg, who seemed
of two battle squadrons and, most importantly,
too weak to break the iron ring around Germany.
ensured continuous fleet building. Only two years
later, this fleet was doubled. Although Tirpitz finally Tirpitz was not involved in the decisions that
gave up the idea of demanding two more battle led to the outbreak of war in August 1914. How-
squadrons in 1905, he added six armoured cruisers ever, afraid of a humiliating diplomatic defeat, he
for service on foreign stations to the existing fleet did not plead for moderation. The war soon proved
in 1906. More important, he decided to follow disastrous for Tirpitz’s navy. Bottled in the German
Britain’s example and start building battleships of Bight, it was unable to successfully challenge the

2312 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Grand Fleet. Raids on the British east coast were Steinberg, Jonathan. Yesterday’s Deterrent: Tirpitz and the
costly and dangerous, and the battle of Jutland in Birth of the German Battle Fleet. London, 1968.
May 1916 was no strategic breakthrough. Only MICHAEL EPKENHANS
unrestricted submarine warfare, advocated by
Tirpitz since 1915, seemed to offer a way out of a
strategic deadlock but at a high price: it brought n
the United States into the war in 1917. Having lost TOBACCO. On the eve of the French Revolu-
the confidence of the kaiser, Tirpitz was forced to tion, some 250 years after its introduction from the
resign in March 1916 after one of several disputes Americas, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was used
with the chancellor about submarine warfare. as a recreational stimulant throughout Europe. It
However, he did not refrain from interfering in was an important article of trade between Europe
politics. In September 1917 he became chairman and the rest of the world and a significant source
of the German Fatherland Party, a right-wing orga- of income for many European governments. In
nization demanding far-reaching annexations and Spain, France, Portugal, and Austria the supply of
rejecting all domestic reforms. tobacco was subject to a government monopoly; in
After the war he quickly became the eminence every other European country its import, proces-
gris (gray eminence) of the German Right, and he sing, or sale was controlled by some form of fiscal
was involved in a number of attempts to overthrow legislation.
the republican government. In 1925 he was one of State control of the tobacco supply was chal-
the main architects of Field Marshall Paul von lenged at various times during the period, notably
Hindenburg’s candidacy for president. At the same in France, where both taxation and the government
time, he exerted great influence on the navy, whose monopoly were abolished during the Revolution
members still regarded him as their master. Still (although both were subsequently reinstated); in
actively involved in antirepublican intrigues, the Berlin in 1848, when the right to smoke in public
father of the German battle fleet died on 6 March places was a demand of and concession made to the
1930. revolutionaries; and in Italy in 1848, where pro-
See also Balkan Wars; Germany; Moroccan Crises; Naval tests against an Austrian monopoly led to open
Rivalry (Anglo-German). revolt in Lombardy, Venice, and Piedmont.
The principal source of tobacco was the
BIBLIOGRAPHY Americas, with the United States the largest sup-
Primary Sources plier followed by Brazil and Cuba. Tobacco was
Tirpitz, Alfred von. My Memoirs. 2 vols. New York, 1919. also imported to Europe from Sri Lanka and the
Philippines in the Far East and Egypt and the Otto-
Secondary Sources man Empire in the Near East. Tobacco cultivation
Berghahn, Volker R. Der Tirpitz-Plan: Genesis und Verfall was banned in many European countries, including
einer innenpolitischen Krisenstrategie unter Wilhelm II. Great Britain, in order to protect national mono-
Dusseldorf, Germany, 1971. polies or customs revenues. However, it was grown
Halpern, Paul G. A Naval History of World War I. Anna- on a commercial scale in Russia, the Netherlands,
polis, Md., 1994. and a number of Germany principalities.
Herwig, Holger H. ‘‘Luxury Fleet’’: The Imperial German
Navy, 1888–1918. London, 1980. SOCIAL ASPECTS
Hobson, Rolf. Imperialism at Sea: Naval Strategic Thought, At the beginning of the nineteenth century the
the Ideology of Sea Power, and the Tirpitz Plan, 1875– usual way in which tobacco was consumed
1914. Boston, 2002. throughout Europe was as snuff—dried, flavored,
Lambi, Ivo N. The Navy and German Power Politics, 1862– powdered tobacco, sniffed by the pinch as a stimu-
1914. Boston, 1984. lant. Over the next half-century, as a general trend
Scheck, Raphael. Alfred von Tirpitz and German Right- across the Continent, snuffing was replaced by
Wing Politics, 1914–1930. Atlantic Highlands, N.J., smoking. In some countries such as Great Britain
1998. and Holland the trend was a revival, but in others,

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2313

such as Prussia, the habit was new. The switch from relaxation and considered to be a mental stimu-
snuff taking to smoking commenced in the Napo- lant. Among the poor it was used to suppress
leonic Wars, when the British soldiers who served appetite. Despite advances in chemistry and the
in Spain during the Peninsula campaign were isolation, in 1828 in Heidelberg, of the alkaloid
introduced to cigars, hitherto a Spanish or South nicotine—the chemical soul of tobacco—which
American method of tobacco consumption, and was found to be highly toxic, neither smoking
brought the habit home with them, where it nor snuffing were thought to be injurious. Criti-
quickly spread: in 1800 Britain imported twenty- cism usually focused on sanitary matters (the odor
six pounds of cigars; in 1830, two hundred fifty of tobacco smoke tainted clothes) or safety: in
thousand pounds. Contemporaneously with the Prussia, wire cigar guards were employed to pro-
introduction of cigars, Britain also witnessed a revi- tect smokers and their surroundings from ash and
val of pipe smoking, which had been the principal burning embers. Opposition to tobacco use
form of tobacco use in the sixteenth and seventeenth gained some momentum in Great Britain with
centuries. The revival, however, was accompanied the advent of the temperance movement, which
by new social attitudes to smoking and a new eti- attacked smoking as being godless and wasteful.
quette for smokers. It was accepted that the smell However such sentiments were rare and were
of tobacco smoke might cause offense, and so space contrary to received opinion.
was dedicated, in both private houses and public
institutions, to the creation of smoking rooms.
Moreover, while snuff had been used by both sexes
Although tobacco was mass consumed, for much
at every level of society, smoking was considered to
of the nineteenth century its conversion into a
be a masculine habit, and except among the poor,
consumer product was unsophisticated: it was
women who smoked were the subjects of moral
processed rather than manufactured, and the prin-
opprobrium (although perhaps not in ‘‘bohemian’’
cipal cost of production in every European coun-
try was labor. The Royal Tobacco Factory in
The pan-European drift toward smoking was Seville, Spain, was the largest industrial building
uneven: the first year in which more tobacco was in Europe at the beginning of the period, yet it
sold in France for smoking rather than snuffing lacked all but the most rudimentary of machinery.
was 1830, whereas in Venice the change did not The snuff, cigars, and loose tobacco it produced
occur until 1860. As a consequence, a variety of were handmade by a largely female workforce.
tobacco habits coexisted side by side in many The loose tobacco was destined for the urban
European countries, and the particular habit any poor, who smoked it rolled in scraps of paper.
individual possessed often reflected his or her This manner of smoking was adopted by French
social class. The ability to determine a person’s travelers who carried it to Paris, where the little
background by how they used tobacco was hand-rolled paper and tobacco cigar was named
employed by novelists as an aid to characteriza- the ‘‘cigarette’’ by the writer Théophile Gautier
tion: Charles Dickens in Great Britain and in 1833. Cigarettes acquired romantic associations
Honoré de Balzac in France were both careful to in France. Works such as Prosper Mérimée’s
specify the tobacco habits of their characters. In Carmen (1845) put them into the mouths of
Britain, in particular, clear literary conventions were tempting young women and the men who wished
established: the amoral or ostentatious rich smoked to seduce them. In response to evident demand,
cigars; the dependable middle class and intellectuals the French tobacco monopoly started manufactur-
enjoyed pipes; old people and mill workers took ing cigarettes by hand in 1845.
snuff. Tobacco and smoking were also the subject
In Great Britain, by contrast, cigarettes were a
of artistic works in their own right. For instance,
luxury item and their consumption was thought to
Charles Baudelaire included a poem dedicated to
be effete. They had been introduced to the country
his pipe in Les Fleurs du Mal (1857).
in 1856 by a veteran of the Crimean War, were
Attitudes toward tobacco generally were very produced in limited quantities by exclusive tobac-
positive. It was associated with thinking as well as conists such as Philip Morris of Bond Street, and

2314 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

An 1824 print captioned ‘‘Tis very good! (indeed)’’ depicts women enjoying snuff.

were smoked by people of equivocal social stand- Cigarettes inspired the first popular opposition
ing such as the playwright Oscar Wilde. Matters to smoking in Great Britain. It was perceived that
changed in 1883 with the introduction of mechani- such cheap branded products were irresistible to
zation, which enabled British suppliers to produce children, and in 1908 the Children and Young
a cheap and uniform product. Machine-made cigar- Persons Act was passed, which made it illegal to
ettes did not displace existing tobacco products sell tobacco to those under sixteen years of age—an
but rather created their own market. Unlike pipes implicit acknowledgment that tobacco use might
they were simple to use, in contrast to cigars they pose a risk to health. Notwithstanding such reser-
were mild to smoke, and above all, they were con- vations, tobacco rations were supplied to British
sistent in quality. Such attributes made cigarettes troops and to the soldiers of every other one of
appealing to the ever-increasing number of clerical the principal combatant nations at the outbreak of
workers; they were also attractive to women and World War I, and tobacco consumption through-
to minors. out Europe ended the period on a rising trend.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2315

See also Alcohol and Temperance; Drugs. Guizot, Tocqueville looked toward America rather
than aristocratic Great Britain as a potential model
BIBLIOGRAPHY for the democratic future. Because of his family’s
Barrie, J. M. My Lady Nicotine. London, 1890. continued loyalty to the exiled Bourbons, Tocque-
ville’s political position had also become precar-
Gately, Iain. Tobacco—A Cultural History of How an Exotic
Plant Seduced Civilization. New York, 2002.
ious. He and his close friend and fellow liberal,
Gustave-Auguste de Beaumont de la Bonninière,
Goodman, Jordan. Tobacco in History. London, 1993.
formulated a plan to obtain official permission to
Hilton, Matthew. Smoking in British Popular Culture, study prison reform in America. In doing so they
1800–2000. Manchester, U.K., 2000.
also hoped to establish a reputation for themselves
IAIN GATELY as experts on the new political order, which would
qualify them to participate in building France’s
political future.
1859), French political theorist, historian, and The two young men traveled through the United
political liberal. States for nine months in 1831–1832. The first-
fruits of their journey was a joint report in
Alexis de Tocqueville remains best known as fulfillment of their official mission: Du système
the author of two classics: De la démocratie en pénitentiaire aux États-Unis (1833; On the
Amérique (1835 and 1840; Democracy in America) Penitentiary System in the United States and
and L’ancien régime et la révolution (1856; The Old Its Application to France). On the basis of his
Regime and the Revolution). observations and further readings Tocqueville
Tocqueville was born on 29 July 1805 into an attempted to lay bare the essential components
old Norman aristocratic family that had suffered of political society in the United States. He
severely from the French Revolution. His life focused on those aspects of America most
was dedicated to understanding the origins and relevant to his own liberal philosophy and politi-
implications of that upheaval for his nation and cal ambitions. The vitality, the limitations, the
the larger world. Despite a frail voice in a fragile excesses, and the potential future of democracy
body he chose a career in politics. In preparation became the themes of Democracy in America.
for that career he was strongly influenced by the The period immediately following the publi-
lectures of the historian and statesman François- cation of Democracy was probably the happiest in
Pierre-Guillaume Guizot (1787–1874), who Tocqueville’s life. The book instantly won him an
traced the decline of aristocratic privilege over international reputation as a judicious political
the centuries preceding the French Revolution. scientist. It was soon translated and published
At the same time Tocqueville became deeply in Great Britain, the United States, Belgium,
interested in the Anglo-American world, which Germany, Spain, Hungary, Denmark, and Swe-
was to become his major source for a lifetime den. A voyage to England and Ireland in 1835
of comparisons with developments in his own solidified lifelong friendships with the British elite,
country. a bond that was reinforced that same year by his
The July Revolution of 1830 was a turning marriage to an Englishwoman, Marie Mottley. As
point for the young Alexis. The Bourbon a source of comparisons and intellectual exchange,
dynasty, to which his family was closely tied, England became, in Tocqueville’s words, his
was displaced by the ‘‘citizen king,’’ Louis- second country.
Philippe (r. 1830–1848). The revolution Returning to France, Tocqueville began a
confirmed Tocqueville’s conviction that France sequel to his Democracy, now focusing on demo-
was moving rapidly and inevitably toward ‘‘equality cratic ideas, beliefs, and mores in America. The
of conditions.’’ Breaking with the perspective of second Democracy took longer to write and took
the older generation’s liberals epitomized by Tocqueville further afield than its author had

2316 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

anticipated. Although published in 1840 under opposed all radical social reform and joined the
the same title as the earlier work, it ended up National Assembly in crushing a working-class
being as much about democracy in France and uprising in 1848. The following year he briefly
Europe as in the United States. Tocqueville’s served the Republic as foreign minister, from
observations on the continuing bureaucratization June to October 1849. During a long period of
of the French state and the progressive diminution illness in 1850 Tocqueville began a memoir
of French political life during the late 1830s on the Revolution of 1848. It was published post-
caused him to envision a new threat to democracy. humously, in 1893, under the title Souvenirs
Centralization and apathetic individualism made (1896; Recollections).
egalitarian societies vulnerable to a new form of
despotism. Tocqueville’s theme, as he wrote to When the Republic was overthrown on 2
John Stuart Mill, had become less America than December 1851 by President Louis Napoleon
‘‘the influence of equality on the ideas and the Bonaparte (later Napoleon III; r. 1852–1871),
sentiments of men.’’ The ambiguities created by Tocqueville refused to take an oath to the new
chapters on this new theme, interspersed with others regime and withdrew from politics. Seeking to
more directly focused on America, accounted for sustain his liberal mission by other means,
some confusion among readers, and for the more Tocqueville reverted to the strategy of the 1830s,
muted reception of the 1840 volume in France. touching on his fundamental concern with the
relation of liberty to equality. He sought to trace
Just as he completed his second Democracy, the origins of France’s entrapment in cycles of
Tocqueville fulfilled his youthful ambition to step despotism and revolution by investigating the two
into the political arena. He was elected to the centuries preceding the French Revolution. After
Chamber of Deputies in 1839 from Valognes. four years of intensive archival research the Old
Tocqueville’s need for uncompromising dignity Regime and the Revolution was published in
and independence, however, deprived him of the 1856. Tocqueville located the deep structural
influence to which he aspired in the legislature of sources of France’s alterations of upheaval and
the July Monarchy. For the next eight years he despotism in the long-term evolution of the
remained only a well-respected spokesman for prerevolutionary monarchy and society. At the same
legislative committees. On nonpartisan issues such time he offered his readers a counterpoint to his
as prison reform and colonial policy, he put his pessimistic analysis of French political instability by
familiarity with American and British examples to continuous comparisons with the Anglo-American
good use. world. The acclaim from liberal sympathizers in
France and abroad that greeted his new history
The Revolution of 1848 presented Tocque- dispelled some of the gloom of his last years.
ville with new threats and new opportunities.
France was immediately faced with militant
working-class demands for extensive and even INFLUENCE
revolutionary social reforms. Tocqueville was In the midst of writing his sequel to the Old Regime,
determined to combat what he viewed as the Tocqueville died on 16 April 1859 at Cannes.
combined danger of increased state power and a Although he quickly became the posthumous
proletarian attack on the basic principle of private leader of French liberalism, his reputation in France
property. France’s electoral system also changed languished at the end of the nineteenth century. In
dramatically in 1848. The provisional government the following century the totalitarian challenges to
called for a new national constituent assembly the survival of liberal democratic institutions
based on universal male suffrage. Tocqueville’s helped to stimulate a ‘‘Tocqueville renaissance.’’
own voting constituency therefore suddenly After World War II the revival of his Democracy
expanded from several hundred to 160,000. In was fostered by the emergence of the United States
his campaigns for reelection in the Second French as a world power. The expansion of political
Republic, Tocqueville made the transition so well democracy in Eastern Europe after 1989 sustained
that he became the most successful vote getter in that momentum. Tocqueville’s The Old Regime
his department of La Manche. He subsequently became the foundational text for a revision of the

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2317

prevailing Marxist interpretation of the Revolution his works during the nineteenth and twentieth centu-
in France itself. ries.
Schleifer, James T. The Making of Tocqueville’s Democracy
However, the revival of interest in Tocqueville in America. Indianapolis, 2000. An abundantly
has not been based only on a sequence of events. A documented reconstruction of the major concepts in
major change in the scholarly attention to Tocque- Democracy, using Tocqueville’s extensive notes and
ville’s writings emerged during the late twentieth drafts. Schleifer stresses the unity of the two books,
century. There was a broadening consensus on the published in 1835 and 1840.
relevance of his thought to democracy on a global Tocqueville, Alexis de. The Tocqueville Reader: A Life in
scale. This growing encounter with Tocqueville’s Letters and Politics. Edited by Olivier Zunz and Alan S.
major writings is evidenced by an explosion of Kahan. Oxford, U.K., 2002.
international scholarship. That scholarship has Welch, Cheryl B. De Tocqueville. Oxford, U.K., 2001.
given us a rich sense of Tocqueville’s complex A synthesis of Tocqueville’s political thought from
dialogues with himself and his contemporaries the perspective of political science.
and with the challenges faced by the world of the SEYMOUR DRESCHER
early twenty-first century. Some have sought to
demonstrate that Tocqueville was entrapped by
the limitations of his own time and background.
Others have argued that he ultimately despaired of n
his hopes for political liberty in an egalitarian TOLSTOY, LEO (in Russian, Lev Nikolaye-
world. Yet a majority of historians and social vich Tolstoy; 1828–1910), Russian novelist and
scientists find in his thought a deeper affirmation moral philosopher.
of the resilience of democratic liberal institutions
and mores. Tocqueville’s sensitivity to civil society Leo Tolstoy, a Russian nobleman, was born at
as a determinative of institutional success or failure his family’s estate, Yasnaya Polyana (‘‘clear glade’’),
has been echoed by contemporary students of on 9 September (28 August, old style) 1828.
political thought. Tocqueville’s cumulative legacy Orphaned by age ten, he was raised by close relatives.
is evidence of his unparalleled power to bring While at Kazan University, he read Jean-Jacques
contemporary political concerns into sharper focus Rousseau’s Confessions, which exerted a profound
even where consensus on fundamentals remains and lifelong influence on him. Rejecting what he
difficult to achieve. perceived as a trivial education, Tolstoy broke off
his studies and eventually followed his brother
See also French Revolution; Marx, Karl; Michelet, Jules; Nikolai to the Crimea to serve in the elite artillery
Napoleon III; Revolutions of 1830; Revolutions of corps.

In the Crimea Tolstoy’s literary career began in
Drescher, Seymour. Tocqueville and England. Cambridge,
Mass., 1964. Assesses the influence of England on
earnest, with the publication of the autobiogra-
Tocqueville’s life and thought. phical trilogy Childhood (1852), Boyhood (1854),
and Youth (1857), and the remarkable Sevastopol
Jardin, André. Tocqueville: A Biography. Translated by Lydia
Davis with Robert Hemenway. New York, 1988.
Stories (1855–1856). In late 1859, contemptuous
The most recent and detailed narrative of Tocqueville’s of the vagaries of the writer’s life, Tolstoy returned
life. to Yasnaya Polyana intent on bettering the lives of
his own peasants. He married Sophia Andreyevna
Lamberti, Jean-Claude. Tocqueville and the Two Democra-
cies. Cambridge, Mass., 1989. Stresses changes in Bers in 1862; they had thirteen children. Tolstoy
Tocqueville’s view of democracy between the 1835 wrote The Cossacks (1863), and then began his
and 1840 volumes. stupendous historical novel War and Peace, written
Mélonio, Françoise. Tocqueville and the French. Translated and published between 1865 and 1869. It pro-
by Beth G. Raps. Charlottesville, Va., 1998. An voked lively and heated critical debate. He followed
account of French attitudes toward Tocqueville and it with a tale of modern society, Anna Karenina

2318 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

(1875–1877), which was published serially to good

In the late 1870s, seized by a profound feeling
of hopelessness in the face of the eventuality of
death, Tolstoy embarked on a religious transform-
ation detailed in the profound and controversial
Confession (1879). The essential elements of
Tolstoy’s new religious ideas can be found in a
trilogy: An Investigation of Dogmatic Theology
(1880), A Translation and Harmony of the Four
Gospels (1882–1884), and What I Believe (1884).
The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1894) details
Tolstoy’s doctrine of pacifism. Tolstoy’s crisis was
both aesthetic and moral, so his literary works took
on a more overtly didactic tone. Masterful stories
of this period include ‘‘The Death of Ivan Ilych’’
(1886), ‘‘How Much Land Does a Man Need?’’
(1886), and ‘‘The Kreutzer Sonata’’ (1891).
Master and Man (1895) portrays a man’s deathbed
conversion. The less successful Resurrection (1899)
concerns an impassioned search for justice.
Tolstoy’s famous work of literary criticism, What
Is Art? (1898), vituperatively condemns much of
world literature—Tolstoy’s own contribution as
well as William Shakespeare’s—as elitist and
corrupting. Art, he argued, should not seduce for
the sake of enjoyment, but should edify the masses
by infecting them with sympathetic feelings.
Leo Tolstoy c. 1900–1910. ªMICHAEL NICHOLSON/CORBIS
Tolstoy’s outspoken repudiation of government
and church responses to social crises contributed to
his excommunication from the Russian Orthodox
Tolstoy himself to Homer’s Iliad, the subject of
Church in 1901. His masterful novel Hadji
the novel is ‘‘life itself,’’ conveyed by Tolstoy
Murat (1904) concerns a protracted war between
through precise detail and sweeping description.
Caucasian mountaineers and the Russians. Seeking
Anna Karenina, lauded as one of the world’s
to free himself of the wealth, privilege, and fame
greatest novels, contrasts the eponymous heroine’s
that overwhelmed him, Tolstoy left home and
adulterous relationship with two other, more or
died at Astapovo railway station on 20 November
less ideal, marriages. Even upon the publication of
(7 November, old style) 1910. At the time of his
Childhood, however, Tolstoy was heralded as a
death Tolstoy was a figure of world renown and an
great new literary talent for his extraordinary ability
ambivalent leader of his own religious movement.
to convey every nuance of conscious thought. His
Thousands of Russian peasants accompanied his
works are rife with luminous moments where the
funeral procession, and the demise of this giant
individual’s existence melds harmoniously with all
of a man was felt by many to be the passing of a
creation, as when Levin is mowing hay in Anna
whole era.
Karenina, or Prince Andrei lies dying on the
battlefield in War and Peace. Also central to
CONTRIBUTIONS TO LITERATURE Tolstoy’s thought is a strain of anti-individualism
Tolstoy discovered new forms for the novel. Set that intensifies with time. It manifests itself in his
during the Napoleonic Wars, War and Peace critique of the ‘‘great men’’ theory of historical
depicts the lives of three families. Compared by causation.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2319

For Tolstoy, there exists an eternal truth that is See also Chekhov, Anton; Dostoyevsky, Fyodor;
the same for all people in all times. One merely Pacifism; Russia; Turgenev, Ivan.
needs to discover what that truth is and live in
complete harmony with it. Through most of Tol- BIBLIOGRAPHY

stoy’s literary career, apprehension of the truth Primary Sources

occurs through aesthetic means, most insistently Tolstoy, Leo. Polnoe sobranie sochenenii. Edited by
through defamiliarization (ostranenie), a method V. G. Chertkov. 90 vols. Moscow, 1928–1958. Definitive
that exposes society’s conventions by making them Russian edition of Tolstoy’s works.
‘‘strange.’’ This device is famously employed in ———. Tolstoy Centenary Edition. Translated by Louise
War and Peace, for example, in the scene in and Aylmer Maude. 21 vols. London, 1929–1937.
which Natasha attends the opera for the first time. Comprehensive, though incomplete, set of transla-
Tolstoy also employs repetition, enumeration, and
logical sequencing. He effects narrative shifts in ———. Anna Karenina. Translated by Constance Garnett.
point of view that are held together by an omnis- Edited and translation revised by Leonard J. Kent and
Nina Berberova. New York, 1965. Reprint, 1993.
cient narrator who as often as not contains a
measure of the personality of Tolstoy himself. In ———. Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy. Translated by
his postconversion works the aesthetic element is Louise and Aylmer Maude. New York, 1967.
often dominated by social and political commen- ———. War and Peace. Translated by Ann Dunnigan. New
tary, although the best works, such as Hadji York, 1968. Reprint, 1993.
Murat, achieve universal clarity.
Secondary Sources
CONTRIBUTIONS TO SOCIAL, POLITICAL, Bloom, Harold, ed. Leo Tolstoy: Modern Critical Views. New
AND RELIGIOUS THOUGHT York, 1986. Excellent articles by distinguished scholars
on key aspects of Tolstoy’s work.
While at times sympathetic to radicals, liberals, and
conservatives, Tolstoy largely remained at odds Orwin, Donna Tussing. Tolstoy’s Art and Thought, 1847–
1880. Princeton, N.J., 1993. Brilliant study of the ideas
with the main currents of nineteenth-century
that led Tolstoy to write his masterpieces.
Russian intellectual thought. Akin to an eighteenth-
century philosophe, Tolstoy, a fierce believer in the Steiner, George. Tolstoy or Dostoevsky: An Essay in the Old
Criticism. 2nd ed. New Haven, Conn., 1996. Good
equality of all people, envisioned and put into overall interpretation of Tolstoy’s works.
practice at times utopian social and educational
The Tolstoy Studies Journal. Toronto, 1998–. Good source
reforms. Although he eventually came to a whole-
for contemporary scholarly articles on Tolstoy.
sale rejection of his class’s way of life, in less
dogmatic moments he believed that with privilege SARAH A. KRIVE
came the responsibility to educate those less
fortunate than oneself.
After his moral crisis of 1880, Tolstoy came to
embrace Christian anarchism. He interpreted TORIES. On 14 July 1789, when the Bastille
Christ’s injunction to turn the other cheek as a was attacked by a revolutionary mob, there were,
summons to nonviolent protest against injustice. save perhaps for James Boswell (1740–1795) and a
Tolstoy tended to follow any idea through to its few politically eccentric High Church clergymen,
logical conclusions, even if that led him to extreme, few individuals in Great Britain who would have
even contradictory, positions. For example, he identified themselves as Tories. None would have
spoke out not against revolutionaries’ violent considered themselves as members of a ‘‘Conserva-
tactics, but against the government’s execution of tive Party,’’ as that was an expression of 1830. The
the revolutionaries. He used his notoriety to rail term Tory had first come into widespread usage in
against the legal system, the prisons, private the 1670s and came to denote thereafter English
property, the bureaucracy, marriage, education, and Welsh politicians and their supporters who
and agriculture. Tolstoy’s pacifism had a profound placed a great deal of emphasis on the royal pre-
influence on Mahatma Gandhi, spiritual and rogative and the virtues of the established Church
political leader of India. of England; were well able to restrain their enthu-

2320 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

siasm for Protestant Dissenters (Baptists, Quakers, Bonaparte. This coalition, save for a brief time
Presbyterians, Unitarians, Congregationalists); in 1806 and 1807, remained in power from
were, at best, wobbly in their passion for the Glor- 1794 to 1830. It was the nucleus of a revived
ious Revolution of 1688 and the subsequent Tory Party, though most of its members, at least
settlement of the English, Scottish, and Irish until the 1820s, wore the Tory label most uncom-
crowns on the German Lutheran electors of fortably.
Hanover; and who tended, as a generally landed
The Tories, who oversaw the great victories
and country party, to mistrust the accoutrements
over the French Empire in 1814 and 1815, and
(national banks, national debts, stock exchanges) of
the establishment thereafter of a Pax Britannica
commercial capitalism.
over the sea lanes of the world, and who attempted
By the 1760s and 1770s, the term Tory was fast in the 1820s to liberalize the rigors of traditional
becoming an anachronism owned up to by few and mercantilism, were smashed by the Catholic issue
utilized chiefly by Whigs as a cudgel with which to after 1827. Many of the leading lights of the coali-
beat up political opponents. Most members of the tion, the Pitts, the Burkes, the Cannings, the
political nation of 1789, including those ‘‘fathers of Castlereaghs, were supporters of Catholic emanci-
conservatism,’’ Edmund Burke (1729–1797) and pation, allowing the Catholics of the United
William Pitt (1759–1806), would have considered Kingdom, who were, of course, the vast majority
themselves as Whigs of one form or another. in Ireland, access to the imperial parliament in
London. The backwoodsmen of the party, in this
reflecting, most probably, the wider views of the
British people, did not support emancipation.
William Pitt the Younger had been prime minister When Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington
since 1783 as leader of a post–American war coali- (1769–1852), an anti-Catholic of long standing,
tion, usually termed ‘‘Pittite,’’ whose distinguish- became prime minister in 1828, he decided, not
ing characteristic was loyalty to George III for the last time in the history of his party, to trump
(r. 1760–1820). They were widely credited with ideology with pragmatism and give in to the
the ability to provide sound and efficient govern-
demands of the Catholic Irish and their leader,
ment. Indeed, from the perspective of 1750 or of
Daniel O’Connell (1775–1847). The result was
1850, there was, save for this pragmatic loyalty
the death knell of the Pittite-Burkeite coalition at
to the king, nothing particularly ‘‘Tory’’ about
the general election of 1830. The victorious Whigs
Pitt or his government. Pitt tended to be broadly
and Liberals then proceeded to institute a reforma-
sympathetic to the Irish Catholics, to limited
tion of the voting system for the House of
parliamentary reform, and to the cultivation of at
Commons in the interest, most generally, of their
least reasonable relations with the Protestant Dis-
middle class supporters.
senters. This Pittite moderation changed with the
increasing radicalization of the French Revolution.
What could arguably be called the bible of modern OPPOSITION PARTY
conservatism, Edmund Burke’s clarion call for The Tory Party, used to running the country and
resistance to the French explosion, Reflections on the empire since 1783 or 1794, found themselves
the Revolution in France, was published in 1790. in 1830 in the unfamiliar terrain of opposition. It
Burke, like Pitt, with a background replete with was, alas for the Tories, to be a too familiar terrain
parliamentary opposition to the American war over the bulk of the nineteenth century, the liberal
and, in a qualified way, to British imperialism in century of British politics. Between 1830 and
India, was no Tory, but a Foxite Whig. Yet it was 1885, the Tories only once won the majority of
Pitt and Burke, old enemies and never very cordial votes cast at a general election, in 1841, and other-
colleagues, who in the 1790s stitched together a wise only won in 1874. They lost to some sort of
governing coalition of Pittites and former Foxite Liberal-Whig coalition at thirteen general elections
Whigs that became, even more than the papacy or during the time period. Contrast this to their years
the Russian monarchy, the centerpiece of European of triumph between 1783 and 1829, when only
opposition to the Revolution and to Napoleon one general election was lost and nine were won!

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2321

The Tories in the early 1830s rechristened urban working class, and adopted a high imperialist
themselves ‘‘the Conservative Party’’ and devel- foreign policy. None of this seemed to matter
oped or refined their old Pittite principles into greatly, and the Liberal machine, chastened by its
what many hoped would be a coherent political periodic loss of power, picked itself up, won
ideology called ‘‘Conservatism.’’ This new ideology elections, and moved on. What changed this idiom
was trumpeted in newspapers, magazines, and more than the political skill and eccentric wisdom
speeches on the hustings and in Parliament. It of Disraeli or the iron pragmatism of Disraeli’s
basically endorsed the idea of a confessional (Angli- successor, Lord Salisbury (Robert Arthur Talbot
can) party and denounced the works and pomps of Gascoyne-Cecil, 1803–1903), was the destruction
those forces of economic and social modernity that of the nineteenth-century Liberal paradigm by its
the Conservatives held responsible for their elec- own leader, Gladstone. In 1885 and 1886, by
toral defeats: the classical political economists, the suddenly embracing the Irish leader Charles
factory owners, the New Poor Law reformers, and Stewart Parnell’s vision of Home Rule for Ireland,
those free traders who advocated the ending of Gladstone ended the Liberal era in British politics
protective duties on agriculture. That the Conser- as savagely as in 1829 the Duke of Wellington and
vative leadership in Parliament, the Wellingtons, Robert Peel, by supporting Catholic emancipation,
the Peels, the Grahams, were enthused by this had ended the Tory one. The Conservatives
agenda is unlikely. Sir Robert Peel (1788–1850) now found themselves in an anti–Home Rule gov-
in the Tamworth Manifesto of 1834 presented a ernmental alliance with the relatively congenial
more moderate Conservatism, accepting of much whiggish Right of the Liberal Party and the not
of the Liberal reforms of 1830–1834. But it may so congenial collectivistic Left, led by Joseph
have been the more undiluted conservatism of the Chamberlain (1836–1914).
church and the newspapers that orchestrated Peel’s
great victory of 1841.
Peel’s 1841–1846 administration showed the Between 1886 and the official formation of a
great disconnect that existed between the party ‘‘Unionist Party’’ in 1895, the two sides (or three
leadership and the rank and file. Little was done sides) of the new coalition learned to tolerate and
for the church, the New Poor Law was not support each other. For twenty years after 1886,
repealed, economic modernity was not repudiated, led by Salisbury and then by his nephew Arthur
and agricultural protection was not retained. In James Balfour (1848–1930), the Conservatives
1846, Peel, William Ewart Gladstone, Sir James (or Unionists) won three general elections and
Graham, and other party notables began the trek were in unaccustomed power for all but three years.
away from conservatism toward the wider shores of The dominant figure of the party, however, prob-
liberalism, leaving their former party a rump. This ably more than Salisbury and certainly more than
secession of the Tory generals forms the back- Balfour, was Chamberlain. As Winston Churchill
ground for the emergence of a witty, talented said of him, he made the weather. He also made
parliamentarian, Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), trouble for the future, by too aggressively promot-
a baptized Jew with numerous personal quirks ing African imperialism and by suddenly jettisoning
not normally congenial to a conservative-minded sixty years of a general free trade consensus in favor
club, nor to the party leadership in the House of of massive protection. The divided Unionists, then,
Commons. lost three general elections between 1905 and
The Tory Party came to power, if briefly, in
1852, 1858, and 1866, and, for a longer time, in In 1914 the great men of British politics,
1874, not because the voting public wanted them Herbert Henry Asquith, David Lloyd George, and
but because the dominant Liberals fell out among Winston Churchill, were Liberals. Liberalism
themselves. And the Tories (and Disraeli) played seemed more than Unionism (or Conservatism)
the Liberal game to stay in power. They jettisoned to have captured the public mood on foreign,
protection and their confessional leanings, sup- imperial, and domestic issues. On 4 August 1914,
ported Jewish emancipation, enfranchised the the day that the German army invaded Belgium,

2322 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

few would have predicted that the Unionist and Toulouse-Lautrec Montfa inherited a rare form of
Conservative Party would be the most formidable dwarfism that left him deformed and crippled.
political machine in Europe during the twentieth During an otherwise normal childhood, he suffered
century. from increasingly severe bone pain. At age thirteen
in 1878, a minor fall broke his left femur or thigh-
See also Conservatism; Great Britain; Whigs.
bone. In 1879, a second fall broke the right femur.
His growth stopped at 152 cm (about 4’ 11’’) tall.
Controversies surrounding the causes of his disabil-
Primary Sources ity include rumors he fell from a horse or received
Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France. incompetent medical treatment. It is sometimes
Edited by J. C. D. Clark. Stanford, Calif., 2001. claimed that he had pycnodysostosis (a genetic
Secondary Sources disorder of the bones), but in photographs he does
Bentley, Michael. Lord Salisbury’s World: Conservative
not appear to have several of its identifying symp-
Environments in Late-Victorian Britain. Cambridge, toms. His exact malady remains undiagnosed.
U.K., 2001.
His childhood was marked by conflicts
Colley, Linda. Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707–1837. between his parents. Consequently the primary
New Haven, Conn., 1992.
family unit became the artist and his mother. The
Dangerfield, George. The Strange Death of Liberal England. child Toulouse-Lautrec often drew and painted
New York, 1935. alongside his father or one of his uncles, all talented
Gash, Norman. Reaction and Reconstruction in English amateur artists; he used art to tolerate long conva-
Politics, 1832–1852. Oxford, U.K., 1965. lescences. His uncle, Charles de Toulouse-Lautrec
Marsh, Peter T. Joseph Chamberlain: Entrepreneur in Poli- (1840–1915), and deaf-mute artist René Princeteau
tics. New Haven, Conn., 1994. (1844–1914), who specialized in horses, provided
Sack, James J. From Jacobite to Conservative: Reaction and early art training. In 1882 at age seventeen, with
Orthodoxy in Britain, 1760–1832. Cambridge, U.K., 1993. parental approval, he began art study in Paris,
Smith, Paul. Disraeli: A Brief Life. New York, 1996. receiving training from Léon-Joseph-Florentin
Bonnat (1833–1922) and Fernand Cormon
(1845–1924). Toulouse-Lautrec kept studios in
Montmartre, influenced by neighboring artists
Edgar Degas (1834–1917) and Jean-Louis Forain
(1852–1931). Friends included close relatives, fellow
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, HENRI DE aristocrats, prostitutes, circus performers, and
(1864–1901), French artist best known for artists Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890), Pierre
portrayals of Paris life. Bonnard (1867–1947), and Edouard Vuillard
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec belonged to no (1868–1940). Much of his art portrayed dance
theoretical school, but is now sometimes classified halls and cabarets like the Moulin de la Galette,
as postimpressionist. His primary focus was unsen- the Moulin Rouge, and the Mirliton, where, after
timental evocations of personalities and social dining at his mother’s, he drank nightly.
mores in working-class, cabaret, circus, and brothel
scenes. Toulouse-Lautrec’s greatest contemporary
impact came with the thirty posters done between
By age twenty-two, Toulouse-Lautrec was an
1891 and 1901 that transformed the aesthetics
accomplished artist and a hopeless alcoholic.
of poster art.
Rejecting the hypocrisy and sentimentality he
believed corrupted all human relations, he flaunted
BACKGROUND AND ARTISTIC TRAINING his physical handicaps, with a veneer of self-mockery
A heritage of wealth, artistic talent, and a rare and outrageous public misbehavior. Many works
genetic disorder defined Toulouse-Lautrec. Born make reference to his disabilities, ranging from
in Albi, France, as the child of a first-cousin marriage cruel caricatures of himself and others to ‘‘nostril
between aristocrats, Henri Marie Raymond de view’’ portraits, and figure studies with legs, arms,

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2323

used photographs to fix a pose or scene, while

making a painted portrait. His paintings are vir-
tually always in oil, usually greatly thinned with
turpentine, painted on an absorbent surface such
as bare canvas, wood panel, or cardboard. He typi-
cally used tiny brushes to make subtle and detailed
facial studies, sketching in the rest of the scene in
quick strokes with larger brushes.
Toulouse-Lautrec’s paintings are striking for the
revealing expressions and body language of his mod-
els and for his staging of social narratives via costume
and location. Finished paintings in turn sometimes
served as preliminary studies for a color lithograph or
poster. However, the image in the final print was
pared down, simplified, and abstracted into a work
whose emphasis was on areas of color and repeated
shapes, containing virtually none of the psychological
impact of the oil. It was in his multiples that Tou-
louse-Lautrec most showed the influence of Japanese
art. He experimented with superimposed layers of
color on the lithographic print, a variety of spatter
techniques, and other technological inventions, but
it was above all his understanding of the guiding
principles of the advertising poster that revolution-
ized the art form. He created striking trademark
images whose message was immediately understand-
able, rendering his subjects so memorable that they
are still recognizable to the early-twenty-first-century
Poster for the Moulin Rouge by Toulouse-Lautrec,
1891. Toulouse-Lautrec depicts La Goulue, one of the most
Both notoriety and success came quickly to Tou-
popular and risqué dancers at the Moulin Rouge. THE ART louse-Lautrec. In spite of his irregular and distracting
ARCHIVE lifestyle, he was remarkably productive. By age
twenty-one he was selling drawings to magazines
and newspapers, illustrating books, song sheets,
and in one case, head cut off by the frame, symbo- menus, and theater programs. Acclaimed by the
lically handicapping his models as he was himself. avant-garde, he exhibited constantly. Although his
He became iconoclastic, resolutely destroying work sold well, and his monthly allowance from his
others’ pretensions with a sharp word or a slash of parents (around 15,000 francs per year) was perfectly
pencil on paper. Against his father’s wishes, he adequate, he had extravagant tastes and lavish gener-
decided to sign with the family name: H. T-Lautrec. osity. Virtually every letter home said, ‘‘Send money!’’
He was institutionalized for several months in
ARTISTIC PROCESS 1899 for treatment of psychological symptoms
Toulouse-Lautrec prepared a final work by proceed- caused by organic deterioration certainly from
ing through a variety of media. First he did many advanced alcoholism, and possibly from tertiary
sketches, sometimes using carbon and tracing paper syphilis. He died two months before his thirty-
to preserve images he liked. He at length distilled seventh birthday. In a career lasting only twenty
an expression or gesture into a single evocative, years, he produced a phenomenal amount of art:
sometimes caricatural line. Obsessed with technical 737 canvases, 275 watercolors, 368 prints and pos-
innovation and being ‘‘modern,’’ he sometimes ters, and 5,084 drawings, not to mention lost works,

2324 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

an occasional book binding, ceramic, or stained-glass Devynck, Daniele. Toulouse-Lautrec: The Posters, Collection
window. Some 300 works are pornographic. of the Musée Toulouse-Lautrec. Graulhet, 2001.Thor-
ough, serious study of Toulouse-Lautrec’s poster art.
Toulouse-Lautrec’s art remains so popular that
Frey, Julia. Toulouse-Lautrec: A Life. London, 1994. Only
it has become a commonplace, reproduced on cof- complete biography. Based on contemporaneous
fee mugs, dish towels, and shopping bags. Research letters and documents.
and criticism have traditionally centered on its art
Heller, Reinhold. ‘‘Rediscovering Henri de Toulouse-
historical, biographical, or social context. More Lautrec’s At the Moulin Rouge.’’ Art Institute of
recent studies focus on Toulouse-Lautrec’s dis- Chicago Museum Studies 12, no. 2 (1986): 114–135.
tinctive, repetitive artistic characteristics: fleeting Examines the cutting and re-stitching of a section of
impressions, transparency, layering, visual narra- the famous oil, theorizing possible intent.
tive, jokes and puns, homages to and pastiches of Murray, Gale B. Toulouse-Lautrec: The Formative Years,
other artists. These traits reveal subtlety and com- 1878–1891. Oxford, U.K., 1991. Study of Toulouse-
plexity that are increasingly appreciated by other Lautrec’s early work with focus on dating and artistic
artists, scholars, and the public at large.
Schimmel, Herbert, ed. The Letters of Henri de Toulouse-
See also Fin de Siècle; France; Impressionism; Paris; Lautrec. Oxford, U.K., 1991. Translates (sometimes
Posters. badly) many if not all Toulouse-Lautrec’s existing letters.
Thomson, Richard, et al. Toulouse-Lautrec. London, 1977.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Exhibition catalog. Some interesting critical articles.
Primary Sources Excellent chronology.
Carlton Lake Collection, Harry Ransom Center, University Thomson, Richard, Phillip Dennis Cate, and Mary Weaver
of Texas. Austin, Tex. Unpublished original letters by Chapin. Toulouse-Lautrec and Montmartre. Washing-
Toulouse-Lautrec and members of his family, most ton, D.C., 2005. Exhibition catalog.
written between 1864 and 1894.
Dortu, M. G. Toulouse-Lautrec et son oeuvre. 6 vols. New
York, 1971. Only catalog of all works credibly attri-
buted to Toulouse-Lautrec. A huge effort, but contains
many errors in dating and some in attribution.
Musée Toulouse-Lautrec Collection. Albi, France. Originals TOURISM. Until the late twentieth century,
and/or copies of all possible documentation on
Toulouse-Lautrec, including letters, photographs,
the history of tourism was not a serious subject
schoolbooks, clippings, etc. for historical inquiry. Before the advent of social
history, political historians duly noted where deci-
Wittrock, Wolfgang, ed. Toulouse-Lautrec: The Complete
Prints. 2 vols. London, 1985. Reproduces and docu- sions and pronouncements were made, and the
ments each known state of Toulouse-Lautrec’s prints. place of leisure travel becomes obvious only in
Worthwhile articles by several critics. retrospect: French Emperor Napoleon III met
Count Cavour (Camillo Benso) in the comfortable
Secondary Sources French spa town of Plombières to plot what turned
Bibliotheque Nationale and Queensland Art Gallery. The out to be a war of Italian unification against the
Lautrecs of Lautrec. Brisbane, 1991. Exhibition cata- Austrians; and King William of Prussia had been
log. Notable for interesting articles and entries.
taking the waters at Ems when the Ems dispatch
Castleman, Riva, and Wolfgang Wittrock, eds. Henri de was issued in 1870, provoking the French to
Toulouse-Lautrec, Images of the 1890s. New York,
declare war. Even the emergence of social history
1985. Exhibition catalog. Reproduces evolution of
artistic choices through preparatory and finished works. initially left the history of tourism at the margins.
Careful analysis of workers, peasants, the bourgeoi-
Cate, Phillip Dennis, and Patricia Eckert Boyer. The Circle
of Toulouse-Lautrec: An Exhibition of the Work of the
sie, and eventually women, that is, specific social
Artist and of his Close Associates. New Brunswick, N.J., groups, eventually made room for analysis of cul-
1985. Exhibition catalog. Artists who were Toulouse- tural practices besides work, such as tourism. The
Lautrec’s friends and contemporaries. neglect was unfortunate because the history of
Denvir, Bernard. Toulouse-Lautrec. London, 1991. Excel- tourism has revealed just how much various social
lent overall analysis of the artist’s relation to his work. groups used travel to set themselves off from others

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2325


In 1900, Michelin published the first Guide Michelin to it took a quarter of an hour and all of the eloquence
France. In the preface, Michelin noted that ‘‘this work that M. de la Ribaudière had in order to calm down
Giselle. However, the little viscount did not waste
desires to give all information that can be useful to a any time, and he quickly addressed his very immi-
driver traveling in France, to supply [the needs of] his nent wife the most legitimate compliments on the
automobile, to repair it, and to permit him to find a beauty of her legs and the finesse of her ankles,
place to stay and eat, and to correspond by mail, when suddenly he cried out in distress. ‘‘Ah! my
telegraph, or telephone’’ (p. 5). Offering this new red God, what is the matter?’’ Giselle asked him. [He
replied,] ‘‘my darling, where did you get this bit of
guide free of charge, the company recognized that by red on your shoulder which was so white a moment
encouraging automobile travel it fostered the consump- ago?’’ The same exclamation came out of both of
tion of tires. In essence, the guide offered knowledge their mouths, ‘‘Bed bugs.’’ They killed 10, then 100,
about tires and about French towns, thus providing a then 577; they could not have fought off the yellow
sort of informational infrastructure for early automobile invasion with more ardor. Finally, overtaken by
sleep, Giselle resigned herself to stretching out on
tourists. her uncomfortable and hard bed. And the viscount
Interestingly, the red guide and advertisements for wanted to begin the conversation again. ‘‘Oh, no,
it reinforced societal assumptions about sexual differ- my dear,’’ she told him. . . . When the sun rose,
ence in early twentieth-century Europe. In an age when Giselle was still not yet Madame de la Ribaudière,
many wealthy men did not even drive their own cars, though she looked like cream with strawberries [that
is, her cream-colored skin had many red marks
they were still portrayed as in charge in their planning of resembling strawberries]. (‘‘Lundi de Michelin,’’
trips and management of the chauffeur. Women, by Le Journal, 6 July 1908, p. 5)
contrast, were presumed to be flighty, hopefully attrac-
tive, and concerned with maintaining their beauty. By playing on the notion of consummation of the
Advertisements for the red guides played on the marriage, Michelin suggested that the viscount, how-
idea that men, the providers, needed to supply a ever desperately he may have tried, did not get to have
comfortable place to stay for women, the presumed sex with his new wife because he had not ordered a
consumers. In one case, Michelin recounted the tale copy of the red guide, so he did not realize there was a
of newlyweds traveling without a red guide. After the fine hotel nearby. Having not fulfilled his role as good
chauffeur informed them that a mechanical breakdown provider, the viscount could not fulfill his role as a
would leave them stranded overnight, the Viscount husband in the act of sex. Thus, marketing of the red
René de la Ribaudière (a name suggesting bawdiness guide—which began ostensibly as a list of mechanics
as well as aristocratic origins) and Giselle, his new and places to buy gas—could assert assumptions
wife (the text notes that ‘‘she was not yet [really] the about the appropriate behavior of men and women:
countess’’), got a room in a hotel that was, according to men were supposed to take care of the practical details
the owner, ‘‘the best in the region.’’ After retiring to their while traveling, by buying a red guide, and women were
room, they found a bat, and to worry about their appearance.

and thus to construct differences of class and gen- cratic and wealthy British families sent their sons on
der as ‘‘natural’’ social divides. In fact, tourism, like a Grand Tour of Europe. To have done a Grand
other forms of consumption, was as much a defin- Tour set a young English man apart from his
ing characteristic of social position as the work with contemporaries, not to mention his social inferiors.
which it was often contrasted. For the growing upper middle class, a tour of
classical ruins was construed as cultural training,
THE GRAND TOUR not unlike attending university. Lasting for several
In the eighteenth century, the British had been months, a tour usually included Paris and often
predominant as early tourists. Before the French other major European capitals and was almost
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, many aristo- always dominated by the Italian cities. Venice,

2326 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Florence, Rome (including the digs at Pompeii), Romans had established baths filled with spring
and sometimes Naples were must-sees, while water, and some of those same baths remained in
Genoa and Turin usually figured as stopping points operation throughout the Middle Ages, attracting
en route from the Alpine crossing to the south. both local inhabitants and the infirm from farther
Art collections, architecture, classical ruins, and away. In Hungary, baths experienced a boom in
brothels were the main attractions. the eighteenth century. Improved roads and coach
The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic service made the baths more accessible, and
Wars interrupted much international tourism, towns such as Bath in western England, Vichy in
particularly by the British, until 1815. However, south-central France, and Baden-Baden in the
southwestern German state of Baden became
in the course of the nineteenth century, the idea
important destinations.
of the Grand Tour remained an important image
as the numbers of Europeans with the time and Until the late eighteenth and early nineteenth
financial resources to travel grew. Napoleon’s centuries, baths frequently remained large pools
road building across France and through the Alps in the open air, situated within the towns and
facilitated access by reducing travel times. open, without charge, to all who wished to bathe.
Museums opened their doors, following the Although only scattered evidence has survived, it
example of the Louvre, which became public dur- appears that in the early modern period bathers of
ing the Revolution. The populations capable of both sexes of all social groups wore little clothing,
affording a tour grew. In addition, the number of frolicking in the baths. By the early nineteenth
women traveling, escorted by female family century, as bourgeois usage grew dramatically, so
members, servants, and friends—and sometimes too did the expectations for regulation of access.
husbands and fathers—steadily increased. In France, the open-air pools largely disappeared,
Both evolving aesthetics and accessibility replaced by individual bathing compartments
changed the destinations and the perceptions of where a bather would not come in contact with
early nineteenth-century tourists. The Alps, long anyone but spa staff. At least in France, the strict
considered a mere untamed obstacle en route to separation of the sexes and careful attention to
Italy, became a destination in their own right and appropriate attire resulted in part from women’s
an important stop on many a Grand Tour. Moun- complaints of men’s behavior at the baths, so
tain climbing for the few and hiking for the many the institution of new norms of propriety may
became primary attractions. Romantic sensibilities have resulted as much from women’s increased
also led to interest in Gothic cathedrals along presence as from a desire for social control on
with the classical monuments. The few travelers to the part of the bourgeoisie in general. Neverthe-
Greece in the nineteenth century, which seemed less, a clear segmentation by social class clearly
more accessible after its independence from took place. The poor and working poor found
the Ottoman Empire in 1832, were in search of themselves excluded from many of the baths, and
classical ruins overrun by vegetation and partially an array of new hospitals for the poor requiring
destroyed by time; here Lord George Gordon hydrotherapy segregated them from the wealthy
Byron’s poetry was an obvious inspiration. During bathers.
the period from 1792 to 1815, a heyday of early In the nineteenth century, doctors largely
Romanticism, the British Lake Counties so dear to controlled access to the baths. Doctors developed
William Wordsworth became primary alternatives for a complement of hydrotherapeutic techniques,
wealthy British tourists unable to tour the Continent. including hot and cold pressurized showers, hot
With a volume of Wordsworth in hand, visitors mud packs for the body, and individualized boxes
sought the uncontrolled nature he had described. for prescribed steam baths. During an average
three-week course of treatment, the majority of a
TAKING THE WATERS: SPAS AND SEASIDES patient’s time was often not spent in the bathing
Named for Spa, a well-known spring of mineral pools themselves. Even when patients were in the
water in what would after 1830 be known as bath, the duration of daily treatments was closely
Belgium, spas had long existed in Europe. The controlled by the spa’s staff.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2327

Social stratification was a defining characteristic of female modesty, doctors exercised comparatively
of spa towns. Locals worked in the baths, in the little control over men, who customarily treated
hotels, and in the newly organized casinos. In jumping into the waves as a sort of male rite of
towns such as Vichy and Aix-les-Bains (in Savoy), passage, a proof of their virility. The medicalized
service to wealthy travelers was the primary control established at the seaside was thus insepar-
employment for local residents. While the wealthy able from a broader social control of women’s
travelers registered their names, addresses, profes- movements and their bodies in the nineteenth
sions, and the number of accompanying servants— century.
all markers of social station in the nineteenth
century—before going off to the baths for their
cures, locals lost their earlier (nonmedical) access THE GUIDEBOOKS
to the baths. Spa employees and larger municipal Although the network of European roads and
police forces further kept the homeless and coach services improved steadily in the eighteenth
begging poor out of the casinos and off the and early nineteenth centuries, facilitating tourism
important promenades, where their presence was among wealthy Europeans, the development of the
assumed to damage the appeal of the spa town. railroad allowed faster and considerably cheaper
After 1750, first in Britain and then on the transportation, dramatically increasing the number
Continent, the aristocracy and increasingly the of people who could afford to travel. The greater
middle classes also began to flock to the seaside, accessibility made possible by the railroad did
spurring the development of resorts. In many parts not erase social distinctions but rather altered their
of Europe, though sources are comparatively contours; just as the railroad had first-class, second-
scarce, there is evidence of swimming or playing class, third-class, and even fourth-class carriage,
in sea water on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. tourist destinations changed to accommodate both
As bourgeois interest in the seaside grew, so too did greater social diversity but also the desire for social
municipal regulations governing use of the beaches. differentiation by those who could afford better.
In the first half of the nineteenth century, nude The railroad had an ironic effect on established
bathing was banned on most beaches, which were tourist destinations. For example, on the southern
also usually segregated by sex. Although access to coast of England, Brighton had been a favored
the sea remained open to people of all social classes, destination of the English nobility and royalty in
the primary beachfront connected to resort towns the eighteenth century. However, when the rail-
was largely reserved for wealthy travelers whose road connected Brighton to nearby London, the
expenditures supported local economies. middle and lower middle class of the city began to
Although Romantic interest in the sea as make day trips to Brighton. The royal family and
untamed nature was not unlike the ‘‘discovery’’ of social elite relocated their social season to the
the Alps, the motivation for travel to the seaside, as north, placing themselves outside the logistical
in the case of spas, was also ostensibly medical. For and financial reach of these new tourists. In France,
where the warm and more desirable seasides were
skin and particularly pulmonary ailments, especially
in the south, the railroad made it possible for the
tuberculosis, doctors often advised an extended
wealthy of Paris and of Europe to easily make a
stay on the coast. By the early nineteenth century,
journey impractical for those of limited means. The
doctors also began to regulate immersion in the
empress Eugénie, wife of Napoleon III of France,
water. Doctors offered careful instructions as to
made Biarritz on the southwestern French coast a
the preparation, duration, and necessary move-
sought-after resort town once the railroad line was
ments during daily baths in sea water.
established. On the Riviera, the French annexation
Doctors and bathers made an important dis- of Nice in 1860 facilitated the development of
tinction between men and women. While women a French railway line from Paris. Nice expanded
in particular were prescribed strict guidelines, car- rapidly and its wintertime (the social season on
ried out by attendants who manned the individua- the Riviera) population exploded as the inter-
lized bathing boxes ostensibly for the preservation national social elite swarmed in.

2328 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

More tourists with more destinations sought competitors opened up touring to social groups
ever more information about where to go, what that had not traveled in the past. Initially, ‘‘work-
to see, and how to get there most easily. Because ingmen,’’ usually skilled artisans or lower middle-
tourists on land were by mid-century traveling class tradesmen on day trips, formed the primary
almost exclusively by railroad, guidebooks adopted travelers. Without this early group being aban-
railway itineraries as their organizational frame- doned, as the destination increasingly became the
work. In Britain, John Murray published little red Continent, Cook’s tourists also came from a broad
guides to sights and hotels of Europe, in a format spectrum of the middle class; not only doctors,
quickly adopted by Karl Baedeker in Germany. lawyers, and salaried employees but also teachers
With guides in several European languages cover- and ministers, who had time but limited incomes,
ing western, northern, and southern Europe by were a primary constituency.
1914, Baedeker and his successors built a veritable
empire of guidebooks, directing tourists where to Cook’s tour came to embody the increased
go and what to see. In France, Adolphe Joanne access to travel in nineteenth-century Europe. As a
launched a similar series published by Hachette, result, those travelers who could afford longer,
which had a monopolistic control of bookstores slower, and more costly trips ridiculed the month-
in French rail stations. long Cook’s tours to Continental Europe as offering
no time for the real appreciation of the monuments,
The Murray, Baedeker, and Joanne guidebooks, museums, and landscapes seen in a blur. The
like their eventual competitors, offered practical perceptions of social distinction shifted; for the
information about the quality and prices of hotels, modest, touring offered status, but for the wealthy
admission prices to museums, train schedules, the fact of touring the Continent often became less
detailed information about the sights a dutiful important than in what company and how one did.
tourist should not miss, and even advice about
appropriate behavior. In short, the guidebooks The most obvious social change among tourists
attempted to instruct the novice tourist in how to became in the nineteenth century the increased
travel. By providing abundant information updated presence of women. Although a few women had
in frequent re-editions, guidebooks took some of done the Grand Tour or had taken the waters in
the uncertainty out of travel, but arrangements the eighteenth century, in the course of the nine-
remained entirely in the hands of individual tourists, teenth century tourism by women unaccompanied
who needed to negotiate not only with hotels but by men became standard. The railroads and guide-
also with the multitude of different train companies books (which were often, as in the case of the
even within a given country. Baedeker, downright sexist even by nineteenth-
century standards) facilitated travel, making it easier
For the lower middle class and skilled workers for women to travel without the company of men.
with limited means, less time, and little familiarity In Cook’s tours both single women and women
with the profusion of train schedules and fares, traveling in groups were actually more heavily
Thomas Cook offered both greater certainty and represented than men. While ease of transport
moderate prices. A British cabinetmaker and min- was clearly one reason, the broader cultural changes
ister, Cook organized his first tour by railroad for in nineteenth-century Europe were another.
working men and women attending a Temperance Whereas men had been the primary collectors of
meeting in 1841. In 1851 he negotiated prices art early in the century, women increasingly became
with the railroads and lined up accommodations connoisseurs of art, music, and culture generally,
for some 165,000 British men and women who though the remunerated professions of artist, cura-
traveled to the see the Grand Exhibition in London tor, or academic remained the preserve of men.
(some 3 percent of visitors). By the 1860s, as Bourgeois women’s predominance in the church
railroad fares declined within Britain, often was also a factor; in largely Protestant Britain
obviating the need for his services, Cook focused women had an important role in the Temperance
on tours of the Continent, beginning with Paris movement, sometimes necessitating travel by train,
(1861), then Switzerland (1863), Italy (1864), and and in Catholic areas women were proportionately
Spain (1872). In several respects, Cook and his better represented in the organized group tours to

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2329

Morocco were sometimes destinations. While travel-

ing outside Europe, Europeans could congratulate
themselves on their own national—in having a
grander empire they could be superior to other
Europeans—and racial superiority, presumably
manifest in the vast material divide between them
and indigenous peoples.


While the overwhelming majority of travelers in the
early twentieth century continued to use the rail-
road, technological innovations of the late nine-
teenth and early twentieth centuries placed
renewed emphasis on traveling by road as well as
rail. The ‘‘safety’’ bicycle with two wheels of the
same size became a fashionable rage for sportsmen
rich enough to buy one in the 1890s. In the first
decade of the twentieth century, the automobile
began to rival the bicycle among sportsmen, and
it quickly became a means of tourist transportation
for aristocrats and bourgeois Europeans. The
automobile’s price and extremely high mainte-
nance costs made it a socially exclusive mode of
Egyptian guides help tourists climb the Great Pyramid
transportation. An automobile allowed wealthy
at Cheops c. 1900. ªCORBIS
men, accompanied by women and usually a
mechanic/driver, to make long trips, veritable
adventures given the poor reliability of automobiles
pilgrimage sites, such as the spring at Lourdes in the when compared to trains.
Pyrenees mountains.
Both bicycle and automobile tourism necessi-
By the end of the nineteenth century, growing tated a new infrastructure eventually provided by
nationalist and imperialist sentiment, laced with local and national authorities. Well-maintained,
Social Darwinism, was also reflected in well-off eventually paved roads with road signs became the
Europeans’ travel. Guidebooks could be quite subject of important lobbying efforts by tourists
nationalistic. In the 1860s, the Baedeker guides in enamored of the new forms of transport. An array
the German language fervently claimed that French- of nonprofit organizations emerged across Europe
held Alsace-Lorraine should in fact be part of united to advocate the interests of first cyclists then
Germany. British guides frequently deplored the motorists. Inspired by the British Cyclist Touring
supposedly inadequate hygiene on the Continent, Club, ‘‘touring clubs’’ funded by members’ contri-
especially the absence of toilets flushed with water. butions and often public subsidies, worked with
In countries with expanding empires, most notably local and national governments to provide an
Britain and France, trips to the colonies gained in infrastructure for all forms of tourism, though
popularity among the wealthy. Although their num- cycling received pride of place in the 1890s. After
bers remained small, Britons and to a lesser extent 1900, touring clubs, working alongside more
other Europeans, very often under the auspices of socially exclusive automobile clubs, also argued
a Cook’s tour down the Nile, traveled to Egypt for roadway improvements necessary for automo-
in search of cultural exoticism; by the 1880s they biles. In several countries, the touring clubs, while
were reassured by the British protectorate. Britons overwhelmingly bourgeois, were among the largest
also went to Palestine to visit the ‘‘Holy Land.’’ of associations. The Touring Club de France,
Among the French, the colonies of Algeria and later founded in 1890, had nearly 100,000 members in

2330 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

1914. The Touring Club Ciclistico Italiano, men further reflected widespread assumptions
founded in 1894, dropped ‘‘cycling’’ from its name about the ‘‘natural’’ differences between the sexes.
in 1900 and itself grew to 450,000 members in the Tourism, having afforded some people the
interwar years. occasion to join their presumed cohorts and set
themselves off from other people, thus provides a
fascinating glimpse at the social hierarchies that
characterized nineteenth-century Europe.
Before the 1790s, when the English term tourist, See also Automobile; Cycling; Popular and Elite Culture;
itself derived from the French term tour, first Railroads; Transportation and Communications.
emerged in the English language, traveler was the
primary designation used for what one might call BIBLIOGRAPHY

the ‘‘leisure traveler.’’ In the course of the nine- Baranowski, Shelley O., and Ellen Furlough, eds. Being
teenth century, most European languages acquired Elsewhere: Tourism, Consumer Culture, and Identity
a term equivalent to the English tourist. Since the in Modern Europe and North America. Ann Arbor,
nineteenth century, tourists and social observers Mich., 2001.
have often distinguished between travelers and Bertho Lavenir, Catherine. La roue et le style: Comment nous
tourists. Late-nineteenth-century travelers con- sommes devenus touristes. Paris, 1999.
demned Cook’s tourists as superficial. Travelers Bosworth, R. J. B. ‘‘The Touring Club Italiano and the
supposedly appreciated what they saw and experi- Nationalization of the Italian Bourgeoisie.’’ European
enced whereas tourists completed a list of things History Quarterly 27, no. 3 (July 1997): 371–410.
that ‘‘needed to be seen.’’ Many historians and Buzard, James. The Beaten Track: European Tourism,
other writers have often accepted the distinction Literature, and the Ways to Culture, 1800–1918. New
at face value, stressing the difference between the York, 1993.
old bourgeois, aristocratic, and educated travelers Corbin, Alain. The Lure of the Sea: The Discovery of the
and the late nineteenth- and twentieth-century Seaside, 1750–1840. Translated by Jocelyn Phelps.
hordes who supposedly understood little besides New York, 1994.
how to have a good time. Grewal, Inderpal. Home and Harem: Nation, Gender,
Empire, and Cultures of Travel. Durham, N.C., 1996.
In fact, the terms reveal more about the people
Harp, Stephen L. Marketing Michelin: Advertising and
employing them to reinforce social difference than Cultural Identity in Twentieth-Century France.
about any real difference between leisure travelers Baltimore, 2001.
and tourists. Many middle-class travelers in the
Haug, C. James. Leisure and Urbanism in Nineteenth
nineteenth century, even ‘‘Cook’s tourists,’’ could Century Nice. Lawrence, Kansas, 1982.
be far more interested in European art and archi-
Koshar, Rudy. ‘‘‘What Ought to Be Seen’: Tourists’ Guide-
tecture, which also offered them the possibility of a
books and National Identities in Modern Germany and
sort of cultural capital upon returning home, than Europe.’’ Journal of Contemporary History 33, no. 3
the fabulously wealthy who spent much of their (1998): 323–340.
time simply enjoying themselves in the company Koshar, Rudy, ed. Histories of Leisure. New York, 2002.
of their compatriots. In short, the distinction that
Levenstein, Harvey. Seductive Journey: American Tourists in
some have made between travelers and tourists, like
France from Jefferson to the Jazz Age. Chicago, 1998.
the distinctions that post–World War II tourists
often make between themselves and other, presum- Löfgren, Orvar. On Holiday: A History of Vacationing.
Berkeley, Calif., 1999.
ably less knowledgeable and culturally sensitive
tourists, are not ‘‘real,’’ measurable differences. MacCannell, Dean. The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure
Class. Berkeley, Calif., 1999.
In the nineteenth century, social distinctions Mackaman, Douglas Peter. Leisure Settings: Bourgeois
made between those who could afford to take the Culture, Medicine, and the Spa in Modern France.
tour, take the waters in a spa, or go to the beach Chicago, 1998.
and those who could not mirrored the social Nordman, Daniel. ‘‘Les Guides-Joanne.’’ In vol. 2, Lieux de
segmentation of European society as a whole. mémoire, edited by Pierre Nora, 1035–1072. Paris,
Similarly, the prescribed roles for women and 1997.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2331

Pemble, John. The Mediterranean Passion: Victorians and

Edwardians in the South. Oxford, U.K., 1987.
Rauch, André. Vacances et pratiques corporelles: La nais-
sances des morales du dépaysement. Paris, 1988.
‘‘I am Toussaint Louverture, my name is perhaps
———. Vacances en France de 1830 à nos jours. Paris,
known to you. I have undertaken vengeance. I want
liberty and equality to reign in Saint-Domingue.
Swinglehurst, Edmund. Cook’s Tours: The Story of Popular I work to make them exist.’’ (Toussaint to his
Travel. Poole, Dorset, U.K., 1982. ‘‘brothers and friends’’ in Saint-Domingue, 29
Tissot, Laurent. Naissance d’une industrie touristique: Les August 1793)
Anglais et la Suisse au XIXe siècle. Lausanne, Switzer- ‘‘By defeating me, one has only cut the trunk
land, 2000. of the tree of Negro liberty in Saint-Domingue; it will
Towner, John. An Historical Geography of Recreation and rise again by its roots, for they are numerous and
Tourism in the Western World, 1540–1940. Chichester, deep.’’ (Toussaint from his cell in Fort de Joux)
U.K., and New York, 1996.
Walton, John K. The English Seaside Resort: A Social History,
1750–1914. Leicester, U.K., and New York, 1983.
massacring nearly every non-black they could find.
Withey, Lynne. Grand Tours and Cook’s Tours: A History of
After helping the Bayon de Libertat family to
Leisure Travel, 1750–1915. New York, 1997.
safety, Toussaint joined the rebellion, and by early
STEPHEN L. HARP 1793 was among the thousands of rebel slaves who
had crossed into neighboring Santo Domingo,
where the Spanish king offered freedom and
promotion for black (and white) fugitives who
would take up arms against French Republicans.
TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE (c. 1743– Starting as physician and key advisor to slave leader
1803), French general and Haitian political
Georges Biassou, Toussaint eventually attained the
rank of brigadier with an independent command of
Legends maintain that on Toussaint (All Saint’s more than 4,000 black troops—irregulars that he
Day), 1 November 1745, at a plantation owned by drilled into an extraordinarily competent fighting
the Comte de Bréda, a first son was born to a force. Throughout 1793, Toussaint’s military
former African king. In Catholic Saint-Domingue talent became so well established that by August,
(as Haiti was known during the French colonial he composed a general call to arms to the slaves of
period), the slave child was christened François Saint-Domingue in which he referred to himself for
Dominique Toussaint. François Antoine Bayon de the first time as ‘‘Louverture’’—the opening.
Libertat, the plantation overseer, saw only potential
For reasons that remain unclear, on 6 May
in the small, frail boy, and in a striking departure
1794, Toussaint renounced his allegiance to Spain,
from convention, ensured that he became literate
declared for France, and quickly amassed a series of
and solidly grounded in the Catholic faith. While
victories against his former Spanish and British
Toussaint’s equestrian skills earned him the
confederates. In 1796, Toussaint rescued French
exclusive position of driver and master of horses
Governor General Étienne Laveaux from imprison-
at Bréda, he also gained wide recognition among
ment by disaffected mulattos; Laveaux reciprocated
his fellow slaves as a master practitioner of herbal
by appointing Toussaint lieutenant governor
medicine—felicitous skills that would serve Tous-
general of the colony. France’s Directory followed
saint well during the convulsions that lay ahead.
suit, officially promoting Toussaint to division
Battles for primacy between the white social general, and naming him lieutenant governor
classes and mulattoes characterized the French general and commander in chief of armies of
Revolution in Saint-Domingue, until the night of Saint-Domingue (2 May 1797). By November
22 August 1791, when tens of thousands of slaves 1800, Toussaint was complete master of Saint-
throughout the colony’s great northern plain Domingue. He annexed Santo Domingo in February
revolted, torching cane fields and plantations, and 1801, and in May, promulgated the island’s first

2332 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

order to take possession of the colony), disarm

the blacks, and then force their return to slavery.
Ferocious fighting ensued until Toussaint and
Leclerc concluded an armistice during which
the black general was allowed to retire under
protection to his estate. This reprieve was only a
ruse; Toussaint and his family soon were abducted
from their home and spirited away to France,
where Napoleon had the general barbarously incar-
cerated in the dungeons of Fort de Joux in France’s
eastern Jura Mountains. Toussaint died the follow-
ing year from exposure and neglect, while his wife
and children simply disappeared. Fighting in Saint-
Domingue continued until November 1803 when,
abandoned by Napoleon and decimated by yellow
fever and malaria, the pitiful remnants of the
Army of Saint-Domingue surrendered to General
Jean-Jacques Dessalines (1758–1806).
As the result of Napoleon’s ill-advised treat-
ment of Toussaint and Saint-Domingue, France
not only lost any chance to regain meaningful
influence over its most lucrative former overseas
Toussaint Louverture meets with defeated generals.
possession, but also a potential staging base for
Nineteenth-century engraving commemorating Toussaint regaining control of the Louisiana Territory. The
Louverture’s defeat of British troops in Haiti, 1798. ªBETTMANN/ impact on Haiti, however, was tragic. Minus Tous-
CORBIS saint’s unifying leadership, Haiti devolved into the
200 years of internecine fighting and corrupt
administrations that characterize the country into
constitution—a document that named him gover- the twenty-first century.
nor general for life.
See also Caribbean; Colonies; French Revolutionary
Acknowledged as a protector to anyone, Wars and Napoleonic Wars; Haiti.
regardless of color, who would support his designs
for a stable, resurgent Saint-Domingue, Toussaint BIBLIOGRAPHY
exercised his authority to rebuild the devastated Fick, Carolyn E. The Making of Haiti: The Saint Domingue
colony. He encouraged the return of émigré French Revolution from Below. Knoxville, Tenn., 1990.
planters and enforced labor decrees through martial Heinl, Robert Debs, Jr., and Nancy Gordon Heinl. Written
law, but ensured that former slaves were compen- in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492–1971.
sated for their labor with one-third of the crops Boston, 1978.
they helped produce. However, Toussaint’s regime James, Cyril Lionel Robert. The Black Jacobins: Toussaint
barely had time to accrue measurable successes L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution. Rev. ed.
before the colony was once again at war. New York, 1963.

In December 1801, Napoleon I (r. 1804– JAMES L. HAYNSWORTH

1814/15) dispatched to Toussaint his most
respectful greetings, along with a 21,000-man
invasion force under the command of his brother- n
in-law, Captain-General Charles-Victor-Emmanuel TRADE AND ECONOMIC
Leclerc (1772–1802). Leclerc’s secret instructions GROWTH. Since Adam Smith (1723–1790)
from Napoleon included orders to conciliate and David Ricardo (1772–1823), trade and eco-
Toussaint and his leaders (promising anything in nomic growth have been regarded as interconnected,

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2333

and ‘‘Smithian growth’’ has become a fixed term some previously remote and nonintegrated
in economic growth analysis. The connection is regions of Europe.
obvious: if previously nonintegrated regions and 3. It has been argued that trade not only promoted
countries have cost advantages in different types of direct growth in ways that Adam Smith had
products, trade will benefit both sides. For example, predicted but that it also influenced the devel-
Polish grain farmers can produce wheat at a lower opment of institutions. Daron Acemoglu,
cost than English farmers, whereas English workers Simon Johnson, and James Robinson have
can produce textiles more cheaply than Polish argued that trading cities on the Atlantic coast
workers. The ‘‘comparative advantages’’ of the benefited particularly from the development
English textile sector furthermore imply that even of institutions that transmitted information
if an English worker could in principle produce more easily and protected and defined property
grain at a lower cost than even a Polish laborer, rights. Although their study concentrates on the
that worker can only spend his time either with early modern period, the influence of greater
grain or with textile production. If the cost advan- institutional efficiency might have continued
tage in textiles is relatively larger, the worker well into the nineteenth century. Another indirect
should thus continue to produce textiles and eat effect might also have been the formation of
imported wheat. physical and financial capital through the rein-
Smith and Ricardo were convinced that the vestment of a produced surplus, as is implied
effects of trade are positive. However, international by Douglass North’s theory of ‘‘export-led
trade has also been the target of hostile criticism, growth.’’
and the debates on how beneficial the effects of 4. The indirect growth effects of trade may influ-
trade were in nineteenth-century Europe are rele- ence income inequality. Eli F. Heckscher and
vant for the contemporary world. The debates Bertil Gotthard Ohlin have argued that an
focused on the following four hypotheses: increased import of goods produced primarily
with unskilled labor will reduce unskilled wages,
1. Growing imports have always provoked counter-
thereby increasing inequality. The opposite
measures, or attempted countermeasures, from
holds for the increased export of goods ‘‘con-
interest groups who were afraid of losing income
taining’’ unskilled labor inputs. Yet while
and social status when faced with competition
increasing inequality may imply more invest-
from imported labor or goods. For example,
ments by the rich (because poorer people do
British landowners lobbied for and benefited
not invest much), inequality can also lead to a
from protectionism in the early nineteenth
lack of schooling and human capital formation
century while continental European textile man-
among the poor, in addition to negative health
ufactures flourished when Napoleon I (r. 1804–
and crime effects, or even upheaval and social
1814/15) closed the French ports to British
2. While market integration had mostly beneficial These four hypotheses about the relationship
effects on purchasing power, it is less clear that between trade and economic growth will be dis-
the contribution to the overall growth of cussed in more detail below. Before addressing
welfare was always positive. For example, inte- them, however, the trade structure of Europe in
gration might in some situations have detri- the nineteenth century needs to be addressed:
mental effects on health or longevity for parts Which countries concentrated on which export
of the population, which might adversely affect staples? How large were the net exports of particu-
living standards. The ‘‘Human Development lar items that can inform us about the country’s
Index’’ of the United Nations includes mea- growth prospects? Which imports and exports
sures such as life expectancy and education, restored the trade balance (taking into account that
whereas others have used human height as a national deficits were modest in nineteenth-century
proxy for the so-called Biological Standard of Europe, at least if we interpret colonial military
Living. During the nineteenth century in activities as ‘‘service exports,’’ which is surely deba-
Europe, height in some cases even declined in table)?

2334 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

India House, Sale Room. Engraving by Pugin and Rowlandson, 1808. Buyers gather to bid on the rich cargoes brought into
London by the East India Company. ªHISTORICAL PICTURE ARCHIVE/CORBIS

FLOWS OF TRADE IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY were responsible for sustaining the extremely high
EUROPE: GRAIN, MACHINERY, AND population density of some of Europe’s rapidly
developing regions. The biggest exporters of grain,
Who traded which commodities in nineteenth-
rice, and flour in 1913 were Russia, the United
century Europe? To answer this question, we must
States, and British India (which included today’s
concentrate on a small number of commodities,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Burma). Much smaller
and only the principal exporters and importers can
quantities were exported in 1913 by Canada,
be taken into account. A German survey published
Romania, and Australia. Especially Romania, with
by the German Imperial Statistical Yearbook
a population of less than one tenth of the Russian
(1915) gives an overview of trade in the pre–World
War I period. Two commodities, or rather com- population, exported remarkable quantities per
modity groups, are particularly interesting for capita. Argentina was also an important grain
European trade history: ‘‘grain’’ (more precisely: exporter.
grain, rice, and flour) and machinery. Not surprisingly, the biggest importer of grain
Grain had been a major trading commodity was the United Kingdom. Britain was thus not only
from the Middle Ages onward. It is self-evident the workshop of the world but also consumed most
that grain, rice, and flour are crucial for human of the traded grain. The second-largest importer
nutrition. In the nineteenth century, grain imports was Germany, whose export of industrial goods

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2335

was growing strongly at the time. However, the build up a physical capital stock during the period.
German East (and the Polish parts of the empire) The world’s leading importer of machinery was the
were long-established grain exporters, so that Russian Empire. Canada and France had approxi-
Germany’s grain-trade statistics were more mately half of the volume of Russia’s imports,
balanced in effect, with internal trade playing an making them also significant importers at the time.
important role as well. We also need to take into Next followed Australia and Austria-Hungary,
account that the United Kingdom and Germany whereas the net machinery imports of Italy, Mexico,
had the largest populations among the large grain and Belgium were only modest in 1913.
consumers. On a per capita basis, imports were in To summarize, the United Kingdom, Ger-
fact very high in the Netherlands and Belgium as many, and the United States were the leading
well. Italy imported a substantial total amount of exporters of machinery in the nineteenth century.
grain, but not as much per capita. Other modest In contrast, the major importers were spread more
grain importers were Switzerland, France, Denmark, evenly among the richer and developing nations in
and Norway. Most of these importing countries 1913. Grain imports tended to be the mirror image
were among the early industrializers, whereas most of machinery exports, with the important exception
exporters tended to be late developers (except for of the United States, which exported both grain
the United States). Interestingly, there were also a and machinery in substantial quantities.
number of net grain importers among the less devel- This discussion has concentrated on the two
oped countries (LDCs) in 1913, such as China, commodities that are of particular interest for
Sri Lanka (‘‘Ceylon’’ at the time), and Indonesia. assessing economic development. What has not
The same applies to Japan and the British Straits been discussed, however, is the value of the most
Settlement (mostly Singapore and Melaka), which important import and export goods. By far the
counted as LDCs in 1913. most valuable export commodity in 1913 was cot-
During the period following the ‘‘grain inva- ton from the United States, which accounted for
sion,’’ a term coined by Kevin O’Rourke, the dra- 23 million Marks, or about three times the value of
matic decline of transportation costs for grain U.S. net grain exports. In second place came
from the New World and Black Sea area caused British coal, with Brazilian coffee ranking third.
enormous shifts in production and land revenues. Of course, these goods were much more depen-
The New World and Russia now accounted for a dent on natural conditions such as resources and
large share of the total grain trade, whereas a much climate than were grain and machinery, which
larger amount had been produced locally before. could in principle be produced in any location that
had sufficient population density and skill levels.
Net export values of machinery are important
to examine because machinery was one of the most
human capital–intensive (that is, skill-intensive) TRADE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN
commodities being traded at large quantities
during the period. The United Kingdom remained The major European trading nations were
the world’s export champion in the prewar period, undoubtedly Great Britain, Germany, France, and
with 6.4 million Marks of net exports. Germany other northwest European countries. Yet the devel-
had heavily reduced the United Kingdom’s lead in opment of trade also played an important role for
the decade before and almost reached its competi- countries in the far north and south, and it was
tor with 6.0 million Marks in machinery exports. In only in the eastern European regions that lacked
a similar vein, the United States had made its mark access to rivers or coasts that international trade
as a strong new force producing machinery for might have been somewhat less important.
many different purposes. Switzerland—with its The grain exports of the Russian Empire, east-
much smaller population—reached only about ern Germany (including today’s Poland), and
5 percent of the net export value of each of the Romania have already been discussed. In addition,
big three machinery exporters. It is also interesting wood and butter exports played an important role
to look at the principal importers of machinery for the far north of Europe, whereas fruit, olive oil,
because those countries were using imports to and other horticultural exports came from the

2336 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Mediterranean. Similar to the grain invasion that similar development: a promising start, followed
shook all of Europe, important globalization events by a struggle against protectionism and competi-
occurred in the South, as José Morilla Critz, Alan tion with California and other New World regions
Olmstead, and Paul W. Rhode have argued: during (such as Australia).
the 1880s Mediterranean fruit exports dominated
What is particularly interesting about this pheno-
European and U.S. markets, but fruit production
menon is that we would not expect high-wage
in California, Florida, and similar regions of the
areas in the New World to be able to compete
New World started to become competitive in the
successfully with the low-wage areas of southern
following three decades. California farmers first
Europe in the seemingly labor-intensive horticulture.
captured large slices of their home market, aided
Critz, Olmstead, and Rhode, on whose research this
by U.S. protectionist policies and natural disasters
section draws heavily, report that one acre of land
in Europe such as the phylloxera plague that
requires only 9 man-hours of labor to grow wheat,
destroyed two-thirds of the European grape pro-
whereas 286 hours are required to grow lemons,
duction in the second half of the nineteenth cen-
for instance. The output value varies drastically as
tury. By the end of the century, U.S. products were
well, of course. The authors have calculated that
even competing with Mediterranean fruits in
the value of output per man-hour on U.S. fruit farms
northern Europe. In the 1870s, for example, the
was in fact very similar to that of other U.S. farms in
important Spanish raisin exporting area of Málaga
the early twentieth century. Moreover, California
exported nearly 60 percent of its production to the
farmers were quite successful in using modern pack-
United States. In the 1890s, this share had fallen to
ing techniques, brand names, and scientific techni-
10 percent. Initially, this decline was caused by phyl- ques to overcome blue mold and similar production
loxera, but later on, the market opportunities that
problems. In this way, they were able to outbalance
had been lost to the California competitors played
higher labor and transportation costs compared
the major role. Since the Málaga region also had
with their major competitors.
the highest emigration rates in Spain, some authors
have concluded that a causal relationship existed The effects on southern European exports were
between lost export markets and emigration. sometimes dramatic. More successful development
of the fruit markets could have resulted in dynamic,
In contrast to raisins, citrus exports were in gen- export-led growth engines in many southern Eu-
eral a success story for Mediterranean agriculture. ropean regions, as well as in the reinvestment of
Oranges from Spain and lemons from Italy became profits into those poor regions. This remains true
famous in many parts of the world. However, Ameri- even when considering that the total value of pro-
can competition grew in these fruit markets as well, duction of horticultural goods was certainly lower
and U.S. protectionism posed further problems. In than that of other agricultural goods (mainly for
the case of lemons in particular, the Italians had the domestic market). Another important point
to redirect their trade to northern Europe, after here is that the majority of consumers clearly bene-
performing vast advertising campaigns there. In fited from the increased competition.
1907–1913, Germany and Austria-Hungary became
the most important recipients of Italian citrus fruits. Nonetheless, two of the three markets dis-
cussed in more detail above share some common
Greek exporters specialized in currants and characteristics that suggest some answers to our
even benefited from the phylloxera catastrophe at initial question: Why was there opposition to trade,
first, since they could sell their produce to French if trade increased welfare? In both the European
winemakers, who used it as a temporary substitute grain market and the Mediterranean fruit market,
for their own grape production. After the recovery decisive changes occurred in the nineteenth cen-
of grape production, however, the French govern- tury. The ‘‘grain invasion’’ and the ‘‘fruit invasion’’
ment in 1892 imposed high tariffs, which had dis- produced a substantial number of losers who
astrous consequences for the Greek economy. The tended to be politically well-organized. Even if on
plum and prune exports of Serbia and of Bosnia average, the growth in trade surely added to
and Herzegovina, as well as the fig and raisin European prosperity, the fate of the fruit farmers
exports of the Turkish west coast, experienced a of the Mediterranean and the eastern German

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2337

grain-farming nobility gave rise to political forces $500–1000 per year before World War I (measured
that influenced the economic history of their in 1990 Geary-Khamis Dollars, a standard measure
respective countries in crucial ways. for making purchasing power comparable across
time). In many cases, this meant a doubling or trip-
ling of real incomes within less than a century. Lastly,
the Swiss population had acquired four times more
What follows is an empirical discussion of Smith’s
purchasing power in 1913 than in 1820.
and Ricardo’s expectation that trade would trigger
economic growth in nineteenth-century Europe. Based on those numbers, it is not implausible
This issue is difficult to resolve because comparative to assume that nineteenth-century growth was
evidence on trade shares in the early nineteenth caused to a large extent by ‘‘Smithian’’ trade
century still contains a large margin of error. More- effects. Yet was it the case that countries with
over, convergence effects must be taken into higher integration into trading networks also
account, since a country with a high initial trade achieved more growth? As the example of the
share (such as the Netherlands) would probably Netherlands, with a high export level but only
increase its trade shares at a lower rate than any slightly above-average growth rates indicates,
newcomer. In addition, a thorough analysis would export levels probably had no impact on subse-
require taking into consideration all other potential quent growth performance. Even if additional
growth determinants such as human and physical explanatory variables were taken into account, this
capital growth, institutional design, geography, result would not change significantly.
and political development as well as alternatives to It is clear that countries with disproportio-
commodity trade, for example, the exchange of nately large export shares at the end of the period
capital (foreign investment) and population (i.e., irrespective of the initial level) also experi-
(migration). Here, our aims are more modest. We enced much higher increases in national income
have taken Paul Bairoch’s rough estimates of export per capita. Belgium, the United Kingdom, Den-
shares for the early and late nineteenth century and mark, Switzerland, France, and Germany were
compared them with Maddison’s GDP estimates examples of the strong and positive development
for 1820 and 1913, combined with an investigation of both variables. On the other hand, the small
of individual cases. In the following, we distinguish export-share increases of Portugal, Russia, and
trade shares (imports plus exports per GDP) from Greece went hand in hand with an only modest
export shares (only exports per GDP). increase in income. Again, we would like to empha-
Even with all those caveats, some important facts size that we are not looking at growth rates in
emerge clearly. First, the Netherlands exported the percentages here. Moreover, this analysis cannot
highest share of their GDP in 1840, followed by a reveal the direction of the causality involved: Did
number of relatively small countries such as Norway increasing trade shares cause income growth, or did
and Denmark. Smaller countries often had larger increasing per capita–production (which equals
trade shares because country-size is negatively corre- income per capita) correlate with the need to
lated with the amount of production items pas- export a higher share of production? Hence, from
sing borders. However, in early-nineteenth-century this descriptive analysis, we can only conclude that
Europe, there were also many smaller countries with a higher export share correlates empirically with
low trade shares while the United Kingdom displayed higher additional income. Overall, both export
one of the highest shares. shares and income per capita grew in all European
countries over the nineteenth century, yet while the
Between the early and late nineteenth century,
increase was most significant in Belgium and the
export shares grew for all countries. Overall, they
United Kingdom, it was much less so in southern
ranged between about 1 and 9 percentage points
and eastern Europe.
higher in 1910 than in 1840, with typical values of
1 to 3 percent. At the same time, GDP per capita
grew substantially in all countries. Even the inhab- TRADE POLICY
itants of slowly growing economies such as Portugal, Bairoch, O’Rourke, and Jeffrey Williamson have
Russia, and Greece had become richer by roughly given excellent overviews of trade policy. They

2338 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Victoria Mesmerises. Illustration from Punch, 1843. The young Queen Victoria made her first visit to France in 1843, meeting
with French king Louis-Philippe and helping to overturn the adversarial relations that had long persisted between Great Britain
and France. Trade issues were very much on the minds of the British, as opposition to the Corn Laws grew dramatically. The
cartoonist here suggests that the queen dominated the negotiations by hypnotizing the seventy-year-old Louis-Philippe. MARY

describe in detail the history of ideas that influenced earlier). Subsequent negotiations between the
the debate about free-trade versus protectionist United Kingdom and France, as well as the general
policies. What they found was that most countries economic upturn of the 1860s led to a wave of
were certainly not free-traders in the early nine- free-trade policies in the 1860s and 1870s. How-
teenth century, except for perhaps the Netherlands, ever, the dramatic decline in transportation costs
Denmark, Switzerland, and Portugal. In England, and the high productivity of New World farmers
an intensive discussion was waged before midcen- stimulated a rebound in protectionism in many
tury on whether the country should abolish its continental European countries against grain
protectionist policies against grain imports. Over imports while the United States acted in a strongly
time, free-traders influenced by Ricardo and the protectionist manner against industrial imports.
‘‘Manchester’’ liberals convinced enough political However, protectionist measures were not strong
decision-makers in their favor, so that the famous enough to hinder the international integration
protectionist Corn Laws were finally dropped in of many markets. The fall in transportation costs
the 1840s (after having been gradually reduced simply outweighed most such measures.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2339

The integration of commodity markets within influence on growth rates, even after allowing for
Europe can be measured by the decline in price changes in the capital-labor ratio, land-labor ratio,
gaps. For example, the price gap between Odessa initial income level, schooling, and other country-
in Ukraine (one of the major grain exporting specific characteristics. His analysis included seven
regions) and London decreased from 40 percent European countries, the United States, Australia,
to virtually 0 percent between 1870 and 1906. and Canada for 1870–1913 and indicates that the
Similarly, the price gap of Swedish wood between protectionist United States grew fast, whereas the
its country of origin and England fell from 155 to free-trading United Kingdom grew only modestly
70 percent. In general, O’Rourke and Williamson during the period under consideration. In addition,
found that the strong increase in commerce and O’Rourke found that Germany was not as protec-
trade in the nineteenth century was mainly the tionist as studies focusing particularly on the grain
result of declining transportation costs and only trade have suggested. Even if the United States and
to a much lesser extent of more liberal trade poli- the United Kingdom are omitted as extreme cases,
cies. This stands in sharp contrast to the boom in the positive relationship between protectionism and
international trade in the second half of the twen- growth is confirmed for the nineteenth century. A
tieth century, when trade policies accounted for possible causal mechanism, O’Rourke suggests, was
most of the trade-generating effects, whereas the that tariffs caused a declining share of the labor force
decline of transportation costs due to technological to be employed in agriculture, especially in the New
improvement was only modest. World, where tariffs benefited industrial production.
It should be noted, however, that our comparison
of export shares and GDP growth refers to long-term
The expansion of export shares correlated with growth over almost a century, whereas O’Rourke’s
additional per capita income in nineteenth-century study explores the effect of protection levels on annual
Europe. Does this imply that protectionism was growth rates in the period 1875–1913, controlling
bad for growth? To answer this question, we must for a number of other variables as well.
first consider that neither protectionism nor its
inverse, the ‘‘openness’’ of countries, correlates
perfectly with trade shares. For example, Germany INTERNAL TRADE: DIRECT AND INDIRECT
and France became grain protectionists in the late
nineteenth century, yet their export shares still So far we have concentrated mainly on interna-
tional trade, since external exchange always attracts
continued to increase substantially, since economic
the highest attention from policy makers and the
forces were simply much stronger than the respec-
general public. More important in terms of value,
tive political countermeasures.
however, was internal trade that did not cross
The growth effects of protection (as opposed national boundaries in nineteenth-century Europe.
to free trade) have been studied in great detail for Trade within countries increased dramatically at the
the contemporary world. Free-traders expect wel- time because transportation facilities experienced a
fare effects if the external effects (i.e., side effects) veritable revolution. The railway network not only
of protection are not important. However, if grew dramatically in size, but the railway system
‘‘infant industries’’ cannot develop because the also became ever more refined. Moreover, toward
industries of industrialized countries have already the very end of the nineteenth century, refrigera-
achieved specific knowledge and cost-efficient pro- tion wagons allowed the transportation of perish-
duction methods, then the protection of those able goods. For the first time in human history, it
industries on the side of the newcomers could became possible to provide large urban populations
stimulate growth. Empirically, most studies for with food that was as healthy as the food consumed
the late twentieth century concur with Jeffrey in the countryside. Milk, for example, had pre-
D. Sachs’s conclusions that free trade rather then viously not been transportable to large urban
protectionism was a successful device for growth. agglomerations at reasonable costs, although urban
However, for the late nineteenth century, O’Rourke centers were in dire need of protein in particular
found that protective tariffs in fact had a positive because of the high rates of disease. Before the

2340 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

A department store in the Old Town square, Prague, c. 1895. Industrialization in the
nineteenth century led to increased production of consumer goods and the consequent growth
in large retail establishments such as the one shown here. ªSCHEUFLER COLLECTION/CORBIS

introduction of refrigeration wagons and a dense contribution of each. Thomas McKeown, for
railway network in general, there had always been example, has argued that nutrition played a much
an ‘‘urban penalty’’ of health and nutritional quali- stronger role in increasing health and longevity,
ties, with the result that urban dwellers often lived whereas the impact of medical knowledge set in
shorter lives than their contemporaries in the coun- much later. McKeown did not address the issue of
tryside. The change in the ‘‘transportability of health the tradability of perishable foods, but this is prob-
inputs’’ was perhaps the most dramatic and decisive ably the heart of the matter. We would, for exam-
development of nineteenth-century trade history. ple, not expect a decline in hygiene and health
In the countries that invested heavily in this knowledge with the advent of railway stations in
new transportation technology—not least because villages, but agricultural workers with lower
of adequately low temperatures in their territories, incomes experienced significant downward trends
as opposed to the Mediterranean region, which in health. This has been analyzed using anthropo-
followed about half a century later, for example— metric techniques that take human height as a
a stagnation of life expectancies and heights that proxy for nutritional status and health (see, for
had lasted for millennia finally ended in the second example, Komlos and Baten). Human stature is
half of the nineteenth century. Clearly, this devel- mostly determined by the quality of nutrition in
opment was accompanied by progress in the appli- the first three years of life, and by the disease
cation of hygienic and medical knowledge, environment. When a railway station was opened
although it is not easy to disentangle the individual in the countryside nearby, for example, farmers

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2341

could sell their perishable products to urban con- CONCLUSION

sumers with high purchasing power. In earlier This essay first discussed the relationship between
times, the local poor population in the countryside trade and economic growth in nineteenth-century
had often been able to consume healthy food at very Europe. It began with a description of the net
low prices or even for free. If they were involved in exports of two important commodities, machinery
the production of butter, for example, they were and grain. Machinery production requires a high
often allowed to drink the remaining milk. Others skill level, and countries that specialized early on in
were allowed to eat offals after local cattle were its production and export became rich countries—
slaughtered. All such nonmarket entitlements dis- and continued to be so even after losing world wars
appeared with the arrival of the railway, so that poor and colonial empires in the twentieth century. In
rural children lost their previous height advantage contrast, specialization in grain did not require
while the heights of urban children increased. In large investments in skills. It has been argued that
the long run, the health and longevity of poor the export of primary goods led to deindustrializa-
agricultural laborers increased as well. In the short tion and poor growth in the long run. This was not
run, however, there were losers from the moderni- the case for all grain exporters in 1913. The United
zation process, and their experiences should not States, Canada, and Australia proved success stories
be overlooked when examining the dramatic trade in the long run. Eastern Europe and Argentina might
and income increase in nineteenth-century Europe. have grown less than expected in the twentieth
century, but there were also other reasons for this.
INEQUALITY EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION We then analyzed whether countries with
While it is clear that landowners in western Europe strongly expanding trade shares experienced the
lost income when vast quantities of grain arrived relatively highest increases in income, an assump-
from the New World, the effect on workers was tion that is supported by the available data. How-
hotly debated at the time. O’Rourke describes the ever, the question of causality cannot be resolved at
nineteenth-century debates on the influence of the current state of research, and there is evidence
cheap grain imports on workers’ living standards. that protectionism may even have been positively
Karl Marx argued that rural depopulation in Ire- correlated with growth, at least in the short run
land was reinforced by the switch from tillage to from 1875 to 1913.
pasture, as Ireland focused on butter exports in
response to globalization. Since pasture was less From the point of view of trade history, it is
labor-intensive, fewer agricultural workers were particularly interesting to assess the reasons for the
employed. Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), a lead- frequent protest against, and opposition to, globa-
ing English politician, was similarly concerned lization and international trade in the nineteenth
about the decreasing demand for rural workers in century. The unfulfilled hopes of the Mediterra-
England caused by the arrival of cheap grain from nean fruit farmers was a case in point, as they
the New World. He argued that this negative struggled with the growing competition from Cali-
labor-demand factor was more important than the fornia, a region they might never have heard of
positive cost of living effect for workers. A coalition before. Even the internal trade expansion of this
of Manchesterian liberals and socialist workers period produced many winners but also some
opposed this view. They believed (correctly) that losers, since previously isolated farmers and farm
the cost of living effect dominated in most indus- workers lost their health advantage. Yet a dramatic
trialized nations. In western Europe, the grain health revolution occurred in the cities: for the first
invasion had mostly egalitarian effects on average, time in the history of mankind, the inhabitants
reducing the previously very high income inequal- of densely populated metropolises could live long
ity. In some grain regions, however, agricultural and healthy lives, which could at least in part be
workers had to bear at least the cost of migrating accredited to the nineteenth-century trade expan-
to industrializing cities. The costs of migration sion that made healthy nutrition possible.
were particularly high if it implied the crossing of
national borders (Ireland to England or the United Finally, the trade history of the nineteenth cen-
States, Poland to Germany, and so forth). tury produced some ‘‘rich losers.’’ For example, the

2342 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The Great Vegetable Market in Moscow, 1902. By the end of the nineteenth century, the
Russian economy still depended primarily on agriculture. ªCORBIS

British gentry lost a substantial share of their rents Change, and Economic Growth.’’ NBER Working
when grain protectionism was abolished around Paper 9378, 2002.
midcentury. The Russian nobility may have been Bairoch, Paul. ‘‘European Trade Policy, 1815–1914.’’ In
compensated by export revenues, but the German The Cambridge Economic History of Europe, edited by
landed aristocracy felt severely threatened by the Peter Mathias and Sidney Pollard, vol. 8, pp. 1–160.
Cambridge, U.K., 1989.
‘‘grain invasion,’’ a development that may have
increased their willingness to start World War I— Critz, José Morilla, Alan Olmstead, and Paul W. Rhode.
an extreme example of resistance to of globalization, ‘‘ ‘Horn of Plenty’: The Globalization of Mediterranean
Horticulture and the Economic Development of South-
to be sure.
ern Europe, 1880–1930.’’ Journal of Economic History
See also Banks and Banking; Economic Growth and 59, no. 2(1999): 319–352.
Industrialism; Economists, Classical.
Komlos, John, and Joerg Baten, eds. The Biological Stan-
dard of Living in Comparative Perspective. Stuttgart,
BIBLIOGRAPHY Germany, 1998.
Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson. Maddison, Angus. The World Economy: A Millennial Per-
‘‘The Rise of Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional spective. Paris, 2001.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2343

McKeown, Thomas. The Modern Rise of Population. Lon- blockade and joined the ships from Martinique in
don, 1976. a sweep of the Channel that would clear the way for
North, Douglass C. ‘‘The New Institutional Economics and the conquest of England.
Third World Development.’’ In The New Institutional
Economics and Third World Development, edited Napoleon expected the British to mount vain
by John Harriss, Janet Hunter, and Colin M. Lewis, pursuits in all directions as the Franco-Spanish
17–26. London, 1995. squadrons combined and recombined. In fact,
O’Rourke, Kevin, ‘‘Tariffs and Growth in the Late 19th Cen- apart from the predictable uncertainties of weather
tury.’’ Economic Journal 110 (Aprtil 2000): 456–483. and wind, the quality of the French and Spanish
O’Rourke, Kevin, and Jeffrey Williamson, Globalization navies was far below that required by the proposed
and History: The Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century display of maritime virtuosity. Both had spent too
Atlantic Economy. Cambridge, Mass., 1999. much time in port under British guns to have
Sachs, Jeffrey D., and Andrew Warner. ‘‘Economic Reform developed the seamanship and self-confidence to
and the Process of Global Integration.’’ Brookings execute Napoleon’s grand design smoothly. The
Papers on Economic Activity 1(1995):1–118. French fleet in particular had never recovered from
JOERG BATEN the losses of experienced officers and petty officers
caused by the Revolution.
The Brest squadron never made it out of port
in the face of a dogged close blockade. Villeneuve
TRADE UNIONS. See Labor Movements; Syn-
had better fortune—and a temporarily obliging
enemy in the person of Nelson. Commanding in
the Mediterranean, Nelson had maintained a long-
range blockade of Toulon in the hope of luring the
French out to battle. When Villeneuve slipped out
TRAFALGAR, BATTLE OF. Fought on of Toulon in late March 1805, Nelson thought he
21 October 1805, the Battle of Trafalgar, in which was making for Egypt. Instead the French admiral,
a British fleet under the command of Admiral after a brief stopover at Cádiz, made for the West
Horatio Nelson defeated a combined Franco-Spanish Indies, getting a three-week head start before Nelson
fleet, was the culmination of a yearlong campaign of turned in pursuit.
deception and maneuver supporting Emperor
Napoleon I’s project for the invasion of England. Villeneuve arrived at Martinique to find no one
With the major elements of his French and Spanish else there; the ships from Rochefort had come
navies blockaded in Continental ports, Napoleon and gone. On learning of Nelson’s arrival in the
initially proposed to slip his invasion flotilla of Caribbean, Villeneuve set his sails for Europe as
small craft past the Royal Navy forces on watch in well. His revised orders were to break the block-
the English Channel. As the folly of that notion ades of El Ferrol and Brest, pick up the Spanish
became obvious, Napoleon proposed instead to and French ships there, and take the entire fleet
unite the main Spanish fleet with the French into the Channel. But he had little confidence in
squadrons from Toulon and Brest, gaining control his own fleet, whose efficiency had improved little
of the Channel long enough for his invasion force during its time at sea. After an inconclusive engage-
to cross. ment with a British squadron under Vice Admiral
Robert Calder, Villeneuve made for Cádiz. Tem-
His plan took sophisticated account of the
porarily at least, he was safely out of range of major
relative dispersion of British forces. The Toulon
British forces. He had also sacrificed any chance he
squadron, under its new commander Vice Admiral
might have of executing Napoleon’s grand design.
Pierre-Charles de Villeneuve, would evade its
blockaders, pick up a Spanish squadron at Cádiz, Nelson, frustrated by his failure to catch up
and sail for Martinique in the West Indies. There it with Villeneuve, returned to England and a brief
would join another French squadron sortieing shore leave. On 14 September he put to sea again,
from Rochefort. The combined force would return assigned as commander of the blockading force at
to France, while the Brest squadron broke its Cádiz. He had spent three weeks working on the

2344 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The Battle of Trafalgar. Painting by John Callow, 1875. ªFINE ART PHOTOGRAPHIC LIBRARY/CORBIS

problem of putting paid to Villeneuve once and for Nelson fell to a musket shot, his place among the
all. His intention was to let the allied fleet sortie, great admirals assured for all time.
then attack it not in an orthodox line of battle
Trafalgar was the most important naval engage-
formation but in two columns, splitting his enemy
ment of the Napoleonic Wars. It put an end to
and bringing about a no-holds-barred melee.
Napoleon’s hopes of invading England, and decided
Conventional wisdom argued such an action could
as well an Anglo-French struggle for naval mastery
not be controlled. Nelson was confident in the
dating back to the mid-seventeenth century. Nel-
quality of his crews and captains—and not least in
son’s victory secured a British mastery of the high
an improved signal system facilitating transmission
seas that endured for more than a century.
of orders even in close action.
Under orders from Napoleon to engage, Ville- See also French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic
neuve set sail on 19 October. Fearing to frighten Wars; Military Tactics; Napoleon; Nelson, Horatio.
his opponent back to port, Nelson stalked him
until the morning of the twenty-first. The sub- BIBLIOGRAPHY

sequent jockeying for position only highlighted Howarth, David. Trafalgar: The Nelson Touch. London,
Franco-Spanish navigational shortcomings. Noth- 1969. Reprint, London, 2003.
ing was wrong with their courage—but as the Lambert, Andrew. Nelson: Britannia’s God of War. London,
British came to close quarters the Royal Navy’s 2004. Excellent alike on Nelson’s history and mythology.
gunnery and ship-handling created a debacle.
Schom, Alan. Trafalgar: Countdown to Battle, 1803–1805.
Twenty-two allied ships out of thirty-three were New York, 1990.
lost when the final tally was taken. No British
ship was sunk, though most were badly battered. DENNIS SHOWALTER

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2345

n roads promoted changing perceptions of time and

TRANSPORTATION AND COMMU- space as well as more positive attitudes toward
NICATIONS. Over centuries, roads evolved travel. For official use, as well as for the conveni-
in response to the movement of goods and people. ence of the small minority who could afford to use
They included narrow tracks linking farms to the mail coach or a private carriage and able to take
fields and those linking villages to each other and advantage of relays of horses, travel was becoming
to local and regional markets; links between market increasingly rapid. In France, where technical
towns and regional administrative and commercial improvements in road construction and mainte-
centers; and major routes radiating from national nance largely followed British models, the most
capitals toward these regional centers and the fron- effective road system in Continental Europe was
tiers. Differing natural conditions meant that the created during the eighteenth century. Subse-
physical condition and carrying capacity of these quently, with the exception of strategic routes,
routes varied considerably, as did the priorities and roads were neglected during the long and destruc-
resources accorded to their maintenance by local tive wars of the revolution and empire until, with
users as well as administrative bodies. Everywhere, the coming of peace, work was resumed.
however, users incurred substantial ‘‘transaction
costs’’ as a result of slow movement, dependent on While these improvements were certainly wel-
horse traction. Furthermore, irregularity and the comed, travelers continued to complain, especially
resulting need to maintain stocks of foodstuffs and about the marked deterioration in conditions once
essential raw materials, which were susceptible to they moved away from privileged axes. In the
spoilage, added to costs. uplands steep gradients frequently required the
use of packhorses rather than carts. Although times
varied considerably according to the season and
weather, in 1827 it was still likely to take twenty-
In response to growing demand, from at least the
five days to transport goods from Paris to Mar-
beginning of the eighteenth century, increasingly
seilles at a cost of 14.50 francs a metric ton, even
efforts were made to improve road construction
on relatively good roads. For somewhere between
techniques, provide paved surfaces, and introduce
32 and 36 francs ‘‘accelerated’’ transport might
more regular maintenance. The timing and nature
reduce the time taken to thirteen days. The range
of the decisions taken are intelligible only within
of transport services included large enterprises
particular geographical, political, social, institu-
tional, and cultural contexts. Thus in Britain, with heavy wagons and large teams of horses and
improvement was to be funded primarily through offering regular departures; local carriers providing
private initiative by means of the creation of turn- links with nearby market towns; and the hosts of
pike trusts—of which there were 1,037 by 1834— peasants engaged in transporting their own pro-
and the introduction of tolls. Elsewhere, classifica- duce or, during the agricultural quiet season, offer-
tion of routes, the ordering of priorities, and super- ing their services, together with horses or oxen,
vision of construction by state engineers were more to whomever needed a cart and generally at very
likely, with resources provided by a mixture of tolls, low cost.
taxation, and obligatory labor service. With better There was a clear division of function between
road surfaces, carts and carriages could move more road and waterway transport. Road transport was
rapidly and carry heavier loads, with less wear and generally preferred for innumerable short-distance
tear on both beasts and vehicles. Certainly less movements, in the absence of navigable water, or
strain was imposed on the horses. Carefully else as a feeder to the waterways. In general it was
selected for their particular functions, they repre- more rapid and reliable and certainly offered
sented a substantial investment. In an expansive greater flexibility than did carriage by water.
economic situation, improved roads were a major High-value goods, which could bear the cost of
factor in sustaining growth. Government interest transport, would be transported by road. However,
was also encouraged by the desire to reinforce waterways offered the only economic means of
political centralization. Additionally, improved transporting such bulky products as cereals, coal,

2346 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

A stagecoach on a mountain road. The use of horse-drawn vehicles for transportation and tourism increased early in the
nineteenth century due to improved roadways and more comfortable coaches. In this photograph, passengers riding a
stagecoach through the scenic Furka Pass in the Swiss Alps admire the view. ªHULTON-DEUTSCH COLLECTION/CORBIS

and building materials as well as finished textiles essential construction material and as a major
and metallurgical products, glass, and pottery. source of fuel. In addition to numerous barges
Britain, an island penetrated by numerous waterways, coming downriver, regions accessible to the sea
and the Low Countries thus enjoyed considerable attracted ships active in long-distance international
advantages. Nevertheless, conditions on the water- trade and also played host to the numerous small
ways and transport costs were extremely diverse. In coasters plying their trade between the large num-
part this reflected seasonal variations in the depth ber of mostly tiny harbors.
of water and in the strength of the current, whether
movement was with or against the current, and, on In response to growing demand, the construc-
the larger rivers and at sea, the direction of the tion of canals offered a means of bypassing obsta-
prevailing winds. The existence of obstacles cles and of linking the various river basins in order
(including rocks, shifting sandbanks, bridges, and to create more extensive networks. The excavation
mill weirs) was another key factor. Transshipment of reservoirs to improve water supply, the construc-
was frequently necessary. Even minor rivers might tion of locks to overcome gradients, and the provi-
be employed at least downriver and when water sion of towpaths to make it easier to use horses to
levels were high. On faster-flowing streams, where tow barges, all represented means of improving
downriver movement alone was possible, boats canal navigation. In France, where the rivers Seine,
were likely to be broken up on reaching their des- Loire, Saône, and Rhône carried the most traffic,
tination. As a result of differences in the conditions much of the canal construction, beginning in the
for navigation, the structure and capacity of boats seventeenth century, was directed toward improv-
varied considerably. Rivers were also the means of ing links between these river basins. In the south
floating downriver the wood that served as the the Canal du Midi linked the Garonne River at

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2347

Toulouse with the Mediterranean at Sète, trans- internal and international trade. By 1850 the vari-
porting cereals from upper Languedoc, an area of ous German states had constructed only 750 kilo-
surplus, to lower Languedoc, where deficits were meters of canals to link the major river systems,
common. Considered to be a technological marvel while the navigable link established from the
when under construction between 1665 and 1681, 1820s between the Baltic and Black Seas was often
it ran for some 240 kilometers and included 74 interrupted by adverse water conditions. Neverthe-
locks. By 1840 Paris was linked to central France less, ports like Hamburg, Lübeck, Danzig, and the
by the upper Seine and its tributaries and by the Russian Baltic port of Riga at the mouths of these
canals of Bourgogne and the Centre, with the east rivers made important contributions to the export
by the Marne-Rhine canal, with the coal fields of trades in grain, timber, flax, and hemp. In Italy the
Belgium and the north by the Canal de Saint- river Po and the Tiber below Rome carried sub-
Quentin and the Oise, and by the lower Seine to stantial traffic; in Spain the Guadalquivir and the
the sea. Lyon, at the confluence of the rivers Rhône lower reaches of the Tagus, Duero, and Ebro were
and Saône, served as the second major node in the also used for navigation. Topography represented
French transport system. As late as 1829, with an insurmountable obstacle to significant canal
steam locomotion already in its early stages but construction, however. In much of Scandinavia
with an uncertain future, the Becquey Plan slow construction of what would in any case be a
assumed that economic change would continue to low-density rail network would ensure that coastal
depend on substantial investment in the canaliza- shipping remained important throughout the nine-
tion of rivers and in canal construction. teenth century.
In practice the waterways continued to suffer In spite of the expense and frequent difficulty
from major shortcomings. As a senior French gov- of movement by both road and water the gradual
ernment engineer pointed out: ‘‘the utility of increase in the efficiency of the transport system
canals is recognised along their length, but extends reduced the cost and improved access to potential
itself for only short distances from their banks. markets, as well as increasing the efficiency with
Immediately the merchandise transported by boats which marketplace information was diffused. Thus,
has to be re-loaded into carts, the unloading, the although they provided few of the ‘‘backward’’
reloading and carting eliminates the economies linkages to industry—which, for example, would
offered by water transport’’ (quoted in Price, p. 45). be created by railway demand for metallurgical
Every lock represented a bottleneck. Propulsion, products—improved road/water transport would
prior to the development of small and inexpensive have a substantial impact on economic conditions.
steam engines, depended on horse or sail and in Reductions in transport costs, and in effect of the
some cases even on human power and represented prices paid by consumers, stimulated the expansion
a major problem, especially against the current. of demand for manufactured goods and the greater
The upper reaches of the Rhine were thus used commercialization of agriculture, particularly in the
primarily by downriver traffic, with the most active already relatively favored areas of valley and plain.
stretch of the river that between Mainz and Urban centers at nodal points in communications
Cologne. Gradually, in the early nineteenth cen- networks, which performed key commercial func-
tury efforts were made to abolish the tolls charged tions, could be supplied more easily with the raw
by various cities along its banks and to clear the materials and foodstuffs necessary to their further
riverbed; from the late 1820s steamers were intro- development. Central to regional communications
duced to carry passengers and from midcentury systems themselves, they were also the key elements
tugs to tow barges. In northern Germany the in interregional and international trade. Even in the
Weser, Elbe, and Oder were used mainly by local more isolated areas growing numbers of middle-
traffic, while farther east the Vistula, even if closed men were active in the host of markets and fairs still
by freezing for some three months each year, made made necessary by the slow and expensive commu-
possible substantial transports of rye and wheat. nications that limited the zone of attraction of
In both Germany and Russia the north-south flow most small markets to something like a circumfer-
of the major rivers limited their impact on both ence of fifteen kilometers. Nevertheless, they drew

2348 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

in peasant farmers anxious to sell their produce and coach journey from Paris to Lille in northern
increasingly able to make purchases. Information France had already been reduced from forty-eight
on the prices of such key commodities as cereals hours in 1815 to twenty in 1845 as a result of road
and coal suggests that a gradual and piecemeal improvements and better coach design and horse
process of market integration was underway but breeding. Clearly more positive attitudes toward
also points at the continued fragmentation that traveling had developed as a result. However, there
remained a predominant characteristic of pre-rail were limits to what could be achieved by horse
economies. The survival of numerous dispersed traction, and by 1855 the rail journey took only
small-scale iron producers was a further indication four hours and fifty minutes. The greater concen-
of the difficulties of access to both raw materials tration of manufacturing processes also led to the
and markets, of poor diffusion of technical as well deindustrialization of less well-endowed areas and
as market information, and the weakness of com- to a process of ruralization as dispersed handicraft
petitive pressures to innovate. In such situations manufacture collapsed.
railway construction would represent a response
to the bottlenecks emerging within road/water The injection of this new technology into the
transport systems as the economic development, communications system had a substantial impact
to a large degree stimulated by their improvement, on road and waterway traffic, which underwent a
resulted in a further growth in the demand for relative decline in importance. The schematic
transport facilities. Just to take one example, the model drawn by Norman J. G. Pounds (An Histor-
Thames below, and especially in, London, was ical Geography of Europe, 1800–1914, Cambridge,
increasingly packed with colliers bringing coal from U.K., and New York, 1985, figure 9.1, p. 428)
the northeast while nearby streets were congested provides an effective representation of these trends.
with horses and carts. The statistical information available is extremely
fragmentary, however, particularly for road and
waterway transport. Table 1 therefore provides
RAILWAYS AND STEAM-POWERED WATER only an additional impression of trends.
A technical solution to these problems was being Although the pre-rail forms of transport con-
developed, however. Like the canals, the first rail- tinued to move similar or even slightly greater
ways were constructed as adjuncts to river systems volumes of freight, their share dropped consider-
and as means of replacing costly road transport. ably. Between 1851 and 1876, while the tonnage
However, it rapidly became evident that in spite carried by French railways increased by around
of considerable investment in the improvement of 1,590 percent, that carried by water and road
roads and waterways and substantial pre-rail reduc- rose by 18 and 19 percent respectively. In general
tions in the cost of transport, the railways offered traffic declined on waterways and roads running
considerable further advantages in terms of cost, parallel to the railways while rising substantially
speed, and regularity. This was especially welcomed on roads providing access to railway stations. It
in those areas that had previously lacked easy access also needs to be borne in mind that rail construc-
to waterways or the sea. Rail construction would tion was extended over at least a half-century,
have a substantial market-widening impact. The affecting repeated local and regional changes in
cost reductions they allowed stimulated demand road use.
for a wide range of products. The growing integra-
tion of space would also result in greater regional Waterway transport of bulky commodities was
specialization as the more resourceful producers also threatened. Operating in an area with relatively
benefited from comparative advantage. Together efficient waterborne transport, the Nord railway
with the intensification of competition, they pro- company in France nevertheless proved able, by
moted the more efficient diffusion of information means of competitive pricing, to attract a substan-
and stimulated technical innovation. Long-distance tial part of the traffic in coal coming from Belgium
passenger transport moved virtually entirely to the and the departments of the Nord and Pas-de-
railways, which offered cheaper, far more rapid, and Calais. This represented 44 percent of its goods
more comfortable transport. The time taken for the traffic in the period from 1873 to 1884. Major coal

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2349


Transport of commodities in France, 1830–1914 (in thousand millions of metric ton-kilometer)

Period Road Canal Rail Sea (coaster) Total

1830 2.0 0.5 — 0.6 3.5
1841–1844 2.3 0.8 0.06 0.7 3.9
1845–1854 2.6 1.2 0.46 0.7 5.0
1855–1864 2.7 1.4 3.00 0.7 7.8
1865–1874 2.8 1.3 6.30 0.6 11.0
1875–1884 2.6 1.5 9.40 0.6 14.1
1885–1894 2.7 2.3 10.90 0.8 16.7
1895–1904 2.8 3.2 14.90 1.1 22.0
1905–1914 2.9 3.8 21.00 1.1 28.8

SOURCE: J.-C.Toutain, Les transports en France de 1830 à 1965 (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968), p. 252

mining and metallurgical enterprises constructed and foodstuffs did much to keep down both the
both internal rail systems and spurs linking them price of manufactured goods and the cost of living
to the external railway network. In the case of and thus to stimulate consumer demand.
seaborne trade the railway was either complemen- From the 1860s through 1880s, on a selective
tary, in providing a means of penetration inland for basis, substantial investments also took place in the
seaborne people and goods, or else competitive, improvement of conditions for navigation on such
particularly with coastal traffic. International and major rivers as the lower Seine, Meuse, Rhine,
especially transatlantic trade grew substantially in Elbe, and even the Danube (where natural obsta-
volume, reflecting both rising prosperity and cles continued to deter users) as well as in the
substantial reductions in maritime freight costs widening and deepening of canals, designed to
resulting from improvements in the design and allow the constant movement of high-capacity
construction of both sailing and steam ships. barges. Between 1873 and 1914 the length of
Gradually, from the 1820s and 1830s, steamers canals and canalized rivers in Germany almost
entered coastal trade and from midcentury into doubled, to 6,600 kilometers. In France and
longer-distance transport. Although as late as Germany governments favored this as a means of
1870 only 24 percent of British merchant tonnage countering rail monopoly by providing an even
and around 9 percent of that of France, Germany, cheaper means of transport for bulky commodities
and Italy was steam powered, the speed and carry- like coal and iron ore. Between the mid-1880s and
ing capacity of sailing ships was improved consider- 1905 the tonnage carried on French waterways
ably. Increasingly, however, especially from the grew by 73 percent, on Belgian by 114 percent,
1870s and 1880s and in long-distance trade, steam and on German by 274 percent. In the French case
propulsion replaced sail, especially as more reliable the relative decline in the significance of inland
and efficient engines reduced fuel consumption waterways was reversed as their share in goods
and larger iron—then steel—ships were con- traffic, which had fallen from 37 percent to 15
structed offering more cargo space. This growing percent between 1851 and 1882, rose again to 21
maritime trade—and the shipbuilding that made it percent by 1903. In less economically dynamic
possible—was increasingly concentrated in the regions or where natural conditions made the cost
major ports, where infrastructure investment in of improvement prohibitive, waterways like the
docks, quays, and cranes had improved turnaround Loire or Vistula were largely abandoned and river
times for ships and which furthermore benefited ports decayed rapidly.
from efficient rail links to wide hinterlands as well
as rail tariff policies that sought to maximize traffic. REVIVAL OF THE ROAD: BICYCLES
There was intense competition between such ports AND MOTORCARS
as Le Havre, Antwerp, and Hamburg for a lucrative As had been the case with the development of the
transit trade. The massive imports of raw materials railway system, the revival of the road as a means of

2350 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

A group of shipbuilders in their shipyard. Late-nineteenth-century photograph. The use of steel for shipbuilding allowed for
the construction of much larger vessels and greatly enlarged the fortunes of shipping magnates. ªHULTON-DEUTSCH COLLECTION/CORBIS

transport was a response to the perceived short- invention of the detachable, inflatable tire in 1888
comings of existing rail/road transport facilities. provided for a more comfortable ride. Typically,
The introduction of the bicycle and then of the large numbers of producers entered the new indus-
motorcar were once again to transform transport try before competition and overproduction elimi-
conditions. Substantial investment in road impro- nated the weakest.
vement had continued because of roads’ central
Even more significant was the development of
importance to short-distance transport and in pro-
the internal combustion engine, invented indepen-
viding access to the railways.
dently by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler in the
In 1867, a Parisian blacksmith called Pierre 1870s and 1880s. This provided a more compact,
Michaux probably produced the first commercial fuel-efficient power technology than that provided
bicycle. By 1885 the modern safety bicycle had by steam and allowed the construction of lighter
been developed. From the late 1880s its use rapidly vehicles no longer dependent on rails. The auto-
spread as its cost fell. The bicycle offered both a mobile offered a flexible and rapid means of perso-
means of getting to work and a leisure activity that nal transport to luxury consumers anxious to
enhanced personal liberty. By 1890 some five hun- escape from crowded, more ‘‘democratic’’ forms
dred thousand were in use in Britain. Michelin’s of transport. Initially, customized cars were

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2351

TABLE 2 cially in related activities in garages and road

maintenance. Soon World War I would provide a
Annual expenditure on roads in France, 1815–1913 massive stimulus to production that heralded the
(in millions of francs)
postwar rebirth of road transport and, because
Period Expenditure motor vehicles offered greater convenience and
1815–1819 58.2 flexibility at a competitive price, the gradual but
1820–1829 65.0
1830–1839 110.3 accelerating decline of the railway. Although the
1840–1849 170.6 process would take decades, particularly in the
1850–1859 176.8
1860–1869 220.7 countryside, the age of the horse was also coming
1870–1879 223.7
1880–1889 243.9
to an end.
1890–1899 231.9
1900–1909 234.2 See also Airplanes; Automobile; Cycling; Industrial
1910–1913 249.0 Revolution, First; Industrial Revolution, Second;
Railroads; Trade and Economic Growth.


assembled by skilled artisans in hundreds of metal- Laux, James Michael. In First Gear: The French Automobile
working and carriage-building workshops, some of Industry to 1914. Liverpool, U.K., 1976.
which, like Peugeot, were pushed into diversifica- Livet, Georges. Histoire des routes et des transports en
tion by intense competition among bicycle manu- Europe. Strasbourg, France, 2003.
facturers. Again, only a small minority of these Price, Roger. The Modernization of Rural France: Commu-
companies, including Peugeot, Opel, and Fiat, nications Networks and Agricultural Market Structures
would survive growing competitive pressures. By in Nineteenth-Century France. London, 1983.
1907 there were some 150,000 vehicles in use Szostak, Rick. The Role of Transportation in the Industrial
throughout Europe, increasing to 600,000 by Revolution: A Comparison of England and France.
1914. In France 91,000 vehicles were in use in Montreal, 1991.
1913; in Germany there were 61,000 private cars Ville, Simon P. Transport and the Development of the
and 9,700 commercial vehicles. Public transport European Economy, 1750–1918. London, 1990.
was also affected. Thus, whereas in London in ———. ‘‘Transport and Communications.’’ In The
1903 11,000 hansom and hackney cabs and 1 European Economy, 1750–1914: A Thematic Approach,
motor cab plied their trade, by 1913 there were edited by Derek H. Aldcroft and Simon P. Ville.
Manchester, U.K., 1994.
already 8,000 motor cabs, and the number of
horse-drawn cabs had declined to 1,900. Trucks ROGER PRICE
and motorbuses were also making an appearance.
As a result of better automobile design and the
improvement of road surfaces, the reliability of n
vehicles and their capacity for long-distance move- TREITSCHKE, HEINRICH VON
ment also increased rapidly. A major new industry (1834–1896), German nationalist.
was in the making. In Europe’s fragmented mar- Born on 15 September 1834 in Dresden, the
kets assembly-line production was slower to future champion of Prussian-led German unifi-
develop than in the United States. In 1914 cation Heinrich von Treitschke grew up in the
Peugeot, the largest European producer, turned aristocratic, conservative, and provincial atmo-
out only around 2 percent of the cars produced sphere of the capital of the kingdom of Saxony.
by Ford. Even at this stage, however, the burgeon- The son of an army officer who eventually rose to
ing new industry substantially increased demand the rank of general and a mother who descended
for aluminum, high-quality steels and alloys, and from a venerable Saxon noble family, Treitschke
rubber and oil. Renault, Panhard et Levassor, and became interested at an early age in German
others were also already moving into the produc- nationalism, convinced as early as 1848 that only
tion of aircraft engines. In France by 1914 some the Prussian monarchy could unite the Germans
100,000 were employed in making cars and espe- states. Prevented from becoming an officer due

2352 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

to a childhood ear affliction that eventually resulted proponents within academe. Treitschke also played
in total deafness, Treitschke graduated in 1851 an important role in making respectable and
from the elite Holy Cross secondary school and thereby spreading anti-Semitism within German
went on to study history, political economy, and society. Although he claimed to abhor the violent
state administration in Bonn, Leipzig, Tübingen, manifestations of anti-Semitism, Treitschke attacked
Freiburg, and Heidelberg before taking a teaching Germany’s Jews in print, accusing them of under-
position at the University of Leipzig in 1859. mining traditional German values and thereby
weakening the German state. Generations of anti-
As a university professor and a contributor to
Semites would thank him for the infamous slogan
the journal Preussische Jahrbücher, Treitschke initially
‘‘the Jews are our misfortune.’’
promoted German unification from a classically
liberal standpoint. Prussia’s current authoritarian By the mid-1880s, Treitschke was calling for
nature, Treitschke believed, hindered unification Germany’s acquisition of overseas colonies. ‘‘All
because it represented a foreign-influenced perver- great nations in history felt the urge to impress
sion of the ideal traditional Prussian state, one the stamp of their authority on barbaric countries
based on collaboration between the monarchy while they felt strong enough to do so,’’ Treitschke
and a civil service dominated by the educated bour- wrote. ‘‘He who does not take part in this gigantic
geoisie. Events in the 1860s caused Treitschke competition is destined to cut a poor figure one
to revise his opinions. Prussia’s victories over day. . . . It is therefore a vital question for the
Denmark in 1864 and Austria in 1866 convinced [German] nation to show colonial drive’’ (quoted
him to overlook Otto von Bismarck’s role in the in Winzen, p. 160). A consequence of his growing
conflict between the Prussian state and its parlia- interest in the issue of German expansion was a
ment and to begin to believe that Bismarck could growing hatred of Great Britain. For Treitschke,
succeed in forging a centralized nation-state in Great Britain represented a ‘‘reactionary power’’
central Europe. The founding of the German that would have to be dealt with if Germany were
Empire in 1871 largely fulfilled Treitschke’s to realize the goals of Weltpolitik. Moreover,
wishes, despite reservations concerning, among Treitschke believed that military conflict with
other things, Germany’s weak federalist structure. England or other powers was not only inevitable
Although he served as a deputy in the national but also legitimate and often beneficial.
parliament until 1884, Treitschke exerted his influ- Although most historians believe Treitschke
ence primarily through his writings and lectures. contributed very little to the discipline of history,
His five-volume, unfinished monumental German scholars recognize his enormous impact on the
History in the Nineteenth Century, begun in 1879, many Germans who attended his lectures or read
chronicled political, economic, theological, philo- his articles. Lecturing to overflow crowds at Berlin’s
sophical, and cultural developments in the period
Kaiser Wilhelm University, Treitschke helped to
up to 1848. Like his other writings, this work
instill imperialistic, chauvinistic, and anti-Semitic
wedded his deeply felt political convictions with
values in a generation of young men, many of
his interest in historical events; the first two
whom later occupied important positions in the
decades of the century were characterized as a
Wilhelmine state and its society. Men such as Carl
blossoming of the national ideal that was crushed
Peters, Alfred von Tirpitz, Bernhard von Bülow,
after 1815 by the triumph of small-minded German
and Helmuth Johannes von Moltke learned from
particularism and the unnatural and pernicious
Treitschke of the positive effects of war, the essen-
domination of central Europe by the Habsburg
tial foreignness of Jews and non-Germans, and
Monarchy. Clear to contemporary readers was the
implicit glorification of Prussia’s role in creating the deficiencies of parliamentary democracy.
a unified nation-state. Whether such teachings laid the foundation for
National Socialism remains a subject of debate
In his published essays, Treitschke engaged among scholars.
many of the pressing issues of the day. He sup-
ported Bismarck in the anti-Catholic Kulturkampf See also Anti-Semitism; Imperialism; Nationalism;
of the 1870s, and he railed against socialism and its Ranke, Leopold von.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2353


Bussmann, Walter. ‘‘Heinrich von Treitschke 1834–1896.’’ DEVELOPMENT
In Die Grossen Deutschen. Deutsche Biographie, edited Intending to challenge Venetian domination, the
by Hermann Heimpel, Theodor Heuss, and Benno Austrian emperor Charles VI extended free-trade
Reifenberg. Berlin, 1957. privileges in the Adriatic in 1719. From 1731 to
Dorpalen, Andreas. Heinrich von Treitschke. New Haven, 1775, Trieste functioned as the administrative
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1957. center of the Habsburg Adriatic commercial zone.
————. ‘‘Heinrich von Treitschke.’’ Journal of Contem- France’s defeat of the Venetian empire in 1797
porary History 7, nos. 3–4 (1972): 21–35. encouraged Austrian commercial expansion in the
Adriatic and Mediterranean, and down to 1814
Iggers, Georg. ‘‘Heinrich von Treitschke.’’ In Deutsche
Historiker. Band II, edited by Hans-Ulrich Wehler. Trieste became a pawn in the contest between
Göttingen, 1971. Austria and France. Three periods of French
occupation (March to May 1797, November
Kupisch, Karl. Die Hieroglyphe Gottes. Grosse Historiker der
bürgerlichen Epoche von Ranke bis Meinicke. Munich, 1805 to March 1806, and November 1809 to
1967. October 1813) encouraged western European
political associations, and Napoleon’s choice of
Langer, Ulrich. Heinrich von Treitschke. Politische Biogra-
phie eines deutschen Nationalisten. Düsseldorf, 1998. Trieste as the administrative center for the Illyrian
provinces created links between the upper Adriatic
Loftus, Ilse. ‘‘Bismarck and the Prussian Historians.’’ In
region and areas of the Italian peninsula as far
Imperial Germany. Essays, edited by Volker Dürr,
Kathy Harms, and Peter Hayes. Madison, Wisc., 1985. south as Rome. After 1814 Trieste and other
Adriatic provinces, in part inherited from Venice,
Winzen, Peter. ‘‘Treitschke’s Influence on the Rise of
Imperialist and Anti-British Nationalism in Germany.’’
became part of Austria’s Adriatic littoral. The port
In Nationalist and Racialist Movements in Britain and city’s trade blossomed with Habsburg assistance.
Germany Before 1914, edited by Paul Kennedy and In 1835 the navigation firm Lloyd Austriaco was
Anthony Nicholls. London, 1981. founded, and in 1836 the Austrian government
granted the steamship line a charter, initiating a
marriage between private venture and government
that allowed Lloyd to become the largest steamship
company in the Mediterranean by 1851. The insur-
n ance sector also flourished. Assicurazioni Generali,
TRIESTE. ‘‘It is the affliction of her two destined to be one of the largest insurance
natures—the commercial and the Italian—that companies in Europe and the Mediterranean, was
collide and cancel out each other. And Trieste founded in 1831, and Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà
cannot suffocate either of the two. This is her was established in 1838.
double soul.’’ Such was the writer Scipio Slata- Trieste grew as a pillar of Habsburg maritime
per’s description of his native city (La voce, 25 commerce to become, perhaps, the fourth most
March 1909; in Slataper, pp. 38–39). From a important city in the empire after Vienna, Budapest,
small city of approximately 30,000 at the begin- and Prague. The city’s architecture took on a
ning of the nineteenth century, Trieste grew to a Viennese aspect with development of the Theresian
major central European city of more than Quarter, named for the Habsburg empress Maria
240,000 by 1913. Habsburg support for the free Theresa, centered on the Grand Canal. By the mid-
port and commercial privileges beginning in the nineteenth century, a neoclassical stock exchange
mid-eighteenth century spurred the growth of the
building graced the main avenue leading from the
city that had been under Habsburg protection
Grand Canal to the major public square, Piazza
since the fourteenth century. Yet, by the eve of
Grande, which over the course of the century
World War I, technological developments in
became home to imposing and ornate public
commercial and maritime trade had begun to
buildings and the headquarters of Lloyd Aus-
erode the city’s economic foundations, and
triaco. The Habsburg monarchy also sought to
nationalist tensions threatened the political stabi-
establish a direct presence in the city. In 1856
lity of the Habsburg port.

2354 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Ponte Rosso on the Grand Canal, Trieste. Photograph by Giuseppe Wulz c. 1890. The church of Sant’Antonio can be seen
in the background. ALINARI/ART RESOURCE

Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, the younger serving international commercial interests. In the
brother of the emperor Francis Joseph and 1860s the convergence of Austria’s loss of Venice
supreme commander of the Imperial Austrian to Italy, Habsburg suspicions of German states
Navy, began construction of his royal palace Mir- unifying under a ‘‘small German’’ model, and the
amare. Ferdinand died in 1867 in an ill-advised monarchy’s compromise of 1867 that split the
attempt to rule as the emperor of Mexico, but empire into two parts served to focus Austrian
construction of the castle continued, and by energies on the development of Trieste. The Adriatic
1871 the completed royal residence stood as a port served as an alternative to lost Venetian
symbol of Habsburg authority. routes and politically unreliable networks through
Bismarck’s Germany.
By the mid-nineteenth century, under Habsburg
tutelage, Trieste’s trade position was enhanced. In 1891 the monarchy abrogated Trieste’s
The Südbahn rail connection, completed in 1857, free-port status, but Habsburg monopolies, sub-
formed a direct link to Vienna. Although the sidies, and commercial advantages continued to
Adriatic route could never match the northern feed economic growth. In 1913 trade with imperial
German port route in terms of efficiency and regions accounted for over 80 percent of Triestine
economy, Trieste grew as a cosmopolitan port city commercial rail traffic.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2355

COSMOPOLITAN PORT AND CULTURE by transferring the seat of the Austrian navy from
From the Habsburg perspective, Trieste rested in revolutionary Venice. Nonetheless, the city’s role as
the hands of commercial elites of a variety of ethnic a port serving Germanic Austria increasingly
and cultural backgrounds, whose allegiance lay with clashed with the aspirations and ambitions of
the monarchy and whose focus was on economic nationalist groups, in particular irredentist Italians,
concerns. The urban environment had an Italian who wished to integrate all Italian-speaking
character due to reliance on an Italian dialect as territories into the new Italian state.
the lingua franca and general adherence to Italian
The 1860s were critical in the emergence of
customs. However, the city was reputed to be
ethnic and nationalist politics in the northeastern
cosmopolitan, with a climate heavily influenced by
Adriatic lands. Italian unification, particularly
diverse groups of immigrants, including Greeks,
the inclusion of Lombardy and Venetia, former
Ottomans, Jews, and English and Swiss Protestants.
Habsburg holdings, in the new state of Italy,
At the same time, a strong civic identity grew out of
exacerbated tensions over the fate of the Italian-
the city’s pretensions to economic importance and
speaking populations of the Adriatic littoral. The
autonomy within the Habsburg Empire. Writers
Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 brought
in Trieste captured the contradictions of the ‘‘cos-
nationalist questions to the fore. It excited Slavic
mopolitan’’ and ‘‘municipal’’ identities and the clash
interests in autonomy and, by the turn of the
between economic internationalism and nationalist
century, spurred proposals for a third, Slavic
particularism. They also emphasized the psycho- component to the monarchy.
analytic perspective, filtering to the port from
Freud’s circle in Vienna. The Irish writer James The most famous local nationalist incident
Joyce spent several years before World War I teach- occurred in 1882 and involved Guglielmo Oberdan
ing English in Trieste and is reputed to have drawn (or Oberdank) and a plan to assassinate the
inspiration for many of his characters, including Austrian monarch Francis Joseph, visiting Trieste
Leopold Bloom in Ulysses, from the Triestines. Best to honor the five-hundredth anniversary of the
known among the psychoanalytically inspired city’s adhesion to Austria. Officials uncovered
works is the novel Zeno’s Conscience by Triestine Oberdan’s plot, and he was hanged for treason.
native Italo Svevo. The execution furnished the irredentist movement
with a local martyr for the Italian cause.
Cultural networks and literary circles embra-
By the turn of the twentieth century,
cing diversity remained intact on the eve of World
Trieste’s municipal council rested squarely in
War I, but political bifurcation went hand in hand
the hands of Italian nationalists who controlled
with the emergence of ethnic antagonisms that
local matters. Heightening sensitivities to ethnic
increasingly pit Italians against Slavs in the second
and cultural differences fueled nationalist antag-
half of the nineteenth century. By the 1880s, the
onisms throughout the empire. In the northeast-
increasing wealth of Trieste had quickened the pace
ern Adriatic provinces, Slavs and Italians began to
of immigration to the urban center, altering the
struggle against one another and against Austrian
ethnic and political landscape. The migration of
(considered Germanic) officials. The fever pitch
workers from nearby rural districts in Italy, Istria,
of the prewar debate between factions favoring
and Slovene and Croatian Adriatic provinces and
international commerce under the oversight of
the changes wrought by rapid urbanization set the
Austria and those with Italian irredentist aspira-
stage for the opposition between socialists and
tions was evident in 1912 in the firestorm that
national liberals.
erupted over the publication of Angelo Vivante’s
Irredentismo adriatico (Adriatic irredentism).
NATIONALIST/ETHNIC DEBATE Irredentists expected Vivante, a respected
Nationalist or ethnic antagonism in Trieste had member of an Italian Triestine bourgeois family,
its roots in the upheavals of 1848. In 1848 local to support pro-Italian factions. Instead, he
civilian and military leaders, recognizing the port’s emphasized Trieste’s dependence on Austria and
reliance on Vienna, generally maintained calm in painted irredentist schemes as ‘‘utopian’’ dreams,
Trieste. The monarchy rewarded the city’s loyalty emphasizing the ‘‘antithesis between the

2356 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

economic element and the national one’’ as ‘‘the Bilbao (Spain) during the French Revolution. Their
guiding thread of all Triestine history’’ (Vivante, religious marriage was not recognized under Revo-
p. 221). lutionary law, making Flora and her younger
At the end of World War I, victorious Italy’s brother Pio technically illegitimate. They did not
incorporation of Trieste into the liberal state could inherit on their father’s sudden death in 1807, and
be counted an Italian nationalist triumph. How- grew up in modest circumstances in the countryside
ever, Vivante’s antithesis could not be reconciled. near Paris.
Italy’s victory proved Pyrrhic. Italy was frustrated at Little is known of Tristan’s life until she
the inability to annex other coveted territories in returned to Paris in 1818 and found work coloring
the eastern Adriatic; nationalists and socialists designs in the engraving workshop of André
clashed; the port city, due to the ravages of war Chazal. She married him shortly before her eigh-
and political separation from hinterlands in central teenth birthday, but the marriage was violent and
Europe, entered into a period of decline. Economic Tristan left her husband in 1825. With two sons to
crisis and political and ethnic antagonisms set the support and pregnant with her third child, she had
stage for the well-known, bitter twentieth-century difficulty finding work. Following the birth of her
contests over the fate of Trieste. daughter in October 1825, she left her children in
her mother’s care and became a ‘‘lady’s maid,’’
See also Austria-Hungary; Italy; Vienna.
traveling throughout Europe with her employers.
She then made contact with her father’s family and
visited Peru in 1832–1833 in an unsuccessful
Primary Sources attempt to claim her inheritance. This voyage pro-
Slataper, Scipio. Lettere triestine: Col seguito di attri scritti vided the basis for her first major publication,
vociani di polemica su Trieste. Trieste, 1988. Peregrinations of a Pariah (1838), and for a career
Svevo, Italo. Zeno’s Conscience. Translated by William Weaver. as a writer. Her account of her unhappy marriage
New York, 2001. Translation of Coscienza di Zeno (1923). also sparked renewed conflict with her estranged
Vivante, Angelo. Irredentismo adriatico. Trieste, 1984. husband, who was jailed after attempting to kill her
in 1838.
Secondary Sources
Tristan’s travels opened her eyes to the extent
Dubin, Lois C. The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste: Absolutist
Politics and Enlightenment Culture. Stanford, Calif., of social injustice and transformed her from a dis-
1999. illusioned wife pursuing her own rights into a poli-
McCourt, John. The Years of Bloom: James Joyce in Trieste,
tical activist. In the 1830s she signed petitions
1904–1920. Dublin, 2000. for the legalization of divorce and against capital
punishment, and published a pamphlet on the plight
Pizzi, Katia. A City in Search of an Author: The Literary
Identity of Trieste. London, 2001. of single women. She became interested in the
socialist theories of Charles Fourier (1772–1837),
Schächter, Elizabeth. Origin and Identity: Essays on Svevo
and Trieste. Leeds, U.K., 2000.
Robert Owen (1771–1858), the Saint-Simonians,
and Étienne Cabet (1788–1856), but found none
Sondhaus, Lawrence. In the Service of the Emperor: Italians in
of them satisfactory. Tristan began to publish her
the Austrian Armed Forces, 1814–1918. New York, 1990.
own proposals in both fiction and nonfiction. The
MAURA E. HAMETZ hero of her 1838 novel Méphis, a self-proclaimed
‘‘proletarian,’’ fought oppression by aristocrats and
Jesuits with his lover, the Andalusian Maréquita (a
n character based partly on Tristan herself). The
TRISTAN, FLORA (1803–1844), French novel ends with the birth of their daughter, Mary,
feminist and socialist. a female savior destined to complete the redemp-
tion of the proletariat.
Flore-Célestine-Thérèse-Henriette Tristan Mos-
coso, who called herself Flora Tristan, was born in Following a fourth trip to England in 1839,
Paris. Her French mother had met her father, a Tristan published a report on the plight of workers
Peruvian-born nobleman of Spanish ancestry, in in the nation at the forefront of industrialization

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2357

A monument to Tristan, funded by French

workers, was erected at Bordeaux in October
1848. It was inscribed: ‘‘In memory of Madame
Flora Tristan, author of the Workers’ Union, with
the workers’ gratitude. Liberty—Equality—Frater-
nity—Solidarity.’’ This acknowledged her dedication
to the workers’ cause. Nevertheless, her relation-
ships with workers were sometimes difficult. She
remained an outsider, defining herself as one of the
‘‘enlightened bourgeoisie.’’ Her messianic vision
and her claim to be the ‘‘mother of the workers’’
also emphasized her own leadership, creating some
resentment. Tristan’s approach reflected both the
religious currents within Romantic socialism, and
the prominence of middle-class figures within socia-
list organizations at that time.
Tristan’s feminist legacy is also complex. She
did not form alliances with other feminists of her
day, desiring to lead rather than follow. But she
articulated the concerns shared by feminists in this
period about discriminatory marriage laws, educa-
tion, employment, and personal autonomy for
women. Tristan’s reputation as one of the most
significant feminists and socialists of her day is well
Flora Tristan. Nineteenth-century lithograph portrait. deserved, and her life illustrates that these two sets
BIBLIOTHÈQUE MARGUERITE DURAND, PARIS, FRANCE/BRIDGEMAN ART of ideas were intimately connected in the early
LIBRARY/ARCHIVES CHARMET nineteenth century.

See also Feminism; France; Socialism.

(Promenades dans Londres [Walks in London],
1840). She cited a range of investigations and
reports to give her work credibility. Her preface
warned French workers that they faced similar prob- Primary Sources
lems as industrialization spread. Her links with The London Journal of Flora Tristan. Translated, annotated,
militant French workers from 1843 and her inves- and introduced by Jean Hawkes. London, 1982.
tigation of French workers’ lives sharpened her The Workers’ Union. Translated with an introduction by
conviction that the political mobilization of the Beverly Livingston. Champaign, Ill., 1983.
‘‘largest and most useful class’’ was the key to social Flora Tristan, Utopian Feminist: Her Travel Diaries and
transformation. She promoted this idea in her best- Personal Crusade. Selected, translated, and with an
known book, Workers’ Union (1843). It empha- introduction to her life by Doris Beik and Paul Beik.
sized the need for workers to form a ‘‘union’’ with Bloomington, Ind., 1993.
a broad membership, superseding craft-based Flora Tristan’s Diary: The Tour of France, 1843–1844.
associations, if they were to become a political Translated, annotated, and introduced by Máire
force. Unskilled workers and women needed to Fedelma Cross. Oxford, U.K., and New York, 2002.
be included. She argued that women’s oppression
underpinned the oppression of workers and that Secondary Sources
workers should lead the way in recognizing Bloch-Dano, Evelyne. Flora Tristan: La femme-messie.
women’s rights. While on a speaking tour to pro- Paris, 2001. The best recent biography in French.
mote this book, Tristan died at Bordeaux of sus- Cross, Máire, and Tim Gray. The Feminism of Flora Tristan.
pected typhoid fever on 14 November 1844. Oxford, U.K., and Providence, R.I., 1992.

2358 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Grogan, Susan K. Flora Tristan: Life Stories. London, 1998. the towns; no definitive explanation for this varia-
Explores Tristan’s life through the variety of self- tion is known in the early twenty-first century.
images she created.
Puech, Jules-L. La vie et l’oeuvre de Flora Tristan, 1803–
1844. Paris, 1925. This first biography remains MODERN CONCEPTS OF TUBERCULOSIS
invaluable. Modern concepts of the causes of tuberculosis date
from 1882, when the German scientist Robert
Koch identified the bacteria responsible for the
disease. Before then only two significant develop-
ments had taken place that affected the understand-
n ing of tuberculosis. One was the refinement around
TUBERCULOSIS. The symptoms of tuber- 1816 by the French scientist René-Théophile-
culosis, more often called consumption or phthisis Hyacinthe Laennec of the stethoscope, which aided
in the nineteenth century, have been known in better diagnosis; the other was the microscope,
Europe for many hundreds of years. A Dublin which enabled the identification of the characteris-
physician described consumption of the lungs in tic lesions or ‘‘tubercles’’ that were present in the
1772 in much the same way as modern medical infected organs of sufferers. This established that,
treatises do—as an obstinate cough, inclination to although consumption of the lungs was the most
vomit, oppression of the chest, habitual fever that prevalent form of the disease, it could be found in
increases after eating, general paleness, high pulse, other parts of the human body. It also gave the
night sweats, loss of weight, and coughing up of disease its modern name—tuberculosis.
blood. Infection with the tubercle bacillus was Before Koch it was not known whether tubercu-
widespread in Europe; some calculations for the losis was infectious, though some doctors suspected it
early twentieth century suggest an almost 100 per- was. It was widely believed to be hereditary, and this
cent rate of infection. But though not all who were led to families concealing the disease. Innumerable
infected went on to develop the full-blown disease, cures were offered in the early nineteenth century, all
mortality was high. At the height of the epidemic in retrospect valueless, including inhalation of iodine,
possibly at least two-thirds to three-quarters of a diet rich in fat, water cures, and even starvation.
those who had the disease died, most commonly Some doctors attributed its incidence to overindul-
from respiratory failure. Even among the recovered, gence. By the middle of the nineteenth century, cli-
tuberculosis could return in later life. mate was considered to be an important influence on
Some historians see the high rates of tuber- tuberculosis, and medical journals of the period are
culosis in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth full of investigations of the incidence of tuberculosis
centuries as the downward curve of an epidemic that in different climates around the world. This led suf-
had reached its peak several hundred years before. ferers to take tours or voyages in search of a climate
Others argue that a deteriorating urban environ- they hoped would improve their health. A significant
ment caused an increased incidence in the early number of immigrants from Europe to the New
nineteenth century. All agree that in most European World and the colonies were tuberculosis sufferers.
countries—Ireland and Norway were the excep- The lingering nature of death from consump-
tion—tuberculosis was on the decline in the late tion of the lungs and the fact that it seemed to
nineteenth century. Nonetheless, of all the infec- strike the young in their prime led to a romantic
tious diseases, tuberculosis was the most important iconography growing up around the disease in the
contributor to mortality in the nineteenth century nineteenth century. Some symptoms—flushed
and, while its decline continued into the twentieth, cheeks, glittering eyes—were considered to enhance
it was still the leading cause of death among young beauty. The febrile excitement that sufferers often
adults. Tuberculosis was more prevalent in the cities displayed in their psychological reaction to their
and towns. There is some evidence that in the nine- illness led to an association between susceptibility
teenth century, with important exceptions, mortality to tuberculosis and emotional and artistic tempera-
from tuberculosis was higher among women than ments. Thus in operas, novels, and art, death from
men in rural areas, whereas the reverse was true for tuberculosis was used as the climax of a tragic

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2359

Dr. Koch’s Treatment for Consumption at the Royal Hospital, Berlin. English engraving, late nineteenth century.
Following his discovery of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis in 1882, Robert Koch attempted to develop treatments for the
disease. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1905 for his discoveries. PRIVATE COLLECTION/BRIDGEMAN ART LIBRARY

narrative of unfulfilled promise and youthful hopes air. The most famous example was the hospital in
dashed. Most famously the theme appears in the the German Black Forest opened by Dr. Otto
death of Mimi in Giacomo Puccini’s opera La Walther in 1888, which combined bed rest, medical
Bohème (1896), based on Henri Murger’s novel of attendance, and exposure to the air. Sanatoriums
1849. However, there are many examples in real based on similar principles, catering initially to
life of the impact of tuberculosis on promise. The the private patient, opened throughout Europe.
disease claimed the composer Frédéric Chopin at Isolated mountain retreats in Europe, brought
thirty-nine; the Brontë sisters Emily, Anne, and within reach by the railway, experienced burgeon-
Charlotte at ages thirty, twenty-nine, and thirty-eight ing local economies built on the provision of
respectively; and the playwright Anton Chekhov sanatoriums for the tubercular. The sanatorium
at forty-four and the poet John Keats at age led to the development of a specialized form of
twenty-five. hospital architecture and to a literature based on
the patient’s experience. Every European country
TREATMENT produced novels of sanatorium life, most now for-
The belief that fresh, uncontaminated air was good gotten. However, the most famous is the German
for the tuberculosis sufferer gained ground in the novelist Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain,
nineteenth century and came to dominate treat- published in 1924. This was the year that the writer
ment of the disease. One product of this was the Franz Kafka, whose life and work was also over-
specialized tuberculosis hospital or sanatorium shadowed by the disease, died from tuberculosis
situated in an area chosen for climate and fresh in an Austrian sanatorium.

2360 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The late nineteenth century saw a dramatic could be transmitted between animals and humans.
change in attitudes toward tuberculosis. Koch’s dis- In the first decade of the twentieth century experi-
covery of the infectious nature of tuberculosis opened mental proof that it could be so transmitted was
up the possibility that it could be susceptible to the available and generally accepted. The chief vector
kind of public health measures that had once been was in the milk and meat of infected animals,
used to combat the ‘‘fevers’’—the epidemic diseases primarily cattle. Tuberculosis transmitted by milk
such as cholera, typhus, and smallpox. These included affected the bones and internal organs of children
notification, isolation, and decontamination. Between in particular. This led to another familiar figure of
1890 and 1914 nongovernmental organizations the nineteenth century—the severely crippled
emerged in Europe, usually initiated and led by med- child. Improved agricultural practices and pasteur-
ical professionals. They raised consciousness of the ization of milk eventually led to decline in tubercu-
disease among the public, advocated hygiene, and losis of bovine origin, but the politics of agriculture
strove to bring the benefits of the sanatorium within intervened in some countries to slow down reform.
reach of the poor. The principle they operated under
was that the disease could be prevented, contained, See also Disease; Public Health.
and perhaps even cured. Thus tuberculosis became a
focus for private charitable and eventually government BIBLIOGRAPHY
action. A series of international conferences acted as a Barnes, David. The Making of a Social Disease: Tubercu-
vector for the spread of ideas about its treatment losis in Nineteenth-Century France. Berkeley, Calif.,
across Europe. They encouraged comparisons 1995.
between national tuberculosis rates, though the fig- Bryder, Lynda. Below the Magic Mountain: A Social History
ures these comparisons were based on were notor- of Tuberculosis in Twentieth-Century Britain. Oxford,
iously unreliable. Nonetheless, this helped to make U.K., 1988.
lowering the national tuberculosis rate a matter of
Dormandy, Thomas. ‘‘The White Death’’: A History of
patriotic duty. Tuberculosis. London, 1999.
There were national styles in the public health Jones, Greta. ‘‘Captain of All These Men of Death’’: The
treatment of tuberculosis. Germany was the coun- History of Tuberculosis in Nineteenth and Twentieth
try with strongest adherence to the sanatorium; Century Ireland. New York and Amsterdam, 2001.
France to the outpatient clinic dealing exclusively Smith, Francis Barrymore. The Retreat of Tuberculosis,
with tuberculosis—the tuberculosis dispensary. 1850–1960. London, 1988.
Some countries had a system of compulsory notifi-
cation of sufferers, others resisted. Two significant
disparities in tuberculosis policy concerned the use
of the antituberculosis vaccine BCG and the treat-
ment of bovine tuberculosis. Koch’s discoveries
had encouraged the search for a vaccine against
tuberculosis and in 1921 two French scientists TUNISIA. The history of Tunisia during the
Albert-Léon-Charles Calmette and Camille Guérin long nineteenth century really begins with the
announced the discovery of BCG. By the 1930s it advent of Ottoman suzerainty in the late sixteenth
was in use in France and Scandinavian countries century. In 1574 Sinan Pasha took control of Tunis
but elsewhere, particularly in Britain, its value as a on behalf of the Ottomans and put an end to the
preventative measure was questioned. By the Hafsid dynasty that had ruled Tunisia since 1229.
1940s, however, the use of BCG, particularly for For the Ottomans, this victory represented a strategic
children, had become widespread in Europe. success that complemented their conquest of Egypt-
Syria (1516–1517) and their capture of Algiers
The second was treatment of bovine tuber- (1525) and Tripoli, Libya (1551). In North Africa,
culosis. Tubercles similar to those seen in humans only Morocco would escape Ottoman dominance. In
were observed in animals, and the bacteria Koch the race to control the southern Mediterranean coast
found in affected humans was also present in animals. in the sixteenth century, the Ottomans emerged as
But he doubted, incorrectly, that tuberculosis victors against their Spanish rivals.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2361

The administration of Tunisia was vested in the represented a greater threat to their rule, because
appointment of a pasha and the stationing of a this allowed France to flex its military muscle
contingent of Janissaries (elite Turkish soldiers) to toward achieving its imperialist designs over the
ensure the continuance of Ottoman rule. Next to region. Barely a month after the fall of Algiers,
the pasha, the bey was responsible for internal France was able to impose a treaty on Tunisia’s
affairs (mostly keeping the local tribes in check) Husayn Bey (r. 1824–1835) that stipulated the
and for the collection of taxes. By 1591 a rebellion lifting of the state monopoly over agricultural
of the Janissaries propelled their junior command- exports, the establishment of a system of capitula-
ers, each bearing the title of dey, to the forefront of tions similar to the one maintained with the Otto-
the provincial administration. This date marked the mans, and the suppression of piracy by the Barbary
ascendancy of the power of the deys in Tunisia. corsairs. With regard to the last issue, an identical
The dey relied on the allegiance of fellow officers demand had been made by France and Britain in
and on the discipline of the Janissaries while the 1819 in the name of the European powers follow-
bey had authority over the indigenous members of ing the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle but was met
the Mahalla (the ‘‘fiscal’’ troops). For most of the with the procrastination of the beys.
seventeenth century the position of bey rose to the
detriment of its rival after Murad Bey (d. 1631), a The nineteenth century witnessed the imple-
Corsican of origin, founded the hereditary Mura- mentation of modernist reforms in the Ottoman
did dynasty that would last until 1702, when its last Empire, Egypt, and Iran. In the case of Tunisia, the
ruler was assassinated. By 1705 a bey, al-Husayn rule of Ahmad Bey (r. 1837–1855) was the begin-
ibn Ali (whose father was of Greek origin) suc- ning of such a trend. The crux of the reform was
ceeded in repelling an invasion from Algiers and the common model adopted by the other three
took control of Tunisia, hence founding the countries, namely the concentration on building a
Husaynid dynasty that would rule the country until modern army along European lines. To this effect,
1957, when the Tunisian republic was declared. He the bey established a military school at Bardo, a
was a Kulo g lu (Turkish for ‘‘son of a slave’’), a suburb of Tunis, using Italian instructors who were
term generally applied to someone issued from soon replaced with Frenchmen. A visit to Paris in
the union of a member of the Turkish military 1846 whetted Ahmad Bey’s appetite for palace
and a local woman. This dynasty was granted building, and the mounting expenditures led to
hereditary succession by the Ottomans and higher taxation, monopolistic policies, and financial
acknowledged nominal Ottoman suzerainty. In ruin. His successors had to deal with internal
the eighteenth century, the Husaynid rulers suc- unrest, such as the 1864 revolt in the south led
cessfully faced the challenge posed by the expansio- by Ali bin Ghadahum, and with the need to meet
nist aims of the deys of Algiers. Economically, they the state’s expenditures. With regard to the latter,
encouraged the creation of new crafts (weaving and Tunisia borrowed from European banks. Unable to
textiles), imposed a state monopoly over the export repay the debt on schedule, it declared bankruptcy
of the main agricultural products (particularly olive in 1869 and had to agree to the formation of an
oil and cereals), and tolerated corsair activity from International Financial Commission (made up of
their ports. By the end of the century, the rule of representatives of Tunisia, France, Britain, and Italy)
Hammuda Pasha (r. 1782–1814) witnessed added to oversee its revenues. This commission controlled
prosperity as a result of the fiscal reform and the Tunisian finances until 1884, when France assumed
abolition of the state monopoly on agriculture, the Tunisian debt three years after the establishment
known as Mushtara, which victimized the farmers of its protectorate over the country.
and the peasantry. This last measure was repealed
Despite the bleak financial situation, Tunisia
by his successor.
undertook a number of reforms. Under European
A turning point in the history of this dynasty pressure, slavery was abolished (1846) and the
came in 1830, with the French occupation of bey issued the Fundamental Pact (Ahd al-Aman,
Algeria. Although France rid the Husaynid beys September 1857) guaranteeing the rights of minor-
of a bellicose neighbor against whom they had ities, equal justice, and freedom of commerce.
fought many wars, its military presence in Algeria In 1861 a constitution (the first of its kind in the

2362 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Arab and Islamic worlds) reiterated the principles of Green, Arnold H. The Tunisian Ulama, 1873–1915: Social
the Fundamental Pact and created a grand council Structure and Response to Ideological Currents. Leiden,
Netherlands, 1978.
whose members were selected by the bey. The refor-
mer Khayr al-Din assumed the presidency of the Kraı̈em, Mustapha. La Tunisie précoloniale. 2 vols. Tunis,
council, but this last experiment was short lived, 1973. A documentary survey of the period.
and in 1864 the constitution was suspended. In Krieken, G. S. van. Khayr al-Dı̂n et la Tunisie, 1850–1881.
the realm of education, the Sadiqi college, founded Leiden, Netherlands, 1976.
in 1875, was the first establishment to offer a mod- Mahjoubi, Ali. L’établissement du protectorat français en
ern and secular instruction and would play a role in Tunisie. Tunis, 1977.
the formation of the future Tunisian intelligentsia. Perkins, Kenneth J. Historical Dictionary of Tunisia.
2nd ed. Lanham, Md., 1997. Contains an extensive
Tunisia had to deal with the competing inter- bibliography.
ests of three European powers: France, Britain, and
Tlili, Béchir. Les rapports culturels et idéologiques entre
Italy. Of these, France exploited its position of
l’Orient et l’Occident, en Tunisie au XIXème siècle
strength to further its own interests in Tunisia (1830–1880). Tunis, 1974.
and to outmaneuver its main European rivals. At
the Congress of Berlin (1878), it reached an under- ADEL ALLOUCHE
standing with Great Britain regarding their respec-
tive colonial designs in the Mediterranean. Three
years later, French land and naval forces swiftly n
took control of the Tunisian capital and imposed TURATI, FILIPPO (1857–1932), Italian
the Treaty of Bardo (12 May 1881) on Muham- socialist.
mad al-Sadiq Bey (r. 1859–1882), a year before
Filippo Turati was the most significant Italian
British troops landed in Egypt (1882) and thirty
Socialist leader before the Fascist era. Turati
years before the Italian occupation of Libya
passed from his conservative and Catholic family
(1911). This treaty, together with the subsequent
traditions to positivism and finally to socialism.
Convention of al-Marsa (8 June 1883) established
In the 1880s Turati began to write for La plebe,
the French protectorate over Tunisia. The bey
an early socialist newspaper, and in 1885 he met
was reduced to a figurehead, and real power was
the Russian socialist Anna Kuliscioff. This rela-
concentrated in the hands of the French resident-
tionship was to be the most important on a
minister, a title that changed in 1885 to resident-
personal and intellectual level in his life and
general. French citizens were offered incentives to
lasted until Kuliscioff’s death in 1925. In the late
settle in Tunisia and own farmland at symbolic
1880s Turati began to read Karl Marx, whose
prices. By 1893 the military draft was extended to
theories he combined with his original positivism
the Tunisians, thus giving France the opportunity
and democratic faith. However, Turati was never
to count on the added manpower to maintain
tied to ideology as an end in itself, but was much
order in its colonies or to fight its wars. As a result,
more drawn to practical results. In 1889 he
over sixty thousand Tunisians served in the French
founded the Milanese Socialist League and two
army in World War I.
years later launched the influential journal Cri-
See also Algeria; Colonialism; Egypt; France; Imperial- tica sociale.
In 1892 Turati played a key role in creating the
Italian Socialist Party (PSI). He was elected to the
BIBLIOGRAPHY Chamber of Deputies for the first time in 1896.
Abun-Nasr, Jamil M. A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic However, during the repression that followed the
Period. Cambridge, U.K., 1987. popular protests of May 1898, he was stripped of
Brown, Carl L. The Tunisia of Ahmad Bey, 1837–1855. his parliamentary immunity and imprisoned. The
Princeton, N.J., 1974. An excellent study of Tunisian experience of martial law and prison convinced
society in the period under study. Turati that a fundamental step to a socialist society
Ganiage, Jean. Les origines du protectorat français en Tuni- was the democratization of Italy. He accepted the
sie, 1861–1881. 2nd ed. Tunis, 1968. overtures of Giovanni Giolitti and Giuseppe

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2363

Zanadelli to collaborate with more democratic 1912. Turati never again regained a majority,
liberals in a defense of the rights of Parliament. In nor was his relationship with Giolitti ever fully
1901 Turati, Leonida Bissolati, and Claudio Treves repaired.
formed the core of a reformist group that The years after 1914 would be frustrating
engineered a favorable vote from the Socialist ones for Turati as he sought to find a constructive
deputies for the Zanardelli-Giolitti government. role. The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution radicalized
Giolitti, as interior minister, allowed the Socialist the Italian Socialist Party and blocked Turati’s
trade unions greater scope to organize industrial hopes that the PSI might cooperate with other
and peasant labor and to conduct strikes in the democratic movements in a campaign for a new
private sector. constitution and a democratic republic. Turati was
Turati’s relationship with Giolitti proved to in the minority at the 1919 party congress when
be a complicated one. In 1903, when Giolitti the leadership set its sights on joining the new
succeeded Zanardelli as prime minister, he Communist International. Although the PSI won
offered a position in the government to Turati. 156 seats in the November 1919 elections, Turati
The reformist leader rejected the offer. Two was blocked by party policy from using this
issues drove a wedge between the two men. strength constructively. Turati remained in a party
Turati was identified with the unionization of that frittered away its opportunities and opened
state workers, which Giolitti did not accept. the door to Fascist reaction; only in October
More importantly, it became apparent that Gio- 1922, when the Socialist Party was completely
litti’s program did not entail major social and irrelevant, did Turati’s reformist faction finally
economic reforms. break off to form the Unitary Socialist Party
Turati’s control over the Socialist Party was
Turati watched helplessly as the Fascist dicta-
also tenuous. His strength was in the parliamen-
torship took hold in Italy. In December 1925 Anna
tary delegation, not in the base of the party. In
Kuliscioff died; the next year a group of young
1904 the party took a turn to the left; Turati’s
socialists organized Turati’s escape from Italy to
reformist faction did not regain full control of the
France. Turati became active in exile politics,
party until 1908. That year the Socialists adopted
supporting the movement to reunify the PSI and
a program that called for fundamental reforms of
PSU, which took place in July 1930. He died in
the taxation system and the introduction of uni-
Paris in March 1932.
versal manhood suffrage. Turati never embraced
universal suffrage and in 1910 accepted a more See also Giolitti, Giovanni; Italy; Kuliscioff, Anna; Soci-
limited voting rights bill from the government of alism.
Luigi Luzzatti. When Luzzatti’s government fell
in March 1911 and Giolitti returned to office on BIBLIOGRAPHY

a program of nationalization of the insurance Di Scala, Spencer. Dilemmas of Italian Socialism: The Politics
industry and universal manhood suffrage, the of Filippo Turati. Boston, 1980.
time seemed to be right for a renewed alliance Miller, James Edward. From Elite to Mass Politics: Italian
between Giolitti and the Socialist reformists. Socialist in the Giolittian Era, 1900–1914. Kent, Ohio,
The new prime minister offered a position in the 1990.
cabinet to Leonida Bissolati, a leading moderate.
This time, Turati, fearing that the more radical
party militants would not accept participation in a
non-Socialist government, weighed in to persuade
Bissolati to reject the offer. Soon after, relations
between Turati and Giolitti turned sour when TURGENEV, IVAN (1818–1883),Russian
the government decided to conquer Libya in novelist, poet, and playwright.
September 1911. Although Turati passed into Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev, a Russian nobleman,
opposition, more revolutionary leaders, including was born on 9 November (28 October, old style)
Benito Mussolini, took control of the party in 1818 and grew up on his mother’s vast estate, Spass-

2364 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

koye, in Russia’s Orel Province. Both witness and tion; A Nest of the Gentry (1859) conveys
recipient of his mother’s arbitrary beatings, Tur- an outsider’s unsettling effect on a family; and
genev grew to abhor tyrannical systems and violence On the Eve (1860) offers a portrait of a revolutionary
of all kinds. He was graduated from St. Petersburg hero. Also in 1860 Turgenev published an influen-
University in 1837. A subsequent momentous per- tial essay, ‘‘Hamlet and Don Quixote,’’ whose
iod of study at the University of Berlin solidified his literary typology divides heroes into two types: the
belief that progress lay along the path of Westerniza- self-conscious, introspective, and ironic Hamlets,
tion begun during the reign of Peter I (r. 1682– and the idealistic Don Quixotes, who selflessly
1725), rather than with purely Russian social forms devote themselves to abolishing oppression. Two
as stipulated by the adherents of its countercurrent in remarkably evocative love stories of this period are
Russian thought, Slavophilism. In Europe he also ‘‘Asya’’ (1858) and ‘‘First Love’’ (1860).
became acquainted with many future Russian intel-
lectual leaders. Back in St. Petersburg, he published a Turgenev’s artistically accomplished but politi-
long poem, Parasha (1843). In this same year he cally controversial novel Fathers and Children
became acquainted with Pauline Viardot-Garcia, an (1862; Otsi i deti)—sometimes translated into
operatic star who was married, and with whom he English as Fathers and Sons—unsentimentally
soon began a lifelong, probably unconsummated, depicts the conflict between the young generation
liaison. Quitting the civil service to devote himself of radicals and their conservative, Slavophile-leaning
to literature, Turgenev published the long story, elders. By the 1860s, moderate Westernizers such
‘‘Diary of a Superfluous Man’’ (1847), which, in a as Turgenev were losing sway to a rising class of men
manner that was to be rather uncharacteristic of his who were neither nobles nor peasants. These so-
work as a whole, depicted a self-deprecating, proto- called men of various classes (raznochintsi) were
Dostoyevskian type. Turgenev’s play A Month in the agitating—some with increasing violence—for social
Country (1850) influenced the development of Rus- reforms. Credited with bringing the term nihilism
sian theater, in particular the dramatic art of Anton into wide usage, Fathers and Children was rejected
Chekhov. by liberals because it seemed to ridicule their cause,
and by conservatives because it oversympathized
‘‘Diary’’ marks the beginning of Turgenev’s lit- with the radicals. The work’s hostile reception
erary focus on the intellectual debates of the Russian shocked Turgenev, leading him to leave Russia
intelligentsia. In 1852 he was arrested for the pub- permanently and settle in western Europe, first in
lication of an obituary on Nikolai Gogol. Turgenev Baden-Baden, then in Paris. Despite or perhaps
spent a month in police detention, then more than a because of his physical distance from his homeland,
year under house arrest. Perennially interested in Turgenev’s last novels, Smoke (1867) and Virgin
social and political problems, he achieved notoriety Soil (1877), continued to reflect particularly
for the publication—first serially in the journal The Russian social problems. His final novel, The Torrents
Contemporary—of a collection of sympathetic, rea- of Spring (1872), achieves poignant clarity, while the
listic depictions of the peasantry titled A Sportsman’s pessimistic Poems in Prose (1883) presages modernist
Sketches. The first, ‘‘Khor and Kalinich,’’ sensitively stylistic innovations.
contrasts two peasants’ attitudes toward life, and its
successful reception emboldened Turgenev to con- Turgenev became the first Russian writer to
tinue in this vein. Among the sketches, ‘‘Bezhin gain a wide reputation in Europe. He was a well-
Meadow’’ epitomizes Turgenev’s lyrical description known figure in Parisian literary circles, where he
of the natural world. Sketches was the first work to had connections with Gustave Flaubert and Émile
reveal the plight of the peasant class in Russia, and Zola. Warmly received by Anglophone society,
they contributed to Tsar Alexander II’s decision to Turgenev received an honorary degree at Oxford
emancipate the serfs in 1861. In the 1850s University, and exerted a strong influence on
Turgenev also wrote three novels, each of which Henry James. Virgin Soil’s sympathetic treatment
reflects both important social issues of the of the populist movement lifted Turgenev’s repu-
period and Turgenev’s ambivalent nostalgia for the tation at home one last time. After a triumphant
romanticism of his youth. The well-received Rudin return to Moscow in 1880 for the unveiling of
(1856) depicts a man of Turgenev’s own genera- the monument to Alexander Pushkin, he returned

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2365

to France and died in Bougival, near Paris, on embarked on his career at a precociously young
3 September (22 August, old style) 1883. Gener- age, entering the Royal Academy Schools in 1789
ally considered masterful evocations of nineteenth- and making his exhibition debut there in 1796, at
century life, Turgenev’s works remain widely read the age of twenty-one, with his painting Fishermen
in Russia today. at Sea. Despite his reclusive tendencies, Turner
played an important role in the artistic politics of
See also Chekhov, Anton; Dostoyevsky, Fyodor;
Flaubert, Gustave; Gogol, Nikolai; Tolstoy, Leo;
the period and participated actively in the institu-
Westernizers; Zola, Émile. tional and social life of the Royal Academy, hold-
ing the post of professor of perspective between
1807 and 1837. Secretive about his working
methods and private life, he never had pupils but
Primary Sources was often generous with advice to his fellow
Beaumont, Barbara, ed. Flaubert and Turgenev: A Friendship
in Letters; The Complete Correspondence. New York,
1985. Turner traveled extensively in Britain and the
Turgenev, Ivan. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem. 28 vols. Continent, documenting with an acute eye both
Moscow, 1960–1968. Definitive Russian edition of scenes of everyday life and events of broader poli-
Turgenev’s works.
tical significance. Although patriotic and intensely
———. The Essential Turgenev. Edited by Elizabeth interested in contemporary events, Turner rarely
Cheresh Allen. Evanston, Ill., 1994. Contains transla- articulated his views on politics and seldom
tions of Rudin, A Nest of Gentry, Fathers and Sons, and
First Love; selections from Sportsman’s Sketches;
addressed controversial issues directly in his work,
seven short stories; and fifteen prose poems. Also perhaps in order not to alienate his patrons. He
contains samples of the author’s nonfiction drawn preferred subtle allusion, often literary in nature,
from autobiographical sketches, memoirs, public over overt reference. His extensive body of work
speeches, the essay ‘‘Hamlet and Don Quixote,’’ and nonetheless constitutes a penetrating chronicle of
correspondence with Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Leo
the political and social landscape of Europe during
the first half of the nineteenth century and an
Secondary Sources eloquent articulation of contemporary ideas of
Allen, Elizabeth Cheresh. Beyond Realism: Turgenev’s Poetics nationhood.
of Secular Salvation. Stanford, Calif., 1992.
The wars with Napoleon (1793–1815) played
Freeborn, Richard H. Turgenev: The Novelist’s Novelist. a crucial role both in the development of Turner’s
London, 1960. Reprint, Westport, Conn., 1978.
career and in the evolution of British landscape art.
Kagan-Kans, Eva. Hamlet and Don Quixote: Turgenev’s Between 1799 and 1815, recreational travel on the
Ambivalent Vision. The Hague, Netherlands, 1975.
Continent was highly restricted and Turner was
Moser, Charles A. Ivan Turgenev. New York, 1972. forced to delay his visit to Italy, which was regarded
Waddington, Patrick. Turgenev and England. London, 1980. as an essential component of an artist’s education,
until the cessation of hostilities. He eventually
SARAH A. KRIVE embarked on the trip in 1819, when he was over
forty. In 1802, the year he was elected as a full
member of the Royal Academy, Turner took
n advantage of the respite offered by the short-lived
TURNER, J. M. W. (1775–1851), English Peace of Amiens and traveled to France and Swit-
painter. zerland. In Paris he made sketches and detailed
notes of Old Master paintings looted by Napoleon
Born in London in 1775, the landscape and and exhibited in the Louvre.
history painter J. M. W. Turner had a long, pro-
ductive, and highly successful career, which evolved In Britain during the Napoleonic Wars, neces-
against a background of tumultuous political and sity and patriotism created a renewed interest in the
social change in Europe. The son of a barber, indigenous landscape. Turner undertook a series of
Turner received little formal education but sketching tours of Britain, which provided raw

2366 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons, October 16, 1834. Painting by J. M. W. Turner, 1834.

material for a large output of paintings and water- on 18 June 1815, many artists made pilgrimages
colors, many of which were engraved and pub- to the battleground. Turner was forced by pressure
lished. His designs for Picturesque Views on the of work to delay his visit until 1817, but the
Southern Coast of England (1814–1826), a series site made a profound impression on him. His
of line-engravings focusing on the area of the 1818 painting The Field of Waterloo is a profound
country most vulnerable to French attack, celebrate and unequivocally antiheroic response to the
the nation’s military and economic strength, con- subject, depicting the relatives of the fallen com-
taining references to the forestry, ship-building, mon soldiers searching for their loved ones in the
and sail-making industries. aftermath of battle.
Turner shared his contemporaries’ fascination Although Turner’s political affiliations remain
with Napoleon, whose extraordinary career spoke unclear, one of his closest friends, Walter Fawkes
to his preoccupation with the theme of rise (1769–1825), was an ardent Whig, and libertarian
and fall of civilizations. In 1812, the year of sympathies, albeit often expressed through the
Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow, Turner exhib- filter of historical subject matter, seem to inform
ited his monumental painting Snow Storm: Han- works such as Dolbadern Castle, North Wales, and
nibal and His Army Crossing the Alps, drawing Northampton, the latter implying support of the
parallels between ancient history and contemporary controversial bill for electoral reform spearheaded
events. Following the British victory at Waterloo by the Whigs and passed in 1832. Turner was

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2367

sometimes moved to comment more overtly Although his often arcane choice of subject
on acts of inhumanity. His unexhibited canvas matter and unconventional handling of paint often
Disaster at Sea responded to the destruction of attracted adverse criticism, Turner was nonetheless
the female convict-ship Amphitrite in a storm regarded as the most significant painter of his time,
on 1 September 1833, in which the entire cargo and his work continues to exert an enduring influ-
of 125 women and children, bound for Botany ence, both in Europe and North America.
Bay, perished less than a mile from the French
See also Constable, John; French Revolutionary Wars
shore when the ship’s captain rejected offers of
and Napoleonic Wars; Romanticism; Slavery.
assistance. In 1840, perhaps stimulated by the
abolition of the slave trade in the British
colonies in 1833, Turner exhibited his spectacular
critique of empire and the slave trade, Slavers Bailey, Anthony. Standing in the Sun: A Life of J. M. W.
Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying: Typhoon Turner. London and New York, 1997. An excellent
and readable biography.
Coming On.
Butlin, Martin, and Evelyn Joll. The Paintings of J. M. W.
Turner lived and worked in London all his life, Turner. 2 vols. New Haven, Conn., and London,
yet representations of the metropolis and refer- 1984. An exemplary catalog raisonné of exhibited and
ences to its political life are surprisingly rare in unexhibited paintings.
his oeuvre, even though he witnessed there and Gage, John. J. M. W. Turner: A Wonderful Range of Mind.
depicted some of the most momentous events of New Haven, Conn., and London, 1987. A ground-
his era, including the return of the Victory, bearing breaking study, demonstrating the breadth and depth
Nelson’s body, after the Battle of Trafalgar in of Turner’s intellectual interests.
1805, and the burning of the Houses of Parlia- Hamilton, James. Turner’s Britain. London, 2003. An
ment on 16 October 1834. exhibition catalog exploring Turner’s profound
engagement with the social, political, and physical
Of all the British landscape artists of the period, landscape of Britain.
Turner was most fascinated by modernity. Alert
Joll, Evelyn, Martin Butlin, and Luke Herrman, eds. The
to the aesthetic possibilities offered by industrial
Oxford Companion to J. M. W. Turner. Oxford, U.K.,
sites and aerial pollution, many of his acutely 2001. An exemplary reference book written by team of
observed images, such as his 1816 watercolor of distinguished Turner scholars; particularly relevant are
Leeds and Keelmen Heaving Coals by Night (1835), articles on Chartism, the Napoleonic Wars, politics,
chart Britain’s troubled transition from an agrarian and slavery.
to an industrial society. Turner was particularly Rodner, William S. J. M. W. Turner: Romantic Painter of
interested in steamboats, which enabled him to the Industrial Revolution. Berkeley, Calif., 1997. A
travel more quickly and widely than was previously comprehensive account of Turner’s concern with
possible. Intellectually curious (as his fellow painter industry and technology.
John Constable noted, he had ‘‘a wonderful range Venning, Barry. Turner. London and New York, 2003. An
of mind’’), Turner’s eclectic range of scientific insightful and readable introduction to Turner’s life
interests included meteorology, geology, perspec- and work, situating the artist within his political, social,
and artistic contexts.
tive, and color theory, and his use of pigments was
highly experimental. GILLIAN FORRESTER

2368 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
designed to preserve the Eastern Christian rite
UKRAINE. The history of Ukraine begins with within the Catholic Church. The church thus
Kiev (Kyı̈v). In the Early Middle Ages, Kiev was the established was known as Uniate, and later Greek
center of Kievan Rus, a trading domain that Catholic. This transformation was incomprehensible
became an Orthodox Slavic state. Its civilizational to the peasantry, which was increasingly exploited
base was the Old Church Slavonic language, written by a ‘‘second serfdom.’’ The Cossacks, a native
in Cyrillic characters, and a law code recorded in a Ukrainian group of free warriors and fighters,
modified form of that language. By the time the constituted an important segment of the Polish
Mongols arrived in 1241, Kievan Rus had already army. As they were not noble, they could not take
been divided into competing principalities. In the part as equals in the Polish-Lithuanian Common-
fourteenth century the Grand Duchy of Lithuania wealth, a republic of nobles. In 1648 one of their
absorbed most of the territories now known as number, Bohdan Khmelnytsky organized a rebel-
Belarus and Ukraine. Lithuania became a largely lion against Polish rule. Cossacks and peasants
Orthodox country, and Orthodox culture and law murdered Poles and Jews, and Ukrainian peasants
migrated from Kiev to Vilnius. Galicia, a western were murdered in their turn by Polish landlords.
duchy of Rus, was annexed by Poland in the 1340s.
Poland and Lithuania established a personal union As the war turned against the Cossacks, Khmel-
in 1386. In 1569, when Poland and Lithuania nytsky solicited help from Muscovy at Pereyaslav in
established a Commonwealth, Ukrainian lands were 1654. Ukrainian Cossacks then fought with
transferred from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Muscovite armies against the Polish-Lithuanian
to the kingdom of Poland. This created a new Commonwealth, beginning the period in Polish
boundary among the lands that had once been history known as the Deluge. The Commonwealth
Rus, between Belarus (which remained in Lithuania) conceded to Muscovy left-bank Ukraine (east of
and Ukraine (now in Poland). the Dnieper [Dnipro] River) and the city of Kiev,
in a peace accord of 1667. Whereas Kiev had shared
its medieval Christian achievements with Vilnius,
THE COMMONWEALTH AND THE COSSACKS it now imparted its renaissance and baroque attain-
Between 1569 and 1648 Polish rule animated ments to Moscow. Kievan churchmen provided
Ukrainian civilization, but also provoked Ukrainian the reservoir of learning and ambition for Tsar
opposition. Reacting to the Reformation and Peter’s reform of the Orthodox Church and spread
Counter-Reformation, Ukrainian clerics published European learning in Muscovy. The Cossacks,
books and established academies, most importantly having freed themselves from Polish rule, tried to
in Kiev. Ukrainian and Belarusian bishops initially assert Polish-style rights for themselves within the
supported the Union of Brest of 1596, which was Russian Empire. They also wished to preserve their


own administration, known as the hetmanate, in EMPIRE AND NATIONS

left-bank Ukraine. Their ideas of reform clashed As in Europe as a whole, so in Russia the extension
with those of Catherine II (r. 1762–1796), who of imperial rule coincided with the emergence of
wished to create a uniform state. She abolished the local patriotism. Kharkov University, founded in
hetmanate in 1764. 1805, was intended to anchor Ukraine in Russia
and transmit European scholarship throughout
The Cossacks made their case in Catherine the the empire. It served this purpose, but with the
Great’s legislative commission (1767–1768), refer- French Enlightenment it also brought German
ring as ever to the traditional rights of nobles in the philosophy. Kharkov, perhaps the most important
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Yet Catherine Ukrainian city at this time, was east of the old
had little need for groups of warriors living in an ill- hetmanate, and can in no way be seen as directly
defined relationship to central authorities. Military transmitting Cossack traditions. Instead, scholars
victories over the Ottoman Empire and the Russian and students sought, like Romantics throughout
annexation of the Crimea revealed that the Cos- Europe, to seize upon what was local and authen-
sacks were of relatively little importance in war. The tic, counterposing implicitly or explicitly tradition
Zaporozhian Cossacks, free men living to the east to progress. Taras Shevchenko (1814–1861),
of the old hetmanate, were eliminated by a Russian the greatest Ukrainian Romantic poet, drew from
surprise attack in 1775. In 1781 Ukraine was Polish and Russian models as he created a uniquely
divided, along with the rest of the empire, into Ukrainian idiom. In 1846 the publication of the
provinces. In 1786 Ukrainian Orthodox dioceses Istoriia Rusov (History of the Rus people) revealed
were secularized, as were Russian dioceses before the potential political implications of Romanticism.
them. The Kiev Academy, which had taught a clas- It treated the Cossacks, not Muscovy, as the true
sical curriculum in Polish and Latin, was abruptly people of Rus, and the Russian Empire as an inter-
made into a theological school with Russian as the loper in the heartland of the Slavs.
language of instruction. Conscription was intro-
duced in 1789, ending any possibility for the creation In the nineteenth century, left-bank and right-
of local fighting forces. bank Ukraine were very different. In right-bank
Ukraine, west of the Dnieper, Polish nobles
Catherine’s state building, despite appearances, remained the dominant class, despite the destruc-
had much to offer the Cossack elite. Cossack offi- tion of Poland itself. It was precisely in right-bank
cers became members of the Russian dvorianstvo Ukraine that the early modern Polish system
(according to the 1785 Charter to the Nobility). revealed itself in its most extreme form: a small
As such they were able to press claims to own land number of Roman Catholic landlords owned vast
and peasants. Ukrainian peasants became serfs, and estates and huge numbers of serfs. In some cases
the Jews were expelled from Kiev. With the crea- Polish families owned territories as large as small
tion of a state administration Cossack officers and countries, and hundreds of thousands of serfs. In
their descendants found new opportunities for this system, Jews mediated between those who
careers in the provincial capitals and indeed in owned the land and those who worked it, between
St. Petersburg. In the last three decades of the Polish lords and Ukrainian serfs. Although there
eighteenth century, Ukrainian families filled the
were far more landless Polish nobles than there were
ranks of the Russian civil service and essentially
great lords, and many more Polish peasants, those
dominated the (nonforeign) intellectual classes.
who stood atop the system were Poles. Precisely
They arrived in the Russian capital as Russia was
because this arrangement was so profitable, relatively
partitioning Poland out of existence, in 1772,
few important Polish families joined in the Polish
1793, and 1795. The partitions brought right-
uprising of 1830 to 1831 against Russian rule.
bank Ukraine, west of the river Dnieper, into the
Russian Empire. Of the old lands of Kievan Rus, Polish nobles in right-bank Ukraine neverthe-
only Galicia remained outside Russia, annexed in less confronted a harsher Russian policy once the
the partitions by Austria. As the nineteenth century uprising had been defeated. The Commission on
began, almost the entirety of Ukraine was part of National Education, which had organized Polish-
the Russian Empire. language schooling, was liquidated. The famous

2370 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

lycée in Krzemieniec was closed, its priceless library receive their own individual plots. They did not
of thirty-four thousand volumes (which included in any case receive enough land to truly prosper,
the collections of the Royal Palace in Warsaw) sent and did not understand that land reform would
to Kiev. About two-thirds of the Roman Catholic also mean the loss of rights to traditional use
monasteries in left-bank Ukraine were liquidated of common land. Polish landlords held their
after 1831. In 1840 the Lithuanian Statute was own against this pressure and against others. They
annulled, on the grounds that it was alien to circumvented Russian legislation banning the sale
Russian traditions. Here was the great irony of of land to Poles by leasing it to Jews. They deterred
modernization. The first Lithuanian Statute Russians from settling by humiliating them socially.
(1529) flowed from the traditions of Kievan Rus. They began small-scale industrial projects such
In form and in content, in language and in law, it as sugar beet refineries.
represented an unbroken tradition of the Eastern
Slavs. The Russian Empire, which claimed to be the Over the course of the nineteenth century Kiev
inheritor of such traditions, liquidated them became a center of Ukrainian national society and
instead. Ukrainian intellectual life. The annexation of the
right bank placed Kiev squarely between Russia’s
In left-bank Ukraine, St. Petersburg had eastern and western Ukrainian territories. Kiev was
confronted for decades the problem of ‘‘surplus’’ a provincial capital, and increasingly a port of call
Polish nobles, men without means who clung for traders. It was a city that spoke Russian, Polish,
nevertheless to their noble status. In the old Polish- and Yiddish rather than Ukrainian, but it was the
Lithuanian Commonwealth, some very high center of hopes for those who began to think
percentage of the population, perhaps 10 percent, of Ukraine as a future political home. Like other
had been noble. Noble status required neither the university towns in imperial Russia, it became the
ownership of land nor service to the state. Like the center of a populist movement. In Ukraine, how-
Cossacks of the right bank a few decades before, ever, populism took on a particularly national char-
the petty nobles of the left bank referred to ancient acter. Populists of Polish and Russian origin, when
rights, with the distinction that they and their they ‘‘went to the people,’’ realized that Ukrainian
families had indeed enjoyed such rights under the culture could not be reduced to Polish or Russian
Commonwealth. After 1831, Russia moved to models. Some Polish students felt that their
eliminate this troublesome group, which so ill fit families had subjected peasants to both social and
the Russian notion of nobility. In the two decades national exploitation. Some of them, such as the
after 1831, some 340,000 nobles were ‘‘declassi- populist historian Volodymyr Antonovych, took up
fied,’’ leaving a total of perhaps 70,000 Polish a Ukrainian identity themselves.
nobles in left-bank Ukraine. Of these, only about
Especially after the Polish uprising of 1863 to
7,000 possessed great estates. Russian policy thus
1864, Russian authorities assimilated the Ukrainian
distorted further an already extremely exploitative
national question to a Polish plot. When the pub-
society. Polish landholders then used Russian prop-
lication of books in Ukrainian and the use of the
erty law to expel poorer brethren from land they
Ukrainian language were banned in the 1860s,
had tilled for centuries.
this was a response to a perceived Polish threat.
In their own way, these few Polish landlords Ukrainian intellectuals, obviously, bore the brunt
preserved Polishness in these terrains, although it of this repression. Important scholars chose immi-
was an image of Polishness that denied all modern gration, thereby transferring the ideas of Kharkov
democratic ideas and could only provoke the local and Kiev farther west. In this way, in the 1870s,
peasantry. St. Petersburg occasionally tried to use Ukrainian populist scholars animated a Ukrainian
the Ukrainian peasantry against Polish landlords. national movement in Austria, in the eastern portion
Peasants who were encouraged by imperial prom- of Austria’s province of Galicia. Antonovych’s
ises, however, then had to be quelled by imperial student Mykhailo Hrushevsky, for example, was
soldiers. The abolition of serfdom in 1861 was hired by Austrian authorities to teach east Euro-
received differently by Ukrainian peasants than by pean history at the university in Lemberg in 1894.
those in Russia: the Ukrainian peasants wished to In Austria, starting in 1898, he published his

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2371

Ukrainian peasants at a market, Mukacheve, Ukraine, c. 1908–1914. ªSCHEUFLER COLLECTION/CORBIS

ten-volume masterpiece, A History of Ukraine-Rus. Catholic Church was the old Uniate Church, cre-
This foundational work of Ukrainian history was ated in 1596 at Brest by Orthodox bishops who
based on ideas developed and research completed wished to preserve their Eastern rite in an institu-
in the Russian Empire, but could be published only tional union with Rome. Although the Uniate
beyond its boundaries. At the end of the nine- solution never supplanted traditional Orthodoxy,
teenth century Austria became the center of the the Uniate Church survived (paradoxically) as a
Ukrainian national movement. separate institution. The partitions of Poland left
most Uniate believers in the Russian Empire, but a
considerable number in Austrian Galicia. While
THE GALICIAN REVIVAL St. Petersburg merged the Uniate Church with
The eastern half of Austrian Galicia was perhaps the Russian Orthodox Church, Vienna preserved
65 percent Ukrainian in population, but such numbers the church but changed its name to the Greek
mattered only when church and secular leaders Catholic Church. Austrian Empress Maria Theresa
began to attend to the peasantry. The most import- meant to underline thereby that the church was the
ant institution of the Ukrainian national revival in equal of the Roman and Armenian Catholic
Galicia, the Greek Catholic Church, was designed Churches in Galicia, and emphasize the distinction
to serve entirely different purposes. The Greek from Orthodoxy.

2372 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Until the middle of the nineteenth century, national competition, one that sharpened skills
the Greek Catholic Church was loyal to the Habs- and sensitivities on both sides in the early years of
burgs and faithful to traditions of Polish high the twentieth century. Ukrainian parties that allied
culture. While a few of its priests experimented with Polish or Jewish rivals for tactical reasons dis-
with Ukrainian lexicons and folklore, the church played the experience gained from sophisticated
itself was hostile to such undertakings. In 1848 national politics. Nothing similar could take place
Austrian authorities called upon the Greek Catho- in the Russian Empire of the early twentieth cen-
lic Church to help quell the revolution, in which tury. During the Russian Revolution of 1905,
Poles were taking part. Ukrainian peasants, domi- Ukrainian demands were limited to autonomy.
nant in numbers, were to frighten Polish nobles Before World War I, very few Ukrainians in the
who requested home rule. This achieved, Vienna Russian Empire advocated national independence.
ignored the Greek Catholic hierarchy, which was Galician Ukrainian activists regarded ‘‘Great
disappointed to find the loyalty of its flock unre- Ukraine,’’ the lands to the east in Russia, as part
warded. A fascination with Russia ensued, because of a future united state. The Russian census had
Russia could present itself as an alternative to revealed to them the vast domains of the Ukrainian
both Austria and Poland. After Polish nobles suc- population to their east. Their goal was national
ceeded in gaining autonomy for themselves in unity, as achieved earlier by the Italians and the
Galicia in the late 1860s, the attraction of Russia Germans, as planned for also by the Poles. Galicia
as a counterweight increased. Greek Catholic was seen as the first and crucial land of a general
Russophiles developed an ideology of themselves national revival.
as a member of the family of Russian nations,
writing in a mixture of Ukrainian, Old Church See also Austria-Hungary; Cossacks; Nationalism;
Slavonic, and Russian. Peasants; Poland; Russia.

In the last decades of the nineteenth century, BIBLIOGRAPHY

the reform of the Austrian electoral system
Beauvois, Daniel. Le noble, le serf, et le revizor: La noblesse
rewarded those who could communicate directly
polonaise entre le tsarisme et les masses ukrainiennes,
with voters in their own language. The secular 1831–1863. Paris, 1985.
sons and daughters of priests realized that demo-
———. La bataille de la terre en Ukraine, 1863–1914: Les
cracy required new kinds of political organization.
Polonais et les conflits socio-ethniques. Lille, France,
Ukrainian populism imported from Russia played 1993.
an important role in the articulation of a new secu-
lar politics. Ivan Franko, the most important of the ———. Pouvoir russe et noblesse polonaise en Ukraine,
1793–1830. Paris, 2003.
new generation of activists, was greatly influenced
by Mykhailo Drahomanov, a Ukrainian populist Hrycak, Jaros•aw (Hrytsak, Iaroslav). Historia Ukrainy,
who had lost his professorship in Kiev. As in Russia, 1772–1999: Narodziny nowoczesnego narodu. Lublin,
Poland, 2000.
some of the important figures were converts from
the Polish nation. Andrii Sheptytsky, the Ukrainian Kappelar, Andreas. Russland als Vielvölkerreich: Entstehung,
who turned the Greek Catholic Church into a Geschichte, Zerfall. Munich, 1992.
popular national institution, was born a Pole and Markovits, Andrei S., and Frank E. Sysyn, eds. Nationbuild-
a Roman Catholic. He ascended to the metropoli- ing and the Politics of Nationalism: Essays on Austrian
tan see of Galicia in 1900. In the early years of the Galicia. Cambridge, Mass., 1982.
twentieth century, Ukrainian national activists Miller, Alexei. The Ukrainian Question: The Russian Empire
competed with Polish nationalists and socialists and Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century. Budapest,
for political influence in a Galicia that was governed 2003.
by the Polish nobility on behalf of the Habsburg Rudnytsky, Ivan L. Essays in Modern Ukrainian History.
dynasty. Edmonton, Alta., Canada, 1987.
Saunders, David. The Ukrainian Impact on Russian Culture,
The successive enlargement of the franchise
1750–1850. Edmonton, Alta., Canada, 1985.
and the freedom to publish in national languages
favored the development of a Ukrainian-Polish TIMOTHY SNYDER

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2373

n not know what the Allies’ intentions were. He

ULM, BATTLE OF. The Battle of Ulm sought only to drive into Bavaria as rapidly as
(September–October 1805) was the opening possible to protect or, if necessary, restore his ally,
round of the War of 1805, fought between Napo- Maximilian I, the elector of Bavaria, to his threat-
leon I and the Third Coalition of Austria, Russia, ened throne. The emperor’s initial war plan, there-
Britain, and Sweden. The conflict arose primarily fore, would have precipitated a head-on collision
from conflicts between Napoleon, Russia, and Aus- with the advancing Austrian army. As the Grande
tria over measures Napoleon had taken both to Armée approached its final positions on the Rhine
secure his own position in France and to strike at in late September, however, Napoleon realized that
Great Britain, with which he had been at war since Mack’s Austrian army had advanced all the way to
March 1803. The immediate sources of conflict in the Iller River, far to the west. He saw a correspond-
1805 were in Italy, a fact that played an important ing opportunity to drive into Mack’s rear and cut his
role in shaping the military campaign. army off from its lines of communication and
retreat. Adjusting his plans of movement accord-
The allied war plan for the late summer of ingly, Napoleon enveloped Mack’s right flank.
1805 involved a coordinated effort: vast armies
attacking France from the Adriatic to the North The success of that maneuver hinged on the
Sea. The largest Austrian army, commanded by movement of Bernadotte’s corps (and two others)
Archduke Charles, would attack in Italy. Another through the Prussian territory of Ansbach, while the
Austrian force, nominally commanded by Arch- Prussians had declared themselves in a state of
duke Ferdinand but actually controlled by its quar- armed neutrality. Mack did not expect or believe
termaster general, Baron Karl von Mack, would that Napoleon would violate Prussian neutrality,
seize Bavaria and await the arrival of Russian rein- and thereby risk bringing more than 200,000 first-
forcements commanded by General Mikhail Kutu- rate troops into the field against him. Mack had
zov before invading France via Switzerland. Still therefore taken no steps to guard his right wing,
other forces were to make landings in Naples and enabling Napoleon’s forces to drive rapidly into
Hanover, while large Russian armies attempted to Mack’s rear and force the Austrians back toward
compel Prussia to join the coalition as well. Ulm in a series of confused battles along the
Danube. By 14 October, the Austrians were sealed
Napoleon did not initially recognize the gath- in the dilapidated fortress of Ulm itself, ringed by
ering storm clouds. He was intent upon his plans French troops and with no hope of escape. Mack
for the invasion of England and the final prepara- agreed on 17 October to surrender his army by the
tions of the Army of the Channel at Boulogne with twenty-fifth, although the date was subsequently
which he intended to destroy his ancient nemesis. moved up to the twentieth at Mack’s request.
The emperor also believed that he had sufficiently Napoleon’s violation of Prussian territory had,
cowed Austria during the War of the Second Coali- in the meantime, had the effect of bringing Prussia
tion (1798–1801) that he need not fear it in 1805. into the war. At Potsdam in early November, King
When he learned in late August that the French Frederick William III signed an agreement with
fleet would not be able to seize the English Chan- Tsar Alexander I of Russia to strike Napoleon’s
nel to permit his invasion of England, Napoleon exposed army along its flanks and rear. The Prus-
decided to strike the coalition instead, hoping that sians began a rapid mobilization and deployment
by punishing Austria he could gain time to renew to effect this plan, which was suspended by the
his war with ‘‘perfidious Albion.’’ Treaty of Schönbrunn signed by Prussian co-for-
He therefore directed the bulk of the newly eign minister, Count Christian von Haugwitz, on
rechristened ‘‘Grande Armée’’ to race from its 15 December, thirteen days after the Battle of
camps along the Channel to the Rhine, while the Austerlitz at which Alexander and his remaining
corps of Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, which Austrian allies were defeated.
was occupying the British territory of Hanover, The Battle of Ulm was not a masterpiece of prior
would rush south, through Prussian territory, planning and skillful deception, as it is sometimes
toward the Upper Danube. At first, Napoleon did made out, but rather a masterpiece of skillful and

2374 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

decisive adaptation to changing circumstances. dom of Hanover. Following the study of law at the
Napoleon’s initial plans were to do more or less Universities of Göttingen and Berlin, Ulrichs began
what Mack expected him to do, although with a promising judicial career in Hanover in 1848. Six
much greater force. He devised the plan for the years later, however, his homosexual proclivities
final, brilliant maneuver only after he had seen the came to light, and he chose to resign from the civil
Austrian deployment. He thereby seized an oppor- service rather than face certain dismissal. He moved
tunity that a confused enemy had presented to him. to Frankfurt am Main, where he worked as a news-
Moreover, Napoleon was able to do so only by paper journalist and as an administrative assistant
sacrificing the future security of his army. He had for a delegate to the German Confederation.
not reckoned on Prussian hostility following the
violation of Ansbach, and so did not understand In 1864 Ulrichs published the first of a series of
the full danger to which he exposed his army at a twelve small books that appeared under the collec-
strategic level in order to gain an operational tive title Investigations into the Riddle of Man-Manly
advantage over the enemy at hand. Love. In language that was closely reasoned and legal-
istic but at times also impassioned and immediately
See also Armies; Austerlitz; French Revolutionary Wars accessible, this wide-ranging set of books surveyed
and Napoleonic Wars; Napoleon. the domains of law, religion, medicine, history, lit-
erature, and current events in an almost encyclopedic
BIBLIOGRAPHY effort to assemble all available information on
Duffy, Christopher. Austerlitz, 1805. London, 1977. homosexuality, challenge homophobic prejudice,
and muster support among homosexuals them-
selves. These books—the first five appeared in
1864 and 1865—led to a far-flung correspondence
with homosexuals throughout Germany and
n abroad, and they document Ulrichs’s own growing
ULRICHS, KARL HEINRICH (1825– knowledge about homosexuality, drawing on data
1895), German homosexual emancipationist, law- and leads he received from his correspondents.
yer, journalist, and author.
In the written and spoken word, Karl Heinrich
Ulrichs was the first person to demand not just the Ulrichs began with the assumption that virtually all
homosexuals shared his delicate features, which he
decriminalization of homosexual practices but also
himself described as feminine, as well as his boy-
the complete legal equality of homosexuals and
hood interest in girls’ pastimes and their colorful
heterosexuals. A man ahead of his time, he came
clothing, which contrasted vividly with the increas-
out publicly as a homosexual in 1867 and envi-
ingly drab men’s dress of his era. His first awareness
sioned a political and sociocultural movement of
of homosexual interests came at age fifteen, fol-
homosexuals organized to demand their rights as
lowed by a full recognition of his orientation at
an oppressed minority. Unable to rally any substan-
twenty-one, and he frankly described his erotic
tial solidarity among the homosexuals of his era, he
fascination with laborers clad in working-class garb
left Germany for voluntary exile in Italy. and soldiers decked out in colorful uniforms. His
Ulrichs’s ability to imagine homosexual eman- contacts with his contemporaries soon convinced
cipation and his maverick willingness to challenge him, however, that beyond effeminate homosex-
authority was surely in part a matter of individual uals of his own stripe there were fully masculine
temperament but may also have derived from his ones as well as butch and femme lesbians, and he
family heritage in Frisia, the coastal region strad- eventually came to recognize bisexuality as a valid
dling Holland, Germany, and Denmark that is the sexual category.
only part of Germany that remained free of feudal- Despite his acknowledgment of a panoply of
ism in the Middle Ages. He was born on 28 August sexual orientations and types, Ulrichs basically main-
1825 in Aurich, the foremost Frisian city, as the tained his ‘‘third sex’’ theory of homosexuality,
son of an architect in the civil service of the king- according to which gay men are endowed at birth

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2375

with a female anima (which might be translated as and an increasing knowledge of the homosexual
spirit, psyche, or soul) and lesbians are endowed with subculture, including the slang and practices of
a male one. He coined the word Urning for a homo- his era in Germany, England, and elsewhere. He
sexual, drawing on the speech by Pausanias in Plato’s criticized the homophobia of the majority but also
Symposium in which the origins of same-sex and lamented the cowardice of his fellow homosexuals.
opposite-sex love are attributed to the two avatars Ulrichs was bitterly disappointed when Prussia,
of the love goddess, one being the motherless daugh- with its harsh antisodomy statute, became the fore-
ter of Uranus, and the other the daughter of Zeus most state following national unification in 1871,
and Dione (thus Dioning was Ulrichs’s name for which led in the following year to the imposition
heterosexuals). The term Urning, occasionally ren- of Prussia’s criminal code throughout Germany.
dered in English as Uranian, had some European- Ulrichs left Germany for voluntary exile in Italy in
wide currency for a few decades but was ultimately 1880, and here he spent the last fifteen years of his
edged aside by adoption of the term homosexual, life cultivating the revival of Latin as a universal
which was likewise coined in the 1860s. Ulrichs language. His grave is in Aquila, Italy, where he
argued that the natural, innate quality of homo- died on 14 July 1895.
sexuality meant that it was unjust and pointless
to punish it, and he compared the persecution In Aquila, Ulrichs was visited by John Adding-
of homosexuals with that of witches in earlier ton Symonds (1840–1893), who provided a sym-
centuries, confident that growing enlightenment pathetic portrait of Ulrichs as an individual along
would ultimately lead to homosexual equality. with a useful précis of his third-sex theory in
A Problem in Modern Ethics (1881). In Germany,
Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902) credited
ANTI-PRUSSIAN ACTIVISM Ulrichs with first drawing his attention to homo-
Ulrichs’s publication series was halted by the wars sexuals, these ‘‘stepchildren of nature’’ (Ulrichs,
of German unification spearheaded by Otto von vol. 2, p. 512), and Sigmund Freud (1856–1939)
Bismarck. A local patriot, Ulrichs was twice impri- commented, albeit disparagingly, on Ulrichs’s the-
soned in 1866 for opposing the Prussian invasion ory in his Three Essays on Sexuality (1905). Magnus
and annexation of Hanover. His house was Hirschfeld (1868–1935) admiringly noted that
searched and his papers, including a manuscript Ulrichs single-handedly developed virtually the
collection of homosexual poetry, were confiscated. entire platform of the homosexual emancipation
Shortly after his second release from prison, he movement that finally came into being at the close
traveled to Munich to deliver an address on homo- of the nineteenth century, including proposals of a
sexual rights at the 1867 Congress of German homosexual journal, a national petition to repeal
Jurists. His call for the repeal of sodomy statutes the antisodomy statute, and even a ‘‘bond of love’’
in the various German states was roundly shouted or civil union ‘‘analogous to’’ heterosexual mar-
down by the entire outraged audience. riage (vol. 1, p. 234). In their private correspon-
dence, Karl Marx (1818–1883) and Friedrich
Following his aborted speech in Munich,
Engels (1820–1895) commented on Ulrichs’s writ-
Ulrichs resolved to come out publicly as a homo-
ings, remarking that ‘‘the pederasts’’ were beginning
sexual to the entire German nation. ‘‘As Urnings,
to count themselves and to notice that they formed
we should and must present ourselves without a
an organizable minority.
mask. Only then will we conquer ground to stand
on in human society; otherwise, never’’ (Ulrichs, Although he estimated that homosexuals consti-
vol. 1, p. 123). Whereas his first five books had tuted just 0.2 to 0.4 percent of the German adult
appeared under the pseudonym Numa Numantius, male population, Ulrichs indeed recognized that
his sixth, published in 1868, was published under homosexuals constituted a minority that could
his own name, as were his six subsequent volumes demand its ‘‘inalienable . . . civil rights’’ from ‘‘des-
on homosexuality that appeared between 1869 and potic majorities’’ (vol. 2, pp. 605, 547). He fully
1879. Banned from Hanover, Ulrichs moved initi- anticipated the identity politics of the late twentieth
ally to southern Germany. These books document- century by placing homosexuals on a par with other
ed a growing international network of homosexuals oppressed minorities and reminding his fellow

2376 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

homosexuals of their duty to practice solidarity ‘‘on place among the powers of Europe. Political faction-
the side of the victims of violence and abuse: whether alism and the strains of economic modernization
they are called Poles, Hanoverians, Jews, Catholics’’ produced increasing tension and tumult during his
(vol. 2, p. 547). By the early twenty-first century, reign. To popularize the monarchy, Umberto tra-
German homosexual activists had successfully lob- veled widely in Italy, and he regularly visited the
bied to have streets in Aurich, Hanover, Bremen, sites of earthquakes, floods, and epidemics to com-
and Munich named in his honor. fort the victims. His efforts to connect with the
people earned him the label ‘‘the good king.’’ But
See also Freud, Sigmund; Hirschfeld, Magnus; Homo-
sexuality and Lesbianism; Krafft-Ebing, Richard Umberto did not limit his duties to ceremony.
von; Symonds, John Addington. He played a role in turning Italy away from France
and toward an alliance with Germany and Austria-
Hungary, using his personal ties with fellow
monarchs to smooth the way. He also encouraged
Primary Sources
Italy’s imperialist ambitions in Africa.
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich. The Riddle of ‘‘Man-Manly’’ Love:
The Pioneering Work on Male Homosexuality. 2 vols. The king’s role in domestic politics produced
Translated by Michael A. Lombardi-Nash. Buffalo,
controversy at the time and in historical assess-
N.Y., 1994.
ments of his reign. He accepted a series of weak
Secondary Sources cabinets directed by prime ministers of the left,
Kennedy, Hubert. ‘‘Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: First Theorist of including Agostino Depretis, Benedetto Cairoli,
Homosexuality.’’ In Science and Homosexualities, edi- and Francesco Crispi. In the 1890s these govern-
ted by Vernon A. Rosario, 26–45. New York, 1997. ments faced agrarian and urban discontent and
———. Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: Pioneer of the Modern Gay the growing power of the Socialists. Alarmed
Movement. 2nd ed. San Francisco, 2005. industrialists and landowners supported the sus-
pension of constitutional guarantees to enforce
public order. In a context of rapidly fluctuating
majorities and weak cabinets, Umberto allowed
prime ministers to legislate by royal decree. The
persistent weakness of parliament caused influential
UMBERTO I (1844–1900; ruled 1878–1900), lawmakers such as Sidney Sonnino to call for
king of Italy. the return to even stronger royal authority.
Born 14 March 1844, Umberto received
In 1898 high bread prices intensified popular
the rank of captain on his fourteenth birthday. He
agitation, and in May an insurrection broke out in
held a series of military commands beginning in
Milan. The government imposed martial law and
October 1862 and saw action at Custoza against
General Fiorenzo Bava Beccaris restored order,
Austria in 1866. He married his cousin Margherita,
with considerable loss of civilian life. Despite the
daughter of Ferdinand, the duke of Genoa, on
outrage of socialists, republicans, and anarchists, on
22 April 1863. Umberto became king of Italy
9 June 1898 the king proclaimed his gratitude to
when his father, Victor Emmanuel II, died on 9
the soldiers, decorated Bava Beccaris for merit, and
January 1878. Departing from his father’s example,
named him senator (16 June). Hoping for a firm
he ignored the legacy of the House of Savoy and
government, he then appointed a military man,
took the title Umberto I rather than Umberto IV.
General Luigi Pelloux, prime minister. Pelloux
Just ten months after he assumed the throne, the
ended martial law and presented to parliament
anarchist Giovanni Passanante tried to stab him
proposals curbing freedom of press, meeting, and
(17 November 1878). Umberto escaped unscathed,
association. When deputies of the left tried to
but twenty-two years later another anarchist
obstruct their passage, Pelloux suspended the
succeeded in killing him.
parliamentary session (22 June 1899) and imposed
King Umberto inherited the challenges of estab- the public order laws by decree (28 June 1899).
lishing the infrastructure, laws, and institutions for The following year the courts nullified the decrees,
the newly united Italian state and of securing its and new elections (3 June and 10 June 1900)

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2377

returned a majority favorable to the government. n

Pelloux resigned anyway, and the king appointed UNIVERSITIES. In the first half of the nine-
the moderate Giuseppe Saracco to replace him. teenth century, higher education in Europe under-
went changes that resulted in the establishment of
This ‘‘liberal about face’’ ended conservative
divergent institutional systems. Beginning in the
efforts to bypass parliament and to revitalize govern-
1870s, however, a new consensus began to emerge,
ment by reinforcing royal power. In the view of
based on an ideal that combined teaching and
some historians, Umberto had endorsed what
research that accelerated the exchange of knowl-
amounted to a legal coup d’etat during the turn-
edge, teachers, and students across the Continent.
of-the-century crisis. Others criticize his passivity in
the face of parliamentary weakness and the auto-
cratic initiatives of politicians such as Crispi. When CHANGES IN THE MAP OF EUROPEAN
he inaugurated the new parliament on 16 June
1900, Umberto underscored his intention to main- In 1790 there were 143 active universities in
tain the commitment with which he had begun Europe. As the century came to a close, and over
his reign: the defense of constitutional liberties. the first half of the nineteenth century, major
Six weeks later, on 29 July 1900, Gaetano Bresci, changes started to occur that, to begin with,
a silk worker and anarchist, killed Umberto at affected Germany, France, and Russia.
Monza, proclaiming that renewing Italy began
Germany, France, and Russia: Revolution in
with eliminating its symbolic head. Judgments of
the university Of the thirty-five German univer-
Umberto vary, and while few credit him with sav-
sities existing in 1789, with a total of seventy-nine
ing the monarchy or accuse him of destroying
hundred students, eighteen disappeared during
it, most concur that his actions caused serious dis-
the Revolutionary period. On the other hand, three
cussion of its merits.
new institutions were founded, in Berlin (1810),
See also Italy; Victor Emmanuel II. Breslau (1811), and Bonn (1818). Prussia hoped
that these would help buttress the control it recov-
ered after 1815 over extremely heterogeneous lands
now stretching from part of conquered Poland to
Primary Sources the Catholic Rhineland.
Farini, Domenico. Diario di fine secolo. Edited by
Emilia Morelli. Rome, 1961. Provides an inside look The French university landscape was even more
at political life from a close advisor of King Umberto. radically altered. A string of revolutionary laws and
decrees issued between 22 December 1789, when
Secondary Sources universities were subordinated to the départe-
Alfassio Grimaldi, Ugoberto. Il re ‘‘buono’’: La vita di ments, and 7 Ventôse Year III (25 February
Umberto I e la sua epoca in un’esemplare ricostruzione. 1795) quite simply swept away colleges and facul-
5th ed. Milan, 1973.
ties of theology, medicine, the arts, or law founded
Mack Smith, Denis. Italy and Its Monarchy. New Haven, in the Middle Ages. Under the Consulate (1799–
Conn., 1989. 1804) and Empire (1804–1814), French higher
SUSAN A. ASHLEY education was integrated into a highly restrictive
central administrative framework from which all
local institutional autonomy was completely
absent. Professional faculties (three of medicine
and three of law for the whole empire in 1804)
UNIFICATION, ITALIAN. See Risorgi- and academic faculties (of arts and letters and of
mento (Italian Unification). science) were all brought under the authority of
a central administration known as the ‘‘Imperial
University.’’ Fortunately, the Napoleonic regime
spared certain major institutions considered to be
genuine seedbeds of scientific innovation. Some of
UNITED KINGDOM. See Great Britain. these dated from the ancien régime, such as the

2378 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Jardin du Roi, turned into a museum in 1793, and the Italian states as a whole possessed twenty-one
the Collège de France; some had been establishments of higher learning, but these varied
founded during the Revolutionary period, such as dramatically in size and were distributed in a
the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, the Institut way that failed to reflect real needs: northern and
de France, and the School of Oriental Languages; central areas were overserved, whereas from the
and others were long-established elite training academic standpoint the south was a near-desert
establishments such as the École Polytechnique utterly dominated by the giant University of
for civil and military engineers, the Saint-Cyr mili- Naples.
tary academy, and the École Normale for the train-
By contrast, a centralized country such as Spain
ing of university teachers.
was able to rationalize its university map gradually
In Russia too the transformation of the univer- during the nineteenth century. A number of the
sity system was rapid and carried out from above. institutions of the old regime were simply closed
Moscow University itself was founded early on, in down between 1807 and 1845, with no attempt
1755. Between 1803 and 1819, however, as many being made to revitalize them. Just ten universities
as five Russian universities came into being: Kazan remained, each covering a district conceived on
(1804); Kharkov (1805); Dorpat (Tartu), formerly the model of France’s ‘‘circumscriptions.’’ After
a German institution, became Russian in 1802; the transfer of the main institution from Alcalá
Vilna (1803), transferred to Kiev in 1835; and de Henares to Madrid in 1836, the nationwide
St. Petersburg (1819). In the second half of the network suffered, just like that of France, from
nineteenth century, universities in Odessa (1865), the crushing weight and privileges of what in
Tomsk (1888), and Saratov (1909) were estab- the official terminology was called the ‘‘Central
lished. To these institutions should be added very University.’’
many higher technical schools, chiefly in Moscow.
Smaller countries also, notably the Nether-
Elsewhere in Europe, however, the growth of lands, Belgium, Switzerland, and to a lesser degree
universities was far slower. the countries of Scandinavia, met with much diffi-
culty in their attempts to bring a measure of ration-
Slow progress in northwestern and southern ality to their university systems. As in the modern
Europe The British Isles were especially conser- period, religious traditions and national, even
vative. In 1800 there was one university in Ireland, regional, rivalries meant that these sparsely popu-
namely Trinity College in Dublin; four in Scotland; lated states had a disproportionate number of insti-
and two—the University of Oxford and the tutions relative to their actual needs. In the wake of
University of Cambridge—in England. This deficit Belgium’s independence, two new universities were
was gradually mitigated by local endeavors with founded, a liberal and secular one in Brussels and a
no overarching plan: by 1901, Durham (1832), Catholic one in Malines (both in 1834). The reor-
London (1828; reincorporated 1836), Manchester ganization of 1835, however, left the country with
(1851), and twelve other ‘‘civic universities’’ had just four universities: two state institutions, in
gradually been established in the larger English Ghent and Liège, an independent university in
cities. And, thanks to reforms made in Scotland in Brussels, and a Catholic one in Louvain.
1858 and at Oxford and Cambridge in 1877, it is
The map of Scandinavian universities went
possible to say that a real university system, rather
through analogous revisions in response to political
than the isolated colleges of an earlier time, had
changes and the requirements of scientific innova-
come into existence in Great Britain before 1914.
tion. The achievement of autonomy, and then
As for the Mediterranean region and northern independence, by such new states as Norway and
and eastern Europe, it is hard to blame traditional- Finland enabled them to develop systems of higher
ism for the delayed progress of higher education. education clearly distinct from those of their for-
Governments in these areas tended to create new, mer protectors, Denmark and Russia, respectively.
more functional institutions as a response to social The ancient universities in Scandinavia were
and political pressures, the result being a highly Copenhagen, founded in 1479, and, in Sweden,
unbalanced distribution of facilities. Before 1871, Uppsala (1477) and Lund (1666). To these was

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2379

added the University of Christiania (Oslo); the nineteenth century, Polish elites were educated
founded in 1811, six years after Norway became for the most part in foreign universities. Students
independent of Denmark, it was to be the center of from the Prussian province of Posen (Poznán)
Norwegian nationalism. Similarly, the elevation of attended the universities of Berlin and Breslau
Finland to the status of a grand duchy dependent and, being barred from administrative posts,
on the Russian Empire was followed by the transfer tended to take up Catholic theology. In Austrian
of the University of Turku to Helsinki (1828). Galicia, however, there were two predominantly
Polish university towns, Kraków and Lemberg
Change in the university and political change (now L’viv, Ukraine). The most repressive univer-
in central and eastern Europe In the early sity system was in the Russian-dominated ‘‘Con-
modern period, central and eastern Europe was a gress Kingdom of Poland.’’ From 1831 to 1862,
region with little in the way of a university system. the University of Warsaw was in effect closed in
This traditional pattern, however, was gradually reprisal for the 1830 uprising. During those
transformed by virtue of the expanding national years, Polish students were thus obliged to go to
and liberal movement, the training of local elites Russia—to Kiev or St. Petersburg. After 1864 the
in western Europe, the birth of new states, religious University of Warsaw was Russified, becoming in
and ethnic rivalries, and a growing desire to catch effect a sort of private free university. This institu-
up with the more developed parts of Europe. A few tion had to struggle to survive, and indeed it lost all
signs of intellectual subordination or archaism never- autonomy in 1869. In the latter part of the nine-
theless survived until after World War I, as witness teenth century, Polish elites preferred to educate
the continuing flow of students sent to Germany and their young people abroad, in clandestine establish-
France from most of these new nations. ments or, more and more, in the Polish-speaking
and relatively independent Galician universities.
The western part of the Austrian Empire
The most oppressed group of all were Jews aspiring
(Cisleithania) was undoubtedly the best served
to higher education but confronted by both
region, with six ancient universities at the begin-
Russian and Polish anti-Semitism.
ning of the nineteenth century, to which almost as
many advanced technical schools were added in the On the fringes of Europe, Greece, Bulgaria, and
first half of that century. This picture underwent Romania provide examples of the simultaneous
very few modifications thereafter, except for the emergence of the modern university and the mod-
division of the University of Prague into two ern nation under strong foreign influence—Bavar-
autonomous institutions, one Czech and the other ian or German for the first two, French for the third.
German, in 1882; the creation of the University of In such small rural countries the founding of a
Agram (Zagreb) in Croatia in 1874, with philoso- university in the capital was one of the chief symbols
phy, theology, and law faculties; and the founding of an independence eventually won after long cen-
of the University of Czernowitz (now Chernivtsi, turies of cultural oppression. From the outset, the
Ukraine) in 1875. new kingdom of Greece, with Otto, son of the king
As for the eastern portion of the empire, Trans- of Bavaria, at its head, sought to buttress its national
leithania, its sole university was founded in Nagy- identity by establishing a university in Athens. Inau-
szombat (now Trnava, Slovakia) in 1635 then gurated on 3 May 1837, it was to serve for the rest
moved to Buda in 1775 and then to Pest in of the century as a rallying point for the Greek
1784. The university could award doctorates but diaspora living under the Ottoman Empire (more
offered only partial programs of technical instruc- than 40 percent of students at the University of
tion and specialized law and theology courses. New Athens were born outside Greece’s borders).
universities were eventually established around the
In Romania, the creation of the University of
turn of the nineteenth century, as was consistent
Iaşi (1860) through the expansion of an academy
with the country’s development.
dating from 1835 was followed in 1864 by the
A very different path was taken by higher edu- founding of the University of Bucharest on the
cation in partitioned Poland, which would not basis of three preexisting faculties (arts, sciences,
regain its independence until 1918. Throughout and law); a medical school was added in 1869 and

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a department of theology in 1884. These two insti- research and innovation was confined to the large
tutions reflected the desire of the Moldo-Wallachian establishments—to a few departments of the
elites to emancipate themselves from dependence on Sorbonne or the Collège de France or to the aca-
ancient centers of learning abroad that had trained demies and learned societies. This explains the chief
the ruling class until that time. As a small country shortcoming of French higher education, namely
speaking a romance language, however, Romania the overconcentration of resources and manpower
maintained its links to France, and most of its future in Paris.
university teachers and a significant proportion of
its students, especially in law and medicine, contin- This unegalitarian logic was also reflected in
ued to complete their education in Paris. the hierarchical relations among teachers: because
a portion of their remuneration was in the form of
examination rights, teachers in the vocational
schools with their large intake and those in Paris
The first seventy-five years of the nineteenth century with its abundance of candidates had unfair advan-
thus saw the rise of university systems in Europe that
tages. This inequity was exacerbated by the ability
differed greatly according to their location. This
of professionals, notably teachers of law and
may be explained in part by the upheavals and
medicine, to supplement their incomes through
reorganizing already mentioned, and in part, too,
extramural activity. Professors of arts and science
by the survival of long-standing cultural traditions.
subjects, meanwhile, often sought to increase their
The two most radically distinct approaches, which
revenue by cumulating teaching or administrative
for the sake of convenience are referred to here as
functions, which had an exploitative effect on sub-
the ‘‘Napoleonic’’ and ‘‘Humboldtian’’ systems,
stitutes and adjuncts.
were instituted almost simultaneously and repre-
sented opposing responses both to critical historical
contingencies and to the intellectual and peda- The Humboldtian system The new university
gogical debates of the Enlightenment. system promoted by Wilhelm von Humboldt
(1767–1835) was conceived in explicit opposition
The Napoleonic system Though constructed to the Napoleonic approach. Under its sway the
almost from scratch, the Napoleonic system of philosophy faculty was assigned equal if not supe-
higher education extended certain eighteenth-cen- rior status to other departments. The philosopher
tury innovations (the vocational schools) while Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834) defined the
rejecting the universalizing ambitions and new university in this context as that place where mas-
departures of the radical phase of the French Revo- ters and fellow students assemble between school
lution. The intent was to endow the state and (in the sense of secondary education, viewed as a
postrevolutionary society with the framework coming together of masters and apprentices) and
needed to stabilize a country turned upside down, academy (meaning an assembly of masters among
to exercise a tight control over education in accor- themselves).
dance with the new social order, and to prevent the
emergence of a sphere of intellectual freedom too This ambitious intellectual ideal explains the
large and dangerous for the state to handle. This categorical rejection of French-style vocational
enlightened despotism accounts for the predomi- and specialized schools, which turn their back on
nance of the ‘‘school’’ model (even when the term what the German model considered the true pur-
faculty was used), the tyranny of state diplomas pose of the university, namely to awaken the indi-
governing the right to exercise a specific function vidual to knowledge, to adopt an encyclopedic
or profession, the importance placed on grading approach, and to offer a free choice of studies
and competition even in courses of study that did (Lernfreiheit). Nevertheless, even though the orga-
not necessarily call for them, the regimentation of nization of the University of Berlin was certainly
curricula, and the conferment of degrees by the influenced by these ideas, it would be an error to
state alone. The system implied a strict division of assume that its structure conformed strictly to the
labor among faculties and a high measure of educa- myth of the ‘‘Humboldtian system’’ as later con-
tional specialization. In consequence all essential structed by German academia.

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To begin with, research played a distinctly sub- young researchers whose work had to be truly dis-
ordinate role in the new system, and the particular tinguished if they were to join the professoriate. On
relationship between teaching and research that the other hand, the appointment process remained
was subsequently deemed one of the chief distin- prone to biases of a social kind into the twentieth
guishing features of the Prussian approach came century; in the conservative Protestant states, for
into being only slowly and in an uneven manner instance, Catholics, teachers considered too liberal,
depending on place and discipline. As for another and—a fortiori—Jews were persistently discrimi-
hallmark of the German system, much admired by nated against or even excluded from the academy.
foreign observers, namely the use of the privatdo-
cent (an assistant professor who gives lectures to The vocational crisis of the German system
students without being tenured and is directly paid During the latter part of the nineteenth century,
by them) in the training of future teachers, it when the German university system was being imi-
should be pointed out that this arrangement was tated across Europe and elsewhere in the world, the
by no means as widespread as is often assumed. The system itself was undergoing a crisis. This reflected
real basis of the dynamism of the German system several problems related to social and intellectual
(or more accurately systems) was perhaps that, changes: the difficulty of incorporating the most
being less rigid than any other, it was able to modern scientific and technical culture, the aristo-
benefit from nineteenth-century intellectual and cratic corporatism of the teachers, the lagging pro-
social advances. Decentralization indeed allowed fessionalization of certain career paths, and so on.
for local initiatives that might later, imitated or This was a crisis of growth—and a crisis in the
imported, spread to other universities. Student academy’s sense of vocation.
mobility obliged institutions to adapt according
to demand, and this created a process of emulation After stagnating between 1830 and the mid-
that was by definition absent from unified and 1860s, the German student population had multi-
centralized states such as France. All these features plied by a factor of five (to sixty-one thousand)
are primarily the result not of any concerted by 1914. In the main, this growth benefited the
approach but of a history based on the division of smaller universities and the philosophy faculties.
Germany into several different states. For the first time the number of arts and science
students surpassed that of law students, while the
Nor should one overlook the persistence of tally of theology students in 1914 was a full half
older traditions (differing religious practices lower than in 1830. Higher education was chang-
according to region, the continuing subordination ing, shifting its emphasis from traditional avenues
of philosophy departments in southern Catholic such as the clergy or the civil service to more
states such as Bavaria) or the enduring wish of the modern careers such as college teaching, scientific
sovereign of the German states to retain political research, engineering, and the technical profes-
control over ‘‘their’’ universities. In 1819, for sions. In parallel to the universities a network of
example, the conference of German states in Karls- Technische Hochschulen (polytechnics) was set up—
bad decided that the universities should be subject ten in all by the beginning of the twentieth cen-
to political surveillance in view of a growing liberal tury. Their student population more than tripled
student movement, the Burschenschaft. The con- from five thousand in 1871–1872 to seventeen
cern of the states was only increased by the degree thousand in 1903; university enrollment doubled
of student participation in the 1848 movement for during the same period. These technical colleges
German unification. The supposed competitiveness were disparaged by those in traditional universities,
of the academic market within a multipolar system and it was only thanks to the intervention of
unique in Europe was nonetheless vulnerable to Emperor William II in 1899 that they obtained
corruption through persistent nepotism in recruit- the right to bestow doctorates.
ment, especially in the smaller universities. Inasmuch
as the state, in order to meet the demand for The new generation of students tended to be
teachers, resorted to the creation of extraordinary, drawn from less middle-class, less cultivated back-
low-paying and nontenured positions for teachers or grounds than its predecessors, and student atti-
privatdocenten, this arguably served as a spur to tudes were more pragmatic. Students were now less

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taken with the Humboldtian ideal, for they were more eagerly sought after, and to the growing
seeking an education tailored to very precise career specialization of disciplines, whose new branches
goals, and this often gave rise to misunderstandings would typically be entrusted to young untenured
with teaching staff who for their part were increas- teachers. These factors accelerated innovation, but
ingly specialized, detached from the surrounding they were also a source of intellectual frustration.
society, and prone to indulging nostalgia for a They meant, for one thing, that new entrants to
Germany that was no more. the system needed to dispose of private means
while waiting for promotion or occupying lower-
The burgeoning student population alarmed
level positions.
conservatives fearful of the rise of what Otto von
Bismarck called a ‘‘proletariat of bachelors.’’ The Meanwhile, institutional autonomy was
absence of regulation with regard to enrollment increasingly jeopardized by state intervention in
probably did produce numbers of students in law, appointments and even more by the growing finan-
medicine, and arts and sciences that at some point cial dependence of the universities on public fund-
became disproportionate to the society’s needs. ing for the equipment needs of scientific and
medical research and even for research grants and
As for the system’s vocational crisis, it was an
library resources in the humanities. The ‘‘freedom
even more pointed threat to the German approach
and solitude’’ of the ideal Humboldtian professor
than uncontrolled expansion, because it precipi-
had scant prospect of survival in institutes where
tated an internal dislocation of the universities.
collective projects held sway or in universities
The Humboldtian ideal was meant to help educate
collaborating closely with captains of industry.
distinguished young men of the solid bourgeoisie
or nobility. But once the universities were popu-
Austro-Hungarian exceptionalism Austro-
lated in the majority by young people (including,
Hungarian higher education presented a far more
from the early nineteenth century on, young
traditional aspect than the German universities.
women and foreign students) whose concern was
After the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1773, the
to maximize the future profitability of their univer-
central government administered the entire system,
sity careers, the orientation of higher education was
including the non-German-speaking parts, under
bound to veer toward utility and specialization.
the Ratio educationis law of 1777. Remnants of
After 1871 the governments of German states grad-
medieval tradition, such as ‘‘student nations’’ and
ually accepted this tendency, structuring their insti-
the ‘‘assembly of the doctors,’’ and the survival of
tutions and courses of study in accordance with the
absolutist tendencies into the 1850s, also impeded
new needs of an industrial society. They also fos-
the introduction of German-style reforms. The
tered ties between scientific research and the econ-
university system thus had a strictly functional goal,
omy. These new priorities were bound to throw the
namely the provision of the human cogs—priests,
earlier German ideal model of the university into
functionaries, or teachers—needed by a heteroge-
neous empire. Education was thus governed in every
The crisis also affected those supposed to detail from above, in sharp contrast to the peda-
embody and uphold the Humboldtian ideal, the gogical freedom gradually spreading in Germany.
university professors themselves. The untenured With the exception of the Vienna Faculty of
were often in the majority, notably in the sciences Medicine, Austrian universities were scientifically
and in medicine, but they did not always participate backward. The 1848 revolution, in which Viennese
in collective faculty decisions. This imbalance made and Hungarian students were very active partici-
career advancement slower and more arduous and pants, obliged the authorities to experiment with
fed a discontent that erupted before World War I the Prussian model (Count Leo Thun Von Hohen-
in the movement of the Nicht-Ordinarien. The stien’s reform), albeit in an authoritarian version
proliferation of untenured teachers cannot be that remained in place until around 1860. Under
explained solely by the financial advantage govern- this arrangement higher education was extended by
ments stood to reap from the availability of lower- two years, while students in the preparatory years
paid employees. It was related also to the increasing no longer entered institutions of higher education
prestige of professorships, which were more and until they had passed a ‘‘maturity examination’’ (or

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2383

baccalaureate). The philosophy faculty thus achieved than one thousand undergraduates. The reason was
parity with other departments, as in Germany. The twofold: the simultaneous presence within the
government eliminated student nations and asso- Scottish universities of adolescents of fourteen or
ciated teachers’ remuneration with the number of fifteen, ‘‘lads o’parts’’ drawn directly from paro-
students enrolling in their courses. The opening chial schools, and young men of twenty or thirty
up of the academic market through the hiring of years of age; and a generous scholarship system.
more privatdocenten and the recruitment of teachers The flexibility of curricula and attendance even
from Germany created a competitive situation that made it possible to combine studies with work.
over time raised scientific teaching standards. While a humanist culture continued to dominate
at Oxford and Cambridge and while vocational
The chief peculiarity of the Austro-Hungarian
training in England, as a practical matter, was
system lay, however, in the obstinate survival up
provided outside university walls, the Scottish uni-
until World War I of professional (and especially
versities, like those of most European countries,
law) faculties: 45.7 percent of Viennese students in
combined the two functions.
1860 and as many as 53.8 percent in 1909 were
law students; in Hungary the proportion was close At the start of the nineteenth century, Oxford
to 60 percent. and Cambridge differed in every particular from
the Scottish universities. They had barely emerged
British systems It makes little sense to speak of a from a long period of stagnation stretching over
single university ‘‘system’’ in the British Isles. The the best part of the previous century. By about
characteristics of English universities on the one 1829, with 840 admissions annually, they had
hand and Scottish on the other were the product returned to their seventeenth-century level. The
less of any state plan than of compromises between requirement that students reside in the colleges,
centuries-old traditions and long-postponed the high cost of enrollment, the absence of voca-
reforms. To this picture must be added new insti- tional preparation other than clerical, and the
tutions, privately or locally conceived, that refusal of admission to non-Anglicans placed
addressed shortcomings in the existing establish- further limits on expansion. The gradual introduc-
ments and were thus governed by the logic of local tion of formal examinations (the Tripos), espe-
conditions rather than by an overarching idea, as in cially at Cambridge, produced a corresponding
France or Germany. improvement in the quality both of the teaching
and of the students. The complete independence
For most of the nineteenth century, a clear of these ancient universities vis-à-vis the state was
distinction has to be drawn between the Scottish founded on their vast landholdings and on their
universities and the two ancient English universities close relationship with the Church of England.
of Oxford and Cambridge. The Scottish institu- Their ideal of an educated man was still that of a
tions were much more closely akin to universities well-rounded honnête homme (honest man), and
on the Continent because they depended on the moral context continued to count as much as
state for most of their financial support. Their scholarly content. Thus the teacher–student ratio
doors were open to students from modest back- was kept much higher than in continental Europe.
grounds, they imposed neither residence nor the At Oxford, for example, there was a teacher for
tutorial system, and they were far more concerned every nineteen students in 1814 and for every
with teacher training than the ‘‘colleges’’ of their sixteen students in 1900. It is true that competi-
English counterparts. Reformed before the English tion for ‘‘honors’’ introduced a kind of meritoc-
universities by virtue of two royal commissions racy and bestowed social markers, so to speak, of
(1826 and 1876) and two acts of Parliament future success.
(1858 and 1889), the Scottish universities took
the lead in educating students in the new disci- Even before religious restrictions were lifted,
plines and preparing them for professions other dissidents got around them in 1828 by instituting
than the clergy. As early as the 1820s, their total the first non-Anglican college in London, namely
student population was large, totaling 4,250, University College, destined to become one of the
whereas Oxford and Cambridge together had less core components of the University of London. The

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Protest against the admission of women to Cambridge University c. 1880. Separate

women’s colleges had been established at Cambridge in 1869 and 1872, and women were granted
academic degrees after 1880, despite protests such as the one pictured here. ªHULTON-DEUTSCH

Anglicans of the capital responded in 1831 by Russia between Humboldt and Napoleon In
founding King’s College. The Whig government Russia, the beginning of the nineteenth century
recognized both colleges in 1836 in setting up saw the establishment of a system of secondary
the University of London, licensed to deliver and higher education. The new universities were
degrees on students in London institutions. modeled on the German system. The first teachers
As early as 1850, two hundred candidates took were in fact Germans or Russians trained in
advantage of this method of circumventing the Germany, notably at Göttingen. The most contra-
constraints of the traditional universities. The new dictory aspect of the new system, an aspect that
university thus introduced another level of hetero- would endure as long as the Russian Empire itself,
geneity into British higher education, for London was that these institutions, devoted in principle to
was not residential like Oxford and Cambridge science and theoretically rather autonomous, were
(‘‘Oxbridge’’), nor was it unified like the Scottish nevertheless assigned the task, after the fashion of
establishments. France’s grandes écoles, of training civil servants.
This ambiguity was reflected in an alternation
A third phase in the evolution of the British
between liberal periods facilitating Westernization
higher education system was constituted by the
and the politicizing of student youth and periods of
creation of the ‘‘civic universities’’ mentioned earlier,
repression and militarization precipitated whenever
which had purely practical goals and philanthropical
the authorities felt they had been too permissive.
or local funding, and by the long-deferred reform of
the ancient universities, where a few features of the The first such reactionary moment came in the
German system were eventually introduced. 1830s in response to the European and Polish

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2385

revolutionary events of 1830 to 1832. The statute need to restore balance to a vastly overcentralized
of 1835 obliged students to wear uniforms and structure, joined forces with a mood of intense
follow regimented curricula while teachers were national self-examination prompted by the defeat
forced to defend the Orthodox religion, autocracy, of the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871) to spur
and nationalism. The tumult of 1848 in Europe on the movement for reform.
sparked a new militarization of the Russian univer-
In 1868 the first concern was addressed when
sities. Rectors were now to be appointed, the
Victor Duruy (1811–1894) founded the four
teaching staff was purged, the content of courses
sections of the École pratique des hautes études,
became liable to prior vetting, enrollment fees were
so creating teaching laboratories and a place where
increased so as to reduce the number of students,
knowledge was transmitted by means of specialized
and students were subjected to military training
seminars that broke from formal courses intended for
and strict pedagogical control. Disciplines per-
a wide audience (the main form of teaching in the
ceived as dangerous (such as constitutional law
faculties). The second concern, the need for decen-
and philosophy) were eliminated. By the early
tralization, took longer to address. A solution
1860s, however, the return to a more liberal
required local support from the provincial cities, a
administration had begun.
new inflow of teachers (teaching positions nearly
Initially intended as they were to train a nobi- tripled between 1865 and 1919), and much
lity integrated into the state, the Russian universi- increased financial resources (faculty budgets more
ties accepted but a small proportion of poorer than tripled between 1875 and 1913). Most univer-
students. In Moscow in 1862, 71 percent of stu- sities were reorganized or expanded during this time.
dents were children of the nobility or of eminent An improved balance was achieved, too, between
functionaries—actually up from the 65.9 percent vocational and academic faculties, bringing things
estimated for 1831. closer to the German model in this regard. The
In theory at least, the teaching system was very greatest challenge was the administrative reform
rigorous, calling for twenty hours of obligatory embodied in the law of 1896 that grouped faculties
course work per week, a pass-or-fail yearly exam- together as universities. As was consonant with their
ination, and a maximum of six years of study to status as civil institutions, these new entities had
finish the nominal four-year program. Selection elected governing councils, controlled a portion of
was not very strict in practice, however: more than their budgets, and were empowered to create and
two-thirds of students were graduated and received eliminate professorial posts and to receive endow-
the title of kandidat. ments. In a word, they could innovate.
Convergence with the German system was never-
TRANSFORMATIONS AND CONVERGENCE theless incomplete. The decentralization failed to
OF EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEMS impinge seriously on the dominance of Paris: 43
Sociologists and historians of education have percent of all French faculty students were still to be
described the period from 1860 to 1914 as one found in Paris in 1914, as compared with 55 percent
of diversification, expansion, and professionaliza- in 1876. Paradoxically, the decision finally taken to
tion of higher education. These three tendencies transform all groups of faculties into universities, even
were accompanied by the growing influence of the in small towns, prevented the emergence of major
German system as a model for reform in countries regional centers capable of competing with Paris.
whose universities had remained traditional. Con-
All the same, the reform must be credited with
vergence was nevertheless only partly realized
the diversification of the subjects on offer and a
because of the persistence of national and regional
reduction in the average age of teachers, who now
fell into several different categories.
France: Incomplete reform (1868–1904) In The university reform was less successful in
France during these years two main concerns, the vocational faculties, and it failed to challenge
the need to develop the research function within the enduring hold of an elite system of higher
the faculties, as in the German system, and the education over recruitment to top technical and

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administrative positions. So far from losing their or on the support of private or municipal benefac-
importance, the schools of this system multiplied, tors (the provincial universities). This departure
keeping most of their privileges. After 1870 they was initiated in 1889, and by 1906 state aid had
were reinforced by commercial schools, as well as already reached £100,000, a by no means negligi-
new engineering schools and schools of adminis- ble sum, albeit much inferior to university appor-
tration. Catholic faculties created after 1875 also tionments on the Continent (from the 1890s on,
developed vocational training opportunities. for example, France disbursed four times as much
to its fifteen groups of faculties).
The development of the British universities
The Scottish universities depended even more
This period was also decisive for British universi-
on the state. They were granted £72,000 yearly from
ties, which experienced their most radical reforms
1892, to which were added funds for building,
since the Middle Ages. England’s two ancient
endowments from local businesspeople to create
universities were obliged by parliamentary action
chairs of practical interest, and, beginning in
to adapt to the modern world: non-Anglican,
1901, a gift worth £100,000 per annum from the
female, and foreign students were at last admitted
Scottish-born American industrialist and philan-
in the 1870s, when they were permitted to enroll
thropist Andrew Carnegie.
outside the college system. Meanwhile college fel-
lows were gradually given permission to marry. The social background of university entrants
From this point on, therefore, a genuine academic continued to reflect great elitism at Oxbridge, but
career became a possibility, because university for the new universities and above all for the Scot-
teaching was no longer merely a stepping-stone to tish institutions the picture was considerably more
the clergy or to the liberal professions. In conse- egalitarian, and thus closer to the continental pat-
quence the population of Oxford and Cambridge tern. In 1910, for instance, 24 percent of university
grew considerably. The range of subjects taught, entrants at the University of Glasgow were children
still confined at midcentury to the classics and to of manual workers, and 20 percent those of small
mathematics, opened up now to the sciences, his- shopkeepers, artisans, and office workers; at Oxford
tory, law, and foreign languages. Research too now these two categories together accounted for a mere
had a place, especially at Cambridge, after a gift 10 percent of student intake, although they con-
from the Duke of Devonshire made it possible in stituted 90 percent of the active population in
1871 to create the Cavendish Laboratory, where Britain. This discrepancy in the level of social dis-
part of the future British scientific elite would be crimination between the two kinds of universities
trained. had a financial underpinning: in Scotland, fees were
low, scholarships plentiful, and the primary and
The most significant changes in the British
secondary education network well developed; in
academic landscape nevertheless occurred outside
England, by contrast, Oxbridge students continued
Oxbridge, as the new civic universities grew in
to be drawn mostly from the high-fee public (i.e.,
number in the provincial cities, their purpose being
private) schools, while some two hundred pounds
to train the new managers needed by an industrial
per annum, roughly equivalent to the entire
and urban society. Until these universities were
income of a middle-class family, was needed to
granted full independence by royal charter, their
fund an Oxbridge student. And in 1910 no more
students received their degrees through the Univer-
than 7 percent of English students received schol-
sity of London, an establishment that itself expanded
arships (predominantly young people supported
very greatly as more and more specialized institu-
by local municipalities interested in their pursuing
tions were federated under its aegis in a somewhat
technical careers).
abstract manner. The resulting ‘‘exploded’’ univer-
sity obtained its real charter only in 1898.
Austria-Hungary: The attraction of Germany
The other change that underlined the break It was during the second half of the nineteenth
with the Middle Ages was the state’s ever-increasing century, too, that the Austro-Hungarian Empire
financial stake in institutions that had hitherto sub- and the newly developing Balkan nations began in
sisted either on their inherited wealth (Oxbridge) their turn to feel the gravitational pull of the

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German model. Their universities belonged in a Switzerland: Gradual expansion During this
sense to two worlds: they were modern, and close period Switzerland slowly developed an approach
to the German academy, inasmuch as German- to higher education that was unique in three
speaking teachers and students were continually respects. In the first place, there was no nationwide
circulating through the western part of the empire university system, because each establishment
and even reaching Budapest; but at the same time depended on a particular canton that had a free
they were still archaic in many ways, still character- hand with respect to education. Second, because
ized by the backwardness of largely rural countries the canton authorities were directly involved in the
where careers for professionals lay in the civil- governance of the university, institutions were imme-
service, judicial, ecclesiastical, or medical spheres diately affected by political developments. Third,
far more often than in the scientific or literary ones. the independence of cantons notwithstanding,
The eighteenth century’s enlightened despotism the nearness of Swiss university towns to one another
had left a concrete legacy in the shape of many meant that competition always had to be reckoned
well-established advanced technical schools. But with when striving to attract students from a single
the whole system was subject to unusual stress on linguistic catchment area; rather as in the German
account of the national and religious origins of its system, this was a powerful spur to productive rival-
students, drawn as they were from populations of ries. An original—albeit almost unavoidable—way
great diversity. Another difficulty arose from the to fund the conversion of the old Swiss academies
pressure, strongest in the east, for students to created by the Reformation into true universities
migrate westward to Vienna, to the German or Swiss (including research facilities), was the opening of
universities, or even, in the latter part of the period, the door to foreign students and (unusually early)
to Paris, a trend that deprived many new institutions to young women. Even before 1914, female stu-
of the most highly motivated individuals. dents constituted a fifth of the total Swiss student
population, more than twice their proportion in
The universities of the Austro-Hungarian France at that time. As for foreign students, their
Empire gradually won the right to teach in national percentage in Geneva was very high: 44 percent
languages. They thus became seedbeds of national in 1880 and 80 percent in 1910; for all Swiss
freedom movements, which naturally tended to universities their numbers were not much lower:
block convergence with the German system and 47 percent in 1900 and 53 percent in 1910. All these
with international intellectual life. rather unusual characteristics made Switzerland’s
The Hungarian universities had a number small universities into innovators when compared
of special traits, notably the predominance of law with peer institutions in neighboring countries.
studies, a privileged avenue so favored by the ruling
class that Hungary was dubbed ‘‘a nation of lawyers.’’ Italy and Spain: The difficulty of reform Re-
The explanation for this lies in the development of form in the Italian university system proceeded
a Magyar bureaucracy after the Compromise of alongside the construction of the national state. It
1867 and by the new prominence of the legal was particularly elusive inasmuch as modern and
profession in a liberal economy. The petty and medieval traditions weighed heavily on the system,
middle-level Hungarian nobility, with its land while the unique role played by the Catholic Church
rents in decline, used law training as a way of in Italian society meant that any attempt at moder-
monopolizing positions in the state apparatus. By nization meant contesting clerical privileges. The
the end of the century this monopoly was being Casati Law of 1859 sought to centralize higher
challenged by commoners, especially by Jews education after the fashion of the French system. It
who were able to take advantage of bloated uni- excluded the church from higher education but
versity law schools where rather easy require- failed to eliminate small local universities inherited
ments made it possible to combine legal studies from medieval times.
with other activities. By the same token, such With its seventeen complete or incomplete
easy access to law courses facilitated the assimila- groups of faculties, post-unification Italy at the
tion of Germans and Slavs into the dominant end of the nineteenth century seemed overen-
ethnic group. dowed by comparison with France (fifteen groups)

2388 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

or Germany (twenty universities), especially since Though overshadowed by the technical

Italy’s population was smaller and its territory only schools, the Spanish universities were very slow to
half as large. In addition, the Italian network was welcome academic and modern disciplines. Two-
very unevenly organized: in the 1890s, for instance, thirds of teachers were underpaid and to ensure
eight universities had fewer than five hundred stu- their futures were obliged to seek additional work
dents among them, while in the following decade or hope for transfer to Madrid.
the student body at Naples alone numbered more
than four thousand. The only notable reform, The movement for reform was started by a
motivated by anticlericalism, was the abolition of modest group of teachers at Oviedo, the smallest
theology faculties in 1873. university in Spain. They were inspired by measures
taken from 1900 on by a new minister of public
At the turn of the century, despite German education, among them the opening up of faculties
influence, the system’s long-standing defects of arts and sciences to new disciplines, the intro-
remained, among them the predominance of law duction of the social sciences into law departments,
studies, the lack of independence for the smaller and the establishment of scholarships. Chronic
university centers, and hidebound teaching meth- shortages of funds, however, limited such advances.
ods. The archaic character of the degree courses The necessity of modernizing course content and
was at the root of significant unemployment attracting students from new sectors was addressed
among brainworkers and a predilection for civil- by adopting the English system of university exten-
service posts that worked to the detriment of sions; this solution was initiated in the shape of
the sort of advanced technical training needed by public courses at the University of Saragossa in
a modern economy. 1893, and later spread to other Spanish universities.
In the early 1900s, however, this last tendency
was significantly reversed, thanks largely to private- Russia: The impossibility of liberalization
sector initiatives. In response to the new industrial Russian higher education during this period was
Italy’s need for managers, business leaders, and inhabited by contradictory tendencies. On the
technicians, public business schools sprang up, the one hand, in accordance with the Russian tradition
private Bocconi University was founded in Milan of benevolent despotism, the state was striving to
(1902), and engineering schools were established make the system into an integral part of the mod-
in Milan (1863), Naples (1868), and Turin (1859). ernization and Westernization of the country. On
But teachers were still badly paid, precipitating a the other hand, the reactionary tendencies of the
continual search for other sources of income— autocracy reemerged from time to time in response
especially in law departments, often a springboard to endemic revolutionary agitation, enforcing
to politics. authoritarian measures designed to reassert control
over universities viewed as hotbeds of subversive
Spain, like other Mediterranean countries, saw ideas and a threat to the social order.
its higher education system fall dramatically behind
that of the more advanced northern European The expansion in the student population dur-
nations in the latter half of the nineteenth century. ing the period is even more striking in view of
Until 1900 the Spanish universities were plagued the very low initial tally: a total of five thousand
by some of the same problems as the French but students in nine universities in 1860 swelled to
in an even more chronic way. Those problems thirty-seven thousand students fifty years later.
included overcentralization, skeletal staffing, That this trend was unstoppable, despite restrictive
bureaucratic administration, and lifeless teachers measures (including quotas for Jews and those of
given to rote methods. The law faculties monopo- modest means) passed in the wake of the assassina-
lized the majority of students. The central university tion of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, is accounted for
of Madrid dominated the whole system because by the appeal of higher education in a society in
it alone could confer doctorates and because its which bureaucratic positions were the most presti-
teachers were better paid. Advanced technical gious of all. Aside from the study of law, which led
schools supplemented the very traditional degree to such positions, medicine also exerted a growing
courses offered in the faculties. attraction in view of the country’s immense health

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2389

care needs and the perception that science was the teachers. Mediocre remuneration and the difficulty
prime weapon in the fight against poverty and of obtaining a post made an academic career unap-
ignorance. As a result of the rise of social aspira- pealing. Between 1900 and 1914, the situation in
tions in the middle and lower socioeconomic strata, the Russian universities deteriorated sharply for
the proportion of students of noble background lack of revenues (the state met only 60 percent of
dropped between 1865 and 1914 from 67 percent the budget, the remainder coming from fees) and
to 35 percent in the technical schools and from 55 because the creation of teaching positions failed to
percent to 25 percent in the universities. Mean- keep pace with student enrollment. Ever-growing
while, aspirants from petty bourgeois, middle-class, internal and external tensions (between tenured
or Jewish families who failed to enter higher and untenured teachers, between teachers, students,
education because of obstacles placed in their way and the authorities, and so forth) further contrib-
by official policies were quick to go abroad, and uted to the disorganization of a system that,
indeed in great numbers, to obtain degrees. Thus despite a government commission set up in 1902,
Paris, Berlin, and the Swiss universities acquired shrank in fear from any idea of reform.
large communities of Russian students whose num-
ber should really be added to the empire’s official CONCLUSION: A EUROPEAN SYSTEM?
figures. Despite the multiplicity of university systems and
It was during this period too that women the persistence of national and cultural differences,
entered the Russian student population in force: in the last years of the nineteenth century saw the
1914–1915, women constituted 30 percent of all birth of a truly ‘‘European’’ university, albeit a
students in Russian higher education as compared university that was invisible and without institu-
with an almost negligible proportion in 1900. tional boundaries. Its basis was the incessant and
ever-increasing movement not just of students but
Political agitation among students did not end
also of teachers between different cultural environ-
with the century; rather, it continued to reflect
ments. For students such migrations represented
the failure of the Russian system to adapt to the
ways of escape from the political and institutional
emerging modern society. The growth of student
obstacles that faced them in ‘‘backward’’ or oppres-
militancy was a response to the refusal of the
sive countries, mostly in eastern and southern
authorities to recognize student associations and
Europe. Teachers for their part traveled a good
their recurrent reassertion of the most authoritarian
deal between the main centers, attending con-
regulations. The high point of student agitation
gresses, joining scientific associations, and setting
was reached with the Revolution of 1905, when
up exchange programs. This invisible academy
the universities served as centers of the mobiliza-
realized the Humboldtian ideal inasmuch as it
tion that led to the general strike of October.
was based on a true desire for knowledge, despite
The growing inadequacy of the Russian uni- geographical or institutional obstacles, and on
versity system was reflected in the fact that teachers the freedom to teach and learn outside official
in higher education, though drawn in the majority curricula. The fact that students could choose
from privileged backgrounds (39 percent of them between competing university centers was one
were nobles as late as 1904), inclined overall index among others of the intellectual reach of
toward liberalism and reform. Their ideals were those institutions, and hence of their capacity for
Humboldtian, even as tsarism continued to bar innovation and excellence in particular disciplines.
the way to the scientific freedom indispensable to As for teacher exchanges, they attested to the inten-
progress. But both the statute of 1884, which sity of intellectual relations between different linguis-
sought to bring the universities back under control tic and cultural regions, and to the strong influence
following the assassination of Alexander II, and an of this country or that in a particular branch of
orientation toward vocational rather than scholarly learning. Even though it issued into the most mur-
and scientific goals were gradually brought into derous explosion of nationalism in European history,
question in actual practice. The institution of this period nevertheless suggested the possible shape
privatdocenten in the German mold failed to pro- of a reconstructed academic Europe firmly linked
duce the desired effect absent an adequate pool of to the most ancient medieval traditions.

2390 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

See also Education; Humboldt, Alexander and Wilhelm Now, Russian emperor Nicholas I (r. 1825–1855)
von; Intellectuals; Intelligentsia; Professions; promised to provide, when requested by the Sub-
Schleiermacher, Friedrich.
lime Porte (the Ottoman government), such forces
as necessary to maintain Turkey’s independence.
For its part, the Ottoman government of Sultan
Charle, Christophe, and Jacques Verger. Histoire des uni- Mahmud II (r. 1808–1839) would pay for provi-
versités. Paris, 1994. sioning these forces. The empires’ representatives
Jarausch, Konrad H., ed. The Transformation of Higher agreed that the treaty’s terms would last for eight
Learning, 1860–1930: Expansion, Diversification, years, at which time they would discuss renewal.
Social Opening, and Professionalization in England,
The treaty’s ‘‘separate’’ and secret article modified
Germany, Russia, and the United States. Stuttgart,
Germany, 1982. the terms of the public document by stating that,
to spare the expense of direct aid to Russia when
Ringer, Fritz K. Education and Society in Modern Europe.
Bloomington, Ind., 1979.
the latter came under attack, the Sublime Porte
would instead close the Dardanelles to any foreign
Rothblatt, Sheldon, and Björn Wittrock, eds. The European
warships ‘‘under any pretext whatsoever.’’
and American University since 1800: Historical and
Sociological Essays. Cambridge, U.K., 1993. Unkiar-Skelessi closed one phase and began
Rüegg, Walter, ed. A History of the University in Europe. another in the history of the ‘‘Eastern Question’’—
Vol. 3: Universities in the Nineteenth and Early Twen- that is, the international complications stemming
tieth Centuries (1800–1945). Cambridge, U.K., 2004.
from the Ottoman Empire’s chronic weakness. The
Schriewer, Jürgen, Christophe Charle, and Edwin Keiner, Greek revolution had inspired the Ottoman gover-
eds. Sozialer Raum und akademische Kulturen: Stu- nor of Egypt, Mehmet Ali (1769–1849), to mount
dien zur europäischen Hochschul- und Wissenschafts-
his own rebellion. In 1831, his French-trained
geschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert/A la recherche
de l’espace universitaire européen: Études sur l’enseigne- troops invaded Syria under the command of his
ment supérieur aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Frankfurt am son Ibrahim Pasha (1789–1848). By the spring of
Main, 1993. 1833, Ibrahim’s armies had seized Syria and were
Schubring, Gert, ed. ‘‘Einsamkeit und Freiheit’’ neu besich- advancing on Constantinople. Unable to turn to
tigt: Universitätsreformen und Disziplinenbildung in Great Britain—where the government was embroiled
Preussen als Modell für Wissenschaftspolitik im Europa in debates over the Reform Bill—the sultan reluc-
des 19. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, Germany, 1991. tantly accepted Russian offers of military support,
Stone, Lawrence, ed. The University in Society. 2 vols. remarking that a drowning man would even cling
Princeton, N.J., 1974. to a serpent. In April 1833, 10,000 Russian troops
CHRISTOPHE CHARLE landed on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus Straits.
In May, Mahmud II and Mehmet Ali concluded a
peace at Kutahia; the sultan ceded Egypt, Syria,
n Cyprus, and Adana to his vassal’s control. Faced
with the continuing presence of Russian troops,
and amid potential tension created by the arrival
On 8 July 1833, representatives of the Russian and
in the Straits of French and British naval vessels,
Ottoman governments signed a ‘‘treaty of defensive
Mahmud II accepted the offer of an alliance extended
alliance’’ in Unkiar-Skelessi (Hunkar Iskelesi), a
by Nicholas I’s emissary Count A. F. Orlov. The day
suburb of Constantinople. The treaty consisted of
following the treaty’s signature, Russian troops
two parts, a section of six articles in addition to a
received orders to withdraw, as Ibrahim Pasha’s
secret ‘‘separate article.’’ The first section recorded
armies had returned to their new territories.
the signatories’ pledge of common defense and
mutual aid ‘‘against all attack,’’ in addition to con- The treaty signaled a triumph for Russia’s ideo-
sultation and cooperation in matters affecting each logical and strategic interests, but provoked con-
empire’s ‘‘tranquility and safety.’’ Unkiar-Skelessi tention with Great Britain and France over the
confirmed the terms of the 1829 Treaty of Adrianople, fate of the ‘‘sick man,’’ as contemporaries called
which had concluded the Russo-Turkish conflict the Ottoman Empire. Nicholas and his advisors
arising from the War of Greek Independence. believed that they had protected a legitimate ruler

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2391

against the forces of disorder, in keeping with their Rich, Norman. Great Power Diplomacy, 1814–1914. New
conservative view of international relations. Unkiar- York, 1992.
Skelessi also assured Russia’s ability to intervene in Schroeder, Paul W. The Transformation of European
Ottoman affairs, in support of Nicholas I’s wish to Politics, 1763–1848. Oxford, U.K., 1994.
maintain a weak but unified neighbor on Russia’s DAVID M. MCDONALD
southern flank. These principles served as the basis
of an agreement with Austria, signed at Münchengrätz
in September 1833, thus resurrecting a Holy
Alliance broken by the events in Greece. Russia’s
new dominance in Turkey also excited suspicions in UTILITARIANISM. One of the founda-
London and Paris, especially after the terms of the tional doctrines of modern ethics in relation
treaty appeared in the British press in August 1833. to political philosophy and public administration,
British officials, particularly Foreign Secretary John utilitarianism has since the late eighteenth century
Henry Temple, Lord Palmerston (1784–1865), pursued the implications of a number of intercon-
feared Russia’s larger designs, as well as the security nected ideas. These include the claim that the
of the route to India. French statesmen sought to promotion of pleasure and avoidance of pain are
bolster the position of their protégé Mehmet Ali. the chief springs of human action, from which it
was thought to follow, allowing for considerable
The Eastern Question re-emerged with new complexities of measurement, that the concept of
urgency in April 1839, when Mahmud II sought utility could be defined for each individual as the
revenge from Mehmet Ali by invading Syria. maximization of his or her happiness. The function
Within months his armies were routed, his fleet of governments aiming to enhance public utility, it
defected to Egypt; Mahmud II himself died, leav- was argued, thus consisted in promoting ‘‘the
ing the throne to his adolescent son Abdul Mejid greatest happiness of the greatest number.’’ Since
(1823–1861). The new crisis led to an Anglo-Russian such propositions were believed to accord with
rapprochement arising from two missions to London psychology, utilitarians contended that their doc-
by Russian diplomat Ernst Brunnow (Brunnov), trine was superior to classical, Christian, and nat-
who offered to allow the lapse of Unkiar-Skelessi ural law conceptions of virtue or duty, which were
and other concessions. This turn allowed for an articulated only as abstract ideals. In putting
international intervention in support of Ottoman forward policies they held to be beneficial and
integrity and an end to the conflict by late 1840. expedient, utilitarians judged that what should be
In July 1841, Unkiar-Skelessi was replaced by a done required assessments of human conduct’s
convention on the Straits signed in London by tangible consequences and less attention than had
Russia, Britain, France, Prussia, and Austria. The been given by other thinkers to its arcane motives.
new convention stipulated that in peacetime Their ethics therefore placed greater emphasis on
the sultan would admit no foreign warships into manifest standards of the good than on presumed
the Straits. It also brought a temporary pause to notions of what was intrinsically right.
Anglo-Russian tensions over Ottoman affairs.

See also Eastern Question; Holy Alliance; Metternich, EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ORIGINS

Clemens von; Münchengrätz, Treaty of; Ottoman These beliefs, as articulated by Jeremy Bentham
Empire; Russo-Turkish War.
(1748–1832), James Mill (1773–1836), and John
Stuart Mill (1806–1873), owed much to both
BIBLIOGRAPHY ancient and modern sources, including Greek
Florinsky, Michael T. Russia: A History and an Interpreta- sophists’ denial of the existence of moral absolutes
tion. New York, 1953. on the grounds that man is the measure of all
Hertslet, Edward, Sir. ‘‘Treaty of Unkiar-Skelessi.’’ In Map things, as well as Epicurean portraits of our species’
of Europe by Treaty, vol. 2, 925–928. London, 1875– hedonism, Hobbesian conceptions of felicity, and
1891. French empiricist and materialist accounts of
Marriott, J. A. R. The Eastern Question: An Historical Study human nature’s malleability. It was only in the late
in European Diplomacy. Oxford, U.K., 1917. eighteenth and early nineteenth century, however,

2392 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

that utilitarianism came to be developed as a sys- in a positive way, its chief proponents of the period
tematic doctrine amenable to implementation by addressing their attention above all to the criminal
progressive rulers and radical political movements law. Cesare Beccaria (1738–1794) made the dis-
alike. This was partly because it was in this period tinction between crime and sin and the insuscept-
of European intellectual history that admirers ibility of religious beliefs to political enforcement
of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution central pillars of his tract of 1764, On Crimes and
undertook to extend its scope from natural phenom- Punishment, where the expression ‘‘the greatest
ena to human affairs, endeavoring to formulate a happiness of the greatest number,’’ makes its first
science of man that also included a science of ethics printed appearance (in Italian) in a work of political
and government. Utilitarianism served that purpose theory, although it had been anticipated by Francis
admirably. It was designed to promote strategies Hutcheson (1694–1746) in 1725 in his Inquiry
of public policy based on an empirical understanding into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue.
of human nature, to derive values from facts and Torture, argued Beccaria, served no rational
to dispose of all prescriptions that masqueraded purpose in the affairs of a civilized state, since it
prejudice and intuition as truth. To define both could not deter future crimes and only managed
individual and public utility it required no strictures to brutalize its victims, propositions soon taken to
of Christian altruism nor, apparently, any suppres- heart by Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet; 1694–
sion of men’s and women’s actual ambitions. 1778) in his own denunciations of the violence
of religious bigotry sanctioned against Protestants
If in these respects it seemed to provide a more
by the Catholic Church in France.
democratic ethos than any competing philosophy
and was hence suitable for an age of self-government, In his Fragment on Government of 1776
it in fact took root in the public domain in the Bentham invoked Hutcheson’s and Beccaria’s
late eighteenth century largely because progres- formulation of the expression that would come to
sively minded kings and queens embraced it. be regarded as his legacy and to encapsulate utili-
Although utilitarianism was to achieve its apotheo- tarianism’s meaning, by this time given currency
sis in England in the course of the nineteenth as well in Joseph Priestley’s Essay on the First Prin-
century, many of its principles, and especially its ciples of Government of 1768. In 1789, in
commitment to legislative reforms designed to pro- his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and
mote public happiness, were first adopted in Legislation, Bentham elaborated his conception
regimes already at the time portrayed as examples of utility at greater length. Like Beccaria, he was
of enlightened despotism. Frederick II of Prussia’s initially most concerned with policies warranting
(r. 1740–1786) prohibition of torture and Joseph the minimization of pain. In the late 1780s and
II’s (Holy Roman emperor, 1765–1790; and early 1790s he developed a scheme for the reform
Habsburg ruler of Austria, 1780–1790) abolition of Britain’s prison system through a strategy of
of serfdom were each inspired by utilitarian benign surveillance, termed Panopticon, whose
doctrines as interpreted by German and Austrian disciplinary character in the absence of physical
proponents of cameralism who, like Bentham and violence would come to be regarded by Michel
his followers in England, sought to reorganize Foucault (1926–1984) as one of the modern
government’s structures and functions to make it state’s insidious bureaucratic trappings. While most
more rational and accountable to the public inter- utilitarians after Bentham have been committed
est. In France physiocratic ministers and advisors to liberal ideals, they have often been charged with
of King Louis XVI (r. 1774–1792) likewise set inconsistency on the grounds that their principle
themselves the task of reforming feudal systems of of aggregating benefits for ‘‘the greatest number’’
agriculture and trade, to avert an already percepti- is inescapably hostile to individual freedom.
ble crisis of the old regime that would in time
provoke the French Revolution of 1789.
In both theory and practice eighteenth-century Bentham welcomed the French Revolution and
utilitarianism was perhaps more concerned with was eventually nominated a citizen of France, but
alleviating suffering than with securing happiness he at first sought reform through philanthropy and

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2393

not democracy and remarked that he would only dating from 1861, he continued to defend the
agree to become a republican in Paris if permitted principles of a philosophy he had mastered from
to remain a Royalist in London. In England it was his father, but he also set himself the task of distin-
less through his own endeavors than the influence guishing individuals’ higher from their lower
of his chief and far more radical acolyte, James Mill, pleasures, insisting, contrary to Bentham’s own
that utilitarianism became a potent political force. scheme, that some kinds of pleasure, particularly
Under Mill’s guidance Bentham began early in the of the mind, are more desirable and valuable than
nineteenth century to campaign for major consti- others.
tutional and social reform in England by way of
Henry Sidgwick (1838–1900), in his Methods
such instruments as a free press, a parliament more
of Ethics, first published in 1874, developed Mill’s
manifestly accountable to the British electorate,
objections to pure utilitarianism by way of contrast-
and, eventually, universal suffrage. His Plan of
ing both its virtues and faults from those of egoism
Parliamentary Reform of 1818, together with
and intuitionism, with which it competed for pride
Mill’s essays ‘‘Education’’ and ‘‘Government’’ for
of place among other ethical doctrines. According
the Encyclopaedia Britannica and the Westminster
to Sidgwick, each of these approaches taken sepa-
Review, a political journal that the two men
rately was ultimately at variance with the more
founded in 1824, were to make the philosophy of
complex conceptions of reasonable conduct that
English utilitarianism, by now described as philo-
did not admit of the formal definitions of the
sophic radicalism, one of the principal motors of
concepts of obligation and duty advocated by their
British constitutional change that was to culminate proponents. To Sidgwick’s analysis in particular
in the great Reform Act of 1832 and the transfor- moral philosophers of the past century have owed
mation around this time of the old Whigs into the many of their distinctions between consequentialist
modern Liberal Party. Other currents of English and duty-based or deontological moral philoso-
radicalism, including the Chartist movement, also phies, and between Benthamite consequentialism
contributed to these developments, but none and the deontology of Immanuel Kant (1724–
sprang from so deep a source of reflection on 1804) in particular, some of which were already
human nature in general or, thanks above all to anticipated by Kant himself in his treatment of
Mill, from its by now tributary doctrine of political empiricism and the philosophy of David Hume
representation. (1711–1776).
Mill’s son was to prove Britain’s preeminent,
See also Bentham, Jeremy; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor;
or at least most famous, political philosopher of Dickens, Charles; Great Britain; Liberalism; Mill,
the nineteenth century, less for his writings on James; Mill, John Stuart.
utilitarianism than for his System of Logic and his
essay On Liberty, still today liberalism’s chief
manifesto. That Benthamite utilitarianism was an
insufficient foundation for ethics seemed plain Primary Sources
to John Stuart Mill for much of his life, and in Bentham, Jeremy. An Introduction to the Principles of
Morals and Legislation. London, 1789.
essays on Bentham and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(1772–1834) dating from the late 1830s he held Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. London, 1863.
that this doctrine, for all its admirable decon- Sidgwick, Henry. The Methods of Ethics. London, 1874.
struction of purely abstract ideals and blind intui- Secondary Sources
tions, offered a defense of empiricism that lacked Halévy, Elie. The Growth of Philosophic Radicalism. Trans-
depth, subtlety, or any appreciation of aesthetic lated by Mary Morris. With a preface by A. D. Lindsay.
delight or the merits of received opinion. Utili- London, 1928.
tarianism as Bentham conceived it was a prag- Plamenatz, John Petrov. The English Utilitarians. Oxford,
matic and critical philosophy that had come to U.K., 1949.
be compellingly radicalized, but it had never been Thomas, William. The Philosophic Radicals. Oxford, U.K., 1979.
informed by the terrors and passions of real experi-
ence, Mill remarked. In his essay Utilitarianism, ROBERT WOKLER

2394 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

n Despite its polemical origins, ‘‘Socialism: Uto-

UTOPIAN SOCIALISM. The term uto- pian and Scientific’’ provided a paradigm within
pian socialism was first given currency by Friedrich which historians worked for almost a century. In
Engels in his pamphlet ‘‘Socialism: Utopian and histories of socialism from G. D. H. Cole to George
Scientific’’ (1880). For Engels the term referred Lichtheim, the utopian socialists were seen as ‘‘pre-
to a group of early-nineteenth-century social the- cursors’’ whose theories were flawed by their faulty
ories and movements that criticized nascent capit- understanding of history and class conflict. The
alism and contrasted to it visions of an ideal problem with this perspective is that it is both tele-
society of plenty and social harmony. The three ological and reductionist: teleological because it
principal utopian socialists were the Frenchmen assumes that socialism reached its final ‘‘scientific’’
Henri de Saint-Simon (1760–1825) and Charles form in the writings of Karl Marx, and that the work
Fourier (1772–1837) and the British factory of the utopians was valuable only insofar as it antici-
owner Robert Owen (1771–1858). Although pated that of Marx; reductionist because it treats the
these thinkers differed in significant ways—only development of socialism largely as a reflection of
the rise of the working-class movement.
Fourier was in any strict sense a utopian—all three
attempted to find some solution for the social and
economic dislocations caused by the French and FEATURES OF UTOPIAN SOCIALISM
Industrial Revolutions. All three began to write Since the late twentieth century, however, some
around 1800, published major works a decade historians have called for a reassessment of utopian
later, and attracted followers who created Owe- socialism that would grasp its inner logic and place
nite, Saint-Simonian, and Fourierist movements in it in its historical context. Viewed in this perspec-
the 1820s and 1830s. tive, utopian socialism would seem to have four
main features.
‘‘Socialism: Utopian and Scientific’’ offers a
First, it can be seen in economic terms as a
shrewd, well-informed, and sympathetic interpreta-
reaction to the rise of commercial capitalism and as
tion of the work of the utopian socialists. But this
a rejection of the prevailing economic theory that
essay (originally part of a polemic against the
the best and most natural economic system is one in
German economist Eugen Dühring) was never
which the individual is free to pursue private inter-
intended to provide a comprehensive assessment
ests. Coming at an early point in the development of
of utopian socialism. Instead Engels emphasized capitalism, the utopian socialists had a firsthand view
aspects of utopian socialism that anticipated the of the results of unregulated economic growth. They
Marxist critique of capitalism and dismissed much shared a sense of outrage at the suffering and waste
of the rest as ‘‘fantasy’’ unavoidable at a time when produced by early capitalism, and they all called for
capitalist production was ‘‘still very incompletely at least some measure of social control over the new
developed.’’ Engels praised Fourier as a brilliant productive forces unleashed by capitalism.
satirist of bourgeois society, Owen as an articulate
Second, the critique and the remedies pro-
spokesman for the demands of the working class,
posed by the utopian socialists were not, however,
and Saint-Simon as the inspired prophet of a
merely economic. They were writing out of a
postcapitalist industrial order. At the same time,
broader sense of social and moral disintegration.
however, Engels criticized the utopian socialists Competition for them was as much a moral as an
for ignoring the importance of class conflict and economic phenomenon, and its effects could be
failing to think seriously about the problem of seen just as clearly in the home as in the market-
how the ideal society might be brought into place. Thus the utopian socialist critique of bour-
being. What the utopian socialists had failed to geois society resembled that of conservatives such
grasp, in Engels’s view, was that the development as Thomas Carlyle and socially conscious novelists
of capitalism and the growth of the factory system such as Honoré de Balzac and Charles Dickens.
were themselves creating the material conditions Utopian socialists believed that the French and
both of proletarian revolution and of humanity’s Industrial Revolutions had produced a breakdown
ultimate regeneration. of traditional associations and group ties, that

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2395

individuals were becoming increasingly detached period 1830–1848. First on the scene were the
from any kind of corporate structure, and that Saint-Simonians, a group of brilliant young people,
society as a whole was becoming increasingly frag- many of them graduates of the École Polytechni-
mented and individualistic. Egoism was the great que, the most prestigious school of engineering
problem: the Saint-Simonians called it ‘‘the deep- and applied science in France. Gathering around
est wound of modern society.’’ And the utopian Saint-Simon in his last years, they regarded him as
socialists’ vision of a better world was clearly the the prophet of a new world in which science and
result of a search for some substitute for the old love would work together to bring about the mate-
forms of community that egoism and individual- rial and moral regeneration of humanity. After his
ism were destroying. death in 1825, they founded journals and orga-
Third, the utopian socialists all disliked violence nized lecture tours designed to elaborate and
and believed in the possibility of the peaceful trans- spread his ideas. By 1830 they had created what
formation of society. Fourier and Saint-Simon had they themselves described as a ‘‘faith’’—a new reli-
lived through the French Revolution and had been gion that aimed simultaneously at harnessing the
imprisoned during the Terror; they had no desire to productive forces of the emerging industrial
see their ideas imposed by force or violent revolu- society, at bettering the condition of ‘‘the poorest
tion. In any case they believed that this would not and most numerous class,’’ and at filling what they
be necessary. Like Owen, Fourier and Saint-Simon perceived as the moral and religious vacuum of the
expected to receive support for their ideas from age. Eventually the movement was torn apart by a
members of the privileged classes. In that sense they series of painful schisms, in the course of which the
were social optimists, and their optimism was charismatic Prosper Enfantin (1796–1864) made
rooted in their belief in the existence of a common himself ‘‘supreme father,’’ excommunicated various
good. Like the Enlightenment philosophes, they ‘‘heretics,’’ and issued a call for the ‘‘rehabilitation
were convinced that there was no fundamental or of the flesh.’’ After a brief period of communal
unbridgeable conflict of interests between the rich living, a spectacular trial, and a general exodus
and the poor, the propertied and the propertyless. to Egypt in search of the ‘‘female messiah,’’ the
Saint-Simonian movement broke up. But in their
Finally, there is an important point to be made sober years of maturity many of the former Saint-
about the form in which the utopian socialists pre- Simonians went on to play important roles in
sented their ideas. Each described himself as the French public life, promoting the colonization of
founder of an exact science—a science of social North Africa, the development of railroads, and the
organization—that would make it possible for industrialization of France during the Second
humankind to turn away from sterile philosophical Empire (1852–1870).
controversy and from the destructive arena of pol-
itics and to resolve, in scientific fashion, the prob- The Owenites and the Fourierists were less
lem of social harmony. But one of the striking spectacularly eccentric than the Saint-Simonians.
features of the thought of the utopian socialists is But each group attracted many followers during
that while they consistently presented their theories the 1830s and 1840s. For a time in the early
as rooted in the discovery of the true laws of 1830s the Owenites were deeply involved in labor
human nature and society, they also spoke in the organization and the effort to create a great
tones of religious prophets. For them the laws of national federation of trade unions. This effort
nature were the laws of God, and the new science peaked in 1833–1834, but for another decade the
was the true religion. This blending of science and principal Owenite journal, The New Moral World,
continued to attract a substantial working-class
religion, and prophecy and sociology, was one of
readership. Most of the energy of the Owenites,
the hallmarks of the thinking of the utopian socia-
however, went into a series of attempts to create
lists and their followers in the period prior to 1848.
working-class communities in which property was
held in common and social and economic activity
UTOPIAN SOCIALIST MOVEMENTS was organized on a cooperative basis. Inspired
The movements created by the followers of Saint- to some degree by the successful model factory
Simon, Owen, and Fourier flourished during the that Owen himself had created at New Lanark in

2396 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Scotland, seven such communities were created (1843) can now be seen as a kind of early syndicalist
in Britain between 1825 and 1847 and another in utopia.
America at New Harmony, Indiana. None of them
lasted very long. But the cooperative trading stores As they spread and multiplied, the ideologies of
created by working-class followers of Owen were utopian socialism became part of a broad current of
more successful, and the history of the modern democratic and humanitarian thought in which the
cooperative movement is generally traced back to boundary lines between socialism and democratic
the founding of an Owenite store in Rochdale, republicanism became blurred. By 1848 utopian
England, in 1844. socialism had merged with other ideologies of the
democratic Left to form a single movement that
The followers of Fourier also attempted to was broadly democratic and socialist. The shared
create experimental communities or ‘‘phalanxes’’ foundation that held this movement together
based on his theory (or rather on a watered-down included a faith in the right to work and in uni-
version of his theory). Their efforts focused parti- versal (male) suffrage, a belief that the differences
cularly on America, where some twenty-five Fou- between classes and nations were not irreconcil-
rierist phalanxes were established in the 1840s. In able, and a program of ‘‘peaceful democracy’’
France the Fourierists turned away from commu- which assumed that if politicians would only appeal
nity building in the late 1840s and drew closer to to the higher impulses of ‘‘the people,’’ a new era
the democratic and republican critics of the July of class harmony and social peace would begin.
Monarchy of King Louis-Philippe (r. 1830–1848).
Under the leadership of the social reformer Victor In 1848 with the fall of the July Monarchy in
Considerant (1808–1893), Fourierism became a France and of repressive police states in much of the
political movement for ‘‘peaceful democracy,’’ rest of Europe, European radicals at last had their
which was to play a brief but significant role in chance at power. But universal suffrage proved to be
1848. no panacea for the Left. In France the working-class
insurrection of June 1848 shattered the dream of
The 1840s in France were also marked by the the utopian socialists that a ‘‘democratic and social
rise of a new generation of utopian socialists who republic’’ might usher in a new age of class har-
emerged to create sects and ideologies of their mony. Thereafter the program of ‘‘peaceful democ-
own. Étienne Cabet (1788–1856), a former con- racy’’ ceased to have any political meaning. The
spiratorial revolutionary who had been influenced result of the failure of the 1848 revolutions, then,
by Owen while an exile in England, attracted a was to crush the idealistic and humanitarian aspira-
substantial working-class following with the austere tions of the second generation of utopian socialists
and authoritarian communist utopia described in and to destroy the vision of class collaboration that
his novel, Voyage en Icarie (1839). Pierre Leroux had been central to their thought.
(1797–1871), a former Saint-Simonian, pro-
pounded a mystical humanitarian socialism, See also Fourier, Charles; Owen, Robert; Roland,
arguing that social reform should be guided by a Pauline; Saint-Simon, Henri de; Socialism; Tristan,
new religion of humanity. The Christian socialist Flora.
Philippe Buchez (1796–1865) helped found a
working-class journal, L’Atelier, and inspired BIBLIOGRAPHY
groups of artisans to form producers’ cooperatives.
Beecher, Jonathan. Charles Fourier: The Visionary and His
There was also an important group of feminist
World. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1986.
socialists, many of whom had passed through
Saint-Simonianism or Fourierism, who began to ———. Victor Considerant and the Rise and Fall of French
find a voice in the 1840s. Flora Tristan (1803– Romantic Socialism. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2001.
1844), Pauline Roland (1805–1852), and Désirée Carlisle, Robert B. The Proffered Crown: Saint-Simonianism
Véret (1810–1891?) all pursued and deepened and the Doctrine of Hope. Baltimore, Md., 1987.
Fourier’s insight that the emancipation of women Claeys, Gregory. Machinery, Money, and the Millennium:
is the key to all social progress. And Tristan’s pro- From Moral Economy to Socialism, 1815–1860. Prince-
posal for a workers’ union in L’Union ouvrière ton, N.J., 1987. On the Owenites.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2397

Engels, Friedrich. ‘‘Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.’’ In Lichtheim, George. The Origins of Socialism. New York,
The Marx-Engels Reader, edited by Robert C. Tucker, 1969.
683–717. 2nd ed. New York, 1978.
Manuel, Frank E. The Prophets of Paris. Cambridge, Mass.,
Harrison, J. F. C. Quest for the New Moral World: Robert 1962.
Owen and the Owenites in Britain and America. New
York, 1969. Stedman Jones, Gareth. Introduction to The Communist
Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 3–187.
Johnson, Christopher H. Utopian Communism in France: London, 2002.
Cabet and the Icarians, 1839–1851. Ithaca, N.Y.,

2398 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
none. After a fragmentary education, he was hired
VAN GOGH, VINCENT (1853–1890), as the youngest shop assistant in The Hague’s
Dutch painter. branch of the French art and print dealer Goupil
Vincent Willem van Gogh is a classic example and Company, in which his uncle Vincent Van
of the self-taught artist who, possessed of a unique Gogh (1820–1880) was a partner. He learned the
talent and despite numerous setbacks, succeeded trade and developed a respectable knowledge of the
in securing a place in history. Although he drew visual arts. He was especially drawn to the work of
passable landscapes and cityscapes in his youth, he the Dutch seventeenth century, the Barbizon
did not become an artist until he was twenty-seven. school, and the Hague school. In the evenings, he
It is remarkable, then, that in the ten years from immersed himself in religiohistorical and theolo-
1880 to 1890 he was able to produce an impressive gical questions, in the course of which he was
oeuvre, which by the time of his death included deeply moved by the book La vie de Jésus by the
approximately nine hundred paintings and eleven French theologian Ernest Renan (1823–1892). He
hundred works on paper. In addition, he left some gradually linked every experience to biblical texts,
nine hundred letters filled with penetrating obser- becoming preoccupied above all with the possibi-
vations about his life and the role of art, artists, and lity of bringing consolation to humanity. He lost
literature. This correspondence is considered one interest in the art business and was finally dismissed
of the most important of his era. in 1876.
Convinced that he had a social mission to
fulfill, he successively tried to earn his keep as a
Van Gogh had a carefree childhood. He was the teacher and assistant preacher in England’s Ramsgate
eldest son of a close-knit minister’s family in the rural (1876) and as a bookseller in Holland’s Dordrecht
village of Zundert, in the south of Holland. The (1877). Having failed at both, he decided to follow
rural surroundings gave him not only a lifelong love in his father’s footsteps. But despite unremitting
of nature but also an enduring nostalgia for the application, an attempt to study theology in
country of his youth. His Protestant upbringing Amsterdam in 1877 and 1878 was also unsuccess-
was marked by an individualistic avowal of faith in ful. His appointment as evangelist among miners in
which Christ’s humanity was central. Even though Belgium’s Borinage district (1879) likewise ended
Van Gogh would later execrate the church as an badly. To his parents, who were close to despair,
institution, a symbolic and personal appreciation of this signified the end of a conventional career.
nature as revelation remained a feature of his work. Van Gogh too was at his wits’ end. He dismissed
Until he opted for brush and pen in 1880, he suggestions that he become a lithographer, book-
was the proverbial jack-of-all-trades and master of keeper, carpenter’s apprentice, and even a baker.


Finally, his brother Theo (1857–1891), who had to the foreground of his work. He stayed for three
also been employed at Goupil’s since 1873, sug- months, given over to profound loneliness.
gested he become an artist.
Themes that paralleled those of Millet contin-
ued to preoccupy him during his stay in the still
DUTCH PERIOD largely pristine Neunen in Brabant (1883–1885),
Doggedly, Van Gogh strove to master the funda- although local weavers at work also appear. Paint-
mentals of drawing, relying on textbooks. For a ing became his principal activity, and although Van
long time, his guiding lights were the French the- Gogh tested his ideas against those of his fellow
oretician Armand Cassagne (1823–1907) and the artist and correspondent Anthon van Rappard
artist Charles Bargue (c.1825–1883). He taught (1858–1892), he was once again thrown back pri-
himself perspective, proportion, and human anat- marily on himself, relying for guidance on the color
omy by copying old master drawings. He applied theories of the Romantic painter Eugène Delacroix
himself to social-realistic subject matter, which led, (1798–1863), as formulated by, among others, the
among other things, to such striking results as French art historian Charles Blanc (1814–1881).
The Bearers of the Burden (1881). After moving in Employing a rich impasto stroke and dark palette—
with his parents in Brabant’s Etten, in southern for which he was indebted to painters of the Hague
Holland, at the beginning of 1881, he took his school and the Barbizon school—he attempted
themes from the rural setting and local peasant to apply Delacroix’s ideas on color in numerous
community. In this, he was inspired by the French studies without having seen any of Delacroix’s
rural realists Jules Dupré (1811–1889) and especially paintings. Convinced of his progress and believing
Jean-François Millet (1814–1875), who for many that before long he would be able to make market-
years became his artistic and spiritual mentor. able art, he attempted to complete fully developed
Mounting friction with his parents prompted paintings, of which The Potato Eaters (1885) was
Van Gogh’s departure for The Hague, where he the first.
briefly took drawing and painting lessons from
Anton Mauve (1838–1888), a well-known repre- TO PARIS
sentative of the Hague school, and got to know The death of his father in 1885 and subsequent
Dutch painters such as George Hendrik Breitner familial tensions obliged Van Gogh to leave
(1857–1923), with whom he explored the city’s Nuenen. He went to Antwerp with the goal of
environs. Van Gogh underwent further training in making saleable art and honed his skill in portraiture
perspective and life drawing, resulting in an impor- and cityscape; he also took lessons at the academy.
tant series of cityscapes, something that would Toward the end of February 1886, he rather sud-
remain a fixed genre in his oeuvre, along with denly departed for Paris, moving in with Theo, who
numerous figure studies, among them Sorrow had been supporting him since 1881. Two years of
(1882), and studies of heads for which he got the experimentation and artistic encounters followed.
local population to pose. As a great admirer of prints His style and repertoire underwent a radical trans-
with social-realist themes from such illustrated maga- formation and expanded considerably. After a short
zines as the Graphic, he attempted to imbue his period in the studio of the history painter Fernand
figures with a robust, expressive force. In addition, Cormon (1845–1926), where he did a great deal
he explored the possibilities of color, which resulted of drawing from nude and plaster models, he fell
in drawings such as The Poor and Money (1882). under the influence of the impasto-rich and
Following Millet, Van Gogh decided to aban- brightly colored work of the Provençal artist
don The Hague in order to further his skills as rural Adolphe Monticelli (1824–1886). He made a study
realist in unspoiled nature. The breakup of his of the color work of Delacroix and became fasci-
difficult relationship with Sien Hoornik (1850– nated by Japanese prints, which he collected passion-
1904), a former prostitute with whom he had lived ately, and by the work of the contemporary
since 1882, hastened his decision, and at the end of French impressionists and young avant-garde of
1883 he set out for the northern Dutch province of painters, including Émile Bernard (1861–1941)
Drenthe, where landscape and peasant life moved and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901).

2400 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Harvest. Convinced that he could make an artistic

contribution, he urged Theo, to whom he sent his
works in exchange for his support, to make sure he
kept these works well secured.
His desire to form an artists’ community in
the south appeared to have become a reality with
the arrival, in October 1888, of his mentor Paul
Gauguin (1849–1903). The two artists worked
closely, discussing all sorts of painterly issues,
including whether or not it was possible to work
from the imagination. But only nine weeks later,
the collaboration was interrupted when the first
signs of Van Gogh’s mental illness manifested
themselves and he cut off his left earlobe. From
then until his death, he would know long periods
of depression, anxiety attacks, self-mutilation, and
profound despair.
In April 1889, Van Gogh voluntarily com-
mitted himself to a psychiatric clinic in nearby Saint
Rémy. His former optimism had been replaced
with a feeling of gloom about the future. Never-
theless, as he had before, he made a virtue of
necessity. He discovered new subject matter, such
Self portrait by Van Gogh, 1887. MUSÉE D’ORSAY, PARIS,
FRANCE/BRIDGEMAN ART LIBRARY as the irises in the overgrown and walled-in clinic
garden, and translated several beloved black and
white prints of Millet and Rembrandt into colorful
canvasses. Whenever his health permitted, he would
He experimented intensively with the impression- also work outside, where he added Provence’s
istic brush stroke technique, applied the post- cypresses and olive trees to his repertoire.
impressionists’ pointillist technique, began using a
much lighter palette, and incorporated decorative
elements in his work. This led to such noteworthy RETURN TO THE NORTH
results as Portrait of Père Tanguy, Park Voyer In May 1890, exhausted, he left the south of
d’Argenson, and series after series of cityscapes in France and settled in the Auvers-sur-Oise, near
watercolor. Paris. Here he once again took up what he called
‘‘the study of landscape and peasant life,’’ which
had fascinated him throughout his painting life. He
was enthusiastic about the village and the rustic
In the beginning of 1888, fatigued by city life and setting and worked feverishly on a variety of land-
yearning for unspoiled regions, Van Gogh left for scapes—spacious fields, wheat stacks, and sunsets—
Arles, in the south of France, which reminded him in his characteristic, expressive language of form
of the bright colors of Japan as he had seen it in and brilliant color. He seemed to have recovered.
prints. In the meantime, he had developed into a The shock therefore was great when on 27 July he
complete artist with a spontaneous, vigorous style fatally wounded himself with a shot to the chest in
who increasingly applied such elements of form as a field near the village. Two days later he died in
color and line independently, without sacrificing the arms of Theo, his anchor and support.
the expressive power of his subject matter. The rural
setting around Arles inspired a remarkable series of See also Avant-Garde; Barbizon Painters; Delacroix,
drawings and paintings filled with harmonious color Eugène; Gauguin, Paul; Millet, Jean-François;
effects: blooming orchards, The Sunflowers, and The Painting.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2401

by the French Revolution. During the second half
Druick, Douglas, and Peter Kort Zegers. Van Gogh and of the eighteenth century, the Venetian government
Gauguin: The Studio of the South. New York, 2001. had recognized that the only possible means of
Faille, J.-B. de la. The Works of Vincent Van Gogh: His surviving in the face of expansionist neighbors was
Paintings and Drawings. Amsterdam, 1970. to adopt a policy of neutrality. When the Directory’s
Hulsker, Jan. Vincent and Theo Van Gogh: A Dual Biogra- Army of Italy invaded Italy in 1796 under the
phy. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1990. command of Napoleon Bonaparte (later Napoleon I,
———. The New Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, r. 1804–1814/15), the Venetian state had attempted
Sketches. Rev. ed. Amsterdam, 1996. to keep to this policy, but Austrian and French forces
Ives, Colta, et al. Vincent Van Gogh: The Drawings. New soon violated Venice’s neutrality. In the spring of
York, 2005. 1797, Napoleon invaded the Republic’s mainland
Stolwijk, Chris, et al. Vincent’s Choice: The Musée Imaginaire
territories, establishing Jacobin satellite municipalities
of Van Gogh. Amsterdam, 2003. in many of the cities hitherto under its rule. Napoleon
used a popular anti-French rising in Verona and
Van Gogh, Vincent. The Complete Letters of Vincent Van
Gogh, with Reproductions of All the Drawings in the resistance to French incursion into the lagoon as a
Correspondence. 3 vols. New York, 1958. pretext to occupy Venice itself. Faced with a French
Van Heugten, Sjraar et al. Vincent Van Gogh: Drawings.
ultimatum, and anxious to avoid bloodshed or French
3 vols. Amsterdam, 1996–2001. reprisals, the last Doge, Ludovico Manin (r. 1789–
1797), transferred power to the French authorities.
Napoleon briefly set up a Jacobin municipal republic
in the city, but almost immediately entered secret
negotiations with the Austrians. In October 1797,
these resulted in the Treaty of Campoformido. By
VENICE. On the eve of the French Revolution, this treaty, Venice and most of its former mainland
as the capital of an independent Republic, Venice territories to the east of the river Mincio were trans-
still ruled over an extensive territory stretching ferred to Habsburg rule in exchange for territorial
along the Adriatic coast into Dalmatia, and deep concessions elsewhere.
into Lombardy. Venice had long before lost its
position as the Mediterranean’s dominant commer-
cial center, falling victim to the rise of the Atlantic AUSTRIAN AND NAPOLEONIC RULE
economy, and due to an inability to compete with Austrian troops arrived in Venice in January 1798.
bigger states. Indeed, by the mid-eighteenth century, The city remained under the relatively benign rule
the Habsburg free port of Trieste had begun to of the Habsburgs until January 1806, when, by the
emerge as a rival even within the Adriatic. Never- Treaty of Pressburg, Napoleon (now crowned
theless, Venice—still ruled by a narrow patrician Emperor) annexed the city and its remaining
oligarchy—was by no means the decadent and territory to his satellite Kingdom of Italy. Until its
marginalized state often portrayed by contempor- liberation by Austrian forces in the spring of 1814,
aries and subsequent historians alike. It remained a Venice languished under Napoleonic rule. Reduced
significant trading center, could deploy a sizeable to the status of a provincial capital, and with its
fleet, and, in cultural terms, could still produce remnants of trade destroyed because of Anglo-
figures of the caliber of the playwright Carlo Goldoni French naval rivalry and economic warfare, the
(1707–1793) and the sculptor Antonio Canova plight of the Venetians under Napoleon was further
(1757–1822). exacerbated by heavy conscription, rapacious taxa-
tion, and the systematic plundering of Venice’s art.

THE END OF THE VENETIAN REPUBLIC The Vienna settlement acknowledged the
The collapse of the Republic of Saint Mark in 1797 Austrian Emperor, Francis I (r. 1804–1835), as
was not the consequence, as has frequently been ruler of Venetia. Although the newly created
suggested, of the cowardice and corruption of Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia was technically
Venice’s patrician class, but a direct result of separate from the rest of the empire, in practice
changes in international relations brought about most key decisions were made in Vienna. Such

2402 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

centralized rule was unpopular among Venetians. periods. To the extent that foreign travelers did
There was also disappointment that much of the address the contemporary situation, they were gen-
machinery and personnel of the Napoleonic system erally critical of Austrian rule. One notable exception
was retained. Venice continued to suffer from a to this was John Ruskin (1819–1900), who loathed
heavy tax burden and conscription, and many contemporary Venetians and bizarrely located the
Venetians were angered by the large numbers of start of Venice’s decline in 1418. However, the
‘‘foreigners’’ (both German-speakers and Lombards) general trend was reflected in the description of
who dominated the higher ranks of the civil service. the city offered by Charles Dickens (1812–1870) in
Nevertheless, government expenditure rose mas- his Pictures from Italy (1846): in contrast with the
sively under Austrian rule, and the reign of Francis gritty realism of the rest of the book, his chapter on
I saw a gradual increase in the numbers of Venetians Venice is entitled ‘‘An Italian Dream.’’
playing a role in the administration. A major source
of resentment remained the apparently preferential THE 1848 REVOLUTION AND THE
treatment given to Trieste, although in 1830 Venice UNIFICATION OF ITALY
was granted the same free port status as its rival. The passive nature of Venice completely changed in
Another fillip to the Venetian economy came in 1848. Grievances had been growing since the late
the form of causeway linking the city with the main- 1830s, as Venetians became increasingly intolerant
land, completed in 1846. Despite such measures, of the bureaucratic and unresponsive nature of
Venice was characterized by poverty and unemploy- Austrian rule, of high taxation used to service the
ment. Surprisingly, until the later 1840s there was imperial debt, and of heavy-handed censorship.
very little active opposition to Habsburg rule. The Matters were aggravated by the rule of the mentally
one attempted rising—a naval mutiny led by the weak Ferdinand I (r. 1835–1848), whose inability to
Bandiera brothers, Attilio (1810–1844) and Emilio provide direction was highlighted by the economic
(1819–1844)—failed spectacularly. crisis of the so-called hungry forties. During 1846
and 1847, the people of Venice and its mainland
CULTURAL RESPONSES IN THE EARLY increasingly criticized Austrian rule. The most
NINETEENTH CENTURY eloquent opponent of the regime was Daniele Manin
In the Napoleonic and Restoration periods, Venice’s (1804–1857), who had risen to prominence during
greatest artist was the sculptor Canova, whose debates over the construction of a railway line
exquisite marbles were valued throughout Europe. between Venice and Milan. His persistent—although
In literary terms, the city was famous for the work of initially far from radical—attacks on Habsburg mis-
Ugo Foscolo (1778–1827), who flirted with the rule landed him briefly in prison; on his release he
Napoleonic regime but went into exile in 1815. assumed the role of champion of Venetian interests
In the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, against alleged Austrian oppression. Revolution in
Venice began again to attract steadily larger num- France, the fall of Prince Clemens von Metternich
bers of travelers, including such figures as the (1773–1859) in the face of popular demonstrations
French Romantic François-René de Chateaubriand in Vienna, increasing agitation in Hungary, and
(1768–1848), the novelist Stendhal (Henri Beyle; unrest elsewhere in Italy—including insurrection in
1783–1842), the Irish poet Thomas Moore Milan, which led to the retreat of the Austrian com-
(1779–1852), and Lord Byron (1788–1824). mander Count Joseph Radetzky (1766–1858)—
Literary reactions to Venice were far from consistent, generated panic among the authorities in Venice,
but few writers engaged with its current political and and the governor, Aloys Palffy, evacuated the city.
economic state; they preferred instead to explore a A provisional regime was swiftly established under
mythologized version of its past, and used the the direction of Manin, who declared the establish-
modern city as a trope for decay. This was echoed ment of a Republic of Saint Mark. The threat from
in representations by painters such as Joseph Mallord Austria encouraged the population of the main-
William Turner (1775–1851) and Richard Parkes land to seek closer links with Milan and Sardinia-
Bonington (1802–1828) whose sketches showed Piedmont, tying Manin’s policy more closely to that
contemporary Venice, but whose finished works of Piedmontese King, Charles Albert (r. 1831–1849),
tended to populate it with figures from much earlier than he would have wished. However, defeat of

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2403

Venice, 1840 Painting by J. M. W. Turner. Turner visited Venice three times between 1819 and 1840 and was much attracted by its
luminous atmosphere. It became one of his favorite subjects for landscape. VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM, LONDON/ART RESOURCE, NY

Charles Albert by Habsburg forces at Custoza (July Napoleon III (r. 1852–1871) broke his promise
1848) forced the Venetians to rely on their own to the prime minister Count Cavour (Camillo
resources to safeguard their newly won indepen- Benso; 1810–1861) that he would free all of
dence. Although the rest of the peninsula experi- northern Italy from Austria. The creation of the
enced risings in 1848 and 1849, the Venetian new Kingdom of Italy in 1860 led to intermittent
revolution endured longer than any other, even- calls for the seizure of Venetia. In 1865, the
tually succumbing to military blockade and cholera. Austrians rebuffed an Italian offer to purchase
the region. Acquisition of Venetia finally took
In the aftermath of revolution, Venice was
place in 1866, when the Italians fought against
subjected to the stern administration of the elderly
Austria in alliance with Prussia. Despite defeats
Radetzky, before a milder regime was introduced
on land and sea by the Austrians, the Italians were
under Archduke Maximilian of Habsburg (1832–
still able to gain Venice and its mainland provinces,
1867) in 1857. Nevertheless, relations between
thanks to Prussian victory and the diplomatic invol-
Vienna and the local population had been badly
vement of Napoleon III. Legitimacy was given to
damaged, and many Venetians increasingly looked
the annexation by an overwhelmingly positive vote
toward Italian unity as a means to escape from
in a plebiscite, which was nevertheless marred by
Austrian rule. This stance was strengthened when
rigging and intimidation.
Manin publicly renounced his former republican
sympathies and called on Italians to support uni-
fication under the Piedmontese monarchy. Hopes VENICE UNDER ITALIAN RULE
that Venice might be annexed by the Piedmontese Neither Venice nor the Venetian mainland initially
evaporated in 1859, when the French emperor benefited from Italian unity. As a port Venice

2404 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

continued to decline in the face of competition Johann Strauss (1825–1899) opera A Night in
from other maritime cities in the peninsula. The Venice (1883), and the Venetian plays of Hugo von
opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 and Venice’s Hofmannsthal (1874–1929), as well as in many of
selection as chief port of the India Mail in 1872 the canvases of the Venetian painter Giacomo
did act as a slight stimulus to trade, which was Favretto (1898–1964). British views of the city
increasingly located in the west of the city (near continued to be heavily influenced by the backward-
the railway) rather than around Saint Mark’s looking legacy of Ruskin. However, the city was
Square. Venetians, however, remained generally also periodically home to a wide range of British,
indifferent or hostile to their new status as Italians, including the historians Rawdon Brown (1803–
a fact reflected in their unwillingness to stand as 1883) and Horatio Brown (1854–1926), the poet
parliamentary candidates in the 1870s. and historian John Addington Symonds (1840–
1893), and the novelist and fantasist Frederick
Economic problems persisted in the late nine-
Rolfe (1860–1913), who, while deeply interested
teenth century, and, until the 1890s, Venetia
in its past, engaged passionately with the modern
witnessed some of Italy’s highest rates of emigration,
city and its inhabitants. A similar preoccupation
albeit usually to European destinations rather than to
characterized the work of many American and
the New World. Yet, despite the poverty of the
British painters, such as Robert Frederick Blum
region, Venice gradually reconciled itself to Italian
(1857–1903), John Singer Sargent (1856–1925),
rule in the decades before World War I. This in
Maurice Brazil Prendergast (1859–1924), and Sir
part reflected a gradually improving economy,
Samuel Luke Fildes (1843–1927), who sought to
helped by the growth of industry in the 1880s
portray a living city (albeit in a sometimes senti-
(including the establishment of the Stucky grain mill
mentalized form). In so doing they echoed local
and pasta factory on the Giudecca and construction
painters, such as Ettore Tito (1867–1941), who
of warships in the Arsenale), and, more significantly,
was anxious to portray scenes of everyday Venetian
by the massive expansion of tourism. Venice now
life rather than turning the city into a symbol of
appealed not only because of its romantic past, but
past glory. The most radical response to the city
also because of the development of the Lido as a
in this period, however, came in 1910 when the
center for sea bathing.
leader of the Futurists, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
(1876–1944), declared rhetorical war against a
VENICE AND CULTURE, 1866–1915 Venice that he saw as no more than a ridiculous
Despite the establishment of a biennial interna- museum.
tional art festival in 1895, the later nineteenth
See also Milan; Naples; Rome; Trieste; Vienna.
and early twentieth centuries were not an especially
fertile period for Venetian art or literature. In gen-
eral, however, the city was more interesting as a
stimulus to foreign artists, writers, poets, and com- Laven, David. Venice and Venetia Under the Habsburgs,
posers than to homegrown ones. The most famous 1815–1835. Oxford, U.K., 2002.
resident Italian writer in the years before World Pemble, John. Venice Rediscovered. Oxford, U.K., 1995.
War I was the nationalist firebrand Gabriele Plant, Margaret. Venice: Fragile City 1797–1997. New
d’Annunzio (1863–1938), whose novel The Flame Haven, Conn., 2002.
of Life (1900) played with the contrasts between Zorzi, Alvise. Venezia austriaca, 1798–1866. Rome, 1985.
Venice past and modern. In very different ways,
Henry James (1843–1916) and Thomas Mann DAVID LAVEN
(1875–1955) loaded Venice with symbolic
The tension between Venice past and present
was evident in the city’s treatment by other creative VERDI, GIUSEPPE (1813–1901), Italian
artists. Many remained obsessed with Venice’s exotic operatic composer.
past, as evidenced in Hans Markart’s painting Giuseppe Verdi was the most influential and
Homage to Queen Caterina Cornaro (1873), in the popular composer of Italian opera during the

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2405

second half of the nineteenth century. Born on 9 or ‘‘early’’ (1839–1849), ‘‘middle’’ (1849–1862),
10 October 1813 to a family of small farmers and and ‘‘late’’ (1863–1891). His early period was his
tavern keepers in the hamlet of Roncole, near Bus- busiest, yielding fourteen operas including Ernani
seto, his musical talents were recognized early and (Venice, 1844), Attila (Venice, 1846), and Mac-
cultivated by his parents, as well as by a local priest beth (Florence, 1847). During the middle period,
who instructed him in organ performance. Having Verdi completed ten works, seven of which remain
spent his teenage years as church organist of San in today’s repertory: Luisa Miller (Naples, 1849),
Michele in Roncole, he applied to the Milan Con- Rigoletto (Venice, 1851), Il trovatore (Rome,
servatory but was denied admission in part because, 1853; The troubadour), La traviata (Venice,
at eighteen, he exceeded the usual entering age. He 1853; The fallen woman), Les Vêpres siciliennes
relocated to Milan anyway, studying composition (Paris, 1855; The Sicilian vespers), Simon Boccane-
privately and working as a rehearsal pianist for the gra (Venice, 1857; revised, Milan, 1881), and Un
Milanese Società Filarmonica. Verdi received his ballo in maschera (Rome, 1859; A masked ball).
first important break at the age of twenty-six when Verdi’s final period was his least productive, in
Bartolomeo Merelli, the impresario of Milan’s Tea- large part because his firmly established reputation
tro alla Scala, agreed to produce his first opera, and finances permitted him the leisure to compose
Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio (1839; Oberto, count only when he desired. During this quarter century,
of St. Boniface). The work was enormously success- he wrote the Messa di Requiem (Milan, 1874) and
ful for a composer of such youth and inexperience, four operas: Don Carlos (Paris, 1867; revised,
and it served as the catalyst for a career that was to Milan, 1884), Aı̈da (Cairo, 1871), Otello (Milan,
span six full decades. During these years, Verdi 1887), and Falstaff (Milan, 1893). Throughout
composed twenty-eight operas for cities throughout most of his career, Verdi was accompanied by
Italy, as well as for Paris, London, St. Petersburg, the soprano Giuseppina Strepponi (1815–1897),
and Cairo, and he was celebrated throughout who created the leading female role in Nabucco
Europe as the greatest Italian musical dramatist of and was one of Verdi’s staunchest advocates.
the century. In the early twenty-first century, Verdi They lived together for over a decade before
retains a place of honor in the pantheon of the marrying in 1859. Verdi died in Milan on 27
nineteenth century’s great composers, and his January 1901.
operas remain among the most beloved in the
The early decades of Verdi’s career overlapped
with the Risorgimento (the movement for Italian
Verdi experienced one of his only true failures unification), and his role as patriot and politician
early in his career with his second work, the comic formed an integral component of his reputation.
opera Un giorno di regno (Milan, 1840; King for a Beginning in 1858, the acronym VERDI was used
day), which was removed from La Scala’s boards to promote the popular choice for king (Vittorio
following its one and only disastrous performance. Emmanuele, Re d’Italia), and the slogan ‘‘Viva
Embittered by this setback, and still reeling over Verdi!’’ became a common rallying call among
the closely spaced deaths of his only two children patriots. Following independence, Verdi was
(Virginia on 12 August 1838 and Icilio Romano elected to the first Italian parliament and later
on 22 October 1839) and his first wife (Margherita honored as senator for life. His most important
on 18 June 1840), Verdi allegedly resolved to quit role in the Risorgimento, however, was as a com-
composing (though he continued to participate in poser whose operas, especially their choruses,
Milan’s musical life, rewriting portions of Oberto served as anthems symbolizing a burgeoning
and overseeing rehearsals of the work). His next national identity. Since the early 1990s, however,
opera, Nabucco, was produced less than two years the political significance of this music has come
later (also at La Scala), and was an unprecedented under question. Some have suggested that the
success, catapulting Verdi from a local hero into a composer’s preunification reputation has been mis-
national and international superstar. His career represented and that his choruses became political
thereafter was characterized by a steady stream of anthems only after Italian unification. This argu-
commissions and triumphs, and it has become ment has encouraged a new round of research that
common to divide his output into three periods: has reconfirmed Verdi’s position as the vate (bard)

2406 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

of the Risorgimento and has opened the discussion and political turmoil in Italy, his political conserva-
to inquiries about political messages woven into tism and nationalism became more vehement.
the works of Verdi’s contemporaries as well as his Shortly before he died, he was appointed senator.
own. That such debate still surrounds Verdi’s
After a literary debut with novels that dealt
operas is a clear sign of the immediacy with which
with patriotic themes, including I carbonari della
this music still speaks to audiences of the early
montagna (1861–1862; The Carbonari in the
twenty-first century, and with which it will con-
mountains) and Sulle lagune (1863; In the
tinue to move opera lovers for years to come.
lagoons), he wrote stories featuring mostly society
See also Music; Opera; Rossini, Gioachino. men and women and focusing on tragic love
entanglements, at times based on the author’s
BIBLIOGRAPHY experiences, such as Una peccatrice (1866; A sin-
Balthazar, Scott L., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Verdi. ner), Storia di una capinera (1869; Story of a
Cambridge, U.K., 2004. blackcap), Eva (1873), and Eros (1875). In 1874
Budden, Julian. The Operas of Verdi. 3 vols. London, 1973–
he published his first short story on a different
1981. Rev. ed., Oxford, U.K., 1992. subject, the harsh life of a poor Sicilian woman
(‘‘Nedda’’). In the following years, under the
Parker, Roger. Leonora’s Last Act: Essays in Verdian
Discourse. Princeton, N.J., 1997. influence of French naturalism and of positivism
(especially the emerging investigative literature on
Phillips-Matz, Mary Jane. Verdi: A Biography. Oxford,
U.K., 1993.
the Southern Question, the problem of govern-
ance of and the persistent poverty of the southern
HILARY PORISS regions after unification of the country), he
further devoted himself to the representation of
Sicily and the Sicilians both in short story collec-
n tions (Vita dei campi, [1880; Life in the fields],
VERGA, GIOVANNI (1840–1922), Italian Novelle rusticane [1883; Little novels of Sicily])
novelist. and in novels that abandoned the conventions of
the picturesque then dominating the literature
Giovanni Verga was the greatest Italian novelist
on Sicily.
of the second half of the nineteenth century
and the most important exponent of verismo In his greatest realistic novel, I Malavoglia
(nineteenth-century Italian realism). He was born (1881; The house by the medlar tree), he describes
in Catania into a family of wealthy landowners with the vicissitudes of the Toscano family, Sicilian
noble ascendancy on the paternal side (the father fishermen whose traditional ways are disrupted by
had the right to bear the title of knight). An earnest the demands of the Italian state (which ‘‘steals’’ the
supporter of the Italian national cause, he served in first son for service in the army) and by the
the National Guard from 1860 to 1864, when he economic difficulties that ensue from a bad busi-
left due to his increasing uneasiness with the way ness deal. The solidarity among the members of the
the Italian army was repressing ‘‘brigandage’’ in the old family clan becomes a casualty in the struggle
southern regions following unification. His early for material well-being and in the new and harsher
literary training took place in Sicily, but in 1869 conditions of an increasingly competitive society.
he moved to Florence, at the time the capital of Stylistically and linguistically the novel is original
Italy, where he developed a lasting friendship and unconventional. In its attempt to tell the story
with Luigi Capuana (1839–1915), the theorist of from the point of view of the community in which
verismo. He left Florence in 1872 to move to the Malavoglia family’s vicissitudes unfolded, it is
Milan, then the center of a thriving publishing replete with popular sayings that are supposed to
industry and of a lively literary and society scene, express the wisdom of the community. And in
in which he became an untiring participant. He order to render the language of ordinary Sicilians
resided in the Lombard city for twenty years before it is written in a ‘‘spoken’’ Italian that tries to
returning permanently to Sicily. In his later years, reproduce the syntactical structures of the local
with the advent of mass politics and frequent social dialect.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2407

Verga intended I Malavoglia to be the first in a Verga, Giovanni. Tutte le novelle. Edited by Carla Riccardi.
cycle of five novels describing the vinti (con- Milan, 1979.
quered), those vanquished by the crushing tide of ———. Tutti i romanzi. Edited by Enrico Ghidetti. Flor-
progress in five different social strata. However, ence, 1983.
after writing I Malavoglia, Verga completed only
the second novel in the series, entitled Mastro-don
Gesualdo (1889). Powerfully imbued with Verga’s
pessimistic view of social life, this is the grim but
vivid tale of a self-made Sicilian commoner, ruth-
lessly devoted to increasing his possessions, who n
tries to gain acceptance into the status-conscious VERNE, JULES (1828–1905), French novelist.
local nobility by marrying an impoverished noble-
woman. Having failed in this and other respects, he For many years, Jules Verne was routinely
dies a lonely death in the house of the only daugh- paired with H. G. Wells as one of the founding
ter, who is ashamed of his low origins. fathers of modern science fiction. It is increasingly
clear that the true picture is more complex. In his
Italian verismo shared several features with ‘‘Scientific Romances,’’ Wells composed extrapola-
French naturalism, from the desire to represent tions; the main axis of his work—as in most science
contemporary society in a manner ‘‘true to reality,’’ fiction—is Time. Verne, who published fifty-five
to the focus on the determinants of life in different Voyages Extraordinaires between 1863 and the year
social strata, to the rhetoric of impersonality. In of his death, was less interested in the fate of the
contrast to the urban focus of French naturalism, Western world than in the explosive growth of
however, Italian veristi mainly represented a rural Europe over the years of his career; his main axis
world under pressure from a changing political and is Space. Verne is perhaps the ultimate prose poet
economic order. Also in contrast to French natur- of geography. His early work in particular can
alism, verismo never achieved fame abroad. Not therefore be understood as a geography of the
even in Italy did I Malavoglia encounter the favor European explosion; these early novels celebrate a
of the public and the critics and it was only after sense that to travel the world is to possess the
World War II and in the context of the rise of world. The explorers, scientists, military adven-
literary neo-realism that this masterpiece of Italian turers, and daring entrepreneurs who populate
realism was fully appreciated and became enshrined most of his early fiction transform the darkness of
in the literary canon. More positive was the recep- the world. They are light-bringers. Tales that have
tion of Maestro-don Gesualdo, but during Verga’s been understand as manuals for young imperialists
lifetime fame came to him primarily with the include Cinq semaines en ballon (Five Weeks in a
theatrical and then operatic adaptation, by Pietro Balloon, 1863); Voyage au centre de la terre (Jour-
Mascagni, of one of his Sicilian short stories, ney to the Center of the Earth, 1864); Vingt mille
‘‘Cavalleria rusticana,’’ (1884; Rustic chivalry) lieues sous les mers (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under
which premiered in Rome in 1890. the Sea, 1870), and Le Tour du monde en quatre-
vingts jours (Around the World in Eighty Days,
See also Carducci, Giosuè; D’Annunzio, Gabriele; 1874). Verne’s novels have rarely been out of print.
Realism and Naturalism; Zola, Émile.
Unfortunately for his reputation, however,
Verne’s work has persistently been misunderstood.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Anglophone students have in general been reluc-
Asor Rosa, Alberto, ed. Il caso Verga. Palermo, 1972. tant, therefore, to examine his work for more
comprehensive insights into that period (1860–
Brand, Peter, and Lino Pertile, eds. The Cambridge History
of Italian Literature. New York, 1996.
1880) when the scientific and industrial progress
of Europe seemed an entirely natural justification
Merola, Nicola. Giovanni Verga. Florence, 1993. for imperialism. But even the most eager scholar
Moe, Nelson. The View from Vesuvius: Italian Culture and would have found the texts themselves, as they
the Southern Question. Berkely, Calif., 2002. have been known for a century or more, almost

2408 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

impenetrable, because the true complexity of world, a glittering narrative of the world on display.
Verne’s imaginative take on the late nineteenth cen- In the end, Verne was his century’s great romancer.
tury has been deeply obscured by the notorious
See also Explorers; Wells, H. G.
badness, until well into the twentieth century, of
almost all translations of his work. It was normal
for his early translators to cut up to 40 percent of
the original texts and to bowdlerize what remained Evans, Arthur B. Jules Verne Rediscovered: Didacticism and
to render the result ‘‘suitable’’ for the juvenile audi- the Scientific Novel. New York, 1988.
ences to which it was assumed Verne catered exclu- Evans, Arthur B., ed. ‘‘A Jules Verne Centenary.’’ Special issue
sively; moreover, the multiple ironies and ambiva- of Science Fiction Studies 95, vol. 32, part 1 (March 2005).
lences of these tales, which often sternly addressed Lottman, Herbert R. Jules Verne: An Exploratory Biography.
political issues, were systematically expunged. New York, 1996.
Smyth, Edmund J., ed. Jules Verne: Narratives of Moder-
Furthermore, almost a century after his death, nity. Liverpool, 2000.
French scholars have begun to discover that even
Verne’s original French texts had suffered prior JOHN CLUTE
emasculations at the hands of his longtime pub-
lisher, Pierre-Jules Hetzel (1814–1886), who went
so far as to reject an entire 1863 novel (Paris au n
XXe Siècle [Paris in the Twentieth Century]) VICTOR EMMANUEL II (1820–1878;
because it took a mildly iconoclastic view of the ruled 1861–1878), first king of Italy.
‘‘triumph’’ of Europe. As Verne’s novels dealt
Victor Emmanuel (born 14 March 1820) took
directly with Europe’s conquering of the world
the throne of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia
through applied science and technology, it is some-
at age twenty-eight. He succeeded his father,
thing of a tragedy that the full range of his under-
Charles Albert (r. 1831–1849), who abdicated
standing of these vital decades was so thoroughly
after the Austrians defeated Piedmontese forces
obscured. at the Battle of Novara in 1849. Twelve years
In later years, it became more difficult to later, 17 March 1861, with all but Venice, Rome,
conceal from readers Verne’s examinations of the Trieste, and the Trentino united under the aegis
darker implications of the conquest of the planet— of Piedmont, he accepted the title King of Italy.
though even in the twenty-first century, Anglo- When he took power in 1849, Victor Emmanuel
phone readers will have no access to the harsher II endorsed the constitution granted by his father
implications of L’ı̂le à hélice (Propeller island, the year before and reluctantly agreed to Austria’s
1895)—as all political satire was stripped out of stiff terms for an armistice. Parliament rejected the
the English translation, The Floating Island armistice, and the new king dissolved it (29 March
(1896), though Verne’s final, devastating image 1849) and called new elections only to see the
of the consequences of travel does remain. The voters reaffirm democratic control. The king
two communities on this artificial island, unable dissolved the Chamber again and appealed to the
to agree on where they should go next, rip their people to return a more favorable majority with
habitat apart. Verne’s original French text has the Proclamation of Moncalieri, 20 November
never been published; but the image of empires 1849. This time moderates took charge (9
about to burst asunder did survive his censors. December 1849), and they endorsed the peace
treaty with Austria on 5 January 1850.
There is, of course, much of Verne’s work that
combined didactism and a purer joy of storytelling. Victor Emmanuel’s ability to stand up to the
The dawn-like elation of discovering something Austrians and to undercut the democrats without
new around the next corner of the world has never using force or violating the constitution won him
been so ringingly narrated. And the thousands of the epithet ‘‘the gentleman king.’’ In this early
pages of his work as a whole constitute, in classic crisis, he insisted on the royal prerogative to make
late nineteenth-century style, an exposition of the war and peace and used his power to dissolve

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2409

question. As Piedmont-Sardinia gained promi-

nence, republicans and patriots elsewhere on the
peninsula increasingly looked to Victor Emmanuel
for leadership of the national movement.
The exact nature of Victor Emmanuel’s role
in the events leading to unification remains the sub-
ject of debate. Historians attribute the creation of
Italy under Piedmontese rule to some combination
of the diplomatic finesse of Cavour, the actions of the
French emperor Napoleon III (1808–1873), the
success of Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807–1882) and his
Red Shirts, the popular drive for liberation, and the
pressure of events. At the least, Victor Emmanuel did
not obstruct unification, and according to most
assessments, he assisted the process in key ways.
In particular, he managed in volatile conditions to
maintain contacts with the democratic movement
while successfully presenting himself to moderates
and frightened foreign governments as the only
plausible guarantee against popular revolution.
The attempt of the Italian Felice Orsini (1819–
1858) on Emperor Napoleon III’s life (14 January
1858) opened a critical sequence of events. Napo-
leon III met with Cavour (July 20–21) and agreed
Right Leg in the Boot at Last. Cartoon from the English
satirical journal Punch, 17 November 1860. Garibaldi’s conquest
to support Piedmont’s effort to expel Austria from
of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the subsequent unification northern Italy. He accepted the creation of a
of the peninsula under Victor Emmanuel II are lampooned. northern Italian kingdom under Victor Emmanuel
BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE, PARIS, FRANCE /BRIDGEMAN ART LIBRARY/GIRAUDON as part of an Italian confederation of states. Victor
Emmanuel agreed in turn to cede Nice and Savoy
to France and to marry his daughter Clotilde to the
emperor’s cousin, Prince Napoleon (alliance signed
parliament to bring it in line with his more moderate 24 January 1859). War broke out with Austria 27
views. His constitutional authority and his interest April 1859, and French and Piedmontese troops
in using it gave him political influence, especially forced an Austrian retreat. Under pressure from
as the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia gained Napoleon III and over strong protests from
prominence in the movement to unify Italy. Cavour, Victor Emmanuel accepted the truce of
Villafranca (8 July 1859) and received control over
While he agreed with moderates on constitutional
Lombardy, causing Cavour to resign.
rule and Piedmont-Sardinia’s national mission, Victor
Emmanuel remained conservative on religious mat- Meanwhile the duchies of central Italy (Tuscany,
ters. He resisted a bill to dissolve monastic orders, but Modena, Parma, Bologna) collapsed, and moderate
at the urging of close advisors, he signed the law leaders moved rapidly to take control. They
(29 May 1855). At odds over religious policy, the requested annexation to Piedmont-Sardinia, and
king and his prime minister Count Cavour (Camillo with the encouragement of England and the sanction
Benso, 1810–1861) found common ground on of plebiscites, Victor Emmanuel agreed. With the
foreign affairs, agreeing to join France and England king’s support and against the wishes of Cavour
against Russia in the Crimean War (4 March 1855). (who returned to power 21 January 1860), Garibaldi
Contributions to the war gave Piedmont-Sardinia a organized an army of volunteers and prepared to
place at the Congress of Paris (opened 25 February invade Sicily. The rapid liberation of Sicily from the
1856) and brought acknowledgment of the Italian Spanish Bourbons alarmed European powers, and

2410 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Victor Emmanuel publicly warned Garibaldi against her reign with such nineteenth-century ideals as a
crossing to the mainland, while privately urging devoted family life, earnestness, public and private
him on. When Garibaldi landed in southern Italy respectability, and obedience to the law. As the per-
(18 August), the Piedmontese army invaded the sonal embodiment of her kingdom and her empire,
Papal States to stop him (10 September 1860). The she was ever eager to ensure that her land was held in
forces met at Teano (26 October), and Garibaldi high esteem by its European neighbors and through-
ceded Sicily and Naples to Victor Emmanuel. out the world for its economic and military strength
and as a model of modern civilization. During her
As the first king of united Italy, Victor Emmanuel
lifetime, Great Britain was noted for its pioneering
actively influenced foreign policy, working with
developments in science, industry, and finance; for
his ministers to annex Venice (1866) and Rome
its rapid growth of population; and for becoming
(1870). Because parliamentary factionalism weak-
the first large country in which the majority of the
ened cabinets, his authority to appoint ministers
population lived in cities. Queen Victoria was the
drew him into internal politics as well. Initially
official head of state not only of the United Kingdom
he favored the Right and then, with the ‘‘parlia-
but also of the expanding worldwide British empire,
mentary revolution’’ of March 1876, he accepted
which included Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
the Left’s arrival in power. His actions helped
India, and parts of Africa.
reduce the opposition of republicans to monarchy
and of the South to unification under the North.
Victor Emmanuel died 9 January 1878 and was Although King George III, who reigned from
buried in the Pantheon in Rome. 1760 to 1820, had fifteen children, his three eldest
See also Crimean War; Italy; Risorgimento (Italian sons had no legitimate children who survived. In
Unification); Umberto I. 1817 his fourth son, Edward Augustus, duke of
Kent, married a German noblewoman, Victoire
Marie Louise (the daughter of one duke and the
widow of another), for the specific purposes of
Primary Sources
producing an heir to Britain’s throne. He brought
Victor Emmanuel II. Le lettere di Vittorio Emanuele II,
her to England just in time for little Victoria’s
raccolte da Francesco Cognasso. Turin, 1961. A collec-
tion of the king’s letters. birth. When the baby princess was just eight
months old, her father died. Victoria’s mother,
Secondary Sources the duchess of Kent, raised her in Kensington
Mack Smith, Denis. Victor Emanuel, Cavour, and the Risor- Palace with the help of German governesses,
gimento. London, 1971. private English tutors, and the duchess’s brother,
———. Italy and Its Monarchy. New Haven, Conn., 1989. Leopold. The last had been married briefly to an
earlier heir to the British throne, Princess Charlotte,
SUSAN A. ASHLEY who had died in childbirth, and in 1831 he
became king of the newly independent state of
Victoria learned to speak and write German
VICTORIA, QUEEN (1819–1901; ruled and French as readily as English. She was also
1837–1901), queen of the United Kingdom.
taught literature, history, geography, and the Bible.
The future Queen Victoria was born at Kensing- She was given lessons in singing and in playing the
ton Palace in the greater London area on 24 May piano, as well as in painting, a hobby that she
1819. She became queen of the United Kingdom of enjoyed into her sixties. On the accession of her
England, Scotland, and Ireland on 20 June 1837. uncle, King William IV, in 1830, she became heir
After a reign of sixty-three-and-a-half years, the long- apparent to the throne and, at the behest of her
est in British history, she died on 22 January 1901 at mother, she took several lengthy summer tours
Osborne House, her winter home on the Isle of through England and Wales that included both
Wight. Her name became an adjective, ‘‘Victorian,’’ country estates and city centers. Had King William
because people increasingly associated her life and IV died any sooner, Victoria’s mother would have

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become princess regent, but he lived just long independent Protestants or Roman Catholics or
enough—until 20 June 1837—to enable Victoria Jews) did not belong to the established Church of
at age eighteen to inherit the throne in her own England. They were also becoming increasingly
right. sympathetic to the promotion of international free
trade. For the time being, the Tories were more
concerned with maintaining the land’s established
institutions and with keeping the electorate within
Immediately on becoming queen, Victoria began
the limits—one adult male in five—set by the
regular meetings with William Lamb, second viscount
Reform Act of 1832.
Melbourne, Britain’s prime minister at the time.
The two grew very close, and the grandfatherly The young queen hoped that the Whigs and
Lord Melbourne (1779–1848) taught Victoria their parliamentary allies would maintain their
how the government of her country worked on a House of Commons majority and that Melbourne
day-to-day basis. Britain in the nineteenth century would remain prime minister. When it appeared in
was a constitutional monarchy, and the king or 1839 that he might have to give up the post, the
queen was the head of state who was expected to queen successfully used her influence to keep him.
rule by means of a prime minister as the head of In the so-called Bedchamber Crisis, she refused to
government, with the members of his cabinet serving allow the Tory leader, Sir Robert Peel (1788–
as the heads of administrative departments. They 1850), to change the aristocratic Whig ladies at
were also members of, and required the support of, her court. Peel then gave up the task of ‘‘forming
the United Kingdom Parliament, made up of an a government,’’ and Melbourne continued as
elected House of Commons and a (largely) heredi- prime minister for two more years. A new general
tary House of Lords. When a general election left no election in 1841 resulted in a decisive Tory
single political party with an overall majority, the majority in the House of Commons, however,
monarch initiated the process of government forma- and Victoria was compelled to accept Peel in
tion by inviting a particular parliamentarian to serve his place.
as prime minister and ‘‘form a government.’’
In practice, ultimate executive authority no THE YEARS WITH ALBERT (1840–1861)
longer lay with Queen Victoria, but a significant Victoria’s early years as queen were filled not only
degree of influence remained to her—in matters of with government papers but also with parties,
policy as well as in the appointment of cabinet dances, concerts, and with visits by eligible poten-
members, ambassadors, and archbishops and tial husbands. In 1839 Victoria fell in love with
bishops of the Church of England, an institution one of these, her first cousin, Prince Albert of the
that the monarch served as ‘‘supreme governor.’’ small German duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. They
On a daily basis she perused boxes of cabinet papers were married on 10 February 1840, and Albert
and diplomatic correspondence, and she conferred soon came to take a keen interest in the govern-
regularly by letter and in person with all ten of her ment of his new country. He served as his wife’s
prime ministers. In private, Queen Victoria was private secretary, and he persuaded her that, even
ever prepared to speak her mind. Much of the as they both took an intense behind-the-scenes
queen’s time was also devoted to ceremonial acti- interest in the ministries that governed in Victor-
vities such as the award of honors and the official ia’s name, publicly she should stand above party.
opening and (until the 1850s) closing of each Albert was an exceptionally serious and studious
year’s session of Parliament. young prince who was more interested in science,
Because Melbourne led the Whig Party (later music, and scholarship than in traditional aristo-
known as the Liberal Party), Victoria became cratic sports and pastimes. He served as chancellor
publicly identified with that party rather than with of Cambridge University and he became the prime
the opposition Tory (or Conservative) Party. inspirer of the Great Exhibition of the Works of All
The Whigs were known for their relative sympathy Nations, the first true World’s Fair, which was held
for freedom of speech and of the press and for in London’s Hyde Park during the summer of
greater religious liberty for those Britons who (as 1851.

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Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and the Prince of Wales at Windsor Park with Their Herd of Llamas. Anonymous

Back in 1846 the royal couple had encouraged Palmerston as wartime prime minister. She personally
the efforts of Sir Robert Peel to abolish the Corn instituted the Victoria Cross as Britain’s highest
Laws and lead Britain toward international free award for wartime valor.
trade, but in the process Peel’s Conservative Party Although respected by most of his new country-
split in two. During the 1850s, with a two-party men, Albert was little loved; he was sometimes
tradition in temporary disarray, the influence of the criticized as an interfering foreigner, and his heavy
monarch on the formation of nineteenth-century German accent did not help. For the emotional
ministries reached a nineteenth-century highpoint. Victoria, the stalwart Albert resembled a knight
In 1851, royal initiative led to the dismissal of in shining armor, however, and between 1840 and
the popular Henry John Temple, third viscount 1857 they became the parents of nine children, all of
Palmerston, from his post. The foreign secretary whom grew to adulthood: Victoria (b. 1840),
appeared too sympathetic to liberal nationalist groups Albert Edward (b. 1841), Alice (b. 1843), Alfred
undermining their fellow European monarchs, and (b. 1844), Helena (b. 1846), Louise (b. 1848),
he had failed too often to consult the queen before Arthur (b. 1850), Leopold (b. 1853), and Beatrice
sending dispatches to British diplomats abroad. (b. 1857). The royal family seemed to be a model
Although initially unhappy with the manner in which family, a family that increasingly enjoyed a private
their kingdom drifted into the Crimean War (1854– domestic life either at Windsor or at Osborne House
1856) against Russia, Queen Victoria became an (on the English Channel coast) or at Balmoral
enthusiastic supporter of the conflict once fighting Castle (in the Scottish Highlands), both of the latter
had begun, and on 5 February 1855 she named rebuilt on the basis of Albert’s designs. Victoria and

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2413

Albert took an intense personal interest in the

upbringing of their children, which they did not
leave solely to nannies and governesses.


Queen Victoria never recovered entirely from
Albert’s death on 14 December 1861 at the age
of forty-two. For almost a decade she remained in
strict mourning. She rarely set foot in London, and
she avoided most public occasions (such as the
state opening of Parliament). She made exceptions
for the unveiling of statues dedicated to Prince
Albert and, after a few years, for attendance at
army reviews. During the later 1860s her absence
from the public stage caused several respectable
politicians as well as radical agitators to propose
that the United Kingdom be transformed into a
republic. Behind the scenes, the queen continued
to peruse papers and to talk and write to her
ministers. She also found comfort in a loyal
domestic staff headed by her favorite attendant, a
Scottish Highlander named John Brown. Her
influence determined the appointments of several
bishops and archbishops. It also led to the passage Caricature of Queen Victoria. From Le Musée de Sires,
of statutes such as an act of 1876 that restricted the feuille de caricatures, by Auguste Roubille, 1901. PRIVATE
right of scientists to experiment on living animals
and an act of the same year that proclaimed
Victoria empress of India. governed Britain during most of the final fifteen
In her youth she had been known as ‘‘Queen years of the nineteenth century.
of the Whigs,’’ but in the course of the 1870s
she privately came to prefer Benjamin Disraeli, THE GRANDMOTHER OF EUROPE
the leader of the Conservative Party (1868– During the decades after Albert’s death, Queen
1881) to William Ewart Gladstone, the leader of Victoria remained increasingly concerned with
the Liberal Party (1868–1875, 1880–1894). In her ever-growing family. All nine of her children
Victoria’s eyes, Disraeli seemed more concerned married, and eight of them had children of their
with upholding Britain’s international prestige own. Most of those children and grandchildren
and consolidating its empire. She made little married into the nobility of Europe. Thus one
secret of her disappointment with the results of granddaughter became the tsarina of Russia and
the general election of 1880, which left her others the queens of Spain, Romania, Greece, and
no choice but to reappoint Gladstone as prime Norway; the aging matriarch become known as the
minister. He impressed her as too much the ‘‘Grandmother of Europe.’’
popular demagogue prepared to tamper with The most important of such dynastic marriages
the kingdom’s institutions. She interpreted involved Victoria’s eldest child, also known as
Gladstone’s unsuccessful proposals in 1886 and Victoria, who in 1858 at age seventeen wed Crown
again in 1893 to grant ‘‘Home Rule’’ (domestic Prince Frederick, the heir to the kingdom of Prus-
self-government) to Ireland as a step to break up sia and (after 1871) also the German Empire.
the British Empire. She was more sympathetic to Albert and Victoria hoped that the marriage would
the Conservative ministries led by Robert Arthur strengthen Anglo-German relations and help trans-
Gascoyne-Cecil, third marquess of Salisbury, that form Prussia into a liberal constitutional monarchy

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journals published in 1868 and 1884 helped human-

ize her in the eyes of her subjects. Her Golden
Jubilee (the fiftieth anniversary on the throne),
which brought monarchs from all over Europe to
London, was celebrated with great enthusiasm in
1887, and her Diamond Jubilee of 1897 evoked an
even greater spirit of national and imperial pride.
British political leaders and military regiments from
five continents marched in London; the gathering
provided the occasion for the very first meeting of
colonial prime ministers—a precedent for the
twentieth-century Commonwealth. After the Boer
War (1899–1902) began, the aged queen became a
single-minded champion of the British war effort,
which included a state visit to Ireland in April 1900
(only the fourth of her reign) to thank Irish soldiers
in the British army in Africa for their bravery. She
both endured military defeats and celebrated vic-
tories before her own life ended on 22 January
1901 at Osborne House. A week-and-a-half later,
after an elaborate military procession from Osborne
to Windsor by ship, train, and horse-drawn gun
carriage, her funeral was followed by a burial next
to Albert in the Frogmore Mausoleum.
Queen Victoria with her granddaughter Alexandra (left,
holding baby daughter Tatiana), her grandson-in-law,
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia (standing, left), and her son CONCLUSIONS
Albert Edward (later King Edward VII). ªHULTON-DEUTSCH The very length of Queen Victoria’s sixty-three-
COLLECTION/CORBIS and-a-half-year reign gives a deceptive impression
of continuity and stability to what proved a period
like that of Britain. Such hopes were to be disap- of dynamic change within the British Isles and the
pointed as the crown prince was to be limited by world. The queen sympathized with many of these
cancer to a reign of ninety-nine days in 1888. changes such as the railroad, the camera, and the
Frederick’s son (Queen Victoria’s eldest grandson), use of anesthetics in childbirth. She was more
the German emperor William II, was to lead the doubtful about others, such as the rapid increase
Central Powers during World War I (1914–1918) in the size of an electorate that by 1901 included
against the Allied coalition formally headed by most men and (in local government elections)
another grandson (King George V of Great some women. She preferred to see women preside
Britain) and by the husband (Tsar Nicholas II of over the home and to serve as matchmakers, hos-
Russia) of a granddaughter. Queen Victoria was tesses, and volunteer social workers rather than as
often disappointed in her own immediate heir, doctors or lawyers. A more disciplined political
Albert Edward, a slow learner who generally pre- party system diminished her political influence only
ferred play to work. His marriage in 1863 to the a little in the course of her reign, and by the time of
beautiful Alexandra of Denmark was popular, how- her death she had become the world’s best-known
ever, and the prince and princess of Wales enjoyed and most admired ruler and its most famous
their role as social arbiters. woman. She also remained a symbol of strict mor-
ality, good manners, and devotion to duty. She
The prince of Wales had to wait patiently to took great pride in her role as the formal head of
inherit the kingship, as during the 1880s his the world’s largest multiracial and multireligious
mother become more visible again and regained empire, and (unlike some of her ministers) she
her earlier popularity. Excerpts from her private believed in the civil rights of all her subjects. Thus

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2415

she became the first modern British monarch to most detailed fully documented account of the first
confer a hereditary peerage on a Roman Catholic half of Victoria’s life.
and the first ever to confer one on a professing Jew. WALTER L. ARNSTEIN
In a world familiar with authoritarian rulers, she
remained a symbol of the type of constitutional
government in which change came by election n
and by parliamentary legislation rather than by VIENNA. Traditionally the seat of the Habs-
revolution. burg dynasty and the capital of its central European
See also Alexandra; Corn Laws, Repeal of; Crystal Palace; territories, Vienna experienced both great develop-
George IV; Imperialism; India; Nicholas I; Tories; ment and relative decline in the nineteenth century.
William II; William IV. With a population in 1789 of roughly 200,000,
Vienna was the third-largest city in Europe after
BIBLIOGRAPHY London and Paris. It experienced, like most major
Primary Sources cities, an extraordinary population boom in the per-
Hibbert, Christopher, ed. Queen Victoria in Her Letters iod. By 1914 Vienna’s population was over two
and Journals. London, 1984. A chronological compi- million, but the city was now only fourth-largest in
lation of many of the queen’s own writings that enables Europe, having been overtaken by Berlin. This was
the reader to see the world through her eyes. symbolic of the waning significance of Vienna as a
The Letters of Queen Victoria. First series edited by Arthur political center, due to the checkered career of the
Christopher Benson and Viscount Reginald Baliol Habsburg dynasty. It is indeed virtually impossible
Brett Esher, London, 1908; second series edited by
to disentangle Viennese history from Austrian
George Earl Buckle, London, 1926–1928; third series
edited by George Earl Buckle, 1930–1932. The single history in general, and the name Vienna came to
largest series of letters, nine volumes in all, by and to symbolize for the national communities of the Habs-
the queen. Emphasizes her political roles rather than burg Monarchy not simply a city but rather the
her family life. whole nexus of central power of the Habsburg state.

Secondary Sources Vienna was not only a political and administra-

Arnstein, Walter L. Queen Victoria. Basingstoke, U.K., and tive but also a major economic and cultural center.
New York, 2003. Focuses on the monarch’s political, It underwent dramatic modernization, especially
military, and religious roles. after midcentury, even though the relative slowness
Hibbert, Christopher. Queen Victoria: A Personal History. of this development compared to Berlin’s explosive
London, 2000. growth gave rise to an image of Vienna as the
Longford, Elizabeth. Victoria, R. I. London and New York, conservative, even backward, other capital of central
1964. The first biography to make full documented Europe. By 1900 it enjoyed a cultural reputation as
use of the unpublished Royal Archives at Windsor. a more old-fashioned, less avant-garde center than
A sympathetic yet balanced account. either Paris or Berlin, and it is only in retrospect
Strachey, Lytton. Queen Victoria. London, 1921. The single that fin-de-siècle Vienna, the capital of a decadent
most widely read life and a notable example of bio- multinational empire at the crossroads of so many
graphy as a work of literary art. of the positive and negative movements in the
Vallone, Lynne. Becoming Victoria. New Haven, Conn., coming modern world, has come to be seen as a
2001. The fullest account of the queen’s early years. major center of innovation in its own right.
Warner, Marina. Queen Victoria’s Sketchbook. London and
New York, 1979. 1789–1815: WAR AND PEACE
Weintraub, Stanley. Victoria: An Intimate Biography. New In 1789 Vienna was still a walled city, surrounded
York, 1987. on three sides by steep banks (on the fourth by a
Williams, Richard. The Contentious Crown: Public Discus- short stretch of the Danube River), beyond which
sion of the British Monarchy in the Reign of Queen the city’s suburbs spread. Architecturally the city
Victoria. Aldershot, U.K., 1997. was dominated by the baroque. The enlightened
Woodham-Smith, Cecil. Queen Victoria from Her Birth to absolutism of Joseph II’s rule had liberalized Vien-
the Death of the Prince Consort. London, 1972. The nese cultural and intellectual life, and the city had

2416 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The New Market, Vienna. Engraving, 1799. ªHISTORICAL PICTURE ARCHIVE/CORBIS

become the center of the German musical world. Cultural life, however, carried on. During these
Combining both tendencies, Wolfgang Amadeus bleak years Ludwig van Beethoven premiered most
Mozart’s hymn to (Masonic) reason, Die Zauber- of his symphonies in Vienna, and the premiere of
flöte (The Magic Flute) was premiered at Vienna’s his opera Fidelio in November 1805 occurred
Theater auf der Wieden in September 1791. The during the French occupation, with many of the
outlook for enlightened reform was already darken- audience being French officers. Habsburg efforts
ing by 1789, however, and the consequences of after 1805 to encourage German nationalism even
the French Revolution, along with the deaths in attracted a group of conservative German Roman-
quick succession of Joseph II and Leopold II, set tic poets to the city as Germany’s ‘‘capital,’’
Austria on a course by which Vienna, as seat of the although the defeat of 1809 ended this project.
Habsburgs, came to represent the ideological nem-
esis of the revolution. Count Metternich’s astute diplomacy after 1809
and the defeat of the French in Russia in 1812–
Revolutionary opposition in Vienna itself was 1813 brought about a radical reversal of Austria’s,
slight and was snuffed out ruthlessly, but Austria lost and Vienna’s, fortunes by 1814. In September 1814
a series of wars to Revolutionary and Napoleonic Vienna became the site of the congress that was to
France, and Vienna was occupied twice by French reconstruct pre-Napoleonic Europe. The Congress
armies, in 1805 and 1809. On the second occasion of Vienna was an opportunity for Austria and the
a part of Vienna’s fortifications, at the Hofburg, was Viennese to entertain the other European powers
razed. The cost of these lost wars had a devasta- and to persuade them to see Europe Metternich’s
ting effect on Habsburg finances, leading to state conservative way, which to a large extent they did.
bankruptcy in 1811, with long-term damage to the The congress also confirmed Vienna’s reputation
Austrian, and Viennese, economies. as a city of many amusements but not one at the

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vanguard of progress. The Prince de Ligne com- The revolutions in western Europe in 1830
mented that: ‘‘Le congrès ne marche pas; il danse’’ and the death of Francis I in 1835 ushered in a
(the congress does not walk [i.e., make progress]; it new era of frustration with the ‘‘system’’ and a
dances). The congress ended in June 1815 with a shift toward optimism about the possibilities of
fairly durable settlement, but the comment was progress that came to be known in retrospect as
quite prescient about Vienna in the coming years. Vormärz (Before March 1848). In popular theater
the change could be seen in the succession from
the fantasy plays of Ferdinand Raimund to the
ribald satire of Johann Nestroy. The most obvious
By the 1820s Vienna’s population, including the expression of the new approach was Eduard
suburbs, had risen to roughly 300,000, with sur- Bauernfeld’s play Grossjährig (Of age), performed,
plus labor from the countryside flooding into the remarkably, at the Burgtheater in 1847. This cultural
city’s proto-industrial outskirts. Economic growth, shift paralleled and reflected economic and techno-
however, lagged, and population growth was not logical change in the city. In 1838 the Nordbahn,
matched by modernization of the city’s infrastruc- Austria’s first steam railway, financed by the Roths-
ture. Gas lighting was introduced in 1817 but not childs, reached Vienna, and by the 1840s Vienna was
systematically. The Danube flooded disastrously in linked up to the Continental rail system; in the
1830, and the lack of an adequate water supply 1840s a proper gas distribution system was being
resulted in a cholera epidemic in 1831 and 1832. installed. In 1847 the Austrian Academy of Sciences
A new water supply system, built after 1835, was was founded. Vienna was, haphazardly, becoming a
ineffective. A new gate was punched through the modern city.
walls at the Kärntnertor, but otherwise the old city
remained walled in. 1848–1861: REVOLUTION,
The city’s political life was similarly stifled.
With the population of Vienna approaching
Metternich and his master, Francis I, reacting to
400,000 by 1848, such incoherent improvements
the upheavals of the French Revolution, were
were not keeping pace with the basic needs of the
determined to stop all political change, and the
populace. The harvest failures of 1846 and 1847
public sense of relief after the revolutionary crisis
led to economic depression and near-starvation in
soon turned to a sense of stagnation. Under Met- Vienna’s ever-growing lower classes. Meanwhile
ternich’s ‘‘system,’’ Austria and Vienna became the Habsburg machinery of government had effec-
watchwords throughout Europe for oppression, tively ground to a halt and was pressed on all sides,
and although this reputation was exaggerated, the especially in Hungary, by calls for greater auton-
secret police and censorship system was quite well omy and freedoms. News of revolution in France
developed. Viennese intellectual life suffered as a in late February 1848 led to a demonstration in
result, and even Austria’s greatest writer of the era, Vienna on 13 March. This turned to revolt when
Franz Grillparzer, a loyal bureaucrat, was seriously troops fired on the crowd and to revolution when a
affected by the censor’s interventions. panicked Habsburg family sacked Metternich,
Yet musical life continued to flourish. Beetho- acceding in the days following to many of the
ven’s Ninth Symphony was first performed in demands of the ‘‘revolutionaries.’’
Vienna in 1824, and Franz Schubert produced all The revolution of 13 March 1848 marked the
of his great work in the period, dying in 1828. The high point of Vienna’s involvement in Austrian
waltz, developed by Joseph Lanner and Johann politics in the nineteenth century. Over the next
Strauss the Elder, first became part of Viennese life. months Vienna remained at the center of the revo-
In drama, Vienna’s Burgtheater under Joseph lution in the Austrian Empire. An elected constitu-
Schreyvogel became the premier German stage. ent assembly, the Reichstag, met there in July.
Given the political and intellectual climate, the However, national divisions in the monarchy and
dominant style of the period was one of domestic, social and ideological divisions within Vienna
private, inward-looking simplicity, which came to severely compromised the revolution. Most deci-
be known as Biedermeier. sive was the failure of the revolutionaries to wrest

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Bird’s eye view of Vienna. Engraving by Gustav Veith, 1873. ERICH LESSING/ART RESOURCE, NY

control of the military from the Habsburgs. After a nine-district municipality that lasted until 1890.
another radical revolt in Vienna in October, a It allowed for an elected 120-man council (on a
Habsburg army under Prince Alfred Windischgrätz very narrow, tax-based, tri-curial franchise), which
bombarded and then conquered the city. Several in turn elected a mayor. Theoretically, the law gave
revolutionary leaders were executed, and the city Vienna considerable autonomy, but the imposition
was put under martial law until 1853. of (neo-)absolutism in 1852 ended this. The
centralist neoabsolutist regime wanted, however,
The revolution had a detrimental effect on the to develop Vienna as a suitable capital for a modern
city’s economy, but culturally and intellectually it absolutist Habsburg state. Hence it initiated
produced a huge outpouring of pent-up creativity, in 1857 one of the most beneficial changes in
reflected in the flood of publications in the period. Vienna’s modern history: the demolition of the
It is telling, however, that one of the most memor- city walls and their replacement by a broad boule-
able plays of the period was Nestroy’s Freiheit in vard, the Ringstrasse (Ring Street). The collapse of
Krähwinkel (Freedom in Krähwinkel), a positive the neoabsolutist regime in 1859 and 1860 led to
but skeptical account of the revolution’s dynamics, the restitution of the 1850 ordinance in 1860,
and that the most famous musical piece was Johann and the March 1861 municipal elections created a
Strauss the Elder’s Radetzkymarsch, a loyalist cele- large liberal majority that set about modernizing
bration of Habsburg victory against the Italians Vienna in earnest.
(and the revolution).
Under the ‘‘decreed constitution’’ (1849– 1861–1890: RINGSTRASSE LIBERALISM
1852), Vienna was given a Provisional Communal By 1859 Vienna had a population of over 500,000;
Ordinance on 6 March 1850. This integrated the in 1869 it reached 607,000; in 1890, 828,000.
suburbs fully into the city administration, creating This population increase reflected Vienna’s growth

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2419

as an economic center, but as a political center erals lost their majority in the Reichsrat in 1879 to
Vienna declined in importance. The catastrophic the conservative and federalist ‘‘Iron Ring.’’ Vienna
defeat by Prussia in 1866 meant that Austria, and remained a bastion of liberalism, but only because
hence Vienna, was shut out of Germany. The Aus- of its restrictive franchise. The emergence in the
gleich (compromise) with Hungary in the same 1880s of anti-Semitic German nationalism in stu-
year also greatly reduced the range of Vienna’s dent and middle-class circles and the anti-Semitic
administrative rule, which now only extended over Christian Social movement in the lower middle
Cisleithania, the Austrian half of Austria-Hungary. classes, together with the reconstitution of the
Vienna enjoyed a much larger degree of municipal Social Democrats in 1888 at nearby Hainburg,
autonomy after the Reichsgemeindegesetz (Imperial signaled by 1890 the approaching end of the liberal
Communal Law) of 1862. From 1861 it hosted the era in Viennese politics.
new representative assembly, the Reichsrat; after
1867, however, this was only for Cisleithania. Culturally and intellectually this period is
Vienna did remain the seat of the ‘‘common’’ min- usually seen as relatively barren as Vienna became,
istries (foreign, defense, and financial) of Dualist in Hermann Broch’s phrase, a ‘‘value vacuum.’’
Austria-Hungary and the main residence of the The 1860s had seen the emergence of Viennese
emperor and court. operetta, inspired by Jacques Offenbach’s works.
Johann Strauss the Younger’s Die Fledermaus was
In the economic sphere Vienna developed first performed in 1874. (His ‘‘Blue Danube’’ waltz
spectacularly in the early liberal era of 1860 to appeared in 1867.) Vienna also became the home
1873. Known as the Gründerjahre (founders’ of Johannes Brahms in 1878 and remained a major
years), this period saw massive gains for Austrian center of the German musical world. In art the
entrepreneurs (hence the name), who invested period was dominated by the sensual historicism
much of their profits in the imperial center, espe- of Hans Makart, whose orchestration of the Ring-
cially in the new developments around the Ring- strasse parade celebrating the Silver Wedding of
strasse. Of particular note were the many ‘‘palaces’’ Francis Joseph and Elisabeth in 1879 is seen by
built by Jewish financiers such as Gustav Epstein and many as the epitome of the parvenu kitsch of the
Friedrich Schey, who, with their families, became an Ringstrasse style. At the same time, the university
important part of Vienna’s ‘‘second society’’ (the prospered, especially its renowned medical school,
‘‘first’’ being the court and high nobility). and a sophisticated press, most notably the Neue
The new liberal administration modernized Freie Presse (founded 1864), developed to serve the
major parts of Vienna’s infrastructure: new banks emergent, sizable educated class. The results were
were built for the Danube (1862–1875), a new soon evident.
aqueduct providing water from the Alps was fin-
ished in 1873, a large number of schools and hos- 1890–1914: VIENNA 1900
pitals were built, and the Central Cemetery was On 18 December 1890 the incorporation of
opened in 1874. The Ringstrasse became the site Vienna’s outlying suburbs was made law, effective
for major civic and imperial—and heavily represen- January 1892. Vienna became a city of nineteen
tational—buildings, among them the twin Natural districts with a population of 1,365,000. Partly
and Art History Museums, the university, the new due to this expansion, the municipal elections of
Burgtheater; the Greek classical parliament, and the 1895 saw a shocking defeat for the Liberals by a
Belgian-Gothic Rathaus (city hall) among them. By Christian Social and German Nationalist coalition,
the 1880s Vienna had been transformed into an whose platform was anti-Semitism. This was initi-
exemplary modern nineteenth-century capital. ally resisted by the Habsburg authorities, and the
Yet by then, the German liberal hegemony in anti-Semites’ leader, Karl Lueger, was only con-
Austria no longer existed. The economic boom firmed as mayor by the emperor Francis Joseph
came to a halt in the crash of 1873, brought on after much delay, in 1897. From that point on,
by a wave of speculation surrounding Vienna’s however, the Christian Socials were able to manip-
hosting of the International Exhibition that year ulate the franchise to ensure their complete hege-
combined with another cholera outbreak. The Lib- mony over Viennese politics. Lueger’s rule was in

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Yet this was also the period in which the

cultural and educational investments of previous
generations came to fruition in a series of great
cultural and intellectual achievements, known col-
lectively as fin-de-siècle Vienna or ‘‘Vienna 1900.’’
These included Freud’s development of psycho-
analysis; the art of Gustav Klimt and the Secession
as well as of the Austrian expressionists, including
Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka; the music of
Gustav Mahler and the young Arnold Schoenberg;
the beginnings of the philosophical Vienna Circle;
Austromarxism; and major contributions in such
fields as physics, physiology, economics, medicine,
law, and sociology. Vienna had a flourishing literary
world that comprised far more than mere ‘‘coffee-
house wits’’ and included major writers such as
Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Arthur Schnitzler, and
Karl Kraus. It also developed a thriving popular
mass culture, especially in operetta.
Part of this was to be expected in a city that by
1910 had a population of more than 2,031,000 and
had continued to expand as the major educational
Head of a Woman. Sketch by Gustave Klimt. As founder
of the Vienna Sezession group, which was instrumental in
and economic hub of the Dual Monarchy. In retro-
developing the art nouveau style in Austria, Klimt was one spect, however, the achievement of Vienna 1900,
notable example of the rich cultural environment in Vienna in especially its very early insights into the modern
the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. NEUE GALERIE, world’s problems, requires explanation. Some see
this as a result of the alienation of liberals from power
and the retreat of the next generation into the refuge
of art; others have, more narrowly perhaps, pointed
practice much more moderate than his rhetoric to the very large presence, even predominance, of
suggested, and his municipalization of the city’s Jews as creators and supporters of this culture.
utilities and expansion of amenities are seen by
Jews were not the largest minority group in
most as contributing to a golden era in Vienna’s
Vienna: estimates put those of Czech origin as about
history. Nevertheless, his anti-Semitism, though
a quarter of Vienna’s quite polyglot populace before
seen as opportunistic, had practical effects on city
1914, whereas Jews were by then under 10 percent
policies and cast a pall over life for Vienna’s Jews, as
of the whole. Yet the Jews were the group that
well as encouraging the prejudices of those who
became the designated ‘‘outsiders’’; they also were
were not mere opportunists, such as Adolf Hitler.
the group that invested by far the most
Vienna was around 1900 the central stage for proportionally in secondary and higher education.
Cisleithanian mass politics. From 1890 there was This, combined with their position within Vienna’s
an annual mass march by the Social Democrats on social and economic structures (heavily overrepre-
1 May along the Ring; in 1897 and 1898 the Badeni sented in commerce and the liberal professions), as
affair, which touched on German-Czech relations, led well as the alienation caused by the success of poli-
to clashes in parliament and the streets; and from 1905 tical anti-Semitism in the city, helps account for the
to 1907 there were mass demonstrations in favor remarkable Jewish presence in the circles of the
of universal suffrage (passed in 1907). The national modern culture that has made Vienna 1900 so
divisions of the last years of the monarchy tended, famous. In this view, it is precisely because Jews
however, to see parliament stagnate and power were threatened by the developments in late Habs-
pass from Vienna to the provincial, national centers. burg Vienna that they recognized the problems with

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V I O L L E T - L E - D U C , E U G È N E

modernity and progress that only appeared later to as a government bureau in 1837. The commission
others and so were forced to come up with solutions was responsible for the classification of buildings as
that anticipated later developments elsewhere. historical monuments, which rendered them eligible
to receive credits from the state for their restoration
See also Austria-Hungary; Cities and Towns.
and upkeep. Viollet-le-Duc quickly became the pub-
lic and intellectual face of the commission, working
alongside the director Prosper Mérimée, who was
Primary Sources his close friend and lifelong supporter.
Musil, Robert. The Man without Qualities. 2 vols. Trans-
lated by Sophie Wilkins. New York, 1995. Translated Viollet-le-Duc’s most famous restoration proj-
from Der Mann ohn Eigenschaften, edited by Adolf ects were carried out under the auspices of the
Frisé. 2 vols. Reinbek, Germany, 1978. commission: the abbey church at Vézelay, begun in
Schnitzler, Arthur. The Road to the Open. Translated December 1839; the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris
by Horace Samuel, with a foreword by William M. with Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus (from 1844); the
Johnston. Evanston, Ill., 1991. Translated from Der abbey church of Saint-Denis (from 1846); the walled
Weg ins Freie. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1961.
town of Carcassonne (from 1849); Amiens cathedral
(from 1849); and the Chateâu de Pierrefonds
Secondary Sources
(from 1858, and funded by Napoleon III’s perso-
Barea, Ilsa. Vienna. New York, 1966.
nal treasury). In addition to actual restoration
Beller, Steven. Vienna and the Jews, 1867–1938: A Cultural work, Viollet-le-Duc was a prolific writer, with
History. Cambridge, U.K., and New York, 1989.
numerous books and articles to his credit. His
Beller, Steven, ed. Rethinking Vienna 1900. New York and famous Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture
Oxford, U.K., 2001.
française du XIe au XVIe siècle (Reasoned diction-
Boyer, John W. Political Radicalism in Late Imperial ary of French architecture from the eleventh to the
Vienna. Chicago, 1981. sixteenth century), published in ten volumes
———. Culture and Political Crisis in Vienna. Chicago, (1854–1868), is his philosophy of gothic architec-
1995. ture in the form of a dictionary. These writings
Broch, Hermann. Hugo von Hofmannsthal and His Time. influenced modern architects, such as Le Corbusier
Translated by Michael P. Steinberg. Chicago, 1984. and Frank Lloyd Wright. Beginning in 1858, Viollet-
Csendes, Peter. Geschichte Wiens. Vienna, 1990. le-Duc published the first volume of his equally
Janik, Allan, and Stephen Toulmin. Wittgenstein’s Vienna.
ambitious but lesser known Dictionnaire raisonné
Chicago, 1996. du mobilier français de l’époque carlovingienne à la
Rénaissance (1858–1875; Reasoned dictionary of
Schorske, Carl E. Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture.
London, 1980. the French bank from the Carlovingians to the
Renaissance). His more forthrightly personal and
Spiel, Hilde. Vienna’s Golden Autumn, 1866–1938. New
polemical two-volume Entretiens sur l’architecture
York, 1987.
(1863 and 1872; Discourses on Architecture, 1875)
STEVEN BELLER contrasts his architectural pedagogy and epistemol-
ogy with the given course of education provided
by the state-run École des Beaux-Arts. As a true
n polymath his other writings ranged from a book on
VIOLLET-LE-DUC, EUGÈNE (1814– Mont Blanc in the French Alps to a series of
1879), French architect. pedagogical books/novels for adolescents and
articles on politics and military strategy.
Considered by many to be one of the most
important theoreticians of architecture in the mod- Although Viollet-le-Duc’s reputation as a the-
ern era, Eugène Viollet-le-Duc is renowned for his orist of architecture has fared well over the years,
restorations of Gothic architecture in France during his restoration practice has undergone significant
the nineteenth century. He began his professional reevaluations in the last century. Until the 1960s,
career at a very young age with the Commission des his restoration work was vilified, the responses
Monuments Historiques soon after its formation ranging from mild criticism to vitriolic attack.

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V I O L L E T - L E - D U C , E U G È N E

Notre Dame de Paris c. 1835, before Viollet-le-Duc’s addition of the spire. Engraving by J. H. Le Keux after a
drawing by Thomas Allom. MARY EVANS PICTURE LIBRARY

Whereas architects of the modern tradition valor- collected essays published to mark the centennial
ized his emphasis on a ‘‘constructive’’ relationship of his death.
to the past—which has been reduced in historio-
graphy to Viollet-le-Duc’s supposed championing See also Paris; Ruskin, John; Schinkel, Karl Friedrich.
of ‘‘structural rationalism’’—others, such as the
architectural historian Achille Carlier, severely cri- BIBLIOGRAPHY
ticized Viollet-le-Duc’s interventionist approach Primary Sources
to restoration. With the ‘‘fantastic’’ restoration ‘‘Ouvrages de Viollet-le-Duc.’’ In Viollet-le-Duc: Catalo-
of Pierrefonds serving as the prime example of gue d’exposition, 397–404. Paris, 1980. This section
his supposedly overzealous imagination, his contains a fairly comprehensive bibliography of Viol-
restorations were taken to be ‘‘monstrous’’ in let-le-Duc’s publications including books, articles,
the literal sense of that term: producing a new prefaces, and work done in collaboration with other
entity out of the previous remains of the given
building. From this perspective, Viollet-le-Duc Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène. The Foundations of Architecture:
was judged rather harshly in comparison to the Selections from the ‘‘Dictionnaire raisonné.’’ Translated
by Kenneth D. Whitehead. New York, 1990. Includes
anti-interventionist philosophies of restoration
good translations of some key entries in the Diction-
personified by John Ruskin and Marcel Proust naire raisonné.
(often conveniently overlooking the fact that both
had a profound admiration for Viollet-le-Duc’s Secondary Sources
work). Beginning in 1980, a more even-handed Bergdoll, Barry. Introduction to The Foundations of Archi-
approach to Viollet-le-Duc’s restoration work tecture: Selections from the ‘‘Dictionnaire raisonné,’’ by
became the norm with the spate of catalogs and Eugène Viollet-le-Duc. New York, 1990.

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Notre Dame de Paris c. 1870, after the addition of the spire. Color lithograph by Kronheim from the periodical Sunday at

Boudon, Françoise. ‘‘Le réel et l’imaginaire chez Viollet-le- Murphy, Kevin D. Memory and Modernity: Viollet-le-Duc at
Duc: Les figures du Dictionnaire de l’architecture.’’ Vézelay. University Park, Pa., 2000.
Revue de l’art 58–59 (1983): 95–114.
O’Connell, Lauren M. ‘‘Viollet-le-Duc on Drawing, Photo-
Bressani, Martin. ‘‘Notes on Viollet-le-Duc’s Philosophy of graphy, and the ‘Space outside the Frame.’’’ History of
History: Dialectics and Technology.’’ Journal of the Society Photography 22, no. 2 (1998): 139–146.
of Architectural Historians 48, no. 4 (1989): 327–350.
Summerson, John. ‘‘Viollet-le-Duc and the Rational Point
Damisch, Hubert. ‘‘The Space Between: A Structuralist of View.’’ In his Heavenly Mansions and Other Essays
Approach to the Dictionnaire.’’ Architectural Design on Architecture, 135–158. London, 1949. Reprint,
Profile 17 (1980): 84–89. New York, 1963.
Lee, Paula Young. ‘‘‘The Rational Point of View’: Eugène- Vinegar, Aron. ‘‘Memory as Construction in Viollet-le-
Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc and the Camera Lucida.’’ Duc’s Architectural Imagination.’’ Paroles Gelées 16,
In Landscapes of Memory and Experience, edited by no. 2 (1998): 43–55.
Jan Birksted, 63–76. London, 2000.
———. ‘‘Viollet-le-Duc, Panoramic Photography, and the
Leniaud, Jean-Michel. Viollet-le-Duc; ou, Les délires du Restoration of the Château de Pierrefonds.’’ In Inter-
systéme. Paris, 1994. national Viollet-le-Duc Colloquium, edited by Werner
Middleton, Robin. ‘‘The Rationalist Interpretations of Oechslin. Zürich, forthcoming.
Classicism of Léonce Reynaud and Viollet-le-Duc.’’
AA Files 11 (1986): 29–48. ARON VINEGAR

2424 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

n campaign for meat inspection in 1872. These

VIRCHOW, RUDOLF (1821–1902), Ger- reforms grew out of Virchow’s belief that science
man pathologist and anthropologist. would bring progress to society, and they were part
of the broad program of nineteenth-century liber-
Rudolf Virchow contributed to the transforma-
alism that championed rational thinking and posi-
tion of medical knowledge in the nineteenth
tive state reforms.
century and was a founding figure for the discipline
of anthropology in Germany. He was born in Virchow also had a career on the national
Schivelbein, Pomerania (today Swidwin in north- political stage. In the 1860s, he opposed Prime
west Poland), on 13 October 1821 and died in Minister Otto von Bismarck’s plans for military
Berlin on 5 September 1902. After receiving his spending in the Prussian Diet. After the unifica-
degree in 1843, Virchow practiced medicine in tion of Germany in 1871, Virchow supported the
Berlin until he was suspended for his radical poli- national Kulturkampf (the ‘‘cultural struggle’’ to
tical views during the revolutions of 1848. He eliminate the influence of Catholicism in politics
accepted a faculty position in Würzburg and and education). He felt that science and rational-
returned to Berlin in 1856. He became the leading ity would flourish in a state free of clerical influ-
figure at Berlin’s Pathological Institute, where he ence. Virchow served as a delegate to the German
worked for forty-six years and trained generations Empire’s Reichstag from 1880 to 1893.
of doctors and scientists. From the 1860s until his death, Virchow shaped
As a coeditor and leading author of several the fields of prehistoric archaeology and anthropology
medical handbooks, Virchow published the findings in Germany. He championed an empirical approach to
of contemporary clinical research. His pathbreaking archaeology that eschewed patriotic or romantic con-
Die Cellularpathologie (1858; Cellular Pathology) clusions and challenged the idea that prehistoric finds
argued that cells are the building blocks of higher were directly related to contemporary national com-
units of life and that they are mutually dependent. munities. Virchow was also active outside central
This attention to the vital nature of cells produced a Europe as a delegate to international conferences
series of new ideas about the formation and spread and as an archaeologist in Egypt, Turkey, and central
of disease. Before Virchow and his generation, Asia. Virchow was equally significant as the organi-
doctors viewed disease primarily as a problem in zer of the German Anthropological Society and the
the body’s blood stream (the humors) or as an Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology, and
affliction of the nervous system. Virchow’s micro- Prehistory, the most important networks for anthro-
scopic study of cells challenged traditional views of pology and archaeology in Germany. Virchow’s
illness by arguing that cells themselves were healthy reputation as a leading scientist contributed to the
or diseased. This discovery is central to modern status of these organizations, and his efforts helped
medicine’s understanding of tumors and cancer. to secure state support for Berlin’s Museum for Eth-
nology, which opened in 1886.
Virchow vigorously advocated applications of
scientific knowledge beyond the laboratory. His Traditional scholarship has admired Virchow’s
reports on infectious diseases in central Europe achievements in medicine and anthropology and
from 1848 and 1852 urged doctors to lead the presented him as a champion of objective science
fight for better sanitation conditions and higher and rational reforms. Recent work, however, has
levels of literacy and prosperity among rural popu- placed Virchow, German anthropology, and liber-
lations. After his return to Berlin in 1856, Virchow alism’s faith in science in a broader intellectual
served on the city council as a public health expert. context. In this rendering, Virchow’s interest in
He campaigned for a modern sewer system in the studying human beings during an epoch of
city and promoted improvements in the heating national strength and imperialism contributed to
and ventilation of public institutions, such as the rise of biological racism in Germany. This con-
hospitals, schools, military barracks, and prisons. trasts the idea of categorizing human differences,
Following his research on parasitic worms as the which underpinned nineteenth-century anthropo-
cause of trichinosis, Virchow started a vigorous logical thought, with Virchow’s liberal politics and

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his public rejection of anti-Semitism and ethnic the Sea of Japan, the Russian Navy had doubts
definitions of nation-states. Beyond this debate about moving its Far Eastern squadron there from
about the place of anthropology within German the more secure Nikolayevsk further north. The
history, Virchow stands as an extraordinary indivi- port freezes over during winter, and maritime
dual. By the 1890s, he knew nine languages and access to the town can be controlled by hostile
was recognized internationally as a tireless navies (as occurred during the Russo-Japanese
researcher and a master synthesizer of medical and War). Movement of settlers and transport of troops
anthropological knowledge. He was named to the to Vladivostok from the central Russian provinces
Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1873 and chosen required travel along the slow and primitive over-
as rector of the University of Berlin in 1893. land routes across Siberia or over the high seas.
Virchow was a true polymath who was able to grasp
These communications deficiencies were among
and shape entire fields of study in a way that would
the factors behind the decision to build the Trans-
be unimaginable in the twenty-first century’s era of
Siberian Railroad. Groundbreaking for the railroad
scientific specialization.
took place at Vladivostok in 1892, but construction
See also Public Health. along the Amur River, which connected the region
with the rest of Siberia, was deemed too expensive.
An alternative presented itself after 1896 when the
Russian government received permission to build
Ackerknecht, Erwin. Rudolf Virchow: Doctor, Statesman,
Anthropologist. Madison, Wisc., 1953. An admiring
the Chinese Eastern Railroad through Manchuria.
survey of Virchow’s major ideas and publications. In 1897 the Russians arranged a leasehold over the
Liaodong Peninsula, including the naval base at
McNeely, Ian. ‘‘Medicine on a Grand Scale’’: Rudolf
Virchow, Liberalism, and the Public Health. London, Port Arthur and commercial port at Dalian
2002. Draws attention to the connection between (Dalny), where a substantial amount of Vladivos-
political liberalism, science, and public health tok’s commercial and naval traffic shifted. Tsarist
policies. defeat in the subsequent Russo-Japanese War
Zimmerman, Andrew. Anthropology and Antihumanism (1904–1905) and withdrawal from southern
in Imperial Germany. Chicago, 2001. A recent study Manchuria led to the revival of Vladivostok, but
that connects Virchow and German anthropology to the strategic disadvantages remained.
the history of imperialism and the rise of scientific
worldviews. By that time the town had grown from a
collection of huts to the largest city of Siberia, with
a population of nearly one hundred thousand. It
was the capital of the Maritime Territory and had
become a center of intellectual life with the
n founding of the Society for the Study of the Amur
VLADIVOSTOK. Founded in 1860, Vladi- Region (1884) and the Oriental Institute (1899),
vostok became the major commercial and naval dedicated to the study of Asian languages. Com-
port of the Russian Far East. Its history epitomizes mercial activity also flourished in a modern district
the challenges faced by tsarist Russia as a multi- featuring ten banks and branches of European,
ethnic empire and as a military power in the north Japanese, and Russian-owned firms. As a sign of
Pacific. the growing reputation of the city, twelve nations
opened consulates there.
Count Nikolai Muraviev-Amursky, governor-
general of Eastern Siberia, established the town Russian policymakers were dissatisfied, how-
on the site of a Chinese hamlet before the region ever. The presence of ex-convicts, fugitives, and
was formally ceded by China to Russia. The name Chinese bandits (hong huzi), along with a sizable
he gave it, which translated to ‘‘Ruler of the number of sailors and stevedores, made Vladivos-
Orient,’’ belied its precariousness in an area con- tok the murder capital of Siberia. Foreign visitors
tested by the rival imperialist nations of Europe and were struck by its cosmopolitanism, but also its
Japan. Situated at the end of a peninsula jutting 32 filth and violence. Russians who lived there lamen-
kilometers (20 miles) into Peter the Great Bay off ted its isolation from European Russia.

2426 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The demography of the city also alarmed the pelled to step up Russian migration to the town,
central government, ever concerned about its loose whose population grew by more than thirty
grip on a vast territory. In 1912 more than half the thousand before 1917. This ended up making the
legal residents of the city were Russians, but their town less secure for the government because
numbers were nearly balanced by 27,000 Chinese, Russian workers were more politically conscious
8,000 Koreans, and 3,000 Japanese. The city’s Asian and open to revolutionary agitation than the
inhabitants dominated economic life, with Chinese Chinese coolies they displaced, although before
and Koreans making up 90 percent of the unskilled World War I the secret police kept these tendencies
labor force on the railroad and the docks and sup- in check. With an influx of refugees and prisoners
plying virtually all of the city’s produce, firewood, of war from the German and Austrian armies
water, and animal feed. The Japanese competed in and the rise of Bolshevik and Menshevik activism
the service sector as barbers, servants, photographers, after February 1917, the stage was set for the
and, most commonly, prostitutes—in brothels that upheavals experienced by the city in the coming
were often fronts for Japanese government espio- revolutionary and civil war years.
nage operations. Although occasional fighting
See also Russia; Russo-Japanese War; Siberia.
broke out between Russians and Asians, intermar-
riage was a more common occurrence.
Russian officialdom’s fear of the ‘‘Yellow Peril’’ Kabuzan, V. M. Dal’nevostochnyi krai v XVII–nachale XX
and desire to modernize through governmental vv., 1640–1917: Istoriko-demograficheskii ocherk.
uniformity and Russification made the state of Moscow, 1985.
affairs in Vladivostok seem a threat rather than an Marks, Steven G. Road to Power: The Trans-Siberian Rail-
opportunity. The Revolution of 1905 fueled these road and the Colonization of Asian Russia, 1850–1917.
anxieties as enlisted men awaiting repatriation from Ithaca, N.Y., 1991.
the Russo-Japanese War rioted and Trans-Siberian Stephan, John J. The Russian Far East: A History. Stanford,
Railroad workers went out on strike. No major Calif., 1994.
socialist cells had been active in the city, and order
was restored quickly, but St. Petersburg felt com- STEVEN G. MARKS

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2427
about the identity of his biological father. More
WAGNER, RICHARD (1813–1883), vexing still, at least in his eyes, was the suggestion
German composer. (since proven to be baseless) that Geyer was Jewish.
Richard Wagner was the most prominent The thought that he might himself carry the ‘‘taint’’
German composer of the nineteenth century, but of Jewish blood undoubtedly fueled Wagner’s grow-
he was much more than a musician; he was a social ing anti-Semitic phobia. The composer’s enduring
movement in his own right, a focus of passionate anxieties about his origins also found expression in
adulation and equally passionate condemnation. his operas, which, among other idiosyncrasies,
betray an obsession with fatherless children.
Wagner was born on 22 May 1813. He came
into the world at a time of great political turmoil, The first years of Wagner’s childhood were
which was only fitting considering the turmoil he happy and secure enough, for Geyer obtained a
would generate himself over the course of his life. position in the court theater in Dresden and
Napoleon I was defeated at the ‘‘Battle of the dutifully cared for the large family he had inher-
Nations’’ near Leipzig in October 1813, a defeat ited. Geyer died, however, when Richard was only
constituting the beginning of the end for the eight, leaving an emotional hole in the boy’s life.
French emperor but by no means the end of the Before departing the scene, Geyer passed on to his
cascading changes brought on by the French Revo- youngest son a budding passion for things thea-
lution. Those changes helped define the political trical. In introducing the boy to the Romantic
and social context in which Wagner—a true Napoleon composer Carl Maria von Weber, Geyer also
of the arts—lived and worked. kindled in him an enthusiasm for music. As a
schoolboy, however, Wagner did not demonstrate
any great skill in music—certainly he was no child
prodigy like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His pri-
One of the victims of the typhus epidemic that swept
mary interest was in drama, especially William
over Leipzig in the wake of the Battle of the Nations
Shakespeare, who appealed to his sense for the
was Friedrich Wagner, a police registrar and father of
fantastic and grotesque. He also cultivated a
nine children, the youngest being six-month-old
passion for the ancient Greek tragedians, whose
Richard. But in fact, Friedrich Wagner may not have
influence, like that of Shakespeare’s, later
been Richard’s father at all, because Wagner’s
appeared prominently in his operas.
mother, Johanna, was intimate with a local painter
and poet named Ludwig Geyer, whom she then Wagner began his study of musical composi-
married nine months after Friedrich’s death. tion in his late teens, when he fell under the electri-
Although Geyer became the only father Richard fying influence of Ludwig van Beethoven. His
actually knew, the composer could never be sure first significant musical undertaking was a piano


the conventional recitative, aria, duet, and choral

forms. While writing these pieces, and for some time
thereafter, Wagner was forced to make his living
conducting other men’s works in provincial theaters.
Meagerly compensated for these duties, but deter-
mined not to live like a church mouse, Wagner began
to run up large debts. Money problems and creditor-
evasion would remain fixtures in his life.
The need to escape creditors lay partly behind
Wagner’s move to Paris in 1839. As an impover-
ished and unknown provincial from Germany,
Wagner was in no position to make an impact in
Louis-Philippe’s Paris, where charismatic virtuosi
such as Franz Liszt and Frédéric Chopin ruled the
day. While in Paris Wagner received invaluable
assistance from the German-Jewish composer Gia-
como Meyerbeer, whom Wagner later came to
despise and to blame for all the tribulations that
attended his sojourn in Paris. In his essay Das
Judentum in der Musik (1850; Judaism in music),
Wagner held up Meyerbeer as an example of
alleged creative sterility among Jews.

Richard Wagner. Chalk portrait by Franz von Lenbach.

Wagner’s opera Der fliegende Holländer (The fly-
transcription of Beethoven’s Choral Symphony. At ing Dutchman) premiered (with Meyerbeer’s assis-
Leipzig’s Thomasschule he took violin lessons from tance) in Dresden in 1843. Although this work
a member of the Gewandhaus Orchestra, and he still contained many trappings of conventional
studied counterpoint and harmony with the cantor opera, it anticipated the composer’s later ‘‘music-
of the Thomaskirche, where Johann Sebastian Bach dramas’’ in its use of leitmotivs. Holländer was not
had worked a century earlier. Yet musical study a critical or popular success, and Wagner began
was by no means Wagner’s sole preoccupation. increasingly to clash with the musical establish-
Upon entering Leipzig University he became ment. The clashes continued during his tenure as
caught up in the rowdiness of student life, and in Kapellmeister (a conducting post) at the Royal
1830, when the revolutionary spirit emanating from Court of Saxony in Dresden, where he served from
France spread to Leipzig, Wagner enthusiastically 1843 to 1849. Although he was able to get his next
joined a mob of students in sacking a brothel and opera, Tannhäuser, mounted in Dresden in 1845,
laying siege to a prison. he fought with the orchestra and court officials
over its staging. When the revolutionary turmoil
of 1848 swept into Saxony the following year he
FIRST OPERAS joined in the fighting, motivated both by political
Wagner’s initial forays into operatic composition did idealism and the hope that a new social-political
not give much evidence of the innovative mold order might be more receptive to his work.
breaker he was to become as a mature artist. His
first three operas, Die Feen (1833–1834; The fairies), As a result of his participation in the abortive
Das Liebesverbot (1834–1836; The ban on love), and Saxon revolution, Wagner was obliged to flee to
Rienzi (1837–1840), followed in the traditions of Switzerland, beginning an exile in that land that
German and Italian Romantic opera, employing would span, with various interruptions, some

2430 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

twenty-three years. Here he composed Der Ring festival until 1882, when he premiered Parsifal. As
des Nibelungen (1851–1874), Tristan und Isolde conductor for this performance Wagner employed
(1857–1859), and Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Hermann Levi, a Jew, whose services he was
(1862–1867), as well as his seminal prose essays obliged to accept under an agreement with Louis.
Die Kunst und die Revolution (1849; Art and revo-
lution) and Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft (1849; The Among the harshest critics of Parsifal, and
artwork of the future). In the prose works he called indeed of the entire Bayreuth enterprise, was the
for an artistic revolution through which traditional philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Earlier on
operatic forms would give way to a ‘‘total work of Nietzsche had been a fervent admirer of Wagner,
art’’ uniting poetry, music, drama, and dance in a whose concept of the ‘‘total work of art’’ helped
profound exploration of the human condition. His inspire Nietzsche’s first book, The Birth of Tragedy
music-dramas, above all Der Ring, Tristan, and (1872). But Nietzsche was disgusted by what he saw
Parsifal (1877–1882), put this ambitious concep- as Wagner’s surrender to Christianity in Parsifal, and
tion into practice. by the composer’s toadying to the imperial govern-
ment in his efforts to fund Bayreuth. Wagner, who
had been flattered by Nietzsche’s adulation, was dee-
BAYREUTH FESTIVAL ply wounded by the criticism. The two former friends
In order to translate his aesthetic ideals to the stage remained estranged on Wagner’s death in 1883.
Wagner felt he needed a new kind of opera house,
which in turn demanded a generous patron. The
composer believed he had found his ‘‘angel’’ in
young King Louis II of Bavaria, who upon coming In addition to launching the Bayreuth music festi-
to the throne in 1864 called Wagner to Munich val, which Cosima Wagner carried on after his
and promised to build him a new theater there. death, Wagner brought together in Bayreuth a
coterie of disciples who dedicated themselves to
However, Wagner’s luxurious living at state
perpetuating his musical and philosophical legacy.
expense, his meddling in royal politics, and his
Known as the Bayreuth Circle, this group inter-
notorious affair with Cosima von Bülow, the wife
preted the composer’s contradictory ideas one-
of the pianist and conductor Hans von Bülow and
sidedly as an endorsement of the authoritarian,
illegitimate daughter of Liszt, so soured the people
racist, and chauvinistic views they themselves
of Munich that Louis was forced to send Wagner
championed. Their influence, along with Adolf
away in late 1865. (Wagner married Cosima in
Hitler’s personal infatuation with Wagner’s operas,
1870, following her divorce from Bülow.) He
later turned Bayreuth into a kind of ‘‘court thea-
returned to exile in Switzerland until 1872, when,
ter’’ for the Third Reich. Ever since, some com-
following the establishment of the new German
mentators have seen Wagner as an intellectual
empire, he moved to Bayreuth, in northern
‘‘forefather’’ of Nazism.
Bavaria, in hopes of finally realizing his dream of
building a special theater for the production of his The question of Wagner’s connection to
work. The choice of Bayreuth was motivated partly Nazism continues to inspire impassioned debate
by Wagner’s desire once again to exploit the among historians and cultural critics, as does the
largesse of Louis, but also by his hope of casting relationship between his political ideas and his
his envisaged annual music festival as an ‘‘artistic music. Is Wagner’s art indelibly ‘‘corrupted’’ by his
sister’’ of German unification, thereby securing sociopolitical views? Can one enjoy his music with
financial support from the imperial government. a clear conscience? These questions will probably
In the end Wagner proved unable to win significant persist as long as Wagner’s operas are performed.
backing from Berlin, but with help from Louis and
an innovative subscription system he was able to See also Beethoven, Ludwig van; Liszt, Franz; Louis II;
launch his ‘‘Richard Wagner Festival’’ with the first Nietzsche, Friedrich; Revolutions of 1848.
complete Ring production in 1876.
The inaugural Bayreuth festival was not a success BIBLIOGRAPHY

financially, and Wagner was unable to put on another Gray, Howard. Wagner. London, 1990.

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W A L D E C K - R O U S S E A U , R E N É

Gregor-Dellin, Martin. Richard Wagner: His Life, His When Ferry was driven from office in 1885, and
Work, His Century. Translated by J. Maxwell Brown- the climate of opinion shifted against liberal reforms,
john. San Diego, Calif., 1983.
Waldeck-Rousseau lost interest in parliamentary
Gutman, Robert W. Richard Wagner: The Man, His Mind, life. He chose not to stand for reelection in 1889
and His Music. New York, 1968. and devoted himself to his Parisian legal practice.
Large, David Clay, and William Weber, eds. Wagnerism in Waldeck-Rousseau’s mastery of the civil code, atten-
European Culture and Politics. Ithaca, N.Y., 1984. tion to detail, and skill at untangling complexity
Millington, Barry, ed. The Wagner Compendium: A Guide
earned him considerable wealth in commercial law.
to Wagner’s Life and Music. London, 1992.
After a decade in retirement from politics, Waldeck-
Rousseau was persuaded to run for a vacant senate
seat from the Loire in 1894 and was elected by such
an overwhelming margin that friends persuaded him
to run for the presidency in 1895, although he lost to
Félix Faure (1841–1899). He returned to the senate
1904), prime minister of France (1899–1902) and
for a full term in 1897, again by a huge margin.
a central figure in the campaign to separate church
Rather than champion legislative causes, Waldeck-
and state.
Rousseau used his political popularity to work behind
Pierre-Marie-René Waldeck-Rousseau was born the scenes to construct a ‘‘great republican circle’’
in western France, the son of a lawyer from Nantes linking all elements of French republicanism. This
who served in the Constituent Assembly of 1848 put Waldeck-Rousseau in a respected, centrist repub-
that established the Second Republic. He followed lican position during the most tumultuous phase of
his father’s career, but had only moderate success in the Dreyfus affair, with the result that he was asked to
his practice at Rennes (Brittany). Waldeck-Rousseau form a cabinet in June 1899, following the repub-
was educated in Catholic schools, but had left the lican electoral victory.
church and supported the anticlerical republicanism
of Léon Gambetta (1838–1882). He joined the Waldeck-Rousseau served as prime minister for
Gambettist republican party at Rennes and was one of the longest terms of the Third Republic
elected at age thirty-two to the Chamber of Depu- (1899–1902) and did so at a time of great national
ties in the republican landslide of 1879. crisis. He tried to create a cabinet with broad
appeal, taking the Ministry of the Interior and
Waldeck-Rousseau joined Gambetta’s oppor- Religion for himself, retaining Theophile Delcassé
tunist faction in the Chamber, and was rewarded (1852–1923) at the Quai d’Orsay, and including
with the Ministry of the Interior in Gambetta’s such diverse figures as General Gaston-Alexandre-
only cabinet (1881–1882). In these years he devel- Auguste de Galliffet (1830–1909, who had led the
oped a liberal republicanism, supporting individual suppression of the Paris Commune of 1871 and
liberty and championing the Press Law of 1881 was detested on the left) at the Ministry of War and
that created broad freedom of the press. When he Alexandre Millerand (1859–1943, the first socialist
stood for reelection in 1881, his program stressed to sit in a government) at the Ministry of Com-
the freedom of labor. As minister, Waldeck- merce and Industry.
Rousseau drafted a law of associations granting
workers full rights of unionization. Gambetta died Waldeck-Rousseau steered France through a
before this law could be adopted, and Waldeck- period of labor unrest, critical court cases asso-
Rousseau joined many Gambettists in supporting ciated with the Dreyfus affair, and the beginning
Jules Ferry (1832–1893). He received the Ministry phases of the radical anticlericalism of the early
of the Interior in Ferry’s government of twentieth century. He strove to maintain a moder-
1884–1885, in which post he won adoption of ate course on questions concerning the church, and
the Law of Associations in 1884, a law often he opposed the separation of church and state,
referred to as the Waldeck-Rousseau Law. although he merely postponed it for a few years.

2432 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The debate on religion under Waldeck-Rousseau in the sixteenth century rather than joined by parlia-
focused on revising the Law of Associations. In mentary union as Scotland had been in 1707 or as
November 1899, he drafted a bill to apply this Ireland would be in 1800. Consequently, Wales had
law to religious congregations. The debate on this few institutional expressions of its identity, and the
bill, and the application of the resulting Law of nineteenth century would see the creation of many
Associations of 1901, accelerated the demand for of its modern national institutions. Initially, how-
the separation of church and state, and this ulti- ever, this lack of distinctively Welsh institutions
mately led to Waldeck-Rousseau’s resignation. He created a cultural space for religion, especially Pro-
had wanted government control over the Catholic testant Nonconformity, to thrive and become a
religious orders, allowing them some freedom to powerful marker of national identity. During the
act (analogous to his law for workers in 1884). nineteenth century the national movement would
Instead, the Law of Associations of 1901 became be primarily concerned with achieving parity with
the instrument by which most religious orders were the other nations of Britain, a brief attempt in the
disbanded. 1880s and 1890s to achieve self-government within
the United Kingdom notwithstanding. With the
Although his republican coalition won a major
expansion of the franchise during the century, most
electoral victory in June 1902, the discouraged
Welsh people developed a sense of citizenship
prime minister chose to retire, citing his health.
rooted in a dual identity based on their linguistic
His successor, Emile Combes (1835–1921), then
and religious particularity on the one hand and
carried out the anticlerical agenda of separation;
loyalty to the British state on the other.
Waldeck-Rousseau died following an operation
for cancer of the pancreas in 1904. At the end of the eighteenth century Wales was a
See also Caillaux, Joseph; Clemenceau, Georges;
thinly peopled country on the verge of momentous
Gambetta, Léon-Michel; Separation of Church new changes. The majority of the people worked the
and State (France, 1905). land on poor upland farms dominated by a tiny
aristocratic elite, while towns were small-scale and
BIBLIOGRAPHY functioned as hubs of regional markets and cultural
life. The impact of industrialization in the late eight-
Primary Sources
Waldeck-Rousseau, René. La Défense républicaine. Paris,
eenth and early nineteenth centuries was profound.
1902. This first phase consisted of mining and the
manufacture of metals like copper and iron in some
———. Action républicaine et sociale. Paris, 1903.
of the biggest industrial concerns in the world. These
———. Politique française et étrangère. Paris, 1903. developments were mainly financed by English capi-
talists. In the south of the country, small villages like
Secondary Sources
Merthyr Tydfil were transformed into thriving, if
Partin, Martin O. Waldeck-Rousseau, Combes, and the
socially unstable, urban centers, whereas ports like
Church: The Politics of Anti-Clericalism, 1899–1905.
Durham, N.C., 1969. Swansea experienced more measured growth. The
country was affected by the political ferment of the
Sorlin, Pierre. Waldeck-Rousseau. Paris, 1966.
late eighteenth century, with Welshmen like Richard
STEVEN C. HAUSE Price and David Williams becoming philosophers of
the American and French Revolutions.
In a country with a sparse population, demo-
n graphic change was striking. Population growth
WALES. In 1845 Frederick Engels commented comfortably exceeded 10 percent in every decade
that the Welsh ‘‘retain pertinaciously’’ their separate during the first half of the nineteenth century,
nationality. This sense of nationality was often rising to nearly 18 percent in the decade from
retained against the condescension of the English. 1811 to 1821. Much of this growth was experienced
The position of Wales in the United Kingdom in the countryside, where agriculture was unable to
differed from that of Scotland or Ireland because absorb the excess and migration to the towns acted
Wales had been ‘‘incorporated’’ in the English realm as a safety valve. Even so, major agrarian disturbances

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2433

TABLE 1 ity and sobriety, the country was provided with the
components for a new sense of national identity.
Population of Wales, 1801–1911 Central to this was an episode known as ‘‘the
Year Population % Change
Treachery of the Blue Books.’’ In 1847 govern-
1801 601,767 —
ment education commissioners published a report
1811 688,774 14.5 that denigrated the morals of the Welsh people as a
1821 811,381 17.8
1831 924,329 13.9 whole, and more particularly those of women. This
1841 1,068,547 15.6 inaugurated a campaign to restore the reputation
1851 1,188,914 11.3
1861 1,312,834 10.6 of the Welsh people, conducted from the pulpit, in
1871 1,421,670 9.7 public meetings and especially in the newspaper
1881 1,577,559 11.1
1891 1,776,405 12.6 and periodical press in both Welsh and English
1901 2,015,012 13.5
1911 2,442,041 18.6
languages. As well as the respectable public face of
Wales, however, social tensions occasionally pro-
SOURCE: Data from Census of England and Wales, 1801–1911.
duced conflict, such as with the frequent anti-Irish
riots in the towns and the widespread conflicts over
poaching in rural areas.
erupted in southwest Wales in the form of the
This period of cultural change is epitomized by
Rebecca riots (1839–1844). Whereas some histor-
the re-establishment, from 1858, of the annual
ians see this episode as an expression of anger by the
National Eisteddfod, a popular cultural festival
small farmers, others interpret it as community revolt
based on literary and musical competition, which
with much wider social appeal. At the same time, the
was held in a different part of the country each
Chartist movement took root in other parts of the
year. Although drawing heavily on ‘‘traditional’’
country. By mid-1839 about one-fifth of the popu-
culture, it ensured mass appeal because of a combi-
lation of south Wales were Chartists. Thousands of
nation of the rise in literacy and the expansion of
armed rebels marched on Newport on 4 November
the press in both languages. Such cultural innova-
1839 in what was intended to be the first step in a
tions were underpinned by economic change. The
British rising. At least twenty-two were shot by the
coal industry grew rapidly in south Wales in mid-
waiting soldiers and the rising failed. The movement
century, as did slate quarrying in the northeast.
revived in 1842 and 1848 but never regained the
Whereas in 1851 less than 20 percent of the popu-
same momentum as in its early days.
lation lived in settlements of more than five
thousand inhabitants, just under 50 percent did
STABILITY AND PROGRESS so by 1891, and the trend was inexorably in this
The transition from the agrarian and industrial direction. Between 1850 and 1870 some 2,300
revolt of the 1830s and 1840s to the period of kilometers of railway were built to connect these
mid-Victorian stability and political quiescence is towns. The creation of a dense railway network
one of the most striking developments of nine- linked the different parts of the country in ways
teenth-century Wales. It was a result of the stabiliz- previously unthought of and went some way
ing effect of the growth of railways, an increasing toward unifying the country.
attachment to political reformism following the
failure of Chartism, and the growing influence of LIBERALISM AND THE NATION
the Nonconformist chapels. Public debate in these A striking feature of politics after the Reform Act
decades was shaped by religious allegiances. In of 1867 was the overwhelming dominance of the
1851 a little more than half the population Liberal Party, which won a clear majority of Welsh
attended a place of worship, over three-quarters parliamentary seats in every election until 1922.
of whom did so in a Nonconformist chapel. Reli- As a result, some historians see this one-party
gious revivalism—like the trans-Atlantic revival of domination as the creation of a national move-
1859—swelled the ranks of the denominations in ment, while others portray the Liberal hegemony
both rural and industrial areas. Together with a in terms of the rise of middle-class leadership. The
popular culture rooted in the ideals of respectabil- party provided a voice for those outside the estab-

2434 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Some major issues remained unresolved.

Although not as serious as the Irish land question,
rural grievances remained intractable. Between
1886 and 1891 a tithe war broke out throughout
rural Wales, partly as a consequence of the interna-
tional agricultural depression. In 1887 only 10.2
percent of the land was owned by the men and
women who farmed it, and landlordism remained
a powerful force. But between 1910 and 1914 all
the major landowners began to sell land, and it was
bought overwhelmingly by their tenants; thus on
the eve of war, power relations in rural society
were changing dramatically. This was a harbinger
of a more fundamental social revolution in the
countryside after 1918. The cornerstone of
Welsh Liberal demands, disestablishment of the
Church of England in Wales, remained unresolved
until 1919.
A concern with establishing national institu-
tions permeated popular culture, as witnessed by
the creation of the Football Association of Wales
(1876) and the Welsh Rugby Union (1881), both
of which facilitated competition on the inter-
national stage; the competition of nonstate nation-
alities in international sporting competitions is a
peculiar feature of British life that originated at this
time. Rugby, in particular, came to be regarded as a
popular embodiment of Welsh identity. Other
sports, like boxing, also flourished, with boxers
Portrait of a Welsh market woman, Carmarthen, such as Jim Driscoll and Freddie Welsh winning
Wales, c. 1900. ªHULTON-DEUTSCH COLLECTION/CORBIS international acclaim.

lishment, including industrialists, professionals, PEOPLE, LANGUAGE, AND GENDER

farmers, and other members of the middle class. Population growth quickened once again from the
In an attempt to mobilize the people against an 1880s and in-migration was mainly responsible for
Anglicized aristocracy and the established church, an increase of more than 18 percent during the first
the Liberal MP Henry Richard asserted that ‘‘the decade of the twentieth century. Regional dispari-
Nonconformists of Wales are the people of ties became acute from this decade, with 46 per-
Wales.’’ In the 1880s and 1890s the party was a cent of the country’s population residing in the
vehicle for ambitious young men like Tom Ellis single county of Glamorgan by 1911. The export-
and David Lloyd George, who combined a radical oriented coal industry drew in large numbers of
social agenda with nationalism. Their aim was migrants from rural Wales and from England and
transformed the industrial valleys of south Wales
parity with the other nations of the United King-
into frontier towns, while at the same time fueling
dom, rather than separatism, and parliament
the dramatic growth of ports like Cardiff and Barry.
passed distinctive legislation for Wales for the first
time in the 1880s on matters such as temperance These far-reaching changes produced two long-
and education. In 1893 a federal University of term social trends: first, regarding language, and
Wales was established, and it rapidly became an second, regarding the balance between the sexes in
influential cultural institution. industrial society. By 1901 only a little over half the

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2435

Young miners wash coal in Bargoed, Wales, 1910. ªHULTON-DEUTSCH COLLECTION/CORBIS

population spoke the Welsh language, a proportion Federation, which became the most important insti-
that dropped below half during the following tution in Welsh life during the first half of the twen-
decade for the first time in history. By 1891 nearly tieth century, was founded in 1898. The years after
17 percent of the population was English-born. 1909, usually termed the Great Unrest, mark some-
Industrial society was skewed numerically in favor thing of a watershed in industrial society. Industrial
of males, and the quintessential symbols of this disputes were numerous during these years and ser-
culture were masculine: the coalminer, slate quarry- ious riots erupted, including anti-Semitic and anti-
man, rugby player, and male chorister. By contrast, Chinese disturbances. Syndicalist ideas found a
the only significant female symbol in this period was receptive audience in some quarters. The consensual
the Welsh ‘‘mam’’ (mother), a figure associated with politics of the older trade union leaders were brus-
home and hearth. Such gendered conceptions of quely swept aside. At the same time, the women’s
class and national identity were influential for suffrage movement became more militant, contri-
much of the following century. buting to an atmosphere of general social malaise.
These events stand in stark contrast to the extrava-
Liberalism still dominated the political land- gant royal pageantry associated with the Investiture
scape, with not a single Conservative MP being of the Prince of Wales at Caernarfon Castle in north
elected from Wales in the landslide election of Wales in 1911.
1906. The first socialist MP, Keir Hardie, was elected
at Merthyr Tydfil in 1900. Mass trade unions gained By the eve of World War I, Wales had been
increasing importance; the South Wales Miners’ transformed by economic, demographic, cultural,

2436 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

and political developments. It was overwhelmingly of his scientific colleagues. The disagreements
an industrial and urban country and had one of the between the two founders of modern evolutionary
densest railway networks in the world. It remained theory remain unresolved, both within and beyond
one of Engels’s submerged ‘‘unhistoric nations,’’ the scientific community. In his later years Wallace
but a national revival had taken place, and new believed in a unity that underlay all physical, biolo-
national cultural institutions had been created. gical, social, and spiritual phenomena. Some of his
See also Great Britain; Ireland; Scotland.
later books, such as Darwinism (1889) and Studies
Scientific and Social (1900), exemplify the evolu-
tionary theism that surrounded his scientific ana-
lyses of the whole of nature.
Davies, John. A History of Wales. London, 1993.
Jenkins, Geraint H., ed. The Welsh Language and Social
He was the eighth of nine children born to
Domains in the Nineteenth Century, 1801–1911. Mary Anne Greenell and Thomas Vere Wallace,
Cardiff, 2000. but only Alfred and two of his siblings survived
Jenkins, Philip. A History of Modern Wales, 1536–1990. past early adulthood. His family could barely afford
London, 1992. the six years of formal education he received at the
John, Angela V., ed. Our Mothers’ Land: Chapters in Welsh one-room Hertford Grammar School. Wallace, like
Women’s History, 1800–1939. Cardiff, 1991. his father, never held a permanent job and suffered
Jones, David J. V. Rebecca’s Children: A Study of Rural
from financial difficulties throughout his life. He
Society, Crime and Protest. Oxford, U.K., and New married in 1866 and two of his three children
York, 1989. survived to adulthood.
Jones, Gareth Elwyn, and Dai Smith, eds. The Peoples of In his youth, Wallace was exposed to secular
Wales. Llandysul, Wales, 1999.
and reformist political ideas as well as to phrenol-
Jones, Ieuan Gwynedd. Mid-Victorian Wales: The Observers ogy and mesmerism. He became self-educated in
and the Observed. Cardiff, 1992. various branches of science and natural history
Morgan, Kenneth O. Wales in British Politics, 1868–1922. while working as a surveyor, and for a short
3rd ed. Cardiff, 1980. time as a teacher. Well-read in the natural history
O’Leary, Paul. Immigration and Integration: The Irish in literature of the day, Wallace shared his reactions
Wales, 1798–1922. Cardiff, 2000. with his new friend Henry Walter Bates, who intro-
Williams, Gwyn A. When Was Wales? A History of the Welsh. duced him to entomology. Deeply intrigued by
Harmondsworth, U.K., 1985. the question of the origin of species, Wallace pro-
posed to Bates that they travel to South America
as self-employed specimen collectors for the then-
growing natural history trade. The traveled
together to Brazil in 1848 and parted ways shortly
n thereafter. Wallace learned the rugged ropes of
WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL (1823– tropical fieldwork during four years of collecting
1913), British naturalist, geographer, humanist, in the Amazon basin. Although he amassed thou-
and social critic. sands of birds and insects, his specimens and most
Discoverer and champion of the theory of of his notes were destroyed in a fire at sea. Never-
evolution by natural selection, Wallace was one of theless, Wallace published several scientific articles
and two books, and made enough of a name for
nineteenth-century Britain’s most outspoken intel-
himself in London’s scientific circles to embark
lectuals. His insights into evolution are his most
on a journey to the Malay Archipelago (Malaysia,
enduring legacy, and much has been written about
Indonesia, and part of New Guinea) as a fellow of
his relationship with his famous friend and col-
the Royal Geographical Society.
league, Charles Darwin (1809–1882). Wallace’s
interests and publications ranged beyond evolu- Wallace traveled widely among the islands from
tionary biology into political and spiritual arenas, 1854 to 1862, collecting biological specimens for
much to the disappointment of Darwin and many his own research and for sale, and writing scores of

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2437

scientific articles. He would be well known to nat- Slotten, Ross A. The Heretic in Darwin’s Court.
uralists for his collections alone, amassing more New York, 2004.
than 125,000 specimens, hundreds of which were JANE R. CAMERINI
new to science. Here he penned the essay for which
he is now best known, in which he proposed that
new species arise by the progression and continued
divergence of varieties.
Wallace returned to England at the age of WARFARE. See Armies; Military Tactics.
thirty-nine and continued to make significant con-
tributions to natural history, especially The Geogra-
phical Distribution of Animals in 1876, but his n
views on spiritualism and human evolution fell out- WAR OF 1812. The war that began in 1812
side of the scientific naturalism that dominated between the United States and Great Britain
scientific thought. resulted from the French Revolutionary and Napo-
He died at the age of ninety, having published leonic Wars of the 1790s and early 1800s. Both
twenty-one books, including a two-volume autobio- France and Britain violated American neutral rights,
graphy in 1905, and over seven hundred articles, and the United States objected to these transgres-
essays, and letters. Wallace has been variously char- sions. Ultimately, America exhausted both its
acterized as the nineteenth century’s greatest diplomacy and its patience, declaring war on Brit-
explorer-naturalist, the quintessential outsider, a spur ain on 18 June 1812. Preoccupied by its fight with
to Darwin, and a crank. In the early twenty-first Napoleon, Great Britain tried at the last minute to
century scholars have begun to expand on the lim- avoid war with the United States, and efforts were
ited biographies of Wallace that prevailed in the under way from its outset to conclude it. None-
twentieth century. These works (especially those theless, the war lasted for two and a half years and
by Fichman and Slotten) present a more complex would be instrumental in transforming Anglo-
figure, a fiercely intellectual but no less spiritual man, American relations from suspicious enmity to grud-
a brave and original thinker, who while shaping the ging respect and eventually firm partnership.
history of modern Western science was also shaped
by progressivism and by a rising tide of socialist and CAUSES
spiritualist beliefs. He believed that his most impor- During the early years of the Franco-British con-
tant contribution was the extension of natural selec- flict, the United States prospered because Euro-
tion into the social realm. For Wallace, improvement pean powers used neutral shippers to supply their
of the human race depended on natural selection colonies. Yet the breakdown of the Peace of Amiens
acting on well-educated, economically free men and (1802) in 1803 abruptly changed that situation as
women in an egalitarian social system. France renewed its war against Britain. When
Admiral Horatio Nelson decisively defeated the
See also Darwin, Charles; Evolution; Huxley, Thomas
Henry. French fleet off Trafalgar (21 October 1805) and
Napoleon crushed Britain’s continental allies at
Austerlitz (2 December 1805), a stalemate resulted
with Britain’s Royal Navy supreme on the seas and
Camerini, Jane R., ed. The Alfred Russel Wallace Reader: A Napoleon’s Grande Armée apparently invincible in
Selection of Writings from the Field. Baltimore, Md.,
Europe. Unable to fight each other by force of
arms, the two powers resorted to commercial war-
Fichman, Martin. An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of fare, a move that unavoidably targeted the United
Alfred Russel Wallace. Chicago, 2003. States, which was claiming the right as a neutral to
Moore, James. ‘‘Wallace’s Malthusian Moment: The Com- trade with both countries. Although both Britain’s
mon Context Revisited.’’ In Victorian Science in Context, Orders in Council and France’s Berlin and Milan
edited by Bernard Lightman, 290–311. Chicago, 1997. decrees restricted American trade, most Americans
Raby, Peter. Alfred Russel Wallace: A Life. London, 2001. found British behavior more offensive because of

2438 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
WAR OF 1812

the Royal Navy’s use of impressment—the abduc- declaration were a portent of American disunity in
tion of sailors from American merchant vessels—to the coming conflict.
man British warships. The minority Federalist Party doubted the
In 1807, impressment nearly provoked war stated reasons for going to war with Great Britain.
when HMS Leopard waylaid the U.S. Navy frigate Federalists accused Republicans of wanting to
Chesapeake and seized four of her sailors. Rather expand American territory with the conquest of
than resorting to war, however, President Thomas Canada, not reclaim American honor and preserve
Jefferson persuaded Congress to pass the Embargo neutral rights. The war’s proponents were primarily
Act in December 1807. The plan was to deprive western and southern farmers, they noted, who were
warring Europeans of U.S. trade until they respected improbable champions of free trade and sailors’
American neutral rights, but commercial restriction rights. New Englanders, who had the greater
failed as Americans openly flouted the embargo material interest in protecting trade, were the war’s
and seethed under government efforts to enforce most adamant opponents. Most scholars have con-
it. Congress repealed the unsuccessful embargo in cluded, however, that these appearances are decep-
1809 but continued commercial restriction with tive. Farmers had a stake in preserving access to
the temporary Non-Intercourse Act (1809) and foreign markets for their produce and yearned to
Macon’s Bill No. 2 (1810). Both were failures, protect American honor. Aside from any expansio-
but Macon’s Bill No. 2 was an embarrassing one: nist schemes, the plan to invade Canada was dictated
the United States resumed trade with the entire by the fact that Canada was where the British were.
world, including Britain and France, but pledged The United States declared war in 1812 to avenge
to sustain it with the country that ended trade the insult of impressment and stop injuries caused
restrictions and stop it with the other. Napoleon, by the Royal Navy’s interference with America’s
a master of deceit, hinted he would drop his restric- overseas trade. Britain finally did realize the danger
tions, an obvious lie that President James Madison of alienating the United States and was in the pro-
chose to treat as truth. The United States stopped cess of repealing the Orders in Council while Con-
trade with Britain. gress was voting for war, but the delay in receiving
this news from London made it irrelevant. Fighting
As Anglo-American tensions mounted in had already begun, and Britain, in any case, was
1811, other issues drove the countries toward unwilling to abandon impressment.
war. Indian unrest on America’s western frontier
was actually the result of indigenous native resis- THE WAR
tance led by the Shawnee Tecumseh and his Although Americans regarded Canada as a realistic
brother Tenskwatawa (‘‘the Prophet’’), but many military objective, repeated attempts to invade and
Americans believed it to be the product of British occupy it proved fruitless. Occasionally they were
agitation. When Indiana territorial governor William disastrous, as when Michigan territorial governor
Henry Harrison destroyed Tecumseh and the William Hull’s 1812 campaign ended with his
Prophet’s town at the Battle of Tippecanoe surrendering Detroit, a catastrophe that exposed
(7 November 1811), it drove the Indians into a the entire Northwest to British occupation and
British alliance. Indian depredations. Hull’s replacement, William
In late 1811, Madison called Congress into Henry Harrison, barely kept an army together under
special session, and a prominent faction, the War the British onslaught. Elsewhere along the Canadian
Hawks, urged a resolute defense of American border in 1812 American plans proved equally inef-
honor and security. The most popular War Hawk, fective, if not quite as ruinous. Brigadier General
Kentuckian Henry Clay, was elected Speaker of the Henry Dearborn’s political clashes with unwilling
House and steered a course that finally compelled New England state militias prevented a campaign
Madison to send a war message to Congress on 1 against Montreal, and the Niagara frontier proved
June 1812. Congress responded with a formal invulnerable to American invasion attempts.
declaration of war on 18 June 1812, but the divi- This dismal chronicle might have sunk American
sive congressional debates and close votes on the hopes altogether had it not been for the small U.S.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2439
WAR OF 1812

Navy’s unexpected success during the war’s open- to rendezvous with Commodore Isaac Chauncey’s
ing months. Because the Royal Navy was blockad- Lake Ontario squadron. Chauncey’s squadron
ing Napoleonic Europe, it was short of ships for failed to appear, and Brown retreated, but not
the American conflict, and aggressive American before fighting the war’s bloodiest battle, a stalemate
captains commanded skilled crews aboard powerful at Lundy’s Lane (25 July 1814). Meanwhile, the
frigates that were more than a match for their British launched offensive operations in upstate
British counterparts. Victories by celebrated ships New York and Chesapeake Bay. Major General
such as the USS United States and USS Constitu- Robert Ross scattered green American militia at
tion (dubbed ‘‘Old Ironsides’’ by her crew) thrilled Bladensburg, Maryland, and occupied Washington,
Americans and dismayed Britain. In 1813, how- D.C. (24 August 1814), burning its public build-
ever, the consequences of Napoleon’s ill-advised ings, including the Capitol and Executive Mansion.
invasion of Russia signaled a dramatic decline in Following this symbolic but strategically irrelevant
his fortunes, and more British ships could prose- success, the British attacked Baltimore (12–13
cute the American conflict. The Royal Navy September 1814), but Fort McHenry, which pro-
asserted its dominance in 1813, bottling up the tected Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, withstood a
dangerous American frigates and mounting damag- relentless naval bombardment. When an American
ing raids along the coast, especially in Chesapeake sharpshooter’s bullet mortally wounded General
Bay where Admiral Sir George Cockburn was Ross, the British called off the attack. The British
particularly destructive.
invasion along Lake Champlain ended when an
American attempts in 1813 to invade Canada at American naval squadron under Commodore
first appeared to be just as futile as the previous Thomas Macdonough crippled Captain George
year’s had been. Dearborn crossed the Niagara River Downie’s ships on Plattsburgh Bay (11 September
but had limited success and lost all gains as he tried 1814), and at Plattsburgh, New York, Alexander
to move into Upper Canada. The northeastern Macomb’s Americans repulsed veterans under
Canadian border remained impervious as well. Canada’s governor-general Sir George Prevost.
Although the ineffectual Dearborn resigned, his
replacements, Major Generals James Wilkinson and
Wade Hampton, could not overcome personal dif-
Despite these victories, New England dissidents
ferences to stage a march on Montreal. On 10
met at Hartford, Connecticut, in late 1814 to
September 1813, however, American commodore
voice grievances and protest the war. Occurring
Oliver Hazard Perry’s stunning victory over Sir
in the shadow of recent American successes, the
Robert Barclay’s squadron secured American con-
Hartford Convention caused the rest of the coun-
trol of Lake Erie. Perry’s soon famous message
try to question New England’s loyalty and the
of ‘‘we have met the enemy and he is ours’’ marked
Federalist Party’s patriotism. In addition, New
the war’s turning point in the Northwest. William
England dissent that insisted the war could only
Henry Harrison retook Detroit and hounded
end badly coincided with the war’s relatively accep-
its fleeing defenders under Brigadier General Henry
table conclusion. American and British peace com-
Procter, defeating them at the Battle of the Thames
missioners who had been meeting in Ghent since
(5 October 1813). Tecumseh’s death in the battle
late summer finally signed a peace treaty on Christ-
ended Anglo-Indian cooperation in the region.
mas Eve, 1814. Although the Treaty of Ghent did
The contest’s decisive year would be 1814, for not address impressment or neutral rights, both
Napoleon’s defeat and abdication (April 1814) parties regarded it as a satisfactory termination of
allowed Britain to shift veteran soldiers from Europe the conflict. Britain had endured a quarter century
to North America; meanwhile competent, aggres- of war in Europe and was eager to rid itself of the
sive officers were given command of American distraction of one in North America. The United
armies. In the spring, Major General Andrew Jackson States was relieved to escape the grave conse-
defeated Red Stick Creeks in the Mississippi Terri- quences of serious military defeat. The treaty thus
tory, and Major General Jacob Brown crossed the restored all territory to the status quo antebellum,
Niagara River, took Fort Erie, and marched north literally the situation as it existed before the war.

2440 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The United States emerged from the contest Warsaw was relegated to the status of a provincial
more energized and united than it had been before town within the Kingdom of Prussia. The population
or during it. Andrew Jackson’s crushing defeat of of the city fell in a few short years from a pre-partition
Lieutenant General Sir Edward Pakenham’s forces size of 150,000 to a mere 60,000 inhabitants.
outside New Orleans on 8 January 1815 had
occurred after the signing at Ghent but before the Napoleon fashioned a puppet state called the
treaty’s ratification. The nearly simultaneous occur- Duchy of Warsaw in 1807, thus returning a bit of
rence of Jackson’s victory and the news of the peace the city’s former importance. Although the duchy
convinced many Americans that they had won the fell with its founder, Warsaw remained a capital
war. Britain, on the other hand, was ready to pursue after 1815 when the Congress of Vienna sponsored
diplomatic efforts to conciliate Americans and reha- the creation of the ‘‘Kingdom of Poland’’ as a
bilitate relations with them. In the coming years, semiautonomous state linked to the Russian
important agreements both fixed and demilitarized Empire by a common hereditary ruler. The tsars
the U.S.-Canada border, and other disputes were steadily eroded the self-rule of the kingdom, but
frequently submitted to arbitration. Anglo-Ameri- Warsaw retained its role as an administrative center.
can relations would occasionally be strained, but Above all, though, it was the focal point of the
they would never again break, marking an evolving Polish national movement: Warsaw was the primary
partnership that was to have a continuing and pro- site for political agitation and public demonstra-
found impact on Europe and the rest of the world. tions, and it was the launching point for major
uprisings in 1830 and 1863. Because of Warsaw’s
See also French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic symbolic importance, national independence is
Wars; Great Britain; Imperialism. traditionally dated from the moment the city came
under Polish authority on 11 November 1918.
After Warsaw was linked to the major regional
Coles, Harry L. The War of 1812. Chicago, 1965.
capitals by rail lines (Vienna from 1848, St. Petersburg
Heidler, David S., and Jeanne T. Heidler, eds. Encyclopedia from 1862), it developed rapidly into a major
of the War of 1812. Annapolis, Md., 2004. industrial and commercial center. Already in 1880
———. The War of 1812. Westport, Conn., 2002. Warsaw had nearly 400,000 people, and by 1910 it
Hickey, Donald R. The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict. had 750,000, making it the third-largest city in the
Urbana, Ill., 1989. Russian Empire and one of the fastest-growing
Horsman, Reginald. The War of 1812. New York, 1969. cities in Europe. It continued to expand after the
restoration of Polish independence, exceeding one
Mahon, John K. The War of 1812. Gainesville, Fla., 1972.
million people by 1925. Warsaw’s urban infrastruc-
DAVID S. HEIDLER, JEANNE T. HEIDLER ture and architecture grew apace with this popula-
tion growth: a modern sewage system was installed
in 1872, gas lines were laid in 1856, the first tram
line (horse-drawn) began service in 1866, a tele-
phone system was in place from 1881, and electric
WARSAW. Warsaw first rose to prominence in power was available from 1903.
the sixteenth century, when Poland and Lithuania
joined to form a united republic. Because the city Most of Warsaw’s inhabitants in the nineteenth
is located conveniently between the two capitals century were Polish-speaking Roman Catholics,
of Cracow (Kraków) and Vilnius, and along the but Jews made up more than one-third of the
Vistula River leading to the major port city of Gdańsk, population. Assimilation was limited, but certainly
it was used for meetings of the Sejm (parliament) more common in Warsaw than in the countryside
from 1569, and as a royal residence from 1596. (the city’s main synagogue featured sermons in
During the next two centuries Warsaw was repeat- Polish from the 1850s onward). An influx of rural
edly damaged by warfare and political turmoil, and Jews at the end of the century increased the domi-
the city’s economy was severely crippled. When nance of the Yiddish-speaking population. There
Poland was conquered and partitioned in 1795, were also about forty thousand Russian soldiers

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2441

stationed in and around Warsaw at the start of form the Seventh Coalition, Great Britain, Prussia,
the twentieth century. Russia, and Austria planned to have armies totaling
almost 1 million men invade France by July. After
Even during the era of the partitions, Warsaw
Napoleon failed to convince the allies of his peace-
continued to be a focal point for Polish cultural,
ful intentions, he devised a strategy of knocking
intellectual, and artistic life. The city’s vibrant
one or more of the belligerents out of the war
theatrical scene featured the National Theater
before they could combine their forces and over-
Company, which was founded in 1765 and
whelm him.
housed from 1833 in a magnificent opera house
known as the Wielki Teatr (Great Theater). Napoleon’s return did not catch the allies
Warsaw’s first major public art museum was cre- wholly unprepared. Allied observation corps in
ated in 1862 and renamed the National Museum Belgium steadily received reinforcements during
in 1916. The University of Warsaw was founded the spring of 1815 to create an Anglo-Dutch army
in 1816, but it had a troubled history: between of 90,000 men under the command of Arthur
1831 and 1862 it was closed because the tsarist Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, and the Royal
authorities feared student unrest, and between Prussian Army of the Lower Rhine: 120,000 Prus-
1869 and 1915 Russian was the exclusive lan- sians under Field Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von
guage of instruction. Nonetheless, the university Blücher. Napoleon decided to strike these allied
produced many of the greatest intellectual and forces with his own 125,000-man Army of the
cultural figures of the era, including most of the North. After smashing through the Prussian forward
so-callled Warsaw positivists (a late-nineteenth- posts on 14 and 15 June, the emperor inflicted a
century political and literary movement defined bruising defeat on Blücher at Ligny on the 16th
by a liberal worldview and a naturalistic style). with the right wing of the French army. On the
Though unable to serve as a center of political same day, the left wing, under the command of
authority in the nineteenth century, Warsaw Marshal Michel Ney, encountered Wellington’s
remained the symbolic capital of the country for army at Quatre Bras. The resulting stalemate
many cultural and intellectual purposes. allowed Wellington to withdraw to Waterloo. The
confusion of the French I Corps, which marched
See also Austria-Hungary; Cities and Towns; Lithuania;
Nationalism; Poland; Prague; Russia. back and forth between Ligny and Quatre Bras
without participating in either battle, also allowed
the Prussian army to retreat unhindered north to
Wavre, fifteen miles east of Waterloo. A series of
Corrsin, Stephen D. Warsaw before the First World War: blunders on the rainy day of 17 June placed the
Poles and Jews in the Third City of the Russian Empire,
1880–1914. Boulder, Colo., 1989.
French at a decided disadvantage. Napoleon incor-
rectly assumed that the Prussians had retreated
Drozdowski, Marian M., and Andrzej Zahorski. Historia eastward along their line of communications, and
Warszawy. 4th ed. Warsaw, 1997.
assigned 33,000 men under the command of
Kieniewicz, Stefan. Warszawa w latach, 1795–1914. Marshal Emmanuel de Grouchy to drive Blücher
Warsaw, 1976.
out of Belgium. He did not release the pursuit
BRIAN PORTER until 11:00 A.M. Then Grouchy took the wrong
direction and failed to close the road between
Waterloo and Wavre.
n After receiving Blücher’s promise of support,
WATERLOO. After eleven months of exile on Wellington took up a defensive position south of
the Mediterranean island of Elba, Napoleon Waterloo with 68,000 men and awaited Napoleon
Bonaparte returned to France in March 1815 and his 72,000 men on 18 June. While mud
and restored his empire. Meeting in Vienna to prevented Napoleon from launching his attack until
discuss the postwar reorganization of Europe, 11:30 A.M., the Prussian IV Corps commenced its
the Allies who had vanquished Napoleon one year march to Waterloo at 4:30 A.M. followed by II and I
earlier wasted no time. Renewing their alliance to Corps—a total of 70,000 men. Blücher’s III Corps

2442 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

remained at Wavre as rear guard and was eventually in theaters as far apart as Portugal and Russia. His
attacked by Grouchy, but the combat had no reluctance to nurture his subordinates in the art of
influence on the monumental events at Waterloo. strategy and to create advanced military schools
for the training of officers inhibited the French
Napoleon opened the attack with a spirited army’s ability to produce commanders who could
assault by his II Corps on the entrenched farm of conduct independent operations. Just as Napoleon
Hougoumont on Wellington’s right wing. The exited the stage of history following the battle of
garrison held, and two hours later, at 1:30 P.M., Waterloo, so too ended the age when operations
the French I Corps tested Wellington’s left and and battle could be directed solely by the genius
eventually had to fall back. The British then coun- of one man.
tered with a cavalry charge that ground to a halt
See also French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic
before massed French artillery. Shortly thereafter Wars; Hundred Days; Napoleon; Wellington, Duke
Napoleon noticed troops moving on his extreme of (Arthur Wellesley).
right; by 2:00 P.M. reports confirmed the approach
of Blücher’s Prussians. While Napoleon shifted BIBLIOGRAPHY
his reserves to meet the new threat on his right,
Primary Sources
Ney squandered the French cavalry in massed,
Siborne, William. History of the War in France and Belgium
unsupported charges between 3:45 and 5:00 P.M.
in 1815. London, 1844.
that failed to break the British infantry squares in
Wellington’s center. Just as the survivors of Ney’s
Secondary Sources
charges limped back to the French line, Blücher’s
Bowden, Scott. Armies at Waterloo. Arlington, Tex., 1983.
IV Corps attacked the French right. As more
Prussian units arrived, Blücher extended his front Chandler, David. Waterloo: The Hundred Days. London,
to threaten Napoleon’s line of retreat. While Napo-
leon oversaw the struggle against the Prussians MICHAEL V. LEGGIERE
around the village of Plancenoit, Ney managed to
capture the fortified farm of La Haie Sainte around
6:00 P.M. With Wellington’s center almost bled n
dry, Ney called for reinforcements, but all available WEBB, BEATRICE POTTER (1858–
units had to be committed against the Prussians. 1943), British socialist.
Napoleon eventually managed to shift his Imperial
Best known as a leader of the British Fabian
Guard from Plancenoit to his center, but the
Society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
opportunity to destroy Wellington had passed. At
centuries, Beatrice Potter Webb was also an early
7:30 P.M., Napoleon ordered eight battalions of the
empirical sociologist, the author of important
guard to spearhead one final assault against Well-
works of social and political history, and a brilliant
ington’s center. Wellington brought up his
diarist and autobiographer. The daughter of
last reserves, which repulsed the attacking guard.
Richard Potter (1817–1892), a railway magnate
Seeing the elite guardsmen routed and realizing
and lumber merchant, and Lawrencina Heyworth
that Grouchy would not arrive in time, the French
Potter (1821–1882), a bluestocking and would-be
army began fleeing the battlefield around 8:30 P.M.
novelist, she was raised with her eight sisters by
Only two battalions of the Old Guard maintained
nannies and governesses on a Gloucestershire
order to cover Napoleon’s exit from the battlefield.
estate and in a London flat during the Season.
French losses amounted to 33,000 men and
Her grandfathers, businessmen who made their
220 guns, while the Allied armies sustained
fortunes in cotton and trade in the north of England,
22,000 casualties.
were Radicals and Nonconformists. In rebellion
The battle of Waterloo represents the climax of against the privileged and yet constraining social
Napoleon’s way of war. During the latter years ethos of her immediate family, she invoked the
of his reign, he had experienced the consequences political and religious dissent of her Lancashire
of failing to develop an adequate general staff ancestry as her true heritage. As a young woman
system to direct the operations of multiple armies she chafed at the idea that an advantageous marriage

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2443

that left vast numbers of citizens in poverty and was

drawn to a collectivist approach to economic and
social organization. As a religious spirit, she moved
away from Christian orthodoxies and gravitated to
Why this demand for State intervention from a
the ‘‘religion of humanity’’ of Auguste Comte
generation reared amidst rapidly rising riches and
(1798–1857) and the beliefs of English positivists
disciplined in the school of philosophic radicalism
and orthodox political economy?. . . The origin of
like Frederic Harrison (1831–1923). As a woman,
the ferment is to be discovered in a new conscious- she railed against the marriage market of the London
ness of sin among men of intellect and men of Season, rejected the idea of a husband who would
property; a consciousness at first philanthropic completely eclipse her and her own aspirations, and
and practical . . .; then literary and artistic . . .; and sought a vocation outside of wedlock. During the
finally, analytic, historical and explanatory. . . . The 1880s, Webb considered the possibility of marriage
consciousness of sin was a collective or class to Joseph Chamberlain (1836–1914), then a leader
consciousness; a growing uneasiness, amounting in the Radical Party. Webb resisted Chamberlain’s
to conviction, that the industrial organization, which
political ideas, then more radical than her own, and
had yielded rent, interest and profits on a stupen-
dous scale, had failed to provide a decent livelihood
his imperious personality, even as she felt deeply
and tolerable living conditions for a majority of the drawn to him. In the end, she wrote in her diary,
inhabitants of Great Britain. marriage to someone like him might be disastrous: ‘‘I
shall be absorbed into the life of a man whose aims
Beatrice Webb, My Apprenticeship (pp. 178–180). are not my aims; who will refuse me all freedom of
thought in my intercourse with him; to whose career
I shall have to subordinate all my life, mental and
physical’’ (Diary, vol. 1, p. 111).
was the only imaginable vocation for a woman
Webb was saved from the depressing aftermath
of her class and sought refuge in the intellectual
of her failed relationship with Chamberlain and her
tutelage of her mother’s friend Herbert Spencer
stultifying life as dutiful, unmarried daughter by an
(1820–1903), the Potter family’s ‘‘philosopher on
invitation from her cousin Charles Booth (1840–
the hearth.’’ She surprised both Spencer and her
1916) to assist him in his mammoth survey of
family when she married the socialist Sidney James
poverty in London. Booth, himself influenced by
Webb (1859–1947), the son of a milliner and hair-
positivism and moved by current debates about the
dresser, in 1892. Together, along with colleagues
extent of poverty in England, left his work as a
George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950), Sydney Olivier
Liverpool shipowner and devoted himself to a proj-
(1859–1943), Graham Wallas (1858–1932),
ect that lasted over fourteen years. If Comte and
Edward Reynolds Pease (1857–1955), and William
Spencer led Webb to an interest in the study of
Clarke (1852-1901), they led the Fabian Society
society, Booth gave her the opportunity to practice—
in its early years.
and partly to invent—the craft of social investiga-
Webb’s autobiography, My Apprenticeship (1926), tion. Her contributions to Booth’s Life and Labour
tells a story that is in many ways paradigmatic of the of the People in London (1889–1903) consisted of
spiritual struggles, political transformations, and per- empirical studies of three metropolitan groups:
sonal conflicts of many members of her generation. dock laborers, sweatshop workers, and Jewish
She describes the first half of her life as a search for immigrants. At times using disguise and the tech-
‘‘creed’’ and ‘‘craft’’ carried out within the context of nique of what would come to be known as partici-
what she called the ‘‘mid-Victorian Time-Spirit,’’ an patory observation, Webb was able to produce
ethos in which, as she put it, ‘‘the impulse of self- both vivid accounts of East End life and analyses
subordinating service was transferred, consciously of the structure of labor.
and overtly, from God to man’’ (My Apprenticeship, Now embarked on a craft, Webb began to
pp. 142–143). As a protégée of Spencer, the indivi- move toward the creed of socialism. She was drawn
dualist philosopher, and daughter of laissez-faire capi- to Fabianism because of her experiences with
talists, she questioned the principles of self-interest research, interest in the cooperative movement,

2444 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Economics and launched The New Statesman.

In 1905, Webb was appointed by Arthur James
Balfour (1848–1930) to the Royal Commission
on the Poor Law that investigated the state and
efficacy of relief in Britain. Ultimately she and
Sidney crafted and then campaigned for a minority
report. The report dissented from the majority view
that destitution could be alleviated through reform
rather than, as the Webbs believed, wholly abo-
lished. Sidney Webb joined the Labour govern-
ments of 1924 and 1929, while Beatrice engaged
in campaigning and Labour Party politics and
embarked on the writing of her autobiography.
After the defeat of the second Labour government
the Webbs turned their investigative attentions to
the Soviet Union, which seemed to them to repre-
sent a ‘‘new civilization’’ that could enact the
social, economic, and political principles for which
they had long worked. Of all the aspects of the
Webbs’ long careers, this idealization of Soviet
communism was the most controversial and the
most criticized.
Beatrice Webb. Undated photograph taken by George
Bernard Shaw. NATIONAL TRUST, SHAW CORNER, HERTFORDSHIRE, UK/ The Webbs have often been caricatured as
Gradgrinds and ultra-rationalists. H. G. Wells
(1866–1946), their colleague in the Fabian
Society, satirized them in The New Machiavelli
(1911). Virginia Woolf (1882–1941) wrote with
and growing belief in the need for state regulation bemusement of the Webbs’ visits to her home to
of labor, as well as by reading Fabian Essays, edited discuss politics with her husband, Leonard, also a
by Shaw and published in 1889. Although the Fabian, and famously recorded in her diary that
origins of the Fabian Society were utopian and Beatrice declared marriage to be ‘‘necessary as a
quasi religious, its leading members had, by this waste pipe for emotion’’ (Woolf, p. 196). Since
time, become gradualists committed to a scientific the mid-1990s or so the Fabians—and the Webbs
understanding of the historical evolution of society in particular—have warranted a second look from
and to the propagation of state socialism, begin- theorists in search of non-communist strains of
ning with municipal collectivism. Sidney Webb’s socialism. Reevaluations of Webb have regarded
own contribution to the Essays, on the ‘‘historic her as a figure in her own right and have often
basis’’ of socialism, relied on theorists like Spencer focused on the literary dimensions of her work,
and Comte, as well as John Stuart Mill (1806– her contribution to sociology, and her exemplary
1873). When Beatrice married Sidney Webb, she
struggles with the constraints of Victorian femi-
embraced a political and intellectual way of life that
combined belief, work, and what she called a
‘‘loving partnership.’’
See also Fabians; Shaw, George Bernard; Socialism;
Spencer, Herbert.
As co-authors, husband and wife produced
many tomes of political and economic history,
among them The History of Trade Unionism BIBLIOGRAPHY

(1894), Industrial Democracy (1897), and the Primary Sources

nine-volume English Local Government (1903– Webb, Beatrice. Our Partnership. Edited by Barbara Drake
1929). They also founded the London School of and Margaret I. Cole. London, 1948.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2445

———. My Apprenticeship. Cambridge, U.K., 1979. field as a member of the Verein für Sozialpolitik
———. The Diary of Beatrice Webb. Edited by Norman (Association for Social Policy). His academic career
and Jeanne MacKenzie. 4 vols. Cambridge, Mass., continued to be spectacularly successful until the
1982–1985. end of the 1890s, when he had a nervous break-
Webb, Sidney, and Beatrice Webb. The Letters of Sidney and down that stopped him from further academic work.
Beatrice Webb. Edited by Norman MacKenzie. 3 vols.
Cambridge, U.K., 1978. Though he never fully recovered, Weber soon
began to write again and lived most of his remain-
Woolf, Virginia. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Edited by
Anne Olivier Bell. Vol. 1. London, 1977.
ing years as a private scholar. In 1904–1905 he
published The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Secondary Sources Capitalism, which made him famous inside as well
Adam, Ruth, and Kitty Muggeridge. Beatrice Webb: A Life, as outside of Germany. A few years later he started
1858–1943. London, 1967. to work on what was to become another landmark
Caine, Barbara. ‘‘Beatrice Webb and the ‘Woman Ques-
study, Economy and Society (1910–1914). He also
tion.’’’ History Workshop Journal 14 (Autumn 1982): completed several volumes in a project called The
23–43. Economic Ethics of the World Religions (1920–1921).
Hynes, Samuel. ‘‘The Art of Beatrice Webb.’’ In Edwardian Weber was a friend of major intellectuals of his
Occasions, 153–173. New York, 1972.
time such as Georg Simmel (1858–1918), Ernst
Lewis, Jane. Women and Social Action in Victorian and Troeltsch (1865–1923), and Georg Jellinek (1851–
Edwardian England. Stanford, Calif., 1991. 1911). In 1893 he married a distant relative,
Nord, Deborah Epstein. The Apprenticeship of Beatrice Marianne Schnitger (1870–1954), who became
Webb. London, 1985. active in the women’s movement and a scholar in
DEBORAH EPSTEIN NORD her own right. After her husband’s death, Marianne
Weber organized his work for publication and in
other ways nurtured his reputation.

n Weber was intensely interested in politics and

WEBER, MAX (1864–1920), German social repeatedly tried to get a foothold in professional
scientist. politics. This failed, and he was probably also
temperamentally unsuited for routine political
While posterity views Max Weber primarily as a activity, which he famously described in ‘‘Politics
sociologist, his contemporaries knew him as an as a Vocation’’ (1921) as the slow drilling through
economist. He also made seminal contributions to hard boards. Weber was, in contrast, quite influen-
economic history, political science, the history of tial through his many newspaper articles on poli-
law, and the philosophy of social science. Weber, in tical topics, especially during World War I. He also
brief, is one of the giants of social science and his helped to write the constitution of the Weimar
knowledge was truly encyclopedic. Republic.
Weber was born into a wealthy and well-
Weber wrote in several different social science
connected upper-middle-class family in Erfurt. His
disciplines. Besides his two dissertations in the
father was a magistrate and later a member of the
history of law, he also wrote voluminously on the
Reichstag, and his mother a deeply religious person
legal aspects of the stock exchange. In economic
of Huguenot ancestry. As a child Weber already
history, there is his famous economic and social
showed a strong interest in reading and taking
history of antiquity, as well as his early study of
notes, especially in historical topics. As a student he
rural workers in imperial Germany. A volume on
focused on law, especially the history of law, but he
general economic history also exists, reconstructed
also studied history, philosophy, and economics.
from students’ notes. Weber’s most important arti-
Though he wrote his dissertation as well as his cles in the philosophy of social science have been
Habilitation thesis in the field of law, Weber was collected in a separate volume, and so have his
soon offered a professorship in economics; the writings on politics. Finally, there are Weber’s
reason for this was his impressive writings in this works in sociology: The Protestant Ethic and the

2446 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Spirit of Capitalism, Economy and Society, and The The Protestant Ethic was part of a larger
Economic Ethics of the World Religions. research project that Weber spent much of World
War I working on. This project, which Weber
The Protestant Ethic is without doubt Weber’s called ‘‘The Economic Ethics of the World Reli-
most famous as well as his most controversial work. gions,’’ had two major goals. First, Weber wanted
Its main thesis is that a certain type of Protestant- to explore the role of religions other than Protes-
ism (‘‘ascetic Protestantism’’) helped to create the tantism in promoting or blocking the birth of
spirit of modern, rational capitalism. In doing so, it modern rational capitalism. And second, Weber
also helped to put an end to traditional capitalism wanted to explore what role rational forms of beha-
and usher in a new period in the history of the West vior and culture played in making the West into
that Weber describes as an ‘‘iron cage.’’ What had the leader of the modern world.
started out as an attempt by Martin Luther (1483–
1546), John Calvin (1509–1564), and other Prot- Weber never completed this project, but the
estant reformers to improve the relationship of the work that he did produce gives a clear indication
believer to God, had paradoxically ended up as a of his findings. As to the first question, he estab-
more efficient way to make money. lished that most of the major religions in the world
have in one way or another blocked the emergence
Exactly how this whole development came of modern, rational capitalism. Hinduism, as
about constitutes the most controversial part of Weber explains in The Religion of India (1958),
the so-called Weber thesis. According to what legitimated the caste system. Buddhism, in con-
may be termed Weber’s hypothetical reconstruc- trast, set a high priority on withdrawing from the
tion, the typical Calvinist tried to counter religious concerns of life in this world, something that led
anxiety by looking for signs that he or she was to a disinterest in material wealth. Taoism helped
doing well in the eyes of an inscrutable God. One to prevent rational capitalism from emerging in
of these signs was material wealth, which made Southeast Asia by exalting magic, according to
the Calvinists invest their business activities with The Religion of China (1951); Confucianism had
religious energy and methodical intent. Soon the a similar affect through its ethical justification of
economic mentality of the Calvinists and other traditionalism.
ascetic Protestants became the norm in economic
The rise of the West, according to Weber, is
life—and Western capitalism had acquired a new
intimately connected to the central role that ration-
mentality. This mentality eventually translated into a
alism came to play in a number of areas of social
set of new capitalist institutions, such as the modern
life. Besides the economy, there is also art, archi-
factory, the joint-stock corporation, and so on.
tecture, music, and the state. In all of these areas,
The Weber thesis had hardly been published and more can be added, the West developed a
before it was attacked. Much of the criticism in certain mentality that made it possible for Europe
Weber’s time and into the twenty-first century, to take the lead in the world and impose its leader-
however, is based on a misreading of his argument. ship on other civilizations.
It is often claimed, for example, that Weber regarded
While some see The Protestant Ethic and the
‘‘Protestantism’’ as ‘‘the cause’’ of ‘‘capitalism,’’
volumes that make up The Economic Ethics of
while what he argues is that ascetic Protestantism
the World Religions as Weber’s most important
was one of the causes of a new capitalist mentality.
achievement, others point to Economy and Society.
Nonetheless, Weber’s work contains little empirical
Again, this was a work that he never completed.
support of his thesis, perhaps because he primarily
When he died he had finished the first four chap-
tried to show how modern rational capitalism could
ters and various drafts for the rest of the work,
have emerged, drawing on the type of cultural
leaving it to posterity to figure out what he had
analysis in which Weber at this point of his life
intended to include.
was deeply interested. One way of summing up a
century of debate about The Protestant Ethic is to While controversy still rages over whether the
say that while most social scientists reject Weber’s content of the existing editions adequately captures
argument, it still has a number of defenders. Weber’s intentions, the scholarly quality of his

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2447

work has never been questioned. In chapter 1 of ———. The Religion of China. Translated and edited by
Economy and Society, Weber presents a very ambi- Hans H. Gerth. New York, 1951.
tious program for what he terms an interpretive ———. The Religion of India. Translated and edited by
sociology: that is, a sociology that is concerned with Hans H. Gerth and Don Martindale. New York, 1958.
social action and the meaning with which actors ———. Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive
invest their behavior. Chapter 1 also contains a Sociology. Edited by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich.
famous typology of sociological concepts. Translated by Ephraim Fischoff. New York, 1978.
———. General Economic History. New Brunswick, N.J.,
In addition, Economy and Society contains 1981.
important chapters on economic sociology, sociol-
———. Gesamtausgabe. Frankfurt, 1984.
ogy of law, and sociology of religion. Other chap-
ters contain Weber’s famous theory of bureaucracy, ———. Weber: Political Writings. Edited by Peter Lassman
the concept of status, and the typology of domina- and Ronald Speirs. Cambridge, U.K., 1994.
tion (rational, traditional, and charismatic). To this
Secondary Sources
may be added a wealth of historical material as well
Bendix, Reinhard. Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait.
as a superb account (in the current English edition)
Garden City, N.Y., 1960. An important introduction
of the political situation in imperial Germany. to Weber’s work, minus his methodology.
While Economy and Society contains a highly Käsler, Dirk. Max Weber: An Introduction to His Life
sophisticated analysis of various social mechanisms and Work. Chicago, 1988. This is the best overall
introduction to Weber’s work and life.
that operate throughout society, it also gives voice
to Weber’s view of the modern world. According Marshall, Gordon. In Search of the Spirit of Capitalism: An
to Weber, the modern world is becoming increas- Essay on Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic Thesis. London,
1982. An excellent introduction to the debate
ingly rationalized, a process that is taking place in
surrounding The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
all of society’s different spheres. Religion and the Capitalism.
economy, for example, are becoming more method-
Mommsen, Wolfgang. Max Weber and German Politics
ical and rational. In several spheres, bureaucracy— 1890–1920. Translated by Michael S. Steinberg.
defined by Weber as efficient and dutiful adminis- Chicago, 1984. The major study of Weber’s political
tration—is also becoming ever more present. ideas.

There exist good reasons to regard Weber as Sica, Alan. Max Weber: A Comprehensive Bibliography.
New Brunswick, N.J., 2004. A major bibliography of
one of the most important social scientists of the secondary material on Weber as well as existing
all times, and of the same stature as scholars like translations of his work.
Montesquieu (1689–1755), Alexis de Tocqueville
Swedberg, Richard. The Max Weber Dictionary. Stanford,
(1805–1859), and Karl Marx (1818–1883). While Calif., 2005. A helpful guide to key words and central
an enormous secondary literature has been devoted concepts in Weber’s work.
to Weber’s writings, many parts of his work are still
Weber, Marianne. Max Weber: A Biography. Edited and
relatively unexplored or little understood. His con- translated by Harry Zohn. New York, 1975. The only
sistent focus on the most central and difficult prob- existing biography of Weber’s life, written by his wife.
lems in social science—such as causality, culture,
and social structure—makes his work ever modern.

See also Capitalism; Protestantism; Sociology.


WEININGER, OTTO (1880–1903), Aus-
trian writer.
Primary Sources
Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capital- Otto Weininger is a notorious figure in modern
ism. Translated by Talcott Parsons. London, 1930. European history, largely because of his one book,
———. Max Weber on the Methodology of the Social Sciences. Geschlecht und Charakter: Eine prinzipielle Untersu-
Translated and edited by Edward A. Shils and Henry chung (1903; Sex and character: An investigation of
A. Finch. New York, 1949. principles), a voluminous treatise that ‘‘proved’’ that

2448 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

women and Jews did not possess rational and moral difference thus became a somewhat heterogeneous
selves and, therefore, neither deserved nor needed text that was still organized around the notion of
equality with Aryan men or even simple liberty. sexual difference but now included long and dense
Writers and thinkers as different as Franz Kafka discussions of woman’s place in the universe, the
(1883–1924), Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951), masculine character of genius, the nature of the
Karl Kraus (1874–1936), James Joyce (1882– Jew, and the contamination of modern reason,
1941), Robert von Musil (1880–1942), Elias thought, and art by effeminacy. This was not as
Canetti (1905–1994), Günter Grass (b. 1927), and eccentric as it might seem: the meanings of femi-
Germaine Greer (b. 1939) were struck, although not ninity (and indeed, of gender itself) were at the
necessarily persuaded, by Weininger’s racist and very heart of turn-of-the-twentieth-century debates
misogynist vision of the world. about the nature and future of civilization—to deal
with the former was to deal with the latter and
Otto Weininger was born on 3 April 1880 to a vice versa. Woman, Weininger concluded, was
Jewish family of Vienna, the second child and oldest amoral, soulless and utterly and pervasively sex-
son of Adelheid Frey (1857–1912) and Leopold ual; the Jew was largely similar. Man, on the other
Weininger (1854–1922). After graduating from hand, was microcosmic and protean—genius, mor-
high school in 1898, he enrolled in the philosophi- ality, and creativity were always exclusively and
cal faculty of the University of Vienna, where he necessarily male. Many of these arguments were
attended lectures on logic, experimental psycho- linked with (or framed in response to) contempor-
logy, pedagogy, the history of philosophy, and a ary scientific and medical theories of sexuality and
wide range of scientific and medical topics. His psychology, and documented in an enormous cri-
friends remembered him as a somber and serious tical apparatus.
youth who scorned the alcoholic and lubricious
pursuits of average university students and spent The book attracted little notice after publi-
his free hours discussing ‘‘the most difficult philo- cation but then its author, returning deeply
sophical subjects.’’ depressed from a holiday, killed himself in the
house where Beethoven had died. This dramatic
In 1900 Weininger’s friend Hermann Swoboda suicide boosted sales of Geschlecht und Charak-
embarked on psychoanalysis with Sigmund Freud ter, and some of Weininger’s drafts and aphorisms
(1856–1939), who told him that all human beings were hastily collected by his friends and published
were partly male and partly female, or ‘‘bisexual.’’ as Über die letzten Dinge (On last things). Reviews
Swoboda reported Freud’s observation to Weininger, of Geschlecht und Charakter appeared in profusion,
who, galvanized by this idea, immediately decided Weininger’s life was pored over by psychiatrists,
to write a monograph on sexuality entitled Eros and his work was championed by Vienna’s most
und Psyche: Eine biologisch-psychologische Studie pugnacious cultural critic, Karl Kraus. Although
(Eros and Psyche: A biopsychological study). not a straightforward misogynist, Kraus strongly
He eventually developed this tract, which argued endorsed Weininger’s views about the pervasive
that human beings were androgynous in their sexuality of Woman and shared his anxieties about
bodies as well as minds, into a Ph.D. dissertation the degeneracy of Western civilization. After World
under the supervision of the noted philosopher War II, however, scholars have tended to approach
Friedrich Jodl. It was completed in 1902 and Geschlecht und Charakter as an encyclopedic reposi-
published the next year by the renowned firm of tory of fin-de-siècle racist and misogynist thought.
Wilhelm Braumüller as Geschlecht und Charakter: While some continue to focus on Weininger’s
Eine prinzipielle Untersuchung. own prejudices in relative isolation, most now use
Geschlecht und Charakter to explore the racial
Long before the completion of the disserta-
tion, however, Weininger had become increasingly and sexual anxieties that pervaded the world in
preoccupied with Kantian philosophy, ‘‘Jewishness,’’ which the book was written and which it sought
‘‘the woman question,’’ and the shortcomings of to influence.
modern experimental psychology. A project that See also Anti-Semitism; Feminism; Freud, Sigmund;
had begun by arguing the ambiguity of sexual Vienna.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2449

women too old or sick to work, and morally upstand-
Primary Sources ing people who faced a sudden disaster. The able-
Weininger, Otto. Sex and Character: An Investigation of bodied poor, customarily adult men, who would
Fundamental Principles, translated by Ladislaus Löb, not work were labeled ‘‘undeserving’’ of poor relief.
edited by Daniel Steuer and Laura Marcus, Blooming-
ton, Ind., 2005. New and complete translation of In Britain, as well as on the Continent, poor
Geschlect und Charakter (1903), superseding the relief was locally based. Municipalities in England,
incomplete English version of 1906. France, and the German states required recipients
to have lived in the community for a number of
Secondary Sources years to become eligible. Married women belonged
Harrowitz, Nancy A., and Barbara Hyams, eds. Jews and
to the domicile of their husbands, which denied
Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger. Philadelphia,
1995. Collection of informative articles on Weininger, them a right to poor relief as individuals. In the
his work, and his milieu. 1820s settlement and domicile requirements began
to break down in Europe, as people increasingly
Janik, Allan. Essays on Wittgenstein and Weininger. Amster-
dam, 1985. Pioneering essays on the importance of moved around to get better jobs in response to
contextualizing Weininger. labor demand. Legal settlement in new parishes
Sengoopta, Chandak. Otto Weininger: Sex, Science, and Self was harder to acquire, and many poor barely sub-
in Imperial Vienna. Chicago, 2000. Emphasizes sisted on the margins of their new residences.
the importance of biological and medical themes in
New ideologies and conditions gave rise to the
Weininger’s work.
New Poor Laws of 1834 in Britain. This reform
CHANDAK SENGOOPTA sought to restore the middle-class work ethic and
moral values by tightening the criteria for aid and
fostering self-support. It held poor families, speci-
n fically the men, responsible for their own survival.
WELFARE. The European public welfare state The New Poor Law developed prison-like work-
began in the late nineteenth century, supplement- houses as a punishment for those, especially men,
ing and sometimes supplanting private charity. who committed the ‘‘crime’’ of being a pauper.
Private charity, usually religious, had long dis- Indigent mothers of ex-nuptial children could also
pensed alms, but increasingly public, generally be taken into the workhouse and separated from
secular state-welfare programs developed, especially their children as a disciplinary measure. Poor Law
beginning in the 1870s. Although some scholars guardians incarcerated nonproviding fathers or
had argued that the welfare state began in Germany indigent mothers in separate workhouse wards
during the time of Otto von Bismarck (chancellor, from each other and from their children. There
1871–1890), when modern historians use the lens was no clear separation between charity and public
of gender, they understand that welfare began in poor relief, with close cooperation between local
many countries of western Europe at approximately Poor Law authorities and charitable organizations.
the same time, but took different forms. Across Europe, religious charities and secular
welfare attempted to buttress the family as the
WELFARE AND THE ‘‘DESERVING POOR ,’’ bulwark of the social order. On the Continent
1815–1870 almost every major European city enlarged the
Moral and religious convictions about poverty parameters of welfare to include policies for mater-
shaped charity and welfare policies. Religious nal assistance to prevent infant mortality. Moscow,
charities believed that the poor would always form St. Petersburg, and Hamburg, as well as most of
the bottom of the social and economic hierarchy, the major cities of the Habsburg Empire, France,
but sought to help those whom they thought Italy, Spain, and Portugal inaugurated free mater-
deserved aid. Definitions of the ‘‘deserving poor’’ nity hospitals where poor pregnant women could
differed little by region or religion. They were the deliver their babies in secret. These same cities and
honest poor whose misfortunes were unpreventable, countries often established foundling homes to
or those who could not care for themselves: aban- permit abandonment as an alternative to abortion
doned or orphaned children, the insane, men and and infanticide, and to save the honor of the

2450 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

woman and her family. In predominantly Catholic programs designed to keep mothers and babies
countries such as France, Portugal, and Spain, and together started throughout Europe in the early
in cities such as Brussels and those on the Italian 1870s and took similar forms in France, England,
peninsula, foundling hospitals became the most Germany, and Russia. Politicians and reformers
important form of public welfare until late in the in many western countries became increasingly
nineteenth century. willing to intervene directly in the family in order
to protect children. At the same time, they glori-
fied, dignified, and sought to protect motherhood.
Public welfare authorities in England, France, and
Between 1870 and 1914 traditional local poor
Germany perceived that underprivileged families
relief coexisted with modern centralized state
were in a state of crisis contributing to high infant
intervention, as welfare greatly expanded. State
mortality, and thought the problem could be par-
bureaucracies and legislators established new criteria
tially resolved by providing some subsidies to needy
for welfare, pertaining more to the needs of the
mothers who were breastfeeding their infants,
state and less to the older moral strictures. Many
establishing well-baby clinics and free milk dispen-
local private charities that developed earlier in the
century expanded and flourished. But they dimin- saries, teaching women how to be better mothers,
ished in importance on a national level vis-à-vis a and by providing school meals.
new interest in state insurance programs and the Child protection was inseparable from the
developing rationalized welfare state. For a welfare protection of motherhood, and it included legisla-
state to develop, local politicians had to accept the tion regulating children’s and women’s labor in
notion that poor relief was less a gift from the rich Britain, Germany, and France. Authorities in western
and more the right of the poor, which they did by Europe regarded women as mothers, and mother-
the end of the century. hood became a social function. Politicians conse-
Poverty became a social disease rather than a quently enacted aid programs to support maternity.
moral disorder under the powerful discourse of In Germany, this led to the protection of working
medical professionals, their allies in government, mothers through maternity insurance and preg-
and the positivist philosophy of the era. Needs of nancy leave. Generally, German infant welfare
state in terms of the health of the population, organizations fell under private auspices, such as
educational reform, industrial and military expan- the League for Protection of Mothers. In Russia,
sion, urban unrest, and agricultural development day nurseries and boarding institutions for infants
came to outweigh the religious and moral impera- of widowed, deserted, or working mothers devel-
tives so powerful in earlier decades and affected oped as part of an effort to reduce infant mortality.
welfare programs accordingly. Furthermore, the Russian efforts were in keeping with their philo-
difficult conditions of industry and the growing sophy that the state could raise children better than
militancy of male laborers led to debates about poor, uneducated, working mothers. The major
the need for the state to protect workers. As a difference between child protection reforms in
result, after 1870 public welfare institutions Russia and in countries of western Europe revolved
increased. Welfare did not so much take over from around concepts of women’s roles as workers.
declining charity as it added additional layers of Western European authorities viewed women
assistance. In Germany, the country that reputedly primarily as mothers; Russians viewed women pri-
began the national welfare state in the 1870s marily as workers.
and developed an interventionist state in the
To defend children from abusive parents, the
1890s, there was little opposition between private
French, British, and German governments enacted
charity and public welfare. Rather, the two worked
almost identical legislation enabling state welfare
in tandem.
authorities to decide which parents were placing
The valorization of maternity during the later their children in moral danger and then deprive
nineteenth century translated into legislation, as those parents of authority over their children.
social reformers enacted family welfare reforms Police and welfare agents would subsequently
centered on mothers and children. Social welfare remove the children from their parental homes

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2451

and place the children with relatives, in foster care, was not a perceived depopulation but rather the
or in institutions. In these instances, as in many desire to moralize poor, unwed mothers. Although
other aspects of welfare, public authorities entered much of the British, German, and Russian legis-
the private spaces of the underprivileged. The lation for the protection of children and mothers
French Parliament enacted a law protecting these resembled French programs, the differences
‘‘morally abandoned’’ children in 1889, the same between France and the other countries are two-
year that the British Parliament enacted the law fold. One is a question of timing. France’s various
for the Prevention of Cruelty and Protection of programs for the protection of motherhood began
Children that allowed state authorities to remove in Paris and other cities in the 1870s, developed
children from their families when circumstances through the 1880s, and became nationally legis-
warranted it. Scottish Poor Law authorities, who lated in 1893, 1904, and 1913. Second, France was
had been separating children from abusive or dan- among the first to offer programs of aid to non-
gerous family situations for decades and boarding married mothers to prevent infant mortality on a
them out, continued this process in the interest of national scale in 1904. Except for Russia, Italy, and
protecting the children and imbuing them with Portugal, other nations’ laws restricted mothers’
sober work habits. Comparable German legislation pensions to widows or married mothers.
came about a decade later.
Welfare in the form of maternity leaves varied
The significance of motherhood is evident in
in their comprehensiveness and remuneration. The
legislation in Britain, Germany, and France that
Swiss were pioneers in this area; their 1877 law
treated childbirth as an illness entitled to medical
provided for eight weeks of leave, before and after
assistance. The French law of 1893 on free medical
delivery, and prohibited women from returning to
assistance assimilated childbirth with other illnesses
factory work until six weeks after childbirth. One
and allowed women in labor free admission to the
year later, in 1878, Germany enacted a three-week
public hospitals. Britain’s National Health Insur-
leave after childbirth, but neither the Swiss nor the
ance Act of 1911 allotted a pittance to women who
German leaves included benefits or pay. By 1883
had enrolled in the insurance program, either on
both Germany and Austria-Hungary had paid
their own or through their husbands. The 1883
maternity leaves of three weeks after delivery for
German law on health insurance entitled insured
women factory workers to minimal benefits for insured women, but the amount varied with each
three weeks of maternity leave after childbirth, insurance program. Sweden put family policies into
but coverage was optional and rarely paid. Even law in 1900 when it gave mothers a four-week
Russia had a workers’ insurance law in 1912 that maternity leave after the birth of a child. Mothers
provided for maternity benefits. received no money, just time off from work
to breast-feed. By 1900, Great Britain, Portugal,
In France, the creation of mothers’ pensions, Norway, Sweden, Holland, and Belgium provided
or aid to mothers (including the unwed) to encou- unpaid maternity leaves after delivery. France,
rage breast-feeding and prevent child abandonment along with Spain, Italy, Denmark, and Russia,
provided another building block to the welfare lagged behind these other countries in instituting
state. Despite the opposition of church authorities any kind of maternity leave, even without pay. In
who regarded payments to unwed mothers as a 1911 Sweden instituted a program to protect and
‘‘subsidy to debauchery,’’ mothers’ pensions began care for women and their babies through maternity
in France in the 1870s and 1880s with programs and convalescent homes as well as by giving women
of aid to single and married mothers. Portugal a subsidy to breastfeed their babies. In 1913 when
developed an equivalent system called a ‘‘subsidy France legislated paid maternity leaves before and
of lactation’’ to aid indigent parents and widows or after childbirth, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland,
widowers, as well as unwed mothers. Despite Sweden, and Austria-Hungary had paid leaves,
opposition from church authorities, regions of Italy and only Switzerland had a maternity leave before
almost immediately followed France with similar delivery. Maternity leaves and child welfare were
programs of subsidies to single mothers who just some examples of welfare at the turn of the
nursed their babies. In Italy, however, the motive century designed to keep families together.

2452 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The revolving table at the foundling home, Paris. Lithograph, 1862. The use of a revolving table to allow people to preserve
their anonymity while relinquishing infants to the care of foundling homes was mandated in France in 1811, when responsibility for the
care of such infants was transferred from the central government to the departments. The number of children brought to the
homes subsequently increased dramatically, leading to the abolition of the practice. BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE, PARIS, FRANCE/

Politicians in all countries sought to use welfare in the 1880s the German government provided a
to form a moral citizenry and create a stable work- welfare plan that included health insurance and
ing class. The German town of Elberfeld provides old-age pensions for many of them.
one example of how cities used poor relief to
The impetus for welfare reforms at the end of
further their agenda of social discipline of the
the century may have come as a result of the general
poor through inspections. The central goal of the
Elberfeld system was to find work for the poor with depression and fears of mass unemployment that
a fixed domicile. Many German cities followed the struck most of Europe from the mid-1880s to
Elberfeld model, but increased industrialization mid-1890s. During these years the poor became
and migration after German unification made the more visible, and thus more of a perceived threat
Elberfeld system unworkable; reformers replaced to an orderly society. The rise of industrial capital-
it with a new, centralized, national system. The ism transformed poverty from a social into a politi-
Bismarckian social insurance provisions of the cal problem, as welfare state capitalism developed in
1880s and family welfare schemes of the 1890s response to crises in classical capitalism. Politicians
aimed to integrate the working class into estab- redefined poverty to justify the state’s intervention
lished society. To win support from male workers, in support of the patriarchal ideal and the raison

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2453

d’état. Specifically, the decline in agriculture and the The family remained the linchpin of the social
migration of young to the cities in the late 1880s order, but public welfare permitted a greater variety
added to a large pool of urban labor (with many in acceptable family structures. With the change in
unemployed) and an elderly population remaining attitudes came increased programs to provide
in the rural areas. medical, old-age, and accident insurance to workers.
Public welfare began to try to address some of
the problems of workers and the elderly, beginning USING WELFARE, 1815–1914
with national insurance programs for sickness, dis- The poor became knowledgeable consumers in the
ability, and old age. In Germany, social reformers welfare market as they negotiated their way within
eventually recognized that deserving workers had a the available programs. Unlike the middle classes
right to experience old age without financial hard- who blamed the poor for their own plight, the
ships, and that it would be unjust to let them live poor themselves blamed the wider world over
out their lives under conditions worse than while which they had no control. Therefore they
they were still working. When old age came to be regarded poor relief as a ‘‘right’’ during a crisis:
recognized as a separate stage of life in the late an unexpected death (especially of the male
nineteenth century, old-age pensions became a breadwinner), illness or accident to the male
subject of legislation. In England and France the breadwinner, childbirth, old age, unemployment,
debate continued over the divisions in how much or having many young children at home. By the
families bore responsibility for the elderly and how end of the century, some reformers also asserted
much that responsibility devolved on welfare insti- that welfare was a right.
tutions. At the end of the century, public assistance
Welfare allowed men and women a form of
made pensions available to proportionally fewer of
‘‘disciplinary individualism’’ in which a person
the aged than it had before 1870, and the amount
voluntarily conformed to requirements and tried
was reduced. In the absence of sufficient welfare,
to use the laws and institutions to their own ends.
elder care devolved on families.
They used institutions as a safety net. In England,
State welfare was insufficient to deal with the Ireland, Belgium, and Holland families used the
problems of poverty and unemployment. In many workhouses as institutions of last resort. Entering
countries, charitable organizations and mutual aid one meant loss of respectability, and the elderly felt
societies existed alongside public poor relief. Stable this sense of shame quite keenly. Others, perhaps
breadwinner working men in almost all countries those less needy, decided not to request poor relief
established voluntary mutual aid societies designed to avoid the disgrace of pauperism. Outdoor relief
to protect their members, and women formed (assistance in the poor’s own homes and outside
cooperative guilds for self-help. Private charities of institutions) was preferable to the detested
remained important everywhere, although many workhouses, although it was an income subsidy
became more secular. insufficient to provide food, fuel, and shelter for
By the end of the nineteenth century neither its recipients. In England, between 60 and 80 percent
charities nor welfare had enough money or facilities of the recipients of poor relief, both in the work-
to meet the demand. Layers of institutions and house and outdoors, were adult women and chil-
of jurisdictions—municipal, local, regional, and dren, equally divided. More than half of the
national—provided private charity and public women were single parents. Changes in the British
welfare. They combined their recognition of eco- Poor Laws (1834 and 1871) making outdoor relief
nomic need, however, with a moral commitment to more restrictive led to adaptive family strategies. If
promote and reward working-class women’s neighbors and relatives possibly could feed another
domesticity and men’s steady work habits. Welfare mouth, they stood ready to help by taking in young
measures in the last decades of the century involved children so the child might avoid the parish work-
a change in cultural concepts. Reformers recast the houses.
relationship between the sexual and social order, In France, Italy, and Russia, in acts of despera-
between the family and the state, and between what tion, women abandoned hundreds of thousands
they thought of as the public and private spheres. of children at institutions each year. At the height

2454 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

don. When government policy permitted, families

used institutions to their own advantage, allowing
the state to raise the children until they could
reclaim them. When public authorities imposed
restrictions on child abandonment, the desperate
continued to abandon their babies. However, other
welfare resources for mothers, such as aid for
maternal breast-feeding or day-care centers,
often accompanied restrictions on infant abandon-
ment, especially in France. Few questioned the
entitlement of children to food and sustenance
through welfare when their mothers could not
provide. Dealing with the elderly was a different
Family support of the elderly was critical.
Widowhood amplified problems of economic
insecurity and possible destitution for women
more than men. The aged in Britain relied on
complex systems of support from their own wages
and pensions, and from their children and Poor
Law relief. At the turn of the twentieth century,
the establishment of widows’ pensions in England
Destitute Men Applying for Admittance to a London enabled fortunate men and women to benefit
Night Refuge. Engraving by Gustave Doré c. 1869–1871. from that insurance, and in 1908 all deserving
poor were eligible for old-age pensions. The
Dutch government established regulated and regi-
mented old-folks’ homes for widows and unmar-
of child abandonment around midcentury, ried elderly women. In Paris, poor widows were
approximately twenty-six thousand children per approximately half of those on the welfare roles of
year were abandoned in Moscow and St. Peters- public assistance. In Germany old age was not
burg. In Paris during the peak decade of the 1830s, used as a category to determine the distribution
around five thousand per year were abandoned, of poor relief, which was geared for the sick and
and more than forty-four thousand abandoned disabled.
children under twelve were alive in all of France Until after World War I, state insurance
in a given year of that decade. Spain and Portugal schemes were geared to help the individual, includ-
saw fifteen thousand per year abandoned; a fifth of ing the aged, whereas poor relief was understood as
all babies were abandoned in Warsaw; half of all a subsidiary measure that kicked in when all family
babies in Vienna and two-fifths in Prague; a third support had failed. Europe was not a monolithic
of all babies in Milan and Florence. entity and a multiplicity of regional and national
Mothers, especially the unwed, may have been patterns prevailed. In England, a strong desire
driven to abandon their babies because of their to imbue the poor with the donors’ concepts of
impoverishment and their working conditions that morality and respectability influenced welfare and
precluded work and care for their infant. The poor relief. Authorities in England and Germany
higher rates of illegitimacy and rural-to-urban channeled welfare through the male breadwinner.
migration also contributed to a greater proportion France, however, tried to reconcile women’s pro-
of abandoned ex-nuptial children. The baby’s gender ductive and reproductive roles, and welfare went
did not matter to single mothers, but married directly to the mothers, with guidelines and super-
women abandoned more girls than boys. Welfare vision from the state. In Russia, quite unlike Great
policies also affected mothers’ decisions to aban- Britain, poverty was not considered a sin, and

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2455

authorities did not noticeably distinguish between Fuchs, Rachel G. Abandoned Children: Foundlings and
the deserving and undeserving poor. Russia also Child Welfare in Nineteenth-Century France. Albany,
N.Y., 1984.
did not develop a national welfare system. By
1914, British paupers had a right to public assis- ______. Poor and Pregnant in Paris: Strategies for Survival
tance in the parish of their birth or settlement. in the Nineteenth Century. New Brunswick, N.J.,
In Germany, national insurance plans developed
for workers, all towns provided some poor relief, Gouda, Frances. Poverty and Political Culture: The Rhetoric
and rural areas were required to establish relief of Social Welfare in the Netherlands and France, 1815–
1854. Lanham, Md., 1995.
commissions for the poor. The French enacted
comparable legislation, and approximately three- Horn, Pamela. Children’s Work and Welfare, 1780–1890.
fourths of French men and woman had access Cambridge, U.K., 1995.
to assistance for hospital care or other forms of Humphreys, Robert. Sin, Organized Charity, and the Poor
temporary relief on the eve of World War I. A Law in Victorian England. New York, 1995.
welfare system is a product of an urban society. It Katz, Michael B., and Christoph Sachße, eds. The Mixed
developed more completely during the nineteenth Economy of Social Welfare: Public/Private Relations
century in more urban countries with an ideology in England, Germany, and the United States, the
that understood that a welfare system benefited the 1870s to the 1930s. Baden-Baden, 1996.
entire nation. Kertzer, David I. Sacrificed for Honor: Italian Infant
Abandonment and the Politics of Reproductive Control.
See also Bismarck, Otto von; Class and Social Relations; Boston, 1993.
Poor Law; Poverty; Trade and Economic Growth;
Working Class. Kidd, Alan J. State, Society, and the Poor in Nineteenth-
Century England. New York, 1999.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Lees, Lynn Hollen. The Solidarities of Strangers: The English
Poor Laws and the People, 1700–1948. Cambridge,
Accampo, Elinor, Rachel G. Fuchs, and Mary Lynn Stewart.
U.K., 1998.
Gender and the Politics of Social Reform in France,
1870–1914. Baltimore, Md., 1995. Lewis, Jane. The Voluntary Sector, the State, and Social
Work in Britain: The Charity Organisation Society/
Baldwin, Peter. The Politics of Social Solidarity: Class Bases of
Family Welfare Association since 1869. Aldershot,
the European Welfare State, 1875–1975. New York,
U.K., 1995.
Barry, Jonathan, and Colin Jones, eds. Medicine and Charity Lindemann, Mary. Patriots and Paupers: Hamburg,
before the Welfare State. London and New York, 1991. 1712–1830. New York, 1990.

Behlmer, George K. Friends of the Family: The English Lindenmeyr, Adele. Poverty Is Not a Vice: Charity, Society,
Home and Its Guardians, 1850–1940. Stanford, Calif., and the State in Imperial Russia. Princeton, N.J.,
1998. 1996.

Bock, Gisela, and Pat Thane, eds. Maternity and Mandler, Peter. ed. The Uses of Charity: The Poor on Relief
Gender Policies: Women and the Rise of the European in the Nineteenth-Century Metropolis. Philadelphia,
Welfare States, 1880s–1950s. London and New York, 1990.
1991. Prochaska, Frank. Women and Philanthropy in Nineteenth-
Boyer, George R. An Economic History of the English Poor Century England. Oxford, U.K., 1980.
Law, 1750–1850. Cambridge, U.K., 1990. Ransel, David L. Mothers of Misery: Child Abandonment in
Cunningham, Hugh, and Joanna Innes, eds. Charity, Russia. Princeton, N.J., 1988.
Philanthropy, and Reform from the 1690s to 1850.
Steinmetz, George. Regulating the Social: The Welfare State
New York, 1998.
and Local Politics in Imperial Germany. Princeton,
Daunton, Martin, ed. Charity, Self-Interest, and Welfare in N.J., 1993.
the English Past. London, 1996.
Thane, Pat. Foundations of the Welfare State. London, 1982.
Dickinson, Edward Ross. The Politics of German Child
Welfare from the Empire to the Federal Republic. Van Leeuwen, Marco H. D. The Logic of Charity,
Cambridge, Mass., 1996. Amsterdam, 1800–50. Houndmills Basingstoke,
U.K., 2000.
Finalyson, Geoffrey. Citizen, State, and Social Welfare in
Britain, 1830–1990. Oxford, U.K., 1994. RACHEL G. FUCHS

2456 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

n by 1814 had pushed the French out of Spain and

WELLINGTON, DUKE OF (ARTHUR back across the French border. A series of major
WELLESLEY) (1769–1852), British army gen- victories, for example at Talavera (1809), Salamanca
eral and politician. (1812), and Vitoria (1813), catapulted him to war-
The Duke of Wellington has been admired hero status and earned him the titles of duke and
far more for his command of the British army than field marshal. Wellington’s military success can be
for his contribution to parliamentary politics. He attributed to his stunning grasp of defensive tactics,
was Britain’s most revered and respected army his attention to supply lines, and his ability to act
general during the nineteenth century, but also a decisively under pressure. When the Napoleonic
very unpopular prime minister. Born in Ireland into Wars ended, he was appointed ambassador to the
the Anglo-Irish aristocracy, Arthur Wesley (later restored Bourbon court and served as a delegate
Wellesley) was the third surviving son of Garret to the Congress of Vienna, but was recalled to the
Wesley, the first Earl of Mornington, and Lady Anne. army when Napoleon escaped from Elba. Wellington
His family’s difficult financial circumstances after and Napoleon faced each other for the first and last
the early death of his father in 1781, in addition to time at the battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815.
his poor performance at Eton and a French military Napoleon suffered a terrible defeat after the Prus-
academy, dampened his prospects. His ambitious sians, commanded by Gebhard von Blücher, joined
but less talented eldest brother, Richard, launched Wellington’s battered but unyielding troops.
Wellington’s military career in 1787 by obtaining for In command of the army of occupation in
him a commission in the 73rd regiment. France until 1818, Wellington never fought
Wellington started at the bottom of the officer another military battle, just political ones. His poli-
ranks but quickly worked his way up by transferring tical career began early. He represented Trim in the
from regiment to regiment and by serving as aide- Irish Parliament (1790–1797) and served as mem-
de-camp to the lord lieutenant of Ireland beginning ber of Parliament (MP) for Rye (elected 1806) and
in 1787. With the outbreak of war between Britain chief secretary to Ireland (1807–1809). When he
and revolutionary France in 1793 came Wellington’s returned from France, he joined the cabinet of Lord
first serious battlefield test. In 1794 he sailed for Liverpool (Robert Banks Jenkinson; 1770–1828)
the Netherlands with the 33rd regiment, and as master-general of the ordnance (1818–1827).
while it was a disastrous campaign, he later claimed While positioning himself above party politics, he
to have learned from his commanders’ mistakes. was firmly aligned with the Tories. He distrusted
Success in the field would have to wait for India, the liberal wing of the party but was more pragmatic
where he served from 1797 to 1805. He gained and less reactionary than the ultra-Tories. He thus
notable victories in Mysore (1799), where he was opposed the expansion of democracy but retreated
appointed governor, and at Assaye (1803). At the from entrenched positions in the interest of poli-
same time, he obtained valuable experience in tical order. This pragmatism helps to explain why
administration and diplomacy. during his term as prime minister (1828–1830)
Though recognized for his military success in progressive reforms were enacted, including the
India with a knighthood, Wellington’s greatest repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts (1828)
renown came during the Napoleonic Wars, espe- and the passage of Catholic Emancipation (1829),
cially in the Iberian Peninsula, where Napoleon’s which together opened political office to Protes-
military occupation caused deep anger and resent- tant dissenters and Roman Catholics.
ment. Wellington arrived in 1808 to assist the Wellington’s most costly political blunder was
rebelling Spanish and Portuguese. He drove off the refusing to compromise over parliamentary reform
French at Rolica and repulsed a French attack at and the expansion of the electorate, which brought
Vimeiro, but was ordered by a newly arrived senior the opposition Whigs into power. Wellington con-
officer to sign an armistice. The unpopularity at tinued to be politically active, serving in Robert
home of the Convention of Cintra resulted in an Peel’s cabinet as foreign secretary (1834–1835)
official inquiry, but Wellington suffered no serious and minister without portfolio (1841–1846).
harm. In 1809 he was in command in Portugal and Though his opposition to parliamentary reform

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2457

tarnished his public standing, by the time of his along class lines. This was followed by The Island
death he had recovered his status as a selfless elder of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man
statesman, which a state funeral, burial in Saint (1897), The First Men in the Moon (1901),
Paul’s Cathedral, and numerous public statues and other works. These works were inspired by
make abundantly clear. the reassessment of humanity’s place in nature
See also French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic
initiated by the theory of natural selection
Wars; Great Britain; Tories. described by Charles Darwin (1809–1882). They
display Wells’s lifelong preoccupation with evolu-
tionary time and contain, to varying degrees,
social allegory, foreboding about the future (often
Primary Sources arising out of the laws of thermodynamics), and
Gurwood, John, ed. The Dispatches of . . . the Duke of
an assessment of the impact of scientific advance-
Wellington. 13 vols. London, 1834–1839.
ment upon the social order. Wells’s output as a
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley. Supplementary Despatches, scientific romancer was paralleled by a series of
Correspondence, and Memoranda of . . . the Duke of
Wellington . . . Edited by His Son, the Duke of Wellington.
fantastic novels, notably The Wonderful Visit
15 vols. London, 1858–1872. (1895) and The Sea Lady (1902). In the 1890s,
he also embarked upon a career as the author of
Secondary Sources such unforgettable short stories as ‘‘The Stolen
Gash, Norman, ed. Wellington: Studies in the Military and Bacillus’’ (1893), ‘‘The Red Room’’ (1896), and
Political Career of the First Duke of Wellington. Man- ‘‘The Door in the Wall’’ (1906).
chester, U.K., 1990.
Longford, Elizabeth. Wellington. 2 vols. London and New
After 1900, Wells diversified his energies into a
York, 1969–1972. Remains the classic account. number of fields. His determination to establish
Thompson, Neville. Wellington after Waterloo. London,
himself as a mainstream novelist began with Love
1986. and Mr. Lewisham (1900) and culminated in Tono-
Bungay (1909). In Kipps (1905) and The History of
Mr. Polly (1910), Wells displayed considerable
sympathy for the ‘‘little man.’’ Ann Veronica
(1909), which considers sexual equality and the
issue of women’s rights, caused considerable
WELLS, H. G. (1866–1946), British novelist,
controversy. He famously feuded with Henry
journalist, historian, sociologist, and futurologist.
James (1843–1916), whom he ruthlessly carica-
Herbert George Wells was born into an tured in Boon (1915). Wells’s insistence that nove-
impoverished lower-middle-class family and was lists should fulfill a didactic purpose, rather than
apprenticed to a draper at age fourteen. He won indulge in art for art’s sake, also caused his
a scholarship to the Normal School of Science estrangement from Joseph Conrad (1857–1924).
(now part of Imperial College, London), where Anticipations (1902), his first major work of futur-
he studied biology under Thomas Henry Huxley ology, examined the scientific and social trends that
(1825–1895). Subsequently, he worked as a teach- might shape the twentieth century. Wells joined
er and then as a journalist, producing a series of the Fabian Society in 1903, but severed relations
scientific speculations for a number of leading after a polemical exchange with leading members
periodicals including the Fortnightly Review and George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950), Beatrice Pot-
Nature. ter Webb (1858–1943), and Sidney James Webb
Wells began his varied and prolific literary (1859–1947); he depicted the Fabians in The New
career with a succession of ‘‘scientific romances,’’ Machiavelli (1911). During his Fabian period,
which are generally acknowledged as the pioneers Wells wrote A Modern Utopia (1905), which estab-
of science fiction. The Time Machine (1895) is a lished the popular conception of him as one of
fable set in the year 802701 and portrays the split the twentieth century’s few unequivocally utopian
of the human race into two species—the dainty writers. Wells foresaw many of the advancements in
Eloi and the monstrous, subterranean Morlocks— modern warfare, including the use of poison gas in

2458 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

World War I (In The War of the Worlds [1898]) and n

the development of the tank (in the short story WESTERNIZERS. The Westernizers
‘‘The Land Ironclads’’ [1904]). In The World Set (zapadniki) were a loosely organized group of
Free (1913), he predicted the atomic bomb. Russian intellectuals, who from the late 1830s to
the mid-1850s engaged the Slavophiles (slavianof-
Wells was an outspoken critic of the League of
ily) in a bitter debate about Russia’s past, its national
Nations but campaigned tirelessly towards global
identity, and its probable future. The trigger for
unification, which he saw as the only alternative to this debate was Petr Chaadayev’s ‘‘First Philosophi-
annihilating conflict. He was pivotal to the Sankey cal Letter’’ (written 1828, published 1836), which
Declaration on the Rights of Man, a precursor of charged that Russians, cut off from the Roman
the United Nations Charter. Wells’s readership as a Catholic Church and therefore from the living
novelist declined in the 1920s, as attention turned source of European civilization, were ‘‘orphans
to younger novelists such as Virginia Woolf (1882– with one foot in the air’’ who had contributed
1941) and James Joyce (1882–1941). However, he nothing to the world. Stung to the quick, the Sla-
continued to reach a vast audience, particularly vophiles defended the Orthodox Church and Old
with The Outline of History (1920, abridged as A Russian social forms and folk traditions as superior
Short History of the World, 1922). Wells saw human to the religious, social, and political institutions of
history as a ‘‘race between education and cata- the ‘‘rotten,’’ ‘‘barbarous’’ West. In response, the
strophe,’’ and increasingly endeavored to facilitate Westernizers claimed either that Russia had always
the synthesis of existing nations into a ‘‘World been a member of the European community of
State.’’ Wells famously debated with world leaders, nations or that Russia, in spite of its peculiar origins,
including U.S. presidents Theodore Roosevelt was gradually becoming Europeanized and would
(1858–1919) and Franklin Delano Roosevelt eventually join the West as an equal partner in the
(1882–1945). He met with Vladimir Lenin civilized community of nations. Aside from their role
(1870–1924) in 1920 and with Lenin’s successor, in this pivotal debate, the Westernizers were signifi-
Joseph Stalin (1879–1953), in 1934. Wells’s The cant in another regard: they contributed to the birth
Shape of Things to Come (1933, with its cinematic of a distinctively Russian agrarian socialism—the
version, Things to Come, appearing in 1936), con- genesis of Russian anarchism and liberalism. Their
firmed his status as a great popularizer of scientific tiny group was the intellectual seedbed of progressive
and political ideas. Wells’s last book, Mind at the politics in mid-nineteenth-century Russia.
End of Its Tether (1945), is a deeply pessimistic
It is customary to divide the Westernizers into
vision of humanity, which should be understood
two smaller groups. The moderate Westernizers
as a despairing response to the outcome of World
included the historians Timofei Granovsky (1813–
War II. His Experiment in Autobiography (1934) is
1855) and Sergei Soloviev (1820–1879), the legal
a lively account of Wells’s involvement in the con-
expert Konstantin Kavelin (1818–1885), and the
troversies of his own age.
jurist Boris Chicherin (1828–1904). Sometimes
See also Fabians; Science and Technology; Verne, Jules. the literary critic Pavel Annenkov (1813–1887)
and the novelist Ivan Turgenev (1818–1883) are
also added to the list of moderates. The radical
Westernizers included the literary critic Vissarion
Haynes, Roslynn D. H. G. Wells: Discoverer of the Future. Belinsky (1811–1848), the great memoirist
New York, 1980.
Alexander Herzen (1812–1870), and the future
MacKenzie, Norman, and Jeanne MacKenzie. The Time anarchist Mikhail Bakunin (1814–1876).
Traveller: The Life of H. G. Wells. London, 1973.
As a historian of medieval and early modern
Parrinder, Patrick. Shadows of the Future: H. G. Wells,
Science Fiction, and Prophecy. Syracuse, N.Y., 1995. Europe, Granovsky traced the development of
centralized states, representative governments, and
Partington, John S. Building Cosmopolis: The Political
Thought of H. G. Wells. Aldershot, U.K., 2003.
educated civil societies in the West. His university
lectures strongly implied that Russian history had
STEVEN MCLEAN belatedly followed the Western pattern of social

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2459

evolution, so that contemporary Russians could see patience with the Slavophiles’ apologies for pre-
their future in Europe’s immediate past. Solo- Petrine Russia or for their religious ‘‘obscurant-
viev’s classical History of Russia from Ancient Times ism.’’ Bakunin’s polemic against conservatism,
(published in twenty-eight volumes from 1851 to ‘‘The Reaction in Germany’’ (1842), was a thinly
1879) argued that Russia, like the West, had gra- veiled call for social revolution in the name of a
dually moved from an association of tribes to a ‘‘new religion of humanity.’’ By the late 1840s
modern state, based on common religious and both Bakunin and Herzen had come to believe that
political values and ruled by an enlightened govern- Russia might actually precede the West in inaugu-
ment. Although he thought that Peter the Great rating social justice, if only the peasant commune
(r. 1682–1725) had contributed much to this could be emancipated, peacefully or forcefully,
development, Soloviev saw Peter and other Euro- from governmental interference. Herzen’s ‘‘The
peanizers as organic products of a Russian past that Russian People and Socialism’’ (1851) made the
from time immemorial had begun slowly conver- case for the Russian commune as socialist ideal.
ging with the West. Kavelin emphasized the slow Subsequently, Bakunin achieved fame as a revolu-
development in Russia of abstract ideas (such as tionary Pan-Slav and as the apostle of Russian anar-
duty to the state, citizenship, and the rule of law) chism in Europe. Herzen achieved renown as the
crucial to the appearance of a modern Europea- ‘‘father of Russian socialism.’’
nized polity. In his 1847 essay ‘‘An Analysis of See also Bakunin, Mikhail; Belinsky, Vissarion; Chaa-
Juridical Life in Ancient Russia,’’ he pointed to the dayev, Peter; Herzen, Alexander; Intelligentsia;
complete development of the free individual (lich- Russia; Slavophiles; Soloviev, Vladimir; Turgenev,
nost) as the final goal of Russian history. Chicherin,
younger by a generation than other moderates,
used their insights into Russian history and law as
the basis of a liberal political program. In his essay Berlin, Isaiah. Russian Thinkers. New York, 1978.
‘‘Contemporary Tasks of Russian Life’’ (1855), he Copleston, Frederick C. Philosophy in Russia: From Herzen
made the case for the abolition of serfdom, free- to Lenin and Berdyaev. Tunbridge Wells, U.K., 1986.
dom of conscience and the press, and an indepen- Edie, James M., James P. Scanlan, and Mary-Barbara
dent court system. Annenkov and Turgenev wrote Zeldin, eds. Russian Philosophy. Vol. 1: The Beginnings
memoirs chronicling the Westernizer–Slavophile of Russian Philosophy: The Slavophiles; The Westernizers.
debate from perspectives agreeable to the Wester- Chicago, 1965.
nizers. Turgenev’s early fiction, especially A Sports- Hamburg, G. M. Boris Chicherin and Early Russian Liber-
man’s Sketches (1852), contributed to the abolition alism, 1828–1866. Stanford, Calif., 1992.
of serfdom by showing Russian serfs as sympathetic Walicki, Andrzej. A History of Russian Thought from the
human beings. Russian contemporaries and subse- Enlightenment to Marxism. Translated by Hilda
quent scholars (including Isaiah Berlin and Leonard Andrews-Rusiecka. Stanford, Calif., 1979.
Schapiro) regarded Turgenev as a Westernizer and
moderate liberal. G. M. HAMBURG
Among the radical Westernizers the leader was
Belinsky, who contended in the article ‘‘Russia
before Peter the Great’’ (1842) that only Peter’s n
forceful intervention in backward, semibarbarous WHIGS. The Whigs were one of the two main
Russia had made it possible for Russia to join the opposing political parties in Great Britain in the
community of civilized nations. According to eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The
Belinsky, Peter was ‘‘a god who breathed a living term originally referred to the opposition to James
soul into the colossal, sleeping body of ancient II in the decade before the Glorious Revolution of
Russia.’’ Belinsky’s ‘‘Letter to Gogol’’ (1847) lament- 1688. The Whigs led Parliament from 1715 to
ed Russian religious oppression and the existence 1760 before losing the confidence of the Crown
of serfdom, and pointed to Russian writers’ moral and electorate. In December 1783 King George III
responsibility to expose injustice. Belinsky had no selected William Pitt the Younger to lead a new

2460 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Tory government. The Whigs would remain out of opposition until the defeat of Napoleon in 1815.
power until 1830, save for Charles James Fox’s Though diverse in their principles, all factions sup-
participation in 1806 in the ‘‘ministry of all the ported Catholic emancipation and the general
talents’’ under the conservative Lord Grenville. expansion of civil liberties.
Between 1808 and 1830 the Whigs established
PARTY IDENTITY themselves as an effective opposition. Henry
During the reign of George III (1760–1820) the Brougham, a Scottish barrister and leading Whig
Whigs constituted less of a party per se than a net- parliamentarian, advanced his party’s fortunes by
work of aristocratic families operating in Parliament extending party activity beyond Westminster to
through patronage and influence. Unity relied on the nation as a whole, appealing to provincial mer-
personal loyalty, shared ideology, or the simple chants and manufacturers frustrated at their exclu-
desire for power. Modern party alignments emerged sion from influence. He opened up county and
after 1784, when new political crises, including the borough politics through contested parliamentary
controversy over the American Revolution, roused
elections and played to public opinion and the
public opinion. The most prominent Whig faction,
press to keep Tory governments on the defensive.
headed by the second Marquis of Rockingham,
advocated freedom for the American colonists and The Whigs benefited from Tory Prime Minister
counted the Irish-born philosopher and parliamen- Liverpool’s stroke in 1827 and the government’s
tarian Edmund Burke among its ranks. split over Catholic Emancipation in 1829. In 1830
William IV (r. 1830–1837) turned to the Whigs
The Whigs cherished fundamentally aristocratic
under the leadership of Earl Grey to form a gov-
attitudes and regarded themselves as the natural
ernment. Grey and his successor, Lord Melbourne,
protectors of English liberties and civil institutions
pursued a general program of measured reform
against the influences of the Crown. They looked
over the next decade.
upon society as a hierarchical set of interdependent
relationships and looked down upon the authoritar-
ian uses of state coercion. Their vision was of a POWER, REFORM, AND DISSOLUTION
consensual and cooperative civil society bound The government’s bold Reform Act of 1832
together by deferential citizens with reciprocal rights replaced notoriously ‘‘rotten’’ boroughs, which
and responsibilities, led by a socially responsible and had few voters, with representatives for the pre-
benevolent governing class. Government powers viously unrepresented manufacturing districts and
were to be bounded by law, custom, and humane cities. It also increased the size of the electorate in
principles. Whigs stood firmly against monopolies in England and Wales by over two hundred thousand
commerce, religion, and politics. persons, or almost 50 percent. The basis of voting,
however, remained a property qualification. Some
working-class voters lost the right to vote as a
result of the abolition of old franchise rights.
Fox led the Whig opposition for many of these years,
representing the interests of religious dissenters, pro- The 1832 Reform Act initiated a political re-
vincial industrialists, and a rising middle class. His alignment that favored the Whigs and would fuel
support for the French Revolution of 1789 and his the emerging Liberal Party well into the 1880s. The
opposition to the war against France pushed some Whig leadership had connected high politics with
moderate Whigs to support Pitt and isolated Foxites middle-class provincial interests and public opinion,
from growing conservative sentiment. Between forming the bedrock of Victorian liberalism.
1803 and 1806 the party rebuilt itself, as Fox Returned with a huge majority at the general
and Lord Grenville drew in Whigs who had left over election of December 1832, the Whigs carried out
the French Revolution. A Foxite core, the more a number of other important reforms. A statute in
conservative Grenvillites, and Samuel Whitbread’s 1833 ended slavery in the British colonies, while
radical ‘‘Mountain’’ (named in ironic reference to another charter reduced the East India Company
Maximilien Robespierre’s allies in the National from a monopolistic trading power to a purely
Convention) comprised the spectrum of Whig administrative organ.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2461

In 1834 the new Poor Law was passed. The law Jenkins, T. A. Gladstone, Whiggery, and the Liberal Party,
grouped parishes into unions and placed them 1874–1886. Oxford, U.K., 1988.
under the control of elected boards of guardians, Mitchell, Leslie. The Whig World. London, 2005.
with a national Poor Law Board in London. Its Parry, Jonathan. The Rise and Fall of Liberal Government in
basic principle—that outdoor poor relief should Victorian Britain. New Haven, Conn., 1993.
cease and that conditions in workhouses should Smith, E. A. Whig Principles and Party Politics: Earl Fitz-
be ‘‘less eligible’’ than the worst conditions in the william and the Whig Party, 1748–1833. Manchester,
labor market outside—was bitterly resented by U.K., 1975.
workers and many writers throughout the country Wasson, Ellis Archer. Whig Renaissance: Lord Althorp and
and led to outbreaks of violence. As the Whigs the Whig Party, 1782–1845. New York, 1987.
provoked working-class hostility, they saw the
spread of Chartist campaigns, which attacked the
Reform Act as a sellout to the upper classes and
opposed the new Poor Law.
Lord Grey’s successor, Lord Melbourne, suc-
cessfully passed the Municipal Corporations Act
of 1835, which replaced old oligarchies in local
government with elected councils. Many unincor-
WHITE TERROR. See Counterrevolution.

porated industrial communities received their first

governmental powers. Melbourne failed, however,
to find effective answers to the pressing financial,
economic, and social questions of the day. These WILBERFORCE, WILLIAM (1759–
questions grew after 1836, when a financial crisis 1833), British statesman, philanthropist, and reli-
unleashed an economic depression accompanied by gious leader.
a series of bad harvests. William Wilberforce led the campaign in the
British Parliament against slavery and was an influ-
Once the Whigs began to live with the
ential philanthropist and religious leader. He was
reforms they had enacted in the early 1830s, they
born in Hull, Yorkshire, the son and grandson of
lost their radical vitality and fell into decline. By
merchants who had grown rich through the
1840, they had alienated many of the groups that
town’s trade with the Baltic. Wilberforce was edu-
had originally cooperated with their reforming
cated at Hull Grammar School, Pocklington
legislation, such as the Dissenters, Evangelicals,
School, and St John’s College, Cambridge. Due
and Benthamites. The Whigs also lost radical
to the early deaths of his father and uncle, he
members disillusioned with the limited nature of
inherited considerable wealth while still a teen-
factory reform and the failure to end squalor in
ager. In 1797 he married Barbara Spooner and
the towns, and they acquired a reputation for the
had two daughters and four sons, including
occasional endorsement of repressive measures, as
Samuel Wilberforce (1805–1873), later Bishop
in the case of the Tolpuddle Martyrs of 1834.
of Oxford.
The Tories under Robert Peel won the 1841 In 1780 Wilberforce became member of Par-
election. During the 1840s the Whig label lost its liament (MP) for Hull, and in 1784 was elected
political meaning as reformers gathered under the for Yorkshire, the largest constituency in Eng-
Liberal banner. land, which gave him an important political
power base. He was also very well connected at
See also Fox, Charles James; Liberalism; Poor Law; Westminster, being a close friend of the prime
minister, William Pitt the Younger (1759–1806),
and of other leading figures. In 1785–1786,
BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilberforce experienced a period of spiritual cri-
Hay, William Anthony. The Whig Revival, 1808–1830. New sis, which resulted in his conversion to evangeli-
York, 2005. cal Christianity and his subsequent conviction

2462 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

that ‘‘God Almighty has set before me two great In 1823 a parliamentary campaign for the abo-
objects, the suppression of the slave trade and lition of slavery itself was initiated. Wilberforce
the reformation of manners’’ (Wilberforce and gave it strong moral support, but he was aging fast
Wilberforce, vol. 1, p. 149). Wilberforce com- and unable to take a significant active part. He
menced his parliamentary campaign against the retired from Parliament in 1825 and died in
slave trade in May 1789. In January 1790 he 1833, just three days after hearing that the aboli-
secured a Select Committee to examine the evi- tion bill had passed its third and final reading in the
dence, and in April 1791 moved for leave House of Commons.
to bring in an abolition bill. Insecurity arising Wilberforce’s career has given rise to contro-
from the context of the French Revolution made versy on two specific issues. First, there is debate
Parliament fear such a measure could have sub-
regarding the real importance of his personal role
versive consequences, and Wilberforce was initially
in the campaign against the slave trade. It is gen-
decisively defeated. An extensive campaign of pop-
erally agreed, however, that he provided crucial
ular agitation and petitioning ensued, causing the
parliamentary leadership, although the wider
House of Commons to vote in 1792 for gradual
extraparliamentary campaign was primarily the
abolition, but this measure was blocked by the
work of others. Second, there is an acknowledged
House of Lords. Wilberforce’s efforts had to be
tension between his advocacy of the abolition of
maintained for a further sixteen years, until even-
slavery and other reforming causes, and his will-
tual victory was secured in 1807.
ingness to countenance repression of political
Meanwhile, Wilberforce was also pursuing his radicalism, both in the 1790s and in the disturbed
agenda for moral and spiritual reform. In 1787 he years following the restoration of peace in 1815.
had helped to secure a Proclamation for the It was also alleged that his preoccupation with
Encouragement of Piety and Virtue and worked slaves in the West Indies blinded him to the suf-
hard to disseminate and implement it. In 1797 he ferings of the poor at home.
published A Practical View of the Prevailing Reli- Nevertheless, Wilberforce’s achievements were
gious System of Professed Christians in the Higher
undeniably substantial. In addition to specific leg-
and Middle Classes of this Country Contrasted with
islation, he was important in demonstrating how an
Real Christianity. This was a critique of nominal
independent political campaign pursued with great
Christianity and a call to widespread conversion to
consistency and integrity could eventually bring
evangelicalism, as a means of both personal and
striking results, and in providing a moral and spiri-
national salvation. The book was widely read and
tual example that stimulated significant changes in
very influential in contributing to an ongoing
cultural attitudes.
process of religious revival. During the 1790s
and 1800s, Wilberforce was a central figure in See also Great Britain; Slavery.
the so-called Clapham Sect of wealthy lay evange-
licals that supported parliamentary campaigns on BIBLIOGRAPHY

the slave trade and other matters and was instru- Primary Sources
mental in the formation of numerous religious Wilberforce, Robert Isaac, and Samuel Wilberforce. The Life
societies. of William Wilberforce. 5 vols. London, 1838. A
detailed account by two of Wilberforce’s sons, contain-
After the abolition of the slave trade in 1807, ing much rich material, but stronger on religious than
Wilberforce continued to have a prominent inde- political aspects.
pendent role in Parliament, particularly as a kind
of national moral arbiter. In 1813 he played a Secondary Sources
significant part in securing the admission of mis- Oldfield, J. R. Popular Politics and British Anti-Slavery: The
sionaries to India, and from 1814 campaigned Mobilisation of Public Opinion against the Slave Trade
1787–1807. London, 1998.
for the abolition of the slave trade by other
nations. He enjoyed only limited immediate suc- Pollock, John. Wilberforce. London, 1977. A scholarly
cess, but ensured that the matter would remain biography.
firmly on the diplomatic agenda. JOHN WOLFFE

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2463

n Wilde’s celebrity as a lecturer derived from his

WILDE, OSCAR (1854–1900), Irish play- involvement at Oxford in the aesthetics movement,
wright. a new cult of decorative arts and aesthetic theory
Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was, as he originated by William Morris (1834–1896) and his
said of himself, a ‘‘man who stood in symbolic circle. Wilde captivated the media, who made him
relation to his times’’ (De Profundis). He was born spokesperson for the movement. By 1881 the cult
on 16 October 1854, at 21 Westland Row in of the ‘‘Aesthetes’’ was important enough that
Dublin. His father, Sir William Wilde, a leading Gilbert and Sullivan lampooned it in the popular
ear and eye surgeon, devoted himself to caring for operetta, Patience, which popularized Wilde as an
the city’s poor. His charitable dispensary later effete poet who ‘‘strolled down Picadilly with a
developed into the Dublin Eye and Ear Hospital. medieval lily in his hand.’’ The show was a hit,
He also was the author of several noteworthy and Wilde was a celebrity, though none of his
books on archaeology and Irish folklore. major writings had yet appeared.

Wilde’s mother, Jane, was also a writer, as well The success of the operetta’s premiere in New
as an activist for Irish nationalism, an early suffra- York prompted its producer, Richard D’Oyly Carte
gist, and a socialist. Under the pen name Francesca (1844–1901), to arrange Wilde’s 1882 American
Esperanza Wilde, she drew note in Dublin’s poli- lecture tour. Newspapers in the larger cities
tical circles by publishing a series of defenses of attacked Wilde, describing at length his pasty white
Irish nationalism. After the family moved to more skin, and his odd, lyrical intonation. The mining
fashionable quarters on Merrion Square in June of towns of the West, ironically, applauded Wilde; one
1855, Lady Wilde convened a regular Saturday of the most favorable press notices about him
afternoon salon with guests such as the writer Sher- appeared in the Leadville, Colorado, Gazette
idan le Fanu, Samuel Lever, the lawyer and nation- in 1881.
alist leader Isaac Butt, and the antiquarian and poet Wilde returned to Dublin only twice during
Samuel Ferguson. this period of lecturing. On one of those visits in
1884 he met Constance Lloyd, the daughter of a
EDUCATION AND CAREER wealthy London family, and proposed almost
This circle was Wilde’s milieu until the age of nine, instantaneously. They wed on 29 May 1884.
when he was enrolled at Portora Royal School in Lloyd’s allowance of 250 pounds yearly was a con-
Enniskillen, Fermanaugh. He graduated in 1871, siderable asset, and the couple cultivated a life of
gained entrance to Trinity College, Dublin, and luxury at 16 Tite Street in London. In the next two
studied classics there from 1871 to 1874. He won years they had two sons, Cyril (1885) and Vyvyan
the Berkeley Medal, the highest honor in classics (1886).
granted at Trinity, which helped him gain a schol- Wilde commenced a series of journalistic
arship to Magdalen College, Oxford. At the age of appointments. He reviewed for the Pall Mall Ga-
twenty Wilde moved from Ireland to England and zette from 1887 to 1889, and then became editor
continued to excel in his studies. He graduated of Woman’s World, which he fashioned into a
from Oxford in 1878 with a double first, and laboratory for exploring the decorative arts and a
won the 1878 Oxford Newdigate prize for his mouthpiece for socialist reformation. The period
poems Ravenna. immediately after taking the editorship was one of
Wilde returned to Dublin after Oxford and fell extreme creative productivity for Wilde. In 1891
in love with Florence Balcome. She, however, his most important prose writings appeared in the
spurned Wilde and became engaged to Bram Stoker. collection Intentions, which included ‘‘The Decay
Wilde announced his intention to leave Ireland of Lying’’ and ‘‘The Critic as Artist,’’ and his only
permanently because of the romantic misfortune. novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was serialized in
He took up quarters in London in 1878, and spent Lipincott’s Magazine. Mainstream reviewers praised
the next six years living off a lucrative lecturing Wilde’s prose but condemned his morality. Max
career that took him to France and on a Continental Nordau, whose influential book Degeneration
tour of the United States. (1895) attacked aestheticism, used the novel as an

2464 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

wright George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950) to call

him ‘‘our only serious playwright.’’ Wilde’s next—
and last—play, The Importance of Being Earnest,
opened at the Haymarket only a month after An
Ideal Husband, putting Wilde in the enviable posi-
tion of having two simultaneous West End hits.

The notes for works left by Wilde suggest he
intended to have a long career as a playwright.
However, 1891 also saw the beginning of Wilde’s
intimacies with Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (1870–
1945), the son of John Sholto Douglas, 8th Mar-
quess of Queensberry. Douglas, a devotee of the
cult of aestheticism, became Wilde’s constant com-
panion in the London social world.
Douglas had not yet come of age and had no
allowance, and Wilde’s flagrant displays of spend-
ing and support, as well as the attention paid by the
public to the men’s extravagance, snubbed the
father’s position as financial authority. To retaliate,
the marquess made a plan to interrupt the opening
night of The Importance of Being Earnest with an
insulting delivery of vegetables made to the play-
wright while his play was in progress. Warned
of the plot, Wilde had the marquess barred from the
theater. The next day, 18 February 1895, the mar-
quess left a calling card for Wilde at the Albemarle
club. On the back he had written, ‘‘For Oscar
Wilde posing as a Somdomite [sic].’’
Goaded by Douglas, Wilde pressed charges of
Oscar Wilde. ªBETTMANN/CORBIS criminal libel against the marquess. The ensuing
events ended any hopes Wilde had of sustaining
his career and left him financially and emotionally
destitute. In April the crown took over prosecu-
example of how degenerate artists hasten the tion, and the solicitor Edward Clarke based his case
‘‘moral laxity and decay’’ of a nation. against the marquess almost entirely on Wilde’s
own assertions that the accusation of being a sodo-
In 1891 Wilde also wrote Lady Windermere’s
mite had no basis. To challenge that claim, Edward
Fan, the first of four stage hits that elevated Wilde
Henry Carson, barrister for the defense, located
into a West End legend. It opened as an immediate
several lower-class boys who claimed to have had
hit at St. James’ Theatre in London in February
intimacies with Wilde. The revelation laid waste to
1882, and earned Wilde an astonishing seven thou-
the prosecution, humiliated Wilde, and prompted
sand pounds. He followed it with A Woman of No
the dismissal of the case.
Importance at the Haymarket Theatre in London on
19 April 1893, which was hailed as the best ‘‘comedy Carson’s witnesses, however, provided the
of manners’’ since Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751– ground for the crown to arrest Wilde on 6 April
1816). In his third West End hit, An Ideal Hus- 1895, on charges of ‘‘committing acts of gross inde-
band, Wilde crafted his epigrams and wit around a cency with other male persons: under section 11 of
political melodrama, prompting the socialist play- the 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act.’’ Wilde,

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2465

along with Alfred Taylor, who had allegedly solicited Only two pieces of any significance issued from
the services of young men for Wilde, faced twenty- Wilde after release. The Ballad of Reading Gaol
five counts. The jury deadlocked on all charges (1898), a poem seeking to elicit compassion for
except one, of which they acquitted Wilde. prisoners, and De Profundis (1905), a long letter
written to Douglas from prison that provides
Despite entreaties from luminaries such as
Wilde’s most personal statement of his philoso-
Bernard Shaw and even from the marquess’s own
phies of art, life, and himself.
attorney, Edward Carson, the crown stood ada-
mant in its desire to secure a conviction, and Wilde died of cerebral meningitis on 30
pursued a second trial under the prosecution of November 1900, only three years after his release.
the solicitor-general himself, Frank Lockwood. He was buried in the Cimitière de Bagneux on the
The crown’s motives are a matter for speculation. outskirts of Paris, but was later relocated by gener-
Ambiguous letters between Queensberry and ous friends to the more prestigious Père Lachaise
Prime Minister Rosebery (Archibald Philip Prim- Cemetery, where his grave is marked by a commis-
rose), who was widely suspected of having had a sioned monument from sculptor Sir Jacob Epstein
homosexual affair earlier in his career with another (1880–1959).
of Queensberry’s sons, suggest that Rosebery See also Avant-Garde; Carpenter, Edward; Homosexual-
might have been blackmailed into pursuing prose- ity and Lesbianism; Morris, William; Symonds,
cution. More generally, the British government John Addington.
had become uncomfortably associated with pruri-
ence by several well-publicized scandals that called BIBLIOGRAPHY

into question the moral ethics of certain govern- Cohen, Ed. Talk on the Wilde Side: Toward a Genealogy of
ment officials. The prosecution of Wilde might Discourse on Male Sexualities. New York, 1993.
have seemed a way to redeem the government Cohen, Philip K. The Moral Vision of Oscar Wilde. Ruther-
against its own transgressions. ford, N.J., 1978.

Wilde himself, however, was the leading contri- Ellmann, Richard. Oscar Wilde. New York: Viking, 1987.
buting factor. In 1892 the lord chamberlain refused Ellmann, Richard, ed. Oscar Wilde: A Collection of Critical
to license the performance of Wilde’s newest play, Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1969.
Salome, because it contained biblical characters. Foldy, Michael S. The Trials of Oscar Wilde: Deviance,
Wilde reacted publicly and his anger resounded Morality, and Late-Victorian Society. New Haven,
across London society. In 1893 he published the Conn., 1997.
play in a French edition, as if to snub the parochial Gagnier, Regenia A. Idylls of the Marketplace: Oscar Wilde
taboos of the English system, and in 1894 he pub- and the Victorian Public. Stanford, Calif., 1986.
lished an English fine art edition with pornographic Hyde, H. Montgomery. Oscar Wilde: A Biography.
illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley (1872–1898). Such London, 1975.
actions showed little respect for authority. Also, Nassaar, Christopher S. Into the Demon Universe: A Lit-
Wilde’s Irish origins and his flaunting of new, com- erary Exploration of Oscar Wilde. New Haven, Conn.,
mercially derived money caused further contempt. In 1974.
many ways, this was a prosecution about nationality Nunokawa, Jeff. Oscar Wilde. New York, 1995.
and class as much as it was about sexual behavior. Shewan, Rodney. Oscar Wilde: Art and Egotism. London,
The third trial resulted in the verdict of guilty
on all charges save one, and Wilde served two years Sinfield, Alan. The Wilde Century: Effeminacy, Oscar Wilde,
and the Queer Movement. London, 1994.
at hard labor in prison, the last eighteen months
of it at Reading Gaol. He was released on 19 May Summers, Claude J. Gay Fictions: Wilde to Stonewall:
1897. Penniless and abandoned by his wife and Studies in a Male Homosexual Literary Tradition.
New York, 1990.
sons (as well as by Douglas), he adopted the name
Sebastian Melmoth, after the title character of Woodcock, George. The Paradox of Oscar Wilde.
New York, 1950.
Melmoth the Wanderer, and lived in self-imposed
exile from society and the aesthetic movement. GREGORY BREDBECK

2466 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

n abdicate. Liberals advocated the accession of

WILLIAM I (in German, Wilhelm I; 1797– William’s son Frederick, who was more liberal than
1888), emperor of Germany (1871–1888) and his father, whereas conservatives flocked to William’s
king of Prussia (1861–1888). nephew Frederick Charles, who threatened to
do away with the constitution altogether.
William I was the second son of the future
King Frederick William III of Prussia and Louise In September 1862, at the height of the crisis,
of Mecklenburg. As the younger brother of the William accepted his advisors’ suggestion to
heir, William was expected to make a career in the appoint Otto von Bismarck as prime minister.
military, and this was a role that he relished. He Bismarck found a convenient loophole in the con-
served in the wars against Napoleon I and was stitution that allowed him to push through the
devoted to the army. king’s military reforms. Bismarck then proceeded
to assuage liberals’ anger over his manipulation
In 1829 William married Princess Augusta of of the constitution by achieving their long-held
Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. The union produced two desire for a united Germany under Prussia, which
children: Frederick, who later reigned as Frederick became a reality after Prussia’s victories over
III, and Louise, who married the grand duke of Austria in 1866 and France in 1871. William I com-
Baden. William’s marriage was one of convenience; manded troops during the Franco-Prussian War of
he had abandoned his love affair with a Polish 1870–1871, received the surrender of Napoleon
countess, Elise Radziwill, who was not deemed to III at Sedan, France, and was proclaimed German
be a suitable consort for a Prussian prince. William emperor in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.
and his wife were ill-suited temperamentally and
politically; he particularly had no use for his wife’s William reigned as emperor for the next seven-
more liberal political views. teen years, despite advanced age and two attempts
on his life. Although Bismarck told his biographers
William’s conservatism and advocacy of the use he was a mere servant of his emperor, historians
of force against the forces of change earned him the usually refer to the period of William’s rule as the
enmity of revolutionaries during the revolutions Age of Bismarck, because the chancellor dominated
of 1848, and he was forced to flee to England both domestic and foreign policy. Yet William was
incognito. When the tide of the revolution turned, no mere cipher of his chancellor; he often disagreed
William returned to Prussia and commanded the with his policies. William did not favor Bismarck’s
troops that put down a republican insurrection in struggle against the Roman Catholic Church dur-
Baden. ing the 1870s, and gave it only his tacit consent. In
the end, William was a modest, hard-working, and
As the result of the revolution, Prussia became
conscientious ruler. His letters and memoranda
a constitutional monarchy. Although William was
show that he carefully thought through issues
no advocate of constitutionalism, he believed that
affecting his realm. Though his militarism and con-
the monarch had the obligation to uphold the
servative views often put him at odds with radical
constitution. His beliefs on this score were tested
elements in the German Empire, he was a popular
in 1858 when he became regent of Prussia after his
brother, King Frederick William IV, was declared
unfit to rule. As regent, William gave hope for As William lay dying at the age of ninety-one,
progressive change when he appointed moderate his wife permitted a cameo of Elise Radziwill to be
liberals to his cabinet. But after he became king in placed in his hand. After clutching it briefly, the old
1861, he introduced military reform bills that ran emperor passed away. He was succeeded by his son
afoul of liberals in parliament who believed that Frederick, who was ill with cancer and reigned for
it would create an army that would be used to only three months. Frederick in turn was succeeded
suppress reforms. Liberals in the Prussian parlia- by his son, who became Emperor William II.
ment repeatedly rejected his army reform bills, as Although the young emperor worshipped his late
government operations ground to a halt. For grandfather, it was Germany’s misfortune that he
weeks, relations between crown and parliament lacked the elder man’s conscientiousness and sense
stood at an impasse, and William threatened to of restraint.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2467

See also Austro-Prussian War; Bismarck, Otto von; also the warm family atmosphere that his mother
Danish-German War; Franco-Prussian War; Frederick had deliberately withheld. William’s fellow officers
William IV; Germany; Prussia; Revolutions of 1848.
greeted him cordially, but very few could detect
any real military talent in their future ruler. Gov-
BIBLIOGRAPHY ernment officials, who periodically attempted to
Aronson, Theo. The Kaisers. London, 1971. introduce William to diplomatic or domestic
Börner, Karl Heinz. Kaiser Wilhelm I, 1797 bis 1888: affairs, similarly found him unimpressive.
Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preussen. Cologne,
Germany, 1984.
By the time William was in his mid-twenties he
was an object of some concern. Willful, conceited,
Marcks, Erich. Kaiser Wilhelm I. Leipzig, Germany, 1897. lazy, and unjustifiably self-impressed, he was to his
Schultze, Johannes, ed. Kaiser Wilhelms I: Weimarer Briefe. father, the genuinely heroic Crown Prince, a bogus
Berlin, 1924. ‘‘compleat lieutenant’’ and to Otto von Bismarck
PATRICIA KOLLANDER (1815–1898), the imperial chancellor, a loquacious
nullity. The thought of such a stripling on the
throne was disquieting, but William II would fol-
low old William I, born in 1797, and the Crown
Prince, born in 1831. Young William’s succession,
WILLIAM II (in German, Wilhelm II, 1859– it seemed, would be postponed for at least a decade
1941, ruled 1888–1918), German kaiser and king or two, during which time he might somehow
of Prussia. manage to become more mature. That optimistic
William II, the last king of Prussia and German hope fell to pieces in the fall of 1887, when the
emperor, possessed a royal lineage that might well Crown Prince was diagnosed as suffering from a
have been the envy of many another European fatal carcinoma of the larynx. Whether he would
sovereign. He was the eldest grandson of both live to succeed his ninety-year-old father seemed in
the first German emperor, William I (r. 1871– doubt. William I died in March 1888, and ninety-
1888), and Queen Victoria (r. 1837–1901), and nine days later the Crown Prince, who had suc-
was a descendant of Russian tsars as well. From the ceeded him as Emperor Frederick III, expired from
moment of his birth in 1859 he was destined for a his malady. William II, at twenty-nine, was now the
great future but also beset by handicap, for as a German kaiser and king of Prussia.
result of his protracted delivery his left arm was As ruler, the new kaiser was persuaded that he
paralyzed for life. Although the child learned to was endowed by God Almighty with powers and
accept this misfortune and became remarkably responsibilities and that his authority, thoroughly
adept at sports, his mother, Victoria, was mortified upheld by both the Prussian and imperial constitu-
that her son was less than physically perfect. She tions, was to be personally exercised however he
made her disappointment evident, and thus began wished. William was avidly supported in this estima-
the pronounced estrangement between mother tion by his entourage, men frequently military by
and son that endured until her death when William profession, almost entirely sycophantic in behavior,
was forty-two. and whose principal qualification for appointment to
William’s education from the time that he was the entourage was their unquestioning allegiance to
seven until he reached eighteen and was ready for a the young ruler. This inflation of William II’s ego
university was in the hands of the stern, unappeas- was also served by his wife, the Empress Augusta
able and relentless Georg Hinzpeter. No wonder Victoria (1858–1921), a lackluster, prosaic woman
that in 1877, when William finally escaped his who lived entirely in her consort’s shadow. The first
grasp, he found great pleasure in his new life at casualty of William’s personalized monarchy was
the University of Bonn, where, however, he was an Bismarck, a man of titanic self-assurance and
indifferent student. After two years he had had Caesarian mien, who was sent packing early in
enough and took up a military career that was 1890. The new chancellor, General Leo von Caprivi
infinitely more to his liking. In the army, he would (1831–1899), found that the emperor and his
declare, he found not only his true vocation but entourage could not effectively be resisted, an experi-

2468 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Toward Great Britain, the land of his disliked

mother’s birth, William was ambivalent. He envied
its wealth but loathed what he considered its moral
laxity and lust for power. The Slavs, like the
French, were a lesser breed, but the Russian tsars,
being like himself—autocrats of limitless power—
could be useful allies. Since the Italians were
beneath notice as Latins and degenerates and the
minuscule kings from the house of Savoy little
more than hairy dwarfs, only Austria-Hungary
was a truly suitable ally for imperial Germany.
William greatly admired Emperor Francis Joseph I
(r. 1848–1916), and one of the very few consistent
strands in his life was his devotion to the Habsburg
sovereign. In diplomacy, William fostered the alli-
ance of 1879 with Austria-Hungary, hoped in vain
to rope Russia in as an ally, and alienated the
British by his offensive behavior and by the
construction beginning in 1898 of a vast battle-
ship-based navy. By 1914, Germany had no allies
other than Austria-Hungary, and that was perhaps
The Car of the German Empire Driven by Wilhelm II. more a liability than an asset.
Cover illustration by Thomas Heine for the German satirical
journal Simplicissimus, 1907. PRIVATE COLLECTION/BRIDGEMAN ART Within Germany, William aspired to make him-
self popular, and to achieve this aim he began his
reign trying to pose as the friend of the working
class. This did not capture the multitudes and Wil-
ence that his successor in 1894, Prince Chlodwig liam eventually grew resentful of the ever increasing
von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (1819–1901), also rise of the doctrinarily Marxist Social Democratic
found to be true. Hohenlohe would last until party, which following the elections of 1912
1900, when he yielded to Bernhard von Bülow became the largest faction in the imperial legisla-
(1849–1929), who was known as ‘‘the eel’’ for his ture. Meanwhile, William had alienated the second
oleaginous manner and suave handling of his imper- most numerous party, the Catholic Center, by his
ial master. Although insistent on making full use of resolute prejudice against Catholicism, nor did he
his prerogative, William was so inconstant and dila- have many admirers among the middle parties
tory, so prone to sudden changes of opinion and to representing the interests of business and com-
new enthusiasms, he in fact was not the supreme merce. As a result, William’s governments stag-
autocrat he believed himself to be. The so-called gered through a series of parliamentary crises and
persönliches Regiment (personal regime) was actually the regime was increasingly discredited. William’s
exercised by his aristocratic minions in the military own stature sank in popularity as a result of these
and civil bureaucracy. difficulties and also because of a variety of scandals,
some of them surrounding accusations of homo-
The work that William’s dutiful servants had to sexuality involving a number of his closest associ-
perform was complicated because of the kaiser’s ates in the entourage. The reign of the last kaiser
incessant, bombastic intrusions. The last kaiser was not only full of unresolved crises, it was also
believed himself to be a genius, especially at warfare messy and unedifying.
and diplomacy, two areas he preferred to domestic
affairs. Resolutely moral, anti-Catholic, and Fran- Finally, William’s regime was dreary. The kai-
cophobe, he wrote France off as racially inferior ser’s court, though splendid and run like clock-
and eternally inimical to the German Empire. work, was a bore. The throne was adamantly

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2469

opposed to any innovations in the arts and patron- BIBLIOGRAPHY

ized only those who praised the sovereign and Primary Sources
delivered traditional works of second- or third-rate Röhl, John C. G., ed. Philipp Eulenburgs Politische Korre-
quality. There was no place in William’s artistic spondenz. 3 vols. Boppard am Rhein, 1976–1983.
galaxy for Richard Georg Strauss (1864–1949) or
Max Liebermann (1847–1935) or Gerhart Haupt- Secondary Sources
mann (1862–1946). Cecil, Lamar. Wilhelm II: Prince and Emperor, 1859–1900.
Chapel Hill, N.C., 1989.
Germany’s antediluvian political system was ———. Wilhelm II: Emperor and Exile, 1900–1941. Chapel
paradoxically coexistent with one of the most Hill, N.C., 1996.
remarkable economic upsurges any nation in
Hull, Isabel V. The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1888–
Europe enjoyed in the nineteenth and early twen- 1918. Cambridge, U.K., 1982.
tieth centuries. Industry prospered and commerce
Röhl, John C. G. Young Wilhelm: The Kaiser’s Early Life,
spread around the world. William II is not 1859–1888. Translated by Jeremy Gaines and Rebecca
entitled to any credit on this score, for he was Wallach. Cambridge, U.K., 1998.
snobbish toward the middle class although he
———. The Kaiser’s Personal Monarchy, 1888–1900.
envied their wealth. An occasional entrepreneur, Cambridge, U.K., 2004.
notably the Krupps of Essen or Albert Ballin
Röhl, John C. G., and Nicolaus Sombart, eds. Kaiser
(1857–1918), the Hamburg shipping magnate,
Wilhelm II. New Interpretations: The Corfu Papers.
might fraternize with the kaiser, but none was Cambridge, U.K., 1982.
ever part of the inner circle, and William remained
as ignorant of economics as he was of almost LAMAR CECIL
everything else.
In 1913, William celebrated the twenty-fifth n
anniversary of his ascension to the Prussian and
imperial throne. The occasion was appropriately
WILLIAM IV (1765–1837), king of Great
Britain and Ireland (1830–1837) and king of
pompous but also rather contrived, for the sover-
Hanover (1830–1837).
eign being honored was neither popular nor nota-
bly respected. Throughout his reign there were William Henry was the third son of George III
suspicions that he was mentally unbalanced, and and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. In 1779
many who knew him well believed this to be the he was sent to sea as a midshipman in the hope that
case, citing as evidence William’s irrepressible the Royal Navy would instill disciplined habits and
loquacity, incessant traveling, astounding tactless- offer him a career of public service. He saw action
ness, and nervous prostration at moments of crisis. against the Spaniards off Cape St. Vincent, and
William in fact may have been the victim of por- subsequently his competence as a naval officer won
phyria, a genetic disorder that has mental as well as the approval of his superiors who included Horatio
physical symptoms. The kaiser’s Germany was rich, Nelson. From 1783 to 1785 he resided in Hanover.
it was powerfully armed, but it had few friends, a In 1789 he became duke of Clarence and St.
number of notable enemies, and a marked lack of Andrews and earl of Munster. He played no part in
internal political stability. Just a year after the the French Wars that commenced in 1793, and his
observance of the anniversary, Germany found promotion to admiral in 1798 was a formality. He
itself at war, blockaded at sea and outnumbered resumed an active connection with the Navy in
on land. The fate of Germany, in that ominous 1827 when he was appointed lord high admiral,
moment in its history, rested on a man utterly but he clashed with members of his advisory council
unequal to the challenge, an emperor who, for all and resigned.
his splendor, was a vacuous, blundering epigone
From 1791 William cohabited with Dorothy
who reduced his splendid inheritance to inglorious
Jordan, an actress. A caring father, he fostered the
marital and career prospects of their ten children
See also Bismarck, Otto von; Frederick III; Germany; (surnamed FitzClarence). William terminated his
Nicholas II; William I. relationship with Jordan in 1811, and in 1818 he

2470 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

married Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen. Although reinstating the Whigs, who not only pursued poli-
their children died in early infancy, the marriage cies that were repugnant to him but also took the
was a happy one. William had no cultural or intel- opportunity to restrict the hostile activities of his
lectual interests. His undignified appearance and court circle. It was the last time that a British
eccentric mannerisms, together with behavior and monarch dismissed a government with a House of
language that smacked of the quarterdeck, attracted Commons majority.
ridicule in polite society, but his bluff geniality
William’s enthusiasm for reform was always lim-
contributed to the popularity he enjoyed at various
ited. Before coming to the throne he had supported
times during his reign.
Catholic emancipation but defended the institution
William became king in 1830 on the death of of slavery. During the crisis that attended the pas-
his brother, George IV. He played a major part in sing of the Reform Act he was reluctant to depart
two episodes that altered the British constitution. from the eighteenth-century constitutional theory
The first of these was the struggle for the Reform that envisaged a balance of power between the mon-
Act by which Earl Grey’s Whig government archy, the House of Lords, and the House of Com-
enlarged the parliamentary electorate in 1832 and mons. After 1832 he attempted to protect the pri-
removed some anomalies from the representative vileges of the Protestant church establishment in
system. Wishing to restrict the extent of the change Ireland, and he regarded the activities of the Irish
and abate controversy, William would have preferred nationalist leader Daniel O’Connell as little better
to see the legislation carried by a coalition of Whigs than treasonous. William also disagreed with his
and Tories or by a Tory government, but at two ministers’ policy of supporting liberals in Portugal,
crucial junctures he supported his Whig ministers in Spain, and other parts of continental Europe.
the face of strenuous Tory opposition. He deferred
The last years of his reign were uneventful.
to their insistence on a general election in 1831 at
William died in 1837 and was buried in Windsor
which they won a majority in the House of Com-
mons, and, when the Tories blocked the legislation Castle. He was succeeded in the United Kingdom
in the House of Lords, he agreed to create enough by his niece, Victoria, and in Hanover, where the
Whig peers to pass the Reform Act if the Tory lords Salic law of succession excluded women from the
persisted in their opposition. The threat was enough throne, by his brother, Ernest Augustus.
to carry the day, setting a precedent for the subor- See also George IV; Great Britain; Wellington, Duke of
dination of the House of Lords to the wishes of the (Arthur Wellesley); Whigs.
House of Commons. William’s popularity during
the controversy was indicated by an illustration in BIBLIOGRAPHY
The Extraordinary Black Book, a radical tract that
Brock, Michael G. The Great Reform Act. London, 1973.
contained an illustration showing a people’s king The standard work on the 1832 Reform Act.
surrounded by ministers who were ‘‘Friends of
Newbould, Ian. Whiggery and Reform, 1830–1841. London,
Reform, Foes of Revolution.’’
1990. A modern study of the Whig reformers of the
The second episode counteracted this favor- 1830s.
able impression. Alarmed by the liberalism of his Ziegler, Philip. King William IV. London, 1971. A biogra-
ministers and encouraged by Tory sympathizers, phy that draws on the royal archives and other major
primary sources.
who included his wife and some of his children,
William dismissed the Whigs in 1834 and installed ALEX TYRRELL
a Tory government led by Sir Robert Peel. He was
emboldened by a precedent from the years 1783
and 1784 when his father had ousted a Whig-
dominated coalition and appointed a more conge-
nial government that was confirmed in office by a WINDTHORST, LUDWIG (1812–1891),
general election. William miscalculated; at the German politician.
ensuing general election, the voters rejected the Germany’s greatest parliamentarian, Ludwig
Tories. William had to endure the humiliation of Josef Ferdinand Gustav Windthorst, served simul-

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2471

taneously in the Prussian and the German national Elected to the Prussian lower house as deputy for
parliament (Reichstag), where as leader of the Meppen, Windthorst could find no party to his lik-
Center Party he took the floor more than any other ing, yet isolation did not intimidate a man that wags
speaker. His wit, sang-froid, and tactical genius were soon dubbed ‘‘the Meppen Party.’’ In the Reichstag
the marvel of all. When political upheavals in 1878 of the North German Confederation, he attracted
made the Center and its associate members the allies from other recently annexed or marginalized
Reichstag’s largest grouping, a position it would states, forming a short-lived Federal-Constitutional
keep until 1912, Windthorst held the parliamentary Union. Elections to the all-German Customs Parlia-
balance of power. ment in 1867, by returning like-minded deputies
from the predominantly Catholic south, opened his
eyes to the advantages of a democratic franchise.
Working behind the scenes to unite particularists of
Windthorst’s politics were colored by an early
all stripes, Windthorst succeeded in thwarting Ger-
Anglophilia (born in Hanover, he was a subject of
man nationalist hopes of turning the Customs Parlia-
the English crown until he was twenty-five) and a
ment into a forum for coaxing the southern states
libertarianism nourished by his experience as mem-
voluntarily into Bismarck’s Confederation, foresha-
ber of a religious and political minority: as a Catholic
dowing his later reputation as ‘‘father of all hin-
in Protestant Hanover, and after its annexation in
drances.’’ Windthorst voted against the constitution
1866, as a Hanoverian loyalist in a Germany first
of the North German Confederation and later, of the
truncated and then dominated by Prussia. After
German Empire, for failing to provide a house of
education at the Universities of Göttingen (1830–
lords, a supreme court, a cabinet collectively respon-
1831) and Heidelberg (1832–1833), Windthorst
sible to the Reichstag, and safeguards for the rights
quickly became the leading lawyer in his native
of member states. Cool to nationalism himself,
Osnabrück, although he was functionally blind by
Windthorst offered irritating reminders of his coun-
his thirtieth year. Appointed to several prestigious
trymen’s double standard in applying the nationality
offices, he was serving on the Hanoverian Supreme
principle. Thus he protested against annexing Alsace-
Court when in 1848 revolution opened the possi-
Lorraine without consulting its population,
bility of a political career. In 1849 he was elected to
demanded parliamentary representation for its citi-
the diet’s lower chamber, and in 1851, its president.
zens, and excoriated the suspension of civil law under
Windthorst was twice appointed Justice Minis- the guise of military emergency.
ter (1851–1853 and 1862–1865), the only Catholic
to hold cabinet rank in the history of the kingdom. AFTER 1870
In spite of Hanover’s chronic constitutional crisis, In the Reichstag, Windthorst brought together in
he succeeded in putting the reforms of 1848 into the Center Party a diverse collection of outsiders in
effect: public judicial proceedings, jury trials, reor- the new empire—Prussian and southern Catholics,
ganization of the courts, separation of justice from Poles and Alsace-Lorrainers, and Lutheran legiti-
administration. Although distrusted by George V mists from Hanover (the latter as affiliated mem-
(r. 1851–1866) as a ‘‘jesuit,’’ Windthorst’s support bers). Even as they instilled the concept of a loyal
for the German Confederation and his opposition opposition among their constituents, they were
to Prussian-led nationalism made him well known branded as Reichsfeinde (‘‘enemies of the Reich’’)
in particularist and pro-Austrian circles throughout by the Bismarckian press. Although his hopes
Germany. After Prussia’s annexation of Hanover in that the Center might attract Protestants beyond
1866, he represented his deposed monarch in Hanover were disappointed, Windthorst insisted that
negotiations with Otto von Bismarck (r. 1871– his party champion the same rights for Protestants
1890) over Hanoverian royal property (Welfen- and Jews that it demanded for Catholics. In Novem-
fonds), beginning an adversarial relationship that ber 1880 he repeatedly threatened to resign his
would last a lifetime. Contrary to agreement, seat if the Center supported the anti-Semitic side
Bismarck impounded the Welfenfonds in 1868, in a debate on the Jewish Question in the Prussian
feeding Windthorst’s pessimism about the future House of Deputies. In January 1886 he sponsored
of rule of law in a Prussian-dominated Germany. a successful Reichstag motion censuring the Prus-

2472 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

sian government for expelling, almost overnight, lic deputies in a hastily assembled ‘‘Berlin Laymen’s
more than thirty thousand undocumented Poles Council,’’ to the prospective declaration of papal
and Jews in the East. infallibility, Windthorst was increasingly seen by
the pontiff as an obstacle to his own plans to
Windthorst’s distrust of state power had intensi-
negotiate a solution to the Kulturkampf. Aiming
fied during the Kulturkampf (‘‘battle for civilization,’’
also to enlist Bismarck’s help in recovering Rome
1872–1887) , when Bismarck, with broad support in
for the Holy See (a cause Windthorst considered
parliament and the public, sponsored legislation to
not only lost, but no longer even desirable), Leo
subordinate the Catholic Church to the state. Wind-
kept Windthorst ignorant of the course of negotia-
thorst joined the bishops in calling for civil disobe-
tions and stymied Center Party initiatives in parlia-
dience to laws that conflicted with conscience.
ment, hoping to offer the chancellor the party’s
Windthorst amazed contemporaries by his skill votes on political matters as an inducement for
not only in holding his extremely heterogeneous ecclesiastical concessions. Windthorst declined to
party together, but in shifting it rapidly right and oblige, suggesting that separation of church and
left, as opportunities appeared. In 1873, hoping to state on the North American model was preferable
split the National Liberals or at least to force them to compromising constitutional principles.
to choose between angering Bismarck or their own
In 1887, when the Center, in accord with its
voters, he persuaded his instinctively conservative
platform’s demand for parliamentary control of
colleagues to sponsor a series of democratic
the purse, defeated Bismarck’s seven-year military
motions: to replace the plutocratic franchise and
budget (Septennat), the chancellor dissolved the
open voting in Prussian state elections with the
Reichstag and waged an uproarious election cam-
Reichstag’s manhood suffrage and secret ballot; to
paign against the Reichsfeinde. Leo gave Bismarck
end the newspaper tax and other press restrictions;
permission to leak a papal note that had instructed
and to institute salaries for Reichstag deputies.
Windthorst to support the Septennat as quid pro
Liberal leaders, warning that association with
quo for a prospective settlement of the Kulturkampf.
Windthorst was a political ‘‘kiss of death,’’ suc-
The Bismarckian press, which had previously
ceeded in tabling the motions. Although the
scoffed at the Center’s professed independence
defense of the Reichstag’s rights and its democratic
of church authority on political questions, now
franchise became central to the Center Party’s
expressed itself scandalized at Windthorst’s
program, Windthorst’s residual monarchism, and
‘‘disobedience,’’ gloating at the pope’s apparent
fears of the tyranny of the majority, kept him from
disavowal of the overwhelmingly Catholic party.
advocating parliamentary sovereignty.
The Center was returned unscathed, but Wind-
Not alarmed by the rise of Social Democracy, thorst was forced to acquiesce in Leo’s ecclesias-
Windthorst worked to integrate socialism’s adher- tical ‘‘Peace Settlement’’ that same year, although
ents into parliamentary life, supporting motions it left many Catholic demands unsatisfied.
to release socialist deputies from prison and, when
Windthorst shared little of the passion of
they were too few to sponsor motions of their own,
Catholic thinkers for social reform, although he
lending them Center signatures to enable their
gave tepid support to the Center’s sponsorship of
motions to come to the floor. Opposing all laws
factory legislation in 1877. His experience in
designed against specific groups (‘‘exceptional
Osnabrück, whose Protestant patriciate controlled
legislation’’) as contrary to the principle of equality
access to guilds, made him sympathetic to free
before the law, Windthorst led his party to reject
enterprise and free trade. He resisted Bismarck’s
Bismarck’s Anti-Socialist Law in 1878 and, with
plans for a tobacco monopoly and for the natio-
some defections, its biannual renewals thereafter.
nalization of railways, fearing abuses if vast num-
Votes such as these incurred the displeasure of bers of workers became dependent on an employer-
Pope Leo XIII (r. 1878–1903), as did Wind- state. The Center supported compulsory health
thorst’s electoral alliances with Left Liberals in the insurance for workers in 1883 and workman’s
1880s. Already suspect for having voiced opposi- compensation in 1884, financed by contributions
tion in 1869, both privately and with other Catho- from workers and employers, or, in the latter case,

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2473

by employers alone. But in 1889, when substantial thorst reacted with horror. Marshalling allies in
numbers of older and conservative colleagues broke party, clergy, and press, he transformed the nascent
ranks to support Bismarck’s old age and disability Catholic League into the very different Volksverein
insurance, partially funded by the state, Windthorst für das Katholische Deutschland (People’s Asso-
felt betrayed. ciation for Catholic Germany), which combined
Yet he was rarely dogmatic on economic ques- the functions of adult education, information
bureau, and training program for the Center’s
tions. The demands of its constituency led the
party workers. With 805,000 members by 1914,
Center to precede Bismarck in advocating tariffs
it became one of the largest voluntary organiza-
in 1879 and to support increases in grain duties
tions in Germany.
in 1885 and 1889. Even so, Windthorst succeeded
in passing a provision to distribute much of the More than any figure of his generation, Wind-
income generated by the tariff to Germany’s mem- thorst embodied the transition from notable to
ber states, thus frustrating Bismarck’s hopes for mass politics. Even in old age, he was a tireless
an imperial revenue-producing mechanism beyond presence at rallies throughout the country, drawing
the control of representative bodies. crowds of thousands, who burst into song (‘‘The
Little Excellency,’’ composed in his honor) at his
After years of Bismarck’s vilification (‘‘Two
entrance. He turned disadvantages into assets: his
things sustain my life and make it sweet: my wife
lack of the noble title customary among his peers
and Windthorst. One is for love, the other for
fostered the rumor (which he never denied) that
hate’’ [Tiedemann, vol. 2, p. 3]), it was to Wind-
he was the son of peasants. Conspicuous ugliness
thorst that the chancellor turned in March 1890,
when national elections deprived him of a reliable and a stature that did not reach five feet made
majority. Bismarck agreed to a number of ecclesias- him the darling of cartoonists, especially during
tical concessions, but his approach to Windthorst debating duals with the giant Bismarck. The elfin,
was itself a sign that the chancellor’s power was bespectacled, eminently civilian parliamentarian
waning. When word of the interview leaked out, (‘‘the Civilian Moltke’’; ‘‘General Schlauberger’’ [sly
the ensuing scandal gave William II (r. 1888– dog]) offered a counter-symbol to the authoritarian
1918), furious at being left in the dark about so values exemplified by Germany’s field marshals,
signal a change of course, the excuse he needed for elite officials, and aristocratic chancellors. At his
Bismarck’s dismissal. death he was given all the honors of a state funeral,
critics complained, and the Social Democratic
Though Windthorst insisted that the Center press proclaimed him ‘‘the most popular man in
was a political, not a religious party, the Catholic Germany.’’ Yet anti-parliamentary and anti-Catholic
clergy provided its electoral machinery and Ger- sentiment continued to color his image among
many’s bishops, a power base that he employed nationalists of both liberal and conservative persua-
against both Leo XIII and the occasional obstrep- sions, and the currents that Windthorst embodied—
erous clerical colleague. His own influence within Catholic, federalist, and constitutionalist—became
the church in Germany was unequaled, extending fully acceptable to the majority only after the
to episcopal appointments and other ostensibly
founding of the Federal Republic of Germany
ecclesiastical matters. Within the Center delega-
in 1949.
tion, priests were his most reliable allies. Although
by the 1880s some aristocratic rivals, dismayed by See also Catholicism, Political; Center Party; Germany;
their party’s continued oppositional course, chaffed Kulturkampf; Prussia.
under one-man rule, they commanded no compar-
able support. Windthorst discouraged the forma- BIBLIOGRAPHY

tion of other mass organizations of Catholics, Primary Sources

whose moves outside parliament might limit his Tiedemann, Christoph von. Aus sieben Jahrzehnten.
own tactical flexibility. When in summer of 1890 Erinnerungen. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1905–1909.
Catholic aristocrats met to establish an organiza- Windthorst, Ludwig Josef Ferdinand Gustav. Ausgewählte
tion to respond in kind to the religious polemics of Reden gehalten in der Zeit von 1861–1891. 1903. 3 vols.
the recently founded Protestant League, Wind- Reprint, Hildesheim, Zurich, and New York, 2003.

2474 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

———. Briefe 1834–1880. Edited by Hans-Georg Aschoff n

with Heinz-Jörg Heinrich. Paderborn, Germany, WINE. Wine was one of the principal alcoholic
1995. beverages consumed in Europe during the long
Briefe 1881–1891: um einen Nachtrag mit Briefen von nineteenth century. Beer and wine had already
1834 bis 1880 ergänzt. Edited by Hans-Georg Aschoff been staple elements in the daily diet throughout
with Heinz-Jörg Heinrich. Paderborn, Germany, Europe for centuries because they were safer to
drink than the available water, which was often
———. Ludwig Windthorst, 1812–1891. Edited by Hans- contaminated by human, animal, and industrial
Georg Aschoff. Paderborn, Germany, 1991. Brief waste.
edition of Windthorst’s most important speeches,
annotated and put in context. Several themes bear on the history of wine
between 1789 and 1914. They include changes in
Secondary Sources production and consumption patterns, the effects
Anderson, Margaret Lavinia. Windthorst: A Political Bio- of the temperance movements and phylloxera, and
graphy. Oxford, U.K., and New York, 1981. Trans- shifts in the cultural status of wine.
lated into German as Windthorst: Zentrumspolitiker
und Gegenspieler Bismarcks, with an expanded biblio-
graphy, 1988. First critical scholarly biography, nota- WINE IN 1789
ble for uncovering Windthorst’s close relations to the At the end of the eighteenth century, wine was
clergy and conflicts with Leo XIII. consumed by common people in areas where viti-
Bachem, Karl. Vorgeschichte, Geschichte und Politik der culture flourished, and where wine was inexpensive
Deutschen Zentrumspartei: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur because it did not have to be transported to market
Geschichte der katholischen Bewegung, sowie zur or could be produced on a local or domestic scale.
allgemeinen Geschichte des neueren und neuesten
Thus, wine consumption was widespread in Spain,
Deutschland 1815–1914. Vols. 3–5. Cologne, 1927–
1932. Invaluable resource by knowledgeable Center Portugal, France, Italy, and Greece, and those
politician, personally close to Windthorst in his later regions of central and eastern Europe where grapes
years, based on a rich collection of contemporary were cultivated.
Elsewhere, beer, ale, and distilled spirits were
Colonge, Paul. Ludwig Windthorst (1812–1891): (Sa pensée more commonly consumed, but because wine had
et son action politiques jusqu’en 1875). 2 vols. Lille and
a social cachet, it was imported for consumption by
Paris, 1983. Exhaustive coverage.
those who could afford it. The middle and upper
Goldberg, Hans-Peter. Bismarck und seine Gegner: die poli- classes in northern Europe also consumed beer and
tische Rhetorik im kaiserlichen Reichstag. Düsseldorf, spirits, but wine was a socially valued beverage and
1998. Analyzes Bismarck’s rhetoric and that of his
principal parliamentary antagonists: Windthorst; the
wine merchants did brisk business in England, the
Social Democrat August Bebel; and the Progressive Netherlands and Belgium, Scandinavia, and Russia.
Eugen Richter.
The English market, for example, soaked up
Hüsgen, Eduard. Ludwig Windthorst. Cologne, 1907. huge volumes of wine from Bordeaux and Port
Classic, if uncritical, biography by editor of a Center (wine fortified with brandy) from Portugal. A
Party newspaper in Düsseldorf who was eyewitness 1793 guide to St. Petersburg noted that wealthy
to some of the events described. Enriched with con-
temporary caricatures, campaign doggerel, and long
people there drank wines from Bordeaux, Burgundy,
quotations. and Champagne, and also Hungarian wines that
were also popular because they are ‘‘strong, very
Meemken, Hermann, ed. Ludwig Windthorst, 1812–1891:
alcoholic, and warm the blood’’ (Phillips, p. 202).
christlicher Parlamentarier und Gegenspieler Bismarcks:
Begleitbuch zur Gedenkausstellung aus Anlass des Even where wine was available locally, as in north-
100. Todestages. Meppen, Germany, 1991. Revealing ern Italy, wine was imported from France because it
photographs, caricatures, and other contemporary was reputed to be of higher quality.
graphics along with articles that are valuable for illumi-
nating Windthorst’s connections with his Emsland It is impossible to provide useful figures on per
constituency in northwestern Germany. capita consumption because total production is
often unknown and drinking patterns are unclear.
MARGARET LAVINIA ANDERSON Enough wine was brought into Paris in the 1780s

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2475

to enable each inhabitant—women, children, and southern France (especially Languedoc) began to
men—to consume between three and six liters of wine penetrate the large working-class markets in Paris
a week. But adult men clearly drank more than women and France’s northern industrial cities.
and children, and some tavern records suggest that
There were also developments in elite wines,
men might have downed two liters of wine a day.
and regions like Bordeaux consolidated their repu-
Although contemporary commentators con- tations for producing premium wines. In 1855, at
demned drunkenness, they accepted wine as a basic the request of Napoleon III, the seventy-nine most
part of the daily diet. The political scientist Jean- expensive wines from some of Bordeaux’s most
Baptiste Moheau wrote in the 1780s that wine prestigious districts were classified into five cate-
is ‘‘an excellent beverage for the poor, not only gories (known as Crus or ‘‘Growths’’). In the same
because it is a food but also because it is very good period, in the Italian region of Tuscany, Baron
protection against physical decay’’ (Phillips, p. 203). Ricasoli set out the approved grape varieties for
modern Chianti.
The popularity of wine in eighteenth-century
France led to complaints that high taxes on it led to During the nineteenth century, too, modern
clandestine wine-shops and smuggling. Wine was Champagne was born. In the 1820s Veuve Clicquot
regularly smuggled into Paris—sometimes through introduced new techniques of production that
channels bored through the city walls—and taverns were widely adopted and became known as the
selling less expensive wine outside the walls (where ‘‘Champagne Method,’’ while in mid-century
the city tax was not levied) did a roaring trade on Champagne began to move from the sweet spark-
holidays. ling wine it had been, to the drier styles now most
In response to complaints about sales taxes, the
Revolutionary government abolished the tax on
wine in 1791 and, at midnight on 1 May, a convoy TEMPERANCE
of hundreds of carts brought an estimated 2 million While the European wine industry was growing,
liters of wine into Paris for sale at the new, tax-free expanding its markets and developing expensive,
price. Even when a tax was re-imposed in 1798, premium wines, two threats emerged. The first
wine was still cheaper than it had been before the was an unprecedented movement against the con-
Revolution. sumption of any more alcohol than was needed for
basic dietary purposes. This temperance movement
was a coordinated expression of the concern that
had been articulated sporadically for centuries, as
The Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods pro-
civic and church commentators warned against the
moted the wine industry in France, and annual
social and personal consequences of excessive
production rose by a third between the late 1780s
drinking. By the end of the nineteenth century,
and the period from 1805 to 1812. The area under
some temperance movements began to call for
viticulture increased, especially in southern France,
total abstinence and a ban on the production of
and governments subsidized the wine industry by
beverage alcohol.
purchasing vast volumes of wine for military rations
and hospitals during the Revolutionary and Napo- Anti-alcohol movements like these attracted
leonic Wars (1792–1815). less support in Europe, especially Continental
Europe, than in North America and Australasia.
During the nineteenth century, several develop-
In Europe, wine and beer were entrenched in diet
ments favored the spread of wine consumption
and culture. And to the extent that sources of
throughout Europe. One was an improvement in
potable water needed to be available before alco-
transportation brought about by railroads from the
hol could be removed from the diet, much of
1850s onward. Until then, the cheapest means of
Europe lagged behind other parts of the Western
moving wine was by water (river or coastal ship-
ping), but trains could carry bulk wine inexpen-
sively, and the railroad extended the market reach Although the anti-alcohol campaigns made
of wine regions. From the 1860s, the wines of some inroads in England, they were largely ineffec-

2476 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

tive in continental Europe. In France, a number of enced a short sales boom as the French imported
temperance organizations focused their campaigns wine to make up their own shortfall. But phylloxera
solely on spirits and went so far as to encourage soon spread to Italy’s vineyards, too.
wine-drinking on the ground that wine was healthy
When phylloxera reduced the wine supply,
and an antidote to alcoholism.
counterfeit and substitute wines (some made from
A side effect of the anti-alcohol campaigns was a raisins, others adulterated with all kinds of addi-
decline in the reputation of wine as having therapeu- tives) flooded the European market. They damaged
tic qualities. For centuries wine had been prescribed the reputation of established regions and led wine
for digestive and other problems, and it was believed consumers to shift to beer and spirits, such as
to have general tonic effects. In 1870–1871, one Scotch whisky in England and absinthe in France.
hospital in Darmstadt, Germany, went through
4,633 bottles of white and 6,332 bottles of red wine
from the Rhine region, sixty bottles of Champagne, a
In an effort to recover its markets, the French wine
few dozen bottles of superior white and red Bor-
industry enacted rules that became a model for
deaux, and about thirty dozen bottles of Port.
wine laws in many countries in the twentieth cen-
Yet in the late nineteenth and early twentieth tury. The rules restricted the ingredients in wine
centuries, new drugs and painkillers (like aspirin), and specified (for the first time) that it had to be
sedatives, and tranquilizers came onto the market. made from fresh grapes. At the turn of the century,
They were clinically tested and promised specific the French parliament declared wine to be a safe
results, unlike wine, which was promoted as merely and healthy beverage.
beneficial in a general sense.
France also adopted Appellation d’Origine
Contrôlée laws to regulate the use of geographical
PHYLLOXERA names on wines. From 1908, wines could not be
The decline of wine as medicine had a long-term labeled ‘‘Champagne’’ unless they were made from
effect. A more serious and immediate threat to grapes grown there. These laws were extended to
wine in nineteenth-century Europe was phylloxera, other regions in the twentieth century and became
a vine-disease imported from North America that the basis for wine laws throughout Europe.
took hold in southern France in the 1860s and,
Developments in France through much of the
during the following decades, devastated vineyards
nineteenth century are so important not only
throughout almost the whole of Europe. For
because French wine was reputed to be the best
years—the timing varied from region to region—
in the world (winemakers came to France from
wine production fell and many consumers shifted
across Europe and around the world to learn tech-
to other beverages.
niques), but also because France made more wine
The phylloxera epidemic was a short-term blow than any other country. In 1828, French wine
to Europe’s wine industry (a solution was put in production accounted for 40 percent of world out-
place from the 1870s), but it had far-reaching put and France’s 2 million hectares of land under
effects. For one thing, it changed the map of Euro- vines was far greater than Italy’s 400,000 hectares,
pean viticulture. In France, many marginal vine- Austria’s 625,000, and Hungary’s 550,000.
yards in the north were not replanted and the
France was also the site of many of the techni-
center of gravity shifted south, as the vineyards of
cal advances in winemaking in the nineteenth cen-
Languedoc-Roussillon (now with rail access to
tury. The great French scientist Louis Pasteur
northern markets) expanded dramatically.
devoted much of his time to research on wine,
All Europe’s wine industries were affected by especially to understanding the process of fermen-
phylloxera. Spanish wine benefited at first, as an tation. Ironically, the process of heating liquids
influx of French winemakers left their dying vines to kill off bacteria (pasteurization) was used to
in regions like Bordeaux and began to work in produce unfermented grape juice that many tem-
Spanish regions such as Rioja. But then, Spain’s perance campaigners argued should replace wine in
vines died in turn. Italy’s wine-producers experi- the Christian communion.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2477

Despite the phylloxera episode and the efforts Loubère, Leo. The Red and the White: The History of Wine
of anti-alcohol movements, wine retained its popu- in France and Italy in the Nineteenth Century. Albany,
N.Y., 1978.
larity among Europeans whether they drank cheap,
ordinary wine or could afford the prestigious Phillips, Rod. A Short History of Wine. New York, 2001.
brands. Even when regular supplies of reliable fresh Prestwich, Patricia E. Drink and the Politics of Social
water became available, and even when the medical Reform: Antialcoholism in France since 1870. Palo
properties of wine were called into question, con- Alto, Calif., 1988.
sumption rates remained high in many parts of ROD PHILLIPS
Europe, especially Italy, Spain, and France.
Nonetheless, by 1900, production outpaced
demand in some regions, prices fell, and some n
industries faced a crisis. In several French regions, WITTE, SERGEI (1849–1915), Russian
producers and workers in wine-related jobs demon- politician.
strated in large numbers. Protests attracted 300,000
Sergei Yulyevich Witte was born in Tiflis,
in Ni̊mes and 600,000 in Montpellier in 1907.
Georgia, in 1849. His father was a Baltic German
In 1911, workers in Champagne destroyed hun-
who moved up Peter the Great’s Table of Ranks
dreds of thousands of liters of Champagne during
to become a hereditary noble. His mother was
related to the ancient Dolgoruky princes; to
The outbreak of war in 1914 came to the aid of Helena Blavatsky, a founder of theosophy; and to
the French wine industry. Although the call-up of Rostislav Fadeyev, a leader of the Pan-Slavs. Witte
troops in August left wineries short-handed for shared the Pan-Slav view that the Russian autocracy
what would prove a bumper harvest, the grapes united the empire’s disparate nationalities. Married
were picked by older men, women, and children. twice, Witte had two adopted daughters.
The wineries of Languedoc donated 20 million
Following his degree in mathematics from the
liters to military hospitals, and soon the govern-
University of Novorossiisk, Witte entered the new
ment was buying vast amounts of wine for soldiers’
field of railroading in Ukraine. He always consid-
rations. The military wine ration was increased
ered railways key economic levers. His expert man-
steadily as the war dragged on, and in 1917 French
agement of the southwestern railways and ideas on
troops at the front consumed 1.2 billion liters
financing railways and strengthening the economy
of wine.
of the empire catapulted him to St. Petersburg to
The long nineteenth century was bracketed by head the new Department of Railroad Affairs in the
political upheavals that, in the short term at least, Ministry of Finance and then to the position of
were good for the wine industry. In the one hun- minister of finance.
dred years between, the industry and the status of
As minister of finance (1892–1903), Witte
wine in material, cultural, and medical terms went
supervised construction of the Trans-Siberian Rail-
through a series of transformations that set the
road, put Russia on the gold standard, forged tar-
stage for wine’s playing a different role in twentieth-
iffs with Germany that included fairly favorable
century European society and culture.
conditions for Russia, encouraged foreign invest-
See also Alcohol and Temperance; Diet and Nutrition; ment, and stimulated industrialization through
Phylloxera. government purchase of domestically produced
rails and equipment at above-market prices. During
BIBLIOGRAPHY his administration technical and commercial
Guy, Kolleen M. When Champagne became French: Wine
schools increased seventeenfold. Small-scale busi-
and the Making of a National Identity. Baltimore, nesses continued to proliferate. Witte published on
2003. economic subjects and to supplement the ministry
Haine, W. Scott The World of the Paris Café: Sociability of finance newspaper established a commercial-
among the French Working Class, 1789–1914. Baltimore, trade newspaper and a scholarly economic journal.
1996. He transmuted information received from chairing

2478 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

the Special Conference on the Needs of Agricul- western provinces of the empire, on which Stolypin
tural Industry or Rural Industry into measures for staked his career in 1911. Witte also opposed war
agrarian improvement. with Germany, which broke out in 1914. Though
not entirely due to Witte, the Russian economy
Although he used a loan from France in 1895 was the fifth strongest in the world in the early
to finance the Chinese Eastern Railway through
twentieth century, with high growth rates that
Manchuria, Witte opposed the Russian adventur-
plunged during the 1904–1905 revolution but
ism in Korea and Port Arthur that precipitated
rebounded through 1913.
the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905. Palace
intrigue resulted in Witte’s dismissal as finance See also Austria-Hungary; Nicholas II; Russia; Stolypin,
minister in 1903. As chair of the Committee of Peter.
Ministers (1903–1905), however, Witte super-
vised significant laws and proposals. One imple- BIBLIOGRAPHY

mented an imperial decree adding corporately Primary Sources

elected members to the State Council, a legislative Witte, Sergei. The Memoirs of Count Witte. Translated and
body dating from the early nineteenth century, edited by Sidney Harcave. Armonk, N.Y., 1990.
composed of appointed officials. Other proposals
concerned replacing peasant communes with Secondary Sources
private farmsteads, improving the position of Gregory, Paul R. Before Command: An Economic History of
Russia from Emancipation to the First Five-Year Plan.
ethnic and religious minorities, and expanding
Princeton, N.J., 1994.
self-government—proposals that Peter Stolypin
fleshed out and strove to implement between Harcave, Sidney. Count Sergei Witte and the Twilight of
Imperial Russia: A Biography. Armonk, N.Y., 2004.
1906 and 1911. In September 1905 Witte parti-
cipated in the peace conference in Portsmouth, Mehlinger, Howard D., and John M. Thompson. Count
New Hampshire, ending the Russo-Japanese War Witte and the Tsarist Government in the 1905 Revolu-
tion. Bloomington, Ind., 1972.
and achieved favorable terms for Russia. He
had reservations about local, popularly elected Von Laue, Theodore H. Sergei Witte and the Industrializa-
tion of Russia. New York, 1963.
assemblies (zemstvos) and the establishment of
a parliament, but to quell the general strike that MARY SCHAEFFER CONROY
erupted in the fall of 1905, Witte urged Tsar
Nicholas II to institute a popularly elected, legis-
lative Duma to complement the State Council. As n
chair of the Council of Ministers (October 1905– WOLLSTONECRAFT, MARY (1759–
April 1906), a quasi–prime ministerial position, 1797), radical thinker, polemicist, translator, and
Witte tried to co-opt moderate liberal opposition writer of fiction and educational and historical
leaders into the government. He worked out works.
electoral regulations for the Duma, which repre-
sented all categories of adult males, though not Mary Wollstonecraft was the eldest of three
fully and equally. Witte was awarded the title daughters and the second of six children born to
count for arranging a 2.25 billion franc loan from Edward John Wollstonecraft, a silk weaver of
French, British, Dutch, Austrian, and Russian Spitalfields, London, and Elizabeth Dixon, from
bankers, finalized in April 1906. He simulta- Ballyshannon, Ireland. Her father’s subsequent
neously resigned as head of the government failure as a gentleman farmer had the conse-
because hostile political groups dominated the quence that she spent her adult life constantly
First Duma and because of tension with Tsar seeking independence by earning enough to sup-
Nicholas. port herself, her sisters, and later, her child. Her
early educational works, Thoughts on the Educa-
Appointed to the State Council, Witte served tion of Daughters (1786), Original Stories from
in that upper parliamentary chamber until his Real Life (1788), and the anthology The Female
death, on 13 March (28 February, old style) Reader (1788) are fruits of her experiences as
1915. He opposed extension of zemstvos to the lady’s companion, mistress of a school set up

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2479

political rights because franchise was then based on

ownership of property. She advocated representa-
tion and citizenship for both men and women,
including the right to useful employment for both
In 1792, Wollstonecraft went to France to
report on the French Revolution for Johnson,
which enabled her to recover from an unhappy love
for Fuseli. Her observations became An Historical
and Moral View of the Origin and Progress of the
French Revolution and the Effect It Has Produced in
Europe (1794). In 1793, the year of the execution
of the king of France, Louis XVI (r. 1774–1792),
she began a relationship with Gilbert Imlay (c.
1754–1828), an American writer and trader, who,
on the passing of the Law of Suspects (17 Septem-
ber 1793), registered her as his wife at the Amer-
ican Embassy. Wollstonecraft bore his child, Fanny,
named after her friend who died in Portugal in
1785. After attempting suicide in 1795, she agreed
to act as Imlay’s business associate in an attempt to
gain redress for the loss of a cargo of silver reput-
edly lost in Scandinavia. Her Letters Written Dur-
Mary Wollstonecraft. Engraving after the portrait by ing a Short Residence in Norway, Denmark, and
Sweden (1796) was the literary spin-off from intri-
cate and difficult negotiations on Imlay’s behalf
with her sisters Eliza and Everina, and as governess to while traveling in Scandinavia with her baby daugh-
the Kingsborough family at Mitchelstown near ter and maid. On her return to London, her reac-
Corke in Ireland; while her first novel Mary, a Fiction tion to Imlay’s repeated unfaithfulness was a sec-
(1787) is based on an intense friendship with Fanny ond suicide attempt. Miraculously saved from
Blood. Her London publisher Joseph Johnson also drowning in the River Thames in October 1795,
employed her to review and abstract for his Analytical she lived to marry the philosopher William Godwin
Review, founded in 1788, and to translate contem- (1756–1836) in 1797. Wollstonecraft wrote the
porary works. never-finished ‘‘Lessons’’ for her daughter Fanny
and worked on a further development of her
Wollstonecraft’s two best known works, A
feminist ideas in the novel Maria; or, The Wrongs
Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790), published
of Woman (published posthumously in 1798), in
anonymously in reply to Edmund Burke’s Reflec-
which she presented an acute analysis of the intri-
tions on the Revolution in France (1790), and Vin-
cate interrelation of class, gender, and love. Woll-
dication of the Rights of Woman (1792), published
stonecraft died of puerperal fever on 10 September
under her own name, owe their genesis to a Lon-
1797, eleven days after the birth of her second
don group of Dissenter friends in Newington
daughter, Mary, the future Mary Shelley (1797–
Green, including Dr. Richard Price (1723–1791),
whom Wollstonecraft met when running the
school in the area, and to Joseph Johnson’s cir- The publication by Godwin of Memoirs of the
cle—including the artist Henry Fuseli (1741– Author of the Rights of Woman (1798) continued
1825) and the radical thinker Thomas Paine the trend of turning Wollstonecraft the celebrity
(1737–1809). In these two works, stimulated by into an object of censure on account of her
discussions on the French Revolution, Wollstone- unconventional personal life, by revealing details
craft argued for enfranchising those who had no of her sexual history. Less than a century later,

2480 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

however, the suffragist movement found in verse, repackaged older work, and a belated Poet
Wollstonecraft a champion for their cause. As Laureateship in 1843, yet his influence was consid-
antidote to the appropriation of Wollstonecraft erable. Amid the encroachments of modern life,
by a variety of feminist persuasions, scholarship Wordsworth provided an enduring image of the
of the late twentieth and early twenty-first cen- poet as disciple of ‘‘Nature’’ and representative
turies has tended to concentrate on two areas: voice of feeling, whether of quiet sentiment,
situating Wollstonecraft within the intellectual troubled passion, or moral severity. No less in life
and social parameters of the late eighteenth than in verse, he embodied ‘‘plain living and high
century and making known further details of thinking,’’ at home in the Lake District in North-
her eventful life. Mary Poovey (1984) discusses west England, a region marked by natural beauty
Wollstonecraft in relation to concepts of approp- that he made famous. He was happy in his family
riate behavior of her time, and Barbara Taylor life, yet often withdrew into meditation and depths
(2003) stresses the theistic framework of of emotion.
her thought. Lyndall Gordon’s research on Mary Born in the Lake District, Wordsworth was
Wollstonecraft’s travels in Scandinavia (2005) one of five children. His father was a steward for
reveals hitherto unknown details of that hazar- a powerful local landlord, and the poet’s boyhood
dous and demanding journey. was enjoyed in the market town of Cockermouth,
See also Burke, Edmund; Feminism; French Revolution; with adventures in the nearby outdoors. The
Godwin, William; Shelley, Mary. death of his mother when he was eight changed
everything: his father, frequently away on busi-
ness, sent William’s sister Dorothy off to relatives
and the brothers to school in distant Hawkshead.
Primary Sources
Five years later, his father died, and legal wran-
Todd, Janet, and Marilyn Butler, eds. The Works of Mary
Wollstonecraft. 7 volumes. London, 1989.
gling prevented the estate from being settled until
1802. In 1787 Wordsworth entered St John’s Col-
Secondary Sources lege, Cambridge, to prepare for a living in the
Gordon, Lyndall. Mary Wollstonecraft: A New Genus. Church but Cambridge seemed an alien world to
London, 2005. this native of the Lakelands. Vacationing in Europe
Poovey, Mary. The Proper Lady and the Woman Writer:
in the summer of 1790, one year after the French
Ideology as Style in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Revolution, he caught the enchantment of millen-
Mary Shelley, and Jane Austen. Chicago, 1984. arian hopes. He took his degree in 1791; that
Taylor, Barbara. Mary Wollstonecraft and the Feminist Ima- summer he toured Wales (climbing Mount Snow-
gination. Cambridge, U.K., 2003. don) and then returned to France in November
1791. Wordsworth was at once excited and
troubled by the new politics of France. He found
love with Annette Vallon, who bore their daughter,
Caroline, in December 1792. But by then,
n depleted funds and a looming Terror had forced
WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM (1770– Wordsworth home, and, because of the ensuing
1850), British Romantic poet. war between England and France, it was not until
1802 (the Peace of Amiens) that he would see
William Wordsworth is so synonymous with
Annette and Caroline, just once more, prior to
‘‘Romanticism’’ that the period used to be called
marrying a childhood sweetheart, Mary Hutchin-
‘‘The Age of Wordsworth.’’ Born 7 April 1770,
Wordsworth lived into the middle of the next
century, when Victoria (r. 1837–1901) was Queen Across the turmoil of the 1790s Wordsworth
and Alfred Tennyson (1809–1892) and Robert grew ‘‘Sick, wearied out with contrarieties,’’ and
Browning (1812–1889) the celebrated new poets. relinquished ‘‘moral questions in despair’’ (Prelude
It is often said that Wordsworth ‘‘the poet’’ died in 10.900–01). The record of Wordsworth’s activities
1807, survived by stodgy didactic work, minor new from 1792 to 1795 is obscure. He may have

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2481

become involved with radical politics at home and Mary’s five children died in 1812; and by 1810
may have ventured to France. In 1795 a legacy of Coleridge’s opium addiction and truancy from his
£900 enabled him to devote himself to poetry and own family led to strains in his relationship with
reunite with his sister Dorothy (1771–1855), who Wordsworth. This resulted in a bitter alienation
was always to be his encourager, companion, that was not mended until the late 1820s. Leading
scribe, and housekeeper. A new friend, the poet reviewers ridiculed Poems in Two Volumes (1807),
and journalist Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772– and would be no kinder to The Excursion (1814), a
1834), inspired Wordsworth with a fresh sense of nine-book epic ‘‘On Man, On Nature, and On
mission and power. In 1797, he and Dorothy Human Life.’’ Yet the attention, and the advent
moved to Somerset to be near Coleridge, and the of a collected Poems (in which the poems were
poets were soon collaborating on Lyrical Ballads. arranged by conceptual category rather than by
Regarded today as a landmark of Romanticism, this date) in 1815, confirmed Wordsworth’s fame and
volume was published anonymously in 1798 to importance, and he continued to write and publish
mixed reviews. When local political anxieties put in every decade of his long life.
the group under suspicion, the Wordsworths’ lease During this life, The Excursion was regarded as
was not renewed, and the trio decided to go to his major work. The story of a ruined cottage in its
Germany for winter, to soak up the language, cul- first book was widely admired, and overall Words-
ture, and philosophy. worth was prized for poems filled with pathos, such
With more financial resources, Coleridge as ‘‘Michael’’ and ‘‘The Brothers’’ (in which, as he
enjoyed the university towns, while the Wordsworths said in his Preface to Lyrical Ballads, the feeling
spent a miserable winter in the remote village of gives importance to the action and situation); odes
Goslar. It was here that Wordsworth drafted new of crisis and troubled consolation, such as ‘‘Tintern
poems for Lyrical Ballads and his first fragments of Abbey’’ and ‘‘Intimations of Immortality from
autobiography. Coleridge was urging him to write a Recollections of Early Childhood’’; and a wealth
major philosophical epic, and could abide the auto- of exquisite sonnets, songs, and lyrics (‘‘The Soli-
biographical turn only as preparatory, but for Words- tary Reaper’’ was among the most famous). Victor-
worth ‘‘the story of my life’’ (1.668) would become ians revered the poet whose love of ‘‘Nature’’ could
compelling epic in its own right. Returning to the heal their ‘‘iron age,’’ whose images of childhood
Lake District in late 1799, the Wordsworths settled and youth evoked simple joys, whose mature
in Grasmere, their home for the rest of their lives. poetry gave unembarrassed voice to feeling. The
In 1800 a two-volume Lyrical Ballads, now signed as poet John Keats (1795–1821) preferred the ‘‘dark
Wordsworth’s, appeared with a controversial Preface passages’’ and ‘‘the burden of the mystery’’—the
declaring such principles as inspiration from ‘‘emo- poetry also of most interest to twentieth-century
tion recollected in tranquillity,’’ the equation of ‘‘all readers, for whom The Prelude (that preparatory
good poetry’’ with ‘‘the spontaneous overflow of autobiography) is the recognized major work. Just
powerful feelings,’’ and the tuning of poetic weeks after Wordsworth’s death, this fourteen-
language to ordinary conversation, rooted in ‘‘nat- book epic, composed across fifty years, appeared
ure’’ and ‘‘rural society.’’ This manifesto was in part in print. Prelude it was: another version completed
an exercise in mythmaking; but it also marked, said in 1805 was published in 1926, and then, further
the critic William Hazlitt (1778–1830) in retrospect, into the twentieth century, a two-book version
‘‘a new style and a new spirit.’’ It set the terms of from 1798–1799, and a five-book version from
Wordsworth’s fame, even as it focused the charges of 1804. In this array of narrative forms and ceaseless
his critics for decades on. revisions, of multiple selves, of writing reflexively as
a poet about becoming a poet, The Prelude seems a
The steadily expanding household finally
venture of prescient modernism, but it also endures
settled at Rydal Mount in 1813, when Wordsworth
as a vivid imaginative reckoning with a life ani-
received a patronage position from the Tory
government. The decade prior had been pained mated by the contradictory currents of its age.
by several losses: his brother John, a sea captain, See also Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Great Britain;
perished in a shipwreck in 1805; two of his and Romanticism; Shelley, Percy Bysshe.

2482 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

challenges to its hegemony. The invention of this
Primary Sources terminology in approximately 1830 cannot be
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, ed. Ernest de explained simply by the structural social changes
Selincourt, revised by Helen Darbishire. Oxford, U.K., generated by industrialization. Eighteenth-century
1949–1959. Britain already had wage laborers in artisanal trades,
Wordsworth, William. Poems. Edited by John O. Hayden. protoindustry, agriculture, and new factories. They
Harmondsworth, U.K., 1977. engaged in strikes, grain and anti-enclosure riots,
———. The Prelude, 1798, 1805, 1850: Authoritative Texts, and machine breaking—struggles underpinned by
Context and Reception; Recent critical essays. Edited by craft and community solidarity and justified as
Jonathan Wordsworth, M. H. Abrams, and Stephen defense of a moral economy against emerging free-
Gill. New York, 1979.
market practices. But the participants in these class
———. The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. Edited by conflicts before the emergence of a working class
W. J. B. Owen and Jane Worthington Smyser. Oxford, were called, variously, the crowd, the mob, or the
U.K., 1974.
people. Crucial changes in vocabulary emerged from
Wordsworth, William, and Dorothy Wordsworth. The Let- the French Revolution. The bourgeoisie denounced
ters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth. Edited and
‘‘idle, parasitic’’ aristocrats and proclaimed its own
arranged by Ernest de Selincourt and revised by Che-
ster L. Shaver, Mary Moorman, and Alan G. Hill. virtues: industry, productivity, rationality, and mod-
Oxford, U.K., 1967–1993. eration. British advocates of parliamentary reform
eulogized the disenfranchised middle class of
Secondary Sources expanding industrial towns, claiming for them simi-
Chandler, James K. Wordsworth’s Second Nature: A Study of lar qualities. The rhetoric of liberty, equality, and
the Poetry and Politics. Chicago, 1981. fraternity and the rights of man was sufficiently
Ferguson, Frances. Wordsworth: Language as Counter- inclusive to arouse popular support. However, both
Spirit. New Haven, Conn., 1977. the Revolution of 1830 in France and the Reform
Ferry, David. The Limits of Mortality: An Essay on Act of 1832 in Britain excluded workers from
Wordsworth’s Major Poems. Middletown, Conn., 1959. enlarged franchises. Outraged by this betrayal, poli-
Gill, Stephen. William Wordsworth: A Life. Oxford, U.K. ticized workers appropriated aspects of bourgeois
and New York, 1989. discourse. They asked whether workers were not
Johnston, Kenneth R.. The Hidden Wordsworth: Poet, Lover,
the truly productive class. A new terminology was
Spy. New York, 1998. born, generating mobilizing myths that were ca-
pable of providing a sense of identity for disparate
Jones, John. The Egotistical Sublime: A History of
Wordsworth’s Imagination. London, 1954. groups and constructing a sociopolitical constitu-
ency. Soon contributions from Lyon silk weavers
Mahoney, John L. William Wordsworth: A Poetic Life. New
to a Saint Etienne miners’ strike funds included
York, 1997.
messages of solidarity to ‘‘fellow members of the
Onorato, Richard J. The Character of the Poet: Wordsworth working class (la classe ouvrière).’’
in ‘‘The Prelude.’’ Princeton, N.J., 1971.
Wolfson, Susan J. The Questioning Presence: Wordsworth, THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CLASS IDENTITY
Keats, and the Interrogative Mode in Romantic Poetry.
Ithaca, N.Y., 1987. Older usages persisted, however. In England,
Chartist rhetoric still used the tropes of eigh-
Wordsworth, Jonathan. William Wordsworth: The Borders of
Vision. Oxford, U.K., 1982.
teenth-century radicals’ denunciation of aristocratic
‘‘Old Corruption.’’ Workers responded to narra-
SUSAN J. WOLFSON tives of ‘‘the people’’ promulgated by English
Gladstonian liberals or French republicans. Yet
workers proved adept at appropriating bourgeois
n discourses on property, domesticity, and family
WORKING CLASS. The concept of class values for their own (class) purposes. Spitalfields
became a central organizing myth of nineteenth- silk weavers defended their threatened jobs by
century Europe. A narrative was constructed telling citing their rights to ‘‘property in labour’’ and
of the rise of the bourgeoisie and the working class’s insisted on male workers’ need for a ‘‘family wage’’

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2483

to support their wives and children. Hence the CLASS AND SOLIDARITY
concept of the working class emerged as a result By 1914 the working class had become a sociopoli-
of changing self-awareness, marked by a sharp lin- tical actor. Karl Marx’s goal, ‘‘the constitution of the
guistic shift. working class into a political party,’’ appeared achiev-
able. Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), with
Stories told by individuals and groups about one million members, secured 34 percent of the vote.
themselves nurtured class consciousness. Most of Trade unions, once confined to craft elites, were
the hundreds of nineteenth-century worker auto- becoming centralized, industrial, mass organizations.
biographers used class as the central category for Britain and Germany each had four million union
their interpreting life experiences, viewing the members by 1914. France regularly experienced over
world through the prism of class differences. a thousand strikes per year, five times the 1880s
These were not typical workers. Most workers average. Strike rituals—street demonstrations, appeals
with the literacy and inclination to write were for worker solidarity—became part of everyday
male and skilled and they valued education not experience in industrial Europe. Whereas elites once
because it would bring them social promotion feared disorder and disease from what they consid-
but for the self-emancipation it offered, and for ered to be criminal and dangerous classes, now they
its use in the emancipation of what they consid- devised strategies to counter challenges from orga-
ered their class. Their fascination with ideas led nized labor, including electoral concessions, welfare
some of them to be dismissed as eccentrics by and municipal reforms, and social imperialism.
their workmates. Some were scathing about the
fecklessness, lack of intellectual curiosity, and bru- Widespread structural proletarianization under-
tality of some fellow workers. Although some lay these developments. But one cannot simply
made contacts with bourgeois liberals, most assume levels of working-class consciousness or
rejected liberalism. Marginal to their own class, mobilization from the processes of industrialization.
they were acutely aware of nuances of class dis- Marx had explained the defeat of the revolutions of
tinctions. Some were what Antonio Gramsci later 1848 by arguing that, outside of Britain and parts of
called organic intellectuals—still close to their France and Germany, Europe’s proletariat remained
own class yet aware of broad issues and active in small and immature. The success of future revolu-
constructing a plebeian public sphere. Crucially, tions required industrialization. Subsequent trends
the stories they told about themselves shaped a partly confirmed Marx’s predictions of a polarization
working-class identity by imposing coherent nar- between capital and labor. Some homogenization of
ratives on the flux of complex social realities. labor occurred. Artisanal trades declined and casual
These—secular versions of Christian conversion and migrant workers were recruited into semiskilled
stories—emphasized how early poverty, exploita- jobs in large mechanized factories, mines, steel
tion, and humiliations were transformed once works, and on railways. However, no monolithic
reading opened their eyes to the system of capi- trend emerged, rather development was combined
talist exploitation. They metamorphosed from vic- and uneven. Everywhere, the heavy industry of
tims into agents. Their duty was to educate their the Second Industrial Revolution coexisted in sym-
fellow workers who, once aware of their situation, biotic relationship with dispersed, archaic sectors,
could build a better society. Whereas the United and relied on pools of migrant or protoindustrial
States constructed narratives of individual upward labor. Despite Germany’s spectacular industrial
mobility that might be possible for ambitious development—coal and heavy engineering, chemi-
immigrants, Europe produced narratives of class cals and railways—28 percent of its labor force
salvation via collective struggle. These autobiogra- remained agricultural in 1900; substantial artisanal
phers also reminded readers of both the history and protoindustrial sectors remained (Solingen cut-
and myths of workers’ struggles. One prerequisite lery; Saxon textiles). France remained 60 percent
for a critical, counterhegemonic view of the world, rural, with peasant proprietors and sharecroppers
critical of dominant bourgeois identity, was con- outnumbering agricultural laborers. Northern coal-
sciousness of who one was, rooted in a sense of fields, Lorraine steel, and heavy engineering in Par-
where one had come from. isian and Lyonnais banlieues (suburbs) coexisted

2484 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

with small, high-quality artisanal production. Two- workers together and creating shared experiences
thirds of Italy’s industrial workers were in the and grievances, would nurture class consciousness
Milan/Turin/Genoa triangle. Spain’s industries and organization. ‘‘Class-in-itself’’ would emerge
(Asturias coal; Bilbao steel and shipyards; Catalan naturally from ‘‘class-for-itself.’’ However no
textiles and engineering) were islands in a rural simple correlation existed between levels of indus-
sea. After the emancipation of the serfs in the trialization and worker militancy. Some workers
1860s, tsarist Russia’s state-sponsored industrializa- in dispersed sectors proved more militant than
tion quintupled the industrial workforce, to three others in what Marx considered more advanced
million, between 1890 and 1914. But alongside sectors. Agricultural laborers, who were widely
St. Petersburg’s large engineering plants, Moscow assumed to be deferential, supported anarchosyn-
textile factories, and Donbas coal mines, a huge dicalist strikes in Apulia and the Po Valley in Italy,
peasantry remained. The proletariat exceeded Andalusia in Spain, or the lower Languedoc vine-
50 percent of the population only in Britain. Yet yards in France. Half of unionized Italian workers
there, as in France and Germany, many new workers in 1914 were in the Agricultural Workers’ Federa-
were white-collar employees (bank clerks, shop assis- tion (Federterra). The proletarianized peasants of
tants) whose identification with blue-collar proletar- southwest Russia were prominent in the Revolu-
ians was problematic. tion of 1905. The Captain Swing revolt of rural
Such structural developments engendered workers in southern England in the early 1830s
changes in family patterns and communities. Arti- suggested that even ‘‘Hodge’’—the stereotypical
sans’ children, who once married largely within their deferential, cowed English laborer—might resort
craft communities, now chose marriage partners to machine breaking and cattle maiming. Protoin-
from a wider working-class background. Wage dustrial textile workers—favored by capitalists as a
differentials between British skilled and unskilled cheap, dispersed, and quiescent labor force—orga-
occupations narrowed steadily. Upward mobility nized strikes in Dauphiné, France, and northern
remained rare: 90 percent of British manual workers’ Italy in the 1890s. Marxists were suspicious of
sons themselves did manual jobs. Hereditary work- what they considered to be backward rural
ing-class communities emerged—later idealized for migrants to the city, whom they stereotyped as
their neighborly values, which contrasted with bour- prone to drink and violence. Yet in late tsarist
geois individualism and the crass commercialism of Russia, many such immigrants were radicalized by
an emerging mass consumer culture. The Paris Com- ongoing social conflict in their native villages,
mune of 1871 was underpinned by community soli- where some owned plots of land, and by their
darities of popular faubourgs (suburbs) after capacity to recreate the solidarities of the village
Georges-Eugène Haussmann’s large-scale urban commune (mir) in their urban neighborhoods.
renewal projects threw together displaced inner-
Cross-national comparisons bring into ques-
city artisans and recent migrants. But no single,
tion any rigid occupational determinism. Skilled
model working-class community existed. Metal-
engineering workers provided the backbone of
lurgical workers might live in single-industry com-
the Marxist Social Democratic Party in Germany
pany towns, such as the Schneider family’s
as well as key Bolshevik cadres in St. Petersburg,
Le Creusot, run by one paternalist employer,
Russia. In Paris in 1900s, they supported syndical-
or in industrial cities such as Düsseldorf. Large
ist strikes against ‘‘scientific management,’’ which
cities provided workers with a range of potential
threatened their shop-floor autonomy. Yet the
industries and employers, and wider possibilities of
Victorian labor movement’s reformism has been
relations with other social groups. Yet there was
ascribed to the moderation of a relatively privileged
often little contact between the older Parisian fau-
labor aristocracy—including engineers, whose
bourgs and the industrial banlieues that emerged
union proved keen to exclude the unskilled and
around the city’s periphery. Lifestyles, cultures,
avoid strikes by bargaining with employers.
and experiences inevitably differed widely between
these and other types of community. Marx Yet occupational groups were strongly marked
assumed that industrial concentration, by drawing by the nature of their jobs. Dockers were low-skilled,

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2485

example of the working class in power, were tailors,

shoemakers, building craftsmen, and furniture
makers—an occupational profile strikingly similar
to that of the sans-culotte activists of 1793. In
Britain the factory system came earlier than in
France. Northern mill workers were active in Char-
tist agitation and strikes in the 1830s. But skilled
workers—handloom weavers, London craftsmen,
and Sheffield cutlers—were central to early labor
protest. Militancy among France’s emerging indus-
trial proletariat was sporadic and unorganized.
Many miners and forge workers lived in tightly
controlled, isolated, paternalist company towns
such as Decazeville. Textile mill workers were often
women and children—unskilled, new to industrial
work, lacking organizational traditions. The notor-
ious slums of Lille engendered more drunken
despair than they did organized protest. France
relied on artisanal skills for high-quality goods—
silks, porcelain, fashions, and furniture—for niche
markets. But the skilled trades faced varied threats.
Working men’s bar, Paris. Illustration by Steinlen from Less skilled, sometimes rural, labor was employed
the French satirical journal Gil Blas, 11 August 1895. The to do simpler, subdivided tasks. Apprenticeship
illustrator emphasizes the grim faces of the patrons. MARY
training deteriorated. The chances of journeymen
becoming small masters declined. Trades came to
be dominated by merchants, who put out raw
materials and orders and controlled credit. Never-
low-status workers operating in casual labor markets theless, artisans possessed the resources to resist.
within tough waterfront cultures (Barcelona, Mar- Their skills were still required in up-market sectors.
seille, Hamburg). Their levels of unionization were High literacy sustained a radical artisan press.
erratic, and their strikes marked by violence against Craft-dominated neighborhoods (the silk weavers’
strikebreakers. By contrast, printers were natural Croix- Rousse in Lyon; Faubourg Saint Antoine in
labor aristocrats—literate, self-taught worker-intel- Paris) had community solidarity, mutual aid, and
lectuals, and among the first to unionize. Even Rus- cooperative schemes. Journeymen and small mas-
sian printers were moderates—requesting respect ters, united by their hatred of big merchants, often
from employers and the state; they were pushed drank and sang together in cafés or goguettes (pop-
reluctantly toward menshevism only by tsarist brutal- ular singing societies). They drew on traditions
ity. Miners’ politics varied widely with location and of artisanal organization, such as that of the com-
with the national political culture but the shared pagnonnages, associations that aided ‘‘tramping’’
dangers of mining created intense workplace solidar- journeymen, which had roots in the seventeenth
ity, reinforced by the strong community identities of and eighteenth centuries. Where once artisans
isolated pit villages. dreamed of a republic of small, independent pro-
ducers, the inexorable advance of capitalism pushed
RADICAL ARTISANS AND INDUSTRIAL them toward collective solutions. In 1848 French
WORKERS artisans hoped that an associationist republic—one
Radical artisans dominated the early labor move- sympathetic to their cooperative aspirations—
ments. Paris was Europe’s revolutionary capital. would establish banks offering cheap credit and
The thousands killed or arrested during the Paris put out orders to producer cooperatives, which
Commune of 1871, which Marx called the first had fifty thousand members in Paris alone.

2486 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

However, before one accepts that labor move- gynistic artisanal spokesmen portrayed ‘‘cheap and
ments originated in the work-based culture and docile’’ female workers as the primary threat to
grievances of artisans, question need to be raised. their jobs and skills. Textile mills, which destroyed
Were French artisans militant less because of occu- the handloom weavers’ livelihoods, employed
pational grievances—which were present in other mainly female and child labor. Seamstresses
industrializing societies—than because their poli- replaced male tailors. Friedrich Engels depicted
tical aspirations were raised in the decades after the ‘‘unsexing’’ of Manchester workers, whose
the revolution by contact with neo-Jacobin repub- patriarchal power ebbed away when their wives
licans? Was the craft-proud radical artisan a myth and daughters worked in the mills while the men
constructed by radical journalists, some of them performed domestic chores. Their status was
former artisans—an image designed to counter bound up with the independence derived from
bourgeois stereotypes about the drunken, brutal what they considered honorable labor and property
dangerous classes? Artisans in relatively secure in skill. British trade unionists campaigned for
trades (for example, carpenters) proved less mili- votes for ‘‘heads of families’’ and for a family
tant than shoemakers and tailors, many of whom wage. Capitalist exploitation of female labor was
wished to escape from trades degraded by the considered an evil, exposing women to physical
practice of sweating, which forced them to work degradation and sexual harassment, depriving
ever-longer hours performing increasingly subdi- workers’ homes of women’s domestic skills. Trade
vided tasks for inexorably declining wages. Were unionists welcomed protective legislation, hoping
artisans less precursors of later proletarian activists that restrictions on the hours women could work
than reactionary radicals, their desperate rearguard would disqualify them from key jobs.
actions fueled by awareness that the industrial
Labor movement iconography depicting
juggernaut would overwhelm their culture and
brawny steelworkers and miners reflected the male
communities? Factory proletarians, by contrast,
domination of key Second Industrial Revolution
could envisage no alternative to the new industrial
industries. Yet the ideal of the wife remaining at
system on which their jobs depended. They took
home was attainable only for skilled workers.
time to develop the solidarity required for effec-
Women constituted a high proportion of the labor
tive class mobilization. Hence the gap in popular
force—over 35 percent in France, where many
protest—in Britain after 1850, in France after married as well as single women worked. Yet
1870—as artisan radicalism faded and before new women’s work was imagined as marginal and sup-
proletarian militancy surfaced. plementary, even for single women. With rare
Multiple frictions existed within the artisanal exceptions, as for example in tobacco factories,
world. Pressures on specific trades could lead to women’s jobs were viewed as unskilled. Many
conflicts between journeymen and masters, as hap- worked in deplorable conditions in the sweated
pened in Germany, where masters’ guilds persisted. domestic trades, beyond the reach of factory
Generational tensions also existed. In Paris in 1848, inspectors or unions. Unsurprisingly, women rarely
older journeymen fought on the barricades but expressed a strong sense of identity with their jobs.
younger workers were recruited into the Garde
By 1900 the SPD was arguing in principle for
Mobile (Mobile Guard) to fight for order. Journey-
women’s equality as workers and citizens while
men’s compagnonnages had a heritage of internecine,
denouncing ‘‘bourgeois feminism’’ and insisting
ritualized violence and job competition that could
that female oppression was a product of capitalism
obstruct trade union solidarity. But the major myopia
and could be abolished only after the revolution.
of artisan culture was the issue of gender.
Marxist textile unions in Germany and northern
France recruited female workers, but their male
GENDER leaders marginalized women’s specific demands to
The construction of the working class was always focus on men, who were able to vote. Women’s
gendered. Although some utopian socialists did proportion of French union membership doubled
support women’s rights and employment opportu- to 10 percent between 1900 and 1914, but the
nities, Chartism championed male suffrage. Miso- printers’ craft union fought rearguard actions

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2487

their municipal socialism aroused women’s interest,

since it offered the possibility of child care, health
clinics, and similar services. Despite this, when
women were enfranchised in parts of Europe after
1918 many proved reluctant to vote for workers’
parties, which they perceived as male dominated
and insensitive to women’s concerns.


Labor movements sought to construct a cohesive
working class that would act as a class by shaping
disorderly social realities into a coherent narra-
tive. But prioritizing the story of certain types
of workers risked ignoring or alienating others.
Workers—as postmodernists emphasize—had a
variety of potential identities. Class, which was
constructed in the workplace, was but one. The
European right wing’s strength in the era of mass
politics lay both in its appeal to popular strata—
peasants, the petty-bourgeoisie, white-collar
workers—who were alienated by the proletarian
discourse of socialism and in its appeal to ele-
ments of a working class fragmented along lines
of religion, nationality, and ethnicity.
There was no necessary incompatibility between
being a devout Christian and a class-conscious
worker. The Christian socialism of Britain’s Inde-
pendent Labour Party was rooted, like popular
Wigan colliery workers, Lancashire, England. Postcard
liberalism, in the nonconformist chapels of northern
photograph c. 1890. The young women pictured here were England. Images of Christ the carpenter adorned
employed as surface workers, whose job was to move and the walls of French producer cooperatives in 1848.
sort the coal. The growing need for coal throughout Europe in However, Catholicism’s ties to the right wing meant
the nineteenth century created many jobs, but the work was
that the French labor movement was stronger where
extremely hazardous and accidents claiming hundreds of lives
were common. MARY EVANS PICTURE LIBRARY workers were recruited from anticlerical rural
regions—the Limousin, the Centre—than from
clerical bastions such as Brittany. Catholic workers
were alienated by the Left’s militant anticlericalism.
against admitting them. Yet working-class women In 1871 the Paris Commune executed clerical hos-
were active in protests outside the sphere of orga- tages. Churches were burned during Barcelona’s
nized labor. They had long participated in food semana trágica, the ‘‘tragic week’’ in 1909 during
riots. Miners’ wives policed pit villages during which a popular insurrection took over the city.
strikes, harassing and shaming strikebreakers. In Spanish anarchism tapped the fury of a religious
Italy and southern French vineyards, women on people outraged by the clergy’s alliance with the
picket lines dared troops to shoot the ‘‘weaker rich. Obreros conscientes (self-educated ‘‘conscious
sex.’’ Women’s networks underpinned neighbor- workers’’), spreading the anarchist gospel to
hood solidarity, organizing tenant protests against wretched landless laborers of Andalusian latifundia,
landlords and providing abortion advice. As left- preached of a millennium of social justice once the
wing parties began to win control of some town countryside was purged of taxmen, landowners, the
councils in Britain, France, and Italy by the 1890s, Civil Guard, and priests. Catholic workers in devout

2488 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

regions such as Galicia and New Castile supported the including cartels and employers’ associations. The
right wing. The gulf between anticlerical male workers German model—a mass party affiliated to industrial
and their devout womenfolk was a feature of Latin unions—set the pattern for northern and central
Europe, fueling the men’s suspicions that women’s Europe, achieving 40 percent electoral support in
irrational superstition made them unfit for socialism. Finland and 25 percent in Austria, despite growing
German socialism recruited among lapsed Protestants. tensions between German and nationally conscious
Catholic workers in the Rhineland and Ruhr often Czech workers. However, no two societies had
supported the Center Party and Catholic unions. identical experiences of class formation and mobi-
Religious and ethnic tensions overlapped. lization. The peculiarities of each labor movement
Flemish migrants in northeastern French textile reflected historical experiences, culture, the nature
towns were criticized by French workers for their of the particular state, employer strategies, and the
clericalism as well as for being strikebreakers. ideologies available to workers. A plausible—if
The Catholicism of Liverpool’s Irish immigrants banal—generalization is that liberal states engen-
provoked a Tory vote among native Protestant dered reformist labor movements and authoritarian
workers. Ruhr trade union leaders oscillated regimes engendered radical or revolutionary labor
between criticizing Polish miners for their docility movements.
and clericalism and lamenting their propensity for This latter was clearly true of tsarist autocracy.
ill-disciplined wildcat strikes. French steel magnates Unions were illegal in Russia, political protest was
in Lorraine exploited the cheap labor of Italian clandestine, and troop massacres of workers’
immigrants—who lacked the vote—while simulta- demonstrations (Bloody Sunday in 1905; the Lena
neously playing on the xenophobia of French goldfields shootings in 1912) eroded residual
workers, who monopolized the skilled jobs, popular loyalty to the tsar. Pragmatic reformism
received company housing and voted for the radical was impossible. While populists placed their
Right in the 1890s. Jewish artisans in Paris’s Marais hopes in the huge, discontented peasantry, Marx-
district or London’s East End were the targets of ists targeted the small but rapidly growing urban
populist anti-Semitism. proletariat, particularly St. Petersburg’s skilled
In a Europe of economic rivalries and social metalworkers. Yet it is difficult to locate Russian
Darwinism, workers were not immune to the lure protest in any specific section of the working
of social imperialism. Elites had long exhibited class, for it involved broad strata of the people.
what might be called class racism, viewing workers The urban population’s ties to village Russia made
as a dark, inferior species—criminal and dangerous it difficult to disentangle worker and peasant griev-
classes, who were diagnosed in quasi-biological ances. Workers’ attitudes toward the revolutionary
terms and categorized by emerging criminology intelligentsia were ambivalent; gratitude was tinged
as pathologically degenerate. Eugenicists debated with resentment at their claims that only intellec-
restricting the breeding of the poor in the East tuals could bring full class consciousness to the
End slums of outcast London. But welfare legisla- workers and channel spontaneous protest into
tion was introduced to improve the imperial ‘‘racial coherent strategies.
stock’’ and workers were re-classified as white.
The liberal British model was very different.
Birmingham workers voted for Tory municipal
The first industrial nation eliminated its peasantry
reformer Joseph Chamberlain, who argued that
before 1800. By 1900, it was 80 percent urban.
imperial protection guaranteed the export markets
It had a parliamentary tradition. The franchise was
on which jobs depended. On the eve of 1914, mass
gradually extended to broad strata of the working
demonstrations denounced South African mine
class. The early Industrial Revolution had been a
owners for opening skilled jobs to black workers.
bleak age, marked by appalling slum and factory
conditions, periodic mass unemployment, and
REFORMIST AND REVOLUTIONARY stagnant real wages. But during the mid-Victorian
LABOR MOVEMENTS economic boom, wages rose and employers
However, socialist parties were built, and they accepted negotiation with unions, which had been
countered the power of organized capitalism, legal since the 1820s. Many trade unionists

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2489

supported the Liberal Party of Prime Minister

William Gladstone, perceived as sympathetic to
workers’ democratic interests. Popular politics and
labor relations became harsher in the Great Depres-
sion of 1873–1896. Rising unemployment and
employer intransigence challenged illusions of
ongoing progress under capitalism. Eventually the
Labour Party (1900) emerged because of worker
alarm at legal threats to union rights. But the party,
which was designed for the pragmatic defense of
trade union interests, not to build socialism,
attracted only 7 percent of the vote. The British
paradox is, thus, that the world’s first and largest
proletariat produced a small, nonsocialist, workers’
party. A dense working-class culture did exist, a
distinctive lifestyle identifiable by the 1870s that
persisted into the 1950s. This was a world of flat
caps, fish and chips, Saturday afternoon soccer, sea-
side rail excursions, hobbies, and allotment gardens.
Its communal and collective values were incarnated
in friendly societies (consumer cooperatives with
millions of members) and unions. Yet it was an
introverted culture, more fatalistic and consolatory
than radical, exhibiting little aspiration to challenge
Caney the Clown. Photograph from Street Life in London,
bourgeois hegemony. Valuing the liberties guaran- 1878, by John Thomson and Adolphe Smith. Like other
teed by the state, including the freedom to bargain photographic surveys of the period, Thomson and Smith’s
collectively, it otherwise wished to be left alone. work was intended to draw attention to the problems encoun-
Monarchy was widely accepted as symbolic of British tered by the poor and working classes. The text accompanying
this photograph describes the difficult life of ‘‘Caney,’’ who had
fair play and a regime that rarely used troops against been a successful comedic performer until injury forced his
strikers. Socialism revived after 1880 but found retirement. He subsequently supported himself by performing
difficulty in penetrating this culture. minor repairs for households in the neighborhood of Drury
In Germany, certain factors encouraged a similar
integration of labor into the national political scene.
bargaining and reformist unionism. Heavy indirect
Universal male suffrage came relatively early (1870),
taxation penalized working-class consumers and
as did welfare legislation (the 1880s), which was
funded armaments programs. By 1914 labor reform-
introduced to woo workers from socialism. Real
ists and radicals were evenly balanced, the latter
wages rose gradually. Workers could take patriotic
insisting that hopes of gradual democratization of
pride in Germany’s burgeoning industrial strength,
the Reich were illusory.
and many were employed in defense industries.
However if the labor movement’s daily practice was Socialism in Germany emerged in the 1870s
pragmatic, the SPD’s official ideology was Marxist. alongside an emerging working-class culture and
Its revolutionary stance was a response to the more before unions were free to organize. It sought to
authoritarian face of the Reich. Real power lay with mold working-class life, nurturing an unparalleled
the Junkers, army, and bureaucracy, not with a large- alternative culture of libraries, choral and theater
ly impotent Reichstag. The regime treated labor groups, and sports clubs. Ninety-five socialist
as enemies of the Reich. Three-tier local suffrage papers sold 1.5 million copies daily. The ideologi-
systems kept the left from municipal power. Anti- cal impact of this remains unclear. Perhaps workers
union laws (1878–1890) and intransigent heavy borrowed escapist novels from party libraries rather
industrialists hindered the development of collective than Marxist tracts. An emphasis on the classic

2490 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

German musical and literary repertoire may have factions persisted. French socialist voting (16 per-
encouraged bourgeoisification of the tastes of cent) and union membership (10 percent) were
respectable elements of the working class. Fears of below the levels in much of Europe. Yet levels of
jeopardizing this associational infrastructure may strike militancy and direct action were high.
have made party officials reluctant to undertake After 1900, under Giovanni Giolitti, oligarchic
open resistance to the Reich. Meanwhile, millions Italian liberalism sought to integrate an emerging
of workers outside this subculture, including rough working class and woo reformist socialists by
elements of the working class, remained vulnerable
extending the franchise (1912) and introducing
to the lure of official patriotic propaganda and of an
modest welfare measures and industrial relations
emerging mass commercial culture.
reforms. But popular national identity remained
Reformist strands in French working-class cul- weak in a peninsula fragmented by linguistic and
ture were encouraged by the democratic Third regional diversities. Po Valley and Apulian land-
Republic. Since the Revolution, labor activists had owners, suspicious of Giolitti’s conciliatory strat-
collaborated with radical republican lawyers and egy, hired gunmen to break strikes. Troops were
doctors who had flirted with associationist socialist also used against strikers, although fewer proletar-
rhetoric. Trade unions were belatedly legalized ian massacres took place than had happened in the
(1884). The republic sought to normalize indus- 1890s. Maximalist socialists, who indulged in revo-
trial relations through arbitration procedures, lutionary rhetoric, and syndicalists were influential,
encouraging reformist trends in the miners’ unions particularly outside the northern industrial towns,
through state enforcement of pit safety. Republican whose workers were the principal beneficiaries of
secular education appealed to working-class anti- Giolitti’s policies. Camera del lavoro, drawing
clericalism and fed their republican patriotism. together both skilled and unskilled workers from
Workers’ autobiographies spoke affectionately of a variety of occupations, sustained a radical subver-
dedicated republican schoolteachers. Yet the sive culture (souversismo) that was at odds with the
republican/revolutionary tradition was deeply cautious reformism of the Socialist Party and the
ambiguous. Workers felt betrayed by failures to union confederation leaderships.
implement the revolution’s egalitarian promises
by establishing a social republic. It was republicans
who suppressed the Paris Commune in 1871 and
The European working class was too diverse to
still used troops to shoot strikers in major incidents
embrace any single strategy or ideology. Many
(1891, 1900, 1908). Intransigent employers,
reluctant to accept collective bargaining, used patriotic, religious, deferential, or female workers
company paternalism or scientific management to were beyond the reach of organized labor,
deny unions shop-floor influence. Welfare was although some joined Catholic, company, or other
introduced later in France than in Germany and was unions. Much worker protest was unorganized.
less extensive. A revolutionary legacy of popular Despite integrationist governmental strategies and
direct action inspired syndicalists, who dominated rising real wages in western, northern, and central
the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT) union Europe, the scale of labor unrest in the decade
confederation in the 1900s. Syndicalism’s emphasis before 1914 suggests widespread—although
on worker control appealed to craftsmen and diverse and uncoordinated—frustration and anger.
skilled workers, who had once supported producer Even Britain experienced quasi-syndicalist strike
cooperatives. But it attracted unskilled laborers, waves from 1911 through 1914, with miners, rail
dock workers, vineyard laborers, and dissident workers, and dock workers expressing dissatisfac-
miners and rail workers critical of their unions’ tion with union bureaucracies and Labour Party
reformism. Bourses du Travail, where workers from reformism. Syndicalist aspirations for job control,
various occupations met, coordinated regional dismissed as archaic by centralized industrial
strike strategies. The French labor movement was unions, still resonated with craft workers such as
notoriously fragmented. Despite the foundation of the Solingen cutlers in Germany. From Paris to
a single Socialist Party in 1906, squabbling St. Petersburg, skilled workers, faced with the
between reformist, Marxist, and quasi-syndicalist tough work discipline imposed by scientific man-

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2491

agement, which eroded shop-floor autonomy, Many such workers, and their counterparts across
responded with small-scale acts of everyday pro- Europe, participated in the massive labor unrest of
test—mocking foremen, slowing down their work, 1917 through 1921, which swept away three
sabotaging, and pilfering. In the rapidly expanding empires.
Ruhr mining towns of Germany, with low levels
of union organization, workers clashed violently See also Chartism; Class and Social Relations; Coopera-
with management and police. Labor organizers tive Movements; Engels, Friedrich; Industrial
Revolution, Second; Labor Movements; Marx,
struggled to contain what they considered the less
Karl; Peasants; Socialism; Syndicalism; Utopian
respectable forms of worker protest. SPD leaders Socialism.
were delighted by a massive Hamburg suffrage
reform demonstration in 1905 but blamed lum-
pen, criminal elements from the docks for subse-
quent looting and clashes with the police. Bell, Donald H. Sesto San Giovanni: Workers, Culture,
and Politics in an Italian Town, 1880–1922. New
The disintegration of labor movement and of Brunswick, N.J., 1986.
working-class communities in late-twentieth- and Berger, Stefan, and Angel Smith, eds. Nationalism, Labour,
early-twenty-first-century Europe has prompted and Ethnicity: 1870–1939. Manchester, U.K., 1999.
skepticism about working-class agency in earlier pe-
Berlanstein, Lenard, ed. Re-Thinking Labor History: Essays
riods. Postmodernism’s emphasis on multiple, flex- on Discourse and Class Analysis. Urbana, Ill., 1993.
ible identities questions the primacy of work-based
identities. It has become difficult to envisage a world Bonnell, Victoria. Roots of Rebellion: Workers, Politics, and
Organizations in St. Petersburg and Moscow: 1900–
where millions of people proclaimed themselves
1914. Berkeley, Calif., 1983.
working class and proud of it and saw themselves
as the salt, not the scum, of the earth. It is true that Calhoun, Craig. The Question of Class Struggle: Social Foun-
dations of Popular Radicalism during the Industrial
many workers’ allegiance to labor movements
Revolution. Chicago, 1982.
was conditional, pragmatic, and instrumental. No
working class is ever definitively made. Capitalism Canning, Kathleen. Gender and Changing Meanings of
Work: Structure and Rhetoric in the Making of the
endlessly undermines communities, establishing
Textile Factory Labor Force in Germany: 1850–1914.
new industries in fresh locations where workers Ithaca, N.Y., 1995.
struggle to establish new solidarities. Doubtless,
workers’ grasp of socialist theories was sketchy. Yet Clark, Anna. The Struggle for the Breeches: Gender and the
Making of the British Working Class. Berkeley, Calif.,
many workers did believe that history was on their 1995.
side. The reports of police spies who listened to
Hamburg workers’ conversations in bars suggested Evans, Richard. Proletarians and Politics: Socialism, Protest,
and the Working Class in Germany before 1914. New
that many ordinary workers had internalized the York, 1990.
SPD’s vision of the world.
Geary, Dick, ed. Labour and Socialist Movements in Europe
Outside of the repressive regimes of eastern before 1914. New York, 1989.
and southern Europe, labor movements had bene-
———. European Labour Protest: 1848–1945. London,
fited from the liberal constitutional systems estab- 1981.
lished after the 1860s. But, as European liberalism
proved reluctant to adapt to mass politics, it was Hogan, Heather. Forging Revolution: Metalworkers, Man-
agers, and the State in St. Petersburg, 1900–1914.
workers’ movements that carried progressive hopes
Bloomington, Ind., 1993.
for a future world of social justice. Perhaps the
march to war in August 1914 suggests that in the Kaplan, Temma. The Anarchists of Andalusia: 1868–1903.
last resort patriotism trumped class identity and Princeton, N.J., 1977.
internationalist class solidarity. Yet many French Katznelson, Ira, and Aristide Zolberg, eds. Working-Class
workers imagined that they were defending their Formations: Nineteenth-Century Patterns in Western
republican homeland against reactionary Kaiserism, Europe and the United States. Princeton, N.J., 1986.
just as German workers believed they were defend- Lidtke, Vernon. The Alternative Culture: Socialist Labor in
ing their hard-won gains against repressive tsarism. Imperial Germany. New York, 1985.

2492 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Maines, Mary Jo. Taking the Hard Road: Life Course in manufactures, cultural achievements, and imperial
French and German Workers’ Autobiographies in the possessions.
Era of Industrialization. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1995.
Merriman, John. The Margins of City Life: Explorations on
World’s fairs grew out of the manufacturing
the French Urban Frontier, 1815–1851. New York, exhibitions of the late eighteenth century. Unlike
1991. the great medieval fairs, the chief aim of the manu-
Miles, Andrew, and Mike Savage. The Re-making of the
facturing exhibitions and later world’s fairs was not
British Working Class: 1840–1940. London, 1994. buying and selling but exhibiting the latest
machines and products in order to stimulate com-
Perrot, M. Strikes in France: 1870–1890. Leamington Spa,
U.K., 1987. petition and economic progress. In Britain, the
Royal Society of Arts held an exhibition of machin-
Prothero, I. J. Radical Artisans in Britain and France:
ery and mechanical inventions in 1761, and small
1830–1870. Cambridge, U.K., 1997.
exhibitions of industrial products were held in
Steinberg, Marc. Fighting Words: Working-Class Formation, Geneva in 1789, Hamburg in 1790, and Prague
Collective Action, and Discourse in Early Nineteenth-
in 1791. The first national exhibition of industrial
Century England. Ithaca, N.Y., 1999.
products, however, took place in France under
Thompson, E. P. The Making of the English Working Class. the Directorate. In 1797 the Marquis d’Avèze,
London, 1963.
commissioner of the former Royal Manufactories,
ROGER MAGRAW organized an exhibition of goods with the goal of
promoting French industry and stimulating the
purchase of the unsold porcelain, tapestries, and
carpets that had accumulated since the Revolution
and the British naval blockade. The exhibition was
WORLD’S FAIRS. The origins of the world’s so successful that the interior minister, François
fair (also known as international exposition, exposi- Neufchâteau, announced plans to hold a series of
tion universelle, esposizione internazionale, and national exhibitions in temporary buildings spe-
Weltausstellung) lie in the Industrial Revolution, cially constructed for this purpose on the Champ-
which vastly expanded manufacturing, trade, and de-Mars. The first was held for three days in 1798
transportation in the first half of the nineteenth and featured a published catalog of exhibits as well
century. Beginning with London’s Great Exhibi- as an official report, which underlined the French
tion in 1851, a series of world’s fairs were held in ability to compete with British industry. Interna-
Europe to showcase advances in manufacturing, tional economic competition was at the core of the
science, and technology and gradually spread to industrial exhibition movement from the start.
other parts of the world, including the United
States and Australia. The nineteenth-century France continued to hold national manufactur-
world’s fairs did not exhibit only machines and ing exhibitions periodically throughout the first
the products they manufactured. They attempted half of the nineteenth century, culminating in the
to summarize, categorize, and evaluate the whole 1849 exhibition, which lasted for six months and
of human experience. Displays of natural products, drew over 4,500 exhibitors. A number of European
handmade goods, the fine arts, models, and ethno- countries followed the French example, and
graphic artifacts were also an important part of the between 1818 and 1851 national exhibitions were
exhibitions. Although the world’s fairs sought to held in Bavaria, Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands,
educate visitors about scientific and technological Prussia, Russia, Spain, and Sweden to promote
advances, entertainments and amusements gradu- industrial development. In 1844 Berlin hosted an
ally became a central feature of the events and ‘‘All-German Exhibition,’’ which foreshadowed the
sometimes even overshadowed their industrial political unification of the German states. Although
component. The world’s fairs celebrated interna- the British state showed no interest in organizing
tional cooperation and peaceful competition national exhibitions, mechanics institutes began
among nations, but they were also sites of national organizing educational exhibitions of mechanical
rivalry, where countries celebrated their national inventions and scientific discoveries throughout
identities and strove for prestige by exhibiting their the country starting in 1837. During the debate

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2493

on abolishing the protectionist Corn Laws, free- demonstrations and the European revolutions of
trade advocates organized a ‘‘Free-Trade Bazaar’’ 1848 aroused fears that the exhibition would
in London’s Covent Garden, and after 1847 the attract large numbers of workers and foreign revo-
Royal Society of Arts sponsored annual national lutionaries to London and lead to public disorder.
industrial exhibitions in London. The idea of hold- The biggest controversy was over the permanent
ing an international industrial exhibition to educate exhibition building proposed for Hyde Park, which
domestic producers by exposing them to foreign opponents claimed would spoil the park and neces-
manufactures was first raised in France, in 1834 sitate the removal of cherished trees. Hyde Park
and again in 1849, but protectionist arguments was saved from disfigurement by the adoption of
warning of foreign competition and industrial Robert Paxton’s innovative design for a glass-and-
espionage proved persuasive and the idea was iron structure in the form of a basilica that would
dropped, only to be picked up by Henry Cole, a be high enough to contain trees and that could be
member of the Royal Society of Arts, during his visit disassembled and removed after the exhibition.
to the 1849 Paris exhibition. On his return to Brit- Paxton’s Crystal Palace, as it was dubbed, was the
ain, Cole discussed the possibility of hosting chief wonder of the Great Exhibition. Of immense
an international exhibition in London with the pre- proportions, it was inspired by the structure of con-
sident of the Royal Society, Prince Albert, who threw servatories and constructed using prefabricated com-
his support behind the project. It was decided to ponents that were quickly assembled on the site
establish a Royal Commission to raise funds and in only seventeen weeks. The glass walls and roof
prepare for the exhibition, which was to be self- permitted natural light to illuminate the Crystal
financing. While Prince Albert is sometimes given Palace’s five naves, the tallest of which soared to
credit as the originator of the idea of holding an the height of Paris’s Notre-Dame cathedral. It was
international exhibition in 1851, Henry Cole and sold after the exhibition and moved to south London.
the other members of the Royal Commission were The exhibition was opened by Queen Victoria
the main organizing force behind the event. The and Prince Albert on 1 May 1851 in the presence
commission was dominated by industrial and finan- of the ambassadors of the participating nations. It
cial leaders who were liberal advocates of the eco- was an immediate success and earned a substantial
nomic doctrine of free trade. They saw the exhibition profit by the time it closed in October. Contrary to
as an opportunity both to demonstrate to the world the dire predictions of riot and disorder, the
the virtues of commercial and political liberalism and crowds attending the exhibition were well behaved,
to promote the export of British manufactures. although as a precaution the Duke of Wellington
discreetly stationed mounted troops around Lon-
LONDON 1851 don before the opening. After a few weeks ticket
The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of prices were lowered to one shilling from Monday
All Nations, as it was called, has often been seen as through Thursday in order to attract all classes of
a self-congratulatory celebration of Britain’s confi- society. Over six million people visited the Great
dence in its industrial might. One of the primary Exhibition, most of whom came to London by
motivations for holding an international exhibi- railway, some on cheap excursions organized by
tion, however, was widespread anxiety about the Thomas Cook. The Crystal Palace contained over
quality of British industrial design. By exposing 100,000 different exhibits from some fourteen
British manufacturers to the products of their Con- thousand exhibitors. The exhibits were classified
tinental rivals, the exhibition’s organizers hoped in four categories—raw materials, machinery, manu-
to stimulate them to improve the quality of their factures, and the fine arts—and thirty subcategories.
design in order to better compete in world The classification system reflected the exhibition’s
markets. Nor was the nation united behind the emphasis on the manufacturing process but did not
Great Exhibition. Although the Corn Laws had exclude the arts or machines not used for industrial
been abolished in 1846, Britain was still deeply production. Exhibits were displayed according to
divided over the issue of free trade, and protection- their national origin, however, and only the British
ists claimed that foreign manufacturers would section was organized according to the official
steal British ideas. The memories of the Chartist classification scheme. Foreign countries were free

2494 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

to organize their space as they saw fit. British exhi-

bits, including those of the colonies, occupied half
of the space in the Crystal Palace, while the other
half held the displays of the thirty-eight other
countries that participated in the exhibition. The
physical arrangement of the exhibits was often ran-
dom and confusing to the visitors who beheld the
vast assortment of machines, models, agricultural
produce, and art. Although the intention of the
exposition was to educate the public about the
processes and products of industry, it was also a
great spectacle. The so-called lions of the exhibi-
tion included the Koh-i-noor diamond, the queen
of Spain’s jewels, the Gothic medieval court, the
collection of stuffed animals from Württemburg,
and a crystal fountain in which flowed eau de
cologne. Among the other exhibits that received
the most attention were the steam-powered work-
ing machines and electric telegraph in the British
section, photography in the French section, the
Colt revolvers and McCormick harvester in the
American section, and the cornucopia of imperial
treasures presented by the East India Company.
Full-scale examples of improved houses for work-
ers, designed by Prince Albert, were displayed out- Interior of the Crystal Palace, Great Exhibition, London,
side the Crystal Palace. 1851. Designed by architect Joseph Paxton for the first of the
major European exhibitions, the Crystal Palace was a vast glass
The Great Exhibition was more than a mere and steel enclosure that provided an impressive showcase for
the industrial and aesthetic treasures displayed within.
display of goods; it was also an international com-
petition that measured and compared the techno-
logical, economic, and artistic development of
each nation. Adopting the practice of the French published a voluminous official catalog containing
national exhibitions, the organizers appointed detailed descriptions of every nation’s exhibits
juries to evaluate the exhibits and gave prizes to together with discussions of the historical and
those deemed best; 170 Council medals were scientific background. Other nations and some
awarded for innovation and 2,918 Prize medals American states also published official reports
for excellence in workmanship. Britain, with over and catalogs in which they evaluated the exhibi-
half of the exhibitors, received the most awards, tion and its exhibits.
but France came in a close second even though it
was represented by many fewer exhibitors. Most
of Britain’s Council medals were awarded for PARIS 1855
machinery, while France’s were more evenly dis- The Great Exhibition and its Crystal Palace quickly
tributed among the various categories of classifi- spawned imitations, eventually leading to a succes-
cation. The Great Exhibition, while it confirmed sion of international expositions throughout Europe
Britain’s leadership in manufacturing, was also a and the world. Dublin and New York each held
victory for French design. The German states won international exhibitions in 1853, but the next
few Council medals but received numerous Prize truly international world’s fair took place in Paris
medals, while the United States obtained few in 1855. The French were determined to respond
medals of either type, though the exhibition did to the Great Exhibition and outdo their British
raise awareness of its growing industrial power. economic rivals, and planning for the 1855 Exposi-
After the exhibition ended the Royal Commission tion Universelle began in 1851. Like the Great

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2495

Exhibition, the first French world’s fair celebrated

international peace and cooperation, despite the
ongoing conflict with Russia in the Crimea. Napoleon
III intended the exhibition to showcase the
achievements of his new Second Empire, to
demonstrate that Paris was the artistic center of
the world, and to encourage French industry to
become more competitive. The exhibition was also
used to strengthen relations with Britain, France’s
ally in the Crimean War, and Victoria and Albert
visited Paris at Napoleon’s invitation.
A permanent exhibition building, the Palace of
Industry, was erected on the Champs-Elysées,
where it remained in use until 1897. Although
constructed of iron and glass like Paxton’s Crystal
Palace, it was more traditional in appearance, for its
iron frame was hidden by a classical facade. It
turned out that the Palace of Industry could not
hold all the exhibits, and the machinery and fine
arts had to be placed in secondary structures Machinery on display, London International Exhibition,
erected nearby. The 1855 exhibition was in many 1862. ªHULTON-DEUTSCH COLLECTION/CORBIS

respects similar to that of 1851, but larger in size

and with more exhibitors, about half of them
French. Attendance was lower, at just over five
Britain attempted to follow up on the success
million visitors, and the exhibition lost money.
of the Great Exhibition with the International
French and British industry again dominated the
Exhibition of 1862. Yet the sequel failed to arouse
exhibition and took the majority of the awards.
the anticipated interest despite its larger size and
There were few innovations to be found in 1855,
the inclusion of many more works of art. The
but among the novelties on display were new mate-
enormous brick building that was chosen to house
rials such as cement and aluminum and the new
the exhibition, whose size was its only outstanding
technique for electroplating silver. The British and feature, never gained the popularity of the Crystal
French empires were prominently displayed, with Palace, which was still standing in its new location
large sections devoted to India and Algeria. The in south London. Prince Albert’s death in late
exhibition also contained a thematic section 1861 cast a shadow over the exhibition, while the
devoted to improvements in the lives of the work- United States, in the midst of a civil war, sent only
ing classes, which contained examples of inexpen- a few items to display. The shortage of cotton
sive consumer goods and models of improvements caused by the war had crippled Britain’s textile
in housing. The French placed much greater industry and reduced its exhibits. A number of tech-
emphasis on the fine arts, in which France excelled, nical innovations where on show, however, such as a
than the British had in 1851. About five thousand calculating machine and Henry Bessemer’s newly
works of art from twenty-nine countries were developed process for making steel. The exhibition
exhibited in 1855, among them paintings by attracted only slightly more visitors than in 1851,
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Eugène Dela- despite improvements in transport and communica-
croix, and the Pre-Raphaelites. Two of Gustave tion, and closed with a substantial deficit. The 1862
Courbet’s canvases were not accepted for exhibi- exhibition’s poor showing suggests that ever-bigger
tion, so the young artist held his own exhibition copies of the Great Exhibition had limited public
outside the fine arts pavilion, the first of a number appeal and that simply displaying a multitude of
of alternative art exhibitions held by disgruntled machines and objects was not enough to draw the
artists at world’s fairs. crowds.

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PARIS 1867 structed an epic of material progress in which

Although Dublin hosted a small international exhi- European civilization played the leading role and
bition in 1865, the next important world’s fair was created the illusion that scientific knowledge could
held in Paris in 1867. The Exposition Universelle order and control the world. The outer concentric
of 1867 established Paris as the center of the hall contained the Gallery of Machines, a raised
world’s fair movement and significantly changed area affording views across the interior of the exhi-
the look of subsequent world’s fairs. Organized bition. A hydraulic elevator carried visitors to an
by the Saint-Simonian Frédéric Le Play, this was observation platform on the roof. Among the novel
the first world’s fair to expand outside of the main exhibits in 1867 were petroleum, an American
exhibition building, which was surrounded by rocking chair, artificial limbs, the telegraph, and a
international restaurants, an amusement park, and working model of France’s latest engineering feat,
separate national pavilions constructed by the parti- the Suez Canal. Demonstrations of new diving
cipating nations. Among the structures dotting the equipment were held each day, where the public
exhibition grounds and giving them a festive atmo- could see men remain underwater for several hours
sphere were a picturesque Swiss chalet, an Indian in an iron tank. Among the spectators was Jules
temple, a Tunisian palace, a Gothic cathedral, and
Verne, who incorporated the inventions he saw at
an English lighthouse. It was also the first world’s
the 1867 exposition in his novel Twenty-Thousand
fair to remain open in the evening and to include
Leagues under the Sea (Vingt mille lieues sous les
non-European peoples as part of the exhibits, in
mers, 1870).
North African tableaux vivants, for example, and
an Egyptian bazaar with native craftsmen and camel Like the 1855 exposition, that of 1867 cele-
attendants. These innovations became standard in brated the progress and prosperity ostensibly
subsequent world’s fairs. The Parisian excursion brought to France by the Napoleon III’s Second
boats, or bateaux mouches, made their first appear- Empire. France’s colonies were prominently dis-
ance at the exhibition to take fairgoers sightseeing played, with separate sections devoted to Algeria,
on the river Seine. Tunis, and Morocco. The empire’s proclaimed
The elliptical main exhibition hall, an enor- social ideals were manifested in an entire section
mous iron-and-glass structure a mile in circumfer- of the exposition devoted to social welfare. It
ence, was designed to facilitate the classification included exhibits of model sanitary housing for
and comparison of the displays by grouping them the poor and social projects to improve the lives
together by both product and nation. Breaking of workers. Napoleon himself contributed a design
with the tradition established at the Crystal Palace for a workers’ housing project, which unsurprisingly
of organizing the displays along national lines, Le won a grand prize. The exposition, while a great
Play attempted to combine two organizing sys- success that attracted nearly seven million visitors
tems: products and the nations that produced and made a respectable profit, turned out to be
them. Concentric halls, each devoted to a particular the swan song of the Second Empire. The festivities
category of objects, ringed a central garden in the were marred by the June execution of Napoleon’s
interior of the exhibition hall. Each nation’s prod- protégé Maximilian in Mexico and the return of his
ucts were arranged along lines radiating from the widow to Paris. King Victor Emmanuel II demon-
center and intersecting the concentric bands. This strated his anger at Napoleon’s meddling in Italian
two-part classification system, much more ambi- affairs by avoiding the exposition, while during his
tious than the schemes used in previous world’s visit to Paris the tsar of Russia was nearly assassi-
fairs, aimed to present a complete picture of human nated by a Polish patriot. Discontent with Napo-
activity throughout the world from prehistoric leon’s policies was growing at home, and the
times to 1867. Another concept introduced was emperor’s critics voiced their opinions more and
the use of thematic displays of the ‘‘History of more loudly. In addition, Prussia’s rapid defeat of
Work’’ and the ‘‘History of the Earth,’’ which Austria the preceding year called into question
sought to put the entire exhibition in historical whether France would long remain the leading
perspective. In seeking to organize, classify, and power on the Continent. One of the sensations of
exhibit all of human history, the exhibition con- the exposition was a fifty-ton steel cannon made by

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2497

the German firm Krupp. Three years later the same ture, and art as well as numerous international
cannon would be used to bombard Paris during the pavilions and entertainment venues. While housing
Franco-Prussian War. exhibitions at earlier world’s fairs had focused on
the needs of urban workers, at Vienna there was an
LONDON 1871–1874 extensive exhibit of rural homes from around the
The four London International Exhibitions held world. Visitors were entertained by open-air con-
from 1871 to 1874 represented an attempt to limit certs at the Strauss pavilion, military bands, and
the size of world’s fairs by focusing each year on gypsy musicians.
specific categories of exhibits, together with scien- The Vienna exhibition devised the most com-
tific discoveries and the fine arts. They also took plex system of display categories used at any nine-
steps to avoid the international rivalry that had teenth-century world’s fair, comprising some
characterized previous world’s fairs by organizing twenty-six different categories, including new ones
the displays according to class rather than nation- such as transportation, forestry management, the
ality and by opting not to award prizes. Ten exhi- ownership of ideas, the education of women and
bitions were planned to be held over ten years in an children, the healing arts, and the living conditions
assortment of temporary buildings erected near of the common people. It focused more extensively
London’s Albert Hall, which hosted a series of than earlier fairs on social and educational issues
concerts. The first exhibition was relatively success- and even had a category devoted to the cultivation
ful, but declining interest led to the decision to end of good taste among the population. Germany
the exhibitions after the 1874 season. participated in the Vienna exhibition for the first
time as a united nation and, after Austria, contri-
VIENNA 1873 buted the largest number of industrial exhibits,
The nineteenth century’s only Germanic world’s while France managed to mount a credible display
fair was held in Austria in 1873. The Vienna Wel- despite the devastating defeat it had recently
tausstellung marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of endured in the Franco-Prussian War. It was Japan,
the coronation of Emperor Francis Joseph I and however, that made the biggest splash in its first
was intended to celebrate the country’s recovery large-scale effort at a world’s fair. Japan’s exhibits
from its political and economic setbacks in the introduced Europeans to its art, culture, and indus-
1850s and 1860s, which included the separation try, while the Japanese delegation to the Vienna
of Hungary, as well as to publicize the ambitious exhibition carefully studied Western technology
program of urban planning and reconstruction that and industrial organization and published their
had made Vienna one of the grandest cities in observations in ninety-six volumes after returning
Europe. The exhibition was held in Vienna’s home.
wooded Prater park on the banks of the Danube
The 1873 exhibition was beset by a series of
and was the first world’s fair to have separate build-
unfortunate events. The Vienna stock exchange
ings devoted to industry, machinery, agriculture,
was hit by a worldwide financial crisis and collapsed
and art, an innovation borrowed from Moscow’s
less than a week after Emperor Francis Joseph
Polytechnic Exhibition of 1872. The main exhibi-
opened the exhibition, resulting in an economic
tion building was the Palace of Industry, an ornate
depression and soaring unemployment. Fears of a
structure in the Italian Renaissance style that was
repetition of the cholera outbreak of 1872 kept
designed to be used as a permanent home for the
many visitors away from the city, while heavy rains
Corn Exchange after the fair ended. Its vast nave
damaged the exhibition buildings in late June. The
was a half-mile in length, with sixteen galleries
exhibition suffered a huge financial loss, even
branching off to the sides. At the center was a
though by the time it closed it succeeded in attract-
rotunda under the world’s largest dome. Within
ing more than seven million visitors.
the Palace of Industry the exhibits were organized
geographically, with the participating countries
arranged from east to west and Austria at the cen- PARIS 1878
ter. In the park surrounding the Palace of Industry In 1878 France’s newborn Third Republic held a
stood the buildings devoted to machinery, agricul- world’s fair in Paris to demonstrate to the world

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that the nation had recovered from the Franco- became a staple fixture of world’s fairs, increasing in
Prussian War of 1870–1871. The Exposition size with each fair until it constituted an entertain-
Universelle of 1878 was a celebration of the repub- ment zone unto itself, with restaurants, cafés, and
lic and of French civilization, and it contributed to belly dancers in addition to dozens of shops.
healing the divisions caused by the seize mai poli- The 1878 world’s fair was the first to employ
tical crisis of the preceding year. As Victor Hugo technology to control the temperature, through a
enthused, ‘‘The world is our witness that France system of pipes that carried water from the Seine
makes good use of defeat.’’ However, some critics under the raised floor of the Palace of Industry.
argued that France could not afford such a lavish Water was also harnessed to power hydraulic eleva-
expenditure when it had only recently paid off its tors that speeded visitors to the top of Trocadéro
indemnity to Germany, while French churchmen Hill, where a permanent palace was erected for
objected to the secular tone of the fair, for the
concerts, art exhibits, and international congresses
republic forbade religious remarks in the opening
that were held as part of the world’s fair. Some of
ceremonies. French artists who specialized in battle
the congresses had long-lasting consequences, such
scenes were enraged that the fair also forbade the
as the establishment of the International Postal
exhibition of paintings whose subject was the
Union, the introduction of international copyright
Franco-Prussian War. The memory of France’s
laws, and the adoption of Braille as the recognized
defeat was still fresh, and the German government
international system of touch reading. One of the
was pointedly not invited, although German artists
most sensational events during the fair was the
participated unofficially. Sixteen million people
illumination of the Avenue and Place de l’Opera
attended the fair, but it closed with a sizable deficit.
with Thomas Edison’s new electric lighting.
The fair was organized similarly to its prede- Edison’s phonograph, first displayed to the public
cessor in 1867. The centerpiece of the exhibition at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition in 1876,
was the Palace of Industry on the Champ-de-Mars, was introduced to Europeans at the 1878 Paris fair
a rectangular building that housed most of the to great acclaim. Edison himself, self-taught and of
displays, which were again ordered by their class modest origins, was lionized by much of the
in one direction and by nationality in another. French press as an example of what the human
Visitors could choose to examine a single class of mind could achieve in the absence of social barriers.
manufactures from around the world or all the
manufactures of a particular country. A striking
innovation was the Street of Nations in the central
The 1880s and 1890s witnessed an explosion in the
court of the Palace of Industry, where foreign
number of world’s fairs and smaller international
nations built separate entrances to their exhibits,
exhibitions, as the exhibition phenomenon spread
resulting in an eclectic assortment of national archi-
far beyond Europe. The United States had hosted
tectural styles. Some nations also built pavilions
its first major world’s fair in Philadelphia to celebrate
across the Seine in the Trocadéro Park, which was
the centennial of the American Revolution in 1876,
dotted with curiosities such as a Japanese farm, an
and Australia held world’s fairs in Sydney in 1879–
Algerian café, and the head of Auguste Bartholdi’s
1880, Melbourne in 1880–1881 and 1888–1889,
Statue of Liberty, the hand and torch of which
and Adelaide in 1887–1888. Other international
had been exhibited two years earlier at the 1876
exhibitions took place in Atlanta (1881 and 1895),
Centennial International Exhibition in Philadel-
Boston (1883–1884), Calcutta (1883–1884), New
phia. Exhibits by large manufacturers, such as the
Orleans (1884–1885), Antwerp (1885 and 1894),
Singer Company’s sewing machines and Schneider-
Edinburgh (1886), Glasgow (1888), Barcelona
Creusot’s enormous pile driver, were very prominent
(1888), Chicago (1893), San Francisco (1894),
at the fair and a sign of the coming domination
Brussels (1897), Guatemala City (1897), Nashville
of world’s fairs by corporate displays and pavilions.
A more exotic venue at the 1878 world’s fair was (1897), and Stockholm (1897).
the Street of Cairo, a collection of shops and a bazaar The first and only Dutch world’s fair, the
where North Africans were employed to serve visi- International Colonial and Trade Exposition of
tors. The Cairo street proved so popular that it 1883, was the first to place empire at center stage.

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While every world’s fair since London’s Great tower was initially seen by many Parisians as a
Exhibition had included numerous displays of the hideous defilement of the city’s skyline, by others
products of Europe’s overseas empires, their main as an expression of the primitive, barbaric power of
focus had been industry. The Amsterdam world’s industrial society. The tower was a hit with the
fair presented empire as spectacle. Unlike French public, however, and almost two million people
world’s fairs, the Dutch fair was organized by busi- ascended it by elevator during the exposition,
nessmen without government financial assistance, including the Prince of Wales, W. F. ‘‘Buffalo Bill’’
although the government did give its approval to Cody, Sarah Bernhardt, and Thomas Edison. The
the project. The facade of the main building, central axis of the fair on the Champ-de-Mars ran
designed by a French architect, was an exotic pas- under the Eiffel Tower to the entrance of the main
tiche of Indian motifs that curiously had no relation exhibition building, at the rear of which stood
to the architecture of the Netherlands’ own colonial the Gallery of Machines, another feat of modern
possessions in the East and West Indies. Separate construction technology whose glass roof enclosed
pavilions were devoted to colonial exhibits, the city fifteen acres of exhibition space without support
of Amsterdam, and the monarchy, while arts and from internal columns. Among the mechanical
ethnographic displays were presented in the newly wonders on display were a steam-powered tricycle,
built Rijksmuseum. Only the Netherlands and a German gasoline-powered motorcar, and a huge
Belgium mounted full-scale exhibits, but most exhibit of Thomas Edison’s multitude of inven-
European nations were represented as well as the tions, including an electric phonograph that
United States, Haiti, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, charmed the crowds by alternately playing the
Japan, China, Turkey, Persia, and Siam. About one French and American national anthems. From
million people visited the fair, but its significance electrically powered moving platforms suspended
was much greater than attendance figures indicate. over the gallery visitors could look out onto the
For the first time, a world’s fair displayed villages humming machinery in motion below. Like the
inhabited by colonial peoples, who entertained visi- Eiffel Tower, the Gallery of Machines offered the
tors in displays of their native customs. Exhibits of public spectacular views and constituted an attrac-
exotic non-Western peoples by itinerant showmen tion in itself, apart from the technology it exhib-
dated back at least to the sixteenth century and ited, which had become part of the entertainment.
were commonplace throughout Europe by the sec- Some eighty other buildings filled the Champ-de-
ond half of the nineteenth century. Starting with Mars and the banks of the Seine, containing dis-
the Amsterdam fair, however, the ‘‘native village’’ plays of foreign industrial manufactures, the fine
was a regular feature of European and American arts, horticulture, and agricultural products and
world’s fairs. A mixture of commercial sensational- machinery, as well as thematic displays such as
ism, pseudoscientific anthropology, and imperial one devoted to ‘‘Social Economy,’’ an attempt by
power, it served as a vivid contrast to the ultramod- the French government to respond to growing
ern technologies on display and seemed to confirm labor unrest by displaying the gains made by the
assumptions about the superiority of European civi- working class under the Third Republic. More
lization. In the era of the ‘‘new imperialism,’’ colo- successful was Charles Garnier’s history of human
nial exhibits became an increasingly ostentatious habitation, comprising forty-nine structures depict-
component of the world’s fairs, which celebrated ing the evolution of housing through the ages.
colonialism as a force for human progress. Another historical display used stationary tableaux
to illustrate the development of human labor from
PARIS 1889 prehistory to the present. The Trocadéro Palace
Held to commemorate the centennial of the contained ethnographic exhibits that included
French Revolution, the Paris Exposition Univer- works of African, Oceanic, and pre-Columbian
selle of 1889 produced one of the modern world’s art. Many countries erected national pavilions,
great iconic images: the Eiffel Tower, a cast-iron among which Mexico’s contribution was an Aztec
tower that at 300 meters high was the tallest struc- palace. A large section of the exposition was
ture ever erected. Cherished today as the symbol of devoted to the French colonial empire, with palaces
Paris, the naked iron skeleton of Gustave Eiffel’s and pagodas designed by French architects to

2500 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

The Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. This view of the fairgrounds shows the position and prominence of the Eiffel Tower.

house exhibits from colonies in Indochina, India, concerts, balls, and theater performances were
and Africa, where visitors could ride in rickshaws regularly held in the exposition’s park, which con-
powered by Indochinese. As in 1878, colonial peo- tained a variety of international restaurants and cafés
ples were brought to Paris to populate villages providing refreshments to fairgoers. At the Pavilion
representing Senegal, Tonkin, Tahiti, and other of Military Aeronautics, visitors could make an
French imperial possessions. Paul Gauguin was ascent in a tethered balloon, while in the Palace of
inspired to go to Tahiti by the impression made Liberal Arts they could closely inspect a giant globe
on him by the living examples of ‘‘noble savages’’ of the earth by riding to the top in an elevator and
he saw at the fair’s Tahitian village. descending along an inclined walkway. Electricity
Pleasure and entertainment eclipsed the indus- was widely used to enhance the festive atmosphere,
trial exhibits at the 1889 world’s fair, which illuminating the fairgrounds by night to prolong
marked an important shift from the original focus visitors’ enjoyment of the attractions in the park,
of world’s fairs on educating the public about which included a fountain display with colored
advances in science and technology. In addition lights. Each evening a tricolor searchlight atop the
to the exotic spectacles offered by native villages, Eiffel Tower cast its beam across the darkened skies

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2501

over Paris. A more serious attitude prevailed at the were at stake. Although domestic opposition was
dozens of official international congresses that took overcome, diplomatic crises also threatened the
place during the exposition and were devoted to exposition. The Fashoda crisis of 1898, when
topics ranging from alcohol abuse to women’s role France backed down before British forces in East
in the labor force. There were also some unofficial Africa, strained relations between the two coun-
congresses, one of which, held by Marxist socialists, tries, and French support for the Boers in their
founded the Second International and adopted May war with Britain did nothing to improve matters.
First as the international holiday of labor. The United States was insulted by the location its
pavilion was allotted and had to be mollified with
Although some European monarchies refused a more prominent position. More importantly,
the invitation to a world’s fair celebrating the French the drawn-out Dreyfus affair tarnished France’s
Revolution, most countries were represented, if reputation and led some nations to consider a boy-
unofficially, by their firms, who refused to sacrifice cott of the exposition, a prospect averted only
publicity and profit for political considerations. Even when Dreyfus finally received a presidential pardon
members of the royal families of Britain and Russia, in September 1899.
both of whom had vocally refused to take part in a
celebration that paid tribute to the French Revolu- The world’s fair of 1900 was the largest ever
tion, visited the exposition nevertheless. One of the held in Paris. It attracted more than fifty million
most successful world’s fairs of the nineteenth cen- visitors, short of the official projection of sixty million
tury, the 1889 Paris exposition attracted over thirty but still a record that was only surpassed in 1967
million visitors and even made a modest profit. It at Montreal’s Expo 67. Spread out on the Champ-
almost certainly boosted France’s self-esteem, drew de-Mars, Trocadéro Hill, along the banks of the
attention to France’s colonial empire, and helped to Seine, and in the Bois de Vincennes (connected to
draw a line over the divisive Boulanger affair of the the rest of the exposition by the city’s new Métro
preceding winter. line), it comprised over 80,000 exhibits divided
into 18 classes and 121 subclasses. It was the last
European world’s fair to attempt to summarize the
PARIS 1900
achievements of Western civilization, although its
Less than three years after the close of the 1889
vast size and the chaotic arrangement of the multi-
exposition the French government announced
tude of exhibits made it almost impossible for visi-
plans for another one in 1900, partly in order to
tors to take it all in. As at previous world’s fairs,
seize the initiative from Germany, which had been
many worthy international congresses on various
considering holding its first world’s fair. In France
subjects took place, included two organized by
the 1890s were marked by political scandals, eco-
French feminists. An event that heralded a new
nomic and demographic stagnation, and a growing
form of national competition for prestige was the
sense of the nation’s declining influence in the
second meeting of the modern Olympic Games,
world. The disunity of the Third Republic had
held in the Bois de Vincennes.
been only temporarily obscured by the triumphant
success of the 1889 fair, and the exposition of 1900 There was little in the way of architectural
aroused enormous controversy while still in the innovation at the 1900 exposition. The official
planning stages. Critics claimed that it would ben- buildings, such as the Grand Palais, the Petit Palais,
efit only Paris to the detriment of the provincial and the Palace of Electricity, had their iron internal
economy, that it would morally corrupt the structures hidden by facades decorated in the
French, and that it would do nothing to further ornate neoclassical style favored by the academics
the interests of French businesses. Not since the of the École des Beaux-Arts. On the left bank of
preparations for London’s Great Exhibition of the Seine the Street of Nations, inspired by the one
1851 had a world’s fair aroused such concerted in the 1878 exposition, was lined by foreign pavi-
opposition. Supporters countered with arguments lions in historical national styles, such as Germany’s
that emphasized the stimulus it would give to sixteenth-century Rathaus. France’s ally Russia
exports and the jobs it would create and contended occupied an enormous amount of space on Troca-
that the honor and international prestige of France déro Hill, where in addition to a Kremlinesque

2502 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

national pavilion it also contributed a pavilion of department stores had their own separate pavilions,
Asiatic Russia, in which visitors could make a simu- as did the American McCormick Harvesting
lated journey along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Machine Company and France’s Schneider metal-
Finland, although part of the Russian Empire, lurgical firm. There were 207 restaurants and 58
asserted its separate identity with one of the most different attractions with separate entrance fees,
original buildings of the exposition, a superb giving the exposition the character of a vast amuse-
national pavilion designed by Eliel Saarinen using ment park. Visitors could travel back in time in
native woods and decorative motifs inspired by Vieux Paris or Andalusia in the Time of the Moors,
Scandinavian nature. Another noteworthy struc- take in the sights of faraway places in the Tour du
ture was the theater of the American expatriate Monde, make a sea voyage to Constantinople at
dancer Loie Fuller, designed in the art nouveau the Maréorama, and view the moon through the
style by Henri Sauvage. Although the exposition world’s largest telescope. An electric-powered
was not the triumph of art nouveau that it is moving sidewalk, modeled on the one that had
sometimes made out to be but rather an eclectic made its debut at Chicago’s World’s Columbian
hodgepodge of extravagant and colorful buildings, Exposition in 1893, offered a novel terrestrial
elements of art nouveau were present in a experience to those not daring enough to ride the
number of structures, including the main staircase giant Ferris wheel, another Chicago import. In
of the Grand Palais, René Binet’s Monumental addition to the extensive official colonial displays
Gateway to the exposition grounds on the Place of France, Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and
de la Concorde, and the fashionable Pavillon Bleu Portugal, there were commercial exhibits of native
restaurant. The best examples, however, were to be villages inhabited by African and Asian people as
found in the rooms of the German, Austrian, and well as the ever-popular Street of Cairo and its belly
Hungarian pavilions and in the entrances to Hector dancers. The 1900 exposition was noteworthy,
Guimard’s Métro stations. however, for one attempt to challenge the prevail-
ing imperial and racist images of ‘‘primitive,’’ non-
Among the new technologies on display were European peoples in W. E. B. Du Bois’s Exhibit of
X-rays, wireless telegraphy, bicycles, automobiles, American Negroes, located in the Social Economy
turbines, and cinema, but the exposition’s massive section of the exposition alongside other American
use of electric lighting was the biggest marvel. Paul exhibits of tenement houses and libraries. It contained
Morand, a contemporary chronicler of the exposi- materials on African American history, contempor-
tion, dubbed electricity ‘‘the religion of 1900.’’ ary social and economic conditions, educational
In the Palace of Electricity visitors could watch institutions, and literature.
the dynamos at work supplying electricity to power
machinery and illuminate the exposition grounds at Contemporary assessments of the 1900
night to create a fairy-tale landscape. The Monu- world’s fair were mixed. To be sure, the exposi-
mental Gateway, the bridges over the Seine, and tion had attracted an unprecedented number of
the Eiffel Tower sparkled with thousands of incan- visitors and probably infused money into the
descent lights, giving Paris a glimpse of the lumi- French economy, although a number of contem-
nous future. Loie Fuller’s dance performances, in porary critics claimed that it was a financial cata-
which she employed colored lights and electric arc strophe. Paris got new buildings and a new bridge
lamps together with her trademark flowing scarves, over the Seine, the Pont d’Alexandre III. Most of
were a sensation. Another hit, the Cinéorama, used the businessmen who had paid dearly for conces-
phonograph music, colored filmstrips, and ten sions lost money, however, and eventually got a
synchronized projectors on a 360-degree screen partial refund of their fees. To some observers the
to simulate a balloon ride in a vivid demonstration exposition had revealed France’s industrial weak-
of the possibilities afforded by new technologies of ness. The German technical and artistic exhibits
entertainment. outshone those of France, adding to French anxi-
eties about their nation’s decline. Others were
The 1900 world’s fair had an unprecedented struck by the contrast between the vast material
number of commercial venues operated by private riches on display and the inability of the exposi-
firms and businessmen. All the major French tion to adequately classify them in the interests of

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2503

The Grand Palais, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900. The opulent Beaux-Arts-style Grand Palais, designed under the
supervision of lead architect Charles-Louis Girault, displayed fine art from around the world during the exposition. ªMICHAEL MASLAN

scientific progress. Although some scholars have shifting resources and labor into preparations for
linked such pessimistic assessments of the 1900 a world’s fair, although new firms welcomed the
world’s fair to a fin-de-siècle loss of faith in science, opportunity to attract publicity and perhaps win
reason, and progress among intellectuals, it is prize medals for their products. In 1907 an inter-
doubtful that their disillusionment was shared by national federation of exhibitors was set up in Paris
the millions of ordinary visitors. to deal with issues relating to world’s fairs, and in
1912 seventeen nations signed a convention to
The 1900 Exposition Universelle was the
regulate international expositions. Although the
climax of the series of world’s fairs held between
convention was never ratified due to the outbreak
1851 and World War I. Although world’s fairs
of World War I, efforts to bring world’s fairs under
were held between 1900 and 1914 in Glasgow
international supervision resumed after the war,
(1901), St. Louis (1904), Liège (1905), Christ-
eventually resulting in the formation of the Bureau
church, New Zealand (1906–1907), Dublin (1907),
of International Expositions, formed in Paris in
Brussels (1910), and Ghent (1913), none of them
1931, which today is the regulatory body that
approached the size or scope of the one in Paris in
supervises the conduct of world’s fairs.
1900. By 1900 world’s fairs were increasingly seen in
Europe as a financial burden on their host coun-
tries and the participants, a phenomenon known as CONCLUSION
‘‘exposition fatigue.’’ Established firms were some- The great nineteenth-century world’s fairs or uni-
times reluctant to interrupt their production by versal expositions were regarded by contemporaries

2504 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

as historic events that had an enormous interna- and racial stereotypes, and proclaimed the progres-
tional impact. They spread ideas, created a universal sive influence of European colonialism.
exhibition language, and marked the stages of the
World’s fairs have been interpreted as expres-
rapid developments in applied science and technol-
sions of nationalism, imperialism, racism, consumer-
ogy in Europe and the world during the second
ism, and capitalism, which they were. Yet they were
half of the nineteenth century. One of the most
also social rituals, and as such it is not surprising that
important contributions of the world’s fairs was to
they reflected the dominant ideologies of their his-
facilitate technology transfer, acquainting people
torical settings. The world’s fairs reveal much about
from different countries with the latest improve-
the outlooks and intentions of their organizers, but
ments in technology and industrial design. Some
their impact on the public is difficult to assess. Their
manufacturers, such as Colt, McCormick, Edison,
size meant that it was impossible for most ordinary
Bessemer, and Krupp, were very successful in using
visitors to study the multitude of displays more than
the world’s fairs to find new markets for their
superficially. People went to the world’s fairs not
products. The international exhibitions promoted
only to be educated but also to be entertained and
the idea of social progress, too, through exhibits
have a good time, and throughout the nineteenth
devoted to model housing, education, and public
century the entertainments on offer grew more and
health issues. Exhibition techniques and novelties
more spectacular until the world’s fairs resembled
were also transferred from one world’s fair to the
giant amusement parks.
next and between Europe and the rest of the world.
Chicago’s Ferris wheel of 1893 was a response to The world’s fairs’ emphasis on the latest devel-
Paris’s Eiffel Tower of 1889, and its success led the opments in human endeavor meant that they were
1900 Paris world’s fair to acquire its own Ferris a fleeting presence in the cities that hosted them,
wheel. The world’s fairs influenced and were influ- but they left behind a considerable material legacy.
enced by commercial entertainments and museum London’s network of cultural institutions in south
displays, from which they borrowed native villages Kensington was founded with the profits from the
and other ethnographic exhibits. Great Exhibition, while the Crystal Palace served
as an exhibition hall and cultural center in south
For Karl Marx, the nineteenth-century world’s
London until it was destroyed by fire in 1936. The
fairs were evidence of how capitalism had overcome
profits from the Glasgow International Exhibition
national boundaries, but they were also important
of 1888 funded the construction of the City
expressions of national rivalry and of national
Museum and Art Gallery on the exhibition grounds
identities. France in particular consistently used
in Kelvingrove Park. In Paris, structures erected
international expositions to assert its superiority in
for its expositions universelles were often reused for
the arts and its universal civilizing mission, which is
years before being demolished to make way for new
why art exhibitions and displays of colonies and
buildings for other expositions. The Trocadéro
their inhabitants were such a key component of
Palace stood until 1936 when it was replaced by
French exhibits. The world’s fairs also offered
the Chaillot Palace for the 1937 Exposition Univer-
opportunities to smaller or peripheral countries to
selle, while the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Palais, and
assert or construct national identities in an interna-
the Petit Palais are today visible reminders of the
tional setting. Japan was remarkably successful in
impact of world’s fairs on the appearance of Paris.
promoting its culture and industry at world’s fairs,
while Mexico forged a distinctive image of itself as Their impact on art and architecture was mixed.
a non-European but modern and progressive By opening the 1855 and 1867 expositions to non-
nation. Finland used world’s fairs in the late nine- academic painters, Napoleon III undermined the
teenth century to project a unique national identity power of the Académie des Beaux-Arts to determine
in the face of St. Petersburg’s campaign of Russifi- taste, yet conservatives dominated the committees
cation. Imperialism was a constant presence at the that selected works for display at the world’s fairs
world’s fairs from the Great Exhibition until well until World War I. Only the Centennale exhibition
into the twentieth century. The ever more lavish in 1900 included representatives of modern trends
colonial displays of the European empires raised in painting such as impressionism and postimpres-
their national prestige, reinforced existing cultural sionism. The Crystal Palace was an architectural

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2505

sensation and spawned replicas in New York, Jeremy, David J. ‘‘The Great Exhibition, Exhibitions and
Dublin, Munich, and other cities, but neoclassical, Technical Transfer.’’ In The Great Exhibition and Its
Legacy, edited by Franz Bosboch and John R. Davis,
baroque, and Renaissance influences predominated
129–139. Munich, 2002.
in most of the main exhibition buildings con-
structed for world’s fairs before World War I. Kaiser, Wolfram. ‘‘Vive la France! Vive République? The
Cultural Construction of French Identity at the World
Although art nouveau was very much in evidence
Exhibitions in Paris 1855–1900.’’ National Identities
at the 1900 world’s fair, the Glasgow international 1, no. 3 (1999): 227–244.
exhibition of 1901 was dominated by Spanish
Kusamitsu, Toshio. ‘‘Great Exhibitions before 1851.’’ History
Renaissance architecture and bore no trace of Glas- Workshop no. 9 (1980): 70–89.
gow’s own modernist style, developed by Charles
Mainardi, Patricia. Art and Politics of the Second Empire:
Rennie Mackintosh and his followers. National
The Universal Expositions of 1855 and 1867. New
architectural styles incorporating folk elements and Haven, Conn., 1987.
themes were developed for their world’s fair pavi-
Mandell, Robert D. Paris 1900: The Great World’s Fair.
lions by some countries, while European architects
Toronto, 1967.
designed pavilions for colonies in ‘‘indigenous’’
styles that sometimes served after independence as Mattie, Eric. World’s Fairs. Princeton, N.J., 1998.
the basis of new national styles. These national and Mitchell, Timothy. ‘‘The World as Exhibition.’’ Comparative
indigenous styles are perhaps the most lasting archi- Studies in Society and History 31, no. 2 (1989): 217–
tectural legacy of the world’s fairs, for they influ- 236.
enced the development of the entertainment envir- Rancière, Jacques, and Patrick Vauday, ‘‘Going to the
onment of the twentieth-century theme park. Expo: The Worker, His Wife and Machines.’’ In Voices
of the People: The Social Life of ‘‘La Sociale’’ at the
See also Civilization, Concept of; Consumerism; Crystal End of the Empire, edited by Adrian Rifkin and Roger
Palace; Imperialism; Industrial Revolution, Second; Thomas, 23–44. London, 1988.
Popular and Elite Culture; Second International; Rydell, Robert W., and Nancy E. Gwinn. Fair Representa-
Tourism. tions: World’s Fairs and the Modern World. Amsterdam,
BIBLIOGRAPHY Silverman, Deborah L. ‘‘The 1889 Exhibition: The Crisis of
Allwood, John. The Great Exhibitions. London, 1977. Bourgeois Individualism.’’ Oppositions 8, no. 1 (1977):
Auerbach, Jeffrey A. The Great Exhibition of 1851:
A Nation on Display. New Haven, Conn., 1999. Stoklund, Bjarne. ‘‘The Role of International Exhibitions
in the Construction of National Cultures in the 19th
Celik, Zeynep, and Leila Kinney. ‘‘Ethnography and Exhi- Century.’’ Ethnologia Europaea 24, no. 1 (1994): 35–44.
bitionism at the Expositions Universelles.’’ Assemblages
13 (1990): 34–59. Tenorio-Trillo, Mauricio. Mexico at the World’s Fairs:
Crafting a Modern Nation. Berkeley, Calif., 1996.
Chandler, Arthur. ‘‘Revolution: The Paris Exposition Uni-
verselle of 1889.’’ World’s Fair 7, no. 1 (1987): 1–9. Williams, Rosalind H. Dream Worlds: Mass Consumption in
Late Nineteenth-Century France. Berkeley, Calif., 1981.
Curti, Merle. ‘‘America at the World’s Fairs, 1851–1893.’’
American Historical Review 55, no. 3 (1950): 833–856.
Davis, John R. The Great Exhibition. Stroud, U.K., 1999. ANTHONY SWIFT
Fauser, Annegret. Musical Encounters at the 1889 Paris
World’s Fair. Rochester, N.Y., 2005.
Findling, John, and Kimberley D. Pelle, eds. Historical n
Dictionary of World’s Fairs and Expositions, 1851– WUNDT, WILHELM (1832–1920), Ger-
1988. Westport, Conn., 1990.
man psychologist.
Greenhalgh, Paul. Ephemeral Vistas: The Expositions Univer-
selles, Great Exhibitions, and World’s Fairs, 1851–1939. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt was the leading
Manchester, U.K., 1988. institution builder for the modern discipline of
Harris, Neil. ‘‘Expository Expositions: Preparing for the experimental psychology. He wrote the first effec-
Theme Parks.’’ In Designing Disney’s Theme Parks, tive textbook for the new field—Grundzüge der
edited by Karal Ann Marling, 19–28. Paris, 1997. physiologischen Psychologie (1874; Principles of phy-

2506 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

siological psychology)—and in 1879 he established Fechner (1801–1887) pioneered the field of

a laboratory and institute at the University of Leip- ‘‘psychophysics,’’ showing how the ‘‘just notice-
zig to which students could come for the explicit able difference’’ in perceived stimulus intensity—
purpose of conducting Ph.D. research in experi- clearly a psychological variable—could be measured
mental psychology. In 1881 he founded Philoso- and subjected to mathematical analysis.
phische Studien, a journal that despite its title pub- The young Wundt contributed in a small way to
lished the results of the research conducted in the field of mental chronometry in 1861, with a
Wundt’s institute, thus becoming the first in the study showing that the psychological act of switching
world to be explicitly devoted to experimental attention from an auditory to a simultaneously occur-
psychology. Wundt and his institute attracted stu- ing visual stimulus required a measurable one-tenth
dents from around the world, many of whom of a second. More consequentially, he concluded that
returned to their home countries to establish simi- the growing body of research at the boundary
lar psychology laboratories and programs there; by between psychological experience and its physiologi-
1900 there were more than one hundred of them cal underpinnings provided material for a discrete
worldwide, and psychology was widely recognized discipline of experimental psychology, an idea he
as an important new academic discipline. introduced in his 1862 book, Beiträge zur Theorie
Wundt was born near Mannheim, Germany, on der Sinneswahrnehmung (Contributions to the Theory
16 August 1832, into an academic family, his pater- of Sensory Perception), and then developed and illu-
strated more fully twelve years later in his Principles of
nal grandfather having been a professor of history at
Physiological Psychology (1874). The latter book
Heidelberg, and his uncle Philipp Friedrich Arnold
greatly enhanced Wundt’s visibility and led to his
(1803–1890) a physician and professor of physiol-
appointment as full professor in philosophy, first at
ogy. Young Wundt followed his uncle first to
Zurich in 1874 and then at Leipzig the following
Tübingen and then to Heidelberg, where he com-
pleted his medical degree in 1856. As a student he
published two physiological papers in the start of a Most of the experimental research conducted
prodigiously prolific career. Attracted more to by Wundt’s students at the Leipzig institute fell into
research than to medical practice, he briefly worked the general categories of psychophysics and mental
at Johannes Müller’s (1801–1858) celebrated chronometry, augmented by introspective analyses
Physiology Laboratory in Berlin before returning of immediately conscious experience into categories
to Heidelberg as a Privatdozent in physiology. At of sensations and feelings. Significantly, however,
that time the famous Hermann Helmholtz (1821– even as he promoted these studies Wundt also
1894) arrived to establish a Physiology Institute, argued that experimental methods were only applic-
and Wundt was named his assistant. Although able to those psychological phenomena lying close to
Helmholtz identified himself as a physiologist, he was the border of physiology, and not to the ‘‘higher’’
also among the vanguard of those mid-nineteenth- mental processes including memory and thinking.
century scientists who challenged Immanuel Kant’s The latter, he argued, involved supraindividual, com-
(1724–1804) influential characterization of psy- munal processes such as language and custom, which
chology as an intrinsically nonexperimental, pri- had to be studied by comparative and historical
marily philosophical discipline, on the grounds that methods rather than laboratory manipulations in a
psychological phenomena could not be experimen- separate discipline he called Völkerpsychologie. Wundt
tally manipulated or subjected to mathematical also described his overall approach to psychology as
analysis. Helmholtz had shown that many aspects ‘‘voluntaristic,’’ because it stressed that the higher
of conscious sensation and perception could be mental processes occurring at the center of con-
accounted for via mechanistic analysis of the sciousness entailed an inherently unpredictable and
physiological systems involved in vision and audi- sometimes creative process he called ‘‘apperception’’
tion. His demonstration of the finite and measur- (as opposed to simple perception), unbound by the
mechanistic laws of association.
able speed of the nervous impulse had led to
experimental research on ‘‘reaction times’’ and An ardent German nationalist, Wundt fell out
‘‘mental chronometry.’’ Also in 1860, Gustav of vogue in English-speaking countries during

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2507

World War I, and only fragments of his voluminous Translated by Edward Leroy Schaub. London, 1916.
works have been translated. Further, a later genera- Translation of parts of Wundt’s ten-volume Völkerpsy-
tion of psychologists spearheaded by Hermann
Ebbinghaus (1850–1909), who invented ‘‘non- ———. Principles of Physiological Psychology. Translated by
sense syllables’’ as a vehicle for the experimental Edward Bradford Titchener. Reprint, New York, 1969.
investigation of memory, vigorously challenged Translation of portions of the fifth German edition
(1902) of Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie,
Wundt’s assumptions regarding the limitations of
criticized by some historians as providing a misleading
experimental methods. Modern cognitive science picture of Wundt’s overall psychology.
routinely investigates many phenomena that
Wundt would have considered out of bounds. Secondary Sources
But still, legitimate debate continues about the Bringmann, Wolfgang G., and Ryan D. Tweney, eds.
ultimate limitations of mechanistic and experimen- Wundt Studies: A Centennial Collection. Toronto,
tal analysis, as in the discussions about strong ver- 1980. Several important articles on Wundt prepared
sus weak Artificial Intelligence. Since the 1970s a to mark the centennial of his first laboratory in
small but growing number of anglophone histor- Leipzig.
ians have called attention to the contemporary rele- Fancher, Raymond E. ‘‘Wilhelm Wundt and the Establish-
vance of many of Wundt’s works. ment of Experimental Psychology.’’ In his Pioneers of
Psychology, 3rd ed., 145–185. New York, 1996.
See also Helmholtz, Hermann; Psychology.
Rieber, Robert W., and David K. Robinson, eds. Wilhelm
Wundt in History: The Making of a Scientific Psychology.
New York, 2001. Presents important aspects of the
Primary Sources modern reevaluation of Wundt’s work.
Wundt, Wilhelm. Elements of Folk Psychology: Outlines of a
Psychological History of the Development of Mankind. RAYMOND E. FANCHER

2508 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
mythical Irish heroes in The Wanderings of Oisin
YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER (1865– (1889) and, most fruitfully perhaps, to the lyrics
1939), Irish poet. gathered in that early masterpiece of the Irish
Literary Renaissance: The Wind among the Reeds
‘‘I had three interests,’’ William Butler Yeats
(1899). These poems, inspired by a sense of
wrote in 1919, ‘‘interest in a form of literature, in
magical Ireland and hopes for the mystical trans-
a form of philosophy, and a belief in nationality.’’
formation of loathed Victorian materialism—ideas
Throughout a long life of exceptional creativity,
nurtured by such mentors in London as William
Yeats was to try and hammer these thoughts into
Morris (1834–1896) and Oscar Wilde (1854–
a unity. Drawing on his ancient Irish culture, he
1900)—lead to a consideration of Yeats’s occult
strove after a uniquely modern image of artistic,
political, and spiritual wholeness. His heroic com-
mitment to his task obliged Yeats to engage with Yeats lost his Christian faith as a boy, but his
his times as both a public and a private man. In so naturally spiritual temperament was homesick. He
doing, the Irishman created some of the most would soon turn to occultism, the belief that the
important European poetry of the late nineteenth supernatural can be approached through ritual and
and early twentieth centuries. incantation. A profound study of the English
Romantic poet William Blake (1757–1827)
Yeats’s interest in nationality places him against
showed Yeats the importance of a spiritual life
Ireland’s struggle to find its political independence
rooted in the imagination, and he joined Madame
from imperial England as well as its own unique
Blavatsky’s Theosophists in London before becom-
cultural identity. In his youth, Yeats was greatly
ing a member of the Hermetic Order of the
influenced in these matters by the commanding
Golden Dawn. Drawing on the widest traditions
figure of John O’Leary (1830–1907), who, at
of the occult and defiantly opposed to materialism,
Dublin’s Contemporary Club, offered Yeats the
the Order’s rituals appeared to offer its members a
influential notion of an elite Irish intelligentsia
shared, instinctual, and numinous experience of life
steeped in traditional values and strongly anti-
that could be felt as spiritual release. Such impulses
bourgeois in its sentiments.
inform the lyrics of The Rose (1893), which also
O’Leary also opened his library to Yeats, where contains Yeats’s most famous and popular evoca-
the poet began to find in his Celtic inheritance the tion of romantic Ireland, ‘‘The Lake Isle of Innis-
ideals and images that could foster a sense of free.’’ In this poem, the exquisitely subtle vowel
nationhood. This initiative, called for its dreamy sounds create a mood of dreaming and escape into
qualities the Celtic Twilight, led to Yeats’s explor- a redemptive world of vividly realized natural
ing versions of Irish folklore, to the recovery of beauty as the poet imagines living alone in the


‘‘bee-loud glade.’’ Here is Yeats’s early style of BIBLIOGRAPHY

Celtic Twilight at its finest. Primary Sources

Yeats, William Butler. Autobiographies. London, 1955.
Among the members of the Golden Dawn was
the woman who was to dominate much of Yeats’s ———. The Variorum Edition of the Poems of W. B. Yeats.
Edited by Peter Allt and Russell K. Alspach. New York,
life: the wildly beautiful and politically radical 1957.
Maude Gonne (1866–1953), whose passionate
commitment to Irish independence further ———. The Variorum Edition of the Plays of W. B. Yeats.
Edited by Russell K. Alspach. London, 1966.
inflamed Yeats’s own. Their long, often painful
relationship is deeply woven into Irish nationalist Secondary Sources
history, nowhere more vividly than when, in 1902, Coote, Stephen. W. B. Yeats: A Life. London, 1997.
Gonne played the eponymous heroine of Yeats’s
Ellmann, Richard. Yeats: The Man and the Masks. Rev. ed.
play Cathleen ni Houlihan, a drama which exam-
London, 1979.
ines the ruthless demands made by nationalism.
Finneran, Richard, ed. Yeats: An Annual of Critical and
Yeats was greatly aided in the writing of this play Textual Studies. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1983–.
by another woman friend: Lady Isabella Augusta Foster, Roy. W. B. Yeats: A Life. 2 vols. Oxford, U.K.,
Gregory (1852–1932), a patrician Anglo-Irish 1997–2003.
widow who, in middle age, was discovering her
Harper, George Mills. The Making of Yeats’s ‘‘A Vision.’’ 2
own formidable literary talent. Together they vols. London, 1987.
founded the Abbey Theatre, which had an incalcul-
Henn, T. R. The Lonely Tower: Studies in the Poetry of W. B.
able influence on the flowering of Irish drama, not Yeats. London, 1950.
least through promoting Yeats’s own dramatic works
and above all the plays of J. M. Synge (1871–1909). STEPHEN COOTE
Meanwhile, the life at Lady Gregory’s house at Coole
moved Yeats’s own thought in an ever more aristo-
cratic direction, impulses deepened by his reading of n
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900). These influences YOUNG CZECHS AND OLD
led to a greater firmness and directness in Yeats’s CZECHS. Following the suppression of the
poetic style and subject matter, qualities to be seen 1848 revolutions in the Habsburg lands, political
in ‘‘To a Wealthy Man who Promised a Second activity was outlawed, but the failures of this
Subscription to the Dublin Municipal Gallery if It ‘‘neoabsolutist’’ system, especially the losses in the
Were Proved the People Wanted Pictures.’’ Italian War of 1859, caused Emperor Francis Joseph
Celtic Twilight was fading before a horror of to change course. As a result, the so-called constitu-
mass society, and Yeats now excoriated the majority tional era in the Austrian Empire was launched in
of Dubliners as philistines unworthy of his ideal Ire- 1860, and provincial diets reappeared, an imperial
land. He was caught unawares, however, by the parliament (the Reichsrat) was established in
Easter Uprising against the British and so by the Vienna, and political parties were founded. In
deep, unflinching, reckless nationalism of men such Prague, Czech leaders, led by František Palacký
as Patrick Henry Pearse (1879–1916). In his great and his son-in-law František L. Rieger, created the
poem on the subject, ‘‘Easter 1916,’’ Yeats, deeply Czech National Party, whose goals were the political
stirred, attempted a mixture of impartiality and won- autonomy of the Bohemian crown lands of the
derment as he realized how from this event, futile empire on the basis of the traditional state rights of
although it appeared, ‘‘a terrible beauty is born.’’ the old Kingdom of Bohemia, and greater rights for
Yeats’s poetry—inspired by the occult, honed in its Czech language and culture. Because elections were
vigor, and politically informed—was beginning to carried out according to a restrictive curial system,
stare at the ineluctable violence that lies at the heart which weighted votes in favor of wealthy land-
of the twentieth century. owners and urban elites, the party made a tactical
alliance with the conservative great landowners, who
See also Blake, William; Ireland; Morris, William; Wilde, shared their desire for provincial autonomy.
Oscar. Although the 1867 Ausgleich (compromise), which

2510 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

created the new country of Austria-Hungary out of significant concessions to the Bohemian Germans,
the old empire, expanded political and individual the Young Czechs unseated their rivals in the 1891
rights in the Bohemian crown lands, it represented elections to the imperial parliament. The Young
a setback for the Czech program because it Czech victory was in many ways a protest against
established German dominance in the western, or the Old Czechs, and it transformed the party from
‘‘Austrian,’’ half of the monarchy. In response, the a small radical nucleus into a broad coalition
National Party launched a program of passive encompassing disparate segments of Czech society.
resistance, refusing to participate in the local diets Once in power, party leaders lost touch with
and the imperial parliament. the more radical elements that had brought them
From its origins, the National Party had incor- to victory. As a result, several new, mostly small,
porated two factions, the conservative Old Czechs parties, advocating a variety of progressive reforms,
and the progressive Young Czechs—the name of emerged to challenge the Young Czechs. At the
the latter reflecting not the age of its members, but same time, the expansion of the franchise opened
rather its initial identification with liberal national- the way for a transfer of political power away from
ist movements such as ‘‘Young Germany’’ and parties of notables such as the Old and Young
‘‘Young Poland’’ that had been inspired by the Czechs to mass-based parties of interest, such as
Italian ideologue, Giuseppe Mazzini. The split in the Social Democrats and the Agrarian Party. The
the Czech national camp became apparent in a Young Czechs lost their leading role in Czech
debate over the Polish revolt against Russia in politics in 1907, following the first elections to
1863. The more conservative wing around Palacký the imperial parliament on the basis of universal
and Rieger, although critical of tsarist policies, male suffrage. They continued to exert significant
continued to support Russian leadership of the influence in provincial and municipal politics,
Slavic world, whereas liberals condemned the where the curial system remained in effect. Increas-
Russians as oppressors, and a small group of radical ingly identified as the party of business and banking
polonophiles sought to aid the Poles directly. In interests, the Young Czechs emerged after the
addition, the Young Czechs questioned the need fall of the empire as the Czechoslovak National
for an alliance with the landed aristocrats, and Democratic Party, one of the five influential
developed an interpretation of Bohemian state parties that set the political course in the interwar
rights that de-emphasized its feudal aspects. They Czechoslovak Republic.
combined their demands for greater democracy See also Austria-Hungary; Bohemia, Moravia, and
with a program of strident nationalism and Silesia; Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue; Palacký, František.
occasional anticlericalism designed to appeal to
the broad masses. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Chafing under the restrictions of passive resis- Garver, Bruce M. The Young Czech Party, 1874–1901, and
the Emergence of a Multi-party System. New Haven,
tance, the Young Czechs broke with the National
Conn., 1978.
Party, establishing a new party, the National
Liberal Party, in 1874, and resuming participation Šolle, Zdeněk. Stoletı́ české politiky: Pocátky modernı́ české
politiky od Palackého a Havlı́cka az po realisty Kaizla,
in the government. In 1878 the Old Czechs also Kramáre a Masaryka. Prague, 1998.
abandoned passive resistance and made an agree-
Vojtěch, Tomáš. Mladočeši a boj o politickou moc v Čechách.
ment with the Young Czechs to promote the
Prague, 1980.
national agenda. This coalition, led by the Old
Czechs, supported the government of Austrian CLAIRE E. NOLTE
Minister-President (prime minister) Eduard Taaffe,
which came to power in 1879, in return for
concessions on national issues. The diminishing n
returns of this agreement caused the Young Czechs YOUNG HEGELIANS. The Young or Left
to end their cooperation with the Old Czechs Hegelians were the radical disciples of Georg
in 1888. Following a controversial agreement Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel who formed a rather
negotiated by the Old Czechs in 1890 that gave amorphous school in Germany between the late

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2511

1830s and the mid-1840s. They flourished in the Apart from Hess and Engels—both to some extent
middle of the period between the (successful) Revo- autodidacts in philosophy since their fathers wished
lution of 1830 in France, when the reactionary them to go into the family business—all the Young
Charles X (r. 1824–1830) was deposed, and the Hegelians wished to go on to teach in some form
(unsuccessful) wave of revolutions that swept or another, most of them in universities, though
Europe in 1848. The Young Hegelians were thus Stirner taught in a high school. Their misfortune
both the product and the producers of the potent was that, owing to their unorthodox ideas, the
mixture of religion, philosophy, and politics that universities were gradually closed to them and they
fermented in Germany during that seminal period. found themselves without jobs and cut off from
Their leading members were David Friedrich society.
Strauss, Arnold Ruge, Bruno and Edgar Bauer,
August Cieszkowski, Ludwig Feuerbach, Max With this background it is not surprising that
Stirner (Johann Kaspar Schmidt), Moses Hess, Karl the Young Hegelians should put such emphasis on
Marx, and Friedrich Engels. the role of ideas and theory. They were essentially a
philosophical school and their approach to reli-
It is impossible to speak of a ‘‘movement’’ gion and politics was always intellectual. Their
before about 1840, when the increasingly radical philosophy is best called a speculative rationalism;
position of the Hallische Jahrbücher, their principal for to their romantic and idealist elements they
organ, provided a rallying point. They were at the added the sharp critical tendencies of the Aufklär-
beginning exclusively preoccupied with religious ung (Enlightenment) and an admiration for the
questions, and, as Ruge later remarked, the extent principles of the French Revolution. The second
to which the origins of the Hegelian School were half of Feuerbach’s Das Wesen des Christenthums
theological can be measured by the fact that it was (1841; Essence of Christianity) was full of the old
the purely theological Das Leben Jesu (1835; Life Aufklärung arguments against religion; Bruno
of Jesus) by Strauss that had the most influence and Edgar Bauer made long historical studies
on its development. Apart from art and literature, of the French Revolution, as did Marx also; and
religion was the only field where different align- the Young Hegelians in general were very fond
ments and relatively free debate were possible. of comparing themselves either to the ‘‘moun-
Because of the censorship almost all newspapers tain’’ or to individual revolutionaries of that time.
were merely pale reflections of the government’s They believed in reason as a continually unfold-
views. Genuinely political arguments among the ing process and conceived it their task to be its
Young Hegelians did not appear before about heralds. They radicalized still further Hegel’s
1840, when the accession of Frederick William IV conception of religion as a prelude to philosophy
(r. 1840–1861) and the attendant relaxation of by denying the possibility of any supernatural
press censorship opened the newspapers for a short revelation.
time to their propaganda.
Like Hegel, they believed that this process
The focal point of the Young Hegelians was would achieve an ultimate unity, but they
the University of Berlin. Almost all of them— tended—especially Bruno Bauer—to believe that
Bruno and Edgar Bauer, Cieszkowski, Feuerbach, it would be immediately preceded by an ultimate
Stirner, Marx, and Engels—had studied philosophy division. This meant that some of their writings
in Berlin. Hess and Ruge were the only important had an apocalyptic ring, for they thought it their
exceptions. Several of them—Bruno and Edgar
duty by their criticism to force divisions to a final
Bauer, Feuerbach, Ruge—had followed the exam-
rupture and thus to their complete resolution.
ple of Hegel in beginning their studies with theol-
ogy, only later switching to philosophy. All came The sometimes fantastic views of the Young
from well-to-do, middle-class families, such as Hegelians, views that Marx was later led to call
could afford to send their sons to a university. For mockingly ‘‘pregnant with world revolution,’’
the Young Hegelians were an extremely intellectual were helped, firstly, by their impression that they
group for which a university education was essen- lived in an age of transition and at the dawn of a
tial, Hess being the only self-educated member. completely new era. Their apocalyptic tendencies

2512 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

were increased by their position as jobless intel- See also Bakunin, Mikhail; Berlin; Engels, Friedrich;
lectuals on the margin of society. Having no roots Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Revolutions of
in the society that they were criticizing, they
could allow their ideas to range at will. Second,
the Young Hegelians placed great faith in the BIBLIOGRAPHY

power of ideas; here again Bauer was the most Brazill, William J. The Young Hegelians. New Haven,
outstanding example. The German poet and critic Conn., 1970.
Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) had already said McLellan, David. The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx.
that thought preceded action as lightning did London, 1969.
thunder. It was precisely in this ‘‘trailblazing’’ Stepelevich, Lawrence S., ed. The Young Hegelians: An
that the Young Hegelians were engaged. Marx Anthology. Cambridge, U.K., 1983.
echoed this thought in his first piece of serious
writing, the doctoral dissertation of 1841, when DAVID MCLELLAN
he wrote, following Bruno Bauer, that even the
practice of philosophy was itself theoretical. Even
when some of the Young Hegelians began to n
express their ideas in purely political terms, this
YOUNG ITALY. Young Italy, a secret political
idea of the independence and primacy of theory
association, was founded by Giuseppe Mazzini
still held sway. Their watchword was ‘‘critique’’—
(1805–1872) in Marseilles in July 1831 to pro-
of religion, philosophy, and politics. They echoed
mote the fight for Italian independence and unity.
the famous declaration of the young Mikhail Mazzini had taken up residence in the French port
Bakunin, at the time himself in contact with city to avoid serving a sentence of confinement for
several of the Young Hegelians, that ‘‘the joy of his political activities. At the time of his departure
destruction in itself is a creative joy.’’ This implac- from Italy, the success of revolution of July 1830 in
ably critical impulse led through a rejection of any France encouraged Italians to expect a similar out-
form of Christianity and an idealized aspiration come on their country. Mazzini founded Young
toward democracy to the solipsistic anarchy of Italy after attempts at revolution in Italy were put
Max Stirner. down with the help of Austrian intervention.
Young Italy recruited in Italy and among political
Although the Young Hegelians had ceased to
exiles abroad in competition with other patriotic
exist as a coherent force by 1844, they acted as a
societies. The name indicated Mazzini’s faith that
matrix in which several of the most important
the young would succeed where radicals of the
elements of European thought gestated. Strauss
older generation had failed, and his disappointment
and Bruno Bauer began a radical critique of the
with the revolutionary tactics of the Carboneria,
New Testament that continues to this day in
the secret society behind the unsuccessful revolu-
biblical studies, as does Feuerbach’s humanist
tions of 1820–1821 and 1830–1831. But although
reading of religion in contemporary ‘‘death of
Young Italy targeted those between the ages of
God’’ theologies. Stirner’s ne plus ultra of egoism
twenty and thirty-five, it excluded no one on the
in his book Der Einzige und sein Eigentum (1844;
basis of age or sex.
The ego and its own) has been seen as one of the
founding documents of anarchism and a precursor Mazzini hoped that Young Italy would serve as
of, and possible influence on, Friedrich Wilhelm an umbrella organization for patriots who accepted
Nietzsche (1844–1900). And, of course, in the its basic principles of republicanism, social justice,
evolution of Marx’s ideas, a radical interpretation faith in the people, and in Italy’s revolutionary
of Hegel was an essential addition to French mission. Its membership was secret out of neces-
socialism and English economics. Thus the influ- sity, but unlike other secret societies that kept their
ence of the Young Hegelian secularization of aims and programs shrouded in mystery, Young
Christian eschatology has proved more influential Italy proclaimed its intentions openly, recruited
and lasting than many at the time would have broadly, and disseminated its message in print and
expected. by word of mouth.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2513

Young Italy’s religious ethos reflected Maz- In 1833 and 1834 Young Italy suffered a series
zini’s conviction that commitment requires a of reverses that destroyed its effectiveness, the last
firm religious basis. Its members were called and most severe setback occurring in February
apostles, held to high standards of personal con- 1834 when armed incursions into Savoy from
duct, enjoined to appeal to ideals and principles France and Switzerland failed to spark the popular
rather than material interests, and to bring the uprising on which Mazzini counted for success.
word to the masses, without whose support no Mazzini revived Young Italy in London in the
revolution could succeed. A firm believer in the 1840s. This new version, which is sometimes
importance of political education, Mazzini pub- referred to as the second Young Italy, differed from
lished the journal Giovine Italia and saw to it the first in paying less attention to political conspi-
that copies were smuggled into Italy. But Young racy and more to political education. It was
Italy did not confine itself to long-term political particularly popular among Italian students, who
education. It also conspired to promote revolution did not remember the failures of the first Young
and guerrilla warfare based on the theories devel- Italy and revered the name of Mazzini. It was
oped by Mazzini’s close collaborator, Carlo flanked by a workers’ union and had branches in
Bianco di Saint-Jorioz (1795–1843), in the book North America and South America. It contributed
Della Guerra nazionale d’insurrezione per bande to the political climate that led to the revolutions of
(1828; On the national war of insurrection by 1848, but played no direct role in the revolutions;
bands). Members of Young Italy pledged to it was replaced by other Mazzinian organizations
destroy tyrants and keep ready a dagger, a gun, after 1848. The name was replicated by other mili-
and fifty rounds of ammunition for action on tant democratic movements, including Young Ire-
short notice. land in the 1840s and Young America in the
Young Italy was a remarkable achievement 1850s.
considering the difficulties that it faced. Funds See also Carbonari; Mazzini, Giuseppe; Nationalism.
were not a serious problem, for its activities were
bankrolled by well-off Lombard exiles. But that BIBLIOGRAPHY
created another problem for Mazzini, for the same
Hales, Edward E. Y. Mazzini and the Secret Societies: The
exiles demanded a voice in decisions that he did not Making of a Myth. New York, 1956.
want to share.
Sarti, Roland. Mazzini: A Life for the Religion of Politics.
Other secret societies regarded Young Italy as a Westport, Conn., 1997.
rival and sabotaged its work. The reformed Carbo-
neria, headed by the old Jacobin Filippo Michele ROLAND SARTI
Buonarroti (1761–1837) and the society Veri Italiani
(True Italians), both advocating a materialistic
philosophy abhorrent to Mazzini, were Young n
Italy’s most formidable rivals in the political under- YOUNG TURKS. Between 1828 and 1867,
ground. Spies infiltrated its ranks and police the phrase Young Turk was used to denote
crackdowns disrupted its operations. Rapid com- those Ottoman intellectuals and statesmen advo-
munication and coordination of efforts in the cating liberal reforms and a constitutional regime
Italian states, France, and Switzerland, where for the Ottoman Empire. Specifically, when a
Young Italy was active, presented insurmount- number of leading Ottoman intellectuals fled the
able problems. Wildly inflated estimates put Young Ottoman capital to organize an opposition move-
Italy’s membership at around 140,000 in ment in Paris financed by the Egyptian prince
1833, but even a membership of no more than a Mustafa Fâzıl (1829–1875) the European press
few thousand would have been a remarkable called them Young Turks. Turkish historiography
achievement under the circumstances. Whatever labels this group the Young Ottomans. Later on,
the numbers, Young Italy attracted the most British and French diplomatic correspondence used
idealistic and best educated Italians and constituted the terms Young Turk and The Young Turkey Party
the first broadly based revolutionary movement to refer to those statesmen who supported the
in Italy. movement for a constitution.

2514 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Following the end of the short-lived consti- important Young Turk organization until the end
tutional regime in 1878, both Ottomans and of the movement, was a loose umbrella organiza-
Europeans referred in general to the opponents tion until 1902. While some branches supported
of the regime of Sultan Abdülhamid II (r. 1876– the gradual reform program of the positivists,
1909) as the Young Turks. It was the Ottoman others advocated revolution; still others were
Freemasons who, in 1893, first formally named dominated by the ulema, the Muslim learned
their political branch The Committee of Young establishment.
Turkey at Constantinople. Then, in 1895, the
In 1902, a schism developed in Paris at the
main opposition group, the Ottoman Committee
First Congress of Ottoman Opposition Parties.
of Union and Progress, advertized its French
The majority party, led by the sultan’s brother-
journal as ‘‘Organe de la Jeune Turquie.’’
in-law Mahmud Celâleddin Pasha and his two
From this point on, the phrase Young Turk was sons Sabahaddin and Lûtfullah Beys, allied itself
used among Ottoman subjects (of all religions) to with Armenian and Albanian committees. They
denote opposition organizations dominated by promoted the idea of a coup with British assis-
Muslim dissidents. tance. This willingness to work with foreign
powers sparked the opposition of the minority
YOUNG TURK MOVEMENT: IDEAS party, under the leadership of Ahmed Rıza. It
AND POLICIES adopted a Turkist policy, demanding a leadership
The Young Turk movement took place in Europe role for Turks, and categorically rejecting any for-
and British-ruled Egypt between 1878 and 1908. eign intervention in Ottoman politics. The majority
Members of this movement founded a host of party reorganized itself in 1905 under Sabahaddin
political parties, committees, and leagues to topple Bey’s leadership; in that year Sabahaddin Bey
the absolutist regime of Abdülhamid II and replace also founded the League of Private Initiative and
it with a constitutional monarchy. Although their Decentralization, and he worked toward creating
European contemporaries and many scholars a mutual understanding with the non-Muslim
commonly labeled the Young Turks liberals and organizations. Also in 1905, the minority party,
constitutionalists, these traits were promoted by a under the leadership of Bahaeddin S˛akir, reorga-
small minority in the movement. Members of the nized itself under the new name, the Ottoman
major Young Turk organizations did not adopt Committee of Progress and Union. In 1907
liberal ideas and viewed constitutionalism merely
this new organization merged with the Ottoman
as a device to stave off great-power intervention
Freedom Society, which had been established by
in the Ottoman Empire.
army officers and bureaucrats in Salonica in 1906.
The initial activities of the Young Turks did From this point on, the Young Turk movement
not go further than the publication of a few spread deeply among the Ottoman officer corps
journals. In 1889, the major Young Turk organi- in European Turkey. In July 1908, the Ottoman
zation was established in the Royal Medical Acad- Committee of Progress and Union carried out
emy, which originally called itself the Ottoman the Constitutional Revolution, which marked
Union Committee. After protracted negotiations both the end of Abdul-Hamid II’s regime and
between the original founders and Ahmed Rıza the Young Turk movement. Some European
(1859–1930), who led the Young Turk move- historians call the new administration ‘‘the
ment intermittently between 1895 and 1908, Young Turk government.’’ This usage is mis-
the name was changed to the Ottoman Commit-
leading, because actually both regime and
tee of Union and Progress. This new title
opposition after 1908 came from former Young
reflected the staunch positivism of Ahmed Rıza,
who had unsuccessfully proposed naming the
group ‘‘Order and Progress,’’ after the famous Because all members of organizations domi-
aphorism of philosopher Auguste Comte (1798– nated by the Muslim opponents of the sultan and
1857). This committee, which remained the most their sympathizers in the empire were called

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2515

Young Turks, this phrase does not necessarily movement aimed at turning social research into a
refer to individuals who shared similar ideas. For branch of science through scientific research and
instance, ulema and ardent positivists worked creating a truly scientific method of study and
together in various Young Turk organizations as analysis of social phenomena.) Following the
members. In the early stages of the movement, reorganization of the Ottoman Committee of
many Young Turks, including the original foun- Progress and Union, these ideas receded to the
ders of the Ottoman Committee of Union and background. Practical political ideas took their
Progress, were adherents of mid-nineteenth- place. For instance, a proto-nationalism emerged.
century German materialism and admirers of Ludwig It stressed a dominant role for ethnic Turks in
Büchner (1824–1899). Social Darwinism also the empire, while resisting European economic
deeply influenced many Young Turks. Positivism, penetration and political intervention in the
too, was advanced by various Young Turk leaders, Ottoman Empire.
and the French organ of the Ottoman Committee
See also Nationalism; Ottoman Empire.
of Union and Progress used the positivist calendar
for a while. Interestingly, French social scientist
Gustave Le Bon (1841–1931) and his theories
on crowd psychology made a strong impact on glu, M. S˛ükrü. The Young Turks in Opposition. New
York, 1995.
almost all members of the movement. Le Bon’s
ideas shaped the elitism promoted by the Young ———. Preparation for a Revolution: The Young Turks,
1902–1908. New York, 2001.
Turks. For their part, Sabahaddin Bey and his
followers were deeply influenced by the Science Petrosian, Iu. A. Mladoturetskoe dvizhenie: vtoraia polovina
sociale movement, particularly by Edmond XIX-nachalo XX v. Moscow, 1971.
Demolins (1852–1907). (The Science sociale M. S˛ÜKRÜ HANIOĞLU

2516 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
n she lived whenever circumstances permitted until
ZASULICH, VERA (1849–1919), Russian Deich’s arrest in 1884. In December 1876 Zasulich
revolutionary. returned to St. Petersburg; joined the recently
Born 8 August (27 July, old style) 1849 into established group Land and Liberty, devoted to
a family of impoverished lesser nobility and raised peasant revolution; and worked in its underground
by well-to-do relatives in Smolensk province of press and at planning comrades’ prison escapes. In
imperial Russia, Vera Zasulich first encountered July 1877 she learned of the flogging of a political
radical ideas when she began attending boarding prisoner, Arkhip Bogolyubov, ordered by Fyodor
school in Moscow in 1866. The radicals of the Trepov, the governor-general of St. Petersburg,
1860s, critical of the social, political, and cultural and, outraged, vowed retribution for an act she
order associated with serfdom, regarded gender deemed immoral.
differences as irrelevant to the struggle against Zasulich’s attempted assassination of Trepov
it, and welcomed the participation of women. the following January won her fame in Russia and
Yekaterina, the eldest Zasulich sister, introduced abroad. Although she shot at close range, Zasulich
Vera to members of the radical Ishutin circle who only wounded Trepov; then, prepared to accept the
remained at liberty after Dmitri Karakozov’s consequences of her action, she made no effort to
attempted assassination of the tsar, Alexander II. defend herself or flee. Promptly arrested, she was
In the summer of 1868, Vera Zasulich settled in tried and acquitted by a jury at the end of March,
St. Petersburg, where she participated in work col- then released. Zasulich’s acquittal brought the end
lectives and then taught in an evening literacy of jury trials for political crimes. To avoid being
school for workers. There she met the notorious arrested again on government orders, she escaped
revolutionary Sergei Nechayev, whom she served to Geneva, where she remained until 1905 except
briefly as a go-between, her only oppositional act for two brief, clandestine trips to Russia and three
thus far. It led to her arrest in April 1869. Released years spent in London.
two years later, she was imprisoned again in the
Liberals and radicals in Russia and Europe
summer of 1872, then sent into exile.
applauded Zasulich’s acquittal. Russian radicals
These years, a time of deprivation and suffer- understood it to indicate widespread popular
ing, cemented Zasulich’s commitment to the sympathy for their aims, and it encouraged expo-
destruction of the state. Following her release in nents of terrorism among the fracturing populist
September 1875, Zasulich went to Kiev, where she movement. Zasulich was not among them. Instead,
joined the revolutionary Southern Insurgents, and she rejected terrorism as a political tactic. In August
assumed an illegal existence. In the group she met 1879, during a brief visit to Russia, she joined the
and became involved with Lev Deich, with whom short-lived Black Repartition, which favored the


revival of agitation among the peasantry. Abroad, Zasulich, Vera. ‘‘Vera Zasulich.’’ In Five Sisters: Women
she gradually moved from a peasant-oriented to a against the Tsar, edited and translated by Barbara
Alpern Engel and Clifford N. Rosenthal, 59–94. New
Marxist view of social transformation. In Septem-
York, 1975. Translation of Vospominaniia (1931).
ber 1883 Zasulich became one of the founders of
Russia’s first Marxist organization, the Emanci- Secondary Sources
pation of Labor Group. It took seven more years, Bergman, Jay. Vera Zasulich: A Biography. Stanford, Calif.,
however, before she fully abandoned her faith in 1983.
the peasant commune and Russia’s ability to bypass
capitalism, and became convinced that only the
proletariat, a group just emerging in Russia, could
make a socialist revolution. Her views were con-
gruent with those known as Menshevism after
1903: the proletariat would assume its historical ZIONISM. First used in public on 23 January
role only after an extended period of maturation 1892 by Nathan Birnbaum, Zionism is the term
and preparation by radical intellectuals. used for the main Jewish nationalist movement that
originated in central and eastern Europe in the last
Reserved and self-effacing, Zasulich never quarter of the nineteenth century. Zionism’s main
sought visibility or political authority, despite the ideological claim was that the Jews were not simply
level of respect she garnered from the Left. During an ethnic or religious minority group but were
her years abroad, she established links with rather a distinct, if dispersed, people—a nation. As
European socialists; wrote political analyses and such, Jews could never be fully integrated into their
historical/biographical studies; edited émigré pub- host societies, and indeed should not; instead they
lications, most notably the Marxist periodical Iskra needed, and had a right to, their own state, in their
(The spark); worked to assist revolutionaries in national homeland, Palestine, or, as most Zionists
Russia; and devoted considerable energy to preser- came to call it, Eretz Israel (Hebrew for ‘‘Land of
ving unity in the fractious émigré movement. Israel’’). Zionism therefore rejected the main inte-
When the Russian Social Democrats split in 1903, grative, assimilationist strategy of the movement for
Zasulich sided with the Mensheviks. Eager to be on Jewish emancipation that started in the late eigh-
the scene, she returned to Russia in the fall of teenth century. Zionism’s relation to this movement
1905; the failure of the Revolution of 1905 marked was, however, highly ambivalent, for while many
the end of her active participation in revolutionary Zionists insisted on a distinct cultural and national
politics. When World War I broke out in 1914, identity for Jews, many others, including its found-
Zasulich supported Russia’s participation against ing figure and initial leader, Theodor Herzl, also saw
Germany, because she considered German imperi- the movement as a means of integrating the Jews
alism a threat to international socialism. Following into the rest of civilized society, but on a national
the revolution of February 1917, Zasulich backed rather than individual level. Jews were to be, there-
the Menshevik policy of collaboration with liberals fore, a ‘‘normal’’ nation, but they were also to be a
in the Provisional Government; in her view, the model ‘‘normal’’ nation: pioneers in technology,
October Revolution perverted Marxism. Her culture, progressive social causes, and pluralist toler-
health was seriously failing by then, weakened by ance, and at the center of world civilization. Zion-
the tuberculosis she had contracted in 1889, and ism, therefore, rather than ‘‘solving’’ the Jewish
from which she had suffered since. Zasulich died of Question, as was claimed for it, came to reflect the
pneumonia on 8 May 1919. complex, dialectical relationship between particular-
See also Mensheviks; Nechayev, Sergei; Populists; ism and universalism that marked Jewish emancipa-
Socialism. tion and indeed modern Jewish history generally.


Primary Sources Zionism differed markedly from almost all other
Koni, A. F. Vospominaniia o dele Very Zasulich. Moscow, European nationalisms in the period, even diasporic
1933. nationalisms such as that of the Greeks, by having

2518 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

only a marginal overlap between people and territory. of the nation because of their different ethnicity
There were some Jews in the Jewish ‘‘homeland’’ in and traditional prejudices against them. It was also
Palestine, but Jews were far from being a majority in unclear to which national group Jews should try to
the area, and had no political control or recognized belong: in Bohemia, for instance, German, Czech, or
claim to the territory. The vast bulk of Jews lived ‘‘Austrian’’? In this way, Jews often became caught
outside of Palestine: the Sephardic Jews were scat- in the crossfire between competing nationalisms.
tered mainly across the lands, current and former,
of the Ottoman Empire as well as parts of western
Europe and the Americas; the Ashkenazi Jews were
There was also a more positive possibility arising
concentrated in central and eastern Europe, espe-
cially the area of the Russian Empire known as the from the Jewish confrontation with nationalism. In
Pale. This discrepancy between people and territory areas such as the Russian Pale, where Jews were in
was an accepted part of premodern, traditional sufficient numbers to retain a strong group iden-
Jewish life and thought. Jews thought of them- tity, the option presented itself of Jews imitating
selves as a people, living as they did in autonomous the other groups around them by themselves form-
communities, apart from, and usually discrimi- ing their own ‘‘nation.’’ Hence Russian Jewish
nated against by, the surrounding societies. Yet intellectuals, led by Perez Smolenskin, developed
they did not see themselves in modern nationalist in the 1860s their own brand of secular Jewish
terms, and their dispersion was explained, and nationalism, alongside all the others.
justified, in religious terms, with an ingathering Initially, however, most of the proponents of
of the Jewish people to the homeland in Palestine this secular Jewish national identity thought it
seen almost exclusively in connection with the could be realized in Europe in deterritorialized form.
coming of the Messiah. Most saw no need for the apparently impossible
project of mass immigration of Jews to Palestine.
This situation became untenable with the onset
There were, admittedly, calls from the early nine-
of the modern state and its concomitant, secular
teenth century from various sources, including
nationalism, in the late eighteenth century. Jewish
several British Christian evangelicals and Benjamin
autonomy was abolished as part of the centraliza-
Disraeli, for the Jews’ return to their biblical home-
tion of state power, and the spread of secular
land, and the connection between the rediscovery of
nationalism, associated most strongly with the
Jewish identity and the reclaiming of Zion was the
French Revolution, was a direct challenge to the
centerpiece of George Eliot’s novel Daniel Deronda,
Jews’ traditional group identity.
published in 1876. A prominent German Jewish
The modernizers within western and central intellectual, Moses Hess, once an avowed supporter
European Jewry, including the neo-Orthodox, of total Jewish integration in a socialist society, in his
initially responded by defining Jewish identity book Rome and Jerusalem (1862), also lent his voice
exclusively in individual religious terms, thus deny- to the call for recognition of Jewish nationhood and
ing any secular Jewish group (i.e., national) identity. the restoration of a Jewish state in Palestine. Until
Many even removed any vestigial mention in the the very end of the 1870s, however, very few held
liturgy of the wish to return to Zion as an outdated this view. In western and central Europe the strategy
confusion that might hamper the full identification of assimilation, or at least integration, remained
of Jews with their respective nations, whether dominant among Jews, and even those, largely in
French, German, or any other. This ‘‘assimilation- eastern Europe and Russia, who supported a secular
ist’’ strategy was effective as long as the national Jewish nationalism denied that this necessitated a
identity in question was inclusive, civic, and not Jewish state in Palestine.
seriously challenged by competing national identi-
ties. Where the nation gained an ethnic or racial, THE LOVERS OF ZION
hence exclusive, definition, or where nationalities The radicalization of European nationalism around
competed for regional supremacy, as in the empires 1880 brought a sea change in Jewish attitudes. In
of central and eastern Europe, the strategy’s success central Europe the emergence of ‘‘anti-Semitism’’
was not so clear: Jews were not accepted as members as a formal political movement began to sow

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2519

doubts in the minds of some supporters of assim- THEODOR HERZL AND

ilation; and in eastern Europe the success of Slav ‘‘POLITICAL ZIONISM’’
liberation movements against the Turks led to the The intervention of a Viennese journalist with no
rapid growth in Russian elites of Pan-Slavism. The previous connection to Zionism, Theodor Herzl
effect of this on Jews was twofold. Some, such as (1860–1904), revived the movement’s fortunes. A
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, were inspired by Slav nation- fairly typical product of Vienna’s assimilated Jewish
alist success to demand that the Jews also realize liberal bourgeoisie, Herzl had been a liberal German
their national identity. In Ben-Yehuda’s view this nationalist in his youth, and he held quite a nega-
meant that Jews should speak Hebrew, which in tive opinion of the parvenu Jewish society around
turn necessitated their living in their own land, him. Increasing concern about anti-Semitism in
which meant immigrating to Palestine, as he France (where he was the correspondent of the
recommended in 1879. Others were dismayed at Neue Freie Presse in Paris from 1891 to 1895) and
the ethnonationalist nature of Pan-Slavism, which Austria, and the negative effects of the new, social
threatened the status of Jews within the Russian ‘‘ghetto’’ in which assimilated Jews found them-
Empire. Their fears were confirmed in 1881 when selves as a result, eventually led him to question the
the assassination of the relatively liberal Tsar Alexan- wisdom of assimilation. In June 1895, in the wake
der II was followed by a spate of pogroms and a of the Dreyfus trial in France and, more crucially,
reactionary crackdown under Alexander III. the electoral triumph of the anti-Semitic Christian
Socials in April that year in Vienna, Herzl came to
After the pogroms of 1881 most Jewish the radical conclusion that the only way to solve
nationalists, including Smolenskin, became suppor- the Jewish Question was for the Jews to recognize
ters of mass Jewish immigration to Palestine. In that they were a separate people, and should leave
many of Russia’s Jewish population centers they Europe to settle in a state of their own, as agreed to
formed groups, under the general rubric of Hovevei by the international community.
Ziyyon (Lovers of Zion), to promote this goal. The
new rationale of the movement was articulated by After failing to win over the western and cen-
Leo Pinsker’s Auto-Emanzipation (1882), which tral European Jewish elite, Herzl started appealing
identified anti-Semitism as a psychic disease that to the Jewish masses, and his plan was published
was incurable and would bar the acceptance of Jews as a pamphlet, Der Judenstaat: Versuch einer mo-
by European societies. Hence Jews needed to eman- dernen Lösung der Judenfrage (The Jewish state:
cipate themselves, and form their own state. Ironi- An attempt at a modern solution of the Jewish
cally, Pinsker was not at all convinced that this state Question), in February 1896. His call met with an
should be in Palestine, thinking North America a enthusiastic response not among western and cen-
preferable site, but the vast majority of secular tral European Jews (at which it was aimed), but
Jewish nationalists, with their more ethnocultural rather among eastern European Jews, in the pre-
understanding of Jewish identity, could recognize existing Zionist movement of which Herzl had been
only Palestine as the goal of emigration. unaware. While in many respects simply repeating
the core ideas of Pinsker, Herzl’s plan was more
The new movement gained some unity of pur- detailed, Herzl himself had a higher prestige, as a
pose at the Kattowitz Conference of 1884, received ‘‘Western’’ intellectual, and he brought to the ‘‘Jew-
some financial backing from such figures as Edmond ish cause’’ a remarkable political and organizational
de Rothschild, and did see some land purchases and flair and energy. Very soon he became the leader of
immigration to Palestine, the ‘‘First Aliyah’’ (lit- the movement, with Max Nordau, another highly
erally ‘‘Going Up’’). Overall, however, the Lovers prestigious ‘‘Western’’ intellectual, as his deputy.
of Zion suffered from a lack of organization, perse-
cution by the Russian authorities, and conflict The initial results of Herzl’s leadership were
between the secular and religious factions. Although dramatic: in 1897 he convened the First Zionist
the pressure to emigrate remained, this could be Congress in Basel, Switzerland, and he managed in
relieved more easily by settling in America than in a very short space of time to create the institutional
Palestine. By the early 1890s, with its initial impetus structures and the appearance of a legitimate, sub-
long gone, the movement was almost defunct. stantial Jewish nationalist movement that firmly

2520 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

anchored Zionism in the international political The conflict over the movement’s future culmi-
world. His brand of ‘‘political Zionism’’ laid great nated in the Uganda Crisis of 1903, when the
stress on securing international recognition of and (largely Russian) opposition protested vehemently
hence legitimacy for the goal of a Jewish state, and at Herzl’s agreement to pursue the prospect of a
the resulting diplomatic campaign saw Herzl meet Jewish colony in British East Africa (‘‘Uganda’’),
many of Europe’s heads-of-state, including William seeing this as a fatal detour from the goal of
II of Germany. This made Zionism respectable and Palestine. Herzl achieved a compromise with the
gave it a high profile that was indispensable for its rebels, but very soon thereafter, on 3 July 1904, he
later success. died of heart disease. In the aftermath of the leader’s
death, the movement regrouped, but with power
shifting to the ‘‘Russians.’’ The supporters of the
idea behind the Uganda project, of a territory that
Zionism, however, remained weak, and was soon in
could be a ‘‘night shelter’’ for Jews fleeing
deep crisis. The movement convinced only a small
anti-Semitism, broke away in 1905 and formed the
minority of western and central European Jewry of
Jewish Territorial Organization. David Wolffsohn
the need to give up the strategy of integration into
became the new leader and continued the political
European society. Even in eastern Europe, Zionism
Zionist strategy of Herzl, negotiating with Turkey
had to compete with other models of Jewish
for more Jewish rights in Palestine. Meanwhile, how-
modernization, such as the socialist Bundists, and
ever, the goals of the cultural and practical Zionists,
within Zionism there were several competing to further Jewish educational and economic develop-
visions of how to proceed. Herzl’s political Zion- ment, and Jewish settlement, in Palestine, were also
ism, for all its diplomatic glamour, had achieved pursued. The combination of diplomatic activity and
hardly any success in pursuit of the movement’s practical activity on the ground, named ‘‘synthetic
main goal: securing the right to a Jewish homeland Zionism’’ by its leading practitioner, Chaim Weiz-
in Palestine. Its neglect of a distinct, ethnocultu- mann, became the dominant trend in the movement,
rally Jewish content for the new state of the Jews especially after Wolffsohn’s resignation in 1911,
also antagonized the ‘‘cultural Zionists,’’ such as and Nordau’s subsequent self-imposed absence.
Asher Ginzberg (also known under the pseudonym
Ahad Ha’am) and Martin Buber. Herzl’s main goal By 1914, Zionism presented a complex and
for his Jews’ state was to act as a refuge from anti- ambivalent picture. On the one hand, it remained
Semitism and to transform Jews into ‘‘real humans’’ riven by factional disputes, with political, cultural,
by making them fully responsible citizens—of their and synthetic Zionists being accompanied by other
own country. He had (like Pinsker) initially not factions, such as the religious-Orthodox Mizrahi,
seen Palestine as the necessary and sole site for his and the socialist Poale Zion. On the other, however,
state, and even when he accepted this need, his many of these disputes were taking place in Palestine
Zionist vision, as articulated in the novel Altneu- as well as in Europe because the Second Aliyah, after
land (1902; Old new land), remained one with a 1905, had brought a substantial number of Jews
progressive, liberal, universalist, pluralist, and to Palestine, and various educational, cultural, and
humanist character (as befitted his central Euro- economic institutions had been founded and
pean Jewish background), rather than one with an financed, much of it under the skillful direction of
identifiably, ethnically Jewish one. Cultural Zionists, Arthur Ruppin at the Palestine Office of the Jewish
in contrast, were intent on promoting a particular, National Fund. Moreover, the evident weakness of
culturally Jewish national identity (especially invol- Turkish rule in the area had led to renewed hopes of
a diplomatic breakthrough, which was indeed to
ving Hebrew as the national language), and saw a
occur with the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Jewish homeland more as a means to that end,
rather than as a site for the ‘‘normalization’’ of What remained quite unclear in 1914, and
Jews. ‘‘Practical Zionists’’ also differed from the almost entirely unaddressed, was the question of
political Zionists in insisting on the need to pursue how—assuming its future success—the nascent
colonization of Palestine even before international Zionist colony in the Jewish homeland of Palestine
agreement on this (especially from the Turkish gov- would deal with the fact of the Arab population
ernment that ruled Palestine) had been achieved. that already lived there.

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2521
Z O L A , É M I L E

See also Anti-Semitism; Herzl, Theodor; Jews and Juda- After Emilie Zola’s case was done inching
ism; Minorities; Nationalism. through provincial courts, she followed it to a higher
tribunal in Paris. The year was 1857. Zola completed
BIBLIOGRAPHY secondary school up north, at the lycée Saint-Louis,
Primary Sources in a troubled state of mind. Wanting a literary career
Hertzberg, Arthur, ed. The Zionist Idea: A Historical Ana- but burdened with expectations that he would imi-
lysis and Reader. Garden City, N.Y., 1959. tate his father, he failed the baccalaureate examina-
Herzl, Theodor. Old New Land. Translated by Lotta tion. This calamity, which coincided with the final,
Levensohn. New York, 1960. disappointing adjudication of Emilie’s suit, proved to
———. The Jewish State. Translated by Harry Zohn. New
be a blessing in disguise, for in 1862 Zola found
York, 1970. employment at the publishing house of Hachette
and by 1866 had become its publicity director.
Secondary Sources Zola’s four years at Hachette shaped his future.
Avineri, Shlomo. The Making of Modern Zionism: Intellec- He came under the influence of a house author, the
tual Origins of the Jewish State. New York, 1981.
philosopher Hippolyte-Adolphe Taine (1828–
Beller, Steven. Herzl. 2nd ed. London, 2004. 1893), whose seminal work, Histoire de la litté-
Frankel, Jonathan. Prophecy and Politics: Socialism, Nation- rature française (1862–1863), propagated the idea
alism, and the Russian Jews, 1862–1917. Cambridge, that cultural traits, works of art, and even metaphy-
U.K., 1981. sical pieties, far from being independent of nature,
Laqueur, Walter. A History of Zionism. New York, belong to the material world and warrant material
1972. Reprint, with a new preface by the author, analysis. Epitomized in a celebrated formula—race,
New York, 1989. milieu, moment (race, environment, historical
Vital, David. The Origins of Zionism. Oxford, U.K., 1975. moment)—this view of human affairs would imbue
———. Zionism: The Formative Years. Oxford, U.K., 1982. Zola’s fiction when, during the 1860s, he began to
write novels. His animus against literary conven-
tions extended to the realm of fine art, where
the École des Beaux-Arts held sway, exercising its
academic custodianship through the annual state
n exhibition, the Salon. In 1865, Zola, guided by
ZOLA, ÉMILE (1840–1902), French nove- Cézanne, took up the cudgels for avant-garde
list who founded the naturalism movement in painting in a long article on Edouard Manet
literature. (1832–1883), later published under separate cover.
The second half of the nineteenth century in Distinctly unconventional was Zola’s first impor-
France was less prolific of great creative artists who tant work of fiction, Thérèse Raquin (1867), which
made their presence felt in the realm of politics. A reflected his preoccupation with the theories of her-
notable exception was Émile Zola. edity that abounded in midcentury France. Ten years
after the imperial regime had prosecuted Gustave
Born in Paris on 2 April 1840, Zola grew up in
Flaubert (1821–1880) for his ‘‘assault on public mor-
Aix-en-Provence where his father, an expatriate
als’’ in Madame Bovary (and lost), it thought better
Italian engineer, had been engaged to build the
of bringing similar charges against Zola, but Thérèse
dam and canal that now bear his name. Zola’s
Raquin nonetheless enjoyed a succès de scandale, with
father died in 1847, shortly before construction
one critic citing it as a prime example of crude rea-
began, leaving his family in straitened circum-
lism, or what he dubbed la littérature putride.
stances. Swindled of shares in the canal company,
his widow, Emilie, initiated a lawsuit that lasted for One year later, Zola drafted the outline of a
years and haunted her son’s childhood and adole- saga that was eventually to fill twenty volumes and
scence. Zola attended the Collège Bourbon on a bear the comprehensive title Les Rougon-Macquart:
scholarship. His classmates there included Paul Histoire naturelle et sociale d’une famille sous le
Cézanne (1839–1906), with whom he formed a second Empire. Work on it began in great earnest
close friendship. after the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871).

2522 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4
Z O L A , É M I L E

(1822–1896) every Sunday afternoon during the

winter season. Now he became a maı̂tre à penser in
his own right, marshalling his entourage, which
included Guy de Maupassant (1850–1893) and
Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848–1907), under the
banner of naturalism. Well-schooled in publicity,
he favored slogans that linked his aesthetics to
scientific thought of the day. Claude Bernard’s
An Introduction to the Study of Experimental
Medicine (1865) is evoked throughout his critical
work, where ‘‘naturalism,’’ ‘‘physiology,’’ and
‘‘experimental’’ recur with the obsessiveness of a
mantra. This jargon did not please all his
protégés—least of all Maupassant, who chafed at
wearing labels. More importantly, it slighted the
imaginative brilliance of his own work. During
the last few decades of the twentieth century
literary scholars, hostage no longer to Zola’s
polemical gloss, elucidated the art of his fiction
and the mythic structures that demonstrate his
affinity to the Romantic generation of French
Zola’s politics were no less complex than his
Émile Zola. Portrait by Edouard Manet, 1868. MUSÉ D’ORSAY, artistic personality. He gave an excellent account of
himself as a parliamentary reporter after the
Franco-Prussian War, but came to hate political
debate for distracting the public from literary
Zola’s purposes in Les Rougon-Macquart were conversation. He wrote stories that exposed the
to trace the ramification of a single family through misery of the working class but excoriated the
the whole of French society between 1851 and Communards of 1871. Zola the literary baron
1870, to describe the various milieux its members who fancied himself a captain of industry in his
inhabit, and to show heredity manifesting itself in own domain (and a worthy heir of François Zola,
the ghosts that pursue them. While earning his live- who would have acquired great wealth had he lived
lihood in journalism, he found time to compile for long enough) idealized Fourierist utopianism in a
each novel a file or dossier préparatoire often bulkier late novel, Le Travail. Attacked by the Right as a
than the novel itself. His motto, nulla dies sine linea, saboteur of venerable institutions and by the Left
served him well. ‘‘No day without a line’’ resulted in for describing rather too vividly the moral degrada-
few years without a novel. Journalism supported tion of slum dwellers, he contributed to liberal
him until 1876, when the seventh installment of papers and conservative alike.
his saga, L’Assommoir—a story that unfolds in a
Of his devotion to the Republic there was never
Paris slum—achieved commercial success. Zola’s
any doubt, however. When, in 1896, two years after
powerful portrayal of the dissoluteness to which
the trial of Alfred Dreyfus (1859–1935) and his trans-
poverty lends itself went hand in hand with his
portation to Devil’s Island, a journalist named Bernard
exploitation of working-class argot. Thenceforth,
Lazare (1865–1903) asked Zola to join the small party
every work he produced was a bestseller.
of Dreyfusards in their campaign to exculpate the
Fame attracted followers. Since 1872 Zola had captain, he agreed with the alacrity of a man eager as
been a reverent confrere of Flaubert, at whose flat much to avenge the unjust verdict of his mother’s
he joined Ivan Turgenev (1818–1883), Alphonse trial as to unmask the military establishment. The
Daudet (1840–1897), and Edmond de Goncourt Dreyfus affair truly became an Affair when L’Aurore

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2523


Primary Sources
Zola, Émile. Oeuvres complètes. 15 vol. Paris, 1966–1969.
The two principal editions of the Rougon-Macquart are
in the Bibliothèque Pléiade (5 vols., edited by Henri
Mitterand; Paris, 1960) and in the Bouquins series
(3 vols., edited by Colette Becker; Paris, 1991).
———. Correspondance de Émile Zola. 12 vols. Edited by
B. H. Bakker. Montreal, 1978–1995. Compiled by a
team of French and Canadian scholars.

Secondary Sources
Becker, Colette. Les Apprentissages de Zola. Paris, 1993.
Becker, Colette, Gina Gourdin-Servenière, and Véronique
Lavielle. Dictionnaire d’Émile Zola. Paris, 1993. A
useful reference work.
Borie, Jean. Zola et les mythes; ou, De la nausée au salut.
Paris, 1971.
Bredin, Jean-Denis. The Affair: The Case of Alfred Dreyfus.
New York, 1986. Offers a wide perspective on the
Dreyfus affair.
Brown, Frederick. Zola: A Life. New York, 1995.
Hemmings, F. W. J. Emile Zola. Oxford, U.K., 1953.
Levin, Harry. The Gates of Horn: A Study of Five French
Realists. Oxford, U.K., 1966.
Cover illustration for the leftist periodical Le Cri du
Mitterand, Henri. Zola. L’Histoire et la fiction. Paris, 1990.
Peuple advertising its forthcoming publication of
Germinal. MUSÉE DE LA VILLE DE PARIS, MUSÉE CARNAVALET, PARIS, ———. Zola. Paris, 1999–2002.
Pagès, Alain. Emile Zola, un intellectuel dans l’Affaire
Dreyfus. Paris, 1991. The most thorough account of
Zola’s role in the Dreyfus affair.
published Zola’s celebrated indictment, ‘‘J’accuse,’’
Serres, Michel. Feux et signaux de brume, Zola. Paris, 1975.
on the front page of its 13 January 1898 issue. Only
then did the cause gain adherents all over France, FREDERICK BROWN
indeed, throughout Europe. Vilified by the anti-
Republican, anti-Semitic opposition, Zola fled to
England rather than risk imprisonment for slander n
and lived in hiding outside London until June 1899,
ZOLLVEREIN. The image of the German
when evidence supporting his allegations came to light.
Zollverein (customs union, formed in 1834
The Dreyfus affair inspired La Vérité, the fourth novel
between the members of the German Confedera-
of his unfinished tetralogy, Les Quatres Évangiles.
tion) has been heavily influenced by two nineteenth
Zola died in 1902 of asphyxiation from a century authors. The famous economist Friedrich
defective flue. Suspicions linger to the present day List (1789–1846) as early as the 1830s spoke of
that he was the victim of an anti-Dreyfusard the Zollverein and the railways as the Siamese
conspiracy. Six years after his death, his remains twins of German economic modernization, thus
were reinterred in the Pantheon, alongside those stressing the importance of market integration for
of Victor Hugo (1802–1885). the Industrial Revolution. The famous historian
Heinrich von Treitschke (1834–1896) a half a
See also Anti-Semitism; Cézanne, Paul; Dreyfus Affair;
Flaubert, Gustave; Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de; century later linked the foundation of the German
Huysmans, Joris-Karl; Paris; Paris Commune; Rea- Zollverein in 1834 to the battle of Königgrätz
lism and Naturalism; Republicanism. (1866), drawing a direct line from the beginnings

2524 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

of the customs union to national unification under of those who joined it? For one, already Prussia’s
Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898). While more recent tariff law of 1818 had served as a model for a
authors are quite skeptical about either claim, the compromise between divergent economic interests.
economic consequences of market integration and Immediate neighbors often had no choice but to
nation building still dominate the literature on the join because they depended on Prussia for their
German Zollverein. exports. Others profited from the enormous rise in
the efficiency of the new system. The costs of secur-
ing the tariff borders and of tariff administration—
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE which had eaten up about 100 percent of tariff
While the post-Napoleonic German Confederation incomes in Hesse-Darmstadt and Hesse-Cassel
proved unable to agree upon a common trade pol- before 1830—were drastically reduced. The impor-
icy, the still more than forty German states after tance of tariff income for the budgets, especially of
1815 at least began to abandon the internal tariff many smaller states, grew accordingly. This was
borders running through their territories. In the more than merely a fiscal question because income
following years—and after difficult negotiations— raised through tariffs was not subject to the parlia-
agreements between some German states were mentary control that had been established in the
reached so that by the late 1820s three customs mostly constitutional German states after 1815.
unions transcending the borders of single German The motives for joining thus were manifold, and
states had been founded. In the south Bavaria and by no means exclusively economic. But although
Württemberg had formed an alliance, while in the economic interests differed from one state to the
north Hesse-Darmstadt had joined Prussia. Partly as next, economic interest groups often lobbied for
a reaction to the latter, and with support from the joining the Zollverein. Saxony for example, certainly
Austrian government, Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, Sax- the most developed industrial region in the 1830s,
ony, and a number of smaller states formed a Middle could hardly do without the Prussian market. But
German Commercial Union later that year (1828). many other states such as Württemberg realized as
The tension between its character as an anti-Prussian well that their commercial activity was oriented
bulwark and its conception as a tariff union clearly toward the north and the west rather than the
diminished its economic attractiveness. The initia- south. This had, among other things, to do with
tive thus fell to the customs union dominated by the construction of the railway system since the mid-
Prussia, which as early as 1829 reached a first agree- 1830s that strengthened the ties between Baden,
ment with the southern customs union of Bavaria Württemberg, and Bavaria and the northern parts
and Württemberg. A further decisive step on the of Germany.
way to the German Zollverein was taken when
Hesse-Cassel joined the customs union dominated The Zollverein thus fostered the economic
by Prussia in 1833, thus bridging the territorial gap integration of its territory without being the sole
driving force behind this process. But while market
between the eastern and western provinces of Prus-
integration was certainly advantageous for the
sia. The same year saw Bavaria and Württemberg as
industrial development that gained considerable
well as Saxony and a number of smaller states join-
pace from the mid-1840s onward, the Zollverein
ing, so that the name of a German Zollverein, which
can hardly be credited with causing the German
quickly gained currency, was justified for the system
Industrial Revolution. Economic historians tend
of tariff contracts coming into force on 1 January
to agree that it was not even a necessary prerequi-
1834. While most German states in the south that
site of industrial development. With the Industrial
had remained outside the Zollverein in 1834 joined
Revolution under way, however, the renewable
during the following years, the refusal of Hanover,
contracts constituting the Zollverein increasingly
Hamburg, and Bremen to do so deprived the Zoll-
reflected the more and more industrial character
verein of direct access to the North Sea for several of its member states. Thereby the gap between
decades to come. the Zollverein and Austria widened. It was not only
Why was the Prussian-dominated customs that the Habsburg Monarchy as a whole retained a
union so successful, and what were the motives far more agrarian character, but even its more

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2525

industrial regions fell behind during the 1850s and in December 1863 terminated the Zollverein con-
1860s. Thus while the economic integration fos- tracts that were running out in 1865. Prussian offi-
tered by the Zollverein did not cause the German cials knew only too well that this put its Zollverein
Industrial Revolution, it intensified enormously the partners in an extremely difficult spot. While most
economic integration of its territory, turning the of them objected to the hegemonic role claimed by
Zollverein into an ever sharper weapon within the Prussia, they needed the Prussian market and were
Austro-Prussian struggle over supremacy within attracted by the enlarged trade zone opened up
the German Confederation. by the French-Prussian treaty. Ultimately they had
to pay the price of accepting Prussia’s arbitrary
TRADE POLICY AND NATION BUILDING behavior for a renewal of the Zollverein.
Thus, while the Zollverein originally was not
Economic interests thus weighed heavily. This
designed to be a means of isolating Austria within
is not to say, however, that they determined the
the German Confederation, it increasingly became
political outcome (i.e., German unification). After
one. The political public of the 1840s discussed
all, Austria in 1866 successfully called for the mobi-
intensely the Zollverein’s unifying potential, which
lization of the non-Prussian troops of the German
became more and more obvious from the 1850s
Confederation after Prussia had invaded Holstein.
onward. While the economic and administrative
The following war thus saw Prussia fighting not
integration of the Zollverein progressed, a com-
only against Austria but against non-Prussian
mercial treaty between Austria and Prussia in Feb-
members of the Zollverein as well. Since its out-
ruary 1853 seemed to open up the possibility of
come was by no means a foregone conclusion, it
Austrian membership in the future. The treaty stip-
would be farfetched to regard the economic inte-
ulated that negotiations were to begin no later
gration of the Zollverein as the anticipation of the
than 1860. Thus by 1865, when the renewed
German nation state. But if it was not determina-
Zollverein contracts were due to run out, a central
tive, it was nevertheless crucially important, which
European customs union including Austria would
can be gauged from its continued operation during
have been possible. That this possibility remained a
the war. Neither the Austro-Prussian War of 1866
mere chimera had to do with Prussian policy as well
nor the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871 meant
as with different economic structures and interests.
the end of the economic integration of Germany
It proved all too easy for Rudolph Delbrück
fostered by the Zollverein, however. Hamburg and
(1817–1903), who directed Prussian trade policies,
Bremen did not become part of the German tariff
to advocate a free trade course that was unaccept-
area until 1888.
able to the protectionist Austrian economy. Politi-
cally the Prussian quest for hegemony thus was See also Germany; Hamburg; List, Georg Friedrich;
hardly concealed. And while this provoked consid- Nationalism; Prussia; Trade and Economic
erable opposition in many member states of the Growth.
Zollverein, it soon turned out that these states
could hardly afford economically to leave the Zoll- BIBLIOGRAPHY
verein behind. Petitions by chambers of commerce
Böhme, Helmut. Deutschlands Weg zur Großmacht. Studien
and political campaigns made that abundantly clear. zum Verhältnis von Wirtschaft und Staat während der
Thus in 1861, rather than working toward the Reichsgründungszeit 1848–1881. Cologne, 1966.
integration of Austria into the Zollverein, Prussia Hahn, Hans-Werner. Geschichte des Deutschen Zollvereins.
was negotiating a commercial treaty with France Göttingen, 1984.
that aimed at the equal treatment of Prussian
Henderson, W. O. The Rise of German Industrial Power,
imports to France with those from Britain or Bel- 1834–1914. Berkeley, Calif., 1975.
gium, and which meant a considerable lowering of
Lenger, Friedrich. Industrielle Revolution und National-
tariffs. Against considerable opposition from the
staatsgründung. Stuttgart, 2003.
non-Prussian members of the Zollverein, Prussia
not only signed the treaty on 2 August 1862, but FRIEDRICH LENGER

2526 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

This outline provides a general overview of the conceptual scheme of the encyclopedia,
listing the titles of each entry. Because the section headings are not mutually exclusive, certain
entries in the encyclopedia may listed in more than one section. Under each heading, relevant
articles are listed first, then biographies.

n Austen, Jane
1. ART AND CULTURE Balzac, Honoré de
Art Nouveau Barrès, Maurice
Avant-Garde Barry, Charles
Barbizon Painters Baudelaire, Charles
Cinema Beardsley, Aubrey
Crystal Palace Beethoven, Ludwig van
Cubism Berlioz, Hector
Decadence Bernhardt, Sarah
Eiffel Tower Blake, William
Fauvism Blok, Alexander
Futurism Brahms, Johannes
Generation of 1898 Brontë, Charlotte and Emily
Impressionism Byron, George Gordon
Modernism Canova, Antonio
Music Carducci, Giosuè
Opera Cézanne, Paul
Painting Chateaubriand, François-René
Photography Chekhov, Anton
Popular and Elite Culture Chopin, Frédéric
Pre-Raphaelite Movement Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Realism and Naturalism Conrad, Joseph
Romanticism Constable, John
Symbolism Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille
Courbet, Gustave
1.1. BIOGRAPHIES Cruikshank, George
Arnold, Matthew Daguerre, Louis
Atget, Eugène D’Annunzio, Gabriele


Daumier, Honoré Manet, Édouard

David, Jacques-Louis Mann, Thomas
Debussy, Claude Manzoni, Alessandro
Degas, Edgar Martineau, Harriet
Delacroix, Eugène Matisse, Henri
Diaghilev, Sergei Méliès, Georges
Dickens, Charles Menzel, Adolph von
Doré, Gustave Meyerhold, Vsevolod
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mickiewicz, Adam
Doyle, Arthur Conan Millet, Jean-François
Dvorák, Antonı́n Monet, Claude
Eliot, George Morisot, Berthe
Flaubert, Gustave Morris, William
Fontane, Theodor Munch, Edvard
Forster, E. M. Musil, Robert
Friedrich, Caspar David Mussorgsky, Modest
Gaskell, Elizabeth Nadar, Félix
Gaudı́, Antonio Nash, John
Gauguin, Paul Nijinsky, Vaslav
Géricault, Théodore Novalis (Hardenberg, Friedrich von)
Gissing, George Offenbach, Jacques
Glinka, Mikhail Paganini, Niccolò
Godwin, William Pavlova, Anna
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Péguy, Charles
Gogol, Nikolai Picasso, Pablo
Goncharov, Ivan Pissarro, Camille
Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de Puccini, Giacomo
Gorky, Maxim Pugin, Augustus Welby
Goya, Francisco Pushkin, Alexander
Grimm Brothers Ravel, Maurice
Guimard, Hector Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Hardy, Thomas Repin, Ilya
Heine, Heinrich Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von Rodin, Auguste
Hugo, Victor Rolland, Romain
Huysmans, Joris-Karl Rossini, Gioachino
Ibsen, Henrik Rude, François
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Sand, George
Jarry, Alfred Satie, Erik
Kafka, Franz Schiele, Egon
Kandinsky, Vasily Schinkel, Karl Friedrich
Kipling, Rudyard Schnitzler, Arthur
Klimt, Gustav Schoenberg, Arnold
Lasker-Schüler, Else Schubert, Franz
Leopardi, Giacomo Scott, Walter
Liebermann, Max Seurat, Georges
Liszt, Franz Shaw, George Bernard
Loos, Adolf Shelley, Mary
Lumière, Auguste and Louis Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Mahler, Gustav Smiles, Samuel

2528 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) Utopian Socialism

Stevenson, Robert Louis Westernizers
Strachey, Lytton
Strauss, Johann 2.1. BIOGRAPHIES
Stravinsky, Igor Bakunin, Mikhail
Strindberg, August Bely, Andrei
Symonds, John Addington Blanc, Louis
Tchaikovsky, Peter Cabet, Étienne
Tennyson, Alfred Dohm, Hedwig
Tolstoy, Leo Fourier, Charles
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de Galton, Francis
Turgenev, Ivan Herzen, Alexander
Turner, J. M. W. Herzl, Theodor
Van Gogh, Vincent Kropotkin, Peter
Verdi, Giuseppe Maurras, Charles
Verga, Giovanni
Verne, Jules
Wagner, Richard
Wells, H. G. n
Wordsworth, William Agricultural Revolution
Yeats, William Butler Artisans and Guilds
Zola, Émile Banks and Banking
Business Firms and Economic Growth
Coal Mining
Anarchism Combination Acts
Anarchosyndicalism Commercial Policy
Carlism Consumerism
Civilization, Concept of Continental System
Conservatism Corn Laws, Repeal of
Degeneration East India Company
Eugenics Economic Growth and
Eurasianism Industrialism
Feminism Factories
Imperialism Industrial Revolution, First
Jingoism Industrial Revolution, Second
Liberalism Krupp
Nationalism Labor Movements
Pacifism Luddism
Pan-Slavism Machine Breaking
Phrenology Monetary Unions
Primitivism Protectionism
Race and Racism Rothschilds
Radicalism Sewing Machine
Republicanism Strikes
Secularization Syndicalism
Socialism Trade and Economic Growth
Spiritualism Zollverein

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2529

3.1. BIOGRAPHIES Markets

Bagehot, Walter Marriage and Family
Bentham, Jeremy Old Age
Caillaux, Joseph Parks
Cockerill, John Phylloxera
Hobson, John A. Restaurants
List, Georg Friedrich Seaside Resorts
Malthus, Thomas Robert Sports
Nobel, Alfred Tobacco
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph Tourism
Rhodes, Cecil Wine
Siemens, Werner von
Webb, Beatrice Potter

Alliance System
Education Armies
Libraries Berlin Conference
Literacy Brussels Declaration
Museums Concert of Europe
Philhellenic Movement Congress of Berlin
Press and Newspapers Congress of Troppau
Universities Congress of Vienna
4.1. BIOGRAPHIES Dreadnought
Deraismes, Maria Eastern Question
Humboldt, Alexander and Wilhelm von Fashoda Affair
Montessori, Maria Hague Conferences
Holy Alliance
Military Tactics
n Moroccan Crises
5. EVERYDAY LIFE Napoleonic Empire
Naval Rivalry (Anglo-German)
Schlieffen Plan
Childhood and Children 6.1. BATTLES
Clothing, Dress, and Fashion Austerlitz
Coffee, Tea, Chocolate Borodino
Cycling Jena, Battle of
Death and Burial Leipzig, Battle of
Diet and Nutrition Majuba Hill
Drugs Mukden, Battle of
Football (Soccer) Navarino
Furniture Omdurman
Housing Trafalgar, Battle of
Leisure Ulm, Battle of
Manners and Formality Waterloo

2530 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

6.2. TREATIES Mafia

Addis Ababa, Treaty of Napoleonic Code
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty Police and Policing
Münchengrätz, Treaty of Poor Law
Nanking, Treaty of
Portsmouth, Treaty of 7.1. BIOGRAPHIES
San Stefano, Treaty of Augspurg, Anita
Shimonoseki, Treaty of Lombroso, Cesare
Unkiar-Skelessi, Treaty of

6.3. WARS n
Austro-Prussian War
Balkan Wars
Boer War
Boxer Rebellion Communism
Crimean War Economists, Classical
Danish-German War History
Franco-Austrian War Intellectuals
Franco-Prussian War Intelligentsia
French Revolutionary Wars and Positivism
Napoleonic Wars Psychology
Opium Wars Sociology
Peninsular War Utilitarianism
Russo-Japanese War Young Hegelians
Russo-Turkish War
Sepoy Mutiny 8.1. BIOGRAPHIES
War of 1812 Acton, John
Andreas-Salomé, Lou
6.4. BIOGRAPHIES Berdyayev, Nikolai
Clausewitz, Carl von Bergson, Henri
Curzon, George Brentano, Franz
Delcassé, Théophile Burckhardt, Jacob
Jomini, Antoine-Henri de Burke, Edmund
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Carlyle, Thomas
Kutuzov, Mikhail Chaadayev, Peter
Lesseps, Ferdinand-Marie de Champollion, Jean-François
Moltke, Helmuth von Comte, Auguste
Nelson, Horatio Croce, Benedetto
Tirpitz, Alfred von Dilthey, Wilhelm
Wellington, Duke of (Arthur Wellesley) Durkheim, Émile
Law, Justice, and Crime Ellis, Havelock
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Frazer, James
Frege, Gottlob
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
7. CRIME Herder, Johann Gottfried
Exile, Penal Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich
Geneva Convention Husserl, Edmund
International Law Kierkegaard, Søren
Law, Theories of Lamartine, Alphonse

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2531

LeBon, Gustave Belgrade

Macaulay, Thomas Babington Berlin
Michelet, Jules Brussels
Mill, Harriet Taylor Budapest
Mill, James Dublin
Mill, John Stuart Hamburg
Mommsen, Theodor Istanbul
Nietzsche, Friedrich London
Pater, Walter Lyon
Ranke, Leopold von Madrid
Renan, Ernest Manchester
Ruskin, John Milan
Saint-Simon, Henri de Moscow
Schelling, Friedrich von Naples
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von Paris
Schopenhauer, Arthur Prague
Simmel, Georg Rome
Sismondi, Jean-Charles Leonard de St. Petersburg
Sorel, Georges Trieste
Spencer, Herbert Venice
Staël, Germaine de Vienna
Stephen, Leslie Vladivostok
Struve, Peter Warsaw
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Treitschke, Heinrich von 9.3. COUNTRIES AND REGIONS
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Albania
Weber, Max Alsace-Lorraine
Weininger, Otto Armenia
Wollstonecraft, Mary Austria-Hungary
Wundt, Wilhelm Belgium
Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia
n Denmark
9. PLACES Finland and the Baltic Provinces
Black Sea
Great Britain
Oceanic Exploration
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Suez Canal
9.2. CITIES Netherlands
Adrianople New Zealand
Alexandra Ottoman Empire
Amsterdam Papal State
Athens Piedmont-Savoy
Barcelona Poland

2532 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Portugal Endecja
Prussia Fabians
Romania First International
Russia Frankfurt Parliament
Scotland Great Reforms (Russia)
Serbia Hundred Days
Siberia Jadids
Sicily Kadets
Spain Kulturkampf
Sweden and Norway Labour Party
Switzerland Mensheviks
Ukraine Nihilists
Wales Octobrists
People’s Will
Polish National Movement
Africa Populists
Algeria Prague Slav Congress
Australia Restoration
Canada Risorgimento (Italian Unification)
Central Asia Second International
China Slavophiles
Egypt Tories
Haiti Whigs
India Young Czechs and Old Czechs
Indochina Young Italy
Japan Young Turks
South Africa
Abdul-Hamid II
Adler, Victor
Alexander I
Alexander II
Alexander III
Anneke, Mathilde-Franziska
10.POLITICAL HISTORY Asquith, Herbert Henry
Action Française Auclert, Hubertine
Black Hand Bebel, August
Bolsheviks Belinsky, Vissarion
Bonapartism Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste
Boulanger Affair Bernstein, Eduard
Boulangism Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von
Bureaucracy Bismarck, Otto von
Carbonari Blanqui, Auguste
Carlsbad Decrees Bonald, Louis de
Center Party Brougham, Henry
Chartism Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stewart)
Citizenship Catherine II
Civil Society Cavour, Count (Camillo Benso)
Colonialism Chamberlain, Joseph
Dreyfus Affair Charles X

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2533

Charles Albert Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue

Clemenceau, Georges Mazzini, Giuseppe
Cobden, Richard Metternich, Clemens von
Constant, Benjamin Milyukov, Pavel
Crispi, Francesco Mozzoni, Anna Maria
Czartoryski, Adam Napoleon
Deák, Ferenc Napoleon III
Deroin, Jeanne Nicholas I
Disraeli, Benjamin Nicholas II
Durand, Marguerite O’Connell, Daniel
Edward VII O’Connor, Feargus
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett Palacký, František
Ferdinand I Palmerston, Lord (Henry John Temple)
Ferdinand VII Pankhurst, Emmeline, Christabel, and Sylvia
Ferry, Jules Parnell, Charles Stewart
Fox, Charles James Paul I
Francis I Peel, Robert
Francis Ferdinand Plekhanov, Georgy
Francis Joseph Poincaré, Raymond
Frederick III Ravachol (François Claudius Koenigstein-
Frederick William III Ravachol)
Frederick William IV Shamil
Gagern, Heinrich von Speransky, Mikhail
Gaj, Ljudevit Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom
Gambetta, Léon-Michel und zum
Garibaldi, Giuseppe Stolypin, Peter
George IV Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de
Giolitti, Giovanni Thiers, Louis-Adolphe
Gladstone, William Toussaint Louverture
Guesde, Jules Turati, Filippo
Guizot, François Umberto I
Hardenberg, Karl August von Victor Emmanuel II
Hardie, James Keir Waldeck-Rousseau, René
Jaurès, Jean William I
John, Archduke of Austria William II
Karadjordje William IV
Kautsky, Karl Windthorst, Ludwig
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Witte, Sergei
Kossuth, Lajos
Leopold I
Leopold II
Lloyd George, David
Louis XVI Anticlericalism
Louis XVIII Bund, Jewish
Louis-Philippe Catholicism
Lovett, William Catholicism, Political
Lueger, Karl Concordat of 1801
Mahmud II Jewish Emancipation
Martov, L. Jews and Judaism

2534 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Millet System 12.2. BIOGRAPHIES

Missions Danton, Georges-Jacques
Papacy Engels, Friedrich
Papal Infallibility Fouché, Joseph
Pilgrimages Gouges, Olympe de
Protestantism Jelačić, Josip
Roman Question Kuliscioff, Anna
Russian Orthodox Church Lafayette, Marquis de
Salvation Army Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste
Separation of Church and State Lenin, Vladimir
(France, 1905) Luxemburg, Rosa
Socialism, Christian Marat, Jean-Paul
Zionism Marie-Antoinette
Marx, Karl
11.1. BIOGRAPHIES Michel, Louise
Agassiz, Louis Nechayev, Sergei
Drumont, Édouard Paine, Thomas
Leo XIII Robespierre, Maximilien
Maistre, Joseph de Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph
Manning, Henry Zasulich, Vera
Newman, John Henry
Pius IX
Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Soloviev, Vladimir n
Wilberforce, William 13.SCIENCE
n Electricity
Counterrevolution Physics
French Revolution Science and Technology
Paris Commune Statistics
Revolution of 1905 (Russia)
Revolutions of 1820
Revolutions of 1830
Revolutions of 1848 Cholera
Secret Societies Disease
Socialist Revolutionaries Nurses
Public Health
Red Cross
Committee of Public Safety
Federalist Revolt
French Revolution
Girondins 13.2. BIOGRAPHIES
Jacobins Adler, Alfred
Levée en Masse Bernard, Claude
Reign of Terror Braille, Louis
Sister Republics Cajal, Santiago Ramón y

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2535

Chadwick, Edwin Class and Social Relations

Charcot, Jean-Martin Landed Elites
Curie, Marie Peasants
Cuvier, Georges Serfs, Emancipation of
Darwin, Charles Working Class
De Vries, Hugo
Ehrlich, Paul
Einstein, Albert
Freud, Sigmund n

Gall, Franz Joseph 15.SOCIAL HISTORY

Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Alcohol and Temperance
Helmholtz, Hermann von Anti-Semitism
Hertz, Heinrich Associations, Voluntary
Huxley, Thomas Henry Body
Jenner, Edward Captain Swing
Jung, Carl Gustav Childhood and Children
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson) Cities and Towns
Koch, Robert Cooperative Movements
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von Cossacks
Laennec, René Demography
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Dueling
Larrey, Dominique-Jean Emigration
Lavoisier, Antoine Environment
Lister, Joseph Explorers
Lyell, Charles Flâneur
Mach, Ernst Freemasons
Marconi, Guglielmo Gender
Maxwell, James Clerk Homosexuality and Lesbianism
Mendel, Gregor Immigration and Internal Migration
Mesmer, Franz Anton Masculinity
Nightingale, Florence Minorities
Pasteur, Louis Olympic Games
Pavlov, Ivan Pogroms
Pinel, Philippe Population, Control of
Planck, Max Pornography
Poincaré, Henri Posters
Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques Poverty
Rank, Otto Professions
Roentgen, Wilhelm Prostitution
Rutherford, Ernest Romanies (Gypsies)
Semmelweis, Ignac Sexuality
Virchow, Rudolf Sicilian Fasci
Wallace, Alfred Russel Slavery
World’s Fairs
Aristocracy Bäumer, Gertrud
Bourgeoisie Butler, Josephine

2536 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Carpenter, Edward Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François de
Davies, Emily Suttner, Bertha von
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène Tristan, Flora
Hirschfeld, Magnus Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich
Lassalle, Ferdinand
Liebknecht, Karl
Malatesta, Errico
Norton, Caroline 16.TRANSPORTATION AND
Owen, Robert Airplanes
Pelletier, Madeleine Automobile
Richer, Léon Railroads
Roland, Pauline Subways
Roussel, Nelly Telephones

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2537


United States Air Force Academy Trinity College, Hartford, ANDERSON
Dreadnought Connecticut University of California—Berkeley
Sicilian Fasci Windthorst, Ludwig

Touro College South, Miami
University of Louisville University of Utah
Beach, Florida
Bäumer, Gertrud Berlin Conference
Otto, Louise
Duke University
University of Southern California Southern Illinois University,
Bergson, Henri
Feminism Carbondale
Roussel, Nelly Freemasons


Yale University University of Rochester
University of Washington
Mahmud II Music
Blake, William
Millet System
Emory University KATHRYN AMDUR Drake University
Congress of Berlin Emory University First International
Hofstra University Birkbeck College, University of
Independent Scholar London, U.K.
Nobel, Alfred History
Sweden and Norway
Scripps College Lafayette University of Illinois at Urbana-
Body Chateaubriand, François- Champaign (emeritus)
Syphilis René Victoria, Queen



Colorado College Wellcome Trust Centre for the Independent Scholar, Washington,
Umberto I History of Medicine at University D.C.
Victor Emmanuel II College London, U.K. Adler, Victor
Lister, Joseph Ferdinand I
Francis I
University of Reading VINCENT BARNETT Francis Ferdinand
Catholicism, Political Birmingham University, U.K. Francis Joseph
Humboldt, Alexander and John, Archduke of Austria
Wilhelm von Rudolf, Crown Prince of
Pavlov, Ivan Austria
California State University
Crystal Palace
University of North Carolina
State University of New York Plekhanov, Georgy
at Stony Brook Institut d’Histoire du Temps
Schoenberg, Arnold Présent (CNRS, France)
Yale University
LEORA AUSLANDER Pre-Raphaelite Movement
University of Chicago
Furniture H. ARNOLD BARTON New York University
Southern Illinois University at Caillaux, Joseph
Carbondale (emeritus)
Yale University Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste MAXINE BERG
Japan University of Warwick, U.K.
JOHN BATCHELOR Industrial Revolution, First
Russo-Japanese War
University of Newcastle upon
Tyne, U.K.
Conrad, Joseph
Claviers, France University of Bristol
Ruskin, John
Hölderlin, Johann Christian Futurism
Eberhard Karls University of SUSAN BERNSTEIN
DUDLEY BAINES Tuebingen, Germany Brown University
London School of Economics Trade and Economic Growth Liszt, Franz
University of Massachusetts Univ. of Cincinnati
Kalamazoo College Lasker-Schüler, Else Stravinsky, Igor
Frederick William IV
University of California, Santa Cruz
Fourier, Charles University of Maine, Le Mans-
Claremont Graduate University Utopian Socialism Laval, France
Primitivism Jarry, Alfred
University of Southern Cobbett, William University of Cambridge
Mississippi Cobden, Richard Gladstone, William
Roentgen, Wilhelm Lovett, William Great Britain

2540 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


Drew University Ecole des Hautes Etudes en University of Kent, U.K.
Stephen, Leslie Sciences Sociales, Paris Jenner, Edward
The Ringling School of Art and PETER BOWLER University of North Carolina,
Design and the University of South Queen’s University of Belfast, U.K. Pembroke
Florida Evolution Degas, Edgar
Deraismes, Maria Monet, Claude
Richer, Léon JOSEPH BRADLEY Pissarro, Camille
University of Tulsa
EMILY D. BILSKI Civil Society
Liebermann, Max
Rice University
Cruikshank, George
RUDOLPH BINION University of Kentucky
Brandeis University Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
GREGORY BREDBECK Alfred Adler Institute, Berlin
University of California, Adler, Alfred
Independent Scholar (emeritus Riverside
University of Vienna, Tsukuba Carpenter, Edward JULIA BRUGGEMANN
University, Japan) Wilde, Oscar DePauw University
Mach, Ernst Augspurg, Anita
Victoria & Albert Museum,
University of Louisville ANTHONY BRUNDAGE
Clothing, Dress, and Fashion
Kafka, Franz California State Polytechnic
University, Pomona
JUDIT BODNAR Chadwick, Edwin
Oxford University
Central European University, Napoleonic Empire
Budapest Piedmont-Savoy JOHN BUCKLEY
Budapest Sister Republics University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
Tulane University Yale University PHILLIP BUCKNER
Napoleonic Code Olympic Games University of New Brunswick
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Drexel University
Photography Frederick William III
DANIEL R. BROWER New York University
JAMES A. BOON University of California, Davis Intelligentsia
Princeton University Central Asia
FREDERICK BROWN University of Illinois at Urbana-
LAIRD BOSWELL State University of New York at Champaign
University of Wisconsin—Madison Stonybrook Cuvier, Georges
Alsace-Lorraine Zola, Émile Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2541


Leeds University, U.K. University of Lille-3, France University of Minnesota, Twin
Press and Newspapers Jaurès, Jean Cities
Prague Slav Congress
University of Akron Universite de Paris I—Pantheon ANDREA COLLI
Champollion, Jean-François Sorbonne Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Universities Business Firms and
JOSEPH CADY Economic Growth
New York University School of RACHEL CHRASTIL
Medicine Xavier University MARY SCHAEFFER CONROY
Symonds, John Addington Cobden-Chevalier Treaty University of Colorado at
Lesseps, Ferdinand-Marie de Denver
Red Cross Stolypin, Peter
Sheffield Hallam University, U.K.
Hobson, John A. Witte, Sergei
Seton Hall University
University of Illinois, Urbana- Courbet, Gustave New York University
Champaign Colonialism
Mommsen, Theodor CLIVE H. CHURCH
University of Kent, U.K. SANDI E. COOPER
Revolutions of 1830 College of Staten Island and The
New York University Graduate Center, City University
Sociology of New York
Royal Holloway, University of Pacifism
London, U.K. Suttner, Bertha von
Independent Scholar
Owen, Robert
Wallace, Alfred Russel
NICHOLAS CAPALDI Naresuan University, Thailand
Loyola University New Orleans CHRISTOPHER CLARK Yeats, William Butler
Mill, John Stuart St. Catherine’s College, London
MARIE CARANI Wellcome Trust Centre for the
Laval University, Canada RICHARD CLOGG
History of Medicine, University
Cézanne, Paul St. Antony’s College, University of College London
Rodin, Auguste Oxford Gall, Franz Joseph
University of Bristol, U.K. JOHN CLUTE
Independent Scholar St. John’s University
Verne, Jules Concordat of 1801
Engels, Friedrich
Marx, Karl
JORDI CAT University of Paris 5 René Descartes Pius IX
Indiana University Bernard, Claude
Maxwell, James Clerk PHILIP COTTRELL
JUDITH G. COFFIN University of Leicester, U.K.
LAMAR CECIL University of Texas, Austin Banks and Banking
Washington and Lee University Consumerism Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
William II Sewing Machine Cockerill, John

2542 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


Brown University North Carolina State University University of Brest
Barbizon Painters Carducci, Giosuè Rolland, Romain


Leeds Metropolitan University, U.K. North Carolina State University Queen’s University, Kingston,
Butler, Josephine D’Annunzio, Gabriele Canada
Giolitti, Giovanni Laennec, René
JAMES CRACRAFT Kuliscioff, Anna
University of Illinois at Chicago Turati, Filippo CHRISTOPHER DUGGAN
St. Petersburg University of Reading, U.K.
ISTVÁN DEÁK Crispi, Francesco
RICHARD CRAMPTON Columbia University
University of Oxford Deák, Ferenc JEAN-NOËL DUMONT
Albania Kossuth, Lajos Collège Supérieur, Lyon, France
Péguy, Charles
Wheaton College Université Pierre et Marie Curie, PASCAL DUPUY
Chamberlain, Joseph Paris, France University of Rouen, France
Lloyd George, David Pasteur, Louis Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-
François de
University of Maine University of Kansas STEVEN F. EISENMAN
Macaulay, Rutherford, Ernest Northwestern University
Thomas Babington Gauguin, Paul
University of Kent, U.K. Hertford College, Oxford
Jingoism SELIM DERINGIL University
Bogazici University, Turkey Continental System
State University of New York at Bosphorus CLIVE EMSLEY
Buffalo Jadids Open University, U.K.
Brahms, Johannes Crime
Mahler, Gustav DIMITRIJE DJORDJEVIC Fouché, Joseph
University of California, Santa Police and Policing
The National Post, Canada Belgrade BARBARA ALPERN ENGEL
Shaw, George Bernard University of Colorado
MARY E. DALY International Center of
University College, Dublin, Photography, New York JENS IVO ENGELS
Ireland Nadar, Félix University of Freiburg, Germany
Dublin Environment
JOHN A. DAVIS University of Pittsburgh LAURA ENGELSTEIN
University of Connecticut Tocqueville, Alexis de Yale University
Carbonari Revolution of 1905 (Russia)
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies LAURENT DUBOIS
Risorgimento (Italian Michigan State University STEVEN ENGLUND
Unification) Caribbean Independent Scholar
Rome Haiti Barrès, Maurice

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2543


Napoleon European University Institute, Art Center College of Design,
Florence, Italy Pasadena, CA
MICHAEL EPKENHANS Commercial Policy Avant-Garde
Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung, Protectionism
Tirpitz, Alfred von University of York, U.K.
University of Erlangen-
Levée en Masse
Nuremberg, Germany
U.S. Army Command and Siemens, Werner von GILLIAN FORRESTER
General Staff College
Yale Center for British Art
Leipzig, Battle of
Harvard University
International Research Associates, University of Cambridge, U.K.
LLC. Psychoanalysis
Eastern Question Purchase College, State University
of New York
University of Kent, Canterbury,
Chamberlain, Houston
Bogazici University Stewart
Lamartine, Alphonse
Istanbul Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-
K. FLEMING Auguste
THOMAS ERTMAN New York University Paris Commune
New York University Abdul-Hamid II Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de
Opera Mediterranean Thiers, Louis-Adolphe


University of Liverpool, U.K. Washington University, University of London
Carlism St. Louis, MO Belinsky, Vissarion
Ferdinand VII Poor Law
Peninsular War GREGORY L. FREEZE
Brandeis University
MARK FOLEY Russian Orthodox Church
Independent Scholar
Free University of Berlin, Germany
Barry, Charles UTE FREVERT
Anneke, Mathilde-Franziska
Nash, John Yale University
Pugin, Augustus Welby Dueling
Saint Ann’s School JULIA FREY
Cajal, Santiago Ramón y SUSAN K. FOLEY
Victoria University of Wellington, Independent Scholar
De Vries, Hugo Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de
New Zealand
CATHERINE EVTUHOV Gambetta, Léon-Michel
Georgetown University Michel, Louise
Univesity of New Hampshire
Soloviev, Vladimir Roland, Pauline
Great Reforms (Russia)
Tristan, Flora
York University JOHN FOOT University of Illinois, Urbana
Galton, Francis University College London Champaign
Wundt, Wilhelm Milan Nietzsche, Friedrich

2544 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


Towson University Washington College Alfred University
Paine, Thomas Shelley, Percy Bysshe Sorel, Georges


Arizona State University Princeton University GLEASON
Population, Control of Marat, Jean-Paul Independent Scholar
Welfare Schleiermacher, Friedrich

Indiana University— SUZANNE GUERLAC
York University, Canada Bloomington University of California, Berkeley
Athens Chopin, Frédéric Hugo, Victor


University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Essex, U.K.
European Studies Research
Bernhardt, Sarah Cooperative Movements
Institute, University of Salford,
Flaubert, Gustave
San Francisco State University
Case Western Reserve University Dickens, Charles
ALICE GARNER Paganini, Niccolò
University of Melbourne,
Seaside Resorts Stanford University
University of Arkansas,
Offenbach, Jacques
Independent Journalist
Seattle University
University of Connecticut, Storrs Posters
PETER GAY Méliès, Georges
Freud, Sigmund
BORIS B. GORSHKOV University of Maryland University
Kennesaw State University College
Serfs, Emancipation of Alcohol and Temperance
Bentley College
Lueger, Karl
Princeton University Wellcome Library for the History
ROBERT P. GERACI and Understanding of Medicine/
Burckhardt, Jacob
University of Virginia University College London
Civilization, Concept of GIOVANNI GOZZINI Ellis, Havelock
University of Siena
Bard College Georgia Southwestern State
Schubert, Franz CHRISTOPH GRADMANN University
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Balkan Wars
MARY GIBSON Heidelberg, Germany Bulgaria
John Jay College, City University Koch, Robert
of New York G. M. HAMBURG
Lombroso, Cesare KENNETH W. GRAHAM Claremont McKenna College
Mozzoni, Anna Maria University of Guelph, Canada Herzen, Alexander
Prostitution Godwin, William Westernizers

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2545


Old Dominion University London School of Economics and Yale University
Trieste Political Science Planck, Max
Alexander I
Yale University HEINZ-GERHARD HAUPT Rowan University
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich European Unversity Institute Lenin, Vladimir
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von Artisans and Guilds Nechayev, Sergei

Washington University, St. Louis, University of Chicago
Vassar College
Missouri Munch, Edvard
Auclert, Hubertine
Class and Social Relations
Delcassé, Théophile
Economic Growth and DAVID V. HERLIHY
Ferry, Jules
Industrialism Cycling
Norton, Caroline
Popular and Elite Culture
University of Texas Separation of Church University of Calgary
Romanies (Gypsies) and State Bethmann Hollweg,
(France, 1905) Theobald von
M. S
˛ ÜKRÜ HANIOĞLU Suffragism Germany
Princeton University Waldeck-Rousseau, René List, Georg Friedrich
Young Turks
ALASTAIR HANNAY Independent Scholar University of California, Berkeley
University of Oslo Toussaint Louverture Gouges, Olympe de
Kierkegaard, Søren
George Mason University University of Nottingham
Mussorgsky, Modest Childhood and Children
Butler University
Tchaikovsky, Peter
Estates-General DAVID HIGGS
Federalist Revolt University of Toronto
Girondins Dartmouth College
Landed Elites
Reign of Terror Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Constable, John
Barnard College, Columbia
Yale University University
University of Tübingen, Germany
Africa Morisot, Berthe
Helmholtz, Hermann von


University of Akron University of Southern Colorado— University of Illinois at Urbana-
Automobile Pueblo Champaign
Tourism War of 1812 Romania


University of Oxford, U.K. U. S. Air Force Academy Independent Scholar
Smallpox War of 1812 Leopold II

2546 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


Université de Paris 8, Södertörn University College, Johns Hopkins University
Saint Denis Sweden Cabarets
Immigration and Internal Hamburg
JOHN HUTCHESON University of California State at
University of Bochum Economists, Classical Nightingale, Florence
Associations, Voluntary
MICHAEL HOLQUIST University of Vermont Lady Margaret Hall, University
Yale University Blanqui, Auguste of Oxford
Chekhov, Anton Secret Societies Philhellenic Movement


Illinois State University Yale University Queen Mary, University of
Darwin, Charles Jews and Judaism London
Metropolitan State College of York University, Toronto AUSTIN JERSILD
Denver Boulanger Affair Old Dominion University
Grimm Brothers Shamil
Seoul National University, South St. Louis Wayne State University
Korea Kandinsky, Vasily Cabet, Étienne
GAIL TURLEY HOUSTON Milliken University University of Toronto
University of New Mexico Mill, Harriet Taylor People’s Will
Bentham, Jeremy
The Pennsylvania State University Carnegie Mellon University
R. A. HOUSTON Brentano, Franz Ibsen, Henrik
University of St. Andrews, Husserl, Edmund
Scotland CHRISTOPHER JANAWAY University of Illinois at Urbana-
University of Southampton, U.K. Champaign
ALAN HOUTCHENS Schopenhauer, Arthur Nijinsky, Vaslav
Texas A&M University
University of North Carolina at Spain
University of California, Los Professions COLIN JONES
Angeles University of Warwick, U.K.
Armenia MAYA JASANOFF Marie-Antoinette
University of Virginia
University College London Egypt University of Ulster
Paul I India Tuberculosis

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2547

H. S. JONES JOSEPH A. KESTNER Geneva Convention

University of Manchester, U.K. University of Tulsa International Law
Constant, Benjamin Doyle, Arthur Conan
Saint-Simon, Henri de DALE KRAMER
ALAN J. KIDD University of Illinois, Urbana-
MAX JONES Manchester Metropolitan Champaign
University of Manchester University, U.K. Hardy, Thomas
Baden-Powell, Robert Manchester
BEN KIERNAN University of North Carolina,
Yale University Chapel Hill
Northwestern University
Indochina Lafayette, Marquis de
Schnitzler, Arthur
DAVID P. JORDAN University of Massachusetts, Independent Scholar
University of Illinois at Chicago Boston Tolstoy, Leo
Haussmann, Georges- Populists Turgenev, Ivan
University of Florida
Robespierre, Maximilien Pomona College, Claremont, CA
Goncharov, Ivan
Swarthmore College THOMAS KSELMAN
Colorado State University
Austria-Hungary University of Notre Dame
Novalis (Hardenberg,
Friedrich von)
U. S. Military Academy JOVANA L. KNEŽEVIĆ
Austerlitz Yale University
Nicholas I Bosnia-Herzegovina Creighton University
Ulm, Battle of Montenegro Gaskell, Elizabeth

Salford University, U.K. ALEXANDRA KOENIGUER University of Albany, State

Poincaré, Raymond University Paris X—Nanterre University of New York
Atget, Eugène Berlin
Cities and Towns
Cardiff University
University of Illinois at ANDREW LAMBERT
Byron, George Gordon
Urbana-Champaign King’s College, London
Bolsheviks Crimean War
The Johann Strauss Society of PATRICIA KOLLANDER
Great Britain Florida Atlantic University HUGO LANE
Strauss, Johann Frederick III Polytechnic University of Brooklyn
William I Pan-Slavism
University of Colorado at Boulder MARTTI KOSKENNIEMI COLIN LANG
Davies, Emily The Academy of Finland Yale University
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett Brussels Declaration Modernism

2548 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


University of Connecticut Université-Lumière-Lyon 2, University of Sussex, U.K.
Treitschke, Heinrich von France Republicanism
Montana State University, KATHARINE ANNE LERMAN Pennsylvania State University
Bozeman London Metropolitan University Manet, Édouard
Louis II Bismarck, Otto von Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Wagner, Richard
BARBARA LARSON Université d’Artois, France University of East Anglia,
University of West Florida Ravel, Maurice Norwich, U.K.
Symbolism Papal Infallibility
Papal State
DAVID LAVEN Boston University Roman Question
University of Reading, U.K. Fabians
Temple University
KEITH LAYBOURN Lewis and Clark College
Eliot, George
University of Huddersfield, U.K. Hardenberg, Karl August
Hardie, James Keir von DAVID LOMAS
Labour Party Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl University of Manchester, U.K.
vom und zum Picasso, Pablo
University of Richmond E. JAMES LIEBERMAN
Psychology George Washington University
University of Wisconsin—Stevens
Rank, Otto
George IV
University of Luxembourg HARRY LIEBERSOHN
Coal Mining University of Illinois at Urbana-
RICHARD A. LEBRUN Ranke, Leopold von University of Warwick, U.K.
University of Manitoba Wollstonecraft, Mary
Maistre, Joseph de ANDRE LIEBICH
Graduate Institute of PATRICIA M. E. LORCIN
SIMON LEE International Studies, Geneva University of Minnesota, Twin
University of Reading, U.K. Martov, L. Cities
David, Jacques-Louis Mensheviks Algeria


University of Pennsylvania London School of Economics and New York University
London Political Science Gogol, Nikolai
Louisiana State University ALBERT LINDEMANN Trinity College, Cambridge
Hundred Days University of California, Santa Brontë, Charlotte and Emily
Larrey, Dominique-Jean Barbara
Waterloo Anti-Semitism DAVID S. LUFT
University of California, San
University of Giessen, Germany Northwestern University Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
Zollverein Citizenship Musil, Robert

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2549


University of Copenhagen Kansas State University New Zealand Ministry for
Hertz, Heinrich Virchow, Rudolf Culture and Heritage
New Zealand
The University of Southern Santa Clara University JOHN P. MCKAY
Mississippi Louis-Philippe University of Illinois, Urbana-
Leisure Champaign
Michelet, Jules
Independent Scholar
University of Stirling, U.K. STEVEN MCLEAN
Majuba Hill
Fox, Charles James Nottingham Trent University
Wells, H. G.
University of Naples ‘‘Federico II’’ Clemson University DAVID MCLELLAN
Garibaldi, Giuseppe Siberia Goldsmiths College, University of
Naples Vladivostok London
Young Hegelians
U.S. Air Force Academy and U.S. University of Stirling, U.K. DARRIN M. MCMAHON
Joint Military Intelligence College Stevenson, Robert Louis Florida State University
Nelson, Horatio Conservatism
University of Bologna JAMES F. MCMILLAN
Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane,
Dilthey, Wilhelm University of Edinburgh, U.K.
Durand, Marguerite
Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K. PETER MCPHEE
Parnell, Charles Stewart University of Melbourne,
Purdue University
Curie, Marie
Committee of Public Safety
French Revolution
ROGER MAGRAW University of Minnesota
University of Warwick, U.K. Jacobins
Marriage and Family
Working Class
OLGA MAIOROVA Duke University
University of North Carolina, Rude, François
University of Michigan Greensboro
Eurasianism Maurras, Charles R. DARRELL MEADOWS
DAN MALAN Independent Scholar
Independent Scholar
Doré, Gustave University of Toronto
FRANCES MALINO Yale University
Wellesley College DAVID MCDONALD Klimt, Gustav
Jewish Emancipation University of Wisconsin, Madison
Holy Alliance EVAN M. MELHADO
PHILLIP MALLETT Münchengrätz, Treaty of University of Illinois at Urbana-
University of St. Andrews, U.K. Nicholas II Champaign
Kipling, Rudyard Unkiar-Skelessi, Treaty of Chemistry

2550 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


Lafayette College Duke University Duke University
Berlioz, Hector Kropotkin, Peter Herder, Johann Gottfried


University of California, Los Marshall University Flinders University, Adelaide,
Angeles Markets Australia
Shelley, Mary Gissing, George
U.S. Army Command and Gaj, Ljudevit University of Cincinnati
General Staff College Jelačić, Josip (emeritus)
Mukden, Battle of Karadjordje Salvation Army
Russo-Turkish War
Royal Melbourne Institute of Latrobe University, Australia
Technology, Australia Football (Soccer)
Benedictine College Education
Generation of 1898 Montessori, Maria SCOTT HUGHES MYERLY
Independent Scholar
Independent Scholar
Wright State University
Schiele, Egon Independent Scholar
Lumière, Auguste and Louis
Yale University University of Illinois at
Captain Swing Chicago
Tufts University
Charles X Baudelaire, Charles
Sand, George
Ravachol (François Claudius JOEL MOKYR
Koenigstein-Ravachol) Northwestern University and
University of Cape Town
University of Tel Aviv
Boer War
MARK S. MICALE Industrial Revolution,
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
University of Illinois Second
Absinthe Science and Technology
Rhodes, Cecil
Charcot, Jean-Martin South Africa
Romanticism The Open University, U.K. MICHAEL S. NEIBERG
Alliance System University of Southern Mississippi
ELISA R. MILKES Moroccan Crises Armies
Horace Mann School Schlieffen Plan
(Robert Stewart) Iowa State University Barnard College
Combination Acts Spiritualism Pushkin, Alexander
Corn Laws, Repeal of
John Temple) Naval Postgraduate School University of Louisiana at
Wellington, Duke of (Arthur Clausewitz, Carl von Lafayette
Wellesley) Jomini, Antoine-Henri de Puccini, Giacomo

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2551


DeSales University University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Carleton University, Ottawa
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich U.K. Wine
Manhattan College HARRY OOSTERHUIS Birbeck College, University of
Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue University of Maastricht London
Palacký, František Krafft-Ebing, Richard von Degeneration
Young Czechs and Old
York University, U.K. San Jose State University
DEBORAH EPSTEIN NORD Cossacks Comte, Auguste
Princeton University
Webb, Beatrice Potter MICHAEL R. ORWICZ

University of Connecticut The Australian National

Millet, Jean-François
Yale University O’Connor, Feargus
Semmelweis, Ignac Peel, Robert

Rochester Institute of Technology
Oregon State University Einstein, Albert
Royal Holloway, University of
LeBon, Gustave Lavoisier, Antoine
Masculinity Blanc, Louis
Sexuality Bonapartism
Pembroke College, University of
LYNN K. NYHART Cambridge
University of Wisconsin, Madison Disraeli, Benjamin
Deroin, Jeanne
Museums Guizot, François
University of Illinois at Urbana- Balzac, Honoré de Georgetown University
Champaign Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
Canova, Antonio KEVIN PASSMORE
Delacroix, Eugène Cardiff University
Géricault, Théodore Action Française
New York Public Library
Daguerre, Louis
Williams College Columbus State University
Ingres, Jean-Auguste- Socialist Revolutionaries
RALPH O’CONNOR Fordham University Beethoven, Ludwig van
University of Aberdeen, U.K. Leopardi, Giacomo
Manzoni, Alessandro JANET POLASKY
Lyell, Charles
Verga, Giovanni University of New Hampshire
University of Pittsburgh MARTA PETRUSEWICZ Leopold I
Mendel, Gregor City University of New York and
Universitá della Cabria, Italy HILARY PORISS
ROBERT WILLIAM OLDANI Peasants University of Cincinnati
Arizona State University Sismondi, Jean-Charles Rossini, Gioachino
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Leonard de Verdi, Giuseppe

2552 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


University of Newcastle upon University of Wales, Aberstwyth, University College, London
Tyne, U.K. U.K. Krupp
Colonies Napoleon III
Imperialism Phylloxera DANIEL RINGROSE
Railroads Minot State University
Transportation and Engineers
University of Michigan
Czartoryski, Adam DAVID D. ROBERTS
Endecja CHRISTOPHER J. PROM University of Georgia
Nationalism University of Illinois, Urbana Croce, Benedetto
Polish National Movement Champaign
Warsaw Smiles, Samuel
Yale University Library
University of California San University of Portsmouth, U.K.
Francisco Pankhurst, Emmeline,
Disease Christabel, and Sylvia
Northeastern University
Public Health Meyerhold, Vsevolod

University of Illinois at Urbana- JUDITH ROHRER
University of California, Los Champaign Emory University
Angeles Bakunin, Mikhail Gaudı́, Antonio
Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe
University of Massachusetts at ROSENTHAL
Amherst Fordham University
Fin de Siècle Berdyayev, Nikolai
Université Paul Valéry
(Montpellier 3)
Boston College University of Wisconsin—
Diplomacy Milwaukee
Metternich, Clemens von Center Party
University of Maryland Revolutions of 1820 Kulturkampf
Pavlova, Anna


PETER C. POZEFSKY Birkbeck College, University of Institut d’études politiques,
The College of Wooster London Paris
Chaadayev, Peter Sicily Liberalism
JENIFER PRESTO Universite Paris I—Pantheon, University of York, U.K.
University of Oregon Sorbonne Chartism
Silver Age Renan, Ernest
RADO PRIBIC ANGELIQUE RICHARDSON University of Connecticut, Avery
Lafayette College University of Exeter, U.K. Point Campus
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Spencer, Herbert Oceanic Exploration

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2553


State University of New York, Young Italy Birkbeck College, University of
Stony Brook London
Impressionism BENJAMIN C. SAX Weininger, Otto
Painting University of Kansas
Fontane, Theodor ALFRED E. SENN
PENNY RUSSELL Goethe, Johann Wolfgang University of Wisconsin
University of Sydney von Lithuania
Manners and Formality
Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences Wellcome Trust Centre for the
University of Wisconsin—Oshkosh
sociales (Paris) History of Medicine, University
Madrid College London
Jung, Carl Gustav
University of Illinois, Chicago Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, BARRY M. SHAPIRO

Tories Munich Allegheny College

Friedrich, Caspar David Danton, Georges-Jacques
University of Colorado, Colorado BARBARA SCHMUCKI DENNIS SHOWALTER
Springs University of York, U.K. Colorado College
Frankfurt Parliament Subways Addis Ababa, Treaty of
Austro-Prussian War
University of California, Davis High Point University Danish-German War
Decadence Congress of Troppau Franco-Austrian War
Congress of Vienna Franco-Prussian War
BRITT SALVESEN French Revolutionary Wars Hague Conferences
University of Arizona, Tucson and Napoleonic Wars Moltke, Helmuth von
Seurat, Georges Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph Shimonoseki, Treaty of
Trafalgar, Battle of
Independent Scholar City University of New York NICHOLAS SHRIMPTON
Heine, Heinrich Mafia Lady Margaret Hall, University
of Oxford
University of Pennsylvania
Fordham University
Stendhal (Marie-Henri
Wilfrid Laurier University
Lafayette College University of Illinois at Chicago Lesbianism
Portsmouth, Treaty of Nurses
University of Massachusetts, New York University Pornography
Amherst Flâneur
Cavour, Count (Camillo DAVID SILBEY
Benso) SUDIPTA SEN Alvernia College
Charles Albert University of California, Davis Asquith, Herbert Henry
Italy East India Company Edward VII

2554 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


University of Sussex, U.K. Syndicalism Hamline University
Herzl, Theodor Austen, Jane
Raboud University Nijmegen, The Restaurants University of Pennsylvania
Netherlands Switzerland
Huysmans, Joris-Karl JONATHAN SPERBER
University of Missouri
BONNIE G. SMITH Revolutions of 1848 University of Illinois at Urbana-
Rutgers University Champaign.
University of Erlangen-
Nuremberg, Germany
University of Kent George Washington University
Glinka, Mikhail
Kelvin, Lord (William Telephones
Univerity of Wisconsin, Platteville University of Aberdeen
Staël, Germaine de Loos, Adolf
University of Washington
Stanford University Georgetown University
Morris, William Diaghilev, Sergei
College of Staten Island/City
University of New York Struve, Peter
Speransky, Mikhail
Centre national de recherches MELISSA K. STOCKDALE
scientifiques, Paris University of Oklahoma
Statistics Kadets
Yale University
Malatesta, Errico Milyukov, Pavel
TIMOTHY SNYDER University of Wisconsin, Madison CHRIS STOLWIJK
Yale University Hirschfeld, Magnus Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Mickiewicz, Adam Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich Van Gogh, Vincent
Sweden University of Winnipeg, Canada
REBA N. SOFFER Strindberg, August Kosciuszko, Tadeusz
California State University,
Acton, John California Polytechnic State Western Michigan University
University, San Lois Obispo Clemenceau, Georges
LAWRENCE SONDHAUS Bebel, August Radicalism
University of Indianapolis Kautsky, Karl
Naval Rivalry (Anglo- Lassalle, Ferdinand TYLER STOVALL
German) Liebknecht, Karl University of California, Berkeley
Second International Minorities
Australia Royal Melbourne Institute of The College of William and Mary
Boulangism Technology, Australia Belgium
Dreyfus Affair Bernstein, Eduard Socialism, Christian

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2555


University of Western Australia Université de Paris Nanterre Marconi, Guglielmo
Guesde, Jules Fauvism
CLAUDE J. SUMMERS University of Pennsylvania
University of Michigan—Dearborn JAMES THOMPSON Demography
Forster, E. M. University of Bristol
Bagehot, Walter JOHN VAN WYHE
JOHN SUTHERLAND Cambridge University
University College London ROBERT W. THURSTON Phrenology
(emeritus) Miami University
Scott, Walter Moscow LIANA VARDI
State University of New York,
Cornell University University of Central Lancashire Agricultural Revolution
Simmel, Georg Factories
MARIA TODOROVA Yale University
DENNIS SWEENEY Carlyle, Thomas
University of Illinois at Urbana-
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Champaign Manning, Henry
Alberta, Canada Ottoman Empire Newman, John Henry
Labor Movements Pater, Walter
Strikes Sepoy Mutiny
University Museums, University of Tennyson, Alfred
University of Essex, U.K.
Goya, Francisco
World’s Fairs BRIAN VICK
University of Sheffield
JULIE ANNE TADDEO Gagern, Heinrich von
University of California, Berkeley Brooklyn College of the City
Strachey, Lytton University of New York
Death and Burial
University of Colorado, Boulder
Old Age
University of Illinois at Urbana-
Goncourt, Edmond and La Trobe University The Open University
Jules de William IV Literacy


Leiden University, Netherlands Smith College (emeritus) North Carolina State University
Netherlands Mann, Thomas Anarchism
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
CHU Mahindra United World College ARON VINEGAR
Seton Hall University of India Ohio State University
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Malthus, Thomas Robert Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène
Realism and Naturalism
THIERRY TERRET VALKENIER St. Sava Serbian Orthodox School
University of Lyon, France Columbia University of Theology, Libertyville, Illinois
Sports Repin, Ilya Bely, Andrei

2556 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4


European Union University of Maryland, University of Melbourne,
Monetary Unions Baltimore County (emeritus) Australia
Martineau, Harriet Exile, Penal
Meredith College
Tufts University University of New Hampshire,
Kutuzov, Mikhail
Daumier, Honoré Durham
University of Amsterdam, The Southern Illinois University at KEVIN WHELAN
Netherlands Carbondale Keough Notre Dame Centre,
Amsterdam Alexander III Dublin, Ireland
University of Sunderland, U.K. Swarthmore College
Alexander II Bund, Jewish CHARLES WHITE
Russia U.S. Army Forces Command, Fort
DORA B. WEINER McPherson, Georgia
ANDRZEJ WALICKI University of California, Los Jena, Battle of
University of Notre Dame Angeles
Slavophiles Pinel, Philippe
Cambridge University
JOAN WEINER Huxley, Thomas Henry
University of Nevada, Reno Indiana University
Frege, Gottlob SARAH WHITING
Alexandra Princeton University
University of Minnesota
Henri-Poincaré Archives (CNRS) Guimard, Hector STEVEN M. WHITING
and University of Nancy, France University of Michigan
Poincaré, Henri ERIC D. WEITZ Satie, Erik
University of Minnesota
Yale University
University of Missouri—St. Louis
Law, Theories of
Coffee, Tea, Chocolate ANGELIKA WESENBERG
Diet and Nutrition Nationalgalerie, Berlin CRAIG WILCOX
Menzel, Adolph von Independent Scholar
University of York, U.K.
Race and Racism Middlebury College ALAN WILLIAMS
Slavery Octobrists Rutgers University
GEOFFREY WAWRO State University of New York, JOHN WILLIAMS
University of North Texas Stony Brook Colorado College
Military Tactics Blok, Alexander Nanking, Treaty of


University of Rochester Conservatoire National des University of Alabama
Luddism Arts et Metiers, Paris Carlsbad Decrees
Machine Breaking Braille, Louis Schelling, Friedrich von

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2557


Charite-Universitatsmedizin Yale University University of New Haven
BerlinDavis Bonald, Louis de Finland and the Baltic
Ehrlich, Paul Burke, Edmund Provinces
Northern Illinois University GAIL HILSON WOLDU
University of Newcastle, U.K.
Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia Trinity College Positivism
Prague Debussy, Claude
Kalamazoo College
Boxer Rebellion
University of Toronto Open University, U.K. China
Agassiz, Louis Wilberforce, William Opium Wars


University of Chicago Princeton University Morehouse College
Mesmer, Franz Anton Wordsworth, William Beardsley, Aubrey

2558 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Page references include both a volume number and a page number. For example,
5:2409–2411 refers to pages 2409–2411 in volume 5. Page numbers in boldface type
indicate references to complete articles. Page numbers in italic type indicate
illustrations, tables, and figures.

n Abomey. See Dahomey Gauguin as influence on, 3:1271

A Aborigines, Australian, 1:133–134 Kandinsky and, 3:1243–1246
Aborigines Protection Society, 2:504 postimpressionism and, 4:1709,
Aachen, 3:1411
abortion, 4:1762, 1827, 1829, 1836, 1710
Aachen Protocol of 1818, 3:1174
2042 abstract expressionism, 3:1133
Aarcot, 2:706
Aboukir Bay, 3:1585, 1615 Abstraction and Empathy (Abstraktion
Abbas I, sultan of Egypt, 2:732
Abovian, Khachatur, 1:88 and Einfüulung; Worringer),
Abbey, Rith, 3:1514
Abraham, Karl, 4:1905 1:155
Abbey in an Oakwood (Friedrich), 2:911
Abrantès, Mme d’, 1:167 absurdism, 3:1213, 1242
Abbey Theatre (Dublin), 2:693;
absinthe, 1:2–4; 5:2477 Abundance (Le Fauconnier), 2:590,
3:1109, 1182; 4:1756; 5:2510
Absinthe, L’ (Degas), 1:3 591
Abd Allah, 3:1668
Absinthe Drinker, The (Manet),
Abd ar-Rahman ibn Hisham, 3:1547 Abyssinia. See Ethiopia
Abdelkader, 1:44; 3:1547–1548 Académie des Beaux-Arts, 4:2086;
absolute temperature, 3:1249
Abduction, The (Cézanne), 1:397 5:2505
Abdul-Hamid II, Ottoman sultan, Académie des Inscriptions et
aristocracy and, 1:87 Belles-Lettres, 4:1953
1:1–2, 2; 3:1689, 1689, 1690
Austria-Hungary and, 1:139, Académie des Sciences. See Academy of
abdication of, 3:1691
142–143, 262; 2:863–864; Sciences
Armenian Question and, 1:2, 91, 92
San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2085 Académie Française, 1:213, 228;
Congress of Vienna and, 1:457 2:560, 1093; 4:1702, 1806, 1953
Young Turks and, 5:2515
Francis I and, 2:861 Académie Goncourt, 2:991
Abdülmecid I (Abdul Mejid), Ottoman
French Revolution as reaction Académie Suisse, 1:397
sultan, 3:1187–1188, 1686;
against, 2:843, 886, 887 Academy of Architecture (Berlin),
Abensberg-Eckmühl, Battle of (1809), popular sovereignty vs., 1:456 4:2093
2:902 Russia and, 1:81; 2:1017 Academy of Arts (Prussia), 3:1353;
Aberdeen, 4:2117 Serbia and, 4:2144–2146 4:2092
Aberdeen, Lord (George Hamilton Spain and, 1:366, 367, 368; 2:808, Academy of Fine Arts (Brussels), 1:307
Gordon), 2:976–977, 1007 809 Academy of Fine Arts (France), 2:606,
Abhandlung über den Ursprung der abstract art 641
Sprache (Herder), 2:1060 avant-garde and, 1:155 Academy of Fine Arts (Vienna),
Abildgaard, Nikolai Abraham, 2:910 Cézanne and, 1:398, 399; 4:2089
abolitionism. See antislavery movement 3:1132, 1261 Academy of Grenoble, 1:406


Academy of Inscriptions (France), Act of Union of 1707 (Britain and Adrianople, 1:12–13, 163, 164, 165;
1:407 Scotland), 2:999, 1006; 3:1177; 2:705; 4:2068
Academy of Medicine (France), 1:228 4:2118 Adrianople, Treaty of (1829), 1:12,
Academy of Sciences (Austria), 5:2418 Act of Union of 1800 (Britain and 243; 3:1420, 1625; 4:2016;
Academy of Sciences (Bavaria), 2:814 Ireland), 1:373; 2:999–1000; 5:2391
Academy of Sciences (Brussels), 3:1177 Adriatic Sea, 1:146, 163, 166; 3:1482,
4:1921 background of, 2:1000 1691
Academy of Sciences (France) Chartist demand for repeal of, 1:415 Montenegro and, 3:1540, 1541
Bernard and, 1:228 Dublin and, 2:690 adult education, 1:9, 384
Curie and, 2:595, 596 hypocrisy of, 3:1177 adultery
Lavoisier and, 3:1312 United Kingdom established by, British divorce law and, 3:1646
Marat and, 3:1443 3:1177, 1179 French Civil Code and, 1:287
photography and, 2:606; Acton, John, 1:6–7; 4:1722 Napoleonic Code and, 2:943
4:1770–1771 Acts of Toleration of 1689, 1778, and Adutera, L’ (Fontane), 2:829
Pinel and, 4:1791 1791 (Britain), 4:1895 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,
Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1804 actual energy, 3:1250 The (Doyle), 2:680
Academy of Sciences (Prussia), 4:1799, Adam, Paul, 4:1943 advertising
1800 Adam, Victor, 2:528 for automobiles, 1:150
Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Adam Bede (G. Eliot), 2:744 Beardsley drawings and, 1:192
Russia), 4:2075, 2076–2077 adamism. See acmeism consumerism and, 2:550, 551
Acadia (Nova Scotia), 1:343 Adams, Henry, 2:618 for furniture, 2:912, 913, 915
accident insurance, 1:356, 357; 2:540, Adams, John, 4:1701 London Underground and, 4:2273
966 Adana, 5:2391 Michelin guide and, 5:2326
Accra, 2:779 Adas, Michael, 1:461 newspapers and, 4:1867–1868
Accumulation of Capital, The ADAV. See Allgemeiner deutscher popular culture and, 4:1823
(Luxemburg), 3:1400 Arbeiterverein
posters and, 4:1845–1846, 1846,
Aceh (people), 3:1617 Addams, Jane, 1:67
Acemoglu, Daron, 5:2334 addiction. See drugs
Achebe, Chinua, 4:1875 for sewing machines, 4:2160
Addis Ababa, 1:8
Achilles Receiving the Ambassadors of Adwa, Battle of (1896), 1:7, 8, 362;
Addis Ababa, Treaty of (1896), 1:7–8
Agamemnon (Ingres), 3:1167 2:582, 583; 3:1200
Address to the German Nation (Fichte),
Ackerman, Robert, 2:872 Aegean Sea, 1:243; 2:704, 705;
2:813, 814
Acland, Henry, 4:2046 3:1482, 1612
Adelaide, queen of Great Britain,
acmeism, 4:2182 Aennec, Guillaume, 3:1297
Acocella, Joan, 3:1643 Aeschylus, 2:1097; 4:1770
Adele Bloch-Bauer (Klimt), 3:1261
acquired characteristics, inheritance of, Aesthetic as Science of Expression and
Adelfi (secret society), 1:360
2:615, 637, 776–777, 778–779, General Linguistic (Croce), 2:584
Adelswärd-Fersen, Jacques d’, 2:1084
928; 3:1302–1303 aesthetic movement, 4:1746, 1770
Adl, Mohammed el, 2:836
Acre, 2:731, 900 Decadence and, 2:632, 633
Adler, Alfred, 1:8–10; 2:907, 908,
Acre, Battle of (1799), 3:1683 909; 4:1905 Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1863, 1865
Acropolis (Athens), 1:125 Adler, Friedrich, 1:11 symbolism and, 4:2294
Across the Plains (Stevenson), 4:2255 Adler, Jankel, 3:1310 Wilde and, 5:2464
acting. See theater Adler, Max, 1:11 Affaire Dreyfus, L’ (film), 3:1483
Action Française, 1:4–6, 389 Adler, Salomon, 1:10 Affiches à Troubille, Les (Marquet),
attack on Bergson by, 1:214 Adler, Victor, 1:10–11; 3:1395; 2:796–797
Dreyfus affair and, 2:485–486, 684 4:2127 Afghani, Jamal ad-Din, 3:1207
Maurras and, 3:1476–1477 Admiralty (St. Petersburg), 4:2075, Afghanistan, 1:49, 395
papal condemnation of, 3:1477 2078 Afghanistan War of 1839–1842,
adolescence, ‘‘discovery’’ of, 1:428 2:674, 977, 1009; 3:1118
Sorel and, 4:2218
Action Française, L’ (newspaper), 1:5; Adolphe (Constant), 2:545 jingoism and, 3:1234
3:1476 ‘‘Adonias’’ (Shelley), 4:2170 Africa, 1:13–22; 5:2411
Action Libérale Populaire (France), Adoration of the Name of God, The activist opposition organizations,
1:389 (Goya), 2:996–997 1:500–501
Act of Brussels of 1890, 3:1173 Adorno, Theodor, 1:295; Berlin Conference on, 1:20, 37,
Act of Mediation of 1803, 4:2188 3:1419, 1435, 1437; 4:1756, 220–224, 499; 3:1118, 1178
Act of 1967 (Britain), 2:746 2101, 2262 British civilizing mission in, 1:462
Act of Uniformity of 1862 Adowa, Battle of (1896), 2:794; British colonies in, 2:508; 3:1115,
(Britain), 2:1002 3:1118 1258–1259

2560 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

cholera pandemic and, 1:436 Agassiz, Alexander, 1:23 Aide-toi, le ciel t’aidera, 2:1029
colonial racial divisions and, Agassiz, Elizabeth Cabot Cary, 1:23 Aids to Reflection (Coleridge), 1:497
1:499–500 Agassiz, Louis, 1:22–24; 2:618 Aids to Scouting (Baden-Powell), 1:159
Concert of Europe and, 2:527 Agence France Presse, 4:1871 airplanes, 1:29–32; 3:1161, 1163;
Age of Bronze, The (Rodin), 4:2114–2115
Entente Cordiale and, 2:795
4:2008–2009 air pollution. See pollution
exploration of, 2:782–783, 784, 927
Age of Constantine the Great, The airships, 1:30
French colonial officers in, 2:504 Aix-les-Bains, 5:2328
(Burckhardt), 1:317
French ‘‘new imperialism’’ in, Age of Mass Migration (Hatton and Akçura, Yusuf, 3:1207
2:812–813; 3:1600 Williamson), 2:710 Akhmatova, Anna, 1:250, 337;
German colonies in, 2:967; 3:1116, Age of Reason, The (Paine), 4:1701 4:2182, 2183
1125 agnosticism, 2:1103; 4:1893 Akkumulation des Kapitals, Die
human origins in, 2:619 Agnostic’s Apology (Stephen), 4:2254 (Luxemburg), 3:1400
imperialism in, 1:17–22, 94, 99, 205, Agony (Schiele), 4:2090 Aksakov, Ivan, 4:2195, 2196, 2270
220–224, 240; 2:506, 509, 527, Agoult, Marie-Catherine-Sophie d’, Aksakov, Konstantin, 4:2194
663; 3:1115–1116, 1117, 1119, 1:168; 3:1360 Aktion, Die (Berlin magazine), 4:2091
1336–1337, 1545–1546, Agrarian Justice (Paine), 4:1701 Alabama case, 2:1008; 3:1174
1668–1669 Agricultural Reading Society, 3:1667 Alain-Fournier (Henry-Alban
indigenous elites and, 1:500 Agricultural Revolution, 1:24–29; Fournier), 4:1760
Italian colonies in, 1:7–8; 2:527, 3:1164 Alam II, Mughul emperor, 2:706
582, 583 Bohemian Lands and, 1:260 Á la nation artésienne (Robespierre),
map of colonial holdings (1880), capitalism and, 1:358–359 4:2005
3:1117 Cavour and, 1:390 Aland Islands, 2:577
map of colonial holdings (1914), Á la recherché du temps perdu (Proust),
Central Asia and, 1:396
3:1119 1:166
chemicals and, 3:1159–1160
missionary activity in, 3:1527, 1528 Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude
Corn Law repeal and, 1:490–491; (Shelley), 4:2170
Portuguese in, 4:1838–1839, 1840, 2:557–560 Albania, 1:32–34; 3:1690
1841, 1843 Denmark and, 2:647 Balkan Wars and, 1:32–33, 33, 146,
primitivism and, 1:156; 4:1782, economic growth and, 1:350; 2:762 163, 166; 2:704–705
1874, 1875 engineers and, 2:757 Eastern Question and, 2:704–705
Rhodes and, 4:1996–1997 environment and, 2:762 independence of, 1:163–164;
‘‘scramble’’ for, 1:20–22, 220, 339, Germany and, 2:762, 960 2:1018; 3:1691; 4:2149
499; 2:663, 795; 3:1115–1116 Italy and, 3:1195 San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2085
slavery and, 4:1925, 2190–2194 landed elite and, 3:1304, 1305 Albanian Prizren League, 3:1690
slave trade and, 1:13–14, 15, 16, 37,
machine breaking and, 1:357, Albert, Charles, 3:1480
308–309; 2:1036 358–359; 3:1411 Albert, prince consort of Great Britain,
trade commodities of, 1:14–16, 22 peasants and, 4:1753–1754, 2:587, 729; 5:2496
See also Boer War; colonialism; North 1755–1756 background of, 3:1335
Africa; specific countries and plant and animal breeding and, 2:770 Freemasons and, 2:881
regions by name
railroads and, 4:1936 gender roles and, 2:946
Africaine, L’ (Meyerbeer), 3:1671
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1988 Great Exhibition of 1851 and,
African art, 1:156
science and technology and, 4:2108, 5:2412, 2494, 2495
African masks, 4:1782, 1875
African National Congress, 1:500 2109 photography and, 4:1771
African Students Association, 3:1524 Siberia and, 4:2257 wife, Victoria, and, 5:2412–2414,
Afrikaners. See Boers Sismondi and, 4:2186 2413
afterlife, 1:378 Sweden and, 4:2284–2285 Albert Edward, prince of Wales.
Afternoon of a Faun, The (ballet), trade and, 5:2337, 2340–2341, See Edward VII
3:1642, 1643 2348–2349 Alberto, Carlo, 1:390, 391
afternoon tea, 1:495 water pollution and, 2:764 Albine Fiori (Sand), 4:2084
Aftonbladet (Swedish newspaper), Agricultural Workers Federation alchemy, 1:424
4:2283 (Italy), 5:2485 Alcock, Charles William, 2:832
Agadir Crisis (1911), 1:49, 339; agriculture. See Agricultural alcohol and temperance, 1:34–37;
3:1370, 1545–1546, 1549; Revolution; farm labor; peasants 4:2082
4:1806 Ahl a-Kitah, 3:1517 absinthe and, 1:2–4; 5:2477
Against Nature (Huysmans), 2:632, Ahmad Bey, 5:2362 British bourgeoisie and, 1:288
1104, 1105 Aı̈da (Verdi), 2:733; 3:1572, 1676; coffee or tea and, 1:494
Agao glu, Ahmet, 3:1207 5:2406 crime and, 2:572, 573

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2561

Dublin distillery and, 2:691 Alexander II, emperor of Russia, Algemeene Nederlandsche
industrialization and, 2:549 1:38–40, 88; 2:1066; 3:1272; Maatschappij ter begunstigung
prohibition laws and, 1:35–36 4:2051 van de Volksvlijt, 1:173–174
assassination of, 1:39, 40, 72, 89; Algeria, 1:42–47
temperance and, 1:35–37, 119;
2:586–587; 4:1896 2:1017; 3:1614; 4:1767, 1768, as French colony, 1:18, 43–47, 99,
1802, 1832, 1975, 2052, 2053, 498–499; 2:506, 640; 3:1116,
tobacco opponents and, 5:2314
2053, 2079, 2196, 2210, 2216; 1389, 1420, 1482, 1547, 1548,
women travelers and, 5:2329
5:2389, 2517, 2520 1600, 1613; 5:2362
See also beer; drugs; wine
Crimean War and, 1:244; 2:579, French immigrants in, 2:504
alcoholism, 1:37, 261; 2:816; 3:1472
1015; 3:1626 French penal exile in, 2:780
Alekseev, Fedor, 3:1553
Great Reforms of, 1:39, 40, 88–89; indigenous population and, 2:604
Alexander, prince regent of Serbia,
2:1014–1017; 3:1233; 4:1767, Morocco and, 3:1547–1548
1880, 1975, 2048–2049, 2051, racial lines in, 1:500
Alexander Column (St. Petersburg),
2196 tourism and, 5:2330
Alexander Nevsky Monastery Polish uprising and, 4:1818 world’s fair displays of, 5:2496, 2497
(St. Petersburg), 2:679; 4:2075 Russo-Turkish War and, 4:2067 Algiers, 5:2361, 2362
Alexander of Battenberg, prince of San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2085 Ali, Mehmet, 4:2085, 2274; 5:2391,
Bulgaria, 1:312 serf emancipation and, 4:2149, 2153; 2392
Alexander von Humboldt (Weitsch), 5:2365 Ali bin Ghadahum, 5:2362
2:1096 Speransky and, 4:2237 Alice, princess of Great Britain, 1:41
Alexander I, emperor of Russia, Alexander III, emperor of Russia, alimony, 3:1595
1:37–38, 132, 133, 226; 2:1019; 1:40–41; 4:1975, 2051, Alinari, Fratelli, 3:1194
4:2048, 2049–2050 2053–2054 Aline et Valcour (Sade), 4:2074
Borodino and, 1:272; 2:902 anti-minority programs of, 1:89 Ali Pasha, 2:1019; 3:1541, 1686
Bourbon restoration and, 5:2306 assassination plot against, 3:1326; alizarin (red dye), 3:1157, 1159
bureaucracy and, 1:323 4:1768 Alkali Acts of 1863 (Britain), 2:764
Congress of Troppau and, Baltic provinces and, 2:821 Allard, Roger, 2:590
2:531–532 Bulgaria and, 1:312 Allegemeine Zeitung (Prussian
Congress of Vienna and, 2:532–533, newspaper), 4:1869
Cossacks and, 2:563
534, 534, 565, 1080 Allegro (Russia), 4:2183
pogroms and, 1:72; 4:1802; 5:2520
Allemane, Jean, 3:1217; 4:2298
Continental System and, 1:272 Russification program and, 4:1956, Allgemeine Brouillon, Das (Novalis),
counterrevolution and, 2:566, 959; 2054 3:1647
4:1970 Siberia and, 4:2172 Allgemeine Deutsche Frauenverein,
Czartoryski and, 2:603, 604 son Nicholas II and, 3:1626, 1627 3:1681
father, Paul I, and, 1:37; 4:1748 Alexanderplatz (Berlin), 1:217 Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein,
Finnish boundaries and, 2:817 Alexandra, empress of Russia, 3:1310, 1311
Holy Alliance and, 1:38; 2:565, 959, 1:41–42; 3:1627, 1627; 5:2415 Allgemeine Verband, 2:556
1079, 1080–1081; 4:1718, 1970 Alexandra, princess of Wales (later Alliance of Russian Muslims, 3:1207
Kościuszko and, 3:1265 queen of Great Britain), 2:729; alliance system, 1:47–50
Kutuzov and, 3:1281 5:2415 Armenians and, 1:92
Lithuania and, 3:1365 Alexandria, 1:18; 2:731, 732, 733; armies and, 1:96
Metternich and, 3:1494 3:1482
Austria-Hungary and, 1:146, 147;
mysticism and, 2:1080 Alexis, prince of Russia, 1:41, 42; 2:864
Napoleon and, 2:901, 902, 903, Balkans and, 1:166
Alexis, Paul, 2:1104
1080; 3:1281, 1334, 1586, 1588 Belgian neutrality and, 1:199
Alfieri, Vittorio, 3:1193
Nicholas I as successor to, 3:1625 Bismarck and, 1:47, 48–50, 146,
Alfonso und Estrella (Schubert),
Poland and, 4:1807, 1808, 1817 147, 239–240; 2:663, 964–965
Pushkin’s exile and, 4:1919 Britain and, 1:47, 48, 49; 2:1013
Alfonso XII, king of Spain, 1:366;
Revolutions of 1820 and, 2:949; 4:2231 Castlereagh and, 1:374
4:1979–1982 Alfonso XIII, king of Spain, 2:949; Concert of Europe and,
St. Petersburg and, 4:2078 4:2231 2:526–527, 705
secret societies and, 1:361 Alfred Dedreux as a Child with Congress of Vienna and, 1:374
Speransky and, 4:2049, 2236 His Sister Elise (Gericault), 1:285 Eastern Question and, 2:703–704
Talleyrand and, 5:2306 algebra, 4:1804 imperialism in China and, 1:434
War of 1805 and, 5:2374 Algeciras Conference (1906), 3:1545, Italy and, 3:1200, 1202–1203, 1546
Warsaw and, 3:1493; 4:1808 1546, 1549 Moroccan Crises and, 3:1545–1546

2562 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Napoleonic Wars and, 1:374 Amateur Football Association Ampère, André-Marie, 3:1162;
Russia and, 3:1627–1628 (Britain), 2:833 4:1780
World War I and, 1:47–50, 146, 232, Amateur Rowing Association (Britain), amputation, 3:1308
313; 2:527, 705, 968–969; 4:2242 Amsterdam, 1:52–55; 3:1616
4:1806 Amateur Swimming Association banking in, 1:170
Allied Control Council (1947), (Britain), 4:2242 bohemian circle in, 3:1619
4:1899 Amateur Swimming Union (Britain), canal, 3:1618
All-Merciful Manifesto of 1861 4:2242
as Liebermann painting subject,
(Russia), 4:2149, 2150, 2153 Amazon (Manet), 4:1708 3:1353, 1354
Allom, Thomas, 5:2423 Ambigu, L’ (theatrical troupe), 1:229
population of, 1:52, 53, 446
All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Ambris, Alceste de, 4:2299
Amsterdam University, 1:54
4:2079 Ambrosio Company, 1:443
Amsterdam World’s Fair of 1883,
All-Russian Islamic Congress, 3:1207, ambulance corps, 3:1308
1208 America (Blake), 1:244
Amundson, Roald, 2:783, 784
All the Year Round (British periodical), American Breeders Association, 2:769,
Amur Cossacks, 2:562
2:657 770
amusement parks, 4:1825
Almaden penal colony, 2:779 American Crisis (Paine), 4:1700
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 1:408
Almanach des gourmands Americanism, 4:1720
Anabaptists, 1:55
(Grimod de la Reynière), 4:1967 American Journal of International Law,
‘‘Analysis of Juridical Life in Ancient
Alma River, 2:578 3:1175
Russia, An’’ (Kavelin), 5:2460
Almayer’s Folly (Conrad), 2:535 American Marconi Company, 3:1370
Analysis of the Phenomena of the
Almudena Cathedral (Madrid), 3:141 American Notes (Dickens), 2:656
Human Mind (J. Mill), 3:1511
Alphand, Jean-Charles, 2:1049; American Psychoanalytic Association,
analytical psychology, 3:1240
4:1738, 1739–1740 4:1938
Analytical Review (British journal),
Alphonsus of Liguori, 1:378 American Revolution, 1:342, 498;
Alsace-Lorraine, 1:50–52; 4:2243; 2:669, 780; 4:2212
anarchism, 1:55–59, 62; 4:1698
5:2311, 2330, 2472 Fox support for, 2:839
anarchosyndicalism vs., 1:60
Bethmann Hollweg and, 1:232; French financial crisis from,
Bakunin and, 1:56, 57, 58, 60, 61,
3:1611 2:840–841, 884; 3:1385
62, 161–162; 2:824, 825, 961;
French movements to recover, 1:184, Hellenism and, 4:1769
3:1272, 1293; 4:1755
281 Kościuszko and, 3:1264
Barcelona and, 1:181, 183
German annexation of, 1:47, 48; Lafayette and, 3:1298, 1299, 1300,
Belgium and, 1:203
2:870, 928, 929, 964; 4:1734 1301
communism vs., 2:521
Protestantism in, 4:1893 Paine and, 4:1700
First International and, 2:824, 825;
Alsen Island, assault on (1864), 2:607, Parliament and, 1:1001; 5:2461
608 American Scientist (magazine),
Alsworth, W., 2:751 4:2110 France and, 1:56, 57, 59, 60, 62;
Altenberg, Peter, 1:336 American Society for the Prevention of 2:857; 3:1497
Altenstein, Karl von, 1:369 Cruelty to Animals, 2:778 Herzen and, 5:2460
alternating current, 3:1116 Americas. See Latin America; North intelligentsia and, 3:1170, 1641
Altes Museum (Berlin), 4:2092, 2093 America; specific countries Italy and, 1:57, 58; 3:1201, 1202,
Althing (Christian August Fischer), America’s Cup, 3:1444 1423–1425; 5:2377, 2378
4:1834 Amerika (Kafka), 3:1243 Kropotkin and, 1:56, 57;
Althorp’s Act of 1833 (Britain), 1:429 Amicizia Cattolica, 2:539 3:1272–1273
Altneuland (Herzl), 2:1068; 5:2521 Ami du peuple, L’ (French journal), labor movements and, 3:1291
Altomare, Libero, 2:918 3:1442, 1443 Malatesta and, 3:1423–1425
Altona Museum (Germany), 3:1564 Amiens, 2:1089 Marx’s conflicts with, 1:58,
altruism, 2:619 Amiens, Treaty of (1802), 2:901; 161–162; 3:1468
Amadeo Ferdinando Maria di Savoia, 3:1586, 1597, 1615; 5:2306, Michel and, 3:1497–1498
4:2230 2438
as Nechayev influence, 3:1613
Amalgamated Society of Cotton Amiens Charter, 4:2298–2299, 2300
peasants and, 4:1755
Spinners (Britain), 3:1288 Amis des Noirs, 4:2192
Amistad (film), 2:678 Pissarro and, 4:1792, 1794
Amalgamated Society of Engineers
(Britain), 3:1288 ammonia-producing process, 3:1160 Portugal and, 4:1841
Amalgamated Society of Railway ammunition. See armaments Proudhon and, 1:56, 57, 60, 62;
Servants (Britain), 3:1295–1296 amnesia, 1:410 4:1897–1899
Amateur Emigrant, The (Stevenson), Amoros gymnastics method, 4:2241 Ravachol and, 4:1941–1943, 1942,
4:2255 Amour absolu, L’ (Jarry), 3:1213 1943

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2563

Saint-Simon and, 4:2080 Act of Uniformity (1862) and, Année psychologique, L’ (journal),
Second International’s rejection of, 2:1002 4:1908
3:1294 anticlericalism and, 1:67, 68 Année sociologique (journal), 4:2215
secularization and, 4:2133 Christian Socialism and, 4:2208 Anneke, Fritz, 1:66
Spain and, 1:58–59; 3:1293; 4:2231; Darwin’s evolution theory and, Anneke, Mathilde-Franziska, 1:66–67
5:2488 2:614 Annenkov, Pavel, 5:2459, 2460
Annensky, Innokenty, 4:2182
syndicalism and, 1:56, 59; as England’s established church,
4:2297–2300 4:1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1895 Annexation Crisis (Serbia), 4:2148
Annuaire general and international de
Tolstoy and, 5:2320 Gladstone and, 2:976
la photographie, L’ (journal),
Westernizers and, 5:2459 Irish disestablishment of, 2:1008
William I assassination attempts and, Irish radicals and, 3:1176 Annual Register (Britain), 1:327
2:966 Malthus and, 3:1425 Annunzio, Gabriele D’, 1:443
women’s rights and, 3:1293 Methodist origins in, 4:1895 Ann Veronica (Wells), 5:2458
worker education and, 2:724 missions and, 3:1527; 4:1895 Another Dance of Death (Rethel),
Young Hegelians and, 5:2513 Newman and, 3:1620–1621 2:629
anarchosyndicalism, 1:56, 59–63; nursing orders and, 3:1649 Another Philosophy of History for the
4:1841, 2298; 5:2485 papacy and, 3:1332; 4:1720 Cultivation of the Human Race
futurism and, 2:920 prostitution reform and, 4:1886 (Herder), 2:1061
Anastasia, princess of Russia, 3:1627 temperance and, 1:36 Anschauung (Goethean concept),
Anatolia, 2:732; 3:1412, 1682, Tories and, 5:2320 2:982
1691 Anschluss, Austrian, 1:11
Tractarians and, 2:1006; 3:1440,
anatomy, 1:251; 2:599, 1102 Ansdell, Richard, 1:72; 2:572
1620–1621; 4:1917, 1918
pathological, 3:1297, 1298 Anseele, Edward, 1:203
universities and, 2:1008; 3:1377,
See also body Anspach, Jules, 1:306
1512; 5:2384
ancient Greece. See Hellenism; Antarctic expeditions, 2:783, 784
Victoria and, 5:2412
philhellenism Anthès, Georges d, 4:1920
Welsh disestablishment of,
Ancient Monuments Bill of 1904 Anthony, Susan B., 1:67
2:1012–1013; 5:2435
(Britain), 2:597 anthrax, 4:1744–1745
Anglican Church Missionary Society,
‘‘Ancient Sage, The’’ (Tennyson), Anthropological Society of London,
3:1527; 4:1895
5:2310 4:1836
Anglo-Boer War. See Boer War
Andalusia, 1:379; 3:1293; 4:1755 anthropology, 4:1961
Anglo-Catholic Party (Britain),
An der schönen, blauen Donau civilization concept and, 1:461
(J. Strauss), 4:2260; 5:2420 criminal, 2:573, 574, 638;
Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902),
Andersen, Hans Christian, 2:648; 3:1371–1372
3:1624, 1628; 4:2064
3:1250, 1251 Frazer and, 2:872–873
Angola, 1:13, 14, 15, 19, 20; 2:509
Anderson, Benedict, 3:1607 on human origins, 2:619
Angoulême, duc d’ (Louis-Antoine
Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett, 2:626 Bourbon), 4:2228–2229 on Industrial Revolution effects,
Anderson, James, 2:881 Angoulême, Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, 1:351
Anderson, Margaret, 1:383 duchess d’ (Madame Royale), pornography and, 4:1835–1836
Anderson, Thomas, 4:1744 3:1384 primitivism and, 4:1875
Andes, 2:1096 Ångström, Anders Jonas, 4:2285 race and racism and, 4:1926
Andrássy, Gyula, 2:530, 864 aniline purple (mauveine), 3:1159 Virchow and, 5:2425–2426
Andrássy Avenue (Budapest), 1:311 animal magnetism. See mesmerism Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of
Andreas, Friedrich, 1:64–65 animal protection, 2:650, 766 View (Kant), 4:2097
Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 1:63–66, 64 animals, farm. See livestock anthropometric studies, 1:351; 4:1816
Andreyev, Leonid, 2:633 Ankara, 3:1129 Anthroposophical Society, 1:209
androgyne (symbolist trope), 4:2293 Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), Anti-Bread Tax Circular, 2:558
androgyny, 3:1270 5:2318–2319 Anticipations (Wells), 5:2458
Andromaque (Racine), 1:229 Annales school (historical scholarship), anticlericalism, 1:67–71
Andromeda (Doré), 2:677 1:251
anesthesia, 3:491 Barcelona and, 1:69, 180–181, 182
Annals of the Spreading of the Faith,
‘‘Angel in the House’’ (Patmore), Belgium and, 1:203–204, 307, 389
2:943 Carducci and, 1:362
Annam. See Indochina
Angell, Norman, 4:1698 Annan, Thomas, 4:1772, 2119 Catherine II and, 1:375
Angers, David d’, 4:2043 ‘‘Anna O’’ (Bertha Pappenheim), Comte and, 2:523–524
Angkor Wat, 3:1142 2:904, 905; 4:1904 conservative backlash to, 2:540
Anglican Church, 2:560 Annas, Julia, 3:1514 Czartoryski and, 2:603

2564 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Deraismes and, 2:649, 650 Antiochus and Stratonice (Ingres), Lueger and, 1:73, 75, 77; 2:689,
Dohm’s feminism and, 2:675 3:1166 816; 3:1233, 1393–1395
France and, 1:67–69, 70, 380, 381, Antiquary, The (Scott), 4:2123 machine breaking and, 3:1411
387, 389, 410–411, 479; 2:540, Antiquities of Athens, The (Stuart and Maurras and, 3:1476
689, 812, 858; 4:1737, Revett), 4:1762 misogyny and, 2:947
1929–1930, 1969, 2136; Antiquity of Man, The (Lyell), 3:1402
Poland and, 2:753
5:2432–2433 Anti-Revolutionary Party
Prague and, 4:1860, 1861
Freemasonry and, 2:877–882 (Netherlands), 3:1619; 4:2209
racial basis of, 1:71
French Directory and, 2:666 Anti-Semite’s Petition (1880), 1:71
retailing and, 2:552
Anti-Semitism, 1:71–78;
French Radicals and, 4:1929 Russia and, 1:40, 72, 75, 76, 77;
French Revolution and, 2:843, 844, 2:689; 3:1233, 1234, 1627, 1628
888, 894, 1000; 4:1717–1718 Action Française and, 1:4; 3:1476
scapegoat theory of, 1:77
Gambetta and, 2:928 Austria-Hungary and, 1:73, 75, 475;
2:689, 904; 3:1233, 1393–1395, Schnitzler’s resistance to, 4:2101
Germany and, 1:69–70, 382, 388; Simmel and, 4:2215
1526; 4:2045; 5:2520
2:966; 3:1277–1279 Treitschke and, 5:2353
blood libel and, 1:77, 462; 3:1394;
Giolitti’s abandonment of, 2:972 universities and, 5:2380, 2382, 2389
Italian university reform and, 5:2389 Vichy France and, 4:2303
Britain and, 5:2489
Italy and, 1:69, 70, 388; 3:1200 Vienna and, 1:73, 75, 77; 2:816,
Budapest and, 2:1066
Kulturkampf and, 3:1277–1279 1067; 3:1233, 1393–1395, 1418;
Catholics and, 1:73, 383
labor movements and, 5:2488–2489, 4:2045; 5:2420, 2421–2422
Chamberlain (Houston) and, 1:403,
2491 voluntary associations and, 1:119,
Napoleon and, 2:957 121
crime scapegoating and, 2:572,
nursing and, 3:1649–1650 Wagner and, 2:1067; 5:2429, 2430
Papal State and, 4:1726 Wales and, 5:2436
Czech nationalists and, 1:262, 263;
Paris Commune and, 1:68, 381; 4:1860, 1861 Weininger and, 5:2449
4:1736; 5:2488 Zionism as response to, 2:1068;
Czech worker protests and, 4:1860
Pius IX’s responses to, 4:1722, 1795 5:2519–2520
degeneracy label and, 2:636, 639,
political Catholicism and, 1:68–70, See also pogroms
388–389 antisepsis, 3:1358–1359;
Drumont and, 2:688–690
Portugal and, 4:1840, 1842 4:1743–1744, 1745
Endecja and, 2:753
Revolutions of 1830 and, antislavery movement, 1:365; 2:708;
fin de siècle anxieties and, 2:816, 4:2192–2193, 2194
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1719, Britain and, 1:18, 19, 211, 303, 365;
France and, 1:4, 5, 74–77, 97, 184, 2:1003; 5:2462–2463
185, 383; 2:540, 542, 683–686,
Roman Question and, 4:2024 Brussels Declaration and, 1:308–309
688–690, 816, 1068; 3:1233,
Rome and, 4:2037 citizenship of freed slaves and, 1:458
1338; 5:2489, 2520
Spain and, 1:68, 69, 366, 388; feminist movement and, 2:804
Francis Ferdinand and, 2:862
5:2488–2489 German Forty-Eighters and, 2:962
German nationalist movement and,
Waldeck-Rousseau and, 1:10–11, 403, 404; 2:968 Gouges and, 2:994
5:2432–2433 Lafayette and, 3:1299
German populist politics and, 1:82;
See also secularization; separation of 2:542; 3:1233 Leo XIII and, 3:1332
church and state Protestants and, 4:1896
Hamburg and, 2:1040, 1041
Anti-Corn Law League, 1:417, 490, race and, 4:1926–1927
Heine’s experience with, 2:1056
491; 2:517, 558–560, 715, 1005; Wilberforce (William) and,
4:1889 Herzl’s experience with, 2:1066,
1067, 1068; 3:1395 5:2462–2463
liberalism and, 3:1345 Anti-Socialist Law of 1878 (Germany),
Hitler and, 4:1799–1800
Manchester as base of, 3:1429, 1566 5:2473
tactics of, 2:558–559 intellectuals and, 3:1168
Anti-Socialist Law of 1886 (Austria),
‘‘Jesuit myth’’ literature’s similarity 1:11
See also Corn laws, repeal of
with, 1:70 antivivisectionism, 2:650
Anti-Dühring (Engels), 2:756;
3:1462; 4:2205 Jewish emancipation and, 1:74; Antoine, André, 3:1109
Antigone (Sophocles), Hölderlin 3:1225, 1233, 1393–1394 Antonelli, Giacomo, 4:1796, 1797
translation of, 2:1078 Jewish workers and, 5:2489 Antonelli, Giuseppe, 4:1719
Antigua, 1:364, 365 Kossuth’s campaign against, 3:1269 Antonovych, Volodymyr, 5:2371
Anti-Jacobin Review (English journal), Liebermann’s artwork and, 3:1353, Antwerp, 1:200, 202
2:537 1354 market square, 1:451

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2565

Anuvong, king of Laos, 3:1139 Palestine and, 2:598 Ruskin on, 4:2046
Anzer, Johann Baptist von, 1:292 Arago, François, 2:606, 607; St. Petersburg and, 4:2075–2079
Aoki-Kimberley Treaty (1894), 3:1212 4:1770–1771, 1780, 1963 Schinkel and, 4:2091–2094
Apache (people), 2:575 Aragon, 1:379 Trieste and, 5:2354
Apaches (avant-garde group), 4:1944 Arana, Sabino, 4:2232 Vienna and, 5:2416
apaches (French street thieves), 2:575 Aranjuez, 3:1413 Viollet-le-Duc and, 4:2030;
apartment buildings, 1:453; 2:1027, Arbeiter Zeitung (socialist newspaper), 5:2422–2423
1088; 4:1857 1:11 world’s fairs and, 5:2494–2496,
Paris and, 4:1731, 1732 ‘‘Arcades Project’’ (Benjamin), 2495, 2500, 2501, 2502–2503,
aperitifs, 1:3–4 2:826–827 2505–2506
aphasia, 1:408 Arc de Triomphe (Paris), 1:270; Architecture of the Italian Renaissance,
aphid. See phylloxera 2:737; 4:1729, 2043, 2044 The (Burckhardt), 1:318
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1:156, 335; archaeology, 1:219; 4:1769; 5:2425 Architektonisches Lehrbuch (Schinkel),
2:590; 3:1214; 4:1782 Archer, Frederick Scott, 4:1770 4:2094
Apollodorus (Frazer translation), 2:873 Archer, William, 3:1107 Archivio di antropologia criminale,
Apologia pro vita sua (Newman), Archipenko, Alexander, 1:156; 2:591, psichiatria e medicina legale
3:1621 920 (journal), 3:1371
‘‘Apology of a Madman’’ (Chaadayev), architecture Arco, Marie, 1:6
1:400 art nouveau and, 1:107–114, 152, Arcot, 3:1133
Apostles (Cambridge club), 2:835; 153; 2:815 Arco-Valley, Countess von, 1:6
4:2258 Atget photographs of, 1:123–124 Arctic exploration, 2:783, 784
Apostolicae Curae (papal bull, 1896), Barcelona and, 1:183–184; 4:2232 Ardahan, 2:530; 4:2085
3:1332 ÁRebours (Huysmans), 2:632, 1104,
Barry and, 1:185–186
Apotheosis of Homer, The (Ingres), 1105
Beardsley’s influence on, 1:192
3:1165 Arena (Milan), 3:1501
Appeal on Behalf of One Half the Belgrade and, 1:206–207
Berlin and, 1:216, 217; 4:2091, Arevelk (Armenian journal), 1:90
Human Race (Thompson and Argenteuil, Les Canotiers (Manet),
Wheeler), 4:2201 2092–2094
Appeal on Behalf of Women (Thompson Brussels and, 1:307
Argenteuil-sur-Seine, 3:1535
and Wheeler), 2:803 classical Greek influence on, 4:1769
Argentina, 2:931; 3:1175
Appeal to Reason, An (Mann), 3:1435 Crystal Palace and, 2:587–588,
football (soccer) and, 2:834
Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée laws 589–590; 5:2494–2495, 2495,
immigrants to, 2:646, 747, 747
(France), 5:2477 2496, 2505–2506
meat shipments from, 2:659
Appert, Nicolas-François, 2:659; Curzon’s preservationism and,
4:1743, 2113 2:597, 598 trade and, 5:2335, 2342
Argument on Behalf of the Catholics
Apple Picking at Eragny-sur-Epte Eiffel Tower and, 2:736–738;
in Ireland (Tone), 3:1176
(Pissarro), 4:1794 5:2500, 2501, 2503, 2505
Aribau, Buenaventura Carles, 4:2232
applied psychology, 4:1909 Frederick William IV and, 2:876 Ariège region (France), 1:359
Apponyi, A. G., 2:606 futurism and, 1:157 Ariès, Philippe, 2:628
Appreciations: With an Essay on Style Gaudı́ and, 1:183–184; 2:935–938; Ariosto, 2:676
(Pater), 4:1746 4:2232 aristocracy, 1:78–87, 469–470
apprentices, 5:2486 German expressionism and, 1:154 Action Française and, 1:4–5
Apré l’Emancipation (cartoon), 2:948
Gothic and, 1:112, 185, 186; armies and, 1:94–95
Aprés-midi d’un faune, L’ (ballet),
3:1600; 4:2046; 5:2422 Austria-Hungary and, 1:81, 87, 138,
3:1642, 1643
Gothic Revival and, 4:1917–1918, 139, 140–141
April Uprising of 1876 (Bulgaria),
2030 automobile and, 1:150
1:312; 3:1688
Guimard and, 2:1026–1028 Baltic provinces and, 2:818–819
Apulia, 3:1504
aquavit, 1:34 Indo-Saracenic, 3:1135 Berlin and, 1:219
aqueducts, 3:1412; 4:1731 Istanbul and, 3:1188, 1189 Bonald and, 1:268, 269
Arabesques (Gogol), 2:988 Loos and, 3:1381–1382 bourgeoisie entry into, 1:472, 476
Arabia, 3:1420 Madrid and, 3:1413, 1413 bourgeoisie vs., 1:107, 284, 291,
Arabian Sea, 3:1482 Morris and, 3:1550 323, 470–472
Arabs Nash and, 3:1600–1602 British liberalism and, 3:1345
African trade and, 1:16 Paris and, 2:1049; 4:1731, 1732 British ruling class and, 1:86, 284
Algeria and, 1:43, 44–45, 46 photography and, 4:1772 bureaucratic careers and, 1:321, 322,
Morocco and, 3:1547 Pugin and, 4:1917–1918 323, 324
nationalism and, 3:1682 Romanticism and, 4:2026, 2030 cities and, 1:445, 446

2566 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

conservatism and, 1:81, 82, 83; armaments dueling code and, 2:695, 696
2:537, 540, 958 ammunition and, 1:99 French decline of, 1:271
Corn Laws repeal and, 2:559–560 arms race and, 2:527, 1034; 4:1697 French expectations of, 2:866
country houses and, 3:1305 battleship, 2:681, 682 French system of, 1:93–94, 95, 96,
Curzon paternalism and, 2:597 as capitalist market, 1:355–356, 357 97, 98, 99, 100–101, 271;
decline of, 1:284 Crimean War developments in, 2:580 3:1222
as degenerate, 2:636 Crystal Palace exhibition of, 2:588 Geneva Convention and, 2:952–953
dueling and, 2:694–696; 3:1472 disarmament conferences and, gymnastics and, 4:2243
education of, 2:728 2:1034 imperial setbacks and, 3:1473
Finland and, 2:819 French advances in, 2:271, 866, 869 India and, 3:1135
French counterrevolutionary Geneva Convention and, 2:953 Lafayette and, 3:1299, 1300
movement and, 2:563; 3:1388 imperialism and, 1:20; 3:1118 laissez-faire cuts in, 2:707
French Restoration and, 3:1387 innovations in, 1:355–356; 3:1507 levée en masse and, 3:1338–1340
French Revolution and, 1:78, 80–81, Krupp steelworks and, 3:1274, 1275, masculinity and, 3:1473
471; 2:840–841, 842, 843, 845, 1276 medical services and, 3:1307–1308
886, 897 manufacture of, 2:790 militarism and, 1:94
Hungary and, 3:1266 military tactics and, 1:95, 99; Montenegro and, 3:1540
intellectuals and, 3:1168 3:1506, 1507 operations and, 3:1505
Italian city-state republics and, Napoleonic tactics and, 3:1506 Ottoman reform of, 3:1420, 1612,
3:1191 naval buildup and, 2:681–683 1683, 1685
Japan and, 3:1208 progress and, 2:815 peasants and, 4:1755
landholding by, 1:78, 80–81, 83, Sepoy Mutiny and, 3:1135 Poland and, 4:1808
84–85, 469; 3:1304–13077 technology and, 2:1034 police and, 4:1814, 1817
leisure and, 3:1323, 1324 See also rifles; warfare Prussian system of, 1:94, 96, 98, 99;
Lithuania and, 3:1366 Armance (Stendhal), 4:2252 2:958, 962, 963, 964; 3:1222,
Armée nouvelle project (Jaurès), 1274, 1531–1532, 1685; 4:1900,
London and, 3:1373
3:1218 1903
manners and, 3:1438
armées révolutionnaires, 4:1951 recruitment practices for, 3:1339
Marx’s class theory on, 3:1306, 1307 Armenakan Party (Turkish Armenian), Russian system of, 1:94, 97; 2:1014,
nineteenth-century definition of, 1:92 1016–1017; 3:1280–1282
1:78, 80 Armenia, 1:87–93; 3:1217; 4:2022 Russian universal military service and,
nobility vs., 1:78, 80 genocide and, 1:2, 90, 92 2:1014
Paris and, 4:1727 Kadets and, 3:1241 shell shock and, 3:1507
Paul I’s curbs on, 4:1747, 1748 millet system and, 3:1687 structure and organization of,
peasants and, 4:1754 San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2085 1:94–96
piano proficiency and, 1:439 Stolypin and, 4:2257 technology and, 1:96, 99, 101, 217
Poland and, 1:78; 4:1806, 1807, Armenian Apostolic Church, 1:88, tobacco rations for, 5:2315
1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812 89, 90 typhus and, 2:668, 669
post-French Revolution adjustments Armenian Catholic Church, 5:2372 vaccination and, 3:1224
by, 1:457 Armenian National Constitution, 1:90 See also casualties; conscription;
Prussian reforms and, 2:1042 Armenian Question, 1:90–92 military tactics; warfare; specific
as Russian Decembrists, 3:1625 Armenian Revolutionary Federation, wars by name
Russian Great Reforms impact on, 1:89 Armory Show (New York, 1913),
2:1017 Armeno-Tatar War, 1:89 3:1474
Russian Table of Ranks and, 1:286, armies, 1:93–102 Army of the Holy Faith, 4:2187
323 Armenians in, 1:88 Army of the North, 5:2442
serf emancipation and, 1:84, 1017 Austrian deficits and, 2:866, 867 Arnason, H. H., 1:153
sociable traditions of, 1:116–117 British modernization of, Arnaud, Émile, 4:1695, 1696, 1697
utilitarians’ distrust of, 3:1510 2:1007–1008 Arndt, Ernst, 4:1826
varying meanings of, 1:78 British system of, 1:94, 95, 96, 97, Arnim, Achim von, 2:1023
Aristotle, 1:299, 465; 2:520 98, 98, 99, 100 Arnim, Bettina von, 1:316
arithematic. See mathematics cholera spread by, 2:669 Arnold, Matthew, 1:102–103, 301;
Arkwright, Richard, 3:1153; 4:2115 conservatism and, 2:540 3:1183, 1323, 1408, 1513
Arlesienne, L’ (Madame Ginoux) Cossacks and, 2:563, 564 Pater and, 4:1746
(Van Gogh), 4:1709 Dreyfus affair and, 2:683–685, 858; Stephen and, 4:2253
Armagh expulsion (1795), 3:1176 3:1216 Strachey on, 4:2259

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2567

Arnold, Philipp Friedrich, 5:2507 labor movements and, 3:1283–1284, Ashbourne, 3:1181
Arnold, Thomas, 1:102, 103; 4:2240 1286; 5:2486–2487 Ashcraft, R., 3:1514
Arnolfini Marriage Portrait liberalism and, 1:458 Ashkenazi Jews, 3:1226; 5:2519
(van Eyck), 4:1863 London and, 1:104; 3:1373–1374, Ashley, Lord. See Shaftesbury, Lord
Aron, Raymond, 3:1169 1378, 1390 Ashton, Frederick, 4:1751
Arosa, Gustave, 2:939 Luddism and, 3:1391–1392, 1411 Ashton, T. S., 3:1153
Arouet, François-Marie. See Voltaire Ashton family, 1:287
Milan and, 3:1504
Around the World in Eighty Days Asia
Owen ‘‘exchange bazaars’’ and,
(Verne), 5:2408 British civilizing mission in, 1:462
Arpiarian, Arpiar, 1:90 British imperialism in, 3:1116
Arrhenius, Svante August, 4:2113, Prussian reforms and, 2:958
radicalism and, 1:111, 459; 3:1390; cholera pandemic and, 1:436
5:2486–2487 East India Company and, 2:705
Arrow incident (1856), 3:1679
Revolutions of 1830 and, 1:457 economic growth and, 3:1149–1152
Arsenius III Črnojevič, Patriarch,
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1988, Eurasianism and, 2:771–776
arsphenamine (salvarsan), 2:736 1991 imperialism in, 1:94, 99; 2:812
art. See graphic arts; illustration; strikes and, 4:2264 indigenous elites and, 1:500
painting; sculpture; Artist, The (Rank), 4:1938 trade with, 3:1151
Art and Artist (Rank), 4:1939 art nouveau, 1:107–114, 152–153, See also Central Asia; specific countries
art collection, 2:634, 636 336 and regions by name
art criticism. See criticism, art Beardsley and, 1:109, 192 Asia (British warship), 3:1612
Art du cuisinier, L’ (Beauvilliers), Brussels and, 1:109, 109, 110, Asiatic Society of Bengal,
4:1965 112, 307 3:1133–1134
art for art’s sake, 1:109; 2:632; fin de siècle and, 2:815 Asiatic Society of Japan, 3:1210
3:1619 Guimard and, 1:109, 109; Aspasia, 2:1018
art galleries. See museums 2:1026–1028 Aspern-Essling, Battle of (1809),
art history Paris and, 4:1732 2:860
Burckhardt and, 1:315, 316, 319 Paris Exposition Universelle (1900) Aspinall, Arthur, 4:1872
fauvism and, 2:795–797 and, 5:2503, 2506 aspirin, 3:1164
museum collections and, 3:1562 Paris subways and, 4:2273; 5:2503 Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1:114–115;
positivism and, 3:1132 2:598, 730, 1012–1013; 3:1348,
poster art and, 4:1846
1369; 5:2322
Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1865 Prague and, 1:113; 2:815; 4:1858
ASRS. See Amalgamated Society of
Winckelmann and, 4:1769 Schiele and, 4:2089 Railway Servants
women and, 3:1544–1545 Vienna and, 1:112, 152–153; 2:815; Assassination of the Duc de Guise, The
Arthurian legend, 1:160 3:1530 (film), 1:442
artificial selection. See eugenics Art Nouveau, L’ (Parisian gallery), assassinations. See terrorism
artillery, 1:94, 95, 99; 2:869 1:108 Assassins, 2:687
French army and, 2:866 Art of Travel, The (Galton), 2:927 assemblies. See parliaments
military tactics and, 3:1507 Artois, comte de. See Charles X
assembly line, 5:2352
Artisan, The (French journal), 3:1285 Artois, Henri-Charles-Ferdinand-
Assembly of Jewish Notables (France,
artisans and guilds, 1:103–107; Marie Dieudonné d’. See
1806), 3:1227
4:2265; 5:2484 Chambord, comte de
Assembly of Notables (France), 2:767,
artisans and, 1:104–107 Artot, Desire, 5:2307
841–842; 3:1385, 1386
art nouveau and, 1:107–108, 153 Arts and Crafts movement, 1:109,
Assembly of the Clergy (France),
Belgium and, 1:203, 307 152, 153; 2:914
cities and, 1:444, 446 Loos critique of, 3:1381
Assheton, Edward. See Cross, Viscount
class and, 1:473, 474 Morris founding of, 3:1550; 4:1865
Assicurazioni Generali, 5:2354
Denmark and, 2:647 Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1863, 1865 assimilation
Artsruni, Grigor, 1:89
First International and, 2:824 as anti-Semitic target, 3:1233
Aryanism, 1:403; 2:769, 816
French Revolution and, 2:843; as civilizing mission, 1:462–463
Aryan Theater (Vienna), 3:1394–1395
3:1314, 1315 as French colonial policy, 2:508
Arzamas (Russian literary group),
garment making and, 4:2158 4:1919 immigrants and, 3:1114
Germany and, 1:111, 107, 459; Asante Empire, 1:13, 19 Jewish emancipation and, 3:1225,
2:960 Aschenbrandt, Theodor, 2:688 1228–1229, 1232, 1353,
guilds and, 1:111, 106, 203 Aschenbrödel (J. Strauss), 4:2261 1525
Hamburg and, 2:1040 Ashbee, Charles Robert, 1:152 Jewish homeland vs., 2:685; 5:2518,
Japan and, 3:1208 Ashbee, Henry Spenser, 4:1836 2519, 2520

2568 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

of missionaries, 3:1527–1528 Nietzsche and, 3:1629–1631 Aubry, Louis-Yves, 2:996

U.S. immigration quotas and, 2:750 Athenaeum (British journal), 4:2258 Auch Eine Philosophie der Geschichte
Association for Analytical Psychology, Athenaeum (Manchester), 1:186 zur Bildung der Menschheit
3:1240 Athenäum (German journal), 2:985; (Herder), 2:1061
Association for Free Psychoanalysis, 3:1647; 4:2094, 2097 Auckland, 3:1624
1:8 Athens, 1:125–127 Auclert, Hubertine, 1:127, 127–128;
Association for Individual Psychology, ancient democracy of, 4:1769–1770 2:650, 651
1:8 market street, 1:126 Durand viewed by, 2:697
Association for the Reform and Olympic Games and, 1:126; 3:1665, Richer and, 4:1998
Codification of International Law, 1666, 1667, 1667; 4:2246 women’s suffrage and, 4:2279, 2281
3:1175 Atkinson, George Franklin, 3:1459; Auden, W. H., 3:1256
Association for the Rights of Women, 4:2139 Au-dessus de la Mêlée (Rolland),
3:1497 Atlantic Ocean 4:2015
Association of Progresssive Womens Panama Canal and, 3:1338 Auenbrugger, Leopold, 3:1297
Groups (Berlin), 1:129 Auerstedt, Battle of (1806), 1:477;
See also transatlantic crossing;
Association of Traveling Art Exhibits, 2:901, 957; 3:1221, 1222, 1586;
transatlantic telegraph
4:1956–1957 4:1900
Atlantic slave trade, 1:13
associations, voluntary, 1:56, Augagneur, Victor, 3:1405
Berlin Conference abolishing, 1:499
115–123, 466, 467–468 Augsburg Confession, 4:1891
British abolitionists and, 1:303;
anti-Corn Law, 2:558 Augspurg, Anita, 1:128–130; 4:2280
in Baltic provinces, 2:820–821 Augusta, princess of Prussia, 1:234;
Brussels Declaration abolishing, 2:873
Catholic, 1:203, 383–384, 388, 389
1:308–309 Augusta Victoria, empress of Germany,
in Finland, 2:820, 821
to Caribbean, 1:363, 365; 2:1036 5:2467, 2468
Irish immigrant, 3:1525
France and, 2:897 Auguste Comte and Positivism (J. S.
Irish Revival, 3:1182–1183
Protestant campaign against, 4:1896 Mill), 4:1844
liberalism and, 3:1341 Atlas Mountains, 3:1547 Augustus II, king of Poland, 4:2083
libraries and, 3:1352 Atlas of Plant Geography (Schouw), Aultman-Miller Bukeye Binders and
in London, 3:1375–1376 2:649 Reapers, 1:27
male private clubs as, 1:116; 3:1471 Atlas Works, 2:792 Aupick, Jacques, 1:186
mutual aid societies and, 3:1284, atomic bomb, 2:740; 4:1781 Auric, Georges, 4:1944, 2087
1331–1332; 5:2454 atomic fission, 4:1781 Aurier, Albert, 2:939; 4:2294
in Prague, 4:1856 atomic number, 1:427 Auriol, Vincent, 3:1218
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1989 atomic theory, 1:427; 4:1780 Aurore, L’ (French newspaper), 1:480;
touring clubs as, 1:149 chemistry and, 1:424, 425–426 2:685; 5:2523–2524
for workers benefits, 3:1284 Einstein and, 2:739 Aušra (Lithuanian newspaper), 3:1366
See also cooperative movements Mach’s rejection of, 3:1409 Austen, Jane, 1:130–132, 301;
Assommoir, L’ (Zola), 5:2523 radioactivity and, 2070–2071; 2:1046; 3:1323
assumptionism, 1:69; 3:1511–1512; 2:594–595 Austerlitz (1805), 1:132–133;
4:1908 Rutherford and, 4:2070–2071 3:1592; 5:2374, 2438
Aston, Louise, 1:66; 3:1680 atomic weight, 2:595 Alexander I and, 1:37–38, 132, 133
Astrakhan, 1:436 tables of, 1:424, 425, 426, 427 Bohemian Lands and, 1:259–264
astronomy, 4:2113 atonality, 3:1245, 1437, 1572; Kutuzov and, 3:1281
Maxwell and, 3:1478 4:2101, 2102–2103, 2103 Napoleon’s gun-to-infantry ratio and,
Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1804, 1805 atoxyl, 2:736; 3:1264 3:1506
Quetelet and, 4:1921 Attack on a Potato Store in Ireland Napoleon’s victory at, 1:93,
Astruc, Zacharie, 3:1432 (engraving), 3:1179 132–133; 2:846, 875, 901, 957;
‘‘Asya’’ (Turgenev), 5:2365 Atta Troll (Heine), 2:1056 3:1586
asymmetry, 4:1743 Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation Austin, Charles, 3:1512
Atala (Chateaubriand), 1:420 (Fichte), 2:813 Australia, 1:133–137; 3:11114;
Doré illustrations, 2:676 At the Stock Exchange (Degas), 1:354 5:2411
Atatürk, Kemal, 3:1207, 1682, 1691 Attila (Verdi), 5:2406 Aborigines of, 1:133–134
Atelier, L’ (socialist journal), 5:2397 Attwood, Thomas, 1:415 Australia (British battle cruiser),
Atelier of the Artist or Real Allegory Auber, Daniel-François-Esprit, 3:1611
of Seven Years of My Artistic Life, 3:1671, 1672, 1673, 1674 Australia
The (Courbet), 2:568–569 Auberge Ganne inn (Barbizon), 1:177 British settlement colonies in, 1:351;
Atget, Eugène, 1:123–125 Au Bonheur des Dames (Zola), 1:289; 2:504, 509; 3:1115
atheism, 3:1459, 1514; 4:2030 2:548 exploration of, 2:782

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2569

football (soccer) in, 2:830 Congress of Vienna and, 2:532–534, Leipzig battle and, 3:1319
immigrants to, 2:646, 747, 747 565, 861, 958 Loos and, 3:1381–1382
immigration policies of, 1:353 Congress System and, 1:374 Lueger and, 3:1392–1395
New Zealand and, 3:1623 constitutionalism and, 1:142, 144, Mach and, 3:1408–1410
penal colonies in, 1:134; 2:505, 780 145; 2:864; 5:2510 machine breaking in, 3:1411
trade and, 2:505; 5:2335, 2336, Danish-German War and, Metternich and, 2:861; 3:1236,
2342 2:607–609, 648, 963 1491–1495
world’s fairs and, 5:2493, 2499 drinking culture of, 1:34 Milan and, 3:1501–1502
Austria. See Austria-Hungary; Dual Alliance and, 2:864, 965 monetary system of, 3:1538
Hapsburg Monarchy; Vienna dual capitals of, 1:309–312 monetary unions and, 1:171;
Austria-Hungary, 1:137–147 as Dual Monarchy (1866), 5:2525–2526
Adler, Alfred and, 1:8–10 1:144–147, 262, 309; 2:627, Montenegro and, 3:1539, 1541,
Adler, Victor and, 1:10–11 864; 3:1269 1546
Albania and, 1:33; 3:1691 dueling code in, 2:696 Münchengrätz treaty and,
alliance system and, 1:47–50; 2:526, Eastern Question and, 2:703 3:1560–1561
527, 663–664, 864 education in, 2:723, 724 as multinational empire, 2:724–725;
anti-Catholic, anti-Habsburg emigrants from, 3:1114 3:1525, 1526
movement in, 1:263 Ferdinand I and, 2:807–808 music and, 3:1571
anti-Semitism in, 1:73, 75, 475; fin de siècle mood of, 2:815 Musil and, 3:1573–1574
2:689, 904; 3:1233, 1393–1395,
football (soccer) in, 2:833, 834 Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1587
1526; 4:2045; 5:2520
foreign policy and, 1:146 Napoleonic Wars and. See under
aristocracy in, 1:81, 87, 138, 139,
140–141, 471 Francis I and, 2:860–861 French Revolutionary and
Francis Ferdinand and, 2:861–862 Napoleonic Wars
army system of, 1:94, 97; 2:866,
867; 3:1505 Francis Joseph I and, 2:961, nationalist movements and, 1:10–11,
863–865 145; 4:1993
artisans and, 1:105
Freud and, 2:903–909 Ottoman reforms and, 1:33; 3:1683
art nouveau and, 1:108, 112
gentry bureaucracy in, 1:83 Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716–1717
Austerlitz defeat of, 1:93, 132–133;
2:957; 3:1586 German alliance with, 1:239; papacy and, 4:1719, 1725
Balkans and, 1:32, 33, 49, 146, 163, 2:703–704 papal infallibility doctrine and,
164, 165, 166, 206, 207; 2:530, German Confederation leadership 4:1723
663–664, 705; 4:2149 and, 2:958, 962 Papal State and, 4:1724
banking and, 1:170, 171, 173 German unification and, 1:47, 237, police system in, 4:1814
bankruptcy threat to, 4:1990 263; 2:871, 923–924, 962, Polish partitions and, 1:376; 2:957;
Bohemian Lands and, 1:259–264; 963–964; 4:1902, 1993 4:1807, 1808, 1809, 1812, 1813,
4:1712 Greek War of Independence and, 1817, 1818, 1900, 1989; 5:2370,
2:1020 2371, 2380
Bosnia-Herzegovina occupation/
annexation by, 1:32, 49, 137, Hofmannsthal and, 2:1076–1077 post-1867 Austria and, 1:145–146
146, 207, 242, 276–277; Holy Alliance and, 2:531, 565, 1002, post-1867 Hungary and, 1:144–145
2:703–704, 864, 865; 3:1628, 1079–1081; 4:1970, 1971, 1973, Prague Slav Congress and, 1:141,
1690, 1691; 4:2045, 2067, 2069 1985, 2228; 5:2392 142; 4:1861–1863
bourgeoisie in, 1:471 Italy and. See under Habsburg press in, 4:1870
Brentano circle in, 1:298 Monarchy Protestant minority in, 4:1891, 1891
cabarets in, 1:336 Jelačić and, 3:1219–1220 Prussia and, 1:234, 237–238;
Catholic majority in, 1:377 Jewish emancipation in, 4:1899–1900, 1901, 2045;
Catholic political parties in, 3:1225–1226, 1227, 1229 5:2353, 2420, 2467, 2526
3:1393–1395 Jewish population of, 3:1229, 1524, Quadruple Alliance and, 1:374;
cholera epidemic in, 1:438; 2:669 1525–1526; 4:1808 2:662
Christian Democratic Party in, John, archduke of, 3:1235–1236 railroads and, 4:1933
4:2209 Joseph II reforms and, 1:137, Rank and, 4:1938–1939
Christian Social Party and, 3:1393 138–139 Restoration and, 4:1967, 1970,
commercial policy of, 2:512 Kafka and, 3:1242–1243 1971, 1973
Concert of Europe and, 2:524–527, labor movements in, 3:1287, 1288, Revolutions of 1820 and, 4:1980,
565 1289, 1290; 5:2489 1981, 1982
Congress of Berlin and, 1:146, 240; Lafayette’s imprisonment by, 3:1300 Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1985,
2:529, 530, 705 landed elite in, 1:469 1986

2570 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Revolutions of 1848. See under wine and, 5:2477 Boulangism and, 1:283–284
Habsburg Monarchy women legislators in, 4:2281 Carlism and, 1:366–368
Rothschilds and, 4:2040, 2041 women teachers in, 2:724 Carlsbad Decrees and, 1:368–370
Rudolf (crown prince) and, world’s fairs and, 5:2498, 2503 Catherine II and, 1:376–377
4:2044–2045 World War I and, 1:146; 2:862, 863, Chamberlain (Houston) and, 1:403
Russia and, 1:146; 2:526, 704–705, 865, 968–969; 3:1203 Charles X and, 1:412–413
1081; 4:1995, 2054, 2067, 2070; Young Czechs and Old Czechs and, civil society vs., 1:466–467
5:2392 5:2510–2511 Committee of Public Safety and,
San Stefano Treaty and, 2:703; See also Austro-Prussian War; 2:665, 892
4:2069, 2086 Budapest; Crimean War; Franco- Comte and, 2:523–524
Schiele and, 4:2089–2091; 5:2421 Austrian War; French Francis Ferdinand and, 2:862
Schnitzler, 4:2100–2101; 5:2421 Revolutionary Wars and Jacobins and, 2:665, 892
Schoenberg and, 4:2101–2103; Napoleonic Wars; Habsburg
Napoleon III and, 2:567
5:2421 Monarchy; Hungary; Vienna
Nicholas II and, 2:862; 3:1627,
Schubert and, 4:2106–2107 Austrian Christian Social Party. See
Second International and, 4:2127, Christian Social Party
Austrian German Nationalism, 1:10, papal infallibility and, 1:382
2128 peasant life and, 4:1756
Semmelweiss and, 4:2134–2135 political Catholicism and, 1:389
Austrian National Bank, 1:170
Serbia and, 1:146, 166, 206, 207, politically motivated migration from,
Austrian Netherlands, 4:2187
242, 243, 277; 2:663, 704–705, 3:1113
See also Belgium
862, 863, 865; 3:1247, 1546; as secret society response, 1:361
Austrian Peace Society, 4:2282
4:1994, 2146–2149
Austro-German Dual Alliance of 1879, William II and, 2:862
serfdom abolished in, 4:1754 4:2086 Autobiography (Darwin), 3:1426
slave trade and, 1:13, 308 Austro-Hungarian Compromise of Autobiography (J. S. Mill), 3:1508,
sports in, 4:2242, 2243 1867, 4:2018; 5:2356, 2388, 1509, 1512, 1514
Strauss (Johann) and, 4:2259–2261; 2510–2511 autochrome color process,
5:2420 Austromarxism, 5:2421 3:1397–1398; 4:1774
strikes in, 4:2268 Austro-Prussian War (1866), 1:96, autocracy. See authoritarianism
subway in, 4:2272 144, 147–148; 2:963–964; Auto-Emanzipation (Pinsker), 5:2520
suffrage in, 1:145; 4:2279, 2281; 5:2526 automobile, 1:148–151; 2:576,
5:2421 Austrian defeat in, 2:864; 3:1269 602, 793
Suttner and, 4:2281–2282 Bismarck and, 1:235, 236, 237–238; Lyon production of, 3:1405
Talleyrand and, 5:2304, 2305 2:662, 963–964; 4:1902 mass production and, 3:1162
Bohemian Lands and, 1:147–148, microinventions for, 3:1161
telephone service in, 5:2308
262; 2:963–964 progress and, 2:815
temperance movement and, 1:36
cholera epidemic and, 2:669 racing and, 3:1325
Three Emperors’ League and, 2:703;
3:1690 Frederick III and, 2:874 rubber tires and, 3:1336
Geneva Convention and, 4:1949 tourism and, 5:2326, 2330–2331
tobacco and, 5:2313
German unification and, 2:963–964 as transportation, 5:2351–2352
trade and, 5:2336, 2337
Louis II and, 3:1383 automobile clubs, 5:2330
Trieste and, 4:2004; 5:2354–2356,
Moltke and, 3:1532 autos-da-fé, 4:1968
outcomes of, 1:262, 393; 2:567, autotype, 4:1773
Triple Alliance and, 1:48, 166, 239; Autumn Leaves (Millais), 4:1864
2:526, 965; 3:1200; 4:2017 662, 853, 867; 3:1199, 1538
Prague’s support for Austrian in, Aux Trois Frères Provençaux (Paris
Ukraine and, 5:2371–2373 restaurant), 4:1966
universities in, 2:728; 5:2380, avant-garde, 1:151–158
Prussian military technology and,
2383–2384, 2387–2388 absinthe and, 1:2–4
1:217; 3:1505–1507
urban development and, 1:452 Apaches and, 4:1944
Schleswig-Holstein and, 2:648;
utilitarianism and, 5:2393 4:1902 art nouveau and, 1:107, 109,
Venice and, 3:1597; 4:1994–1995, William I and, 5:2467 152–153
2004; 5:2355, 2356, 2402–2404 Austro-Slavism, 4:1860 Beardsley and, 1:109, 191–192, 193
voluntary associations in, 1:117, 118, Austro-Turkish War (1788–1791), Bergson’s influence on, 1:214
119 3:1247; 4:2142 Berlin and, 1:220
Weininger and, 5:2448–2449 authoritarianism Brussels and, 1:307
welfare initiatives in, 1:357; 5:2452 Bolsheviks and, 3:1488 cabarets and, 1:335, 336
William II and, 5:2469 Bonapartism and, 1:269, 271 Cézanne and, 1:398–399

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2571

cubism and, 1:156, 157; 2:590–593 Ayacucho, Battle of (1824), 4:2229 Baekeland, Leo Hendrik, 3:1160
defining characteristics of, Azef, Evno, 4:2211 Baer, Karl Ernst von, 4:2234
1:151–152 Azeglio, Massimo Taparelli, marchese Bagehot, Eliza Wilson, 1:160
Diaghilev and, 2:655 d’, 1:391; 2:930; 3:1194; Bagehot, Thomas Watson, 1:160
4:1786–1787 Bagehot, Walter, 1:160–161
fin de siècle and, 2:815
Azerbaijan, 3:1207 Baghdad Railway, 1:49
futurism and, 1:156–158; Azores, 4:1839 Bagot, Richard, 3:1621
2:915–921 Azorin (José Martı́nez Ruı́z), 2:950, Bagration, Peter, 1:132, 272, 273
Gauguin and, 1:152, 154; 2:941 951 Bahadur Shah II, 3:1135; 4:2138,
German expressionism and, ‘‘Azosoyuz’’ (Khlebnikov), 2:774 2140
1:154–156, 157 Azov, Sea of, 1:243; 2:579 Bahr, Hermann, 2:1067
impressionism and, 1:152; 4:1701 Azuaga, 1:379 Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 2:653
Jarry and, 3:1214 Bailly, Jean-Sylvain, 3:1443
Kandinsky and, 3:1243–1246 Bain, Alexander, 3:1514; 4:1907
Lasker-Schüler and, 3:1309–1310 n Bain, Le (Manet), 3:1432–1433
Loos and, 3:1381–1382 Bainville, Jacques, 1:5
B Bairoch, Paul, 2:514; 5:2338–2339
Meyerhold and, 3:1496
painting and, 4:1701, 1706–1711 ‘‘Baa Baa, Black Sheep’’ (Kipling), Bajer, Frederik, 4:1697
3:1256 Baju, Anatole, 2:632
Picasso and, 4:1781–1784
Baader, Franz von, 2:1080; 4:2088 Bakelite, 3:1160
poster art and, 4:1846
Babcock, William, 1:177 Baker, Josephine, 1382
primitivism and, 1:156; 4:1874 Babeuf, François-Noël (‘‘Gracchus’’), Bakst, Léon, 1:192, 336; 4:2181
Ravel and, 4:1944 2:520, 521, 665, 845; Diaghilev and, 2:654, 655
Repin and, 4:1958 4:2129–2130, 2200 Baku, 2:742
Satie and, 4:2086–2087 Babinski, Joseph, 1:410 Bakunin, Mikhail, 1:161–163; 2:990;
Stravinsky and, 3:1573; Babouviste theory, 4:2131 3:1170; 4:1941
4:2262–2263 Bach, Alexander von, 3:1220; 4:1856 anarchism and, 1:56, 57, 58, 60, 61,
symbolism and, 4:2295 Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 3:1489 62; 3:1272, 1293; 4:1755
Toulouse-Lautrec and, 5:2324 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1:294; as Belinsky influence, 1:207
3:1419, 1570; 5:2430
Van Gogh and, 5:2400 First International and, 1:162;
Baciocchi, Felice and Elisa, 4:1698
Wagner and, 3:1675 2:824, 825, 1025; 3:1289
Back to Methuselah (Shaw),
Zola and, 5:2522 Herzen’s views and, 2:1064, 1065,
Á Vau-leau (Huysmans), 2:1104 1066
Bacon, Francis, 2:1064; 3:1422;
Avé-Lallement, Friedrich, 2:572 4:1779, 2110 International Workingmen’s
Avene de l’Opéra (Paris), 2:1049 Bacon, Reginald, 2:682 Association and, 4:2205
Avenir, L’ (French Catholic bacteriology, 1:438; 3:1164 Kropotkin as successor to, 3:1272
newspaper), 1:381, 387; 4:1718 Koch and, 3:1262–1263; 4:1914 Malatesta and, 3:1424
Avenir de la science, L’ (Renan), Pasteur and, 4:1742–1745 Nechayev and, 1:162; 3:1613
4:1953, 2133 as People’s Will influence, 4:1767
public health and, 4:1914
Avenir des femmes, L’ (French feminist as populist influence, 4:1831
See also germ theory of disease
journal), 1:127; 4:1998 Prague Slav Congress and, 4:1862
badaud vs. flâneur, 2:826
Avenir movement, 4:1718–1719 Revolutions of 1848 and, 1:161;
Baden, 1:236, 369; 4:1995
Aventures d’Arthur Gordon Pym, Les 2:961
liberalism and, 3:1346
(Baudelaire), 1:188
List as U.S. consul in, 3:1357 rivalry with Marx of, 1:161, 162;
Avenue (Budapest). See Andrássy
marriage bond and, 3:1453 3:1289, 1424
Napoleon and, 2:957 Schelling and, 4:2088
Avenue de l’Opera (Paris), 2:1048,
Prussia and, 2:867, 964; 4:1901 secularization and, 4:2133
Avenue de l’Opéra: Sunshine, Winter written constitution of, 1:457; 2:959 Spanish labor movement and, 4:2299
Morning (Pissarro), 4:1793, 1794 Baden-Baden, 5:2327 as Westernizer, 5:2459, 2460
Avenue Theatre, 1:192 Badeni, Kasimir Felix, 1:262; 4:1860, Young Hegelians and, 5:2513
Avèze, marquis d’, 5:2493 1861 Balaganchik (Blok), Meyerhold staging
Avignon, 3:1513, 1514 Badeni affair, 5:2421 of, 3:1496
Awadh, 3:1133, 1134 Badeni language ordinances (1897), Balakirev, Mily, 2:980; 3:1571, 1575;
Awakening Conscience, The (Hunt), 2:865 4:1999, 2000
4:1864 Baden-Powell, Robert, 1:159–160 Balaklava, 1:244
Axelrod, Pavel, 1:264, 265; 3:1488 Baedeker, Karl, 5:2329, 2330 Balaklava, Battle of (1854), 1:95;
axons, 1:342 Baedeker’s guidebooks, 4:1824 2:578

2572 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

balance of power Orthodox merchant class and, Ball at the Moulin de la Galette
Bismarck’s destruction of, 2:853, 3:1684 (Renoir), 4:1955
964 Ottoman Empire and, 1:2; Ballesteros, Francisco, 4:2228
Chinese-British trade and, 3:1678 3:1188–1189, 1420, 1682, ballet
Concert of Europe paradigm vs., 1683–1691 avant-garde, 1:154
2:524, 526 population of, 3:1682 Dega’s images of, 2:633, 634, 635;
Concert of Europe’s decline and, railroads and, 4:1933 4:1708
2:663 Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1985 Diaghilev and, 2:654, 655; 4:1876,
Congress of Vienna’s maintenance of, Romania and, 4:2017 2077
1:374, 457; 2:532; 3:1482 Russia and, 1:163, 165, 166, 276; as French grand opera component,
Crimean War and, 2:580 2:663–664; 3:1690 3:1671
Franco-Prussian War and, 2:867 Russo-Turkish War and, Nijinsky and, 3:1642–1643
Mediterranean and, 3:1613 4:2067–2068 Pavlova and, 4:1749–1751, 1750
Mehmet Ali’s conquests and, 2:732 San Stefano Treaty and, 2:703; primitivism and, 4:1876
Metternich and, 3:1492, 1493, 1494 4:2085–2086 Ravel and, 4:1945
San Stefano Treaty and, 1:12; Serbia and, 3:1683–1684; 4:2145, St. Petersburg and, 4:2077
4:2085–2086 2146, 2149 Satie and, 4:2087
Balard, Jérôme, 4:1743 trialism and, 2:862 set design for, 1:192
Balbo, Cesare, 1:390; 4:1786 universities and, 5:2387–2388 Stravinsky and, 4:2261–2262
Balcome, Florence, 5:2464 See also Balkan Wars; Eastern Tchaikovsky and, 5:2307
Balcony Room (Menzel), 3:1489 Question Ballets Russes, 1:192; 2:655; 4:1876
‘‘Balder Dead’’ (Arnold), 1:102 Balkan Wars, 1:163–166; 2:527, Nijinsky and, 3:1642, 1642, 1643
Baldus, Édouard, 4:1771–1772 704–705; 3:1628, 1690, 1691
Ravel and, 4:1944
Baldwin, Stanley, 3:1256 Adrianpole and, 1:12–13, 163
Satie and, 4:2087
Balentics, Imre, 2:575 Albania and, 1:33, 33; 3:1691
Stravinsky and, 4:2261–2262
Balfour, Arthur, 1:80, 405; 2:798; Armenians and, 1:89, 92
Ballets Suédois, 4:2087
5:2322, 2445 Belgrade and, 1:207
Ballin, Albert, 5:2470
Irish policy and, 2:1011; 3:1181 Bulgaria and, 1:313 Balliol College (Oxford), 1:102
Balfour Declaration (1917), 5:2521 combatants of, 1:2, 32–33 Ballo in maschera, Un (Verdi), 3:1678;
Balicki, Zygmunt, 2:752 consequences of, 1:2, 32–33, 146, 5:2406
Balkan Alliance (1912), 1:207 165–166, 313; 2:663, 705 balloons, 1:30; 3:1153
Balkan League, 1:32, 33, 163, 313; first Balkan War, 1:12, 163–164,
2:704–705; 3:1546; 4:2149 Franco-Prussian War and, 2:868;
166, 207; 3:1541 3:1578
Balkans, 4:2165 Francis Ferdinand and, 2:862
alliance system and, 1:48, 146; 2:964 Nadar and, 3:1578
Francis Joseph and, 2:865 Ball Souper, The (Menzel), 3:1490
Armenians in, 1:87 Germany and, 5:2312 Balluriau, Paul, 2:1085
Austria-Hungary and, 1:146; Greece and, 1:2, 13, 163–166; Balmont, Konstantin, 4:2181–2182
2:703–704 2:704, 1022, 1022; 3:1541, Balsar, Battle of (1764), 2:706
Austro-Russian rivalry in, 3:1690 1685, 1691; 4:2149 Baltard, Victor, 2:1049
Belgrade and, 1:205–207 Jaurés’s view of, 3:1217 Balthazar Castiglione (Raphael),
Bismarck and, 1:239, 240; 2:965 Montenegro and, 3:1541 Matisse copy of, 3:1474
Black Hand and, 1:242–243 Ottoman losses in, 3:1190, 1546 Baltic provinces. See Finland and the
conference diplomacy and, 2:662 Red Cross and, 4:1949 Baltic provinces
Congress of Berlin and, 2:530–531 Baltic Sea
second, 1:13, 164–165, 166, 313;
Eastern Crisis (1875–1878) and, 3:1541; 4:2149 British fleet and, 3:1615
2:674, 703; 3:1687–1690 Serbia and, 1:2, 13, 146, 163–166, Crimean War and, 2:577
Germany and, 2:968 313; 2:704; 3:154, 1691; 4:2146, Lithuania and, 3:1365
Greek shipping and, 2:1018 2149 Schleswig-Holstein and, 2:648
Greek War of Independence and, young refugees from, 1:165 Baltic states. See Finland and the Baltic
3:1685 Young Turks and, 1:92 provinces
Illyrian movement and, 2:924, 925 Balla, Giacomo, 1:157; 2:917, 920 Balzac, Honoré de, 1:166–169, 167,
migration and, 2:748; 3:1109–1110, Ballad of Reading Gaol, The (Wilde), 270, 472; 2:827; 3:1577; 4:2253;
1113 5:2466 5:2314, 2395
nationalism and, 1:2, 163, 166; ballads, 4:2123 Doré illustrations for, 2:676
2:663, 705, 704–705, 1018; Ballantyne, John and James, 4:2123 Dostoyevsky and, 2:678
3:1420, 1685, 1690 ballasite, 3:1644 peasant novels of, 4:1756

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2573

realism and, 2:830 Jews and, 3:1228, 1231 anticlerical riots in, 1:69, 180–181
Rodin’s statue of, 4:2009 joint-stock banking and, 1:171–173, architecture in, 1:112, 183–184;
Sand and, 4:2084 174, 175–176, 216–217; 2:960; 2:935–938; 4:1826, 2232
Banca Roma. See Bank of Rome 4:2040 art nouveau and, 1:112
Bandiera, Attilio and Emilio, 3:1255; London and, 3:1374 cabarets and, 1:335
4:2002; 5:2403 Lyon and, 1:174, 175; 3:1405 class warfare in, 1:181–182, 183
banditry, 2:571, 573, 576; 3:1598; Milan and, 3:1195, 1503 Gaudı́ and, 2:935–938; 4:1826
4:2004 Naples and, 3:1582 international exhibitions and, 5:2499
culture of, 4:1821 Napoleon and, 1:170; 2:846; 3:1586 Peninsular War and, 4:1764, 1765
Piedmont-Savoy and, 4:1786 railroad construction and, 4:1933 Picasso and, 4:1781
southern Italy and, 3:1195, 1199, Rothschilds and, 4:2039–2041 population of, 1:181, 182
1414–1416, 1424 Russia and, 2:1014, 1016; 4:2257 Semana Trágica and, 4:2231; 5:2488
banishment, 2:779 Serbia and, 4:2147 textile industry in, 1:180, 357
Bank für Handel und Industrie zu See also monetary unions; Zollverein urban development and, 1:181, 182,
Darmstadt, 1:175 Banks of Marne at Chennevières, The 452; 2:935
Bank Holiday Act of 1870 (Britain), (Pissarro), 4:1792–1793 Barcelona Football Club, 4:2244
1:288 banlieues, 4:1732; 5:2484–2485 Barcelona Process, 3:1481
Banking School theory, 3:1510 Bannerman, Henry Campbell, 1:469 Barcelona School of Architecture,
Bank of Belgium, 1:174, 493 Banque de Belgique. See Bank of 2:935
Bank of England, 1:161, 170, 172, Belgium Barclay, Robert, 5:2440
173 Banque de France. See Bank of France Barclay de Tolly, Mikhail, 1:272;
gold standard and, 1:353 banquet campaigns, 4:1990 2:819; 3:1321, 1322
Peel and, 4:1758, 1759 Bantu (people), 4:2219 Bardell v. Pickwick (Dickens), 3:1646
Bank of France, 1:170, 171, 174; Banville, Theodore de, 2:1103–1104 Bardley, Mary Anne, 3:1602
2:846; 3:1398, 1586; 4:1737 baptism, 1:380 Bardo, Treaty of (1881), 5:2363
Bank of Ireland, 1:172; 2:692 Baptist Missionary Society, 3:1527; Barère, Bertrand, 2:894
Bank of Italy, 1:171 4:1895 Bargaining in Europe (Marsh), 2:516
Bank of Prussia, 1:171 Baptists, 2:1002; 4:1891, 1894, 1897 Barge Haulers on the Volga (Repin),
Bank of Rome, 2:971 Christian Socialism and, 4:2208 4:1956, 1957
Bank of Sicily, 3:1417 Baptist War (1831), 1:365 barges, 5:2347, 2348, 2350
Bank of the Netherlands, 1:53 Bara, Joseph, 4:1960 Bargue, Charles, 5:2400
Bank of the People, 4:1899 Baratieri, Oreste, 1:8 Bari, 3:1581
Banks, Joseph, 3:1223 Bar at the Folies-Bergère, A (Manet), Baring, Alexander, 3:1374
Banks, Robert. See Liverpool, Lord 3:1433, 1434; 4:1845 Baring, Evelyn. See Cromer, Lord
Barbados, 1:364, 365 Baring crisis (1890), 1:135
banks and banking, 1:170–176;
Barbaroux, Charles-Jean-Marie, 2:973, Barings, 4:2040
974 Barlach, Ernst, 1:154
Amsterdam and, 1:53
Barbère, Bertrand, 4:1763 Barnaby Rudge (Dickens), 2:656
anti-Semitism and, 1:77 Barnave, Antoine-Pierre-Joseph-Marie,
aristocracy and, 1:83–84 Barber of Seville, The (Rossini), 3:1572,
1670; 4:2038, 2039 1:471; 2:611
Bagehot study of, 1:161 Barnetche, Eugénie, 4:2086
Barbès, Armand, 4:2131
Barcelona and, 1:182 Barnett, Samuel Augustus and
Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules-Amedee,
Belgium and, 1:174; 3:1335 Henrietta, 3:1376
1:187; 2:633
Berlin and, 1:176, 216–217 Barney, Natalie, 2:1084
Barbier, Paul Jules, 1:229
bourgeoisie and, 1:284, 470, 471 Barnum, P. T., 3:1566
Barbier de La Serre, Charles, 1:296, 297
branch networks and, 1:171 Baroja, Pı́o de, 2:950; 4:2232
Barbiere di Siviglia, Il (Rossini),
cities and, 1:445 Baroness Germaine de Staël (Isabey),
3:1572, 1670; 4:2038, 2039
crime and, 2:571 Barbizon painters, 1:176–180; 2:562,
Baronian, Hagop, 1:90
foreign investments and, 1:353–354 939; 3:1126, 1353
Baron Munchausen (Doré
German industrialist financing by, landscapes and, 4:1954
illustrations), 2:676
1:355; 2:960 Millet and, 3:1515, 1516 Barons, Krišjanis, 2:820
Germany and, 1:175, 176; 2:965 as Pissarro influence, 4:1792 baroque style, 4:2076; 5:2416
gold standard and, 1:353, 357; Romanticism and, 1:176, 178; Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 1:156
3:1537 4:1702, 1705 Barrack-Room Ballads (Kipling),
investment banking and, 1:174–175 Van Gogh and, 5:2399, 2400 3:1256
Italy and, 2:583, 609, 971; Barbus (French artist group), 1:191 Barras, Paul de, 2:664, 894
4:2036–2037 Barcelona, 1:180–184 Barrès, Maurice, 1:184–185; 2:858

2574 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

barricades, 2:1047, 1048; 4:1731, baths, therapeutic, 4:2124, 2125, Bavaria, 1:236, 369; 4:1987, 1995
1735, 1736, 1960, 1963, 1990 2126; 5:2327, 2328 Austro-Prussian War and, 3:1383
Barrow-in-Furness (England), 1:84 Batllo, Josep, 1:183 as German Confederation state,
Barruel, Augustin de, 2:881 Battaglia di Legnano, La (Verdi), 2:958–959
Barry, Charles, 1:185–186; 4:1917, 3:1672 Louis II and, 3:1382–1384
1918, 2030 battalion (military unit), 1:94, 99 Napoleon and, 2:957
Barry, Edward Middleton, 1:186 Battambang, 3:1142
Napoleonic Wars and, 2:901, 902
Bartered Bride, The (Smetana), 3:1673 Batthyány, Lajos, 3:1220, 1267, 1268
papal infallibility and, 4:1722, 1723
Barth, Heinrich, 2:782 Battle of the Nations. See Leipzig,
poor relief and, 4:1851
Barth, Karl, 3:1252, 1253; 4:2097 Battle of
Bartholdi, Auguste, 5:2499 Battle of Trafalgar, The (Callow), Prussia and, 2:867, 964; 4:1901
Barthou, Jean-Louis, 2:857 5:2345 Revolutions of 1848 and, 2:961;
Basanavičius, Jonas, 3:1366–1367 Battleship Potemkin, The (film), 4:1976 4:1834
Basayev, Shamil, 4:2165 battleships sodomy decriminalization in, 2:1083
Basel dreadnaught, 2:681–683, 968; written constitution of, 1:457; 2:959
Burckhardt and, 1:316–317 3:1610–1611 See also Bayreuth Festival; Munich
First International Congress of 1869 German buildup of, 3:1609–1610 Bavarian Statistical Bureau, 2:571
in, 2:824–825 Batumi, 4:2085 Bayadère, La (ballet), 4:1750
Basel, Treaty of (1795), 2:900; 4:1900 Bauakademie (Berlin), 4:2093 Bayazid, 4:2085
BASF (Baden Aniline and Soda Baudelaire, Charles, 1:169, 186–188, Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechsel-
Manufacturing), 3:1160 187; 4:2008 Bank, 1:176
Basic Laws of Arithmetic (Frege), 2:883 absinthe drinking and, 1:3 Bayerische Veriensbank, 1:176
Basile, Mathieu. See Guesde, Jules bohemian circle of, 3:1577 Bayer’s aspirin, 3:1164
Basler Zeitung (German newspaper), chiffonnier character and, 3:1432 Bayes, Thomas, 4:2248
1:317 on Daumier’s drawing, 2:622 Bayeu y Subiás, Francisco, 2:997
Basque Nationalist Party, 4:2232 Bayly, Christopher, 3:1151, 1152
Decadence and, 2:632
Basque province Bayon de Libertat, François Antoine,
flâneur and, 2:826, 827
Carlism and, 1:368 5:2332
hashish use by, 2:687
Catholicism in, 1:379 bayonet tactics, 1:95
Manet friendship with, 3:1432, 1433 Bayonne, 3:1226
education and, 2:726
Matisse illustrations for, 3:1475 Bayrakdar Mustafa Pasha, 3:1420
Basque region (Spain), 4:2231, 2232
on modern painting, 3:1128, 1132, Bayreuth, Wilhelmine von, 3:1489
Basques, 2:949
1529, 1530, 1543; 4:1708 Bayreuth Circle, 5:2431
Bastiat, Frédéric, 4:1695
opium use by, 2:686 Bayreuth Festival (Bavaria), 1:403,
Bastien-Lepage, Jules, 4:1946, 2292
Bastille, fall of (1789), 2:842, poetry by, 1:187 404; 3:1567, 1571, 1674; 5:2431
886–887; 3:1300, 1385; 4:1728, realism and, 4:1946 Louis II funding of, 3:1383
1729 Russian symbolists and, 4:2181 Nietzsche’s view of, 3:1635
commemoration of, 5:2305 on Sand, 4:2085 Bazán. See Pardo Barzán, Emilia
journalists portrayal of, 4:1869 symbolism and, 4:2292, 2293 Bazard, Amand, 4:2081, 2202
Ba-ta-clan (Offenbach), 3:1661 tobacco and, 5:2314 ‘‘Bazarov’’ (Pisarev), 3:1639–1640
Batavian Republic (Netherlands), translations by, 1:187–188 Bazarovshchina. See nihilists
3:1597, 1616; 4:2186, Wagner and, 3:1675 Bazille, Jean-Frédéric, 1:177; 3:1126,
2187–2189 Baudin, Nicolas-Thomas, 2:781 1534; 4:1954
vaccination requirements, 4:2197 Baudin Trial (1868), 2:928 BCG vaccine, 5:2361
Bateau Lavoir (Montmartre building), Bauer, Bruno, 4:2203; 5:2512, 2513 BDF. See Bund Deutscher
2:590; 4:1782 Bauer, Edgar, 5:2512 Frauenvereine
Bates, Henry Walter, 5:2437 Bauer, Felice, 3:1243 beaches. See seaside resorts
Bateson, William, 2:653 Bauer, Otto, 1:11, 314 ‘‘Beach of Falesá, The’’ (Stevenson),
Bath (England), 1:288; 3:1323; Bauernfeld, Eduard, 5:2418 4:2256
5:2327 Bauhaus, 3:1246 Beaconsfield, earl of. See Disraeli,
Bather of Valpinçon, The (Ingres), Baum, Paul, 1:155 Benjamin
3:1167 Bäumer, Gertrud, 1:188–190; Beagle voyage, 2:613–614, 615,
Bathers (Renoir), 4:1955, 1956 3:1681 616–617, 616, 617, 777
Bathers, The (Cézanne), 1:398 Baumgartner, Walter, 4:2269 beards, 1:190–191
Bathers, The (Courbet), 2:568 Bautzen, Battle of (1813), 2:903; Beardsley, Aubrey, 1:109, 191–194,
bathing, 1:251, 253 3:1334 193; 4:2293; 5:2466
bathing machines, 4:2124–2125 Bava-Beccaris, Fiorenzo, 3:1504; Decadence and, 2:633
bathmetric charting, 3:1658 5:2377 fin de siécle pessimism of, 2:815

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2575

Bearers of the Burden, The (Van Gogh), Rossini and, 3:1572 Catholicism in, 1:377, 383, 387;
5:2400 Vienna and, 5:2417, 2418 3:1330, 1332
Beaton, Cecil, 1:192 Wagner and, 5:2429–2430 Catholic nationalism and, 3:1657
Béatrice et Bénedict (Berlioz), 1:225 Beethoven (Solomon), 1:199 Catholic political parties in,
Béatrix (Balzac), 1:168 Beethoven after Napoleon (Rumph), 1:388, 389
Beaucorps, Gustav de, 1:45 1:199 child labor in, 1:430
Beauharnais, Eugène de, 1:360; 2:902; Beethoven and his Nephew (E. and R. Christian Democratics in, 4:2209
3:1192; 4:2001, 2188 Sterba), 1:198–199
Beauharnais, Hortense de, 3:1590 Christian Socialism in, 4:2208, 2209
Beethoven and the Construction of coal production in, 1:201, 203, 361,
Beaumont de la Bonninière, Gustave- Genius (DeNora), 1:199
Auguste de, 5:2316 485, 486, 487, 488
Beethoven Frieze (Klimt), 3:1260
‘‘Beauty in Nature’’ (Soloviev), 4:2216 Cockerill textile machines and,
Beethoven: The Music and the Life
Beauvilliers, Antoine, 4:1965 1:492–493
(Lockwood), 1:199
Beauvoir, Simone de, 3:1169; 4:1762, Beeton’s Christmas Annual collective recognition of, 3:1173
2042, 2074 (periodical), 2:680 Congo takeover by, 1:21, 205;
Beaux-Arts style, 2:1049; 4:1731, Beggar on the Path, A (Davis), 4:1848 2:509; 3:1337
1732 beggars, 2:570; 4:1847 Congress of Vienna and, 2:533
Bebel, August, 1:111, 194–195; Beggrov, Aleksandr Karlovich, 4:2078 cooperative movements and,
2:1170; 3:1289, 1311; 4:2127 Begriffsschrift (Frege), 2:883 2:556–557
Kautsky and, 1:194; 3:1248 Behaine, Pigneau de, 3:1137–1138 emigrants from, 2:506, 747, 748
Becalmed (Huysmans), 2:1104 behaviorism, 4:1748–1749, 1908 engineering projects in, 2:757, 760;
Beccaria, Cesare, 1:376; 2:637; Behring, Adolf von, 2:735 3:1149
3:1371, 1441; 5:2393 Behrisch, Franz Wolfgang, 2:982 feminism in, 2:802
Bechtejeff, Vladimir, 1:155 Beijerinck, Martinus Willem, 2:653 First International in, 2:825
Beck, Lewis White, 2:1060 Beijing, 1:434; 3:1680
Beck, Max Vladimir, 2:862 football (soccer) in, 2:833, 834
Beijing, Convention of (1860), 3:1680
Beckedorff, Ludolf von, 1:431 France and, 1:199, 200, 201;
Beilis, Mendel, 1:77; 3:1628
Becker, Lydia, 1:332; 4:2279 2:566–567; 3:1388
Beiträge zur Analyse der
Beckerman, Michael, 2:700–701 French immigrants in, 1:201; 2:666
Empfindungen (Mach), 3:1409
Beckett, Samuel, 4:2269 Beiträge zur Optik (Goethe), 2:986 French Revolutionary and
Becquerel, Antoine-Henri, 2:594, 595; Beiträge zur Theorie der Napoleonic Wars and, 1:199, 200;
4:2070 Sinneswahrnehmung (Wundt), 2:899, 900, 903; 3:1587
Becquey, Louis, 2:757 5:2507 German invasion of, 1:99, 199,
Becquey Plan, 5:2348 Béjart, Maurice, 3:1643 205, 232
Bedborough, George, 2:745 Bekhterev, Vladimir, 4:1908 Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:137, 199
Bedchamber Crisis (1839), 1:416; Bekker, Paul, 1:295 housing and, 2:1089
4:1758; 5:2412 Belagerung von Mainz, Die (Goethe), independence of, 1:200; 2:525, 566,
Bedford, duke of (Francis Russell), 2:987 662; 3:1173, 1335; 4:1713, 1973
1:29 Belarus, 5:2369 industrialization in, 1:199, 201–202,
Bedford College (London), 3:1377 Belasco, David, 4:1916 203, 351; 2:791
Bednye lyudi (Dostoyevsky), 2:678 bel canto, 3:1671 industrial/manufacturing exhibitions
beer, 1:34, 35; 5:2475, 2476, 2477 Belfast, 2:690, 691, 1000 of, 5:2493
Bohemian Lands and, 1:260 Home Rule resistance in, 3:1183, industrial towns in, 1:445
brewer bourgeoisie and, 1:284 1184–1185
international exhibitions and, 5:2499
as drinking water alternative, 2:658 United Irishmen in, 3:1176
Jewish emancipation in, 3:1225,
Dublin brewery and, 2:691 Belgian Congo. See Congo Free State
Beer-Hofmann, Richard, 1:65; 2:1067 Belgian Democratic League, 1:204
Beernaert, Charles, 1:205 Belgian Regatta Society, 4:2244 labor movements in, 3:1290, 1291,
Beesly, Edward Spencer, 4:1844 Belgioioso, Christina Trivulzio, 2:803;
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1:195–199, 3:1300 Leopold I and, 3:1334–1336
196; 2:1078; 3:1360, 1565, Belgium, 1:199–205 Leopold II and, 1:20–21, 102,
1568, 1571; 4:2027, 2102, 2106; anticlericalism and, 1:203–204, 307, 204–205; 3:1336–1337
5:2449 389 liberalism and, 3:1342
as Dvořák influence, 2:701 Antwerp market square, 1:451 literacy in, 2:720
Klimt artwork and, 3:1260 art nouveau and, 1:107, 104, metal industry in, 1:201–202, 203;
as Mahler influence, 3:1419 108–109, 112, 152, 307 3:1149
opera and, 1:196; 3:1670 banking and, 1:174; 3:1335 Napoleonic Empire and, 1:199;
Promethean myth of, 3:1570 Catholic cooperatives in, 2:556 3:1587

2576 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Netherlands and, 1:199, 200, 201, belle epoque, 2:817 utilitarianism and, 1:210–211;
202; 2:525, 566; 3:1335; 5:2306 absinthe and, 1:2–4 5:2392, 2393–2394
population density of, 1:202 Durand and, 2:697 Benthamism. See utilitarianism
potato famine in, 1:201 Paris and, 4:1732–1733 Bentick, William Henry Cavendish. See
prostitution and, 4:1883, 1884 Belle Hélène, La (Offenbach), 3:1660 Portland, duke of
Quetelet and, 4:1921–1922 Bellelli Family, The (Degas), 1:470 Bentinck, George, 2:672–673, 1005
Belleville (Parisian suburb), 4:1735 Bentley’s Miscellany (periodical), 2:656
railroads and, 1:201, 305; 2:764;
Belleville Manifesto of 1869 Benue River, 2:783
3:1335; 4:1933, 1934, 1936,
(Gambetta), 2:928; 4:1734, Benvenuto Cellini (Berlioz), 1:225
1963; 2136 Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer, 5:2520
Revolution of 1830 and, 1:200; Benz, Carl Friedrich, 1:148; 3:1161;
2:566, 662; 3:1335, 1561, 1617; Belleville Programme. See Belleville
Manifesto of 1869 (Gambetta). 5:2351
4:1983, 1984, 1985–1986 Béranger, Pierre-Jean de, 1:270
Bellini, Vincenzo, 3:1565, 1572,
Revolution of 1848 and, 4:1987, Berberova, Nina, 4:2183
1670, 1671–1672; 4:2038
1990 Berbers, 1:43, 44, 46, 498; 3:1547
bel canto and, 3:1671
Rothschilds and, 4:2040 Berceo, Gonzalo de, 2:950
as Glinka influence, 2:979; 3:1673
Schlieffen Plan and, 4:2098 Berdyayev, Nikolai, 1:211–213;
Verdi compared with, 3:1673
seaside resorts and, 3:1324; 4:2125 3:1171; 4:2196
Belloc, Hilaire, 3:1118
Second International and, 4:2127, Berg, Alban, 3:1676; 4:2102
Belvedere Circle, 2:862 Berg, Lev, 2:775
2128 Bely, Andrei, 1:208–210, 214, 250;
socialism and, 1:199, 203, 204, 205, Bergasse, Nicholas, 3:1490
2:774; 4:2079, 2182, 2217 Berger, Fred, 3:1514
307 Benavente y Martı́nez, Jacinto, 2:950, Berger, Susanne, 4:2092
sports in, 4:2241, 2242, 2244, 2245 951; 4:2232 Bergh, Henry, 2:778
strikes in, 1:203, 204; 3:1288, 1293; Benckendorff, Alexander von, 2:819 Bergson, Henri, 1:213–215;
4:2267–2268 Benda, Julien, 3:1169, 1172; 4:1760 2:777–778; 3:1215
suffrage in, 1:203, 204; 4:2278, Benedek, Ludwig von, 1:148 as cubist influence, 2:593
2279 Benedict XV, pope, 3:1203; 4:1717, as futurist influence, 1:214; 2:918,
symbolists and, 4:2295 1721 921
telephone service in, 5:2308 Bengal, 1:436
as Péguy influence, 4:1760, 1761
tennis match in, 3:1324 East India Company and, 2:706;
on secularization, 4:2133
trade and, 5:2336, 2338 3:1133
Bergson, Jeanne, 1:213
universities and, 5:2379 partition of, 2:597; 3:1136 Berkeley, George, 1:326; 3:1409
urbanization of, 1:443 reunification of, 3:1137 Berlage, Hendrik Petrus, 1:55
waterway transport in, 5:2350 Bengal Army, 3:1135 Berlin, 1:215–220
welfare initiatives in, 5:2451, 2452, Benguela (Africa), 1:19 advertising and, 2:550
2454 Benin, 1:13 anti-Semitism in, 1:71
wine and, 5:2475 Benjamin, Walter
architecture in, 1:216, 217; 4:2091,
world’s fairs and, 5:2499, 2500, flâneur and, 2:826–827 2092–2094
2503, 2504 on Kafka, 3:1242 art nouveau in, 2:815
See also Brussels Benn, Gottfried, 3:1309, 1310 bourgeois elite in, 1:472
Belgrade, 1:205–207; 2:741 Bennett, Arnold, 4:2235
cabarets in, 1:220, 335–336; 4:2102
Bennigsen, Rudolf von, 3:1319, 1320,
population of, 1:206 as center of alliance system, 1:239
1321, 1347
Belgrand, Marie-François, 2:1049 church building in, 4:1826
Belgravia (London), 3:1373 Benois, Alexandre, 2:654, 655; 4:2181
Bensemann, Walter, 2:833–834 Cockerill wool machinery in, 1:493
Belinsky, Vissarion, 1:207–208; as commercial center, 2:551
2:1064, 1066; 3:1170; 4:2050 Benso, Camillo. See Cavour, Count
Benso, Gustavo, 1:390 counterrevolution and, 2:567
as Westernizer, 4:2195; 5:2459,
Bentham, Jeremy, 1:210–211, 371, as diplomatic capital, 2:965
401; 2:637, 717; 4:2296 electric lighting in, 2:742
Belisarius, 3:1663
homosexuality defense by, 2:1085 expressionist painters in, 1:154–155,
Bell, Alexander Graham, 3:1163;
legal principles and, 3:1314 220, 220
Mill (James) as colleague of, 3:1510 female teachers in, 2:724
Bell, Clive, 4:2258
Bell, Joseph, 2:680 as Mill (John Stuart) influence, feminism and, 1:129; 2:675–676
Bell, Richard, 3:1295 1:211; 3:1512, 1513, 1514 as financial center, 1:176, 216–217
Bell, The (newspaper), 2:1066 as O’Connell influence, 3:1654 Fontane’s novels and, 2:829
Bell, Vanessa, 2:835 poverty definition of, 4:1847–1848, French occupation of, 2:875; 4:2092
bell curve, 2:652, 770; 4:1922 1849 Friedrichstrasse, 1:218, 219

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2577

geographical society of, 2:784 slave trade ban and, 1:308–309, 499 Bertrand, Henri-Gratien, 3:1321;
German unification and, 4:1901 Berlin Court Theater, 3:1673 4:2044
growth of, 1:443 Berlin Decree (1806), 2:553, 902; Berzelius, Jöns Jakob, 1:424–425;
3:1586; 5:2438 4:2285
Hegel in, 1:215; 2:1053, 1054
Berliner Handelsgesellschaft, 1:175 Besant, Annie, 4:1829–1830
homosexual subculture of, 2:1083
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung (magazine), Beseda, 4:2055
housing in, 1:218–219; 3:1554
4:1773 Bessarabia, 2:530; 3:1420; 4:2017,
industrial/manufacturing exhibitions 2020, 2069, 2085
Berlin Movement (1880s), 1:71
in, 5:2493 Bessemer, Henry, 3:1158, 1159;
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, 1:219
Jewish cultural role in, 3:1231, 1234 4:2113, 2115; 5:2496, 2505
Berlin Potsdam Railway, Menzel
Kierkegaard in, 3:1250–1251 Bessemer converter, 1:485; 3:1157,
painting of, 3:1489
labor movements and, 3:1287, 1291 Berlin Secession, 1:154; 3:1353, 1354 1158, 1159
Lasker-Schüler in, 3:1309–1310 Berlin Society for Anthropology, Bessemer process, 4:2115
Liebermann in, 3:1353, 1354 Ethnology, and Prehistory, bestiality, 3:1270
opera and, 1:219; 3:1673 5:2425 Besy (Dostoyevsky), 2:679
population of, 1:217, 446; 2:1087 Berlin Workers’ Congress (1848), Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von,
Prussian tradition and, 1:219 3:1287 1:49, 232–233; 2:968, 969;
psychoanalysis and, 4:1905, 1906 Berlioz, Hector, 1:197, 224–226; 3:1357, 1611; 5:2312
public health measures in, 4:1914 2:979, 1046; 3:1360, 1565, 1572 Bethnal Green Republican
Glinka and, 2:980 Propagandist Society, 4:1964
railroads and, 4:1936
opium use by, 2:686 Betrothed, The (Manzoni),
Revolution of 1848 and, 1:215–216;
2:877, 961; 4:1901–1902, 1990, Romanticism and, 4:2030
Beuret, Rose, 4:2008, 2009
1993 Bernadette, Saint, 4:1788
Beuth, Peter, 1:493
salons in, 1:215, 316; 2:675 Bernadotte, house of, 4:2287
Beuzon, Joseph, 2:504
Schauspielhaus, 1:216 Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste,
1:226–227; 2:903; 3:1319, BEW electric company (Berlin), 2:742
smoking in, 5:2313 Bewick, Thomas, 4:1867
sociology and, 4:2214–2215 1320, 1321, 1322, 1431; 5:2374
Bernard, Claude, 1:227–229, 408; Beyle, Marie-Henri. See Stendhal
suburbs of, 1:217, 218–219 Beylism, 4:2253
subway in, 4:2271–2273 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche),
Bernard, Émile, 2:939; 5:2400
telephone service in, 5:2308 Bernardi, Giuseppe, 1:347 3:1631, 1635
theater in, 1, 219; 3:1109 Bernays, Martha, 2:904, 905; 4:1904 Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud),
universities and, 5:2378 Bernhardt, Maurice, 1:229 2:908
Volkspark in, 4:1740 Bernhardt, Sarah, 1:229–230, 230; beys, 5:2362
voluntary associations and, 1:117 4:1846; 5:2500 ‘‘Bezhin Meadow’’ (Turgenev),
See also University of Berlin Bernoulli, Jakob, 4:2248 5:2365
Berlin, Congress of (1878). See Bernstein, Carl and Felicie, 3:1353 Bezobrazov, A. M., 3:1628
Congress of Berlin Bernstein, Eduard, 1:230–231; Bhagavad-Gita, 1:372
Berlin, Isaiah, 2:539, 1061, 1065, 3:1248, 1328, 1399–1400; Biafra, 1:13
1066; 5:2460 4:2205, 2270 Bianchi, Antonia, 4:1699
Berlin, Treaty of (1878), 1:91, 206; Biarritz, 4:2125, 2126; 5:2328
Plekhanov tracts against, 4:1801
2:674 Biassou, Georges, 5:2332
Berny, Laure de, 1:167
Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 3:1690 Bible
Berr, Isaac, 3:1226
Bulgarian division by, 1:312 Berri, Charles Ferdinand, duc de, age of earth and, 2:615, 776;
1:361, 412; 2:847; 3:1387; 3:1401–1402
provisions of, 3:1690
4:1969 as Blake influence, 1:246
Serbian independence and, 3:1683;
4:2146 Berry, duchesse de, 4:2124 Doré illustrations and, 2:676
Berlin Academy, 2:911; 3:1354, 1533 Berry, Louis-Auguste, duc de. See higher criticism and, 2:744
Berlin Act of 1885, 1:221–223, 308; Louis XVI New Testament and, 4:1770, 2182
3:1173 Berry, Marie-Caroline de, 3:1298 Protestant primacy of, 4:1890, 1891,
Berlin Conference (1884–1885), 1:20, Bers, Sophia Andreyevna, 5:2318 1892
220–224; 3:1118 Bertani, Agostino, 3:1556 Bible Society, 4:1896
alcohol and, 1:37 Berthollet, Claude-Louis, 3:1153; Biblical Songs (Dvořák), 2:701
Bismarck and, 1:12, 221, 239; 2:812 4:2115 Bibliographie des ouvrages relatifs à
consequences of, 1:223–224, 499; Bertillon, Alphonse, 2:576–577; l’amour (Gay), 4:1836
2:795 4:1816, 1816 bibliography, 4:1836
dual goals of, 1:221–222, 223; Bertin, Jean-Victor, 2:560 Bibliotheca Germanorum Erotica
3:1173 Bertin, Rose, 1:481 (Hayn), 4:1836

2578 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand Birmingham Lunar Society, 4:2111 Congress of Berlin and, 1:312;
(Paris), 2:697 Birmingham Oratory, 3:1621 2:530, 705, 812
Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris), 3:1350 Birmingham Political Union, 1:415, conservatism and, 1:234, 237,
Bicêtre (Paris), 3:1665; 4:1791 416 238–239, 241; 2:540–540,
Bichat, Marie-François-Xavier, 1:340; Birnbaum, Nathan, 5:2518 966–997
4:1790 Birrell, Charles, 1:331; 3:1181
Danish-German War and, 2:607,
bicycles. See cycling birth control. See contraception;
608, 963; 4:1902
Bicycle Union (Britain), 2:600 population, control of
dismissal of, 1:233, 240–241; 2:526,
Biedermeier style, 5:2418 Birth of Tragedy, The (Nietzsche),
663, 967
biens nationaux, 4:1968–1969, 1970 3:1631; 4:1770; 5:2431
Biétrix de Rozières, Jacques, 2:996 birthrate domestic policies of, 1:237–239,
Big Business. See business firms and 459; 2:965
drop in, 3:1472, 1662
economic growth; corporations foreign policy of, 1:234–235,
fertility rate and, 2:645–646, 769,
Bigg, William Redmore, 4:1852 239–240; 2:526, 583, 812,
Bight of Benin, 1:13 963–965
French drop in, 2:897
Bihar, 2:706 Franco-Prussian War and, 1:235,
French pronatal policy and, 2:771
Bijoux indescrets, Les (Diderot), 4:1833 236; 2:526, 662, 868, 870, 953,
increase in (1750–1850),
Bildung, 2:947, 983, 985 964; 4:1734, 1736, 1903
bildungsroman Frederick III and, 2:874
in London, 3:1372
Goethe and, 2:985 French imperialism and, 2:812
of working class families, 3:1455
Mann and, 3:1436 German unification and, 1:233,
See also population, control of
Bill of Rights (U.S.), 3:1299 235–237, 262; 2:526, 662, 867,
bisexuality, 2:906, 1070, 1085;
Billroth, Theodor, 4:1877 874, 924, 962–967; 3:1198,
5:2375, 2449
bimetallism, 3:1538 1383, 1523, 1605; 4:1902–1903
Biskara, Nomad Camp (Beaucorps),
binders, mechanical, 1:27 Guchkov and, 3:1659
Binet, Alfred, 2:927; 4:1908, 2162 Hamburg and, 2:1040
Bismarck, Johanna Puttkamer von,
Binet, René, 2:1031; 5:2503 Kulturkampf and, 1:238, 239; 2:966;
Bing, Siegfried, 1:108 3:1277, 1279, 1331; 4:1719,
Bismarck, Malwine von, 1:233
Binny, John, 2:573 1720, 1723, 1795, 1812, 1896,
Bismarck, Otto von, 1:204, 233–242,
biochemistry, 1:426 1903
411; 4:2207
biodiversity, 2:762
alliance system and, 1:47, 48–50, Lassalle and, 3:1311
biogenetic law (Haeckel), 2:1031
146, 147, 239–240; 2:526, 663, Leo XIII and, 3:1331; 5:2473
Biographia Literaria (Coleridge),
1:497 705, 864, 964–965 liberals and, 3:1346, 1347
Biographical History of Philosophy anticlericalism and, 1:70 Louis II of Bavaria and, 3:1383
(Lewes), 4:1844 aristocratic elite and, 1:84 Mommsen and, 3:1533
Biological Museum (Stockholm), army system and, 1:94 Napoleon III and, 2:867
3:1564 assessment of career of, 1:241 nationalism and, 1:84, 237, 241, 291
Biological Standard of Living, 5:2334 Austro-Prussian War and, 1:147, Pius IX and, 4:1795
biology 148; 2:567, 669, 867, 963; Polish territory and, 4:1809, 1812
Cajal and, 1:340–342 3:1383, 1506; 4:1902 as Prussian minister-president,
Darwin and, 2:613–614, 616, 617, background and early career of, 1:235–238
618 1:233–234 Ranke and, 4:1940
degeneration and, 2:238 Berlin and, 1:217 reactionary policies of, 2:966–967
Goethe and, 2:986, 1031 Berlin Conference and, 1:12, 221, Romanies and, 4:2023
Haeckel and, 2:1031–1032 239; 2:812 as Social Democrats enemy, 1:194,
Lamarck and, 3:1301–1303 Boulanger and, 1:281–282 230
See also botany; evolution; genetics on British navy, 3:1609 socialist movement bans by, 1:36,
Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 4:1779, 1780 caricatures of, 1:236; 2:963 238–239; 2:966
birds, 2:766 Catholic political activity and, 2:966 state-sponsored social insurance and,
Birmingham Cavour compared with, 2:583; 1:291, 321, 356, 459; 2:540,
bourgeoisie in, 1:472 3:1198 966; 3:1664; 4:1854, 1915;
Chamberlain (Joseph) municipal Center Party opposition to, 1:239, 5:2450, 2453
reform in, 1:404, 405, 450 393; 2:966 suffrage and, 4:2279
Chartism and, 1:415, 416; 3:1390 as chancellor, 1:238–239 Three Emperors League and, 1:48,
football (soccer) and, 2:831 church-state relations and, 4:1896 146; 2:526, 705
population of, 1:446; 2:1087 Concert of Europe’s weakening by, Treitschke and, 5:2353, 2524–2525
technology and, 3:1153 2:662 on university students, 5:2383

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2579

Virchow and, 5:2425 secret societies and, 4:2130, Blue Ribbon movement, 1:37
William I and, 1:238–239, 240; 2131–2132 Blue Rider group. See Blaue Reiter,
2:962–963, 963; 5:2467 Blanqui, Jérôme-Adolphe, 4:1897 Der; Blaue Reiter Almanak
William II and, 5:2468, 2474 Blanqui, Louis-Auguste. See Blanqui, Blue Rose group (Moscow), 157
Auguste Blum, Léon, 3:1219
Windthorst and, 5:2472–2474
Blanquism, 4:1963 Blum, Robert Frederick, 3:1680;
Bissolati, Leonida, 2:921, 971; 5:2364
Blanquist Party, 4:2298 5:2405
Bisson Brothers, 3:1577
Blatchford, Robert, 4:2200 Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich,
Bitoria, Battle of (1813), 4:1765
Blaue Reiter, Der, 1:155, 156; 3:1245, 4:1924
Bizet, Georges, 3:1675, 1676
1309, 1530; 4:1711 Blumenstraüfse (Schlegel), 4:2095
Bizkaia por su independencia: Las
Blaue Reiter Almanak, 1:155–156; Blunt, Thomas, 4:2112
cuatro glorias patrias (Arana),
3:1245 Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar, 3:1175
Blavatsky, Helena, 3:1245; 5:2478, Blütenstaub (Novalis), 3:1647
Björkö, Treaty of (1905), 1:49
2509 B’nai Brith order, 1:119
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne, 4:2287
Bleak House (Dickens), 2:657 ‘‘B’’ notebook (Darwin), 2:614
Blacas, duc de, 1:407
Bleak House (Ruskin), 1:371 Boas, Franz, 2:774
Black, Viktor, 3:1666
bleeding (medical treatment), 1:436 Bobangi (people), 1:16
Blackamoor of Peter the Great, The
Blériot, Louis, 1:30 bobbies (British police), 4:1814
(Pushkin), 4:1919
Bleuler, Eugen, 3:1238, 1239; 4:1905 Bob Kick (film), 3:1483
blackbody radiation, 4:1780
Bleyl, Fritz, 1:154 Bobrikov, Nikolai, 2:822
Blackburn Olympic (football team),
Blincoe, Robert, 1:350, 351, 352 Bobrowska, Ewa, 2:535
blindness, Braille system and, Bobrowski, Tadeusz, 2:535
‘‘Black Cat, The’’ (Poe; Baudelaire
1:296–298; 5:2499 Boccioni, Umberto, 1:157, 214
translation), 1:188
Blithedale Romance (Hawthorne), futurism and, 2:918, 919, 919;
Black Forest, 2:763
2:838 4:1711
Black Hand, 1:242–243, 277; 2:705
Blitzstein, Marc, 4:2262 Bocconi University, 5:2389
in Serbia, 4:2132
Bloch, Jan, 2:1034; 3:1507 Böckh, August, 1:316
Black Hundreds, 4:1803
Bloch, Jean-Richard, 3:1217; 4:1698 Böcklin, Arnold, 4:2292
‘‘Black paintings’’ (Goya), 2:996, 999
blockades. See Continental System; Bodichon, Barbara Leigh (née Smith),
Blackpool, 3:1324
Crimean War 2:626, 946
Black Repartition, 4:1800;
Blok, Alexander, 1:249–250; 3:1496 body, 1:251–255
Bely and, 1:209 beards and, 1:190–191
Black Sea, 1:164, 243–244; 5:2348
Eurasians and, 2:774 Berlin fitness cult and, 1:215
Bosphorus link with, 1:277–278
Silver Age and, 4:2182, 2183 clothing and, 1:484; 2:943–944
Crimean War and, 2:577–578, 1007
Soloviev (Vladimir) and, 4:2217 criminal detection and, 2:576–577;
Mediterranean and, 1:243; 3:1482
Blondel, Maurice-Édouard, 4:2133 3:1371–1372; 4:1816
Russia and, 1:243–244, 278, 376;
Blood, Fanny, 5:2480 masculinity and, 3:1473
blood feuds, 3:1539 pornography and, 4:1833
Black Square on a White Ground
blood libel, 1:77, 462; 3:1394; 4:1802 racism and, 1:458
(Malevich), 1:158
blood sports, 3:1414; 4:1821, 2240 sexuality and, 4:2161–2164
Blackstone, William, 1:210
blood transfusion, 4:2110 sports and, 4:2239
Blackwood’s Magazine, 1:300; 2:744
‘‘Bloody Sunday’’ (Britain, 1887), woman’s control of own, 2:805
Blair, Tony, 2:976
Blake, William, 1:190, 244–246, 245; x-rays and, 4:2012
‘‘Bloody Sunday’’ (Russia, 1905),
3:1511; 4:2008 See also nudes
2:993; 3:1627; 4:1976, 1977,
Romanticism and, 4:2027, 2030 2055, 2078–2079 Boerenbond (Belgium), 1:204
as Yeats influence, 1:246; 5:2509 Bloody Week (Paris, 1871), 3:1289; Boers (Afrikaners), 1:17–18, 20;
Blanc, Charles, 5:2400 4:1736 3:1118; 4:2219–2221, 2220,
Blanc, Louis, 1:162, 247–248, 458; 2223–2224, 2225
Bloomsbury Group, 2:835;
3:1287; 4:1988, 2203 4:2258–2259 Dutch ancestry of, 3:1619
Cabet and, 1:338 Bloy, Léon, 2:1104 military tactics and, 1:99, 100, 257
cooperatives and, 1:247; 2:555 Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, Boer War, 1:20, 255–259, 258, 271,
Blanche, Jacques-Émile, 4:1710 2:903; 5:2442–2443, 2457 501; 2:526, 674, 977; 3:1610;
Blanchot, Maurice, 2:1079 Leipzig battle and, 3:1319, 1320, 4:2223; 5:2415, 2502
Blanqui, Auguste, 1:68, 248–249; 1321–1322 Australian troops in, 1:135
2:521; 4:1735, 1963 Blue Nude (Memory of Briska) Baden-Powell command in, 1:159
First International and, 2:824, 825 (Matisse), 3:1474 British brutality in, 1:257; 3:1182,
Michel and, 3:1497 Blue Nudes (Matisse), 3:1474 1259; 4:1949

2580 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

British defeats in, 3:1473 machine breaking in, 3:1411 Bernstein’s critique of, 1:231
Chamberlain (Joseph) as architect of, Mahler and, 3:1418 Bund and, 1:315
1:405 Masaryk and, 3:1468–1469 characteristics of, 3:1488
costs and outcome of, 1:258–259; Mendel and, 3:1484–1486 execution of Russian royal family by,
2:1011 Moravian villagers, 1:263 1:42
Doyle’s medical service in, 2:681 Napoleonic Wars and, 1:132; Gorky and, 2:993
Fabian’s view of, 1:787 3:1319, 1321 Guesde’s view of, 2:1026
guerrilla warfare and, 1:257; 3:1259 nationalism and, 4:1994 intelligentsia and, 3:1168, 1172
imperialism and, 1:159, 255–259; nationalist conflicts within, 2:961; Kadet condemnation of, 3:1242
3:1118, 1119 3:1605 Kuliscioff’s view of, 3:1277
Irish political parties and, 3:1182 opera and, 3:1673 Lenin and, 1:249; 2:522; 3:1326,
jingoism and, 3:1234–1235, 1624 Palacký and, 4:1711–1712 1327–1329, 1488
Kipling and, 3:1257 Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716–1717 Luxemburg’s critique of, 3:1401
Kitchener and, 3:1258, 1259 papal infallibility and, 4:1723 Menshevik split with, 1:265, 266,
Lloyd George’s critique of, 3:1369 population of, 1:259 267, 317; 3:1328, 1329, 1460,
Majuba Hill and, 3:1422–1423 1487–1488; 4:1801
Prague Slav Congress and,
military tactics and, 1:99, 100, 257; 4:1861–1863 Milyukov’s opposition to, 3:1518,
3:1259 1520
Prussia and, 1:85; 2:963; 4:1899,
military technologies and, 3:1507 1900, 1901 nihilist writings and, 3:1641
Netherlands and, 3:1619 Plekhanov’s opposition to, 4:1801
railroads and, 4:1933
New Zealand troops in, 3:1624 Revolution of 1905 and, 4:1974,
Revolution of 1848 and, 1:141;
origins of, 1:255–257 1976
2:961; 4:1712, 1859–1860
Red Cross and, 4:1949 Russian Orthodox Church and,
Rothschilds and, 4:2040
Rhodes and, 4:1997 4:2060, 2063
Silesian weaver uprising in, 4:1990
Bofarull i de Brocà, 1:182 St. Petersburg and, 4:2077, 2079
Social Democrats and, 1:11
Bogdanov, Alexander, 1:267 socialist revolutionaries and, 4:2049,
Bogolyubov, Arkhip, 5:2517 socialist party strength in, 3:1293 2211
Bogrov, Dmitri, 4:2257 universities in, 5:2380 Struve and, 4:2271
Bohème, La (Puccini), 3:1677; 4:1916; voluntary associations and, 1:118 syndicalists and, 1:62
5:2360 Young Czechs and Old Czechs and, working class and, 5:2485
Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia, 5:2510–2511
See also Revolution of 1917
1:259–264 See also Prague Bolshoi (Moscow), 2:655
anti-Semitism and, 4:1860, 1861 Bohemian Compromise (1890), Boltzmann, Ludwig, 2:652; 4:1799,
art nouveau and, 1:113–114; 2:815 2:865; 4:1859 1922
Austrian Habsburgs and, 1:137, 139, Bohemian Diet (Prague), 1:262 Bombay Lancers, 1:98
141–142, 145; 2:259–264, 864, bohemian lifestyle, 2:815; bombing. See terrorism
865; 4:1712 3:1577–1578, 1619; 4:1905 Bonald, Louis de, 1:268–269, 387;
Austro-Prussian War and, Böhme, Jakob, 2:1080 3:1405
1:147–148, 262; 2:963–964 Böhmer, Caroline, 4:2095
conservatism and, 2:537
coronation jewels and, 4:1860 Bohr, Niels, 4:2070
counterrevolutionism and, 2:566;
Czech-German violence in, Boieldieu, François-Adrien, 3:1673
1:262–263 Boieldieu Bridge, Rouen, Damp
as French Revolution critic, 4:2133
Czech independence and, Weather, The (Pissarro), 4:1794
Bois de Boulogne (Paris), 2:1049; Restoration and, 4:1968
1:263–264; 3:1469
4:1731, 1732, 1739 Saint-Simon and, 4:2081
Czech national revival and,
Bois de Vincennes (Paris), 4:1731, ultramontism and, 1:381
1:261–264, 447; 3:1469;
1739 Bonaparte, Carlo, 3:1583
4:1711–1712, 1716, 1856–1863
Boissonade, Gustave, 3:1210 Bonaparte, Caroline, 4:2188
Dvořák and, 2:700–701 Bonaparte, Eugene, 2:856
Bojsen, Frede, 2:648
education in, 1:261, 262; 2:723 Bonaparte, Jérôme, 2:957; 3:1599
Boldini, Giovanni, 2:1082; 4:1710
electricity in, 2:741 Bonaparte, Joseph, 2:902, 997;
Bolero (Ravel), 4:1945
emigrants from, 1:119; 3:1525 Bolingbroke, Viscount, 1:326 3:1192, 1254, 1599; 4:2001,
German nationalism and, 2:961 Bolı́var, Simon, 2:1037, 1096 2188
German unification and, 4:1993, Bolivia, 2:687 Spanish throne and, 4:1764, 2226,
1994 Bologna, 3:1581; 4:1723, 1724, 1985 2227–2228
industrialization in, 1:259–261, 351 Bolsheviks, 1:264–268; 4:1768, Bonaparte, Louis, 3:1254, 1590;
labor movements in, 3:1287, 1288 2270; 5:2364 4:2188, 2189

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2581

Bonaparte, Louis-Napoleon. See bordello, 4:1885 Botanical Gardens (Brussels), 1:395

Napoleon III Borges, Jorge Louis, 3:1256 botany
Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I Borghese, Camillo, 1:390 Darwin and, 2:613
Bonaparte, Napoleon-Louis, 3:1590 Borghese family, 4:2035 Denmark and, 2:649
Bonaparte, Pauline, 1:390 Boris, prince of Bulgaria, 1:313 de Vries and, 2:652–653
Bonaparte family, 3:1587 Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky), 2:654; genetics and, 2:652–653
Bonapartism, 1:5, 269–272 3:1575–1576, 1674; 4:1919,
Goethe and, 2:986
Boulangists and, 1:269, 279, 282 1999
Humbold (Alexander) and,
bureaucracy and, 1:269, 321–322 Boris Godunov (Pushkin), 4:1919
2:1095–1096, 1097
conservatism and, 2:537 Born, Stephen, 3:1287
Börne, Ludwig, 1:370 Lamarck and, 3:1301
Eiffel Tower and, 2:737
Bornholm, 2:647 Mendel and, 2:652, 653; 3:1484,
Franco-Prussian War and, 2:853–854
Born in Exile (Gissing), 2:975 1485–1486
Haussmann and, 2:1047 Botany Bay (Australia), 2:780
Napoleon III and, 3:1590–1593 Borodin, Alexander, 2:774; 3:1571,
1575; 4:1999 Botev, Khristo, 3:1687
peasant antiliberalism and, 4:1756 Botha, Louis, 1:258; 4:2224
Borodino (1812), 1:272–273; 2:902;
Third Republic and, 2:856, 858 Bottle, The (Cruikshank), 2:586–587
Bonar Law, Andrew, 2:598; 3:1184 Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar,
Bonfils, Henry Joseph François, Kutuzov and, 3:1281
and Newspaper (Picasso), 2:591
3:1175 Napoleon’s gun/infantry ratio and,
Bouchot, Frederic, 3:1454
Bonham Carter, Hilary, 3:1637 3:1506
Boucicault, Aristide, 1:289, 484
Bonheur, Rosa, 2:1084; 4:2117 Borromäus Verein, 3:1352
Boudin, Eugène, 3:1534
Bonington, Richard Parkes, 5:2403 Borrow, George Henry, 4:2023
Bouffes-Parisiens theater, 3:1661,
Bon Marché, Le (Paris), 1:288–289, Borsig, August, 1:217; 2:960; 4:1936
484; 2:548 Bosch, Carl, 3:1160; 4:2109
Bouguereau, Adolphe-William, 2:940;
Bonnard, Pierre, 4:1773, 1845; Bosco, Don, 1:383
5:2323 ‘‘Boscombe Valley Mystery, The’’
Boulanger, Georges-Ernest-Jean-
Bonnat, Léon-Joseph-Florentin, (Doyle), 2:680
Marie, 1:184, 271, 279,
5:2323 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1:273–277 280–283, 479; 2:540, 649, 696,
Bonnemère, Eugène, 4:1753 Austrian occupation/annexation of, 858; 4:1964
Bonneville, Nicolas de, 2:973; 4:1701 1:32, 49, 137, 146, 207, 242, Boulanger affair, 1:279–281, 282;
Bonpland, Aimé, 2:1095 276–277; 2:703–704, 864, 865; 2:540–542, 583, 858; 5:2502
Bon Sens (French weekly), 1:247 3:1628, 1690, 1691; 4:2045,
Barrès and, 1:184, 185
Bonstetten, Karl-Viktor von, 4:2288 2067, 2069
Deraismes and, 2:649
Bonvin, François, 4:1947 family group, 1:275
book illustration. See illustration indirect consequences of, 1:282
Francis Ferdinand and, 2:862
bookmakers, 4:2240 Michel’s view of, 3:1497
Marian shrine in, 4:1788
Book of the Hanging Gardens, The political posters and, 4:1846
Montenegro and, 3:1541
(Schoenberg), 4:2102 Boulangism, 1:52, 185, 279, 281–283
Muslim women, 1:274
Book of the New Moral World, The Action Française and, 1:5
Ottoman Empire and, 1:2;
(Owen), 3:1693; 4:2201 Bonapartism and, 1:269, 279, 282
2:703–704; 3:1687–1688
books. See literacy; literature; printing Clemenceau and, 1:479–480
Books of the Polish Nation and of Polish peasant uprisings in, 4:2067
Durand and, 2:696
Pilgrimage (Mickiewicz), 3:1500 San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2069,
failure of, 1:281
Boon (Wells), 5:2458 2085
‘‘Boule de suif’’ (Maupassant), 2:991
Booth, Bramwell, 4:2082, 2083 Serbia and, 1:166, 242–243, 273,
Boulevard des Capucines (Paris),
Booth, Catherine Mumford, 4:2082, 275–276, 277; 2:703, 705, 862;
3:1577, 1578; 4:1732
2083 4:2146, 2148
Boulevard du Temple, Le (Daguerre),
Booth, Charles, 2:1075; 3:1375; special status of, 1:146 2:606
4:1853–1854, 2213; 5:2444 trade and, 5:2337 Boulevard Haussmann (Paris), 4:1731
Booth, William, 4:2082–2083 See also Sarajevo Boulevard Montmartre (Paris), 4:1732
Bordeaux Bosnian Crisis (1908–1909), 1:163; Boulton, Ernest, 2:1084
federalist revolt in, 2:799, 800, 844 2:704 Boulton, Matthew, 2:547, 548, 758,
Girondists and, 2:973 Bosphorus, 1:243, 277–279; 2:577, 760; 3:1153; 4:2111
Haussmann and, 2:1047 703; 3:1421 Bounty (British ship), 3:1653
Jewish emancipation and, 3:1226 Istanbul and, 1:278; 3:1186, 1188, Bourbon, Louis-Antoine,
worker housing in, 2:1089 1190 4:2228–2229
Bordeaux, duc de, 1:413 Bossi, Erma, 1:155 Bourbon-Condé, Louis-Antoine-Henri
Bordeaux mixture fungicide, 3:1164 Boswell, James, 5:2320 de. See Enghien, duc de

2582 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Bourbon dynasty Corn Law repeal campaign and, railroads and, 4:1936
Charles X and, 1:411–412; 3:1386 2:558–560 Revolutions of 1830 and, 1:284,
dressmaker to, 1:481 counterrevolution and, 2:567 457–458, 471
Ferdinand VII and, 2:808–809 culture and, 1:287–288 Revolutions of 1848 and, 1:471;
French restoration of. See Restoration Daumier caricatures of, 2:621 4:1989
French Revolution and, diversity among, 1:291 in Romania, 4:2018
3:1385–1386 dueling and, 2:696; 3:1472 in Russia, 1:283, 284, 471; 4:2211
Italy and, 1:392; 2:932; 3:1191, education and, 1:472; 2:727–728 in Scotland, 4:2117, 2118
1195, 1196, 1254, 1255, 1414; Engels’s critique of, 2:755, 756 seaside resorts and, 1:288; 4:2125;
4:2000, 2003, 2004, 2130, 2175, family ideal of, 1:284, 287, 472, 482; 5:2328
2176, 2188 3:1452–1455, 1456 sexuality and, 1:287; 4:2161
last in line of, 2:847 feminism and, 1:128, 129; 2:675, socialist revolution and, 3:1460
Louis XVI and, 3:1384–1386 805 suburbanization and, 2:1087–1088,
Louis XVIII and, 3:1386–1387 fin de siècle threats to, 2:816 1090; 3:1452–1453
Louis-Philippe and, 3:1387, 1388, football (soccer) and, 2:834–835 timepieces and, 3:1323
1389 in France, 1:106, 283–291 tobacco use by, 5:2314
Naples and, 3:1580–1581, 1597, French Radicals and, 4:1928–1929 tourism and, 5:2328, 2329, 2331
1599 voluntary associations and,
French Revolution and, 1:283–284;
Napoleon I and, 4:1764, 1767; 2:897 1:116–119
5:2306 wine and, 5:2475
gender dimorphism and, 1:287;
Revolution of 1830 ending, 2:566 2:943, 944, 946; 3:1471 women consumers and, 2:549
Spain and, 1:181; 2:949; 4:1971, German Center Party and, 1:394 women’s traditional role and, 2:675
2225, 2226, 2228–2229, women teachers and, 2:727–728
German industrialists and, 2:960
2231–2232 working class and, 5:2483
Guimard’s architectural designs for,
Tocqueville and, 5:2316 Bourget, Paul, 1:5
Bourbon Restoration, French Bourneville, D. M., 1:411
Haussmann’s Paris plan and, 2:1049,
(1814–1830). See Restoration Bourse (Brussels), 1:356
Bourbon Restoration, Spanish (1875). Bourse de Commerce (Paris), 4:1729
See Restoration, Spanish housing and, 2:1088, 1089–1090
Jewish identification with, 3:1229, Bourse des coopératives socialistes,
Bourcet, Pierre de, 3:1505 2:556
Bourdelle, Antoine, 1:154 1231–1232
Bourses du Travail (labor exchanges),
Bourgeois, Léon-Victor-Auguste, as landowners, 3:1305
1:59; 4:2298; 5:2491
2:858; 4:1914 leisure activities of, 1:288; 2:551;
Bouton, Charles-Marie, 2:605
bourgeoisie, 1:283–292, 469, 3:1324, 1325
Boutroux, Étienne-Émile-Marie,
470–472 Lenin’s view of, 3:1329 4:1804
in Amsterdam, 1:54 London suburbs and, 3:1373, 1375 Bouvard and Pécuchet (Flaubert),
aristocracy and, 1:83, 470–472, 476 manners and, 3:1438, 1439 2:827–828
banking and, 1:172 Marx’s use of term, 1:283, 290–291; bovine tuberculosis, 5:2361
as Barbizon painting buyers, 1:178 2:707; 3:1306–1307 Boxer Rebellion, 1:292–294, 293;
in Berlin, 1:219 masculinity and, 1:287, 458 3:1610, 1628; 4:2064
body and, 1:251 museum visits by, 3:1563 Japanese troops and, 3:1212
Bolshevik/Menshevik split over, musical interests of, 3:1565–1566 boxing, 1:288; 3:1378; 4:2240,
3:1488 in Paris, 1:283, 287, 445, 472; 2245; 5:2435
in Britain, 1:172, 284, 285, 4:1728, 1739 Boyce, George Price, 4:1865
287–288, 290, 452, 471 parks and, 4:1738, 1739, 1739, 1740 Boyen, Hermann von, 2:958
broadening of designation of, 1:283 pets and, 2:766 Boyer, Jean-Pierre, 2:1037
Boyhood (Tolstoy), 5:2318
as bureaucrats, 1:321, 322 photography and, 4:1772
Boys, Thomas Shotter, 3:1601
as cabaret audience, 1:335 piano playing by, 1:439
Boys’ and Girls’ Brigades, 1:159;
child rearing and, 1:431 in Poland, 4:1811 4:2082
Christian Socialism and, 4:2208 politics and, 1:106–107, 204, Boy Scouts, 1:159–160; 3:1473;
cities and, 1:283, 289, 445–450, 452, 290–291 4:2082
471–472; 3:1452 poor relief and, 1:450 Boy’s Magic Horn, The (Brentano and
civil society and, 1:465, 467, 468 as professionals, 1:107, 283, Arnim), 2:1023
constitutionalism and, 1:457, 459 284–285, 472, 473; 4:1879, Bozzolla, Angelo, 1:156
consumerism and, 1:288–290, 352; 1881 BPU. See Birmingham Political Union
2:547, 549, 551, 552; 3:1453 in Prussia, 1:184, 290; 4:2251 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 1:130

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2583

Bradford, 3:1430 independence of, 4:1839 Bridgewater House (London), 1:186

Bradlaugh, Charles, 4:1829–1830 Portugal and, 1:499; 4:1838, 1839 ‘‘Briefe und Bilder’’ (Lasker-Schüler),
Bradley, F. H., 3:1514 positivism and, 4:1844 3:1309
Bragaglia, Anton Giulio and Arturo, Briefe zu Beförderung der Humanität
Rothschilds and, 4:2040
2:920 (Herder), 2:1061
slavery and, 1:14; 4:1924–1925,
Bragança dynasty, 4:1764, 1766 Brief nache Norwegen (Lasker-Schüler),
Brahms, Johannes, 1:197, 294–296; 3:1309
tobacco and, 5:2313
3:1565, 1566, 1568 Brief Outline of the Study of Theology
trade and, 5:2336 (Schleiermacher), 4:2097
Dvořák and, 2:701
world’s fairs and, 5:2500 ‘‘Brief Tale of the Antichrist’’
German music and, 3:1570–1571
breach of contract, 2:511 (Soloviev), 4:2217
Liszt and, 3:1571
bread, 2:549, 555 Brienne, Loménie de. See Loménie de
Paganini as influence on, 4:1699
adulteration of, 2:658, 659 Brienne, Étienne-Charles
Romanticism and, 4:2027
British Corn Laws and, 2:557, 558, brigands. See banditry
as Schoenberg influence, 4:2102
559, 1004 Bright, John, 1:350, 490, 492; 2:1007
Schubert as influence on, 4:2107
British subsidies for, 1:358, 359; anti-Corn Law movement and, 2:558
on Strauss (Johann), 4:2260 2:709; 3:1425 suffrage expansion and, 2:1008
Tchaikovsky and, 5:2307 French Revolution riots and, 3:1385; Brighton, 1:288; 3:1324; 4:1824,
Vienna and, 5:2420 4:1728 2124, 2125–2126; 5:2328
Braille, Louis, 1:296–298 Brighton Pavilion, 3:1602
Milan 1898 riots and, 3:1504
Braille globe, 1:297 Brill, Abraham Arden, 4:1905
Revolution of 1848 riots and, 4:1990
Braille system, 1:296–298; 5:2499 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, 4:1965
significance of price of, 2:658;
brain Brion, Friedereike, 2:982, 983
3:1385, 1403; 4:1728, 1821
cell structure, 1:340 Briot, Pierre-Joseph, 1:360
breastfeeding, 1:431; 2:628, 645, 659;
Freud’s studies of, 4:1904 Brisbane, Albert, 4:2202
Gall theories of, 2:926; 4:1774 Brecht, Bertolt, 3:1435, 1437 Brisson, Henri, 2:642
phrenology and, 4:1774–1776, 1775 Bréda, comte de, 5:2332 Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre,
See also neurology breechloading rifle, 1:355; 3:1507 2:994; 4:1960, 2187
Brand (Ibsen), 3:1108 breeding. See eugenics; genetics Committee of Public Safety and,
Brand, Adolf, 2:1086 Breitner, George Hendrik, 4:1773; 2:611
Brandell, Gunnar, 4:2269 5:2400 French Revolution and, 2:288, 890
Brandenburg, 4:1900, 1902 Brentano, Antonie, 1:198 Girondins and, 2:973; 4:1700
Brander, James, 2:515; 4:1887 Brentano, Clemens, 2:1023 journalism and, 4:1869, 1871
Brannon, P., 2:588 Brentano, Franz, 1:198, 298–300; Brissotins. See Girondins
Branting, Hjalmar, 4:2284 2:1099, 1100 Bristol, 1:304, 305
Braque, Georges, 1:153; 4:2158 Freud and, 4:1904 Britain. See Great Britain
cubism and, 1:156; 2:590, 591, 592, as Kafka influence, 1:299; 3:1242 British and Foreign Anti-Slavery
592, 593, 797; 3:1530; 4:1710, Brera Art Gallery (Milan), 3:1501 Society, 2:506, 507
1784 Bresci, Gaetano, 3:1201; 5:2378 British Association for Promoting
fauvism and, 1:153; 2:795, 797 Breshko-Breshkovskaya, Yekaterina K., Co-operative Knowledge, 3:1390
Picasso and, 4:1784 4:2210 British Association for the
Braschi, Giovanni Angelo. See Pius VI Breslau (German battle cruiser), 1:278 Advancement of Science, 2:614;
Brasenose College (Oxford), 4:1746 Brest River, 2:553 3:1160
Bratya Karamazovy (Dostoyevsky), Brethren, German, 2:960 British Association for the Promotion
2:679 Brethren, Moravian, 4:2096 of Temperance, 1:36
Braude, Benjamin, 3:1516 Brethren of the Free Spirit, 1:55 British Communist Party, 4:1715
Braun, Emma, 1:10 Breton, André, 3:1214 British Cyclist Touring Club, 5:2330
Braun, Heinrich, 1:11 Breton, Jules, 4:1947 British East Africa, 5:2521
Braun, Karl Ferdinand, 3:1445 Brett, John, 4:1864 British East India Company. See East
Brawne, Fanny, 4:2029 Brettl-Lieder (Schoenberg), 4:2102 India Company
Bray, Charles and Caroline, 2:743 Breuer, Josef, 2:904–905; 4:1904 British International Football
Bray, John Francis, 4:2201 Breuget, Louis, 1:304 Association Board, 2:834
Brazil Brewster, David, 4:1772 British Isles. See Great Britain; Ireland;
as coffee source, 1:494 Briand, Aristide, 2:643; 3:1217; 4:2137 Scotland; Wales
colonies in, 3:1154 Bride of Abydos, The (Byron), 1:332 British Museum, 1:287, 407;
Comte’s motto and, 2:524 Bridge, The. See Brücke, Die 3:1375–1376, 1562, 1564
Garibaldi in, 2:930–931 Bridge at Argenteuil, The (Monet), British Museum Library, 3:1562
immigrants to, 2:646, 747, 747 3:1535, 1536 Reading Room, 3:1351

2584 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

British Parliament. See Houses of Broussais, François-Joseph-Victor, Second International headquarters in,
Parliament; Parliament, British 1:436 1:205; 3:1294
British Phrenological Association, Brousse, Paul, 1:56, 57; 3:1217, 1272 stock exchange in, 1:356
4:1776 Brown, Ford Madox, 4:1707, 1863, telephone service in, 5:2308
British Public Libraries Act of 1850, 1864
urban redevelopment and, 1:306;
3:1352 Brown, Horatio, 2:745; 5:2405
British Royal Academy. See Royal Brown, Jacob, 5:2440
worker migrants to, 1:201
Academy (Britain) Brown, John, 2:792; 5:2414
British Socialist Party, 3:1297 Brown, Lancelot (‘‘Capability’’), world’s fairs and, 1:104; 5:2504
British Society for the Study of Sex 4:1738 Brussels Academy of Sciences, 4:1921
Psychology, 2:1086 Brown, Norman O., 2:838 Brussels Conference (1874), 2:1034;
British South Africa Company, 4:1997 Brown, Rawdon, 5:2405 4:1950
British Straits Settlement, 5:2336 Brown, Robert, 2:739–740 Brussels Conference (1890–1891),
British Volunteers, 4:2082 Brownian motion, 2:740; 3:1409 1:499
British Women’s Temperance Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 4:2237 Brussels conventions (1890–1912),
Association, 1:36 Browning, Robert, 2:1046; 4:2237; 1:37
Brittany, 2:800; 4:1757 5:2310 Brussels Declaration, 1:308–309
Britton, Thomas, 3:1566 Brownlow Hill workhouse Brussels Observatory, 4:1921
Brno, 1:263; 3:1411 (Liverpool), 1:331 Bruyas, Alfred, 2:568
Broch, Hermann, 3:1574; 5:2420 Bruant, Aristide, 1:335 Bryce, James, 2:957
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, 2:1053 Brücke, Die, 1:154–155, 220; 2:797; Bryusov, Valery, 1:249; 4:2181–2182
Brod, Max, 3:1242; 4:1859 3:1489, 1530; 4:1711 Buber, Martin, 5:2521
Brodyachaya Sobaka (St. Petersburg Brücke, Ernst, 2:904 bubonic plague. See plague
cabaret), 1:337 Bruckner, Anton, 2:701; 3:1418, Buchan, John, 4:2256
Broers, Michael, 2:540 1565, 1571 Bucharest, 2:742; 4:2017
Broglie, Jacques-Victor-Albert, duc de, Brugnol, Louise de, 1:169 Bucharest, Treaty of (1812), 3:1247,
2:855; 4:173 Brundage, Anthony, 1:402 1420
Brontë, Anne, 1:301, 302; 5:2360 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, Bucharest, Treaty of (1913), 1:165,
Brontë, Branwell, 1:302 1:303–305, 304; 2:590, 760 313; 4:2149
Brontë, Charlotte, 1:300–301; 3:1509 Royal Albert Bridge and, 4:1935 Buch der Lieder (Heine), 2:1055
feminism and, 2:802 Brunner, Emil, 4:2097 Buch der Narrheit, Das (Herzl),
Gaskell biography of, 2:933, 934 Brunnow, Ernst, 5:2392 2:1068
on Luddite riot, 3:1392, 1410 Brünn Program (1899), 1:11 Buchez, Philippe, 1:247; 3:1287;
Brontë, Charlotte and Emily, Bruno, Giordano, 2:1032; 4:2037 4:2202, 2208; 5:2397
1:300–301, 301; 5:2360 Brunschwicg, Cécile, 4:2279 Büchner, Ludwig, 5:2516
Brontë, Patrick, 1:300 Brunswick, 2:959; 4:1901 Buchwald, Jed, 2:1063
Bronze Horseman (St. Petersburg), Brunswick, duke of, 2:899; 3:1221, Buckingham Palace (London), 3:1375,
4:2075 1222 1602
Bronze Horseman, The (Pushkin), Brunswick Manifesto (1792), 1:412; Buckland, William, 3:1401, 1402
1:210; 4:1919, 2075 2:844 Buckle, Henry Thomas, 4:2282
Brooke, Rupert, 4:1826, 2259 Brunton, Richard, 3:1210 Bückler, Johannes (Schinderhannes),
Brookes, William Penny, 3:1667 Brunty, Patrick. See Brontë, Patrick 2:571
Brook Farm (utopian community), Brussels, 1:200, 305–308 Buda. See Budapest
2:838 artisanal guilds in, 1:203 Budapest, 1:309–312
‘‘Broom, or the Flower of the Desert’’ art nouveau buildings in, 1:109, 109, art nouveau in, 1:112
(Leopardi), 3:1333 110, 112, 307 cabarets in, 1:336
brothels. See prostitution bilingualism in, 1:202, 307 electric lighting in, 2:741
Brotherhood of Saints Cyril and First International Congress (1868) football (soccer) in, 2:834
Methodius, 4:1717 in, 2:825 growth of, 1:310
‘‘Brothers, The’’ (Wordsworth), foundling homes/hospitals in, Herzl and, 2:1066–1067
5:2482 5:2451 Hungarian nationalism and, 1:447
Brothers Karamazov, The
Grande Place in, 1:306 Jewish community in, 3:1525
(Dostoyevsky), 2:679
guildhalls in, 1:105 migration and, 3:1111, 1113
Brothers of Christian Schools, 2:721
Brouardel, Paul, 4:1914 Hotel Solvay, 1:307 municipal government and, 1:450
brougham (carriage), 1:303 international exhibitions in, 5:2499 Parliament Building, 1:310, 311
Brougham, Henry, 1:302–303, 401; Marx in, 3:1465 population of, 1:310
5:2461 politics and, 1:203, 307 Revolution of 1848 and, 1:143, 310;
Brouillet, André, 1:409, 410 population of, 1:306 2:808; 4:1990, 1994

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2585

subway in, 4:2272 Russian domination of, 1:312, 313; Bohemian language ordinances and,
telephone service in, 5:2308 2:703–704; 4:1717 1:262–263
universities in, 5:2388 Russo-Turkish War and, 4:2067, Bonald’s interpretation of, 1:269
urban development and, 1:310–311; 2068 Bonapartism and, 1:269, 321–322
2:1088 San Stefano Treaty and, 1:312; bourgeoisie and, 1:283, 284, 285,
voluntary associations and, 1:117 2:530–531; 3:1689; 4:2069, 286, 472
Budapest Convention (1877), 2:703; 2085, 2086 Britain and, 1:321, 324–325
4:2067 Serbia and, 1:313; 4:2149 competitive examinations and, 1:324
Budd, William, 4:2109 suffrage in, 4:2279 conservatism and, 2:537, 540
Buddenbrooks (Mann), 3:1436; 4:2125 Three Emperors League and, 1:146 definition of, 1:320–321, 325
Buddhism, 3:1137, 1138, 1140 universities in, 5:2380 education for, 1:322, 323–324;
Buen Retiro Palace (Madrid), 3:1412 Bulgarian Atrocities (1876), 2:977, 2:726
Buff, Charlotte, 2:983 1009 first use of term, 1:320
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of France and, 1:320–322; 2:846;
de, 2:637, 776; 3:1301; 4:1924 the East, The (Gladstone), 2:703 3:1387
Bugayev, Nikolai Vasilyevich, 1:209 Bulgarian Orthodox Church, 1:313;
Bugeaud, Thomas, 1:44 functions of, 1:324–325, 460
3:1685, 1687
Buguet, Edouard, 4:2238 gentry and, 1:83
Bull, Ole Bornemann, 3:1107; 4:1700
Building of the Twelve Colleges (St. Germany and, 1:323–324; 4:1880
Bulletin (Red Cross publication),
Petersburg), 4:2075 as guarantor of rights and
Buisson, Ferdinand-Edouard, 2:812 entitlements, 1:460
bullfighting, 3:1414; 4:1821
Buisson de la Vigne, Céleste, 1:420, India and, 2:706; 3:1135
Bullock, William, 2:956
421 Italy and, 1:322; 3:1191
Bulls of Bordeaux, The (Goya), 2:996,
Bui Thi Xuan, 3:1138 Ottoman reforms and, 3:1686
Bukhara, 1:395 Piedmont-Savoy and, 4:1785
Bülow, Bernhard von, 1:394; 2:967;
Bukovina, 1:145; 4:2017, 2019–2020 Prussia and, 1:217, 323–324; 2:726;
5:2312, 2353, 2469
Bulgakov, Sergei, 3:1171; 4:2196, 3:1278; 4:1900
Bülow, Cosima von, 5:2431
Bülow, Hans von, 5:2431 Russia and, 1:322–323, 324
Bulgaria, 1:312–313
Buls, Charles, 1:306 service workers and, 1:473
Adrianople and, 1:12, 13, 164
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert. See social insurance and, 1:291, 321,
April Uprising of 1876 in, 1:312;
Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer- 356; 3:1664
Lytton Bureau of Public Health and Hygiene
Austrian–Russian clash over, 1:240 (France), 4:1914
Bund, Jewish, 1:313–315; 3:1233
Balkan League and, 1:32 Bureaux Arabes (Algeria), 1:44
Mensheviks and, 1:264, 265, 315;
Balkan Wars and, 1:2, 12–13, 163, 3:1487 Buret, Eugène, 1:247, 285–286
164, 165, 166, 207, 313; Bürger, Gottfried August, 4:2094,
platform of, 1:314–315
2:704–705; 3:1541, 1691 2095
Zionism and, 5:2521
Central Powers and, 1:146 Bürgergeneral, Der (Goethe), 2:985
Bund der Landwirte, 1:82
Congress of Berlin and, 1:12; Burghauser, Jarmil, 2:700
Bund Deutscher Frauenvereine
2:530–531, 705; 3:1689 burghers (Hamburg), 2:1039, 1040,
(Germany), 1:189
Eastern Question and, 2:703, 1041
Bundesrat, 2:964 Burghers of Calais, The (Rodin),
704–705, 1009
Bund für Landwirtschaft (Germany), 4:2009, 2010
education in, 1:313; 3:1687
2:517 Burghölzli Hospital (Zurich), 3:1238,
foreign policy objective of, 1:313
bundling, 4:2163 1239; 4:1905
Greater Bulgaria movement and, 1:2 Bungert, August, 3:1675 Burgos Seguı́, Carmen de, 2:952
Greek War of Independence and, Buni Hisar/Lule Burgas, Battle of Burgtheater (Vienna), 3:1260;
3:1685 (1912), 1:163 5:2418, 2420
independence of, 2:1018; 3:1173, Bunin, Ivan, 4:2183 Buriáan von Rajecz, Stephan, 1:276
1691 Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, 3:1160 burial. See death and burial
Jewish emancipation in, 3:1225 Buntes Theater (Berlin cabaret), Burial at Ornans, A (Courbet), 2:568;
labor movements in, 3:1290 1:335; 4:2102 4:1706, 1946–1947, 2133
monetary system of, 3:1538 Buonarroti, Filippo Michele (Philippe), Burial of Christ, The (Goya), 2:996
nationalism and, 1:2, 163, 166, 312, 1:337, 360; 2:521; 4:2129–2130; Burke, Edmund, 1:326–328, 497;
313; 3:1686–1687, 1688 5:2514 2:706, 1077; 3:1343; 4:1962,
Orthodox Church and, 1:313; Burckhardt, Jacob, 1:315–320; 2140; 5:2321
3:1685, 1687 4:1769 British political system and, 1:161,
peasant uprisings, 4:2067 bureaucracy, 1:320–325 327, 498

2586 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

conservatism and, 1:326, 327–328; Buzzi, Paolo, 2:918 Caillebotte, Gustave, 3:1126, 1128,
2:538–539, 603 Byron, George Gordon (Lord Byron), 1530; 4:1732
counterrevolution and, 2:566, 887; 1:332–334, 333; 2:930; 4:2123; Cailleux, Alphonse de, 2:606
3:1422; 4:1700, 1718 5:2327 Cain (Byron), 1:333
as French Revolution critic, 4:2133, death of, 4:1982, 2031 Cairo, 1:18; 2:731, 732, 733
2212; 5:2321 as Delacroix influence, 2:640 British occupation of, 2:734
Godwin critique of, 2:980; 5:2480 Greek War of Independence and, Cairoli, Benedetto, 5:2377
Paine and, 4:1700 1:333; 3:1604–1605; 4:1770 Cairo Opera House, 2:732
Luddite defense by, 3:1391, 1410 Caisse de la Dette Publique, 2:733
political Romanticism and, 4:2031
Malthus ridiculed by, 3:1426 Cajal, Santiago Ramón y, 1:340–342;
Restoration and, 4:1968
opium use by, 2:686 4:1909
on the sublime, 4:1702
as Pushkin influence, 4:1919 Calabria, 4:2002
as Whig, 5:2461 Calcografia (Madrid), 2:997
Burke, Peter, 4:1940 Shelley (Mary) and, 4:2168
Calcutta, 2:705, 706; 3:1133, 1136,
Burke, Robert, 2:782 Shelley (Percy Bysshe) and, 4:2170
Burkina Faso, 1:13 Venice and, 5:2403 Calder, Robert, 5:2344
Burliuk, David, 1:157; 4:2182 By the Beautiful, Blue Danube (J. Calderai Sublime Masters (secret
Burma, 1:434, 498; 3:1137 Strauss), 4:2260; 5:2420 society), 1:360
Burne-Jones, Edward, 1:191; 3:1256, Byzantine Empire, 3:1685
Calderon de la Barca, Pedro, 4:2095
1550; 4:2047 Byzantium and Slavom (Leontiev),
Caleb Williams (Godwin), 2:981
Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1864–1865 2:773
calendars, 3:1324
Burning of the Houses of Lords and calico, 3:1151–1152
Commons, October 16, 1834, The California Act of 1909, 2:771
(Turner), 5:2367 n Callebotte, Gustave, 1:471
Burns, J. H., 3:1514 Callendar, L. A., 3:1486
Burns, Lydia, 2:756 C
callotypes, pornographic, 4:1834
Burns, Mary, 2:756 Cabanel, Alexandre, 2:940 Callouette (sculptor), 4:1954
Burschenschaften (student fraternities), Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges, 4:1790 Callow, John, 5:2345
1:369, 457; 2:923, 959; 5:2382 cabarets, 1:220, 335–337 Calmette, Albert-Léon-Charles,
Burton, Richard, 2:783, 784; 4:1875, Cabet, Étienne, 1:144, 247, 337–338; 5:2361
1876 2:521; 3:1286; 4:2131, 2203; Calmette, Gaston, 1:339
Bury, J. P. T., 2:929 5:2357, 2397 Calonne, Charles Alexandre de, 2:767,
business firms and economic growth, Cabiria (film), 1:442, 443 841; 3:1385
1:328–331 cables, 1:351, 353; 4:1937 Calvat, Mélanie, 4:1788
bourgeoisie and, 1:472; 2:960 See also telegraph Calvert, Edward, 1:246
capitalism and, 1:350–357 cabs, 5:2352 Calvin, John, 4:1890; 5:2447
corporations and, 1:329–330, 355; cacao, 1:364 Calvinism, 2:1006; 3:1111;
2:711 caciques, 4:2231 4:1890–1891, 1892, 1895
factories and, 1:328–329 Cadbury family, 1:471 Netherlands and, 3:1618, 1619
Germany and, 2:967 Cádiz Cortes. See Cortes of Cádiz
See also Presbyterianism
Cae-Book of Sherlock Holmes (Doyle),
Jews and, 3:1231 Calvo, Carlos, 3:1175
labor unions and, 3:1291 Cambiale di matrimonio, La (Rossini),
Caen, federalist revolt in, 2:799, 800,
Rhodes and, 4:1996–1997 4:2038
844, 974
Siemens and, 4:2179–2180 Cambodia, 3:1137–1143, 1145
Caesar, Julius, 3:1584
See also economic growth and Cambridge Local Examination, 2:626
Caesar and Cleopatra (Shaw), 4:2166
industrialization Cambridge Modern History series,
Caetano, Marcello, 4:1839
Busoni, Ferruccio Benvenuto, 4:2102 1:6–7
Café des Westens, 3:1309
Butler, Eleanor, 2:1083–1084 Cambridge Population Group, 3:1147
Café Guerbois (Paris), 2:634
Butler, George, 1:331, 332 Cambridge University, 4:1713, 2240,
Café Museum (Vienna), 3:1381
Butler, Josephine, 1:129, 331–332; 2241; 5:2379, 2385, 2387
Café-Restaurant (Barcelona), 1:183
2:650, 798, 804; 3:1556; 4:1884, cafés, 1:2–4, 36; 2:547 Acton and, 1:6–7
1896, 2162, 2302 caffeine, 1:494 Albert and, 5:2412
Butovsky, Alesei, 3:1666 Cafiero, Carlo, 1:57 Anglican Church and, 3:1377;
Butt, Isaac, 4:1741; 5:2464 Cahiers de la quinzaine (periodical), 4:1895; 5:2384
Buttafuoco, Annarita, 3:1556 4:1760, 2015 Apostles (secret society) and, 2:835;
button trade, 2:547 Caillaux, Henriette, 1:339 4:2258
Buveur d’absinthe, Le (Manet), 1:3 Caillaux, Joseph, 1:338–340; 2:858 Cavendish Laboratory and, 3:1478;
Buweis, 1:261 Caillé, René-Auguste, 2:782 5:2387

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2587

class and, 2:728; 3:1512 factories and, 2:792 as civilizing mission, 1:463
Darwin and, 2:613 French irrigation with, 2:762 civil society and, 1:467
Forster and, 2:835 Manchester and, 3:1428, 1431 classical economists and, 2:712–718
history teaching at, 2:1073, 1074 Netherlands and, 3:1617 communist opposition to, 2:521
law education and, 2:726 St. Petersburg, 4:2076 cooperatives and, 2:557
liberalized admissions to, 2:1008 as transport system, 5:2347–2348, corporations and, 2:711
Maxwell and, 3:1378, 1477 2350 crime and, 2:571
women students and, 2:625, 626, Trieste and, 5:2354, 2355 definitions of, 1:349
945; 5:2385 See also Panama Canal; Suez Canal Engels’s view of, 2:754, 755
Camelots du Roi, 1:5; 3:1476 Canary Islands, 3:1615 evolution theory and, 2:777
camera del lavoro, 5:2491 Candide (Voltaire), 1:103
feminists and, 2:805
cameralism, 5:2393 candy, chocolate, 1:496
camera obscura, 2:606 imperialism and, 3:1115, 1121–1122
Canetti, Elias, 5:2449
cameras. See cinema; photography Caney the Clown (Thomson and individualism and, 2:709–710
Camera World (magazine), 4:1773 Smith), 5:2490 Industrial Revolution (first) and,
Camerini, Paolo, 4:1851 canned food, 2:659 3:1146, 1147, 1149
Cameroons, 1:20, 222 Cannes, 1:303; 4:2125 Industrial Revolution (second) and,
Camilla (Paer), 3:1670; 4:2038 Cannibal Club (London), 4:1836 1:350–351; 3:1157–1158
Camoin, Charles, 1:153; 2:795–796 cannibalism, 3:1624; 4:1874 institutional economists and,
Camorra. See mafia Canning, Charles John (son), 4:2140; 2:709–710
Campagne in Frankreich (Goethe), 5:2321 Jewish investors and, 3:1231
2:987 Canning, George (father), 1:374; Lenin’s view of, 3:1327
Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, 1:114; 2:525, 954, 1020; 4:1758 liberalism and, 3:1348, 1432
2:979, 1011, 1012; 3:1348, 1369 Cannizzaro, Stanislao, 1:426 Luxemburg’s view of, 3:1400
Campo Formio, Treaty of (1797), Cannon, George, 4:1834 Marx’s view of, 1:349, 350; 2:707,
2:895, 900; 3:1192, 1584; canonization, 1:385 708, 755, 1006; 3:1248, 1328,
4:2001; 5:2402 Canova, Antonio, 1:347–349, 348; 1400, 1466–1467; 4:2205, 2210,
Camps Elisis (Barcelona), 1:181 4:1702; 5:2402, 2403 2213–2214
Camps-Volants, Les: Census of Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio, 4:2231 Mill (John Stuart) on, 4:2207
Bohemians in France (Mayer Canrobert, Certan, 2:579
engraving), 4:2023 Napoleon Code and, 1:351
Canti (Leopardi), 3:1333
Camus, Albert, 3:1167 nationalism and, 1:355–356
Canton (China), 3:1578
Canada, 1:135, 342–347; 5:2411 neoclassical economists and, 2:707,
Canzoni (Leopardi), 3:1333
British penal exile in, 2:780 710
Canzoni della gesta d’oltremare
British ties of, 2:1005–1006 peasants and, 4:1755–1756, 1832
(D’Annunzio), 2:609
colonial trade and, 2:505 Capaldi, Nicholas, 3:1514 Protestantism and, 4:1892
colonizing settlers in, 1:353; Cape Colony, 1:256 Rhineland version of, 1:330
2:504–505, 509 as British settlement colony, Ruskin’s opposition to, 4:2047
confederation of, 1:345–346 1:17–18, 19; 3:1115 Saint-Simon and, 4:2080, 2081
immigrants to, 1:351; 2:646, 647, Protestant missionary society in, serf emancipation and, 4:2149
747, 747, 1005 3:1527 socialist views of, 4:2201, 2205
immigration policies of, 1:353 Cape of Good Hope, 1:17; 3:1122 sociology and, 4:2212
as New France, 1:343 Cape St. Vincent, Battle of (1797), Spencer and, 4:2234
Parliament Building, 1:345 3:1615 syndicalism and, 4:2298–2299
population of, 1:346 Capital (Marx), 2:756; 3:1462, 1466, Tories and, 5:2321
trade and, 5:2335, 2336, 2342 1467, 1468; 4:2205 United States and, 1:328
War of 1812 and, 5:2439, 2440 capitalism, 1:349–357 utopian socialism and, 5:2395
world’s fairs and, 5:2502 Agricultural Revolution and, 1:27, Weber’s thesis of, 1:349; 4:1892;
See also Quebec 28, 358–359 5:2447
Canadian National Council for artisans and, 1:104, 106–107 welfare and, 5:2453–2454
Combating Veneral Diseases, banking and, 1:176 See also economic growth and
4:1714–1715 Belgium and, 1:203 industrialization; free trade;
Canal du Midi, 5:2347–2348 birthrate and, 4:1828 market, the
Canalejas y Méndez, José, 4:2231 bourgeoisie and, 1:284, 290–291, Capitalism and Slavery (Williams),
canals, 2:763 471 2:708
Amsterdam and, 1:53; 3:1618 British working class and, capital, characterization of, 2:713, 715
engineers and, 2:757–758 2:1006–1007 capital punishment. See death penalty

2588 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Capodistrias, Ioannis, 2:1019; 4:1982 Caricature, La (French journal), assassination of, 1:57; 2:857
Cappellari, Bartolomeo Alberto. See 1:463; 2:621 heat theory of, 3:1249
Gregory XVI caricature and cartoons Car of the German Empire Driven by
Capriccio espagnol (Rimsky-Korsakov), Cruikshank and, 2:585–586 Wilhelm II, The (Heine), 5:2469
4:1999 Daumier and, 2:620, 621–622 Carol I, king of Romania,
Caprices (Paganini), 4:1698, 1699 Doré and, 2:676 4:2016–2017
Caprichos, Los (Goya), 2:997, 998; Nadar and, 3:1577 Caroline, queen of Naples, 2:533
4:1703, 2225 newspapers and, 2:620–622; 4:1823 Caroline Islands, 2:967; 3:1279,
Caprivi, Leo von, 2:967; 5:2468–2469 Caritat, Marie-Jean de. See Condorcet, 1331; 4:1720
Captains Courageous (Kipling), 3:1256 marquis de Caroline of Brunswick, queen of Great
Captain’s Daughter, The (Pushkin), Carlier, Achille, 5:2423 Britain, 1:302, 489; 2:585–586,
4:1920 Carlisle Bridge (Dublin), 2:691 954; 3:1284; 4:1834
Captain Swing, 1:357–359; 3:1411; Carlism, 1:366–368; 2:809; Carpenter, Edward, 1:372–373;
4:1755, 1984; 5:2485 4:1763–1764, 2227, 2229–2231 2:745; 4:1747, 2206, 2296
machine breaking and, 4:2264 anticlericalism and, 1:68, 366 Carpenter, Jules, 3:1397
See also Luddism conservatism and, 1:83, 366–368; carpet weaving, 3:1412
Capuana, Luigi, 5:2407 2:539 Carrà, Carlo, 1:157; 2:918
carabinieri, 4:1814 Carlist Wars (1883–1836), 1:367–368 Carrel, Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Armand,
Caravaggio, 2:941 5:2310
Carlo Emanuele, prince of Carignano,
carbolic acid, 3:1358, 1359; 4:1744 1:413 Carriage at the Races (Degas), 2:636
Carbonari, 1:359–362; 2:881; Carrier, Jean-Baptiste, 2:563–565;
Carlos, Don. See Charles III, king of
3:1198, 1254 4:1951
Byron and, 1:333 Carrière, Eugène, 2:796
Carlos I, king of Portugal, 4:1841
Carrington, Dora, 4:2259
founding in Naples of, 1:360–361; Carlsbad Decrees (1819), 1:361,
Carrousel, arch of the (Paris), 4:1729
3:1193 368–370; 2:861, 959, 1043;
carrying capacity (ecology), 3:1426
Mazzini and, 3:1479 4:1869, 1972
cars. See automobile
Revolution of 1820 and, 4:1979, Metternich and, 1:369; 3:1494;
Carson, Edward Henry, 2:692;
1980, 2130; 5:2513 4:1971
3:1184, 1185; 5:2465, 2466
Revolution of 1830 and, 1:361; Carlton House (Lond), 3:1602
Carte, Richard D’Oyly, 5:2464
4:1979, 2130, 2131; 5:2513 Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 1:370, 371
carte-de-visite portrait, 4:1772
as secret society, 1:359; Carlyle, Janice, 3:1514
Cartellier, Pierre, 4:2043
4:2130–2131; 5:2513, 2514 Carlyle, Thomas, 1:103, 370–372,
cartels, 1:487; 2:967; 3:1315
Carbonari della montagna, I (Verga), 371; 2:941; 5:2395
Cartesian Meditations (Husserl),
5:2407 Mazzini friendship with, 3:1480 2:1100
carbon dioxide, 3:1312 Mill (John Stuart) friendship with, cartoons. See caricature and cartoons
carburetor, 3:1161 3:1513 Carvalho, Léon, 3:1675
Card Players, The (Cézanne), 1:398 Saint-Simonism and, 4:2081, 2202, Cary, Elizabeth Cabot, 1:23
Carducci, Giosuè, 1:362–363 2203 Casa Amatller (Barcelona), 1:184
Caribbean, 1:363–366 socialism and, 4:2206 Casa Batilló (Barcelona), 1:183;
British capitalism and, 2:708–709, Carmelite nuns, 1:384, 385 2:936, 937
710 Carmen (Bizet), 3:1675, 1676 Casa Calvet (Barcelona), 2:936
British-French rivalry in, 3:1115 Carmen (Mérimée), 5:2314 Casa de les Punxes (Barcelona), 1:184
colonialism and, 1:363–366, 499; Carnap, Rudolf, 3:1409 Casa Figueres (Barcelona), 2:936
2:708, 1035–1036; 3:1116 Carnarvon, Lord, 4:2223 Casagemas, Carles, 4:1781
Carnaval (ballet), 3:1642 Casa Iuster (Barcelona), 1:184
French colonial rights and, 2:888
Carnaval des revues, Le (Offenbach), Casa Milà (Barcelona), 1:183; 2:937,
French slave rebellion and, 1:364,
3:1661 937
365, 498, 501; 2:890
Carnegie, Andrew, 3:1158; 4:1697; Casati Law of 1859 (Italy), 5:2388
Protestant missionary societies in, 5:2387 Casa Tomas (Barcelona), 1:184
3:1527 Carnegie Endowment for International Casa Viçens (Barcelona vicinity), 2:936
slave labor in, 1:363, 364; Peace, 4:1697 Casement, Roger, 1:205
2:708–709, 890, 1036; 4:1925, Carnegie Institue Station for Caspian Sea, 1:395
1927, 2190, 2191 Experimental Evolution, 2:770 Cassagne, Armand, 5:2400
slave trade and, 1:13, 14 Carnegie steel, 3:1158, 1159 ‘‘Cassandra’’ (Nightingale), 3:1637
trade and, 2:709 Carnival romani, Le (Berlioz), 1:225 Cassatt, Mary, 3:1126, 1128,
See also Haiti Carnot, Lazare (father), 2:518, 664, 1131–1132; 4:2156
Caricaturana (Daumier and Philipon), 900; 3:1588 Castagnary, Jules, 3:1128
2:621 Carnot, Sadi (son), 4:1943, 2108 Castaigne, Andre, 1:126

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2589

Castelar y Ripoll, Emilio, 4:2230, folk culture and, 1:182 as anticlerical target, 1:67, 68, 70,
2231 Gaudı́ and, 2:935–938 180–181, 381, 388–389
Castel-Béranger (Guimard apartment Napoleonic occupation and, 1:180; anti-Semitism and, 1:73, 183
house), 2:1027 4:1765 aristocracy and, 1:83
Castelfidardo, Battle of (1860),
textile production ind, 3:1151 Austria-Hungary and, 1:138, 144,
women’s labor syndicates in, 3:1293 145, 263, 377; 2:871, 957
Castello, Antonio Paternò. See San
See also Barcelona Belgium and, 1:200–201
Giuliano, marquis di
caste system, 3:1208 Catania, 4:2177 Berlin migrants and, 1:217
Castiglione, Francesco Saverio. See Pius catastrophism, 2:615; 3:1402 Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:273,
VIII Catéchisme des industriels (Saint- 275, 276–277
Castile, 1:379; 2:950, 951 Simon), 4:2081 Britain and. See Catholic
Castilhos, Julio de, 4:1844 ‘‘Catechism of a Revolutionary, The’’ emancipation (Britain)
Castle, The (Kafka), 3:1242, 1243 (Nechayev), 3:1613, 1614 British Act of Union and, 3:1177
Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Catena Librorum Tacendorum (Fraxi), Carlism and, 1:83
Stewart), 1:373–374; 4:1970, 4:1836
charities and, 4:1581
1971; 5:2321 Cathédrale, La (Huysmans), 2:1104
cholera relief and, 1:438
Congress of Vienna and, 2:532, 533, Cather, Willa, 1:214
Catherine II (Roslin), 1:375 Comte’s analysis of, 4:1844
534, 565, 1080
Catherine II (the Great), empress of Concordat of 1801 and, 2:527–529;
on Holy Alliance, 2:1081 3:1586, 1588, 1598
Russia, 1:243, 374–377, 375,
Metternich and, 3:1493, 1494 cooperatives and, 2:556
400; 4:2047–2048, 2049, 2050
Revolutions of 1820 and, 4:1980, Counter-Enlightenment and, 2:538
Alexander I and, 1:37
1981, 1982
Cossacks and, 5:2370 counterrevolution and, 2:566
slave trade abolishment and, 1:308
counterrevolution and, 3:1625 culture of, 1:378–380
castrati, 3:1670
Castro, Carlos Marı́a de, 3:1413 Czartoryski and, 2:603 Directory and, 2:666
Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (Shelley). French Revolution and, 2:887; Dublin and, 2:693
See Valperga 4:1748 Dvořák and, 2:700–701
casualties Peter the Great statue and, 4:2075 Eastern Christian rite and, 5:2369,
Balkan Wars and, 1:165–166, 313 Poland and, 4:1806, 1807 2372
battlefield medicine and, Radishchev exiled by, 3:1552 education and, 2:721, 723, 726,
3:1307–1308 Royal Cophenhagen china service gift 812, 929
Boer War and, 1:258; 3:1259 to, 2:647 as eugenics opponent, 2:769
cholera pandemics and, 1:436 St. Petersburg and, 4:2075, France and. See under France
Crimean War and, 2:629, 952 2077–2078, 2079 Freemasonry and, 2:881
Franco-Austrian War and, 2:952 secularization and, 4:2059, 2061 French Canadians and, 1:343
Franco-Prussian War and, 2:629 son Paul I’s reversal of policies of, French church-state separation and,
Geneva Convention and, 2:953 4:1747, 1748 4:1929–1930, 2136–2137;
Jena battle and, 3:1221 Cathleen ni Houlihan (Yeats), 5:2510 5:2432–2433
Catholic Action, 1:389; 4:2025 French Revolution and, 2:843, 846,
Leipzig battle and, 3:1322
Catholic Association (Ireland), 1:388; 888, 894, 896
Majuba Hill and, 3:1423
2:1003; 3:1656 See also Civil Constitution of the
Mukden and, 3:1557 Catholic Center Party (Germany), Clergy
Napoleonic campaigns and, 2:628, 1:238, 383
644; 3:1340 Gallicanism and, 1:269; 2:529
Catholic Electoral Union (Italy), 2:972 gender dimorphism and, 2:945
Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow Catholic emancipation, 1:211, 381,
and, 2:902 German state separation from, 2:966
415; 2:1002, 1003; 3:1177
Navarino and, 3:1612 Germany and. See under Germany
Catholic emancipation (Britain),
Omdurman and, 3:1668 1:211, 373; 2:693, 1003; 3:1177, holidays and, 3:1324
Paris Commune and, 2:855 1345; 4:1895 Huysmans and, 2:1104
World War I and, 1:101 O’Connell and, 3:1656–1657 Ireland and, 1:327, 378, 379, 380,
Catalanisme (Catalanism), 1:182; Peel and, 1:381; 4:1758 383; 2:693, 1000, 1009, 1010;
2:935, 937, 938, 949; 4:2232 Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 3:1176, 1181, 1655–1657
Catalonia, 1:62, 180–184; 4:2231, (Britain), 1:415; 3:1345, 1656; Irish Devotional Revolution and,
2232 4:1758, 1895, 2118; 5:2457 3:1180–1181
cabaret in, 1:335 Catholicism, 1:377–386 Irish immigrants and, 3:1525
Carlism and, 1:367, 368 Acton and, 1:6 Italy and. See under Italy
education in, 2:726 Albania and, 1:32 Jerusalem and, 1:244

2590 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Kulturkampf against, 3:1277, Tories and, 5:2321, 2322 Catriona (Stevenson), 4:2256
1278–1280, 1331; 4:1903 Ukraine and, 5:2369–2372 Cattaneo, Carlo, 3:1480, 1501–1502;
labor movements and, 5:2488–2489 ultramontanism and, 1:381–384, 4:2002
lay organizations and, 4:2025, 2037 388; 4:1721, 1722 cattle. See livestock
Leo IX and, 4:1798 Vietnam and, 3:143, 1138, 1140 Caucasus
Leo XIII and, 3:1330–1331 voluntary associations and, 1:120 Armenians in, 1:87, 88, 89, 91
Lithuania and, 3:1366 Warsaw, and, 5:2441 Russia and, 2:703–704; 3:1625
Lorraine and, 1:51 women’s idealization and, 1:287 Russian Islamic jadidism in,
Louis-Napoleon and, 3:1591 See also papacy; papal infallibility; 3:1207–1208
Lueger and, 3:1393 Papal State Shamil and, 4:2164–2165
Lyon and, 3:1405 Catholicism, political, 1:377, Cauer, Minna, 1:129
386–390 Cavacchioli, Enrico, 2:918
Madrid and, 3:1412–1413
Action Française and, 1:4, 5; 3:1477 Cavaignac, Godefroy, 2:684; 3:1318;
Mahler as convert to, 3:1418
anticlericalism and, 1:68–70, 4:2044
Maistre and, 3:1422
388–389 Cavaignac, Louis Eugène, 3:1590
Manning as convert to, 3:1440–1441
anti-Semitism and, 1:73; 2:684, 689 Cavalieri, Tommaso, 4:2296
Manzoni and, 3:1441, 1442 Cavalleria rusticana (Mascagni),
Marian cults and. See Marian Austria and, 3:1393–1395
devotion Belgium and, 1:200–201, 202, 203,
204, 205 ‘‘Cavalleria rusticana’’ (Verga), 5:2408
migration and, 3:1111 cavalry, 1:94–95, 244; 2:578, 578
missions and, 3:1527, 1528 Bismarck’s Kulturkampf against,
Cavazza, Francesco, 3:1307
1:238, 239; 2:966
modernism and, 1:213, 214, Cavazza family, 3:1307
382–383, 385 British empancipation and, 4:1758
Cavendish, Henry, 3:1312; 4:2114
Central Party and, 1:393–394; 2:966
as Netherlands minority, 1:377, 383; Cavendish Laboratory (Cambridge),
3:1618, 1619 Christian Democracy and, 1:389
3:1478; 5:2387
Newman’s conversion to, 3:1621 Christian Socialism and, Cavignac, Jean-Baptiste, 2:851
nursing orders and, 3:1648, Cavour, Count (Camillo Benso),
1649–1650 conservatism and, 1:387, 388, 389; 1:380, 390–393; 2:581, 583,
2:540, 541; 3:1393 662, 866; 4:2003–2004, 2036;
Péguy and, 4:1760, 1761
Dreyfus affair and, 2:684 5:2325, 2404, 2410
Peninsular War and, 4:2227
Dublin and, 2:691 Garibaldi and, 1:391, 392; 2:932,
pilgrimages and, 4:1787–1790;
5:2329–2330 French landmarks and, 2:737 933; 3:1198
in Germany, 5:2467, 2469, impact of death of, 3:1200
Poland and. See under Poland
2472–2474 liberalism and, 3:1343, 1345;
popular devotion and, 1:385, 393
Ireland and, 2:673, 1003; 3:1177, 4:1786–1787
Portugal and, 1:377; 4:1842
1185 Pius IX’s condemnations of, 4:1797
Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1707
Italy and, 2:972 Risorgimento (Italian unification)
prostitution reform and, 4:1886
Kulturkampf and, 3:1278–1280 and, 1:390, 391, 392–393;
Protestantism contrasted with,
labor movements and, 3:1291 3:1197–1198, 1481
liberalism and, 1:383; 3:1344, 1346 Cavour family, 1:322, 390
as Prussian minority, 1:381; 4:1901,
non expedit policy and, 4:2024–2025 Cayley, George, 1:30
O’Connell and, 3:1654–1657 Cazals, F. A., 3:1213
Pugin’s conversion to, 4:1917–1918
papacy and, 4:1718–1719 CCHP. See Consultative Committee
Restoration and, 4:1968–1970
peasants and, 4:1755 on Public Health
Rome and, 4:2033–2035, 2037
Revolutions of 1848 and, 1:388; CDU. See Christlich-Demokratische
royalists and, 1:5 Union
Salvation Army attacks on, 4:2083 Céart, Henry, 2:1104
Roman Question and, 4:2024–2026
Scotland and, 4:2118–2119 Cecchetti, Enrico, 4:1750
Third French Republic and, 2:855,
secularization and, 4:2134 Cecil, Robert. See Salisbury, Lord
Serbia and, 1:206 Catholic League (Germany), 5:2474 Cécile (Constant), 2:545
Slavophile view of, 4:2194, 2195 Catholic Party (Belgium), 1:389 Celan, Paul, 2:1079
Spain and, 1:377, 379; 4:1766; Catholic Register (Irish periodical), Célébrités du juste milieu (Daumier),
5:2488–2489 3:1656 2:621
suffrage rights and, 4:2277 Catholic University (Dublin), 2:693 celestial mechanics, 4:1804
Switzerland and, 1:377; 4:2290, Caton Woodville, R., 2:563 Celestial Mechanics (Leplace),
2291 Cato Street conspiracy, 1:361 4:1779–1780
theology and, 1:384–385 Cato the Elder, 3:1663 Cellier, Léon, 4:2085

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2591

Cello Concerto in B minor (Dvořák), Russian colonial reforms in, chain reaction, 4:1781
2:701 1:396–397 Chains of Slavery (Marat), 3:1442
cell theory, 1:340; 3:1485 Russian expansion into, 1:39; 3:1116 chalcolite, 2:594
Cellularpathologie, Die (Virchow), Russian Islamic jadidism in, Chalgrin, Jean François Térèse, 4:2043
5:2425 3:1207–1208 Chaliapin, Fyodor, 2:654; 3:1575
celluloid, 3:1160 Turkish nationalism and, 3:1690 Chalier, Joseph, 2:800; 3:1403
Celsius, Anders, 4:2285 Central Committee of Resistance to Challenger (British ship), 3:1658
Celtic (football club), 2:833, 834 Oppression (France), 2:800 Chalmers, Thomas, 2:1006
Celticism, 3:1178, 1182–1183 Central Market Hall (Budapest), 1:310 Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 1:402
Celtic Twilight, 5:2509, 2510 Central Powers, 1:146, 313 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 1:75,
Cementiri de l’Est (Barcelona), 1:180 Central Railway Station (Amsterdam), 77, 402–404; 4:2023
cemeteries, 2:628; 4:1731, 1858 1:53 Wagnerian cult of, 1:403, 404
Cenci, The (Shelley), 4:2170 Centre Català (Barcelona), 1:182 Chamberlain, Joseph, 1:355,
Cenerentola, La (Rossini), 3:1670; Centre Party (Germany). See Center 404–406, 450; 2:505, 1011;
4:2038 Party 3:1348
censorship, 4:1869–1870 Centre Pompidou (Paris), 2:590 imperialism and, 1:405; 3:1118
Armenia and, 1:89 Centuria Librorum Absconditorum Irish Home Rule and, 1:405; 2:1010
Austria-Hungary and, 1:138, 142 (Fraxi), 4:1836 tariff reform and, 3:1369
Catherine II and, 1:377 ceramics Tories and, 5:2322
Chateaubriand’s opposition to, art nouveau, 1:107, 111–112, 113; Webb and, 5:2444
1:421 2:815, 1028 workers’ support of, 5:2489
French fluctuating policies and, See also pottery chamber music, 3:1568, 1569, 1670
1:450; 2:621; 3:1385; Cercle social (France), 2:994; 4:1961 Beethoven and, 1:197
4:1868–1870, 1899 Cerdà, Ildefons, 1:182
Rimsky-Korsakov and, 4:1999
French protests against, 1:450 Cervantes, Miguel de, 2:621, 676,
Schubert and, 4:2106, 2107
German Carlsbad Decrees and, 950, 951
Chamber of Deputies (France)
1:368, 370; 2:959; 3:1494; Cervara, La (Corot), 2:561
Cervera y Topete, Pascual, 4:2231 anti-Semitic members of, 2:689
4:1869 Charles X dissolution of, 1:412;
German movement against, 1:336 Ceuta, 3:1548
Ceylon, 1:436; 2:958 3:1388
Italy and, 4:1869, 2001 Clemenceau and, 1:479, 480
Cézanne, Paul, 1:397–399, 398
Joseph II’s relaxation of, 1:138 Delacroix decorations for, 2:640
commemorative franc note for,
by London’s Lord Chamberlain, Delcassé in, 2:642–643
3:1377 Ferry and, 2:810–811
cubism and, 1:156; 2:593; 4:1710
Napoleonic Empire and, 4:1869 Gambetta and, 2:928, 929
Delacroix as influence on, 2:641
Prussia and, 4:1869; 5:2512 Guesde and, 2:1026
impressionism and, 3:1126, 1128,
Prussian relaxation of, 1:215, 216 1131, 1132–1133; 4:1708 Guizot and, 2:1029; 3:1389
Reign of Terror and, 4:1869 Impressionist Exhibition and, 4:1955 July Monarchy and, 3:1389
Russia and, 1:400; 2:1014, 1016; as Matisse influence, 3:1474 Lafayette and, 3:1300–1301
3:1552, 1613, 1626, 1627; as Picasso influence, 4:1782 Lamartine and, 3:1303
4:1747, 1869, 1870, 2052, 2055 Ledru-Rollin and, 3:1318
Pissarro and, 4:1792, 1793
Spain and, 4:1869 Restoration and, 2:846
postimpressionism and, 3:1530,
Sweden and, 4:2283 1536; 4:1710 Revolution of 1830 and, 2:848
See also freedom of the press Zola and, 5:2522 socialists and, 4:1732–1733
Centennial International Exhibition. CGT. See General Confederation of Third Republic and, 2:856
See Philadelphia Centennial Labor Chamber of Deputies (Italy), 2:581
Exhibition Chaadayev, Peter, 1:399–401; 2:772; Chamber of Labor (Milan), 3:1504
Center Party (Germany), 1:82, 388, 3:1170; 4:2050; 5:2459 Chambers, Robert, 2:777
393–395 Chabrier, Emmanuel, 3:1675 Chamber Symphony no. 1
Bismarck policies against, 1:239; Chadwick, Edwin, 1:218, 401–402, (Schoenberg), 4:2102
2:966; 3:1278 450 Chambord, comte de (Henri-Charles-
naval buildup and, 3:1609 on criminality, 2:572 Ferdinand-Marie Dieudonné
William II and, 5:2469 on hospital infections causes, 3:1358 d’Artois), 2:855
Windthorst and, 5:2472–2474 Public Health Act and, 1:325; Champagne (wine), 5:2476, 2477,
working class and, 5:2489 4:1912 2478
Central Asia, 1:395–397 Chahut, Le (Seurat), 4:2157 Champassak, 3:1142
imperial expansion and, 1:244, 395 Chaikovsky Circle, 3:1272 Champ-de-Mars (Paris), 2:736, 890

2592 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Champollion, Jean-François, Charles X, king of France, 1:411–413; Charles Baudelaire (Deroy), 1:187
1:406–407 2:1029; 3:1442; 4:2038 Charles Emmanuel II, king of
Champs Elysees (Paris), 2:869; 4:1735 abdication of, 1:270, 457; 2:566, Piedmont-Savoy, 4:1786
Chance (Conrad), 2:536 640; 3:1301, 1303; 4:1984; Charles Felix, king of Piedmont-Savoy,
Chancery Court (Britain), 1:303 5:2310 1:413, 414; 2:539; 4:1786, 1969
Chandelle verte, La (Jarry), 3:1214 accession of, 2:847–848 Charles of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen.
Chandler, Alfred, 2:711 Algeria and, 3:1389 See Carol I, king of Romania
Changarnier, Nicolas-Anne-Theoduke, Bonald’s hostility to, 1:269 Charles University (Prague), 3:1469;
3:1318 brother Louis XVIII and, 3:1386 4:1858
‘‘Channel Firing’’ (Hardy), 2:1045 Charlotte, princess of Great Britain,
Chateaubriand and, 1:421
Chansons des rues et des bois, Les 3:1334–1335, 1336; 5:2411
counterrevolutionary program of,
(Hugo), 2:1094 Charlotte, queen consort of Great
Chansons madécasses (Ravel), 4:1945 Britain, 3:1224
French Revolution and, 2:843; Charlottenburg (Berlin suburb),
Chanteuse, La (Degas), 1:336
3:1386, 1403 1:217, 218
Chants du Crépuscule, Les (Hugo),
grandson of, 2:855 Charlton, D. B., 1:228
July Ordinances (1830) and, 1:412; Charnock, Harry, 2:834
Chanute, Octave, 4:2115
3:1387, 1388 Charpentier, Charlotte, 4:2123
Chapman, Maria Weston, 3:1459
Louis-Philippe and, 3:1388 Charpentier, Georges, 4:1955
Chaptal, Jean-Antoine, 4:1790
Chapters on Socialism (J. S. Mill), Restoration and, 4:1968–1969, 1970 Charterhouse of Parma, The (Stendhal),
3:1514 Revolution of 1830 and, 1:412, 413; 4:2253
Charbonnerie conspiracy, 1:337, 361 3:1393; 4:1983–1984; 5:2512 Charter of 1814 (France), 1:270, 457;
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 1:407–411, Rossini opera and, 3:1671 3:1387; 4:1969, 1971, 1984
409; 3:1665; 4:1908, 2255 suffrage and, 4:2277 Charter of 1826 (Portugal), 4:1839,
Freud and, 2:639; 4:1904 Talleyrand and, 5:2306 1839–1840
Charcot’s joints, 1:408 Charles VI, Holy Roman emperor, Charter of Amiens (1906), 1:60
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 5:2354 Charter of the Nobility (Russia, 1785),
3:1474 Charles III, king of Spain, 1:336; 4:1747; 5:2370
2:809; 4:2227, 2229 Chartism, 1:271, 290, 414–419, 459;
Charenton (French prison/asylum),
Naples and, 3:1191, 1580 2:1006; 3:1286; 4:1991
‘‘Charge of the Light Brigade’’ Charles IV, king of Spain, 4:2225 artisans and, 1:111; 3:1286
(Tennyson), 1:95, 244 Carlist coup and, 1:366, 367 Carlyle and, 1:371
Charging Chasseur (Géricault), 2:955 David commission from, 2:624 cooperatives and, 2:555
Charigot, Aline, 4:1956 French Revolutionary War and, Corn Laws repeal campaign and,
charity 2:899 2:559
African colonization and, 1:222 Goya as court painter to, 2:997, 999 Engels and, 2:754
Belgian Catholic relief work and, Napoleon and, 2:902; 4:1763–1764 influence of, 1:417–418
1:203 son Ferdinand VII and, 2:808, 809, Ireland and, 3:1657–1658
Catholic poverty relief as, 1:383 998; 4:1763 Lovett and, 1:414, 416, 418;
fundraiser poster, 4:1853 Charles V (self-proclaimed), king of 3:1390–1391
Malthusian opposition to, Spain, 1:367, 368; 2:809 Manchester and, 3:1430
3:1425–1426 Charles XIII, king of Sweden, 1:226 O’Connor and, 1:415, 416–417;
Charles XIV John, king of Sweden and 3:1657–1658; 4:2277
nursing and, 3:1649
Norway. See Bernadotte, Jean- Peel government and, 4:1759
poor relief and, 4:1847, 1849, 1850,
Baptiste platform of, 1:414; 2:1003, 1009;
1851, 1852, 1854; 5:2450, 2451
Charles XV, king of Sweden, 4:2283 3:1286, 1657
unemployed workers and, 5:2454 Charles IV, king of the Two Sicilies. See
voluntary associations and, 1:119 police and, 4:1814
Charles III, king of Spain
public education and, 2:720
See also welfare Charles XII (Strindberg), 4:2286
Charity Organization Society Punch cartoon on, 1:416
Charles, archduke of Austria, 1:132,
(London), 2:769; 4:1851 133; 2:860, 901, 902; 5:2374 repression of, 2:1004, 1004
Charivari, Le (French journal), 2:621, Charles Albert, king of Sardinia- republicanism and, 4:1963
622 Piedmont, 1:413–414; 3:1195; Smiles and, 4:2199
Charlatans modernes, Les (Marat), 4:1969; 5:2409 sources of, 1:414–415
3:1443 constitution of, 1:414; 3:1196, 1197 strikes and, 1:416–417; 4:2265
Charles I, king of England, 4:1738, Risorgimento (Italian unification) suffragism and, 4:2277; 5:2487
1958 and, 4:2002, 2003 temperance movement and, 1:36
Charles VIII, king of France, 4:2300 Venice and, 5:2403–2404 utilitarianism and, 5:2394

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2593

in Wales, 5:2434 chemical weapons, 2:953 Childhood (Tolstoy), 5:2318, 2319

Wilberforce and, 5:2462 chemistry, 1:424–427; 3:1153, childhood and children, 1:427–432
working class and, 5:2483, 2486 1159–1160, 1164; 4:2113–2114, bourgeoisie and, 1:472;
Chartist Cooperative Land Company, 2115 3:1454–1455
3:1658 Curie and, 2:594–595 Boy Scout/Girl Guide movements
Chartran, Theobald, 2:931 electrochemistry and, 4:2114 and, 1:159–160
Chartres Cathedral (Gleizes), 2:590 first textbook of, 3:1312 breastfeeding and, 1:431; 2:628,
Chartreuse de Parme, La (Stendhal), Lavoisier and, 1:424; 3:1153, 645, 659; 4:1828
4:2253 1311–1313 changed economic value of, 4:1830
Chastenet, Jacques, 2:929 Nobel and, 3:1644, 1645 child abandonment and, 1:431;
Chataldzha, Battle of (1912), 1:163 nomenclature and, 3:1312 4:1829; 5:2454–2455
Chateaubriand, François-René, 1:269, organic, 4:2109 crime and, 2:573, 575–576
385, 387, 419–422; 3:1298 Swedish contributions to, 4:2285 diarrhea prevention and, 2:667
as Chaadayev influence, 1:400 See also chemical industry disease and, 2:667
on Christianity, 4:2133 Chemotactic Hypothesis (Cajal), education and, 1:427–431, 472;
conservatism and, 2:537 1:342 2:719–728
Doré illustrations for, 2:676 Chénier, André, 2:518 family planning and, 4:1828
Romanticism and, 1:421; 4:2028, Chéret, Jules, 2:550; 4:1845, 1846, foundling homes and hospitals and,
2030, 2031 1846, 1853 5:2450–2451
Spain and, 4:2228 Chernov, Victor M., 4:2210, 2211 Freudian theory and, 2:96, 905, 908;
Venice and, 5:2403 Chernyshevsky, Nikolai, 3:1170, 1613, 4:1905
Chatelet, Parant du, 4:1910 1639, 1640; 4:2052 gendered socialization and, 3:1471
Chatham, Lord. See Pitt, William as populist influence, 4:1767, 1831 Grimm fairy tales and, 2:1023;
(the Elder) Cherry Orchard, The (Chekhov), 3:1523
Châtiments, Les (Hugo), 2:1093 1:423; 3:1551 improved health of, 2:645
Chat Noir (Parisian cabaret), 1:335 Cherubini, Luigi, 3:1673
innocence concept of, 1:428
Chaumette, Pierre-Gaspard, 2:802 Cheshire cotton industry, 3:1427,
kindergartens and, 3:1680
Chaumont, Treaty of (1814), 1:374 1430
Chesterton, G. K., 4:2233 Montessori method and,
Chauncey, Isaac, 5:2440
Chestnut Trees at Osny, The (Pissarro), 3:1542–1543
Chausson, Ernest, 3:1675
4:1793 in peasant families, 4:1752–1753
Chauvin, Jeanne, 2:696
Chavannes, Puvis de, 4:2292 Chevalier, Jacques, 3:1538 protective reforms and, 5:2451–2452
Chayanov, Alexander, 4:1756 Chevalier, Michel, 1:491; 4:2202 racism and, 4:1927
Chazal, Aline, 2:939 Chevreul, Michel-Eugène, 4:2115, smoking and, 5:2315
Chazal, André, 5:2357 2156 tuberculosis and, 5:2361
Chebyshev, Pafnuty, 4:2249 Cheyne, George, 2:546 vaccination of, 3:1224, 1224
Chechen Wars, 4:2165 Church of Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois welfare initiatives and, 5:2451–2452,
Chechnya, 4:2164 (Monet), 3:1535 2454, 2455
Cheddo (African soldiers), 1:15 Chiaramonti, Barnaba Gregorio. See working-class families and, 3:1455,
Chekhov, Anton, 1:422–424; 2:654; Pius VII 1456
3:1436, 1495 Chicago school (sociology), 4:2214 See also child custody; child labor;
Goncharov as influence on, 2:989 Chicago World’s Fair (1893). See infant and child mortality;
Moscow Art Theater and, 1:423; World’s Columbian Exposition marriage and family; motherhood
3:1551 Chicherin, Boris, 5:2459, 2460 child labor, 1:427, 428–430, 431
Chiesa, Giacomo della. See Benedict
tuberculosis of, 5:2360 Bohemia and, 1:261
Turgenev and, 5:2365 bourgeois reforms and, 1:285, 288
chiffonier, 3:1431–1432
chemical industry, 1:425, 426–427 British Industrial Revolution and,
Chigi family, 4:2035
fertilizers and, 1:25; 3:1164, 1305 1:350, 351, 352, 371; 2:708
childbed fever, 4:2134–2135
French factories and, 2:792 Child Claimed by the Church, the State, British restraints on, 2:1003
Germany and, 2:967; 3:1159–1160 and the Freemasons (Gir), 1:69 Chadwick reforms and, 1:401
Lyon and, 3:1405 child custody coal mining and, 1:371, 430
in Scotland, 4:2117 British reform and, 3:1646 economic argument for, 2:708
Second Industrial Revolution and, women’s rights and, 2:943, factories and, 1:350, 351, 352, 371,
1:351, 427; 2:709; 3:1157, 9446–9447; 3:1595, 1646 401, 429, 430, 430; 2:792, 793;
1159–1160 child development, 4:1909 3:1150
in Switzerland, 4:2290 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron), family life and, 3:1455
water pollution and, 2:764 1:332, 333; 4:2123 family planning and, 4:1830

2594 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Mill (John Stuart) on, 2:718 as tea source, 1:495; 3:1678 Sand and, 4:2029, 2084
Norton’s writings against, trade and, 3:152, 1151; 5:2336 tuberculosis of, 5:2360
3:1645–1646 Vietnam and, 3:139, 1137, 1138, choral music, 3:1568, 1570
protective laws for, 2:793; 4:1830 1142, 1144, 1145 choral societies, 4:1989
Prussian minimum age for, 2:793, world’s fairs and, 5:2500 choreography. See ballet
967 See also Opium Wars Chôshû family, 3:1210
textile industry and, 5:2486, 2487 china (pottery). See porcelain Chotek, Sophie, 2:861–862
Child Labor and the Industrial China Inland Mission, 3:1527–1528 Chouans, Les (Balzac), 1:167
Revolution (Nardinelli), 2:708 Chinese Eastern Railroad, 4:2064; Christ Among the Doctors (Ingres),
Child Labor Law of 1839 and 1853 5:2426, 2479 3:1166
(Prussia), 2:793 Chinese immigrants, 3:1524 Christ Church Cathedral (Dublin),
Child of the Factory, The (engraving), Ching dynasty, 3:1138 2:693
3:1150 chinoiserie, 1:432 Christenheit oder Europa, Die
Child of the Islands (Norton), 3:1646 Chirac, Jacques, 2:685; 3:1593 (Novalis), 3:1647
child prostitution, 1:332 chiralty, 4:1743 Christian IX, king of Denmark, 2:609,
children. See childhood and children 963; 3:1626–1627
Chlopi (Reymont), 4:1756
Children and Young Persons Act of Christian anarchism, 5:2320
chlorine bleaching, 3:1152
1908 (Britain), 5:2315 Christian Democrats
chocolate. See coffee, tea, chocolate
Children of the Factory, The (French Belgium and, 1:204
Choiseul, Étienne François, duc de,
engraving), 1:430 Christian Socialism and, 4:2209
Children’s and Household Tales
Chokwe war, 1:15–16 France and, 1:5, 389
(Grimm brothers), 2:1023
cholera, 1:251, 436–438, 450 Leo XIII on, 3:1332
Algeria and, 1:43, 44, 47 Christian Faith, The (Schleiermacher),
football (soccer) and, 2:834
Barcelona and, 1:181 4:2097
monetary system of, 3:1538
Berlin and, 1:218 Christian Frederik, king of Norway,
papal diplomacy with, 4:1795 1:227
chimney sweep, 2:1007 Britain and, 1:325, 450; 2:716;
3:1378 Christiania (Oslo), 3:1558
China, 1:432–436; 2:547
Dublin and, 2:690 Christianity
Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292–294
factors in spread of, 2:669, 765, Austrian Jewish converts to, 3:1525
Britain and, 1:432, 433–435;
1091 Berdyayev reinterpretation of,
3:1578–1579; 4:1713, 2064
See also Opium Wars Hamburg and, 1:438, 450; 2:628,
1040 Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:273,
Central Asia and, 1:395 275, 276–277
clash of European culture with, industrialism and, 2:668, 716
Cabet on communism as, 1:338
1:432–433, 434 Madrid and, 3:1412
charity and, 4:1847, 1850
East India Company and, 2:705; mortality rate from, 2:644, 667
Chateaubriand’s writing on, 1:420
3:1678, 1679 pandemics of, 1:436–437; 2:1.438,
668–669 civilizing mission of, 1:462; 2:508
economic development and, 2:710
Paris and, 1:437, 438; 2:765; conservatism and, 2:539, 541
emigrants from, 3:1524
4:1729, 1915 Darwinian evolution and, 2:614,
imperialism in, 1:434–435, 435;
pathogen identification for, 3:1263 615, 618
3:1118, 1678–1680, 1679–1684
peasant victims of, 4:1751 gender dimorphism and, 2:945
Japan and, 1:293–294, 434, 435,
public health measures and, 2:436, Germanic racism and, 1:403
435; 3:1210–1211, 1212; 4:2064
437, 438, 628, 769; 4:1912, Gothic architecture and, 4:1917
missionaries to, 3:1527–1528
1915 Haeckel’s view of, 2:1032
Nanking Treaty and, 3:1578–1579,
1679 Rome and, 4:2035 Hegel and, 3:1463–1464
opium’s illegality in, 1:495; 3:1678, Russia and, 4:2055 Herzen’s view of, 2:1064
1679 Scotland and, 4:2122 Holy Alliance and, 2:1079–1080
Palmerstons policy and, 4:1713 social unrest and, 2:668–669 Kierkegaard and, 3:1251–1253
photographs of, 4:1772 Vienna and, 5:2418, 2420 millet system and, 3:1516–1517
rebellions in, 1:434, 435; 4:2171 Chopin, Frédéric, 1:438–440, 439; missionaries and, 3:1527–1529
reform of 1898 and, 1:435 3:1565, 1571; 5:2430 missions in India and, 3:1134
Russia and, 4:2172 Liszt and, 3:1360, 1361 mysticism and, 2:1080
Russo-Japanese War and, Paganini as influence on, 4:1699 Nietzsche’s critique of, 3:1532,
3:1556–1558, 1628 Polish national movement and, 1629–1631, 1633, 1635
Shimonoseki Treaty and, 1:434; 1:440; 4:1818 poverty and, 4:1847
4:2170–2171 Romanticism and, 4:2027 Young Hegelians and, 5:2513

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2595

See also Catholicism; Orthodox Church of Saint Vincent de Paul Bohemian Lands and, 1:260–261
Church; Protestantism (Barcelona), 1:181 bourgeois elite and, 1:471–472
Christian Socialism. See Socialism, Church of Scotland, 2:1002, 1006; bourgeoisie and, 1:283, 289,
Christain 4:2118 445–450, 452; 3:1452
Christian Socialist, The (journal), Church of the Prussian Union, British population percentage in,
4:2208 4:1901, 1972 3:1147; 4:1912
Christian Social Party (Austria), Church of the Resurrection (St.
coal heat and, 1:486
3:1393, 1395 Petersburg), 4:2079
consumerism and, 1:445; 2:548–551
Christian Social Union, 4:2208 Church Socialist, The (journal), 4:2208
Church Socialist League, 4:2208 crime and, 1:449, 455; 2:571–572,
Christian Social Workers movement,
Ciceri, Pierre-Luc, 2:605 575
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 1:465 death rates and, 2:628, 644
Christian Viennese Women’s League,
3:1395 Cieszkowski, August, 4:1808; 5:2512 disease epidemics and, 2:667–668,
cigarette box, art nouveau, 1:113 670, 1091
Christ in the House of His Parents
(Millais), 4:1864 cigarettes, 5:2314–2315 education and, 2:720–723
Christ Leaving the Praetorium (Doré), women smokers of, 2:947 electric power and, 2:741–742
2:677 cigars, 5:2314 Europe’s most populous, 2:557
Christlich-Demokratische Union Cilicia, 1:92 fin de siècle pessimism and, 2:816
(Germany), 1:189 Cinderella (J. Strauss), 4:2261 German population shift to, 2:960
Christliche, Gewerkvereine cinema, 1:440–443; 2:551, 815; growth of, 2:1086–1087
Deutschlands (Germany), 1:389 4:1772 homosexual/lesbian subculture in,
Christlich-Soziale Union (Germany), Doré’s influence on, 2:677–678 2:1083–1084
1:189 Lumière brothers and, 1:441, 442; housing and, 2:1087–1088; 3:1456
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 2:656 3:1396–1398, 1414; 4:1774, as impressionists’ subjects, 3:1535
Christmas Eve (Rimsky-Korsakov), 1824 Jews in, 1:447; 3:1231, 1232, 1234,
4:1999 Méliès and, 3:1482–1484 1525
Christmas Eve: A Dialogue Milan and, 3:1504 leisure activities and, 3:1323, 1324;
(Schleiermacher), 4:2097 montage and, 2:593 4:1824
Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem (Doré), popular culture and, 4:1824 markets and, 3:1447–1449
racism spread by, 4:1927 maternity hospitals in, 5:2450
Christ the Savior, Cathedral of
Cinématographe, 1:441; 3:1396, migration and, 1:201; 3:1110, 1111,
(Moscow), 3:1551
1397 1112–1113, 1308; 4:1753
Chrobak, Rudolf, 2:905
Cines (film company), 1:442 musical events and, 3:1566
chromo-luminarisme, 4:2156
‘‘Cinque Maggio, Il’’ (Manzoni), New Zealand and, 3:1624
chronometry, 4:2240
chrysanthemum wallpaper (Morris parks and, 4:1738–1741
Cinti, Decio, 2:918
design), 3:1550 pollution and, 2:764–766
Circassians, 1:92
Chrysler Building (New York City), population growth of, 1:440, 443,
Circerone, The (Burckhardt), 1:317
2:736 446–447, 446; 2:764,
Circus (Seurat), 4:1845, 2157
Chucca, Federico, 3:1414 1086–1087; 4:1911–1912
Circus Parade (Seurat), 4:1845
Chulalongkorn, king of Siam, 3:1142 poverty and, 4:1849, 1850,
Cirque, Le (Seurat), 4:1845, 2157
Chuprov, Alexander, 4:2249 1853–1854
Cirque Médrano (Paris), 4:1782
church and state. See secularization; promise and dangers of, 1:454–455
Cisalpine Republic, 3:1192, 1497,
separation of church and state public health and, 1:450; 3:1649
1501, 1584, 1597; 4:2187–2188,
Church Army, 4:1886 railroads and, 4:1936
Churchill, Winston, 3:1369, 1533,
Cisleithania. See Austria-Hungary Rome and, 4:2035–2037
1611; 5:2322
Cispadine Republic. See Cisalpine Russia and, 1:40, 452
liberalism and, 3:1348
Republic Scotland and, 4:2117, 2119, 2119,
social reform and, 2:1012 Citadel (Pest), 1:310 2121
Church Missionary Society (Anglican),
cities and towns, 1:443–456 seaside resorts and, 4:2124–2126;
3:1527; 4:1896
administrative centers and, 1:445 5:2328
Church of England. See Anglican
Church Agricultural Revolution and, 1:24 secularization and, 4:1824, 1893,
Church of Humanity, 4:2213 Algeria and, 1:43 2133
Church of Ireland, 2:693; 4:1895 aristocracy and, 1:82, 83, 84, 85 Serbia and, 4:2147
disestablishment of, 2:1008; 4:1895 artisan production in, 1:104–107 sexuality and, 4:2161
Church of Saint Jaume (Barcelona), art nouveau and, 1:108 sociology and, 4:2212
1:180–181 Baltic provinces and, 2:819 street life and, 1:447–449, 451

2596 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

street lights and, 1:207, 445–446; papacy and, 4:1717 voluntary associations and,
2:548, 741, 742 passage and provisions of, 2:843, 1:115–122, 466, 467–468
subways and, 4:2271–2273 888–889 Civil War, American, 1:66; 2:952;
telephone service and, 5:2308 civil engineers, 2:757–759 3:1174
trade and, 5:2340–2342 Civil Guard (Spain), 1:368 blocade of cotton exports and, 1:18;
tuberculosis incidence in, 5:2359 civilian militia, 2:958 2:732; 3:1431
typhus incidence in, 2:670 Civilità Cattolica, La (Jesuit journal), British policy and, 2:1008
urbanization and, 3:1308 4:2026 fire power and control and, 3:1507
working class and, 1:474; 5:2485 Civilization: Its Cause and Cure German Forty-Eighter troop
(Carpenter), 4:2206 volunteers and, 2:962
See also municipal government; cities
civilization, concept of, 1:461–464 Pius IX and, 4:1795
by name
citizen-army, French, 3:1340 civil society and, 1:465 Civil War, Russian, 3:1242, 1518,
citizenship, 1:456–461 colonial policy and, 1:461–463, 1519, 1660
active/passive distinction of, 1:458 498–500, 501; 2:504, 506–507, pogroms and, 4:1803
509; 3:1134, 1513, 1522 Civil War, Spanish, 1:62, 69, 366, 368;
British Catholics and, 3:1176, 1177
degeneration and, 2:636–639 2:937
claims on state of, 1:459–460
exploration and, 2:784 Civil War in France, The (Marx),
colonies and, 1:501
fate of indigenous peoples and, 3:1468
definition of, 1:456
2:504–505 Cixi, dowager empress of China,
eligibility for, 1:458
Hellenism and, 4:1769 1:293, 294, 435
French colonial regime and, 1:46;
Herzen critique of, 2:1065 Clair, René, 4:2087
as imperialist rationale, 1:462–464; Clairmont, Claire, 4:2168
French Revolution and, 2:843, 887,
3:1115, 1120, 1124–1125, 1174 Clairmont, Mary Jane, 2:981; 4:2168
888, 896; 3:1226, 1228, 1229,
international law and, 3:1174 Clapham (London suburb), 1:36
manners and, 3:1440 Clapham Sect, 5:2463
German vs. French view of, 1:51 Clare, John, 1:359
Jews and, 3:1226, 1228, 1229 masculinity and, 3:1472
Clarke, Edward, 5:2465
as male only, 3:1470 missionaries and, 3:1527, 1528
Clarke, P. F., 3:1297
Netherlands and, 3:1620 Nietzsche’s critique of, 3:1629–1630
Clarke, William, 5:2444
racial and sexual barriers to, primitivism vs., 4:1873–1876
Clarks of Paisley, 4:2117
1:458–459 progress and, 2:814 Clark University, 1:341–342; 3:1239
republicanism and, 4:1958–1963 race and racism debates and, class and social relations, 1:469–477
in Switzerland, 4:2290 4:1923–1924 Action Française and, 1:5
women’s rights and, 2:801, 804–805 world’s fairs and, 5:2493, 2497 anarchosyndicalism and, 1:59–62
See also Catholic emancipation; Civilization and Barbary (Wolfers),
anticlericalism and, 1:70
Jewish emancipation; suffragism 1:109
armies and, 1:96–97, 101
Citoyenne, La (French weekly), 1:127 Civilization and Its Discontents
(Freud), 2:908, 909 artisans and, 1:104–107
City and South London Railway, Athens and, 1:125–126
4:2272, 2273 Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy,
The (Burckhardt), 1:318, 319, as Austen subject, 1:131
City of London, 3:1378
320 Australia and, 1:135
Čiulionis, M. K., 3:1367
Ciutadella, La (Barcelona), 1:182 civil law. See law, theories of; automobiles and, 1:150
civic activism. See civil society Napoleonic Code Barcelona ‘‘Tragic Week’’ and,
civic universities, 5:2379, 2385, 2387 civil liberties and rights. See rights 1:181–182
Civil Code of 1804 (France), 1:287; civil service. See bureaucracy baths and spas and, 5:2327–2328
3:1314 civil society, 1:464–469 beards and, 1:191
Civil Code of 1900 (Germany), Austria-Hungary and, 1:140–151 Belgian language choice and,
3:1314, 1315 Bismarck’s innovations and, 1:459 1:202–203, 204, 307
Civil Constitution of the Clergy of cooperative movements and, Berlin and, 1:219–220
1790 (France), 1:68, 268, 387; 2:555–557 Bismarck social program and, 1:459
2:890; 5:2305 Irish Catholics and, 3:1656 body and, 1:253–255
Burke’s view of, 1:326 liberalism and, 3:1341 Bosnian Muslim elite and, 1:273
cartoon on, 2:889 Octobrists and, 3:1659 British liberal meritocracy and,
Concordat of 1801 and, 2:527 policing and, 4:1815–1816 2:1006
counterrevolutionary movement and, Polish reforms and, 4:1807 British tax policy and, 2:977, 1002,
2:563 Russia and, 4:2049 1004
Directory and, 2:666 Swiss republicanism and, 4:1963 bureaucracy and, 1:321–325

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2597

Chartism and, 1:414–418; 3:1286 racism and, 1:74 Dreyfus affair and, 2:684; 3:1216
childhood conceptions and, revolutions and, 1:459–460 Drumont duel with, 2:689
1:428–429 Scotland and, 4:2116–2117, 2119, as Ferry opponent, 2:642, 812–813
cholera epidemics and, 1:437–438; 2120, 2122 syndicalist movement and, 4:2298,
2:669 seaside resorts and, 4:2125 2299
cities and towns and, 1:445–449, Social Democrats and, 1:231 Zola’s defense of Dreyfus and, 2:684
452 suffrage extension and, 1:204 Clement XIV, pope, 1:68, 347
civil society and, 1:465, 467, 468 Table of Ranks (Russia) and, 1:286, Cleopatra (ballet), 3:1642
classical economics and, 2:714–718 323 Clere, Anselm, 1:182
clothing and, 1:481; 2:550 tobacco use and, 5:2314, 2315 Clermont-Tonnerre (French deputy),
consumerism and, 2:547, 548, 549, tourism and, 5:2325–2331 3:1226
552, 912–913 Clias, Phokion Heinrich, 4:2241
utopian socialism and, 1:338
cooperatives and, 2:555, 556 Climacus, Johannes (Kierkegaard
welfare initiatives and, 5:2450–2456
pseud.), 3:1251
Corn Laws repeal movement and, See also aristocracy; bourgeoisie;
Cline, Henry, 3:1223
2:558–560 landed elites; peasants; working
Clinical Medicine (Pinel), 4:1791
counterrevolution and, 2:567 class
Clive, John, 3:1407
criminality and, 2:572–574; classical economists. See economists,
Clive, Robert, 2:706; 3:1133
3:1371–1372 classical
clocks and watches, 3:1323,
Crystal Palace and, 2:587, 589 classical period (music), 1:198 1323–1324; 4:2290
diet and, 2:658–659 Classical Style, The (Rosen), 1:198 cloisonnism (painting style), 2:939
Disraeli and, 2:672 classicism, 1:286; 2:726–727 Cloots, ‘‘Anacharsis,’’ 4:2187
dueling and, 2:694–696 Canova and, 1:347–349 Clothed Maja, The (Goya), 2:997
educational disparity and, 1:431; Goethe and, 2:985 clothing, dress, and fashion,
2:719–728 Ingres and, 3:1166; 4:1705 1:480–485
Estates-General and, 2:767–768; Nash and, 3:1600, 1601 art nouveau and, 1:109, 112
3:1385 See also Hellenism bathing costumes and, 4:2124;
eugenics and, 2:637, 769–770 classification systems 5:2327
fin de siècle fears and, 2:816 Agassiz and, 1:23 beards and, 1:190–191
French Algeria and, 1:46 Cuvier and, 2:598–599 consumerism and, 2:548, 549–550
French Revolution and, 2:840–843, Lamarck and, 3:1302 cotton industry and, 4:2193
885–887, 887, 888 Class Struggles in France, The (Marx), countercultural modes of, 1:484–485
furniture and, 2:912–914 3:1466 couture houses and, 1:481–483;
gap between rich and poor and, Claude Gueux (Hugo), 2:1093 2:548
1:291 Claudel, Camille, 4:2009 gender and, 2:943–944; 4:2158
housing and, 2:550, 1090–1092 Claude Monet (Isaacson), 3:1537 London police uniform and, 4:1814,
Claude Monet (Seitz), 3:1537 1815
infant and child mortality and,
Clausen, George, 4:1948
3:1455 manufacture of, 2:792
Clausewitz, Carl von, 1:94, 477–479;
Japan and, 3:1208 in Mehadia region, 1:139
2:1033; 3:1237
jingoism and, 3:1235 New Woman and, 2:947
definition of strategy by, 3:1505
leisure and, 3:1323–1326 peasants and, 4:1751
on ‘‘fog and friction’’ of war, 2:869
liberalism and, 3:1349 sewing machine and, 1:483;
mass armies and, 3:1340
libraries and, 3:1352 4:2158–2160
Napoleon’s influence on, 3:1506
London cultural life and, 3:1378 textile trade and, 3:1152
Clausius, Rudolf, 3:1160, 1249–1250
love vs. arranged marriages and, ‘‘Cloud, The’’ (Shelley), 4:2170
Clauzel, Bertrand, 3:1547
3:1453–1454 Cloudsley (Godwin), 2:982
Clavic Congress, 4:1859
Manchester and, 3:1430 Clough, Anne, 1:331
Clavière, Etienne, 4:1960
manners and, 3:1437–1440 clovers, 1:26
Clavigo (Goethe), 2:983
cloves, 1:16
Marx’s class conflict theory and, Clay, Henry, 5:2439
Club des Haschischins (Paris), 2:687
3:1306–1307, 1465 Cleave, John, 3:1390
Club du Faubourg, 4:1762
Naples and, 3:1581, 1582 Cleland, John, 4:1833 Club Messiac, 2:888
newspapers and, 4:1870–1873 Clemenceau, Georges, 1:479–480; Club of the Cordeliers, 2:890
Paris and, 4:1732–1733 2:696, 858; 4:1964
clubs. See associations, voluntary
Paris Commune and, 4:1736 Boulanger and, 1:281 CMS. See Church Missionary Society
poverty and, 4:1847–1854 Caillaux and, 1:339 CNT. See National Confederation of
professions and, 4:1881 church-state separation and, 4:2136 Labor

2598 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

coal mining, 1:485–488 Cody, W. F. (Buffalo Bill), 5:2500 Collège de France, 1:227–228, 491;
aristocracy and, 1:85 coefficients of correlation, 2:927 4:1953; 5:2379, 2381
Belgium and, 1:201, 203, 361, 485, coffee, tea, chocolate, 1:364, 494–496 Egyptology chair of, 1:407
486, 487, 488 Caribbean trade and, 2:709 Laennec and, 3:1298
Bohemian Lands and, 1:260 chocolate history and, 1:496 Michelet and, 3:1499
Britain and, 1:485, 486, 487, 493; coffee history and, 1:494, 495 Mickiewicz and, 3:1500
3:1427; 4:1931, 2113; 5:2488 English afternoon tea and, 3:1439 Tarde and, 2:574
child labor and, 1:371, 430 markets and, 3:1448 College Green (Dublin), 2:692
environment and, 2:764 rising consumption of, 2:547, 549, College Louis-le-Grand, 4:2073
France and, 1:485, 486, 487, 488; 658, 710 Collegio Romano, 4:2024
4:1936 slavery and, 4:2192, 2193 Colline inspirée, La (Barrés), 1:185
Germany and, 1:352, 485, 486–487, tea history and, 1:495 Collini, Stefan, 3:1513
488; 2:967 trade and, 3:1151, 1678, 1679; Collins, John, 3:1391
Industrial Revolution and, 3:1150 5:2336 Collins, Wilkie, 2:657
production by country, 1:487 coffeehouses (Vienna), 2:1067 Collinson, Charles, 4:1863, 1864
railway transport of, 4:1931, 1936; Cohl, Émile, 3:1484 Collot d’Herbois, Jean-Marie, 2:800,
5:2349–2350 Cohn, Ferdinand Julius, 3:1262 894
Scotland and, 4:2117 Cohnheim, Julius Friedrich, 3:1262, collotype, 4:1773
1263 Cologne, 2:741; 4:1740
steam power and, 1:485, 493
Coinage Law of 1821 (Prussia), 1:171 Cologne Communist Trial, The (Marx),
trade flow and, 5:2336
Coit, Pierre Auguste, 4:1710 3:1466
Wales and, 5:2434, 2435, 2436,
coke. See coal mining Cologne Workers’ Association, 1:66
Coketown (Dickens description), Colombia, 4:1720
women workers and, 1:488; 5:2488 Colònia Güell (Barcelona), 2:936
workday/workweek and, 4:1824 1:443, 455
Colas Breugnon (Rolland), 4:2015 Colonial and Indian Exhibition
coal pollution, 2:764 (Crystal Palace, 1886), 2:589
Coats and Clark, 4:2117 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 1:481
Colbran, Isabella, 4:2038 colonialism, 1:497–502
Cobbett, William, 1:489–490 in Algeria, 1:18, 43–47, 498–499
Cobden, Richard, 1:490–491, 491; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Long
Island, New York), 2:653, 770 armies and, 1:99
Cold War, 1:320; 3:1146 Bismarck and, 1:240; 2:967
Corn Laws repeal movement and,
Cole, G. D. H., 5:2395 British gentry and, 1:83
1:490; 2:558, 559, 707, 1005;
3:1325, 1345 Cole, Henry, 5:2494 British warfare and, 3:1258–1259
Cole, William A., 3:1147 Burke on, 1:327
laissez-faire and, 2:707, 709
Colenso, Battle of (1899), 3:1507 Caillaux and, 1:339
peace activism and, 4:1695
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1:496–497 capitalist nationalism and,
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty (1860),
Doré illustrations for, 2:676 1:355–356
1:491, 491–492; 2:512; 3:1537
Coca-Cola, 2:688 as Mill (John Stuart) influence, in Central Asia, 1:395–397
cocaine, 2:687–688 3:1513; 5:2394 cholera epidemics and, 1:436
Cocarde, La (French right-wing opium addiction of, 1:496; 2:686 as civilizing mission, 1:461–463,
newspaper), 1:185 Pater essay on, 4:1746 498–500, 501; 2:504, 506–507,
Cochin China, 3:142, 1141, 1143 Romanticism and, 1:496–497; 509; 3:1134, 1511, 1513, 1522
Cochrane, Lord, 3:1612 2:543; 4:2027, 2029, 2031 East India Company and, 2:705–706
Cockburn, George, 5:2440 Wordsworth and, 5:2482 Entente Cordiale and, 2:643
Cockerill, Charles, 1:492, 493 ‘‘Coleridge’s Writings’’ (Pater), foreign investment and, 1:353–354
Cockerill, John, 1:492–494; 2:791 4:1746 French national identity and,
Cockerill, William, 1:492–493; 2:791 Colet, Louise, 2:828 3:1522
Cockerill works (Belgium), 2:791 Colette, 4:1945 in Indochina, 3:1142–1145
cocoa, 1:22 Colette Baudoche (Barrés), 1:185
limits and unintended consequences
Cocteau, Jean, 1:184, 192; 4:2087 collage, 1:156; 2:591, 592, 593; of, 1:500–501
Code de l’Indigént (France), 1:46 4:1710, 1784
Malthusian theory and, 3:1427
Code des femmes, Le (Richer), 4:1998 Collected Poems (Doyle), 2:681
missions and, 3:1528–1529
Code Napoléon. See Napoleonic Code Collected Works (J. S. Mill), 3:1514
Collection of Architectural Designs in Morocco and, 3:1547–1549
Code Noir of 1685 (France),
reintroduction of (1802), 2:897 (Schinkel), 4:2093 pornography and, 4:1835
Codex Theodosianus (Mommsen), collective bargaining, 4:2266 Russian style of, 3:1207
3:1533 British bans on, 2:510–511 in Sudan, 3:1668–1669
Codrington, Edward, 3:1612 collective unconscious, 3:1239 See also colonies; imperialism

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2599

Colonials, The (lithograph), 1:500 prestige from, 3:1122 commerce. See trade and economic
colonies, 2:503–510; 3:1114–1115 problems in ruling, 1:500–501 growth
in Africa, 1:7–8, 17–22, 18, 19–22, prostitution in, 4:1886 commercial art, 1:192
37, 205, 220–224, 240, 499; commercial policy, 2:512–518
of settlement, 2:503–506; 3:1115
2:508, 527, 582, 583, 663, 967; joint-stock banking and, 1:172–173
slave labor in, 1:308, 364, 498;
3:115, 116, 1115–1116, 1125, 2:506; 4:1923, 1925, See also free trade; protectionism
1258–1259, 1668–1669; 4:2218 2190–2191, 2190–2192 Commission des Monuments
in 1880, 3:1117 Historiques (France), 5:2422
slavery abolishment in, 1:365, 458
in 1914, 3:1119 Commission for the Protection of the
slave trade and, 1:13, 303, 308
African racial divisions and, Natives (Belgium), 3:1337
in South Africa, 4:2218–2224 Commission of Women’s National
Spain’s loss of, 1:181; 2:949 Workshops (France), 3:1288
in Australia, 1:133–137, 351; tourism and, 5:2330
2:504–505, 509; 3:1115 Commission on Intellectual
trade and, 3:1151 Cooperation, 2:595
British industrial financing by, 2:708,
world’s fairs and, 2:815 Committee (Ring) of Seven, 4:1938
See also Boer War; colonialism; Committee for Popular Rescue (Lyon),
in British North America, 1:343; 3:1403
imperialism; India
2:505, 999, 1000, 1005–1006 Committee of Muslim Socialists,
color-music, 4:1955
British trade and, 1:405, 498; 2:505, color photography, 3:1397–1398, 3:1207, 1208
505 1578; 4:1774 Committee of Public Safety, 1:457;
in Canada, 1:342–347 color printing, 4:1845 2:518–519, 845, 900
in Caribbean, 1:363–366, 499; color theory authoritarianism of, 2:665, 892
2:708, 888, 1035–1036; 3:1115, Goethe study of, 2:986 Danton and, 2:518, 610, 611, 612
1116 Mach bands and, 3:1408 Directory and, 2:845
in Central Asa, 1:397 Maxwell and, 3:1477, 1478 emergency powers of, 3:1205–1206
convict, 1:134; 2:505, 779–781 Colt Company, 5:2505 federalist revolt and, 2:800
definition of, 2:503, 509–510 Colt revolver, 2:588 Jacobins and, 3:1205–1206
economic value of, 2:505 Columbian Exposition (1893). See Reign of Terror and, 2:844; 4:1951,
emigration to, 2:747, 747 World’s Columbian Exposition 1952
European rivalry for, 2:663 Columbus, Christopher republicanism and, 4:1962
exploitation of, 2:506 Barcelona statue of, 1:182 Robespierre and, 4:2006, 2007
forced labor and, 2:506 Caribbean and, 1:363 Sieyès and, 4:2180
freedom from gender norms in, 2:948 European diet and, 2:658 Committee of the Year Two (Huet),
French rights and, 2:888 Hispaniola colony of, 2:1035 2:845
Combe, Andrew, 4:1775 Committee of Three Hundred
as German economic drain, 2:967
Combe, George, 4:1775 Signatories (France), 2:738
growth of commodity trade with
Combe, Thomas, 4:1864 Committee of Union and Progress. See
Britain, 2:505
Combes, Émile, 2:858, 881; 3:1217; Young Turks
in Haiti, 2:1035–1037 4:2137; 5:2433 Committee of Young Turkey at
imperialism vs., 2:504, 506, 663; Combination Acts of 1799 and 1800 Constantinople, 5:2515
3:1115 (Britain), 2:510–511 common law, 1:303; 2:726; 3:1316
indirect rule policy for, 2:508 combustion, 3:1312 common market, 3:1539
in Indochina, 3:1142–1145 Comédie-Française (Paris), 1:229; 2:696 Commons, John Rogers, 2:707
in Indonesia, 3:1617 Gouges and, 2:994 Common Sense (Paine), 4:1700, 2187
international law and, 3:1174 Offenbach and, 3:1660 Communal Council (Brussels), 1:307
Leopold II as only personal owner of, Comédie humaine, La (Balzac), 1:167, Commune (1871). See Paris Commune
3:1336–1337 168–169 communes (Russia), 4:2052, 2151,
in Libya, 3:1202 comic opera. See opéra comique 2153, 2195, 2196, 2257; 5:2460
Comintern, 1:62 communications. See press and
marriage and family life in, 3:1457
Comité d’Action Française. See Action newspapers; telegraph;
migrants to Europe from,
Française telephones; transportation and
Comité de Mendicité, 3:1664 communications
missions in, 3:1527 Communion, 1:378, 379, 379
Comité Français de la Liberation,
‘‘native policy’’ in, 2:507–509 1:128 Communión Tradicionalista (Spain),
in New Zealand, 3:1622 Commedia (Dante), 1:246 1:368
of nonsettlement, 2:506–507 Commelynck, Fernand, 3:1496 communism, 2:519–522
penal exile to, 1:134; 2:505, Commentaries on the Laws of England Bernstein on, 4:2205
779–781 (Blackstone), 1:210 Bolsheviks and, 1:264–267

2600 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Cabet’s vision of, 1:338 ‘‘Compositions’’ (Kandinsky series), Concerto in D Major for the Left
Engels and, 2:754; 3:1465–1466 3:1245 Hand (Ravel), 4:1945
Galiyev and, 3:1208 Composition VII (Kandinsky), 3:1245 concerts
compounds, organic, 1:425–426 at Crystal Palace, 2:589
intelligentsia and, 3:1172
Compromise of 1867 (Austria- performance conventions of, 3:1567
Lenin and, 4:2205
Hungary), 1:262; 2:627, 864 solo performances and,
Marx and, 3:1464, 1465; 4:2203, Compte générale de l’administraiton de
2204 3:1359–1360; 4:1698, 1699
la justice criminelle (annual), subscription series and, 3:1565, 1566
Pius IX’s condemnation of, 4:1795, 2:570
1798 Conciliation Act of 1896 (Britain),
Comptes fantastiques d’Haussmann, Les
secret societies and, 4:2131 3:1291
(Ferry), 2:810, 1050
‘‘Conciliation with the Colonies’’
Sorel and, 4:2217, 2218 Comptoir d’Escompte, 1:174, 175, 176
(Burke), 1:327
Third International and, 4:2128, Compton, Spencer. See Hartington, Lord
Concluding Unscientific Postscripts to
2129; 5:2364 compulsory education. See under
the Philosophical Fragments
Vietnam and, 3:1144–1145 education
(Kierkegaard), 3:1251–1252
See also Marxism; Soviet Union Computable General Equilibrium,
Concordat of 1516, 4:2136
Communist Information Bureau, 2:514
Concordat of 1801, 1:69; 2:527–529,
4:2128 Comte, Auguste, 2:522–524, 573,
565, 846; 3:1586, 1588, 1598;
Communist League, 2:521, 755; 698; 4:2234; 5:2445, 2515
4:1718, 1786, 2030
3:1465; 4:2204 Bernard contrasted with, 1:228
church-state separation and,
Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and feminism and, 2:946 4:2136–2137
Engels), 1:104; 2:755; 3:1462; on Gall’s theory, 2:926 Concordat of 1855, 2:863
4:1946, 2081 law of three states of, 4:1843 Concordat of 1929, 3:1199
overview of, 3:1465–1466 Martineau’s translation/abridgement Concordat of Fontainebleau of January
Communist Party, British, 4:1715 of, 3:1459 1813, 2:529
Communist Party, French, 2:1025; Mill (John Stuart) correspondence Condé, Louis-Antoine-Henri. See
3:1144; 4:1732, 1762 with, 3:1513, 1514; 4:1844 Enghien, Duc d’
Communist Party, German, 2:1071; positivism and, 2:522, 523, 743; Condé, prince de, 1:469; 3:1388
3:1356 3:1132; 4:1811, 1843–1844, Condé, princess de, 4:2073
Communist Party, Indochina, 3:1145 2133, 2202, 2213, 2214, 2238 conditioned reflexes, 4:1748–1749
Communist Party, Soviet, 3:1496; Renan and, 4:1953 Condition of the Working Class in
4:2212 Saint-Simon and, 2:522–523; England, The (Engels), 2:754;
communitarian ventures, 4:2080–2081, 2202 3:1430; 4:2203
4:2200–2201; 5:2397
sociology and, 4:2212, 2213 Condo, Josiah, 3:1210
Community and Society (Tönnies),
Webb and, 5:2444 condoms, 2:947; 4:1827, 1829
Comte Ory, Le (Rossini), 4:2038 Condorcet, marquis de (Marie-Jean de
community feeling (A. Adler
Comtesse de Rudolstadt, La (Sand), Caritat), 2:522, 801, 802;
concept), 1:9
4:2083 3:1425; 4:2279
Community of St. Johns House,
concentration camps, 1:257; 4:1949 Girondists and, 2:973, 974; 4:1700
Concept of Anxiety, The (Kierkegaard), Gouges and, 2:994, 995
Community of the Special, 2:1086
3:1251 Paine and, 4:1700
Compagnie Universelle du Canal
conceptualism (legal theory), 3:1315 republicanism and, 4:1960,
Maritime de Suez, 2:732
Concerning the Importance and 1961–1962, 1963
Compagnon du tour de France, Le
Conditions of an Alliance between Restoration and, 4:1973
(Sand), 4:2083, 2084
Germany and England (List),
compagnonnages, 5:2486, 2487 conduct. See manners and formality
Companion of the Tour of France, The Confederación Nacional del Trabajo,
Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), 1:54
(Sand), 4:2083, 2084 1:59; 4:2300
Concert of Europe, 2:524–527; 4:1971
Company of Russian Dramatic Artists, Conféderation Générale du Travail. See
alliance systems replacing, 1:47–50; General Confederation of Labor
2:526–527, 663, 705 Confederation of Targowica, 4:1807
comparative advantage, principle of,
2:515; 4:1887 conservatism and, 2:540 Confederation of the Bar (Poland),
Complete Collection of the Laws of the decline of, 2:662–663 4:1806
Russian Empire (1830), 4:2236 diplomatic solutions and, 2:661–662, Confederation of the Rhine, 2:860,
Complete Suffrage Union (Britain), 664, 1002; 3:1493 901, 957; 3:1597, 1599
1:416; 3:1391 Metternich and, 3:1493 Confederation of Trade Unions
Complete Works (Burckhardt), 1:318 as negotiation system, 2:565 (Sweden), 4:2284
Composition 4 (Kandinsky), 3:1246 pre–World War I revival of, 2:527 Confession (Tolstoy), 5:2319

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2601

Confessions (Rousseau), 4:2026; Disraeli and, 2:1009 international law and, 3:1173, 1174
5:2318 Eastern Question and, 2:703–704 Italy and, 2:533; 3:1193; 4:2001
Confession of a Child of the Century France and, 2:530, 812; 5:2363 Lithuania and, 3:1365
(Confession d’un enfant du siécle ;
German Confederation founding by, Louis XVIII and, 3:1387
Musset), 4:2084
1:262 Mediterranean spheres of influence
Confessions of an Economic Heretic
Poland and, 5:2441 and, 3:1482
(Hobson), 2:1076
relative peace following, 2:662 Metternich and, 2:532, 533, 534,
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
results of, 2:704; 3:1689 565, 861, 1080–1081; 3:1493
(De Quincey), 2:686
Romania and, 4:2017 monarchical effects of, 1:457
Baudelaire translation, 1:188; 2:687
Russian expansionism and, 1:39, Napoleon’s return and, 2:903;
Confucianism, 3:1137, 1138, 1139,
276; 2:530 3:1588
1140, 1144, 1208
Congo, Belgian. See Congo Free State San Stefano Treaty revision and, Papal State and, 4:1724
Congo, French. See French Congo 3:1541, 1689; 4:2069–2070, Piedmont-Savoy and, 4:1785
Congo Free State 2086 Poland and, 2:532–533; 4:1808,
abuses in, 1:500; 2:507, 509; Serbia and, 4:2144, 2145 1817–1818
3:1125, 1136–1137 Thessaly and, 2:530, 1022 Prussia and, 4:1899, 1900, 1901
as Belgian colony, 1:21, 205; 2:509; Congress of Bourges (1904), 1:61 Quadruple Alliance and, 1:374; 2:662
3:1337 Congress of Criminal Anthropology Restoration and, 3:1387; 4:1967,
(Rome, 1885), 3:1371 1972, 1973
Berlin Conference on, 1:220–222,
Congress of Eastern Peoples (Baku), Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1986
308–309; 3:1118, 1173
3:1208 Rome and, 4:2033
Conrad’s experiences in, 2:535; Congress of German Economists,
3:1336 Stein and, 4:2252
Leopold II and, 1:20–21, 109, 205, Swiss neutrality and, 4:2289
Congress of German Jurists, 2:1086;
222, 223, 308–309; 2:509, 783; 5:2376 Talleyrand and, 5:2306
3:1116, 1118, 1124, 1136–1137 Congress of Laibach (1821), 2:861, territorial rearrangements by, 2:861,
rubber production in, 3:1336 1081; 3:1494 958
slave trade and, 1:13, 14, 308 Congress of Nancy (1865), 2:810 warfare prevention approach of,
Stanley and, 2:783; 3:1336 Congress of Nationalities (Romania), 2:661–662, 1033
trade commodities of, 1:15, 16–17, 4:2019 Wellington and, 5:2457
109; 3:1336–1337 Congress of Paris (1856), 3:1173; See also Concert of Europe
Congo River, 1:13, 15–16, 20, 205, 5:2410 Congress System, 1:374
220; 3:1336 Congress of Prague (1813), 2:1098 Coningsby (Disraeli), 2:672; 3:1430
French-British spheres of influence Congress of Rastatt (1797), 3:1597 Connolly, James, 1:61
and, 2:795 Congress of Troppau (1820), 1:361; Conrad, Jessie, 2:535
internationalized navigation of, 2:531–532, 861, 1080–1081; Conrad, Joseph, 2:535–536, 638,
3:1173 4:1971, 1981 948; 3:1336
Congregationalists, 2:1002; 3:1527 Metternich and, 2:531–532; 3:1494 primitivism and, 4:1875
Congregation for the Propagation of Congress of Verona (1822), 2:861; Stevenson compared with, 4:2256
the Faith, 4:1798 3:1173; 4:2228 Wells and, 5:2458
Congrés, Le (cartoon), 2:534 Congress of Vienna (1814–1815), Conroy, George, 3:1330
2:525, 532–535, 661–662, Consalvi, Ercole, 3:1193; 4:1718,
Congrès Français et International du
1002; 5:2417–2418 1724
Droit des Femmes (1889), 4:1998
Congrès International du Droit des Alexander I and, 1:38; 2:603, 1080 conscription, 1:94, 97–98, 100; 2:804
Femmes (1878), 4:1998 Austria and, 2:532–534, 565, 861, France and, 3:1218, 1506, 1522
Congress Kingdom of Poland, 1:38; 958 as French pre–World War I issue,
4:1808, 1810 balance of power restoration and, 2:859
Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818), 1:374, 457 French Revolutionary and
1:308; 2:861, 1081; 5:2362 Castlereagh and, 1:374 Napoleonic Wars and, 2:892, 895,
Congress of Anatomists (Berlin), 1:340 Chateaubriand and, 1:420 900; 3:1192, 1193, 1339–1340,
Congress of Berlin (1878), 1:217; counterrevolution and, 2:565–566 1506, 1598, 1599
2:529–531; 3:1173 Czartoryski and, 2:603 military tactics and, 3:1505, 1506
Adrianople and, 1:12 diplomatic solution of, 2:661–662 peasant revolts against, 4:1754
Austria-Hungary and, 1:146, 240; Francis I and, 2:861 of Poles, 4:1809
2:529, 530, 705 Hamburg’s sovereignty and, 2:1038 in Russian Empire, 2:822, 1014,
Bulgarian borders and, 1:312; 2:530; Holy Alliance and, 2:534, 1080; 1017; 3:1281
3:1689 3:1685 universal, 4:1960, 2052

2602 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

consequentialism, 5:2394 origins of, 2:537–539 Constantine, prince of Russia, 3:1625;

Conservateur, Le (French weekly), papacy and, 4:1718, 1719, 1720, 4:1984, 2050
2:537 1721, 1724 Constantinople. See Istanbul
conservatism, 2:536–543 Parnell’s program and, 2:1009 Constantinople, Treaty of (1913),
Action Française and, 1:4–6; 2:542; 1:165, 313
peasants and, 4:1756
3:1476 Constituent Assembly (France), 1:247;
Pius IX and, 1:388; 3:1278;
Alexander I and, 2:531, 603 2:563
4:1719–1720, 1795–1796, 1798
Alexander III and, 1:40, 41, 89; counterrevolutionists and, 2:563
radical right vs., 2:542
3:1627 Louis-Napoleon’s election to, 1:271
Ranke and, 4:1940
aristocracy and, 1:81, 82, 83; 2:537, Proudhon and, 4:1899
shopkeepers and, 1:106
540, 958 trial of Louis XVI by, 3:1386
Smiles and, 4:2199
Austria-Hungary and, 1:139, 145; women’s suffrage and, 1:128
Third French Republic and,
2:861 Constitutional Charter of 1814
2:856–857, 858
Bagehot and, 1:161 (France), 2:1029; 3:1305;
Tories and, 2:537, 538; 5:2320–2323 4:1870
Barrès and, 1:184–185 ultramontane Catholicism and, Constitutional Democrats (Russia).
Bismarck and, 1:234, 237, 238–239, 1:381, 382–383, 388 See Kadets
241; 2:540–540, 966; 4:1903 village communities and, 4:1756 constitutionalism
Bonald and, 1:268–269; 2:537 William II and, 2:874, 967 Alexander I and, 1:38
Boulangism and, 1:280–283; See also counterrevolution Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:52
2:540–542 Conservative Judaism, 3:1227 Austria-Hungary and, 1:142, 144,
Burke and, 1:326, 327–328; Conservative Party (Britain). See Tories 145; 2:864; 5:2510
2:538–539, 603 Conservative Party (Germany), Bagehot essay on, 1:160–161
Carlism and, 1:83, 366–368; 2:539 3:1233, 1609 Bavaria and, 1:457; 2:959
Carlsbad Decrees and, 1:369–370; Conservative Party (Prussia), 1:394
Belgium and, 1:200, 383; 3:1334,
2:959; 4:1901 Conservatoire National de Musique et
Catholic political parties and, 1:387, de Déclamation (Paris), 3:1565
Britain and, 1:326; 3:1345
388, 389; 2:540, 541; 3:1393 Conservatory of Music (St.
Petersburg), 2:654 British reform advocates and,
Chateaubriand and, 1:421; 2:537
Coleridge and, 1:496, 497 Considerant, Victor, 2:651, 838;
4:2202, 2279 Bulgaria and, 1:312
counterrevolutionaries and, Burke on, 1:326
1:268–269; 2:563–568, 958 Fourierism and, 5:2397
Considerations on Lord Grenville’s and conservatives’ opposition to, 2:958
Davies and, 2:625
Mr Pitt’s Bills Concerning Crispi and, 2:581
differing meanings of, 2:536–537
Treasonable and Seditious Denmark and, 2:648
Dostoyevsky and, 2:678 Practices, and Unlawful Assemblies Directory and, 2:665
Dreyfus affair and, 1:284; 2:542, (Godwin), 2:981 Fabians and, 2:787
683, 857, 858 ‘‘Considerations on Representative France and, 1:270, 456, 458; 2:768,
Endecja and, 2:752–753 Government’’ (J. S. Mill), 3:1513 810, 856, 929; 4:1700, 1701
Frederick William IV and, 2:877 Considérations sur la France (Maistre), Germany and, 1:457, 459; 2:567,
German artisan guilds and, 1:104 3:1421, 1422 861, 875, 959, 962; 4:1903
Holy Alliance and, 2:565, 1079–1081 Conspiracy in Russia: A Nihilist Meeting Greece and, 2:1020–1021
ideology of, 2:958 Surprised (illustration), 3:1639 Hamburg and, 2:1038, 1039–1040
imperialism and, 3:1120 Conspiracy of Equals (1796), 1:360;
Hungary and, 2:627
2:665; 4:2129–2130
Italy and, 3:1201; 4:2002 Italy and, 1:414; 3:1197, 1254, 1255
Constable, Archibald, 4:2123
lower middle-class and, 1:204 Japan and, 3:1210
Constable, John, 1:177; 2:543–545,
Maistre and, 4:1959 544 Kadets and, 3:1241
Malthus and, 3:1425–1426 as Menzel influence, 3:1489 liberalism and, 2:958; 3:1341
Maurras and, 2:540, 542; 3:1476 Romanticism and, 2:543–544; Netherlands and, 3:1617
Napoleon III and, 2:540, 541, 852, 4:1703, 1704–1705, 2029 Ottomans and, 3:1188, 1688–1690;
853; 3:1591, 1592, 1593 on Turner, 5:2368 5:2514–2515
nationalism and, 2:566; 3:1605 constabularies. See police and policing Piedmont-Savoy and, 4:1786
New Right and, 2:540–542, 858 Constant, Benjamin, 1:227, 270; Pius IX and, 4:1796, 1797
Nicholas II and, 3:1627, 1628, 1660 2:537, 545–546; 3:1343, 1588; Poland and, 4:1807, 1808
Nietzsche’s philosophy and, 3:1629 4:1962 Portugal and, 4:1839–1840
nineteenth-century programs of, Sismondi and, 4:2185 Prussia and, 2:1043; 4:1902
2:540 Staël and, 4:2247 Revolutions of 1820 and, 1:361

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2603

revolutions of 1848 and, 1:142; food and, 2:658, 659 Contributions to the Natural History of
4:1988, 1995 furniture and, 2:912–913 the United States (Agassiz), 1:23
Russia and, 3:1293; 4:2049–2050, London and, 2:548; 3:1378 Contributions to the Theory of Sensory
2055, 2056–2057, 2079, 2270 Perception (Wundt), 5:2507
luxury goods and, 3:1151–1152
Saint-Simon and, 4:2081 Contribution to the Critique of Hegels
markets and, 3:1447–1449
Philosophy of Right: Introduction
Spain and, 1:366–367, 367 newspaper advertising and, (Marx), 3:1465
Sweden and, 1:227; 4:2283 4:1867–1868 Contribution to the Critique of Political
Switzerland and, 4:2290, 2291 pornography and, 4:1834–1835, Economy, A (Marx), 3:1462,
Turkey and, 1:1 1836 1463, 1466
utilitarianism and, 1:210 posters and, 4:1845, 1846, 1846 Engels’s review of, 2:756
William I and, 5:2467 protectionism and, 4:1889 Convention of al-Marsa (1883),
See also specific constitutions by name sewing machine and, 4:2159, 2160 5:2363
Constitutionnel, Le (French sociology and, 2:552; 4:2235 Convention of Cintra (1808), 4:2227;
newspaper), 1:70; 5:2310 white-collar women workers and, 5:2457
Constitution of 1791 (France), 1:458; 1:352 Convention of Constantinople (1888),
2:843, 890; 4:2180, 2277 working class and, 2:549–550, 555 4:2275
women’s exclusion from, 2:995 world’s fairs and, 5:2505 Convention on Land Warfare, 2:1035;
Constitution of 1791 (Poland), 4:1807 consumption (disease). See tuberculosis 3:1175
Constitution of 1793 (France), 2:894; consumption (goods). See Convent of Saint Joseph (Barcelona),
4:1959, 2277 consumerism 1:181
Constitution of 1795 (France), 2:894; Contadinelle (Palizzi), 4:1757 Convent of Saint Mary of Jerusalem
4:1701, 2181, 2277 Contagious Diseases Acts of 1864, (Barcelona), 1:181
Constitution of 1812 (Spain). See 1866, and 1869 (Britain), 1:332; Conversations with Goethe in the Last
Cortes of Cádiz 2:804; 4:1815, 1884, 1886, Years of His Life (Goethe), 2:987
Constitution of 1848 (France), 1896, 2162, 2301–2302 convict colonies. See exile, penal
4:2277–2278 Contarini Fleming (Disraeli), 2:672 Cook, James, 1:133; 2:782; 3:1653
Constitution of 1848 (Switzerland), Contemplations, Les (Hugo), Cook, Thomas, 1:288; 4:2274;
4:2290, 2291 2:1093–1094, 1095 5:2329, 2494
Constitution of 1849 (Austria), 2:863 Contemporary, The (Pushkin), 4:1920 Cooks tours, 4:1824
Constitution of 1849 (Germany), Contemporary Club (Dublin), 5:2509 Cooper, Anthony Ashley. See
2:871 ‘‘Contemporary Tasks of Russian Life’’ Shaftesbury, Lord
Constitution of 1866 (Romania), (Chicherin), 5:2460 Cooper, James Fenimore, 2:575;
4:2017 Contes Barbares (Gauguin), 4:1874 4:2123
Constitution of 1869 (Spain), 4:2278 Contes d’Hoffmann, Les (Offenbach), cooperative movements, 2:555–557
Constitution of 1870 (France), 3:1592 3:1661 artisans and, 1:111; 3:1390
Constitution of 1874 (Switzerland), Continental law, 3:1593 Blanc and, 1:247; 2:555
4:2291 Continental System, 2:553–555, 846, consumerism and, 1:473; 2:555–557
Constitution of 1876 (Spain), 4:2232 902; 3:1586–1587 Denmark and, 2:647
Constitution of Man, The (G. Combe), British blockade and, 1:272, 303; guilds and, 5:2454
4:1775 2:512, 553–554, 659, 846, 902, labor movements and, 3:1284, 1286,
Constitution of the United States, 5121; 3:1586, 1587, 1588, 1599 1287
4:2290 Hamburg and, 2:1038 libraries and, 3:1352
constructivism, 1:398; 2:593; 3:1496 Italy and, 3:1193 Owenites and, 3:1286, 1390,
Consuelo (Sand), 4:2083 Peninsular War and, 4:1763, 1765, 1692–1693; 5:2397
Consulate (France), 2:845–846; 1767
3:1340, 1585–1586 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1991
Russia and, 1:272; 3:1319, 1588 socialism and, 4:2206
Consultative Committee on Public contraceptives, 2:805, 947;
Health (France), 4:1914–1915 Copenhagen, 2:649; 5:2308
3:1425; 4:1829–1830, Copenhagen Conventioin (1872),
consumerism, 2:545–553 2161–2162, 2163
Berlin poster, 2:969 3:1538
gender norms and, 2:947 Coppée, François, 1:229
bourgeoisie and, 1:288–290, 352, obscenity legislation and, 4:1836 Coppello, Johannes Kappeyne van de,
445; 2:547, 549, 551, 552; 3:1453
Roussels advocacy of, 4:2041, 2042 3:1618
British products and, 3:1153–1154
types of, 4:1827, 1829 copper, 5:2433
cities and, 1:445; 2:548–551 contract law, 3:1596 ‘‘Copper Beeches, The’’ (Doyle),
cooperatives and, 1:473; 2:555–557 Contrasts (Pugin), 4:1917 2:680
Corn Laws and, 2:558 Contributions to the Analysis of the Coppola, Francis Ford, 2:873
credit sales and, 2:550 Sensations (Mach), 3:1409 Coptic language, 1:406

2604 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

copyright. See intellectual property law white-collar workers and, 1:352 Continental System and, 2:554
Coq d’or, Le (Rimsky-Korsakov), corporatism, 4:2081, 2082 Denmark and, 2:647
4:2000 corps (army unit), 1:95–96 Egypt and, 1:18; 2:731, 732; 4:2274
Corbusier, Le (Charles Edouard Corps des Mines, 2:759 European manufacturing towns and,
Jeanneret), 2:590, 938; 5:2422 Corps des Ponts et Chaussées (France), 1:351
Corciato in Egitto, Il (Meyerbeer), 1:149; 2:759; 4:1932 factories and, 2:708, 790–791;
3:1671 Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, 3:1149, 1427–1429
Corday, Charlotte, 2:624; 3:1442, 3:1533
1443 India and, 3:1135, 1151–1152
Corpus Juris Civilis (Mommsen),
Cordeliers Club, 2:844 industrialization process and, 1:329;
Corfu, 3:1482 2:710
Correns, Carl, 2:653
Corinne (Staël), 2:802; 3:1333; 4:2247 Correns, Erich, 3:1486 Industrial Revolution (first) and,
Corinth Canal, 3:1482 ‘‘Correspondence’’ (Baudelaire), 2:709; 3:1427–1429
Corinthians (football team), 2:834 4:2292 machine breaking and, 3:1410,
Corio, Silvio, 4:1714, 1715 Corriere della Sera (Milan newspaper), 1411; 4:2264
Corleone, 4:2174, 2175 3:1502, 1504 Owen’s New Lanark mills and, 3:1692
Cormon, Fernand, 5:2323, 2400 Corrupt Practices Act of 1883 Saxony and, 2:554; 3:1149
Cornhill Magazine, 2:680; (Britain), 2:1009 science and technology and, 4:2108,
4:2253–2254 Corsair, The (Byron), 1:332 2114
Corn Law of 1815, 1822, 1828, and corsairs, 5:2362 slavery and, 4:2191, 2192–2193
1842 (Britain), 2:557–558, 1004 Corsica, 2:571; 3:1583–1584 Switzerland and, 4:2290
Corn Laws, repeal of (1846), 1:417, Cort, Henry, 3:1152; 4:2115 technology and, 3:1152, 1153, 1410
459; 2:512, 557–560; 4:1889; Cortes of Cádiz (Spain, 1812), 1:366,
5:2339, 2413, 2494 trade flow and, 5:2336
367; 2:809; 3:1343; 4:1765,
Carlyle and, 1:371 women labor activists and, 3:1293
1969, 2227, 2228, 2229
Cotton Market at New Orleans
Cobden and, 1:490; 2:558, 559, Corti, Luigi, 2:530
(Degas), 2:634
707, 1005; 3:1325 Cortot, Jean-Pierre, 4:2043
Coubertin, Pierre de, 3:1473, 1666,
Disraeli and, 2:672 Corvisart des Marets, Jean-Nicolas,
1666, 1667
Gladstone and, 2:976–977 3:1297, 1298; 4:1790, 1791
Coulomb, Charles-Augustin de, 4:1779
laissez-faire economics and, 2:707, Cossa, Luigi, 4:1850
Council of the Five Hundred (France),
715 Cossacks, 2:562–563, 563; 3:1281;
2:845, 894–895; 4:2181
liberalism and, 3:1345 4:1977; 5:2369–2370
Council of Trent (15451563), 1:378
Manchester and, 3:1429 Cossacks, The (Tolstoy), 5:2318
Counter-Enlightenment, 2:538
Costa, Andrea, 1:58; 3:1276, 1424
Peel and, 2:540, 559, 672, Counter-Reformation, 4:1712
Costa y Martı́nez, Joaquı́n, 2:950, 951
1004–1005; 4:1759 counterrevolution, 2:564–568
Coste, La (chateau), 4:2073, 2074
Ricardo and, 2:715 anti-Semitism and, 2:689
Côte d’Azur, 3:1325
Cornwallis, Charles, 3:1133 Bonald and, 1:268–269; 2:566
Côte des Boeufs at l’Hermitage
Coronation Dunbar of 1903 (Delhi), Bonapartism and, 1:270
(Pissarro), 3:1131, 1131
Côte d’Ivoire, 1:500; 2:812 Burke and, 1:326, 327–328; 2:538,
Coronation of Napoleon and Josephine, 566
Côte d’Or, Prieur de, 2:518
The (David), 2:624
Cotswold ‘‘Olympick Games,’’ 3:1666 Carlsbad Decrees and, 1:361,
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 1:177,
Cotta, Johann Friedrich, 4:1869 368–370; 2:959; 3:1494
177; 2:560–562, 561; 4:1705,
cottages, 2:1089 Charles X and, 3:1387, 1403
cotton as Directory backlash, 2:665
as impressionism influence, 3:1126,
African production of, 1:18, 21 as feminist backlash, 2:802, 804;
1543; 4:1792
American Civil War and, 1:18; 2:732; 3:1681
corporal punishment, 1:431; 2:781,
3:1431 Francis I and, 2:860, 861
Corporation Acts of 1828 (Britain), Barcelona and, 1:182 Frankfurt Parliament and, 2:871–872
5:2457 Belgian mills and, 1:201 Frederick William III and,
corporations, 1:106–107, 329–330; British child and women labor and, 2:875–876
2:711 1:285, 350; 2:708 Frederick William IV and, 2:876
European family leadership of, 1:330 British exports of, 3:1428 as French Revolution backlash,
law and, 3:1315 British output of, 3:1147 2:843–844, 887, 890, 891, 894,
limited liability partnership and, capitalist bourgeosie and, 1:284, 287 973
1:354 Caribbean market and, 1:364; 2:709 Germany and, 2:871–872, 961, 962
Second Industrial Revolution and, Central Asian production of, 1:396 Holy Alliance and, 2:959,
1:355 clothing and, 4:2193 1079–1081; 3:1561

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2605

ideology of, 2:958 Courland, Duchy of, 2:817, 818, 819, Creek Indians, 5:2440
Italy and, 3:1193, 1254 822–823 Creighton, Mandell, 1:6
against liberal nationalism, 3:1522 Courmont, Jules, 3:1405 Cremer, William Randal, 4:1697
Cours de philosophie positive (Comte), Crémieux decrees (1870), 1:46
liberalism viewed by, 3:1342, 1343,
2:522, 523; 4:1843, 1844 Crespi family, 3:1504
1344, 1522
Courtauld family, 1:471 Crete, 2:530; 3:1691
Louis XVIII and, 3:1387
Courtet, Émile, 1:73 Creuzé de Lesser, Augustin, 3:1580
Louis-Napoleon and, 3:1591–1592 Court of Chancery (Britain), 1:303; cricket, 3:1378; 4:2240, 2243, 2245
in Lyon, 3:1403 3:1646 Cri du Peuple, Le (French leftist
Maistre and, 2:566; 3:1421–1422 Cousin, Victor, 2:1054; 3:1298 periodical), 5:2524
Marian pilgrimages and, Cousine Bette, La (Balzac), 1:169 crime, 2:570–577
4:1788–1789, 1790 Cousin Phillis (Gaskell), 2:934 Athens and, 1:125–126
Maurras and, 3:1476 Cousin Pons, Le (Balzac), 1:169
Bentham prison reform and, 1:211
Metternich and, 2:566, 567, 959; Couthon, Georges, 2:800
cities and, 1:449, 455; 2:571–572,
3:1494 Couture, Thomas, 3:1431
Neapolitan Republic and, 3:1254 couture houses, 1:481–483; 2:548
Covent Garden (London), 3:1377, criminal class theory and, 2:572–574;
Nicholas I and, 2:566, 1081; 3:1625, 3:1371–1372
1626 1567
coverture, 3:1595 degeneracy and, 2:573, 574, 636,
Nicholas II and, 3:1628, 1660 637, 638, 639, 769; 3:1472
papacy and, 4:1718, 1796–1797 Covetous Knight, The (Pushkin),
4:1919 Doyle’s novels on, 2:680–681
Portugal and, 4:1839
Cowling, Maurice, 3:1514 fin de siècle pessimism and, 2:816
as Reign of Terror backlash, 3:1206
cowpox, 3:1223 fingerprints and, 2:576, 927; 4:1816
Restoration and, 4:1967–1969, Coxe, William, 4:2076 forensic psychiatry and, 3:1270
1970, 1971, 1973 Crace, John Gregory, 4:1918 homosexual acts as, 2:1082–1083,
as Revolutions of 1848 backlash, Crackanthorpe, Montague, 2:770 1084, 1085; 5:2376
4:1993–1994 Cracow. See Kraków law and, 3:1315
Russian repression and, 2:781; Cradle, The (Morisot), 3:1544 literature ont, 2:574–575
4:1810, 1818, 1832 Craft, Robert, 4:2263
Countess of Carpio (1757–1795), London and, 3:1375
craftsmen. See artisans and guilds; art
Marquesa de la Bolana (Goya), mafia and, 3:1414–1417, 1583
1:79 craft unions. See labor movements Naples and, 3:1583
Countess of Rudolstadt, The (Sand), Crane, Walter, 1:191; 4:2201 penal exile for, 2:779–781
4:2083 Cranford (Gaskell), 2:934 photographic records and, 2:576;
Count Robert de Montesquiou craniology. See phrenology 4:1816, 1816
(Boldini), 2:1082 Crawford, John, 3:1139 police system and, 4:1814–1817
Country Doctor, A (Kafka), 3:1243 Craxi, Bettino, 2:933 popular culture and, 4:1821
country houses, 1:186; 3:1305–1306, Crayon (journal), 4:1864 Romanies’ association with, 4:2022,
1306 creation, 2:614, 615, 776, 1103; 2023
County Clare, 2:1003 4:2182 St. Petersburg and, 2079
county councils (Britain), 2:1010 creationist theory, 4:2133 scapegoats and, 2:575–576
County Donegal, evictions in, 3:1184 ‘‘creative destruction’’ theories, 1:162 Siberian exile for, 4:2172
County Mayo, 4:1789–1790 Creative Evolution (Bergson), 1:213,
County Wexford, 2:1000 Sicily and, 4:2176–2177, 2178
Couperin, François, 1:440 statistical analysis of, 2:570, 571;
‘‘creative evolution’’ theory,
Courbet, Gustave, 1:25; 2:568–570, 4:1922, 2248
569; 3:1353; 4:1757, 1898, 2133; credit theories of, 2:572–574, 638;
5:2496 3:1371–1372; 4:1816
banks and, 1:170–176
avant-garde and, 4:1706–1707 against women, 2:943
buying on, 2:550
as impressionist influence, 3:1126, Creditanstalt, 4:2041 See also prisons
1128 credit cooperatives, 2:556 Crimea
Manet and, 3:1433 Crédit Industriel et Commercial, Black Sea and, 1:243, 244; 2:1007
Menzel and, 3:1489 1:174 Russian annexation of, 1:376;
realism and, 2:568–569; 3:1126, Crédit Lyonnais, 1:174, 176; 3:1405 3:1683
1128; 4:1702, 1706–1707, 1708, Crédit Mobilier. See Société Générale Russian Islamic jadidism in,
1946–1947, 1956 de Crédit Mobilier 3:1207–1208
Couriau, Emma and Louis, 2:697 Credito Italiano, 3:1503 See also Crimean War
Courier de l’Europe (newspaper), Creditors (Strindberg), 4:2269 Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky),
4:1871 credit societies, 1:55 2:678

2606 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Crimean War, 1:234, 491; 2:530, Criminalité comparée, La (Tarde), Critique of Abstract Principles, A
577–580, 580, 964; 3:1686 2:574 (V. Soloviev), 4:2216
Alexander II and, 1:38–39; 3:1626 criminal law. See crime Critique of Political Economy (Marx),
armies and, 1:95 Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885 4:2205
Austria and, 1:143, 244; 2:577, 861, (Britain), 2:639, 1083; 4:2297 Critique of the Gotha Program, The
863, 866, 1081; 3:1541 Criminal Man (Lombroso), 2:638; (Marx), 2:522; 4:2205
Austro-Prussian War and, 1:236; 3:1371 Critiques (Kant), 2:813
2:866 Criminal Prisons of London and Scenes Critz, José Morilla, 5:2337
of Prison Live (Mayhew and Croatia, 4:1993, 1994; 5:2380
Black Sea and, 1:243–244
Binny), 2:573 Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:276
Bosphorus control and, 1:278; 2:576 criminal type, 2:638 Gaj and, 2:924–925
Britain and, 1:38–39, 94, 95, 244, Criminal Woman, the Prostitute, and Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:137, 141
278; 2:577–580, 578, 1007, the Normal Woman (Lombroso
1007–1008; 4:1713, 2048, 2051; Hungarian compromise with, 1:144
and Ferrero), 3:1371
5:2410, 2413 Jelačić and, 3:1219–1220
criminology. See crime
British cavalry and, 1:94–95; 2:578, Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1599
Crisis, The (Owenite journal), 2:650
578 ‘‘Crisis of European Thought,’’ nationalism and, 2:924–925;
casualties of, 2:952 3:1535 3:1267–1268
Cavour and, 1:391 Crisis of the European Sciences, The Serbia and, 1:242
cholera transmission and, 2:669 (Husserl), 2:1100 Croatian National Society (Bosnia),
Crisis of Western Philosophy, The 1:276
Concert of Europe breakdown and,
(V. Soloviev), 4:2216 Croce, Benedetto, 2:583–585; 4:2189
Crispi, Francesco, 2:581–583, 582, Crofters Wars, 4:2120
deaths and, 2:629, 952
947 Croix, La (Catholic daily), 1:383; 2:684
France and, 1:38–39, 94, 244, 271, Cromer, Lord (Evelyn Baring), 2:734;
278; 2:577–580, 866; 3:1592; Carducci’s support for, 1:362
4:2048, 2051; 5:2410 Ethiopian campaign and, 1:8, 362;
Crompton, Samuel, 3:1152, 1153
as Holy Alliance dissolution, 2:1079, 2:582, 583; 3:1200
Cromwell (Hugo), 2:1092
1081 Giolitti and, 2:971
Cromwell, Oliver, 2:831
Italy and, 5:2410 as prime minister, 2:582–583;
Cronin, Archibald Joseph, 4:1882
Mickiewicz and, 3:1500 3:1200, 1348
Cronstadt, 2:579
myths of, 2:578–579 Roman Question and, 4:2025 Crook, Will, 3:1296
Napoleon III and, 2:579, 580; Sicilian Fasci and, 4:2174–2175, 2178 ‘‘Crooked Man, The’’ (Doyle), 2:680
3:1626 Umberto I and, 5:2377, 2378 Crookes, William, 4:2238, 2239
Nicholas I and, 3:1626 Critica, La (periodical), 2:584 crop rotation, 1:26; 2:762, 960;
Critica sociale (socialist journal), 4:1751, 1753
Nightingale’s nursing and,
3:1276; 5:2363 Cros, Antoine-Jean, 2:955
3:1637–1638, 1637, 1649
criticism, art Crosby, Alfred W., 2:668
origins of, 1:244; 2:576
Baudelaire and, 1:188; 3:1543 Cross, John, 2:743
Palmerston and, 4:1713
on impressionists, 3:1126–1127, Cross, Viscount (Edward Assheton),
photography and, 4:1771 1128, 1132 2:674
Piedmont and, 2:1007; 3:1198; Ruskin and, 4:1864 cross-dressing, 2:1082
4:1787 criticism, literary ‘‘Crossing the Bar’’ (Tennyson), 5:2310
Poland and, 4:1811 Arnold and, 1:102–103 Cross in the Mountains (Friedrich),
results of, 2:579–580 Belinsky and, 1:207–208 2:910–911
Russia and, 1:38–39, 243–244; Coleridge and, 1:496, 497 Crouzet, François, 3:1587
2:577–580, 1007; 4:1975, 2048, Crouzet, Michel, 4:2253
Eliot (George) and, 2:744
2051, 2149–2150, 2153, 2196; crowd behavior, 3:1317; 4:1909
Herder and, 2:1061
5:2410 Cruikshank, George, 2:585–587, 586,
political, 1:102–103
Russian defeat in, 1:94; 2:1014, 1023
1015; 3:1626 in Russia, 4:2050
Cruikshank, Isaac (father), 2:585
Schlegel and, 4:2094–2096 Cruikshank, Robert (brother), 2:585,
Slavophilism and, 4:2196
Crime of Father Amaro, The (Crime do Shaw and, 4:2165 586
Padre Amaro, O; Eça de Queriós), Strachey and, 4:2258 Crusenstolpe, Magnus, 4:2283
1:70 Tolstoy and, 5:2319 Crystal Palace, 2:587–590; 3:1376,
criminal anthropology, 2:574; criticism, music, 3:1565, 1566 1378; 5:2494–2495, 2495, 2496,
3:1371–1372 on Beethoven, 1:197 2505–2506
criminal class theories, 2:572–574; by Berlioz, 1:224, 225 Cruikshank etching of, 2:586
3:1371–1372 by Schumann and, 3:1566, 1570 fire destruction of, 2:589

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2607

influence of, 2:589–590, 1006 Cusack, Michael, 3:1182 Czech National Theater (Prague),
interior of, 2:589 Cust, Henry, 2:798 4:1857–1858, 1860
south entrance of, 2:588 Custine, Astolphe de, 2:1084 Czechoslovak Republic, 1:264;
Custine, marquis de, 4:2076 3:1469; 4:1856
success of, 4:1738
Custom House (Dublin), 2:691 ‘‘Czech Quartet, The,’’ 2:700
crystals, 1:425; 4:1743
Cualterio, Filippo, 3:1415 Customs House (Yokohama), 3:1209 Czech Republic. See Bohemia,
Cuba, 1:363–364, 365–366 customs union. See monetary unions Moravia, and Silesia
Custom War (1906–1911), 1:206 Czerny, Carl, 3:1360
slave emancipation in, 1:365
Custoza, Battle of (1848), 4:1993,
slavery in, 2:506; 4:2192, 2193,
Custoza, Battle of (1866), 1:148
Spanish colonial rule in, 1:499; n
Cuvier, Georges, 2:598–599
4:2231 D
as Agassiz mentor, 1:22
Spanish loss of, 1:181; 2:949;
evolution theory and, 2:776 Dada, 1:153; 2:593; 3:1214
Lamarck’s acquired characteristics Dagestan, 4:2164
tobacco and, 5:2313
theory and, 2:614; 3:1302 Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe-
Cuban War of Independence
(1895–1898), 1:366 natural history museum and, Jean, 4:1948
Cubières, marquis de, 2:994 3:1562–1634 Daguerre, Louis, 1:440; 2:605–607;
cubism, 1:214, 398; 2:590–594; Cuza, Alexandru Ion, 4:2016 4:1770
4:1732, 1875 cycling, 2:599–602 daguerreotypes, 2:605, 606–607;
avant-garde and, 1:156, 157 bicycle boom of 1890s and, 4:1770, 1771
Braque and, 1:156; 2:590, 591, 592, 2:601–602 pornographic, 4:1834
592, 593, 797; 3:1530; 4:1710, Netherlands and, 3:1619 dahis, 4:2142
1784 racing and, 2:599–600, 601, 602; Dahlbäck, Lars, 4:2269
futurism and, 2:918; 4:1711 3:1326; 4:1824 Dahlmann, F. C., 2:960
rubber tires and, 2:551, 600, 601; Dahomey, 1:13, 14, 15, 20, 21; 2:812
Picasso and, 1:156; 2:590, 591, 592,
3:1336 Dáil Éireann (Irish Parliament),
593; 3:1530; 4:1710, 1783–1784
as sport, 4:2242, 2245 3:1185
Cubitt, Thomas, 3:1373
tourism and, 5:2330–2331 Daily Mail (London newspaper),
Cudgel War (Luxembourg), 4:1755
as transportation, 3:1163; 4:1824; 4:1868, 1871, 2280
Cuérin, Robert, 2:834
Cui, César, 4:1999 5:2350 Daily Mirror (London newspaper),
Cyclists’ Touring Club (Britain), 2:600 4:1871
Cuisine, La (Vlaminck), 2:796
Cullen, Paul, 1:379 Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts and Daily News (London newspaper),
Cullen, William, 4:2108 Manufactures, 4:2114 3:1459
cultural nationalism. See nationalism Cyprus, 5:2391 Daily Telegraph (London newspaper),
cultural pessimism, 2:631 2:968
British control of, 2:530, 705; 3:1690
cultural Zionists, 5:2521 Daimler, Gottlieb Wilhelm, 1:148,
Kitchener in, 3:1257
Cultur der Renaissance in Italien, Die 150; 3:1161; 5:2351
Mediterranean and, 3:1481 Daimler Motor Company, 2:793
(Burckhardt), 1:318, 319, 320 Mehmet Ali and, 3:1613
culture. See popular and elite culture daimyo. See samurai
Cyril, St., 4:1716 Dai Nam. See Vietnam
Culture and Anarchy (Arnold), 1:103 Czartoryski, Adam, 2:602–604;
Cumnock News (Scottish newspaper), dairy farming, 2:960; 3:1623, 1624
4:1807, 1808, 1810–1811 Dai Viet. See Vietnam
Czartoryski, Konstanty, 2:603 Dakar, 1:20
Cuoco, Vincenzo, 3:1192
Czech language, 1:145, 259, 261, Dale, Peter Allan, 4:2254
CUP. See Young Turks
262, 263; 4:1711, 1716, 1858, Dalhaus, Carl, 1:295
Cupid and Psyche (Canova), 1:349
1860–1861 Dalhousie, Lord, 3:1134; 4:2138
Curie, Irène, 2:594, 596
Czech National Party, 4:1712; Dalian (China), 1:292; 4:1837
Curie, Marie, 2:594, 594–597, 738;
5:2510–2511 Dalmatia, 2:958; 3:1203
Czech national revival, 1:261–264, Dalton, John, 1:424; 3:1430; 4:2114
Curie, Pierre, 2:594, 595, 596
447; 3:1469; 4:1716
currency. See banks and banking; gold Damala, Jacques, 1:230
Dvořák and, 2:700–701 Dame aux camélias, La (Dumas),
standard; monetary unions
‘‘Cursory Strictures on the Charge Masaryk and, 3:1469 1:229
Delivered by Lord Chief Justice Palacký and, 4:1711–1712, 1861 Damnation de Faust, La (Berlioz),
Eyre to the Grand Jury’’ Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716–1717 1:225
(Godwin), 2:981 Prague as center of, 4:1856–1861 Damned, The (Huysmans), 2:1104
Curzon, George, 1:597–598; 3:1135, Prague Slav Congress and, Dan, Fyodor, 3:1460, 1487
1136 4:1861–1863 Da Nang, 3:1140

2608 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

dance. See ballet Dardanelles, Treaty of (1809), 1:278 Daudet, Alphonse (father), 1:5;
Dance at Bougival (Renoir), 4:1955 Dargan, William, 2:693 5:2523
Dance of Death, The (Strindberg), Dargomyzhsky, Alexander, 3:1575 Daudet, Léon (son), 4:2084
4:2269, 2286 Darmstädter (bank), 1:175 Daughter of Sláva (Kollar), 4:1716
Dance of Death genre, 2:629 Dartmouth (British warship), 3:1612 Daum brothers, 1:108, 111
‘‘Dancing Man, The’’ (Doyle), 2:681 Darty, Paulette, 4:2086–2087 Daumier, Honoré, 1:35; 2:620–623,
Dandré, Victor, 4:1750 Daru, Pierre, 4:2252 622, 623, 850; 4:1881
Daniel Deronda (G. Eliot), 2:744, Darwin, Charles, 2:613–620, 619, Cruikshank as influence on, 2:586
745; 5:2519 696, 740, 770, 872; 4:1909, Nadar and, 3:1578, 1579
Danilevsky, Nikolai, 2:773, 775; 2071, 2255; 5:2458 Davaine, Casimir-Joseph, 4:1744
4:1832 Agassiz theories vs., 1:23 Davenport, Charles, 2:770–771
Danilo II, prince of Montenegro, creationist theorists and, 4:2133 David, Jacques-Louis, 2:623–625;
3:1540, 1541 degeneration theorists and, 2:238, 239 3:1165, 1167, 1558; 4:1702,
Danish-German War, 2:607–609, 648 1705, 1960, 2007
Engels and, 2:756
Bismarck and, 1:235–236, 237; painting of Marat’s assassination by,
evolution cartoon and, 2:778
2:963; 4:1902 3:1442
Freud’s interest in, 2:904
Danish troops in, 2:608 David Balfour (Stevenson), 4:2256
Galton and, 2:637, 769, 927
Geneva Convention and, 2:952 David Copperfield (Dickens), 2:656
Haeckel and, 2:1031, 1031–1032, Davidsfonds (Belgium), 1:202
German unification and, 2:963
1069 Davidson, Emily Wilding, 2:805–806
See also Schleswig-Holstein
Hirschfeld and, 2:1070 Davies, Emily, 2:625–627
Danish language, 3:1259
Danish Shooting Federation, 4:2243 Huxley’s defense of, 2:614, 616, Davis, Edward Thompson, 4:1848
Danish Sports Federation, 4:2245 617, 777, 1101, 1102 Davitt, Michael, 2:1009; 3:1181;
D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 1:443; as Kautsky influence, 3:1248 4:1741
2:609–610, 633, 951; 5:2405 Kelvin energy laws and, 3:1250 Davout, Louis-Nicolas, 1:133; 3:1221
Giolitti and, 2:972 Kropotkin critique of, 3:1273 Davy, Humphry, 1:424, 487; 4:2111,
Danse, La (Matisse), 3:1474, 1475 Lamarckian theory and, 3:1302 2114, 2168
danse moderne. See modern dance Lyell as influence on, 2:615; 3:1402 Days of Freedom (Russia), 4:1978
Dante Alighieri, 1:246; 2:640; Malthus as influence on, 2:161, 615, ‘‘Dayspring Mishandled’’ (Kipling),
3:1193; 4:2008, 2030, 2095 617; 3:1426 3:1257
Doré illustrations for, 2:676 day-trippers, 3:1324; 4:2126; 5:2328
Morant Bay uprising and, 1:371
Dante’s Barque (Delacroix), 2:640 dazio consumo, 4:2174
natural history museums and, 3:1563
Danton (Rolland), 4:2015 Deaconesses of Kaiserswerth, 3:1649
natural selection and, 2:239, 613,
Danton, Georges-Jacques, 2:610–612 deaconess movement, 3:1649, 1650
616, 617, 618, 653, 776, 777,
Dead Souls (Gogol), 1:208; 2:988
Committee of Public Safety and, 778–779
Deák, Ferenc, 2:627–628, 864;
2:518, 610, 611, 612 Polish positivists and, 4:1811 3:1346
execution of, 2:610, 893 progress and, 2:814 Deane, Phyllis, 3:1147
as Jacobin, 3:1205 research approach of, 4:1908 Dearborn, Henry, 5:2439, 2440
Reign of Terror and, 2:610, 612, on Romanies, 4:2021 death and burial, 2:628–629
893; 4:1952 Spencer and, 4:2233, 2234 cremation and, 4:1894
Robespierre and, 4:2007 as Suttner influence, 4:2282 dueling and, 2:695
September Massacres and, 2:973 Wallace and, 5:2437 political funerals and, 4:1963
Danube River, 1:205, 243, 244
on women’s evolution, 2:945 secularization of, 4:1894
Budapest and, 1:309
Darwin, Emma Wedgwood (wife), suicide and, 2:629, 632, 699, 816
Crimean War and, 2:577 2:617 See also casualties; mortality rates
international navigation of, 3:1173 Darwin, Erasmus (grandfather), 2:613, Death and Maiden (Schiele), 4:2090
Danzig, 4:1900 777, 927; 4:2111, 2168, 2233 ‘‘Death and the Maiden’’ string quartet
Daphnis and Chloé (Ravel), 4:1944 Darwin, Leonard (son), 2:770 (Schubert), 4:2106
Darboy, Georges, 1:68; 4:1722, 1736 Darwin, Robert Waring (father), Death as Victor (Rethel), 2:629
Darcy, Henri, 2:760 2:613, 927 Death in the Sickroom (Munch),
Dardanelles, 1:243; 2:703, 709 Darwin, Susannah Wedgwood 3:1559
Bosphorus and, 1:278 (mother), 2:613 Death in Venice (Mann), 3:1435, 1436
Crimean War and, 2:577 Darwinism (Wallace), 5:2437 Death of Empedocles, The (Hölderlin),
Eastern Question and, 2:704–705 Dasein concept, 3:1252 2:1078
Mediterranean and, 3:1481–1482 Dashnaktsutiun Party (Armenian), 1:92 ‘‘Death of Ivan Ilych, The’’ (Tolstoy),
Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, 5:2391, Data of Ethics (Spencer), 4:2235 5:2319
2392 Daubigny, Charles-François, 1:178 Death of Marat (David), 4:1960

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2609

Death of Oenone, Akbar’s Dream, and Herzen and, 2:1064 DeFeure, Georges, 1:110
Other Poems, The (Tennyson), intelligentsia and, 3:1170 De Forest, Lee, 3:1163
5:2310 Nicholas I’s crushing of, 3:1625 Degas, Edgar, 1:252, 336, 354, 470;
Death of Sardanapalus, The 2:633–636, 635; 3:1130; 4:1874,
Pushkin and, 4:1919
(Delacroix), 2:640 1955, 2156; 5:2323
dechristianization. See secularization
Death of the Settler, The (Ivanov), absinthe drinking and, 1:3, 3
decimal system, monetary, 3:1538
4:1757 art collection of, 2:634, 636
Decisi (secret society), 1:360
death penalty Daumier as influence on, 2:622
Declaration of Independence
British debates on, 2:570 impressionism and, 3:1126, 1128,
(Hungary, 1849), 3:1268
in France, 4:1963, 2005 1129–1130, 1131; 4:1708, 1709
Declaration of Paris (1856), 2:1034;
French debate on, 2:575 3:1175 Liebermann monograph on, 3:1353
French guillotine and, 2:888 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Menzel and, 3:1490
See also Reign of Terror of the Citizen (1789), 1:283–284, modernism and, 3:1530
Hugos writings against, 2:1093 498; 2:665, 768, 843, 891; Morisot friendship with, 3:1544
penal exile as alternative to, 3:1521; 4:1850 photography and, 4:1773
2:779–780, 781 free press guarantee of, 4:1869 De Gasperi, Alcide, 2:933
public hangings and, 1:288 French buffer states and, 3:1597 de Gaulle, Charles, 1:269, 271
for sodomy, 2:1082, 1083 National Assembly vote on, ‘‘Degenerate Art’’ exhibition (Munich,
death rates. See infant and child 2:886–887; 3:1299–1300 1937), 2:649
mortality; mortality rates women’s exclusion from, 2:801, 941, degeneration, 2:636–640, 683
De Beers Consolidated Mines, 1:18; 995 criminality theory and, 2:573, 574,
4:1996 Declaration of the Rights of Man and 636, 637, 638, 639, 769; 3:1472
Debits and Credits (Kipling), 3:1257 the Citizen Decadence and, 2:631, 632, 636,
Déblaiement d’art (van de Velde), republicanism and, 4:1959–1960 638
1:108 eugenics and, 2:241, 636, 637, 769,
Robespierre’s support of, 4:2005
De Buonaparte et des Bourbons et de la 928
secularization and, 4:2132–2133,
nécessité de se rallier à nos Princes
2134, 2186–2187 fin de siècle and, 2:816
légitimes pour le bonheur de la
Declaration of the Rights of Woman homosexual/lesbian subculture and,
France et celui de l’Europe
and of the Female Citizen 2:1083, 1084
(Chateaubriand), 1:421
(Gouges), 2:801, 802, 941, male fears and, 3:1472
Debussy, Claude, 1:154; 2:630–631,
995–996 Degeneration (Nordau), 2:816
654; 3:1565, 1572
decorative arts Degeneration: A Chapter in Darwinism
Chopin’s influence on, 1:440
art nouveau and, 110; 1:107–114, (Ray), 2:238
impressionism and, 3:1133
152, 153; 2:815, 1028 De Gérando, Joseph Marie, 4:1850
opera and, 3:631, 1675
Beardsley and, 1:192 Dehmel, Richard, 4:2102
Ravel and, 4:1944, 1945 Dehn, Siegfried, 2:979, 980
Burne-Jones and, 4:1865
Satie and, 4:2086 Deich, Lev, 5:2517
Crystal Palace exhibits and, 2:588
Decadence, 2:631–633 Dei delitti e delle pene (Beccaria), 3:1371
Morris and, 3:1549–1551; 4:1865
art nouveau and, 1:109, 152 deism, 4:1893
Pugin and, 4:1917, 1918
death and, 2:629 Deiters, Otto, 1:340
See also furniture
degeneration and, 2:631, 632, 636, ‘‘Dejection: An Ode’’ (Coleridge),
638 Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard,
fin de siècle and, 2:629, 631–633, Déjeuner sur l’herbe (Manet), 3:1432,
Dedham Lock and Mill (Constable),
638, 815–816; 3:1476 1433, 1530, 1535; 4:1707
Huysmans and, 2:632, 1104, 1105 Delacroix, Charles, 5:2305
Dedham Vale (Constable), 2:543
Maurras’s fixation on, 3:1476 Delacroix, Eugène, 1:439, 439; 2:634,
Dedreux, Alfred, 1:285
Nietzsche and, 3:1631 640–642, 848, 939
deductive systematicity (legal theory),
Pater and, 4:1746 Constable as influence on, 2:544
Picasso and, 4:1781 Friedrich’s importance compared
De écriture hiératique des anciens
poets and artists and, 2:940 with, 2:910
égyptiens (Champollion), 1:407
symbolism and, 2:633; 4:2292–2294 Deerbrook (Martineau), 3:1459 Liszt and, 3:1360
Décadent, Le (literary journal), 2:632 defamiliarization, 5:2320 naturalism and, 4:1701
Décade philosophique, La (French Defenders of the Constitution (Serbia), Paris Exposition of 1855 and, 5:2496
journal), 4:1961 4:2144–2145 Romanticism and, 2:640–642, 910;
Decembrists, 1:38, 360, 400; 4:2050, Defense of Poetry, A (Shelley), 4:2170 4:1705, 2027, 2030
2236 Défenseur de la constitution, La Sand and, 4:2084
Chaadayev and, 1:400 (Robespierre newspaper), 4:2006 self-portrait of, 2:640

2610 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Talleyrand and, 5:2305 classical economists and, 2:713 London and, 3:1372
Van Gogh and, 5:2400 colonization and, 2:504 Madrid and, 3:1412
De la Démocratie en Amérique Guizot’s view of, 2:1030 Malthusian theory and, 3:1425–1427
(Tocqueville), 1:115–116 labor movements and, 3:1292 as migration factor, 3:1112
De la littérature du midi de l’Europe Luxemburg’s socialism and, 3:1401 Moscow and, 3:1553–1554
(Sismondi), 4:2185 Mazzini and, 3:1479, 1480 New Zealand and, 3:1622
De l’Allemagne (Heine), 2:1056
Nietzsche’s repudiation of, 3:1629 old age and, 3:1662
De l’Allemagne (Staël), 2:1056; 4:2095
press freedom and, 4:172, 1870 Paris and, 4:1727–1728
De la monarchie selon la charte
Protestanism and, 4:1892 peasants and, 4:1751, 1752
(Chateaubriand), 1:421
De la prostitution dans la ville de Paris racial/sexual inequality and, population control and, 4:1827–1831
(Parent-Duchâtelet), 4:1884, 2301 1:458–459 Prague and, 4:1856
De la religion (Constant), 2:545 republicanism and, 4:1958, 1959 public health measures and,
De la réorganisation de la société Second International and, 3:1294 2:670–671
européenne (Saint-Simon), Serbia and, 1:207 Romania and, 4:2017
4:2081, 2202 Social Democrats and, 1:231 Scotland and, 4:2120–2122
De la Rey, Jacobus Hercules (‘‘Koos’’), voluntary associations and, Serbia and, 4:2146
1:257 1:115–116, 119, 120–122 social history and, 1:251
De la richesse commerciale; ou, Principes Democracy in America (Tocqueville), statistics and, 4:2248–2250
d’économie politique appliqués à la 1:115–116; 3:1513; 4:2213;
urban death rates and, 1:451
législation du commerce 5:2316–2317
(Sismondi), 4:2185 urban overcrowding and, 4:1912
Democratic Association (Brussels),
Delaunay, Robert, 1:156; 2:590, 738; 3:1465 See also birthrate; fertility rate;
4:2158 Democratic Federation, 4:2205 immigration and internal
Delaunay-Terk, Sonia, 1:156 migration; infant and child
Democratic National Party (Poland),
De l’auscultation mediate (Laennec), mortality; mortality rates
3:1298 Democratic Party (Germany), 1:189 Demoiselles (French peasant protests),
Delbrück, Rudolph, 1:238; 5:2526 1:359
Democratic Party (Portugal), 4:1842
Delcassé, Théophile, 2:642–643, 795, Demoiselles d’Avignon, Les (Picasso),
Democratic Republic of Congo. See
857 1:156; 2:593; 4:1710,
Congo Free State
Moroccan Crisis and, 3:1545 1782–1783, 1783, 1875
Democratic Republic of Vietnam,
Waldeck-Rousseau and, 5:2432 3:1145 Demolins, Edmond, 5:2516
Delesalle, Paul, 1:56 democratic socialism, 1:282 Demos (Gissing), 2:975
Delhi, 3:1135, 1137 Democritus, 3:1464 Denis, Maurice, 1:154; 4:2294
Delicias Atocha station (Madrid), demography, 2:643–646 Denmark, 2:649–649
3:1413 agarian production and, 2:762 Africa and, 1:19
Deliyannis, Theodore, 2:1021 Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:52 alcohol consumption in, 1:35
Della Guerra nazionale d’insurrezione Athens and, 1:125 as Berlin Conference participant,
per bande (Saint-Jorioz), 5:2514 1:221
Belgrade and, 1:206
Deloraine (Godwin), 2:982 British naval attack on, 3:1615
cholera pandemics and, 1:436, 438;
Delphine (Staël), 2:802; 4:2247 Caribbean colonialism and, 1:363
Del primato morale e civile degli cholera and, 1:436
death rate decline and, 2:628
italiani (Gioberti), 3:1195; colonies and, 3:1114
4:1796, 2002 Dublin and, 2:690
emigration and, 2:746–752 commercial policy and, 2:512
Del romanzo storico, e in genere de
epidemic infections and, 2:667–668, education in, 2:648
componimenti misti di storia e
dinvenzione (Manzoni), 3:1442 670–671 emigrants from, 2:506
Delvard, Marya, 1:336 eugenics and, 2:637 established church in, 4:1895
Demandt, Alexander, 3:1533 family life effects of, 3:145 football (soccer) and, 2:833
democracy Germany and, 2:960 German unification and, 1:47, 96;
aristocracy and, 1:81–82, 83, 86 housing shortage and, 2:1086–1092 4:1993
Arnold’s literary criticism and, 1:103 illegitimate births and, 4:1828 Hamburg and, 2:1038
artisan radicalism and, 1:104 Industrial Revolution and, 3:1147, Kierkegaard and, 3:1250–1254
Athenian, 4:1769–1770 1148 labor movements in, 3:1290, 1291
bourgeois liberalism and, 1:458 Irish Potato Famine’s effect on, life expectancy in, 2:643
Chartist platform and, 1:414–415, 2:1005 monetary union and, 3:1538
418, 459 land enclosures and, 1:26 Napoleonic Wars and, 2:901
civil society and, 1:467 literacy and, 4:1822 poor relief and, 4:1851

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2611

population of, 2:647 Dernier chant du pèlerinage d’Harold, Deutsche Frauenzeitung (women’s
Protestant population of, 4:1890, Le (Lamartine), 3:1303 periodical), 1:66
1890 Dernière Incarnation de Vautrin, La Deutsche Grammatik (J. Grimm),
Prussia and, 1:234, 236, 237; 2:963; (Balzac), 1:169 2:1024
5:2353 Dernier jour d’un condamné, Le Deutsche Kolonialverein, 3:1118
(Hugo), 2:1093 Deutsche Mythologie (J. Grimm),
See also Danish-German War
Deroin, Jeanne, 2:652–654, 654; 2:1023
Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1985
3:1288; 4:2013, 2279 Deutscher Schulverein, 1:262
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987, Déroulède, Paul, 1:282; 2:857, 858 Deutscher Wehrverein, 3:1546
1990, 1993–1994
Deroy, A., 4:1789 Deutsches Requiem, Ein (Brahms),
Schleswig-Holstein and, 1:147, Deroy, Charles, 1:187 1:295
235–236, 237; 2:871, 963 Derrida, Jacques, 3:1635 Deutsche Turnerschaft, 1:118; 4:2243
slavery abolishment and, 1:18, 19, De Sanctis, Francesco, 1:317; 3:1556 Deutsche Uebersee-Bank, 1:176
365, 458, 499; 2:506 Descamps, Edouard, 4:1697 Deutsche Zentrumspartei. See Center
slave trade and, 1:13, 308 Descartes, René, 2:926; 4:1907, 2026 Party
socialist party strength in, 3:1293 Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 2:617, Deutschland: Ein Wintermärchen
sports in, 4:2241, 2243 777 (Heine), 2:1056
suffrage in, 4:2278 Deschanel, Paul-Eugène-Louis, ‘‘Deutschland über alles’’ (song),
Sweden’s cession of Norway from, 3:1218 2:960–961
1:226, 227; 4:2287 Des classes dangereuses de la population Deux aveugles, Les (Offenbach), 3:1660
telephone service in, 5:2308 dans les grands villes et des moyens Deux danseurs (Matisse), 3:1475
temperance societies in, 4:1896 de les rendre meilleurs (Frégier), Deux journées, Les (Cherubini), 3:1673
2:572 Deval, Pierre, 1:43
trade and, 5:2336, 2338, 2339
Description de l’Égypte, 1:44, 406; De Valera, Eamon, 3:1185
welfare initiatives in, 5:2452
2:731 Development of Capitalism in Russia,
Dennewitz, Battle of (1813), 3:1320
Descriptions automatiques (Satie), The (Lenin), 3:1327
Denon, Dominique Vivant, 4:2043
4:2087 Development of Psychoanalysis, The
DeNora, Tia, 1:199
Des époques de la nature (Buffon), (Rank and Ferenczi), 4:1938
Dent, J. M., 1:192
2:776 DeVigne, Robert, 3:1514
department stores, 1:288–290; 2:551,
‘‘deserving poor’’ concept, Devils, The (Dostoyevsky), 2:679;
552; 3:1453; 5:2341
5:2450–2451 3:1614
cities and, 1:445
Desgeorges, Frédéric, 1:248 Devil’s Disciple, The (Shaw), 4:2166
clothing sales and, 1:483, 484 Deshoulières, Antoineete de, 2:994 Devils Island, 2:683
credit and, 2:550 design. See decorative arts Devonshire, duke of, 1:84; 5:2387
London and, 3:1378 Deslon, Charles, 3:1490 Devoy, John, 4:1741
shoplifting and, 2:574, 576 Desmond, Adrian, 2:614 De Vries, Hugo, 2:61, 652–653;
white-collar women workers and, Desmoulins, Camille, 2:611, 893; 3:1486
1:352 3:1205; 4:1869, 1960 De Vries, Jan, 3:1152
Departure of the Volunteers in 1792 (La De Sousa, Felix, 1:13 deys, 5:2362
Marseillaise; Rude), 4:2031, Despero, Fortunato, 2:917 Dhaka, 3:1136
2043, 2044 Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 2:1036; Diaghilev, Sergei, 1:154; 2:654–655,
Dépêche de Toulouse, La (journal), 5:2333 774; 4:1750, 2077
3:1215, 1217 Desserte, La (Matisse), 3:1474 Nijinsky and, 3:1642, 1643
dependency theory, 2:708 Desserte rouge, La (Matisse), 3:1474 Ravel and, 4:1944–1945
depressions, economic. See Great Destitute Men Applying for Admittance Repin and, 4:1957
Depression to a London Night Refuge (Doré),
Rimsky-Korsakov and, 2:654;
Depretis, Agostino, 2:581–582; 5:2455
3:1200; 5:2377 Desvaillières, Georges, 1:153
De Profundis (Wilde), 5:2466 Satie and, 4:2087
Desvosges, François, 4:2043
De Quincey, Thomas, 1:188; 2:686, Stravinsky and, 2:654, 655; 4:1876,
detective novel, 2:680, 816
687 2261–2262
detectives, 4:1815
Derain, André, 1:153; 4:1784 determinism, 1:214 World of Art group and, 4:2181
fauvism and, 2:795, 796, 797; De Tham, 3:1143, 1144 Diagne, Blaise, 2:509
4:1875 Deutsche-Asiatische Bank, 1:176 dialectic
Matisse and, 3:1474 Deutsche Bank, 1:175, 176; 2:965 Fichte and, 2:814
Deraismes, Maria, 1:127; 2:649–650, Deutsche Bund. See German Hegel and, 3:1252
804; 4:1998 Confederation Kierkegaard and, 3:1252, 1253
Derby, Lord (Edward George Geoffrey Deutsche Demokratische Partei Marx and, 3:1252, 1400
Smith Stanley), 2:673, 674, 1008 (Germany), 1:189 Dialectics of Nature (Engels), 2:756

2612 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Dialogue on Poetry (Schlegel), 4:2095 Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier diphtheria, 2:667

diamonds, 1:18, 99 français de l’époque carlovingienne diplomacy, 2:661–664
Lavoisier study of, 3:1312 à la Rénaissance (Viollet-le-Duc), arbitration and, 4:1697–1698
South African mining of, 4:1996, 5:2422 Bismarck and, 1:234–235, 239–240;
1997, 2221–2222, 2222 Diderot, Denis, 1:93, 498; 4:1833, 2:663, 705, 965; 3:1198
‘‘Diaphaneite’’ (Pater), 4:1746 1843, 2026, 2047 China and, 3:1579
diaphragm, 2:947; 4:1827, 1829 Dien Bien Phu, fall of (1954), 3:1145 Concert of Europe and, 2:525,
diarrhea prevention, 2:667 Dieppe, 4:2124, 2125 661–663, 1002; 3:1493
‘‘Diary of a Superfluous Man’’ Diesel, Rudolf, 3:1161 Congress of Berlin and, 2:530, 705
(Turgenev), 5:2365 diesel engine, 3:1161
Czartoryski and, 2:603, 604
Diary of Vaslav Nijinsky, The (Acocella, diet and nutrition, 2:658–660
Delcassé and, 2:643
ed.), 3:1643 coffee, tea, chocolate and,
Disraeli and, 2:674
Diaz de La Peña, Narcisse-Virgile, 1:495–496; 2:658
Haitian recognition and, 2:1037
1:178 demographic effects of in, 2:667
Dichtung and Wahrheit (Goethe), imperialism as factor in, 1:1033;
food adulteration and, 2:658, 659
2:982, 987 3:1118, 1122
food cooperatives and, 2:555
Dickens, Catherine Hogarth, international law and, 3:1172–1173,
food preservation and, 2:659; 1174, 1175
2:656–657 3:1164; 4:1743
Dickens, Charles, 2:535, 655–658, Japan and, 3:1210, 1211–1212
food prices and, 4:1989
656, 830, 1046; 4:1776, 2022; Leopold I and, 3:1335
food riots and, 4:1754–1755, 1990; Metternich and, 2:861;
5:2314, 2395
5:2488 3:1492–1494
Austen compared with, 1:130
Irish potato dependency and, 3:1178 Napoleon I and, 3:197, 1584
Brontë sisters and, 1:300
markets and, 3:1447, 1448, 1449 Ottoman embassies and, 3:1683
Carlyle as influence on, 1:371
peasants and, 4:1751, 1752, papacy and, 4:1720, 1721, 1795
on city’s evils, 1:443, 455
on criminal gangs, 2:573, 575 realpolitik and, 3:1198
population growth and, 2:615;
Cruikshank and, 2:585, 587 as war prevention, 2:661–664, 1033
3:1425, 1426–1427; 4:1828
Crystal Palace vilified by, 2:590 Diplomatic Revolution (1756), 3:1445
restaurants and, 4:1964–1967 direct action syndicalism. See
Doré illustrations for, 2:676 scarcity and, 2:658 anarchosyndicalism
French Revolution novel of, 1:371;
trade and, 5:2340–2342 direct current, 3:1116
2:657; 3:1586
wine and, 5:2475–2478 Directory, 1:457; 2:664–666; 3:1388
Gaskell friendship with, 2:934
working-class consumers and, 2:549, Batavian Republic and, 4:2189
legacy of, 2:657
550 Bonald and, 1:268
Morant Bay uprising and, 1:371
See also bread; famine; Irish Potato coups against, 2:664, 665
on New Poor Law, 4:1820, 1848 Famine embargoes of, 2:553
Norton divorce trial and, 3:1646 Diet of Speyer (1529), 4:1890 establishment of, 2:519, 844–845;
nurse portrayal by, 3:1649 Dieu (Hugo), 2:1095 4:1701
opium use by, 2:686 Diez, Carl Immanuel, 2:1051 Festival of Old Age and, 3:1663
on placard-carriers, 4:1845 Difesa delle lavoratrici, La (socialist Fouché and, 2:837
popularity of, 3:1407; 4:1823, newspaper), 3:1277
Italy and, 3:1254; 4:2001
1825 Different from the Others (film), 2:1071
Napoleon and, 3:1584, 1585
spiritualism and, 4:2237 differential equations, 4:1804
policy under, 2:666, 894–895;
utilitarian education lampooon of, Digest of the Laws (Russia,
1832–1839), 4:2236 3:1340
Dilettantism and Scholarship (Herzen), press and, 4:1869–1870
on Venice, 5:2403
Dickson, William, 3:1396, 1398 2:1064 republicanism and, 4:1961
Dictionary of National Biography, Dilettantism in Science (Herzen), Saint-Simon and, 4:2080
4:2253, 2254 2:1064 secret societies and, 4:2129
Dictionnaire Annamite-Français, Dillmann, Alfred, 4:2023–2024 Sieyès and, 4:2180, 2181
3:1142 Dillon, John, 4:1741 Talleyrand and, 5:2305
Dictionnaire des idées reçues (Flaubert), Dilthey, Wilhelm, 1:9; 2:660–661 Venetian Republic and, 5:2402
1:3 Dimitrijević-Apı́s, Dragutin, Disasters of War, The (Goya), 2:998,
Dictionnaire des sciences médicales, 1:242–243 998
4:1791 Dinard, 4:2125 disability insurance, state-sponsored,
Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture Dinshaway incident (1906), 2:734 2:966; 3:1664; 4:1915
française du XIe au XVIe siècle diode valve, 3:1444 disarmament. See armaments; pacifism
(Viollet-le-Duc), 5:2422 Diorama, 2:605, 606, 607 Disaster at Sea (Turner), 5:2368

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2613

Discipline and Punishment (Foucalt), imperialism and, 2:673, 673, 674, Dnieper River, 1:243; 2:562
1:211 977; 3:1122 Dniester River, 1:243
discontinuous inheritance, 2:652–653 Jewish origins of, 1:75; 2:672, 674 Dobelbower, Nicolas, 2:683
Disconto-Gesellschaft (Berlin), 1:175, jingoism and, 2:589, 1009; 3:1234 Doberan, 4:2124
176 Dobrolyubov, Nikolai, 3:1170
on Manchester, 1:454–455; 3:1430
Discourse on Method (Descartes), 4:2026 Dobrovsky, Josef, 4:1716
myth about, 2:674
Discourses on Architecture (Viollet-le- Dobruja, 2:530; 4:2017, 2069, 2085
peerage of, 2:675, 1009
Duc), 5:2422 Dock Strike of 1889 (Britain), 1:59
Discourses on the Scope and Nature of as prime minister, 2:673–674, dock workers, 5:2485–2486
University Education (Newman), 1008–1009 Doctor Faustus (Mann), 3:1436–1437
3:1621 protectionism and, 2:1005 doctors. See medicine; surgery
Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène, 4:1772 Reform Act (1867) and, 2:1008 Doctrinaires, 4:1971–1972, 1973
disease, 666–671 on Sepoy Mutiny, 2:508, 673 Doctrine of Lapse, 4:2138
Aboriginal Australians and, 1:134 Suez Canal and, 2:733; 4:2275 Doctrine of Saint-Simon, The (Saint-
African colonization and, 1:19, 44 Victoria and, 5:2414 Simonian manifesto), 4:2202
alcoholism as, 1:37 Zionism and, 5:2519 Dodd, Frank, 3:1669
Algeria and, 1:43, 44, 47 Disruption of 1843, 4:2118 Doellinger, Ignaz von. See Döllinger,
Dissenters (Britain). See Johann Josef Ignaz von
bacteriology and, 1:438
Nonconformists Dogali massacre (1887), 2:582
Barcelona and, 1:181, 182
Dissertation or Discourse (Drǎsković), Dohm, Ernst, 2:675
Berlin and, 1:218, 219
2:925 Dohm, Hedwig, 2:675–676; 4:2280
body and, 1:251, 253 Dohna, Friedrich Ferdinand
distance races, 4:2240
childhood mortality rate and, 4:1829 Alexander, 2:1042
distilled spirits. See alcohol and
cholera, 4:2035, 2055, 2122; Dokuchayev, Vasily, 2:775
5:2418, 2420 Dolbadern Castle (Turner), 5:2367
Divine Comedy (Dante), 4:2008, 2095
colonial expansion and, 1:356 Dolgorukova, Catherine, 1:39
divine-right monarchy, 2:566; 3:1387;
death-rate decline and, 2:628 4:1968, 1970–1971 Döllinger, Johann Josef Ignaz von,
Dublin and, 2:690 division of labor, 2:515, 712–713, 716 1:6, 385; 4:1719, 1722, 1723
epidemiological/sanitary transition gender and, 3:1452, 1453, 1455, 1471 Doll’s House, A (Ibsen), 2:942;
and, 2:628, 644 3:1108, 1473
labor movements and, 3:1286
germ theory of, 3:1164, 1262–1264, Dolmabahçe, 3:1190
Division of Labor, The (Durkheim),
1358; 4:1744–1745, 2135 Dombey and Son (Dickens), 2:656
hospital care and, 3:1649 Domènech i Montaner, Lluis, 1:112,
infant deaths from, 2:667 183
Brougham and, 1:302, 303 domesticity. See marriage and family
London and, 3:1372, 1378 French rights and, 2:812, 843; domestic novels, 3:1453
Madrid and, 3:1412 3:1595; 4:1962, 1998 domestic servants, 1:473, 474
old age and, 3:1665 French women’s rights and, 2:649, bourgeois domesticity and, 3:1453
peasant deaths from, 4:1751 650, 897 clothing of, 1:484
Semmelweiss’s theory on, George IV suit for, 1:302, 489, 490; London and, 3:1374
4:2134–2135 2:585–586, 954; 4:1834
Paris and, 1727
social upheavals from, 2:267–268 Italian legislatiion and, 2:971
women’s predominance as, 2:943;
stethoscope invention and, 3:1298 Mill (Harriet Taylor) on, 3:1509 3:1472
warfare and, 3:1307 Napoleonic Code and, 2:897 Dominican Republic, 1:363; 2:1035
water pollution and, 1:437, 438, no-fault, 4:1962 Dom Sébastien (Donizetti), 3:1672
450; 2:658 Norton and, 3:1646 Donatello, 4:2008
See also medicine; public health; Parnell scandal and, 2:978, 1011; Don Carlos. See Charles III, king of
vaccination; specific diseases by 4:1742 Spain
name Don Carlos (Verdi), 3:1678; 5:2406
women’s status and, 1:66, 287;
Disraeli, Benjamin, 1:204; 2:672–675 Doncieux, Camille-Léonie, 3:1535
2:649, 650, 801, 804, 897, 946;
Carlyle as influence on, 1:371 3:1645, 1646 Donders, F. C., 4:1909
Congress of Berlin and, 2:530 Divorce, Le (Richer), 4:1998 Dongen, Kees van, 1:153; 2:796
conservatism and, 2:540–540, 559; Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act of Donizetti, Gaetano, 3:1572,
5:2332 1857 (Britain), 3:1646 1670–1671, 1672; 4:2038
on Franco-Prussian War, 2:957, 964 Djilas, Milovan, 3:1172 as Glinka influence, 2:979; 3:1673
gerontocracy and, 3:1664 Djurdjura region (Algeria), 1:44 Verdi compared with, 3:1673
Gladstone rivalry with, 2:673, 977 Dmowski, Roman, 2:752, 753; Don Juan (Byron), 1:333; 3:1426
on grain trade, 5:2342 4:1811–1812 Don Juan in Hell (Shaw), 4:2166

2614 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Don Juan Tenorio (Zorrilla), 2:951 Doumer, Paul, 3:1142 Clemenceau and, 1:480
Donna, La (feminist journal), 3:1556 Dovbush, Oleksa, 4:1821 conservatism and, 1:284; 2:542, 683,
Donna delinquente, la prostituta e la ‘‘Dover Beach’’ (Arnold), 1:102 857
donna normale (Lombroso and Dowie, Ménie Muriel, 4:2235 Degas and, 2:634
Ferrero), 3:1371 Downie, George, 5:2440 French Radicals and, 4:1929
Donna del lago, La (Rossini), 3:1670, dowries, 1:472; 3:1453, 1454, 1582
Herzl and, 2:685, 1068
1671; 4:2038 divorce and, 3:1595
intellectuals and, 3:1168–1169
Donna ei suoi rapporti sociali, La Doyle, Arthur Conan, 2:679–680;
(Mozzoni), 3:1555 Jaurès and, 3:1216
Donne, John, 5:2310 D’Oyly Carte, Richard. See Carte, LeBon and, 3:1316
Donner, Wendy, 3:1514 Richard D’Oyly Maurras and, 2:684; 3:1476
Donoso Cortés, Juan Francisco Marı́a Dracula (Stoker), 4:1822, 2255 Mélière film on, 3:1483
de la, 4:1969, 2208 draft. See conscription Michel’s view of, 3:1497
Don Pacifico affair, 4:1713 Drageoir à épices, Le (Huysmans), military culture and, 1:94; 2:684
Don Pasquale (Donizetti), 3:1670, 2:1103–1104 Péguy and, 4:1760, 1761
1672 Dragomirov, Mikhail I., 4:2068 Waldeck-Rousseau and, 5:2432
don Quichotte, Le (French journal), dragonfly woman corsage ornament Zola and, 1:480; 2:684, 685, 685,
1:352 (Lalique), 1:111, 111 858; 3:1168, 1216; 5:2523–2524
Don Quichotte à Dulcinée (Ravel), Dragonne, La (Jarry), 3:1214 drinking establishments, 1:34, 35
4:1945 Drahomanov, Mykhailo, 5:2373 drinking water, 1:450; 2:628, 658;
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 2:621 drama. See theater 3:1164
Doré illustrations, 2:676 Drǎsković, Janko, 2:925 Paris and, 2:1049; 4:1731
Don River, 1:243; 2:562, 579 Dr. Baker and Factory Girls ‘‘drink question.’’ See alcohol and
Don Valley, 2:792 (engraving), 1:475 temperance
‘‘Door in the Wall, The’’ (Wells), Dreadnought, HMS (battleship), Drinkwater, Peter, 3:1692
5:2458 2:681–683, 682, 968; 3:1610, Driscoll, Jim, 5:2435
Doppler, Christian, 3:1485 1611 drive theory (Freud), 2:908; 4:1904
‘‘Dora’’ case (Freud), 2:907; 4:1905 dream analysis, 2:905–906; 3:1239; Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Stevenson).
Doré, Gustave, 2:586, 676–678, 677, 4:1905 See Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and
687; 3:1376; 4:1815, 1850, 2008; Dream of Pilate’s Wife, The (Doré), Mr Hyde
5:2455 2:677 Dr. Koch’s Treatment for Consumption
Doré Bible, The, 2:676 Dreamplay, A (Strindberg), 4:2269 at the Royal Hospital, Berlin
Doré Vase, The, 2:677 ‘‘Dreary Story, A’’ (Chekhov), 1:423 (engraving), 5:2360
Dos I and II (Matisse), 3:1474 ‘‘Drei Klavierstücke’’ (Schubert), 4:2107 Droit des Femmes (Auclert), 1:127
Dos Passos, John, 1:299 Dresden, 1:154 Droit des femmes (French feminist
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1:208; 2:535, Dresden, Battle of (1813), 3:1320 journal), 2:649; 4:1998
536, 654, 678–679, 830; 4:2217 Dresden Convention (1838), 1:171; Droit des femmes (Paris), 1:127
on Crystal Palace, 2:590 3:1538 Droit des gens, Le (Vattel), 3:1173
Nechayev’s trial and, 3:1614 Dresdner Bank, 1:175, 176 Droynik (Dostoyevsky), 2:678
nihilist portrayal by, 3:1641 dress. See clothing, dress, and fashion Droysen, Johann Gustav, 1:316, 318
as Sand admirer, 4:2084 dressmakers, 1:481, 484; 2:792 drugs, 2:686–688; 5:2477
Dreyfus, Alfred, 1:97; 4:1929, 1964,
Slavophiles and, 4:2048, 2196 See also opium; tobacco
2137; 5:2523
Tchaikovsky and, 5:2307 ‘‘Drummer Hodge’’ (Hardy), 2:1045
case against, 2:683–684, 858, 1068 Drummond-Hay, John, 3:1548
Dostoyevsky, Mikhail, 2:678
case details, 3:1216 Drumont, Édouard, 2:540, 542,
Dot (Matisse), 3:1474
Double, The (Dostoyevsky), 2:678 French government formal apology 688–690
double standard, 1:469; 2:947; to, 2:685 Drunkard’s Children, The
3:1471 intellectuals’ defense of, 3:1168–1169 (Cruikshank), 2:586–587
feminist campaign against, 2:797, pardon of, 2:685 drunk boxing, 4:2240
798, 804 Dreyfus, Lucie, 2:684 Drury Lane theatre (London), 3:1377
Doucet, Jacques, 1:483 Dreyfus affair, 1:338; 2:683–686, Drzymala, Michal, 4:1755
Douglas, Alexander (Lord Hamilton), 696, 858, 1074; 4:1964; 5:2502 Dual Alliance (1879), 1:48, 50, 96,
2:625 Action Française and, 1:4; 3:1476 239; 2:864, 965
Douglas, Alfred Bruce, 5:2465, 2466 anticlericalism and, 1:69; 2:858 Dual Monarchy. See Austria-Hungary
Douglas, John Sholto (marquess of anti-Semitism and, 1:4, 75–76, 77, Dublin, 2:690–694, 692, 1000; 4:1964
Queensberry), 5:2465, 2466 185, 383; 2:683, 684, 689, 816; architecture in, 2:590
Douglass, Frederick, 2:657 3:1233 Easter insurrection of 1916 and,
Doukhobors, 1:346 church-state separation and, 4:2137 3:1185

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2615

insurrection of 1803 and, 3:1177 Doré illustrations for, 2:676 Dutch East India Company, 1:17
international exhibitions and, 2:693; Doré monument to, 2:677 Dutch East Indies. See Indonesia
5:2495, 2497 as Eiffel Tower opponent, 2:738 Dutch language, 1:200, 202, 204, 307
population of, 1:446; 2:690 Dutch Reformed Church, 3:1618,
hashish and, 2:687
1619; 4:1890
Protestant population of, 2:691 on peasant as proletarian, 4:1757
duties. See protectionism
United Irishmen in, 3:1176 translation of Garibaldi’s Memoirs Duties of Man, The (Mazzini), 3:1481
world’s fair (1907) and, 5:2504 by, 2:930 Dutrieux, Hélène, 1:31
Dublin Corporation, 2:691–693 DuMaurier (illustrator), 4:1965 Duval, Paul (Jean Lorraine), 2:633
Dubliners (Joyce), 2:694 dumdums (expanding bullets), 2:1034 Dvořák, Antonin, 2:700–701;
Dublin Industrial Exhibition (1853), Du Mesnil, Octave, 2:1091 3:1565, 1571; 4:2102
2:693 Dumouriez, Charles-François du Perier, Dvořák, František, 2:700, 701
Dublin University, 2:693 2:974; 3:1339, 1388, 1443 dyestuff, 3:1159
Du Bois, W. E. B., 5:2503 Dunant, Jean-Henri, 2:867, 952; Dying Swan, The (ballet), 4:1750
Du Camp, Maxime, 4:1772 3:1650; 4:1948–1950 dynamite, 3:1160
Duc giornate, Le (Mayr), 3:1670 Duncan, Isadora, 1:154; 2:1031 dynamo, 1:485; 2:741
Duchamp, Marcel, 1:156; 4:1784 Dundee, 4:2117, 2119 dynamo-electric principle, 4:2179
cubism and, 2:590, 593 Dunedin, 3:1624 dysentery, 4:1751
Jarry and, 3:1214 Dunlop, John, 2:601
Duchamp-Villon, Raymond, 1:156; Dunrobin Castle (Scotland), 1:186
2:590 Duo for Piano and Cello (Ravel), 4:1945
Dupanloup, Félix, 4:1722 n
Duchy of Warsaw. See Grand Duchy
of Warsaw Du Pape (Maistre), 3:1422 E
Ducommun, Elie, 4:1697 Dupleix, François, 2:706
Dupont de l’Étang, Pierre-Antoine, Eagleton, Terry, 1:302
Ducos, Jean-François, 2:973 earth, age of, 2:615; 3:1250, 1402
Ducpétiaux, Édouard, 4:1851 4:1757, 2227
Dupont de l’Eure, Jacques-Charles, Earthly Paradise, The (Morris),
Du Cubisme (Gleizes and Metzinger), 3:1550–1551
2:593 1:337
Dupotet, Charles, 3:491 East Africa, 1:16–17, 240; 2:582
Dudevant, Amandine (Aurore).
Düppel, assault on (1864), 2:607, 608 exploration of, 2:784
See Sand, George
Dupré, Jules, 1:178; 5:2400 Germany and, 2:967
dueling, 2:689, 694–696;
Dupuy, Charles, 3:1215–1216 Portuguese colonies in, 2:509
Dufau, Pierre-Armand, 1:297 Durand, Marguerite, 2:696–697 See also Sudan
Durand-Fardel, Maxime, 3:1665 East Cowes Castle, 3:1602
Dufaure, Armand, 2:856
Durand-Ruel, Paul, 2:634, 940; Easter (Strindberg), 4:2286
Dufaure Law of 1872 (France), 2:825
3:1535; 4:1708, 1793, 1794 East End (London), 3:1373, 1375,
Dufayel (Paris department store),
Duration and Simultaneity (Bergson), 1377
2:550; 4:2160
1:213 East End Gallery (London), 3:1376
Dufy, Raoul, 1:153; 2:796
durée (Bergson concept), 1:214 East End Opium Den (Doré), 2:687
Dugdale, William, 4:1834
Dürer, Albrecht, 3:1213 ‘‘Easter 1916’’ (Yeats), 5:2510
Du Haschisch et de l’Aliénation
Durham, 1:485 Eastern Armenians. See Russian
Mentale (Moreau de Tours),
Durkheim, Émile, 1:106, 214; Armenians
2:697–700; 4:1844, 1875 Eastern churches. See Orthodox
Dühring, Eugen, 5:2395
Saint-Simon and, 4:2081 Church
Duino Elegies (Rilke), 1:65
secularization viewed by, 4:2133 Eastern Crisis (1875–1878), 2:674,
Duke of Bridgewater’s canal, 3:1428
sociology and, 4:2213, 2214, 2215 703; 3:1687–1690; 4:2017
Duma (Russia), 1:42, 265–266, 290
statistics and, 4:2248 Eastern Europe
abolition of, 3:1660
Stephen and, 4:2254 ethnoliguistic homogeneity attempts
creation of, 3:1328, 1627 in, 3:1605
Finland and the Baltic provinces and, Durnovo, Peter, 4:2059
Duruy, Victor, 2:853, 1073; 5:2386 intelligentsia in, 3:1172
Duse, Eleonore, 2:609 Jewish population of, 3:1227,
Kadets’ seats in, 3:1241–1242, 1518, 1232–1233
Dussap, Srpouhi, 1:90
Düsseldorf School of landscape Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716–1717
liberals and, 3:1349
painting, 2:912 Soviet post–World War II occupation
Mensheviks and, 3:1488 Du système industriel (Saint-Simon), of, 2:522
Moscow programs, 3:1555 4:2081 Eastern Life: Present and Past
Nicholas II and, 3:1627, 1628 Du système penitentiaire aux États- (Martineau), 3:1459
Octobrist party in, 3:1658–1660 Unis (Tocqueville and Eastern Orthodox Church. See
Dumas, Alexandre, 1:229; 3:1577 Bonninière), 5:2316 Orthodox Church

2616 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Eastern Question, 2:703–705 Ebert, Friedrich, 3:1356 Brussels and, 1:305

Abdul-Hamid II and, 1:2 Ebro River, 4:1764 Budapest and, 1:310
Albania and, 1:32–34 Eça de Queirós, José Marı́a, 1:70; business firms and, 1:328–331
Bismarck and, 2:526 4:1840
capitalism and, 1:350–357
Black Sea and, 1:243–244 Ecce Homo (Nietzsche), 3:1631
cholera pandemics and, 2:668, 716
Eckermann, Johann Peter, 2:987
Bosphorus control as root of, 1:278 cities and, 1:445, 449, 454–455
Eckhart, Meister Johannes, 3:1238
Concert of Europe and, 2:525, 526, coal’s importance to, 1:485–486
Eckmann, Otto, 1:112
527, 662 Communist Manifesto on,
École Centrale (Paris), 2:759
Disraeli and, 2:674, 1009; 3:1234 École de Médecine (Paris), 4:2080 3:1465–1466
international conferences on, 3:1173 École de Nancy, 1:111 conservativism and, 2:540
jingoism and, 3:1234 École des Beaux-Arts (Paris), 1:177, consumerism and, 2:549–550,
Münchengrätz treaty and, 397; 2:634; 4:1954, 2043; 551–552
3:1560–1561 5:2502, 2522 crime and, 2:571
Ottoman Empire and, 3:1681, fauves and, 2:795–796 dietary effects of, 2:658–669
1682–1692 Guimard and, 1:177 Dublin and, 2:691
revival of, 2:663, 704–705; Matisse and, 3:1473 economic thought on, 2:707–709
3:1687–1688 Millet and, 3:1515, 1516 education and, 2:721
Russo-Turkish War and, 4:2067 École Militaire (Paris), 4:1727 electricity and, 2:741–742
Serbia and, 1:206 École Normale Supérieure (Paris), environment and, 2:761–766, 765
Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, 2:666 epidemiology and, 2:667–668
5:2391–2392 Jaurès and, 3:1215 factories and, 2:788–793
See also Congress of Berlin Laplacian physics and, 4:1780 France and, 1:329, 330, 351; 3:1149
Eastern Rumelia, 2:530, 705; 3:1689 Michelet and, 3:1499 free trade advocacy and, 2:1005
Eastern Thrace, 3:1691 Pasteur and, 4:1743 gender and, 2:944–995
Easter Rising of 1916 (Ireland), 2:693; École Polytechnique (Paris), 1:96; Germany and, 1:40–41, 47–48, 331,
3:1185; 5:2510 2:522, 523, 666, 728; 4:1969, 351; 2:960, 967, 969; 5:2524,
East India College (Haileybury), 2080; 5:2396 2525–2526
3:1426 engineer graduates of, 2:757, 759 global divergence and, 3:1150–1151
East India Company, 1:327, 495, 498; founding of, 2:738 globalization and, 3:1151–1152
2:705–707; 3:1133, 1134 École Pratique des Haute Etudes Great Exhibtion of 1851 and,
Africa and, 1:17, 17 (Paris), 2:1073; 5:2386 2:587–588, 589
Chinese trade monopoly of, 2:705; ecology, 3:1426 Hamburg and, 2:1040–1041
3:1678, 1679 Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx, The
Hobson’s economic theory on,
elimination of, 1:499 (Kautsky), 3:1248
Great Exhibition of 1851 and, Economic Ethics of the World Religions,
housing and, 2:1087
5:2495 The (Weber), 5:2446, 2447
economic growth and industrialization, imperialism and, 3:1115, 1124
London and, 3:1374
2:707–712 India and, 3:1135
loss of Indian rule by, 3:706, 1135
Amsterdam and, 1:53 Krupp and, 3:1273–1276
Mill (James) and, 3:1510, 1511,
aristocracy and, 1:83, 84, 85 labor movements and, 3:1288,
armies and, 1:101 1290–1291
Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1512–1513
Athens and, 1:125 leisure activities and, 3:1323–1324
opium smuggling and, 2:687;
Austria-Hungary and, 1:137, 142, literacy and, 2:720
143, 144 Lyon and, 3:1404
Sepoy Mutiny and, 2:706, 1008;
banking and, 1:170–176 machinery and, 3:1410
3:1135; 4:2137–2140
Barcelona and, 1:182, 183 Manchester and, 3:1427–1431
Whigs and, 5:2461
Belgium and, 1:199, 201–202, 203, mass production and, 3:1162
East Indies. See Dutch East Indies
East London Federation of the 351 Milan and, 3:1501, 1502, 1504
Suffragettes, 4:1714 Belgrade and, 1:206, 207 Poland and, 4:1811
East London Waterworks Company, Berlin and, 1:216–219 protectionism and, 1:355
1:437 Bohemian Lands and, 1:259–261, protoindustrialization and,
Eastman, George, 3:1396 351 3:147–149, 1152
East Prussia, 4:1900 bourgeoisie and, 1:284, 287, 470, railroads and, 4:1935–1936
Ebbinghaus, Hermann, 5:2508 471 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1988
Ebb Tide, The (Stevenson), 4:2256 Britain and, 1:329, 330, 350; Romania and, 4:2018
Eberhardt, Isabelle, 2:784 2:708–709, 710, 1003–1004 Russia and, 1:40–41; 3:1627

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2617

Saint-Simon’s concept of, 4:2081, écriture aftiste (literary style), 2:991 compulsory, 1:429, 430–431; 2:648,
2202 Ecuador, 2:687 719, 721, 723, 723–724, 856,
science and technology and, Ecumenical Patriarchate of 947; 4:1830, 1868, 1891
4:2115–2116 Constantinople, 3:1687 Denmark and, 2:648
Scotland and, 4:2117, 2122 Edelfelt, Albert, 4:1948 Egypt and, 2:731
Edgar (Puccini), 4:1916
Serbia and, 4:2147 of engineers, 1:355; 2:759–760;
Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, 4:2248,
Siberia and, 4:2173 4:2112
South Africa and, 4:2222–2223 Edicts of Toleration of 1781 (Joseph French July Monarchy reforms,
utopian socialist view of, 5:2395 II), 1:138, 259; 3:1225, 2:1029; 3:1388
Wales and, 5:2433, 2436 1225–1226, 1229; 4:1856 French national identity and, 3:1522
welfare state and, 1:356 Edinburgh, 4:2117, 2118, 2123 French Revolution reforms, 1:286;
working class and, 1:473–474 Old Town conditions in, 1:453 2:666, 846; 3:1361
See also Industrial Revolution, First; school for poor children, 2:722 French secularization of, 2:721, 723,
Industrial Revolution, Second; Edinburgh Academy, 3:1477 810, 811, 856, 858, 929; 4:1868,
trade and economic growth Edinburgh Phrenological Society, 1891
Economic Interpretation of Investment, 4:1775 Germany and, 1:286; 2:723–724
The (Hobson), 2:1076 Edinburgh Review (periodical), 1:102, Habsburg reforms and, 1:138; 2:723
economics 332; 3:1513 hierarchical structure of, 1:291
Bagehot studies in, 1:161 Brougham and, 1:302–303 Huxley reforms and, 2:1101,
consumerism and, 2:551–552 Macaulay essays in, 3:1407, 1408 1102–1103
crime incidence and, 2:571 Edinburgh University. See University jadidism and, 3:1207
Hobson and, 2:1075–1076 of Edinburgh Jews and, 3:1229, 1230, 1232
land enclosures and, 1:26–27 Edirne. See Adrianapole libraries and, 3:1352
List and, 3:1356–1357 Edison, Thomas Alva, 3:1398; 4:2112,
in medicine, 1:410
major schools of, 2:707–710 2113; 5:2499, 2500, 2505
Mill (James) theory of, 3:1511–1512
Marx and, 3:1466–1468 cinema and, 1:441; 3:1396
monitorialism and, 2:720
railroads and, 4:1930–1931 electricity and, 2:741, 742; 3:1162
Editorial Montaner i Simon Montessori method of, 3:1542–1543
republicanism and, 4:1961 municipal government and, 1:450
(Barcelona), 1:183
Sismondi and, 4:2185–2186 in national language, 2:719,
Edo. See Tokyo
Struve and, 4:2270–2271 724–725
education, 2:719–729
Weber and, 5:2446 Netherlands and, 3:1618, 1619
Adler (Alfred) reforms and, 1:9–10
See also economists, classical; laissez- in nursing, 3:1649, 1650
Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:52
faire; market, the
Armenians and, 1:89 Owen theory of, 3:1692
Economic Studies (Bagehot), 1:161
of army officers, 1:96 Poland and, 2:603; 4:180, 18117
economies of scale, 1:27, 329, 351,
354; 3:1157 Arnold and, 1:103 professional, 2:726–727;
Economist, The (British periodical), Baltic provinces, 2:821 4:1876–1877
1:160; 2:558, 716; 4:2201, 2233 Belgium and, 1:202 professional certification and, 1:285
economists, classical, 2:712–719 Bohemian Lands and, 1:261, 262; Prussia and, 1:431; 2:723–724, 728;
on consumerism, 2:551 2:723 3:1277; 4:1972
free trade and, 2:515, 707, 708, 709; Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:276 Prussian secularization of, 2:966;
3:1348; 4:1887; 5:2333–2334, bourgeoisie and, 1:286–287, 472 3:1278; 4:1900
2338, 2339, 2340 Britain and, 1:32, 211, 303, 321, 325, racism spread by, 4:1927
liberalism and, 3:1341, 1342, 431; 2:720–721, 722, 724, 728, republicanism and, 4:1961, 1964
1348–1349 1008, 1009, 1010, 1103; 4:1868 Russia and, 1:39, 376; 2:720, 723,
Malthus as, 3:1426 British secularization of, 4:1896 727, 1016, 1017; 4:2051–2052
Martineau as, 3:1459 Bulgaria and, 1:313; 3:1687 in science, 2:1103; 4:2112
as Marx’s targets, 3:1466 bureaucracy and, 1:320, 322 Serbia and, 4:2148
Mill (James) as, 3:1510 Central Asia and, 1:396 Sweden and, 4:2285
Mill (John Stuart) as, 3:1513, 1514 of children, 1:427–431, 472; women and, 1:286–287; 2:625, 626,
neoclassical economists and, 2:707, 2:719–728 721, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727,
709 civil society and, 1:468 728, 801, 929; 4:1891
from Scotland, 4:2120 classical learning and, 1:286; See also literacy; universities
See also Ricardo, David; Smith, Adam 2:726–727 ‘‘Education’’ (Mill), 5:2394
Economy and Society (Weber), 5:2446, class restraints and, 1:431; Education Act of 1870 (Britain),
2447–2448 2:720–728 2:722, 1008; 4:1868

2618 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Education Act of 1872 (Scotland), photographs of, 4:1772 élan vital (Bergson concept), 1:214
4:2120 revolt against Ottomans by, 2:525; Elba Island, 2:533, 846, 903, 958,
Education and Employment of Women, 3:1686 1098; 3:1387, 1588
The (Butler), 1:332 Rothschilds and, 4:2040 Elberfeld system, 4:1850–1851
Éducation féministe des filles, L’ Suez War and, 4:2276 Elbe River, 1:148; 2:553, 1038;
(Pelletier), 4:1762 3:1319, 1320
Sydenham Crystal Palace exhibit and,
Edward Augustus, duke of Kent, 5:2411 elderly people. See old age
Edward VII, king of Great Britain, Electeur, L (Ferry), 2:810
Syrian occupation by, 2:732;
1:114–115; 2:729–731, 730; Electrical Engineering Society, 4:2179
3:1420–1421; 5:2391, 2392
3:1638 electricity, 2:741–743; 4:2113
tobacco and, 5:2313
Asquith and, 1:114–115; 2:730–731 Belgrade and, 1:207
tourism in, 5:2330, 2330
as auto enthusiast, 1:150 coal mining and, 1:487–488
woman with water vessel, 2:732
Coronation Dunbar and, 2:597 dynamo and, 1:485
Young Turks and, 5:2515
Edwardian Age and, 2:1011 Eiffel Tower and, 2:737
See also Suez Canal
as horse enthusiast, 2:730, 731 German industry and, 2:967, 1041
Égypte sous les Pharaons (Champollion),
Indian coronation assembly for, 3:1135 Hertz waves and, 2:1058,
lifestyle of, 2:729–731 1062–1063; 4:1780
Egyptology, 1:406–407; 2:731;
mother Victoria and, 2:730; 5:2415, 3:1585 housing and, 2:1090
2415 Ehrenfels, Christian von, 1:298 physics and, 4:1779, 1780
son George V and, 2:730, 1011 Ehrlich, Eugen, 3:1315 progress and, 2:815
E = mc2 (Einstein theory), 2:740 Ehrlich, Paul, 2:734–736 Second Industrial Revolution and,
Effendi, Reshid, 1:1 Eichtal, Gustave d’, 4:2202 1:351; 2:709, 741–742; 3:1157,
Effi Briest (Fontane), 2:828, 829 Eiffel, Gustave, 1:351; 2:736, 738, 1161–1162
Eglinton, Lord, 1:72 759, 760; 5:2500 street lighting and, 1:446; 2:741,
Église Reformée, 4:1890 commemorative franc note for, 742; 3:1414
Église Taitbout (Paris), 4:2136 3:1398 subways and, 4:2271–2272
Egmont (Goethe), 2:983 Panama Canal investment and, telegraph and, 3:1161, 1477
Ego and the Id, The (Freud), 2:908 3:1338 world’s fairs and, 5:2499, 2500,
ego ideal, 2:908 Eiffel Tower, 1:351; 2:736–738, 737, 2501, 2503
egoism, 5:2394, 2396 760; 4:1731; 5:2500, 2501, See also electromagnetism
Egypt, 2:731–734, 733 2503, 2505 electric lifts, 4:2273
bankruptcy of, 2:733 construction of, 2:760 electrochemistry, 1:426; 4:2114
British Museum collection from, Eiffel Towery (Delaunay), 2:590 electrodynamics, 2:1058; 3:1162;
3:1596 Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis 4:1804
British occupation of, 1:2, 18, 20, Bonaparte, The (Marx), 3:1462, electrolysis, 4:2114
221, 222; 2:731–734, 794–795; 1466, 1589–1590 electromagnetism, 2:649, 740, 741
3:1116, 1118, 1122, 1338, 1482, Eighth Symphony (Mahler), 3:1419 Faraday theory of, 4:1780
1549, 1585, 1668, 1686; 4:2274, Einstein, Albert, 1:215; 2:738–741, Hertz waves and, 2:1058,
2275–2276 739, 1063; 3:1435 1062–1063; 3:1163
British slave trade prohibition for, Curie (Marie) tribute by, 2:596 Marconi experiments with, 3:1444
1:308 Mach and, 2:739; 3:1409 Maxwell’s theory of, 3:1249, 1478;
British withdrawal from, 2:598 Planck and, 4:1799 4:1780, 2109, 2114
European interests in, 1:18–19, 20, Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1805 physics and, 4:1779, 1780
49; 2:731–734 special relativity theory of, Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1804–1805
Fashoda Affair and, 2:643, 663, 2:739–740; 3:1409; electron, 4:1804
794–795; 3:1668 4:1780–1781, 1805 discovery of, 1:427
Greek War of Independence and, Einstein, Maja, 2:738, 740 electrostatics, 3:1249
2:1020; 3:1612–1613 Einstein, Margot, 2:740 Elektra (R. Strauss), 3:1675–1676
Kitchener and, 3:1668 Einzige und sein Eigentum, Der elektrotechnik, 4:2179
Mediterranean and, 3:1482 (Stirner), 5:2513 Eléméns de perspective pratique à lusage
Münchengrätz Treaty and, Eisenach, Eldon J., 3:1514 des artistes (Valenciennes), 2:561
3:1560–1561 Eisenstein, Sergei, 3:1482; 4:1976 Elementary Education Act of 1870
Napoleon’s invasion of, 1:18–19, 43, Either/Or (Kierkegaard), 2:648; (Britain), 2:721
44, 278, 406; 2:731, 895, 900; 3:1251, 1252 Elementary Forms of the Religious Life,
3:1134, 1337, 1585 Eitingon, Max, 4:1905 The (Durkheim), 2:699–700
Ottoman decline in, 1:2, 278; Eixample (Barcelona section), 1:181, elements, radioactive, 2:595
3:1420; 5:2361 182 Elements of Geology (Lyell), 3:1402

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2619

Elements of Political Economy (J. Mill), Emancipation of Labor (Russian See also immigration and internal
2:717; 3:1510 group), 4:1801; 5:2518 migration
Elena Pavlovna, grand duchess of Émancipation sexuelle de la femme, L’ Émigrés Army of the Princes (France),
Russia, 4:2154 (Pelletier), 4:1762 1:420
Elettra (yacht), 3:1445 Embargo Act of 1807 (United States), Émile (Rousseau), 2:942
Elf Scharfrichter (Munich cabaret), 1:336 5:2439 Eminent Victorians (Strachey), 4:2259
Elgar, Edward, 2:701 embargoes. See Continental System Emin Pasha (Eduard Schnitzer), 2:783
Elgin, Lord, 3:1376, 1562 embroidery, 1:112; 4:2290 Emma (Austen), 1:130, 131
Elias, Norbert, 1:461 embryogeny, 4:1953 Emmerich, Anna Katharina, 1:385
Eliot, George, 2:743–745; 3:1408; embryology, 2:1102 Emmet, Robert, 3:1177, 1604
4:1756, 1844 Embryons desséchés (Satie), 4:2087 emotion, Romanticism and,
as Sand admirer, 4:2084 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 3:1574; 4:2027–2029
Spencer and, 4:2235 4:2030 Empecinado, El, 4:2229
Stephen and, 4:2254 Emigrants, The (Walker engraving), ‘‘Empedocles on Etna’’ (Arnold),
Zionism as theme of, 5:2519 2:751 1:102
Eliot, T. S., 1:214; 2:657; 3:1256; emigration, 2:746–752 Empedocles on Etna and Other Poems
4:2182; 5:2310 from agricultural crises, 2:646, 658 (Arnold), 1:102
Elisabetta regina d’Inghilterra from Alsace-Lorraine, 1:52 ‘‘Emperor’’ (Fifth) Piano Concerto
(Rossini), 4:2038 Balkan Wars and, 3:1691 (Beethoven), 1:196
Elisir d’amore, L’ (Donizetti), 3:1670 of Bosnian Muslims, 1:276 ‘‘Emperor’s New Clothes, The’’
elite culture. See popular and elite from Britain, 1:343, 344, 346, 351; (Andersen), 2:648
culture 2:505, 506 Emperor Waltz (Strauss), 4:2260
elites. See aristocracy; landed elites counterrevolutionaries and, 564; ‘‘Empfindungen vor Friedrichs
Elizabeth, empress of Austria, 2:627, 2:566 Seelandschaft’’ (Kleist), 2:911
863; 4:2044 from Denmark, 2:647 empire. See imperialism; specific empires
assassination of, 2:865 by name
from Dublin, 2:690
Elizabeth, empress of Russia, Empire Day, 2:505
from Europe, 1:353; 2:646
1:374–375; 2:603; 4:1747, 2076, Empirical Psychology (Wolff), 4:1907
from Europe (1830– 1914), 2:747
2077 Employés, Les (Balzac), 1:168
of European laborers, 1:353 Ems telegram, 2:853
Elizabeth and Essex (Strachey), 4:2259
from European overseas Enabling Act of 1933 (Germany),
Elizabethan Poor Laws. See Poor Law
(1830–1914), 2:747 2:966
Elizabethan style, 1:186
as export of labor, 3:1113 enclosure acts (Britain), 1:26–27, 28,
Elkan, Sophie, 4:2287
Elkin, Stanley, 4:2101 German decline in, 2:967 358; 2:762; 4:1754
Elle et lui (Sand), 4:2084 from Germany, 2:646, 960, 962 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 3:1272,
Elliot, George, 3:1679 increased returns and, 2:749–750 1408; 5:2394
Elliotson, John, 3:1491; 4:1775 from Ireland, 4:2118, 2121 Maxwell as physics editor of, 3:1478
Ellis, Edith Lees, 2:745, 746 from Irish Potato Famine, 2:646, Mill (James) as contributor to,
Ellis, Edwin John, 1:246 748, 1005 3:1510
Ellis, Havelock, 1:372; 2:745–746, from Italy, 2:506, 747, 747, 748, Encyclopédie nouvelle, 4:2013
906, 948, 1085; 4:1747, 2162 748; 3:1195, 1199, 1255 Endecja, 2:752–754; 4:1811–1812,
Symonds and, 4:2296 key peak years in, 2:748 1818
Ellis, Tom, 5:2435 from Lithuania, 3:1367–1368 Endell, August, 1:112
Elsen, Albert E., 4:2011 of peasants, 4:1756 ‘‘Enemy from the East, The’’
Elssler, Fanny, 4:1750 of Poles from Russia, 4:1808, 1818 (Soloviev), 4:2217
Elster Bridge, 3:1322 as population control, 2:646 Enemy of the People, An (Ibsen),
Elster River, 3:1320, 1321 3:1108
rates per year per thousand
Elvira Studio (Munich), 1:112 energy conservation, principle of,
population, 2:748
Emancipated, The (Gissing), 2:975 2:1057, 1058; 3:1250
reasons for, 2:747–748
emancipation. See antislavery energy systems, 2:764; 3:1153,
from rural to urban areas, 4:1753 1160–1162; 4:1781
movement; Catholic
of Russian Jews, 1:40; 3:1113; 4:1804 Maxwell and, 3:1478
emancipation; Jewish
to settlement colonies, 2:503–505 thermodynamics and, 3:1249–1250
emancipation; serfs, emancipation
of from Sicily, 4:2175, 2178 Enfance du Christ, L’ (Berlioz), 1:225
Emancipation Act of 1829 (Britain), from Spain, 5:2337 Enfant et les sortilèges, L’ (Ravel),
1:381 from Sweden, 4:2285, 2287 4:1945
Emancipation Act of 1833 (Britain), from Venice, 5:2405 Enfantin, Barthélemy-Prosper, 2:803;
1:17 voluntary associations and, 1:119 4:2081, 2202; 5:2396

2620 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Enfant prodigue, L’ (Debussy), 2:630 English and Scottish Cooperative Hamburg and, 2:1038
‘‘Enfranchisement of Women, The’’ Wholesale Societies, 2:555 intellectuals and, 3:1167
(H. T. Mill), 3:1509 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers Jews and, 3:1228–1229, 1233
Engel, Ernst, 2:552 (Byron), 1:332
John of Austria and, 3:1235
Engels, Friedrich, 2:754–756, 755, English Constitution, The (Bagehot),
Jomini military theory and,
1006; 4:2205 1:160–161
on artisans, 1:104 English Football Association,
4:2242 leisure and, 3:1323
Bernstein friendship with, 1:230–231
‘‘English Idylls’’ (Tennyson), 5:2309 liberalism and, 1:231; 3:1341
on class, 1:474, 475
English language love viewed by, 4:2029
communism and, 2:520, 521, 522,
Canada and, 1:343, 346 Maistre on, 3:1422; 4:1893
754; 3:1465–1466
Grimms Law and, 2:1024 Malthus critique of, 3:1425
Communist Manifesto and, 4:1946,
India and, 3:1134, 1407 masculine-only rights and, 3:1470
English Laws for Women in the mechanization and, 3:1411
on family life, 3:1450
Nineteenth Century (Norton), Mill (James) and, 3:1510
Fourierism and, 2:838
3:1645 museums and, 3:1562
Frankfurt Parliament and, 2:871
English Literature and Society in the national identity and, 3:1521
Guesde and, 2:1025 Eighteenth Century (Stephen), nature viewed by, 4:2158
Kautsky and, 3:1248 4:2254 Nietzsche critique of, 3:1633
Lassalle and, 3:1311 English Local Government (Webb and
O’Connell’s Catholicism and,
Manchester and, 1:455; 2:754, 756; Webb), 5:2445
3:1430, 1466 English Republic, The (journal), 4:1964
optimism of, 3:1425, 1426
Marx collaboration with, 3:1461, English Schools Football Association,
1462, 1465, 1466; 4:2203, 2204 2:833 pornography and, 4:1833
on peasants’ situation, 4:1756 English Utilitarians, The (Stephen), progress and, 2:631, 714
Saint-Simon and, 4:2081 4:2254 religion and, 2:545
Schelling and, 4:2088 English Woman’s Journal, 2:625 Restoration and, 4:1968, 1972, 1973
Second International and, 4:2127 engraving, 1:244 Romanticism vs., 4:2026–2027,
Doré and, 2:676–678, 677 2028, 2029
as secret society critic, 4:2131
Matisse and, 3:1475 in Scotland, 1:464; 3:1510; 4:2120,
Social Democratic Party and, 3:1399
Enlightenment, 1:28, 67, 254; 4:1756 2123
on Ulrichs’s writing, 5:2376
agricultural reform and, 2:28, 762 Sieyès and, 4:2180, 2181
utopian socialism and, 5:2395
anticlericalism and, 1:67 slavery opposed by, 4:2192
on Wales, 5:2433
aristocracy and, 1:80 utilitarianism and, 1:211
on women’s rights, 2:805, 946
associations and, 1:116, 121 women’s status and, 2:800–801,
on women workers, 5:2487
Balkans and, 3:1684–1685 941, 945
as Young Hegelian, 5:2512
Berlin and, 1:215 Young Hegelians and, 5:2512
Engels, Robert, 3:1159, 1275
Burke’s critique of, 1:327–328; Enoch Arden (Tennyson), 5:2310
Enghien, duc de (Louis-Antoine-Henri
2:566 Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
Bourbon-Condé), 1:420; 5:2306
Carlist opposition to, 1:83 (Godwin), 2:980–981, 1000
Engineering Employers Federation
Catherine II and, 1:377 En Route (En Rade; Huysmans),
(Britain), 3:1291
engineers, 2:757–761; 3:1149 Chaadayev’s critique of, 1:400
Ensor, James Sydney, 1:307; 2:638;
Brunel as, 1:303–305 civilization concept and, 1:461
Cockerill family as, 1:492–493 civil society and, 1:465 Entartung (Nordau), 2:638
Eiffel Tower and, 2:736, 738, 760 conservative response to, 1:326, Entente Cordiale, 1:49, 50, 96; 2:526,
French vs.German training of, 1:355 327–328; 2:537, 538, 539, 566; 609; 4:2098
Industrial Revolution and, 3:1430 3:1425; 4:1968 Delcassé and, 2:642, 643, 795
Panama Canal and, 4:2080 counterrevolutionaries vs., 1:268, as Fashoda Affair aftermath, 2:795
St. Petersburg development and, 269; 2:566
Moroccan Crisis and, 1:49; 3:1545,
4:2076 as Czartoryski influence, 2:602, 603 1546, 1549
Siemens as, 4:2178–2180 dueling critique of, 2:296, 694 Entführung aus dem Serail, Die
Suez Canal and, 4:2274–2276 Freemasons and, 2:878 (Mozart), 3:1673
technology and, 4:2111–2112 free trade and, 2:515; 4:1887 Entrance of Christ into Brussels, The
engines. See internal combustion French Revolution’s origins and, (Ensor), 1:307
engine; steam engine 2:841, 885 Entretiens sur l’architecture (Viollet-le-
England. See Great Britain gender and, 2:941, 945 Duc), 5:2422
England Cup Tournament, 4:2241 as Gouges influence, 2:994 entropy, 2:652

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2621

environment, 2:761–767 ‘‘Esplanade System, The’’ (Strindberg), Lafayette and, 3:1299

Malthusian theory and, 3:1426, 1427 4:2268 Sieyès and, 4:2180
racial debate and, 4:1924 Esquirol, Jean-Étienne-Dominique, suffrage and, 4:2276, 2277
Soloviev (Vladimir) on, 4:2217 4:1791
women’s grievances and, 2:801
See also nature; pollution; sanitation Essai analytique sur les lois naturelles de
workers’ grievances and, 3:1411
Eötvös, József, 3:1266 l’ordre social (Bonald), 1:268
Essai historique, politique et moral sur Este family, 3:1191
Epicurus, 3:1464 Esterhazy, Ferdinand, 2:684
epidemics. See disease; specific diseases les révolutions anciennes et
modernes, considérées dans leurs Esterica come scienza dell espressione e
epidemiologic transition, 2:628, 644 linguistica generale (Croce), 2:584
‘‘Epipsychidion’’ (Shelley), 4:2170 rapports avec la révolution
française (Chateaubriand), 1:420 Estevadeordal, Antoni, 2:515
Epirus, 1:2; 4:2085 Estonia, 1:40; 2:817, 818, 819, 820,
Episcopalians. See Anglican Church Essais litteraires et historiques
(Schlegel), 4:2096 821, 821, 822, 823
epistemology, Helmholtz and, 2:1058 Estonia Society, 2:821
Epping Forest, 3:1550 Essai sur la littérature anglaise
(Chateaubriand), 1:421 État Indépendant du Congo. See
Eppinghoven, baroness von (Arcadia
Essai sur la théorie des proportions Congo Free State
Claret), 3:1336
chimiques (Berzelius), 1:424 États-unis d’Europe, Les (journal),
Epstein, Gustav, 5:2420
Essai sur le principe générateur des 4:1696
Epstein, Jacob, 5:2466
constitutions politiques (Maistre), etchings, 2:998
equal rights. See rights
3:1422 Eternité par les Astres, L’ (Blanqui),
equity courts, 1:303
Essai sur l’inegalité des races humaines 1:249
Eragny-sur-Epte, 4:1794
(Gobineau), 1:74 Etex, Antoine, 4:2043
Erbsloh, Adolph, 1:155
Essaouira, 3:1548 ether, 4:1780, 2109
Erekle II, 4:2164
Essay Concerning Human ‘‘Ethical Problem of the Light of
Erfurt Program, The (Kautsky), 3:1248
Erfurt Union, 4:1902 Understanding (Locke), 4:1907 Philosophical Idealism, The’’
Ericsson, John, 3:1644 Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, (Berdyayev), 1:212
Eritrea, 1:8; 3:1200 An (Newsman), 3:1621 Ethics (Spinoza), Eliot translation,
‘‘Erlkönig, Der’’ (Goethe), 2:984 Essay on Catholicism, Liberalism, and 2:744
‘‘Erlkönig, Der’’ (Schubert), 4:2106 Socialism (Donoso Cortés), Ethiopia, 1:362; 2:582, 583, 609, 794;
Ermione (Rossini), 3:1672 4:2208 3:1116, 1118, 1200; 4:2175
Ernani (Verdi), 5:2406 ‘‘Essay on Classification’’ (Agassiz), Addis Ababa Treaty and, 1:7–8
Ernest Augustus, king of Hanover, 1:23 ethnicity
2:959–960, 1024; 5:2471 Essay on Privilege (Sieyès), 4:2180 race vs., 3:1520
Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm, 4:1700 ‘‘Essay on the Development of See also minorities
‘‘Eroica’’ (Third) Symphony Christian Doctrine’’ (Newsman), ethnography, 2:873
(Beethoven), 1:197, 198 3:1621 ethnonationalism, 3:1524–1526
Eros (Verga), 5:2407 Essay on the First Principles of Etiology, the Concept, and the
Eros: The Male Love of the Greeks Government (Priestly), 5:2393 Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever, The
(Hössli), 2:1085 Essay on the Principle of Population (Semmelweiss), 4:2135
Eros und Psyche: Eine biologisch- (Malthus), 2:615, 714–715; etiquette. See manners and formality
psychologische Studie (Weininger), 3:1425, 1426 Eton College, 4:2240, 2241
5:2449 Godwin answer to, 2:981 etymology, 2:1024
Erotika biblion (Riquetti), 4:1833 Essays in Criticism (Arnold), 1:102 Euclidean geometry, 2:883
error curve. See bell curve Essays in Freethinking and eudiometer, 4:2114
Error judicaire, Une (Lazare Plainspeaking (Stephen), 4:2254 Eugene Onegin (Pushkin), 4:1919
pamphlet), 2:684 ‘‘Essays on Government’’ (J. Mill), Eugene Onegin (Tchaikovsky), 5:2307
Ertartung (Nordau), 2:632 3:1510
eugenics, 2:769–771, 779; 5:2489
Erté (Romain de Tirtoff), 1:192 Essen, 3:1273, 1274, 1274
Chamberlain (Houston) and, 1:403
Erwartung (Schoenberg), 3:1676; Essen, Siri von, 4:2268
Essence of Christianity, The degeneracy theory and, 2:241, 636,
(Feuerbach), 2:744, 754; 4:2133; 637, 769, 928
erysipelas, 4:2198
Erzerum, 1:91, 92 5:2512 fin de siècle and, 2:816
escalators, 4:2273 essentialism, 1:23 Galton and, 2:652, 637, 779, 927,
Escoffier, Georges Auguste, 4:1967 Establishment for Gentlewomen 928; 4:2249
Española. See Dominican Republic; During Illness (London), 3:1637 German social and racial hygiene and,
Haiti Estampes (Debussy), 2:631 4:1914
Espartero, Baldomero Fernández, Estates-General, 2:767–768, 841, ‘‘racial hygiene’’ movement and,
4:2229 842, 885, 886; 3:1385 2:619, 639
espionage, 2:683, 684 Freemasons and, 2:881 See also social Darwinism

2622 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Eugenics (Davenport), 2:770 Evans, Mary Ann. See Eliot, George Execution of Emperor Maximillian
Eugenics Education Society (London), Evans, Walker, 1:123 of Mexico, 19 June 1867, The
2:769, 770 Eve (Péguy), 4:1760 (Manet), 2:854
Eugenics Records Office (U.S.), Eve contre Dumas (Deraismes), 2:649 Execution of the Defenders of Madrid, 3
2:769, 770–771 Eve dans l’humanité (Deraismes), 2:649 May 1808 (Goya), 4:1703, 2226
Eugénie, empress of France, 1:482; Evening News (London newspaper), Executive Commission (France), 3:1304
2:732 4:1871 exercise. See sports
Biarritz and, 4:2126; 5:2328 evening primrose, 2:653 Exeter College (Oxford), 3:1550
spiritualism and, 4:2237 Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka exhibitionism, 3:1270; 4:2162
Suez Canal opening and, 4:2274 (Gogol), 2:988 Exhibition of Modern Consumer Goods,
Everybody’s Political What’s What Berlin, 1909 (poster), 2:969
Thiers and, 5:2311
(Shaw), 4:2167 exile, penal, 1:134; 2:504, 779–782
Eugénie Grandet (Balzac), 1:168
evolution, 2:776–779 Siberia and, 4:2050, 2054, 2172
Dostoyevsky translation of, 2:678
Agassiz opposition to, 1:23; 2:618 Zasulich and, 5:2517
Eulenburg, Philipp zu, 2:1084
capitalist application of, 2:777 existentialism, 2:1101; 3:1252, 1635;
Eulenburg affair (1907), 2:1071, 1084
Euler, Carl, 4:2242 civilization concept and, 1:461 4:2028
Euler characteristic, 4:1804 cultural pessimism and, 2:631 Exodus to the East (Trubetskoy), 2:775
‘‘Eulogy for Ravachol’’ (Adam), Cuvier opposition to, 2:599 Expedition of the Thousand (1860),
4:1943 Darwin’s theory of, 2:614–619, 776, 1:392; 2:581; 3:1198
Eurasianism, 2:771–776 945; 4:1908, 2071 experimental psychology, 4:1908;
Euréka (Baudelaire), 1:188 degeneration as reversal of, 2:239, 5:2506–2508
Eureka Field (Australia), 1:134 636; 3:1472 Experiment in Autobiography (Wells),
Euripides, 4:2095 Galton and, 2:927 5:2459
Eurocentrism, 3:1174 Goethe’s theory of, 2:986 Expiatory Chapel (Paris), 3:1386;
Europe (Blake), 1:244, 246 Haeckel and, 2:1031–1032, 1069 4:1729
European Coal and Steel Community, Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada
Huxley and, 2:1101, 1102, 1103
1539 Familia. See Sagrada Familia
as Kautsky influence, 3:1248
‘‘Europe and Mankind’’ (Trubetskoy), exploitation, Marx’s theory of, 3:1467
Kelvin’s energy laws and, 3:1250
2:775 explorers, 2:782–785
Lamarck’s theory of, 2:599, 928;
European Monetary Institute, 3:1539 Galton as, 2:927
European Parliament, 3:1539 Humboldt (Alexander) as,
Lombroso ‘‘born criminal’’ theory
European Union, 2:643; 3:1539, 1600 2:1096–1097; 3:1658
and, 3:1371
absinthe controls and, 1:4 Kropotkin as, 3:1272
Lyell and, 3:1402
European Union Constitutional Treaty masculinity and, 3:1472
Malthus and, 3:1426
(2006), 3:1539 oceanic, 3:1653–1654
Marxist application of, 2:756
euthanasia, 2:629 Verne’s portrayal of, 5:2408
mutation and, 2:653
Eva (Verga), 5:2407 Explosion of a Bomb on the Avenue de la
Evangelical Gymnasium (Budapest), natural history museums and, 3:1563 Republique, Paris, by the Russian
2:1066–1067 pre-Darwinian theories of, 2:614, Anarchists and Nihilists
evangelicalism 615, 776–777 (illustration), 1:58
awakenings and, 4:1894–1895, progress and, 2:617, 814 explosives, 3:1160, 1644
1896, 2136 Spencer’s theory of, 2:615–616, 777; export-led growth theory, 5:2334
Britain and, 2:1002, 1006; 3:1180; 4:2233–2235 exports. See trade and economic growth
4:1892–1893, 1895, 1896 Wallace’s view of, 2:616; 5:2437, 2438 export subsidies, 4:1887
childhood and, 1:428 Evolutionary Socialism (Bernstein), Exposition de la doctrine de Saint-
church-state separation and, 4:2136 4:2205 Simon (lecture series publication),
Evolution of Modern Capitalism, The 4:2081
France and, 4:1968
(Hobson), 4:2206 Exposition of 1888 (Barcelona),
Gladstone and, 2:976
Ewers, Hans Heinz, 2:633 1:182–183
St. Petersburg and, 4:2079 Examen de la philosophie de Bacon Exposition of 1892 (Brussels), 1:108
Salvation Army and, 4:2082–2083 (Maistre), 3:1422 Exposition Universelle of 1855 (Paris),
Scotland and, 2:1006 examinations 2:641; 3:1660; 4:1947;
temperance movement and, 1:36 civil service, 1:324; 2:726 5:2495–2496
Wales and, 5:2434 professional, 4:1879–1880 Courbet paintings and, 2:568–569
Wilberforce and, 5:2463 university degree, 4:1877 Exposition Universelle of 1857 (Paris),
See also Methodism; missions Examples of Gothic Architecture 2:641
Evangelical Party (Scotland), 2:1006 (Pugin), 4:1917 Exposition Universelle of 1867 (Paris),
Evans, Frederick H., 1:192 Excursion, The (Wordsworth), 5:2482 3:1433, 1661; 5:2497–2498

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2623

Exposition Universelle of 1878 (Paris), Labour Party and, 3:1295 paternalism and, 2:793, 1087, 1088;
1:298; 5:2498–2499 London School of Economics and, 3:1275
Goya ‘‘Black’’ paintings and, 2:999 3:1377 Poland and, 4:1812
Exposition Universelle of 1889 (Paris), Shaw and, 1:987; 4:2166, 2206; rise of, 1:328–329; 2:788–789
1:282, 351; 2:589, 647; 4:2127; 5:2444, 2458 St. Petersburg, and, 4:2079
5:2500–2502, 2501 socialism and, 1:230, 372, 787–788; sewing machines and, 4:2159
advertising and, 2:550 4:2206 social impact of, 2:792–793
Eiffel Tower and, 2:736, 737, 738; Webb and, 2:788; 4:2206; 5:2443, steam power and, 2:709, 791–792;
4:1731 2444–2445, 2458 3:1152, 1152, 1153, 1410, 1427
electric lighting and, 2:742, 815 Wells and, 4:2206; 5:2445, 2458 women workers in, 1:350, 351, 352,
German participation in, 3:1354 Fables (La Fontaine), Doré illustrations 371, 401, 475; 2:789, 792, 945;
as paean to progress, 2:815 for, 2:676 3:1148
peace activists and, 4:1696 Fable of the Bees (Mandeville), 2:551 workday/workweek limits for, 1:285,
photography and, 4:1772 Fabra, Pompeu, 4:2232 288, 401, 417; 2:793; 4:1824
Exposition Universelle of 1900 (Paris), Fabre d’Eglantine, Philippe-François- worker housing and, 1:474; 2:793
2:589, 1031; 4:1732, 2010; Nazaire, 2:611 workers and, 1:473, 474; 2:555
5:2502–2504, 2504 Fabri, Friedrich, 3:1121
workshops vs., 2:788–789
advertising and, 2:550 Fabrizi, Nicola, 2:581
Factory Act of 1833 (Britain), 1:401;
art nouveau and, 1:108, 110, 111, Façade of Rouen Cathedral (Monet), 2:793
113; 2:1027 3:1535–1536
factory towns, 1:446
electric lighting and, 2:742 ‘‘Facino Cane’’ (Balzac), 1:168
F. A. Davis Company, 2:746
Lumière Photorama screen and, 3:1397 factories, 2:788–794
Fadeyev, Rostislav, 5:2478
Nadar exhibit and, 3:1578 air pollution from, 2:764 Faguet, Emile, 4:1697
Exposition Universelle of 1925 (Paris), Berlin and, 1:217, 219 Fairbairn, Thomas, 4:1864
1:108 Britain and, 1:350, 429; 2:708, Fairbairn, William, 3:1430
Exposition Universelle of 1937 (Paris), 788–793; 3:1149, 1427–1431 fairy tales, 2:648; 3:1523
1:108; 2:589 British improved conditions in, Doré illustrations of, 2:676
expressionism, 2:797; 3:1530; 2:1003, 1004 Grimm brothers and, 2:1023–1024
4:1710–1711 capitalism and, 1:350 Faith and Love (Novalis), 3:1647
avant-garde and, 1:154–156, 157 Catalan housing for, 1:183 Falange (Spain), 1:368
Berlin painters and, 1:220, 220 child workers in, 1:350, 351, 352, Falk, Adalbert, 2:966
Gaudı́ as influence on, 2:938 371, 401, 429, 430, 430; 2:708, Falkenhayn, Erich Georg Anton
Munch as precursor of, 3:1558 792, 793; 3:1150 Sebastian von, 1:232
Schiele and, 4:2089; 5:2421 cities and, 1:444, 445, 446, 449, ‘‘Fallacies of Hope’’ (Turner), 4:1704
Schoenberg’s music and, 4:2102 452, 454, 455 Fallen Jockey (Degas), 2:634
Strindberg and, 4:2269 coffee or tea drinking and, 1:494 Falstaff (Verdi), 3:1676; 5:2406
See also Brücke, Die Denmark and, 2:647 Familia de Carlos IV, La (Goya),
Expression of Emotion in Animals, The diet and, 2:658–659 4:2225
(Darwin), 2:617 electricity and, 2:741 familial suffrage, 4:2278
external economies, 4:1887 German Ruhr and, 1:357 Familiar Studies of Men and Books
Extinction du paupérisme, L’ (Louis- (Stevenson), 4:2255
Hamburg and, 2:1040–1041
Napoleon), 1:271; 3:1590 Familistère (utopian community),
Industrial Revolution (first) and,
extinction theories, 2:599, 613; 3:1302 2:838
1:351; 3:1146, 1148
Eyck, Frank, 2:871 family. See marriage and family
Industrial Revolution (second) and, Family, The (Schiele), 4:2091
Eyck, Jan van, 3:1166; 4:1863
1:352 Family of Charles IV, The (Goya),
Eylau, Battle of (1807), 2:902; 3:1586
labor movements and, 1:474; 2:793; 2:997; 4:1703
Eyre, Edward John, 1:371; 2:781
3:1291 Family of Saltimbanques, The (Picasso),
Eyüp, 3:1186
legislation and, 2:793 4:1782
Luddism and, 3:1391–1392 family-owned businesses, 1:330, 355
machine breaking and, 3:1410–1412 famine
Madrid and, 3:1413 Belgium and, 1:201
F masculinization of work and, 3:1470 Great Hunger of 1846–1847,
Fabergé, Carl, 4:2079 mass production and, 3:1162; 4:1751, 1754
Fabian Essays (Shaw, ed.), 2:787; 5:2445 5:2352 India and, 3:1427
Fabians, 1:230, 372; 2:787–788, Milan and, 3:1504 Naples and, 3:1580
1011; 3:1693; 5:2443–2445 Owen reform proposals for, 3:1692 peasants and, 4:1751, 1754–1755

2624 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1989 Lateran Pact and, 1:382; 3:1199 Feast of the Federation (France),
Russia and, 4:1755, 2055, 2056 Manns opposition to, 3:1435 5:2305
See also diet and nutrition; Irish Marconi and, 3:1445 Febre d’Or (Barcelonan ‘‘gold fever’’),
Potato Famine 1:182
Milan and, 3:1504
Fanciulla del West, La (Puccini), 4:1916 Febronianism, 4:1721
political Catholicism and, 1:389
Fanfarle, La (Baudelaire), 1:188 February Patent of 1861 (Austria-
racism and, 4:1928
Fanny Hill (Cleland), 4:1833 Hungary), 1:262
Second Empire prefiguring, 3:1592 February Revolution (Russia). See
Fanny’s First Play (Shaw), 4:2167 Sorel and, 4:2217, 2218
fans, electric, 2:741 Revolution of 1917
Spain and, 1:368 Febvre, Lucien, 1:461
Fantasio (Offenbach), 3:1661
syndicalism and, 1:61, 62 Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 4:1909;
Fantastic Symphony (Berlioz), 1:25,
fashion. See clothing, dress, and fashion 5:2507
Fashoda Affair (1898), 2:663, 784, Fechner-Smarsly, Thomas, 4:2269
Fantasy in F Minor (Schubert), 4:2107
794–795, 1033; 3:1117–1118; Federal-Constitutional Union, 5:2472
Fante Confederation, 1:19
5:2502 Federalist Papers, The (U.S.), 4:1958
Fantin-Latour, Henri, 3:1432
Faraday, Michael, 1:441; 2:741; Delcassé and, 2:643 Federalist Party (U.S.), 4:1701;
3:1162, 1478; 4:1779, 1780, Kitchener and, 2:794–795; 3:1668 5:2439, 2440
2108 Fasti (Ovid; Frazer translation), 2:873 federalist revolt (1793), 2:799–800,
Far from the Madding Crowd (Hardy), Fat Cattle (Gillray), 1:29 844, 974; 3:1403
2:1045; 4:1757 Father, The (Strindberg), 4:2269 Federal Polytechnic (Zurich), 1:317
Farman, Henri, 1:30 Fatherland Party (Germany), 1:404 Fédération des Bourses du Travail,
Farmers League (Belgium), 1:204 Fathers and Sons (Turgenev), 3:1168, 4:2298
farming. See Agricultural Revolution; 1170, 1639; 5:2365 Fédération des groupes de la libre
farm labor; peasants; specific crops Father Thames Introducing His pensée de Seine-et-Oise, 2:649
farm labor, 1:24; 2:762 Offspring to the Fair City of Fédération du Livre, 2:697
children as, 1:428, 429–430 London (cartoon), 4:1911 Fédération Internationale de Football
fauborgs, 5:2485 Association, 2:834
gender and, 2:943
Fauchet, Claude, 2:973; 4:1961 Federation of American Womens
Germany and, 2:960
Faure, Félix, 2:684; 5:2432 Clubs, 2:596
land reform and, 3:1305 Federation of French Rowers, 4:2244
Fausse industrie, La (Fourier), 4:2202
machine breaking and, 1:357, Federation of Land Workers Leagues,
Faust (Goethe), 2:982, 983, 985, 987
358–359; 3:1411 3:1294
Faust (Gounod), 3:1672
mezzandria system and, 3:1195; Faust legend, 4:2030 Federazione Ginnastica d’Italia,
4:2186 Faute de l’Abbé Mouret, La (Zola), 1:70 4:2243
Po Valley and, 3:1195 fauvism, 2:795–797, 796; 4:1710 Fedorov, V. A., 2:1014
Scotland and, 4:2116–2117, 2120, as avant-garde, 1:153, 154 feeblemindedness, 2:770, 771
2121 Bergson’s influence on, 1:214 Feen, Die (Wagner), 5:2430
slaves as, 4:2190–2191 coining of term, 1:156; 2:795 felicitific calculus, 1:211
socialist neglect of, 3:1294 Felix Holt (G. Eliot), 2:744
as Kandinsky influence, 3:1244,
Wales and, 5:2433–2434, 2435 Felix Krull (Mann), 3:1437
1245; 4:1711
See also Agricultural Revolution; Fellowship of the New Life (Britain),
Matisse leadership of, 3:1474, 1530;
peasants; rural life; serfs, 1:372; 2:787
emancipation of female emancipation. See feminism
modernism and, 3:1530
Farnese Palace (Rome), 1:186 Female Reader, The (Wollstonecraft),
‘‘wildness’’ and, 4:1875 5:2479
Farr, William, 1:437
‘‘favorable variation’’ (Darwin theory), femininity. See gender; separate
Farrer, Thomas, 4:1864
2:615 spheres; women
far right. See New Right
Favorite, La (Donizetti), 3:1672 feminism, 2:800–807, 945–946, 948
Favre, Jules, 3:1404
Action Française prefiguring, 1:4; anarchism and, 3:1497–1498
Favretto, Giacomo, 5:2405
2:542, 686 Anneke and, 1:66–67
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, 2:626,
Boulangism linked with, 1:282 Auclert and, 1:127–128
797–799, 798; 4:2279
Crispi and, 2:583 Fawkes, Walter, 5:2367 Augspurg and, 1:129
Croce’s opposition to, 2:585 Fay, C. R., 2:714 backlash to, 2:802
ideological precursors of, 1:184, 185; Fâzil, Mustafa, 5:2514 Bäumer and, 1:188–190
2:539, 542 Fear and Trembling (Kierkegaard), birth control and, 2:805, 947;
Italian Futurist Party and, 2:921 3:1251, 1252 4:1830–1831
Italy and, 2:972, 973; 3:1199, 1201, Feast in Time of the Plague (Pushkin), Bloomsbury Group and, 4:2259
1203; 4:2004, 2037; 5:2364 4:1919 British gains and, 2:1008; 3:1646

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2625

Butler and, 1:331–332 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1992 Fenians (Irish Republican
caricatures of, 2:802, 943 Richer and, 4:1998–1999 Brotherhood), 2:1009; 3:1009,
Carpenter and, 1:372 Roland and, 4:2013–2014 1185; 4:1815, 2132
Fennoman movement, 2:820
Comte and, 2:523 Romanticism and, 2:945–946;
Fenton, Roger, 3:1591; 4:1771
Davies and, 2:625–626 4:2029
Ferdinand I, emperor of Austria,
Deraismes and, 2:649–650 Roussel and, 4:2041–2042, 2162
1:140, 142; 2:567, 606,
Deroin and, 2:650–651 Sand and, 4:2085 807–808; 3:1495
Dohm and, 2:675–676 Schnitzler and, 4:2100 abdication of, 2:807, 808, 863
Durand and, 2:696–697 second-wave (1970s) of, 2:806; Kossuth and, 3:1267
equality vs. difference currents in, 4:1761, 1762, 2041
Revolutions of 1820 and, 4:1980
2:801, 803 sexual double standard and, 4:2162 Venice and, 5:2403
Fawcett and, 2:797–799 socialism and, 1:194–195; 2:805, Ferdinand I, king of the Two Sicilies,
fin de siècle tensions and, 2:816; 946; 3:1276, 1288, 1293; 2:531, 532, 564, 565; 3:1193,
3:1472–1473 4:1714 1254–1255, 1267
first use of word, 2:800 Spencer and, 4:2235 Ferdinand II, king of the Two Sicilies,
French Radicals and, 4:1929 Staël and, 4:2247 3:1196, 1255
French republicans and, 4:1962 symbolist movement and, 4:2293 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1990,
French Revolution and, 2:897 temperance movements and, 1:35 1993, 2002
German movement and, 4:2280 Tristan and, 5:2357–2358, 2358, Ferdinand IV, king of Naples. See
Gissing novel on, 2:975 2397 Ferdinand I, king of the Two
Gouges and, 2:801, 802, 843, 941, university education and, 1:372; Sicilies
993–996, 995–996 2:625, 626 Ferdinand VII, king of Spain,
Kuliscioff’s view of, 3:1276 utopian socialism and, 1:338; 1:180, 181; 2:808–810;
5:2397, 2487 4:2225–2229
labor movements and, 3:1288,
1292–1293 Wollstonecraft and, 2:802, 945, 995, Carlist coup and, 1:367; 2:809;
1000; 5:2481 4:1763, 1764
lesbianism linked with, 2:1084
Zetkin and, 2:946 Goya and, 2:998, 999
liberal individual critique of, 1:458
See also women’s suffrage military revolt against, 4:1969
literary, 2:802–803
feminist scholarship Napoleon and, 4:1763–1764, 1766
Luxemburg and, 3:1401
on Beethoven, 1:199 Restoration and, 1:420; 2:998, 999;
marital loss of rights and, 1:287, 303
on Bernhardt, 1:230 4:1969, 1970
‘‘masculinity crisis’’ and,
on colonialism, 3:1457 Revolutions of 1820 and, 4:1979
Ferdinand Maximilian, archduke of
Michel and, 3:1497–1498 on family system, 3:1450, 1451
Austria, 5:2355, 2374
Mill (Harriet) and, 3:1509 Gaskell’s rediscovery by, 2:934
Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha,
Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1509, on masculinity, 3:1470 prince of Bulgaria, 1:312–313
1513, 1514, 1555 on Mill (Harriet and John Stuart) Ferdinand VII Swearing in the
Mill’s Subjection of Women and, collaboration, 3:1509 Constitution (engraving), 4:2228
2:804, 946, 1008 on Mill (John Stuart), 3:1514 Féré, Charles Samson, 2:636
Mozzoni and, 3:1555–1556 on Mozzoni, 3:1556 Ferenczi, Sándor, 4:1938
Napoleonic Code vs., 1:128, 338; on Pelletier, 4:1761, 1762 Ferenczy, Károly, 4:1948
2:802, 942–943 on Pre-Raphaelite women, 4:1864, Ferguson, Adam, 4:2120, 2212
Netherlands and, 3:1620 1865 Ferguson, Samuel, 5:2464
Norton and, 3:1645–1646 Femme au chapeau (Matisse), 2:797; Férie (film effect), 3:1483
nursing and, 3:1650 3:1474 Ferme générale, 3:1311–1312
organized, 2:946 Femme en lutte pour ses droits, La fermentation, 4:1743
Otto and, 3:1680–1681 (Pelletier), 4:1762 Fernand Cortez (Spontini), 3:1671
Owenism and, 4:2201 femme fatale character, 4:2292–2293 Fernández de los Rı́os, Ángel de los,
Femme libre (feminist newspaper), 3:1413
pacifism and, 1:129; 4:1696
2:650 Ferrara, Francesco, 4:2176
Pelletier and, 4:1761–1762
Femmes de la Révolution (Michelet), Ferrari, Giuseppe, 3:1480
politique de la brèche strategy of, Ferrer, Francisco, 1:69
fencing rooms, 4:2241 Ferrero, Guglielmo, 3:1371
property rights and, 1:458 Fénéon, Félix, 3:1132; 4:2156, 2157 Ferri, Enrico, 2:573; 3:1371
prostitution and, 4:1884, 1886 Fenêtre ouverte á Collioure, La Ferrier, Gabriel, 3:1473
Protestantism and, 4:1891, 1892 (Matisse), 2:796; 3:1474 Ferris wheel, 2:815; 5:2503, 2505
republicanism and, 4:1962 Fenian Collar, 3:1604 Ferro, Vito Cascio, 4:2174, 2175

2626 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Ferry, Jules, 2:643, 810–813, 856, Fez, Treaty of (1912), 3:1549 Generation of 1898 and, 2:949–952
929; 4:1868, 1891 Fiat (automobile manufacturer), 5:2352 historical dating of, 2:816–817
assassination attempt on, 2:813 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 2:813–814; Hofmannstahl and, 2:1076–1077
Delcassé and, 2:642 4:2241
homosexual/lesbian stereotypes and,
Haussmann exposé by, 2:810, 1050 as Belinsky influence, 1:207 2:1084
imperialism and, 2:812–813; 3:1118, Berlin lectures of, 1:215 illustrated posters and, 4:1845
1121, 1522 German cultural unification and, Jarry and, 3:1213–1214
secularism speech of, 2:811 3:1523, 1604
Klimt and, 3:1260–1262
as self-described liberal, 3:1346 Hölderlin as student of, 2:1078
Lueger and, 3:1393, 1395
Waldeck-Rousseau and, 5:2432 Novalis study of, 3:1647–1648
masculinity concerns and,
Ferry Laws (1879–1885), 2:811; Schelling and, 2:1051; 4:2088 3:1472–1473
4:1891 ‘‘Fichte Studies’’ (Novalis),
museum exhibits and, 3:1564
fertility rate, 2:645–646, 667, 760; 3:1647–1648
music and, 2:815; 3:1572–1573
3:1662 Fidelio (Beethoven), 1:196; 3:1670,
1673; 5:2417 Nietzsche’s philosophy and, 3:1629
contraceptives’ effect on, 2:947 optimistic vs. pessimistic views of,
decline in, 4:1829–1831 Field of Waterloo, The (Turner), 5:2367
field theory, 3:1248, 1478; 4:1780 2:814–816
increase in, 4:1827–1829 papacy and, 4:1720
Fierrabras (Schubert), 4:2106
fertilizers, 2:762, 764, 960; 3:1164; Paris and, 4:1732
Fifth Republic (France), 1:69
Fifth Symphony (Mahler), 3:1418, Picasso and, 4:1781–1782
Agricultural Revolution and, 1:25
1419 Puccini’s operas and, 4:1917
chemistry and, 3:1160, 1164, 1305 Fifth Symphony (Tchaikovsky), right-wing nationalism and,
urban waste as, 2:766 5:2307 3:1476–1477
Fervaal (d’Indy), 3:1675 Figaro, Le (Paris daily), 1:156, 184 symbolist movement and, 4:2292
Fesch, Joseph, 3:1298 campaign to oust Caillaux by, 1:339 Vienna 1900 and, 5:2421
Fessenden, Reginald Aubrey, 3:1163 futurist manifesto and, 2:917, 920 Viennese cultural scene and, 2:1067;
Festival of Empire (Crystal Palace, Figatae Pallada, The (Goncharov), 3:1418, 1419
1911), 2:589 2:989 Finding of the Saviour in the Temple,
Festival of Old Age (France), 3:1663 Figgis, John Neville, 1:7 The (Hunt), 4:1864
Festival of the Federation (France, Fighting Organization, 4:2210, 2211 Finer, S. E., 1:402
1790), 2:888, 890 Figner, Vera, 4:1832 fingerprints, 2:576, 927; 4:1816
Festival of the Republic (France, Figueras, Estanislao, 4:2230 Finland and the Baltic provinces,
1798), 4:1961 Filangieri, Gaetano, 3:1580 2:817–824
Fet, Afanasy, 1:249 Fildes, Samuel Luke, 5:2405 art nouveau in, 1:108, 113–114
Fête foraine au Havre, La (Marquet), Filiger, Charles, 3:1213 cholera and, 1:436
2:796 Fille Élisa, La (E. Goncourt), 2:991
fetishism, 3:1270; 4:2162 Continental System and, 2:553, 554
Filles de la Charité de Sainte-Vincent-
feudalism electric lights and, 2:741
de-Paul, 3:1648
Frankfurt Parliament and, 2:871 emigrants from, 2:748
Filleul, Adelaide, countess of Flahaut,
French Revolution ending of, 2:886, 5:2305 labor movements in, 5:2489
892, 897; 3:1305; 4:1754 film. See cinema potato blight in, 2:1005
Japan and, 3:1208–1209 Filosofia della practica (Croce), 2:584 Protestant population of, 4:1890
Napoleon’s abolishment of, 3:1192, financial markets. See banks and Revolution of 1830 and, 4:1986
1254 banking; stock exchanges Russian policies in, 1:41, 226;
Neapolitan abolishment of, 3:1414 Fin de Satan, La (Hugo), 2:1095 2:821–822, 823; 4:1933, 1976,
nobility and, 3:1304; 4:1754 fin de siècle, 2:814–817 2055, 2288
Prussian abolishment of, 2:958; art nouveau and, 1:107–113, St. Petersburg and, 4:2076
4:1754 152–153; 2:815 socialist party strength in, 3:1293,
See also serfs, emancipation of Bernhardt and, 1:229–230 1294
Feuer, Lewis, 3:1514 Constable and, 2:543 Stolypin and, 4:2257
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 2:744, 754; death and, 2:629 strikes in, 4:2267–2268
3:1464; 4:2088–2089, 2133 Debussy and, 2:630–631 suffrage in, 4:2279, 2281
socialism and, 4:2203, 2204 Decadence and, 2:629, 631–633, Sweden and, 4:2288
Young Hegelians and, 5:2512, 2513 638, 815–816 telephone service in, 5:2308
Feuillants, 2:890 degeneration and, 2:631, 632, temperance movement in, 1:35
Feuilles d’automne, Les (Hugo), 2:1093 636–639, 816; 3:1472 universities in, 5:2379–2380
Feure, Georges de, 4:1845 gender-norm changes and, 2:816, women’s suffrage in, 2:823, 947;
fevers, 2:667, 690; 3:1372 947–949; 3:1472–1473 4:2281

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2627

world’s fairs and, 1:113; 5:2503, First National Conference on Race Flame of Life, The (d’Annunzio), 5:2405
2505 Betterment (1914), 2:771 Flanders, 1:199, 200, 201, 202, 204
See also Estonia; Latvia; Livonia First Nations, The (Kipling), 3:1257 World War I battle in, 1:232
Finnish Party, 2:822 First Navy Law of 1898 (Germany), flâneur, 2:825–827; 3:1128
Finnish Pavilion, 1:113 3:1609, 1610, 1611; 5:2312 flapper, 2:947
Finsen, Niels Ryberg, 2:649 First Opium War. See Opium Wars Flaubert, Gustave, 2:535, 827–828,
Fiore, Pasquale, 3:1175 First Partition of Poland (1772), 830
4:1900 on absinthe, 1:3
Fiquet, Marie-Hortense, 1:398
‘‘First Philosophical Letter’’ Decadence and, 2:632
Firebird, The (Stravinsky), 2:654;
(Chaadayev), 4:2050; 5:2459 as Kafka influence, 3:1243
First Principles (Spencer), 4:2234,
Fireworks (Stravinsky), 4:2261 peasant portrayal by, 4:1756
First Balkan War (1912), 1:12, prosecution of, 5:2522
‘‘First Program for the System of
163–164, 166, 207; 2:704–705; realism and, 2:991
German Idealism, The’’
4:1949, 2149 Sand and, 4:2084
(Hölderlin), 2:1078
Montenegro and, 3:1541 First Republic (Austria), 1:10, 11 Turgenev and, 5:2365, 2523
First Blood in the Revolution First Republic (France), 1:457; 2:610, Zola and, 2:827; 5:2523
(Kockkock), 4:1977 737 Flaxman, John, 3:1165; 4:1702
First Carlist War, 4:2229 Fledermaus (Vienna cabaret), 1:336
declaration of, 2:844–846, 891;
First Coalition. See War of the First 3:1205 Fledermaus, Die (Strauss), 4:2261;
Coalition 5:2420
Napoleon and, 3:1585–1586
First Congress of Ottoman Opposition Fleet Street (London), 3:1377
new calendar of, 2:892–893
Parties (1902), 5:2515 Fleetwood (Godwin), 2:981
First Republic (Spain), 3:1414
First Empire (France). See Napoleonic Fleming, John Ambrose, 3:1444
First Restoration. See Restoration
Empire Flemish language, 1:307
First Serbian Uprising (1804), 1683;
First Estate (France), 2:767, 841, 842, Flemish rights movement, 1:202
886 fleur-de-lis flag, 2:855
First Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895).
First Germanic Sound Shift (Grimms Fleurs du mal, Les (Baudelaire), 1:187;
See Sino-Japanese War
Law), 2:1024 3:1432, 1529; 4:2008, 2293;
First String Quartet (Schoenberg),
First Industrial Revolution. See 4:2102 5:2314
Industrial Revolution, First Fleurus, Battle of (1794), 2:518, 893
First Symphony (Brahms), 1:295
First International, 1:203, 248; 2:521, First Symphony (Mahler), 3:1419 Fliedner, Theodore, 3:1649
824–825; 3:1289; 4:1899, 2127, First Vatican Council. See Vatican Fliegende Holländer, Der (Wagner),
2131 Council, First 3:1360; 5:2430
anarchist-Marxist split in, 2:824; Fliess, Wilhelm, 2:904–905
First Vienna Football Club, 2:833
3:1289 First Workingmen’s International. See ‘‘Flight of the Bumble Bee, The’’
anarchosyndicalism and, 1:60, 61 (Rimsky-Korsakov), 4:2000
First International
Bakunin and, 1:162; 2:824, 825, 1025 Flinders, Matthew, 2:782
First Zionist Congress (Basel, 1897),
Floating Island, The (Verne), 5:2409
feminism and, 2:805 2:1068; 5:2520
Flöge, Emilie, 1:152
Jaurès and, 3:1217, 1218 Fischer, Christian August. See Althing
Floquet, Charles-Thomas, 2:811
Marx’s founding of, 3:1467–1468; Fischer, Fritz, 2:968
Flora Danica (Royal Copenhagen
4:2205 Fish, Hamilton, 3:1210
china), 2:647
membership card of, 3:1467 Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 2:682, 730;
Flore française (Lamarck), 3:1301
Michel and, 3:1497 3:1610
Fisher, Ronald, 3:1486
Naples and, 3:1424 child abandonment in, 5:2455
fisheries, 1:344
pacifism and, 2:825 Fishermen at Sea (Turner), 5:2366 futurism and, 2:920
Paris Commune and, 3:1289 Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 2:953–954 girls’ sewing class, 2:725
See also Second International Fiume, 2:610, 972 Ingres in, 3:1165
First International Congress of Five, The (Russian composers), opera and, 3:1669
Eugenics (1912), 2:771 3:1571, 1575 flour, 5:2335
First Italo-Abyssinian War, 1:7–8 Five Days of Milan (1848), 3:1196 Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre, 1:228;
First London Co-operative Trading Five Pieces for Orchestra (Schoenberg), 4:1735
Association, 3:1390 4:2102 Flournoy, Theodore, 3:1238, 1239;
‘‘First Love’’ (Turgenev), 5:2365 ‘‘Five Swans’’ tapestry (Eckmann), 4:2238
First Men in the Moon, The (Wells), 1:112 Flower, William Henry, 3:1564
5:2458 Five Weeks in a Balloon (Verne), Flowers of Evil, The (Baudelaire), 1:187;
First Moroccan Crisis. See Moroccan 5:2408 3:1432, 1529; 4:2008, 2293;
Crises flagellation, 4:1836 5:2314

2628 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Flute Concert with Frederick the Great Football Association (Britain), 2:830, Foundations of Arithmetic, The (Frege),
in Sanssouci (Menzel), 3:1489 831, 833, 834; 4:2241 2:883
Flying Dutchman, The (Wagner), Challenge Cup, 2:832, 833; 4:1824 Foundations of Natural Right (Fichte),
3:1360; 5:2430 Football Association of Wales, 5:2435 2:813
flying machines. See airplanes; balloons Football League (Britain), 2:831 Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,
flying shuttle, 3:1410 Forain, Jean-Louis, 5:2323 The (H. Chamberlain), 1:75, 77,
Flynn, Dennis, 3:1151 Forbes, Edward, 2:1102 403, 404; 4:2023
Foch, Ferdinand, 1:97, 100 Forbes, James, 3:1477 foundling homes/hospitals,
Fogel, Robert, 4:1930, 1931 Forbes, John, 3:1298 5:2450–2451, 2453
Fokine, Michel, 2:655; 3:1642; Forbin, Auguste de, 2:605 Fountain of Bakhchisarai, The
4:1750, 1751 Ford (automobile manufacturer), (Pushkin), 4:1919
Folies Bergères (Paris), 2:550; 4:1845 5:2352 Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine-Quentin,
folk culture Ford, Henry, 2:552; 3:1162 3:1446–1447; 4:1951, 1952
Catalonia and, 1:182 Fords (cars), 1:149 Fourier, Charles, 1:111; 2:555, 803,
elite culture and, 4:1825 Forefathers’ Eve (Mickiewicz), 3:1500 838–839; 3:1286; 4:2131
Finland and the Baltic provinces and, foreign relations. See diplomacy; specific gender equality and, 3:1288, 1555
2:820 countries by name reincarnation and, 4:2238
German cultural nationalism and, Forel, Auguste Henri, 1:37, 341; republicanism and, 4:1962
3:1523 3:1238 Romanticism and, 4:2031
forensics. See crime
Grieg and, 4:2287 socialism and, 4:2031, 2200,
Förester-Nietzsche, Elizabeth, 3:1629
Grimm brothers and, 2:1023–1024 2201–2202
forests, 1:80–81; 2:763
Jung and, 3:1239 spiritualism and, 4:2238
Forge, Andrew, 3:1537
nationalism and, 4:1756 Tristan and, 5:2357
formalism, 3:1246
as popular culture, 4:1821 formality. See manners and formality utopian socialism and, 1:247, 248,
rural life idealization and, 4:1756 Formosa (Taiwan), 3:121, 1210–1211 459; 2:838–839; 4:2081; 5:2395,
Russian peasants and, 4:1823 Foro Bonaparte complex (Milan), 2396, 2397
folklore. See folk culture 3:1501 Fourier, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph, 1:406;
Folklore in the Old Testament (Frazer), ‘‘Forsaken Merman, The’’ (Arnold), 3:1249
2:872 1:102 Fourierists (utopians), 1:247, 248,
Folk Psychology (Wundt), 4:1909 Fors Clavigera: Letters to the Workmen 459; 4:2201–2202; 5:2396
Fölsing, Albrecht, 2:1063 and Labourers of Great Britain Fournier, Alfred-Jean, 4:2302–2303
Fondation Saint-Simon, 4:2081–2082 (Ruskin), 4:2047 Fournier, Edmond, 3:1431
Fontaine, Margaret, 2:948 Forster, E. M., 2:835–836 Fournier, Henry-Alban (Alain-
Fontaine, Pierre-Prançois-Leonard, Fort, Paul, 4:2295 Fournier), 4:1760
3:1602 Fortnightly Review (journal), 4:1746, Four Ordinances of 1830 (France),
Fontainebleau, Treaty of (1807), 2254; 5:2458 4:1983
4:2225 Fortschrittliche Volkspartei (Germany), 14 juillet au Havre (Dufy), 2:796
Fontainebleau Decree (1810), 2:553 1:189 Fourth Coalition. See War of the
Fontainebleau forest, 1:177, 178; Fortunes of Nigel, The (Scott), 4:2123 Fourth Coalition
2:562; 4:1705 Forty-Eighters, 1:66; 2:962; 4:2016, Fourth Estate, The (Pellizza da
Fontana de Oro (Madrid café), 3:1414 2019 Volpedo), 4:1757
Fontane, Theodor, 2:828–830; Foscolo, Ugo, 5:2403 Fourth International, 4:2128–2129
3:1436 fossil history, 1:23; 2:599, 613, 776; Fourth Piano Concerto (Beethoven),
Fonthill Abbey (Britain), 4:2030 3:1402 1:196
food adulteration, 2:658, 659 Foucault, Michel, 1:211, 431; 2:1082; Fourth Symphony (Brahms), 1:295
food preservation, 2:659; 3:1164; 3:1270; 4:1848; 5:2393 Fourth Symphony (Mahler), 3:1419
4:1743 Nietzsche and, 3:1635 Fourvière basilica (Lyon), 3:1405
food prices, 4:1989 Fouché, Joseph, 2:800, 836–838, Four Zoas, The (Blake), 1:246
food riots, 4:1754–1755, 1990; 894; 4:1815, 2001 Fox, Charles James, 2:839–840
5:2488 Talleyrand and, 5:2305 constitutional reform and, 2:1001,
food supply. See Agricultural Fouillée, Alfred, 3:1518 1002
Revolution Foules de Lourdes, Les (Huysmans), George IV and, 2:953, 954
football (Gaelic), 3:1182 2:1104 Whigs and, 5:2461
football (rugby), 2:832, 833; 3:1378; Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism Fox, Kate and Margaret, 4:2237
4:2240–2241, 2242, 2246; 5:2435 (Marinetti), 1:156–157; 2:917, Fox, William Johnson, 3:1459, 1513
football (soccer), 2:830–835, 832; 918, 920 Fra Diavolo. See Pezza Michele
3:1378, 1414; 4:1824, Foundation of the Entire Fragmens d’un ouvrage abandonné sur
2242–2243, 2244, 2245 Wissenschaftslehre (Fichte), 2:813 la possibilité d’une constitution

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2629

républicaine dans un grand pays banking and, 1:170, 171, 173, 174, Charter of 1814 and, 4:1969, 1971,
(Constant), 2:545 175, 176 1984
‘‘Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of banquet campaigns and, 4:1990 chauvinism in, 3:1235
Hysteria:`Dora’’ (Freud), 4:1905 Barbizon painters and, 1:176–180 chemistry in, 1:424–425, 427; 3:1153
Fragment on Government (Bentham), child abandonment in, 5:2454–2455
Barrès and, 1:184–185; 4:1705
1:210; 5:2393
baths and spas and, 5:2327 child labor in, 1:429, 430, 430;
Fragment on Mackintosh (J. Mill),
Baudelaire and, 1:186–188 4:1830
beards as fashion in, 1:191 China and, 1:432, 434–435; 3:1579,
Fragments on Recent German
Becquey Plan and, 5:2348 1679–1680
Literature (Herder), 2:1061
Fragments Written for Hellas (P. B. Belgian immigrants in, 1:201 chocolate and, 1:496
Shelley), 4:2170 Belgian neutrality and, 2:566–567 cholera epidemics and, 1:436, 437,
franc (French monetary unit), 3:1538, 438; 2:669; 4:1915
Belgium and, 1:199, 200, 201
1586 Chopin and, 1:439, 440
belle époque of, 2:817
France, 2:840–860 Christian Democrats in, 4:2209
Bentham and, 5:2393–2394
absinthe and, 1:2–4 Christian Socialism in, 4:2208
Bergson and, 1:213–215
Action Française and, 1:4–5 church-state separation in. See
Berlin Conference and, 1:221
African colonies and, 1:18, 19, 20, separation of church and state
Berlioz and, 1:224–225
21, 43–47, 500; 2:812; 3:1122, cinema in, 1:440, 441, 442, 443;
Bernhardt and, 1:229–230 3:1396–1398, 1482–1484;
1389, 1548, 1549
Blanc and, 1:247–248 4:1824
African trade commodities and, 1:15
Blanqui and, 1:248–249 citizenship and, 1:456, 458
Agadir Crisis and, 3:1546
Boer support by, 5:2502 civilizing mission of, 1:462–463, 464
agriculture and, 1:24, 28; 2:762;
Bonapartism and, 1:269–271 civil society and, 1:466
airplanes and, 1:30, 31, 31 Boulanger affair and, 1:279–281 Clemenceau and, 1:479–480
alliance system and, 1:41, 47–50; Bourbon restoration and. See coal mining in, 1:485, 486, 487,
2:1013 Restoration 488; 4:1936
Alsace and Lorraine and, 1:50–52 bourgeoisie in, 1:106, 283–291, 471 coffee consumption in, 1:494
American Revolution and, Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292, 293 colonialism and, 1:339, 498, 499,
2:840–841, 884; 3:1385 Braille and, 1:296–298 501; 2:504, 507–508, 507, 508,
anarchists and, 1:56, 57, 59, 60, 62; British free trade treaty with, 642, 859; 3:1114, 1151, 1154;
2:857; 3:1497 1:491–492; 3:1537 5:2330, 2332–2333, 2363
anticlericalism and, 1:67–69, 70, British naval agreement with, 3:1546 See also Algeria; Indochina
380, 389, 410–411, 479; 2:540, bureaucracy in, 1:320–322; 2:846; colonial wars and, 2:505
689, 812; 4:1929, 1969 3:1387 commercial policy and, 2:512, 514,
anti-Semitism and, 1:4, 5, 74–77, 97, business firms in, 1:329 516, 517
184, 185, 383; 2:540, 542, cabarets in, 1:335 commodity transport by, 5:2350
683–686, 688–690, 816, 1068; Cabet and, 1:337–338 Comte and, 2:522–524; 4:1844
3:1233, 1338; 5:2489, 2520 Caillaux and, 1:338–340 Congress of Berlin and, 2:530, 812;
architecture in, 4:2030 canals in, 2:757–758; 5:2347–2348, 5:2363
aristocracy in, 1:80, 81 2350 Congress of Vienna and, 2:532–534,
army system of, 1:93–94, 95, 96, 97, Carbonari and, 4:2130–2131 565
98, 99, 100–101, 271; 3:1222 Caribbean colonialism and, 1:363, conservatism and, 2:537–538,
artisans in, 1:104–105, 106, 459 364; 2:1035, 1036–1037 541–542
art nouveau and, 1:109–112, 152; Catholicism in, 1:278–279, 377, Constant and, 2:545–546
2:815 378–379, 380, 381, 383, 384, consumerism and, 2:548, 549
Atget and, 1:123–125 384, 385, 386–388; 3:1648; contraception legislation and, 4:2042
Austria and, 4:1937, 2001; 5:2305, 4:1721, 1929, 2030, 2031, cooperative movements in, 2:555–557
2306, 2374, 2442 2136–2137; 5:2305, 2488 Corot and, 2:560–562
Austrian war with. See Franco- Catholic nursing care in, 3:1648, corporations in, 1:354
Austrian War 1649–1650 cotton production in, 1:329
Austro-Prussian War and, 1:236 Catholic political parties in, 1:388, counterrevolutionists in, 1:268–269;
automobile industry and, 1:148–150; 389 2:563–568, 567
5:2352 Cavour and, 1:390, 391–392 Courbet and, 2:568–569
avant-garde and, 1:151–158; censorship in, 4:1869 Crimean War and, 1:38–39, 94, 244,
3:1675; 4:1706–1709 Charbonnerie conspiracy in, 1:337, 271, 278; 2:577–580, 866;
Balzac and, 1:166–169 361 3:1592; 4:2048, 2051; 5:2410

2630 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

criminality and, 2:570, 572, feminism in, 1:127–128; 2:649–650, India and, 3:1115, 1134
573–574, 575, 576–577; 4:1816 650–651, 696–697, 801–802, Indochina and, 3:1137–1138, 1139,
cubism and, 2:590–593; 3:1530 802, 803, 804, 947, 948, 1140–1145
Curies and, 2:594–597 995–996; 3:1288; 4:1761–1762, industrialization of, 1:329, 330, 351;
Cuvier and, 2:598–599 1998–1999 3:1149
cycling and, 2:599–600, 602 feminist backlash in, 2:804 industrial/manufacturing exhibitions
Daguerre and, 2:605–607 Ferry and, 2:810–813; 3:1118, 1121 and, 4:1961; 5:2493
Danish-German War and, 2:608, 609 fertility decline in, 4:1829 infant mortality rate in, 4:1829
Daumier and, 2:620–622 fin de siécle and, 2:814–817 Ingres and, 3:1165–1167
David and, 2:623–625 fin de siécle right-wing nationalism inheritance law in, 3:1450
death penalty and, 4:1963, 2005 in, 3:1476–1477 intellectuals and, 3:1167–1168,
Debussy and, 2:630–631 First International and, 2:824 1169
Decadence and, 2:631, 632–633 Flaubert and, 2:827–828 inventions and, 3:1153
Degas and, 2:633–636 football (soccer) in, 2:833, 834 iron production in, 1:329
Delacroix and, 2:640–642, 910 Fouché and, 2:836–837 Japan and, 3:1210, 1212; 4:2171
Delcassé and, 2:642–643 foundling homes/hospitals in, Jarry and, 3:1212–1214
5:2451, 2453 Jaurès and, 3:1214–1219
demograpic data for, 2:643
Fourier and, 2:838–839 Jewish emancipation in, 1:73;
Deraismes and, 2:649–650
Fourierism in, 4:2202; 5:2397 3:1225, 1226–1227
Deroin and, 2:650–651
Freemasons in, 2:877, 880–881, Jews in, 3:1229, 1232
Doctrinaires and, 4:1971–1972,
882; 4:1929, 1998, 2243 Jomini and, 3:1236–1237
Doré and, 2:676–678 futurism and, 2:917, 920 labor movements in, 3:1217,
Dreyfus affair and, 1:75–76, 77; Gallicanism and, 4:1721 1285–1292; 4:2298–2299;
2:683–686, 1068; 4:1929, 1964, Gambetta and, 2:928–929 5:2485–2488, 2491, 2492
2137; 5:2432, 2502, 2523–2524 Gauguin and, 2:939–941 Laennec and, 3:1297–1298
drinking culture of, 1:2–4, 34, 35, 36 gender practices in, 2:941–943 Lafayette and, 3:1298–1301
Drumont and, 2:688–690 Géricault and, 2:955–956; 4:1705 Lamarck and, 3:1301–1303
dueling code in, 2:695, 696; 3:1472 German antagonism of, 1:232; Lamartine and, 3:1303–1304
Durand and, 2:696–697 2:859; 3:1546 landed elites in, 3:1304–1305
Durkheim and, 2:698–700 See also Franco-Prussian War; World languages and, 2:725
Eastern Question and, 1:278 War I Larrey and, 3:1307–1308
economic growth rate of, 1:331 German relations with, 2:968; 5:2311 Lavoiseir and, 3:1311–1313
education in, 1:428, 431; 2:720, Goncourt brothers and, 2:990–992 law and, 3:1313–1315, 1315,
721, 723, 724, 810, 811, 856, Gouges and, 2:993–996 1594–1596; 4:1951–1952
929, 1029; 3:1522; 4:1868 Greek War of Independence and, See also Napoleonic Code
Egypt and, 1:18, 222; 2:731, 732, 2:1020; 3:1612, 1613, 1685, LeBon and, 3:1316–1317
733, 794–795; 3:1585; 4:2274, 1686 Ledru-Rollin and, 3:1317–1319
2275 Guesde and, 2:1025–1026 leisure activities in, 1:288
Egyptology and, 1:406–407 guild abolishment in, 1:106 Leo XIII relations with, 3:1331
Eiffel Tower and, 2:736–738, 760 Guimard and, 2:1026–1028 Lesseps and, 3:1337–1338
emigrants from, 2:506, 747, 748 Guizot and, 2:1029–1030 liberal impediments in, 3:1346, 1348
engineers and, 2:757, 758–760 gymnastics clubs and, 1:118 liberalism in, 4:1971–1972, 2247;
Entente Cordiale and, 1:49, 50, 96; Haiti and, 2:1035–1036, 1037 5:2310
2:64, 526, 609, 642, 643, 795; Haussmann and, 2:1046–1050 libraries in, 3:1350, 1352
3:1545; 4:2098 Herzen’s critique of, 2:1065 literacy in, 2:720; 3:1522; 4:1822,
Ethiopia and, 1:8 historiography and, 2:1073, 1074; 1868
eugenics and, 2:769, 771 3:1499 Louis XVI and, 3:1384–1386
exploration and, 2:782, 784 Holy Alliance and, 4:1971 Louis XVIII and, 3:1386–1387
factories in, 2:790–792 homosexual/lesbian acts Louis-Napoleon and. See Napoleon III
fashion and, 1:481–483; 2:792 decriminalization in, 2:1083 Louis-Philippe and, 3:1387–1389
Fashoda Affair and, 2:643, 663, housing and, 2:1089 Lumière brothers and, 3:1396–1398
794–795; 3:1117–1118, 1668; Hugo and, 2:1092–1095 lycée experience in, 1:428
5:2502 as imperial power, 3:1115, 1116, Lyon and, 3:1403–1405
fauvism and, 2:795–797 1118–1119, 1121, 1122; 5:2362 machine breaking in, 3:1410–1411,
female teachers in, 2:724 impressionism and, 3:1126–1133 1412; 4:1821, 2264

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2631

Manet and, 3:1431–1434; Papal State and, 4:1719, 1725, 1726 psychological research tradition of,
4:1707–1708 Paris Commune and, 4:1964, 1998, 4:1908
Marat and, 3:1442–1443 2132, 2204; 5:2311, 2485, 2486, public health in, 4:1909, 1910,
Marie-Antoinette and, 3:1445–1447 2488, 2491, 2523 1912–1913, 1914–1915
marriage and family in, 1:287; Pasteur and, 4:1742–1745 Radicalism in, 4:1928–1930, 1964
4:1827–1828, 1830 patriotic holiday of, 4:1826 railroads and, 2:764; 4:1932–1935,
maternity hospitals in, 5:2450 Paul I’s antipathy toward, 4:1747 1937; 5:2349
Matisse and, 3:1473–1475 peasant enfranchisement in, 4:1755 Ravachol and, 4:1941–1943, 1942,
Maurras and, 3:1476–1477 peasant households in, 4:1752 1943
medicine in, 1:227–228, 407–411 peasant rebellion in, 1:359 Ravel and, 4:1944–1945
Mediterranean and, 3:1482 Péguy and, 4:1760–1761 Red Cross and, 4:1949
Mediterranean tourist towns in, Pelletier and, 4:1761–1762 Renan and, 4:1952–1954
1:288, 303 penal exile and, 2:780 Renoir and, 4:1954–1956
Méliès and, 3:1482–1484 Peninsular War and, 4:2227–2228 republicanism and, 1:248–249,
mesmerism in, 3:1490–1491 479–480; 4:1958–1964
philosophy and, 1:213–215
Mesmer’s success in, 3:1490 restaurants in, 4:1964–1967
photography in, 4:1770–1772
Michel and, 3:1496–1498 Revolution of 1789. See French
phylloxera vineyard infestation in,
Michelet and, 3:1498–1499 Revolution
Revolution of 1820. See under
military schools in, 1:96 physiocrats and, 1:269; 2:515; 3:1304
Revolutions of 1820
military tactics and, 1:95; Piedmont and, 2:866, 867; 4:2001;
Revolution of 1830. See under
3:1505–1506 5:2306
Revolutions of 1830
millennium celebration (2000) in, pilgrimages and, 4:1787–1789
Revolution of 1848. See under
2:738 Pinel and, 4:1790–1792 Revolutions of 1848
Millet and, 3:1515–1516 Pissarro and, 4:1792–1794 Richer and, 4:1998–1999
modernism and, 3:1530 Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1804–1805 Risorgimento (Italian unification)
Monet and, 3:1534–1537 Poincaré (Raymond) and, and, 1:392; 2:931–932, 932;
monetary union and, 3:1538 4:1805–1806 3:1198; 4:2001, 2003
Morisot and, 3:1543–1545 police system in, 2:837; roads in, 5:2346, 2349, 2352
Moroccan Crises and, 2:663; 4:1813–1814, 1815, 1816 Robespierre and, 4:1951, 1952,
3:1545–1546 Polish migrants to, 4:1808 1960, 2005–2008
Morocco and, 3:1548 political clubs in, 4:1991 Rodin and, 4:2008–2011
museums in, 3:1562 popular culture in, 4:1821–1822, Roland and, 4:2013–2014
music in, 3:1565, 1572 1826 Rolland and, 4:2014–2016
mutual aid societies in, 3:1284 population growth of, 4:1827, 1830 Romania and, 4:2017; 5:2381
Nadar and, 3:1577–1578 pornography and, 4:1833, 1834, Romanticism and, 4:2028, 2030,
Napoleon and. See Napoleon I 1835 2031, 2247, 2252
Napoleon III and. See Napoleon III Portugal and, 4:2225 Rome and, 4:2003, 2004, 2033,
national anthem of, 1:457; 2:518, positivism and, 4:1844 2034–2035
891; 4:1826 postal service in, 4:1937 Rothschilds and, 4:2040, 2041
national identity and, 3:1521–1522 poster art and, 4:1845, 1846 Roussel and, 4:2041–2042
newspapers and, 4:1867, press freedom and, 4:1870 Rude and, 4:2031, 2043–2044
1868–1869, 1872 professional certification in, 1:284; Russia and, 1:411; 2:526, 642,
nobility in, 1:78 4:1879 643, 795; 4:2048, 2050–2051,
North American colonies of, 1:343 professionals in, 4:1878, 1880 2054; 5:2306, 2374, 2417, 2440,
Offenbach and, 3:1660–1662 prostitution in, 4:1883, 1884, 1885, 2442
old age in, 3:1662, 1663–1664, 2301 Sade and, 4:2073–2074
1664, 1665 Protestant minority in, 4:1793, Saint-Simon and, 4:2080–2082,
Olympic Games and, 3:1667 1890, 1891, 1891, 1895, 1970, 2200
opera and, 3:1669, 1670, 2136–2137, 2279 Sand and, 4:2083–2085
1671–1672, 1673, 1675 Protestant missions to, 3:1527 San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2086
Opium War and, 3:1679–1680 Proudhon and, 4:1897–1899 Satie and, 4:2086–2087
Ottoman Empire and, 5:2391 Prussia and, 4:2004, 2092, 2225, Schlieffen Plan and, 4:2098–2099
painting and, 1:397–399; 4:1701, 2251–2252; 5:2311, 2374–2375, science and, 1:227–228; 4:2112
1702, 1705–1708 2442, 2467, 2526 seaside resorts in, 3:1325; 4:2124,
Panama Canal and, 3:1338 See also Franco-Prussian War 2125, 2126; 5:2328

2632 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Second International and, 4:2127, tobacco and, 5:2313, 2314 Empire; Paris; Restoration;
2128 Tocqueville and, 4:2213; Second Empire; Second Republic;
secret societies in, 4:1995, 2129–2132 5:2316–2318 Third Republic
secularization of, 2:810–812, 856; Toulouse-Lautrec and, 5:2323–2325 France, Anatole, 3:1168, 1217
4:2136 tourism and, 5:2326, 2327, 2328, France et progrès (Deraismes), 2:649
2330 France Juive, La (Drumont), 2:540,
September Massacres and, 4:2006
688, 689, 690
Serbia and, 4:2147 Toussaint Louverture and, 5:2332
Franchi, Alessandro, 3:1330
Seurat and, 4:2155–2158 trade and, 5:2334, 2336–2340
Franchomme, August, 1:439
Sieyès and, 4:2180–2181 Trieste and, 5:2354 Francis I, emperor of Austria, 1:139,
slavery and, 4:1959, 2192 Triple Intervention of 1895 and, 140; 2:860–861
slavery abolishment and, 1:18, 19, 4:2064 abolishment of Holy Roman Empire
365, 458, 499; 2:506, 1036 Tristan and, 5:2357–2358, 2358, by, 2:860, 957–958
slavery reinstatement and, 1:498; 2397
Austerlitz and, 1:132; 2:901
2:897 tuberculosis treatment and, 5:2361 brother John, archduke of Austria,
slave trade and, 1:13, 308, 309 Tunisia and, 2:582; 5:2362, 2363 and, 3:1235, 1236
smallpox epidemic in, 4:2198 ultraroyalist reactionaries and, 2:539 Congress of Berlin and, 2:534, 534
socialism and, 1:247–248; 2:824, universities in, 5:2378–2379, 2381, daughter Marie-Antoinette and,
859; 4:1929, 1930, 2127, 2128, 2386–2387 3:1384, 1445
2129, 2200, 2201–2203, 2205, Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, 5:2392 French Revolution and, 2:860, 957
2265, 2298, 2299 utilitarianism and, 5:2393 French Revolutionary Wars and,
social reform in, 1:285–286 Venetian Republic and, 5:2354, 2:899
sociology and, 4:2214 2402 grandson Francis Joseph and, 2:863
Sorel and, 4:2217–2218 Verne and, 5:2408–2409 Holy Alliance and, 2:1079
Spain and, 4:1981, 2225–2229 Vichy government and, 4:2303 Metternich and, 3:1492, 1493,
spiritualism and, 4:2237, 2238 Victor Emmanuel II and, 5:2410, 1494, 1495
sports in, 4:2241–2246 2497 Münchengrätz treaty and, 3:1560
Staël and, 4:2246–2247 villages in, 4:1752 Naples and, 2:932; 3:1255
statistical study and, 4:2250 Viollet-le-Duc and, 4:2030; Napoleon and, 2:901, 902; 3:1597
5:2422–2423 son Ferdinand I and, 2:807–808
steamships and, 5:2350
voluntary associations in, 1:116, 117, Francis II, Holy Roman emperor. See
Stendhal and, 4:2252–2253
118, 119 Francis I, emperor of Austria and
strikes in, 2:857; 3:1288; 4:1930,
Waldeck-Rousseau and, king of Hungary
2265–2267; 5:2484, 2485, 2488,
5:2432–2433 Francis II, king of the Two Sicilies,
War of 1812 and, 5:2438 3:1255, 1581; 4:2003
subways and, 4:2271–2273; 5:2502,
2503 wars of. See Franco-Austrian War; Francis Charles, archduke of Austria,
Franco-Prussian War; French 2:807
Sudan and, 3:1668–1669
Revolutionary Wars and Francis Ferdinand, archduke of Austria,
Suez Canal and, 3:1337–1338;
Napoleonic Wars; World War I 2:861–862
welfare initiatives in, 3:1664; assassination of, 1:49, 207, 232,
suffrage in, 1:203, 247; 5:2450–2452, 2454–2456, 2491 242–243, 277; 2:663, 705, 861,
4:1928–1929, 1961, 1964, 1998,
wine and, 4:1777–1778; 862, 865, 968; 3:1218, 1628;
2181, 2276–2281; 5:2317
5:2475–2478 4:2149
Sweden and, 4:2283
women’s status in, 2:721, 723, 804, October Diploma of, 2:627
Switzerland and, 4:2288 843 Romania and, 4:2019
symbolists and, 1:214; 4:2292–2295 women’s suffrage and, 1:127–128; Francis Joseph I, emperor of Austria
syndicalism and, 1:61, 62; 3:1292; 4:2279–2280, 2281 and king of Hungary, 2:863–866,
4:2266, 2267, 2298–2299; women university students in, 2:728 864, 961, 962
5:2485, 2491 assassination plots against, 5:2356
women workers in, 5:2487–2488
syphilis control in, 4:2300–2303 constitutionalism and, 5:2510
workers’ rights and, 2:716
Talleyrand and, 5:2305–2306 working class and, 5:2483–2488, counterrevolution and, 2:567
tea drinking in, 1:495 2491, 2492 Diamond Jubilee of, 1:263;
technology and, 4:2112 world’s fairs and. See Exposition 4:1861
telephone service in, 4:1937; 5:2308 Universelle Ferdinand I’s abdication and, 2:807,
temperance movement in, 5:2477 Zola and, 5:2522–2524 808
theater in, 1:229–230 See also Consulate; Directory; First Francis Ferdinand and, 2:861–862,
Thiers and, 4:1932; 5:2310–2311 Republic; Lyon; Napoleonic 865

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2633

Franco-Austrian War and, 2:866, as Decadence factor, 2:632 Frank, Manfred, 3:1647–1648
867; 3:1198 Disraeli on, 2:957 Frank, Semyon L., 3:1171
gerontocracy and, 3:1164 Ferry and, 2:810, 812 Frankenstein (M. Shelley), 2:945;
government reforms and, 4:2029, 2168
First International and, 2:825
1:262; 2:864 Frankfurt, 2:958, 959
Frederick III and, 2:874
Jewish policy of, 1:73 counterrevolution and, 2:567
French defeat in, 2:810, 854–855,
financial wealth and, 1:83–84
Kossuth and, 3:1268, 1269 870, 928, 964; 3:1667;
Hegel and Hölderin in, 2:1051
Lueger and, 3:1393 4:1734–1735
Jewish quarter of, 3:1233
neo-absolutism and, 2:863–864 French drive for revenge following,
1:279, 281–282; 2:526; 3:1546 John of Austria in, 3:1236
Pius IX and, 4:1795
French feminist movement and, Prussian annexation of, 2:964
Prague demonstration and,
4:1998 railroads and, 4:1934
4:1860, 1861
French indemnity payment and, Revolution of 1830 and, 1:457
program of, 1:142, 143, 144–145
4:1837 Revolution of 1848 and, 4:1994
Social Democrats and, 1:10, 11
French social effects of, 1:118 Rothschilds and, 4:2039
son Rudolf and, 2:861, 864;
Gambetta and, 2:928, 929 Frankfurt, Treaty of (1871), 1:50,
52; 5:2311
Strauss (Johann) and, 4:2260 Garibaldi and, 2:932
Frankfurt National Assembly. See
Suez Canal opening and, 4:2274 Geneva Convention and, 4:1949
Frankfurt Parliament
Venice and, 5:2402, 2403 Geneva Convention disuse in, 2:952; Frankfurt Parliament (1848), 1:261,
Vienna and, 5:2418, 2420 3:1175 393; 2:870–872, 877; 3:1287,
William II and, 5:2469 German Reich formation following, 1346, 1523
world’s fairs and, 5:2498 1:171; 2:964 Austria and, 1:141, 142
World War I and, 2:862, 863 Goncourt brothers and, 2:991 Frederick William IV and,
Franc-Nohain (playwright), 4:1944 historians on, 2:1074 2:961–962; 4:1902
Franco, Francisco, 1:366; 2:937 Louis II of Bavaria and, 3:1383 Prague Slav Congress and, 4:1860,
Franco-Austrian War (1859), Michel and, 3:1497 1861
2:866–867, 952; 3:1198–1200; microbial infection and, 4:1743 serf emancipation and, 4:1754
4:1937 military technology and, 3:1507 Frankfurt Parliament, The (Eyck),
Austrian defeat in, 2:863, 867; Moltke and, 3:1532 2:871
3:1198, 1255 Napoleon III and, 1:271; 2:569, Franklin, Benjamin, 2:741
Bohemian Lands and, 1:262 853–854, 868, 870, 928, 964; Franklin, John, 3:1658
Cavour and, 1:392 3:1593; 4:1734 Franklin Society (France), 3:1352
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and, nursing and, 3:1650 Franko, Ivan, 5:2373
3:1255 Frantz, Brian, 2:515
as Olympic Games impetus, 3:1667
Franz, Friedrich, 3:1484
outcomes of, 3:1592 origins of, 2:853, 867–868, 964;
Französische Maler (Heine), 2:1056
Franco-Prussian War, 1:478; 4:1903
Französische Zustände (Heine), 2:1056
2:867–870; 4:1937, 2054; outcomes of, 2:662, 854 Fraser, John Foster, 1:136
5:2386, 2526 papal infallibility pronouncement Frasers Magazine (Scotland), 1:370;
alliance system following, 1:47 and, 2:966 4:2254
Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:50, 51–52, papal loss of Rome and, 4:1719 Fratellanza artigiana d’Italia, 1:104
281; 2:870; 4:1734 Paris and, 4:1734–1735 Fratuzzi, I, 4:2174
armistice terms of, 4:1734–1735 Paris Commune and, 4:1734–1737 Frauen-Zeitung (feminist magazine),
balloon use in, 2:868; 3:1578 Pius IX and, 4:1797 1:66; 2:804; 3:1680, 1681
Bavaria and, 3:1383 Prussian general staff and, 1:96 Frau in der Kulturbewegung der
Bernhardt and, 1:229 Prussian technology and, 1:217 Gegenwart, Die (feminist
Bismarck and, 1:235, 236; 2:526, magazine), 1:189
Renan racial theory and, 1:74
662, 868, 870, 953, 964; 4:1734, Frau Jenny treibel (Fontane),
responsibility for, 2:964 2:828, 829
1736, 1903
Second Empire and, 2:853–855, Fraülein Else (Schnitzler), 4:2100
Blanqui and, 1:248 867–870; 3:1592 Frau und der Sozialismus, Die (Bebel),
Boulanger affair and, 1:279 William I and, 5:2467 1:194–195
Charcot’s medical work in, 1:411 world’s fairs and, 5:2498, 2499 Fraxi, Pisanus (Ashbee pseud.), 4:1836
cholera epidemic and, 2:669 Franco-Russian Alliance (1894), Frazer, James, 2:872–873
Clemenceau and, 1:479 1:411; 2:526, 642, 643 Frazer, Lilly, 2:872
Daumier caricatures and, 2:622 Franco-Spanish system (migration), Frédéric, Léon, 4:1948
deaths from, 2:629 3:1110 Frédéric Chopin (Delacroix), 1:439

2634 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Frederick II (the Great), king of William I as successor to, 2:962; free trade, 1:28, 353; 2:512; 5:2339,
Prussia, 1:215, 375; 2:958, 963, 5:2467 2340, 2354, 2413, 2494
968; 4:1900 Young Hegelians and, 5:2512 Belgium and, 1:201, 203
Carlyle biography of, 1:371 Frederick Augustus I, elector of Bismarck and, 1:239
censorship and, 4:1869 Saxony, 2:534 Britain and, 2:512, 514, 707, 708,
centenary of, 4:1740 Frederick the Great (Carlyle), 1:371 715–717, 1004–1005, 1007,
education reform and, 2:723 ‘‘Frederick the Great’’ (Macaulay), 1011, 1012; 3:1345, 1369
Menzel paintings of, 3:1489 3:1408 capitalism and, 1:354, 355;
military tactics and, 3:1505 Free Alliance (Berlin), 3:1291 2:515, 709
utilitarianism and, 5:2393 free association (psychoanalysis), Cobden advocacy of, 1:490–491;
Frederick III, king of Prussia and 4:1904 2:707, 709, 1005
emperor of Germany, 1:240; Free Association of German Cobden-Chevalier Treaty and, 1:491,
2:873–875; 4:1900 Unions, 1:61 491–492; 2:512; 3:1537
death of, 4:2045; 5:2468 free churches, 4:2136 colonies and, 1:498; 2:505
father William I and, 2:874, 966 Free Church of Scotland, 2:1006;
Congo and, 1:221, 223, 308–309
short reign of, 2:966 conservative opposition to, 2:958
Freedom (anarchist newspaper), 3:1272
Siemens and, 4:2180 Continental System and, 2:512
freedom of association, 1:119
Frederick VI, king of Denmark, 2:648 Corn Laws repeal and, 2:558, 560,
freedom of the press, 1:216, 369;
Frederick William I, king of Prussia, 718, 1004–1005
2:812, 958; 4:1869, 1873
2:790 decline of, 3:1124
France and, 4:1845
Frederick William III, king of Prussia, definition of, 2:707
2:606, 875–876; 5:2467 Russian Great Reforms and, 2:1016
Freedom of Trade and Occupation economic liberalism and, 3:1341
Carlsbad Decrees and, 1:369
Acts of 1810 (Prussia), 2:958 Gladstone and, 2:976, 977, 1007
Congress of Troppau and, 2:531,
freedom of worship. See religious institutionalist arguments on, 2:709
534, 534
tolerance liberals’ support for, 2:958; 3:1348
Hardenberg and, 2:1042, 1043
freehold movement, 1:490; 2:647 List’s rejection of, 3:1357
Holy Alliance and, 2:1079 free love, 2:803 Manchester and, 3:1427, 1429
Jena and, 3:1221 free market. See capitalism; free trade;
Napoleonic Wars and, 2:901, Napoleon and, 1:106
902–903; 4:1900 Netherlands and, 3:1617
Freemasons, 2:877–882; 4:2130
reform and, 2:876, 958; 4:1900 peace activists and, 4:1695
anticlericalism and, 1:70
Restoration and, 4:1972 Peel and, 4:1759
B’nai Brith modeled on, 1:119
Schinkel and, 4:2092 Philosophic Radicals and, 3:1512
Carbonari modeled on, 1:360
Schleiermacher and, 4:2097 Piedmont and, 3:1255
Catholic antagonism toward, 1:383
son Frederick William IV and, protectionism vs., 2:515–516;
Chaadayev and, 1:400
2:876, 877 4:1887–1889
Czartorysky and, 2:603
Stein and, 4:2251 Prussia and, 2:959
in France, 2:877, 880–881, 882;
ultraconservative response to, 2:539 theory of, 4:1887–1888
4:1929, 1998, 2243
War of 1805 and, 5:2374 Zollverein and, 1:171, 487;
French nationalist Right vs., 1:5
Frederick William IV, king of Prussia, 2:505, 512
French women’s rights and, 2:649;
2:876–877 Free Trade Hall (Manchester), 3:1429,
Bismarck and, 1:233, 234, 235 1566
historical mythology of, 2:881
bureaucracy and, 1:324 Free University of Amsterdam, 3:1619
masculinity and, 3:1471 free verse, 1:102; 4:2292
German imperial crown refusal by, in Ottoman Empire, 5:2515
2:961–962; 4:1902 free will, 2:239
Pelletier and, 4:1761, 1762 Free Womb Law of 1880 (Cuba),
papacy and, 3:1279 in Portugal, 4:1841 1:366
Polish territory and, 4:1808–1809 prominent members of, 2:878 Frege, Gottlob, 2:882–884, 1100
poor relief and, 4:1849 Russian repression of, 1:377; 3:1552 Frégier, Honoré, 2:572, 575
Ranke and, 4:1940 termnology and abbreviations of, Freiberg, Hedwig, 3:1263
reforms and, 4:1901–1902 2:879 Freicorps (Serbia), 3:1247
Revolutions of 1848 and, 1:216; women and, 2:881, 882, 882 Freie Bühne (Berlin), 3:1109
2:567, 961–962; 4:1901 Freemasons Hall (London), 2:880 Freiheit in Krähwinkel (Nestroy),
Schelling and, 4:2088 Free School (legal theory), 5:2419
Schlegel and, 4:2096 3:1315–1316 Freikorps (private paramilitary), 3:1356
Schleswig-Holstein and, 2:871 Free Thinkers, 2:1032; 4:1929 Freiligrath, Ferdinand, 1:66
suffragism and, 1:290 Freetown colony, 1:13–14; 3:1537 Freischütz, Die (Weber), 3:1570, 1673

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2635

Frémiet, Louis and Sophie, 4:2043 Carlyle’s history of, 1:370–371 Girondins and, 2:610, 612, 799,
French Academy. See Académie Catherine II and, 1:376 844, 973–974
Française Catholic Church and, 1:381; 4:2136 Goethe’s view of, 2:987
French Academy (Rome), 3:1165 Gouges and, 2:994–996
Catholic political activity and,
French Academy of Sciences. See Great Fear and, 2:886
1:386–387, 389
Academy of Sciences
centenary of (1889), 2:550, 737; Guizot’s view of, 2:1030
French Canadians, 1:343, 344,
4:1696, 1731 Habsburg reaction to, 1:139–140
345, 346
French Celtic League, 2:590 Charles X and, 2:843; 3:1386, 1403 health citizenship and, 4:1909, 1915
French Communist Party, 2:1025; as Chartist influence, 1:415 Hegels support for, 2:1051, 1053
3:1144; 4:1732, 1762 Chateaubriand and, 1:419, 420 Hellenism and, 4:1769
French Congo, 1:339; 2:783; citizenship and, 1:456, 458; 2:843, initial popularity of, 2:888
3:1546, 1549 896; 3:1228, 1229 intellectuals and, 3:1167
French Congrés International du Droit coal mine concessions and, 1:488 Irish perception of, 3:1176
des Femmes, 2:649 as Coleridge influence, 1:497 as Irish republicanism influence,
French Cyclists’ Union, 4:2245 colonial revolutions and, 1:498 2:1000
French Equatorial Africa, 1:20–21, 500 Committee of Public Safety and, Italian reaction to, 3:1191, 1192
French Eugenics Society, 2:769 2:518–519, 845 Jacobins and, 3:1205–1206
French Flag Hoisted at Timbuktu, The Jaurès’s socialist history of, 3:1216
communism and, 2:520
(illustraton), 2:507
counterrevolutionaries and, Jewish emancipation and, 1:73;
French Geographical Society (Paris),
1:268–269, 326; 2:537, 538, 2:843; 3:1226, 1228, 1229
2:782, 784
539, 542, 564–565, 689, Lafayette and, 2:890; 3:1299–1300
French Guiana, 2:780–781
843–844, 887, 890, 891, 894; Lamartine history of, 3:1304
French Guinea, 2:780, 812
3:1343, 1344 land confiscation and, 3:1305
French Indochina. See Indochina
crime statistical collection and, 2:570 Lavoisier and, 3:1313
French language
Danton and, 2:610, 611–612 legal reforms and, 2:888;
Belgium and, 1:199–200, 202, 307
David and, 2:623, 624; 4:1702 3:1313–1314, 1315, 1316
Brussels and, 1:307
Canada and, 1:343, 344 Directory and, 2:664–666, 894–895 leisure practices and, 3:1323
French opera, 3:1669, 1670, disagreeable consequences of, 3:1343 liberal ideals and, 3:1342–1345
1671–1672, 1673, 1675 École Polytechnique founding and, liberal postrevolutionary critique of,
French Revolution, 1:130; 2:840–844, 4:1780 2:546
845, 884–899; 4:2212 education reforms of, 1:286; 2:666, Louis XVI and, 3:1385–1386, 1446
aggression and, 2:661 846; 3:1361 Louis XVIII and, 3:1386
Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:50–51 émigré compensation and, 2:847 Louis-Philippe’s support for,
anarchism and, 1:55–56 émigrés from, 1:268, 412, 420; 3:1387–1388
anticlericalism and, 1:68, 387; 2:843, 2:563, 843, 844; 3:1111, 1205, Lyon and, 3:1403
844, 888, 894, 1000; 1300, 1386 machine breaking and, 3:1411
4:1717–1718 ending of (1802), 2:894–895, 901 Maistre on, 3:1421–1422
antislavery movement and, 1:308 Estates-General and, 2:767–768; Marat and, 3:1443
aristocracy and, 1:78, 80–81, 471; 3:1385 Marie-Antoinette and, 3:1445,
2:840–841, 842, 843, 845, European reaction to, 2:887; 3:1191 1446–1447
886, 897 family law and, 3:1595 ‘‘Marseillaise’’ and, 1:457;
artisans and, 1:104 federalist revolt (1793) and, 2:518, 891
Bastille storming and, 2:842, 2:799–800, 844 mass deaths and, 2:628, 892–894;
886–887; 3:1300, 1385; feminism and, 2:801–802, 806, 3:1192
4:1728, 1729 941, 945 mass mobilization and, 3:1339–1340
beginning (official) of, 3:1385 First Republic and, 2:844–846, Michelet’s history of, 3:1499
Bonapartism and, 1:269, 270 891–893; 3:1205 museum democratization and, 3:563,
bourgeoisie defined by, 1:283–284 foreign coalition against, 2:890–891 1561; 4:1825
bread prices and, 3:1385; 4:1728 Fox’s view of, 2:839–840 Napoleon and, 3:1584, 1586
Burke’s view of, 1:326, 327–328; Freemasons and, 2:881 national identity and, 3:1521–1522
2:538, 566, 887; 3:1422; 4:1700 as Gambetta inspiration, 2:929 nationalism and, 3:1603
as Cabet influence, 1:337 gender exclusions by, 2:941, 945; old age and, 3:1662, 1664
Caribbean slave revolt and, 1:364; 3:1470 origins of, 2:840–841, 884–885;
2:890 German reaction to, 2:957, 959; 3:1385
caricatures and, 2:886 3:1523 Paine and, 4:1700–1701

2636 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

painting and, 4:1701, 1702–1703 French Revolution, The (Blake), 1:244 Fourth Coalition and, 1:38; 2:903
papacy and, 4:1717–1718 French Revolution, The (Carlyle), Frederick William III and, 2:875
Paris and, 2:842–845, 886, 887, 1:370–371 Frederick William IV and, 2:876
890, 891; 4:1727–1729 French Revolutionary Wars and French abolition of slavery and,
Napoleonic Wars, 2:891–892, 2:1036
Parisian mob violence and, 2:799,
893, 895, 899–903
845; 4:1728 French museum collections acquired
Alexander I and, 1:37–38, 226 from, 3:1562
peasants and, 4:1755
allied unity and, 1:374 French provocation for, 3:1596
penal exile and, 2:780–781
aristocracy and, 1:81 French territorial expansion and, 2:895
phases of, 3:1192
armies and, 1:93–94 See also Napoleonic Empire
pilgrimage ban and, 4:1787–1788
Austerlitz and, 1:132–133; 2:846; Germany and, 1:368–369; 2:957
pogroms and, 4:1802
police system and, 4:1813 Girondins and, 2:844, 974
Austria and, 1:93, 132–133,
political clubs and, 2:890 Goya’s paintings and, 2:98, 997
139–140, 170; 2:611, 844, 846,
positivism and, 4:1844 gymnastics and, 4:2241
860–861, 861, 890, 893, 895,
posters and, 4:1845 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 957; Hamburg and, 2:1038
press’s role in, 4:1868, 1869 3:1235–1236, 1254, 1319, Hundred Days and, 2:1098–1099
radicalization of, 2:890–894; 3:1192 1492–1493, 1588; 4:1900; imperialism and, 3:1114, 1115
See also Reign of Terror 5:2374, 2417, 2442 as international conflict, 3:1176
Ranke on, 4:1940 balance of power restoration after, international law and, 3:1172, 1175
republicanism and, 4:1958–1964 1:457 Ireland and, 2:1000
Robespierre and, 4:2005–2006 banditry and, 2:571 Italy and, 3:1191–1192, 1254;
Rome and, 4:2033 banking and, 1:170, 171 4:1786, 2000–2001
royal family and, 3:1385–1386 Belgium and, 1:199, 200; 2:899, Jacobins and, 3:1205, 1206
Russia and, 4:2047–2048 900, 903; 3:1587 Jena and, 3:1221–1222
Sade and, 4:2074 Berlin occupation and, 1:215 Jewish emancipation and, 3:1227
Saint-Domingue and, 5:2332 Bernadotte and, 1:226–227; 2:903; John, archduke of Austria, and,
Saint-Simon and, 4:2080, 2082 3:1319, 1320 3:1235036
sans-culottes and, 1:111; 2:844, blockades and, 2:553 Jomini and, 3:1236–1237
887, 890 Bonapartism and, 1:269–271 Kutuzov and, 3:1281–1282
secret societies and, 4:2129 Borodino and, 1:272–273; 2:902; Lafayette and, 3:1300
secularization and, 4:2132, 2133 3:1588 Larrey and, 3:1308
September Massacres and, 2:799, bourgeoisie and, 1:284, 471 Leipzig battle and, 3:1319–1322,
891, 973 Britain and, 2:846, 891, 895, 1588
serf emancipation and, 2:886, 892, 900–901, 1002; 3:1319, 1339, Leopold I and, 3:1334
897; 3:1305; 4:1754, 2149 1493, 1585, 1586–1587, 1588; levée en masse and, 3:1338–1340
Sieyès and, 4:2180–2181 4:1764–1766 Louis-Philippe and, 3:1388
significance of, 2:895–896 British rule in India and, 3:1134 medical services and, 3:1307–1308
spread of ideals of, 1:456–457, 459, Castlereagh and, 1:373, 374 Metternich and, 3:1491, 1492–1493
461–462; 2:669, 895–896, 1019; Catherine II and, 1:376; 4:1748 migrations and, 3:1110–1111
3:1176, 1342–1345; 4:1696 Catholicism and, 1:387 military tactics and, 3:1505–1506
Staël and, 4:2246–2247 Charles Albert and, 1:413 Moscow’s destruction in, 3:1551
suffragism and, 4:2277, 2279 Clausewitz and, 1:477 mythologies about, 3:1340
Tories and, 5:2321 Concert of Europe and, 2:524–527, Napoleon and, 2:957; 3:1584–1588
utopian socialist view of, 540, 661–664 Napoleonic Empire as legacy of,
5:2395–2396 Congress of Vienna and. See 3:1596–1597
Vendée insurgency and, 2:563, 565, Congress of Vienna Napoleon’s defeats and, 2:846, 847,
844, 892 Continental System and, 2:553–554 902–903, 1099; 3:1322, 1493,
Venetian Republic and, 5:2402 Czartoryski and, 2:603 1588, 1599; 4:1765–1767
Wollstonecraft and, 5:2480 Danton and, 2:610 Nelson and, 3:1615
women’s rights and, 2:843, deaths from, 2:628, 644 Ottoman Empire and, 3:1683
941–942, 945; 4:2279 Denmark and, 4:2287 Papal State and, 4:1724
working class and, 5:2483 diplomacy and, 2:661 Paul I and, 4:1748
See also French Revolutionary Wars Egypt and, 1:18, 43, 44, 406; penal exile and, 2:780
and Napoleonic Wars; Reign of 2:731, 900 Peninsular War’s impact on outcome
Terror First Coalition and, 2:860, 899–900 of, 4:1766

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2637

Poland and, 4:1807, 1808, 1817 Fresch, Cardinal, 1:420 Friedrichswerder Church (Berlin),
Prussia and, 1:93, 133, 477; 2:553, Fresnaye, Roger de la, 1:156 4:2093
610, 611, 844, 846, 875, 876, Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 4:1779, 1780 Friedrich Wilhelm University. See
891, 895, 899–903, 957, 958, Freud, Anna, 2:904, 909; 4:1904 Humboldt University
1038, 1042, 1043; 3:1221–1222, Freud, Sigmund, 1:464; 2:872, friendly societies, 2:1019; 5:2490
1319, 1493, 1586, 1588; 903–910, 905; 3:1509, 1535; Friendship’s Garland (Arnold), 1:103
4:1899–1901, 2252 4:2255 Friends of the People (France), 1:290;
rationale for, 2:891–892, 895 Adler (Alfred) and, 1:8–10; 2:907, 3:1285
908 Fries, J. F., 2:1053
resort development and, 4:2124
Andreas-Salomé and, 1:65 Friesz, Othon, 1:153; 2:796, 797
Restoration and, 4:1967, 1968 Frieze of Life, The (Munch), 3:1559,
anti-Semitism and, 2:904
Russian invasion and, 1:38; 2:603, 1560; 4:2294
846, 861, 958; 3:1281–1282, Brentano’s influence on, 1:298, 299
Fröding, Gustav, 4:2287
1308, 1319, 1492, 1551, 1588, cocaine and, 2:688
From Eugène Delacroix to Neo-
1599; 4:1766 degeneration and, 2:638–639
Impressionism (Signac), 4:2158
Second Coalition and, 2:860, 895, on Dostoyevsky’s insights, 2:679 From the Other Shore (Herzen), 2:1065
900–901 fin de siècle and, 2:816 From the Papers of One Still Living
Serbia and, 3:1683 Fourier seen as precursor of, 2:838 (Kierkegaard), 3:1251
sister republics and, 2:666; gender theories of, 2:948–949 Fronde, La (Paris daily), 2:696–697
4:2186–2187 Greek tragedy and, 4:1770 frozen food, 2:659; 3:1623
Spain and. See Peninsular War homosexuality theory of, 2:906, Fructuosa Rivera, José, 2:931
sugar-beet farming and, 4:1753 1085; 4:2163 fruit, 5:2337, 2342
Third Coalition and, 1:37–38; hysteria and, 1:410; 2:904–905 Fry, Elizabeth, 3:1649
2:603, 860, 901–902; Jung and, 2:907, 908, 909; Fry, Roger, 2:835; 4:1865, 2258
3:1586–1587 3:1238–1239, 1240 Fuad Pasha, 3:1686
as Kafka influence, 3:1242 Fuchs, Ernst, 3:1316
tobacco smoking and, 5:2314
fueros, 4:2229
tourism and, 5:2327 on male potency, 3:1472
Fuller, Loie, 5:2503
Trafalgar battle and, 3:1586, 1615; neuroanatomy and, 1:341, 342
Fulton, Robert, 2:760
5:2344–2345, 2438 psychoanalysis and, 1:8–9; ‘‘Function of Criticism at the Present
Turner and impact of, 5:2366–2367 2:638–639, 904, 905–909; Time, The’’ (Arnold), 1:102
Ulm and, 5:2374–2375 3:1240; 4:1904–1905, 1908; functions, theory of, 4:1804
Vienna’s occupation and, 5:2417 5:2421 Fundamental Laws of 1906 (Russia),
War of 1812 and, 5:2438 Rank and, 4:1938 4:1978, 2057, 2211, 2257
Wars of Liberation and, 4:1900 Schnitzler and, 4:2100 Fundamental Pact of 1846 (Tunisia),
Schoenberg and, 4:2102 5:2362, 2363
Waterloo and, 4:2039, 2124;
5:2367, 2442–2443, 2457 Schopenhauer as influence on, Funen, 2:647
4:2104 funerals. See death and burial
Wellington and, 5:2442–2443, 2457
sexuality theory and, 2:905, funerary monuments, 1:347
wine and, 5:2476
906–907, 908; 4:1904, 1905, fungicides, 3:1164
See also Congress of Vienna; Furet, François, 4:1962, 2081–2082
2104, 2163, 2164
Napoleonic Empire furniture, 2:912–915, 913, 1090
on Ulrichs’s theory, 5:2376
French Royal Academy. See Royal
Weininger and, 5:2449 art nouveau and, 1:107–108, 109,
Academy (France)
Freud, Sophie, 2:908 110–112, 113; 2:815
French Section of the Workers
Freycinet, Charles-Louis de, 1:279; consumerism and, 2:549, 912–913
International, 4:2299
2:642, 856–857 Morris designs for, 3:1550
French Socialist Party, 3:1217, 1218
Freycinet Plan (France), 4:1964 fur trade, 2:505; 4:2172
Ho Chi Minh and, 3:1144 Fried, Alfred Hermann, 4:1697, 2282 ‘‘Fusées’’ (Baudelaire), 1:188
Pelletier and, 4:1761 Friedell, Egon, 1:336 Fuseli, Henry (Füssli, Johann
Socialist Party of France vs., 3:1217, Friedjung, Siegfried, 1:10 Heinrich), 4:1703, 2027; 5:2480
1292 Friedland, Battle of (1807), 2:846, Fustel de Coulanges, Numa-Denis,
French Union for Womens Suffrage, 902; 3:1586 1:51
1:128; 4:2279–2280 Friedman, Milton, 2:707 Future of Illusion, The (Freud),
French Workers Party, 1:127; 2:1025, Friedrich, Caspar David, 2:910–912, 2:908–909
2205 911; 4:1703, 2027, 2029–2030 Future of Science, The (Renan), 4:1953,
Frères Zemganno, Les (E. Goncourt), Friedrich Nietzsche in seinen Werken 2133
2:991 (Andreas-Salomé), 1:64 Future of War, The (Bloch), 2:1034
Frerichs, Friedrich Theodor von, 2:735 Friedrichshain (Berlin), 4:1740 futurism, 2:550, 774, 915–921;
Fréron, Louis, 2:894 Friedrichstrasse (Berlin), 1:218, 219 4:1711

2638 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

avant-garde and, 1:155, 156–158 Gallery of Machines (Paris), 5:2500 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 1:362, 391, 392;
Bergson’s influence on, 1:214; galley slavery, 2:779 2:930–933
2:918, 921 Gallia (Dowie), 4:2235 caricature of, 2:931
collage and, 2:592 Galliani, Ferdinando, 4:1887 Cavour and, 1:391, 392; 2:932, 933;
modernism and, 3:1530–1531 Gallican Articles of 1682, 2:529 3:1197
Gallicanism, 1:269; 2:529; 4:1721 Crispi and, 2:581
Russia and, 4:2182–2183
Galliffet, Gaston-Alexandre-Auguste mafia and, 3:1415
Venice and, 5:2405
de, 3:1216; 5:2432 myth of, 2:930, 932–933
Futurist Manifesto, The (Marinetti),
Galli-Marié, Célestine, 3:1676 pacifism and, 4:1696
Gallipoli, 1:163, 278; 2:669; 3:1624
Futurist Political Party (Italy), 2:921 popularity of, 3:1481
Galton, Francis, 2:927–928
‘‘Futurist Refashioning of the republicanism and, 4:1963
eugenics and, 2:619, 637, 652, 769,
Universe’’ (Balla and Despero), Revolution of 1848 and, 3:1197;
770, 779, 927, 928
2:917 4:1719, 1796
Fux, Johann, 3:1484 human variation study of, 4:1908
Risorgimento (Italian unification)
Fuzhou, 3:1679 statistical variation and, 2:652, 770;
and, 2:931–932; 3:1195,
4:1922, 2248–2249
1197–1198, 1581; 4:1726
Galton curve, 2:652
Roman Republic and, 3:1197
Galvani, Luigi, 4:2168
n Rome and, 4:2003, 2004,
galvanometer, 3:1249
2034–2035, 2037
G Gambara (Balzac), 1:168
Sicilian revolt and, 3:1255, 1415
Gambetta, Léon-Michel, 2:810, 853,
Gabon, 2:783, 812 Sicily and, 4:2003, 2175, 2176
928–930; 3:1122, 1219
Gabriel, Jacques-Ange, 4:1727 Victor Emmanuel II and, 4:2004;
Delcassé and, 2:642
Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 2:661, 1062 5:2410–2411
Gaelic Athletic Association, 3:1180, peasant voters and, 4:1755
Young Europe and, 3:1195
1182 republicanism and, 4:1963
garments. See clothing, dress, and
Gaelic language, 4:2120 separation of church and state and,
Gaelic League, 3:1180, 1182 4:2136
Garnier, Charles, 2:738, 1049; 3:1672;
Gagelin-Opigez, 1:482 Third Republic and, 4:1734 4:1708, 1731; 5:2500
Gagern, Heinrich von, 2:871, Waldeck-Rousseau and, 5:2432 Garnier, Joseph, 3:1538
923–924; 3:1346 Gambia, 1:13, 15, 21 Garnier, Tony, 3:1405
Gailleton, Antoine, 3:1405 Gambia River, 2:780 Garno, Diana, 1:338
Gainsborough, Thomas, 2:543 Gambler, The (Dostoyevsky), Garofalo, Raffaele, 3:1371
Gaj, Ljudevit, 2:924–925; 4:1861 2:678–679 Garrick, David, 1:327
Gala Méliès, 3:1484 Gamkrelidze, Thomas V., 2:1024 Garrigue, Charlotte, 3:1468–1469
Galanti, Giuseppe Maria, gamma-rays, 4:1804 Garrison, William Lloyd, 3:1459
3:1580–1581 Gandhi, Mohandas, 1:501; 3:1524; Garshin, Vsevolod, 2:633
Galápagos Islands, 2:613 4:2047; 5:2320 gases, dynamic theory of, 3:1478;
Galata, 3:1186, 1190 Gandon, James, 2:691 4:1922
Galata Bridge (Istanbul), 3:1684 gangrene, 3:1308 Gaskell, Elizabeth, 1:302; 2:657,
Galerie Bernheim-Jeune (Paris), 2:918 gangs. See banditry; youth gangs 933–935, 934; 3:1430
Galgani, Gemma, 1:385 Ganivet, Angel, 2:950 Gaskell, William, 2:934, 935
Galiani, Ferdinando, 2:515; 3:1580 Gänserupferinnen, Die (Liebermann), Gaskell Society, 2:934
Galicia (Austria-Hungary), 1:140, 145; 3:1353 gas lighting, 5:2418
4:1993, 2020; 5:2369–2373, Ganz electric company, 2:741, 742 Gasprinski, Ismail Bey, 3:1207
2380 Gapon, Georgy, 4:1976 gas street lights, 1:445–446; 2:548
Jewish population in, 3:1229, 1232; Garabit Viaduct (Cantal, France), electric lights compared with, 2:742
4:1808 2:759, 760 Gates of Hell, The (Rodin), 4:2008,
peasant uprising in, 4:1755 Garašanin, Ilija, 4:2145, 2148 2009
Polish autonomy in, 4:1809, 1818 Garbo, Greta, 4:2287 Gatrell, Simon, 2:1045
Galicia (Spain), 1:367–368; 4:1765 garçonne (flapper), 2:947 GATT (General Agreement on Trade
Galilei, Galileo, 4:2113 Garde Mobile (France), 5:2487 and Tariffs), 2:512
Galiyev, Sultan, 3:1208 ‘‘Gardener, The’’ (Kipling), 3:1257 Gaudı́, Antonio, 1:112, 183–184;
Gall, Franz Joseph, 2:523, 925–926; gardens, 3:1305, 1600 2:935–938; 4:1826, 2232
4:1775, 1908 Gardiner, A. G., 2:1044 Gaudreault, André, 3:1482
Gallagher, John, 1:498 Gare Saint-Lazare (Paris), 3:1535; Gauguin, Clovis, 2:939
Gallé, Émile, 1:108, 110, 111 4:1732 Gauguin, Paul, 2:939–941, 940;
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (Milan), Garfield, James, 4:1768 3:1530; 4:1757, 1874, 2156;
3:1503 Gargantua (French journal), 2:621 5:2501

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2639

avant-garde and, 1:152, 154; 2:941; gemeinschaft, 4:2212–2213 migration and, 3:1114
4:1710 Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft misogyny and, 2:632, 675,
Degas collection of works of, 2:634 (Tönnies), 2:698–699 816, 995
as fauve influence, 2:795, 796 Gemignani, Elvira, 4:1915 Moscow ratio of, 3:1553–1554
Gendarmerie Nationale (France),
Jarry and, 3:1213 Napoleonic Code and, 2:942–943;
as Matisse influence, 3:1474 3:1595
gender, 2:941–949
Pissarro and, 4:1792, 1793 New Woman and, 1:485; 2:947
aristocratic prerogatives and, 1:469
postimpressionism and, 4:1709 old-age pensions and, 3:1665
Austen’s novels and, 1:131
primitivism and, 4:1874, 1875 Paris Commune and, 4:1736
Australia and, 1:136
symbolism and, 4:2294 Pelletier’s theory of, 4:1761, 1762
automobiles and, 1:149
Van Gogh and, 5:2401 professions and, 4:1881
beards and, 1:190–191
Gaulard-Gibbs transformer, 3:1116 propriety and, 3:1438–1439, 1439
body and, 1:251
Gaulle, Edme, 4:2043 prostitution and, 4:1883–1886
Gaumont, Léon, 3:1397 bourgeois domesticity and, 1:287;
role resistance, 2:942
Gaumont company, 1:442; 3:1483 2:943
Romanticism and, 4:2029
Gauner (criminal type), 2:572 Catholicism and, 1:379, 383
Sand and, 4:2084
Gautier, Théophile, 3:1432, 1577; Chartism and, 1:418
sewing and, 4:2158–2159
4:2182; 5:2314 church attendance and, 4:1893–1894
civil society and, 1:466, 467 sexual double standard and, 1:469;
Baudelaire essay on, 1:188
2:797, 798, 804, 947; 3:1471
hashish and, 2:687 criminality theories and, 2:574;
3:1372 sports and, 4:2245–2246
Gavarni, Paul, 2:586
Gaveaux, Pierre, 3:1673 Davies’s equality belief and, 2:626 teachers and, 2:724
Gay, Jean-Baptiste-Sylvère, 2:847 Decadence and, 2:632 two-sex model of, 3:1470
Gay, Jules, 4:1836 definition of, 2:941 university admission and, 2:728
gay culture. See homosexuality and dimorphism and, 2:798, 802, voluntary associations and, 1:116
lesbianism 942–949; 3:1470, 1471 white-collar workers and, 1:473
gay liberation movement, 2:1086 division of labor and, 3:1450, 1452, working class and, 2:943, 944;
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 2:1096 1453, 1455, 1471 3:1741; 5:2487–2488
Gay Science, The (Nietzsche), 3:1631, See also feminism; masculinity;
as Doyle issue, 2:680
1632, 1635 separate spheres; women
dueling code and, 2:695, 696
gay studies, 4:2297 gene, coining of term, 2:653
Gazette de France (newspaper), 4:1869 educational opportunity and, 2:719,
Genealogy of Morals, The (Nietzsche),
Gazette de Leyde (newspaper), 4:1867, 721, 723
1:64; 3:1633
1868 educational path and, 2:724, 725
General Act of the Berlin Conference
Gazette des femmes (newspaper), 2:803 equality vs. differences and, 2:801 of 1885, 1:221–223, 308; 3:1173
Gazette médicale de Paris (periodical), factory work and, 1:474 General Act of the Brussels Conference
4:1913 family roles and, 3:1450, 1453, 1471 Relative to the African Slave Trade
gazettes. See press and newspapers fashion and, 4:2158 of 1890, 1:309
Gazza ladra, La (Rossini), 4:2038 fin de siècle tensions and, 2:816, General Agreement on Trade and
Gdańsk, 4:1808 947–949; 3:1472 Tariffs, 2:512
GDP (gross domestic product) French workforce and, 2:697 General Association of German
contrasting European per capita levels homosexual identity concerns and, Workers, 3:1289
of, 1:350, 350 2:816 General Board of Health (Britain),
protectionism and, 2:513, 514 homosexuals and lesbians and, 1:325, 402; 4:1912
Second Industrial Revolution growth 2:1082–1086 General Confederation of Labor
per capita, 1:352 Ibsens Doll’s House and, 2:942; (France), 1:59, 60, 61; 3:1217,
Gebhardt, Willabald, 3:1666 3:1108, 1473 1218, 1289, 1292; 4:2298, 2299;
Gedichte (Fonante), 2:828 imperialism and, 3:1472 5:2491
Geer, Louis de, 4:2283–2284 General Confederation of Labor
impressionist painting and, 3:1130
Geiger, Theodor, 1:106 (Italy), 1:61; 3:1202, 1289;
inheritance laws and, 287
Geist (Hegelian concept), 2:1052 4:2299
labor movements and, 3:1288, 1292 General German Workers Congress
Geistliche Lieder (Novalis), 3:1647
Geliebte von Elftausend Mädchen law practice and, 2:726 (1848), 3:1287
(Althing), 4:1834 leisure and, 3:1325 General Jewish Workers Union. See
Gellner, Ernest, 3:1607 literacy and, 2:274, 719, 723; Bund, Jewish
Geman Romanticism, national culture 3:1363, 1363; 4:1822, 1868 General Nicolas Guye (Goya), 2:997
and, 3:1523 London cultural life and, 3:1378 General Postal Union (Bern, 1874),
Gem company, 4:2113 manners and, 3:1438–1439 3:1173

2640 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

General School Ordinance of 1774 Geneviève, Saint, 4:1760 London urban development and,
(Austria), 2:723 Genga, Annibale della. See Leo XII 3:1375
General Service Enlistment Act of Genghis Khan, 2:773 mental instability of, 2:1000
1856 (India), 4:2140 Genius of Christianity, The (Génie du Pitt the Younger and, 5:2321,
general staff (army), 1:96 Christianisme, Le; 2460–2461
general strikes, 1:62; 4:2267–2268, Chateaubriand), 1:420; 4:2030 George IV, king of Great Britain,
2298–2299, 2300; 5:2390 Genoa, 4:2000 2:953–955, 954; 5:2471
Belgium and, 1:203, 204; 3:1293 harbor, 1:448 Cruikshank caricatures of, 2:585–586
British first planned (1842), 3:1284 Mazzini and, 3:1479 death of, 2:1003
Italy and, 3:1504 Piedmont-Savoy and, 3:1193; divorce suit of, 1:302, 489, 490;
Russia and, 4:1974, 1977–1978, 4:1785, 1786 2:585–586, 954; 4:1834
2055–2056 as republic, 3:1191, 1584, 1599; Jenner and, 3:1224
St. Petersburg and, 2:823 4:2188 London development and, 3:1375
for suffrage, 3:1293; 4:2268 sister republics and, 4:2001, 2188 Luddism and, 3:1391
General Theory (Keynes), 2:1076 genocide
Nash architectural designs and,
general theory of relativity, 3:1409 Armenian, 1:2, 90, 92 3:1602
General Treaty and Convention of Nazi ‘‘racial hygiene’’ and, 2:928 Scotland and, 4:2121
Commerce and Navigation Gens de justice, Les (Daumier), 2:621 Scott and, 4:2123
(1856), 3:1548 Gensonné, Armand, 2:973 George IV (Lawrence), 2:954
General Union of Carpenters and Gentile, Giovanni, 2:584, 585 George V, king of Great Britain, 1:42,
Joiners, 3:1284 Gentiloni, Ottorino, 4:2025 114–115; 3:1624; 5:2415, 2472
General Union of Spinners, 3:1284 Gentiloni, Vincenzo, 2:972 father Edward VII and, 2:730, 1011
General Union of Workers (Spain), Gentiloni Pact (1913), 2:972 Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel
3:1289 ‘‘gentlemanliness’’ theory, 1:485 (Schlesinger), 2:1052
general will (Rousseau theory), 3:1603 gentlemen’s clubs, 4:1966 Georgia (Russia), 4:2164, 2257
Generation of 1870 (Portugal), gentry, 1:80, 83, 84–85, 86 Georg-Speyer House (Frankfurt),
4:1840 leisure and, 3:1323 2:735
Generation of 1898, 2:949–952 Gentz, Friedrich von, 2:540 Gerdt, Pavel, 4:1750
Generelle Morphologie der Organismen Gény, François, 3:1315 Gerhardt, Charles-Frédéric,
(Haeckel), 2:1031 geodesy, 4:1921 1:425–426
genero chico, 3:1414 Geographical Distribution of Animals, geriatrics. See old age
genetics The (Wallace), 5:2438 Géricault, Théodore, 1:285, 333;
criminality theories and, 2:573–574; geography, 2:784, 1097 2:640, 955–956, 956; 4:1705
3:1371 Geological Society of London, 2:1102; Gerke, Anton, 3:1575
de Vries plant breeding and, 3:1376, 1401, 1402 Gerlach, Ernst Ludwig von, 1:233,
2:652–653 Geologic Map of England and Wales 234; 2:876
eugenics and, 2:637, 769–770, 927 with Part of Scotland (Smith), Gerlach, Joseph von, 1:340, 341
evolution theories and, 2:618, 4:2113 Gerlach, Leopold von, 1:233, 234;
778–779 geology, 4:2113 2:876
Galton theories and, 2:927, 928; Agassiz and, 1:22–23 Germ (Pre-Raphaelite journal), 4:1864
4:1922 age of earth and, 2:615, 776 Germaine Lacerteux (Goncourt
gene theory and, 2:653 Cuvier and, 2:599 brothers), 2:991
Humboldt (Alexander) and, 2:1097 German Anthropological Society,
Lamarck and, 2:615, 637, 777–779,
Kelvin and, 3:1250 5:2425
928; 3:1302
German Army League, 3:1546
Mendel and, 2:652, 769–770, 778; Lyell and, 2:615; 3:1401–1402
German Brethren, 2:960
3:1484–1486 geometry, 2:883
German Casino (Prague), 4:1858
statistical laws and, 4:1922 geopolitics, 3:1357
German Center Party. See Center Party
Geneva, Republic of, 4:2288 George, Stefan, 3:1529; 4:2102
German Colonial League, 2:967
Geneva Convention (1864), George I, king of Greece, 2:1021,
German Communist Party, 2:1071;
2:952–953; 3:1173 1022
amendments (1906, 1929, 1949), George III, king of Great Britain,
German Confederation. See Germany;
2:953; 3:1175 1:246; 3:1224; 5:2411, 2470
specific members
protocols (1977), 2:963 China and, 1:432, 433 German Customs Union. See
Red Cross and, 3:1650; Fox and, 2:839, 840, 1001 Zollverein
4:1948–1950 George IV regency and, 2:953, 954 German Democratic Party, 1:189
Geneva First International Congress Irish emancipation and, 1:373; German Dictionary (Grimm brothers),
(1872), 2:825 2:1000 2:1024

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2641

German expressionism. See German Sonderweg, 1:106 Treitschke and, 5:2352–2353

expressionism German unification, 1:47–48, 98, 217, wars of.See Austro-Prussian War;
German Fatherland Party, 5:2313 262; 2:962–967, 964; 4:2242 Danish-German War; Franco-
German Football Association, 2:834 Bavaria and, 3:1383 Prussian War
German Grammar (J. Grimm), 2:1024 Bismarck and, 1:233, 235–237; William I and, 3:1383; 4:1903;
German Gymnast Society, 1:118 2:526, 662, 874, 962–967; 5:2467
German History in the Nineteenth 3:1198, 1383, 1523, 1605; William II and, 2:966–969
Century (Treitschke), 5:2353 4:1902–1903 German Union for Women’s Suffrage,
German Ideology, The (Marx and commercial union as first step in, 4:2280
Engels), 2:755; 4:2203 2:512 German Women’s League, 2:967
German Imperial Statistical Yearbook, Concert of Europe and, 2:526 Germany, 2:957–970; 4:1967, 1972,
5:2335 conservative nationalism and, 2:566; 1985
German Internists’ Congress, 2:735 3:1605 Action Française parallels in, 2:542
German Jurists, 2:962 counterrevolution and, 2:567 African colonies, 1:20, 222, 240,
German language
Crimean War and, 2:580 256; 3:1116, 1125
academic nationalism and, 2:960
cultural unification and, aging population in, 3:1662, 1664
Austria-Hungary and, 1:138–139, 3:1522–1523 Agricultural Revolution and, 2:762,
142, 143; 2:865; 3:1525
Czechs and, 4:1860 960; 3:1160
Baltic nobility and, 2:818–819
dueling craze and, 2:696 agricultural workers and, 1:24; 2:960
Bohemian Lands and, 1:259,
economic growth and, 2:967 Alexander III policies and, 1:40, 41
261–262; 4:1856, 1859,
fin de siècle power of, 2:815 alliance system and, 1:47–50, 146;
as Franco-Prussian War outcome, 2:663–664
cultural nationalism and, 3:1523
1:171; 2:964 Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:50, 51–52
Grimms Law and, 2:1024
Frankfurt Parliament and, 2:870–872 Andreas-Salomé and, 1:63–65
Kafka’s writings in, 3:3.1242
Frederick III and, 2:874 Anneke and, 1:66–67
Marx’s writings in, 3:1466
Frederick William IV and, 2:962 anticlericalism and, 1:69–70, 382,
Polish partition and, 1:239;
Gagern and, 2:923, 924 388; 2:966; 3:1277–1279
4:1812–1813, 1818
German Empire proclamation and, anti-Semitism and, 1:71–72, 74, 75,
German Legends (Grimm brothers),
2:964, 965; 4:1903 77, 82; 2:689, 815; 3:1233;
global power-politics and, 2:967 5:2353, 2472–2473
German Medical Weekly, 1:341
international law and, 3:1174 architecture in, 4:2030
German Navy League, 2:967
German Nurses’ Asociation, 3:1650 John of Austria and, 3:1236 aristocracy and, 1:82, 83, 84, 85,
German opera, 3:1673, 1674–1675 Kulturkampf and, 3:1277–1280; 87, 471
Bayreuth and, 1:403, 404; 3:1383, 4:1903 army system and, 1:94, 96, 97, 98,
1567, 1571, 1635, 1674 liberals and, 3:1346 99; 2:696
Singspiel and, 3:1673, 1674 Moltke and, 3:1531, 1532 artisans and, 1:105, 106–107, 459;
German Peace Society, 4:2282 monetary union and, 3:1537, 1538 2:960
German philosophy. See philosophy See also Zollverein art nouveau in, 1:108, 112, 152;
German Popular Stories (Taylor Poland and, 4:1809, 1812–1813, 2:815
translation), 2:1023 1818, 1993 Augspurg and, 1:128–130
German Racial Hygiene Society, 2:769 Polish territory and, 4:1809, Austria and, 1:10, 11, 141, 143, 147,
German Requiem (Brahms), 3:1571 1812–1813, 1818 148; 2:703–704, 863, 864, 958,
German Romance (Carlyle), 1:370 population increase and, 4:1829 962; 5:2355
German Romanticism, 4:2195 Prague Slav Congress as response to, automobiles and, 1:148, 150; 5:2352
Berlin and, 1:215 4:1861, 1862 avant-garde and, 1:154–156
Fichte and, 2:814 proclamation of (1871), 4:1903 Baltic provinces and, 2:821, 822
Frederick William IV and, 2:876–877 Prussia and, 2:871, 924, 962–967; banking in, 1:17, 83–84, 172,
Friedrich and, 2:910–912; 4:1703 4:1899, 1901, 1902–1903 174–175, 176, 216–217; 2:965
Goethe and, 2:985 Prussian authoritarianism and, baths and spas and, 5:2327
Heine and, 2:1055–1057 3:1523 Bäumer and, 1:188–190
Jena Circle and, 3:1647–1648 Prussian defeat of Austria (1866) and, Bebel and, 1:194–195
national culture and, 3:1523 1:393; 2:964; 4:1902 Beethoven and, 1:195–199; 3:1570
Novalis and, 3:1647–1648 Prussian dominance and, 4:1903 Belgium invasion by, 1:199, 205
German Social Democratic Pary. See Revolutions of 1848 and, 2:567; Berlin as capital of, 1:217–220
Social Democratic Party 4:1992–1993, 1995 Berlin Conference and, 1:221
(Germany) Schleswig-Holstein and, 2:648 Bernstein and, 1:230–231

2642 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Bethmann Hollweg chancellorship cycling and, 2:602 gymnastics movement in, 1:118;
and, 1:232 Decadence and, 2:633 4:2241–2242, 2243, 2245
Bismarck and, 1:84, 233–241; degeneration and, 2:769 Haeckel and, 2:1031–1032
2:525, 662, 966 Denmark and. See Danish-German War Hague Convention critique by,
bourgeoisie in, 1:106–107, 286, department stores in, 2:551 2:1035
471, 473 Dilthey and, 2:660–661 Hegel and, 2:1051–1054
Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292–294 Dohm and, 2:675–676 Heine and, 2:1055–1057
Brahms and, 1:294–296; dramatists in, 3:1108 Hellenism and, 4:1769, 1770
3:1570–1571 dress reform and, 1:485 Helmholtz and, 2:1057–1058
British naval power and, 2:681, drinking culture of, 1:34, 35, 36 Herder and, 2:1059–1062
682–683, 1013; 3:1609–1611; dueling in, 2:695, 696; 3:1472 Hertz and, 2:1062–1063
5:2312 Hirschfeld and, 2:1069–1071
Durkheim’s university studies in,
bureaucracy in, 1:323–324; 4:1880 2:698 historiography and, 2:1072–1073,
business firms and, 1:330; 2:711 economic growth and, 1:40–41, 1074
cabarets and, 1:335–336 47–48, 331, 351; 2:960, 967, 969 Hölderlin and, 2:1077–1079
Caillaux’s negotiations with, 1:339 education and, 1:286; 2:723–724 imperialism and, 1:20, 222, 240,
canals in, 5:2350 Ehrlich and, 2:734–736 256, 339, 403; 2:506, 967,
Carlsbad Decrees and, 4:1971, 1972 elected assemblies in, 1:290 967–968; 3:1116, 1120, 1121,
Catholicism and, 1:377, 380, emigrants from, 1:351; 2:506, 646, 1122, 1125, 1545–1546; 5:2353
383–384; 2:960; 4:1721; 5:2467, 748, 960 industrial electricity and, 2:741
2469, 2472–2474, 2489 ‘‘encirclement’’ fears of, 1:48, 49; industrialization of, 1:47–48, 329,
Catholic political activity and, 2:526, 527; 3:1545–1546, 1549 330, 350, 351, 355, 357; 4:2179;
1:388–389, 393–394; 2:966 Engels and, 2:754–756 5:2524, 2525–2526
Cavour’s relations with, 2:583 engineering training in, 2:759 industrial/manufacturing exhibitions
censorship in, 1:336, 368, 370; of, 5:2493
established church in, 4:1895
2:959; 3:1494; 4:1869, 1870 Industrial Revolution (first) in, 1:351
eugenics and, 2:769–770
Center Party in, 1:82, 388, 393–395; Industrial Revolution (second)
expressionism and, 3:1530
5:2469, 2472–2474, 2489 leadership of, 1:330–331,
factory housing in, 2:1088
chemistry in, 1:425, 426, 427; 351–352
Febronianism in, 4:1721
3:1159–1160 industrial towns in, 1:445
feminism in, 1:129, 188–190;
child labor and, 4:1830 infant mortality rate in, 4:1829
2:675–676, 803–804, 946, 947;
child-study movement and, 1:428 intellectuals and, 3:1167
China and, 1:435 international law textbooks and,
Fichte and, 2:813–814
cholera epidemics and, 1:436, 438; 3:1175
fin de siècle mood of, 2:815
2:669 iron production in, 1:329
Fontane and, 2:828–830
Christian Democrats and, 4:2209 iron protectionism and, 2:967
football (soccer) in, 2:833–834
Christian Socialism and, 4:2208 Italy and, 4:2098; 5:2377
forestry and, 2:763
cinema in, 4:1824 Japan and, 3:1210, 1212; 4:2171
Forty-Eighters from, 1:66; 2:962
city government and, 1:449–450 Jewish cultural identity and, 3:1232
France and, 5:2311
Civil Code (1900) of, 3:1314 Jewish emancipation in, 3:1225,
Frankfurt Parliament and,
civil society and, 1:466 1227, 1229
2:870–872, 961–962
class structure in, 1:106–107 Jews in, 1:73, 84, 217; 3:1228,
Frederick III and, 2:873–874
1229, 1231, 1232, 1233; 5:2353,
coal production in, 1:352, 485, Freemasons and, 2:877, 881 2472–2473
486–487, 488; 2:967 French rivalry with, 1:232; 2:590 Kierkegaard’s influence in, 3:1253
coffee consumption in, 1:494 Friedrich and, 2:910–912; 4:1703 Koch and, 3:1262–1264
commercial policy of, 2:512, 516, 517 Gagern and, 2:923–924 Krafft-Ebing and, 3:1270–1271
common currency in, 1:171 gender hierarchy in, 2:947 Krupp and, 3:1273–1276, 1274
Congress of Berlin and, 2:530 German Confederation ending and, Krupp steel empire and,
Congress of Vienna and, 2:533, 958 2:964; 4:1902 3:1273–1276
constitutional movements in, German Confederation founding Kulturkampf and, 3:1277–1280,
1:457, 459 and, 1:262; 2:533, 875, 958 1329; 4:1719, 1720, 1723, 1795;
corporations in, 1:355; 2:711 Goethe and, 2:982–987 5:2353, 2425, 2473
cotton production in, 1:329 Greek Revival style in, 4:1769 labor movements in, 3:1285–1291,
credit cooperatives in, 2:556 Grimm brothers and, 2:1023–1024 1293, 1294, 1310–1311; 5:2484,
criminality theory and, 2:572–573 guild continuance in, 1:105, 106 2487, 2489–2492

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2643

landed elite in, 1:469 obscenity codes and, 4:1833–1834 Schleswig-Holstein and, 2:607–609,
Lasker-Schüler and, 3:1309–1310 opera and, 3:1567, 1673, 648
Lassalle and, 3:1310–1311 1674–1675 Schlieffen Plan and, 4:1937,
law and, 3:1314, 1315 Otto and, 3:1680–1681 2098–2099
law education in, 2:726 painting and, 4:910–912, 911, Schnitzler’s view of, 4:2100
liberalism and, 3:1346–1347 1703, 1711 Schopenhauer and, 4:2103–2106
liberal reformists and, 1:457; papal infallibility doctrime and, science and technology in,
2:959–960, 961 4:1722, 1723 4:2111–2112
libraries and, 3:1350, 1352 parent-child relations in, seaside resorts in, 4:2124,
Liebknecht and, 3:1355–1356 3:1454–1455 2125, 2126
Liebermann and, 3:1353–1355 parks in, 4:1738, 1740–1751 Second International and, 4:2127,
List and, 3:1356–1357 phrenology and, 4:1776 2128, 2129
literacy in, 2:720; 4:1822, 1868 pilgrimages and, 4:1788 serf emancipation and, 4:1754
literary naturalism and, 1:219 Planck and, 4:1798–1800 settlement colonies of, 2:504
Lutheranism in, 4:1892, 1895 pogroms and, 4:1802 Siemens and, 4:2178–2180
machine breaking in, 3:1411, 1412; Poland and, 1:315 Simmel and, 4:2183–2184, 2215
4:2264 police system in, 4:1814–1815 Social Democrats and, 3:1292;
Mann and, 3:1434–1437 political clubs in, 4:1991, 1995 4:2127, 2128, 2129, 2205;
as Marx’s target, 3:1466 poor relief in, 4:1850–1851, 1854 5:2469, 2473, 2484, 2485, 2487,
Maurras’s screed against, 3:1476, 1477 population of, 2:960, 967 2490, 2492
Menzel and, 3:1488–1490 postal service in, 4:1937 social insurance in, 1:239, 291, 321,
mesmerism in, 3:491 professional certification in, 1:285; 356, 459; 2:540, 966; 3:1664;
Metternich and, 3:1494 4:1879–1880 4:1915
migration and, 3:1111, 1113 professionals in, 4:1878, 1881 socialism and, 1:194–195, 230–231;
militarism and, 1:41 3:1310–1311, 1399–1400;
prostitution in, 4:1883, 1884
monetary systems and, 3:1535–1538 4:2127, 2128, 2129, 2203, 2205;
protectionism and, 4:1889
5:2473, 2489, 2490–2491
monetary union. See Zollverein Protestant missions and, 3:1527
Moroccan Crises and, 2:663; Socialist Party strength in, 3:1293
Protestant population of, 4:1890,
3:1545–1546, 1549; 5:2312 sociology and, 4:2212–2215
1890, 1892, 1892, 1895
mortality rate decline in, 2:762 sodomy law in, 2:1083
psychological research tradition of,
music and, 3:1569, 1570–1571, spiritualism and, 4:2237, 2238
1572, 1670 sports in, 4:2241–2246
public health interventions in,
mutual aid societies in, 3:1284 4:1913–1914 statistical study and, 4:2248, 2250
Napoleon and, 2:901, 902–903, race and racism and, 4:1927 steamships and, 5:2350
957–958; 3:1319–1322, 1597, railroads and, 2:764; 4:1933–1937 steel industry and, 2:967; 3:1158,
1599 1159, 1159, 1273–1276, 1274
Ranke and, 4:1939–1941
national debt and, 2:968 strikes in, 3:1288, 1289; 4:2266,
Red Cross and, 4:1949
national identity and, 3:1522–1523 2268
revolutionary right and, 2:542
nationalism and, 1:84, 368–369, submarine warfare and, 1:232
Revolution of 1830 and, 1:370, 457;
402; 2:542, 607, 662, 814, subways in, 4:2271–2273
2:923, 959; 4:1984, 1985, 1986
870–871, 923–924, 958, suffrage in, 1:203, 290; 4:2279,
960–961; 3:1523, 1635, 1675; Revolution of 1848 and, 2:567, 870,
923, 924, 961–962; 3:1412; 2280; 5:2490
4:1992–1993, 2131; symbolism and, 3:1529
5:2352–2353, 2472 4:1987, 1990–1994, 1995
Romanies and, 4:2021, 2023–2024 syndicalism and, 1:61
natural history museums and, 3:1563
Romanticism and, 4:2028, 2030, telephone service in, 4:1937; 5:2308
naval buildup and, 2:967, 968;
3:1609–1611 2195 temperance movement in and, 1:36;
Rothschilds and, 4:2039, 2040, 2041 4:1896
naval rivalry with Britain and, 2:681,
682–683, 1013; 3:1609–1611; Russia and, 2:968; 4:2054, 2059, Third Reich and, 4:2021, 2023
5:2312 2070, 2098–2099; 5:2478 Three Emperors’ League and,
newspapers and, 4:1867, 1868, San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2086 2:703–704; 3:1690
1869, 1870 Schelling and, 4:2087–2089 Tirpitz and, 5:2312–2313, 2353
Nietzsche and, 3:1628–1636 Schinkel and, 4:2091–2094 tobacco and, 5:2313
Novalis and, 3:1647–1648 Schlegel (August) and, 4:2094–2096 tourism and, 5:2327
nursing and hospitals in, 3:1648, Schleiermacher and, 4:2095, trade and, 5:2335–2338, 2340, 2343
1649, 1650 2096–2098; 5:2381 Treitschke and, 5:2352–2353

2644 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Triple Alliance and, 1:48, 166, 239; Lister antisepsis measures and, Gianni Schicchi (Puccini), 4:1916
2:526, 965; 3:1200; 4:2017 3:1358–1359; 4:1744, 1745 Gianour, The (Byron), 1:332
Triple Intervention of 1895 and, Pasteur and, 4:1742, 1743–1744 Gibbon, Edward, 2:1051
4:2064 public health and, 4:1914 Gibraltar, 2:780; 4:1713
tuberculosis treatment and, 5:2361 See also bacteriology; vaccination Gibraltar, Straits of, 3:1548
Ulrichs and, 5:2375–2377 Gerome, Jean-Leon, 2:940 Gide, André, 1:184; 2:679; 4:2295
gerontocracy, 3:1663–1664 Gide, Charles, 2:555, 556
unification of. See German unification
Gershuni, Grigory A., 4:2210 Gids (Dutch review), 3:1619
universities and, 2:728; 5:2378,
Gerstl, Richard, 4:2102 Gierke, Otto von, 3:1315
Gesamtkunstwerk, 4:2294 Gifford, Emma Lavinia, 2:1045
urban development and, 1:452
Giftas trial, 4:2268
urbanization of, 1:443 art nouveau and, 1:108, 112
gig mill, 3:1410
vaccination requirements in, 4:2198 Wagner and, 1:11; 3:1674
Gilbert, William, 3:1661
Virchow and, 5:2425–2426 ‘‘Gesand der Geister über den
Gilbert and Sullivan, 5:2464
voluntary associations and, 1:116, Wassern’’ (Goethe), 2:984
Gilbert-Martin, 1:352
117, 118, 119 Gesangbuch (Novalis), 3:1647
Gil Blas (periodical), 2:795
Wagner and, 3:1567, 1674–1675; Geschichte der Baukunst (Kugler),
Gilchrist, Percy, 3:1158
5:2429–2431 1:318
Gillot, Hendrik, 1:63
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache
waterway transport in, 5:2348, 2350 Gillray, James, 1:29
(J. Grimm), 2:1024
weaponry and, 1:99 Gilly, David, 4:2091
Geschichte der neueven Baukunst: Die
Weber and, 5:2446–2448 Gilly, Friedrich, 4:2091
Renaissance in Italien
Weimar Republic and, 5:2446 Gimeno de Flaquer, Concepción de,
(Burckhardt), 1:318
welfare initiatives in, 3:1664; 2:952
Geschichte Friedrichs des Grossen
5:2450–2456, 2490 gin, 1:34, 35
(Kugler), Menzel drawings for,
William I and, 5:2325, 2467, 2468 Ginzberg, Asher (Ahad Haam),
William II and, 2:663; 5:2312, 2382, 5:2521
Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald
2415, 2467, 2468–2470, 2474 Gioberti, Vincenzo, 1:382; 3:1195,
(Strauss), 4:2260
1334, 1480; 4:1796, 2002
Windthorst and, 5:2471–2474 Geschlecht und Charakter: Eine
Gioia, Melchiorre, 3:1192
women’s suffrage and, 4:2280 prinzipielle Untersuchung
(Weininger), 5:2448, 2449 Giolitti, Giovanni, 2:609, 610,
women university students in, 2:945 971–973; 3:1201–1202, 1203
women workers in, 5:2487 ‘‘Geschwister’’ (Andreas-Salomé), 1:65
Gesellius, Herman, 1:113 Kuliscioff and, 3:1276–1277
worker housing in, 2:1089
Gespäche mit Eckermann in den Letzten labor movements and, 5:2491
working class in, 5:2484, 2485,
Jahren seines Lebens (Goethe), liberalism and, 2:973; 3:1349
2487, 2489–2492
2:987 Roman Question and, 4:2025
world’s fairs and, 5:2495, 2498,
Gesselschaft der Musikfreunde, 3:1565 Sicilian Fasci and, 4:2174
2502, 2503
Getting Married (Strindberg), 4:2268 Turati and, 5:2363–2364
World War I and, 3:1508;
Gettysburg, Battle of (1863), 1:148 Giorno di regno, Un (Verdi), 5:2406
5:2312–2313, 2343
Gevorg (George) V, Catholicos, 1:89 Giotto, 2:634
World War I origins and, 2:663–664,
Gewandhaus Orchestra (Leipzig), Giovine Italia. See Young Italy
705, 968–969
3:1568 Giovine Italia (journal), 5:2514
World War I reparations and, Gewerbesteueredikt (1810), 2:1042 Gippius, Zinaida, 4:2181–2182,
4:1806 Geyer, Ludwig, 5:2429 2183
Wundt and, 5:2506–2508 Ghana, 1:13 Gir, Charles Felix, 1:69
Young Hegelians and, 5:2511–2513 Ghaznavids, 4:2022 Giradengo, Costante, 2:602
Young Turks and, 1:278 Ghent, 1:200, 201, 202, 203 Giraldez, Arturo, 3:1151
Zollverein and, 1:171; 3:1357; Ghent, Treaty of (1814), 5:2440 Girardin, Émile de, 1:421; 4:2013
5:2524–2526 ghetto, Jewish, 3:1227, 1525; 4:1718, Girardin, Saint-Mark, 1:227
See also Bavaria; Berlin; Hamburg; 1797 Giraud, Maximin, 4:1788
Holy Roman Empire; Prussia; Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 4:2008 Girault, Charles-Louis, 5:2504
other specific cities and states Ghil, René, 4:2294 Girieud, Pierre, 1:155
Germany and the Next War (book), Ghosts (Ibsen), 3:1108, 1109 Girl Guides, 1:160; 4:2082
4:1826 Ghost Sonata, The (Strindberg), 4:2269 Girlhood of Mary Virgin (D. G.
Germany Society of the Divine Word, Gia Dinh Bao (Vietnamese Rossetti), 4:1863–1864
1:292 newspaper), 3:1141 Girl of Chioggia Dreaming of Her
Germinal (Zola), 5:2524 Giaimo, Nunzio, 4:2174 Loves, A (Naya), 2:946
germ theory of disease, 3:1164; Gia-Long, 3:1137, 1138, 1141, 1145 Girl of the Golden West (Belasco),
4:2113, 2114, 2135 Giambi ed epodi (Carducci), 1:362 4:1916

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2645

Girls in the Garden of an Orphanage in in Peel cabinet, 2:1004, 1007 Gmelin, Leopold, 3:1160
Amsterdam (Liebermann), 2:796; reform agenda of, 2:11, 976, 978, Gobat, Charles Albert, 4:1697
3:1354 1008, 1009–1010 Gobineau, Arthur de, 1:74, 403
Girodet Roucy, Anne-Louis, 3:1165 Sudan and, 2:734 Goblet, René, 1:279
Giro d’Italia, 2:602 Godet, Henri, 4:2042
suffrage expansion and, 2:977, 1008
Girondins, 2:973–974 Godet, Mireille, 4:2042
‘‘Gladstone on Church and State’’
executions of, 2:892, 974 Godin, Jean-Baptiste, 2:838
(Macaulay), 3:1408
federalist revolt and, 2:799–800, ‘‘God is dead’’ (Nietzsche dictum),
Glasgow, 4:2117, 2119, 2119, 2121
974; 3:1403 3:1629–1631
art nouveau and, 1:112
French Revolutionary Wars and, Gödöllö Workshops (Budapest), 1:112
commercial growth of, 1:304 Godoy, Manuel de, 2:808, 902, 997,
2:844; 3:1339 population of, 1:446; 2:1087 998; 4:1763, 1764, 2225
indictment of Marat by, 3:1443 slum photographs of, 4:1772 Godwin, William, 1:56, 57, 244;
Jacobins vs., 2:610, 612, 799, 844, spiritualist societies in, 4:2237 2:980–982, 1000; 3:1425
891; 3:1205
subway in, 4:2272 daughter Mary Shelley and, 4:2168,
Paine and, 4:1700
world’s fairs and, 5:2504, 2169
Reign of Terror and, 4:1952 2505, 2506 as O’Connell influence,
republicanism and, 4:1960 See also University of Glasgow 3:1654–1655
Robespierre and, 4:2006, 2007 Glasgow Weekly Mail (periodical), wife Wollstonecraft and, 5:2480
sister republics and, 4:2187 2:1043 Goeben (German battle cruiser), 1:278
Girton College (Cambridge), founding glass industry Goegg, Marie, 4:1696
of, 2:625, 626 art nouveau design, 1:108, 111, 113 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 2:660,
Giselle (ballet), 4:1750 French factories and, 2:792 678, 743, 982–987, 984, 1078
Gissing, George, 2:589, 974–976; Murano spinners, 3:1202 as Carlyle influence, 1:370
4:1844, 1871 Chamberlain’s (Houston)
See also stained glass
Gittings, Robert, 2:1045 interpretation of, 1:403–404
Glauben und Liebe (Novalis), 3:1647
Giverny, 3:1535, 1536 as Delacroix influence, 2:640
Glazunov, Alexander, 2:654; 4:1957,
Gizzi, Pasquale, 4:1796
1999 dueling defended by, 2:694
Gladstone, Catherine Glynne, 2:977
Gleaners, The (Millet), 1:179; 3:1515, Friedrich and, 2:910
Gladstone, Mary, 1:7
1516 Haeckel and, 2:1031, 1032
Gladstone, William, 2:976–979;
Gleanings in Bee Culture (journal), Ibsen as influence on, 3:1108
4:2118; 5:2322, 2414, 2490
1:30 as Jung influence, 3:1238
Acton friendship with, 1:6, 7 Gleichheit (socialist journal), 1:11
Asquith and, 1:114; 2:1012 as Mann influence, 3:1436
Gleizes, Albert, 1:156, 214; 2:590,
Bourbon critique by, 3:1581 Menzel lithographs and, 3:1489
591, 593
Chamberlain (Joseph) challenge Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1513
Glen, Heather, 1:302
to, 1:405 Gleyre, Charles, 3:1534; 4:1954 nature studies of, 2:986, 1031
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty and, 1:492 glial cells, 1:341 Rank and, 4:1938
Disraeli rivalry with, 2:673, 977 Glidden, Joseph Farwell, 4:2108 Romanticism and, 2:985; 4:2027,
gliders, 1:30 2028, 2030
Eastern Question and, 2:703, 1009
Glinka, Mikhail, 2:979–980; 3:1579, Schelling and, 4:2088
on Frederick III, 2:873
1673 Schlegel’s reviews of, 4:2094–2095
gerontocracy and, 3:1664
globalization, 3:1151–1152, 1155, as Schubert inspiration, 4:2106
governments of, 2:1008,
1158 secularization viewed by, 4:2133
1009–1010, 1011
agriculture and, 4:1936 Goethe (H. Chamberlain), 1:403
international law and, 3:1174
effects of, 5:2342, 2343 Goethe in the Roman Campagna
Irish Home Rule and, 2:978, 1010,
monetary unions and, 3:1537–1538 (Tischbein the Elder), 2:984
1011; 3:1181, 1184; 4:1742
Globe, Le (journal), 2:1029 Gogh, Vincent van. See Van Gogh,
Irish Land Act and, 3:1181; 4:1741 Vincent
Gloeden, Wilhelm von, 4:2177
Labour Party pact of, 3:1296 Gogol, Nikolai, 2:678, 988–989;
Glorious Revolution of 1688, 2:839,
on Leopardi’s poetic work, 3:1334 4:1756
1001; 5:2321
liberalism and, 3:1345, 1348 Belinsky critique of, 1:208
Ireland and, 3:1176
Mill’s (John Stuart) support for, 3:1513 Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 3:173, Bely writings on, 1:210
Neapolitan political prisoners and, 1661, 1670 on Pushkin, 4:1920
3:1255 Glückliche Hand, Die, (Schoenberg), on St. Petersburg, 4:2076
Palmerston and, 4:1713 4:2103 Turgenev and, 5:2365
on papal infallibility, 4:1722, 1896 Glucksberg dynasty, 2:1021 goguettes, 5:2486
Parnell and, 4:1741, 1742 Glyn, Elinor, 2:598 Gökap, Mehmet Ziya, 3:1690

2646 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

gold Gordon, Charles, 2:734; 4:2259 grain

Australia and, 1:134, 135; 2:780 Gordon, George. See Byron, George anti-threshing machine riots and,
as basis of nations wealth, 2:515; Gordon 1:357, 358–359; 3:1411
4:1887 Gordon, George Hamilton. See British Corn Laws and, 2:557–560,
as German currency basis, 1:171 Aberdeen, Lord 1004; 4:1759, 1889
mercantilism and, 2:515 Gordon, Lyndall, 5:2481 Canadian colonial trade and, 2:505
Gordon, Robert, 3:1537 as diet basis, 2:658
New Zealand and, 1622; 3:1623,
Gordon riots (1780), 1:246
1624 failed harvest of 1846 and, 4:1989
Görgey, Artúr, 3:1268, 1269
South Africa and, 1:18, 99, 256; free trade and, 4:1887
Göring, Hermann, 3:1393
2:505; 4:1997, 2223, 2224 German protectionism and, 2:967
Gorky, Maxim, 2:992–993
uniform coinage of, 3:1538 Gorosy, Antal, 4:1992 German yields of, 2:960
Gold Coast, 1:13, 19, 22 Görres, Joseph, 1:385 Hamburg as transit port for, 2:1038
Golden Age, 4:2181, 2183 Gorsas, Antonie-Joseph, 2:973, 974 peasants and, 4:1751, 1755
Golden Age, The (Ingres), 3:1165 Gosse, Edmund, 4:2296 price rise/theft link and, 2:571
Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 2:872 Göteborg, 1:35 protectionism and, 2:512, 514,
Golden Fleece (avant-garde periodical), gothic novels, 4:2030 517, 967
1:157 Gothic Revival, 4:1917–1918, 2030 Russian exports of, 1:243, 278
Golden Horde, 2:774 gothic style, 1:112, 185, 186; 4:2046;
Golden Horn, 1:278; 3:1186, 1190 as trade commodity, 5:2335–2339,
5:2422 2342, 2343
bridges on, 3:1188, 1684 Morris and, 3:1550; 4:1865
Gold Fields of South Africa Company, See also bread; Corn Laws, repeal of
Nash and, 3:1600 Grain Sifters (Courbet), 2:568
Pugin and, 4:1917, 1918 Grainstacks, The (Monet), 3:1536
Goldman, Emma, 3:1273
Gots, Mikhail R., 4:2210 Grammar of Science (Pearson), 4:2249
Goldman and Salatsch (Vienna firm), Gott, Benjamin, 4:2115
3:1381–1382 Gramsci, Antonio, 1:465, 467;
Götterdämmerung (Wagner), 3:1571, 2:1026; 5:2484
Goldoni, Carlo, 5:2402 1674
Goldsmith, Oliver, 1:327 on intellectuals, 3:1169, 1172
Göttingen Seven, 2:959, 960
gold standard, 2:709; 3:1537; Grand, Sarah, 4:2235
Göttinger, 1:457
4:2223 Grand Canal (Trieste), 5:2354, 2355
Göttinger Gelehrte Anzeigen (journal),
world trade and, 1:353, 357 Grand Duchy of Posen, 4:1808, 1809
Goldwyn, Samuel, 4:2166 Grand Duchy of Warsaw, 2:603, 958;
Gott-Natur (Theophysis) (Haeckel),
golf, 4:2240, 2243, 2245 3:1493, 1588, 1599; 5:2441
Golgi, Camillo, 1:340–341, 342 Gotto, Sybil, 2:770 establishment/liquidation of,
Golitsyn, Alexander, 2:1080 Gottschalk, Andreas, 1:66 4:1808, 1817
Golitsyn, Grigory, 1:89 Götz von Berlichingen (Goethe), 2:983 Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein, La
Golovnin, Vasily, 2:1016; 3:1209; gouache paper cut-outs (Matisse), (Offenbach), 3:1660
4:2064 3:1475 Grande Jatte, La (Seurat). See Sunday
Goluchowski, Agenor, 4:1809 Goudstrikker, Sophia, 1:129 Afternoon on the Island of La
Goluchowski-Muraviev agreement Gouges, Olympe de, 2:801, 843, 941, Grande Jatte
(1897), 2:704 993–996, 995; 4:1962 Grande Loge symbolique écossais de
Gómez Labrador, Pedro, 2:532 execution of, 2:802, 996 France: Le Droit Humain,
Goncharov, Ivan, 1:208; 2:989–990; Gould, Stephen Jay, 2:618 2:649, 881
3:1641 Gounod, Charles, 2:881; 3:1672, Grande Odalisque, The (Ingres),
Goncharova, Natalya, 1:157; 4:1920 1675; 4:2030 3:1165, 1166, 1167
Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de, Goupil and Company, 5:2399, 2400 Grande Place, La (Brussels), 1:306
1:177; 2:990–992; 5:2523 Gourmont, Rémy de, 3:1213 Grande Rue de Pera (Istanbul), 3:1190
Goncourt Academy, 2:1104 ‘‘Government’’ (Mill), 5:2394 Grandmaison, Louis de, 1:100
Góngora y Argote, Luis de, 2:951 government employees. See Grand National Assembly (Bulgaria),
Gonne, Maude, 5:2510 bureaucracy 1:312
gonorrhea, 4:2301 Government of National Defense Grand National Consolidated Trades
González Bravo, Luı́s, 4:2229, 2230 (Paris), 2:810; 4:1734 Union (Britain), 3:1284, 1286,
Gooch, Daniel, 1:304 Govoni, Corrado, 2:918 1693
Good Templars, 1:37 Gowers, William, 1:408 grand opera. See under opera
Goodwin, John, 4:2176 Goya, Francisco, 1:79; 2:996–999, Grand Palais (Paris), 5:2502, 2503,
Goodyear, Charles, 3:1160 998; 3:1433; 4:1703, 2225, 2504, 2505
Goodyear rubber, 2:588; 3:1160 2226 grandparents, 3:1663, 1664
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 2:536; 4:2196 Graham, Frank, 2:515; 4:1887 Grand Sanhedrin (France, 1807),
Gorchakov, Alexander, 2:530; 4:2067 Graham, James, 5:2322 3:1227

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2647

Grands Études d’Execution Africa and, 1:13–14, 15, 17–18, Brougham and, 1:302–303
Transcendantes (Liszt), 3:1360 19–22, 221–222; 2:663 Brunel and, 1:303–305
Grands Magasins de Louvre (Paris), afternoon tea in, 3:1439 budget deficits and, 2:1004
2:548 Agadir Crisis and, 3:1546 bureaucracy in, 1:321, 324–325
Grands Travaux (Haussmann), 1:53
aging population in, 3:1662, 1664 Burke and, 1:326–328
grand tour, 1:288, 332; 5:2326–2327,
Agricultural Revolution and, business firms in, 1:330, 355; 2:711
1:24–29; 3:1305 Butler and, 1:331–332
Grand traité d’instrumentation et
d’orchestration modernes (Berlioz), airplanes and, 1:30 Byron and, 1:332–333
1:225 alliance system and, 1:47, 48, 49; Canada and, 1:343–347
Grand Véfour (Paris restaurant), 4:1966 2:1013; 3:1546 canals and, 2:757, 763
Granet, François-Marius, 2:605 American colonies independence capitalist economic principles in,
Gran Hotel International (Barcelona), from, 2:1000 1:350
1:183 anarchists in, 1:56, 59; 3:1272 Captain Swing riots in, 1:357–359;
Granjouan, 4:1835 anticlericalism and, 1:67, 68 4:1755, 1984, 2264; 5:2485
Granovsky, Timofei, 2:1064; anti-imperialists and, 3:1182 Caribbean colonialism and, 364;
5:2459–2460 anti-Semitism in, 5:2489 1:363, 365; 2:708–709, 710
Grant, Duncan, 4:2259 antislavery movement in, 1:303, 308; Carpenter and, 1:372–373
Grant, Jane, 4:2258 4:1896, 2192, 2193; Castlereagh and, 1:373–374
Granville, Lord (George Leveson- 5:2462–2463 Catholic cathedral in, 4:1918
Gower), 3:1210
architecture in, 1:185–186; Catholic emancipation in, 1:211,
graphic arts 4:1769, 2030 381; 2:1003; 3:1177, 1345,
advertising and, 2:550 1656; 4:1757
aristocracy in, 1:78, 80, 82–86,
Beardsley and, 1:192 284, 469 Catholicism in, 3:1440–1441;
cabarets and, 1:335, 336 army system of, 1:94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 4:1895, 2118; 5:2321, 2322,
Diaghilev and, 2:654 98, 99, 100 2457, 2461, 2489
Kafka and, 3:1242 artisans and, 1:104 Chamberlain (Joseph) and,
Kandinsky and, 3:1243–1246 art nouveau and, 1:107, 109 1:404–405
Liebermann and, 3:1353–1355 Arts and Crafts movement and, Chartism and, 1:111, 414–418, 458;
posters and, 4:1845–1847 1:152, 153 2:1003; 3:1286; 4:1963, 1991,
See also caricatures and cartoons asepsis and, 3:1358 2277; 5:2394, 2434, 2462, 2483,
Grass, Günter, 5:2449 2486
Asquith and, 1:114–115;
Grasset, Eugène, 4:1845 2:1112–1113 chemistry in, 1:424, 425, 426, 427;
Grattan, Henry, 1:327; 2:1000 3:1160
Austen and, 1:130–132
Dublin statue of, 2:692 child labor in, 1:429, 430; 2:1003;
Australia and, 1:133–137
Grattan Parliament (1782), 2:100, 4:1830
Austro-Prussian War and, 1:236
1009; 3:1177 China and, 1:432, 433–435;
Graubünden, 4:2288 Baden-Powell and, 1:159–160 3:1578–1579; 4:1713, 2064
Grave, Jean, 1:56, 57; 4:1794 Bagehot and, 1:160–161 cholera epidemic and, 1:436, 437
Gravelotte-St. Privat, Battle of (1870), bank holidays in, 1:285; 3:1324 cholera riots in, 2:669
3:1319 banking in, 1:84, 161, 170, Christian Socialism in, 4:2207–2208;
Graves de Communi Re (1901 171–173, 173, 175–176, 284 5:2488
encyclical), 3:1332; 4:1720 Barry and, 1:185–186 church attendance in, 4:1824,
Gray, Asa, 1:23; 2:618 baths and spas in, 5:2327 1893, 1894
Gray, Effie, 4:2047 Beardsley and, 1:191–192 cinema and, 1:440, 441–442; 4:1824
Gray, Elisha, 3:1163 Belgian neutrality and, 2:566–567 civilizing mission of, 1:462, 463, 464
Gray, John, 3:1514, 1693; 4:2201 Bentham and, 1:210–211 civil liberties and, 2:1001, 1002
gray-matter discontinuity hypothesis,
Berlin Conference and, 1:221–222 civil rights and, 2:1001
black population in, 3:1524 classical economic theory and,
Graz, 3:1236
Great Awakening, 4:1894 Blake and, 1:244–246 2:712–718
Greatbach, George, 3:1637 Bloomsbury Group in, 2:835; coal mining in, 1:485, 486, 487, 493;
Great Boer War, The (Doyle), 2:681 4:2258–2259 3:1427; 4:1931, 2113; 5:2488
Great Britain, 2:999–1014 Boer War and. See Boer War Cobbett and, 1:489–490
Act of Union (1801), 1:373, 415; bourgeoisie in, 1:172, 284, 285, Cobden and, 1:490–491
2:999–1000; 3:1117, 1177, 1179 287–288, 290, 452, 471 Cockerill and, 1:492–493
Afghanistan war and, 2:674, 977, Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292–294 cocoa and, 1:496
1009; 3:1118 Brontë sisters and, 1:300–302 coffeehouse, 1:495

2648 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Coleridge and, 1:496–497 Decadence and, 2:631, 633 factories in, 1:350, 429; 2:708,
colonialism and, 1:99, 408, 498, demographic data for, 2:643, 645, 788–793, 1003, 1004; 3:1149,
501; 3:1114; 4:2218–2224, 667, 1087 1427–1431
2302; 5:2330 Dickens and, 2:655–657 fashion and, 1:481–482, 485
colonial migrants to, 3:1524–1525 diet and nutrition in, 2:658–659 Fashoda Affair and, 2:643, 663,
colonial policy and, 1:498; 2:504, Disraeli and, 2:540, 672–674 794–795; 3:1117–1118; 5:2502
505, 508 domestic ideology in, 3:1453 feminism in, 1:331–332; 2:625–626,
colonial trade and, 2:504, 505; domestic servants in, 1:474 802, 803, 804, 946–947
3:1151, 1154–1155 Doyle and, 2:679–680 First International in, 2:824, 825
colonial wars and, 2:505 drinking culture of, 1:34, 35 football (soccer) in, 2:830–833, 832,
colonies of settlement and, 3:1115 Dublin migrants to, 2:690 834
colonizers from, 2:503–504 dueling rejected in, 2:696–697 Forster and, 2:835–836
Combination Acts, 2:510–511 Dvořák’s visit to, 2:701 Fourierism in, 4:2202
commercial policy and, 2:512, 514, Eastern Crisis and, 3:1690 Fox and, 2:839–840, 1001
515, 516, 517 France and, 5:2306, 2321,
Eastern Question and, 1:278; 2:703
commonwealth and, 2:505 2344–2345, 2374, 2438, 2442,
East India Company and,
Concert of Europe and, 2:524–527, 2457, 2502
2:705–707; 4:2137–2140;
565, 1002 Freemasons in, 2:877, 878, 880, 880,
5:2461, 2495
Congress of Berlin and, 2:530, 705 881, 882
economic expansion of,
Congress of Troppau and, free press and, 4:1870
2:531, 532 free trade and, 1:491–492; 2:512,
economic growth rate of, 1:331;
Congress of Vienna and, 2:532–534, 1004–1005, 1007, 1011; 3:1537
565, 958, 1002 French alliance with (1846), 3:1389
education in, 1:32, 211, 303, 321,
Congress System and, 1:374 325, 431; 2:720–721, 722, 724, French free trade treaty with,
conservatism and, 2:537; 3:1176 728, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1103; 1:491–492; 2:512; 3:1537
Constable and, 2:543–544; 4:1703, 4:1868, 1896 Galton and, 2:927–928
1704–1705 Edward VII and, 2:729–730 Gaskell and, 2:933–934
consumerism and, 2:547–548, 551 Egypt and, 1:2, 18, 20, 221, 222; gender roles in, 2:946
Contagious Diseases Acts, 4:2162, 2:731–734, 794–795; 3: 1116, gentlemen’s clubs in, 4:1966
2301–2302 1338, 1482, 1549, 1585, 1686; George IV and, 2:953–955
Continental System blockade and, 4:2274, 2275–2276 German expansionism and, 2:1013
1:272, 303; 2:512, 553–554, electric lighting in, 2:742 German naval rivalry with, 2:681,
659, 846, 902, 5121; 3:1586, Eliot (George) and, 2:743–744 682–683; 5:2312
1587, 1588, 1599 Ellis and, 2:745–746 Gissing and, 2:974–975
contraception and, 4:1829–1830 emigrants from, 2:506, 747, 747, Gladstone and, 2:976–999, 1008,
cooperative movements in, 748, 748 1009–1010
2:555–557; 4:2206 emigrants to North America from, Godwin and, 2:980–982
Corn Laws repeal and, 2:557–560, 1:343, 344, 346, 351; 2:504, Great Game and, 1:395
715, 1004–1005; 4:1889; 505, 506, 646 Greece and, 4:1982
5:2339, 2413, 2494 enclosures in, 1:26–27, 29; 2:762 Greek War of Independence and,
corporations in, 1:330, 353; 2:711 engineers and, 2:757–758, 760 2:1020; 3:1194, 1612–1613,
cotton exports and, 3:1428 Entente Cordiale and, 1:49, 50, 96; 1685, 1686
Crimean War and, 1:38–39, 94, 95, 2:526, 609, 642, 643, 795; guild decline in, 1:106
244, 278; 2:577–580, 578, 1007; 3:1545, 1546; 4:2098 Hardy and, 2:1044–1046
4:1713, 2048, 2051; 5:2410, epidemic effects in, 2:667 hashish use in, 2:687
2413 established church in, 4:1895 historiography and, 2:1072–1073,
criminality and, 1:471; 2:570, See also Anglican Church 1074
575, 576 estate inheritance in, 3:1306 Hobson and, 2:1075–1076
Cruikshank and, 2:585–587 eugenics movement in, 2:637, homosexual act criminalization in,
Crystal Palace and, 2:587–590, 1006 769, 770 2:746, 1082, 1083, 1084; 4:2297
Curzon and, 2:597–598 evangelicalism in, 2:1002, 1006; housing in, 2:1088, 1089, 1091;
cycling in, 2:600, 601, 602 4:1894 3:1453
Danish-German War and, 2:607, exploration and, 2:782, 783, 784; Huxley and, 2:1101–1103
608, 609 3:1653, 1654 as imperial power, 1:405, 501;
Darwin and, 2:613–620 Fabians and, 1:230, 372; 2:787–788, 3:1115, 1118–1119, 1122–1123;
Davies and, 2:625–626 1011 4:1997, 2218–2225, 2275; 5:2414

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2649

impressionist school in, 3:1133 law education in, 2:726 naval rivalry with Germany of, 2:681,
India and. See India leisure in, 1:288; 3:1324; 4:1824 682–683; 5:2312
Indochina and, 3:1140 liberalism and, 3:1342, 1343, Neapolitan trade war with, 3:1255
industrial city and, 1:454–455 1345–1346, 1347, 1348, 1349; Nelson and, 3:1614–1616
industrialization of, 1:329, 330, 350; 5:2394 Netherlands and, 1:53
2:708–709, 710, 1003–1004 libraries and, 3:1351, 1351, 1352 ‘‘New Liberalism’’ and,
industrial/manufacturing exhibitions Lister and, 3:1358–1359 2:1011–1012
and, 5:2493–2494 literacy in, 2:720, 723; 4:1822, 1868 Newman and, 3:1620–1621
Industrial Revolution and, 1:24, Lloyd George and, 3:1368–1370 newspapers and, 4:1866, 1867,
303–305, 331, 371; Lovett and, 3:1390–1391 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872
3:1146–1155, 1427–1429; Luddism and, 3:1391–1392, 1410; New Zealand and, 3:1622,
4:2193 4:1821 1623–1624
infant mortality rate in, 4:1829 Lyell and, 3:1401–1402 Nightingale and, 3:1636–1638,
intellectuals and, 3:1167, 1168 Macaulay and, 3:1407–1408 1649
international law textbooks and, machine breaking in, 1:357, Nonconformists in, 1:418; 2:1002
3:1175 358–359; 3:1410, 1411; 4:1821, Norton and, 3:1645–1646
international law and, 3:1174 2264 nursing in, 3:1648, 1649
inventions and, 3:1152–1153 Malthus and, 3:1425–1427 Olympic Games and, 3:1666–1667
Ionian Islands and, 2:1022 Manning and, 3:1440–1441 Omdurman and, 3:1668–1669
Irish Catholic policies of, 1:327; marriage and family in, 3:1453 opium trade and, 1:495;
married woman’s legal nonexistence 3:1678–1679
Irish immigrants in, 3:1372, 1373, in, 3:1645 opium use and, 2:686–687
Martineau and, 3:1458–1459 Opium Wars and, 1:355, 495;
Irish Potato Famine response by,
May Day celebration in, 4:1822 2:1008; 3:1125, 1578–1579,
Mediterranean control and, 3:1481, 1678–1680
Irish question and. See Ireland; Irish
1482, 1615 Ottoman Empire and, 3:1690;
Home Rule
mesmerism and, 3:1491 5:2391
iron production in, 1:329, 492–493;
Methodism in, 4:1895 overseas investment by, 1:353–354
2:709; 3:1427
Metternich’s diplomacy and, 3:1493, Owen and, 3:1692–1693; 4:2081,
isolationism of, 2:526
1494 2200–2201
Italy and, 2:977; 4:2003
migration and, 3:1112 painting and, 4:1702–1705, 1707
Japan and, 3:1209, 1210, 1211,
military schools in, 1:96 Palmerston and, 4:1712–1713
1212, 1624, 1628; 4:2064, 2171
Japanese naval treaty with, 2:526 Mill (Harriet Taylor) and, Pankhursts and, 4:1714–1715
3:1508–1509 Pater and, 4:1745–1747
Jenner and, 3:1222–1224
Jewish emancipation in, 3:1225, Mill (James) and, 3:1510–1512 Peel and, 4:1757–1759
1227, 1229, 1345 Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1512–1515 penal exile and, 2:779–780
Jewish financiers in, 1:84 monarch’s declining power in, 2:730 Peninsular War and, 2:1002;
Jews in, 3:1232; 5:2322 monetary system in, 3:1538 4:1764–1766, 2227–2228;
Moroccan Crisis and, 3:1545, 1549 5:2314
jingoism and, 3:1234–1235
Kelvin and, 3:1249–1250 Morocco and, 3:1548 photography in, 4:1770, 1771
Kipling and, 3:1256–1257 Morris and, 3:1549–1551 phrenology and, 4:1775–1776
Kitchener and, 3:1257–1259 most-favored-nation treaties and, physics and, 1:427
Kossuth’s reception in, 3:1269 1:491 police system of, 3:1375;
labor movements in, 2:510–511, museums in, 3:1562, 1564 4:1814–1815, 1817
1003, 1008, 1009, 1011, 1012; music and, 2:589 political reform and, 1:457
3:1284, 1284–1285, 1285, 1286, mutual aid societies in, 3:1284 political system and, 1:161
1288, 1290, 1290, 1291, 1292, Napoleonic Wars and. See Peninsular Poor Law and, 2:714, 1003;
1293, 1411; 5:2484, 2486, War; under French Revolutionary 4:1819–1820, 1848–1849, 1850,
2489–2490, 2491 Wars and Napoleonic Wars 1852–1853, 1854
Labour Party and, 3:1295–1297 Nash and, 3:1600–1602 popular culture and, 4:1821, 1822
laissez-faire philosophy and, 2:707, naval agreement with France of population British/Irish ratio in,
708, 715–717 (1913), 3:1546 3:1177
landed elite in, 1:83, 86, 284, 290, naval power of, 2:579, 681–683, population growth in, 3:1147
291 968, 1013; 3:1586–1587, pornography and, 4:1833, 1834,
law and, 3:1314, 1316 1609–1611 1835

2650 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Portugal and, 2:1002; 4:1764–1766, Russian Central Asian conquest and, syphilis control in, 4:2301–2302
1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1:395 Talleyrand’s expulsion from, 5:2305
1843 Russian Jewish immigrants in, 1:40 tea preference of, 1:495
positivism and, 4:1844, 2213 Russian royal family and, 1:41, 42 technological innovation and,
posters and, 4:1845 Russo-Turkish War and, 4:2068, 2069 3:1152–1154
poverty in, 4:1847–1848, Salvation Army and, 4:2082–2083 telephone service in, 5:2308
1852–1854 San Stefano Treaty and, 2:703; temperance movements and, 1:36,
Pre-Raphaelites in, 4:1707, 4:2069, 2086 37; 4:1896; 5:2476–2477
1863–1864 Scotland’s union with (1707), 2:999, Tennyson and, 5:2309–2310
professionals in, 4:1878, 1879, 1880, 1006; 3:1177 tobacco and, 5:2313, 2314–2315
1881 seaside resorts in, 1:288; 3:1324; Tories and, 5:2320–2323, 2412,
prostitution in, 1:332; 2:804; 4:2124, 2125–2126; 5:2328 2457, 2471
4:1815, 1884, 1886, 1896, 2162 secularization and, 4:1896, 2133 tourism and, 5:2326–2330
protectionism and, 5:2334, 2339, Sepoy Mutiny and, 4:2137–2140 trade and, 4:1889; 5:2334–2336,
2343 Shaw and, 4:2165–2167 2338–2340, 2343
Protestant missions and, 3:1527, Shelley (Mary) and, 4:2168–2169; Trafalgar and, 5:2344–2345
1528–1529 5:2480 Treitschke’s hatred of, 5:2353
Protestant population of, 4:1890, Shelley (Percy Bysshe) and, tuberculosis prevention in, 5:2361
1890, 1892, 1893 4:2169–2170 Tunisia and, 5:2363
Prussia and, 5:2414–2415 slavery and, 4:1925, 2190, 2192, Turner and, 2:910; 4:1703–1704,
psychoanalysis and, 4:1905 2193; 5:2461, 2462–2463 2029; 5:2366–2368
psychological research tradition of, slavery abolishment and, 1:18, 19, universities in, 5:2379, 2384–2385,
4:1908 365, 458, 499; 2:506, 1003 2385, 2387
public health intervention in, 1:325, slave trade and, 1:13–14, 303, 308, university admittance in, 2:728
454; 2:667; 4:1910–1912 365; 2:708 Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and,
public school experience in, 1:428; socialism and, 1:59, 86, 372, 373; 5:2392
2:726, 728 2:1011; 3:1295, 1297, urbanization of, 1:443;
Pugin and, 4:1917–1918 1692–1693; 4:2200–2201, 2:1086–1087; 4:1912
Quadruple Alliance and, 1:374; 2205–2207; 5:2490 utilitarianism and, 1:210–211;
2:662 social reform and, 1:285, 303, 5:2393, 2394
Quintuple Alliance and, 2:531, 532 401–402 vaccination in, 3:1224, 1224;
race and racism and, 4:1927 social unrest in, 2:1011 4:2197, 2198
railroads and, 2:764; 4:1931, 1932, sociology and, 4:2213 Victoria and, 4:2121; 5:2309, 2339,
1934–1937, 1935 sodomy law in, 2:1082, 1083 2411–2416
Raj and, 3:1135–1137 Spain and, 1:180; 4:1763, 1764, Victorian family portrait and, 2:1001
Red Cross and, 4:1949 2225, 2227–2228 Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in,
Reform Act of 1832 and, 4:1985, Spencer and, 4:2233–2235 2:1012
2002, 2277, 2278, 2279; 5:2394, spiritualism and, 4:2237 Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in, 2:742
2412, 2461, 2471, 2483 sports in, 4:2239–2246 village community in, 4:1752, 1754
republicanism and, 4:1963, 1964 statistical study and, 4:2250 voluntary associations in, 1:116, 117,
response by, 3:1180 steamships and, 5:2350 117, 118, 119, 120
restaurants in, 4:1966 steel manufacture and, 3:1273 Wallace and, 4:2206; 5:2437–2438
Revolutions of 1820 and, 4:1980, Stephen and, 4:2253–2254 War of 1812 and, 2:846;
1981, 1982 Strachey and, 4:2258–2259 5:2438–2441
Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1984, strikes in, 2:1008, 1011; 3:1288, Waterloo and, 4:2039;
1986 1441; 4:2265, 2266 5:2442–2443, 2457
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1991 subways in, 4:2271–2273, 2272 waterways and, 5:2347
Rhodes and, 4:1996–1997 Sudan and, 1:18, 19; 2:734, 794; wealth ownership in, 1:291
roadways in, 5:2346 3:1668–1669 weaponry and, 1:20
Romanticism and, 2:543; 4:1738, Suez Canal and, 3:1338; 4:2274, Webb (Beatrice) and, 5:2443–2445
1739, 1740, 2029, 2030 2275–2276 welfare initiatives in, 3:1664;
Rothschilds and, 4:2039, 2041 suffrage in, 1:203; 4:2276–2281, 5:2450–2452, 2454–2456, 2462
Royal Navy of, 5:2312, 2344–2345, 2278, 2280; 5:2461, 2487 Wellington and, 4:2227–2228;
2438, 2439, 2440, 2470 Sweden and, 4:2285 5:2321, 2322, 2442–2443,
Ruskin and, 4:2045–2047 Symonds and, 4:2296–2297 2457–2458
Russia and, 4:2172 syndicalism and, 1:61 Wells and, 5:2458–2459

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2651

Whigs and, 4:1984; 5:2321, 2367, Great Game, 1:244, 395 mutual equality concept and, 2:525
2385, 2412, 2457, 2460–2462, Great Hunger of 1846–1847, 4:1751, Ottoman Empire and, 1:33;
2471 1754 3:1681–1682
Wilberforce and, 5:2462–2463 ‘‘Great Idea’’ (Greek nationalist Piedmont-Savoy and, 4:1785
William II of Germany and, 5:2469 movement), 1:2
Russia’s Great Reforms and, 2:1014
William IV and, 5:2411–2412, 2461, Great Illusion, The (Angell), 4:1698
slave trade abolition by, 1:308–309
2470–2471 Great Irish Famine. See Irish Potato
See also Austria-Hungary; France;
wine and, 5:2475 Great Britain; Italy; Prussia; Russia
Great Jew and Tatar Market
Wollstonecraft and, 4:2168; Great Pyramid at Cheops, 5:2330
(Moscow), 3:1231
5:2479–2481 Great Reforms (Russia), 1:39, 88–89;
Great Kabyle Rebellion (1870–1871),
women medical students in, 2:728 2:1014–1018; 4:1880,
women’s rights and, 4:2201, 2278, 2048–2049, 2051
‘‘great men’’ theory, 5:2319
2279, 2280–2281, 2280 Alexander III’s backlash against, 1:40
Great Northern War, 2:817
women’s suffrage movement in, Great Odalisque, The (Ingres), 3:1166 People’s Will and, 4:1767
2:797–799, 805–806, 806, 947, Great Powers revolution of 1905 and, 4:1975
1044; 4:1714–1715 Russian Orthodox Church and,
African colonialism and, 1:205, 499
Wordsworth and, 4:2029, 2030; 4:2061
Albania and, 1:32, 33
5:2481–2482 serf emancipation, 4:1975, 2049,
Armenian Question and, 1:91–92
workhouses in, 1:351, 359, 401, 2051, 2149–2155, 2196
415; 2:715; 4:1820, 1848; Austria-Hungary’s status as, 1:143
Slavophiles and, 4:2194, 2195, 2196
5:2450, 2454 balance of power and, 1:374
timeline of, 2:1014
working class in, 5:2483, 2485, Balkan crises and, 2:663
See also serfs, emancipation of
2489–2490, 2491 Balkan peace negotiations and,
Great School (Serbia), 4:2148
working women’s protective laws in, 1:164, 166; 2:705
‘‘Great Stink’’ of 1858 (London),
2:944 Belgian independence and, 1:200; 1:450
world’s fairs and. See Crystal Palace; 3:1335
Great Trek, 4:2220
Great Exhibition of 1851 Berlin Conference and, 1:12, Great Western (paddle steamer),
World War I and, 2:1013 221–222 1:304–305
Zionism and, 2:1068 Bismarck’s foreign policy and, 1:239, Great Western Railway, 1:303, 304;
See also Ireland; London; Manchester; 240; 2:526 2:760; 4:1936–1937
Scotland; Wales Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:276 Greco, El (Doménikos
Great Britain (steamship), 1:305 Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292–294 Theotokópoulos), 2:634; 4:1781,
Great C Major Symphony (Schubert), Bulgarian division by, 1:312 1782
4:2107 Chinese policies of, 1:434 Greco-Turkish War, 1:2; 2:1021,
Great Depression (1873–1896), Concert of Europe and, 2:524–527, 1022; 3:1685
2:966; 4:1755; 5:2490 565, 1002 Greece, 2:1018–1023
birth control and, 4:1830 Congress of Berlin and, 2:529–531 Albania and, 1:32, 33
Great Depression (1930s), 1:176; Congress of Vienna and, 1:374; antiquities and, 2:1018–1019;
4:2041 2:532–534, 565, 958 3:1562
Great Divergence, The (Pomeranz), consultations and congresses of, Balkan League and, 1:32
2:710 3:1173–1174 Balkan wars and, 1:2, 13, 163, 164,
Great Eastern (steamship), 1:305
Danish-German War and, 2:607–609 165, 166; 2:704–705, 1022, 1022;
Greater Bulgaria. See Bulgaria
diplomacy and, 2:661–664 3:1541, 1685, 1691; 4:2149
Greater Serbia. See Serbia
Eastern Question and, 2:703–705; banditry and, 4:1821
Great Exhibition of 1851 (London),
1:134, 288, 350; 5:2412, 2493, 3:1681, 1687–1690 banking and, 1:170–171
2494–2495, 2495 general staffs and, 1:96 Bulgaria and, 1:313; 4:2149
Crystal Palace and, 2:587–588, 589 Geneva Convention and, 2:952 Byron in, 1:333
leisure travel and, 4:1824 Germany’s status as, 1:239 collective recognition of, 3:1173
London police and, 4:1814 Greek War of Independence and, Congress of Berlin and, 2:530
museum collections and, 3:1576 2:1020–1021; 3:1612, 1685, education in, 2:720
1686 Frazer in, 2:873
photography and, 4:1771
international congresses and, 2:1081 ‘‘Great Idea’’ nationalist movement
pleasure parks and, 4:1738
Great Expectations (Dickens), 2:657 Leipzig battle and, 3:1319–1322 of, 1:2
Great Expectations (film), 2:677 Mediterranean and, 3:1482 independence of, 1:125, 170–171;
Great Fear of 1789 (France), 2:886; Mehmet Ali and, 3:1686 2:1018, 1020–1022; 3:1420,
4:1755 Montenegrin policies of, 3:1541 1685; 4:1973, 1986

2652 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Mediterranean and, 3:1482 Egypt and, 2:732 Grimm, Herman (Wilhelm’s son),
monetary union and, 3:1538 factors in, 2:1018, 1019–1020 2:1023
nationalism and, 1:163, 166; 3:1345; Great Powers support for, 3:1685, Grimm, Ludwig (younger brother),
4:1981 1686 2:1023
Grimm brothers (Jacob and Wilhelm),
Olympic Games and, 4:2244 Metternich and, 3:1494
2:960, 1023–1025, 1024; 3:1523
Ottoman Empire and, 4:1981; Navarino and, 2:1020; 3:1420,
Cruikshank illustrations and, 2:586,
5:2327 1612–1613
railroads and, 2:764 philhellenic movement and, 4:1770,
1771 Germanic mythology and, 4:1756
Revolutions of 1820 and,
Grimm’s Fairy Tales, 2:1023; 3:1523
4:1981–1982 Romania and, 4:2016
Grimm’s Law, 2:1024
Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1985, Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, 5:2391
Grimod de la Reynière, Alexandre-
1986 Green, Charles, 4:1822
Balthasar-Laurent, 4:1967
Russia and, 4:1982 Green, John Richard, 2:1074 Gris, Juan, 1:156; 2:590, 591, 592
seaside resorts in, 4:2124 Green, T. H., 3:1514 Grmek, Mirko Drazen, 1:27
Serbia and, 4:2146–2147, 2149 Greenaway, Kate, 4:2157 grocery chains, 1:352, 473;
Green Balloon (Kraków cabaret), 3:1448–1449
sports in, 4:2242, 2244, 2245
1:336 Gros, Antoine-Jean, 2:640, 641;
territorial gains by, 1:2
Greenberg, Clement, 4:1784, 2011 3:1165
tourism in, 5:2327 Green Lamp (Russian literary group),
trade and, 5:2337, 2338 Gross Beeren, Battle of (1813),
4:1919 3:1320
universities in, 5:2380 Greenland, 2:647
Gross-Cophta, Der (Goethe), 2:985
violent crime and, 2:571 Green Stripe (Madame Matisse) Grossdeutsch (Greater Germany)
wine and, 5:2475 (Matisse), 1:153 solution, 2:871, 923
See also Athens; Greek War of Greer, Germaine, 5:2449 gross domestic product. See GDP
Independence: Hellenism; Gregorovius, Ferdinand, 4:2036 Grosse fuge (Beethoven), 1:197
philhellenic movement Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta, Grossjährig (Bauernfeld), 5:2418
Greek Catholic Church. See Uniate 5:2510 Grossmann, Marcel, 2:739
Church Gregory V, Patriarch, 2:1019 Grosvenor Gallery (London), 4:1865
Greek culture. See classicism; Gregory XVI, Pope, 1:381, 382, 388; Grosz, George, 1:192
Hellenism; philhellenic movement 3:1195, 1196, 1330; 4:1719, Grotius, Hugo, 2:953
Greek Cyclists Union, 4:2245 1720, 1721, 1985, 2033 Grouchy, Emmanuel de, 5:2442, 2443
Greek language Pius IX and, 4:1795, 1796 Grouchy, Sophie de, 4:1962, 1963
Hölderlin translations from, 2:1078 Revolutions of 1830 and, Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Frege),
Humboldt (Wilhelm) translations 4:1718–1719, 1724 2:883
from, 2:1097 Grégpore, Abbé l, 1:498 Grundlagen der Arithmetik, Der
secondary school syllabus in, 1:286 Grellmann, Heinrich, 4:2022 (Frege), 2:883
Greek Orthodox Church, Grenouillère, La (French dining Grundzüge der physiologischen
2:1018–1021; 3:1482, 1612; establishment), 4:1954–1955 Psychologie (Wundt),
4:1982 Grenouillière, La, 3:1128; 4:1708 5:2506–2507
Bulgarian nationalism and, 3:1687 Grenville, William Wyndham, 2:840, Grunewald (Berlin suburb), 1:219
954; 5:2461 Grüngürtel (Cologne), 4:1740
millet system and, 3:1687
‘‘Gretchen am Spinnrade’’ (Schubert), G. S. and L. (architectural firm), 1:113
Greek Revival style, 1:185; 4:1762
4:2106 Guadeloupe, 1:364, 365
Greek Union of Associations for
Grétr, André-Ernest-Modeste, 3:1673 Guadet, Marguerite-Elie, 2:973, 975
Athletic Sports and Gymnastics,
Grèvy, Jules, 41; 1:282; 2:929; 3:133 Guangxi, 3:1679
Grey, Charles (Earl Grey), 1:303; Guangxu, Emperor of China, 1:435
Greek War of Independence
2:1002, 1003; 4:1758, 2277; Guangzhou, 3:1678, 1679
(1821–1829), 1:125, 170; 2:566,
5:2461, 2471 Guangzhou system, 1:433
577, 959, 1019–1020; 4:1982
Poor Law reform and, 4:1819–1820 Guarantees of Harmony and Freedom
Austrian-Russian rupture over, 3:1561
Grey, Edward, 2:704 (Weitling), 4:2203
British support for, 2:1002; 3:1194;
Grey, George, 3:1623 Guardia Civil (Spain), 4:1814, 2229
Grey, John, 1:331 Guardie di Pubblica Sicurezza (Italy),
Byron and, 1:333; 3:1604–1605 Gribeauval, Jean de, 3:1505 4:1815
Concert of Europe and, 2:525 Griboyedov, Alexander, 1:208; 2:979 Guchkov, Alexander, 3:1659, 1660;
Delacroix paintings on, 2:640; Grieg, Edvard, 3:1571; 4:2287; 4:2058
4:1701, 1705 5:2307 Gudden, Bernhard von, 3:1383
Eastern Question and, 2:703; Griffuelhes, Victor, 4:2298, 2299 Guéhenno, Jean, 3:1216
3:1682, 1685 Grillparzer, Franz, 4:2107; 5:2418 Güell, Eusebi, 1:183; 2:936

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2653

Güell Colony chapel (Barcelona), dismissal of, 5:2311 Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:273,
2:937 liberalism and, 3:1343, 1344; 275, 276
Güell Palace (Barcelona), 2:936 4:1971–1972 conservatism and, 2:540
Güell Park (Barcelona), 1:184; 2:936 as Tocqueville influence, 5:2316 constitutionalism and, 5:2510
Guépin, Ange, 1:247, 286 Guizot Law of 1833 (France), 2:721 counterrevolution and, 2:567
Guérin, Alphonse, 4:1743 Gülhane, Edict of (1839), Croatia and, 2:925
Guérin, Camille, 5:2361 3:1187–1188
Guérin, Jules, 4:1913 diminished influence of, 2:533
Gumilev, Nikolai, 4:2182, 2183
Guérin, Pierre-Narcisse, 2:640, 955; education and, 2:723
Gumplowicz, Ludwig, 4:2214
3:1165 ethnic conflicts and, 3:1605
gunpowder, smokeless, 1:356
Guérin, Robert, 2:834 guns. See armaments; rifles extent in 1789 of, 1:137
Guéroult, Adolphe, 4:1998 Gurko, Joseph V., 4:2068 Ferdinand I and, 2:807–808
Guerrazzi, Francesco, 2:930 Guro, Elena, 4:2182 Francis I and, 2:860–861
guerrilla warfare Gurrelieder (Schoenberg), 4:2102 Francis Ferdinand and, 2:861
Boer War and, 1:257; 3:1259 Gustave III; ou, Le bal masqué (Auber), Francis Ferdinand’s assassination and,
Greek War of Independence and, 3:1673 1:277
2:1019 Gustav IV Adolph, king of Sweden, Francis Joseph and, 2:863–865
in Ottoman territories, 1:2 1:226; 4:2283 Franco-Austrian War and, 2:866–867
Peninsular War and, 4:1765 Gutehoffnungshütte, 1:174
French Revolutionary Wars and
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars Guth, Jiri, 3:1666
Napoleonic Wars and, 1:139–140;
and, 2:571 Guthrie, Thomas, 2:722
by Spanish traditionalists, 1:367 Guy Mannering (Scott), 4:2123
Germany and, 2:871, 957
Guys, Constantin, 2:826; 3:1128,
Sumatra and, 3:1617 Greek Catholic Church and, 5:2373
Guesde, Jules, 2:540, 1025–1026; Holy Roman Empire’s collapse and,
Gwendoline (Chabrier), 3:1675
3:1215, 1217; 4:2127, 2205, 1:139–140
GWR. See Great Western Railway
Gymnasium, 2:726, 727, 728, 1053 Hungary and, 2:627; 3:1268–1269
Guesdists, 2:1025
gymnasiums, 4:2241 Italian bureaucrats and, 1:322
Guettard, Jean-Étienne, 3:1311
gymnastics, 1:116, 118; 4:1989, Italian thrones of, 1:137; 2:531, 533;
Guey, Berthe, 1:339
2239–2244, 2245 3:1191
Guibal, Armand, 1:487
Gypsies. See Romanies Italy and, 1:391, 392, 414; 2:525,
Guibert, Hervé, 1:255
Gypsies, The (Pushkin), 4:1919 531, 622, 669, 931–932; 3:1191,
Guibert, Jacques de, 3:1505
Gypsy Baron, The (Strauss), 4:2261 1192, 1193–1196, 1196,
Guiccioli, Teresa, 1:333 Gyulai von Maros-Nemeth, Ignatius,
Guichard, Joseph, 3:1543 1198–1199, 1203, 1254, 1255,
3:1321, 1322 1501–1502; 4:1981, 1985,
guidebooks, 4:1967; 5:2326,
2329, 2330 1994–1995, 2000, 2000–2003,
2001, 2033, 2034, 2098; 5:2377,
Guide Michelin, 5:2326
n 2409, 2410, 2513
Guide to the Lakes (Wordsworth),
4:2029 Jelačić and, 3:1219–1220
H Jewish emancipation and,
Guidoboni-Visconti, Countess, 1:168
guildhalls (Brussels), 1:105 Haas, Willy, 4:1859 3:1225–1226, 1229, 1526
Guild of St. George, 4:2047 habeas corpus, 2:958; 3:1345; 4:1807 Jews in, 3:1227, 1232, 1525–1526
guilds. See artisans and guilds Haber, Fritz, 3:1160; 4:2109 John, archduke of Austria, and,
Guillamet, Gustave, 1:46 Habermas, Jürgen, 1:465–466, 467; 3:1235–1236
Guillaume Tell (Rossini), 3:1661, 4:1872–1873 labor movements and, 3:1288
1671; 4:2038, 2288 on intellectuals, 3:1167 Lueger’s elective position in, 3:1393
Guillaumin, Armand, 3:1126, 1128 Haber process, 3:1160
maternity hospitals an, 5:2450
Guillaumin, Emile, 4:1756 Habilitation (Weber), 5:2446
Habsburg Monarchy, 1:137–144; Mediterranean and, 3:1481, 1482
Guillotin, Joseph, 2:888 Metternich and, 1:117, 139, 140,
Guimard, Hector, 1:109; 2:815, 4:2100; 5:2353, 2510
Austrian German nationalism and, 141; 3:1236, 1491–1495
1026–1029; 4:1732
1:10, 11 migration and, 3:1109–1110
Paris subway and, 4:2273; 5:2503
Balkans and, 1:32 Montenegro and, 3:1541
Guinea. See French Guinea
banking and, 1:170 Napoleon I and, 3:1584, 1586
Guinness Brewery, 2:691
Guinness family, 1:471 Belgium and, 1:137, 199 Ottoman Empire and, 1:137, 206;
Guiraud, Ernest, 3:1662 Belgrade and, 1:206 3:1690
Guizot, François, 2:540, 847, 849, Bohemian Lands and, 1:249, Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716
1029–1030; 3:1303, 1318, 1389 259–264; 4:1711, 1712 political Catholics and, 1:388

2654 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Prague and, 4:1855–1861 Haileybury College, 2:706 Zollverein and, 5:2526

Prague Slav Congress and, 4:1712, Hainaut (Belgium), 1:202, 203 Hamburg-American Line, 2:1039,
1716–1717, 1861–1863 Hainburg Party Conference 1040
reforms of, 1:137–139, 140, 141, (1888), 1:11 Hamburger, Joseph, 3:1514
142–143, 144, 260 Haine River, 1:486 Hamburgische Unpartheyische
Restoration and, 4:1971 Haiti, 1:363; 2:1035–1037; 4:2225; Correspondent (newspaper),
5:2332 4:1867, 1868, 1869
Revolutions of 1848 and,
1:141–142, 162; 2:525, 567, as independent nation, 2:1036–1037 Hamed bin Muhammad (Tippu Tip),
627, 808, 863, 961; 3:1236, slave revolt (1791) in, 1:364, 365, 1:16–17
1502, 1605, 1626; 4:1719, 498, 501; 2:890, 1036 Hamidye cavalry, 1:2
1848–1849, 1987, 1990, slavery and, 4:2192; 5:2332 Hamilton, Alexander, 2:515; 4:1887
1993–1995, 1994, 1995; Toussaint Louverture and, Hamilton, Anna, 3:1650
5:2418–2419, 2510 5:2332–2333, 2333 Hamilton, Ian, 1:95
Romania, 4:2018–2020 world’s fairs and, 5:2500 Hamilton, Lord (Alexander Douglas),
Rudolf (crown prince) and, Halbwachs, Maurice, 2:552 2:625
4:2044–2045 Haldane, Richard Burdon, 2:730; Hamilton, William, 1:327;
3:1611 3:1477–1478
Serbian nationalism and, 3:1247,
Haldane Mission, 1:49 Hamlet (Shakespeare), 1:229
1683–1684; 4:1994, 2142, 2143,
Halévy, Élie (political scientist), ‘‘Hamlet and Don Quixote’’
4:1892–1893 (Turgenev), 5:2365
successor states of, 1:144
Halévy, Jacques-François-Fromental- Hamlin, Christopher, 1:402
Trieste and, 5:2354–2356, 2402,
Élie (composer), 3:1672 Hammuda Pasha, 5:2362
Halévy, Ludovic, 3:1593 Ham Nghi, king of Vietnam, 3:1141
Venice and, 5:2402–2404 Hampden Park stadium (Scotland),
halftone printing, 4:1773, 1867
Vienna and, 5:2416–2420 2:833; 4:2243
Halicka, Alice, 2:591
women’s political suppression under, Hampson, Norman, 2:611
Halifax Town Hall (Britain), 1:186
2:804 Hampsted Garden (London suburb),
Hall, Charles, 4:2201
Zollverein and, 5:2525–2526 2:1088
Hall, William Edward, 3:1175
See also Austria-Hungary; Holy Hallam, Arthur, 5:2309 Hampton, Wade, 5:2440
Roman Empire Hallé, Charles, 1:287–288 Handbook of Physiological Optics
Hachette, 5:2329, 2522 Hallé, Jean Noël, 3:1297 (Helmholtz), 2:1057
Hacia otra España (Maetzu), 2:951 Halles, Les (Paris), 2:1049; 3:1449, Handbook of the History of Painting
Hadji Ali Haseki, 1:125 1449; 4:1729 from Constantine the Great to the
Hadji Murat (Tolstoy), 5:2319, 2320 Hallische Jahrbücher (Young Hegelian Present (Burckhardt), 1:316
Hadži Mustafa, 4:2142 publication), 5:2512 Handbuch der Geschichte der Malerei
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich, 2:573, 777, Halls of Science, 4:2201 (Kugler), 1:317
1031–1033, 1069; 4:1909, 2293 Hals, Franz, 3:1353 Handbuch der Geschichte der Malerei
as Suttner influence, 4:2282 Halske, Johann Georg, 4:2179 seit Constantin dem Grossen
Hafez (Persian poet), 2:987 Hamann, Johann Georg, 2:983 (Burckhardt), 1:316
Haffkine, Waldemer, 1:438 Hamard, Caroline, 2:828 Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte
Hafsid dynasty, 5:2361 (Kugler), 1:317
Hamburg, 2:1038–1041
Hagar in the Desert (Corot), 2:561 Handel, George Frideric, 3:1568
bourgeoisie in, 1:472
Haggard, H. Rider, 4:2255 Hannibal, Abram, 4:1918
cholera epidemic in, 1:438, 450;
Hagia Sophia (Istanbul), 3:1188 Hannibal Crossing the Alps (Goya),
2:628, 1040; 3:1263
Hague, the, 1:53; 3:1616; 4:1697 2:996
French occupation of, 2:1038 Hanoi, 2:813; 3:142, 1137, 1141,
Hague conferences (1899, 1907),
houses along canal in, 2:1039 1144, 1145
2:953, 1033–1035; 3:1173,
1175 industrial/manufacturing exhibitions Hanover
and, 5:2493 Britain and, 2:901
Geneva Convention and, 2:952;
4:1950 labor movements in, 5:2492 Congress of Vienna and, 2:533
Nicholas II and, 3:1628 Lutheran population of, 4:1892 liberal protests in, 2:959–960, 1024
peace procedures and, 4:1697–1698 maternity hospitals in, 5:2450 Lutheran population of, 4:1892
Permanent Court of Arbitration and, opera in, 3:1673 Prussian annexation of, 2:964;
3:1174 park in, 4:1740 4:1900, 1901
Hague school, 5:2399, 2400 population of, 1:446; 2:1041 Revolution of 1830 and, 1:457
Haig, Douglas, 1:95 siege of (1813), 2:1038 written constitution of, 2:959, 960
Hai Heghapokhakan Dashnaktsutiun, subway in, 4:2272 Hanover, house of, 2:953, 959;
1:89 waterway transport in, 5:2348, 2350 4:2118; 5:2321

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2655

Ireland and, 2:1000 Hartley, David, 1:210; 3:1458, Hazlitt, William, 3:1426; 5:2482
Hansard, T. C., 1:489 1511, 1512 Head of a Woman (Klimt), 5:2421
Hänsel und Gretel (Humperdinck), Hartmann, Eduard von, 2:1045; 4:2216 health. See disease; public health
3:1675 Hartmann, Frédéric, 1:270 health citizenship. See public health
Hanska, Evelina, 1:166, 168, 169 Hartrocl, A. S., 4:1776 health insurance, 5:2452, 2453, 2473
Hanslick, Eduard, 1:295; 3:1566; Harvard University, 1:23 Bismarck national program and,
4:2107 Harvest, The (Van Gogh), 5:2401 1:239, 356; 2:540, 966; 4:1915
‘‘Hap’’ (Hardy), 2:1045 Harvesters, The (Millet), 3:1515 Britain and, 2:1012
HAPAG (Hamburg-American Line), Harzreise, Die (Heine), 2:1055 bureaucracy and, 1:32
2:1039, 1040 Hasheesh Eater, The (Ludlow), 2:687 Denmark and, 2:648
happiness, utilitarianism and, 1:211; hashish, 2:687 Health Insurance Law of 1883
3:1510, 1511 ‘‘Hashish-House in New York, A’’ (Germany), 4:1915
Harden, Maximilian, 2:968, 1071 (Kane), 2:687 Healy, Timothy Michael, 4:1741,
Hardenberg, Charlotte von, 2:545 Haskalah movement (Jewish 1742
Hardenberg, Friedrich von. See Novalis Enlightenment), 3:1229 Heartbreak House (Shaw), 4:2167
Hardenberg, Karl August von, 1:369, Hastings, Warren, 1:327; 2:669, 705; Heart of Darkness (Conrad),
457; 2:531, 1041–1043 3:1133, 1135; 4:2258 2:535–536, 948; 3:1336; 4:1875,
Congress of Vienna and, 2:532 Hata, Sukehachiro, 2:736 2256
Prussian reforms and, 2:958; 3:1341; Hatt-i Humayun (Ottoman principles), Heart of Midlothian, The (Scott),
4:1900 3:1686 4:2123
Hardie, James Keir, 2:1043–1044; Hatt-i S˛erif of Gülhane (Ottoman heat flow, 3:1249–1250, 1478;
3:1295; 5:2436 principles), 3:1686 4:1779, 1780
Hardman, John, 4:1918 Hatton, Timothy J., 2:710 See also thermodynamics
Hardman, William, 1:287 Hatzfeldt, Sophie von, 3:1310 Heavenly Twins, The (Grand), 4:2235
Hard Times (Dickens), 1:443; 2:657; Haugwitz, Christian von, 1:133; Hebbel, Friedrich, 3:1108
3:1511 2:1042; 5:2374 Hebe and the Eagle of Jupiter (Rude),
Hard Times (Ruskin), 1:371 Hauptmann, Gerhart, 1:65, 220; 4:2044
Hardwicke, Lord (Philip Yorke), 2:951; 3:1411; 5:2470 Hébert, Jacques-René, 2:974; 4:1952
4:1925 Mann and, 3:1437 Hebräische Balladen (Lasker-Schüler),
Hardy, Emma Gifford, 2:1045 Hausa, 1:13 3:1309
Hardy, Thomas, 2:1044–1046; 3:1109; Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 1:3, 53, Heckel, Erich, 1:154
4:1757, 1844, 2253, 2256 54, 306, 452; 2:621, 737, Hecker, Friedrich, 2:961, 962
Spencer and, 4:2235 1046–1051; 5:2485 Heckscher, Eli Filip, 2:752; 5:2334
harems, 2:640 assessment of, 4:1731 Hedda Gabler (Ibsen), 3:1108
Hargreaves, James, 3:1153, 1410 corruption charges and, 2:810, Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich,
Harmonielehre (Schoenberg), 4:2103 1049–1050; 4:1731 2:1051–1055, 1052, 1058;
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses deficit spending by, 4:1730–1731 4:1962, 2195
(Lamartine), 3:1303 dismissal of, 2:853; 4:1731 as Belinsky influence, 1:207
Harmony in Red (Matisse), 3:1474 Ferry exposé of, 2:810, 1050 Berlin and, 1:215; 2:1053, 1054
Harms, Edith, 4:2090, 2091 Parisian park system and, 4:1738, on Chinese autocracy, 1:432
Harnack, Adolf von, 3:1533 1739–1740 civil society concept of, 1:465
Harold in Italy (Berlioz), 1:225 reconstruction of Paris by, 2:810, Croce and, 2:584
Harpe, Frédéric-César de la, 1:37 852, 1046, 1047–1050, 1087, dialectic and, 3:1252
Harper’s Monthly (magazine), 2:687 1088; 3:1188, 1404, 1413, 1535; Dilthey monograph on, 2:660
Harriman, Averell, 2:770 4:1729–1731, 1732, 1733,
Engels on, 2:754, 755
Harrington, James, 4:1958 1739–1740, 1794
Fichte as influence on, 2:814
Harris, Townsend, 3:1209–1210 haute bourgeoisie, 1:471, 472, 476
Harrison, Birge, 4:1948 Hauteville House (Hugo estate), Heine and, 2:1056
Harrison, Frederic, 4:1844; 5:2444 2:1094 Holderlin friendship with, 2:1051,
Harrison, Thomas Alexander Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 2:838 1078
(Alexander), 4:1948 Haydn, Franz Joseph, 1:198; 3:1419, Kierkegaard as critic of, 3:1251,
Harrison, William Henry, 5:2439, 1568; 4:2102 1252, 1253
2440 Hayek, F. A., 3:1514 Marx and, 2:1054; 3:1463, 1464,
Hart, Robert, 1:434 Hayes, Carlton, J. H., 3:1607 1465; 4:2203
Hartford Convention of 1814 (U.S), Haymakers, The (Millet), 1:179 on Napoleon, 2:957
5:2440 Hayn, Hugo, 4:1836 philosophical legacy of, 3:1463–1465
Hartington, Lord (Spencer Compton), Hay Wain, The (Constable), 2:543, philosophy of history of, 1:318;
2:1010 544; 4:2029 2:1062

2656 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

on Pinel, 4:1791 Henniker, Florence, 2:1045 Hertz, Heinrich, 2:1058, 1062–1064;

psychology and, 4:1907 Hénon (Lyonnais politician), 3:1404 3:1163; 4:1780
Ranke and, 4:1940 Henri, Charles, 4:2292 Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph, 4:2114
Henrique, Léon, 2:1104 Herz, Cornelius, 3:1338
Renan and, 4:1953
Henry, Émile, 1:57; 4:1943 Herz, Henriette, 1:215
Romanticism and, 4:2031
Henry, Hubert, 2:683, 684 Herzen, Alexander, 1:162;
Schelling and, 4:2087–2088, 2195 Henry, Joseph, 4:2109, 2111 2:772–773, 989–990,
Schopenhauer and, 4:2104 Henry, Marc, 1:336 1064–1066; 3:1170, 1552
sociology and, 4:2212 Henry, William, 3:1430 as populist influence, 4:1831
Young Hegelians and, 2:754; Henschel, Georg, 2:960 as Westernizer, 4:2195–2196;
3:1463, 1464; 4:2203; 5:2511, Henslow, Robert, 2:613 5:2459, 2460
2511–2513 Henson, Matthew, 2:784 Herzgewächse (Schoenberg), 4:2103
Hegel’s Early Theological Writings, Hep, Hep pogroms (1819), 4:1802 Herzl, Pauline, 2:1067
2:1051 Hepworth, Cecil, 1:441 Herzl, Theodor, 1:11; 2:1066–1069,
Heger, M., 1:301 Herakles Finding His Son Telephos 1067
Heidegger, Martin, 2:661; 4:2089 (Ingres), 3:1166 Dreyfus affair as influence on, 2:685,
Hölderlin as influence on, 2:1078 Herald League (Britain), 4:1714 1068
Husserl as influence on, 2:1101 Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 3:1409 on Jaurès, 3:1219
Kierkegaard as influence on, 3:1253 Herbert, Robert J., 3:1537
Lueger’s anti-Semitism and, 3:1395
Heiligenstadt Testament of 1802 Herbert, Sidney, 3:1637–1638, 1649
Zionism and, 1:76, 77; 2:1066,
(Beethoven), 1:197–198 Hercules and Lichas (Canova), 1:349
1067, 1068–1069; 5:2518,
Heimann, Vasily A., 4:2069 Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 3;
Heine, Heinrich, 2:1055–1057, 1056; 2:566, 1059–1062, 1078;
Herzegovina. See Bosnia-Herzegovina
5:2513 4:2030, 2212
Hess, Moses, 2:754; 3:1464; 4:2203;
censorship and, 1:369 as Goethe influence, 2:983
5:2512, 2519
on emancipation, 3:1225 linguistic national identity and,
Hess, Sophie, 3:1644, 1645
as Frazer influence, 2:873 3:1523, 1603, 1604
Hesse, Hermann, 3:1437
Lassalle’s legal defense of, 3:1310 Hereditary Genius (Galton), 2:769,
Hesse-Kassel, 2:900; 3:1599
927; 4:2248
on ‘‘Lisztomania,’’ 3:1360 Lutheran population of, 4:1892
heredity. See genetics
Saint-Simonism and, 4:2081 Prussian annexation of, 2:964;
Heredity in Relation to Eugenics
Heine, Salomon, 2:1055 4:1901
(Davenport), 2:770
Heine, Thomas Theodor, 4:1846; written constitution of, 2:959
Hereros massacre, 3:1125
5:2469 See also Westphalia, Kingdom of
Héricourt, Jenny d’, 3:1288
Heinrich von Ofterdingen (Novalis), Hetaira Philiké (secret society), 1:360
Hering, Ewald, 2:1058; 3:1409
3:1647 Heterogeneity of Language and Its
Hermann und Dorothea (Goethe),
Hellas (P. S. Shelley), 4:1769 Influence on the Intellectual
Hellenism, 1:320; 2:1018–1019, Development of Mankind, The (W.
‘‘Hermaphrodite’’ (Swinburne), 2:940
1085; 4:1770–1771 Humboldt), 2:1097
hermaphrodites, 2:1071; 4:2164
museum antiquities collections and, hermeneutics, 2:660–661 Hetherington, Henry, 3:1390
3:1562 Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, hetmanate, 5:2370
Nietzsche and, 3:1632; 4:1770 5:2509, 2510 Hetzel, Pierre-Jules, 5:2409
Pater and, 4:1746, 1770 Hermitage Theater (St. Petersburg), Heure espagnole, L’ (Ravel), 4:1944
primitivism and, 4:1875 4:2077 Heydt-Kersten und Söhne, von der,
See also classicism; philhellenic Hermits, The (Schiele), 4:2090 1:174
movement Hernani (Hugo), 1:229; 2:1093; Heymann, Lida Gustava, 1:129–130
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 4:2252 Heyne, Christian Gottlieb, 4:2094
2:1057–1059, 1062–1063; Hernani (Verdi), 3:1572 Hibiya Riot (1905), 4:1838
3:1162; 4:1908, 2012; 5:2507 ‘‘Hérodias’’ (Flaubert), 2:828 Hickey, Thomas, 3:1134
Helsinki, 5:2308 Hero of Our Time, A (Lermontov), Hicks, William, 2:734
Helvetic Republic, 3:1597; 4:2188, 1:208 hieroglyphics, 1:406
2189, 2288 Herr, Lucien, 3:1215 Hierta, Lars Johan, 4:2283
Helvétius, Claude-Adrien, 1:210 Herr Bastiat-Schulze von Delitzsch, der Highclere Castle (Hampshire), 1:186
Hemaphrodite (antique marble), 2:940 ökonomische Julian, order: Capital higher criticism, 2:744
hemophilia, 1:41, 42 und Arbeit (Lassalle), 3:1311 higher education. See universities
Henderson, Andrea, 1:302 Herrenchiemsee (Louis II castle), Highland Shepherd, The (Bonheur),
Henderson, Arthur, 3:1296 3:1383 4:2117
Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jacob, 3:1262 Herriot, Édouard, 3:1405 High Renaissance, 4:1863
Henle, Richard, 1:292 Hértière de Birague, L’ (Balzac), 1:167 high-wheel bicycle, 2:600–601

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2657

Hilendarski, Paisii, 1:312 histology, 1:340, 340–341 ‘‘History’’ (Macaulay), 3:1407

Hill, J. W., 4:1864 Historical and Moral View of the History of a Six Weeks’ Tour (Shelley
Hill House (Glasgow), 1:112 Origin and Progress of the French and Shelley), 4:2168
Hillsides of the Hermitage, Pontoise, The Revolution and the Effect It Has History of British India (J. Mill),
(Pissarro), 4:1793 Produced in Europe, An 3:1510
Hilmi, Abbas, 2:734; 4:2274 (Wollstonecraft), 5:2480 History of English Thought in the
Hilsner, Leopold, 3:1469 historical landscape painting, Eighteenth Century (Stephen),
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 3:1509, 1514 2:560, 561 4:2254
Himmler, Heinrich, 4:2024 historical materialism, 2:1054 History of France (Michelet), 3:1499
Hinckeldey, Karl von, 4:1815 historical novels, 3:1441–1442; History of India, A (J. Mill),
Hind, Robert, 3:1637 4:2123 3:1510–1511, 1512
Hindemith, Paul, 3:1310 historical operas, 3:1672 History of Mr. Polly, The (Wells),
Hindenburg (battle cruiser), 3:1610, Historical, Political, and Moral Essay 5:2458
1611 on Revolutions, Ancient and History of Painting in Italy (Stendhal),
Hindenburg, Paul von, 5:2313 Modern (Chateaubriand), 1:420 4:2252
Hinduism, 3:1134, 1135, 1136 Historical Right (Italy), 3:1200 History of Philosophy from Thales to
Sepoy Mutiny and, 4:2138, 2140 ‘‘Historical Russian Concerts,’’ 2:654 Comte, The (Lewes), 4:1844
Hinzpeter, Georg, 5:2468 Historical School (philosophy), 2:660 History of Russia from Ancient Times
Hirobumi, Itô, 3:1210, 1212 historical school of law, 4:2236 (Soloviev), 5:2460
Hirsch, Maurice de, 1:280 Historical View of the Literature of the History of Russian Social Thought, The
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 2:1069–1072, South of Europe (Sismondi), (Ivanov-Razumnik), 3:1170
1086; 4:2163; 5:2376 4:2185 History of Sexuality, The (Foucault),
Hirschfeld, Max, 3:1450 historic fallacy, 1:103 3:1270
Hirschman, C. A. W., 2:834 historicism, 1:107, 295; 2:583, 584 History of the Commonwealth of
His, Wilhelm, 1:341 Historische Fragmente (Burckhardt), England (Godwin), 2:981
His Last Bow (Doyle), 2:680 1:318 History of the Consulate and Empire
Hispaniola. See Dominican Republic; Historische Zeitscrhift (journal), (Thiers), 1:270; 5:2311
Haiti 2:1072, 1073 History of the Crusades (Michaud),
Histoire de dix ans (Blanc), 1:247 history, 2:1072–1075 2:676–677
Histoire de la civilisation en Europe Acton and, 1:6–7 History of the Czech Nation in Bohemia
(Guizot), 2:1029 body focus of, 1:251–255 and Moravia (Palecký, 4:1711
Histoire de la civilisation en France Burckhardt’s view of, 1:315, History of the French Revolution
(Guizot), 2:1029 318–319 (Michelet), 3:1499
Histoire de la grandeur et de la History of the German Language (J.
Carlyle and, 1:370–371
décadence de César Birotteau Grimm), 2:1024
Croce and, 2:583–584, 585
(Balzac), 1:168 History of the Latin and Germanic
Histoire de la littérature française ‘‘great men’’ theory of, 5:2319
Peoples (Ranke), 4:1940
(Taine), 5:2522 Guizot and, 2:1029, 1030
History of the Pugachev Rebellion, The
Histoire de la peinture en Italie Hegel’s philosophy of, 2:1052,
(Pushkin), 4:1920
(Stendhal), 4:2252 1054, 1062
History of the Revolution (Thiers),
Histoire de la révolution de l’Angleterre Herder’s philosophy of,
(Guizot), 2:1029 2:1061–1062
History of the Roman Republic
Histoire de ma vie (Sand), 4:2083, Herzen’s philosophy of, 2:1064 (Michelet), 3:1499
2084 Humboldt’s (Wilhelm) philosophy History of the Thirty Years Peace
Histoire des Girondins (Lamartine), of, 2:1097 (Martineau), 3:1459
3:1303–1304 industrialization and, 3:1146–1156 History of the Ukraine-Rus, A
Histoire des républiques italiennes au Macaulay and, 3:14707–14708 (Hrushevsky), 5:2372
Moyen Age (Sismondi), 4:2185 Marxist, 2:755, 1074–1075 History of Trade Unionism, The (Webb
Histoire naturelle des animaux sans Michelet’s view of, 3:1499 and Webb), 5:2445
vertèbres (Lamarck), 3:1302
Milyukov’s school of, 3:1517, 1518, history painting
Histoire parlementaire de la France
1552 Courbet and, 2:568
(Guizot), 2:1029
Mommsen and, 3:1532–1534 Daguerre and, 2:605
Histoires extraordinaires (Baudelaire),
1:188 nationalism theories and, David and, 2:624
Histoires grotesques et sérieuses 3:1607–1608 Delacroix and, 2:640–642
(Baudelaire), 1:188 Palacký and, 4:1711–1712 Géricault and, 2:955, 956
Histoires Naturelles (Renard), 4:1944 Ranke and, 4:1939–1941 History of England from the Accession of
Histoire socialiste de la Révolution Russian historians and, 3:1552 James II (Macaulay), 3:1407
francaise (Jaurès), 3:1216 See also art history Hitler, Adolf, 1:189, 231, 404; 3:1589

2658 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

anti-Semitism and, 3:1393; 5:2421 Hogg, James, 4:2255 Münchengrätz convention and,
Center Party and, 2:966 Hohenlinden, Battle of (1800), 2:901 3:1561
Drumont and, 2:688 Hohenlohe, Friedrich Ludwig, Restoration and, 4:1970–1971, 1973
3:1221, 1222 Revolutions of 1830 and, 2:566;
LeBon’s theory of crowds and,
3:1317 Hohenlohe-Ohringen, Christian-Kraft 3:1561
von, 1:84 Spain and, 4:2228
lower middle-class support for, 1:106
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chlodwig Holy Family (Schiele), 4:2090
Lueger as influence on, 3:1393, 1395
zu, 4:1722; 5:2469 Holy Family, The (Marx and Engels),
Mann’s opposition to, 3:1435 Hohenstien, Leo Thun Von, 5:2383
Planck and, 4:1799–1800 2:755
Hohenzollern dynasty, 1:83, 84, 389; Holyoake, G. J., 2:555
Romanies and, 4:2021, 2023 2:961 Holy Roman Empire
Shaw and, 4:2167 Austria-Hungary and, 2:865 abolishment of, 2:901
Social Darwinism and, 2:619 Franco-Prussian War and, 2:853, anticlericalism and, 1:68
Wagner and, 5:2431 867, 964
aristocracy and, 1:85
Hmilton, Emma, 3:1615 Protestants and, 2:870–871
Hobbes, Thomas, 1:465; 3:1272; Catholicism and, 1:388
Prussia and, 4:1899, 1901
4:2212 collapse of, 1:139–140; 2:860, 875
Holcroft, Thomas, 1:244
Hobhouse, L. T., 3:1518; 4:2215 France and, 4:2186
Hölderin, Johann Christian Friedrich,
Hobrecht, James, 1:218 Francis II as last emperor of,
Hobsbawm, Eric, 3:1147, 1607, 1666; 2:860, 957
Hegel and, 2:1051, 1078
4:1821, 2130, 2132 French Revolutionary and
Hellenism and, 4:1769
Hobson, John A., 2:505, 1012, Napoleonic Wars and, 2:899
Schelling and, 4:2088
1075–1076; 3:1518 German Confederation replacing,
on economic imperialism, 1:262; 2:957
as British paid days off, 1:285;
3:1121–1122, 1125 Habsburgs and, 2:957
on jingoism, 3:1235 Italian bureaucrats and, 1:322
Czech national celebrations, 1:262
socialism and, 4:2205, 2206–2207 Switzerland and, 4:2291
Dutch national celebration, 3:1619
Hoche, Louis-Lazare, 2:666 Voltaires description of, 2:957
patriotic and religious, 4:1826
Ho Chi Minh, 1461; 3:1144–1145 Holy Shroud at Trier, 4:1788
Hochschild, Adam, 1:222 vacations and, 3:1324–1325
Holy Sinner, The (Mann), 3:1437
Hoch- und Untergrundbahnen (Berlin Holland. See Netherlands
Homage to Queen Caterina Cornaro
subway), 4:2273 Hollander, Samuel, 3:1514 (Markart), 5:2405
hockey, 4:2245 Holloway, Thomas, 1:287 Home, Daniel Dunglas, 4:2237,
Hoe, Richard, 4:1866 Holmes, Frederick Lawrence, 1:227 2238–2239
Hoechst Company, 2:736 Holmes, Sherlock (fictional detective), Home, Everard, 3:1223
Hoesch, Leopold, 2:960 2:680–681 Home and Foreign Review, The
Hofbibliothek (Munich), 3:1350 Holmskjold, Theodor, 2:647 (formerly The Rambler), 1:6
Hofer, Andreas, 3:1235–1236 Holocaust, 1:77; 2:639; 3:1395 Home Guard (England), 1:117
Hoff, Jacobus, Hendricus. See van’t holograms, 3:1398 Home International Championship
Hoff, Jacobus Hendricus Holroyd, Michael, 4:2259 (British football), 2:832
Hoffaktoren, 4:2039 Holstein. See Schleswig-Holstein Homeland (Blok), 1:250
Höffer, Aloı́s, 1:298 Holstein, Friedrich von, 3:1545 Homeless Family Sleeping on a Bridge
Hoffmann, Erich, 4:2303 Holtzendorff, Franz von, 3:1175 (Doré), 2:677
Hoffmann, E. T. A., 1:197, 198, 295; Holy Alliance, 2:1079–1082; 3:1173; Homer, 3:1165, 1675; 5:2319
2:678 4:1985 Homer Deified (Ingres), 3:116
Offenbach Contes d’Hoffmann and, Alexander I and, 1:38; 2:565, 959; Home Rule. See Irish Home Rule
3:1661–1662 4:1718 Home Rule Party (Ireland), 4:1741,
Hoffmann, Josef, 1:107, 112, 153, Congress of Troppau and, 1742
336; 3:1381 2:531–532 homicide. See crime; murder
Hofmann, August Wilhelm von, Congress of Vienna and, 2:534, 565 Homme qui rit, L’ (Hugo),
1:425, 426; 3:1159, 1160 Crimean War breakup of, 2:1079, 2:1094–1095
Hofmann, Josef, 2:654 1081 homosexuality and lesbianism,
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 2:1067, Greek War of Independence and, 2:1082–1086, 1085; 3:1450;
1076–1077; 3:1437, 1675, 3:1685 4:2162–2163
1676; 5:2405, 2421 members of, 2:1002, 1079–1080; Bloomsbury Group and, 4:2258
Hogarth, Catherine. See Dickens, 4:1970, 1971, 1973, 2228; Byron and, 1:332, 333
Catherine Hogarth 5:2392 Carpenters theory of, 1:372–373
Hogarth, Mary, 2:656 Metternich and, 2:861, 959 Decadence and, 2:632, 633

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2659

degeneracy label for, 2:639, 683 horse transportation, 2:766 Lloyd George’s career in,
Ellis study of, 2:745, 746, 948, Horta, Victor, 1:109, 110, 152, 3:1369–1370
1085; 3:1450 307, 307 Macaulay speeches in, 3:1407
emancipation movement and, Hortense, queen consort of France, Mill (James) on, 3:1510
2:1069–1071, 1086 1:481
Mill’s (John Stuart) seat in, 3:1513
Hoschedé, Alice, 3:1536
fin de siècle concerns and, 2:816 O’Connor’s seat in, 3:1657, 1658
hospices, 3:1664
first use of word homosexual and, Palmerston’s seat in, 4:1713
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
2:1082 Parnell’s seat in, 4:1741–1742
(Barcelona), 1:184
Forster and, 2:835, 836 hospitals, 1:450; 3:1358, 1637 Peel’s seat in, 4:1757–1759
Freuds view of, 2:906, 1085 battlefield, 3:1308 suffrage reforms and, 1:290
gay studies and, 4:2297 changed function of, 3:1648 Wilberforce’s seat in, 5:2462–2463
gender hierarchy and, 2:947 geriatrics and, 3:1665 See also Parliament, British
German court (1907) scandal and, Nightingale reforms and, 3:1638 House of Lords (Britain), 1:302;
2:968, 1071, 1084 2:560
nursing and, 3:1648–1650
imperialism and, 2:948 Anglican bishopric members of,
postoperative infections in, 3:1358
Krafft-Ebing and, 2:816, 1085; 4:1895
Hössli, Heinrich, 2:1085; 4:2297
3:1270 hot-air balloons. See balloons aristocracy as members of, 1:80,
Pater and, 4:1746, 1747, 1770 Hôtel Crillon (Paris), 4:1727 86, 469
Sade and, 4:2074 Hôtel de la Marine (Paris), 4:1727 Brougham as member of, 1:303
Scouting and, 1:160 Hôtel de Ville (Paris), 4:1729, 1734, Byron’s Luddite defense speech in,
Strachey and, 4:2258, 2259 1736 3:1410
Symonds and, 4:2296–2297 Hôtel Dieu (Paris), 4:2300 Corn Laws repeal and, 2:1005
Tchaikovsky and, 5:2306, 2307 Hôtel Lambert (Paris), 2:604 Curzon as member of, 2:597–598
terms for, 2:1082 hotels diminished power of, 2:730
‘‘third sex’’ theory of, 5:2375–2376 cities and, 1:445 Disraeli as member of, 2:674
Ulrichs and, 2:1070, 1085–1086; restaurants and, 4:1967 People’s Budget of 1910 and, 3:1369
5:2375–2377 seaside resorts and, 3:1325 reforms and, 1:114, 115, 303; 2:730,
Wilde and, 4:2258, 2297; Hotel Solvay (Brussels), 1:307 1012–1013; 3:1345, 1369–1370
5:2465–2466 Hötzendorf, Conrad von, 2:862, 865 House of Savoy. See Piedmont-Savoy
Wildes conviction and, 2:633, 639, Houdin, Robert, 3:1483 House of the Hanged Man at Auvers,
1070, 1084 Hound of the Baskervilles, The (Doyle), The (Cézanne), 1:398
Homosexuality of Men and Women, The 2:680 Houses at L’Estaque (Braque), 2:593
(Hirschfeld), 2:1071 Hours in a Library (Stephen), 4:2254 Houses of Parliament (Britain), 1:185,
Hondschoote, Battle of (1793), 2:900 Hours of Idleness (Byron), 1:332 186; 4:1918, 2030
Hone, William, 2:585, 586 Household Words (British periodical), See also House of Commons: House
2:657 of Lords; Parliament, British
Honegger, Arthur, 4:2087
Housekeeper, The (Daumier), 1:35 housing, 2:1086–1092
Hong Kong, 1:292, 434; 3:1680
House of Commons (Britain) Amsterdam and, 1:55
cession to Britain of, 3:1579, 1679
antislavery campaign in, 4:1896 art nouveau style of, 1:109–109,
prostitution and, 4:1886
Asquith’s rise in, 1:114–115; 2:730 112, 113–114
syphilis control, 4:2302
Bagehot’s political theory and, 1:161 Barcelona and, 1:182, 183
honor, dueling and, 2:694–695;
Brougham’s seat in, 1:303 Berlin and, 1:218–219; 3:1554
Burke’s seat in, 1:326, 327 Brussels and, 1:306
Honoré Balzac (Rodin), 1:167
Hontheim, Johann Nikolaus von Castlereagh leadership in, 1:374 building codes and, 1:453–454
(Febronius), 4:1721 Chamberlain’s (Joseph) seat in, cities and, 1:452, 453–454;
Hooker, Joseph, 2:616 1:404 2:1086–1087; 4:1912
Hoornik, Sien, 5:2400 Chartist platforms and, 417; Dublin and, 2:692–693
Hope & Co., 1:170 1:414–415 factory workers and, 1:474; 2:793,
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 5:2310 Cobbett’s seat in, 1:489–490 1087, 1088; 3:1275
Hopkins, William, 3:1477 Cobden’s seat in, 1:491 furniture and, 2:913–914
Horen, Die (German literary journal), Corn Laws repeal and, 2:1005 London and, 3:1373, 1375
4:2095 Disraeli’s career in, 2:672–673, 674 Manchester and, 3:1430
Horner, Francis, 1:302–303 Fox’s career in, 2:839–840, 1001 middle class and, 2:1088,
horseback riding, 3:1305 Gladstone’s career in, 1089–1090; 3:1453
horse breeding, 2:770 2:976–978, 978 middle-class consumerism and,
horse racing, 2:730; 4:2240, 2245 Hardie’s seat in, 2:1043, 1044 2:549

2660 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Moscow and, 3:1554 Hull, William, 5:2439 Louis XVIII and, 3:1387
Paris and, 4:1727, 1731, 1733 Hull Anti-Mill Society, 2:555 Louis-Philippe and, 3:1388
peasants and, 4:1753 Hulme, T. E., 1:214 Napoleon defenders and, 1:270, 471;
private sphere and, 3:1453 Hülsenbeck Children, The (Runge), 3:1589
1:428, 429 Napoleonic myth and, 3:1589
reformers and, 2:1090–1092
human body. See body
St. Petersburg and, 4:2079 new Napoleonic regime and, 3:1,
Human Development Index, 5:2334
sanitary problems and, 4:1912 1588
human evolution. See evolution
typhus outbreaks and, 2:670 Talleyrand and, 5:2306
humanism, 4:1843–1844
working class and, 2:550, Hungarian language, 1:310; 3:1268,
1087–1089, 1090–1092; 3:1456 1269, 1605
Berlin Conference and, 1:221, 222, Hungarian Revolution of 1848, 1:143;
See also apartment buildings; slums; 223, 308
tenements 2:627, 808, 961; 3:1344, 1605;
exploration and, 2:784 4:1990, 1992, 1995
Houssaye, Arsène, 1:187
Geneva Conventions and, counterrevolution and, 2:567,
Houten, C. J. van, 1:496
2:952–953; 3:1175 1080–1081; 3:1626
Howard’s End (Forster), 2:835–836
Hague Law and, 3:1175 Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:141–142
How Is Scientific Socialism Possible
(Bernstein), 4:2205 imperialism and, 3:1115, 1122 Jelačić and, 3:1219–1220
‘‘How Much Land Does a Man Humanité, L’ (periodical), 3:1217, Kossuth and, 3:1266, 1267
Need?’’ (Tolstoy), 5:2319 1218 Hungarian Rhapsodies (Liszt),
Ho Xuan Huong, 3:1138 Human Pyramid, The (Doré), 2:677 3:1361; 4:1825
Høyen, Niels Lauritz, 2:647 human rights Hungarian Workers Union, 1:36;
Hroch, Miroslav, 3:1607 French declaration of, 1:456 2:864
Hrushevsky, Mykhailo, 5:2371–2372 indigenous protection societies and, Hungary
Huart, Louis, 2:826 2:504–505 Austria and, 4:1993, 1995; 5:2420,
Huddersfield Luddism, 3:1392 Leopold II violation of, 1:205; 2:509 2498
Hudsons Bay Company, 1:346 Portuguese cololonial abuses of, baths and spas in, 5:2327
Hué, 3:1138, 1140 2:509 Croatian nationalism and, 2:924,
Hueppe, Ferdinand, 2:834 ‘‘Human Vision’’ (Helmholtz), 2:1058 925; 3:1268–1269
Huet, J. B., 2:845 Humboldt, Alexander and Wilhelm Deák and, 2:653–627
Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm, 3:491 von, 1:22; 2:1095–1098 Dual Monarchy status of,
Hughenden Manor (Disraeli estate), Schloss Tegel estate of, 4:2092 1:144–145, 262; 2:627
2:672 university systems and, electrified factories and, 2:741
Hughes, Arthur, 4:1865 5:2381–2383, 2383, 2390 emigrant returns to, 2:749
Hughes, Nathan, 2:1004 Humboldt, Alexander von, 2:774,
Hughes, Thomas, 1:428; 3:1162 emigrants from, 2:748
1095–1096, 1096, 1097; 3:1658
Hugo, Léopoldine, 2:1093, 1094 Francis Ferdinand and, 2:862
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 1:215,
Hugo, Victor, 1:169, 229, 270, 411; Kossuth and, 3:1265–1269
430–431; 2:958, 1097–1098;
2:678, 827, 930, 1092–1095, liberalism and, 3:1346
3:1341; 4:1900
1093; 3:1360; 4:1849, 1916, nationalism and, 1:447; 2:627, 705,
as Mill (John Stuart) influence,
1963, 2123, 2252; 5:2499, 2524 865; 3:1265–1269, 1267–1269,
Baudelaire essay on, 1:188 1605; 4:1861, 1993, 2131
Humboldt University, 2:958; 3:1533;
on childhood, 1:427 papal infallibility and, 4:1723
Doré illustrations for, 2:676 peasant status in, 4:1754
See also Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
exile of, 2:1093–1095 Hume, David, 1:210, 326, 465; Protestant minority in, 4:1891
funeral of, 2:1094, 1095 3:1514; 4:2120; 5:2394 Radetzky and, 3:1219–1220
Goncourt brothers and, 2:991 as Malthus influence, 3:1425 railroads and, 4:1933
as intellectual, 3:1167 Hume, Joseph, 2:511; 3:1510 republicanism and, 4:1963
Nadar and, 3:1578 Humperdinck, Engelbert, 3:1675 Romanians and, 4:2018, 2019
peace congress and, 4:1695 Hunchakian Party (Armenian), 1:89, 92 Semmelweiss and, 4:2135
as popular writer, 4:1823 Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Serbia and, 4:1993, 1994, 2148
Rodin’s monument to, 4:2009 (Hugo), 2:1093; 4:1916, 2030 subways in, 4:2272
Romanticism and, 4:2027, 2030 Hundred Days, 2:846–847, 903, 958, universities in, 5:2388
spiritualism and, 4:2237 1098–1099; 3:1588, 1599 wine and, 5:2475, 2477
women’s rights and, 1:127 Congress of Vienna and, 2:534; world’s fairs and, 5:2503
Huguenots, 3:1111; 4:1891 3:1493 See also Austria-Hungary; Budapest;
Huguenots, Les (Meyerbeer), 3:1661, Constant and, 2:545 Hungarian Revolution of 1848
1671 Fouché and, 2:837 Hunger (Breton), 4:1947

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2661

hunger strikes, 2:805; 4:1714 hygiene ‘‘Idea for a Catechism of Reason for
Hunt, Holman, 4:1707, 1863, 1864, body and, 1:251, 253 Noble Ladies’’ (Schleiermacher),
2046 death rates and, 2:644, 645 4:2097
Hunt, Margaret, 2:1023 hospitals and, 3:1638 Ideal Husband, An (Wilde), 5:2465
Hunt, William Holman. See Hunt, pollution and, 2:765–766 idealism, 4:1947, 2104
Holman Croce and, 2:583–584
See also public health; sanitation
Hunter, John, 3:1223 Fichte and, 2:813
hylaens (avant-garde group), 1:157
hunting, 3:1305, 1306; 4:2240 Mach and, 3:1409
Hyman, Stanley, 2:872
Huntington, Samuel, 2:536–537 Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1514
Hymnen an die Nacht (Novalis), 3:1647
Huntsman, Benjamin, 3:1152
Hymns to the Night (Novalis), 3:1647 nationalism and, 3:1604–1605
hurling (sport), 3:1182
Hymn to Satan (Carducci), 1:362 Novalis and, 3:1647, 1648
Hurt, Jakob, 2:820
Hyndman, Henry Mayers, 2:787; Idea of a University, The (Newman),
Hus, Jan
4:2205 3:1621
as Czech identity symbol, 1:262, 263 Hyperion (Hölderlin), 2:1078 Idearium español (Ganivert), 2:950
statue of, 4:1858 hypnosis, 3:1238; 4:1908, 2295 Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature
Husayn ibn Ali, al-, 5:2362 Charcot and, 1:410 (Schelling), 4:2088
Husaynid dynasty, 5:2362 Ideas: Introduction to Pure
Freud and, 4:1904
Huss, Magnus, 1:37 Phenomenology (Husserl), 4:2133
Mèliès and, 3:1483
Husserl, Edmund, 2:1099–1101;
mesmerism and, 3:1490–1491 Idée de l’état, L (Michel), 4:2081
hypodermic syringe, 2:686 Idée générale des la révolution
Brentano’s influence on, 1:298, 299; (Proudhon), 1:320
Hyspa, Vincent, 4:2086
2:1099, 1100 Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie
hysteria, 3:1239, 1325
Dilthey polemic with, 2:660, 661 (Husserl), 4:2133
Charcots theory of, 1:408–410;
Mach critique by, 3:1409 Ideen zur Philosophie de Geschichte zur
secularization viewed by, 4:2133 Bildung der Menschheit (Herder),
fin de siècle diagnoses of, 2:816;
Hussites, 3:1469; 4:1711–1712, 2:1061
1860 Ideés napoléoniennes, Les (Louis-
Freud and Breuer theories of, 2:410,
Hutcheson, Francis, 1:326; 5:2393 Napoleon), 1:271; 3:1590
904–905, 907
Hutchinson, Mary, 5:2481, 2482 idéologues, 2:522
Hutterites, 2:645 Ideology and Utopia (Mannheim),
Hutton, R. H., 1:160 3:1172
Huxley, Thomas Henry, n Idiot, The (Dostoyevsky), 2:678, 679
2:1101–1103, 1102; 4:2233; Idyll de mai (caricature), 1:352
5:2458 Idylls of the King (Tennyson),
as Darwin’s champion, 2:614, 616, Ibn Hazm, 3:1516 5:2309–2310
617, 777, 1101, 1102 Ibrahim Pasha, 2:731, 732, 1020; Doré illustrations, 2:676
Morant Bay uprising and, 1:371 3:1421, 1612; 5:2391 Iggers, George, 4:1940
Huysmans, Camille, 1:205 Ibsen, Henrik, 1:220; 2:638, 951; Ignatiev, N. P., 4:2085
Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 2:1103–1105 3:1107–1109, 1108 Igrok (Dostoyevsky), 2:678–679
on Chéret’s poster art, 4:1846 fin de siécle and, 2:815, 816 ‘‘I Have Raised Myself a Monument
Decadence and, 2:632, 1104, 1105; on gender-role resistance, 2:942 Not Made by Hands’’ (Pushkin),
4:2292–2293 Grieg and, 4:2287 4:1919
degeneration and, 2:638 Jarry and, 3:1213 Ilbert Bill of 1883 (British India),
Gauguin and, 2:939 Rank and, 4:1938 3:1135
Zola and, 5:2523 scandal created by, 3:1473 Ile de la Cité (Paris), 2:1048; 4:1730,
Hvitträsk (Finnish complex), 1:119 Shaw and, 4:2165–2166 1732
Hyatt, John Wesley, 3:1160 Suez Canal opening and, 4:2274 Iliad (Homer), 3:1165, 1675; 5:2319
hybridization, 3:1484, 1485–1486 symbolism and, 4:2295 Flaxman drawings for, 3:1165
Hyde, Douglas, 3:1182 Ibsen, Strindberg and the Intimate Ilinden revolt (1903), 3:1691
Hyde Park (Derain), 2:796 Theatre: Studies in TV illegitimacy, 2:645, 944, 947, 995
Hyde Park (London), 4:1738, 1739 Presentations (Törnqvist), 4:2269 English ‘‘baby farming’’ and, 4:1829
women’s suffrage demonstrations in, Icarian communities, 1:338, 339 factors in, 4:1828
4:1761–1762 Icarie (Cabet), 1:104 male fear of, 3:1471
Hyder Ali, 2:706 Icarus, 1:29 illiteracy. See literacy
Hyderbad, 2:706; 3:1133, 1134 Ice Age theory, 1:22–23 Illusions du progrès (Sorel), 4:2218
hydrodynamics, 2:1058 Iceland, 1:35 Illusions perdues (Balzac), 1:168
hydrogen, 3:1312 ICRC. See Red Cross Illustrated London News (magazine),
hydrotherapy. See baths, therapeutic Idden (Husserl), 2:1100 4:1773

2662 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

illustration from colonies, 3:1524–1525 Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292–294

Baudelaire on, 3:1128 Dublin and, 2:690 Britain and, 1:221–222, 501; 2:597;
Beardsley and, 1:109, 192, 193 ethnic minorities and, 3:1524–1526 3:1668–1669; 4:1997,
Blake and, 1:245, 246 Hamburg and, 2:1041 2218–2224, 2218–2225, 2275,
Bonapartism and, 1:270 as labor-importing, 3:1113 2302; 5:2330, 2414
Burne-Jones and, 4:1865 Lithuania and, 3:1367–1368 See also India
Cruikshank and, 2:585, 586–587 London and, 3:1372–1373 before the 1870s, 1114–1115;
Daguerre lithographs and, 2:605 3:1116
marriage and family life and, 3:145,
Daumierand, 2:620 1457 capitalism and, 4:2205
Doré and, 2:676–678 Chamberlain (Joseph) and, 1:405;
Milan and, 3:1503–1504
Menzel and, 3:1489 3:1118
New Zealand and, 3:1622
newspapers and, 4:1867 in China, 1:434–435, 435; 3:1118,
peasants and, 4:1756
photography and, 4:1772, 1867 1678–1680, 1679–1684
of Poles into France, 4:1808
posters and, 4:1845–1846 civilizing mission and, 1:462–464;
population growth and, 2:646 3:1120, 1124–1125, 1174
See also caricature and cartoons railroads and, 4:1936
Illustration, L’ (French newspaper), colonization vs., 2:504, 506, 663;
Rome and, 4:2035, 2036 3:115
4:1773, 1867
Russian serfs and, 4:2152, 2153, as Conrad novelistic subject, 2:535,
Illustrations of Political Economy
2172–2173 536, 948
(Martineau), 3:1459
Scotland and, 4:2118, 2120, 2121 Crystal Palace and, 2:589
Illyrian movement, 2:924, 925
Illyrian provinces, 2:902; 3:1193, 1599 Sicilians and, 4:2175 Curzon’s dedication to, 2:597, 598
ILP. See Independent Labour Party single people and, 3:1451 definitions of, 3:1115
Images (Debussy), 2:631 South Africa and, 4:2220–2223 diplomacy and, 2:1033; 3:1118
Imaginary Portraits (Pater), 4:1746 Swedes and, 4:2285, 2287 Disraeli and, 2:673, 673, 674, 977,
Imagined Communities (Anderson), Trieste and, 5:2356 1009; 3:1122
3:1607 typhus and, 2:668, 670 Doyle and, 2:680
IMF. See International Monetary Fund United States and, 1:353; East India Company and, 2:705, 706
Imitation of Christ, The (Thomas à 2:503–505, 646, 750, 962; in Egypt, 2:733–734
Kempis), 1:385 3:1114, 1367; 4:1804 evolutionism and, 2:777
Im Kampf um Gott (Andreas- Vladivostok and, 5:2427 exploration and, 2:783, 784
Salomé), 1:64 voluntary associations and, 1:119 factors in, 3:1115, 1121–1124
Imlay, Gilbert, 5:2480 Wales and, 5:2435 family life and, 3:1457
Immaculate Conception, doctrine of,
women’s motives for, 3:1114 Fashoda Affair and, 2:794–795;
4:1719, 1790
See also Irish immigrants 3:1117–1118; 5:2502
Pius IX and, 1:385; 4:1788, 1795,
‘‘immortal beloved’’ document Ferry and, 2:812–813; 3:1118,
1797, 1798
(Beethoven), 1:198 1121, 1522
Protestant rejection of, 4:1891 immunization. See vaccination France and, 1:339, 498, 499, 501;
immanent intentionality, Brentano’s Imperial Academy of Fine Arts 2:504, 505, 507–508, 507, 508,
doctrine of, 1:299 (St. Petersburg), 4:2076, 2077 642, 643, 859, 897; 3:1118,
Immanuel Kant (H. Chamberlain),
Repin and, 4:1956, 1957 1497, 1600; 5:2330, 2332–2333,
Imperial Ballet School (Russia), 2362, 2363
immigration and internal migration,
4:1750 French continental. See Napoleonic
Imperial Court Opera (Vienna), Empire
Algeria and, 1:45–46, 47 3:1418 gender and, 2:948
Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:52 imperialism, 3:1114–1126 Germany and, 1:20, 222, 240, 256,
Amsterdam laborers and, 1:54 Addis Ababa Treaty and, 1:7–8 339, 403; 2:506, 967, 967–968;
Athens and, 1:125–126 armed conflict and, 2:1033, 1034 3:1116, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1125,
Australia and, 1:134, 135, 353 armies and, 1:94, 99; 3:1473 1545–1546; 5:2353
Belgium and, 1:201 as Austen theme, 1:131–132 Great Game and, 1:244
Berlin and, 1:217 Baden-Powell and, 1:159, 160 Hobson’s economic theory on,
Bohemian Lands, 1:261 Berlin Conference and, 1:20, 2:1075–1076; 3:1121–1122,
Britain and, 2:690; 5:2489 220–224, 239 1125
Canada and, 1:343, 344, 346; Berlin Conference as guise for, ideology of, 3:1118–1121
3:1114 1:223; 3:1118 industrialism and, 2:708
cholera transmission and, 2:669 Boer War and, 1:159, 255–259; Italy and, 1:7–8, 362; 2:527, 582,
cities and, 1:444, 446–447; 2:670 3:1118, 1119 582, 583, 609, 794; 3:1116,

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2663

1118, 1200, 1202, 1546, 1549; Imperialism (Hobson), 2:1075–1076; Impression: Sunrise (Monet),
4:2299; 5:2377 3:1121–1122; 4:2206 3:1126–1127, 1129, 1535
Japan and, 3:1208–1212; 4:2171 Imperialism: The Highest Stage of impressment, 3:1339; 5:2439
jingoism and, 2:589; 3:1234–1235 Capitalism (Lenin), 3:1122, 1329 ‘‘Improvisations’’ (Kandinsky series),
Kipling and, 3:1256, 1257 Imperial Palace (Vienna), 3:1245
Kitchener and, 3:1257–1259, 3:1381–1382 In a Café, or The Absinthe (Degas), 1:3
1668–1669 Imperial State Bank (St. Petersburg), incandescent lamps, 2:741, 742
legacy of, 3:1124–1125 4:2077 Incest Motif in Literature and Legend,
Imperial War Museum (Britain), 2:589 The (Rank), 4:1938
Lenin on, 3:1122, 1329
Importance of Being Earnest, The Inchbold, John William, 4:1864
Leopold II and, 3:1336–1337
(Wilde), 5:2465 income
map of European empires (1815),
imports. See trade and economic Smith distribution theory of, 2:713
growth trade inequality and, 5:2334, 2342
map of European empires (1914),
impressionism, 2:569; 3:1126–1133; income tax. See taxation
4:1708–1709, 2156–2157, 2292; In Darkest England, and the Way Out
map of European holdings in Africa 5:2505 (Salvation Army manifesto),
(1880), 3:1117
avant-garde and, 1:152; 4:1701 4:2083
map of European holdings in Africa Independent Labour Party (Britain),
Cézanne and, 1:398–399; 3:1530
(1914), 3:1119 2:1011, 1043, 1044; 3:1295;
coining of term, 3:1126–1127
masculinity and, 2:948; 5:2488
3:1472–1473 Corot as influence on, 2:562
Daumier prefiguring, 2:622 women’s suffrage and, 4:1714
military defeats and, 3:1473 Independent Musical Society, 4:1944
missionaries and, 3:116, 1115, Debussy’s music and, 2:630–631;
3:1133, 1572 Independent Theatre (London),
1528–1529 3:1109
‘‘modern colonialism’’ and, Degas and, 2:634, 636;
Index Librorum Prohibitorum
1:499–500 4:1708–1709
(pornography bibliography),
Moroccan Crises and, 3:1545–1546 Delacroix as influence on, 2:641
Nanking Treaty and, 3:1578–1579 exhibitions of, 2:634; 4:1955 Index of Prohibited Books
Napoleon and, 3:1588 fauvism and, 2:795 Bergson and, 1:214
See also Napoleonic Empire first exhibit, Paris, 1874, 3:1127, Maurras and, 1:5
Netherlands and, 3:1617–1618, 1544, 1578; 4:1793 India, 3:1133–1137; 5:2411, 2414
1619; 4:2218 impact of, 3:1133 Armenians in, 1:88
‘‘new imperialism’’ and, 2:812–813; Liebermann and, 3:1352, 1353 British civilizing mission in, 1:462,
3:1115–1118 Manet’s relationship with, 3:1433, 499; 2:507–508; 3:1134
nonwhite population in Europe and, 1530 as British Crown colony, 1:499, 501;
3:1524 Menzel as precursor of, 3:1489, 2:706; 3:1135
Portugal and, 3:1114, 1116, 1151; 1490 British cultural effects on, 3:1135
4:1838–1839, 1840, 1841 modernism and, 3:1128–1132, 1530 British-French clashes in, 3:1115
primitivism and, 4:1875 Monet and, 3:1126–1127, British rule in, 1:353, 354, 498;
race and racism and, 4:1923, 1927 1128–1129, 1132, 1133, 1530, 2:506, 507, 508, 705–706, 999;
reasons for, 3:1115 1534, 1535–1537; 4:1708 3:1115, 1116, 1124–1125,
Rhodes and, 4:1997 Morisot and, 3:1543–1545 1133–1137
Russia and, 3:1116, 1120; 4:2051, naturalism vs., 4:1948 British wars in, 3:1134
2172; 5:2370 Parisian scenes and, 4:1732, 1739 bureaucracy of, 2:706; 3:1135
Sepoy Mutiny and, 4:2137–2140 Pissarro and, 3:1126, 1127, 1128, Burke on British policy in,
Sinn Féin opposition to, 3:1182 1130–1131, 1534; 4:1708, 1:327, 498
Spain and, 1:499; 2:949, 1792–1794 Castlereagh and, 1:373
1035–1036; 3:1114–1115; positivism and, 3:1132–1133 as cholera pandemic origin, 1:436;
4:1979, 2225, 2228, 2229, 2231 precursors of, 2:544, 622 2:668, 669
Stevenson’s critique of, 4:2256 Renoir and, 4:1708, 1709, 1954–1956 cotton goods and, 3:1151–1152,
Suez Canal and, 4:2274, 2275 Seurat and, 4:2156 1428
tourism and, 5:2330 two factions within, 3:1128 Curzon as viceroy of, 2:597, 598;
Westernizers and, 2:508, 509; Van Gogh and, 5:2400, 2401 3:1135, 1136
3:1115, 1120, 1124 See also neo-impressionism; Disraeli on British policy in, 2:508
world’s fair displays and, 4:1875; postimpressionism Doctrine of Lapse and, 4:2138
5:2496, 2497, 2500–2501, 2505 Impressions of Theophrastus Such East India Company and,
See also colonialism; colonies (G. Eliot), 2:745 2:705–706; 3:1133

2664 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

famines in, 3:1427 indigo, 1:364; 3:1160 labor protests and, 4:2264, 2265
Forster novel on, 2:836 Indigo und die vierzig Räuber Luddism and, 3:1391–1392
imperial expansion and, 1:244 (J. Strauss), 4:2261 machine breaking and, 3:1410–1412
Indische Bibliothek (Schlegel), 4:2095
imperial ideology and, 1:501 Malthus’s economic analysis of,
individual freedom. See rights
international exhibitions and, 5:2499 3:1426
individualism, 4:1968, 2026, 2030,
Kipling and, 3:1256 Manchester and, 3:1427–1431
Kitchener command in, 3:1258 new industries of, 3:1157–1158
free markets and, 2:709–710, 712
Macaulay’s views on, 3:1407 Owen reform program and,
Protestantism and, 4:1892
migrants to Britain from, 3:1524 3:1692–1693
Indochina, 1:500; 2:508;
Mill (James) writings on, 3:1137–1145, 1141, 1142 painting and, 4:1705–1706
3:1510–1511, 1512 French colonialism and, 1:434; pollution and, 2:764
missionaries to, 5:2463 2:812, 813; 3:1116, 1600 Romantic reaction to, 2:543
mutinies in. See Sepoy Mutiny Indochina Communist Party, 3:1145 rural life idealization and, 4:1757
nationalism and, 1:501; 2:597; Indo-European language family, spread throughout Europe of,
3:1135–1136 3:1134 1:349–351
Protestant missionary societies in, Indonesia, 1:53; 3:1617, 1619; technology and, 2:709; 3:1152–1154;
3:1527 4:1772; 5:2336 4:2108, 2111, 2115
railroads and, 1:353 ‘‘Indo-Russian Union, An’’ towns and, 1:444, 445
Romanies’ origins in, 4:2021, 2022 (Khlebnikov), 2:774 workers’ living standards and,
syphilis control in, 4:2302 inductor, 4:2108 1:350–351
as tea source, 1:495 Indulgents, 4:1952 Industrial Revolution, Second
trade and, 3:1151–1152; 5:2335 Industrial Democracy (Webb and (1870–1914), 1:351–356; 2:711;
Victoria as empress of, 2:674; 3:1135 Webb), 5:2445 3:1156–1164, 1305
industrial engineers, 2:759 business firms/economic growth
Wellington and, 5:2457
industrialization. See economic growth and, 1:329–331
world’s fairs and, 5:2496
and industrialization capitalism and, 1:351–357; 3:1157
India Act of 1784 (Britain), 2:794
industrial/manufacturing exhibitions, chemical industry and, 1:351, 427;
India House, 3:1510, 1511
4:1961; 5:2493–2494 2:709; 3:1159–1160
India House, Sale Room (Pugin and
Industrial Revolution, First
Rowlandson), 5:2335 coal output and, 1:485–486
(1770–1870), 1:24;
India Mail, 5:2405 consumerism and, 2:550–551
3:1146–1156, 1305
Indiana (Sand), 2:802; 4:2083 corporations and, 1:355
Agricultural Revolution and, 1:27–28
Indiana Law of 1907, 2:771 electricity and, 1:351; 2:709,
Indian Civil Service, 3:1136 Brunel and, 1:303–305
741–742; 3:1157, 1161–1162
Indian Mutiny (1857–1858). See business firms/economic growth
and, 1:30, 328–329, 331 energy systems and, 3:1160–1162
Sepoy Mutiny
capitalism and, 1:350–351; environment and, 2:764–766, 765
Indian National Congress, 1:501;
3:1157–1158 factories and, 2:792
2:597; 3:1135–1136
Indian Ocean Carlyle on, 1:371 German leadership of, 1:330–331
Portuguese colonies and, 1:499 Chartism as reaction to, 1:415, 416 internal combustion and, 3:1161
slave trade and, 1:14, 16, 308 child labor and, 1:430; 2:708 labor movements and, 3:1290–1291
indigenous peoples, 1:363, 500, 501 coal mining and, 1:485 labor protests and, 4:2265–2266
Australia and, 1:133–134 Cockerill works and, 1:493 London and, 3:1374–1375
Christian missionary approaches to, cotton factories and, 2:708 nostalgia for rusticity and, 4:1757
3:1527–1528 diet and nutrition and, 2:658–669 photography and, 4:1772
civilization concept and, 2:504 economic growth compared with population control and, 4:1830
colonial governments and, 2:508 Second Industrial Revolution, railroads and, 4:1935–1936
colonists’ treatment of, 2:504–505 1:352 sewing machine and, 4:2159
imperial technological power and, educational opportunity and, 2:721 Siemens and, 4:2179
3:1118, 1125 environment, 2:764–766 steel and, 1:351; 2:709; 3:1157,
Leopold II’s cruelty and, epidemics and, 2:667 1158–1159, 1273–1276
3:1336–1337 factories and, 2:788–793 systems and, 3:1162–1163
‘‘native policy’’ and, 2:507–509 garment-making and, 4:2158 technology and, 4:2112–2113, 2115
New Zealand and, 3:1622, 1623, 1624 historiographies on, 3:1146–1147, white-collar workforce and, 1:352
primitivism and, 4:1873–1876 1149 women workers and, 5:2487
South Africa and, 2:604; 3:1118; innovation and, 2:709; 4:2108, working class and, 1:356–357;
4:2219, 2220, 2223 2111, 2115 5:2484

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2665

work-week reduction and, 4:1824 Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Hegel’s celebrity with, 2:1054
world’s fairs and, 5:2493 Development (Galton), 2:927 Italian, 1:362–363
industrial sabotage, 3:1412 Inquiry Concerning the Distribution of Kautsky and, 3:1248–1249
Industrial System, The (Hobson), Wealth (Thompson), 4:2201
in Madrid, 3:1414
2:1075 Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of
Marx and, 3:1462, 1464
industrial unions, 3:1289, 1291 the Wealth of Nations (Smith). See
Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716
Industrial Workers of the World, 1:61 Wealth of Nations, The
Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas peace activists as, 2:1034; 4:1695
Industrie, L’ (Saint-Simon), 4:2202
of Beauty and Virtue Prague Slav Congress and,
Indy, Vincent d’, 2:631; 3:1675 4:1861–1863
infant abandonment, 1:431; 4:1829 (Hutcheson), 5:2393
Inquisition, 1:73; 4:1766 Russia and, 2:772
infant and child mortality, 1:261;
abolition of, 4:2227 Russian repression of, 3:1626
2:628, 644, 659
Restoration and, 4:1969 Stephen and, 4:2253–2254
class differences in, 3:1455
In Russian and French Prisons Wallace and, 5:2437–2438
decline in, 2:645; 4:1830
(Kropotkin), 3:1272 Westernizers as, 4:2195–2196;
Dublin and, 2:690
insanity, 1:410; 4:1718 5:2365, 2459–2460
London and, 3:1372
Inspector General, The (Gogol), 2:988 Young Hegelians as, 5:2511–2513
peasants and, 4:1753
instinctive federalism, 4:2227 Young Turks as, 5:2514–2516
as population control, 4:1829 Institut de Droit International, 2:952 See also intelligentsia
in Scotland, 4:2122 Institut de France, 2:598, 599 Intellectuals on the Road to Class Power,
urban high-density and, 2:667; Institut de l’Action Française, 1:5 The (Szelenyi), 3:1172
4:1912 Institute for Advanced Study intelligence tests, 2:927
as welfare concern, 5:2450, 2451, (Princeton), 2:740 intelligentsia, 3:1168, 1170–1172
2452 Institute for Infectious Diseases anarchist theory and, 3:1424, 1641
Infant Custody Act of 1839 (Britain), (Prussia), 2:735 Belinsky and, 1:207–208; 3:1170
3:1646 Institute for Serum Research and Berdyayev and, 1:212
infanticide, 4:1827 Testing (Berlin), 2:735
infantile sexuality theory, 4:1905 Chaadayev and, 1:400; 3:1170
Institute for Sexology (Berlin), 2:1071
infantry, 1:94, 95 Herzen and, 2:1066; 3:1170
Institute of Hygiene (Munich), 4:1914
infections, antiseptic and, 3:1358; Institute of Nursing (London), 3:1649 Kandinsky and, 3:1244–1245
4:1743 institutionalism, 2:707–708, Lenin’s view of, 3:1168, 1171,
infectious diseases. See disease 709–710, 711 1327–1328
inferiority complex, 1:9; 2:907 Institution of Civil Engineers (Britain), in Lithuania, 3:1367
Inferno (Dante), 2:676 2:758–759 nihilism and, 3:1638–1641
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, Institution Royales des Jeunes in Poland, 4:1811
2:634; 3:1165–1167, 1166; Aveugles (Paris), 1:296, 297 populists as, 3:1640–1641;
4:1706; 5:2496 instrumental music, 3:1567–1568, 4:1767–1768, 1800, 1831–1832
Delacroix as antagonist to, 2:640; 1572 radicalization of, 4:1879, 1880, 1881
4:1705 Romanticism and, 4:2027 in Russia, 4:1975, 2050, 2052–2053,
Ingush, 4:2165 Schubert and, 4:2106 2055
inheritance (biological). See genetics insurance companies, 5:2354 See also intellectuals
inheritance laws intellectual property law, 2:595; Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism
landed elite and, 3:1306 3:1173; 4:2111; 5:2499 and Capitalism, The (Shaw),
Napoleonic Code and, 2:942; music and, 3:1572 4:2167
3:1595 intellectuals, 3:1167–1169; 4:1946 Intentions (Wilde), 5:2464
stem family system and, 3:1450 Armenian, 1:88, 89, 90 interchangeable parts (modularity),
women and, 1:287 Bergson and, 1:214–215 3:1162
Inkermann Heights attack (1854), Bolshevik, 1:264, 266–267 intercontinental cable. See telegraph
2:579 Catholic, 1:385 Interior of Crystal Palace at Sydenham
In Memoriam (Tennyson), 5:2309, Opened by Her Majesty, June 10,
Czech national revival and, 1:261
2310 1854 (Shepherd), 2:589
Dreyfus defense by, 2:684, 685 Interior View of the Womens Section of
Innocents Abroad, The (Twain), 1:278
Innsbruck, 2:741 Eliot and, 2:743 the St. Petersburg Drawing School
Inns of Court (London), 2:726; Fabians and, 2:787 (Khilkova), 2:727
4:1879 Generation of 1898 and, 2:950–952 Interior, Woman at the Window
inoculation. See vaccination German cultural nationalism and, (Callebotte), 1:471
Inquirer, The (Unitarian periodical), 3:1523 Intermediate Sex, The (Carpenter),
1:160 hashish smoking and, 2:687 1:372–373

2666 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Intermediate Types among Primitive regulatory organizations and, Introduction to the Study of
Folks (Carpenter), 1:372 1:352–353 Experimental Medicine, An
Intermezzo in Modo Classico slavery ban and, 1:309 (Bernard), 5:2523
(Mussorgsky), 3:1576 International Law Association, 3:1175 intuitionism, 5:2394
internal combustion engine, 5:2351 International Monetary Fund, 3:1538 Invalides, Les (Paris), 1:270; 4:1726
airplanes and, 1:30; 3:1161 International Olympic Committee, invalid role, 3:1325
automobiles and, 1:149; 3:1161 3:1666, 1667 Invention of Tradition, The
development of, 3:1161 (Hobsbawm and Ranger), 3:1607
International Postal Union, 5:2499
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary inventions. See science and technology;
International Prisoners of War Agency,
Organization, 1:2 specific inventions by name
internal medicine, 1:408 ‘‘inversion.’’ See homosexuality and
International Psychoanalytic
International. See First International; lesbianism
Association, 3:1240; 4:1905
Second International invertebrate classification (Lamarck),
International Railway Congress
International Abolitionist Federation, 3:1302
Association, 1:353
1:129; 3:1556; 4:1884 Investigation of Dogmatic Theology, An
International Scientific Series, 4:2233
International African Association, (Tolstoy), 5:2319
International Socialist Bureau, 4:2127 Investigations into the Riddle of Man-
1:20, 222 International Socialist Physical Manly Love (Ulrichs), 2:1070;
International Alliance for Womens Education Association, 4:2245 5:2375
Suffrage, 2:805 International Society against State investment banking, 1:174–176;
International Anarchist Congress Regulated Vice, 4:1896 2:960
(1907), 1:60 International Style, 1:109 invisible hand of the market, 2:515,
International Association of the International Telegraph Bureau, 712; 4:1887
Congo, 1:222, 223 5:2308 Invisible Man, The (Wells), 5:2458
International Athletic Congress, International Telegraph Union, 1:352 IOC. See International Olympic
3:1667 International Union for the Protection Committee
International Bureau of Weights and of Industrial Property, 1:353 Ion (Euripides), 4:2095
Measures, 1:353 International Union for the Ionesco, Eugene, 4:2269
International Committee for Assistance Publication of Customs Tariffs, Ionian Islands, 2:1018, 1022; 3:1482
to Sick and Wounded Soldiers, 1:353 Ionian Sea, 3:1482
4:1948 International Women’s Rights Iphigenie auf Tauris (Goethe),
International Committee of the Red Congress (1878), 3:1556 2:984, 985
Cross. See Red Cross International Workingmen’s I promessi sposi (Manzoni),
International Committee of Women Association. See First International 3:1193–1194
for a Permanent Peace (Hague, Interparliamentary Union, 4:1695, Iradier, Eduardo Dato, 4:2232
1915), 1:189 1699 Iran. See Persia
International Congress of Psychology Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), Ireland, 3:1176–1186; 5:2433
(Paris, 1889), 4:1908 2:905, 906; 4:1905, 1938 Act of Union (1801) with, 1:373,
International Congress of Women interpretive sociology, 5:2448 415; 2:999; 3:1177
(The Hague, 1915), 1:129 intersubjectivity, 2:1100
International Council for the alcohol abstinence crusade in, 1:36
Intervention of the Sabine Women, Anglican established church in,
Exploration of the Sea, 3:1658
The (David), 2:624 4:1895
International Council of Nurses,
In the Year of Jubilee (Gissing), 2:975 army service and, 1:97
Intima Theatre (Stockholm), 4:2269 banking in, 1:172
International Criminal Court, 4:1697
‘‘Intimations of Immortality from
international expositions. See Belfast as largest city in, 2:690
Recollections of Early Childhood’’
Exposition Universelle; Great Castlereagh and, 1:373–374
(Wordsworth), 5:2482
Exhibition of 1858; world’s fairs Catholic emancipation as cause in,
intonarumori (futurist noise machine),
International Financial Commission, 1:373; 2:693, 1003
5:2362 Catholicism and, 1:327, 378, 379,
Introduction à l’étude de la médecine
International Football Association, 380, 383; 2:693, 1000, 1009,
expérimental (Bernard), 1:228
2:832 1010; 3:1176, 1181, 1654–1657
Introduction aux travaux scientifiques
international law, 3:1172–1176 Catholic politicization in, 1:387,
du XIXe siècle (Saint-Simon),
African colonization and, 1:221, 4:2080 388; 2:673; 3:1654–1657
222–223 Celticism and, 3:1178, 1182–1183
Introduction to the Human Sciences
Bosphorus and, 1:278 (Dilthey), 2:660 Chartism and, 3:1657–1658
Geneva Convention and, 2:952–953 Introduction to the Principles of Morals Easter Rising (1916) in, 2:693;
Hague Convention and, 2:1035 and Legislation (Bentham), 3:1185; 5:2510
pacifism and, 4:1695, 1696–1697 1:210–211; 5:2393 emigrants from, 2:747, 748, 748

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2667

emigrants to England from, 5:2489 workhouses in, 5:2454 Irish Potato Famine (1842–1852),
emigrants to Scotland from, 4:2118, world’s fair (1907) and, 5:2504 1:325, 351, 379; 2:558, 644,
2121 Yeats and, 5:2509–2510 658; 3:1179–1180, 1179, 1427
financial plight of, 2:1005; See also Belfast; Dublin British response to, 2:1005; 3:1180;
3:1178–1179 Irish Act of Union (1800). 4:1759
football (soccer) in, 2:830, 832, 833 See Act of Union Corn Laws repeal and, 2:1005
French Revolutionary War and, Irish Citizen Army, 3:1185 cultural impact of, 3:1180–1181
2:895 Irish Football Association, 2:832 deaths from, 2:644, 1005; 4:1751
Gladstone reforms in, 2:976, 978, Irish Home Rule, 1:86; 2:558, 1000; factors causing, 2:658, 761, 1005;
1008, 1009–1010 3:1184–1185, 1345, 1604; 3:1164
Home Rule and. See Irish Home Rule 4:1741–1742, 2131 migrants from, 2:646, 748, 1005;
housing in, 2:692–693, 1088, 1089 Asquith and, 1:115 3:1372, 1524
Chamberlain (Joseph) and, 1:405; Irish Rebellion (1798), 1:373
industrial/manufacturing exhibitions
and, 5:2493 2:1010 Irish Republican Brotherhood. See
Dublin government and, 2:691, 693 Fenians
landed elite in, 1:83
Fenians and, 2:1009; 3:1009, 1185; Irish Republican Party, 4:1964
land tenancy in, 2:1008, 1009,
4:1815, 2132 Irish Revival, 3:1182–1183
1010–1011; 3:1181, 1182;
Gladstone and, 2:978, 1010, 1011 Irish Transport and General Workers’
4:1741, 1755
infighting and, 3:1182 Union, 2:691
literacy rate in, 4:1868 Irish Volunteers, 3:1185
Marian apparition in, 4:1789–1790 Irish immigrants and, 3:1525
Irish Women’s Franchise League,
Marx on, 5:2342 Irish Revival and, 3:1182–1183
O’Connell and, 3:1654–1657 Liberal Party split over, 3:1348 iron
O’Connor and, 3:1657–1658 Parnell and, 5:2322 Belgium and, 1:201, 202
old-age pensions in, 3:1664 Salisbury policy and, 2:1010–1011 Bohemian Lands and, 1:260
Parnell and, 4:1741–1742 Sinn Féin and, 2:691; 3:1182–1184, Britain and, 1:329, 492–493; 2:709;
peasant plays and, 4:1756 1185; 4:1964 3:1427
peasants in, 3:1178, 1179; 4:1753 Ulster opposition to, 3:1183, 1184 coke and, 1:485
Peel and, 4:1758, 1759 Victoria and, 5:2414 Eiffel Tower construction of, 2:736,
police system in, 4:1814 Wilde and, 5:2464 738, 760
population growth in, 3:1178 Yeats and, 5:2509, 2510 France and, 1:329
Irish Home Rule Act of 1912 (Britain), Germany and, 1:329; 2:967
potato famine in. See Irish Potato
Famine Industrial Revolution (first) and,
Irish immigrants, 1:346, 351; 2:1005
Protestantism and, 1:373; 2:1009, 2:709
in Britain, 3:1372, 1373, 1524–1525
1010 Le Creusot power hammer and,
Fenians and, 2:1009 3:1163
rebellion of 1798 and, 2:1000
stereotypes of, 3:1525 Madrid buildings of, 3:1413
religious equality in, 2:1008
typhus and, 2:670 puddling and, 3:1152
republicanism and, 2:1000; 4:1964
Irish Insurrection of 1803, 3:1177
rural radicalism and, 1:83 steam-powered factories and,
Irish Land Act of 1870, 2:1008;
secret societies in, 4:2132 2:791, 792
3:1181, 1182
Shaw and, 4:2166 Wales and, 5:2433
Irish Land Act of 1885, 3:1181
single women in, 2:645 Irish Land Act of 1891, 3:1181 See also steel production
sister republics and, 4:2187, 2188 Irish Land Act of 1903, 3:1181 Iron Cross (Germany), 2:958
strikers in, 4:2267 Irish Land Act of 1909, 3:1181 Iron Law of Wages (Ricardo), 2:714
suffrage in, 4:2277, 2280–2281 Irish Land League, 2:1009 Iron Rolling Mill (Menzel), 3:1489
Irish language, 3:1182, 1183 irony, 3:1253
syndicalism and, 1:61
Irish Literary Revival (1890s), 3:1180, Irredentismo adriatico (Vivante),
telephone service in, 5:2308
1183 5:2356–2357
theater in, 2:693; 3:1109, 1182; irrigation canals, 2:762
4:1756; 5:2510 Irish Literary Theatre. See Abbey
Theatre Irrungen, Wirrungen (Fontane), 2:829
Tories and, 5:2321 Irving, Washington, 2:656
Irish nationalism. See Irish
‘‘Troubles’’ and, 4:1755 Isaacson, Esther, 4:1794
Home Rule
universities in, 5:2379 Irish Nationalist Party, 2:691, Isaacson, Joel, 3:1537
Wellington and, 5:2457 978, 1011 Isabella II, queen of Spain, 1:59, 68,
Wilde and, 5:2464–2466 Irish Parliament. See Parliament, Irish 182; 4:2229–2230
William IV and, 5:2471 Irish Parliamentary Party, Carlists and, 1:367, 368
women’s suffrage and, 4:2280–2281 3:1182, 1184 expulsion of, 2:949

2668 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Isabey, Jean-Baptiste, 4:2247 Armenian residents of, 1:90, 92 Austrian Habsburgs and, 1:137, 391,
Isandhlwana, Battle of (1879), 1:99; Bosphorus division of, 1:278 392, 414; 2:525, 531, 533, 567,
3:1118 British fleet sent to, 2:530 662, 669, 863, 864; 3:1191,
Ishutin circle, 5:2517 1193–1196; 4:1981, 1985,
European residents of, 3:1190
Iskra (socialist journal), 1:265; 3:1327, 1994–1995, 2000–2003, 2033,
Galata Bridge, 3:1684
1460, 1487; 4:1801; 5:2518 2034, 2098; 5:2377, 2409, 2410,
population of, 1:446; 3:1188
Islam 2513
Russian expansionist designs on,
Albania and, 1:32 Balkan wars and, 1:163, 164;
1:166, 243, 244; 3:1689
Algeria and, 1:45–46, 47 4:2149
Russo-Turkish War and, 4:2067,
as architectural influence, 2:936 banditry in, 2:571, 573; 3:1195,
2068, 2069
Athens and, 1:125 1199, 1414–1416, 1424
Is the Parliamentary Labour Party a
Balkan Wars and, 3:1691 banking and, 9; 1:171, 174
Failure? (Tillett pamphlet),
beards and, 1:190 3:1296 banking scandal and, 2:583,
Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:273, 274, 609, 971
Istoriia Rusov, 5:2370
275, 276, 277; 3:1687–1688 Istria, 2:958; 3:1198, 1199, 1203 Berlin Conference and, 1:221
Central Asia and, 1:395, 396–397 Itala Films, 1:442 Bourbons and, 1:392; 2:932;
charity as tenet of, 4:1847 Italian (Cisalpine) Republic, 3:1192 3:1191, 1254, 1255; 4:2000,
Italiana in Algeri, L’ (Rossini), 2003, 2004, 2130, 2175, 2176,
Chinese rebellions and, 1:434
3:1670; 4:2038 2188
Christian civilizing mission and,
Italian Athletics Federation, bourgeoisie in, 1:283
4:2244–2245 British policy and, 2:977; 4:2003
Greece and, 4:1982
Italian Cyclists’ Union, 4:2245 British slave trade prohibition and,
Greek War of Independence and,
Italian Nationalist Association, 2:609 1:308
Italian Nationalist Organization, bureaucracy and, 1:322; 3:1191
India and, 3:136, 1135
1:363, 389 business firms and, 1:329, 330
Istanbul and, 3:1186
Italian National Society, 3:197–198; Byron and, 1:333
jadidism and, 3:1206–1208 4:2003 Canova and, 1:347–349
Mahdi and, 1:18–19; 2:734, 783; Italian opera, 3:1670–1671, Carbonari in, 1:360–361; 4:1980,
3:1259, 1668 1672–1673, 1676–1677 2130–2131; 5:2513, 2514
millet system and, 3:1516–1517, 1687 Italian Renaissance, 1:185–186 Carducci and, 1:362–363
Morocco and, 3:1546–1549 Italian Renaissance Painting according Catholic cooperatives in, 2:556
Russia and, 1:39; 4:2164–2165 to Genres (Burckhardt), 1:318
Catholicism and, 1:377, 380, 383,
Sepoy Mutiny and, 4:2138 Italian Socialist Party. See Socialist
385; 5:2388
Serbia and, 4:2142, 2146, 2147 Party (Italy)
Catholic nursing care in, 3:1648
Shamil and, 4:2164–2165 Italian Syndicalist Union, 1:62; 4:2299
Italian-Turkish War (19111912), Catholic political activity and, 1:389
Sudan and, 1:18–19; 2:794; 3:1668
3:1202 Cavour’s political influence in,
Turkish nationalism and, 3:1690, 1:390–393; 3:1200
1691 Italian unification. See Risorgimento
Italian War of 1859, 4:1937, 2003; censorship in, 4:1869, 2001
women’s seclusion under, 1:396–397
5:2510 charities and, 4:1851
See also Ottoman Empire
Italienische Reise (Goethe), chemistry and, 1:424, 426
Islamic Red Army, 3:1208
2:985, 987 child abandonment in, 5:2454–2455
Island of Doctor Moreau, The (Wells),
Italo-Abyssinian Wars, 1:7–8 Christian Democrats in, 4:2209
Italy, 3:1191–1204 cinema and, 1:442–443; 4:1824
Island of Sakhalin, The (Chekhov),
agricultural workers and, 1:24 commercial policy and, 2:512,
Isle-Adam, Villiers de, 2:633 airplanes and, 1:31 516, 517
Isle of Wight, 1:288 Albanian independence and, 3:1691 Congress of Berlin and, 2:530
Isly, Battle of (1844), 3:1548 alliance system and, 1:47, 48–50; Congress of Troppau and,
Ismail Pasha, 1:18; 2:732–733; 2:526, 527 2:531–532
3:1338; 4:2274–2275 anarchism and, 1:57, 58; 3:1201, Congress of Vienna and, 2:533;
isomorphism, 1:425 1202, 1423–1425; 5:2377, 2378 3:1193; 4:2001
Israel, State of, 1:314; 2:1066 anticlericalism and, 1:69, 70, 388; Corot’s paintings and, 2:560–561
Istanbul, 1:445; 2:704; 3:1200 cotton production in, 1:329
3:1186–1191, 1187, 1691 aristocracy and, 1:81; 3:1191 counterrevolution and, 2:567
Adrianople and, 1:12 army system and, 1:94, 97 criminology and, 2:572, 573, 637,
architecture of British embassy in, artisans and, 1:104 638; 3:1371; 4:1816
1:186 art nouveau in, 1:108, 152 Crispi and, 2:581–583; 3:1200

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2669

Croce and, 2:583–585 Leo XIII relations with, 3:1331 Restoration in, 3:1193–1196;
cycling and, 2:602 liberalism and, 3:1200–1202, 1348, 4:1969, 1970, 1971, 1973,
D’Annunzio and, 2:609–610 1349; 4:2025 2001–2002
Decadence and, 2:633 Libyan annexation by, 2:527; 3:1546, revolutionary movements and, 1:361;
Degas’s studies in, 2:634 1549; 4:2299; 5:2361, 2364 3:1194–1196
dueling code in, 2:696; 3:1472 Lombroso and, 2:638; 3:1371–1372 Revolutions of 1820 and, 2:662;
education in, 2:720, 724–726 Louis-Napoleon and, 1:271; 2:662 3:1195; 4:1980–1981
emigrant returns to, 2:749 Malatesta and, 3:1423–1425 Revolutions of 1830 and, 3:1195;
Manzoni and, 3:1441–1442 4:1983–1986
emigrants from, 2:506, 747, 747,
748, 748; 3:1195, 1199, 1255 Marconi and, 3:1444–1445 Revolutions of 1848 and, 2:961;
3:1196–1197, 1255, 1344;
emigrants to settlement colonies maternity hospitals in, 5:2450
4:1786, 1987, 1990–1995,
from, 2:505 Mazzini and, 3:1479–1481 2002–2003
Ethiopian wars and, 1:7–8, 362; Messina earthquake (1908) and, Roman Question and, 4:1795, 2024,
2:582, 583, 609, 794; 3:1118, 4:1949 2025
1200 Metternich and, 3:1494 Rossini and, 3:1572, 1670–1671;
fascism and, 2:921, 972, 973, 1201; mezzadria sharecropping system and, 4:2038–2039
3:1199, 1201, 1203, 1445, 1504; 4:2186
4:2004, 2037; 5:2364 Rothschilds and, 4:2040
migration and, 3:1112 ruling elite in, 1:290
feminism and, 2:804; 3:1555–1556
monetary systems and, 3:1535–1538 San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2086
football (soccer) and, 2:833
monetary union and, 3:1538 seaside resorts in, 4:2125
foundling homes/hospitals in,
Montessori and, 3:1542–1543 Second International and, 4:2127,
Mozzoni and, 3:1555–1556 2128
Freemasons and, 2:877, 881
Napoleon I and, 1:349, 360; 2:553, secret societies in, 4:2001–2002,
French Revolutionary Wars and
901, 902, 903; 3:1192–1193, 2129–2131; 5:2513–2514
Napoleonic Wars and,
1584; 4:1807 Sismondi and, 4:2185
3:1191–1192, 1254; 4:1786,
2000–2001 Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1192, sister republics and, 4:2186–2189
1501, 1587, 1597 smallpox deaths in, 4:2198
futurism and, 1:156–157, 214;
2:917–921; 3:1530–1531; See also Kingdom of Italy socialism and, 3:1201, 1202, 1203,
4:1711 nationalism and, 1:362–363, 388, 414; 1276–1277, 1424; 4:2174;
Garibaldi and, 2:930–933 2:930, 931–932; 3:1193–1196, 5:2363–2364, 2377, 2491
1606; 4:1992, 2001–2004, Southern Question and, 3:1199,
German alliance with, 1:239; 4:2098;
2033–2034, 2131, 2247 1256
newspapers and, 4:1868, 1870, 1872 spiritualism and, 4:2238
Giolitti and, 2:971–973;
3:1201–1202, 1203 opera and, 3:1567, 1572, sports in, 4:2242, 2243, 2244, 2245
1669–1670, 1670–1671, steamships and, 5:2350
Goethe’s trip to, 2:984–985, 987
1672–1673, 1676–1677
guild survival in, 1:104 strikes in, 3:1288; 4:2174, 2266,
Ottoman Empire and, 3:1202; 2267–2268; 5:2485, 2488, 2491
Historical Right and, 3:1200
historiography and, 2:1074 syndicalism and, 1:61–62; 3:1292;
Paganini and, 4:1698–1700 4:2266, 2267, 2298, 2299
imperialism and, 1:7–8, 362; 2:527,
pilgrimages and, 4:1788 syphilis and, 4:2300
582, 582, 583, 609, 794; 3:1116,
1118, 1200, 1202, 1546, 1549; police system in, 4:1814, 1815, 1816 tea drinking in, 1:495
4:2299; 5:2377 political clubs in, 4:1991 telephone service in, 5:2308
industrialization and, 1:330 press freedom and, 4:1870 tobacco and, 5:2313, 2314
infant mortality rate in, 4:1829 professions in, 4:1880 trade and, 5:2336, 2337, 2405
Ingres and, 3:1165 prostitution regulation in, 4:1884 Trieste and, 1:145; 4:2004;
international law textbooks and, protectionism in, 4:1889 5:2356–2357
3:1175 Protestant minority in, 4:1890, Triple Alliance and, 1:48, 166, 239;
Jewish emancipation in, 3:1225, 1891, 1891, 1895 2:526, 583, 965; 3:1200; 4:2017
1227, 1229 Prussia and, 1:234–235; 5:2404 Tunisia and, 5:2363
Kuliscioff and, 3:1276–1277 Puccini and, 4:1915–1917 Turati and, 5:2363–2364
labor movements in, 3:1289, 1290, Radicals in, 4:1928 Umberto I and, 5:2377–2378
1291, 1292; 4:2174, 2267, 2299; railroads and, 1:390; 2:764; 3:1195, unification of. See Risorgimento
5:2485, 2488, 2491 1200; 4:1933 universities and, 5:2379, 2388–2389
landed elite in, 3:1307 republicanism and, 3:1197; 4:1963, Verdi and, 3:1567, 1672–1673;
Leopardi and, 3:1333–1334 1964 5:2405–2407

2670 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Verga and, 5:2407–2408 David and, 2:624; 4:1702 on London, 3:1372

Victor Emmanuel II and, 4:2003, Directory vs., 2:665 Wells and, 5:2458
2004, 2036, 2037; 5:2377, federalist revolt against, James, William, 1:214; 2:593, 638;
2409–2411, 2410, 2497 2:799–800, 844 4:1783, 1908
villages in, 4:1752 Fouché and, 2:837 Jung and, 3:1238, 1239
violent crime and, 2:571 Girondins vs., 2:610, 612, 891, Jameson Raid (1895), 1:256; 4:1997
waterway transport in, 5:2348 973–974; 3:1205; 4:1700 James Tait Black Memorial Prize,
welfare initiatives in, 5:2451, 2452 Gouges and, 2:994, 995, 996 4:2259
wine and, 5:2475–2478 Italian, 3:1192 Janáček, Leoś, 2:700
women medical students in, 2:728 in Italy, 4:2001 Jandorf, Adolf, 2:551
women workers in, 5:2488 Lafayette’s flight from, 3:1300 Jane Eyre (C. Brontë), 1:300, 301;
working class in, 5:2485, 2491 Marat and, 3:1443 2:802
Janet, Paul, 4:2081
World War I and, 3:1202–1203 militant republicanism of, 2:891, 892
Janet, Pierre-Marie-Félix, 1:410;
Young Italy and, 4:2131; military tactics and, 3:1505
3:1238, 1239; 4:1908, 2238
5:2513–2514 Napoleon’s association with, 3:1584
Janina, 1:164
See also Kingdom of the Two Sicilies; Paris and, 4:1728 Janissaries, 3:1683; 4:2141–2142;
Milan; Naples; Papal State; Proudhon’s criticism of, 4:1899 5:2362
Piedmont-Savoy; Rome; Sicily; radicalism and, 2:844, 892; 3:1192
Venice Algeria and, 1:43
Reign of Terror and, 2:892–894; Mahmud II abolishment of, 3:1186,
Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem, L’ 3:1403; 4:1952
(Chateaubriand), 1:420, 421 1420, 1612, 1685
republicanism and, 4:1959, Sarajevo settlement of, 1:273
Ivan IV, emperor of Russia, 1:377
1960, 1962
Ivanhoe (Scott), 4:2123 Jannsen, Johann Voldemar, 2:820
Robespierre and, 4:2006, Jansenism, 3:1479
Ivanov (Chekhov), 1:423
2007–2008 January Uprising of 1863–1864
Ivanov, Ivan, 3:1614
Sieyès and, 4:2180, 2181 (Poland), 1:162; 4:1809–1811,
Ivanov, Sergei, 4:1757
Ivanov, Vjaček, 2:1024 sister republics and, 4:2186 1818, 1831
Ivanov, Vyacheslav, 4:2182, 2183 Venice and, 5:2402 Japan, 1:402; 3:1208–1212
Ivanov-Razumnik, R. B., 3:1170, See also Committee of Public Safety alliance system and, 1:49
1171 Jacobs, Jo Ellen, 3:1514 Britain and, 4:2064, 2171
Ivan Susanin (Glinka), 2:979–980; Jacob’s Ladder (Blake), 1:245 British naval treaty with, 2:526;
3:1571, 1673 Jacquard loom, 3:1153, 1154, 1404 3:1624
Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan Jacque, Charles-Émile, 1:178 China and, 1:293–294, 434, 435,
(Repin), 4:1957 jacqueries, 1:82–83 435; 3:1210–1211, 1212; 4:2064
ivory Jacquon le Croquant (Roy), 4:1756
Germany and, 2:968
art nouveau jewelry of, 1:109, 110 jadidism, 3:1206–1208
imperialism of, 3:1116
European value of, 3:1336 Jaeger, Gustave, 1:485
Jæger, Hans Henrik, 3:1558 Korea and, 4:2064, 2065–2066,
Leopold II’s interest in, 3:1336 2171
Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig, 1:215;
trade in, 1:15, 16–17, 205 as naval power, 3:1624
4:2021, 2241
Ivory Coast. See Côte d’Ivoire papal relations with, 4:1720
Jahn, Otto, 3:1533
Izmir, 3:1482 population of, 3:1208
Jahrbuch für psychoanlytische und
psychopathologische Forschungen Portsmouth Treaty and,
(journal), 3:1239 4:1837–1838
n Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen Red Cross and, 4:1949
(Hirschfeld, ed.), 2:1071 Russia and, 4:2063–2064, 2171,
J Jaina, siege of (1912), 1:163 2173
J & P Coats, 1:330; 4:2117 Jakobson, Carl Robert, 2:820 Shimonoseki Treaty, 4:2170–2171
J’accuse (Zola), 2:684, 685, 685; Jalès counterrevolutionists, 2:563
trade and, 5:2336
3:1216; 5:2524 Jamaica, 1:364, 365, 371; 4:2190
Triple Intervention and, 1:434
Jackson, Andrew, 3:1357; 5:2440, Jamdudum Cernimus (encyclical,
2441 1861), 4:1797, 2024 United States and, 4:2063, 2064,
Jackson, John Hughlings, 1:408 James II, king of England, 3:1407; 2065, 2066
Jack the Ripper, 2:575, 576; 3:1375 5:2460 Vladivostok and, 5:2427
Jacob, Max, 2:590 James, Henry, 1:299; 2:535; 3:1109; world’s fairs and, 5:2498, 2500,
Jacobins, 1:270, 338; 2:518, 519, 4:2084, 2253, 2296; 5:2365, 2505
664, 890, 897; 3:1205–1206 2405 See also Russo-Japanese War
backlash against, 3:1206 impressionist writing and, 3:1133 Japanese art, 2:991; 4:1874

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2671

as art nouveau influence, 1:109, 111, Jenner, Edward, 3:1222–1225, 1224; Jewish Virtues According to Galls
192; 2:1026 4:1745, 2197 Method (Courtet illustration), 1:73
as impressionist influence, 3:1129, Jerichau-Baumann, Anna Maria Jews and Judaism, 3:1227–1234
1130, 1210 Elisabeth, 2:1024 Adler (Victor) and, 1:10–11
woodblock prints and, 1:109, 192 Jerrold, Douglas William, 2:587 in Algeria, 1:43, 46
Japan Society of London, 3:1210 Jerrold: London, A Pilgrimage (Doré), in Alsace, 1:51, 52
Jardin des Buttes-Chaumont, Les, 2:677 assimilation and, 1:73; 2:1066,
4:1740 Jerusalem (Blake), 1:246 1067, 1068, 1069; 3:1232, 1353
Jardin des Plantes, 4:1782 Jerusalem in Austria-Hungary, 3:1223, 1524,
Jardin du Roi (France), 3:1301 Latin patriarchate in, 4:1797 1525–1526; 4:1808, 2045; 5:2520
Jaricot, Pauline, 3:1405 Napoleon occupation of, 2:900 beards and, 1:190
Jarrell, Randall, 3:1256 Orthodox Church and, 1:244 in Berlin, 1:215, 216, 217, 219
Jarrett, Edward, 1:229 Jervis, John, 3:1615
Bohemian emancipation of, 1:259
Jarry, Alfred, 1:153, 153; 2:815; Jesuits, 1:384; 4:1718
Bolshevism and, 1:264, 265
3:1212–1214, 1213 as anticlerical target, 1:68, 70
in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1:275
Jaspers, Karl, 3:1253 expulsion from France of, 2:812
Jassy, Treaty of (1792), 1:376 in Britain, 1:84; 3:1232; 5:2322
expulsion from Prussia of, 3:1278,
Jaurès, Jean, 1:98, 282; 2:1026; Bund and, 1:264, 265, 313–315;
3:1214–1219; 4:1732, 2128 3:1233, 1487
missions and, 3:1527
assassination of, 3:1214, 1218–1219, Christian civilizing mission and,
Roman Question and, 4:2026
1218 1:462
in Switzerland, 4:2290
on cooperatives, 2:556 Christian converts and, 1:71, 72, 74
universities and, 4:2024; 5:2383
as Dreyfus partisan, 2:684 cities and, 1:447; 3:1231, 1232,
Jesus, 1:385
Péguy and, 4:1760 1234
Aryanization of, 1:403
Java, 2:507; 3:1617 conversion and, 4:2102
Renan life of, 2:688; 4:1892,
Jawlensky, Alexei von, 1:155; 2:797; Disraeli’s background and, 1:75;
1953–1954; 5:2399
3:1245 2:672, 674
Strauss (David) life of,
Jay Treaty (1794), 3:1174 Dreyfus affair and, 2:683–686
2:743–744, 754
Jazz (album), 3:1475 as Dublin immigrants, 2:690
Jeune République (France), 1:389
Jealousy (Munch), 3:1559 Durkheim’s background and, 2:698
Jeunesse Royaliste, 1:5
Jean-Christophe (Rolland), 4:2015 economic activity and, 3:1228,
Jeux (ballet), 3:1642
Jeanne d’Arc (Barbier), 1:229 1230–1232
Jeux d’eau (Ravel), 4:1944
Jeanne d’Arc (film), 3:1483 emancipation of. See Jewish
Jevons, William Stanley, 2:707
Jeanne d’Arc (Péguy), 4:1760 emancipation
jewelry, art nouveau, 1:109, 111, 111,
Jeanneret, Charles Edouard. See emigration from Russia of, 4:1804
112, 113; 2:815
Courbusier, Le European population of, 3:1225,
Jewish Bund. See Bund, Jewish
Jedermann (Hofmannsthal), 2:1077 1227, 1228
Jewish emancipation, 3:1225–1227,
Jefferson, Thomas, 1:38; 2:1037,
1228–1230 expulsions of, 3:1227
1096; 3:1265, 1300, 1357;
anti-Semitism and, 1:74; 3:1225, financial markets and, 1:84
4:2197; 5:2439
1233, 1393–1394 in France, 4:1959, 2136, 2279, 2303
Jeffrey, Francis, 1:303
Jelačić, Josip, 2:925; 3:1219–1221; Britain and, 3:1225, 1227, 1229, French Revolution and, 2:843, 846,
4:1994 1345 888; 3:1227
Jellinek, Georg, 3:1174; 5:2446 Denmark and, 2:647–648 Freud and, 2:904, 906, 907
Jemappes, Battle of (1792), 2:899; France and, 1:73; 3:1225, German feminism and, 2:803
3:1338, 1506 1226–1227 German politics and, 2:968
Jena, 1:369, 430; 2:1051–1052 Prussia and, 2:958, 1042; 3:1227; in Germany, 5:2353, 2472–2473
Jena, Battle of (1806), 1:93, 477; 4:1900 Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:138;
2:846, 875, 901, 957, 1038; Jewish France (Drumont), 2:540, 688, 2:862
3:1221–1222, 1586; 4:1900, 689, 690
in Hamburg, 2:1038
2225 Jewish Ladies Association, 4:1886
Herzl and, 2:1066–1067
Jena Allgemeine Literaturzeitung Jewish Lobby, 2:683
in Hungary, 1:144
(German journal), 4:2095 Jewish National Fund, 5:2521
Jewish Question. See Jews and immigration to United States of,
Jena Circle, 3:1647
Judaism 3:1367–1368
Jenkin, Fleming, 3:1477
Jenkinson, Robert Banks, 1:374; Jewish State, The (Heral), 2:1068 in Istanbul, 3:1186
5:2457 Jewish Territorial Organization, Kadets and, 3:1241
Jenks, Chris, 1:428 5:2521 Lasker-Schüler and, 3:1309, 1310

2672 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Liebermann and, 3:1353 Joanne, Adolphe, 5:2329 serf emancipation and, 4:1754
in Lithuania, 3:1366, 1367, 1368 Joanneum (library collection), 3:1236 Singspiel and, 3:1673
in London, 3:1373 Joan of Arc, 3:1499, 1637; 4:1760 Joseph and His Brothers (Mann),
Job, Book of, 1:246 3:1435, 1436
Mahler and, 3:1418
Jocs Florals (Catalan literature), 1:182 Josephine (first wife of Napoleon I),
male religious devotion and, 2:945
Jodl, Friedrich, 5:2449 1:481; 2:624; 3:1587, 1590;
Marx and, 3:1463 Joffre, Joseph, 3:1508 4:1729
Menshevik members and, 3:1488 Jogiches, Leo, 3:1401 Josephism, 1:68
millet system and, 3:1516–1517, Johannesburg, 1:18 Josephson, Ernst, 4:2287
1687 Johannsen, Wilhelm, 2:653 Joubert, Frans, 3:1422
in Morocco, 3:1547 John, archduke of Austria, Joubert, Piet, 3:1423
nationalism and, 1:314 3:1235–1236 Jouhaux, Léon, 3:1218; 4:2299
Nazism and, 4:2041 Metternich’s firing and, 2:808 Joule, James Prescott, 3:1160, 1249,
as Netherlands minority, 3:1618 Napoleonic Wars and, 2:902 1430; 4:1779, 2108
Palestine and, 2:598 John Bull’s Dilemma (cartoon), 1:91 Journal (Goncourt brothers), 2:991
Pius IX restrictions on, 4:1797 John Paul II, pope, 3:141, 1500; Journal de la société de 1789,
pogroms against, 4:1802–1804 4:1798 4:1961–1962
in Poland, 4:1808, 1809–1810, Johnson, Joseph, 5:2480 Journal de Médecine, 3:1297
1812, 1812 Johnson, Samuel, 1:327, 497; 4:2027, Journal de Rome, 3:1331
poverty aid and, 4:1847 2166, 2254 Journal du Magnetism, 3:1491
Johnson, Simon, 5:2334 journalism. See press and newspapers
in Prague, 3:1525; 4:1856, 1857,
John VI, king of Portugal, 4:1839, Journal of the Working Class (France),
1840 3:1285
professional barriers for, 4:1881
John XXIII, pope, 4:1798 Journal pour Rire, Le, 3:1577
psychoanalysis and, 4:1906 Joie de vivre, La (Matisse), 3:1474 Journals and Remarks (Darwin),
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1991 joint-stock banks, 1:171–173, 174, 2:613–614
in Riga and Courland, 2:818 175–176, 216–217; 2:960; Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow,
in Romania, 4:2017 4:2040 A (Radishchevsky), 2:1014–1015;
in Rome, 4:2035 joint-stock corporations, 1:330; 3:1552
Rothschilds and, 4:2039, 2041 2:705, 960 journeymen, 4:1988; 5:2486, 2487
Rudolf (crown prince) friendship Jokes and Their Relations to the Journey to Erzurum, A (Pushkin),
with, 4:2045 Unconscious (Freud), 2:906; 4:1919
in Russia, 4:1808, 1978, 2055, 4:1905 Journey to the Center of the Earth
2057, 2257; 5:2519, 2520 Joll, James, 4:2128 (Verne), 5:2408
Schnitzler’s portrayal of, 4:2101 Jomini, Antoine-Henri de, 1:94; Jours et les nuits, Les (Jarry), 3:1213
3:1236–1237 Jouy, Jules, 1:335
secular culture of, 3:1232; 4:2134
Jommelli, Niccolò, 3:1673 Joyce, James, 1:214, 299, 378;
in Serbia, 4:2146, 2147
Jones, Ernest, 1:418; 2:907; 4:1905 4:1742, 2269; 5:2356, 2449,
Slavophiles and, 4:2196
Jones, William, 3:1133–1134; 4:2022 2459
socialism and. See Bund Jongkind, Johan-Barthold, 3:1534 Dublin and, 2:691, 694
in Ukraine, 5:2369, 2370, 2371 Jordan, David Starr, 2:770 as Ibsen enthusiast, 3:1109
universities and, 5:2380, 2382, Jordan, Dorothy, 5:2470 Matisse illustrations for, 3:1475
2388, 2389, 2390 Joseph II, Holy Roman emperor, 1:68;
modernism and, 4:1905
in Vienna, 5:2421–2422 3:1384; 5:2393, 2416, 2417
obscenity battle and, 4:1833
Viennese cultural scene and, 2:1067 Buda as administrative center and,
Joy Unhoped For (Blok), 1:250
in Vilnius (Vilna), 3:1366, 1368 1:309–310
Judaism. See Jews and Judaism
voluntary associations and, 1:119 Edicts of Toleration and, 1:138, 259; Judendeutsch, 4:2039
in Warsaw, 5:2441 3:1225, 1225–1226, 1229; Judengasse (Amsterdam), 3:1353
working class and, 5:2489 4:1856 Judenstaat, Der (Herzl), 5:2520
See also anti-Semitism; Zionism Francis I as nephew of, 2:860 Judentum in der Musik, Das (Wagner),
Jhering, Rudolf von, 3:1315 Italian bureaucrats and, 1:322; 5:2430
Jiaozhou Bay, 1:292 3:1191 Jude the Obscure (Hardy), 2:1045
Jindřich (Heinrich Fügner), 4:1856 John of Austria as nephew of, 3:1235 Judgments on History and Historians
jingoism, 2:1009; 3:1234–1235, Lombardy and, 3:1191 (Burckhardt), 1:318
1624 Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1592 judiciary
Crystal Palace and, 2:589 political reforms of, 1:137, 138–139, British reforms and, 1:303
newspapers and, 4:1872 140, 259, 260 French revolutionary reform of,
popular culture and, 4:1826 Prague founding and, 4:1855 2:888; 3:1313–1314

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2673

German High Court of Appeals and, Junot, Andoche, 4:2225, 2227 Kakas Márton (Hungarian journal),
2:965 Junta General del Principado de 4:2058
individual rights and, 1:39; 3:1341 Asturias, La, 4:2227 Kalabari, 1:14
Permanent Court of International Jura Federation, 1:56 Kalevala (Finnish epic), 2:820
Justice, 3:1174 Jura Mountains, 1:360; 2:569; 3:1272 Kalevipoeg (Kreutzwald), 2:820
jurisprudence. See law, theories of Kalff, J., 1:54
Russian reforms and, 1:39; 2:1014,
jury duty, 2:1016 Kali (Hindu goddess), 3:1134
jus ad bellum. See ‘‘just war’’ theories Kálly, Benjamin von, 1:276
Judson, Whitcomb, 4:2113
jus commune, 3:1593–1594 Kamarinskaya (Glinka), 3:1571
Jugend (German weekly), 1:152, 336
Justice, La (French newspaper), Kamenny Bridge (Moscow), 3:1553
Jugend in Wien (Schnitzler), 4:2100,
1:479, 480 Kamiesch Bay, 2:578
Justification of the Good, The Kamil, Mustafa, 2:734
Jugendstil (art nouveau movement),
(Soloviev), 4:2216 Kanak uprising (1878), 3:1497
1:108, 113, 152, 336; 2:550, 815
Justine (Sade), 4:1834, 2074 Kandinsky, Vasily, 1:192; 2:797;
Juif errant, Le (Sue), 1:70
Justinian, emperor of Rome, 3:1593 3:1243–1246, 1246; 4:2077,
Juive, La (Halévy), 3:1672
Just So Stories (Kipling), 3:1257 2102, 2294
‘‘Jukes, The’’: A Study in Crime,
‘‘just war’’ theories, 3:1175; 4:1696, avant-garde and, 1:155
Pauperism, Disease, and Heredity
1698 Blaue Reiter and, 3:1530; 4:1711
(1877), 2:638
jute, 3:1135 futurism and, 2:920
‘‘Julian and Maddalo’’ (Shelley),
Jutland, 2:607–608, 647 Kane, H. H., 2:687
Jutland, Battle of (1916), 2:683; Kanenice, Česká, 2:701
July Column, 4:1728 5:2313
July crisis of 1914, 2:968 Kanghwa, Treaty of (1876), 3:1211
Juvenile Library, The (Godwin and Kang Youwei, 1:435
July Days (Paris, 1830), 4:1982, 1983 Clairmont), 2:981
July Monarchy (France), 1:269, 481; Kanoldt, Alexander, 1:155
Juvenilia (Carducci), 1:362
2:575, 848–849, 961; 4:2002, Kanpur, 3:1135
Juventus of Milan (football club),
2131; 5:2397 Kant, Immanuel, 1:497; 2:1058;
Guizot and, 2:1029–1030 4:2027
Haussmann and, 2:1046, 1047 as Adler (Alfred) influence, 1:9
Heine and, 2:1056 associationist critique by, 3:1511
n Berdyayev on, 1:212
Hugo and, 2:1092, 1093, 1094
liberalism and, 3:1346, 1347, K Chamberlain’s (Houston)
1388–1389 interpretation of, 1:403
Kabyles (people), 1:43, 44, 45
machine breaking and, 3:1411 deontology and, 5:2394
Kabylia, 1:44
Metternich and, 3:1494 as Fichte influence, 2:813
Kadets, 3:1241–1242, 1349; 4:2057
Paris under, 4:1728, 1729 Frege and, 2:883
Berdyayev and, 1:212
programs of, 3:1388–1389 French Revolution ‘‘idea’’ and,
Milyukov and, 3:1518–1519, 1552
Thiers and, 5:2311 3:1343
Moscow and, 3:1555
See also Louis-Philippe as Hegel influence, 2:1051
Octobrists vs., 3:1659
July Ordinances (1830), 1:412; Helmholtz and, 5:2507
Struve and, 4:2270, 2271
3:1387, 1388 as Mach influence, 3:1409
Kaffeelatsch, 1:494
July Revolution of 1830. See Kafka, Franz, 1:214, 299; 2:679; natural law indictment by, 2:953
Revolutions of 1830 3:1242–1243, 1574; 4:1859; psychology and, 4:1907
June Days (1848), 1:271; 3:1287, 5:2449 relativism and, 4:1843
1304; 4:1993 Mann’s admiration for, 3:1437 Schleiermacher and, 4:2096, 2097
anticlericalism and, 1:381 tuberculosis of, 5:2360 Schopenhauer and, 4:2104
Proudhons reaction to, 4:1899 Kahn, Gustave, 4:2156, 2294 Simmel and, 4:2184
repression following, 2:651 Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry, 2:591; Soloviev (Vladimir) and, 4:2216
Jung, Carl Gustav, 1:8; 2:907, 908, 4:1784 Kantorowicz, Hermann, 3:1315
909; 3:1237–1240; 4:1905 Kaiser Franz Josef Jubilee Exhibition, Kaoru, Inoue, 3:1211
Junge Medardus, Der (Schnitzler), 3:1381 Kapital, Das (Marx), 2:756; 3:1462,
4:2100 Kaiserjubiläums-Stadttheater (Vienna), 1466, 1467, 1468; 4:2205
Jungfernheide (Berlin), 4:1740 3:1394–1395 Kaposy, Béla, 4:1963
Jungle Books (Kipling), 3:1256 Kaiserswerth Hospital, 3:1637, 1649 Kapp, Càcile, 1:66–67
Jung-Stilling, Johann, 2:1080 Kaiser-Walzer (Strauss), 4:2260 Karadjordje, 3:1247–1248, 1683;
Jung Wien circle, 2:1067 Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (Berlin), 4:2142, 2144, 2145
Junkers, 1:194; 2:539; 3:1305; 2:740; 4:1799, 1800, 1826 Karadjordjević, Alexander, 4:2145
4:1889 See also Humboldt University Karadjordjević, Peter, 4:2146

2674 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Karadžić, Vuk, 2:925; 4:2143 thermodynamics and, 3:1160–1161 Kimberley, 1:18; 4:2221, 2222
Karakozov, Dmitri, 5:2517 Kelvin Scale (absolute temperature), kindergartens, 2:945; 3:1680
Karamanli dynasty, 3:1420 3:1249 Kindertotenlieder (Mahler), 3:1419
Karamzin, Nikolai, 3:1552; 4:2288 Kemal, Mustafa. See Atäturk, Kemal Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Grimm
Karatheodori, Alexander, 2:530 Kemey, Ferenc, 3:1666 brothers), 2:1023
Karavelov, Liuben, 3:1687 Kempis. See Thomas à Kempis kinetic energy, 3:1250
Karl XIV Johan, king of Sweden and Kendall, Richard, 2:634 Kinetoscope, 1:441; 3:1396
Norway. See Bernadotte, Kendall, Willmore, 3:1514 Kingdom of God Is Within You, The
Jean-Baptiste Kennedy, Edmund, 2:781 (Tolstoy), 5:2319
Karlowitz, Treaty of (1699), 3:1683 Kent, James, 3:1175 Kingdom of Holland, 4:2188, 2189
Karlsbad, 1:261 Kenya, 1:21, 21, 500 Kingdom of Italy, 3:1192–1193,
Karolinska Institute, 1:425 Kergomard, Pauline, 2:697, 812 1197, 1198; 4:2001, 2024, 2033,
Kars, 2:530; 4:2085 Kertbeny, Karl Maria, 2:1082 2188, 2189; 5:2402, 2404
Karsavina, Tamara, 2:655; 3:1642 Kertch, Straits of, 1:243; 2:579 Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia,
Kasim, Mir, 2:706 Kesselschlacht, 3:1507 4:1970, 1981, 2000, 2001, 2002;
Kaskeline, Friedrich, 4:2204 Ketteler, Clemens von, 1:294 5:2402–2403
Kassongo, 1:16 Ketteler, Wilhelm Emmanuel von, Kingdom of Naples, 3:1192, 1581,
katorzhniki (penal laborers), 2:781 4:1722, 1723, 2208–2209 1597, 1599; 4:2001, 2188
Kattowitz Conference of 1884, 5:2520 Keynes, John Maynard, 2:835, 1076; Kingdom of Poland. See Poland
Katzbach, Battle of (1813), 3:1320 4:2258 Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 2:533;
Kaufhaus des Westens (Berlin ‘‘Khadzhi-Tarkhan’’ (Khlebnikov), 3:1196, 1254–1256; 4:1970,
department store), 2:551 2:774 2175
Kaunitz, Eleonora von, 3:1492 Khalturin, Stepan, 4:1832 Carbonari and, 4:2130
Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton von, 3:1492 Kharkov University, 5:2370, 2379 Cavour plan for, 1:392
Kautsky, Karl, 1:11, 194; Khartoum, 1:18, 19; 2:734 Garibaldi’s conquest of, 2:932;
3:1248–1249; 4:2127, 2205 Khatisian, Alexander, 1:88 3:1255
attack on Bernstein by, 1:231 Khayr al-Din, 5:2363 Nelson and, 3:1615
as Bund influence, 1:314 Khilkova, Ekaterina Nikolaevna, 2:727 peasant revolt in, 4:1755
as Marxist popularizer, 3:1248 Khiva, 1:395 Pius IX exile in, 4:1796
peasant economy and, 4:1756 Khlebnikov, Velimir, 1:157; 4:2182 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987,
Kavelin, Konstantin, 5:2459, 2460 Khmelnytsky, Bohdan, 5:2369 1990, 1993
Kawamura, Kageaki, 3:1557 Khmers, 3:142, 1138, 1139, 1141, Spanish Bourbons and, 3:1191
Kay, James Phillips (later Kay- 1142 See also Naples
Shuttleworth), 1:285 Khodasevich, Vladislav, 4:2183 Kingdom of Westphalia, 2:957, 968;
Kay, John, 3:1153, 1410 Khoikhoi, 4:2219 3:1587, 1599; 4:1900
Kayor kingdom, 1:13, 20 Khomiakov, Alexei, 4:2194, 2196 King Kong (film), 2:677
Kazakhs, 4:2173 ‘‘Khor and Kalinich’’ (Turgenev), King Lear (Shakespeare), 3:1663
Kazan Muhhiri (newspaper), 3:1207 5:2365 Kings College (Cambridge), 2:835
Kean (Dumas), 1:229 Khovanshchina (Mussorgsky), 3:1575; Kings College (London), 3:1377,
Keats, John, 1:102; 4:2027, 2029; 4:1999 1402, 1477; 5:2385
5:2360 Kiaer, Anders, 4:2249 Kingsley, Charles, 2:618, 681; 4:2208
on Wordsworth, 5:2482 Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred von, 3:1546 Kingsley, George Henry, 2:783
Keegan, John, 1:12 Kidnapped (Stevenson), 4:2255, 2256 Kingsley, Mary, 2:508, 783
Keelman Heaving Coals by Night Kiel, Treaty of (1814), 1:227 Kingstown Regatta, 3:1444
(Turner), 5:2368 Kierkegaard, Søren, 2:648; Kinkel, Gottfried, 1:316
Keen, John, 2:601 3:1250–1254, 1251 Kinnaird House shooting party
Keiser, Reinhard, 3:1673 as Generation of 1898 influence, (Scotland), 3:1306
Keith-Falconer, Ion, 2:601 2:950 Kinsbergen, Isidore van, 4:1772
Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich pseudonymous writings of, 3:1251, Kinsey, Alfred, 2:1071
August, 1:426; 3:1159, 1160 1253 Kipling, John, 3:1256, 1257
Kelly, Aileen M., 2:1065 Schelling and, 4:2088–2089 Kipling, Rudyard, 1:160; 2:948;
Kelmscott Press, 3:1550 Kiev, 3:111; 5:2369, 2371 3:1256–1257; 4:2287
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson), Kiev Academy, 5:2370 on British-Indian cultural mix,
3:1249–1250; 4:1743 Kievan Rus, 5:2369, 2370, 2371 3:1135
age of earth theory of, 2:615; 3:1250 Kikuyu (people), 1:17 Stevenson and, 4:2255, 2256
field theory of, 4:1780 Kilmainham, Treaty of (1882), 4:1741 Kipps (Wells), 5:2458
Maxwell and, 3:1477, 1478 Kim (Kipling), 3:1257 Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 1:154–155,
telegraph and, 4:2109, 2111 Kimball, Theodora, 4:1738 220, 220; 4:1711

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2675

Kireyevsky, Ivan, 4:2194, 2195, 2196 Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Korzeniowski, Apollo, 2:535
Kiril, grand duke of Russia, 1:42 Jerusalem (Knights of Malta), Kościuszko, Tadeusz, 3:1264–1265;
Kirilovsky, Daniil (Novomirsky), 1:60 4:1748 4:1807
Kirk Kilise, Battle of (1912), 1:12, 163 Knights Templar, 2:881 Kościuszko Foundation (New York),
Kisch, Ergon Erwin, 4:1859 Knipper, Olga, 1:423 3:1265
Kishinev massacre (1903), 4:2055 Knock, Marian shrine at, 4:1789–1790 Kosmos (A. Humboldt), 2:1096
Kiss, The (Klimt), 3:1261, 1261 Knopf, 4:1939 Kosovo, 1:32, 163, 166; 4:2149
Kiss, The (Munch), 3:1559 Knox, Archibald, 1:113 Kosovo, Battle of (1389), 3:1541
Kiss, The (postcard), 2:944 Knox, Robert, 4:2023 Kossuth, Ferenc, 3:1267
Kiss, The (Rodin), 4:2009 Kobe, 3:1210 Kossuth, Lajos, 1:141; 2:627, 925,
Kissingen Dictate (1877), 1:239 Koch, Robert, 1:438; 2:644; 961; 3:1265–1270, 1268
Kistyakovsky, Bogdan, 3:1171 3:1262–1264, 1358; 4:1744, Croatia and, 4:1994
Kitaro, Nishida, 1:214 1914, 2110, 2113, 2114, 2135
exile of, 3:1269
Kitasato, Shibasaburo, 2:735 tuberculin discovery and, 3:1263;
Jelačić and, 3:1220
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1:256, 5:2359, 2360, 2361
Koch’s postulates, 3:1263 Palmerston and, 4:1713
257; 3:1257–1259, 1258
Kochubei, Prince, 4:2236 republicanism and, 4:1963, 1964
Curzon feud with, 2:597, 598
Kockkock, H. W., 4:1977 speech to parliament (1848) of,
Fashoda Affair and, 2:794–795;
Kodak, 3:1396 3:1266
Kodak camera, 4:1773 Kotěra, Jan, 1:113
Omdurman and, 3:1668–1669
Koëlla-Leenhoff, Léon, 3:1433 Kotzebue, August von, 1:361, 369;
Sudan invasion and, 3:1668–1669 2:531, 875, 959; 4:1901
Kogan, Moissej, 1:155
Kitchen Table, The (Cézanne), 1:398 Koulouglis (people), 1:43
Kohn, Hans, 3:1607
Kitty Hawk (North Carolina), 1:30
Kôin, Kido, 3:1210 Kovalevskaya, Sofia, 4:2285–2286
Kladderadatsch (Berlin magazine),
Kokoschka, Oskar, 1:153, 336; 5:2421 Kowloon Peninsula, 3:1680
Kokovtsov, Vladimir, 4:2058 Kraepelin, Emil, 3:1238
Kléber, Jean-Baptise, 2:731
Kola Peninsula, 2:820 Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 2:636, 816,
Klee, Paul, 1:155; 2:920; 3:1530 Kollár, Jan, 2:924; 4:1716, 1717 906, 1085; 3:1270–1271;
Kleindeutsch (Little Germany) Kölliker, Rudolf Albert von, 4:2162, 2163; 5:2376
solution, 2:871, 923, 964 1:340, 341 as Jung influence, 3:1238
‘‘Kleine Blumen, kleine Blätter’’ Kollwitz, Käthe, 1:154; 4:2092
(Goethe), 2:983 Kraków, 4:1808, 1809, 1990
Kolokotronis, Theodore, 2:1020 cabaret in, 1:336
Kleist, Heinrich von, 2:911; 3:1108 Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky, Franz Anton,
kleptomania, 2:574 insurrection (1794) in, 3:1264
2:808; 3:1495
Klimt, Ernst, 3:1260 insurrection (1846) in, 4:1818
Kolping, Adolph, 1:383; 4:2208
Klimt, Gustav, 1:112; 2:815; Komissarzhevskaya, Vera, 3:1496 Kościuszko memorial in, 3:1265
3:1260–1262, 1261, 1530; Komura, Baron Jutaro, 4:2065 Kramskoy, Ivan, 4:1956–1957
5:2421 König, Friedrich, 4:1866 Krasiński, Zygmunt, 4:1818
avant-garde and, 1:152–153 Königgrätz, Battle of (1866), 1:237, Kraus, Karl, 3:1309; 5:2421, 2449
Schiele and, 4:2089, 2091 262; 2:864, 964; 3:1319; 4:1860, Krauss, Rosalind E., 4:2011
symbolism and, 4:2293, 2295 1902, 2004, 2242; 5:2524–2525 Kreditbanken, 1:175
Vienna and, 5:2421 Frederick III and, 2:874 Kreditinstitut, 1:172
Klimt-Kollektive exhibition (1903), Königsberger, Leo, 2:1099 Krefeld, 2:791; 3:1411
3:1260 Konitz (West Prussia), 2:576 Kremer, Arkady, 3:1460
Klinger, Max, 3:1260 Konrád, George, 3:1172 Kremlin (Moscow), 3:1552, 1553,
Kliuchevsky, Vasily, 3:1552 Konrad Wallenrod (Mickiewicz), 1554; 4:2079
‘‘Klöpplerinnen, Die’’ (L. Otto), 3:1500 Krenek, Ernst, 3:1310
3:1680 Konstantin Nikolayevich, grand duke ‘‘Kreutzer Sonata, The’’ (Tolstoy),
Klüber, Johann Ludwig, 3:1173 of Russia, 2:1014, 1016; 4:2154 5:2319
Kluge, Carl, 3:491 Konya, Battle of (1832), 3:1421 Kreutzwald, Friedrich Reinhold,
Klyuchevsky, Vasily Osipovich, Koraı̈s, Adamántios, 2:1018–1019; 2:820
3:1518 3:1685 Kriedte, Peter, 3:1147
Klyuev, Nikolai, 4:2183 Koran, 3:1516 Krieger, Leonard, 4:1941
Knaben Wunderhorn, Des (Brentano Körber, Ernst, 2:865 Kriegsakademie (Prussia), 1:96
and Arnim), 2:1023 Korea, 1:434; 4:2065 Kristallseelen (Haeckel), 2:1032
Knapp, Georg Friedrich, 4:2249 Japan and, 3:1211, 1212; 4:2064, Kritische Wälder (Herder), 2:1061
knezes, 4:2141, 2142, 2144 2065–2066, 2171 Kroeber, Alfred Louis, 2:774
Knight Pásmán (R. Strauss), 4:2261 Russo-Japanese War and, 4:1837 Krog, Arnold, 2:647
Knights of Labor, 3:1331 Kornmann, Guillaume, 3:1490 Kronecker, Leopold, 2:1099

2676 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Kropotkin, Peter, 2:619; as papal infallibility response, 3:1277, value and, 1467; 3:1466
3:1272–1273; 4:1755, 1757, 1278; 4:1723, 1896 in workshops, 2:788–789, 790
1941–1942 Pius IX and, 3:1278, 1279, 1329, See also child labor; factories; farm
anarchism and, 1:56, 57, 60 1330; 4:1719, 1795, 1798 labor; outwork; workday/
Spanish labor movement and, 4:2299 Polish Catholics and, 4:1812 workweek; working class
Kroyer, Peder Severin, 2:647 targets of, 2:966; 3:1277–1278 labor movements, 1:291;
Kruchenykh, Alexander, 1:157; Treitschke and, 5:2353 3:1283–1295
4:2182 Amsterdam and, 1:54–55
Virchow and, 5:2425
Krüdener, Barbara Juliane von, 2:1080
Windthorst and, 5:2473 anarchosyndicalists and, 1:56, 59,
Kruger, Paul, 1:256, 257; 4:1997
Kumanovo, Battle of (1912), 1:163 60–62
Kruger telegram, 3:1118
Kunstformen der Natur (Haeckel), artisans and, 3:1283–1284, 1286;
Krupp, 1:330, 471; 2:1088; 3:1159,
2:1031 5:2486–2487
1159, 1273–1276
Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna), Belgium and, 1:203
William II and, 5:2470
3:1260 Berlin and, 1:219
world’s fair displays of, 5:2498, 2505 Kunstkamera (St. Petersburg), 4:2075
Krupp, Alfred (son), 3:1273, Bolsheviks and, 1:264, 265, 267;
Künstlerhausgenossenschaft (Vienna), 3:1488
3:1260 Britain and, 2:1003, 1008, 1009,
Krupp, Friedrich (father), 2:960;
Künstlers Erdenwallen (Goethe; 1012; 3:1285, 1411; 5:2484,
3:1159, 1273
Menzel lithographs), 3:1489 2486, 2489–2490
Krupp, Friedrich Alfred (grandson),
Kunst und die Revolution, Die
3:793, 1275–1276 British acts banning, 2:510–511
(Wagner), 5:2431
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, British Labour Party and, 3:1295,
Kunstwerk der Zukunft, Das (Wagner),
Gustav, 3:1276 1296, 1297
Krupskaya, Nadezhda, 3:1327 British unrest and, 2:1011; 3:1284
Kunstwerke der belgischen Stäte, Die
Krupsky, Father, 3:1575 Bund as, 1:313, 314, 315
(Burckhardt), 1:317
Krzhizhanovsky, G. M., 1:266 Cabet and, 1:337–338
Kupka, František, 1:156; 4:2294
Kschessinska, Mathilde, 3:1642
Kurakin, Alexei, 4:2236 Catholicism and, 1:383–384, 389
Kselman, Thomas, 4:1894
Kurds, 1:2, 92 Christian Socialism and,
Kubista, Bohumil, 1:154
Kurfürstendamm (Berlin), 1:217, 219; 4:2208–2209; 5:2488
‘‘Kubla Khan’’ (Coleridge), 1:496;
2:551 cities and, 1:449
Kuril Island chain, 3:1209 cooperative movements and,
Küçük Kaynarca, Treaty of (1774),
Kuropatkin, Alexei, 3:1557; 4:2065 2:555–556
1:243, 376
Kutahiya, Peace of (1833), 3:1421 craft unions and, 3:1288–1289
Kugler, Franz, 1:316, 317, 318;
3:1489 Kutuzov, Mikhail, 3:1280–1282; Dublin and, 2:691
Kühn, Sophie von, 3:1647 5:2374
factories and, 1:474; 2:793; 3:1291
Kulemann, Richard, 4:2023 Austerlitz and, 1:132
feminism and, 2:805; 3:1293
Kuliscioff, Anna, 3:1276–1277, 1504, Borodino and, 1:272, 273
Finland and, 2:822
1556 Napoleon’s retreat and, 2:1080
First International and, 2:824–825
Turati and, 5:2363, 2364 Kuyper, Abraham, 3:1619; 4:2209
Kuzmin, Mikhail, 4:2182 France and, 3:1217, 1285–1292;
Kulm, Battle of (1813), 3:1320, 1334 4:2298–2299; 5:2485–2488,
Kulomzin, Anatoly, 4:2173 2491, 2492
Kulturgeschichte (unified history), 1:6
French feminism and, 2:697
Kulturkampf, 3:1277–1280; 4:1903 n gender dimorphism and, 2:944–945
aftermath and legacy of, 3:1280
anticlericalism and, 1:69–70, 382,
L Germany and, 2:966; 5:2484, 2487,
388; 3:1278 Là-Bas (Huysmans), 2:1104
labor goals of, 1:475
Bismarck and, 1:238, 239; 2:966;
3:1277, 1279, 1330 cooperatives and, 1:247 Hardie and, 2:1043–1044
Catholic resistance to, 3:1278–1279; masculinization of, 3:1470 Italy and, 1:61; 3:1202; 4:2174,
4:1789, 1903 migrations and, 1:353; 3:1109, 2267, 2299; 5:2491
Center Party as target of, 1:393, 394; 1112, 1113–1114 Lassalle and, 3:1310–1311
2:966; 3:1278 penal, 2:781 Leo XIII and, 3:1331–1332
end to, 3:1279, 1331 productivity of, 2:712–713 Lovett and, 3:1286, 1390–1391
Holy Shroud at Trier and, 4:1788 protoindustrialization theory and, Luxemburg critique of,
Jewish Haskalah movement and, 3:1148–1149 3:1400–1401
3:1229 Second Industrial Revolution and, Lyonnais silkworkers and, 2:848,
Leo XIII and, 4:1720 3:1157 849; 3:1284, 1404

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2677

male dominance of, 3:1470–1471 precursors to, 3:1559 Laibach conference (1821), 4:1981
Manchester and, 3:1430 Ruskin and, 4:2047 Laisné (French gymnasium), 4:2241
Manning and, 3:1441 trade policies and, 2:517 laissez-faire, 4:2120, 2201, 2234
mass unionization and, 3:1289–1292 Webb and, 5:2445 Belgium and, 1:203
Mensheviks and, 3:1488 women’s suffrage and, 2:625, 798 classical economists and, 2:712–718
Milan and, 3:1504 Labour Representation Committee Cobden and, 1:490–491; 2:709
Mill (J. S.) view of, 2:718 (Britain), 2:1011–1012; Darwin and, 2:618, 619
Moscow and, 3:1554 3:1295–1296 institutionalist view of, 2:709
Otto and, 3:1680 Hardie and, 2:1044; 3:1295 List’s view of, 2:708
Owenism and, 5:2396 See also Labour Party monetary policy and, 3:1537
police surveillance of, 4:1815 Labour’s Remedy and Labour’s Wrong Smith and, 2:707
(Bray), 4:2201 Lakanal, Joseph, 2:666
police trade unions and, 4:1817
Labriola, Arturo, 1:61–62 ‘‘Lake Isle of Innisfree, The’’ (Yeats),
Prague and, 4:1860
Lacenaire, Pierre-François, 2:575 5:2509–2510
reformist vs. revolutionary, Lacerba futurist group, 2:920 Lake Poets, 4:2029
5:2489–2491 Lacoon (Lessing), 4:1769 Lake Tanganyika, 1:16; 2:783
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987, Lacordaire, Henri, 1:387, 388, 389 Lake Victoria, 2:783
1991 Ladies’ Land League (Ireland), 4:1741 Lalique, René, 1:111, 111
Russia and, 4:1801, 1976, 1978, Ladies’ National Association for the Lalla Rookh (Kelvin’s yacht), 3:1250
2078–2079; 5:2485, 2486, 2489 Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Lallement, Pierre, 2:600
Second International and, 3:1294; Acts (Britain), 1:332; 4:1896 Lalo, Édouard, 3:1675
4:2127, 2128, 2267 Ladies of Llangollen, 2:1083–1084 Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste,
secret societies and, 4:2131 Lady from the Sea, The (Ibsen), 3:1108 3:1301–1303, 1562
Spain and, 3:1289, 1290, 1292; ‘‘Lady of Shalott, The’’ (Tennyson), acquired characteristics theory of,
4:2299–2300; 5:2485, 5:2309 2:615, 637, 777–778;
2488–2489 Lady of the Lake, The (Scott), 4:2123 3:1302–1303
Sweden and, 4:2284 Lady Windermere’s Fan (Wilde), Agassiz and, 1:23
syndicalism and, 4:2298–2300; 5:2465
evolution theory and, 2:599, 928;
5:2485, 2491 Laennec, René, 1:408; 3:1297–1298;
temperance movement and, 1:36 5:2359
Spencer and, 4:2234
Third French Republic and, 2:856 Lafargue, Paul, 4:2127, 2218
Lamarckism, 2:777–779;
Lafayette, marquis de (Marie Joseph
Tristan and, 5:2357–2358 3:1302–1303
Paul du Motier), 2:611, 768, 842;
unionization rights and, 2:812 Lamarque, Jean-Maximilien, 1:438
3:1298–1301, 1299, 1385, 1443;
Wales and, 5:2436 4:2006 Lamartine, Alphonse, 2:849;
women and, 2:697; 3:1276, 3:1303–1304, 1318, 1360;
American Revolution and, 3:1298,
1292–1294, 1293, 1556; 5:2487, 4:1963, 2031
1299, 1300, 1301
2491 Lamb, William. See Melbourne, Lord
French Revolution and, 2:890;
working class and, 5:2484–2492 Lamberg, Ferenc, 3:1220
See also strikes Lamennais, Felicité de, 1:269, 381,
Louis-Philippe endorsed by, 3:1301, 387, 388, 389; 3:1298
Labor Party (Belgium), 1:203–204 1388
Labor Party (France), 3:1215, as Chaadayev influence, 1:400
Revolution of 1830 and, 2:848;
1216–1217 church-state separation and, 4:1718
3:1298, 1301
Labor Rewarded (Thompson), 4:2201 Lamiel (Stendhal), 4:2253
Saint-Simon and, 4:2080
Labouchère Amendment (Britain), Lamm, Martin, 4:2269
Laffitte, Pierre, 4:1844
2:1083; 4:2297 Lamothe, Louis, 2:634
Lafitte, Jacques, 1:284
Labouré, Catherine, 4:1788 Lancashire, 1:82, 445
La Fontaine, Henri, 4:1697
Labour Leader (Scottish weekly), cotton industry in, 3:1149, 1427,
La Fontaine, Jean, 2:621, 676
2:1043 1428, 1430–1431
Laforgue, Jules, 4:2294
Labour Party (Britain), 1:115; 3:1292, Luddite rebellion in, 3:1392, 1410
Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in
1295–1297 technology and, 3:1153
England, Die (Engels), 2:754;
Carpenter and, 1:373 See also Manchester
Christian Socialism and, 4:2208; Lagercrantz, Olof, 4:2269 Lancaster Phrenological Society,
5:2488 Lagerlöf, Selma, 4:2286, 2287 4:1775
establishment of, 2:1011–1012 Laghouat, Algerian Sahara, 1879 land
Hardie and, 2:1043, 1044 (Guillamet), 1:46 British enclosures of, 1:26–27,
Hobson and, 2:1076 Lagos, 1:19 28, 358
labor movements and, 5:2490, 2491 Laguerre, George, 2:696 Bulgarian reform and, 1:313

2678 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Canadian immigrants and, 1:344 Spanish Carlists and, 1:367–368 Bohemian Lands and, 1:142, 259,
Chartist land communities, 3:1658 Wales and, 5:2435 261, 262–263; 2:865; 4:1716,
freehold movement and, 1:490 Landes, David, 2:709–710, 711; 1856, 1860–1861
French nationalization of church 3:1147, 1153 Braille system and, 1:298
property and, 2:888, 897 ‘‘Land Ironclads, The’’ (Wells), Brussels and, 1:202, 307
Haitian ownership of, 2:1036 5:2459 Budapest and, 1:310
Irish tenancy and, 2:1008, 1009, Landjäger (German police), 4:1814 Canada, 1:342, 343, 344, 346
1010–1011; 3:1181, 1182; Land League (Ireland), 3:1180, 1181, Central Asia and, 1:395, 396
4:1741, 1755 1182; 4:1741, 1790
city dwellers and, 1:447
Madrid ownership of, 3:1412–1413 Landmarks (Russian symposium,
education in multiethnic empires and,
1909), 1:212
Naples and Sicily reform and, 2:719, 724–726
Landmarks in French Literature
3:1414–1415 Egyptian hieroglyphics and,
(Strachey), 4:2258
nationalization movements, 4:2206 1:406–407
Land Plan (Chartist), 1:417
newly rich ownership of, 3:1305 landscape design, 3:1600; 4:1738, Finland and, 2:818–819, 820, 822
Polish ownership of, 4:1809, 1810 1739, 1740 Frege philosophy of, 2:884
Portuguese redistribution of, 4:1840 Landscape near Auvers (Cézanne), Grimm’s (Jacob) linguistic studies
Russian emancipated serf purchases 1:398 and, 2:1024
of, 2:1015, 1017 landscape painting, 4:1703–1705 Habsburg Monarchy and,
Sicilian sales of, 3:1415 Barbizon painters and, 1:177–178; 1:138–139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
Vietnam ownership of, 3:1143 3:1126; 4:1954 259
See also landed elites; peasants; rural Cézanne and, 1:398; 3:1530 Herder theory of, 2:1060–1061;
areas Constable and, 2:543–544 3:1603
Land and Liberty (Russia), Corot and, 2:561–562 Humboldt’s (Wilhelm) linguistic
4:1767–1768, 1800, 1831, 2052, Courbet and, 2:569 theory and, 2:1097
2209; 5:2517 Hungary and, 1:141, 144; 3:1266,
Doré watercolors, 2:677
Landarz, Ein (Kafka), 3:1243 1267, 1605
Friedrich and, 2:910–912; 4:1703
landed elites, 3:1304–1307 India and, 3:1134
historical, 2:560, 561
as aristocracy, 1:78, 80–81, 83, Indo-European family, 3:1134
84–85 impressionism and, 3:1126, 1128,
1534; 4:1708 Irish Revival and, 3:1182, 1183
bourgeois business men as, 1:472 Italian unification and, 3:1199
outdoor, 3:1126; 4:1708, 1864,
Britain and, 1:83, 86, 284, 290, Jews and, 1:314; 4:2039
291, 469 Manzoni and, 3:1442
Pissarro and, 4:1792–1793
British modified power of, 1:457
Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1864 national identity and, 2:719; 3:1521,
British Swing riots and, 1:358–359 1523, 1525, 1603, 1604,
Romanticism and, 4:2027,
bureaucratic careers and, 1:324 1605–1606
Chartist reforms and, 1:414 Nietzsche and, 3:1630, 1631
Turner and, 4:2029; 5:2366–2368
conservatism and, 2:540 Poland and, 4:1812–1813, 1818
Landtag (Prussia), 1:290, 291; 3:1355
Corn Laws repeal and, 2:540, Prague and, 4:1856, 1858
Landwehr, 3:1505
557–560, 715 Prague Slav Congress and, 4:1862
Lang, Andrew, 2:873
decline of nobility and, 1:284 Lange, Helene, 1:189; 3:1681 Romani and, 4:2022
Disraeli as member of, 2:672 Langevin, Paul, 2:596 Russian-dominated Poland and,
education and, 2:728 Langham Place group (Britain), 2:625 1:40; 3:1605
French Revolution confiscations Langley, Samuel, 1:30 secondary school syllabus and, 1:286
from, 3:1305 Langmuir, Irving, 1:427 Slavs and, 2:924–925; 4:1716
gentry as, 1:80, 83, 84–85, 86 languages Turkish nationalism and, 3:1690,
Ireland and, 2:1011 Albania and, 1:32 1691
Malthus’s arguments to, 3:1426 Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:51, 52 Wales and, 5:2435–2436
Napoleonic reforms and, 3:1598 Armenians and, 1:88, 90 See also specific languages
Portugal and, 4:1840 Austria and, 1:145 Languedoc, 2:762; 4:1893
Russia and, 1:469; 3:1627; Baltic provinces and, 2:818–819, Lankester, Edwin Ray, 2:238
4:2150–2151, 2153 820, 821 Lanner, Joseph, 4:2261; 5:2418
Scotland and, 3:1306; 4:2116, 2117, Baudelaire literary translations and, Lannes, Jean, 3:1221–1222
2120 1:187–188 Lansdowne, Lord (Henry Petty-
Sicilian Fasci and, 4:2173–2174 Belgium and, 1:199–200, 201–202, Fitzmaurice), 1:102
Sicily and, 3:1415; 4:2173–2174, 204, 307 Laos, 3:1137, 1139, 1142, 1143,
2176 Bismarck ethnic policy and, 1:239 1145

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2679

Lapin Agile (Paris cabaret), 1:335 Latin language, 1:139, 141 Law of Dynamic Polarization (Cajal
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, 3:1312, secondary school syllabus in, 1:286 hypothesis), 1:342
1443; 4:1779–1780, 2113–2114, Latin Monetary Union, 3:1537, 1538 Law of Guarantees of 1871 (Italy),
2248, 2249 Latium, 3:1193 4:2024, 2025
Large Bathers (Cézanne), 1:399 La Touche, Rose, 4:2047 law of nations. See international law
Larionov, Mikhail, 1:157, 214 La Tour du Pin, count de, 1:387, 389 Law of Papal Guarantees of 13 May
Larkin, James, 1:61; 2:691; 4:2267 Latter-Day Pamphlets (Carlyle), 1:371 1871 (Italy), 4:1719, 1795
Larne gunrunning, 3:1185 Latter-Day Saints, 1:338 ‘‘Law of Segregation in Hybrids, The’’
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François Latvia, 1:40, 266, 447; 2:817, 818, (de Vries), 2:653
de, 3:1664 819, 819, 820–821, 822, 823 Law of Suspects of 1793 (France),
La Rochelle Confession, 4:1891 Latvian language, 2:820 2:844, 892; 4:1951–1952
La Roche-sur-Youn (Napoleon- Laubespine, marquise de, 3:1442 Lawrence, Christopher, 3:1358–1359
Vendée), 3:1599 Laughlin, Harry H., 2:770, 771, 772 Lawrence, D. H., 4:2235, 2259
Larrey, Dominique-Jean, Laumaillé, Albert, 2:600 Lawrence, Thomas, 2:954
3:1307–1309 Laurence, Reginald Vere, 1:7 Law Society of London, 3:1376
La Scala (Milan opera house), 3:1502, Laurencin, Marie, 2:590 laws of thermodynamics. See
1504, 1672; 5:2406 Laurens, Henri, 2:591 thermodynamics
Las Cases, Emmanuel de, 1:270; Laurens, Johann Daniel, 4:2093 lawyers, 1:285; 4:1881
3:1588 Laurent, Auguste, 1:425–426 Brougham as, 1:302, 303
Lasker-Schüler, Else, 3:1309–1310 Laurent family, 1:410 as bureaucrats, 1:322, 324
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 1:459; 2:714; Lausanne, Treaty of (1923), 2:705;
3:1289, 1310–1311 class and, 1:472
German Social Democrats and, Crispi as, 2:581
Laval, Carl Gustaf Patrik de, 3:1161
4:2127, 2205 Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 2:926; 3:491 education of, 2:726
Schelling and, 4:2088 Laveaux, Étienne, 5:2332 international law association of,
Lasson, Adolf, 3:1174 Lavigerie, Charles-Martial-Allemand, 3:1175
Lassus, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine, 5:2422 3:1331, 1528 professionalization of, 4:1879, 1880
Last Attack on Rome by the French Lavoisier, Antoine, 2:518; women’s barriers as, 2:803, 945
(engraving), 2:932 3:1311–1313; 4:2113–2114, See also law, theories of
Last Days of a Condemned Man, The 2115 Laxman, Adam, 4:2064
(Hugo), 2:1093 chemistry and, 1:424; 3:1153, Lay of the Last Minstrel (Scott), 4:2123
Last Days of Pompeii, The (film), 1:443 1311–1313 Lazare, Bernard, 2:684; 5:2523
‘‘Last Futurist Exhibition, The,’’ Marat diatribe against, 3:1443 Lazarev, I. D., 1:88
1:158 Lavrov, Peter, 3:1170; 4:1767 Lazarian family, 1:88
Last Judgment (Leonardo da Vinci), law, theories of, 3:1313–1316 lazzaroni, 4:2187
4:2008 Bentham and, 1:210 Lea, Henry Charles, 2:1074
Last Man, The (Shelley), 4:2169 Brougham and, 1:303 Leader (London weekly), 2:743
Last of England, The (F. M. Brown), League for Protection of Mothers,
codification movement and, 3:1195,
4:1864 5:2451
Lateran Treaty (1929), 1:382; 3:119 League for the Promotion of the
criminal punishments and, 2:574
La Teste-Arcachon, 4:2125 Interests of Women, 3:1556
La Thangue, Herbert Henry, 4:1948 Fichte and, 2:813
individual rights and, 3:1341 League of American Wheelmen, 2:600
latifondi, 4:2173, 2174, 2176 League of Armed Neutrality, 2:901;
latifundia, 4:2035 Russia and, 1:39; 4:2236
Latin America See also international law; Napoleonic
Code League of German Women’s
British interests in, 2:1002 Association, 1:189
football (soccer) and, 2:834 Law for the Prevention of Cruelty and
Protection of Children of 1889 League of Nations, 1:50; 2:595, 1076;
Humboldt (Alexander) botanical 3:1125, 1173; 5:2459
(Britain), 5:2452
travel in, 2:1095–1096, 1097 League of Private Initiative and
Law Le Chapelier of 1791 (France),
independence movements in, 2:525, Decentralization, 5:2515
809, 930–931, 1002; 3:1174 League of the Just, 2:521
Lawn Tennis Association (Britain),
Monroe Doctrine on, 3:1174 League of Women Voters (U.S.), 1:67
Portuguese colony in, 4:1838 Law of 22 Prairial of 1794 (France), learned behavior, 3:1511
positivism and, 4:1844 2:518–519; 4:1952 Leavis, F. R., 4:2259
racism in, 4:1927 Law of Associations of 1884 (France), Le Bel, Joseph-Achille, 1:426
Spanish colonization of, 2:1036; 2:812; 5:2432, 2433 Leben Jesu, Das (D. F. Strauss),
4:2228, 2229 Law of Associations of 1901 (France), 2:743–744, 754; 5:2512
See also specific countries by name 1:69; 3:1292; 5:2432, 2433 Le Blond, Alexandre, 4:2076

2680 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

LeBon, Gustave, 2:816; Legal Marxists, 3:1328; 4:2270 men’s clubs and, 3:1471
3:1316–1317; 4:1908, 2214 Légende des Siècles, La (Hugo), 2:1094 museum attendance and,
Young Turks and, 5:2516 Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh 3:1563–1564
Le Bras, Gabriel, 1:378 and the Maiden Fevronia, The newspaper reading and, 4:1872
Le Brun, Charles-François, 4:1726 (Rimsky-Korsakov), 4:2000 parks and, 4:1738–1741
Le Chapelier Law of 1791 (France), Léger, Fernand, 2:590
patriotic holidays and, 4:1826
3:1314 Legion of Honor (France), 4:1944
seaside resorts and, 4:2124–2126;
Lechner, Ödön, 1:112 Delacroix and, 2:640
Leclerc, Charles-Victor-Emmanuel, Doré and, 2:676
5:2333 secularization and, 4:1894
Dreyfus and, 2:685
Leclerc, Georges-Louis. See Buffon, shopping and, 2:548
establishment of, 3:1586
Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de tourism and, 1:288; 5:2325–2331
Matisse and, 3:1475
Lecomte, Claude Martin, 4:1735, vacations and, 3:1324–1325
Napoleon’s initiation of, 2:846
1737 voluntary associations and,
Rodin and, 4:2009 1:115–122
Leçon clinique à la Salpétrière, Une
(Brouillet), 1:409, 410 Législation primitive (Bonald), 1:268
working-class activities and, 1:288
Le Creps, Arthur, 4:1830 Legislative Commission (Russia),
Leiter, Mary Victoria, 2:597
Le Creusot, 4:1736 1:376
leitmotifs, 3:1675; 5:2430
Le Creusot power hammer, 3:1163 Legislative Corps (France), 1:491
Le Keux, J. H., 5:2423
Lecture on Human Happiness, A Legislative Paunch, The (Daumier),
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 4:2023
(Gray), 4:2201 2:622
Lelewel, Joachin, 4:1808
Lectures on Dramatic Art and Le Gray, Gustave, 3:1577; 4:1730,
Lélia (Sand), 2:802; 4:2083, 2084
Literature (A. W. Schlegel), 1771, 1772
Lemonnier, Charles, 4:1696
4:1769 Leguey, Luc, 2:948
Lemonnyer, J., 4:1836
Lectures on Godmanhood (Soloviev), Lehmbruck, Wilhelm, 1:154
Lenard, Philipp, 4:2012
4:2216 Lehrlinge zu Sais, Die (Novalis),
Lenbach, Franz von, 5:2430
Lectures on the Diseases of the Nervous 3:1647
lending libraries, 3:1352
System (Charcot), 4:1908 Leiden des jungen Werthers, Die
Lenin, Vladimir, 1:249, 266; 2:654,
‘‘Lectures on the Function of the (Goethe), 2:983; 3:1436
1026, 1068; 3:1208,
Principal Digestive Glands’’ Leigh, Augusta, 1:332, 333
1326–1329, 1327; 4:1768,
(Pavlov), 4:1748 Leinster House (Dublin), 2:693
1804, 2049, 2054, 2205
Lectures on the Method of Academic Leipzig, Battle of (1813), 2:959;
anarchosyndicalism and, 1:60, 62
Study (Schelling), 4:2088 3:1319–1322, 1334; 5:2429
Bernstein antipathy toward, 1:231
Lectures on the Philosophy of History multinational army and, 2:875, 903,
958; 3:1319 Bolsheviks and, 1:264, 265, 267,
(Hegel), 4:2031
315; 2:993; 3:1327–1328, 1487,
Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Napoleon’s defeat at, 2:903; 3:1588
Church (Newman), 3:1621 Napoleon’s gun/infantry ratio and,
brother’s assassination and, 4:2054
Ledebour, Georg, 1:65 3:1506
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste, Bund opposition by, 1:315
strategic importance of, 3:1319
1:338; 2:849; 3:1304, Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung exiles of, 2:781; 3:1327–1328, 1329
1317–1319; 4:1963 (newspaper), 4:1867 Hobson’s Imperialism as influence
Lee, Jennette, 3:1109 Leipziger Strasse (Berlin), 1:217 on, 2:1076
Lee, Robert E., 1:148 leisure, 3:1322–1326; 4:1824 on imperialism, 3:1122, 1329
leeching, 1:436 bourgeois activities and, 1:288; intelligentsia and, 3:1168, 1171,
Leeds, 1:288, 454; 3:1392 2:551; 3:1324, 1325 1327–1328
Leeds (Turner), 5:2368 cabarets and, 1:335–337 Kautsky as influence on, 3:1248
Leeds Parliamentary Reform commercial entertainments and, Kropotkin and, 3:1273
Association, 4:2199 2:551 Luxemburg conflict with, 3:1401
Leeds Times (newspaper), 4:2199 Mach critique by, 3:1409
crime and, 2:572
Leenhoff, Suzanne, 3:1433 Martov’s socialist view vs., 3:1460,
Crystal Palace entertainments and,
Le Fanu, Sheridan, 5:2464 1461
Le Fauconnier, Henri, 1:155;
cycling and, 2:599–602; 3:1326 Marx as influence on, 1461
2:590, 591
football (soccer) and, 2:830–835; Marxist economics and, 2:707
Lefebvre, Georges, 2:665
Lefranc, Jean-Jacques. See Pompignan, 3:1326 party membership concept of,
marquis de holidays and, 1:262, 285; 3:1324 3:1487
Left Hegelians. See Young Hegelians landed elite and, 3:1305, 1306 Pavlovs scientific studies and, 4:1749
Left Octobrists, 3:1660 London attractions for, peasant economy and, 4:1756
Left Socialist Revolutionaries, 4:2211 3:1377–1378 Plekhanov and, 4:1801

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2681

‘‘populist’’ as discrediting term of, 3:1116, 1118, 1124–1125, Letters on Mesmerism (Martineau),
4:1832 1336–1338 3:1459
Revolution of 1905 and, father Leopold I and, 3:1336 Letters on the Laws of Man’s Nature
3:1328–1329; 4:1974, 1976 fortune of, 3:1337 and Development (Martineau and
St. Petersburg and, 4:2077, 2079 greed and cruelty of, 1:500; 2:506, Atkinson), 3:1459
509; 3:1125, 1336–1337 Letters on the Study of Nature
on Shaw, 4:2166
slave trade and, 1:308–309 (Herzen), 2:1064
Sismondi and, 4:2186
Letters Written During a Short
Sorel and, 4:2218 Stanley and, 2:783; 3:1336
Residence in Norway, Denmark,
Struve and, 4:2270 Leopold II, Holy Roman emperor,
and Sweden (Wollstonecraft),
Wells and, 5:2459 1:139, 322; 2:860; 3:1235;
worker organization and, 2:522 Letter to a Member of the National
Leningrad. See St. Petersburg death of, 5:2417
Assembly (Burke), 1:328
Lenné (landscape designer), 4:1740 Romania and, 4:2018 Letter to Gogol (Belinsky), 1:208;
Lenoir, Alexandre, 2:621 son John of Austria and, 3:1235 5:2460
Lenoir, Étienne, 3:1161 Leopold I, grand duke of Tuscany. See Lettre à M. Dacier relative à l’alphabet
Leo X, pope, 4:2136 Leopold II, Holy Roman emperor des hieroglyphes phonétiques
Leo XII, pope, 4:1718, 1719, 1721, Leopold II, grand duke of Tuscany, employés par les Egyptiens pour
1724, 2033, 2035 3:1196 écrive sur leurs monuments les
Leo XIII, pope, 1:421; 2:540, 688, Leopold, prince of Hohenzollern- titres, les nomes, et les surnoms des
1068; 3:1329–1333, 1621; Sigmaringen, 2:853, 867, 964 souverains grecs et romains
4:1717 Leopold of Saxe-Coburg. See Leopold (Champollion), 1:407
Bismarck and, 3:1279; 5:2473 I, king of the Belgians Lettre au clergé français (Deraismes),
Kulturkampf and, 2:966 Lepape, Georges, 3:1642 2:649
labor unions and, 4:2209 Le Play, Frédéric, 1:387; 3:1450; Lettres à ses commenttans (Robespierre
4:2213; 5:2497 newspaper), 4:2006
Lueger and, 3:1393
leprosy, 4:1751 lettres de cachet, 2:842
reforms of, 4:1720, 1721
Lermontov, Mikhail, 1:208; 4:2256 Lettres d’un habitant de Genève à ses
Rerum Novarum encyclical of, Leroux, Pierre, 1:247; 4:2013; 5:2397 contemporains (Saint-Simon),
1:382, 383, 389; 4:1720, 2209
Le Roy, Édouard, 1:214 4:2080
Roman Question and, 4:2025, 2026 Le Roy, Jacques, 4:1756 Letuchaya Mysh (Moscow cabaret),
secularization and, 4:2134 Leroy, Louis Hippolyte, 1:481; 1:336–337
Windthorst and, 5:2473, 2474 3:1126–1127, 1535 Letwin, Shirley, 3:1514
Leo, Hermann, 1:287–288 lesbianism. See homosexuality and Levande död (Olsson), 4:2269
Leonard and Gertrude (Pestalozzi), lesbianism Lê Van Khoi, 3:1139, 1141
3:1454–1455 Le Secq, Henri, 4:1771 levée en masse, 3:1338–1341, 1505;
Leonardo da Vinci, 1:29; 2:634; Leskien, August, 2:774 4:1960
4:2008 Leskov, Nikolai, 3:1641 Lever, Samuel, 5:2464
Freud psychobiography of, 2:907; Lesseps, Charles de, 3:1338 Levi, Hermann, 5:2431
4:1905 Lesseps, Ferdinand-Marie de, 2:732; Levia gravia (Carducci), 1:362
Pater essay on, 4:1746 3:1337–1338 Leviathan (Hobbes), 3:1272
‘‘Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of Suez Canal and, 4:2274–2275, 2276 Levin, Rahel (later Levin-Varnhagen),
His Childhood’’ (Freud), 2:907 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 3:1108; 1:215
Leoncavallo, Ruggero, 3:1676 4:1769 Levine, Philippa, 4:1886
Leonidas, 2:1018 Lesson in Hysteria by Jean Martin Levinstein, Eduard, 2:686
Leonora (Paër), 3:1670 Charcot, A (Brouillet), 1:409, 410 Levis, F. R., 1:302
Leonore; ou, L’amour conjugale Les XX (art society), 4:2295 Lévrier, Antonin, 1:127, 128
(Gaveaux), 3:1673 Lethaby, William Richard, 1:152 Levski, Vasil, 3:1687
Leontiev, Konstantin, 2:773, 775 Letourneur, Louis-Honoré, 2:664 Levy, Richard S., 3:1393
Leopardi, Giacomo, 3:1333–1334 Letter of Advice to Young Americans Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 4:1875
Leopold I, king of the Belgians, 1:200; (Godwin), 2:981 Lévy-Leboyer, Maurice, 1:104
3:1334–1336; 4:1984; 5:2411 ‘‘Letter of Lord Chandos’’ Lewes, George Henry, 1:301; 2:743;
European royal marriages and, (Hoffmannsthal), 2:1076 4:1844
3:1335 Letters from France and Italy (Herzen), Lewis, Gilbert N., 1:427
Leopold II, king of the Belgians, 2:1065 Lewis, M. J., 3:1428
1:204–205; 3:1336–1337 Letters of a Russian Traveler, Lewis, R. A., 1:402
Brussels urban plan and, 1:306 1789–1790 (Karamzin), 4:2288 Lewis, Wyndham, 1:214
Congo Free State and, 1:20–21, 102, Letters on a Regicide Peace (Burke), Lewis and Allenby, 1:481–482
202, 222, 223, 500; 2:507; 1:328 Lexis, Wilhelm, 4:2248, 2249

2682 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Liang Qichao (Liang Chi Chao), Gladstone and, 2:976–979, 1008, Westernizers and, 5:2459
1:435; 3:1143–1144 1009–1010, 1012; 3:1345, 1347 See also conservatism
Libelt, Karol, 4:1862 Herzen critique of, 2:1065 Liberal Party (Belgium), 1:200, 201,
liberalism, 3:1341–1350 Holy Alliance against, 2:959 202, 203, 204, 307
Adler (Victor) and, 1:10–11 individual rights and, 2:717, 812, Liberal Party (Britain), 2:1006, 1007,
Armenians and, 1:89 871, 958; 3:1341, 1464 1011, 1012; 3:1345; 5:2321,
Asquith and, 1:114–115; 2:1012 intelligentsia and, 3:1170, 1171 2322, 2394, 2434, 2461, 2490
Austro-Hungarian reforms and, Italy and, 3:1200–1202, 1348, 1349; Acton and, 1:6
1:143 4:2025 aristocracy and, 1:86
Bernstein and, 1:231 Jewish assimilation and, 1:73 Asquith and, 1:114–115; 2:730,
Bismarck’s approach to, 1:238; Kadets and, 3:241–242, 1349, 1519 1012
2:966 Kulturkampf and, 3:1277 Chamberlain’s (Joseph) break with,
Britain and, 3:1342, 1343, Madrid and, 3:1414 1:405; 3:1348
1345–1346, 1347, 1348, 1349; Corn Laws repeal and, 2:1005
Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1513,
5:2394 Disraeli’s foreign policy vs., 2:674
1514; 5:2394
Burckhardt’s view of, 1:315, 317 Fox and, 2:1001
Milyukov and, 3:1518–1519
Burke’s early political period and, Gladstone and, 2:976–979, 1007,
Moscow and, 3:1551–1552
1:327 1008; 3:1348
myth of bourgeoisie and, 1:291
Catholic political parties and, House of Lords and, 2:730
Netherlands and, 3:1617, 1618,
1:388–389 Indian (Morley-Minto) reforms and,
1619, 1620
Cavour and, 1:390, 391 3:1136–1137
Nietzsche’s repudiation of, 3:1629
citizenship and, 1:458–459 Irish Home Rule split in, 2:978,
O’Connell and, 3:1655–1657
classical economics and, 2:714, 716, 1010, 1011; 3:1181, 1184, 1348
Ottoman Empire and, 3:1690
717 labor movements and, 2:1011;
papal condemnation of, 1:381–382;
Constant and, 2:545–546; 3:1343 3:1292
4:1795, 1798
cooperatives and, 2:556 Labour Party and, 2:1012; 3:1295,
papal infallibility as response to,
counterrevolution and, 2:566–567 1296, 1297
Denmark and, 2:647–660 Lloyd George and, 3:1345, 1348,
peace movements and, 4:1695, 1696
economic policy and, 1:490–491, 1349, 1369–1370
Pius IX and, 3:1196
491–492; 3:1341, 1342, 1410, naval buildup and, 3:1610
political parties and, 3:1347–1348
1348049 Palmerston and, 2:1007; 4:1713
Prague Slav Congress and,
See also free trade public health and, 1:325
emancipatory, 3:1342–1345 Russell (John) and, 2:1007
press freedom and, 4:1870
European ideals vs. realities of, Scotland and, 2:1003
professionalism and, 4:1881
progress and, 2:714 social insurance and, 1:356
European split in, 3:1343–1344
Prussia and, 2:958, 960; welfare reform and, 2:1075
failures of, 3:1347–1350
3:1346–1347; 5:2467 women’s suffrage and, 2:625
feminist critique of, 1:458
questions raised about, 3:1343 working-class representatives in,
Forster and, 2:835, 836
republicanism and, 4:1962 2:1009
four spheres of, 3:1341–1342 Liberal Party (Madrid), 3:1413–1414
Revolutions of 1830 and, 1:457–458
France and, 4:1971–1972, 2247; Liberal Union (Spain), 4:2230
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1991
5:2310 Liberal Uprising in Spain (engraving),
Rudolf (crown prince) and, 4:2045
Frederick III and, 2:873–874 4:2230
Russia and, 2:1016; 4:2055
Freemasons and, 2:878 libertarianism, 4:1959
French Declaration of the Rights of Sismondi and, 4:2186
libertine tradition, 4:1833
Man and, 2:887 socialism and, 4:2205, 2206–2207
French feminist movement and, Spain and, 1:366–367, 368; 3:1343,
ancient vs. modern, 2:546
2:649–650 1347; 4:2230
French declaration defining, 2:887
French July Monarchy and, Sweden and, 4:2283–2284
Liberty, Arthur, 1:485
3:1388–1389 Thiers and, 4:1932; 5:2310 Liberty fabrics, 1:108, 152
Gagern and, 2:923–924 Tocqueville and, 5:2317 Liberty Leading the People (Delacroix),
German curtailments of, 1:369–370; utilitarianism and, 5:2393, 2394 2:640, 848; 4:2031
2:962 Vienna and, 5:2420 libraries, 3:1350–1353; 4:1825
German reformists and, 2:959–962, voluntary associations and, Paris and, 4:1727
965–966; 5:2473 1:118–119, 120, 121, 122 scientific/mathematical knowledge
Giolitti and, 2:973; 3:1349 Wales and, 5:2434–2435, 2436 and, 4:2112

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2683

women librarians and, 2:945 Life of Jesus, The (Renan), Linderhof (Louis II castle), 3:1383
See also museums 4:1953–1954; 5:2399 Lindgren, Armas, 1:113
Libre parole, La (anti-Semitic daily), Life of Napoleon (Scott), 4:2123 linen industry, 1:201; 3:1179, 1411
2:683, 684, 689 Life of Napoleon (Stendhal), 4:2252 ‘‘Lines Written in the Euganean Hills’’
Libuše (Smetena), 4:1858 Life of Rossini (Stendhal), 4:2252 (Shelley), 4:2170
Libya, 1:31; 2:527; 4:2299; 5:2361, Life of Schiller (Carlyle), 1:370 Linevich, Nikolai Petrovich, 3:1557
2364 Life of Schleiermacher (Dilthey), 2:660 Ling, Lijalmar, 4:2242
Italian colony in, 3:1202, 1546, Life to Come and Other Stories, The Ling, Per Henrik, 4:2242
1549 (Forster), 2:836 linguistics. See languages
Lichnowsky family, 1:195–196 Liffey River, 2:691 Linnaean classification, 2:598
Lichtenstein, Alois von, 2:1068 light Linneaus, Carl, 4:1924, 2285
Lichterfreunde, 2:960 Einstein wave theory of, 2:739, 740 Linnell, John, 1:246
Lichtheim, George, 5:2395 Fresnel wave theory of, 4:1780 linotype, 4:1866
Lictors Bringing Brutus the Bodies of Maxwell electromagnetic nature of, Linton, William James, 4:1964
His Sons (David), 2:624 3:1478; 4:1780 Linz, 1:261
Lidbetter, Eric J., 2:770 Poincaré (Henri) theories of, 4:1805 Lin Zexu, 3:1678, 1679
Liebermann, Max, 2:796; Light Cavalry Brigade (British), 1:95, Linz Program, 1:10
3:1353–1355, 1354; 5:2470 244; 2:578 Lipchitz, Jacques, 2:591–592
Liebertwolkwitz, Battle of (1813), ‘‘Light from the East’’ (Soloviev), Lipincott’s Magazine, 5:2464
3:1320 2:774 Lipiner, Siegfried, 1:10
Liebesverbot, Das (Wagner), 5:2430 lighting Lipschitz, Jacques, 1:156
Liebich, Richard, 4:2023 art nouveau fixtures, 1:109, 112 Lipton, Thomas, 1:352
Liebig, Justus von, 1:25, 425, 426; coal mining and, 1:487–488 liquor. See alcohol and temperance
2:762; 3:1159–1160; 4:2109 Eiffel Tower and, 2:737 lira (Italian monetary unit), 3:1538
Liebknecht, Karl, 3:1355–1356 electric, 2:741, 742, 815 Lisbon, 4:1766; 5:2308
Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 1:194; 3:1289, street lights, 1:207, 445–446; 2:548, population of, 1:446
1311, 1355; 4:2127 741 List, Georg Friedrich, 2:515–516;
Liechtenstein family, 1:469 Light of the World, The (Hunt), 4:1707 3:1356–1357
lieder, 3:1418, 1419, 1570, 1571; Light that Failed, The (Kipling), economic views of, 2:708, 960;
4:2106 3:1256 4:1888
Lied von der Erde, Das (Mahler), Ligne, Prince de, 5:2418 Zollverein and, 5:2524
3:1419 Ligny, Battle of (1815), 2:903; 4:1900 Lister, Anne, 2:1084
Liège, 1:202, 203, 361, 493 Ligue Antisémitique, 1:5 Lister, Joseph, 3:1358–1359, 1359;
textile factory, 2:791 Ligue de l’Action Française. See Action 4:1744, 1745, 2113, 2135
Lieutenant Gustl (Schnitzler), 4:2100 Française Lisy, Alfred Firmin, 1:214
Life and Labour of the People in London Ligue d’enseignement, 3:1352 Liszt, Franz, 1:168, 295;
(Booth), 5:2444 Ligue des droits de l’homme, 2:684 3:1359–1361, 1565, 1566,
Life and Works of Goethe (Lewes), Ligue des Patriotes, 1:282; 4:2243 1675; 5:2430
2:743 Ligue française pour le droit des Berlioz friendship with, 1:225
life expectancy, 2:628, 643, 719, 766 femmes, 4:1998 Chopin friendship with, 1:439
in London, 3:1372 Ligue internationale de la paix et de la folk music and, 3:1361; 4:1825
Life for the Tsar, A (Glinka), liberté, 4:1696 German musical repertoire and,
2:979–980; 3:1571, 1673 Ligue Nationale pour le Vote des 3:1571
Life in the Sickroom (Martineau), Femmes, 2:697 Glinka and, 2:980
3:1459 Liguria, 3:1193, 1599 Paganini as influence on, 4:1699
Life of Charlotte Brontë (Gaskell), Ligurian Republic, 3:1584; 4:1785, Romanticism and, 4:2027, 2030,
2:934 1786, 2188 2031
Life of Chaucer (Godwin), 2:981 Lilienthal, Otto, 1:30 Sand and, 4:2084
Life of Henry Brulard, The (Stendhal), Lille, 2:1089
Schoenberg and, 4:2102
4:2253 limited-commitment system, 2:526
Liszt, Franz von (legal theorist), 3:1315
Life of Henry Fawcett (Stephen), limited liability partnership, 1:354
literacy, 3:1361–1365
4:2254 Limits and Renewals (Kipling), 3:1257
Life of James Fitzjames Stephen, The Belgium and, 1:202
Limoges, 4:1736
(Stephen), 4:2254 limpieza de sangre (blood purity), 1:74 Bohemian Lands and, 1:260
Life of Jesus (Renan), 2:688; 4:1892, Lincoln, Abraham, 2:932, 962; Braille system and, 1:296–298
1953–1954; 5:2399 3:1269 Bulgaria and, 1:313
Life of Jesus, Critically Examined, The Lind, Jenny, 3:1566 France and, 2:720; 3:1522; 4:1822,
(Strauss), 2:743–744, 754 Linder, Robert, 2:518, 800 1868

2684 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

gender and, 2:718; 3:1362, 1363 Coleridge and, 1:496–497; 2:543 Hofmannsthal and, 2:1076–1077
liberalism and, 3:1347 Conrad and, 2:535–536; 4:1875 Hölderlin and, 2:1077–1079
libraries and, 3:1350–1352 on crime, 2:574–575 Hugo and, 2:1092–1095
Naples and, 3:1581 Cruikshank illustrations and, 2:585, Huysmans and, 2:1103–1105
Paris and, 4:1727 586–587 on imperialism, 4:1875
popular culture and, 4:1822 Czech nationalism and, 4:1857, impressionism and, 3:1133
posters and, 4:1845 1859 intelligentsia and, 3:1170
press mass readership and, D’Annunzio and, 2:609–610 Ireland and, 3:1182–1183
4:1868–1869 Decadence and, 2:631–633; Irish revival in, 3:1180
primary education and, 1:431 4:2292–2293 Italian nationalism and, 2:930
Protestants and, 4:1891 degeneration and, 2:638
Italian patriotism and, 3:1193–1194
Prussia and, 2:723; 4:1900 Delacroix and, 2:641
Jarry and, 3:1212–1214
racism spread by, 4:1927 Denmark and, 2:648
Kafka and, 3:1242–1243
Russia and, 1:431; 2:1017 Dickens and, 2:655–657
Kiplin and, 3:1256–1257
Scotland and, 4:2119, 2120 Disraeli and, 2:672, 673
Lamartine and, 3:1303–1304
Serbia and, 4:2148 Dohm and, 2:675–676
Lasker-Schüler and, 3:1309–1310
statistics on, 4:1822 domestic novels and, 3:1453
Leopardi and, 3:1333–1334
Sweden and, 4:2285 Doré folio engravings and,
libraries and, 3:1350–1352
urban regions and, 2:720 Mann and, 3:1434–1437
Literary and Philosophical Society Dostoyevsky and, 2:678–679
Manzoni and, 3:1441–1442
(Manchester/Leeds), 1:287 Doyle and, 2:679–680
Martineau and, 3:1458–1459
literary criticism. See criticism, literary Eliot (George) and, 2:743–744
Michel and, 3:1497
literary societies, 1:287; 4:1989 English problem novels and, 3:1430
Mickiewicz and, 3:1500–1501
literature expressionism, 1:220
modernism and, 1:299; 3:1529
absinthe drinking and, 1:3 feminist works and, 2:802–803
Moscow and, 3:1552
Andreas-Salomé and, 1:64–65 fin de siècle and, 2:815
Musil and, 3:1574
anticlerical subjects and, 1:70 Finnish epic, 2:820
Nadar and, 3:1577
Armenian authors and, 1:88, 90, 92 Flaubert and, 2:827–828
naturalism and, 1:220
Arnold and, 1:102–103 Fontane and, 2:828–830
Netherlands and, 3:1619
Austen and, 1:130–132 Forster and, 2:835–836
New Women writers of, 4:2235
avant-garde and, 1:151, 153 futurism and, 1:157
Norton and, 3:1645–1646
Balzac and, 1:166–169 Gaskell and, 2:933–934
Novalis and, 3:1647–1648
Barrès and, 1:184, 185 gender and, 2:945–946, 948
opium users and, 2:686
Baudelaire and, 1:186–188 Generation of 1898 and, 2:950–952;
Otto and, 3:1680, 1681
Belinsky and, 1:207–208 4:2232
Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716
Bely and, 1:208–210; 4:2079 German academic nationalism and,
2:960 Paris and, 4:1728
Bergson’s psychological durée theory
German censorship of, 1:369–370 Pater and, 4:1745–1747
and, 1:214
German naturalism and, 1:220 on peasant conditions, 4:1756–1777
Berlin and, 1:215, 220
German Romanticism and, 2:814 Péguy and, 4:1760–1761
Blake and, 1:244–246
Gissing and, 2:974–975 phrenology mentioned in, 4:1776
Blok and, 1:249–250
Godwin and, 2:980–982 popular culture and, 4:1821, 1822,
Bloomsbury Group and,
4:2258–2259 Goethe and, 2:982–987
pornography and, 4:1833–1834,
Bonapartism and, 1:270 Gogol and, 2:988–989
Brentano’s modernist influence on, Goncharov and, 2:989–990
as Pre-Raphaelite painting subjects,
1:299 Goncourt brothers and, 2:990–992 4:1864
Brontë sisters and, 1:300–302 Gorky and, 2:992–993 Pushkin and, 4:1918–1920
Byron and, 1:332, 333 gothic novels and, 4:2030 racism and, 4:1927
Carducci and, 1:362–363 Gouges and, 2:994 realism and, 4:1946
Carlyle and, 1:371–372 Grimm brothers and, 2:1023–1024 Rolland and, 4:2014–2016
Catalanism and, 1:182 Hardy and, 2:1044–1046 Romanies’ portrayal in, 4:2022–2023
Chaadayev and, 1:400 Heine and, 2:1055–1057 Romanticism and, 2:543, 640;
Chateaubriand and, 1:419–422 Hellenism and, 4:1769 4:2027, 2028, 2030
Chekhov and, 1:422–423 Herder and, 2:1061 Russian Golden Age and, 4:2181,
on childhood, 1:427 Herzen and, 2:1064–1066; 3:1552 2183

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2685

Russian nihilist portrayals in, 3:1639, Jewish emigrants from, 3:1113 liberalism and, 3:1345, 1348, 1349,
1641 Mickiewicz and, 3:1500, 1501 1368–1369
Russian Oriental motifs in, Poland and, 5:2369, 2370, 2441 Mansion House Speech of, 3:1546
2:774–775 Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1808 People’s Budget and, 1:114;
Russian Silver Age and, Ukraine and, 5:2369 2:597–598
4:2181–2183, 2217 See also Poland social reform and, 2:1012;
Sade and, 4:2073–2074 Lithuanian Statute (1529), 5:2371 3:1369–1370
Sand and, 4:2083–2085 Little Dancer Aged Fourteen, The Lloyd-Jones, Roger, 3:1428
Schnitzler and, 4:2100–2101; (Degas), 2:633, 636 Lloyds (bank), 1:175
5:2421 Little Dorrit (Dickens), 2:657 LMS. See London Missionary Society
science fiction and, 5:2408, 2458 Little Girl in a Blue Armchair LMU. See Latin Monetary Union
Scott and, 4:2030, 2122–2123 (Cassatt), 3:1131–1132 Lobachevsky, Nikolai, 4:1749
‘‘Little Hans’’ case (Freud), 2:906 lobbies, producer, 2:516–517;
separate spheres ideology and, 2:943
‘‘Little Matchgirl, The’’ (Andersen), 4:1888–1889
serialized fiction and, 2:657
2:648 Lobkowitz family, 1:195–196
Shaw and, 4:2165–2167 local government. See municipal
‘‘Little Mermaid, The’’ (Andersen),
Shelley (Mary) and, 4:2168–2169 government
Shelley (Percy Bysshe) and, 4:2027, Littré, Maximilien-Paul-Émile, 2:523; Local Government Act of 1888
2031, 2169–2170 4:1844, 1953, 1963 (Britain), 3:1379
Staël and, 4:2246–2247, 2247 Lived Experience and Poetry (Dilthey), Local Government and Public Health
Stendhal and, 4:2252–2253 2:660 Acts of 1871–1872 (Britain), 1:325
Stephen and, 4:2253–2254 Liverpool, 3:1430 Lock, The (Constable), 2:543, 544
Stevenson and, 4:2254–2256 Irish immigrants in, 3:1524, 1525 Locke, John, 1:326, 465; 3:1514;
Strachey and, 4:2258–2259 as port city, 1:304, 305 4:2212
Strindberg and, 4:2268–2269, Liverpool, Lord ( Robert Banks), as Mill (James) influence, 3:1511
2286–2287 2:954, 1002, 1003, 1004; mind theory of, 4:1907, 1908
Sweden and, 4:2268–2269, 4:1758; 5:2461 social contract theory and, 3:1272
2286–2287 Liverpool and Manchester Railway, Lock-Out of 1913 (Dublin), 2:691
symbolism and, 2:940; 4:2292, 2:758; 3:1428 ‘‘Locksley Hall’’ (Tennyson), 5:2309
2294, 2295 Lives of Edward and John Philips, The ‘‘Locksley Hall Sixty Years After’’
Tennyson and, 5:2309–2310 (Godwin), 2:981 (Tennyson), 5:2310
Tolstoy and, 5:2318–2320 Lives of Haydn, Mozart, and Metastasio Lockwood, Frank, 5:2466
Turgenev and, 5:2364–2366 (Stendhal), 4:2252 Lockwood, Lewis, 1:199
Lives of the Necromancers (Godwin), locomotor ataxia, 1:408
Venice and, 5:2403, 2405
2:982 Lodge, Oliver Joseph, 3:1163; 4:2114
Verga and, 5:2407–2408
livestock, 1:26; 2:766 lodgers, 1:453
Verne and, 5:2408–2409 Lodoı̈ska (Mayr), 3:1670
anthrax and, 4:1744–1745
Vienna and, 5:2419, 2421 Loge, La (Renoir), 3:1130; 4:1955,
breeding of, 2:770
Vietnam and, 3:1144 1955
German imports of, 2:960
Wells and, 5:2458–2459 logic, 2:883–884, 1100
New Zealand and, 3:1623
Wordsworth and, 4:2027, 2029, Logica come scienza del concetto puro
peasants and, 4:1751
2030; 5:2481–2482 (Croce), 2:584
vaccines for, 4:1745
Yeats and, 5:2310, 2509–2510 logical positivism, 3:1409; 4:1844
living standards, 1:351, 353
Zola and, 5:2522–2524 Logic as the Science of the Pure Concept
Livingstone, David, 1:221, 222;
See also poetry (Croce), 2:584
2:782–783, 784
Literature and Dogma (Arnold), 1:103 Logic of Collective Action, The (Olson),
masculine image of, 3:1472 2:516–517
missionizing by, 3:1527 Logische Untersuchungen (Husserl),
color posters and, 4:1845
primitivism and, 4:1875 2:1100
Daugerre and, 2:605
Livonia, 2:817, 818, 819, 822–823 Lohengrin (Wagner), 3:1435, 1675
Daumier and, 2:621 Livorno, 3:1195 Lois the Witch (Gaskell), 2:934
Géricault and, 2:956 Liwa, al- (Egyptian newspaper), 2:734 Loisy, Alfred, 1:385; 4:2133
Goya and, 2:999 Lloyd, Constance, 5:2464 Lokhvitskaya, Mirra, 4:2183
Menzel and, 3:1489 Lloyd Austriaco, 5:2354 Lombardi all prima crociata, I (Verdi),
Munch and, 3:1559 Lloyd George, David, 3:1296, 3:1672
photography and, 4:1772, 1773 1368–1370, 1369; 5:2322, 2435 Lombard Street (Bagehot), 1:161
Lithuania, 3:1365–1368 Asquith and, 1:114, 115 Lombardy, 1:392, 414; 2:531, 532,
Bund founding in, 1:313 Curzon and, 2:597–598 533, 962; 3:1153

2686 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Austrian Habsburg rule and, 2:866, Freemasons in, 2:878, 880 typhus epidemics in, 2:670
958; 3:1191, 1193 growth of, 1:443; 2:1087 unemployed in, 2:1010
Cisalpine Republic and, 3:1584 homosexual subculture in, 2:1083, West End, 1:85; 2:548, 551
Franco-Austrian War and, 2:866; 1084 world’s fairs, 5:2412, 2493–2496,
3:1198, 1592 industrial/manufacturing exhibitions 2495, 2496, 2498, 2505
French Revolutionary and and, 5:2494 See also Great Exhibition of 1851
Napoleonic Wars and, 3:1192, Irish immigrants in, 3:1372, 1373, London, Jack, 4:2235
1584 1525 London, Treaty of (1827), 2:1020
Metternich and, 3:1494 jingoism and, 3:1235 London, Treaty of (1832), 3:1613
Mozzoni and, 3:1555, 1556 joint-stock banking and, 1:172–173 London, Treaty of (1852), 2:963
Piedmont-Savoy and, 4:1786 Kropotkin in, 3:1272 London, Treaty of (1913), 1:164;
Revolution of 1848 and, 3:1196 London Bridge, 2:758; 3:1379 3:1203, 1691; 4:2149
London Ambassadors Conference
Venetia and, 3:1193 Marconi in, 3:1444
(1913), 1:166
women’s suffrage and, 3:1556 markets and, 3:1448
London & Westminster Bank, 1:172
See also Kingdom of Lombardy- Marx as exile in, 3:1466 London Anti-Corn Law Association,
Venetia; Milan match-seller, 3:1380 2:558
Lombe, John and Thomas, 2:790 Mazzini in, 3:1480, 1481 London Bridge, 2:758; 3:1379
Lombroso, Cesare, 3:1371–1372 migration and, 3:1111, 1113, London Chapter Coffee House,
criminal class theory of, 2:573, 574; 1372–1373 4:2111
3:1315 museums and, 1:287, 407; 2:598, London, City & Midland (bank),
criminal typology and, 2:638, 639, 999; 3:1375–1376, 1562, 1563, 1:175
769; 4:1816 1564; 4:1825 London Conference (1817–1818),
on homosexual imprisonment, 2:1085 Nash’s urban planning and, 1:308
on Romanies, 4:2023 3:1600–1602 London Conference (1840), 2:732
Loménie de Brienne, Étienne-Charles, newspapers and, 2:968; 3:1459; London Conference (1912), 1:33;
2:767, 841; 3:1385 4:1868, 1871 2:704
London, 3:1372–1381 Offenbach operettas in, 3:1661 London, County & Westminster
advertising and, 2:550 Olympic Games and, 4:2246 (bank), 1:175
architecture and, 1:185–186 parks in, 3:1373, 1375, 1378, London County Council,
artisans and, 1:104; 3:1373–1374, 1600–1601; 4:1738, 1739 3:1379–1380
1378, 1390 London Dock Strike of 1889, 3:1441
Pavlova in, 4:1749, 1750
automobiles and, 5:2352 London Exhibition of 1851. See Great
peace activism in, 4:1697, 1698
Exhibition of 1851
bourgeois culture and, 1:287 police system in, 3:1375; London Exhibition of 1862, 5:2496,
bourgeois elite and, 1:472 4:1814–1815, 1815 2496
bread riot, 1815, 2:559 population growth of, 1:446; London Exhibition of 1871–1874,
chimney sweep, 2:1007 2:1087; 3:1372, 1373; 5:2498
Chinese immigrants in, 3:1524 4:1911–1912 London Illustrated News, 4:1867
Chinese opium dens in, 2:687, 687 posters and, 4:1845 London Missionary Society, 2:782;
cholera epidemic in, 1:437; 2:716; poverty in, 3:1375; 4:1850, 1853 3:1527; 4:1895
3:1378 public health and, 3:1372, 1373, London Philharmonic Society, 3:1565
consumerism in, 2:548; 3:1378 1378–1379, 1380, 1554; London Protocol (1852), 2:648
crime sensation and, 2:575; 3:1375 4:1911–1912 London Review (magazine), 3:1513
Crystal Palace and, 2:587–588, 589, restaurants in, 4:1966, 1967 London School of Economics, 2:788;
1006; 4:1738 riots of 1848 in, 1:417 3:1377; 4:2215; 5:2445
day trippers from, 3:1324 rooftops view, 3:1376 London Society for Women’s Suffrage,
Doré gallery in, 2:677 Rothschilds and, 4:2039, 2040, 2041 2:625
Salvation Army and, 4:2082 London’s Poor Sheltered under a Bridge
drainage system in, 1:450
sewer construction in, 2:758; 4:1912 (Doré), 4:1850
electric lighting in, 2:742
London Times. See Times of London
engineering projects in, 2:758, 758 as sports center, 4:2243
London Women’s Suffrage Society,
as financial center, 1:170, 175–176 streets of, 1:451
financial elite and, 1:84, 85, 170, 256 strikes in, 4:2266
London Working Men’s Association,
First International founding in, suburbs of, 2:1088; 3:1373, 1375 1:414, 416, 417; 3:1286
2:824 subway in, 4:2271–2273, 2272 Lovett and, 3:1390
Fleet Street, 3:1377 telephone service in, 5:2308 Long, Luther, 4:1916
fog and pollution in, 2:764 theater in, 3:1108, 1109, 1377 Longest Journey, The (Forster), 2:835

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2687

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 2:656 execution of, 1:471; 2:518, 624, suffrage and, 4:2277
Long Island Physicians’ College 837, 891, 957, 974; 3:1192, Talleyrand and, 5:2306
(New York), 1:9 1386, 1446; 4:1951, 1968 ultraroyalist dissatisfaction with,
Lönnrot, Elias, 2:820 French financial crisis and, 2:539
looms. See weaving 2:840–841; 3:1385 See also Restoration
Loos, Adolf, 3:1381–1382 French Revolution and, 1:420; Louis IV, grand duke of Hesse-
López, Vicente, 2:999 2:843, 844, 886, 887, 888–891; Darmstadt, 1:41
Lord Byron (Gericault), 1:333 3:1385–1386; 4:1728 Louis, archduke of Austria, 2:807
Lord Chamberlain (London), 3:1377 Girondin-Montagnard split and, Louis, Pierre-Charles-Alexandre,
‘‘Lord Clive’’ (Macaulay), 3:1408 2:973–974 4:2109, 2110
Lord Jim (Conrad), 2:535–536 Jacobins and, 3:1205 Louise, grand duchess of Baden,
Loreley Fountain (South Bronx, 5:2467
Jewish emancipation and, 3:1225,
New York), 2:1056 Louis-Auguste. See Louis XVI
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, 2:653,
Lafayette and, 3:1300 Louisiana, 3:1596; 4:2225; 5:2333
1063; 4:1805
marriage to Marie-Antoinette of, Louis-Napoleon. See Napoleon III
Lorenzaccio (Musset), 1:229
3:1384, 1445, 1446 Louis-Napoléon le grand (Séguin),
Loreto, Marian shrine at, 4:1797
National Convention and, 2:799 3:1593
Loris-Melikov, Mikhail, 1:39, 88, 91;
Paine on exile for, 4:1700 Louis-Philippe, king of the French,
1:413; 3:1255, 1387–1390;
Lorrain, Claude, 2:543 Parisian memorial to, 4:1729
5:2316, 2397
Lorraine, Jean (pseud. of Paul Duval), personal qualities of, 2:887; 3:1384,
abdication of, 2:567, 849, 968;
2:632 1385, 1388, 1446
3:1248, 1389
Los Angeles, German exile community removal to Paris of, 2:890; 3:1385,
Belgium and, 1:200
in, 3:1435, 1437 1403, 1443, 1446; 4:1728
Los von Rom movement (Austria), Bonald’s hostality to, 1:269
republicanism and, 4:1959
1:263; 4:1719 Bonapartism and, 1:270
Robespierre and, 4:2005, 2006
Lothair (Disraeli), 2:673 caricatures of, 3:1389, 1389
sons of, 1:411, 412; 2:846; 3:1384,
‘‘Lotos-Eaters, The’’ (Tennyson), 1385, 1386, 1446 Charles X and, 1:413
5:2309 trial of, 3:1386 Chateaubriand and, 1:421
Lotte in Weimar (Mann), 3:1436 utilitarianism and, 5:2393 daughter’s marriage to Leopold I
Loubet, Émile, 2:684, 685, 857 Louis XVII, king of France, 3:1386, and, 3:1335
Loudon, John Claudius, 4:1738 1446, 1447 Daumier caricature of, 2:621
Louis I, king of Bavaria, 2:606, 961; Louis XVIII, king of France, 3:1303, exile of, 3:1388
3:1382, 1383; 4:1834 1386–1387 father, Philippe Égalité, and, 3:1388,
Louis II (‘‘Mad King Ludwig’’), king 1389
assumption of throne by, 2:846,
of Bavaria, 2:1020; French Revolution and,
1098; 3:1387
3:1382–1384 3:1387–1388
Bonald’s hostility to, 1:269
as List’s patron, 3:1357 Guizot and, 2:1029, 1030
Brunswick Manifesto and, 1:412
Neuschwanstein castle and, 4:2030 Haussmann and, 2:1046, 1047
bureaucracy and, 1:321; 3:1387
Prince Rudolf and, 4:2045 Hugo and, 2:1093, 1094
Charles X and, 2:566; 3:1386
Wagner and, 5:2431 Lafayette and, 3:1301, 1388
Charter of 1814 and, 1:270, 457;
Louis IX, (Saint Louis), king of France,
3:1387 Lamartine and, 3:1303
Chateaubriand and, 1:420, 421 Ledru-Rollin and, 3:1318
Louis XIV, king of France, 1:93, 481;
2:794; 3:1384 education policy of, 2:723 program of, 3:1388–1389
move from Paris of, 4:1726, 1728 Fouché and, 2:837 Restoration and, 4:1969
Louis XV, king of France, 3:1384, as French Revolution émigré, Revolution of 1830 and, 2:566, 848;
1385, 1445; 4:1726–1727 3:1386–1387 3:1388; 4:1984, 1985
Louis XVI, king of France, Guizot and, 2:1029 Revolution of 1848 and, 2:567, 849,
3:1384–1386 as Hugo patron, 2:1092 968; 3:1248, 1389; 4:1990
constitutional monarchy and, Indochina and, 3:1140 suffrage and, 4:2277
1:456 Louis-Philippe and, 3:1388 Talleyrand and, 5:2306
counterrevolutionaries in royal family missionary societies and, 4:1895 Thiers and, 5:2310, 2311
of, 2:563 Napoleon’s return and, 2:847, 903, trade and, 5:2339
Danton’s scheme to save, 2:611 1098, 1099; 3:1387 See also July Monarchy
escape attempt of, 3:1385–1386 Restoration and, 2:847–848; Louis-Philippe-Joseph. See Philippe
Estates-General and, 2:767–768, 3:1387; 4:1968, 1969 Égalité
801, 842, 885; 3:1385 sexual impotence of, 3:1384 Loups, Les (Rolland), 4:2015

2688 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Lourdes, 1:411; 2:1104; 4:1826 Ludlow, Fitz Hugh, 2:687 Luxembourg Gardens at Twilight
Marian shrine at, 4:1788–1789, Ludlow, John, 4:2208 (Sargent), 1:289
1789, 1790 Ludwig II, king of Bavaria. See Louis II Luxemburg, Rosa, 2:707; 3:1248,
Lourié, Arthur, 4:2262 Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of 1398–1401, 1399; 4:1811, 2205
Louvel, Louis-Pierre, 1:412 Classical German Philosophy assassination of, 3:1401
Louvet de Couvray, Jean-Baptiste, (Engels), 2:756 attack on Bernstein by, 1:231;
2:973, 974 Lueger, Karl, 2:1068; 3:1392–1396, 3:1399–1400
Louvre (Paris), 1:287, 407; 2:737, 1394; 4:2282 Liebknecht and, 3:1356
1047; 4:1726, 1727, 1729; anti-Semitism and, 1:73, 75, 77; luxury goods
5:2327 2:689, 816; 3:1233, 1393–1395 Asian trade and, 3:1151–1152, 1153
as high-art cultural museum, 3:1562; mass politics and, 3:1395 automobiles as, 1:149–150
4:1825 Vienna and, 5:2420–2421 Brussels production of, 1:305
Ingres ceiling painting for, 3:1165 Lugard, Frederick (Lord Lugard), consumers of, 2:547, 548, 551
photographs of, 4:1772 1:20; 2:507
fashion and, 1:481
love, 4:2026, 2028, 2029 Luis I, king of Portugal, 4:1841
London production of, 3:1373–1374
Love (Munch), 3:1559; 4:2294 Luisa Miller (Verdi), 5:2406
Luis Filipe, prince of Portugal, Lyon and, 3:1404
Love and Mr. Lewisham (Wells),
4:1841 Luzán y Martı́nez, José, 2:996
Lukács, György, 2:830; 3:1253; Lüzen, Battle of (1813), 2:903
Love for Three Oranges (Prokofiev),
4:2186 Luzzatti, Luigi, 2:971; 5:2364
Lumière, Auguste and Louis, 1:441, LWMA. See London Working Men’s
Lovejoy, Arthur, 4:2031
442; 3:1396–1398, 1397, 1414; Association
love letters, 4:2029
4:1774, 1824 Lyell, Charles, 3:1401–1403; 4:2133
love poetry, 1:249
Méliès contrasted with, 3:1482 as Darwin influence, 2:615; 3:1402
Lovers of Wisdom (Russia), 2:772
Lumière Company, 3:1396 Lyell, Mary Horner, 3:1402
Lovers of Zion, 5:2519–2520
Lumı́r (Czech journal), 4:1857 Lyon, 3:1403–1406
Love Ruling the World (Rude), 4:2044
Loves Coming of Age (Carpenter), Lunacharsky, Anatoly, 1:267 Catholicism and, 3:1404–1405
1:372 Luna Park Scenic Railway (Paris), federalist revolt in, 2:799, 800, 844;
love songs, 4:2029 4:1825 3:1403
Lovett, William, 1:414, 416, 418; Luncheon of the Boating Party (Renoir), Lumière brothers in, 3:1396, 1398
3:1286, 1390–1391 4:1955 miners protests in, 3:1272
Low Countries. See Belgium; Lunda Empire, 1:13 nursing school in, 3:1650
Netherlands Lundbye, Johan, 2:647 Paris Commune and, 4:1736
Löwenthal, Elsa Einstein, 2:740 Lunéville, Treaty of (1801), 2:860,
population of, 3:1404
Lower Depths, The (Gorky), 2:993 901; 5:2305
radical press in, 4:1870
lower middle class, 1:472–473 Luppe River, 3:1320
Reign of Terror in, 2:800, 894;
lupus, 2:649
conservative leanings of, 1:204 3:1403
Lutezia (Heine), 2:1056
consumerism and, 2:550 silk manufacture in, 3:1153, 1404,
Lûtfullah Bey, 5:2515
Löwith, Karl, 1:320 1405
Luther, Martin, 2:959; 5:2447
Luanda Empire, 1:15–16, 19 silkworkers’ rebellion in, 2:848, 849;
Lutheranism, 1:51; 4:1890, 1891
Luang Prabang, 3:1142 3:1284, 1404
Baltic provinces and, 2:821
Lubin, Georges, 4:2084, 2085 urban redevelopment ind, 2:1088;
as established church, 4:1895
Lucca, 3:1191; 4:1970 3:1404
Lucchesi, Police Commissioner, northern German population of,
4:1892 waterway transport and, 5:2348
4:2174 worker housing in, 2:1089
Lucerne, electric lighting and, 2:741 Sweden and, 1:226
temperance and, 1:36 Lyrical Ballads (Coleridge and
Lucia di Lammermoor (Bellini), Wordsworth), 1:496, 497; 2:543;
3:1671 Luxe, calme, et volupté (Matisse),
2:797; 3:1474; 4:1710 5:2482
Lucien Leuwen (Stendhal), 4:2253 Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton
Lucinde (Schlegel), 4:2097 Luxembourg
(Lord Lytton), 2:674; 4:2237
Lucknow, 3:1133, 1135 peasant revolt in, 4:1755
Lucrèce Borgia (Hugo), 2:1093 Schlieffen Plan and, 4:2098
Ludd, Ned (‘‘King’’ or ‘‘General’’), slave trade ban and, 1:308
1:358; 3:1391, 1392, 1410; telephone service in, 5:2308 n
4:1821 welfare initiatives in, 5:2452
Luddism, 1:358; 2:511; Luxembourg Commission (France),
3:1391–1392 2:849–850; 3:1287 Mably, Abbé, 4:1958
machine breaking and, 3:1410, 1411 Luxembourg gardens (Paris), 2:1048 Macaire, Robert, 2:621

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2689

Macartney, George, 1:433 Mach’s Principle, 3:1409 Magendie, François, 1:227, 436
Macartney mission, 1:433 Maciejowice, Battle of (1794), 3:1265 magenta, 3:1159
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Mack, Karl von, 5:2374, 2375 Magenta, Battle of (1859), 1:392;
3:1407–1408 Macke, August, 1:155 3:1198, 1592; 4:1726, 2003
colonial policy and, 2:508 Mackenzie, Morrell, 2:874 Maggi, Luigi, 1:443
historiography and, 2:1072 Mackintosh, Charles Rennie, 1:107, Magic Flute, The (Mozart), 3:1673,
Mill (James) critique of, 3:1510 112, 192; 5:2506 1674; 4:2092; 5:2417
Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian Mackintosh, James, 2:981 magicians, 3:1483
(Macaulay), 3:1407 Maclean, Rutger, 4:2284 Magic Mountain, The (Mann), 3:1435,
Macauley, Eliza, 3:1288 MacMahon, Maurice de, 2:855, 856; 1436, 1437; 5:2360
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 1:153 3:1664; 4:1737 Magnan, Valentin, 2:637
Macbeth (Verdi), 3:1672; 5:2406 Macomb, Alexander, 5:2440 magnetism. See electromagnetism
Macdonald, Étienne Jacques-Joseph- Macon’s Bill No. 2 of 1810 (U.S.), Magnificent Cuckold, The
Alexandre, 3:1320, 1321 5:2439 (Crommelynck), Meyerhold
Macdonald, Frances, 1:112 Macpherson, Hector, 4:2235 production of, 3:1496
MacDonald, Hector Archibald, 3:1423 Madagascar, 2:509, 810 Magyarization, forced, 1:144
MacDonald, James Ramsay, 2:1012; Madama Butterfly (Puccini), 3:1677; Magyar language, 1:141, 143
3:1295, 1296 4:1916 Magyars, 1:143; 2:862, 864, 865;
Macdonald, Margaret, 1:112 Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 2:827, 4:1860, 1861, 1963, 2018, 2019,
Macdonough, Thomas, 5:2440 828; 4:1756; 5:2522 2045
Macedonia, 3:1482 Madame Cézanne (Cézanne), 1:398 Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 5:2312
Madame Charpentier and Her Mahayana Buddhism, 3:1138
Balkan Wars and, 2:704–705
Children (Renoir), 4:1955 Mahdi, the, 1:18–19; 2:734, 783
Bulgaria and, 1:312, 313
Madame Gervaisais (Goncourt Kitchener campaign against,
competing claims in, 1:163, 164,
brothers), 2:991 3:1258–1259, 1668–1669
166, 313; 3:1691
Madame Moitessier, Seated (Ingres), Mahler, Gustav, 1:19, 54, 197; 2:654;
Congress of Berlin and, 2:530; 3:1166 3:1418–1419, 1571, 1572;
3:1689–1690 Maddison, Angus, 5:2338 5:2421
Greek possession of, 1:2 Madeleine Church (Paris), 4:1729 Schoenberg and, 4:2102
Serbia and, 1:242; 4:2146, 2148, Madgascar, 1:99 Schubert’s influence on, 4:2107
2149 Madison, James, 3:1357; 5:2439 Mahmud Celâleddin Pasha, 5:2515
Maceo, Antonio, 1:366 ‘‘Mad King Ludwig.’’ See Louis II Mahmud II, Ottoman sultan,
Macerata insurrection (1817), 1:360 Madonna (Munch), 3:1559 3:1420–1421
Mach, Ernst, 2:739; 3:1408–1410, Madras, 1:88 Greek War of Independence and,
1574 Madrid, 3:1412–1414 2:1019, 1020; 3:1612, 1686
Mácha, Karel Hynek, 4:1857 architecture in, 2:590 Münchengrätz Treaty and, 3:1560
Machado y Ruiz, Antonio, 2:950, 951 Goya and, 2:997, 998–999 reforms and, 3:1186–1187, 1420,
Machajski, Jan Waclaw, 3:1171, 1172 migration and, 3:1111 1685–1686
Mach Bands, 3:1408
Napoleon’s occupation of, 4:1764 Russian ships in Bosphorus and,
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 3:1193; 4:1958
Palacio de Cristal, 3:1413 1:278
machine breaking, 3:1287,
Madwoman, The (Géricault), 2:956 Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, 5:2391,
Maeder, Alphonse, 3:1239 2392
agricultural, 1:357, 358–359;
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 2:631; 3:1675; Maid of Pskov, The (Rimsky-Korsakov),
4:2102, 2295 2:654; 4:1999, 2000
Captain Swing riots and, 2:511;
Jarry and, 3:1213 Maine, Henry, 3:1314; 4:2213
Maetzu y Whitney, Ramiro, Maiorescu, Titu, 4:2018
cultural support for, 4:1821 2:950, 951 Maison des Ducs de Brabant
as labor protest, 4:2264 Mafeking, siege of (1900), 1:159; (Brussels), 1:306
Luddites and, 3:1391–1392 3:1119 Maison Dorée (Paris restaurant),
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1991 Maffei, Clara, 2:803 4:1966
machine gun, portable, 1:20, 95, 99 mafia, 3:1414–1418, 1583; 4:1821 Maison du Peuple (Brussels), 1:109,
Machinenzeitalter, Das (Suttner), secret societies and, 4:2132 307; 2:556
4:2282 Sicilian Fasci and, 4:2173–2175 Maison du Peuple (Paris), 1:109
machinery Sicily and, 4:2173–2175, 2178 Maison du Roi (Brussels), 1:306
trade flow of, 5:2335, 2336, 2342 Mafiusi di la Vicaria, I (play), 3:1415 Maistre, Joseph de, 1:269, 387, 389;
See also science and technology; Maganetic Crusade, 3:1658 3:1421–1422; 4:1959, 2212
specific types of machinery magazines. See press and newspapers; as Chaadayev influence, 1:400
Mach One, 3:1408 specific titles as Comte influence, 2:523

2690 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

conservatism and, 2:539, 542; neo-Malthusians and, 4:1762, 1830 Mandeville (Godwin), 2:981
3:1421 population theory of, 2:714–715, Mandeville, Bernard, 2:551
counterrevolution and, 2:566; 717, 777; 3:1425–1427; 4:1827 dueling defended by, 2:694
3:1421; 4:1718 Spencer and, 4:2234 Mandl, Ignaz, 3:1393, 1394
Restoration and, 4:1968 welfare viewed by, 2:714, 715; mandolin chamber orchestra, 3:1569
Saint-Simon and, 4:2081 3:1425–1426 Manet, Édouard, 2:569, 854, 950;
ultramontism and, 1:381 Malus, Étienne-Louis, 4:1780 3:1431–1434, 1432, 1434;
Mamluks, 1:18; 2:731, 900 4:1708, 2293; 5:2522, 2523
Maitland, Frederic William, 2:1073
Maitron, Jean, 4:1897 Man, Paul de, 2:1079 absinthe and, 1:3
maize, 1:26; 3:1195 Man and God (H. Chamberlain), Daumier as influence on, 2:622
Majeed, Javeed, 3:1511 1:404 Degas’s collection of works of, 2:634
Major Barbara (Shaw), 4:2167 Man and Superman (Shaw), 4:2166 impressionism and, 3:1126, 1128,
Majorelle, Louis, 1:111 Manao Tupapau (Gauguin), 1129, 1131
Máj School (Máchal), 4:1857 2:939–940 modernism and, 3:1530,
Máj School (Prague), 4:1857 Manchester, 3:1427–1431 1533–1534; 4:1707–1708
Majuba Hill, 3:1422–1423 Anti-Corn Law League and, 2:517, Morisot relationship with, 3:1544
Makarov, Stepan Osipovich, 4:2064 558; 4:1889 Parisian scenes and, 4:1732
Makart, Hans, 5:2420 architecture in, 1:185, 186; 2:590 poster art and, 4:1845
Makitta, Thomas, 3:1484 bourgeois culture in, 1:287–288 Renoir and, 4:1954
Maklakov, Vasily, 3:1241 Butler’s feminist activity in, 1:332 Repin and, 4:1956
Malachenko, A. L., 1:266 city life and, 1:454–455 Manet, Eugène (Morisot’s husband),
Malakhov bastion, 2:579
Cobden and, 1:490, 491 3:1433, 1544
malaria, 1:19, 44, 47; 2:782
concerts in, 3:1566 Manet, Julie (Morisot’s daughter),
Malatesta, Errico, 1:58, 60, 62;
cotton industry and, 3:1427–1429 3:1544, 1544
3:1423–1425; 4:2299
Engels in, 2:754, 755; 3:1430, 1450, Manette Solomon (Goncourt and
Malavoglia, I (Verga), 5:2407–2408
1466 Goncourt), 1:177
Malawi, 4:1841
Irish immigrants in, 3:1525 Manfred (Byron), 1:333
Malaya (British dreadnaught), 3:1611
Mangoni, Giuseppe, 3:1503
mal du siècle, 4:2028 labor movement and, 3:1284, 1285,
Manguin, Henri-Charles, 1:153;
Malebo Pool (Africa), 1:16 1430
Male Nude, Back View (Schiele), 1:254 Luddism and, 3:1392
Manhattan Project (atomic bomb),
Malerbi, Giuseppe, 4:2038 millinery workers in, 3:1429
Malevich, Kazimir, 1:157–158, 214; population of, 1:446; 2:1087; Manheim, Ralph, 2:1023
3:1243; 4:2294 3:1430 Manhood Suffrage Riots in Hyde Park
Malik, Der. Eine Kaisergeschichte, representation and, 2:1003 (Hughes), 2:1004
(Lasker-Schüler), 3:1309 shirt factory in, 2:789 Manifesto of the Communist Party
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 2:873
spiritualist societies in, 4:2237 (Marx and Engels), 2:520, 521;
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 2:631, 939, 940,
symbolism of, 3:1429–1430 4:2204
1104; 4:1845, 1944, 1955
Manchester Anti-Corn Law Manifesto of the Equals (Maréchal),
Jarry and, 3:1213
Association, 2:558 2:519, 520
Matisse illustrations for, 3:1475 Manchester Literary and Philosophical ‘‘Manifesto of the Nations of Europe,
Morisot friendship with, 3:1544 Society, 3:1430 The’’ (Pan-Slav Congress),
symbolism and, 3:1529; 4:2292, Manchester school (social reform), 4:1862
2293, 2294 1:490 Manin, Daniele, 1:391; 4:2002;
Mally, Ernst, 1:298 Manchester Ship Canal, 3:1431 5:2403, 2404
Malmaison (Paris), 4:1729 Manchester Town Hall (Britain), Manin, Ludovico, 5:2402
Malmô, Armistice of (1848), 4:2030 Mankind as It Is and as It Ought to Be
2:648, 871 Manchuria, 4:1837, 1838, 2064, (Weitling), 4:2203
Malory, Thomas, 1:109 2065, 2171; 5:2426 Mann, Erika (daughter), 3:1435
Malta, 2:901, 958; 3:1481 railroads and, 4:2064, 2065; 5:2426, Mann, Golo (son), 3:1435
Malthête-Méliès, Madeleine, 3:1484 2479 Mann, Heinrich (brother), 3:1435,
Malthus, Thomas Robert, 1:401; Manchurian War. See Russo-Japanese 1437
3:1425–1427 War Mann, Katia Pringsheim (wife), 2:675;
as Darwin influence, 2:615, 616, Mancini, Pasquale Stanislao, 3:1174 3:1435
617; 3:1426 Mancomunitat de Cataluña, 4:2231 Mann, Klaus (son), 3:1435
economic theory of, 3:1426 Mandel, Ernest, 2:707 Mann, Thomas, 2:679; 3:1434–1437,
Godwin rebuttal to, 2:981 Mandelstam, Osip, 1:214, 250, 400; 1574; 4:1905
Mill (James) and, 3:1510 4:2182, 2183 on sanatorium life, 5:2360

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2691

Schopenhauer as influence, 4:2104 Marat, Jean-Paul, 2:799, 973, 974; Maria Teresa of Tuscany, 1:413
on seaside resorts, 4:2125 3:1205, 1442–1443; 4:1869, Maria Theresa, empress of Austria,
Venice and, 5:2405 1960 1:138, 140, 260; 5:2354, 2372
Mann, Tom (British labor leader), assassination of, 3:1443 daughter Marie-Antoinette and,
1:60; 3:1295, 1297 David painting of, 2:624; 4:1702 2:841; 3:1445, 1446
Männer and Helden (Fontane), 2:828 as Jacobin, 4:1700 educational reform and, 2:723
Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf, 2:819 Marat at His Last Breath (David), Lombardy and, 3:1191
manners and formality, 1:484; 2:624; 4:1702 peasants’ status and, 4:1754
3:1437–1440; 4:1908 Marathas, 2:669, 706; 3:1134, 1136 Marič, Mileva, 2:739, 740
Mannheim, Karl, 2:536; 3:1169, Marble Palace (St. Petersburg), 4:2077 Marie, Pierre, 1:410
1172; 4:2215 Marc, Franz, 1:155–156; 3:1309 Marie-Amélie de Bourbon, 3:1388
Manning, Cardinal, 4:2259 Marcel; La cité harmonieuse (Péguy), Marie-Antoinette, queen of France,
Manning, Henry, 3:1440–1441; 4:1760 3:1445–1447
4:1722, 1896 Marchand, Jean-Baptiste, 2:643, 784, background of, 3:1384, 1445
Mann ohne Eigenschaften, Der (Musil), 794, 795 Danton’s scheme to save, 2:611
3:1574 masculine image of, 3:1472 dressmaker for, 1:481
Manns, Die (television series), 3:1435 Marcks, Gerhard, 1:154 execution of, 2:892; 3:1192, 1447;
Man of Destiny, The (Shaw), 4:2166 Marconi, Guglielmo, 2:1063; 3:1163, 4:1952, 1968
Man of Honor (Fontane), 2:829 1444–1445; 4:1780 extravagances of, 3:1385, 1446
Manon (Massenet), 3:1675 Marcoussis, Louis, 2:591 French Revolution and, 2:841, 860;
Manon Lescaut (Puccini), 3:1677; Marcus, Steven, 4:1834 3:1385, 1386
4:1916 Marcuse, Herbert, 2:838 Gouges’s Rights of Women and,
Manrique, Jorge, 2:950 Maré, Rolf de, 4:2087 2:995–996
Mansfield Park (Austen), 1:130, 131 Maréchal, Sylvain, 2:519, 520 Jacobin view of, 3:1205
Mansfield Park (film), 1:131–132 Marengo, Battle of (1800), 2:901;
Louis XVI marriage to, 3:1384, 1445
Mansion House Speech (Lloyd 3:1192
pornographic libels against, 3:1446;
George, 1911), 3:1546 Marey, Étienne-Jules, 1:441; 3:1396,
Mantashev, Alexander, 1:88 1398; 4:1772
Reign of Terror and, 4:1952
Manteuffel, Otto von, 2:962 Margary, Augustus, 1:434
Margate, 4:2124 unpopularity of, 3:1446
Mantua, 3:1669
Margherita, queen consort of Italy, Marie Josephine (wife of Louis XVIII),
Manuel II, king of Portugal, 4:1841
Manuel Godoy as Commander in the 1:362
Marie-Louise, duchess of Parma
War of the Oranges (Goya), 2:997 marginal utility, theory of, 2:551–552
(second wife of Napoleon I),
Manufacture des Gobelins, 4:2115 Maria II, queen of Portugal, 4:1840
1:270; 2:861; 3:1492, 1587;
manufacturing. See economic growth Maria, princess of Russia, 3:1627
and industrialization; factories Marı́a Cristina, queen regent of Spain
Marienbad, 1:261
Man vs. the State, The (Spencer), (1806–1878), 1:367, 368; 2:809;
Marie-Thérèse, empress of Austria,
4:2234 4:2229
Man Who Laughs, The (Hugo), Marı́a Cristina, queen regent of Spain
Marie-Thérèse of Sardinia, 1:412
2:1094–1095 (1858–1929), 2:949; 4:2231
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso,
Man with a Broken Nose, The (Rodin), Maria Christina of Austria, 1:347
1:156–157; 3:1214; 5:2405
4:2008 Maria Cristina Albertina of Saxony-
futurism and, 2:915, 916, 917–918,
Man with a Hoe (Millet), 1:180; Courland, 1:413
920–921; 3:1530–1531
3:1516 Maria Da Glória, 4:1839
Marino Faliero (Byron), 1:333
Man without Qualities, The (Musil), Maria Fyodorovna, empress of Russia,
Mario and the Magician (Mann),
3:1574 1:37, 41; 3:1626–1627; 4:1747
‘‘Man with the Twisted Lip, The’’ Marı́a Luisa, queen of Spain, 2:808, Marischal College, 3:1477
(Doyle), 2:680 998, 999; 4:1763, 1764 Maritain, Jacques, 1:213, 214; 4:1760
Manzanares River, 3:1412 Marian Column (Prague), 4:1858 Maritime Customs Bureau (China),
Manzoni, Alessandro, 2:930; Marian devotion, 1:287, 385; 4:1719, 1:434
3:1193–1194, 1334, 2037 Maritime Territory, 5:2426
1441–1442, 1504; 4:2123 apparitions and shrines, maritime trade. See shipping; trade and
Maometto II (Rossini), 3:1670, 1671; 4:1788–1789, 1789 economic activity
4:2038 of Pius IX, 4:1797, 1798 maritime warfare. See naval warfare
Maori (people), 3:1622, 1623, 1624 Protestant rejection of, 4:1891 Mariuccia Shelter (Milan), 4:1886
Mao Tse-tung, 1461 See also Immaculate Conception, Marius the Epicurean (Pater), 4:1746
Maracana, 2:833 doctrine of mark (German monetary unit), 1:171;
Maraiana Islands, 2:967 Mariani, Angelo, 2:688 3:1538

2692 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Markart, Hans, 5:2405 fertility rate decline and, 2:645–646 ‘‘Marseillaise, La’’ (French anthem),
market, the Fourier’s views on, 4:2202 1:457; 2:518, 891; 4:1826
classical economomists and, French civil law and, 3:1595 Marseille
2:712–719 French revolutionary legislators and, federalist revolt in, 2:799, 800, 844
free trade and, 2:515; 4:1887 2:897 Mediterranean and, 3:1482
inherent growth and expansion of, furniture and, 2:914 Paris Commune and, 4:1736
2:709 shoemaker and tanner strikes in,
gender norm changes and,
institutionalist view of, 2:947–948 3:1284
2:707–708, 709 socialism and, 2:859
gender roles and, 2:941–943, 942;
invisible hand of, 2:515, 712; 4:1887 3:1471 urban redevelopment and, 2:1088
Marxist economists on, 2:707 male financial support of, 3:1470 worker housing in, 2:1089
neoclassical economists on, masculinity and, 3:1470 Marsh, Peter, 2:516; 4:1888
2:707, 710 Marshall, Alfred, 2:707
Napoleonic Code and, 3:1470, 1595
See also capitalism; free trade; Marshall, Thomas H., 1:460;
neo-locality and, 3:1451
laissez-faire 4:1851–1852
old age and, 3:1662–1663, 1664; Marshall Fields (Chicago department
market integration, 5:2334, 2349,
5:2454, 2455 store), 2:551
2524, 2525
markets, 3:1447–1450 peasant typology of, 4:1752–1753 Martens, Fyodor Fyodorovich von,
Barcelona, 1:182 Pelletier’s view of, 4:1762 3:1175
Morocco, 3:1547 population control and, Martens, Georg Friedrich, 3:1173
Naples, 3:1580, 1582 4:1827–1828, 1830 Marthe, histoire d’une fille
poverty and, 4:1853 (Huysmans), 2:1104
Paris, 2:1049; 4:1732
Prussian civil marriage registration Martignac, vicomte de. See Gay, Jean-
Markevitch, Igor, 3:1643
mandate and, 2:966; 3:1278, Baptiste-Sylvère
Markov, Andrei, 4:2249
1279 Martin, Charles, 4:2087
Marković, Svetozar, 4:2145
Russian serfs and, 4:2151 Martin, Georges, 2:649
Marlotte (France), 1:177
Second Industrial Revolution Martin, Joseph, 2:941
Marmara Sea, 1:243, 278; 3:1186,
workforce and, 1:352 Martin, Thérèse, 1:385
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens), 2:656;
Marmont, Auguste, 3:1321–1322 separate spheres ideology and, 1:70,
Marmont, Marshal, 4:1983 418, 472; 2:943
Martineau, Harriet, 2:714, 715, 717,
Marne, Battle of the (1914), 1:151; sexuality and, 4:2161, 2163
934; 3:1458–1460
3:1508 utopian socialism and, 2:803 Martineau, James, 3:1459
Marocainsi, Les (Matisse), 3:1475 as women’s best option, 1:131 Martı́nez de la Rosa, Francisco, 3:1414
Maroons, 1:364 women’s legal restrictions and, Martı́nez Ruı́z, José (‘‘Azorin’’),
Maroto, Rafael, 4:2229 1:129, 303; 2:941–943 2:950, 951
Marpingen, Marian apparition at,
women’s legal subjugation and, Martinique, 1:14, 364, 365
1:129, 303; 2:802, 803, 804, Martinu, Bohuslav, 2:700
Marquesas Islands, 2:941
941–943; 3:1645, 1646 Martorell, Joan, 2:935
Marquet, Albert, 1:153; 2:795–797;
women’s rights activism and, 2:801, Martov, L. (Yuli Martov), 1:165, 266;
804 3:1170, 1460–1461, 1487, 1488
Marr, Wilhelm, 1:71, 72, 74, 75, 76
working class and, 5:2485 Marty, Anton, 1:298; 3:1242
marriage and family, 3:1450–1458
See also childhood and children; Martyn, Henry, 4:1887
age of marriage and, 2:645, 667; Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, The
3:1451; 4:1827–1828, 1829 divorce; motherhood
Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The (D’Annunzio), 2:609
Bosnian group portrait, 1:275 Martyrs, Les (Donizetti), 3:1672
(Blake), 1:246
bourgeoisie and, 1:284, 287, 472, Marx, Heinrich, 4:2081
Marriage with God (Nijinsky recital),
482; 3:1452–1455, 1456 Marx, Karl, 1:66, 455, 458; 2:872;
Britain and, 2:1001 3:1461–1468, 1477; 5:2448
Married Love (Stopes), 4:2163
British civil unions and, 4:1894 Married Women’s Property Act of anarchist opposition to, 1:58,
British women’s rights act and, 1870 (Britain), 3:1646 161–162; 3:1468
2:946–947, 1008 Married Women’s Property Act of on artisans, 1:104
consumerism and, 2:547, 548 1882 (Britain), 2:946–947, 1008 background and early years of,
dowry and, 1:472; 3:1453, 1454 Married Women’s Property 3:1463–1464
Dublin family size and, 2:690 Committee (Manchester), 1:332 Bakunin rivalry with, 1:161, 162;
Engels on, 2:946 Marsaut, Jean-Baptiste, 1:487 3:1289, 1424
family size and, 4:1828, 1829, Mars Disarmed by Venus and the Three on Belgian capitalism, 1:203
1830–1831 Graces (David), 2:625 Berlin life and, 1:316

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2693

on Berlin’s growth, 1:217 secularization and, 4:2133 peasant economy and, 4:1756
Blanqui’s view of, 1:248 Shaw and, 4:2166 Plekhanov and, 4:1800, 1801
on bourgeoisie, 1:283, 290–291; Sismondi and, 4:2186 Poland and, 4:1811
2:707; 3:1306–1307 Social Democratic Party and, 3:1399 political philosophy of, 3:1327
on Cabet, 1:337 socialism and, 4:2200, 2201, populists and, 4:1832
capitalism viewed by, 1:349, 350; 2203–2205, 2214 Russia and, 4:2054
2:707, 708, 755, 1006; 3:1248, sociology and, 2:698, 699; Russian Armenians and, 1:89
1328, 1400, 1466–1467; 4:2205, 4:2213–2214 Socialist Party of France and, 3:1202
2210, 2213–2214 on Spain, 4:2227 socialist revolutionaries and, 4:2049,
civil society viewed by, 1:465, 467 on terrorism, 4:2210 2209, 2210; 5:2518
class and, 1:474, 475; 3:1306–1307; Turati and, 5:2363 Sorel’s critique of, 4:2217, 2218
4:1893 on Ulrichs’s writing, 5:2376 Spanish syndicalism and,
on commodity fetishism, 2:551–552 utopianism and, 1:231, 337 4:2299–2300
communism and, 2:520, 521, 522 utopian socialism and, 5:2395 Struve and, 4:2270
Communist Manifesto of, 4:1946, women’s emancipation and, 1:194; Zasulich and, 5:2518
2081 2:805, 946 See also Marx, Karl
Crystal Palace and, 2:590 working class and, 5:2484, 2485 Marxist criticism
dialectic and, 3:1252 on world’s fairs, 5:2505 on Dilthy, 2:661
economic determinism and, 3:1371 as Young Hegelian, 5:2512, 2513 on Frankfurt Parliament, 2:871
Engels’s collaboration with, Marxism, 4:2203–2205 on Hardy, 2:1046
2:754–756; 3:1430, 1462, 1465, Adler (Victor) and, 1:11 Marxist economics, 2:707, 708–709,
1466 anarchists vs., 3:1424, 1497 710–711
Engels’s work contrasted with, anarchosyndicalist rejection of, Mary, mother of Jesus. See Marian
3:1462 1:60, 62 devotion
father’s Lutheran conversion and, Bebel and, 1:195 Mary, a Fiction (Wollstonecraft),
4:1895 Berdyayev and, 1:212 5:2480
First International and, 2:824, 825; Bernstein and, 1:230–231 Mary Barton: A Tale of Manchester Life
3:1289, 1424, 1467–1468 (Gaskell), 2:934; 3:1430
Bolshevik wing of, 1:264–267
Fourierism and, 2:838 Maryinsky Theater (St. Petersburg),
bourgeoisie and, 1:467
Guesde and, 2:1025 2:655; 3:1642; 4:1750
Britain and, 2:1011 Marylebone Cricket Club (Britain),
Hegel and, 2:1054; 3:1463, 1464, Bund and, 1:313, 315 4:2242
1465 capitalism defined by, 1:349 ‘‘Mary Postgate’’ (Kipling), 3:1257
Heine and, 2:1056 communism linked with, 2:522 Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue, 1:264;
on industrialization, 5:2484 economic theory and, 3:1466–1468 2:1099; 3:1468–1469
on Ireland, 5:2342 economism and, 3:1328 Mascagni, Pietro, 3:1676; 5:2408
Kautsky and, 3:1248 Engels and, 2:756 masculinity, 3:1470–1473
Kierkegaard compared with, 3:1252 First International and, 2:824; aristocratic privileges of, 1:469
Kropotkin critique of, 3:1273 3:1289 beards and, 1:190–191
Lassalle and, 3:1311 Gorky and, 2:992 bourgeoise patriarchy and,
as Lenin influence, 3:1326 Guesde and, 2:1025–1026 1:287, 458
List and, 3:1356, 1357 historiography and, 2:1074–1075 clothing and, 1:484, 485; 2:943–944
on Louis-Napoleon, 3:1589–1590 Industrial Revolution and, 2:707, clubs and, 1:116; 3:1471
on Malthus, 3:1426 708–709 conflicts of, 3:1470
on On the Origin of Species, 2:618 intellectual influence of, 3:1462 cycling and, 2:600
on Paris Commune, 4:1737 intelligentsia and, 3:1170 dueling and, 2:694–696;
peasant politics and, 4:1755, 1832 Kautsky as theoretician of, 3:1248 3:1471–1472
proletariat definition and, 1:446; Latvia and, 2:822 fin de siècle tensions and, 2:816;
4:1849 Lenin’s view of, 3:1326–1327, 1328, 3:1472–1473
property rights and, 3:1314 1329 imperialist images of, 2:948;
on republicanism, 4:1963 Luxemburg and, 3:1400, 1401; 3:1472–1473
Saint-Simonism and, 4:2081, 2203, 4:1811 mafia and, 3:1416
2204 Martov and, 3:1460–1461 manners and, 3:1439
Second International and, 3:1294; Marx as founder of, 3:1461 middle-class consumerism and, 2:549
4:2127 Menshevik wing of, 3:1487–1488 old-age pensions and, 3:1665
as secret society critic, 4:2131 Morris and, 3:1551 Romanticism and, 4:2029

2694 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

sexuality and, 4:2161, 2164 fauvism and, 1:153, 214; 2:795–796, electromagnetism and, 3:1249,
sports and, 4:2245 797; 3:1474, 1530; 4:1710 1478; 4:1780, 2109, 2114
‘‘Mask of Anarchy, The’’ (Shelley), as Kandinsky influence, 3:1244, 1245 Helmholtz and, 2:1058
4:2170 Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857 Hertz and, 2:1062, 1063
masochism, 3:1270; 4:2162 (Britain), 1:303 Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1804
Masonic Grand Orient, 2:879; 4:1998 Matsch, Franz, 3:1260 statistics and, 4:1922
Masonic lodges. See Freemasons Matteotti, Giacomo, 2:972 Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 1:157, 250,
Mass, 1:378, 379 Matter and Memory (Bergson), 1:213 337; 4:2182, 2183
mass armies. See levée en masse Mattheson, Johann, 3:1673 Maybach, Wilhelm, 3:1161
Massau (German battleship), 3:1610 Matthew, Theobald, 1:36 May Day, 1869 (Green), 4:1822
Massawa, 1:7 Matthieux, Johanna, 1:316 May Day celebrations, 2:857,
Masséna, André, 4:2227 Matyushin, Mikhail, 1:157 1025–1026; 5:2502
Massenet, Jules, 3:1675, 1677 Maud, W. T., 3:1669 Mayer, Henri, 4:2023
Massenstreik Partei und Gewerkschaften Maud and Other Poems (Tennyson), Mayerling crisis (1889), 2:864; 4:2044
(Luxemburg), 3:1400 5:2309 Mayhew, Henry, 2:573, 716; 4:2213
Massimilla Donni (Balzac), 1:168 Maudsley, Henry, 2:638; 4:1909 Mayhew’s Great Exhibition of 1851: The
Massin, Caroline, 2:523 Maupassant, Guy de, 2:535, 638, 991, First Shilling Day, Going In
Massine, Léonide, 2:655; 4:2087 1104; 3:1436; 5:2523 (Cruikshank), 2:586
Mass in E-flat Major (Schubert), May Laws of 1873–1875 (Prussia),
Maura y Montaner, Antonio, 4:2231
4:2107 3:1278, 1279, 1331; 4:1896
Maurepas, Jean-Frédéric Phelypeaux
Massis, Henri, 1:214 May Night (Rimsky-Korsakov), 4:1999
de, 3:1384, 1385
mass production, 3:1162; 5:2352 Maynooth seminary (Ireland), 2:1000
Mauriac, François, 1:184
Mass Strike, Party, and Unions Mayor of Casterbridge, The (Hardy),
Maurice (Forster), 2:836
(Luxemburg), 3:1400 2:1045
Maurice, Frederick Denison, 4:2206,
Mastai-Ferretti, Giovanni Maria. See Mayr, Ernst, 1:23; 2:618
Pius IX, Pope Mayr, Georg von, 2:571
Mauritius, 1:16
Master and Man (Tolstoy), 5:2319
Maurois, André, 4:2085 Mayr, Giovanni, 3:1670
Master Humphrey’s Clock (London
Maurras, Charles, 3:1476–1477 Mayreder, Karl, 3:1381
weekly), 2:656
Action Française and, 1:4, 5, 214, Mazarin, Jules, 1:469
Master of Ballantrae, The (Stevenson),
389; 2:542, 684; 3:1476–1477 Mazepa (Tchaikovsky), 5:2307
conservatism and, 2:540, 542; Mazlish, Brcue, 3:1514
masters (artisans), 4:1988; 5:2486,
3:1476 Mazzini, Giuseppe, 1:58, 361, 362;
3:1200, 1479–1481, 1480;
Mastro-don Gesualdo (Verga), 5:2408 Dreyfus affair and, 2:684; 3:1476
4:1986, 2004; 5:2511
masturbation, 3:1471; 4:2161, 2162 extreme right and, 2:858; 3:1476
Cavour and, 1:391
Mat (Gorky), 2:993 as Sand detractor, 4:2084
Matejko, Jan, 3:1265 Charles Albert and, 1:414
Maury, Abbé (Jean-Siffren), 3:1226
maternity hospitals, 5:2450 as Crispi influence, 2:581
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 3:1658
maternity leave, 5:2452 Garibaldi and, 2:930, 931, 932, 933;
Mausoleum Book, The (Stephen),
mathematics 3:1197
Frege and, 2:882–884 Mauss, Marcel, 4:2215 liberalism and, 3:1343
Husserl and, 2:1099–1100 Mauve, Anton, 5:2400 Milanese uprising and, 3:1502
Kelvin and, 3:1249 mauveine, 3:1159 as Mozzoni influence, 3:1555, 1556
Maxwell and, 3:1478 Max, Peter, 1:192 nationalism and, 3:1605
physics and, 4:1778, 1779, 1780 Maximalists, 4:2211 Paris Commune and, 3:1424
Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1804–1805 Maxim gun, 1:20 republicanism and, 4:1963
Quetelet and, 4:1921–1922 Maximilian I, elector of Bavaria, Revolution of 1848 and, 3:1197,
St. Petersburg and, 4:2077 5:2374 1480; 4:1719, 1796
Swedish contributions to, Maximilian II, king of Bavaria, 3:1382; secret societies and, 4:2130, 2131
4:2285–2286 4:1940 Sicily and, 4:2175
Mathieu de Noailles, Anna-Élisabeth, Maximilian, archduke of Habsburg, Young Europe and, 3:1195
3:1214 5:2404 Young Italy and, 3:1194–1195,
Mathilda (Shelley), 4:2169 Maximilian, emperor of Mexico, 2:854; 1480; 4:1989, 2001–2002, 2131;
Matice Česká (Czech group), 1:261; 5:2497 5:2513–2514
4:1711 Max Planck Society for the McAdams, John, 2:760
Matilde de Shabran (Rossini), 4:1699 Advancement of Science, 4:1800 McCloskey, Deirdre, 3:1153
Matisse, Henri, 3:1167, 1473–1476, Maxwell, James Clerk, 2:739; 3:1162, McCormick Harvesting Machine
1475 1163, 1477–1479 Company, 5:2503, 2505

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2695

McGregor, William, 2:831 mesmerism and, 3:1490–1491 Navarino and, 2:1020; 3:1612, 1613
McKeown, Thomas, 5:2341 nurse professionalization and, 3:1650 Ottoman power challenged by,
McKinley, William, 1:57 old age and, 3:1665 3:1686
Mc-Nab, Maurice, 1:335 opiate use in, 2:686–687, 688 Mehmet S˛ükrü Pas˛a, 1:12
McNair, Herbert, 1:112 Méhul, Étienne-Nicolas, 3:1673
Pelletier and, 4:1761, 1762
McNeill, William H., 2:668 Meiji era (Japan), 3:1210–1212;
Pinel and, 4:1790–1792
Meaning of Creativity, The 4:2064
(Berdyayev), 1:212 professionalization of, 4:1877, 1878,
Meikle, Andrew, 1:25; 2:757, 758
‘‘Meaning of Love, The’’ (Soloviev), Meinecke, Friedrich, 4:1940
4:2216 radium’s uses in, 2:595
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 2:688; 3:1393
measles, 2:667; 3:1372 Roentgen and, 4:2012 Meinong, Alexius, 1:298, 299
measurement, 3:1173 Semmelweiss and, 4:2134–2135 Meissonier, Ernest, 2:738; 3:1490
Kelvin and, 3:1249 smallpox prevention and, 4:2197 Meister, Wilhelm, 2:985
metric system and, 3:132 syphilis and, 4:2301, 2302–2303 Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Die
meat preservation, 2:659; 3:1623 tuberculosis and, 5:2359–2361 (Wagner), 3:1571; 5:2431
Mecca, 1:396, 436; 3:1420 Virchow and, 5:2425 Mekhitarist order (Armenian
mechanics, Hertz principles of, 2:1063 women’s professional training in, Catholic), 1:88
Mechanics Institutes and Schools of 2:728, 803, 816, 945; 3:1542 Mekong Delta, 3:1138, 1139, 1141,
Design (Britain), 1:287 x-ray use in, 3:1398 1142
Mechanik in ihrer Entwicklung, Die See also disease; hospitals; nurses; melancholy, 4:2028–2029, 2294
(Mach), 3:1409 psychiatry; public health; Melancholy (Munch), 3:1558, 1559
Mechelen Conference (1863), 1:388 vaccination Mélanges (Bergson), 1:213
Meck, Nadezhda von, 5:2307 Medick, Hans, 3:1147 Melbourne (Australia), 1:134, 135
Mecklenburg, written constitution of, Medico-Philosophical Treatise on Mental Melbourne, Lord (William Lamb),
2:959 Alienation (Pinel), 4:1791 1:303; 3:1646; 4:1758, 1759;
mediate auscultation, 3:1298 medievalism. See Middle Ages 5:2412, 2461, 2462
Medici, Luigi de, 3:1193 Medina, 3:1420 Melbye, Fritz, 4:1792
medicine, 4:2109–2110, 2114 Méditations Poétique (Lamartine), Melchers, Gari, 4:1948
addiction treatment and, 2:687 3:1303 Melchor de Jovellanos, Gaspar, 4:2227
antiseptic procedures and, 2:644 Mediterranean, 3:1481–1482; 5:2354 Méliès, Georges, 1:441; 2:859;
battlefields and, 3:1307–1308 balance of power in, 3:1613 3:1396, 1397, 1482–1484
Melilla, 3:1548
Bernard and, 1:227–228 Black Sea and, 1:243; 3:1482
Méline, Jules, 1:492; 2:857
birth control and, 4:1831 Bosphorus and, 1:278
Méline tariff, 1:355, 492; 2:512, 857
body and, 1:251 British control of, 3:1481, 1482,
Melingue, G. G., 3:1224
bourgeois doctors and, 1:285–286 1615
Mella, Ricardo, 1:59
Charcot and, 1:407–411 British tourism along, 1:288, 303 Mélomane, Le (film), 3:1483
cholera treatments and, cholera pandemic and, 1:436 Melzi d’Eril, Francesco, 4:2189
1:436–437, 438 Crispi foreign policy and, 2:582, 583 Memoire de Mme de Valmont
degeneration diagnosis and, 2:638 Eastern Question and, 2:703, 705 (Gouges), 2:994
doctors and, 1:285–286, 472 Napoleon and, 3:1585, 1615 Memoiren einer Frau aus dem
Doyle’s career in, 2:679–680, 681 Suez Canal and, 2:794; 3:1337, 1482 badisch-pfälzischen Feldzuge
Ehrlich and, 2:735–736 trade and, 5:2336–2337, 2342 (Anneke), 1:66
Freud and, 2:904; 4:1904 Mediterranean Agreements (1887), Mémoires (Berlioz), 1:225
gendered barriers in, 2:945 2:526 Mémoires (Haussmann), 2:1050;
Geneva Convention and, 2:953 Mediterranisme, 4:2232 4:1731
germ theory and, 4:1743–1744 mediums. See spiritualism Mémoires d’outre-tombe
Medjugorje shrine (Bosnia- (Chateaubriand), 1:421
Hirschfeld and, 2:1069–1070
Herzegovina), 4:1788 Mémoires pour serve à l’histoire de mon
homsexuality and, 2:1084–1085
Medusa, art nouveau imagery of, temps (Guizot), 2:1030
Jenner and, 3:1222–1224
1:108 Mémoires sur Napoléon (Stendhal),
Jung and, 3:123 Meerveldt, Maximillian, 3:1321 4:2252
Koch and, 3:1262–1264 Mehmet V, Ottoman sultan, 1:1; Mémoire sur la science de l’homme
Laennec and, 3:1297–1298 3:1691 (Saint-Simon), 4:2080
Larrey and, 3:1307–1308 Mehmet Ali Pasha, viceroy of Egypt, Memoir on Heat (Laplace and
Lister and, 3:1358–1359 1:18; 2:731; 3:1420–1421, 1482 Lavoisier), 4:2113–2114
Lumière inventions and, 3:1398 Münchengrätz treaty and, 3:1560, Memoirs (Garibaldi), 2:930, 933
Marat and, 3:1442–1443 1561 Memoirs (Symonds), 4:2296, 2297

2696 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Memoirs from the House of the Dead Bund and, 1:315; 3:1487 Messa di Requiem (Verdi), 5:2406
(Dostoyevsky), 2:678 Martov and, 3:1460–1461, 1487, Messaline (Jarry), 3:1213–1214
Memoirs of an Egoist (Stendhal), 4:2253 1488 ‘‘Messe de l’athée, La’’ (Balzac), 1:168
Memoirs of a Revolutionary nihilist writings and, 3:1641 Messina, 3:1255; 4:2177
(Kropotkin), 3:1272 Plekhanov and, 3:1488; 4:1801 earthquake of 1908 in, 4:1949
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Meszlényi, Teréz, 3:1267
Revolution of 1905 and, 4:1976,
(Cleland), 4:1833 metallurgy, 4:2115
Memoirs of Lola Montez (Montez), Belgium and, 1:201–202, 203;
Zasulich and, 5:2518
4:1834 3:1149
Menshikov, Prince, 2:578
Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft chemistry and, 1:425
Menshikov Palace (St. Petersburg),
(Godwin), 2:981 Germany and, 2:960
Memoirs of Napoleon (Stendhal), Lyon and, 3:1405
mental chronometry, 5:2507
4:2252 Milan and, 3:1504
mental illness
Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The
fin de siècle and, 2:816 railroads and, 4:1935
(Doyle), 2:680
French studies of, 4:1908 Second Industrial Revolution and,
Memoirs of the Author of the Rights of
Freud and, 2:904, 909 1:351, 352; 3:1157, 1158–1160
Women (Godwin), 5:2480
Memorandum Movement (Romania, Géricault portraits of, 2:956, 956 See also steel production
1892), 4:2019 involuntary sterlization and, 2:771 metalwork, art nouveau, 1:107, 109
Metaphysical Society (Britain), 2:1103
Memorandum of the Powers (1831), Krafft-Ebing and, 3:1270–1271
Metchnikoff, Élie, 2:736
4:1718 Pinel’s theory and treatment of,
meteorology, 2:1096, 1097
Memorial of St. Helena (Napoleon 4:1790, 1791–1792, 1959
Methodenstreit, 4:2214
memoir), 1:270; 3:1588–1589 See also psychiatry Methodism, 2:1002; 4:1891,
Memories and Adventures (Doyle), Menzel, Adolph von, 3:1488–1490 1892–1893, 1895, 1896, 1897
2:680 Méphis (Tristan), 5:2357
Memories of Childhood and Youth New Connexion group and, 4:2082
Mer, Le (Debussy), 2:628 Methodist Missionary Society, 4:1895
(Renan), 4:1953 Mercadante, Saverio, 3:1671
memory, Cajal hypothesis on, 1:342 Methodius, St., 4:1716
mercantilism, 2:512; 3:1304 Methods of Ethics (Sidgwick), 5:2394
men. See gender; masculinity gold as basis of, 2:515; 4:1887 metric system, 3:132
Ménage, Le (Huysmans), 2:1104 liberalism vs., 3:1341 Métro (Paris), 4:1732, 1733,
Mencken, Wilhelmine Louise, 1:233
Napoleon and, 2:554 2271–2273; 5:2502, 2503
Mendel, Gregor, 3:1484–1487;
Mercat del Born (Barcelona), 1:182 art nouveau entrance design,
Mercat de Sant Antoni (Barcelona), 1:109–110; 2:815, 1027, 1028;
de Vries and, 2:652, 653 1:182 4:1732
heredity law and, 2:652, 769–770, mercenaries, 1:97 Metro-Land (London), 4:2273
778 Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, 2:994; Métropolitain (Paris subway). See
Mendeleyev, Dmitri, 1:426 4:1728 Métro
Mendels, Franklin, 3:1147, 1148 Mercure de France (journal), 3:1213 Metropolitan Board of Works
‘‘Mendel’s Law Concerning the Mercury Attaching His Wings (Rude), (London), 3:1378–1379
Behavior of Progress of Varietal 4:2043 Metropolitan Council of Public Works
Hybrids’’ (Correns), 2:653 Mercy-Argenteau, Florimond Claude, (Budapest), 1:310
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1:197, 225; 3:1446 Metropolitan Opera Company (New
2:979; 3:1565, 1568, 1570 Merelli, Bartolomeo, 5:2406 York), 3:1418
as Dvořák influence, 2:701 Merezhkovsky, Dmitri, 1:212; 4:2182, Metropolitan Police Force (London),
Gewandhaus Orchestra and, 3:1568 2183 3:1375; 4:1814
Menelik II, emperor of Ethiopia, 1:7, Mérimée, Prosper, 5:2314, 2422 Metropolitan Railway (London),
8; 2:583 meritocracy, 2:1008 4:2271, 2273
Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino, 4:2227 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 2:1101; Metropolitan Swimming Association
Menger, Anton, 3:1315 4:1710 (London), 4:2241, 2242
Mennonites, 1:346; 3:111; 4:1803 Mérode, Frederick Xavier de, 4:2035 Metternich, Clemens von, 1:140, 142;
Menou, Jacques-Franços de, 2:731 Merrill, George, 1:372, 373 2:606; 3:1491–1495
Menschenkenntnis (A. Adler), 1:10 Merrill, Stuart, 4:2294 background and early years of,
men’s clubs, 1:116; 3:1471 ‘‘Merry Men, The’’ (Stevenson), 3:1491–1492
Mensheviks, 3:1487–1488; 4:2270; 4:2255 Carbonari and, 1:361
5:2486 Mertrud, J.-C., 2:598, 599 Carlsbad Decrees and, 1:369;
Bolshevik split with, 1:265, 266, Mesmer, Franz Anton, 3:1490–1491; 3:1494; 4:1971
267, 315; 3:1328, 1329, 1460, 4:1908 Castlereagh and, 1:374; 3:1493,
1487–1488; 4:1801 mesmerism, 3:1490–1491; 4:1822 1494

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2697

Congress of Troppau and, Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 1:250; Midhat Pasa, 1:1; 3:1689
2:531–532; 3:1494 3:1495–1496 Midi rouge, 4:1964
Congress of Vienna and, 2:532, 533, Meyerhold Theater (Moscow), 3:1496 Midlands (England), 3:1153
534, 565, 861, 1080–1081; Meynert, Theodor, 1:341; 4:1904 Midlothian campaigns (Disraeli),
3:1493 Meysengug, Malwida von, 1:63 2:978
conservatism and, 1:139; 2:540, 567 mezzandria (sharecropping), 3:1195; Midsummer Night’s Dream, A
4:2186 (cartoon), 4:1722
counterrevolution and, 2:566, 567,
MFN. See most-favored-nation status Mighty Handful group, 4:1999
959; 3:1494
Micah Clarke (Doyle), 2:681 Mignet, François-Auguste-Marie,
Crown Prince’s Circle critics of,
‘‘Michael’’ (Wordsworth), 5:2482 5:2310
Michallon, Achille-Etna, 2:560 migration. See emigration; immigration
declining influence of, 3:1494–1495
Michaud, 2:676–677 and internal migration
dilomacy of, 2:861; 3:1492–1494 Michaux, Pierre, 5:2351 Miguel, king of Portugal, 4:1839
dismissal of, 2:567, 808; 3:1236, Michaux of Paris, 2:599, 600 Miguel, Dom, 4:1983
1495; 5:2418 Michel, Henry, 4:2081 Mikhailovsky, Nikolai, 3:1170; 4:2054
Ferdinand I and, 2:807, 808 Michel, Louise, 3:1496–1498, 1498; Milan, 3:1501–1505
Francis I and, 2:861 4:1962 bourgeoisie and, 1:283
German Confederation and, 2:959 Michelangelo, 2:634, 640; 4:2008, Carbonari and, 1:360; 4:2130
gerontocracy and, 3:1164 2015, 2296
child abandonment and, 5:2455
Habsburg collapse and, 1:141 Delacroix essay on, 2:641
economic activity and, 3:1195, 1503
Holy Alliance and, 2:861, 959, Michelet, Jean, 1:70
electric lighting and, 2:741
1081 Michelet, Jules, 2:723, 996; 3:1385,
futurism and, 2:917, 918, 920
Italy and, 3:1193, 1196 1498–1500; 4:1897, 1962
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 3:1503
Kossuth and, 3:1267 on Mickiewicz, 3:1500–1501
Michelin, 5:2326, 2351 insurrection in, 5:2377
military spending and, 2:866
automobile tires and, 1:149 as Kingdom of Italy capital, 4:2001
Münchengrätz treaty and, 3:1560,
bicycle tires and, 2:551, 601 ‘‘moral capital’’ myth of, 3:1502
Michelin, Édouard, 1:148–149 Naples contrasted with, 3:1581
on Pius IX, 4:1796
Michetti, Niccolò, 4:2076 Napoleonic influence in, 3:1501
Revolutions of 1820 and, 4:1980,
1981, 1982 Mickiewicz, Adam, 3:1500–1501; population of, 3:1501
4:1808, 1811, 1818 Revolution of 1848 and, 3:1196,
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1990
microbes. See bacteriology; germ 1502; 4:1990, 2002
status quo and, 2:957, 959
theory of disease sister republics and, 4:2187
Strauss (Johann) and, 4:2260 microorganisms, 4:1743–1744
Switzerland and, 4:2289–2290 Venice and, 5:2403
microphotography, 3:1262
Venice and, 5:2403 Verdi and, 5:2406
microscope, 2:735; 4:2113; 5:2359
Vienna and, 5:2417, 2418 as walled city, 3:1503
microwaves, 3:1445
Milan, prince of Serbia, 3:1541
on voluntary associations, 1:117 Middle Ages
Metternich, Pauline, 1:482 Milan Decree of 1807 (France), 2:553,
Michelet history of, 3:1499
902; 3:1586; 5:2438
Metz, 1:51 as Morris influence, 3:1550
Metz, Battle of (1870), 2:869–870 Milanese Labor Chamber, 3:1276
Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1863, 1865 Milanese Socialist League, 5:2363
Metzinger, Jean, 1:156, 214; 2:590, as Pugin influence, 4:1917
593 Milbanke, Anne Isabella, 1:332
Romanticism and, 4:2030 Milhaud, Darius, 4:1944, 2087
Meunier, Constantin, 1:307 middle class. See bourgeoisie; lower
Meurent, Victorine, 3:1432, 1433 Militärische Gesellschaft (Prussia),
middle class 3:1222
Meuse River, 486 Middle East
Mexico, 5:2336 militarism
Chateaubriand travel writing on, armies and, 1:95
Humboldt in, 2:1096 1:420, 421
Napoleon III and, 1:271; 2:575, Black Hand and, 1:242
imperialism and, 1:243
854; 3:1592 colonialism and, 1:356
See also specific countries and place
papacy and, 4:1720 dueling code and, 2:696
Spanish penal colony in, 2:779 Middle German Commercial Union, Jaurès’s opposition to, 3:1216,
world’s fairs and, 5:2500, 2505 5:2525 1217–1218
Meyer, Adolf, 3:1238 Middlemarch (G. Eliot), 2:744 jingoism and, 3:1235
Meyer, Henri, 2:582 Middlesex Wanderers (football team), Kipling and, 3:1257
Meyer, Michael, 3:1108 2:834 laissez-faire opponents of, 2:707
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 3:1567, 1661, Middleton and Bailey (surveyors), Liebknecht’s antimilitarism and,
1671, 1672, 1674; 5:2430 1:185 3:1356

2698 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Prussia and, 1:219, 237, 241 Mill, James, 1:211; 2:515, 717; Van Gogh and, 5:2400, 2401
voluntary associations and, 1:117, 118 3:1510–1512; 5:2392, 2394 millet system, 1:273; 3:1516–1517,
See also warfare free trade and, 4:1887 1687; 4:2142
Militarism and Anti-Militarism liberalism and, 3:1343 Millgate, Michael, 2:1045
(Liebknecht), 3:1355 son John Stuart Mill and, 3:1510, Mill on the Floss, The (G. Eliot), 2:744
military. See armies 1511, 1512, 1513 mills, silk-throwing, 2:790
military colonies, 4:2050 Mill, John Stuart, 2:515, 523; 3:1408, Milner, Alfred, 4:2223
military schools, 1:96 1512–1515; 4:2214, 2233; Milnes, Richard Monckton, 3:1636
military tactics, 1:99–101; 5:2445 Miltiades, 2:1018
3:1505–1508 Bentham’s influence on, 1:211; Milton (Blake), 1:246
airplanes and, 1:29, 30–31 3:1512, 1513 Milton, John, 1:246, 419, 420, 421;
Carlyle’s manuscript loss and, 1:371 5:2309
Austro-Prussian War and, 1:148
Comte as influence on, 4:1844 Coleridge lectures on, 1:497
bayonet and, 1:95
economic theory of, 2:717–718, Doré illustrations for, 2:676
Bethmann Hollweg and, 1:232
1006 Füssli paintings and, 4:1703
Boer War and, 1:99, 100, 257; 3:1259
education of, 3:1511, 1512 Macaulay essay on, 3:1408
Borodino and, 1:472
as Fabian influence, 2:787 Milyukov, Pavel, 3:1170, 1241,
cavalry and, 1:95
father’s influence on, 3:1510, 1511, 1517–1520, 1552; 4:2055, 2270
Clausewitz and, 1:477–479; 2:1033 Milyukova, Antonia, 5:2307
1512, 1513
colonialism and, 1:99 Milyutin, Dmitri, 2:1016, 1017;
Humboldt (Wilhelm) and, 2:1097
Crimean War and, 2:577–578, 4:2052, 2067
579–580 Lewes and, 2:743
Milyutin, Nikolai, 4:2154
Danish-German War and, 2:607–609 liberalism and, 3:1345 mind. See psychoanalysis; psychology
firearms development and, 1:20 Mazzini friendship with, 3:1480 Mind (journal), 4:1907
Franco-Austrian War and, 2:867 personal crisis of, 3:1513 Mind at the End of Its Tether (Wells),
Franco-Prussian War and, positivism and, 4:1953 5:2459
2:868–869, 870 protectionist argument of, mind-body dualism, 2:926; 4:1907
French shock columns and, 3:1506 4:1887–1888 Miner, The (Scottish newspaper),
relationship with Harriet Taylor of, 2:1043
Jena and, 3:1221
3:1508–1509, 1513, 1514 Miners Federation of Great Britain,
Jomini and, 3:1236–1237
Saint-Simonism and, 4:2081 3:1296
Kitchener and, 3:1258–1259 Minh-Mang, 3:1138–1140, 1145
secularism viewed by, 4:2133
Kutuzov and, 3:1281 mining. See coal mining; diamonds;
socialism and, 4:2207
Leipzig and, 3:1319–1322 gold
Tocqueville and, 5:2317
Moltke and, 3:1532 Ministry of Public Health (France),
utilitarianism and, 5:2392, 2394
Mukden and, 3:1557 4:1913
women’s rights and, 2:804, 805, Minoans, 3:1481
Napoleon and, 5:2443
946, 1008; 3:1555 minorities, 1520–1526
Napoleonic successes and, 1:94,
on women’s suffrage, 4:2276, 2279 Albania and, 1:32
Millais, John Everett, 4:1707, 1863, Algeria and, 1:43, 46
Navarino and, 3:1612
1864, 2046, 2047
Nelson and, 3:1614, 1616 Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:51
Millardet, Pierre-Marie-Alexis, 3:1164
railroads and, 4:1937 Armenia and, 1:87
Russo-Japanese War and, 4:2066, armies and, 1:94
Berdyayev and, 1:212
2067–2068 Australia and, 1:135
Cabet and, 1:338
Schlieffen Plan and, 4:1937, Austria-Hungary and, 1:137,
Millennium Exhibition of 1896
2098–2099 141–142, 144, 145; 2:862
(Budapest), 1:310, 311
strategy vs., 3:1505 Miller, Henry, 4:1939 Balkan conflict and, 1:2; 2:703–705
submarine warfare and, 1:232 Miller, John, 2:537 Baltic provinces and, 2:818–819,
technology and, 2:1034; Miller, Pavla, 3:1451–1452 820, 823
3:1507–1508 Millerand, Alexandre, 2:858, 1026; Belgium and, 1:202
Trafalgar and, 5:2344–2345 3:1216; 5:2432 Belgrade and, 1:206
Ulm and, 5:2374–2375 Millet (Rolland), 4:2015 Bismarck’s policies against, 1:239
Wellington and, 5:2457 Millet, Jean-François, 2:562; 3:1126, Bohemian Lands and, 1:240,
militia, 1:98 1515–1516, 1515; 4:1705, 1757 261–263; 2:865; 4:1712
milk chocolate, 1:496 as Barbizon painter, 1:178, Budapest and, 1:310
Mill, Harriet Taylor, 1:371; 2:804, 179–180, 179 Bulgaria and, 1:313
946; 3:1508–1509, 1513, 1514 realism and, 4:1948 Bulgarian Atrocities and, 2:977

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2699

Canada and, 1:342, 343 miscegenation theories, 1:403 Moch, Gaston, 4:1697
Catholics as, 1:377, 383, 393; Misch, Georg, 2:661 Modena, 1:392; 2:531, 533; 3:1191;
4:1901 Misérables, Les (Hugo), 2:1094; 4:1970, 2131
Central Asian hostilities and, 1:397 4:1849, 1963 Risorgimento (Italian unification)
in cities, 1:447 misogyny, 2:632, 675 and, 3:1198, 1592
citizenship and, 1:458–459 Comédie-Française and, 2:995 Moderados, 4:2229
‘‘feminine evil’’ fantasies and, 2:816 moderantismo (Spain), 1:368
educational language and, 2:719,
Missa solemnis (Beethoven), 1:197; Moderate Party (Madrid),
3:1570 3:1413–1414
ethnicity vs. race and, 3:1520
Miss Cranston’s tearoom (Glasgow), modern dance, 1:154
Finland and, 2:818–819, 820 Modern Education (Rank), 4:1939
German resettlement program and, missions, 3:1527–1529; 4:2220; Modern Ideas on the Constitution of
1:239 5:2463 Matter (Hertz), 2:1063
German unification and, 2:871 in Africa, 1:501; 2:782, 783 modernism, 3:1529–1531
Hungary and, 1:144; 2:627; 3:1267, Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292, 293 architecture and, 1:183–184; 2:738,
1268–1269 936, 938
Catholic, 1:384; 4:1798
Istanbul and, 3:1186 aristocracy and, 1:81–82
in China, 1:433, 434; 3:1679, 1680
Jewish emancipation and, Arnold and, 1:102
as civilizers, 1:463, 499, 500, 501;
3:1225–1227, 1228–1230 art and, 1:156, 192, 219, 397,
2:508; 3:1527
Kadets and, 3:1241 398–399; 2:590–593;
exploration and, 2:783, 784
labor movements and, 3:1294 3:1243–1246, 1260–1261, 1529,
imperialism and, 3:1115, 1116,
Macedonia and, 3:1691 1528–1529 1530–1531; 4:1701, 1702
migration and, 3:1109–1110, 1112, in India, 3:1134; 4:2140 artistic reaction against,
1113, 1114 4:1705–1706
Japanese policy toward, 3:1209
nationalist conflicts among, 3:1605 Baudelaire essay on esthetics of,
Lyon and, 3:1405
nationalist movements and, 3:1604 1:188; 3:1529; 4:1708
in New Zealand, 3:1622
Netherlands and, 3:1618, 1619 Beardsley and, 1:192
primitivism and, 4:1875
Ottoman Empire and, 2:530, 1018; Bergson as influence on, 1:214
Protestant awakening and, 4:1895
3:1516–1517 Blaue Reiter Almanack and, 3:1245
Restoration France and, 4:1968,
pogroms against, 4:1801–1804 Brahms and, 1:296
professional barriers for, 4:1881 Brentano and, 1:299
Salvation Army and, 4:2082–2083
Protestants as, 4:1890, 1891, 1895 cabarets and, 1:336, 337
shift in aims of, 3:1528
Romanies as, 4:2021–2024, 2146 Carlist opposition to, 1:83
in South Africa, 4:2220
Russian treatment of, 1:39, 40, 89 Catalania and, 1:183–184
in Vietnam, 3:1140, 1141
Russian uprisings of, 3:1328–1329 Catholic rejection of, 1:213, 214,
Miss Julie (Strindberg), 4:2268, 2269,
urban diversity of, 1:447 2286 382–383, 385
Vilnius and, 3:1366 ‘‘Miss Martineau’s Summary of conservative opposition to, 2:540
Volksgeist and, 4:1756 Political Economy’’ (J. S. Mill), Crystal Palace as symbol of, 2:590
World War I treaties and, 2:705 2:717 cubism and, 1:156, 157, 214, 398;
Young Turks support by, 3:1690 Miss Nightingale in the Hospital at 2:590–593, 797, 918; 3:1530;
Minsk, 1:264 Scutari (Hind), 3:1637 4:1875
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border (Scott), Mitchell, B. R., 1:486 as decadence, 2:631–632
4:2123 Mitchell, Joan, 3:1133 degeneration and, 2:638
Minton, Herbert, 4:1918 Mitelberg, Louis, 2:622 Diaghilev and, 2:655
Minute on Indian Education Mitscherlich, Eilhard, 1:425
Dickens and, 2:657
(Macaulay), 3:1407 Mittasch, Alwin, 3:1160
Eiffel Tower and, 2:736, 737, 738
Miquel, Johannes von, 2:967, 968 Mitteldeutsche Volkszeitung (Leipzig
Mirabeau, comte de (Honoré-Gabriel newspaper), 3:1681 fin de siècle and, 2:815
Riquetti), 4:1833, 1869, 2006 Mitteleuropa, 2:960 futurism and, 3:915–919,
Miramare (Trieste castle), 5:2355 1530–1531
List economic theory and, 3:1357
Mirari Vos (1832), 1:381, 388; 4:1719 Mittelstand (class), 1:107, 473; 2:556 Gissing and, 2:974–975
Mirbeau, Octave-Henri-Marie, 1:57; Mitterrand, François, 2:596; 4:2041 Hofmannstahl and, 2:1076–1077
2:633 Mizrahi, 5:2521 impressionism and, 3:1128–1132,
Mirgorod (Gogol), 2:988 Mlada (Rimsky-Korsakov), 4:1999, 1530, 1543; 4:1708
Mirilton (Paris cabaret), 1:335 2000 jadidism and, 3:1207
Miroirs (Ravel), 4:1944 Moabit (Berlin district), 1:219 Japan and, 3:1210, 1211
Mirzoev, M. I., 1:88 Moberg, Vilhelm, 4:2285 Jews and, 3:1353

2700 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Kandinsky and, 3:1243–1246 Moldavian Orthodox Church, 4:2020 Girondins and, 2:973–974
Liebermann and, 3:1353–1355 Molé, Louis-Mathieu, 2:849 Holy Alliance and, 1:38; 2:534, 565,
literature and, 1:299; 3:1529 molecular physics, 3:1478 959
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Polquelin), Italian Restoration and,
Loos and, 3:1381–1382
2:621; 4:1969 3:1193–1196
Mahler and, 3:1418–1419
Molina i Casamajo, Francesc-Daniel, Louis-Philippe and, 3:1388–1389
Manet and, 3:1433–1434, 1530; 1:181
4:1707–1708 Maurras and, 3:1476
Moll, Albert, 2:1085
Nietzsche’s rejection of, 3:1633 nationalist movements and, 3:1604
Moltke, Helmuth von, 1:17, 96, 147,
painting and, 1:397, 398–399; 148, 478; 3:1531–1532 Orléanists and, 1:4
3:1529, 1530–1531; Austro-Prussian War and, 2:964 Risorgimento (Italian unification)
4:1709–1711 and, 2:581
Danish-German War and, 2:607,
papal opposition to, 3:1329; 4:1719, 608–609 utilitarians’ distrust of, 3:1510
1720, 1721, 1794, 1797 voluntary associations and, 1:119
Franco-Prussian War and,
Picasso and, 4:1781–1784 Monastery of Saint Thomas (Brünn),
2:868–869, 870
poster art and, 4:1845–1846 3:1484
Istanbul plan of, 3:1187
primitivism and, 4:1875–1876 monasticism
military reform and, 4:1902
psychoanalysis and, 4:1905–1906 anticlericalism and, 1:68, 69, 180,
military technology and, 181
Russian Silver Age and, 4:2181, 2217 3:1506–1507, 1508
female orders, 1:383, 384
Salon des Refusés and, 3:1432, 1433, Schlieffen Plan and, 4:2099
1530 new orders, 1:384
Treitschke and, 5:2353
Schiele and, 4:2089–2091 in Russia, 4:2061
Moltke, Helmuth von (the Younger),
Moncey, Bon-Adrien-Jeannot, 2:837
Schinkel and, 4:2091, 2092–2093 World War I and, 2:969; 3:1508
‘‘Mon Coeur mis à nu’’ (Baudelaire),
Schnitzler and, 4:2101 Molucca Islands, 1:16
Schoenberg and, 4:2102 Mommsen, Theodor, 1:51, 317;
Mondrian, Piet, 3:1243; 4:2294
Stravinsky and, 4:2262 3:1532–1534
Monet (Gordon and Forge), 3:1537
Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring and, 2:655 Mommsen, Wolfgang J., 4:1940 Monet, Claude, 1:177, 482; 3:1129,
Strindberg and, 4:2269 Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci), 1534–1537, 1536
symbolism and, 3:1529 Corot as influence on, 2:562
See also avant-garde; progress impressionism and, 3:1126–1127,
Action Française and, 1:4–5
modernismo, 1:108, 112 1128–1129, 1132, 1133, 1530,
Modern Painters (Ruskin), 4:1864, anticlericalism and, 1:68–69, 70 1535–1537; 4:1708
2046 aristocratic elite and, 1:80, 86 Impressionist Exhibition and, 4:1955
Modern Stage (Bucharest cabaret), Bonald and, 1:268–269; 2:566 Japanese art forms as influence on,
1:336 Boulangists and, 1:279–281 3:1210
Modern Style. See art nouveau Britain and, 1:86 Parisian scenes as subjects of, 4:1732,
Modern Utopia, A (Wells), 4:2206; British Parliament and, 2:1001 1739
5:2458 Bulgaria and, 1:312–313 Pissarro and, 4:1792, 1793
modularity (interchangeable parts), Charles X and, 1:412 Renoir and, 4:1954
3:1162 Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro, 4:1697
Chateaubriand and, 1:421–422
moeurs, 4:1959, 1961 monetary unions, 3:1537–1539
Congress of Vienna and, 2:532
Mohammed: His Life and Religious
conservatism and, 2:539, 958 Germany and, 1:171, 487; 2:876
Teachings (Soloviev), 4:2216
constitutional, 1:456, 457 List’s advocacy of, 3:1357
Moheau, Jean-Baptiste, 5:2476
counterrevolution and, 2:566, See also Zollverein
Moisè in Egitto (Rossini), 3:1670,
1671; 4:2038 567, 568 money lending. See banks and banking
country houses and, 3:1306 money market, 1:175–176
Moivre, Abraham de, 4:2248
Mongols, 5:2369
Moke, Camille, 1:25 divine-right, 2:566; 3:1387; 4:1968,
Moñino y Redondo, José, 4:2227
Mokyr, Joel, 3:1152, 1153 1970–1971
monism (Haeckel concept), 2:1032,
Moldau River, 4:1855 Edward VII’s public monarchy and,
Moldavia, 2:1019; 3:1420, 1689 2:730
Monistenbund, 2:1032
Greece and, 4:1982 French endangerment of, 3:1385 Moniteur (French official newspaper),
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987, French First Restoration and, 1:270 4:1869, 1870
1990 French overthrow of (1792), 2:887, monitorial schools, 2:720
Romania and, 4:2016, 2019 891; 3:1176, 1386, 1446; 4:1728 Moniuszko, Stanislaw, 3:1673
Romanies and, 4:2021 French restoration of. See Restoration Monk by the Sea (Friedrich), 2:911;
Russia and, 4:2020 French Third Republic and, 2:855 4:1703

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2701

Monnier, Henry, 2:586 Monthly Repository (Unitarian Moreau de Tours, Jacques-Joseph,

Monod, Gabriel-Jean-Jacques, 2:1073, periodical), 3:1458, 1459, 1509 2:687
1074 Monticelli, Adolphe, 5:2400 Morel, Bénédict Augustin, 1:37;
monogamy, 1:287 Montmartre (Parisian quarter), 2:590; 2:636, 637
Monologen (Schleiermacher), 4:2097 4:1709, 1735, 1737 Morel, E. D., 1:205
Monophysites, 3:1687 Picasso and, 4:1782 Moret y Prendergast, Sigismundo,
monopoly, 4:1961 as Toulouse-Lautrec subject, 4:1846 4:2231
African trade and, 1:221, 222, Montreal, 1:343 Morgan, C. Lloyd, 4:1908
223, 303 Montreuil, Madame de, 4:2073–2074 Morgan, Lady Sydney, 3:1300
Monroe Doctrine (1823), 3:1174 Montreuil, Renée-Pélagie Cordier de, Morisot, Berthe, 3:1126, 1128, 1433,
Mon Salon (Zola), 1:397 4:2073, 2074 1534, 1543–1545; 4:1955, 2156
Monstre, Le (film), 3:1483 Mont Sainte-Victoire, 1:398; 3:1530 portraits of daughter Julie by,
montage techniques, 2:593 Mont Sainte-Victoire, Seen from 3:1544, 1544
Montagnards, 2:799, 800, 851, Bellevue (Cézanne), 4:1710 Morisot, Edma, 3:1543–1544
973–974; 4:1960 Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Morley, John, 3:1513
Montagne Sainte-Victoire, La 2:1072; 3:1533; 4:2252 Morley-Minto Reforms (1909), 3:1137
(Cézanne), 3:1132–1133 Moore, George Augustus (Irish Morning Chronicle (London
Montagu, Mary Worley, 3:1223 novelist), 3:1109 newspaper), 2:716
Montalembert, Charles de, 1:387 Morning Leader Group (Britain),
Moore, George Edward (English
Mont Blanc, 3:1324–1325 4:1871
philosopher), 3:1514; 4:2258
‘‘Mont Blanc’’ (Shelley), 4:2170 ‘‘Morning Mood’’ (Grieg), 4:2287
Moore, Hannah, 1:36
Mont des Arts (Brussels), 1:306 Mornings on the Seine (Monet), 3:1536
Moore, James, 2:600, 614
Montenegro, 3:1539–1542 Morning Star of Croatia, Slavonia, and
Moore, John, 4:1764, 2227
Albania and, 1:32, 33 Dalmatia The (newspaper), 2:925
Moore, Thomas, 5:2403
Balkan League and, 1:32 Moroccan Crises (1905, 1911), 2:527,
Moorish ‘‘horseshoe’’ arch, 1:109
Balkan wars and, 1:34, 163, 164, 663; 3:1545–1546, 1549
Moral Education League (Britain),
165, 166; 2:704–705; 3:1541, Agadir Crisis and, 1:49, 339; 3:1370,
1691; 4:2149 1545–1546, 1549
moral improvement associations,
Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:273, 1:115, 119, 120 Bethmann Hollweg and, 5:2312
275–276; 3:1541 morality Entente Cordiale and, 1:49; 2:795;
independence of, 2:530; 3:1173, Nietzsche on, 3:1631–1633, 1634, 3:1545; 4:2098
1541, 1689 1635 Morocco, 1:18, 49, 339;
nationalism and, 1:163, 166; 3:1546–1549
positivism and, 4:1844
3:1540–1541 Delacroix visit to, 2:641
Protestant political leadership and,
Ottoman Empire and, 1:2; 3:1541 French influence over, 2:795;
population of, 3:1539 3:1545–1546, 1549
Schopenhauers theory of, 4:2105
San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2069, Ottoman Empire and, 5:2361
sexuality and, 4:2161
2085 population of, 3:1547
Soloviev’s (Vladimir) view of, 4:2216
Serbia and, 1:242; 3:1539, 1541, Spain and, 4:2231
Stephen on, 4:2254
1546; 4:2148, 2149 Tangier marketplace, 1:19
Morand, Paul, 5:2503
soldiers, 3:1540 tourism and, 5:2330
Morant Bay uprising (1865),
Montesquieu, baron de (Charles-Louis world’s fair displays and, 5:2497
1:365, 371
de Secondat), 1:376, 432; 2:522,
British writers debate on, 1:371 See also Moroccan Crises
994; 4:2007, 2192, 2212; 5:2448
Moravia. See Bohemia, Moravia, and Morozov, Savva, 1:287
conservative rationale and,
Silesia Morozov family, 1:284
Moravian Boys’ School, 2:834 Morpeth, Lord (George Howard),
mechanization concerns of, 3:1411 4:1913
Moravian Brethren, 4:2096
Montesquiou, Robert de, 2:1082 morphine, 2:686, 688
Montessori, Maria, 2:947; Moravian Compromise of 1905, 1:262
Moravian Duets (Dvořák), 2:701 morphological types, 2:1102
Moravianism, 3:1527; 4:1895 Morris, Philip, 5:2314
Montez, Lola, 2:961; 3:1382, 1383;
Mordaunt case (1870), 2:730 Morris, William, 3:1549–1551
Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel and More, Thomas, 1:26, 337; 2:520; aesthetic movement and, 5:2464
Jacques-Étienne, 1:30 4:2200 art nouveau and, 1:109
Montherlant, Henri-Marie-Joseph de, Moréas, Jean (pseud.), 2:633; 4:2294 Arts and Crafts movement and,
1:184; 3:1475 Moreau, Gustave, 2:795–796; 3:1474; 1:152; 3:1550
Month in the Country, A (Turgenev), 4:1865, 2292 chrysanthemum wallpaper design of,
5:2365 Moreau, Victor, 2:901 3:1550

2702 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Deroin and, 2:651 population of, 3:1553 Moulin de la Galette, Le (Renoir),

furniture and, 2:914, 915 public health and, 1:376; 3:1554 4:1709
Pater essay on, 4:1746 Red Square, 4:2080 Moulin Rouge (Paris cabaret), 2:550;
5:2323, 2324
Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1864–1865 St. Basil’s Cathedral, 4:2062
Moulin Rouge poster (Toulouse-
Ruskin and, 4:2047 telephone service in, 5:2308
Lautrec), 4:1846
socialism and, 1:59, 372; 3:1551; theater in, 3:1495, 1496, 1551 Mountain (French National Assembly
4:1865, 2205 Ukraine and, 5:2369 faction), 2:694; 3:1318
Yeats and, 5:2509 vegetable market, 5:2343 mountain climbing, 5:2327
Morris & Company, 3:1550 voluntary associations in, 1:117, 119 ‘‘Mountain King’’ (Grieg), 4:2287
Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Moscow Art Theater, 1:287, 423; Mountain Wreath, The (Peter II),
Company, 3:1550; 4:1865 3:1495, 1496, 1551 3:1540, 1541
Morrison, Frances, 3:1288 Moscow Pedagogical Institute, 3:1552 Moutardier du pape, Le (Jarry), 3:1214
Morrison, Jim, 2:873 Moscow Philharmonic Society, 3:1495 Mouth of the Seine at Honfleur
mortality rates, 1:446, 451; 2:643 (Monet), 3:1535
Moscow University, 1:207; 2:1066;
decline overall of, 2:644, 646, 762, 3:1518, 1551, 1552; 5:2379 movie halls, 2:560
1086; 3:1164; 4:1753 Mosè in Egitto (Rossini), 3:1670, Moynier, Gustave, 2:952; 4:1948,
Dublin decline of, 2:690 1671; 4:2038 1949
epidemics and, 2:667, 716 Möser, Justus, 2:538 Mozambique, 1:14, 18, 19, 21; 2:509;
hospital infections and, 3:1358 Moser, Kolomann, 1:112, 153 4:2223
London and, 3:1372, 1375 Moskva River, 3:1554 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1:195,
Madrid and, 3:1412 Most Christian Army of the Holy 198; 3:1419, 1566, 1568;
peasants and, 4:1751, 1753 Faith, 3:1254 4:1944, 2092, 2102, 2262;
penal exile and, 2:780 most-favored-nation status, 2:512, 5:2417
as population control, 4:1829 516; 3:1210 opera and, 3:1673
British-Chinese treaty and, 3:1579, Mozart and Salieri (Pushkin), 4:1919
poverty and, 2:628
1679 Mozzoni, Anna Maria, 3:1555–1556
tuberculosis and, 2:644
‘‘Most Prevalent Form of Degradation ‘‘Mrs Bathurst’’ (Kipling), 3:1257
See also infant and child mortality Mrs. Warren’s Profession (Shaw),
Mortara, Edgardo Levi, 4:1797 in Erotic Life, The’’ (Freud),
3:1472 4:2165
Mort de Socrate, La (Lamartine), Mucha, Alphonse, 1:113; 4:1846,
3:1303 Mother (Gorky), 2:993
Mother Goose (Ravel), 4:1944 1858
Morte d’Arthur (Beardsley Much Wenlock (England),
illustrations), 1:109, 192 motherhood
‘‘Morte d’Arthur’’ (Tennyson), 5:2309 bourgeois ideal of, 3:1452, 1454
Mudéjar architecture, 2:936
Mosca, Gaspare, 3:1415 child custody rights and, 2:943, Mudie, George, 4:2201
Moscow, 3:1551–1555, 1554; 9446–9447; 3:1595, 1646 Mueller, Otto, 1:154
4:2075–2076 child rearing and, 3:1454–1455 Muenier, Jules-Alexis, 4:1948
advertising and, 2:550 concept of voluntary, 2:805, 947 Mueseler, Mathieu, 1:487
art nouveau and, 1:114 contraceptives and, 2:947 Muette de Portici, La (Auber), 3:1671,
avant-garde and, 157 family size and, 4:1830 1672, 1674
bourgeoisie in, 1:284, 287 feminist socialization and, 4:1762 Mughul Empire, 2:706; 3:1133, 1135
cabaret in, 1:336–337 maternity hospitals and, 5:2450 Sepoy Mutiny and, 4:2140
child abandonment in, 5:2455 maternity leave and, 5:2452 Muhammad Ali, 1:278
cicular layout of, 3:1552–1553 out-of-wedlock. See illegitimacy Muhammad Said Pasha, 3:1337
electric lighting and, 2:742 Muhammed Ahmed. See Mahdi, the
pensions and, 5:2452
exhibitions in, 5:2498 Muhammed Tawfiq Pasha, 2:733
Roussel’s views on, 4:2042
Great Jew and Tartar Market, 3:1231 Muiron, Just, 2:838
as welfare concern, 5:2451, 2452 Mukden, Battle of (1905), 3:1507,
industrialization and, 1:40 as woman’s role, 1:431; 2:801, 1556–1558, 1628; 4:2055, 2065
Kremlin, 4:2079 942, 944 Mulhouse (free city), 1:51
Kremlin and Kamenny Bridge, as women’s equality basis, 2:803 Müller, Frantz Heinrich, 2:647
3:1553 motion pictures. See cinema Muller, Jerry, 2:537
maternity hospitals in, 5:2450 Motley Life (Kandinsky), 3:1244 Müller, Johannes, 2:1057; 4:1908;
Napoleon’s occupation/retreat from, Mottley, Marie, 5:2316 5:2507
1:38, 272, 273; 2:902, 1080; Motz, Friedrich von, 2:960 Müller, Max, 3:1239
3:1551, 1588 Moulay Abd al-Hafid, sultan of Müller-Guttenbrunn, Adam,
as national capital, 4:2079 Morocco, 3:1549 3:1394–1395
population growth in, 1:446 Moulin, L., 3:1672 multinational banks, 1:175

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2703

multiple sclerosis, 1:408 Muradid dynasty, 5:2362 public admission to, 1:287; 4:1825
Mummery, A. F., 2:1075 Murat, Joachim, 4:2001, 2188, in Serbia, 4:2148
Mun, Albert de, 1:389 2225–2226 tourism and, 5:2327
Munch, Edvard, 2:816; 3:1558–1560, as king of Naples, 1:360; 2:533, 902; in Warsaw, 5:2442
1559; 4:1710, 2287 3:1192, 1254, 1599 Museu Picasso (Barcelona), 4:1781
symbolism and, 4:2293–2294 Leipzig battle and, 3:132, 1320 Mushet, Robert Forester, 3:1158;
Munch, Jacob, 3:1558 opera and, 3:1670 4:2115
Munch, Peter Andreas, 3:1558 Papal State and, 4:1724 Mushtara, 5:2362
Münchengrätz, Treaty of (1833), Muratori, Ludovico Antonio, 2:1072 music, 3:1565–1573
3:1560–1561; 4:1985; 5:2392 Muraviev-Amursky, Nikolai, 5:2426 Amsterdam and, 1:54
Munemitsu, Mutsu, 3:1211 murder
Munich, 4:1990 atonality and, 3:1245, 1437, 1572;
anti-Semitism and, 2:575–576 4:2102–2103
architecture in, 2:590
Caillaux’s (Henriette) acquittal of, ballet and, 1:154
art nouveau in, 2:815 1:339 Beethoven and, 1:195–199
cabaret in, 1:336 honor killings and, 2:571 Berlin and, 1:219
expressionist art and, 1:156 London and, 3:1375 Berlioz and, 1:224–225
homosexual subculture in, 2:1083 mafia and, 3:1417 bourgeois associations and,
Kandinsky in, 3:1244, 1245, 1246 memoirs about, 2:575 1:287–288
Liebermann in, 3:1353 popular press and, 2:575, 576 Brahms and, 1:294–296
Mann in, 3:1435 See also terrorism cabarets and, 1:335–337
public health reforms in, 4:1914 Murger, Henri, 1:177; 3:1577; Chopin and, 1:438–440
Revolution of 1830 and, 1:457 4:1916; 5:2360 concert halls, 1:216
Revolution of 1848 and, 2:961 Murray, James, 3:1160 Crystal Palace festivals, 2:589
Secession style and, 1:112 Murray, John, 3:1402; 5:2329
Debussy and, 2:630–631; 3:1133
Wagner as composer-in-residence in, Murray Gilchrist, R., 2:633
Dublin and, 2:693
3:1383 Muscat, 1:16
Munich Artist’s Theater, 1:155 Dvořák and, 2:700–701
Muscovy, 2:562; 3:1281; 5:2369
Munich Coinage Treaty (1837), 1:171 muscular Christianity, 2:832 Estonian brass band, 2:821
Munich Secession of 1893, 2:550 Musée Berlioz (La Côte-St.-André), fin de siècle and, 2:815;
Municipal Corporations Act of 1835 1:225 3:1572–1573
(Britain), 2:1003; 5:2462 Musée d’Orsay (Paris), 2:941 futurism and, 2:919–920
municipal government, 1:449–451 Musée Marmottan (Paris), 3:1545 German nationalism and, 2:960–961
Britain and, 2:1003, 1009 Musée Trocadéro (Paris), 1:156 Glinka and, 2:979–980
Chamberlain (Joseph) and, Museum for Ethnology (Berlin), 5:2425 Grieg and, 4:2287
1:404, 405 Museum of Applied Arts (Budapest), impressionism and, 2:630–631; 3:1133
Danish town councils and, 2:648 1:112 Liszt and, 3:1359–1361
Dublin and, 2:691–693 Museum of Art (Berlin). See Altes Mahler and, 3:1418–1419
Hamburg and, 2:1039, 1040, 1041 Museum Mann and, 3:1435, 1436, 1437
housing and, 3:1456 Museum of Comparative Zoology Meyerhold’s theatrical use of, 3:1496
London and, 3:1378–1379 (Cambridge, Massachusetts), 1:23
Mussorgsky and, 3:1575–1576
Museum of French Monuments, 2:621
Lyon and, 3:1403 Offenbach and, 3:1660–1662
Museum of Mankind (Paris), 4:1782
markets and, 3:1448 Paganini and, 4:1698–1700
Museum of Modern Art
police forces and, 4:1814–1815 (New York City), 1:156 popular/elite cultural blending and,
Prussia and, 2:958 Museum of the Bohemian Kingdom 4:1825
Russian zemstvos and, 1:39; 2:1014, (Prague), 1:261 racism and, 4:1927
1016 museums, 3:1561–1565; 4:1825 Ravel and, 4:1944–1945
Municipal House (Prague), 1:113; art, 1:287; 4:1825 Rimsky-Korsakov and, 4:1999–2000
in Berlin, 1:219; 4:2092, 2093; Romanticism and, 3:1360,
Municipal Ordinance of 1808
5:2425 1569–1570; 4:2026, 2027, 2029
(Prussia), 4:2251
in Bohemian Lands, 1:261 Rossini and, 4:2038–2039, 2106,
municipal parks. See parks
cities and, 1:445 2288
Munkácsy, Minhály, 3:1353
Munster, Friederike, 3:1649 first public, 1:287; 4:1825 Russia and, 2:654
Münter, Gabriele, 1:155; 3:1244, in London, 3:1375–1376, 1378 St. Petersburg and, 4:2077
1245 Napoleonic, 1:270 Satie and, 4:2086–2087
Munzverein, 3:1538 natural history, 1:228; 2:618; Schoenberg and, 3:1245; 4:1944,
Murad Bey, 2:731; 5:2362 3:1562–1563, 1564 2101–2103; 5:2421

2704 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Schopenhauer on, 4:2105 mutations, 2:653, 778; 3:1302 Nadar, Félix, 1:230; 2:939;
Schubert and, 4:2026, 2027, 2029, Mutationstheorie, Die (de Vries), 2:653 3:1577–1578; 4:1772, 1774, 1955
2106–2107 Mutiny of 1857 (India). See Sepoy Daumier caricature of, 3:1578
Strauss (Johann) and, 4:2259–2261; Mutiny Nadar, Paul, 3:1578
5:2420 Mutsuhito, emperor of Japan, 1:435 Nadar Elevating Photography to an Art
Stravinsky and, 4:1944, 2077, Mutual Aid (Kropotkin), 3:1272 (Daumier), 3:1578
2261–2263 mutual aid societies, 3:1284, Nagaravatta (Khmer newspaper),
1331–1332; 5:2454 3:1143
symbolism and, 4:2292, 2294
mutualist anarchism, 4:1898–1899 Nagasaki, 3:1209
Tchaikovsky and, 5:2306–2307
Muybridge, Eadweard, 1:441; 4:1772 Nägleli, Carl Wilhelm von, 3:1486
Venice and, 5:2405
My Apprenticeship (Webb), 5:2444 ‘‘Naissance du Méthodisme en
Verdi and, 4:2039; 5:2405–2407 Mycenae, excavation of, 4:1769 Angleterre, La’’ (E. Halévy), 4:1892
Vienna and, 5:2418, 2419, 2420, My Communist Credo (Cabet), 2:521 Nakaz (Catherine II), 1:376
2421 Myers, Frederic William Henry, Naked Maja, The (Goya), 2:997
Wagner and, 1:403; 4:2027; 3:1238; 4:2238 Nalbandian, Mikayel, 1:88
5:2429–2431 My Lady Ludlow (Gaskell), 2:934 ‘‘Name-Day Party’’ (Chekhov), 1:423
See also opera My Past and Thoughts (Herzen), Namibia, 1:20; 2:506, 927; 4:1843
Musical Voyages in Germany and Italy 2:1064, 1066 Nana (Zola), 4:1833
(Berlioz), 1:225 My Secret Life (pornographic memoir), Nancy (France), 1:111
music criticism. See criticism, music 4:1834 Nanking, Treaty of (1842),
music halls, 1:288; 3:1377, 1482 Myslbek, Josef Václav, 4:1858 3:1578–1580, 1679
Musicians in the Orchestra (Degas), Mysore, 2:706; 3:1134, 1134 Nansen, Fridtjof, 1:341
3:1129–1130, 1130; 4:1709 Mystère de la charité de Jeanne d’Arc Nantes, 2:563–565
Musiciens d’aujourd’hui (Rolland), (Péguy), 4:1760 Nantes Congress of 1894, 4:2298
4:2015 Mystère des saints innocents (Péguy), Naples, 1:445; 3:1580–1583; 4:2035
Musiciens d’autrefois (Rolland), 4:2015 4:1760 anarchism and, 3:1424
Music in the Tuileries Gardens (Manet), Mystères de Paris, Les (Sue), 2:575 Austrian intervention in, 2:525, 531;
3:1432 Mysteries of London, The (Reynolds), 4:2001
Musil, Robert, 1:299; 3:1242, 2:575 Bourbon government and, 4:2130,
1573–1575; 4:2101; 5:2449 Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (Dickens), 2175, 2188
Musique, La (Matisse), 3:1474 2:657 Carbonari and, 1:360–361; 3:1193;
Musket Wars (Maori), 3:1622 mysticism, 1:385, 400; 2:1080, 1093; 4:2130
Muslim League, 3:1136 4:2029–2030, 2294 cholera epidemic in, 1:450
Muslim National Organization mystic socialism, 1:372
Congress of Vienna and, 2:533
(Bosnia), 1:276 Myth of the Birth of the Hero, The
Muslims. See Islam corruption and, 3:1582–1583
(Rank), 4:1938
Musset, Alfred de, 1:169, 229, 270; Croce and, 2:584
2:1046; 4:2028, 2084 French Revolutionary and
German cultural nationalism and,
Mussolini, Benito, 1:62, 382; 2:583, Napoleonic Wars and, 2:899, 901;
3:1523; 4:1756
1026; 4:2037, 2299; 5:2364 3:1192, 1193, 1254, 1615
Jung and, 3:1239
D’Annunzio and, 2:610 Garibaldi and, 1:392; 2:932; 4:2003
Nietzsche and, 3:1634, 1635
futurism and, 2:921 Holy Alliance intervention in, 2:565
symbolism of, 4:2030
Giolitti and, 2:972 mafia and, 3:1414–1417, 1583
My Youth in Vienna (Schnitzler),
Lateran Pact and, 3:1199 4:2100, 2101 men playing cappelletto, 3:1194
LeBon’s theory of crowds and, 3:1317 Metternich and, 3:1494
Milan and, 3:1504 Napoleonic Kingdom of, 3:1192,
1581, 1597, 1599; 4:2001, 2188
as socialist, 3:1202, 1203 n
Mussorgsky, Modest, 2:654, 980; opera and, 3:1670
3:1571, 1575–1576; 4:1919, N overcrowding in, 3:1581
1944, 1957 nabis, 4:2294 papacy and, 4:1719, 1725
opera and, 3:1673–1674 Nabokov, Vladimir (father of author), as Parthenopean Republic, 3:1192,
Rimsky-Korsakov and, 4:1999 3:1241 1581, 1597; 4:2186–2189
Mustafa IV, Ottoman sultan, 3:1420, Nabucco (Verdi), 3:1672; 5:2406 peasant revolt in, 4:1755
1686 ‘‘Nacertanije’’ (Serbian document), population of, 1:446; 3:1254, 1580
‘‘Must We Occupy Ourselves with an 4:2148 railroads and, 3:1195
Examination of the Ideal of a Nacht in Venedig, Eine (Strauss), Revolution of 1820 and, 1:361;
Future System?’’ (Kropotkin), 4:2261 2:565–566, 959; 3:1194,
3:1272 Nachtlicht (Vienna cabaret), 1:336 1254–1255, 1494; 4:1980, 1981

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2705

Revolution of 1848 and, 3:1196, conquest of Europe by, 2:901–902 looting of Italy by, 1:349
1255, 1581; 4:2002 Constant and, 2:545, 546 Louis XVIII and, 3:1387
Risorgimento (Italian unification) Consulate and, 2:845–846; Louis-Philippe and, 3:1388, 1389
and, 2:581; 3:1581 3:1585–1586 marriage to Marie-Louise of, 2:861;
Rome and, 4:2034 Continental System of, 1:272, 303; 3:1492, 1587
Rothschilds and, 4:2040 2:553–554 memoir of, 1:270
Royal Terror in (1799), 3:1254 coronation as emperor of, 2:84–476, Metternich and, 3:1491, 1492–1493
Sicily and, 4:1980 860; 3:1586, 1596 Milan and, 3:1501
Spanish Bourbons and, 3:1191 counterrevolution and, 2:563 military tactics and, 1:94; 3:1237,
tenement houses, 2:1087 coup and assumption of power by, 1320, 1321–1322, 1506
Via Santa Lucia, 3:1582 2:664, 900–901; 3:1591 military training of, 3:1584
Victor Emmanuel II and, 5:2411 Cruikshank caricatures of, 2:586
Moscow’s destruction and, 3:1551
David paintings of, 2:624
See also Kingdom of the Two Sicilies myth of, 3:1588–1589
Napoleon I, emperor of the French, Denmark and, 4:2287
nephew Napoleon III and, 3:1198
1:457; 3:1343, 1583–1589; Directory and, 2:664, 666, 895
papacy and, 1:381, 420; 2:527–529,
4:2142; 5:2429 education policies of, 1:322 846; 3:1192, 1584, 1586,
abdication of, 3:1588, 1599; 4:1765 Egyptian campaign of, 1:18, 43, 44, 1587–1588; 4:1717, 1724, 2136
Alexander I and, 1:37, 38 406; 2:731, 895, 900; 3:1134, Paris and, 1:451; 4:1728, 1729
Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:51 1337, 1585
Paris’s reconstruction and,
anticlericalism and, 1:68; 2:957 engineering and, 2:738 4:1729–1731
escape from Elba of. See Hundred Paul I of Russia and, 4:1748
aristocracy and, 1:80, 81
army organization and, 1:93, 95 penal exile policy of, 2:780
exiles of, 1:270; 2:779, 846, 848,
artwork confiscations by, 1:349; Peninsular War and, 4:1762–1767,
903, 958, 1098, 1099; 3:1588;
3:1572 1838
4:1718; 5:2442
Austerlitz victory of, 1:93, 132–133; pilgrimages and, 4:1788
Ferdinand VII and, 2:808–809
2:846, 875, 901, 957; 3:1586 Poland and, 4:1808, 1817
Fouché and, 2:837
Bank of France and, 1:170 police system model of, 2:837;
free trade and, 1:106
Barrés idealization of, 1:184 4:1813–1814, 1815
French Revolutionary Wars and,
Beethoven and, 1:196 Polish exiles and, 4:1807
2:893, 900
Berlin occupation by, 1:215 power of, 3:1587
government takeover by, 2:895
Bernadotte and, 1:226 professional certification and, 4:1879
Habsburgs and, 1:140; 2:533
Bonald and, 1:268, 269 Prussia and, 4:1899, 1900, 2092
Haiti and, 2:1036
Bonapartism and, 1:269–271 Rome and, 4:2033
Hardenberg and, 2:1042
Borodino and, 1:272–273 Russia and, 4:2048, 2051, 2078,
hereditary titles and, 1:284
Bosphorus as aim of, 1:278 2227; 5:2440
Hundred Days and, 1:270, 471;
British victories and, 2:1002 Sade and, 4:2074
2:533–534, 545, 837, 846–847,
as Brontë sisters’ hero, 1:300 858, 903, 1098–1099; 3:1387, same-sex act decriminalization and,
Brussels ramparts destruction by, 1493, 1588, 1599; 5:2306 2:1083
1:305 imperialism and, 3:1114, 1134 secret society opposition to, 4:2129,
bureaucracy and, 1:321, 322; 2:846 2130
See also Napoleonic Empire
Catholicism and, 1:387; 2:846; Sieyès and, 4:2180, 2181
invasion of Russia by, 1:272; 2:553,
3:1598 861, 902–903, 958, 1080; Sismondi and, 4:2185
censorship and, 4:1869, 1870 3:1281–1282, 1308, 1319, 1492, slavery and, 1:498; 2:897, 1036
centralized state of, 1:270; 2:846; 1551, 1588, 1599; 4:1766 Spanish intervention by, 1:366–367;
3:1598, 1600 Italy and, 1:349, 360, 390; 3:1192, 4:1763, 2225–2226, 2227
challenge to European order by, 1254, 1501, 1584; 4:1786, 1807, See also Peninsular War
2:524, 957 2001 Staël and, 4:2247
Champollion and, 1:406–407 Jena and, 3:1221–1222 Stein’s dismissal and, 4:2251
Chateaubriand and, 1:420 Jewish emancipation and, 3:1227, Stendhal’s works on, 4:2252
coffee consumption and, 1:494 1229 suffrage and, 4:2278–2279
colonial policies of, 2:1036 Kościuszko and, 3:1265 sugar-beet factory and, 2:659
Concordat of 1801 and, 2:527–528, Lafayette and, 3:1300 Switzerland and, 4:2288
527–529, 846; 3:1586, 1598; Larrey and, 3:1308 Talleyrand and, 5:2305–2306
4:1718, 2136–2137 legacy of, 1:269–271 Thorvaldsen sculpture of, 2:647
Congress of Vienna and, 2:533–534 Leipzig and, 3:1319–1322 Toussaint Louverture and, 5:2333

2706 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

trade policy and, 5:2334 Franco-Prussian War and, 1:271; Napoleon Crossing the St.Bernard Pass
See also Continental System 2:569, 853–854, 868, 870, 928, (David), 2:624
Trafalgar defeat of, 2:846; 964; 3:1593; 4:1734 Napoleonic Code (1804), 1:338;
5:2344–2345 Haussmannization of Paris and, 2:957; 3:1254, 1314, 1586,
2:1047, 1049, 1050, 1088; 1593–1596
Trieste and, 5:2354
4:1729–1731, 1739 capitalism and, 1:351
Ulm and, 5:2374–2375
hereditary empire of. See Second divorce and, 2:897
United States and, 5:2439
Empire feminist demonstration against,
vaccination technique accepted by,
Herzen’s critique of, 2:1065 1:128; 2:803
Hugo’s exile by, 2:1093, 1095 masculine scale of rights and, 3:1470
Venetian Republic and, 5:2402
indochina and, 3:1140 Napoleonic Empire and,
Warsaw and, 5:2441
Italian policy of, 1:362; 2:662, 962; 3:1597–1598, 1599, 1600;
Waterloo as final defeat of, 1:270;
3:1318; 4:1797, 2003, 4:1786
2:847, 903, 1002, 1099; 3:1387,
2004–2005, 2034; 5:2410 provisions of, 2:846; 3:1595–1596
1388, 1588; 4:1968;
5:2442–2443, 2457 Ledru-Rollin and, 3:1318 women’s legal restraints under,
liberalization and, 3:1592–1593 2:802, 846, 942–943
William IX and, 4:2039
Napoleonic Concordat. See Concordat
See also Napoleonic Empire Mexican incursion of, 1:271; 2:575,
of 1801
Napoleon II (son of Napoleon), 854; 3:1592
Napoleonic Empire, 2:901–903;
3:1587; 4:1729 Michelet’s dislike of, 3:1499
3:1586–1587, 1590, 1596–1600
Napoleon III (Louis-Napoleon), Milan and, 3:1501
administrative institutions and,
emperor of the French, 1:234; militarism and, 1:94 3:1600
3:1589–1593, 1591; 4:1743, monetary unions and, 3:1538
1902, 1913; 5:2325, 2422 banking and, 1:170
painting and, 4:1707 Belgium and, 1:199; 3:1587
Algerian colonization and, 1:44–56
papacy and, 4:1725, 1795 Carbonari and, 1:360; 3:1193
assassination attempts on, 4:2003;
Parisian resistance to, 4:1733 Caribbean and, 3:1115
Parisian street plan and, 1:452 Cavour family and, 1:390
Austro-Prussian War and, 2:867;
3:1269 peasant support for, 4:1755 censorship and, 4:1869
Bagehot’s defense of, 1:160 penal exile policy of, 2:780 centralization of, 3:1599
beard popularization by, 1:191 Pius IX and, 4:1795, 1797 components of, 3:1587
Bernard as protegé of, 1:228 plebiscites for, 3:1591–1592, 1593 Concordat of 1801 and, 2:527–529
Bonapartism and, 1:269, 270–271 political Catholics and, 1:388 Continental System and, 2:512,
bureaucracy and, 1:322 press curbs and, 4:1870 553–554, 846
Cavour and, 1:391–392; 2:662; Proudhon’s critique of, 4:1899 fall of, 2:902; 3:1588
3:1198 railroad construction and, 4:1933 as First Empire, 2:846–847
Cobden-Chevalier Treaty and, repression and, 2:651, 852 French national identity and, 3:1521
1:491, 492 Revolutions of 1848 and, 3:1590, Great Empire (18051814) and,
Comte and, 2:524 1626; 4:1993, 1995 3:1599–1600
Concert of Europe and, 2:525 Salon des Refusés and, 3:1432 Hamburg and, 2:1038
Concert of Europe break by, 2:662 Second Republic’s election of, 2:851; imperialism and, 3:1114, 1115
conservatism and, 2:540, 541, 852, 3:1590 insurrections and, 4:1767
853; 3:1591, 1593 secret societies and, 4:2131 Italy and, 3:1192–1193, 1254
counterrevolution and, 2:567 Suez Canal and, 3:1338; 4:2274 Jewish emancipation and, 3:1229
coup d’etat of, 2:577, 852; 3:1591, suffrage and, 4:2278–2279 Krupp steel and, 3:1273
1592; 4:1706, 1733 Thiers and, 5:2311 Leipzig battle marking end of,
Crédit Mobilier and, 1:174 Tocqueville and, 5:2317 3:1319, 1322
Crimean War and, 2:579, 580; Venice and, 5:2404 Milan and, 3:1501
3:1626 William I and, 5:2467 Napoleonic Code and, 1:351;
Daumier caricatures and, wine and, 5:2476 3:1597–1598
2:621, 622 world’s fairs and, 5:2496, 2497, nationalist resistance to, 3:1604
defeat of, 1:271; 2:854, 928; 3:1593 2505 Netherlands and, 2:553; 3:1587,
Disraeli foreign policy compared See also Second Empire 1590, 1597, 1616–1617
with, 2:674 Napoleon Awakening to Immortality papacy and, 4:1718
engineering projects and, 2:757 (Rude), 4:2044 Papal State and, 4:1724
Franco-Austrian War and, 2:866; Napoleon Crossing the Alps (David), Peninsular Wars impact on,
3:1198 2:624 4:1765–1766

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2707

Piedmont-Savoy and, 2:899–900, National Assembly (France), 1:68, Girondists and, 2:891, 973, 974
902; 3:1192, 1193, 1584; 4:1786 248, 268, 420; 2:897; 3:1338 international law and, 3:1172
Poland and, 4:1808 African-descent delegate in, 2:508 Jacobins and, 3:1205–1206
See also Grand Duchy of Warsaw citizenship and, 1:456, 458 Louis XVI execution vote in, 3:1386,
police model for, 4:1813 Clemenceau and, 1:479 1388
poor relief and, 4:1848 Committee of Public Safety and, Marat and, 3:1443
prostitute control and, 4:1883 2:518–519 Paine and, 4:1700, 1701
serf emancipation and, 4:1754 Estates-General and, 2:768, 842 Reign of Terror and, 2:844,
sister republics and, 4:2186–2190 Ferry and, 2:810–812 892–893; 4:1951, 1952
standardization and, 3:1598 Freemasons and, 2:881 republic proclaimed by, 2:891
university system and, 5:2381 French Revolution and, 2:842, 843, Robespierre and, 4:2006–2007
See also Second Empire 844, 886–890; 3:1385, 1386 Robespierre’s overthrow by,
Napoleonic Wars. See French Hugo and, 2:1095 2:893–894
Revolutionary and Napoleonic human rights declaration and, 2:801 National Council of French Women,
Wars Jacobins and, 3:1205 1:128
Napoleon I on His Imperial Throne Jaurès and, 3:1215–1216, 1217 National Democratic Movement
(Ingres), 3:1165, 1166 Jewish emancipation and, 3:1226 (Poland). See Endecja
Napp, Cyril, 3:1484, 1485 National Eisteddfod (Welsh festival),
Lafayette and, 3:1299
Naquet, Alfred, 4:1998 5:2434
Lamartine and, 3:1304
Naquet Law of 1884 (France), 2:812 Nationaler Frauendienst (Germany),
Ledru-Rollin and, 3:1318 1:189
Narbonne, Paris Commune and,
Louis-Napoleon and, 3:1591 National Federation of Women
move to Paris of, 4:1728 Workers, 3:1293
Narbonne, Louis de, 4:2246, 2247
Parisan-provincial division in, Nationalgalerie (Berlin), 3:1489
Narcisse (ballet), 2:654; 3:1642
4:1734–1735 National Gallery (Dublin), 2:693
narcotics. See drugs
Nardinelli, Clark, 2:708 Paris site of, 4:1728 National Gallery of Art (London),
Narodna odbrana, 4:2148–2149 right-wing and, 2:539 1:287; 2:598, 999; 3:1376, 1562;
Second Republic and, 2:851 4:1825, 1863
Narodnaya Volya. See People’s Will
Third Republic and, 2:855, 856; national geographic societies, 2:784
Narváez, Ramón Maria, 4:2229, 2230
4:1734–1735 National Guard (Paris), 2:810, 891,
Naryshkin family, 1:80
See also Constituent Assembly; 891; 3:1300, 1301, 1339, 1443
Naschauer, Julie, 2:1068
Nash, Beau (Richard Nash), 3:1323 National Convention Paris Commune and, 4:1734–1736,
National Assembly (Germany), 2:923 1737
Nash, John, 3:1375, 1600–1602
National Assembly (Prussia), 1:324 National Health Insurance Act of 1911
Nasmyth, James, 3:1430
National Association for Promoting (Britain), 5:2452
Nassau (German warship), 3:1611
the Political and Social National History Museum (Dublin),
Improvement of the People, 2:693
Prussian annexation of, 2:964
3:1391 national identity. See nationalism
written constitution of, 1:457; 2:959 National Insurance Act of 1911
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 4:2276 National Association for the Care of
the Feeble-Minded (Britain), (Britain), 1:356; 3:1349, 1369,
Nast, Thomas, 4:1722, 1725 1370
2:769, 770
Natal, 1:19, 256; 3:1422 national insurance programs,
Natal Field Force, 3:1422 National Bank of Greece, 1:170–171
national banks. See banks and banking; 5:2452–2456, 2473–2474
Natanson brothes (Thadée, Alexandre, nationalism, 3:1602–1609; 4:2212
and Alfred), 3:1213 specific banks by name
National Chamber of Commerce Abdul-Hamid II’s reign and, 1:2
Nathan, Ernesto, 4:2037
(Germany), 2:962 Albania and, 1:32–34; 3:1690–1691
Nathan, Giuseppe, 3:1556
National Charter Association (Britain), Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:51
Natio Hungarica, 3:1266
1:416, 417, 418; 3:1391 anti-Semitism and, 1:74
Nation (Irish newspaper), 3:1656
republicanism and, 4:1960, 1962 aristocracy and, 1:470
See also Young Ireland
National Confederation of Labor Armenia and, 1:2, 87, 88–92
Nation (magazine), 4:2258
(Spain), 1:62 armies and, 1:93, 94, 97, 101
National, Le (French newspaper),
National Convention (France) artisans and, 1:105
2:489; 4:1963; 5:2310
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.), Committee on Salubrity of, 4:1909 Austria and, 1:10–11, 145
1:23 Danton and, 2:610, 611, 612 Balkans and, 1:2, 163, 166; 2:663,
National Anti-Semitic League of David and, 2:624 704, 705, 1018; 3:1420, 1685,
France, 2:689 federalist revolt and, 2:799–800 1690
National Archives (France), 3:1499 Fouché and, 2:387 bank foundings and, 1:170–171

2708 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Bismarck and, 1:84, 237, 241, 291; Italy and, 1:362–363, 388, 414; secret societies and, 4:2131
2:662 2:930, 931–932; 3:1193–1196, self-determination and, 3:1172
Boulangism and, 1:282–283 1606; 4:1992, 2001–2004, Serbia and, 1:2, 163, 166, 207,
Bulgaria and, 1:2, 163, 166, 312, 2033–2034, 2131, 2247 242–243; 2:704–705;
313; 3:1686–1687, 1688 Jelačić and, 3:1219–1220 3:1247–1248, 1268; 4:1993,
Burckhardt’s view of, 1:315 Jewish cultural vs. political, 1:314; 1994, 2142–2143, 2147
capitalism and, 1:355–356 2:930–933; 3:1526; sports competitions and, 4:2246
Carducci and, 1:362–363 5:2518–2519 Stravinsky and, 4:2261
Catalonia and, 1:182, 183; 2:935 jingoism and, 3:1234–1235 Struve and, 4:2271
Catholicism and, 1:382, 389; 3:1656 Lafayette and, 3:1298, 1300 Tchaikovsky and, 5:2307
Chopin’s music and, 1:440 language and, 2:719; 3:1521, 1523, theories of, 3:1607–1608
1525, 1603, 1604 tourism and, 5:2330
citizenship and, 1:456–460
liberalism and, 3:1344–1345 Trieste and, 5:2356–2357
city ethnic groups and, 1:447
Lithuania and, 3:1366, 1368 Ukraine and, 5:2371–2372, 2373
conservative expression of, 2:566;
3:1605 Masaryk and, 3:1469 universities and, 5:2388
Croatia and, 1:144; 2:924–925 masculinity and, 3:1473 Vienna and, 5:2417, 2420
Czech movement and, 1:145, 260, migration and, 3:1109–1110, 1112, Vietnam and, 3:1144–1145
261–262; 3:1469; 4:1711 1113, 1114 Vilnius and, 3:1366
Eastern Question and, 2:703 Milan and, 3:1501–1502 Wagner and, 3:1675
educational language and, 2:719, minorities and, 3:1520–1526 Wales and, 5:2434–2435, 2437
724–726 Montenegro and, 1:163, 165; Yeats and, 5:2509
Egypt and, 2:734, 794 3:1540–1541 Young Turks and, 5:2516
Estonia and Latvia and, 1:40; 2:820 music and, 3:1571 See also Revolutions of 1820;
ethnic minorities and, 3:1524–1526 Napoleon III and, 2:662 Revolutions of 1830; Revolutions
fin-de-siècle right-wing movements national identity and, 3:1521, of 1848
and, 3:1476–1477 1521–1526, 1523, 1525, 1603 Nationalist Party (Russia), 4:2257
Netherlands and, 3:1619 National Italian Society, 1:391
Finland and, 2:820
opera and, 3:1673 National League (Poland), 2:752
folklorists and, 4:1756
origins of, 3:1602–1604 National League for the Education of
Francis Ferdinand and, 2:862
Ottoman Empire and, 3:1207, 1420, Retarded Children (Italy), 3:1542
French anti-Semitism and, 2:689 National Liberal Foundation (Britain),
1682–1691, 1690
French radical right and, 1:5; 2:685 1:404
pacifism and, 4:1698
Garibaldi and, 2:930–933 National Liberal Party (Germany),
German vs. French concept of, 3:1523 Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716–1717
1:238; 2:966; 3:1347, 1609;
Germany and, 1:84, 368–369, 402; patriotic holidays and, 4:1826 5:2511
2:542, 607, 662, 814, 870–871, peasants and, 4:1755 national libraries. See libraries
923–924, 958, 960–961; 3:1523, Pius IX’s condemnation of, 4:1798 National Library (Dublin), 2:693
1635, 1675; 4:1992–1993, 2131; in Poland, 5:2441 National Library (Serbia), 4:2148
5:2352–2353, 2472 Poland and. See Polish national National Militia (Spain),
See also German unification movement 3:1413–1414
Greece and, 2:1018–1020; 4:1981 Prague Slav Congress and, National Movement (Spain), 1:368
See also Greek War of Independence 4:1861–1863 National Museum (Dublin), 2:693
gymnastics and, 4:2241, 2243, 2245 press and, 4:1872 National Museum (Finland), 1:113
Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:140, Renan and, 4:1953 National Museum (Prague), 4:1858
141, 142 Revolutions of 1848 and, National Museum (Serbia), 4:2148
historiography and, 2:1074 4:1988–1989, 1992–1994, 1995 National Museum (Warsaw), 5:2442
Romania and, 4:1993, 1994, 2020 National Museum of Natural History
Hungary and, 1:143, 144–145; 2:865;
(Paris), 2:598, 599; 3:1301–1302
3:1265–1269; 4:1861, 1993, 2131 Romanticism and, 1:215; 4:2031
National Party (Croatia), 2:925
idealism of, 3:1604–1605 Russia and, 1:400; 4:1956, 2048,
National Party (Czech), 4:1712;
India and, 2:597; 3:1135–1137 2079, 2271; 5:2307
Indochina and, 3:1144–1145 Russian music and, 2:979–980; National Portrait Gallery (London),
international congresses and, 3:1173 3:1571 3:1376
international law and, 3:1174 Russian Official Nationality National Provincial Bank of England,
Ireland and, 3:1182–1188, 1185, repression and, 3:1626 1:175
1604, 1656–1657; 4:1741–1742, Russian rayonism and, 1:157 National Public Schools Association,
2131; 5:2464, 2509, 2510 Schnitzler and, 4:2100–2101 1:490

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2709

National Review (British periodical), 4:2071, 2234; 5:2437, 2438, Russo-Japanese War and, 3:1558,
1:160 2458 1628
National Socialist German Workers ‘‘degeneration’’ and, 2:636 Tirpitz and, 5:2312–2313
Party. See Nazism Lamarckian acquired characteristics War of 1812 and, 5:2438, 2439,
National Society for Women’s Suffrage vs., 3:1302 2440
(Britain), 1:332 Malthusian theory and, 3:1426 See also Trafalgar, Battle of
National Swimming Society (Britain), mutation and, 2:653 Navarino, Battle of (1827), 2:1020;
4:2240 3:1420, 1612–1613; 4:1982
social Darwinism and, 2:619
National System of Political Economy, Navarre, 1:83, 368
The (List), 2:516; 3:1357; 4:1888 navigation, 3:1249, 1250
Enlightenment view of, 4:2158
National Temperance Federation Marconi and, 3:1445
(Britain), 1:36 environment and, 2:766
Goethe studies of, 2:986 oceanic exploration and,
National Temperance League (Britain),
painting from, 3:1126; 4:1708, 1864 3:1653–1654
parks and, 4:1738–1741 Navigation Acts (Britain), 3:1155;
National Theater Company (Warsaw),
5:2442 Romanticism and, 4:2026,
2029–2030 repeal of, 2:504
National Union (Germany), 2:962
Nature (British journal), 5:2458 Naville, François, 4:1850
National Union of the Working
Nature morte aux livres (Matisse), Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, 4:2138
Classes, 1:414; 3:1390
3:1474 Naya, Carlo, 2:946
National Union of Women’s Suffrage
Nature, The Utility of Religion Nazarenes, 4:1707
Societies (Britain), 2:625,
(J. S. Mill), 3:1514 Nazism
797–799; 4:2279
nature vs. nurture anti-Semitism and, 1:75, 76, 77
National University of Ireland, 2:693
National Vaccine Establishment criminality theories and, 2:573–574; artisans and shopkeepers and,
(Britain), 3:1224 3:1371 1:106–107
National Woman Suffrage Association Galton view of, 2:927, 928 Augspurg as exile from, 1:129–130
(U.S.), 1:67 Naturgeschicte des Teirreichs Center Party and, 2:966
National Women’s Service (Germany), (G. Schubert), 4:1924 Chamberlain (Houston) as precursor
1:189 naturopathy, 2:1069–1070 of, 1:403, 404
National Workers’ Union (Poland), Naturphilosophie, 1:23; 2:615; 4:2088 ‘‘degenerate art’’ label of, 2:649;
2:753 Naumann, Friedrich, 1:189, 446 3:1246
National Workshops (France), 2:850; Nauru, 2:967 Einstein as exile from, 2:740
3:1287 Nauvoo colony (Illinois), 1:338 eugenic genocide and, 2:928
Nations, Battle of the (1813). See naval rivalry (Anglo-German), 2:795, Freud as exile from, 2:909
Leipzig, Battle of 1013; 3:1609–1612 Grimm fairy tales and, 2:1023
Nations and Nationalism (Gellner), Anglo-French naval agreement Haeckel and, 2:1032
3:1607 (1913) and, 3:1546 Hirschfeld as exile from, 2:1071
Native Americans, 2:575; 5:2439, dreadnaught battleships and, Kandinsky as exile from, 3:1246
2440 2:681–683, 968; 3:1610 Liebermann and, 3:1354–1355
natural frontiers doctrine, 4:2187 German battle fleet and, 2:967, 968
natural history, 2:598–599 Mann as critic and exile from,
Lloyd George measures and, 3:1370 3:1435–1436, 1437
Natural History Museum (London),
Tirpitz and, 5:2312 as Nietzsche’s political heirs, 3:1629,
William II and, 5:2469 1635
Natural History Museum (Paris),
naval warfare ‘‘racial hygiene’’ policy of, 2:619,
1:228; 3:1562–1563
Natural History of the Animal British-German buildup for, 639, 769, 771
Kingdom (G. Schubert), 4:1924 2:681, 682 Romanies as victims of, 4:2021,
naturalism. See realism and naturalism British victories against Napoleon 2023, 2024
natural law, 1:456; 2:953; 3:1173, and, 2:554, 846, 901, 1002; Rothschild vilification and, 4:2041
1174, 1175; 4:2212 3:1586 Treitschke and, 5:2353
natural philosophy, 4:2108 Crimean War and, 1:244; Wagner and, 5:2431
physics vs, 4:1778–1779 2:577–578, 579, 580, 1007; NCA. See National Charter Association
natural rights, 1:465 3:1626 Ndebele, 4:2220
natural sciences. See science and dreadnaught battleships and, Neale, Edward Vansittart, 4:2208
technology 2:681–683 Neapolitan Fisherboy (Rude), 4:2043
Natural Science Society (Brünn), Geneva Convention and, 2:953 Neapolitan Republic, 4:2001
3:1486 Greek War of Independence and, Necessarianism, 3:1458, 1459
natural selection, 2:613, 616, 617, 2:1020; 3:1612 Necessity of Atheism, The (Shelley),
618, 631, 771, 776, 779; 3:1250; Nelson and, 3:1614–1616 4:2030, 2169

2710 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Nechayev, Sergei, 1:162; 3:1613, Agricultural Revolution and, 1:24; Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987,
1613–1614; 4:2052; 5:2517 3:1305 1990
Necker, Jacques, 2:611, 767; 3:1385; balance of power and, 1:374 Schlieffen Plan and, 4:2098
4:2246 banking and, 1:170, 173–174 seaside resorts in, 4:2125
Necker, Suzanne, 4:2246 Belgian revolt against, 2:662; 3:1617 Second International and, 4:2128
Necker Hospital (Paris), 3:1298
Belgium and, 1:199, 200, 201, 202; sister republics and, 4:2188–2189
Neerwinder, Battle of (1793), 2:899
2:525, 566; 3:1335; 5:2306 slavery abolishment and, 1:18, 19,
Nefftzer, Auguste, 2:810
Caribbean colonialism and, 365, 458, 499; 2:506
Neidgart, Olga Borisovna, 4:2256
1:363, 364 slave trade and, 1:13
Neithardt von Gneisenau, August,
Catholicism and, 1:377, 383; sodomy prosecution in, 2:1082,
3:1618, 1619 1083
Nekrasov, Nikolai, 2:678
Nelidov, A. I., 4:2085 Catholic political parties and, 1:388 sports in, 4:2241
Nelmes, Sarah, 3:1223 Christian Democrats and, 4:2209 strikes in, 4:2265
Nelson, Horatia (daughter), 3:1615 colonial wars and, 2:505 suffrage in, 4:2278, 2279
Nelson, Horatio, 3:1254, 1614–1616 colonies and, 2:506; 3:1114, 1116, tea drinking in, 1:495
Egyptian victory of, 2:731; 3:1585 1151, 1154; 4:2218 temperance societies in, 4:1896
Trafalgar and, 2:901, 1002; 3:1615; commercial policy and, 2:512 tobacco and, 5:2313
5:2344–2345, 2438 Congress of Vienna and, 2:533; trade and, 1:53; 5:2336, 2338, 2339
William IV and, 5:2470 3:1193 universities in, 5:2379
Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir, De Vries and, 2:652–653 urbanization of, 1:443
3:1495 emigrants from, 2:506, 747, 748 Van Gogh and, 5:2399–2401
Nenni, Pietro, 3:1202 engineering projects and, 2:757 welfare initiatives in, 5:2452, 2454,
neo-absolutism, 2:863–864 feminism and, 2:802 2455
neoclassical economists, 2:707, 708, First International in, 2:825 wine and, 5:2475
709, 710, 711 football (soccer) and, 2:833, 834 women university students in, 2:728
neoclassicism Freemasons and, 2:877, 881 world’s fairs and, 5:2499–2500,
art nouveau vs., 1:107 French Revolutionary Wars and 2503
French Revolution and, 4:1701, Napoleonic Wars and, 2:666, 899, See also Amsterdam
1702 900; 3:1254, 1339 Netherlands Missionary Society,
Ingres and, 3:1165–1167 imperialism and, 3:1617–1618, 3:1527; 4:1895
Romantic rejection of, 4:2030 1619; 4:2218 Nether World, The (Gissing), 2:589,
in St. Petersburg, 4:2077, 2078 independence of, 1:199; 3:1616 975
Stravinsky and, 4:2261, 2262 industrial/manufacturing exhibitions Neue Bahnen (journal), 3:1681
neoconservatives, 2:536 and, 5:2493 Neue Freie Presse (Vienna newspaper),
Neo-Darwinians, 2:618 Japan and, 3:1209, 1210; 4:2064 2:685, 1068; 3:1219, 1381;
‘‘Neogothic and Neoclassic’’ (Lourié), Jewish emancipation in, 3:1227 5:2420, 2520
4:2262 labor movements in, 3:1289, 1290, Neue Gedichte (Heine), 2:1056
neo-Gothic style, 4:2030 1291 Neue Ghetto, Das (Herzl), 2:1068
neo-Guelph movement, 3:1195, 1480 Neue Kölnische Zeitung (German
liberalism and, 3:1342
neo-impressionism, 3:1530; 4:1794 newspaper), 1:66
as Liebermann setting, 3:1353, 1354
Seurat and, 4:2155–2158, 2292 Neue Künstlervereinigung (Munich),
literacy in, 2:720; 4:1868
neo-Kantianism, 4:2270 1:155
Louis-Philippe’s war with, 3:1388
neo-Malthusians, 4:1762, 1830 Neue Preubische Zeitung (Prussian
Neo-Orthodox Judaism, 3:1227 migration and, 3:1110, 1111
newspaper), 1:234
neopopulists, 4:2210 Napoleonic Empire and, 2:553;
Neue Rundschau (Berlin journal),
neoroyalists, 1:5 3:1587, 1590, 1597, 1616–1617;
neo-Scholasticism, 4:1797 4:2186, 2187–2189
Neues von der Venus (Herzl), 2:1068
Neris River, 3:1367 See also Kingdom of Holland Neues Wiener Tagblatt (newspaper),
Neruda, Jan, 4:1857 newspapers and, 4:1866, 1867, 3:1394; 4:2045
Nerval, Gérard de, 2:687; 3:1577 1868, 1869 Neue Zeit, Die (Marxist journal),
nervous system, 1:340–342 patriot revolt (1787–1788) in, 3:1248
Nesselrode, Karl Robert, 3:1560–1561 4:2188 Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (journal),
Nest of the Gentry, A (Turgenev), population of, 3:1616 3:1570
5:2365 potato blight in, 2:1005 Neufchâteau, François, 5:2493
Nestroy, Johann, 5:2418, 2419 Protestant population of, 1:199; Neuköllin (Berlin suburb), 1:217
Netherlands, 3:1616–1620 3:1618, 1619; 4:1890 neurasthenia, 2:816; 3:1472; 4:2294
Africa and, 1:17–18, 19 Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1984 Neurath, Otto, 3:1409

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2711

neurology, 4:1908 New Lanark, 2:1088; 3:1692; fin de siècle and, 1:230
Cajal and, 1:340–342 5:2396–2397 leisure and, 3:1325
Charcot and, 1:408–410 New Liberals (Britain), 2:1075 psychoanalysis and, 4:1906
Freud and, 2:904–910; 4:1904 socialism and, 4:2205, 2206–2207
Spencer and, 4:2235
Pavlov and, 4:1749 New Machiavelli, The (Wells), 5:2445,
New York City, 1:443; 2:589
‘‘Neuron Doctrine, Theory and Facts, 2458
New York Herald (newspaper), 2:783
The’’ (Golgi), 1:342 Newman, John Henry, 1:385;
New York Philharmonic, 3:1418
neurosis, 2:905, 907; 4:1904, 1906 3:1620–1621; 4:1918
New York Tribune (newspaper),
Neurotic Constitution, Dublin Catholic institutions and,
The (A. Adler), 1:9 2:693; 3:1621
New York World’s Fairs (1939, 1964),
Neuschwanstein (Louis II castle), Leo XIII and, 3:1330
3:1383, 1384; 4:2030 Manning and, 3:1440 New Zealand, 3:1621–1625; 5:2411,
neutrality New Market (Vienna), 5:2417 2504
Belgium and, 1:199, 205; New Moral World, The (Owenite
British settlement colonies in, 3:1115
2:566–567, 662 journal), 5:2396
colonial trade and, 2:505
Continental System and, 1:52 New Mosque (Istanbul), 3:1189
‘‘New Museum idea,’’ 3:1564 immigrants in, 1:351; 2:504, 646
Hamburg and, 2:1038
New Organization of the People, A indigenous population and, 2:604
international law and, 3:1174, 1175
(Lovett and Collins), 3:1391 New Zealand (British battle cruiser),
Italy and, 3:1202–1203 3:1611
New Orleans, Degas painting of, 2:634
Red Cross and, 3:1175 Ney, Michel, 2:903; 3:1321; 4:2044;
New Path (journal), 4:1864
Switzerland and, 4:2289, 2291 New Poems (Arnold), 1:102 5:2442, 2443
United States and, 5:2438–2439 New Poor Law of 1834 (Britain), Neyman, Jerzy, 4:2249
Neuzil, Valerie (‘‘Wally’’), 4:2089, 1:211; 4:1819, 1820, Nguni chiefdoms, 1:17
2090 1848–1849, 1853, 1854; 5:2322, Nguyen Anh, 3:1137
Neva River, 4:2076, 2078 2450, 2454, 2462 Nian Rebellion (1853–1868), 1:434
Neville-Rolfe, Sybil, 2:770 Dickens critique of, 4:1820 Nibelungenlied, Das (German epic),
Nevsky Prospect (St. Petersburg), New Principles of Political Economy 4:2095
4:2078 (Sismondi), 4:2186 Niboyet, Eugénie, 2:650; 3:1288;
New Arabian Nights (Stevenson), New Right (France), 1:281, 282; 4:2279
4:2255 2:539–540 Nice, 1:392; 2:534; 3:1198, 1592;
New Artists’ Association of Munich, Action Française and, 1:4–6; 2:542 4:1785, 2000, 2125; 5:2328
3:1245 day-trips to, 4:1824
Dreyfus affair and, 2:685–686, 857,
New Brunswick, 1:342
858 tourist population of, 1:288
New Caledonia, 2:780–781; 3:1497
Maurras and, 2:858; 3:1476 Nicholas I, emperor of Russia, 1:39,
Newcastle, 1:485
Third French Republic and, 2:857, 493; 2:606, 819; 3:1625–1626;
Newcomb, Simon, 4:2114–2115
858, 859 4:2050–2051, 2052, 2094, 2152
Newcomen, Thomas, 4:2108
News from Nowhere (Morris), 3:1551; Alexander II and, 1:38
Newcomen steam engine, 3:1152
New Connexion, 4:2082 4:2205 anti-Semitism and, 3:1233
New Current (Latvia), 2:822 New South Wales, 1:133, 134, 135 bureaucracy and, 1:323
New Departure (Parnell program), convict colony in, 2:505 counterrevolution and, 2:566, 1081;
3:1181; 4:1741 exploration of, 2:781 3:1625, 1626
Newfoundland, 1:344 New Zealand and, 1622 Crimean War and, 2:577, 579;
New France. See Quebec newspapers. See press and newspapers 3:1626
New German School (composition), New Statesman (Fabian journal), cultural nationalism of, 1:400
1:295 2:788; 5:2445 Czartoryski and, 2:603–604
New Grub Street (Gissing), 2:975; New Testament, 4:1770, 2182 Decembrists and, 4:2050, 2236
4:1871 New Times (Russian daily), 1:423 Glinka opera dedicated to,
New Guardhouse (Berlin), 4:2092 Newton, Isaac, 1:212; 2:740, 986; 2:979–980
New Harmony community (Indiana), 3:1250, 1312; 4:1800, 1907,
Greek revolution and, 4:1982
3:1692–1693, 1693; 2027
Hungarian nationalism and, 3:1268
4:2200–2201; 5:2397 Mach critique of, 3:1408, 1409
Metternich and, 3:1494
New Héloı̈se (Rousseau), 2:942 Newtonian mechanics, 4:1779
New View of Society, A (Owen), Münchengrätz Treaty and, 3:1560
‘‘New Journalism,’’ 4:1870–1871,
1872 3:1692; 4:2200 Poland and, 4:1808, 1817–1818
New Justine, The (Sade), 4:2074 New Woman, 1:485 Pushkin and, 4:1919, 1920
New Kingdom, The (Strindberg), challenge to gender roles by, Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1984
4:2268 2:947, 948 Revolutions of 1848 and, 3:1626

2712 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

St. Petersburg and, 4:2077, 2078 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 3:1509, 1535, Gaskell friendship with, 2:934
Turkestan colonization and, 1:397 1628–1636, 1630 myth of, 2:579
Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, as Adler (Alfred) influence, 1:9 nursing and, 1:278; 2:579;
5:2391–2392 as Adler (Victor) influence, 1:10 3:1637–1638, 1649, 1650
warfare and, 3:1625–1627 Andreas-Salomé and, 1:63–64 Sevastopol and, 1:244
Nicholas II, emperor of Russia, as avant-garde influence, 1:154 Strachey biography of, 4:2259
3:1626–1628, 1627; 4:2049, as Berdyayev influence, 1:212 ‘‘Nightingale, The’’ (Coleridge),
2054, 2055 on Bizet vs. Wagner, 3:1675 1:496
abdication of, 3:1626, 1660 as Burckhardt disciple, 1:320 ‘‘Nightingale Garden’’ (Blok), 1:250
Alexander III and, 1:40 as D’Annunzio influence, 2:609 Nightingale Training School for
Alexandra as wife of, 1:41, 42; degeneration and, 2:638, 816 Nurses, 3:1638
3:1627, 1627 Night in Venice, A (J. Strauss), 4:2261;
fin de siécle pessimism of, 2:815
alliance system and, 1:49 5:2405
as futurist influence, 2:921 Nightmare, The (Füssli), 4:1703
anti-Semitism and, 1:76, 77; 4:1803 as Generation of 1898 influence, nihilists, 3:1638–1642, 1641; 5:2365
Armenian policy of, 1:89 2:950 intelligentsia and, 3:1170
authoritarianism of, 2:862; 3:1627, Hellenism and, 3:1632; 4:1770 Nijinsky, Kyra, 3:1643
1628 Hölderlin as precursor of, 2:1079 Nijinsky, Vaslav, 2:655; 3:1642,
caricature of, 4:2058 as Jung influence, 3:1238 1642–1644, 1643; 4:1876, 1945
constitution and, 3:1293 as Kafka influence, 3:1243 Nijinsky, clown de Dieu (ballet), 3:1643
Cossacks and, 2:563 as Lasker-Schüler influence, 3:1309 Nikisch, Arthur, 2:654; 3:1418
Finland and, 2:821, 822 legacy of, 3:1635–1636 Nile, Battle of the (1798), 2:731
Hague conference and, 2:1034 Leopardi appreciation by, 3:1334 Nile Delta, 1:18
imperialism and, 1:435 Nile River, 1:407
as Mahler influence, 3:1418
Moscow and, 3:1555 French-British spheres of influence
as Mann influence, 3:1436
October Manifesto of, 3:1328, 1554, and, 2:795
morality system of, 3:1631–1633
1659 Kitchener expedition and, 3:1258,
as Musil influence, 3:1574
Octobrists and, 3:1659, 1660 1668
nihilism and, 3:1641 search for source of, 2:782, 783
Polish nationalists and, 4:1812 Rank and, 4:1938
Revolution of 1905 and, 2:823; Nin, Anaı̈s, 4:1939
Russian symbolists and, 4:2181 1914 (Brooke), 4:1826
3:1293, 1328, 1627–1628;
Schelling and, 4:2089 Ninety-Three (Hugo), 2:1095
4:1975, 1978, 1979, 2055, 2057
Schopenhauer as influence on, Ningbo, 3:1679
Russian Orthodox Church and,
4:2104, 2106 Ninth Symphony (Beethoven), 1:196,
secularism and, 4:2133 197; 3:1260, 1571; 5:2418
St. Petersburg and, 4:2079
Stirner and, 5:2513 Ninth Symphony (From the New
Siberia and, 4:2172 World) (Dvořák), 2:701
superman ideal of, 3:1629,
Stolypin and, 4:2256 Ninth Symphony (Mahler), 3:1419
1633–1635, 1636
Victoria’s family relationship with, nitrates, 3:1160, 1164; 4:2109
as symbolist influence, 3:1529
5:2415, 2415 nitrogen fertilizers, 3:1160, 1164
Wagner viewed by, 3:1635, 1675;
Witte and, 4:1978, 2055; 5:2479 Nitroglycerin AB, 3:1644
Nicholas I, king of Montenegro, Nitti, Francesco, 2:972
3:1540, 1541 Yeats and, 5:2510
nizam-i cedid, 3:1683
Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens), 1:300; Nieuwe Gids (Dutch review), 3:1619
Nizan, Paul, 3:1169
2:656 Niftrik, J. G. van, 1:54 Nizip, Battle of (1839), 3:1421
Nicholas Nikolayevich, grand duke of Nigeria, 1:223 N. M. Rothschild & Sons, 4:2041
Russia, 1:42, 90; 4:2068 British control of, 1:20, 21, 22 Noailles, Adrienne de, 3:1299
Nichols, A. B., 1:302 colonial government in, 2:508 Noailles Dragoons, 3:1299
Nicholson, William, 4:2114 exploration of, 2:782, 783 Nobel, Alfred, 3:1160, 1644–1645;
Nicht-Ordinarien, 5:2383 slave trade and, 1:13 4:1697, 2286
nickelodeons, 2:551 Niger River, 1:14–15, 20, 220, 222; Suttner and, 4:2281, 2282
nicotine, 5:2314 2:782 Nobel, Emil, 3:1644
Niemann, Albert, 2:687 internationalized navigation of, Nobel, Ludwig, 3:1644, 1645
Niépce, Isidore, 2:606 3:1173 Nobel Foundation, 3:1645
Niépce, Joseph-Nicéphore, 1:440; Nigger of the Narcissus, The (Conrad), Nobel laureates, 1:54
2:605, 606; 4:1770 2:535 first (1901), 3:1645
Nies, Francis Xavier, 1:292 Nightingale, Florence, 3:1636–1638, Nobel Peace Prize, 4:1697, 1698,
Nietzsche, Elisabeth, 1:64 1637 1950, 2065, 2100

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2713

Belgian winners of, 1:205 degeneration theory and, 2:638, 639, Northern Union of Russian Workers,
Briand and, 2:643 816 3:1288
Buisson and, 2:812 Nordenholz, Anastasius, 2:770 North German Confederation, 1:148;
Norderney, 4:2124 2:965
Roosevelt and, 4:1837, 2065
Nord railway company, 5:2349 Bismarck establishment of, 1:236;
Suttner and, 4:2282
Norfolk four-course rotation, 1:26 2:964; 4:1902
Nobel prize for chemistry, 2:652, 653
Norma (Bellini), 3:1671 Franco-Prussian War and, 2:868–870
Curie and, 2:596
Normandy, 1:288; 2:800 monetary union and, 1:171
Nobel prize for literature
Norodom, king of Cambodia, 3:1141, Polish territory and, 4:1809
Benavente and, 2:951
1142 sodomy law and, 2:1083
Bergson and, 1:213 Norte Station (Madrid), 3:1413 North of England Council for the
Carducci and, 1:362 North, Douglass, 5:2334 Higher Education of Women,
Kipling and, 3:1257 North, Frederick (Lord North), 2:839 1:331
Mann and, 3:1436 North Africa, 1:18–19 North Pole, 2:783
Mommsen and, 3:1533 Anglo-French agreement on, 3:1118, North Sea, 2:553, 648
Reymont and, 4:1756 1549 North Sea Channel, 1:53
Rolland and, 4:2016 Britain and, 3:1482 North Sea system (migration), 3:1110
Strindberg and, 4:2269 Delacroix and, 2:641 North Wales (Turner), 5:2367
Nobel prize for medicine exploration of, 2:784 Norton, Caroline, 3:1645–1646
Cajal and, 1:342 French imperialism in, 2:812; Norton, George, 3:1645, 1646
3:1115, 1116, 1122, 1482, 1548, Norway
Golgi and, 1:341, 342
1549 folk culture of in, 4:1756
Koch and, 3:1264
Italian imperialism in, 1:7–8; 2:527; Ibsen and, 3:1107–1109
Pavlov and, 4:1748, 1908
Nobel prize for physics, 2:653; 3:1116, 1200, 1202, 1546 Munch and, 3:1558–1560
4:2012, 2113 Moroccan Crises and, 1:49; 2:527, peasant enfranchisement in, 4:1755
Curies and Becquerel and, 2:595 663, 795; 3:1545–1546 popular culture in, 4:1821
Einstein and, 2:740 Ottoman losses in, 3:1420 Protestant temperance society and,
Marconi and, 3:1445 slave trade and, 1:15 4:1896
Planck and, 4:1799 See also Algeria; Egypt; Morocco; See also Sweden and Norway
Tunisia Norwegian Theatre (Bergen), 3:1107
Roentgen and, 4:2012
North America ‘‘Nose, The’’ (Gogol), 2:988
British-French clashes in, 3:1115 Noske, Gustav, 3:1356
aristocracy vs., 1:78, 80
British losses in, 1:498; 2:1000 Nostromo (Conrad), 2:536
See also aristocracy Notarbartolo, Emanuele, 3:1417
‘‘noble savage’’ concept. See British penal colonies in, 2:779–780
Notes d’un musicien en voyage
primitivism British settlement colonies in, 2:505,
(Offenbach), 3:1661
Nocturnes (Satie), 4:2087 710; 3:1115
Notes from the Underground
Nodier, Charles, 2:605 British settler population in,
(Dostoyevsky), 2:590, 678
Noe, Amadee Charles Henri de, 1:343–344
Notes on Nursing (Nightingale),
3:1127 colonial trade and, 3:1154 3:1638, 1649
no-fault divorce, 4:1962 immigrants to, 3:1112–1113, 1114, Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris), 2:737;
Nogi, Maresuke, 3:1557; 4:2065 1119 4:1730, 2030; 5:2422, 2423, 2424
Nolde, Emil, 1:154, 155 Napoleonic Law in, 3:1596 Notre-Dame de Paris (Hugo), 2:1093
Nollet, Jean-Antoine, 3:1384 women immigrants to, 3:1114 Notre-Dame-des Champs gallery
Nolte, Ernst, 2:685–686 See also Canada; Mexico; United (Paris), 2:590
noncommissioned officers, 1:97 States Notre patrie (Péguy), 4:1760
Nonconformist, The (British radical North American College (Rome), Nottinghamshire Luddite rebellion,
newspaper), 4:2233 4:1797 3:1391, 1392, 1410
Nonconformists (British Protestants), Northampton (Turner), 5:2367 Noucentisme (Ors), 4:2232
1:418; 2:558, 1002, 1006; North and South (Gaskell), 2:934 Nouveau christianisme, Le (Saint-
4:1896 Northanger Abbey (Austen), 1:130, 131 Simon), 4:2081
Wales and, 1:1006; 5:2433, 2434 Northcliffe, Lord (Alfred Charles Nouveau monde industriel et sociétaire,
Nonell y Monturiol, Isidro, 4:1781 William Harmsworth), 1:30; Le (Fourier), 4:2202
non expedit policy, 4:2024–2025 4:1871 Nouveau Paris, Le (Mercier), 4:1728
Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 (U.S), Northern Ireland. See Ulster Nouveau principes d’économie politique
5:2439 Northern Star (Chartist newspaper), (Sismondi), 4:2186
Nordau, Max, 2:632, 769; 1:415, 416, 417, 418; 3:1286, Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires
5:2464–2465, 2520, 2521 1658 (Baudelaire), 1:188

2714 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Nouvelles méditations poétiques women as, 2:945; 3:1637–1638, obstetrics, 2:644

(Lamartine), 3:1303 1648–1650; 4:1881 O’Casey, Sean, 2:691
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), Nussey, Ellen, 1:301 occult, 4:2294, 2295; 5:2509, 2510
2:912, 1078; 3:1647–1648; Nutcracker Suite, The (Tchaikovsky), See also spiritualism
4:2095 5:2307 oceanic exploration, 3:1653–1654
Fichte as influence on, 2:814 nutrition. See diet and nutrition Ochs, Peter, 4:2187, 2188
Restoration and, 4:1968 NUWC. See National Union of the O’Connell, Daniel, 2:691, 1003;
Schelling and, 4:2088 Working Classes 3:1177, 1654–1657, 1655
secularization viewed by, 4:2133 Nyamwezi (people), 1:16, 17 O’Connor and, 3:1657
Novara, Battle of (1849), 3:1196; Nyasaland, 2:783 Peel and, 4:1758
4:1786; 5:2409 Nye, John Vincent, 2:512 Wellington and, 5:2321
Nova Scotia, 1:343 William IV and, 5:2471
novels. See literature O’Connor, Arthur, 3:1657
November Uprising of 1830–1831 O’Connor, Daniel, 1:388
(Poland), 2:604, 959, 1081; O’Connor, Feargus, 2:1003; 3:1390,
3:1500, 1561, 1605, 1625; O 1391, 1657–1658
4:1808, 1810 Oath of the Horatii (David), 2:623, Chartism and, 1:415, 416–417;
Russian suppression of, 4:1818 624; 4:1702 3:1657–1658; 4:2277
Novices of Sais, The (Novalis), 3:1647 ‘‘Obelisk to the Fighters of Freedom’’ republicanism and, 4:1963
Novikov, Nikolai, 1:376–377; 3:1170, (Moscow), 4:2080 O’Connor, Roger, 3:1657
1552 Oberdan, Guglielmo, 5:2356 Octet for Strings (Mendelssohn), 3:1578
Novine Dalmatinsko-Hervatsko- Oberlin, Johann Friedrich, 4:1896 Octet for Wind Instruments
Slavonske (Croatian newspaper), Obermann, Rodolfo, 4:2242 (Stravinsky), 4:2262
4:1861 Obersteiner, Heinrich, 2:686 October Diploma (1860), 2:627
Novi Pazar, 2:530, 705 Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio (Verdi), October Edict of 1807 (Prussia),
Novoe Vremya (Russian daily), 4:1868 3:1305; 4:2251
3:1672; 5:2406
Novomirsky (Daniil Kirilovsky), 1:60 October Manifesto of 1905 (Russia),
Objective Psychology (Bekhterev),
Novosiltsev, Nikolai, 1:38 3:1328, 1554, 1627, 1659;
Novy put (Russian journal), 1:212 4:1978, 1979, 2057, 2211
Oblat, L’ (Huysmans), 2:1104
Nozo, Michitsura, 3:1557
Oblate of Saint Benedict, The October Revolution of 1917 (Russia).
Nu bleu (Souvenir de Briska) (Matisse),
(Huysmans), 2:1104 See Revolution of 1917
Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1:384 Octobrists, 3:1658–1660; 4:2057,
nuclear family, 3:1451
Oblates of St. Charles, 3:1440 2058
nuclear physics, 4:2071
Oblomov (Goncharov), 2:989, 990 Kadets and, 3:1242, 1555, 1659
nuclear weapons, 2:740
Obradović, Dositej, 4:2143 Stolypin and, 4:2257
nucleus, 1:427
Nu de dos (Matisse), 3:1474 Obrenović, Alexander, 4:2146 odalise paintings (Matisse),
nudes Obrenović, Draga, 4:2146 3:1474–1475
Obrenović, Michael (Mihailo), Odalisque au fauteuil turc, L’
Degas paintings of, 2:634
4:2144–2145 (Matisse), 3:1474–1475
Doré paintings of, 2:677
Obrenović, Milan, 4:2145, 2146, Odalisque with Slave (Ingres), 3:1166,
Gauguin paintings of, 2:940, 941 2147 1167; 4:1706
Ingres paintings of, 3:1166–1167 Obrenović, Miloš, 3:1247–1248, Odd Women, The (Gissing), 2:975
Manet paintings of, 3:1432, 1432, 1683; 4:2142, 2144, 2145, 2148 Ode, Intimations of Immortality from
1433 Obrenović dynasty, 1:206, 242 Recollections of Early Childhood
pornographic images of, 4:1835 obreros conscientes, 5:2488 (Wordworth), 1:428
Nudes in Landscape (Cézanne), 1:399 O’Brien, James, 1:418 Odéon Métro stop (Paris), 2:610
Nugent, Jane, 1:327 O’Brien, William, 4:1741 Odéon theater (Paris), 1:229; 4:1727
Nuits d’Été (Berlioz), 1:225 Obrist, Hermann, 1:112 Ode on the Death of the Duke of
Numantius, Numa (pseud.), 2:1085 Obruchev, Nikolai N., 4:2067–2068, Wellington (Tennyson), 5:2309
nuns, as teachers, 2:721 2069 Odes et Ballades (Hugo), 2:1092
Nuremberg, 1:260; 2:1053 obscenity. See pornography Odessa, 1:243, 278
nurses, 3:1648–1651 Observations on Parliamentary Reform ‘‘Ode to Joy’’ (Schiller), 1:197
Crimean War and, 1:244, 278; 2:579 (Ricardo), 2:715 Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and,
Nightingale and, 3:1637–1638, Observations on the Effects of the 1:197; 3:1260
1649, 1650 Manufacturing System (Owen), ‘‘Ode to Liberty’’ (Shelley), 4:2031,
Red Cross and, 3:1650; 4:1948, 3:1692 2170
1949 ‘‘Obsessive Actions and Religious ‘‘Ode to the West Wind, The’’
secularization and, 1:411 Practices’’ (Freud), 2:907 (Shelley), 4:2170

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2715

Odi barbari (Carducci), 1:362 ‘‘Old-World Landowners’’ (Gogol), On the Basis of Morality
O’Donnell, Leopoldo, 4:2229, 2230 2:988 (Schopenhauer), 4:2104
Odyssey (Homer), 3:1165, 1675 O’Leary, John, 5:2509 ‘‘On the Basis of our Belief in Divine
Oedipus at Colonus (Sophocles), 3:1663 Olga, princess of Russia, 3:1627 Governance of the World’’
Oedipus complex, 4:1770, 1904 oligarchy, 1:457 (Fichte), 2:813
Oedipus Tyrannus (Sophocles; Oliveira de Martins, Joaquim Pedro, On the Conception of Aphasias (Freud),
Hölderlin translation), 2:1078 4:1840 2:904
Oeri, Jacob, 1:318 Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches On the Concept of Irony with Continual
Oersted, Hans, 2:741; 4:2109 (Carlyle), 1:371 Reference to Socrates
Oeuvre, L’ (Zola), 1:398 Oliver Twist (Dickens), 2:573, 575, (Kierkegaard), 3:1250
Oeuvres (Bergson), 1:213 656 On the Conservation of Force
Oeuvres (Gouges), 2:994 Cruikshank illustrations, 2:585 (Helmholtz), 2:1057
Offen, Karen, 2:801, 806 as New Poor Law critique, 4:1820, On the Constitution of the Church and
Offenbach, Jacques, 3:1414, 1848 State (Coleridge), 1:497
1660–1662, 1672 Olivier, Fernande, 4:1782, 1783–1784 On the Development of the Monistic
Manet and, 3:1432 Olivier, Sydney, 5:2444 Conception of History (Plekhanov),
Strauss (Johann) and, 4:2260–2261; Ollivier, Émile, 2:853–854 4:1801
5:2420 Olmstead, Alan, 5:2337 On the Eve (Turgenev), 5:2365
officer corps, 1:96, 97, 98, 99–100 Olmütz, Battle of (1805), 1:132 On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of
Official Nationality (Russian concept), Olmütz, Punctuation of (1850), Sufficient Reason (Schopenhauer),
3:1626; 4:2048 2:962; 4:1902 4:2103
Of Population (Godwin), 2:981 Olson, Mancur, 2:516 On the Freedom of the Will
Ogarev, Nikolai, 2:1064; 3:1613 Olsson, Ulf, 4:2269 (Schopenhauer), 4:2104
Ohlin, Bertil Gotthard, 2:752; 5:2334 Olympia (Manet), 2:940; 3:1432, ‘‘On the Fundamental Laws of the
Ohm, Georg Simon, 3:1162 1433; 4:1707–1708, 1954 State’’ (Speransky), 4:2236
oil industry, 1:88; 3:1161 Olympic Games, 3:1665–1668, 1666 On the Genealogy of Morals
Oken, Lorenz, 2:615 (Nietzsche), 3:1631
Athens and, 1:126; 3:1665, 1667, 1667
Okin, S. M., 3:1514 On the Inequality of Human Races
football (soccer) and, 2:834
Okinawa, 3:1211 (Gobineau), 1:403
Greece and, 4:2244
Oku, Yasutaka, 3:1557 On the Limits of State Action (W.
Olbrich, Joseph Maria, 1:112, 113, masculinity and, 3:1473 Humboldt), 2:1097
152; 3:1260, 1381 sites of, 4:2246; 5:2592 ‘‘On the Modern Element in
old age, 1:408; 3:1662–1665 Oman, Charles, 4:1766 Literature’’ (Arnold), 1:102
old-age insurance. See pensions Oman, sultan of, 1:16 ‘‘On the Necessity and Possibility of
Old Believers, 4:2062, 2257 Omani Empire, 1:16 New Principles in Philosophy’’
Old Calabar, 1:15 Omar Pasha, 1:244 (Kireyevsky), 4:2195
Old Catholic Church, 4:1723, 1798 Omdurman (1898), 2:734, 794; On the Origin of Species (Darwin),
Old Church Slavonic, 4:1716 3:1125, 1258, 1668–1669, 1669 2:613, 614, 615, 616–618, 637,
Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow Ömer Pasha Latas, 1:274; 3:1541 776, 777, 1031, 1102; 3:1302,
(Annan), 4:2119 omertà, 4:2174 1426, 1563; 4:1908, 2234, 2255
Old Confederation (Switzerland), ‘‘On Agitation’’ (Martov and Kremer), On the Penitentiary System in the
4:2288 3:1460 United States and Its Application
Old Curiosity Shop, the (Dickens), 2:656 Onatario, 1:345 to France (Tocqueville and
Old Czechs. See Young Czechs and On Crimes and Punishment (Beccaria), Bonninière), 5:2316
Old Czechs 3:1371; 5:2393 ‘‘On the Probable Futurity of the
Oldenburg, house of, 4:2287 ‘‘On Diligence in Several Learned Working Classes ‘‘ (H. T. Mill),
Old Etonians (football team), 2:831 Languages’’ (Herder), 2:1061 3:1509
old-folks homes, 5:2455 On Dramatic Art and Literature ‘‘On the Proper Sphere of
Old Guitarist, The (Picasso), 4:1781 (Schlegel), 4:2095 Government’’ (Spencer), 4:2233
Old Hegelians, 3:1464 O’Neill, Eugene, 4:2269 On the Sensation of Tone as a
Old Poor Law. See Poor Law On Germany (Staël), 4:2247 Physiological Basis for the Theory of
Old Regime and the Revolution, The On Heroes, Hero Worship, and the Music (Helmholtz), 2:1057
(Tocqueville), 3:1342; 5:2316, Heroic in History (Carlyle), 1:371 ‘‘On the Spiritual in Art’’ (Kandinsky),
2317–2318 On Kulikovo Field (Blok), 1:250; 2:774 3:1244, 1245
Old Serbia. See Serbia On Liberty (J. S. Mill), 2:1006; On the Turf Bench (Repin), 4:1956
Oldsmobiles (cars), 1:149 3:1509, 1513; 5:2394 ‘‘On the Uses and Disadvantages of
Old Town Square (Prague), 4:1858 ‘‘On Narcissism’’ (Freud), 2:907–908 History for Life’’ (Nietzsche),
Old World and the New, The (political On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured 3:1635
cartoon), 2:749 Despisers (Schleiermacher), 4:2097 Ontogenie (Jarry), 3:1213

2716 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny Wagner and, 1:191; 3:1360, Orange Party (Netherlands), 3:1616
(concept), 2:1031 1382–1383, 1435, 1567, 1571, Orangists (Belgium), 1:200
On Translating Homer (Arnold), 1674–1675; 4:2027; 5:2429, oratorios, 3:1568
1:103 2430–2431 orchestral works, 1:225; 2:631; 3:1568
On War (Clausewitz), 1:477, 478; opera buffa, 3:1670 See also symphony
3:1506 opéra comique, 3:1660–1661 orchestras, 3:1568
Opel (automobile manufacturer), Opéra-Comique (Paris), 3:1660, orchestration, 1:224
5:2352 1661, 1672, 1675 Order of Merit (Britain), 3:1638
open science, 4:2110–2111 Opera dei Congressi (Italy), 1:389; Orders in Council (Britain), 5:2438,
Open Window (Matisse(, 1:153 4:2025 2439
opera, 3:1566–1567, 1669–1678 Opera House (Budapest), 1:311 Orders in Council (Britain, 1807),
avant-garde and, 1:157–158 Oper am Gänsemarkt (Hamburg), 1:303
Barcelona and, 1:181 3:1673 Ordinary Story, An (Goncharov),
Beethoven and, 1:196; 3:1670 opera seria, 3:1670, 1673 2:989, 990
bel canto and, 3:1671 opere semiserie, 3:1670 Orel, Vitězslav, 3:1486
Berlin and, 1:219; 3:1673 operetta, 5:2421 Orenburg Cossacks, 2:562
Berlioz and, 1:225 Offenbach and, 3:1660–1662 Orfeó Català (Barcelona), 1:181
Strauss (Johann) and, 4:2260, 2261; Organic Articles of 1802, 2:529
cities and, 1:445
5:2420 organic chemistry, 1:425–427;
‘‘code Rossini’’ and, 3:1670, 1673
Operette (Leopardi), 3:1333 3:1159–1160; 4:2109
Debussy and, 2:631; 3:1675 Organic Chemistry in Its Applications
Donizetti’s influence on, Ophelia (Millais), 4:1864
to Agriculture and Physiology
3:1670–1671 opiates. See drugs
(Liebig), 3:1159–1160
Dvořák and, 2:701 Opie, John, 5:2480
organic intellectuals, 5:2484
Opinion des femmes, L’ (feminist
Egypt and, 2:732 Organic Statute of 1832 (Russia),
newspaper), 2:651
Eurasian set design and, 2:774 4:1808
Opinion nationale, L’ (French journal),
Freemasonry and, 2:881 Organisation du Travail, L’ (Blanc),
Glinka and, 2:979–980; 3:1673 1:247; 4:2203
opium, 2:686–687
grand opera genre and, Orianda Castle (Yalta), 4:2094
addiction to, 2:686–687
3:1671–1672, 1674 Oriel College (Oxford), 1:102
Beardsley and, 1:194 Orientales, Les (Hugo), 2:1092
Hofmannsthal libretti and, 2:1077
Berlioz and, 1:25 Oriental Institute, 5:2426
Jarry libretti and, 3:1214
Chinese ban on, 1:433, 434; 3:1678, Orientalism
Madrid and, 3:1414 1679 British Egyptian policy and, 2:734
Meyerhold stagings of, 3:1496 Coleridge addiction to, 1:496; 2:686 Chateaubriand and, 1:421
Milan’s La Scala and, 3:1502, 1504, Picasso and, 4:1782
1672; 5:2406 Delacroix and, 2:640
tea traded for, 1:495; 3:1678, 1679 hashish and, 2:687
Mussorgsky and, 3:1575–1576, Opium Wars, 1:292, 355, 434;
1673–1674 India and, 3:1407, 1511
2:1008; 3:1209, 1678–1680;
national operas and, 3:1673 as Matisse influence, 3:1474–1475
Offenbach and, 3:1660–1662 opium and, 2:687
atrocities and, 3:1125
opéra comique and, 3:1673 Russia and, 2:772, 773, 774–775
East India Company smuggling and,
public houses for, 3:1565–1566, Origenes du théâtre lyrique moderne,
2:687; 3:1678
1672, 1672 Les (Rolland), 4:2014
Nanking Treaty and, 3:1578–1579, original sin, 1:428
Puccini and, 4:1915–1917 1678 Original Stories from Real Life
Rimsky-Korsakov and, 4:1999–2000 Palmerston and, 4:1713 (Wollstonecraft), 5:2479
Rossini innovations and, 3:1572, Oppenheim, Lassa Francis Lawrence, Origin of Species (Darwin). See On the
1670–1671; 4:2038–2039, 2106, 3:1175 Origin of Species
2288 optics, 3:1478; 4:1743, 1780 Origin of the Family, Private Property,
Schoenberg and, 4:2103 optimism, 1:461 and the State, The (Engels), 2:756,
Schubert and, 4:2106 Malthusian rebuttal of, 3:1425, 1426 946; 3:1450; 4:2205
Singspiel and, 3:1673 utilitarianism and, 3:1510–1511 Orissa, 2:706
Smetana and, 4:1858 See also progress Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele, 2:972
Tchaikovsky and, 5:2307 Orange, House of, 4:2188, 2189 Orlando Furioso (Ariosto), 2:676
types of, 3:1670, 1671, 1673 Orange Free State, 1:17–18, 256, 257; Orléanists
Verdi and, 3:1572, 1672–1673, 4:2220, 2221, 2223 Action Française vs., 1:4
1676; 4:2039; 5:2405–2407 See also Boer War Blanc critique of, 1:247
verismo and, 3:1671, 1677 Orange Order (Ireland), 3:1176, 1184 Blanqui critique of, 1:248

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2717

bureaucracy and, 1:321 Osman Pasvan-Oglu, 4:2142 Crimean War and, 1:243–244, 278;
Napoleon III and, 2:852, 853 osmotic pressure, 2:652 2:577–580, 1007; 3:1686
Revolution of 1830 and, 2:566 Ospovat, Dov, 2:617 disintegration of, 2:598; 3:1691
Osservatore Romano (journal), 3:1331 Disraeli policy and, 2:674
Revolution of 1848 as end to, 2:567
Ostend, 4:2125
Third Republic and, 2:855 Eastern Crisis (1875–1878) and,
osteology, 2:986
See also Louis-Philippe 2:674, 703; 3:1687–1690
Ostrau-Karwina coal mines, 1:260
Orléans, duc de. See Louis-Philippe; Eastern Question and, 1:278; 2:526,
Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1:426;
Philippe Égalité 527, 1009; 3:1681, 1682,
2:595; 3:1409
Orléans, Louise-Marie d’, 3:1335, 1336 1687–1688; 4:2067; 5:2391
Osuna, duke and duchess of, 2:997
Orléans, Louis-Philippe Albert d’ Egypt and, 1:18; 2:525, 731–733;
Osvobozhdenie (Russian journal),
(1838–1894), 1:280, 407 3:1420–1421, 1613, 1686
3:1518; 4:1976, 2055, 2270
Orléans, Philippe d’, 2:994; 4:2073 Otechestvennye zapieskı́ (Russian Ethiopia and, 1:8
Orlov, A. F., 5:2391 journal), 1:208 European colonial encroachment on,
Orlov, Grigory, 1:375 Otello (Rossini), 3:1670, 1671; 4:2038 3:1174
‘‘Ornament and Crime’’ (Loos), 3:1381 Otello (Verdi), 3:1676; 5:2406 Greco-Turkish War and, 1:2; 2:1021,
O’Rourke, Kevin, 2:514; 3:1151; Otto I, king of Greece, 1:125; 1022; 3:1685
5:2336, 2338–2339, 2340, 2342 2:1020–1021; 5:2380 Greece and, 1:170; 2:525, 566, 577,
orphanages, 1:431 Otto, Louise, 1:66; 2:803, 804; 640, 732, 1002, 1018–1022;
Orphée aux enfers (Offenbach), 3:1660 3:1680–1681 3:1194, 1612–1613, 1685;
Orphism, 1:156 Otto, Nicolaus August, 3:1161 4:1981; 5:2327
orreries, 4:2112 Ottolenghi, Salvatore, 4:1816 Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:137,
Ors, Eugenio d’, 4:2232 Ottoman Committee of Union and 206; 3:1690
Orsini, Felice, 4:2003; 5:2410 Progress, 5:2515, 2516 Istanbul and, 3:1186–1190
Ørsted, Hans Christian, 2:649; Ottoman Empire, 3:1681–1692 Italy and, 3:1202; 4:2299
4:1779, 1780 Abdul-Hamid II and, 1:1–2 jadidism and, 3:1207
Ortega y Gasset, Ernst Cassirer, 1:320 Adrianople (Edirne) and, 1:12–13 Jaurès’s view of, 3:1217
Ortega y Gasset, José, 4:2232
Agadir Crisis and, 3:1546 Jews and, 5:2519
Orthodox Church
Albanian nationalism and, 1:32–34; Kossuth residence in, 3:1269
Albania and, 1:32
3:1690–1691 Mahmud II and, 3:1420–1421,
Austria-Hungary and, 1:138
Algeria and, 1:42–43 1685–1686
Balkans and, 3:1684–1685
alliance system and, 1:146 map of (1816–1878), 3:1688
Belgrade and, 1:206
Armenia and, 1:87, 89–92 Mediterranean and, 3:1481–1482
Bosnia and, 1:273, 275
Armenian genocide and, 1:2, 90, 92 millet system and, 3:1516–1517, 1687
Bulgaria and, 1:313; 3:1685, 1687
Athens and, 1:125–126 Montenegro and, 1:2; 3:1539, 1540,
Crimean War origins and, 1:244
Austrian-Russian treaty on, 1541
Greece and, 2:1018, 1019, 1020, 3:1560–1561 Morocco and, 3:1546
1021; 3:1494, 1612
Austrian war with, 3:1247; 4:2142 Münchengrätz convention on,
migration and, 3:1111
Balkan control by. See Eastern 3:1560–1561
Montenegro and, 3:1541 Question multiethnic languages and, 2:725
Ottoman Empire and, 3:1482, 1685, Balkan League and, 1:32; 3:1546 Navarino and, 3:1612–1613
Balkans as core of, 3:1682 North Africa and, 1:18–19
Poland and, 4:1807
See also Balkan Wars Orthodox Church and, 3:1685,
Serbia and, 3:1541
Belgrade and, 1:206 1687
See also Greek Orthodox Church;
as Berlin Conference participant, 1:221 penal exile and, 2:779
Russian Orthodox Church
Black Sea and, 1:243–244; 3:1683 reforms and, 1:90, 274;
Ortiz, Fernando, 1:363
Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:2, 3:1187–1188, 1190, 1420, 1517,
Osborne, W. V., 3:1296
273–277; 2:703–704; 1683, 1685–1686, 1688–1690
Osbourne, Fanny, 4:2255
3:1687–1688 revolts against, 2:525; 3:1683
Osbourne, Lloyd, 4:2255
Oscar II, king of Sweden and Norway, Bosphorus and, 1:278 Romania and, 4:2016, 2017
4:2287 British slave-trade ban, 1:308 Romanies and, 4:2021
O’Shea, Kitty (Katharine), Bulgaria and, 1:312, 313 Russia and, 5:2391–2392
3:1181–1182; 4:1741, 1742 Bulgarian Atrocities and, 2:977, 1009 See also Russo-Turkish War
O’Shea, William Henry, 4:1741, 1742 Congress of Berlin and, 1:12; 2:529, Russian expansionism and, 1:243,
Oslo. See Christiana 530–531, 705 278, 376; 2:662; 3:1494, 1560,
Osman Nuri Pasha, 4:2068 constitutional movement in, 3:1188, 1561, 1625; 4:2086, 2164;
Osman Pasha Topal, 1:274–275 1688–1690; 5:2514–2515 5:2391–2392

2718 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Russian wars with. See Russo- Outline of Psychoanalysis, An (Freud), Wilde and, 5:2464
Turkish War 2:909 women students and, 2:945
San Stefano Treaty, 4:2068, 2069, Outlines of a Critique of Political Oxford University Museum, 4:2030,
2085–2086 Economy (Engels), 2:754 2046
Selim III and, 3:1683 Outlines of a Critique of Previous oxygen, 3:1312
Ethical Theory (Schleiermacher), Oyama, Iwao, 3:1557; 4:2065
Serbia and, 1:242; 2:703; 3:1247,
4:2097 Ozanam, Frédéric, 1:383, 388
1541; 4:2141–2146, 2148, 2149
Outlines of American Political Economy
Spain and, 5:2361
(List), 3:1357
Suez Canal and, 4:2274–2275, 2276 outwork
Tanzimat reforms of, 1:90, 274; clothing manufacturing and,
3:1188, 1190, 1517, 1686 4:2159–2160 n
tobacco and, 5:2313 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1988,
trade and, 5:2337 P
1990, 1991
Treaty of Unkiar-Skelessi and, Silesian weaver uprising and, 4:1990 Pacific islanders, 4:1874–1875
5:2391 See also factories Pacific Ocean, 2:577; 3:1116, 1338
Tunisia and, 5:2361–2362 Overbeck, Johann Frederich, 1:317 See also South Pacific
universities and, 5:2380 ‘‘Overcoat, The’’ (Gogol), 2:988 pacifism, 4:1695–1698, 1696
Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, Ovid, 2:873 Augspurg and, 1:129
5:2391–2392 Owen, Richard, 2:618, 1102 feminism and, 1:129, 189
world’s fairs and, 5:2500 Owen, Robert, 1:337; 2:555, 803; First International and, 2:825
World War I and, 1:278; 2:705; 3:1692–1693 Hague conferences and,
4:2276 cooperative factory village of, 2:1034–1035
Young Turks and, 1:92, 163, 164, 2:1088; 3:1390 international law and, 3:1175
278; 3:1207, 1690–1691; socialism and, 4:2200–2201 Jaurès and, 3:1214, 1217–1219
5:2514–2516 Tristan and, 5:2357 Liebknecht and, 3:1356
Zionists and, 5:2521 utopian socialism and, 2:650; Malatesta and, 3:1425
Ottoman Freedom Society, 5:2515 3:1284, 1286, 1692–1693, 1693; Martov and, 3:1461
Ottomanism, 3:1690 4:2081; 5:2395, 2396–2397
Milyukov and, 3:1519
Ottoman Society, 4:1949 Owenites, 2:650; 3:1284;
Rolland and, 4:2015
Ottoman Union Committee, 5:2515 4:2200–2201; 5:2396–2397
Shaw and, 4:2167
Otto of Wittelsbach. See Otto I gender equality and, 3:1288
Oxford Book of English Verse (Yeats, Suttner and, 4:2282
Ouad Ras, Treaty of (1860),
3:1548–1549 ed.), 4:1746 Tolstoy and, 5:2319, 2320
Oudinot, Charles, 4:2034 Oxford Movement. See Tractarianism Pacifisme, Le (Faguet), 4:1697
Oudinot, Nicolas, 3:1320 Oxford Street (London), 3:1378 Pacini, Giovanni, 3:1671
Ourcq canal (Paris), 4:1729 Oxford University, 3:1377; 4:2240, Packe, Michael St. John, 3:1514
Our Differences (Plekhanov), 4:1801 2241; 5:2379, 2385, 2387 Paddington railway station (London),
Our Lady of Czestochowa, 4:1790 Anglican Church and, 4:1895; 2:590
Our Lady of Fatima (Portugal), 5:2384 Paer, Ferdinando, 3:1670; 4:2038
4:1788 Arnold and, 1:102 Paganini, Achille, 4:1699
Our Lady of Kazan Cathedral (St. class and, 2:728; 3:1512 Paganini, Niccolò, 3:1360, 1566;
Petersburg), 4:2077, 2078 4:1698–1700, 1699
Curzon as chancellor of, 2:597
Our Motion Is Carried! (lithograph), Berlioz friendship with, 1:225
Gladstone and, 2:976
4:1992 Romanticism and, 4:2031
history teaching at, 2:1073, 1074
Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 2:657 Pagliacci, I (Leoncavallo), 3:1676
law education and, 2:726
Oust-Eclair (French Catholic Pagon, Georgios, 4:2242
liberalized admissions to, 2:1008 Pahlen, Konstantin von, 2:819
newspaper), 1:389
Lyell and, 3:1401 Pahlen, Peter von, 4:1748
Outcast of the Islands, An (Conrad),
2:535 Methodism and, 4:1895 Paine, Thomas, 1:244, 415, 489;
outdoor relief, 4:2119; 5:2454, 2462 Morris and, 3:1550 2:1000; 4:1700–1701
Outlaw Period (Germany, Newman and, 3:1620 on Athenian democracy, 4:1770
1878–1890), 1:194 Pater and, 4:1745–1746 sister republics and, 4:2187
Outline of Distinctive Character of the Peel and, 4:1757 virtue concept and, 4:1958
Wissenschaftslehre with Respect to Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1707, Wollstonecraft and, 5:2480
the Theorectical Faculty (Fichte), 1865 Painter of Modern Life, The
2:813 Rhodes Scholarships and, 4:1997 (Baudelaire), 1:188; 3:1128,
Outline of History, The (Wells), 5:2459 Ruskin and, 4:2047 1529, 1543; 4:1708

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2719

Painter’s Studio, The (Courbet), Kandinsky and, 3:1243–1246; Turner and, 4:1703–1705, 2027,
4:1706–1707 4:2077 2029, 2046; 5:2366–2368
painting, 4:1701–1711 Klimt and, 3:1260–1262 Van Gogh and, 5:2399–2401
abstract art and, 1:155, 398, 399; of landscapes. See landscape painting Venice and, 5:2403, 2404, 2405
3:1132, 1243–1246, 1261 Liebermann and, 3:1353–1355 Vienna and, 5:2420, 2421
abstract expressionism and, 3:1133 Manet and, 3:1431–1434; Wanderers and, 4:1956–1957
art historians and, 1:315 4:1707–1708 World of Art group and, 4:2181
art nouveau and, 1:107, 152–153; Matisse, 3:1473–1475 world’s fairs and, 5:2496, 2505
Menzel and, 3:1488–1490 Paisley, 4:2119
avant-garde and, 1:153, 154–158; Pakenham, Edward, 5:2441
Millet and, 3:1515–1516; 4:1757
4:1701, 1706–1711
modernism and, 1:397, 398–399; Pakistan, 3:1134
Barbizon school and, 1:176–180; Pakozd, Battle of (1848), 3:1220
3:1529, 1530–1531; 4:1709–1711
3:1126 Palace of Industry (Paris), 5:2496,
Monet and, 3:1534–1537
Beardsley’s influence on, 1:192 2499
Morisot and, 3:1543–1545
Berlin museum collections and, Palace of Industry (Vienna), 5:2498
1:219 Munch and, 3:1558–1560
Palace of Justice (Brussels), 1:306
Blake and, 1:246 museums and, 3:1562
Palace of Justice (Rome), 4:2037
body and, 1:252, 254 naturalism, 4:1946
Palace of Westminster (London),
bourgeois collectors of, 1:287 outdoor, 3:1126; 4:1708, 1864, 1:186
Brussels and, 1:307 1948 Palacio de Cristal (Madrid), 3:1413,
Cézanne and, 1:397–399 Paris and, 4:1732 1413
of children, 1:428, 429 peasant subjects of, 4:1757 Palacký, František, 1:142, 261;
Constable and, 2:543–544; photography and, 4:1772, 1773 4:1711–1712, 1716, 1860;
4:1704–1705 Picasso and, 4:1781–1784, 1875, 5:2510, 2511
Corot and, 2:560–562 2232 Frankfurt Parliament and, 4:1860
Courbet and, 2:568–569; Pissarro and, 4:1792–1794 Prague monument to, 4:1858
4:1946–1947, 1956, 2133; plein-air, 4:1948 Prague Slav Congress and, 4:1861,
5:2496 pointillism and, 3:1132, 1133, 1244, 1862
cubism and, 1:156; 2:590–593; 1474; 4:1794, 2156; 5:2401 Palais Garnier (Paris), 3:1567
3:1530 portraiture, 4:1710, 2028 Palais Stoclet (Brussels), 1:112
Daguerre and, 2:605, 607 Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1863–1864 Palau, 2:967
Daumier and, 2:621, 622, 623 primitivism and, 4:1874–1875, 1874 Palau de la Música Catalana
David and, 2:623–625 realism and, 4:1946–1947 (Barcelona), 1:112, 181
Renoir and, 4:1708, 1709, Pale of Settlement (Russia), 3:1230,
Decadence and, 2:632–633, 940
1954–1956 1232, 1366
Degas and, 2:633–636; 4:1708,
Repin and, 1956–1958 Bund and, 1:314
Rodin and, 4:2008–2011 paleontology, 2:599, 1102
degeneration and, 2:638
Palermo, 3:1255; 4:2002, 2003,
Delacroix and, 2:640–642 Romanticism and, 2:640–642;
2035, 2174–2178
Denmark and, 2:647 4:2027–2030
mafia and, 3:1415–1417
Doré and, 2:676, 677–678 Rude and, 4:2031, 2043–2044
revolts in, 3:1196, 1255
expressionism and, 1:220, 220; Ruskin and, 4:2046
size of, 3:1254
4:2089, 2102, 2269; 5:2421 Russian Silver Age of, 4:2181
street vendor, 3:1196
fauvism and, 1:153, 154; 2:795–797 St. Petersburg and, 4:2076, 2077
Palestine, 2:577; 5:2330
‘‘feminine evil’’ fantasies in, 2:816 Schelling’s view of, 4:2031, 2088
Jewish-Arab claims to, 2:598
fin de siècle and, 2:815 Schiele and, 4:2089–2091; 5:2421
Kitchener in, 3:1257
Friedrich and, 2:910–912 Schinkel and, 4:2091–2092
Napoleon invasion of, 2:900
futurism and, 2:918–919, 919 of seascapes, 4:2027, 2029
Zionism and, 5:2518–2521
Gauguin and, 2:939 Secession movement and, 5:2421
Palffy, Aloys, 5:2403
Géricault and, 2:955–956; 4:1705 Seurat and, 4:2155–2158, 2292 Palizzi, Filippo, 4:1757
Goya and, 2:996–999; 4:2225, 2226 socialist realism and, 4:1958 Palizzolo, Raffaele, 3:1417
idealism and, 4:1947, 2104 Sweden and, 4:2286–2287 Palladino, Eusapia, 4:2239
impressionism and, 3:1126–1133; symbolism and, 2:939–941; Pallas Athene (Klimt), 1:112
4:1708–1709, 1732 3:1261–1262; 4:2292, Pall Mall (London), 1:185
Ingres and, 3:1165–1167 2292–2295, 2293–2294 Pall Mall Gazette, 1:332; 4:2253;
Japanese art influences on, 2:991; Tolstoy on, 5:2319 5:2464
3:1210 Toulouse-Lautrec and, 5:2323–2325 Palm, Etta, 4:1962

2720 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Palmer, Samuel, 1:246 Action Française condemned by, ultramontanism and, 1:382
Palmerston, Lord (Henry John 3:1477 Papal State, 2:539; 3:119;
Temple), 4:1712–1714 anticlericalism and, 1:68 4:1723–1726
Cobden’s critique of, 1:491 Carbonari banned by, 1:361 Austria and, 4:2000, 2001
Egyptian policy and, 2:732 Chateaubriand and, 1:421 Carbonari and, 1:360, 361; 4:2131
government of, 2:1007–1008 Concordat of 1801 and, 2:527–529; France and, 4:2001
Italian policy and, 2:977 4:1718 Garibaldi invasion of, 4:2004;
Münchengrätz Treaty and, 3:1561 conservatism and, 4:1718, 1719, 5:2411
Opium Wars and, 2:1008 1720, 1721, 1724 Napoleonic Empire and, 2:895;
on Schleswig-Holstein, 2:607 first radio broadcast of, 3:1445 3:1192, 1597, 1599; 4:1718,
Sepoy Mutiny and, 2:1008 Francis Joseph and, 2:863 1724
Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, 5:2392 Freemasonry banned by, 2:881 Pius IX and, 4:1794, 1795, 1796,
Victoria and, 5:2413 Index of Prohibited Books and, 1:5, 1797, 1990
palm oil, 1:14–15, 21 214 Restoration period and, 3:1195;
Palmyre, Mme., 1:481 Italian politics and, 2:972; 3:1199 4:1718, 1724, 1970
Palua Islands, 3:1279 as Kulturkampf target, 3:1277, 1278, Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1718,
Pamir mountains, 1:395 1279; 4:1720 1724, 1985
Pan-African conferences, 1:501 Leo XIII and, 3:1329–1333 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987,
Panama Canal, 3:1173; 4:2080, 2274 Maistre on, 3:1422 1994, 2002
Lesseps and, 3:1337, 1338 Napoleon and, 1:381, 420; Risorgimento (Italian unification)
Panama Canal Company, 3:1338; 2:527–529, 846; 3:1192, 1584, and, 1:382, 392; 3:1198, 1592,
4:1872 1586, 1587–1588, 1597, 1598; 1604; 4:1717, 1719
pandemics. See cholera 4:1718 Roman Question, 4:2024–2026
Pan-Germanism, 1:457 Pius IX and, 4:1794–1798 Roman Republic and, 4:2188
Pan-German League, 1:404; 2:967 political Catholicism and, 1:389 Rome and, 4:2033–2034
Panhard et Levassor, 1:148; 5:2352 See also papacy
Restoration and, 1:387; 4:1968
Pankhurst, Emmeline, Christabel, and Papal University of the Sapienza,
Risorgimento (Italian unification)
Sylvia, 2:798, 805, 1044; 4:2024
and, 1:380, 382, 392, 393;
4:1714–1716, 1715, 2162, 2280 papermaking, 2:792
3:1195–1196, 1199, 1480, 1604;
Pankhurst, Richard, 4:1714, 1715 Pappe, H. O., 3:1514
panlogism, 4:2195 Pappenheim, Bertha (‘‘Anna O.’’),
Roman Question and, 4:2024–2026
‘‘Panmongolism’’ (Soloviev), 4:2216, 2:904, 905; 4:1904
2217 Rome and, 4:2033–2035, 2037
state alliances with, 1:380–381, 387 Pappenheim, Marie, 4:2102
Panopticon (Bentham prison Parade (Satie), 4:2087
blueprint), 1:211; 5:2393 ultramontanism and, 1:381–384,
Parade, La (Seurat), 4:2157
Pan-Slav Congress (1848). See Prague 388; 4:1721, 1722
Paradis artificiels, Les (Baudelaire
Slav Congress See also papal infallibility; Papal State;
translation), 1:188; 2:687
Pan-Slavism, 4:1716–1717, 2067; specific popes by name
Paradise Gate (Ghiberti), 4:2008
5:2460, 2478, 2520 Papadiamantopoulos, Yannis. See
Paradise Lost (Milton), 1:246
Abdul-Hamid II and, 1:2 Moréas, Jean
papal infallibility, 1:387, 388; Chateaubriand translation of, 1:419,
Bakunin and, 1:162 420, 421
Balkan Wars and, 2:704 Doré illustrations of, 2:676
Acton’s opposition to, 1:6; 4:1722
Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 2:773 Füssli paintings and, 4:1703
Bismarck’s reaction to, 2:966
Ottoman Empires and, 3:1688 Parasha (Turgenev), 5:2365
Brentano’s opposition to, 1:298
Slavophiles and, 4:2196 Parc de Montsouris (Paris), 4:1739
Döllinger’s opposition to, 4:1722
See also Prague Slav Congress Parc des Buttes-Chaumont (Paris),
Pan Tadeuz (Mickiewicz), 3:1500 Francis Joseph and, 2:864 4:1739
Pantagruel (Rabelais), 3:1214 Kulturkampf as reaction to, 3:1277, Parc Monceau (Paris), 4:1732, 1739
pantheism, 2:1032 1278; 4:1723 Pardo Bazán, Emilia, 2:952; 4:2229
Panthéon (Paris), 2:596, 1095 Maistre’s defense of, 3:1422 Parent-Duchâtelet, Alexandre-Jean-
Panthéon Nadar, 3:1577 Manning’s defense of, 3:1441 Baptiste, 4:1884, 2301
Panther (German gunboat), 3:1546, opponents of, 4:1722–1723 parents. See childhood and children;
1549 Pius IX and, 1:382; 4:1719, 1723, marriage and family; motherhood
Paoli, Pasquale, 3:1583–1584 1795, 1798 Parents pauvres, Les (Balzac), 1:169
Paolo & Francesca (Doré), 2:677 Protestant concerns about, Parerga and Paralipomena
Papa, D., 3:1502 4:1895–1896 (Schopenhauer), 4:2104
papacy, 1:380–381; 4:1717–1721 secularization and, 4:2134; 5:21 Pareto, Vilfredo, 4:2215

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2721

Paria, Le (Vietnamese newspaper), electric power in, 2:742 museums in, 1:228; 3:1562–1563;
3:1144 as fashion center, 1:481–483 4:1825
Parieu, Esqioropi de, 3:1539 Ferry as mayor of, 2:810 music in, 3:1566, 1567
Bloody Week (1871) in, See also Paris as financial center, 1:170, 174, Napoleon I and, 4:1729
Commune 175, 176 Napoleonic memorials in, 1:270
Paris, 4:1726–1733
fin de siècle mood of, 2:815 Napoleonic Wars and, 2:903
absinthe and, 1:2–4
flâneur and, 2:825–827 Napoleon’s return and, 2:1098
advertising and, 2:550
football (soccer) in, 2:834 Notre-Dame Cathedral, 2:737;
aerial photograph of, 4:1773 4:1730, 2030; 5:2422, 2423,
fortification of, 4:1734
Algerian immigrants in, 1:45–46 2424
foundling homes, 5:2453
amusement park, 4:1825 Offenbach in, 3:1660–1662
Franco-Prussian War and,
anti-Semitism and, 2:816, 1068 4:1734–1735 Olympic Games and, 3:1667;
Arc de Triomphe, 2:737; 4:1729, See also subhead siege of 4:2246; 5:2502
2043, 2044 opera in, 3:1567, 1572, 1670,
French Revolution and, 2:842,
as art center, 4:1701 843–844, 886, 887, 890, 891; 1671–1672, 1673
artisans in, 1:103, 104 4:1727–1729 parks in, 2:1049; 4:1731, 1738,
art nouveau in, 1:109–110; 2:815 French Revolution mob violence in, 1739–1740
Atget’s photographs of, 1:123–125, 2:799, 845; 4:1728 photography and, 4:1772
124 Goncourt descriptive Journal on, Picasso in, 4:1781, 1782–1784
avant-garde and, 1:153–154 2:991 Pissarro in, 4:1792–1793
Avenue de l’Opera, 2:1048, 1050 growth of, 1:443 police system in, 2:837; 4:1813,
barricades in, 2:1047, 1048; 4:1731, hashish smoking in, 2:687 1814, 1816, 1817
1735, 1736 hatters strike in, 3:1284 population of, 1:446; 2:1087;
Bastille site and, 4:1728, 1729 Haussmann-amassed debt of, 4:1731 4:1727, 1728, 1729, 1732, 1733
Bloody Week (1871) in, 3:1289; Haussmann’s reconstruction of. See posters and, 4:1845
4:1736 under Haussmann, Georges primitivism and, 4:1875–1876
See also Paris Commune Eugène prostitution in, 4:1884, 1885
bohemian life in, 3:1577–1578 Heine in, 2:1055–1056 Prussian takeover of, 2:869
bourgeois culture and, 1:287, 445 Herzl as correspondent in, 2:1068 public health and, 4:1729, 1731,
bourgeois elite in, 1:472 homosexual subculture in, 2:1083 1732–1733, 1910
bourgeoisie in, 1:283, 287, 445, impressionist paintings of, 4:1732, radical press in, 4:1870
472; 4:1728, 1739 1739, 1792, 1793, 1794 railroads and, 4:1932, 1936
bridges in, 4:1729, 1730 insurrection of 1793 and, 2:974 Reign of Terror and, 4:1728, 1951
cabarets in, 1:335 insurrection of 1871 and. See Paris restaurants in, 4:1964–1967
canals in, 5:2348 Commune revolutionary tradition of, 4:1733
Catholicism in, 1:380 international expositions in, 1:108, Revolution of 1830 and, 1:413;
Cézanne in, 1:397, 398 110, 111, 113, 282, 351 4:1733
child abandonment in, 5:2455 Jewish quarter, 3:1228 Revolution of 1848 and, 2:849;
cholera epidemic in, 1:437, 438; July Days (1830), 4:1982, 1983 4:1733, 1899, 1946, 1990, 1993,
2:765; 4:1729 June Days (1848), 4:1993 1995
cholera riots in, 2:669 Kandinsky in, 3:1246 Rothschilds and, 4:2040, 2041
Chopins circle in, 1:439 Kropotkin in, 3:1272 Russian émigrés in, 3:1518, 1519
church building in, 4:1826 Left Bank of, 4:1731 Russian opera in, 2:654–655
consumerism in, 2:548 lesbian subculture in, 2:1084 September Massacres of 1792 and,
crime sensation and, 2:575 Loos architectural projects in, 1382 2:563, 799, 891, 973; 4:2006
cubist group in, 2:590–591 Louis-Napoleon’s coup and, 3:1591 sewer system of, 2:1049; 4:1731,
Czartoryski as emigré in, 2:604 Manet and, 3:1431–1433 1774
Daumier caricatures and, 2:621 markets in, 2:1049; 3:1449 siege of (1870–1871), 2:810, 855,
Degas and, 2:633–636 Menzel in, 3:1489–1490 868, 870; 4:1734
demography and, 4:1727–1728 Métro entrance design, 1:109–110; slum demolition in, 2:1088; 4:1733
department stores in, 1:288–289, 2:815, 1027, 1028; 4:1732 sports in, 4:2244
445, 484; 2:548, 550 migration and, 3:1111, 1113 street plan of, 1:451–452;
Doré’s Dumas monument in, 2:677 monarchy and, 4:1726–1727 2:1047–1049, 1047, 1050, 1087;
Eiffel Tower, 2:736–738; 4:1731; Monet’s paintings of, 3:1535 4:1728, 1729, 1729–1730,
5:2500, 2501, 2503, 2505 movie halls in, 2:560 1731–1732, 1739

2722 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

subway in. See Métro significance of, 4:1736–1737 Catholic emancipation and, 1:373
syndicalism origins and, 4:2298 survivors’ Jura Mountains Corn Law repeal and, 2:558
syphilis fears in, 4:2300 community and, 3:1272 Corrupt Practices Act and, 2:1009
telephone service in, 5:2308 Thiers and, 5:2311 Disraeli and, 2:672–673, 674
theater in, 1:229; 3:1109 violent suppression of, 3:1289 Fox and, 2:839–840
universities and, 5:2381, 2386 working class and, 5:2485, 2486, Gladstone and, 1:2976–2978; 2:978
See also University of Paris 2491 House of Lords’ diminished power
uprising of 1839 and, 4:1963 Zola and, 5:2523 and, 2:730
wine consumption in, 5:2475–2476 Paris Conservatoire, 2:630; 4:2086 Indian government and, 3:1135
Paris Declaration of 1856, 3:1173 Irish Home Rule and, 3:1181, 1184
women medical students in, 2:728
Paris Evangelical Mission, 3:1527 Irish representation in, 1:373; 2:999;
worker housing in, 2:1089, 1090,
Paris Expositions. See Exposition 3:1177, 1184
working class and, 5:2485, 2486, Irish withdrawal from, 3:1185
Paris Health Council, 4:1910
2486, 2487 Labour Party and, 3:1295–1297
Paris in the Twentieth Century (Verne),
world’s fairs in. See Exposition 5:2409 liberalism and, 3:1345
Universelle ‘‘Paris Manuscripts’’ (Marx), 4:2203 Macaulay’s speeches in, 3:1407
Paris, Congress of (1856), 2:525; Paris Medical Faculty, 4:1914 monarchs’ relationship with, 2:1001
3:1592 Paris Observatory, 4:1921 Peel and, 4:1758–1759
Paris, Second Treaty of (1815), 1:52; Paris Olympic Games (1900), 3:1667; reform advocates and, 2:1002, 1004,
2:524; 5:2306 4:2246; 5:2502 1008
Paris, Treaty of (1763), 1:343 Paris Opéra, 2:1049; 3:1672; 4:1708, See also Reform Act of 1832;
Paris, Treaty of (1814), 2:532 1732, 1770 Reform Act of 1867; Reform Act
Paris, Treaty of (1856), 1:39, 244; completion/opening of, 4:1731 of 1884
2:579; 3:1173; 4:2067, 2085 exterior, 3:1672 religious test for, 2:1003
Ottoman Empire and, 3:1174 interior, 3:1572 representation and, 2:1001, 1003
Paris Anthropological Society, 4:1761 Wellington and, 2:1003, 1005;
Rossini operas for, 3:1671
Paris Commune (1871), 1:248, 279, 4:1758
Verdi operas for, 3:1673
291; 3:1216; 4:1733–1738, Parliament, Irish
Wagner and, 3:1675
Paris Peace Conference (1918), 2:610 Castlereagh and, 1:373
anarchism and, 1:56, 162
Paris Salons. See Salon (Paris) independence war and, 3:1185
anticlericalism and, 1:68, 381; merger with British Parliament of,
Paris Universal Exposition. See
4:1736; 5:2488 2:999
Exposition Universelle
artisans and, 1:104 Park, Frederick, 2:1084 Parnell’s policy and, 2:1009
barricades and, 2:1048 Park, Mungo, 2:782 Pitt and, 3:1177
character of, 4:1736 Parker, Barbara, 2:946 Parliament, Scottish. See Parliament,
Clemenceau and, 1:479 Parker, Hyde, 3:1615 British
Courbet and, 2:569; 3:1128 Park Güell (Barcelona). See Güell Park Parliament Act of 1911 (Britain),
executions and, 4:1735, 1736, 1737 Parkinson’s disease, 1:408 3:1369
feminist movement and, 4:1998 Park of Château-Noir, The (Cézanne), Parliament Building (Budapest),
Ferry’s absence from, 2:810 1:399 1:310, 311
First International and, 2:825; 3:1289 parks, 1:289; 4:1738–1741 Parliament Building (London). See
Goncourt’s description of, 2:991 London, 3:1373, 1375, 1378, Houses of Parliament
1600–1601; 4:1738, 1739 Parliament Building (Ottawa), 1:345
Guesde and, 2:1025
Paris, 2:1049; 4:1731, 1738, Parliament of Frankfurt. See Frankfurt
Hugo and, 2:1095
1739–1740 Parliament
impressionists linked with, 3:1127, Parma, 1:392; 2:531, 533; 3:1193;
Park Voyer d’Argenson (Van Gogh),
1128 4:1970, 1985, 2001, 2131
as Malatesta influence, 3:1424 Par la taille (Jarry), 3:1214 Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1193,
Marx and, 4:2204–2205; 5:2486 Parlement of Paris, 2:842 1599
Mazzini’s condemnation of, 3:1481 Parliament, British Risorgimento (Italian unification)
Michel’s participation in, 3:1497 aristocrats and, 1:80, 86 and, 3:1198, 1592
origins of, 4:1733–1736 Bagehot on, 1:161 Spanish Bourbons and, 3:1191
overview of, 2:855 bourgeoisie vs. elite representation in, Parnell, Anna, 4:1741
proclamation of, 4:1736 1:290 Parnell, Charles Stewart,
repression following, 2:856–857, 858 building design for, 1:185, 186; 4:1741–1742; 5:2322
secret societies and, 4:2132 4:1918, 2030 aims of, 2:1009–1010

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2723

divorce scandal and, 2:978, 1011; ‘‘Pastoral’’ (Sixth) Symphony Patten, Simon Nelson, 4:2235
3:1181–1182; 4:1742 (Beethoven), 1:197 Patterson, Julia (Jenny), 4:2166
Parnok, Sofia, 4:2183 pastoral poetry, 4:1756 Pauk, Fritz, 1:427
Parr, Samuel, 2:981 Pastrone, Giovanni, 1:443 Paul, Jean (Jean Paul Friedrich
Parricide, A (cartoon), 4:1870 Pastry Cooks’ revolt (1843), 1:181 Richter), 1:296; 2:873
Parsifal (Wagner), 3:1571, 1674, pataphysics (absurdist idea), 3:1213 Paul I, emperor of Russia, 1:375;
1675; 5:2431 patent medicines, 2:686 3:1265; 4:1747–1748, 2049
Parsons, Charles Algernon, 3:1161 patents, 4:2111 assassination of, 4:1748
Parthenon (Athens), 1:125; 3:1376, bicycle, 2:600 Czartoryski and, 2:603
1562 scientific discoveries, 2:595 Napoleonic Wars and, 2:901
Parthenopean Republic (Naples), Siemens and, 4:2179 parentage of, 1:375; 4:1747, 1748
3:1192, 1581, 1597; wireless telegraphy, 3:1444 son Alexander I and, 1:37; 4:1748
4:2186–2189 Patents and Designs Act of 1907 Paul Sacher Foundation, 4:2263
Parthe River, 3:1320 (Britain), 3:1369 Paulze, Marie Anne, 3:1312
Parti Ouvrier (France), 1:127; 2:1025; Pater, Walter, 2:632; 4:1745–1747, paupers. See poverty
4:2205 1770 Pausanias Description of Greece
Parti Socialiste Unifie (France), 2:859 paternalism (Frazer), 2:872
Partitions of Poland. See Poland, ‘‘Pauvre Belgique!’’ (Baudelaire),
industrial, 1:446; 2:793, 1087,
partitions of 1:188
1088; 3:1275
Partito Populare Italiano, 1:389 Pavane pour une infante défunte
private poor relief and, 4:1851, 1854
Partridge, Ralph, 4:2259 (Ravel), 4:1944
paternity suits, 4:1886
Party of Order (France), 1:271 Pavı́a y Lacy, Manuel, 4:2231
Pathé, 3:1483
Party of People’s Freedom (Russia). See Pavillon d’Armide (ballet), 3:1642
Kadets Pathé, Charles and Emile, 2:551;
3:1397 Pavlov, Ivan, 4:1748–1749, 1908
Party of the People’s Will (Russia). See Pavlova, Anna, 2:655; 3:1642;
People’s Will Pathé Frères, 1:442
Pathetique (Tchaikovsky), 5:2307 4:1749–1751, 1750
Pascendi Dominici Gregis (encyclical, pawnshops, 2:550, 571; 3:1582
1907), 4:1721 pathological anatomy, 3:1297, 1298;
4:2135 Pax Britannica, 5:2321
Pas d’acier (Prokofiev), 2:655 Paxton, Joseph, 2:587, 589; 4:1738
Paseo de Gracia (Barcelona), 1:181 Pathological Institute (Berlin), 5:2425
pathology, 5:2425 Paxton, Robert, 5:2494
Pashalik of Belgrade. See Serbia Payne-Townshend, Charlotte, 4:2166
pashas, 5:2362 Patience (Gilbert and Sullivan), 5:2464
Patkanian, Raphael, 1:88 Paysage aux arbre rouge (Vlaminck),
Pašić, Nikola, 1:242, 243; 4:2145 2:796
Passage to India, A (Forster), 2:836 Patmore, Coventry, 2:943
Paysans au XIXe siècke, Les
Passanante, Giovanni, 5:2377 patriarchy
(Bonnemère), 4:1753
Passant, Le (Coppée), 1:229 bourgeois family as, 1:287
Peace—Burial at Sea (Turner), 4:1704
Passeig de Colom (Barcelona), 1:183 Dohm feminist writings against, Peace Law of 1886 (Prussia), 3:1279
Passy, Frédéric, 4:1695, 1697 2:675 peace movements. See pacifism
Past and Present (Carlyle), 1:373; fin de siècle challenges to, 2:816 Peace of Paris. See Paris, Treaty of
4:2206 French Revolutionary ideals and, Peacock Skirt, The (Beardsley), 1:193
Pasternak, Boris, 4:2182, 2183 2:941; 3:1595 peanut oil, 1:15
Pasteur, Louis, 2:659; 4:1742–1745, masculinity and, 3:1470 peanuts, 1:20, 21
1744, 2110, 2113 Napoleonic Code and, 3:1595 Pearse, Patrick, 3:1181, 1185; 5:2510
anthrax and, 4:1744–1745 Russian autocratic system and, Pearson, Cyril, 1:159
as cultural hero, 2:738; 4:1882 2:1017 Pearson, Karl, 2:770, 927; 3:1409;
disease decline and, 2:628, 644 Patrie, La (Parisian newspaper), 4:2248, 2249
fermentation and, 4:1743; 5:2477 4:1866 Peary, Robert, 2:783
germ theory and, 3:1358; 4:1743, Patrimonium Petri, 4:1723, 1724, peasant art, 1:112
1744, 2135 1725, 1726 Peasant Land Bank (Russia), 4:2257
Koch’s critique of, 3:1263 Patriotica (Struve), 4:2271 peasant revolts, 1:376; 2:669;
public health and, 4:1914 patriotism 4:1754–1755, 2067
Pasteur Institutes, 1:438; 4:1745 conservatism and, 2:540 Poland and, 4:1755
pasteurization, 2:628, 645, 659; jingoism and, 3:1234–1235 populist incitement of, 4:1831–1832
3:1164; 4:1742, 1743; 5:2361, nationalism and, 4:1826 Russia and, 1:376; 2:669; 3:1328;
2477 Patriot League (France), 1:282; 4:1755, 1831–1832
Pastor Aeternus (papal bull, 1870), 4:2243 Sicilian Fasci and, 4:2173–2175
4:1895–1896 Patriots (Netherlands), 3:1616 Sicily and, 3:1414, 1415
See also papal infallibility patrolman. See police and policing peasants, 1:475–476; 4:1751–1757

2724 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Agricultural Revolution and, 1:26, 28 Russian Great Reforms and, Scotland and, 2:1006
Alexandra and, 1:42 2:1014–1016 Tennyson and, 5:2309
army enlistment and, 1:96 Russian military colonies and, 4:2050 Tories and, 5:2322, 2462
Baltic provinces and, 2:818, 819, Russian repression of, 1:376, 377 Victoria and, 5:2412, 2413
821, 822 Russian Revolution of 1905 and, Wellington and, 5:2457
Bohemian Lands and, 1:260 3:1328; 4:1976, 1978, 2056; William IV and, 5:2471
Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 5:2485 Peer Gynt (Ibsen), 3:1107
1:273–274, 275–276; 4:2067 Scotland and, 4:2120 Grieg’s score for, 4:2287
Bulgaria and, 1:313; 4:2067 Sepoy Mutiny and, 4:2138, 2140 Péguy, Charles, 1:213; 3:1218;
children and, 1:431 Serbia and, 3:1247; 4:2141, 2144, 4:1760–1761, 2015
consumerism and, 2:549, 550 2147 Peintre de la vie moderne, Le
Denmark and, 2:647 sexuality and, 4:2161–2162 (Baudelaire), 1:188; 3:1128,
education and, 1:431; 2:719, 726 Sicilian Fasci and, 4:2173–2175, 2178 1529, 1543
food riots and, 4:1754–1755 Sicily and, 3:1414, 1415; Peking Convention (1869), 3:1579
French counterrevolutionary 4:2173–2175, 2176, 2178 Péladan, Joséphin, 2:633; 4:2086,
movement and, 2:563, 844 Slavophile view of, 4:2195, 2196 2295
socialism and, 4:2210 Pelican, The (Strindberg), 4:2269
French protests and, 1:359; 2:858
Sweden and, 4:2284 Pélissier, Aimable-Jean-Jacques, 2:579
French Revolution and, 2:842–843,
Switzerland and, 4:2288 Pélissier, Olympe, 4:2038
886, 886, 897; 4:1755
Turgenev on, 5:2365, 2460 Pelléas et Mélisande (Debussy), 2:631;
German Center Party and, 1:394
Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:138, Turkish Armenia and, 1:88, 89–90
Pelleas und Melisande (Schoenberg),
139, 142, 145, 260 Ukraine and, 5:2369–2373, 2372
Herzen’s view of, 2:1065 Vietnam and, 3:1137
Pelletier, Madeleine, 4:1761–1762,
Indochina and, 3:1143 zemstvo statistical findings on, 4:1832 2281
Ireland and, 3:1178, 1179, 1181 See also feudalism; serfs, Pellico, Silvio, 2:930
Irish famine deaths of, 2:1005; 4:1751 emancipation of Pellizza da Volpedo, Giuseppe, 4:1757
Japan and, 3:1208 Peasants into Frenchmen (Weber), Pelloutier, Fernand, 1:59, 60; 4:2298
landholders and, 3:1305 3:1522 Pelloux, Luigi, 5:2377–2378
Pease, Edward Reynolds, 2:787; 5:2444 Peloponnesian War, 3:1612
Lithuanian culture and, 3:1366, 1367
peat house (Ireland), 4:1753 penal colonies. See exile, penal
marriage and family life and,
Peau de chagrin, La (Balzac), 1:168 penance, 1:378
Peccatrice, Una (Verga), 5:2407 Pencil of Nature, The (Talbot), 4:1771
migration and, 3:1110; 4:1753, 1756
Pecci, Gioacchino Vincenzo Raffael penicillin, 4:2303
military conscription of, 1:94; 3:1506 Luigi. See Leo XIII
as Millet painting subject, Penikese Island (Mass.), 1:23
Pechstein, Max, 1:154 Peninsular War, 1:180; 2:846, 891,
3:1515–1516; 4:1757 peddlers, Jewish, 3:1230, 1231 895, 899, 900, 901; 3:1339,
Napoleon’s popularity with, 2:1098 pedophilia, 3:1270 1587, 1599; 4:1762–1767,
national consciousness lack in, 3:1606 Pedro I, emperor of Brazil (Dom 1838, 1839, 2225, 2226–2228
naturalist portrayal of, 4:1947 Pedro), 4:1839, 1840, 1985 background of, 4:1763–1764
nobility and, 1:82–83 Pedro V, king of Portugal, 4:1841
Britain and, 2:1002; 4:1764–1766,
People’s Will and, 4:1767 Peel, Robert, 4:1757–1760
pogroms by, 1:73 Catholic emancipation and, 1:381;
Ferdinand VII and, 2:808–809;
Poland and, 4:1809 4:1758
popular culture and, 4:1821–1822 conservatism and, 2:540 impact of, 4:1765–1767
populists’ view of, 4:1831–1832 Corn Laws repeal and, 2:540, 559, Spanish ideological divide and, 1:366
realist portrayal of, 4:1946–1947 672, 1004–1005; 4:1759
tobacco smoking and, 5:2314
Restoration and, 2:1098 Disraeli and, 2:672
Penjdeh (1887), 2:1033
Revolutions of 1848 and, 2:961; Gladstone and, 2:976, 977, 1004 Pennsylvania Magazine, 4:1700
4:1754, 1988, 1991 Irish Potato Famine and, 2:1005; Penny Magazine, 4:1867, 1868
Romania and, 4:2017–2018 4:1759 Pensieri (Leopardi), 3:1333
romanticized view of, 4:1756, 1757 liberalism and, 3:1345 pensions, 1:320, 357; 2:648, 1012;
Russian communes and, 4:2052, police system and, 4:1758, 1814 3:1663; 4:1915; 5:2452–2455,
2151, 2153, 2195, 2196, 2257; policies of, 2:1004–1005; 2454, 2455
5:2460 4:1757–1759 Bismarck and, 1:239, 291, 321, 356,
Russian emancipation of. See serfs, popularity of, 4:1759 459; 2:540, 966; 3:1664; 4:1854,
emancipation of as prime minister, 4:1758–1759 1915; 5:2450, 2453

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2725

Britain and, 3:1369, 1370, 1664 Persia, 1:49; 5:2500 Peters, Carl, 5:2353
for mothers, 5:2452 Armenians in, 1:87 Petersburg (Bely), 1:209; 2:774;
Siemens’s innovations and, 4:2179 Russia and, 4:2164 4:2079
Russian–British competition in, Pétion, Alexandre, 2:1037
for widows, 5:2455
1:395 Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérome, 2:973,
See also old age insurance; pensions
Russian war with, 3:1625 974; 4:2006
Pentarchy (Italy), 2:582
Petipa, Marius, 2:655; 4:1750
People, The (French journal), 3:1285 slave trade ban and, 1:308
Petit-Breton, Lucien, 2:602
People, The (Michelet), 3:1499 Persian Gulf, 1:16
petite bourgeoisie. See lower middle
People of Hemsö, The (Strindberg), personal fallacy, 1:103
4:2269 perspectivism, 3:1630, 1631, 1635
Petite république socialiste, La (journal),
People’s Association for Catholic Persuasion (Austen), 1:130
3:1216, 1217
Germany, 1:383; 5:2474 Perth, 4:2117
petitioning, 2:511
People’s Budget of 1909 (Britain), Peru, 2:687, 939; 4:1795, 1949
‘‘Petition of a Girl’’ (Otto), 3:1680
1:114; 2:597–598, 1012 perversion, Krafft-Ebing definition of, Petit Journal (Parisian daily), 4:1868
Lloyd George and, 3:1369 3:1270, 1271 Petit messe solennelle (Rossini), 4:2038
People’s Charter. See Chartism Pesaro festival, 3:1670 Petit Palais (Paris), 5:2502, 2505
People’s Commissariat of Internal Pescadores, 1:424 Petit Parisien, Le (newspaper), 2:575,
Affairs, 4:2165 Peschka, Anton, 4:2090 859
People’s International League, 3:1605 Pest Petrashevsky Circle, 2:678; 3:1626
People’s Socialists, 4:2211 as administrative center, 1:309–310 Petrograd. See St. Petersburg
People’s Vengeance, The, 3:1614 Revolution of 1848 and, 1:141 Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and
People’s Will, 3:1326, 1614; voluntary associations and, 1:117 Soldiers’ Deputies, 3:1519
4:1767–1769, 1800, 1832, See also Budapest petroleum. See oil industry
1975, 2052, 2210 Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, Petroushka (Stravinsky), 2:654, 655
Pepel (Bely), 1:209 3:1454–1455 Petrović, Djordje. See Karadjordje
Perceval, Spencer, 3:1391 Pétain, Philippe, 1:269, 271; 3:1477 Petrović family, 3:1539, 1540
Percher, Jean-Hippolyte, 2:695 Peter I (the Great), emperor of Russia, Petrunkevich, Ivan, 3:1241; 4:2055
Percier, Charles, 3:1602 1:208; 2:1014; 4:1918, 2048 Petrushka (Stravinsky), 2:654; 3:1642;
Percy Bysshe Shelley (Severn), 4:2028 army reform and, 3:1280–1281 4:2262
Père Goriot, Le (Balzac), 1:168, 472 beards and, 1:190 pets, 2:766
Peregrinations of a Pariah (Tristan), bureaucracy of, 1:322–323 Pettenkofer, Max Josef von, 4:1914
5:2357 Petty, William. See Shelburne, earl of
Catherine II and, 1:374, 375
Pereire family, 4:2080 Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry. See
expansionism and, 1:278
Père Lachaise cemetery (Paris), Lansdowne, Lord
2:1050; 4:1736, 1737, 1794 Orthodox Church reform and, Peugeot (automobile manufacturer),
perestroika, 4:2196 4:2059, 2060; 5:2369 1:148; 5:2352
Perevodchik/Tercüman (Russian as Paul I’s model, 4:1747 Pezza, Michele (Fra Diavolo), 2:571
Muslim newspaper), 3:1207 penal exile and, 2:780–781 Pfeffer, Wilhelm, 2:652
Perfect Sublime Masters (secret St. Petersburg and, 4:2048, Pfennigmagazine (German
society), 1:360 2075–2076 newspaper), 4:1868
Pergamon, 1:219 Slavophile view of, 4:2194, 2195 Pflanze, Otto, 2:964
Périchole, La (Offenbach), 3:1660 Table of Ranks and, 1:286, 323 Phalanx (Fourierist utopian
Pericles, 2:1018 Westernization and, 5:2365, 2460 community), 2:838
Périer, Casimir-Pierre, 1:284, 438 Peter III, emperor of Russia, 1:375; Phalanx (Kandinsky art group), 3:1244
periodic table, 1:426, 427 4:1747 phalanxes, 4:2202; 5:2397
Perkin, William Henry, 3:1159 Peter I, bishop of Montenegro, Phanariot Greeks, 2:1018
Permanent Court of Arbitration, 3:1539, 1541 Phan Boi Chau, 3:1143–1144
2:952; 3:1174 Peter II, bishop of Montenegro, Phan Dinh Phung, 3:1141, 1144
Permanent Court of International 3:1540, 1541 Phan Thanh Gian, 3:1141
Justice, 3:1174 Peter and Paul Fortress (Russia), Pharmacists Pension Fund (Russia),
Permoti Nos (encyclical, 1895), 3:1332 3:1272 4:2256–2257
Pernerstorfer, Engelbert, 1:10 Peter I, king of Serbia, 1:207 Phèdre (Racine), 1:229
Pérouse, comte de, 2:782 Peter Leopold, ruler of Tuscany, phénakistoscope, 1:441
Perovskaya, Sofya, 4:1832 3:1191 phenomenology
Perrault, Claude, 4:1726 Peterloo massacre (1819), 3:1285 Brentano and, 1:299
Perrin, Jean-Baptiste, 3:1409 Peter Porcupine (pseud.). See Cobbett, Dilthey and, 2:660, 661
Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 3:1209 William Goethe and, 2:986
Perry, Oliver Hazard, 5:2440 Peters, August, 3:1680, 1681 Hegel and, 2:1052, 1053, 1054

2726 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Husserl and, 2:1099, 1100, 1101; Philosophische Studien (journal), Philosophy of Money, The (Simmel),
4:1907 4:1908; 5:2507 4:2184, 2215
Phenomenology of Spirit, The (Hegel), philosophy Philosophy of Revelation (Schelling
2:1052, 1053, 1054 Bentham and, 1:210–211 lecture series), 4:2088
Pheraios, Rigas. See Velestinlis, Rigas Berdyayev and, 1:211–213 Philosophy of Right, The (Hegel),
Phidias, 3:1166 Berlin as center of, 1:215 2:1053
Philadelphia Academy, 3:1131 Brentano and, 1:298–299 Philosophy of the Practical (Croce),
Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition 2:584
Coleridge and, 1:497
(1876), 2:589; 3:1661; 5:2499 Philosphie der Arithmetik: Psychologische
Comte and, 2:522–524 und logische Untersuchungen
Philanthropist (periodical), 3:1510
Croce and, 2:583–585 (Husserl), 2:1100
philanthropy. See charity; welfare
Dilthey and, 2:660–661 Phipps, James, 3:1223
philhellenic movement, 3:1685;
4:1769–1770 Durkheim and, 2:698 phlogiston theory, 1:424; 3:1312
Byron and, 1:333; 3:1604–1605; evolution theories and, Phoenicians, 3:1481
4:1770 2:615–616, 618 Phoenix Park murders (Ireland),
Fichte and, 2:813–814; 3:1604 4:1741, 1742
Greek War of Independence and,
fin de siècle and, 2:815 phonograph, 3:1398
Frege and, 2:883–884 photoelectric effect, 2:740
Olympic Games and, 3:1665, 1666,
Godwin and, 2:980–982 photography, 4:1770–1774
Goethe and, 2:982–987 amateur, 4:1773, 1774
Pater and, 4:1746
Hegel and, 2:1051–1054; Atget and, 1:123–125
Revolutions of 1820 and, 4:1982
3:1463–1464 color, 3:1397–1398, 1578; 4:1774
Philike Hetairia, 4:1981–1982
Philiki Etairia, 2:1019 Helmholtz and, 2:1058 crime detection and, 2:576; 4:1816
Philip III, king of Spain, 3:1414 Herder and, 2:1059–1062 Daguerre and, 2:605–607; 4:1770
Philip IV, king of Spain, 3:1414 Hölderlin and, 2:1078, 1079 impressionist painting and, 3:1128
Philipon, Charles, 2:621, 676; 3:1577 Husserl and, 2:1099–1101 Lumière brothers and, 3:1396–1398
Philippe Égalité (Louis-Philippe- Jaurès and, 3:1214, 1215 montage and, 2:593
Joseph), 3:1387, 1388 Nadar and, 3:1577, 1578; 4:1772
Kierkegaard and, 3:1250–1254
Philippines, 2:949; 3:1414; 4:2231; naturalism and, 4:1708
libertine pornography and,
5:2313 naturalists’ use of, 4:1948
Phillimore, George, 3:1175 newspapers and, 4:1773–1774,
Mach and, 3:1409–1410
Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of 1823, 1867
Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Marx and, 3:1463–1464
pornography and, 4:1834, 1835
Beautiful (Burke), 1:326 Maxwell and, 3:1477–1478
spirit manifestations and, 4:2238
Philosophical Essay on Man, A (Marat), Mill (James), 3:1510–1512
wartime uses of, 2:580
3:1442 Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1512–1515
See also cinema
Philosophical Fragments (Kierkegaard), nationalism and, 3:1604–1605
photons, 2:740
3:1251 Naturphilosophie and, 2:615
Photorama, 3:1397
Philosophical Letters (Chaadayev), Nietzsche and, 3:1628–1636 Phrenological Association, 4:1775
1:399, 400; 2:772 Novalis and, 3:1647–1648 phrenology, 2:523, 925–926;
Philosophical Principles of Integral Ortega y Gasset and, 4:2232 4:1774–1776, 1775, 1776, 1822
Knowledge, The (Soloviev), 2:773
Poland and, 4:1808, 1811 positivism and, 4:1844
Philosophical Society, 4:2233
positivism and, 4:1843–1844 phylloxera, 1:47; 4:1776–1778;
‘‘Philosophical Truth and the Moral
psychology and, 4:1907–1908 5:2337, 2477
Truth of the Intelligentsia’’
(Berdyayev), 1:212 Romanticism and, 4:2030–2031 phylogenetic tree (Haeckel concept),
‘‘Philosophical View of Reform, A’’ (P. Schelling and, 4:2031, 2087–2089 2:1031
B. Shelley), 4:2170 Schopenhauer and, 4:2030, physical chemistry, 1:426, 427
Philosophic Nosography (Pinel), 4:1791 2103–2106 physical fitness, 1:215
Soloviev (Vladimir) and, Physical Society (Germany), 2:1057
philosophic radicalism. See
utilitarianism 4:2215–2217 physics, 4:1778–1781
Philosophic Radicals (Britain), 1512; Spencer and, 4:2233–2235 chemistry and, 1:424, 427
3:1513 utilitarianism, 5:2392–2394 Einstein and, 2:739–740;
Philosophie der neuen Musik (Adorno), Young Hegelians and, 4:1780–1781
4:2262 5:2512–2513 Helmholtz and, 2:1057–1058
Philosophie pénale, La (Tarde), 2:574 Philosophy in the Bedroom (Sade), Hertz and, 2:1062–1063; 4:1780
Philosophie zoologique (Lamarck), 4:2074 Kelvin and, 3:1249–1250; 4:1780
3:1302 Philosophy of Art (Schelling), 4:2088 Laplace and, 4:1780

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2727

Mach and, 3:1408–1410 Daumier as influence on, 2:622 Pius IX and, 4:1797
Marconi and, 3:1444–1445; 4:1780 Diaghilev and, 2:655 press freedom and, 4:1870
Maxwell and, 3:1477–1478; 4:1780 Doré folio engravings and, 2:677 reform and, 3:1191, 1195, 1197
natural philosophy vs., 4:1778–1779 futurism and, 2:920 Restoration and, 4:1967, 1969
oceanic exploration and, 3:1658 photography and, 4:1773 Revolution of 1820 and, 2:959;
Planck and, 4:1798–1800 primitivism and, 4:1782, 1783, 3:1194, 1494
quantum mechanics and, 1:427; 1875, 1876 Revolution of 1848 and, 4:1987,
4:1781 Rose Period and, 4:1782 1993, 1994, 2002, 2003
Roentgen and, 4:2012 Satie and, 4:2087 Risorgimento (Italian unification)
Rutherford and, 4:2070–2071 Seurat and, 4:2158 and, 3:1195, 1197–1199, 1255;
Swedish contributions to, 4:2285 Picken, T., 2:588 4:1785, 1787, 1902, 2000
Physics and Politics (Bagehot), 1:161 Pickhanov, Georgy, 3:1487 Roman Question and, 4:2024
Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt pickpockets, 2:573, 575, 576; 3:1375 sister republics and, 4:2187
(Berlin), 2:1057 Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens), 2:656, territorial ambitions of, 3:1191,
physiocrats, 1:269; 2:515; 3:1304; 657 1193, 1198
4:1887 Picquart, Georges, 2:684, 685 Venice and, 5:2403, 2403–2404,
Physiognomical System of Drs. Gall and pictorialism (photographic), 2404
Spurzheim, The (Spurzheim), 4:1772–1773 Victor Emmanuel I and, 4:1969
2:926 Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde),
Victor Emmanuel II and, 4:2004;
physiognomy, 2:926 2:687; 4:2255; 5:2464–2465
physiology, 5:2507 Pictures at an Exhibition
Piège de Méduse, Le (Satie), 4:2087
Bernard and, 1:227–228 (Mussorgsky), 3:1575
Pieroni Bortolotti, Franca, 3:1556
biochemistry and, 1:426 Pictures from Italy (Dickens), 2:656;
Pierre Joseph Proudhon and His Children
body and, 1:251 5:2403
in 1853 (Courbet), 4:1898
picturesque ideal, 3:1600–1601;
child development and, 1:428 Pierrot Lunaire, (Schoenberg), 4:2103
4:1738, 1756
Helmholtz and, 2:1057, 1058 Pieta (Kollwitz), 4:2092
Picturesque Views on the Southern Coast
Pavlov and, 4:1748–1749, 1908 Pietism, 3:1527; 4:1894–1895
of England (Turner), 5:2367
psychology and, 4:1908 Pignatelli family, 1:322
Picture with a Circle (Kandinsky),
Physiology of Industry, The (Hobson Pignier, Alexandre-René, 1:296–297
and Mummery), 2:1075, 1076 Pigott, Richard, 4:1742
piecework, 1:474
Physiology of Taste (Brillat-Savarin), Pig War, 4:2147, 2148
Piedmont-Savoy, 1:143, 244; 2:533,
4:1965 534, 662, 962; 3:1267; Pilcher, Percy, 1:30
Piacenza, 3:1193 4:1784–1787, 1970, 1981 pilgrimages, 3:1324; 4:1787–1790,
piano 1826
administration of unified Italy by,
amateur players of, 3:1566 3:1199 Catholic women and, 1:383
Beethoven and, 1:195, 196; 3:1577 Austria and, 4:2001, 2002 Germany and, 2:950
chamber music and, 3:1568 Cavour and, 1:390, 390–393, 391; Muslims and, 1:396, 436
Chopin and, 1:439–440; 3:1571 2:662, 866; 3:1198; 4:1786 women’s travel and, 5:2329–2330
Debussy and, 2:631 Charles Albert and, 1:413–414; Pilipon, Charles, 3:1389
home owners of, 3:1566 3:1195 Pillars of Society (Ibsen), 3:1107
Liszt and, 3:1359–1360, 1566, 1571 Pilo, Rosolino, 4:2034
Congress of Vienna and, 3:1193;
4:1785 Pilsen, 1:261, 263
Mussorgsky and, 3:1575
Pilsudski, Józef, 4:1811, 1812
Piano Concerto in G (Ravel), 4:1944 Crimean War and, 2:1007; 3:1198;
Pimlico (London neighborhood),
Piano Trio in A Minor (Ravel), 4:1944 4:1787
Piazza Cordusio (Milan), 3:1503 education in, 2:724
Pinard, Adolphe, 2:771
Picabia, Francis, 2:591 France and, 3:1198, 1592; 4:2001;
Pindar, 2:1078
Pica Law of 1863 (Italy), 2:571 5:2306
Pineda, Mariana, 4:2229
Picasso, Pablo, 3:1167; Franco-Austrian War and, Pinel, Philippe, 4:1790–1792, 1959
4:1781–1784, 1783, 1865, 2232 2:866–867; 3:1592 Pineles, Friedrich, 1:65
absinthe depiction by, 1:3 liberalism and, 3:1346 pin factory (A. Smith example),
Beardsley drawings and, 1:192 Maistre and, 3:1421–1422 2:712–713
Blue Period of, 4:1781–1792 monetary system and, 3:1538 Pinsker, Leo, 5:2520
cabaret exhibitions of, 1:335 Napoleonic occupation of, Pioneers of Civilization: John Bull
collage and, 2:591, 592; 4:1784 2:899–900, 902; 3:1192, 1193, Bringing Peace and Civilization
cubism and, 1:156; 2:590, 591, 592, 1584; 4:1786 to the World (cover illustration),
593; 3:1530; 4:1710, 1783–1784 Papal State and, 4:1726, 1797 1:463

2728 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Piou, Jacques, 1:389 Freemasonry ban and, 2:881 Planck, Erwin, 4:1800
Pipes, Richard, 4:2270 Immaculate Conception doctrine of, Planck, Max, 2:740; 3:1409, 1535;
pipe smoking, 5:2314 1:385; 4:1788, 1795, 1797, 4:1798–1800
piracy. See privateering and piracy 1798, 1891 Planck’s constant, 4:1799
Piraeus, 1:125 Kulturkampf and, 3:1278, 1279, Plan des Artistes (map of Paris),
Pirata, Il (Bellini), 3:1671 1329; 4:1719, 1795, 1798 4:1728–1729
Pirelli rubber products, 3:1502, 1504 Plan of 1809 (Speransky reform
Leo XIII policies and, 3:1329,
Pisarev, Dmitri, 3:1639–1640, 1641 program), 4:2236
1330–1331, 1332
Pisarevshchina. See nihilists Plan of Parliamentary Reform
long reign of, 4:1794, 1795
Piscine, La (Matisse), 3:1475 (Bentham), 5:2394
Manning and, 3:1440 plants. See botany
Pisemsky, Alexei, 3:1641
Marian devotion of, 4:1797 Plassey, Battle of (1757), 2:706
Pissarro, Camille, 2:939; 3:1131;
Mickiewicz’s audience with, 3:1500 Plastic Dynamism: Horse and Houses
4:1757, 1792–1794
mistaken liberal label for, 1:388; (Boccioni), 2:919
Corot as influence on, 2:562
3:1196; 4:1719, 1725, 1796 plastics, 3:1160
Degas’s friendship with, 2:634
papal infallibility and, 1:382; 4:1719, Plateau, Joseph, 1:441
impressionism and, 3:1126, 1127,
1723, 1795, 1798 Plato, 1:326; 2:519–520; 4:2096,
1128, 1130–1131, 1534; 4:1708,
Papal State and, 4:1724–1725, 1726, 2097, 2297; 5:2376
1794, 1795, 1796 Plato and Platonism (Pater), 4:1746
Impressionist Exhibition and, 4:1955
on Protestantism, 4:1890 Platonic Idea, 4:2105
Parisian scenes and, 4:1732, 1792, Playfellow (Martineau), 3:1459
Revolution of 1848 and, 3:1196,
1793, 1794 Playground of Europe, The (Stephen),
1197, 1480; 4:1719, 1796
Seurat and, 4:2156–2157 4:2253
Risorgimento (Italian unification)
Pissarro, Lucien, 4:2156–2157 Plaza Mayor (Madrid), 3:1414
and, 1:380, 388; 3:1196, 1199;
pitchblende, 2:594, 595 Plea for the Citizenship of Women
4:1719, 1795, 1797, 1798, 2002,
Pitt, William (the Elder) (Lord (Condorcet), 2:802
2003, 2004
Chatham), 4:2277 Plea for Women, A (Reid), 2:802
Roman Question and, 4:1795, 1798,
Pitt, William (the Younger), 1:373; pleasure gardens (London),
2:510, 840, 1000–1004; 4:1896, 3:1377–1378
2277; 5:2321 Rome and, 4:2034, 2035, 2037
pleasure parks, 4:1738
accomplishments of, 2:1002 secularization and, 4:2134
Plebe, La (socialist newspaper), 5:2363
Fox’s views vs., 2:840, 1001 Syllabus of Errors of, 1:6, 381–382, Plehve, Vyacheslav, 3:1627; 4:1978,
388; 3:1199; 4:1722, 2054–2055, 2210
Godwin response to, 2:981
1797–1798, 1890 plein-air painting. See painting,
Irish union and, 2:1000–1001;
Pius VIII, pope, 1:421; 4:1718, 1724 outdoor
3:1176, 1177
Pius X, pope, 1:5, 385; 2:688; Pleisse Rivr, 3:1320, 1321
Napoleonic Wars and, 2:901
4:1720–1721 Plekhanov, Georgy, 3:1170;
Whigs and, 5:2460–2461
Giolitti and, 2:972 4:1800–1801, 2054, 2127
Wilberforce and, 5:2462
modernity condemned by, 4:1893 Bolsheviks and, 1:264, 265, 267
Pius VI, pope, 3:1192; 4:1717, 1718,
Roman Question and, 4:2025–2026 as Lenin influence, 3:1326–1327
2033, 2134
secularization and, 4:2134 Mensheviks and, 3:1488; 4:1801
Pius VII, pope, 1:68; 4:1717, 1718,
Pius XII, pope, 4:1798 Pleyel (piano maker), 1:225
1724, 2001, 2033
Pi y Margall, Francisco, 4:2230, 2231 Plint, Thomas, 4:1864
Italian reform and, 3:1193; 4:1718
Plaça Reial (Barcelona), 1:181 Pliny, 4:2124
Napoleon I and, 1:381, 420;
Plaça Sant Jaume (Barcelona), Plmouth, Lord, 2:589
2:527–529, 846; 3:1586,
1:180–181 PLM Railway Company, 4:1777
1587–1588; 4:1718, 1724
Place, Francis, 2:511; 3:1286, 1390 Plochl, Anna, 3:1236
Pius IX and, 4:1795, 1796 Place de la Concorde (Paris), 3:1386; Ploetz, Wilhelm, 2:769
Pius IX, pope, 4:1717–1720, 1720, 4:1727 Plombières, secret agreement of
1721, 1724–1725, 1794–1798, Place del Portal de la Pau (Barcelona), (1858), 1:392; 3:1198
1795, 1990 1:182 Plowman (Pissarro), 4:1757
assessment of, 4:1797–1798 Place Louis-le-Grand (Paris). See Place Plume, La (journal), 4:1845
beatification of, 4:1798 Vendôme plural voting, 4:2278
conservatism of, 1:388; 3:1278; Place Louis XV (Paris), 4:1727 pneumatic boring machines, 1:487
4:1719–1720, 1795–1796, 1797, Place Vendôme (Paris), 4:1726 pneumatic tires, 1:149; 2:601
1798 plague, 1:43, 376; 3:1412; 4:1751 Poale Zion, 5:2521
early life and career of, 4:1795–1796 Plain Tales from the Hills (Kipling), Pobedonostsev, Konstantin, 3:1627;
First Vatican Council and, 4:1722, 3:1256 4:2063
1795 Planchon, Jules-Emile, 4:1777, 1778 pocket watch, 3:1323

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2729

Poclaert, Joseph, 1:306 Novalis and, 3:1647–1648 Austria-Hungary and, 1:137, 140,
Podmore, Frank, 2:787; 3:1693 pastoralism and, 4:1756 141, 142, 145; 4:1900, 1989
Poe, Edgar Allan, 2:656; 4:1776, 2293 Péguy and, 4:1760–1761 Bolsheviks and, 1:266
Baudelaire translations of, 1:187–188 Bund in, 1:313, 315
Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1864
Doré illustrations for, 2:676 cabarets in, 1:336
Pushkin and, 4:1918–1920, 2075
opium use by, 2:686 Catholicism in, 1:379, 380, 381,
Romanticism and, 2:543; 4:2027,
Poems (Arnold), 1:102 383, 387, 388; 4:1809, 1811
2029, 2030
Poems (Tennyson), 5:2309 Catholic nationalism and, 3:1657
Russia and, 1:337
Poems (Wordsworth), 5:2482
Russian Silver Age and, 4:2181–2183 cholera epidemic in, 1:436, 438
Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell
Russian symbolism and, 4:2181–2182 Chopin and, 1:438–439, 440;
(Brontë family), 1:301
Schlegel and, 4:2095 4:1818
Poems in Prose (Turgenev), 4:2265
Poems in Two Volumes (Wordsworth), Scott and, 4:2123 Congress Kingdom of, 1:38; 4:1808
5:2482 Shelley (Percy Bysshe) and, 4:2027, Congress of Vienna and, 2:532–533;
Poems of the Past and Present (Hardy), 2031, 2169–2170 4:1808, 1817–1818
2:1045 Silver Age and, 2:774 Conrad and, 2:535
Poems on Various Subjects (Coleridge), Soloviev (Vladimir) and, 4:2216 Cossacks and, 2:562
1:496–497 sonnet form and, 4:2095 Curie (Marie) and, 2:594; 4:1811
Poesia (Italian magazine), 2:917 Czartoryski and, 2:602–604; 4:1807,
Strindberg and, 4:2268
poetry 1808
symbolism and, 2:940; 3:1529;
acmeism and, 4:2182 4:2292, 2294 dueling code in, 2:696
Armenia and, 1:88, 90 educational language and, 2:726
Symonds and, 4:2296
Arnold and, 1:102 emigrant returns to, 2:749
Tennyson and, 5:2309–2310
ballads and, 4:2123 emigrants from, 2:748
Turgenev and, 5:2365
Baudelaire and, 1:186, 187; 3:1529 Wordsworth and, 2:543; 4:2027, Endecja and, 2:752–753;
Bely and, 1:208–210 2029, 2030; 5:2481–2482 4:1811–1812, 1818
Blake and, 1:244–246 Yeats and, 5:2310, 2509–2510 Germanization measures in, 1:239;
Blok and, 1:249–250 Poetry (Mickiewicz), 3:1500 4:1812–1813, 1818
Byron and, 1:332, 333 pogroms, 1:40, 72, 76; 3:1234; German unification and, 4:1809,
cabarets and, 1:337 4:1801–1804 1812–1813, 1818, 1993
Carducci and, 1:362–363 Lueger’s threats of, 3:1395 independence of (1918), 2:753;
Catalonia and, 1:182 migrants from, 3:1113 4:1813, 1819
on children, 1:428 Russia and, 1:76; 3:1395; Jewish emigrants from, 3:1113
Coleridge and, 1:496, 497; 2:543 4:1802–1804, 1803, 1978, 2055, Jewish population of, 4:1808,
D’Annunzio and, 2:609, 610 2057; 5:2520 1809–1810, 1812, 1812
Decadence and, 2:631, 940 Russian cities and, 1:449 Kościuszko and, 3:1264–1265;
victims of, 1:76; 4:1803 4:1807
Finnish and Latvian epics and, 2:820
Poincaré, Henri, 1:214; 2:593, 857, labor movements in, 5:2489
futurism and, 4:2182–2183
858, 859; 4:1804–1805 Lithuania and, 3:1365, 1366, 1368;
Goethe and, 2:985, 987
Poincaré, Raymond, 1:339; 3:1218, 5:2369, 2370, 2441
Hardy and, 2:1045, 1046
1317; 4:1805–1806 Luxemburg and, 3:1398–1399,
Heine and, 2:1055, 1056
Action Française and, 1:5 1400; 4:1811
Hölderlin and, 2:1077–1079, 1078,
cousin Henri and, 4:1804 Marian shrine in, 4:1790
Pointe de la Hève at Low Tide (Monet), Mickiewicz and, 3:1500–1501;
Hugo and, 2:1092, 1093, 1095
3:1535 4:1808, 1811
Huysmans and, 2:1103–1104
pointillism, 3:1132, 1133, 1244, Napoleon and, 2:553, 603, 698,
Jarry and, 3:1213 902; 3:1322, 1493, 1588;
1474; 4:1794, 2156; 5:2401
Lake Poets an, 4:2029 Point of View for My Activity as an 4:1807–1808
Lamartine and, 3:1303 Author, The (Kierkegaard), nationalism and. See Polish national
Lasker-Schüler and, 3:1309–1310 3:1253 movement
Leopardi and, 3:1333–1334 Poires, Les (Pilipon engraving), 3:1389 nobility in, 1:78; 4:1806, 1808,
Manzoni and, 3:1441 Poiret, Paul, 1:483 1809, 1810, 1811
Mickiewicz and, 3:1500–1501; Poisson, Siméon-Denis, 4:1779, 1780 Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716
4:1818 Polak, Milena, 3:1243 partitions of (1772, 1793, 1795),
modernism and, 3:1529 Poland, 2:562; 4:1806–1813 1:137, 376, 377; 2:602–604,
Morris and, 3:1549, 1550–1551 anti-Semitism and, 2:753 661, 817, 957; 3:1603;
Norton and, 3:1645 army service and, 1:98; 4:1809 4:1806–1807, 1817, 1900

2730 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

peasant uprising in, 4:1755 Polish Foreign Legion, 3:1577 ‘‘Politics as a Vocation’’ (Weber),
pogroms and, 4:1802, 1803 Polish Library (Paris), 2:604 5:2446
Prussia and, 1:239, 376; 2:957; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, politique de la brèche strategy, 4:1998
4:1806–1807, 1808–1809, 1900, 4:1806–1807, 1808, 1812; politique de l’assaut strategy, 4:1998
1937 5:2369, 2370, 2371 Politique des femmes (newspaper),
See also Lithuania; Poland; Polish 2:651
railroads and, 4:1933
national movement polkas, 4:2260
Revolution of 1830 and, 1:381;
Polish National Committee, 4:1993 Pollard, Albert Frederick, 2:1073
2:604, 959, 1081; 3:1500, 1561,
Polish national movement, 2:933; Pollock, Jackson, 3:1133
1605, 1625; 4:1808, 1810, 1818,
3:1603–1604, 1605; pollution, 2:764–766, 765, 1009;
4:1817–1819; 5:2441 3:1148; 4:1212, 1911
Romanticism and, 4:1808
Chopin and, 1:440; 4:1818 London and, 3:1373
Russia and, 1:38, 39; 2:567; 4:1933,
Czartoryski and, 2:604; 4:1807, public health inspectors and, 4:1910
1976, 1984, 1985, 2050; 5:2370,
1808, 1810–1811 St. Petersburg and, 4:2079
2371, 2441–2442, 2511
Endecja and, 2:752–753; Sicily and, 4:2176
Russian repression in, 1:42; 4:1810
4:1811–1812, 1818 See also public health; sanitation
Russian war against (1831), 2:669
Great Emigration and, 2:748; Polo, Marco, 4:2260
Russification campaign in, 4:1810,
4:1808, 1818 Polonceau, Antoine-Rémy, 4:1730
independence (1918) and, 2:753; polonium, 2:595, 596
serf conditions in, 4:1754 Polonsky, Yakov, 1:249
Slavophiles and, 4:2196 4:1813, 1819
polygenism, 4:1924
socialism and, 1:314; 2:753; January Uprising (1863–1864) and,
Polynesia, 4:1875
4:1811–1812, 1818 1:162; 4:1809–1811, 1818, 1831
polytechnic training, 1:260
Soviet-German partition of, 1:315 Kościuszko and, 3:1264–1265;
polytheism, 2:545; 3:1632
Stolypin and, 4:2257 4:1807
Pomerania, 4:1900
Ukraine and, 5:2369, 2370, 2371, November Uprising (1830–1831) Pomeranz, Kenneth, 2:710; 3:1150
2373 and, 4:1808, 1810 Pomeroy-Colley, George, 3:1422,
universities in, 5:2380 peasants and, 4:1755 1423
Prague Slav Congress and, 4:1861, Pompignan, marquis de (Jean-Jacques
Young Czechs and Old Czechs and,
1862 Lefranc), 2:994
Polish Patriotic Society, 1:360 Poniatowski, Stanislaw. See Stanislaw II
See also Grand Duchy of Warsaw;
Polish Republican Society, 3:1265 August Poniatowski
Polish Uprising (1830). See November Ponsonby, Sarah, 2:1083–1084
Polaniec Manifesto, 3:1265
Uprising Pont de Charing Cross, Le (Derain),
Polanyi, Karl, 2:707, 709, 710
Polish Uprising (1864). See January 2:796
polar exploration, 2:783–784
Uprising Pont de Chatou, Le (Vlaminck), 2:796
Polar Star, The (newspaper), 2:1066 Politecnico (Milan), 3:1502 Pont de Westminster (Derain), 2:796
Polgar, Alfred, 1:336 political Catholicism. See Catholicism, Pont du Carrousel, 4:1730
police and policing, 4:1813–1817 political Pont-Neuf au soleil, Le (Marquet),
British model of, 4:1814–1815, political clubs, 4:1991, 1992 2:796
1817 political economy. See economics; Pont Royal (Paris), 4:1730
city life and, 1:449 economists, classical Poor and Money, The (Van Gogh),
French model of, 2:837; Political Economy Club (London), 5:2400
4:1813–1814, 1815 3:1510 Poor and the Police on a London Street
London and, 3:1375; 4:1814–1815, political funerals, 4:1963 at Night (Doré), 4:1815
1815 political parties. See specific parties Poor Folk (Dostoyevsky), 2:678
Peel and, 4:1758, 1814 political police, 4:1815 Poor Law (Britain), 1:211; 2:714,
Piedmont-Savoy and, 4:1786 political posters, 4:1846 1003; 4:1819–1820,
political surveillance and, 4:1815 Political Register (British weekly), 1848–1849, 1850, 1852–1853,
prostitute regulation and, 4:1815, 1:489 1854; 5:2322, 2450, 2454, 2455,
1884 political Romanticism, 4:2031 2462
sensational crime books by, 2:575 political satire, 1:336 bureaucracy and, 1:325
Spanish paramilitary, 1:368 Daumier caricatures and, 2:621–622 Chadwick and, 1:401–402
Police Ordinance of 1782 (Russia), Dohm’s feminist writings and, 2:675 Chartism and, 1:415
1:376 political Zionism, 5:2520–2521 child labor and, 1:351
Polignac, Auguste-Jules-Armand- Politics, The (Aristotle), 2:520 classical economists and, 2:716
Marie de, 1:43, 412, 421; 2:847; Politics and the Press, c. 1780–1850 Dicken’s critique of, 4:1820
3:1303; 4:1870, 1983; 5:2310 (Aspinall), 4:1872 Lovett and, 3:1390

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2731

Malthusianism and, 2:715; 3:1425, London and, 3:1376–1378 fertility decline and, 4:1829–1831
1426 Madrid and, 3:1414 Godwin on, 2:981
Mill (J.S.) view of, 2:718 mesmerism and, 3:1490–1491; Malthusian theory and, 2:615, 616,
Scotland and, 4:2119; 5:2452 4:1822 714–715, 777; 3:1425–1427;
Speenhamland System and, 1:358, Milan and, 3:1504 4:1827
359, 1425; 2:709; 4:1819 Moscow and, 3:1551–1552 marital age and, 4:1827–1828
Swing riots and, 1:359 museums and, 3:1561–1564 migration and, 2:646
Poor Law Act of 1845 (Scotland), music and, 3:1565–1573 mortality and, 4:1829
4:2119 national thinking and, 3:1608 neo-Malthusians and, 4:1762
Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 peasants and, 4:1753
‘‘New Journalism’’ and,
(Britain). See New Poor Law of Pelletier and, 4:1762
1834 Philosophic Radicals and, 3:1512
old age representations and,
poor relief. See poverty; welfare
3:1663–1664 population growth (1750–1850)
Poovey, Mary, 5:2481
opera and, 3:1669–1677 and, 4:1827–1829
pop art, 2:593
Paris and, 4:1727, 1732–1733 population growth in selected
Pope, Alexander, 4:2027, 2254
photography and, 4:1772 countries (1800–1913) and,
popes. See papacy; papal infallibility;
names of specific popes phrenology and, 4:1774–1776, 1822
women’s changed role and, 2:947
Popkin, Jeremy, 4:1869 piano and, 1:439; 3:1566
Poplars on the Epte (Monet), 3:1536 pleasure parks and, 4:1738
Poplawski, Jan Ludwik, 2:752 Bonapartism and, 1:269, 271
pornography and, 4:1833–1836
Popolo d’Italia, Il (Mussolini French anti-Semitic socialists and,
racism and, 4:1927
newspaper), 3:1504 1:184
regionalism and, 4:1821
Popova, Lyubov, 3:1496 German anti-Semitism and, 1:82;
restaurants and, 4:1964–1967 2:542
Popp, Adelheid, 1:431; 3:1456
St. Petersburg and, 3:1552; 4:2079 See also Chartism
Populaire, Le (French weekly),
1:337, 338 seaside resorts and, 4:2125 populists (Russian intelligentsia),
popular and elite culture, secularization and, 4:1893–1894 4:1831–1833, 2052, 2053, 2132
4:1820–1827 Serbia and, 5:2147–2148 anarchist theory and, 1:62
artisans and, 1:104 spiritualism and, 3:491; nihilists and, 3:1640–1641
avant-garde and, 1:151–158 4:2237–2239, 14901 People’s Will and, 4:1767–1768,
Berlin and, 1:215, 219–220; 3:1412 sports and, 4:1824, 2240–2241, 1800
Bernhardt and, 1:229–230 2244, 2245 Plekhanov’s view of, 4:1800, 1801
blending of, 4:1824–1825 tobacco use and, 5:2314 revolutionary right and, 2:542
body and, 1:252–254 tourism and, 5:2325–2331 as socialist revolutionaries,
Bohemian Lands and, 1:261–262 voluntary associations and, 4:2209–2210
Bonapartism and, 1:270 1:115–122 Struve and, 4:2270
bourgeoisie and, 1:287–288 wine and, 5:2475 in Ukraine, 5:2371, 2373
British aristocracy and, 1:86 See also folk culture Zasulich and, 5:2517
Popular Front (Spain), 1:62 porcelain
Brussels and, 1:307
popular journalism, 4:1870–1871 China and, 3:1151, 1152, 1678
Catalanism and, 1:182
popular sovereignty, 1:456, 457 Denmark and, 2:647
cinema and, 1:440–443; 4:1824
Guizot’s denunciation of, Rosenthal, 1:192
cities and, 1:445, 447–448, 455;
4:1971–1972 Wedgwood, 2:547; 3:1153
republicanism and, 4:1962 Porche du mystère de la deuxième vertu
consumerism and, 2:549–550, 551
Popular Union. See Catholic Action (Péguy), 4:1760
cycling and, 2:599–602; 4:1824 population. See birthrate; demography; pornography, 2:941; 3:1471;
death and, 2:628–629 fertility rate; population, control 4:1833–1837
diversity of, 4:1821–1822 of; specific cities and countries bibliography of, 4:1836
Doré and, 2:277–278, 676 population, control of, 4:1827–1831 origins of, 4:2029
Dublin and, 2:693 abortion and, 4:1762, 1827, 1829 Sade and, 4:2074
fin de siècle and, 2:815–817 abstinence and, 4:1827, 1829 Schiele’s jailing related to, 4:2090
furniture and, 2:912–915 contraceptives and, 2:645–646, 805, sex manuals seen as, 4:2163
German nationalism and, 2:960–961 947; 4:1827, 1829–1830, 1836 porphyria, 5:2470
landowning elite and, 1:469 degeneracy theme and, 2:639 Porta, Giambattista della, 3:1580
leisure and, 3:1322–1325; 4:1824 emigration and, 2:503, 960, 1005 Port Arthur (China), 1:292; 3:1212,
libraries and, 3:1350–1352 eugenics and, 2:239, 769 1507, 1628; 4:1837

2732 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Port Arthur (Tasmania), 2:780 papacy and, 4:1721 Warsaw and, 5:2442
Porte. See Ottoman Empire Peninsular War and, 2:901, 902; on women’s inferiority, 2:802
Porte Dauphine Métro station (Paris), 4:1762, 1764–1766, 1838, 1839, Young Turks and, 5:2516
2:1028 2227 Positivist Society, 4:1844
Porte de Saint Ouen (Paris), 4:1735 Protestant minority in, 4:1890 Positivist Thought in France during the
Porte Saint-Martin (theatrical troupe), railroads and, 4:1933 Second Empire (Charlton), 1:228
1:229 Poslednie novosti (Russian émigré
Revolution of 1820 and, 4:1839
Portland, duke of (William Henry newspaper), 3:1518
Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1983,
Cavendish Bentick), 2:839–840 Possessed, The (Dostoyevsky), 2:679
1985, 1986
Porto Novo (Dahomey), 1:15, 20 postal services, 1:473; 2:965; 3:1686;
seaside resorts in, 4:2124
Portrait au Derain (Matisse), 3:1474 4:1937
Portrait of a Roman (Rodin), 4:2008 settlement colonies and, 2:503
slavery and, 4:2190 postcolonial theory, 3:1407, 1511
Portrait of Gertrude Stein (Picasso), posters, 4:1845–1847
4:1782 slave trade and, 1:13, 14
as advertising, 4:1823, 1845–1846,
Portrait of Julie Manet (Morisot), smallpox deaths in, 4:2198
1846, 1847
3:1544 sports in, 4:2243
art nouveau, 1:109; 2:815; 4:1846
Portrait of Kahnweiler (Picasso), suffrage in, 4:2279
Beardsley and, 1:192
4:1784 telephone service in, 5:2308
Portrait of Louis-Auguste Cézanne, the cabaret, 1:335
tobacco and, 5:2313
Artist’s Father (Cézanne), 1:398 charity fundraiser, 4:1853
trade and, 5:2338, 2339
Portrait of Millicent, Duchess of French absinthe drinking, 1:3
welfare initiatives in, 5:2451, 2452
Sutherland (Sargent), 1:85 London Underground, 4:2273
wine and, 5:2475
Portrait of Père Tanguy (Van Gogh), reaction against, 4:1847
world’s fairs and, 5:2503
5:2401 syphilis sanatoriums, 4:2302
Poscolo, Ugo, 3:1193–1194
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Toulouse-Lautrec and, 5:2323,
Posen. See Poznán
A (Joyce), 1:378 2324, 2324
Poseuses, Les (Seurat), 4:2157
Portraits in Miniature (Strachey), Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club,
Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte,
4:2259 The (Dickens), 2:656, 657
The (Martineau), 3:1459
portraiture Posthumous Poems (Shelley), 4:2170
positivism, 4:1843–1845, 2133,
painting, 4:1710, 2028 postimpressionism, 1:152, 398–399;
2195, 2249
photography, 4:1772 3:1530, 1536; 4:1709–1711
anarchosyndicalist rejection of, 1:61
Portsmouth, Treaty of (1905), Delacroix as influence on, 2:641
anticlericalism and, 1:388
3:1212, 1628; 4:1837–1838, Pissarro and, 4:1792
1977, 2065 Bergson and revolt against, 1:214
Seurat and, 4:1709
Portugal, 4:1838–1843 Bernard and, 1:228, 408
See also cubism; expressionism
African colonization and, 1:19, 20, Charcot and, 1:408
21, 49, 499; 2:509; 4:1840, Comte and, 2:522, 523, 743;
Gaudı́ and, 2:938
1841, 1843 3:1132; 4:1843–1844, 2133,
2202, 2213, 2214, 2238 Kierkegaard and, 3:1253
Berlin Conference and, 1:221 Mahler and, 3:1419
Brazilian independence and, 4:1838 criminology and, 2:638
as Croce target, 2:584–585 Nietzsche and, 3:1630, 1635
Britain and, 2:1002; 4:1764–1766, Novalis and, 3:1648
1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, Endecja and, 2:753
postsymbolism, 1:214
1843 French Radicals and, 4:1929
Postulates of Political Economy
Catholic majority in, 1:377; 4:1842 fundamental axiom of, 4:1843
(Bagehot), 1:161
child abandonment in, 5:2455 Gall and, 2:926 Potato Eaters, The (Van Gogh), 5:2400
cholera epidemic in, 2:669 impressionism and, 3:1132–1133 potatoes, 1:26; 2:762, 960
Congress of Vienna and, 2:532, 534 Lewes and, 2:743 Belgian famine (1840), 1:201
emigrant returns to, 2:749 Mach and, 3:1409 blight (1845), 4:1989
emigrants from, 2:506, 747, 748 Maurras’s neoroyalism and, 1:5 blight fungicide, 3:1164
Fontainebleau Treaty and, 4:2225 Mill’s (John Stuart) view of, 3:1513 blight source, 4:1777
foundling homes/hospitals in, Milyukov and, 3:1518 Irish dependence on, 3:1178
5:2451 Poland and, 4:1811 See also Irish Potato Famine
Generation of 1870 and, 4:1840 progress and, 2:815 Potemkin (Russian warship), 4:1976
imperialism and, 3:1114, 1116, Renan and, 4:1953–1954 Potemkin, Grigory, 1:376; 4:2079
1151; 4:1838–1839, 1840, 1841 Saint-Simon and, 4:2081 potential energy, 3:1250
Marian shrine in, 4:1788 Soloviev (Vladimir) and, 4:2216 Potin, Félix, 1:352
maternity hospitals in, 5:2450 spiritualism and, 4:2238 Potresov, Alexander, 1:265

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2733

Potsdam, 1:219 Milan and, 3:1504 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1994

architecture in, 4:2094 old-age care and, 3:1664 street vendor, 4:1859
armaments factory in, 2:790 Owen’s views on, 3:1692; 4:2200 universities and, 1:261; 2:728;
Frederick William IV projects and, Paris and, 4:1727, 1728 3:1469; 4:1858
2:876, 877 peasants and, 4:1752, 1753 voluntary associations and, 1:117
Schinkel and, 4:2094 population control and, 4:1830 women’s associations and, 4:1992
Potsdamer Platz (Berlin), 1:217, 219 Prague, Peace of (1866), 4:1902
Sicily and, 4:2176
Pottecher, Maurice, 4:2015 Prague Gymnastics Association,
social Darwinist view of, 2:619
Potter, Richard, 5:2443 4:1856
typhus and, 2:668
pottery, 2:547, 548; 3:1153 Prague Slav Congress (1848), 1:141,
‘‘undeserving poor’’ label and,
See also porcelain 142; 3:1605; 4:1712,
Pottinger, Henry, 3:1578 1716–1717, 1748, 1860,
Pouget, Émile, 1:60–61; 4:2298 widened gap between wealthy elite 1861–1863
Pou Kmbo, 3:1141 and, 1:291 Manifesto of, 4:1862
Poulenc, Francis, 4:1944, 2087 See also welfare Palacký and, 4:1712, 1861
Poulsen, Valdemar, 2:649 Poverty of Philosophy, The (Marx), Prairial martyrs, 4:1960
Pound, Ezra, 4:2182 3:1465 Prandtl, Ludwig, 4:2115
Pounds, Norman J. G., 5:2349 Powderly, Terrence Vincent, 3:1331 Pratella, Francesco Balilla, 2:919
Poupées électriques (Marinetti), 2:917 Powder Tower (Prague), 4:1858 Pratt, Hodgson, 4:1697
Pourquoi-Pas? (ship), 1:411 Powell, Baden, 1:159 Pravda (Marxist journal), 3:1487
Poussin, Nicolas, 2:641; 3:1165 power looms. See weaving, Prayer (Lasker-Schüler), 3:1309
Po Valley, 1:392; 3:1195 mechanization of PRB. See Pre-Raphaelite Movement
poverty, 4:1847–1855 Poznán, 2:961; 4:1808, 1809, 1812, prečani, 4:2142, 2144, 2145
and, 3:1179–1180 1900, 1903 Precipice, The (Goncharov), 2:989
British attitude toward. See Poor Law; Pozzo, Vittorio, 2:833 Précis de l’art de la guerre (Jomini),
workhouses Practical View of the Prevailing 3:1236
Religious System of Professed Précy, comte de, 3:1403
British economic theories on,
Christians in the Higher and Preece, William H., 3:1444
2:714–715, 716
Middle Classes of this Country prefabrication, 2:1027
British Swing riots and, 1:358–359
Contrasted with Real Christianity, Preface of Cromwell, The (Hugo),
capitalism and, 2:718 A (Wilberforce), 5:2463 2:1092–1093
Catholic charity and, 1:383 Practice in Christianity (Kierkegaard), Preiswerk, Hélène, 3:1238
cholera and, 1:437, 438; 2:669 3:1251 Prelude, The (Wordsworth), 1:497;
city dwellers and, 1:449, 453, 455 Pradier (sculptor), 4:2043 5:2482
consumerism and, 2:547 Praeterita (Ruskin), 4:2047 Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun
crime linked with, 2:571, 572 Pragmatic Sanction (1713), 1:138 (Prélude à l’après-midi d’un
death rates and, 2:628 Prague, 4:1855–1861, 1857; 5:2510 faune; Debussy), 2:631
degeneracy label and, 2:636 anti-German, anti-Semitic protests in, Prendergast, Maurice Brazil, 5:2405
‘‘deserving poor’’ label and, 1:262–263; 4:1860–1861, 1862 Preobrajenska, Olga, 3:1642
5:2450–2451 art nouveau and, 1:113; 2:815; Preobrazhensky Guards, 3:1575
as Dickens subject, 2:657 4:1858 Pre-Raphaelite Movement,
child abandonment in, 5:2455 4:1863–1865
Dublin epidemics and, 2:690
as Czech national revival center, Beardsley and, 1:191–192
education and, 2:719–720, 721, 722
1:261, 447; 4:1856–1861 Blake as influence on, 1:246
eugenics theory of, 2:770
department store, 5:2341 Decadence and, 2:633
Fourier’s views on, 4:2201–2202
electric power plant in, 2:741 Pater and, 4:1746
hospital care and, 3:1648, 1649
football (soccer) in, 2:834 patrons of, 4:1864
ignorance policy and,
2:719–720, 721 industrialization and, 1:260, 261 Ruskin and, 4:1707, 1864, 1865,
industrial/manufacturing exhibitions 2046
infant mortality and, 2:667
and, 5:2493 world’s fair (1855) and, 5:2496
Irish Potato Famine’s effects and,
Jewish community in, 3:1525; Pre-Raphaelites, The (Tate 1984
4:1856, 1857, 1859 exhibition), 4:1865
Leo XIII and, 3:1331
Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-
liberalism and, 3:1349 Kafka and, 3:1242, 1243
Raphaelite Brotherhood (Hunt),
London and, 3:1375; 4:1850, 1853 machine breaking in, 3:1411 4:1865
Malthusian view of, 2:715; national monuments in, 4:1858 Pré-Saint-Gervais meeting (1913),
3:1425–1426 population of, 4:1856 3:1218
material goods and, 2:547 Prussian occupation of, 4:1860 Presbyterianism, 4:1890

2734 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

as English Nonconformists, 2:1002 professionalization of, 4:1871–1872 Princeteau, René, 5:2323

northern Ireland and, 2:1000; republican France and, 4:1963 Princeton University, 2:645, 740;
3:1176 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1989, 3:1435
as Scottish established church, 1991 Princip, Gavrilo, 1:242; 2:862
2:1002, 1006 Principes de politiques (Constant),
Russian expansion of, 2:1016
prescriptive knowledge, 4:2111, 2113, 2:545
Serbia and, 4:2148
2115 Principia (Newton), 3:1312
sports coverage in, 4:2243 Principia Ethica (Moore), 4:2258
press and newspapers, 4:1866–1873 Sweden and, 4:2283 Principle of Mechanics (Hertz), 2:1063
Action Française and, 1:5; 2:685 underseas cables and, 1:353 Principles of Geology (Lyell), 2:615;
advertising and, 4:1867–1868 workers journals and, 3:1285 3:1402
Armenians and, 1:88, 89, 90 See also censorship; freedom of the Principles of Physiological Psychology
Austrian socialism and, 1:11 press (Wundt), 4:1908; 5:2507
Berlin and, 1:216 Pressburg, Treaty of (1805), 1:133; Principles of Political Economy (J. S.
Bolsheviks and, 1:265 2:901; 5:2402 Mill), 2:718, 1006; 3:1509,
Britain and, 1:302–303 Presse, La (Parisian newspaper), 1:187, 1513, 1514
caricatures and, 2:620–622; 4:1823 421; 2:696 Principles of Political Economy
Carlsbad Decree curbs on, 1:368, Pressensé, Edmond Dehault de, (Malthus), 3:1426
377; 4:1869 4:1895, 2136 Principles of Political Economy and
Catalan-language, 1:182 Pressensé, Francis de, 4:1895, 2137 Taxation (Ricardo), 2:515;
Press Law of 1819 (Germany), 1:369; 4:1887
Catholic, 1:388, 389
2:959 Principles of Psychology (W. James),
Cobbett and, 1:489–490
Press Law of 1881 (France), 4:1870; 4:1783
corrupt practices and, 4:1872 Principles of Psychology, The (Spencer),
crime sensation and, 2:575, 576, 576 Prestupleniye i nakazaniye 4:2234–2235
Dickens and, 2:656, 657 (Dostoyevsky), 2:678 Printemps (Paris department store),
Dreyfus affair and, 2:684, 685 Prétre, la femme, et la famille, Le 2:548
Durand and, 2:696 (Michelet), 1:70 printing, 5:2486, 2487–2488
French anti-Semitism and, 2:683, Preuves, Les (Jaurès articles), 3:1216 newspapers and, 4:1866
684, 689 Prévost, Abbé, 4:1916 photography and, 4:1773
French feminism and, 1:127; Prevost, George, 5:2440 printmaking, 1:154
2:650–651, 696–697 Preyer, Wilhelm, 4:1909 Japanese woodblock, 1:109, 192
French Second Empire revitalization Price, Richard, 5:2433, 2480 Munch and, 3:159, 1558, 1599
of, 2:853 Pride and Prejudice (Austen), 1:130, Prinzipien der physikalischen Optik, Die
French socialism and, 1:247 131 (Mach), 3:1409
German feminism and, 1:129, 189; Priestley, Joseph, 1:210; 3:1312, Prisoner of Chillon, The (Byron), 1:333
3:1680–1681 1458; 4:2111; 5:2393 Prisoner of the Caucasus, The
headline innovation and, 4:1867 Prieto, Garcı́a, 4:2232 (Pushkin), 4:1919
Herzen and, 2:1065–1066 Prim, Juan, 4:2230 prisoners of war, 2:953; 4:1949
Prima Exposizione d’arte Decorativa of prisons, 2:573
Herzl and, 2:1068
1902 (Turin), 1:108 Beccaria reforms and, 2:637
homosexual/lesbian stereotypes in,
primary schooling. See education Bentham reforms and, 1:211
primitivism, 4:1873–1876 Kropotkin writing on, 3:1272
illustrations and, 4:1867
avant-garde and, 1:15; 4:18746 Lombroso theory of, 3:1371
Kossuth and, 3:1266–1267
Frazer and, 2:872–873 typhus and, 2:668, 669
Lithuania and, 3:1366
Gauguin and, 2:939–940, 941; See also exile, penal
Marx and, 3:1463, 1464, 1466
4:1710, 1757, 1874, 1875 privatdocenten, 5:2382, 2384, 2390
mass readership of, 4:1868–1869
Hellenism and, 4:1769 private clubs, 3:1471
Milan and, 3:1504
Picasso and, 4:1782, 1783, 1875 privateering and piracy, 1:43, 308;
music criticism and, 3:1566, 1570
Stravinsky and, 4:2261, 2262 2:1008; 3:1612; 5:2362
Ottoman Empire and, 3:1686 primogeniture, 1:287; 2:843, 897; Private Memoirs and Confessions of a
photography and, 4:1773–1774, 3:1306; 4:1747 Justified Sinner, The (Hogg),
1823, 1867 Primo vere (DAnnuncio), 2:609 4:2255
politics and, 4:1872–1873 Prina, Giuseppe, 4:2190 Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, The
popular culture and, 4:1822–1823, Prince Igor (Borodin), 2:774; 4:1999 (Gissing), 2:975
1870–1871, 1872 Prince philosophe, conte orientale, Le private sphere. See separate spheres
pornography and, 4:1835 (Gouges), 2:995 Prix de Rome, 1:224; 2:630; 3:1167;
prices of, 4:1867 Princess, The (Tennyson), 5:2309 4:1944

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2735

Prix Goncourt, 2:991 progress gender inequality and, 1:303;

prizefights. See boxing conservative view of, 2:538, 540 2:942, 946
probability theory, 4:2248, 2249 Darwinian evolution as, 2:617, 815 legal theory and, 3:1314
Problem in Greek Ethics, A (Symonds), fin de siécle and, 2:814–815 liberal belief in, 2:717, 718
4:2296 as imperialist rationale, 3:1120 married women’s denial of, 1:303;
Problem in Modern Ethics, A
Jewish emancipation and, 3:1225 2:801, 802, 804, 942, 946;
(Symonds), 4:2296; 5:2376
liberal belief in, 2:631, 714 3:1595, 1645
‘‘Problems of Heredity as a Subject for
Malthusian polemic against, 3:1425 Napoleonic Code and, 1:351
Horticultural Investigation’’
(Bateson), 2:653 Mazzini and, 3:1479 Paris Commune and, 4:1736
Problems of Idealism (Russian Nietzsche’s repudiation of, 3:1629, Proudhon’s view of, 3:1314;
symposium, 1902), 1:212 1633 4:1897–1898
Proclamation of Moncalieri (1849), Polish positivist belief in, 4:1811 suffrage based on, 2:797
5:2409 Second Law of Thermodynamics vs., women granted, 2:816, 946, 948, 1008
Procter, Henry, 5:2440 2:631 See also land
Prodaná Nevěsta (Smetana), 3:1673 women’s emancipation and, 2:803 Prophète, Le (Meyerbeer), 3:1671
productivity, 2:712–713 See also modernism proportional representation, 4:2279
consumerism-trade relationship and, Progressive Association (Britain), propositional knowledge, 4:2111,
3:1152 1:372 2113, 2115
factories and, 2:788, 791 Progressive Bloc (Duma coalition), propriety. See manners and formality
First Industrial Revolution and, 3:1242, 1518, 1519 Proshian, Perj, 1:88
3:1147 Progressive Liberal Party (Germany), Prosopographia Imperii Romani
Professional Swimming Association 2:966, 967 (Mommsen), 3:1533
(Britain), 4:2242 Progressive People’s Party (Germany), prostitution, 4:1882–1887
professions, 4:1876–1882 1:189 abolishment advocates, 1:129;
aristocracy and, 1:83, 84 Prokofiev, Sergei, 1:154; 2:655; 4:1883–1884, 1886, 1896
artisans and, 1:104–107 3:1496; 4:2000 anti-legalizing crusade and, 2:650
bourgeoisie and, 1:107, 283, proletariat bourgeoisie men and, 1:251, 287
284–285, 472, 473; 4:1879, 1881 Marx’s use of word, 1:62; 3:1465; British punitive legislation and,
bureaucrats and, 1:321–322, 324 4:1849 1:332; 2:802, 804; 4:1815, 1884,
cities and, 1:445, 452 See also labor; labor movements; 1886, 1896, 2162, 2301–2302
Daumier caricatures of, 2:621 working class cities and, 1:455; 2:816
education for, 2:726–727; Promenades dans Rome (Stendhal), contraceptives and, 4:1827
4:1876–1877 4:2252 crime and, 2:572–573, 575
engineering as, 2:757–761 Promessi sposi, I (Manzoni), as Decadent subject, 2:632
established churches and, 4:1895 3:1441–1442 fin de siècle tensions and, 2:816
gendering of, 2:945 ‘‘Prometheus Unbound’’ (Shelley), French brothels, 4:1885, 2301
4:2170 historiography of, 4:1886
hierarchies of, 1:291
pronatalism, 2:771 London and, 3:1375
historiography, 2:1073–1074
‘‘Proofs, The’’ (Jaurès articles), 2:684 male homosexuals and, 2:1084
intellectuals and, 3:1168 ‘‘Propaganda by the Deed’’ strategy,
intelligentsia and, 3:1171; 4:1879, reform societies and, 1:119, 129;
4:1942, 1943
1880 3:1556; 4:1886, 1896
property crime
journalism as, 4:1871–1872 regulation of, 4:1815, 1883, 1884,
child thieves and, 2:573 1885–1886
nursing as, 3:1648, 1649–1651 cities and, 2:572, 575
psychoanalysis and, 4:1906 sexuality and, 4:2161, 2162
incidence of, 2:570, 571 social profile of prostitute and,
restricted entrances into, 4:1881 pickpocketing and shoplifting as, 4:1884–1886
university training and, 5:2382–2383 2:573, 575, 576; 3:1375
women’s admittance to, 2:728, 816, syphilis transmission and, 4:2162,
psychoanalytic theory and, 2:574 2293, 2301–2303
945; 4:1881 property rights
See also lawyers; medicine in Vladivostok, 5:2427
anticlericalism and, 4:1717 protectionism, 1:354–355, 357;
Professor, The (C. Brontë), 1:301
bourgeoisie and, 1:470 2:512–517; 4:1887–1890
Professor Bernhardi (Schnitzler),
citizenship based on, 1:458 agricultural products and, 1:476;
4:2100, 2101
Professor Theodor Billroth Lectures at the civil society and, 1:465, 467 2:512
General Hospital, Vienna, 1880 class and, 1:469 arguments for, 4:1887–1888
(Seligmann), 4:1877 Engels on, 2:946 Bismarck and, 1:239; 2:966
Progrès Médical, Le (journal), 1:411 Frankfurt Parliament and, 2:871 Britain and, 5:2334, 2339, 2343

2736 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Corn Laws and, 2:557–559, 672 French school system and, 2:812 Dreyfus defense by, 3:1168
Disraeli argument for, 2:672, 1005 gender dimorphism and, 2:945 Paris and, 4:1732
economic growth and, 2:513–514 German unification and, 2:870–871 Provence, comte de. See Louis XVIII
European adoption of, 3:1348–1349 Gothic architecture and, 4:2046 Provincial Jubilee Exhibition (Prague),
France and, 1:492; 2:857 Ireland and, 1:373; 2:1009, 1010; 4:1858–1859
3:1177 Provincial Reform of 1775 (Russia),
free trade arguments vs., 515–516,
labor movements and, 3:1291 1:376
Provisional Execution Order of 1819
geopolitical argument for, 2:515–516 Macaulay and, 3:1407
(Germany), 1:369
Germany and, 1:239; 2:966, 967 as minority population,
Provisional Government (Russia,
Hamburg and, 2:1040 4:1890–1891, 1890, 1891
1917), 3:1519
historical debates on, 2:514–515 missionary societies and, Provisional National Theater (Prague),
imperialism and, 3:1120 3:1527–1529; 4:1895, 2220 2:700
List and, 3:1357; 4:1888 Netherlands and, 1:199; 3:1618, 1619 Prozess, Der (Kafka), 3:1242, 1243
Naples and, 3:1255 nursing and, 3:1648–1649, 1650 Prudhomme, Sully, 2:738
prostitution and, 4:1884, 1886, 1896 Prussia, 4:1899–1904
Napoleon and, 2:553–554; 3:1599
Reformation tercentenary and, 2:959 anticlericalism and, 1:70
See also Continental System
Salvation Army and, 4:2082–2083 anti-Semitism in, 2:576
Peel and, 4:1759
Schleiermacher and, 4:2096–2098 architecture in, 4:2091, 2092–2094
practice of, 4:1888–1889
Scotland and, 4:2118–2119 aristocracy/core elite in, 1:81, 83,
revenues from, 4:1888
secularization and, 4:2134 84, 85
as trade policy, 5:2337, 2339, 2340,
Sweden and, 4:2283 army system of, 1:94, 96, 98, 99;
Switzerland and, 4:2288, 2290 2:958, 962, 963, 964; 3:1222,
United States and, 5:2337, 2340
temperance movements and, 1:36; 1274, 1531–1532, 1685; 4:1900,
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
4:1896 1903
Capitalism, The (Protestantische
Ulster and, 3:1184 Austria and, 1:234, 237–238;
Ethik und der Geist der
Wales and, 5:2433, 2434 4:1899–1900, 1901, 2045;
Kapitalismus, Die; Weber),
Weber on, 4:1892; 5:2447 5:2353, 2420, 2467, 2526
4:1892; 5:2446–2447
See also evangelicalism; Austrian War with. See Austro-
Protestantism, 4:1890–1897
Nonconformists; specific Prussian War
Alsace and, 1:51
denominations Berlin as capital of, 1:215–216, 219;
anticlericalism and, 1:67
Protestant League (Germany), 5:2474 4:1901
anti-Corn Law campaign and, 2:558
Protestant League (Prussia), 1:70 Bismarck’s policies and, 1:233–241;
Austria-Hungary and, 1:138, 263 2:662
Protestant Sisters of Charity, 3:1649
awakenings and, 4:1894–1895, bourgeoisie in, 1:184, 290; 4:2251
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
1896, 2136 bureaucracy in, 1:217, 323–324;
(anti-Semitic tract), 4:1803
Berlin and, 1:216, 217 2:726; 3:1278; 4:1900
protoindustrialization, 3:1147–1149,
British Act of Union and, 3:1177 1152 Carlsbad Decrees and, 1:361,
British Nonconformists and, 1:418; Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 1:459; 368–370; 3:1494
2:558, 1002, 1006; 4:1896; 4:1706, 1897–1899, 1898, 2131, Catholic minority in, 1:381; 4:1901,
5:2433, 2434 2203 1972
Chartist culture and, 1:418 anarchism and, 1:56, 57, 60, 62; Catholic political parties in, 1:388
Christian Democratic parties and, 4:1897 censorship and, 1:215, 216; 4:1869;
4:2209 Bakunin and, 1:162 5:2512
Christian Socialism and, 4:2208 Blanqui’s view of, 1:248 Center Party and, 1:394
Czech nationalism and, 3:1469; bureaucracy defined by, 1:320, 321, child labor and, 1:429, 430;
4:1711–1712 325 2:793, 967
Darwinian evolution and, 2:618 First International and, 2:824 cholera epidemic unrest in, 2:669
Dublin and, 2:691, 692, 693 Kropotkin as successor to, 3:1272 Clausewitz and, 1:477–479
education and, 2:723 Marx’s critique of, 3:1465 coal production and, 1:487
free churches and, 4:2136 property rights and, 3:1314; commercial policy of, 2:512
as French minority, 4:1793, 1890, 4:1897–1898 common coinage and, 1:171
1891, 1895, 1970, 2136–2137, socialism and, 3:1287, 1288; Concert of Europe and, 2:524–527,
2279 4:1898–1899 565
French nationalist Right vs., 1:5 Proust, Marcel, 1:166, 169, 184; 2:989; Congress of Troppau and, 2:531
French Revolution and, 2:843, 4:1906, 2047, 2084; 5:2423 Congress of Vienna and, 2:532–534,
846, 888 Bergson and, 1:214 565, 958; 4:1900, 1901

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2737

Congress System and, 1:374 Koch and, 3:1263, 1264 tobacco and, 5:2314
conservatism and, 2:539, 540; Kulturkampf and, 3:1277–1280, university entrance in, 2:728
4:1901, 1903 1329; 4:1723 utilitarianism and, 5:2393
See also Carlsbad Decrees labor movements and, 3:1287 vaccination requirement in, 4:2197
constitutional movements and, 1:457 landed elite in, 3:1305 Warsaw and, 5:2441
Crimean War as benefit to, 2:580 Leipzig battle and, 3:1319 Waterloo and, 5:2442–2443, 2457
Danish War and, 2:607–609, 648 liberalism and, 2:958, 960; William I and, 5:2467
Denmark and, 4:1993–1994; 3:1346–1347; 5:2467 William II and, 5:2312, 2382, 2415,
5:2353 Liebermann and, 3:1353–1355 2467, 2468–2470
drinking culture of, 1:34 Lithuania and, 3:1365 Windthorst and, 5:2472
education reform in, 1:431; Marx and, 3:1463–1464 women’s political suppression in,
2:723–724, 728, 966; 3:1277, Metternich and, 3:1493 2:804
1278; 4:1900, 1972 military academy of, 1:96 women university students in, 2:728
elected assemblies in, 1:290 military tactics and, 3:1506–1507, Zollverein and, 3:1357; 4:1901;
elimination of (1947), 4:1899 1508 5:2525, 2526
engineering projects in, 2:758 Moltke and, 3:1531–1532 See also Franco-Prussian War;
established church in, 4:1895 multiethnic languages in, 2:724–725 Germany
factory iinspectors in, 2:793 Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1599 Prussian Academy of Arts, 3:1354
female teachers in, 2:724 papal concordat with, 1:381 Prussian Academy of Sciences, 5:2426
Fontane novels about, 2:829, 830 Prussian Central Press Agency, 2:828
peasant enfranchisement in, 4:1755
France and, 4:2004, 2092, 2225, Prussian Telegraph Administration,
pilgrimage and, 4:1789
2251–2252; 5:2306, 2311, 4:2179
Poland and, 4:1937
2374–2375, 2442, 2467, 2526 PSI. See Socialist Party (Italy)
Polish partition and, 1:239, 376; PSR. See Socialist Revolutionary Party
Frankfurt Parliament and, 2:871
2:957; 4:1806–1807, 1808–1809,
Frederick William III and, Psyche’s Task (Frazer), 2:872
1812–1813, 1817, 1900
2:875–876 psychiatry
poor relief and, 4:1849
Frederick William IV and, 2:876–877 degeneration and, 2:637, 638–639;
professional certification in, 1:285 3:1472
French Revolutionary Wars and
professional training in, 2:276 Hirschfeld and, 2:1070
Napoleonic Wars and. See under
public health measures in, homosexual/lesbian personality
French Revolutionary Wars and
4:1913–1914 theories of, 2:1085
Napoleonic Wars
Quadruple Alliance and, 1:374; 2:662 Jung and, 3:1238
German Confederation and,
2:958, 962 Ranke and, 4:1940 Krafft-Ebing and, 3:1270–1271
German unification and, 2:871, 924, reforms in, 2:958, 960, 1042–1043; Pinel and, 4:1791–1792
962–967; 4:1899, 1901, 3:1341; 4:1900, 1901–1902
See also psychoanalysis
1902–1903, 1992–1993, 2242; religious toleration in, 4:1895 psychoanalysis, 4:1904–1907; 5:2421
5:2352–2353, 2467 representation in, 1:290 Andreas-Salomé and, 1:65
Greek War of Independence and, repressive crackdown in (1820), Beethoven study based on, 1:199
2:1020 2:1053
Brentanos influence on, 1:299
Hamburg and, 2:1038 Restoration and, 4:1967, 1972, 1973
criminality theory and, 2:574
Hardenberg and, 2:1041–1043 Revolutions of 1848 and, 2:567,
Freud and, 1:8–9; 2:638–639, 904,
Hegel and, 2:1053–1054 877, 961; 4:1901, 1987, 1990,
905–909; 3:1240; 4:1904–1905,
Holy Alliance and, 2:531, 565, 1002, 1993–1994, 1995
1079–1081; 4:1970, 1971, 1973, Roentgen and, 4:2011–2012
Freudian rules for, 2:907
1985, 2228 Rothschilds and, 4:2040
Freud’s definition of, 4:1904
homosexuality law in, 2:1083 Schleswig-Holstein annexation by,
Jung and, 3:1238–1239, 1240
Humboldt brothers and, 1:147; 2:964; 4:1902
Rank and, 4:1938–1939
2:1095–1098 secularization in, 4:2133
psychobiography, 1:199; 4:2259
industrial/manufacturing exhibitions serf emancipation and, 4:2.958, 1754
Psychologie de l’éducation, La (LeBon),
and, 5:2493 slave trade and, 1:13, 308 3:1317
Italy and, 1:234–235; 5:2404 smallpox epidemic in, 4:2198 Psychologie des foules, La (LeBon),
Jena battle defeat of, 2:1038; social insurance and, 4:1854 2:816; 3:1317
3:1221–1222 Stein (Heinrich) and, 4:2250–2252 Psychologie des peuples, La (LeBon),
Jewish emancipation in, 2:958, 1042; suffrage in, 4:2278 3:1317
3:1227; 4:1900 territories of, 4:1900 Psychologie du socialisme, La (LeBon),
Jewish population of, 3:1227 Tirpitz and, 5:2312–2313 3:1317

2738 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt disease epidemics and, 2:667–668 Pufendorf, Samuel von, 2:953
(Brentano), 1:299 Ehrlich ‘‘magic bullet’’ and, Pugachev, Yemelyan, 1:376; 4:1755
psychology, 4:1907–1909, 1961 2:735–736 Pugachev rebellion, 4:2048
Adler (Alfred) and, 1:8–10 French bourgeois doctors and, Pugin, Augustus-Charles (father),
behaviorism and, 4:1748–1749, 1:285–286 4:1917
1908 Pugin, Augustus Welby, 1:186;
hospital infections and, 3:1358
Bergson durée theory and, 1:214 4:1917–1918, 2030
hospitals and, 3:1638, 1648–1649
Brentano and, 1:298–299 Pugin and Rowlandson, 5:2335
Koch epidemiology and, Puig i Cadafalch, Josep, 1:184
child development and, 1:428 3:1263–1264 Pujo, Maurice, 1:4
child rearing and, 3:1454 London and, 3:1372, 1373, Pulcinella (Stravinsky), 4:2262
criminology and, 3:1371 1378–1379, 1380, 1554; Pulszky, Romola de, 3:1643
experimental, 5:2506–2508 4:1911–1912 Pumpurs, Andrejs, 2:820
fin de siècle and, 2:816 Madrid and, 3:1412 Punch (British magazine), 2:587, 618
Freud and, 4:1904 Moscow and, 1:376; 3:1554 punctuated equilibrium, theory of,
Gall and, 2:926 municipal government and, 1:450 2:618
hysteria and, 1:410 nutrition and, 5:2340–2342 punishment. See crime
Jung and, 1:8; 3:1238, 1239–1240 Paris and, 4:1729, 1731, Puniya, 3:1134
Mach and, 3:1408, 1409 1732–1733, 1910 Puniya, Chief Minister of Mysore
Mill (James) and, 3:1511 Pasteur and, 4:1742, 1745 (Hickey), 3:1134
Pavlov and, 4:1748–1749, 1908 Punjab, 2:706; 3:1134
pollution and, 2:765–766, 1009
Puppet Show, a (Blok), 1:250
Pelletier and, 4:1761, 1762 prostitution and, 1:332; 2:804, 816;
puppet shows, 1:335
positivism and, 4:1844 4:1815, 1883, 1884, 1885–1886
purgatory, 1:378
Rank and, 4:1938–1939 protective intervention and, 2:667 Puritani, I (Bellini), 3:1671
sociology and, 4:2214 sexuality and, 4:2161, 2162 Puritanism, 1:308
Spencer and, 4:2235 slum housing and, 1:453, 454; Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 4:2046
spiritualism and, 4:2238 2:1091 Pushkin, Alexander, 1:208, 249;
Wundt and, 5:2506–2508 smallpox prevention and, 4:1918–1920, 2165
See also psychiatry 4:2197–2198 Bely writings on, 1:210
Psychology from an Empirical syphilis and, 4:2300–2303 Chaadayev friendship and, 1:400
Standpoint (Brentano), 1:299 temperance movement and, 1:37 as Dostoyevsky influence, 2:678, 679
Psychology of Jingoism, The (Hobson), tuberculosis initiatives and, 1:450; Glinka and, 2:979, 980
3:1235 2:628; 5:2361 Golden Age and, 4:2181, 2183
Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing), Virchow and, 5:2425 Mickiewicz friendship with, 3:1500
2:636, 816; 3:1270, 1271; welfare initiatives and, 5:2450, 2451, Moscow and, 3:1552
4:2163 2452
Psychopathology of Everyday Life, The on Peter the Great, 4:2075
See also vaccination Pushkin, Vasily Lvovich (uncle), 4:1918
(Freud), 2:906
Public Health Act of 1848 (Britain), Puskas brothers, 5:2308
psychophysics, 5:2507
1:325, 402; 4:1738, 1912 Putilov metalworks (St. Petersburg),
Public Assistance Committees
Public Health Act of 1872 (Britain), 4:2079
(Britain), 4:1820
4:1912 Puttkamer, Johanna von, 1:233–234
public education. See education
Public Health Act of 1875 (Britain), Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 1:192;
public hangings, 1:288 2:766; 4:1915 3:1431; 4:1865
public health, 4:1909–1915 public libraries. See libraries Puy, Jean, 2:796
absinthe and, 1:3, 4 public parks. See parks Puysegur, marquis de, 3:1491
Berlin and, 1:217–218, 219 Public Safety Committee (France). Pygmalion (Shaw), 4:2166
body and, 1:251 See Committee of Public Safety Pyramids, Battle of the (1798),
as British bureaucratic function, public schools (England), 1:428; 2:731, 900
1:324, 325 2:726, 728 Pyrenees, 4:1765
Brussels and, 1:306 public sphere. See civil society
burial grounds and, 2:628 pubs, 1:36
Chadwick reforms and, 1:401–402 Puccini, Giacomo, 3:1677;
cholera and, 1:436, 437, 438; 2:628, 4:1915–1917; 5:2360
688, 765 La Scala and, 3:1504 Q
death rates and, 2:628, 644–645 list of operas of, 4:1916 Qadiriya, 2:784
demographic change and, 2:667, Puck of Pooks Hill (Kipling), 3:1257 Qianlong, emperor of China, 1:432,
670–671 Puerto Rico, 2:949 433

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2739

Qing dynasty, 1:292, 293–294, Quest-ce qu’une nation? (Renan), minorities and, 3:1520
432–435; 3:1578–1579, 4:1953 phrenology and, 4:1776
1678–1680 Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques, popular journalism and,
opium ban by, 3:1678, 1679 4:1921–1922 4:1870–1871
Quarterly Review (English journal), criminality analysis and, 2:570 primitivism and, 4:1874, 1875, 1876
2:537 statistics and, 4:2248 racist dissemination and,
Quadruple Alliance, 1:374; 2:662; Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gómez 4:1926–1928
3:1173 de, 2:951
Romanies and, 4:2021–2024
Quadruple Alliance, Treaty of the Quidde, Ludwig, 4:1697
slavery and, 4:1924–1926, 1928,
(1815), 4:1970–1971 Quinet, Edgar, 3:1500
Quakers, 1:308; 2:1002, 1007; quinine, 1:19; 2:782
social Darwinism and, 2:619, 968
4:1695, 1893, 2192 Quintessence of Ibsenism, The (Shaw),
Quanta Cura (encyclical, 1864), 3:1109 South Africa and, 1:500; 4:1997,
1:381–382; 4:1719, 1797–1798 Quintuple Alliance, 2:531; 3:1173 2219–2220, 2222, 2224; 5:2489
quantum mechanics, 1:427; 4:1781 revolutions of 1820 and, stereotypes and, 2:507
quantum theory, 2:739; 4:1799 4:1979–1982 tourism and, 5:2330
Quarenghi, Giacomo, 4:2077 Quirinale (papal palace), 4:2024 Wagner and, 2:638
Quarterly Review, 3:1334, 1402 Weininger and, 5:2449
quartermaster unit, 1:96 world’s fair displays and, 5:2503
Quartier Leopold (Brussels), 1:305, See also slavery; social Darwinism
396 n Races of Men (Knox), 4:2023
Quatorze juillet, Le (Rolland), 4:2015 R Rachilde (pseud. of Marguerite Eymery
Quatre Bras, Battle of (1815), 2:903 Vallette), 2:633; 3:1213
Quatres Évangiles, Les (Zola), 5:2524 Rabelais, François, 1:169; 3:1214 Rachmaninov, Sergei, 2:654; 4:1699
Quatre Vents de l’esprit, Les (Hugo), Doré illustrations for, 2:676 ‘‘racial hygiene’’ concept, 2:619, 639,
2:1095 rabies vaccine, 3:1263; 4:1744 769, 771
Quatre-Vingt-Neuf (Hugo), 2:1095 race and racism, 4:1923–1928 Racine, 1:229
Quatro Gats, El (Barcelona café), Action Française and, 2:542 Racine et Shakespeare (Stendhal),
4:1781 anti-Semitism and, 1:71–77; 2:816; 4:2252
Quebec, 1:343, 344, 345 3:1393 Raclawice, Battle of (1794), 3:1265
French-Canadian culture of, 1:343, beard growth theory and, 1:190 Radetsky, Fedor F., 4:2068
344 Celticism and, 3:1178 Radetzky, Joseph, 2:961; 3:1502;
Napoleonic Code in, 3:1596 Chamberlain (Houston) theories of, 4:1993, 1994; 5:2403, 2404
Queen Elizabeth (British dreadnaught), 1:402, 403, 404 Jelačić and, 3:1219–1220
3:1611 as citizenship disqualification, Radetzkymarsch (Strauss), 5:2419
Queen Isabel II Canal, 3:1413 1:458–459 radiation, 2:594–595
‘‘Queen Mab’’ (Shelley), 4:2169 civilization concept and, 1:461; radiation sickness, 2:595
Queen of Sheba (Gounod), 2:881 2:507 Radical and Radical-Socialist Party
Queen of Spades, The (Tchaikovsky), class and, 5:2489 (France), 4:1929
4:1919; 5:2307 colonialism and, 1:499–500, 501; radicalism, 4:1928–1930
Queensbury, marquess of. See Douglas, 2:508; 3:1120 anarchism and, 1:57–59, 161–162;
John Sholto criminality theory and, 2:572, 573, 3:1424–1425, 1497–1498
Queen’s Day (Netherlands), 3:1619 574, 575; 3:1372 as anti-aristocracy, 1:82–83
Queensland, 1:134; 2:781 artisans and, 1:111, 459; 3:1390;
debates concerning, 4:1923–1924
Queen’s Matrimonial Ladder, The 5:2486–2487
degeneracy label and, 2:636, 638,
(Cruikshank caricature), 2:586
639, 683 Blanc and, 1:247–248
Queens Park (football club), 2:833
ethnicity vs., 3:1520 Caillaux and, 1:339
Queen Victoria (Strachey), 4:2259
eugenics and, 2:619, 637, 639, Cobbett and, 1:489–490
Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and the
Prince of Wales at Windsor Park 769–770, 928; 4:1914 direct democracy and, 1:458–459
with Their Herd of Llamas evolution and, 2:945 Fabians and, 2:787
(anonymous), 5:2413 German political rhetoric and, 2:968 France and, 1:279; 4:1928–1930,
Queer theory, 4:2259 gymnastics and, 4:2241 1964
Quelmane (Mozambique), 1:19 Haiti and, 2:1037 French Revolution and, 2:844, 892,
Quentin Durward (Scott), 4:2123 humankind classification and, 973, 974; 3:1192
Quesnay, François, 3:1304 4:1924–1926, 1928 German student nationalists and,
Qu’est-ce que la propriété? (Proudhon), as imperialist rationale, 3:1120 1:369
4:1897–1898 India and, 3:1135 intelligentsia and, 4:1879, 1881

2740 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Ireland and, 3:1180 Raffi, 1:88 Manchester and, 3:1428

Italy and, 3:1192 Raft of the Medusa (Géricault), migration and, 2:646
Jacobins and, 3:1205–1206 2:955–956; 4:1705 Milan and, 3:1502
‘‘ragged schools,’’ 2:722 militarization of, 2:580; 3:1506
liberalism and, 3:1343, 1344
Raglan, Lord, 2:577, 579
Lovett and, 3:1390–1391 Netherlands and, 1:201, 305;
ragtime, 4:2087
Lyon and, 3:1405 3:1335, 1617; 4:1933, 1934,
Raiffeisen, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1:111; 1936, 1937
Marx and, 3:1464 2:960
Marxism and, 1:264–265 newspaper delivery by, 4:1866
Railroad, The (Manet), 3:1433
Nechayev and, 3:1613–1614 New Zealand and, 3:1624
railroads, 4:1930–1938, 1935;
nihilists and, 3:1638–1641 Paris and, 4:1729
Paine and, 4:1700 passenger traffic (1913), 4:1937
African colonization and, 1:18, 20,
Paris Commune and, 4:1735–1737 21, 21 pilgrimages and, 4:1789
peace movements and, 2:1034 Amsterdam and, 1:53 Portugal and, 4:1840
army use of, 1:96; 2:580; 3:1506 Prussia and, 1:147; 2:876
People’s Will and, 4:1767–1768
Austria-Hungary and, 1:142, 144 refrigeration wagons and,
police surveillance of, 4:1815
populists and, 4:1831–1832 bank financing of, 1:170, 174
as revolution in travel time, 1:353
pornography and, 4:1834 Belgium and, 1:201, 305; 2:764;
3:1335 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1988
revolutionary right and, 2:542
Belgrade and, 1:206 Rothschilds and, 4:1933, 2040
Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1986
Berlin and, 1:217 Russia and, 4:1933, 1936, 1937,
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1988, 1975, 2064, 2172–2173; 5:2426,
1995 Bohemian Lands and, 1:261
2427, 2478, 2479, 2503
Robespierre and, 2:610 bridge design, 2:759, 760
seaside resorts and, 4:2124, 2125
Russia and, 4:1975–1978, 2053 Britain and, 1:303, 304
Serbia and, 4:2147
Switzerland and, 4:1990, 2289, 2291 broad gauge and, 1:304
social benefits of, 4:1930, 1931
Westernizers and, 2:1064 Brunel and and, 1:303, 304
steam locomotive, 4:1932
women’s movements and, Brussels and, 1:305, 306
steel and, 3:1158, 1159, 1274
1:127–128, 129; 2:805 capitalist bourgeosie and, 1:284
suburbanization and, 2:1087
See also socialism Central Asia and, 1:395, 396
Sweden and, 4:2285
Radical Manifesto of 1885, 4:2136 cities and, 1:452 tourism and, 5:2328–2329, 2330
Radical Party (Britain), 5:2444 coal production and, 1:486 track length and use (1913), 4:1934
Radical Party (France), 1:339, 480; construction of, 4:1931–1934
2:540, 642, 858, 859 trade and, 5:2340–2342
crime and, 2:576 Trieste and, 5:2355
Radical Party (Serbia), 4:2145–2146
Denmark and, 2:647 vacations and, 3:1324
Radical Republican Party (France),
Dublin and, 2:691 Vienna and, 4:1933; 5:2418
radical right (France). See New Right Egypt and, 2:732 Wales and, 5:2434, 2437
Radical-Socialist Party (France), 1:279; engineers and, 2:757, 758, 760 warfare and, 2:580
2:697, 698 environment and, 2:764 wine and, 5:2476
radioactivity, 2:595; 4:2070–2071 France and, 4:1932, 1933, 1934; worker typhus epidemics and, 2:670
radio speaker, 3:1398 5:2349 workforce for, 1:473
radio waves, 3:1163, 1444, 1445; German nationalization of, 2:965 Railroads and American Economic
4:1780 Hamburg and, 2:1039 Growth (Fogel), 4:1930
Radishchev, Alexander, 1:376; impact of, 4:1934–1937 Raimund, Ferdinand, 5:2418
2:1014–1015; 3:1170, as impressionist subject, 3:1128 Raj (India), 3:1135–1137
1551–1552 India and, 3:1135 Rakes Progress, The (Stravinsky),
radium, 2:595, 596 4:2262
Industrial Revolution (second) and,
Radium Institute (France), 2:596 1:329–330; 3:1305 Rakovski, Georgi, 3:1687
Radium Institute (Warsaw), 2:596 Raleigh Cycle Company, 2:602
Istanbul and, 3:1188
Radonjić family, 3:1539, 1540 Rama III, king of Siam, 3:1139
Italy and, 1:390; 2:764; 3:1195,
Radowitz, Joseph Maria von, Rambler, The (periodical), 1:6
2:876, 877 Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840,
Radziwill, Elise, 5:2467 Japan and, 3:1210, 1212
1842, and 1843 (Shelley), 4:2169
Raeder, Linda, 3:1514 leisure travel and, 1:288; 4:1824
Ramdohr, Basilius von, 2:910–911
Raeff, Marc, 2:540 List’s lobbying for, 3:1357 Ramey (sculptor), 4:2043
Raevsky Redoubt, 1:273 London and, 3:1372, 1373, 1374 Rampolla del Tindaro, Mariano,
Raffalovich, Marc-André, 2:1082 Madrid and, 3:1413 3:1331

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2741

Rancé, Armand-Jean, 1:421 rayonism, 1:157 Rech (Kadet newspaper), 3:1519

Rancière, Jacques, 1:338 Rayons et les Ombres, Les (Hugo), Recherche de l’absolu, La (Balzac),
Rand, the, 4:2223 2:1093 1:168
Ranger, Terence, 3:1607, 1666 ‘‘Reaction in Germany, The’’ Recherches sur les constitutions des
Rangers (football club), 2:833 (Bakunin), 1:162; 5:2460 peuples libres (Sismondi), 4:2185
Rank, Otto, 4:1938–1939 reading. See literacy Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles
Ranke, Leopold von, 4:1939–1941 Realism (Courbet pavilion), 4:1707 (Cuvier), 2:599
Burckhardt as student of, 1:316, 317 realism and naturalism, 4:1946–1948 Recio, Marie, 1:225
history methodology and, 2:1072, avant-garde and, 1:152 Reclus, Jean-Jacques-Élisée, 1:56,
1073, 1074 Balzac and, 2:830 57–58
Schelling and, 4:2088 Barbison painters and, 1:178–180 Recoletos y Castellana area (Madrid),
secularization and, 4:2133 Brontë (Charlotte) and, 1:301 3:1413
Rankine, William, 3:1160, 1249–1250 Recollections (Tocqueville), 5:2317
Courbet and, 2:568–569; 3:1126,
rape, 2:571 1128; 4:1702, 1706–1707, 1708, recreation. See leisure
Raphael 1946–1947, 1956 Recuerdos de mi Vida (Cajal), 1:340
Delacroix essay on, 2:641 Recurrence Theorem (Poincaré),
Danish painting and, 2:647
as Ingres influence, 3:1166; 4:1705 4:1804
definition of, 4:1701–1702
Matisse copy of, 3:1474 Red and the Black, The (ballet), 3:1475
Degas and, 2:634
Rappard, Anthon van, 5:2400 Red and the Black, The (Stendhal),
Dickens and, 2:657, 658 4:2252–2253
Rappites, 3:1692 Eliot (George) and, 2:744
Rapport sur les principes de morale Red Army, 4:1803, 1804
Flaubert and, 2:827–828, 830 Red Crescent, 4:1949
politique qui doivent guider la
Fontane and, 2:829, 830 Red Cross, 4:1948–1950, 1950
Convention nationale . . .
(Robespierre), 4:2007 German literature and, 1:220 founding of, 2:867
Rapport sur les progrès et la marche de Gissing and, 2:974–975 Geneva Convention and, 2:953
la physiologie générale en France Goncharov and, 2:989–990 neutrality of, 3:1175
(Bernard), 1:228 Goncourt brothers and, 2:991 nurses and, 3:1650
Rapsodie espagnole (Ravel), 4:1944 Huysmans and, 2:1104, 1105 red dye (alizarin), 3:1157, 1159
Rask, Rasmus, 2:1024 impressionism and, 3:1126, 1128, Redfield, Robert, 4:1756
Raspail, Tissot, 1:247, 286 1133 Red Guide (Michelin), 1:149
Rasputin, Grigory, 1:41–42; 3:1628 Menzel and, 3:1489–1490 Red House (Morris home), 3:1550
Rastrelli, Bartolomeo, 4:2077 Millet and, 3:1515–1516 Red Lanterns, 1:292
Ratapoil (Daumier), 2:621 Netherlands and, 3:1619 Redmond, John, 3:1182, 1183, 1184,
Rathbone, Eleanor, 4:2281 1185
painting and, 4:1701
rationalism ‘‘Red Notebook’’ (Darwin), 2:614
photography and, 4:1708, 1772
Renan and, 4:1953 Redon, Odilon, 4:2293
Pius IX’s condemnation of, 4:1795
Romantics and, 4:2026–2027 Red Room, The (Strindberg), 4:2268,
Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1864
science and, 4:2115 2286
Repin and, 1956–1958
Slavophile view of, 4:2195 ‘‘Red Room, The’’ (Wells), 5:2458
Rodin and, 4:2008–2009 Reds (Polish radicals), 4:1809
sociology and, 4:2214
Shaw and, 4:2165 Red Sea, 1:18; 2:583, 794
Weber on, 5:2447
Stendhal and, 2:830; 4:1946, 2252, Redshirts, 2:931–932; 3:1255; 5:2410
Young Hegelians and, 5:2512
2253 Red Shoes, The (film), 2:655
Rational Psychology (Wolff), 4:1907
symbolism and, 4:2292 Red Square (Moscow), 4:2080
‘‘Rat Man’’ case (Freud), 2:906
Verga and, 5:2407–2408 Red Studio, The (Matisse), 3:1530
Ratzel, Friedrich, 2:774
Ratzenhofer, Gustav, 4:2214 verismo and, 3:1671, 1677; ‘‘Red Vienna,’’ 1:9–10
Rauch, Christian, 1:216 5:2407–2408 Red Virgin, The: Memoirs of Louise
Ravachol (François Claudius Zola and, 4:2292; 5:2522–2524 Michel (Lowry and Gunter, ed.),
Koenigstein-Ravachol), 1:57; Realist Manifesto (Courbet), 4:1707 3:1497
4:1941–1944, 1942, 1943 Realists (Czech political party), 3:1469 Red Week, 3:1504; 4:2299
‘‘Ravachole, La’’ (song), 4:1943 Real Madrid, 3:1414; 4:1824 Rée, Paul, 1:63–64
Ravel, Maurice, 1:154; 3:1575; realpolitik, definition of, 3:1198 Re-establishment of a Cult, The: A Te
4:1944–1946, 1945, 2087 reapers, mechanical, 1:25, 27 deum at Notre-Dame de Paris, 18
Raven, The (Poe; Doré illustrations), Rebecca riots (1839–1844), 5:2434 April 1802 (Adam), 2:528
2:676 Rebellion of 1798 (Ireland), Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man
Ravenna (Wilde), 5:2464 3:1176–1177 (Mann), 3:1435, 1437
Rayevsky, Alexander, 4:1919 Rebellion of 1837–1838 (Lower Reflections on History (Burckhardt),
Rayevsky, Nikolai, 4:1919 Canada), 1:345 1:320

2742 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Reflections on the Revolution in France Reger, Max, 2:654 Robespierre and, 4:1951, 1952,
(Burke), 1:327–328; 2:538, 566; regiment (military unit), 1:94 2007
4:1700; 5:2321, 2480 Règne animal, Le (Cuvier), 2:599 Saint-Simon and, 4:2080
Godwin critique of, 2:980 Régnier, Henri de, 4:2294 September Massacres and, 2:799
Maistre’s agreement with, 3:1422 Regulating Act of 1773 (Britain), show trials and, 4:1951, 1952
‘‘Reflexes of the Brain’’ (Sechenov), 2:794
sister republics and, 4:2187
4:1749 Reichsbank, 1:171
victims of, 2:518
Réflexions politiques, Les (Louis- Reichstadt, duc de. See Napoleon II
Reik, Theodore, 4:2100
Napoleon), 3:1590 Reichstadt Agreement (1876), 2:703
Reimer, Marie, 3:1533
Réflexions sur la violence (Sorel), Reichstag
reincarnation, 4:2238
4:2218 Bebel and, 1:194
Reinhard, Hans, 4:2188, 2189
Reform Act of 1832 (Britain), 1:68, Berlin building for, 1:217
Reinhardt, Max, 1:336
211, 290, 414; 4:1985, 2002; Berlin elections and, 1:219 Reinhart Fuchs (J. Grimm), 2:1023
5:2394, 2412, 2461, 2471 Bernstein as member of, 1:231 Reinsurance Treaty (1887), 1:48, 240;
Brougham and, 1:303 Center Party seats in, 1:393; 2:526, 969
Chartist response to, 1:415, 418 3:1278–1279 William II cancellation of, 2:967
Corn Laws repeal and, 2:558 enfeeblement of, 2:968 Reisebilder (Heine), 2:1055
French Revolution as influence on, founding and powers of, 2:964 reism, Brentano philosophy of, 1:299
1:457 Liebknecht and, 3:1355 Reitern, Mikhail, 2:819, 1016
liberal implications of, 3:1345 limited powers of, 1:459 Relâche (Satie), 4:2087
Lovett and, 3:1390 representation in, 1:290 relative motion, principle of,
Macaulay defense of, 3:1407 Reid, Marion Kirkland, 2:802 4:1804–1805
Mill (James) and, 3:1510 Reign of Terror, 1:81, 116, 328, 412; relativism, positivism and, 4:1843
provisions of, 2:1003 2:892–893, 957, 1030; relativity theory, 2:739–740, 1063;
Scotland and, 4:2118 4:1950–1952, 1950–1952, 3:1409; 4:1780–1781, 1799,
suffrage expansion and, 4:2277, 1962, 2007, 2080 1805
2278, 2279 anticlericalism and, 1:68 relief. See welfare
working class and, 3:1285; 5:2483 Catholic suppression and, 1:387 relief etching, 1:244
Reform Act of 1867 (Britain), 1:203; central purpose of, 2:892 Relief Law of 1880 (Prussia), 3:1279
2:1008; 5:2434 Committee of Public Safety and, religion
Carlyle debate on, 1:371 2:518–519; 4:1951, 1962 Alexander I and, 2:1080
Disraeli and, 2:673 counterrevolutionary movements and, 3:1180
suffrage expansion and, 2:540; and, 2:563–565 Berdyayev and, 1:212
3:1510; 4:2277, 2279 Danton and, 2:610, 612, 893; Bonald and, 1:268–269
women’s suffrage and, 2:1008 4:1952 Carlyle and, 1:370
Reform Act of 1884 (Britain), 2:1009; fears about liberalism and, 3:1343 Carpenter and, 1:372
3:1510; 4:2277 federalist revolt and, 2:799–800, charities and, 4:1851
Reform Act of 1918 (Britain), 2:798 974; 3:1403 church attendance and, 4:1824,
Reformation. See Protestantism football played in prisons of, 2:831 1893, 1894
Réforme, La (French radical daily), Fox’s reaction to, 2:840 church-state separation and,
1:247; 2:849; 3:1318; 4:1963 Girondists executed by, 2:974 4:1929–1930, 2136–2137;
Reformed Church. See Calvinism Gouges as victim of, 2:996 5:2432–2433
Reform Edict of 1807 (Prussia), 2:958 Jacobins and, 3:1205–1206 city life and, 1:448
Reform Judaism, 3:1227, 1232 Lavoisier’s guillotining and, 3:1313 Comte and, 4:1843–1844
Reform Movement (Prussia), Constant and, 2:545
Law of Suspects and, 4:1951–1952
Lyonnais victims of, 2:800, 894; evangelicalism and, 4:2082–2083,
reform societies. See associations, 2136; 5:2463
Marat and, 3:1443 evolution and, 2:614, 615, 618, 631,
refrigeration, 2:659; 5:2340–2341
mass executions of, 2:628, 892, 893, 776, 777
electric, 2:741
893, 894; 3:1192, 1403 Freud’s view of, 2:907, 908–909
Rega Memorandum of 1807
memorires of, 2:896–897 gendered observance of, 2:945
(Hardenberg), 2:1042
Regent Circus (engraving), 3:1601 overview of, 2:844, 892–894; German Confederation and, 2:960
Regent’s Park (London), 3:1378, 4:1950–1952 Haeckel’s monism and, 2:1032
1600–1601 Paine imprisonment by, 4:1701 Hegel’s writings on, 2:1051–1052
Regent Street (London), 1:451; Paris and, 4:1728, 1951 Heine’s view of, 2:1056
3:1600, 1602 press censorship and, 4:1869 Hirschfeld’s view of, 2:1069

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2743

humankind origins and, Hungary and, 1:144 Representation of the People Act of
4:1923–1924 Joseph II and, 1:138, 259; 3:1229; 1918 (Britain), 2:798
Huxley’s agnosticism and, 2:1103 4:1856 Repton, Humphrey (Humphry),
intellectuals and, 3:1168 Pius IX opposition to, 1:381–382 3:1453, 1600; 4:1738
See also Catholic emancipation; Republic, The (Plato), 2:519–520
Irish Potato Famine and, 3:1180
Jewish emancipation Républicain de Seine-et-Oise, Le
Jung and, 3:1239
Religous-Philosophical Society (St. (journal), 2:649
Kulturkampf and, 3:1277–1280 republicanism, 4:1958–1964
Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1514 Petersburg), 1:212
Rembrandt, 2:543; 3:1131, 1353, ancient and modern views of,
missions and, 3:1527–1529 4:1958–1959
Netherlands and, 3:1618–1619 Austria and, 1:10, 11
‘‘Remembrances’’ (Clare), 1:359
Nietzsche and, 3:132, 1629–1631 Barbizon painters and, 1:178, 180
Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, The
nursing and, 3:1648–1650 (Schurz), 4:1987 Boulanger and, 1:279–280, 281–283
Paine critique of, 4:1701 Remizov, Alexei, 4:2183 Cabet and, 1:337
Pater and, 4:1746 Renaissance (theatrical troupe), 1:229 Carducci and, 1:362
peace activists and, 4:1695 Renaissance art, 4:1863 Clemenceau and, 1:479–480
popular culture and, 4:1826–1827 Renaissance in Italy (Symonds), Comte and, 2:522
refugee migrants and, 3:1111 4:2296 Constant and, 2:545–546
Renan and, 4:1952–1954 Renaissance Revival style, 1:185–186 Deraismes and, 2:649–654
Restoration and, 4:1968–1970 Renaixença (Catanonian movement),
Directory and, 2:665
revivalism, 4:1968, 2079; 5:2434 1:182
Ferry and, 2:810–812
Renan, Ernest, 1:51, 74–75, 228;
Romanticism and, 4:2030–2031 France and, 1:457; 2:810,
2:873; 3:1207, 1500;
Salvation Army and, 4:2082–2083 957; 3:1389
4:1952–1954, 2133, 2218;
science vs., 2:614, 615, 776, 1103; 5:2399 French nationalist Right vs., 1:5
3:1401–1402; 4:2110–2111 French Radicals and, 4:1928–1930
life of Jesus by, 2:688; 4:1892
Scotland and, 2:1002, 1006; as French Revolution legacy, 2:891,
on national identity, 3:1522
5:2118–2119 896; 4:1962–1964
Renard, Jules, 4:1944
secularization and, 4:2132–2134 Renault (automobile manufacturer), Gambetta and, 2:928–929
Sepoy Mutiny and, 4:2140 5:2352 German reaction to, 2:957
Soloviev’s (Vladimir) view of, 4:2216 Renault taxis, 1:151 ideals of, 2:812, 958
spiritualism and, 4:2239 René Mauperin (Goncourt brothers), Ireland and, 2:1000
symbolists and, 4:2294 2:991 Italy and, 3:1197; 4:1963, 1964
Weber’s theory of, 5:2447 Renner, Karl, 1:11 Jacobins and, 3:1205, 1206
Young Hegelians and, 5:2512, 2513 Rennie, John, 2:758 Ledru-Rollin and, 3:1318–1319
See also evangelism; specific religions Renoir, Jean, 4:1956 liberal ideals and, 3:1342–1345
Religion of China, The (Weber), Renoir, Pierre-Auguste,
Louis-Napoleon’s election and,
5:2447 4:1954–1956, 1955
Religion of Humanity, 2:523 Degas friendship with, 2:634
Mazzini and, 3:1479, 1480
Religion of India, The (Weber), 5:2447 impressionism and, 3:128, 1126,
Paine and, 4:1700–1701
religious orders 1130, 1534; 4:1708, 1709
Paris Commune and, 4:1736
French Revolution and, 2:843 Morisot friendship with, 3:1544
Portugal and, 4:1841–1842, 1842
nursing and, 3:1648, 1649 Parisian scenes and, 4:1732
rights and, 4:1959–1960
Prussian abolishment of, 3:1278 Pissarro and, 4:1793
secret societies and, 4:2129
teaching and, 2:721 Repin, Ilya, 3:1575; 4:1956–1958,
1957 Spain and, 4:1964, 2231, 2300
Religious Procession in Kursk Province
Report of the Royal Commission on a Third French Republic and,
(Repin), 4:1957
Rural Constabulary (Britain), 2:856–857
religious toleration
2:572 Waldeck-Rousseau and, 5:2432
Belgium and, 1:200, 383
Report on the Sanitary Condition of the women’s exclusions and, 2:721, 723;
Berlin and, 1:216
Labouring Population, The 4:1961–1962
Berlin Conference guarantees of, Republican Party (U.S.), 2:962;
(Chadwick), 1:401–402; 3:1358
1:220 5:2439
Report to the County of Lanark
Catherine II and, 1:376 Republicans (Spain), 4:2231, 2300
(Owen), 3:1692
Central Asia and, 1:396 Représentant du Peuple, Le (Proudhon République française, La (newspaper),
Constant on, 2:545 newspaper), 4:1899 2:642, 929
established churches vs., 4:1895 Representation of the People Act. See Requiem (Verdi), 3:1572
Francis Joseph and, 1:145 Reform Act of 1867 Requiem Canticles (Stravinsky), 4:2263

2744 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Requirement of Oxygen for the women’s legal subjugation under, revolutionary socialists. See socialist
Organism, The (Ehrlich), 2:735 2:802 revolutionaries
Rerum Italicarum Scriptores See also Revolutions of 1830 revolutionary syndicalism, 4:2298,
(Muratori), 2:1072 Restoration, Italian, 3:1193–1196; 2300
Rerum Novarum (encyclical, 1891), 4:1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, Revolutionary Tribunal (France),
1:382, 383, 389; 4:1720, 2209 2001–2002 2:612, 892; 4:1951–1952
Rescued by Rover (film), 1:441 Restoration, Spanish, 1:59; 2:540, Revolutionary War. See American
rescue operas, 3:1670 949–951; 4:1967, 1969, 1970, Revolution
‘‘Resignation’’ (Arnold), 1:102 1970–1973, 1971, 1973, Revolutionary Wars. See French
restaurants, 1:445; 4:1964–1967, 2231–2232 Revolutionary Wars and
1965, 1966, 2035 Ferdinand VII and, 1:420; Napoleonic Wars
Restaurant Véry (Paris restaurant), 2:998–999; 4:1969, 1970 Revolution Betrayed, The (Trotsky),
4:1966 3:1172
Generation of 1898 and, 2:950, 951
Restoration, 1:68, 248, 270; Revolution of 1789. See French
Madrid and, 3:1413, 1414
2:847–848; 4:1967, 1967–1974, Revolution
1968, 1968–1973; 5:2306 Resurrection (Schiele), 4:2090
revolution of 1798 (Ireland), 2:1000
Resurrection (Tolstoy), 5:2319
abandonment of, 4:1972–1973 Revolution of 1804–1813 (Serbia),
retail trade
artisan guilds and, 1:106 3:1247
anti-Semitism and, 2:552 Revolution of 1854 (Spain), 1:368
Boulanger affair and, 1:279–280
cities and, 1:445, 446 Revolution of 1863 (Poland), 4:1809
bourgeoisie and, 1:471
class and, 1:472–473 Revolution of 1868 (Spain), 1:182,
bureaucracy and, 1:321
clothing and, 1:48, 4834 368
Catholicism and, 1:387
conservatism and, 1:106 Revolution of 1871. See Paris
Catholic missions and, 3:1528
consumerism and, 2:547, 548–549; Commune
Charles X and, 1:412; 2:847–848
3:1453 Revolution of 1905 (Russia), 1:62, 81;
Chateaubriand and, 1:420–423 3:1293; 4:1697, 1974–1979,
cooperatives and, 2:555–557
Concert of Europe and, 2:525 1977, 2055–2056, 2079, 2182
France and, 1:106
Congress of Vienna on, 2:532 aftermath of, 4:1978–1979
Jews and, 3:1231
conservatism and, 2:539 Armenians and, 1:89
London and, 3:1378
conservative alternatives to, avant-garde and, 1:157
markets and, 3:1447–1449
4:1971–1972 ballet dancers and, 4:1750
white-collar women workers and,
Constant and, 2:545 Bely and, 1:209
constitutional limits and, 1:457 Berdyayev and, 1:212
working-class credit and, 2:550
emigré compensation and, 2:847 Bolsheviks and, 1:265–267; 3:1487
See also department stores
Fouché and, 2:837 Rethel, Alfred, 2:629 Bund and, 1:315
Freemasons and, 2:881 reticular hypothesis, 1:341 Endecja and, 2:753
Guizot and, 2:1029 Retiro Park (Madrid), 3:1413 escalated unrest and, 4:1976–1977,
Ingres and, 3:1165 Retribution (Blok), 1:250 2055–2057
in international arena, 4:1970–1971 Return of Sherlock Holmes, The failure of liberalism and, 3:1349
Laennec and, 3:1298 (Doyle), 2:680 Finland and the Baltic Provinces and,
Lafayette and, 3:1300–1301 Return of the Native, The (Hardy), 2:822–823
liberalism and, 3:1343 2:1045 general strikes and, 4:1974,
Louis-Philippe’s position during, Reubell, Jean-François, 2:664 1977–1978, 2055–2056
3:1388 Reunion, 1:16 Gorky and, 2:993
Louis XVI burial and, 3:1386 Reutern, Mikhail, 4:2067
Great Reforms and, 4:1975
Louis XVIII and, 2:846, 1098; Revelation, Book of, 4:2182
intelligentsia and, 3:1171
3:1387 Révellière-Lépeaux , Louis-Marie de,
Lenin and, 3:1328–1329
Metternich and, 3:1493–1494 2:664
Revett, Nicholas, 4:1762 Luxemburg and, 3:1400, 1401
Napoleon’s Elba exile and, 2:1098 as Masaryk influence, 3:1469
revivalism. See evangelicalism
national identity and, 3:1522 Mensheviks and, 3:1487
Révoil, Pierre, 2:605
papacy and, 3:1195; 4:1718, 1724 Moscow and, 3:1553–1555
Révolté, La (newspaper), 3:1272;
Paris under, 4:1729 4:1794 Nicholas and Alexandra and, 1:42;
republicanism and, 2:896 ‘‘Revolt of Islam, The’’ (Shelley), 3:1627–1628
secret societies and, 1:360–361 4:2170 October Manifesto and, 3:1328,
student radicalism and, 1:369 revolutionary right. See New Right 1554, 1627, 1659; 4:1978, 1979,
Talleyrand and, 5:2306 Revolutionary Russia (Moscow 2057, 2211
theory and practice of, 4:1967–1970 newspaper), 4:2210 Octobrists and, 3:1659, 1660

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2745

peasants and, 4:1976, 1978, 2056; France and, 4:1980, 1981, 1982 Haussmann and, 2:1046
5:2485 Great Powers clashes of interest and, Heine and, 2:1055–1056
Plekhanov and, 4:1801 2:662 Italy and, 3:1195; 4:1983–1986
pogroms and, 1:76, 76; 3:1395; Greece and, 4:1981–1982 journalists’ roles in, 4:1869, 1872
4:1803, 1803 Italy and, 2:662; 3:1195; July Monarchy and, 1:269
Polish patriots and, 4:1812, 1818 4:1980–1981 Lafayette and, 3:1298, 1301
Russian Orthodox Church and, liberal-national movements and, liberalism and, 1:457–458; 3:1344
4:2063 3:1344
Metternich and, 3:1494
Russo-Japanese War and, 3:1557, as Metternich challenge, 3:1494
Mickiewicz and, 3:1500
1627, 1628 Naples and, 1:361; 2:565–566, 959;
origins of, 4:1983
Stolypin and, 4:1978–1979, 2256 3:1194, 1254–1255, 1494;
4:1980, 1981 outbreak of, 4:1983–1984
student movements and, 4:1975,
Portugal and, 4:1839 papal reaction to, 4:1718–1719,
1976, 2055, 2056; 5:2390
Vladivostok and, 5:2427 Spain and, 1:361; 2:566, 959;
4:1979–1980, 1980, 1981 Paris and, 1:413; 4:1728, 1733
Zasulich and, 5:2518
Revolutions of 1830, 1:291; Poland and, 1:381; 2:604, 959,
Revolution of 1908 (Young Turks),
3:1691 4:1982–1986 1081; 3:1500, 1561, 1605, 1625;
Revolution of 1916 (Turkestan), 1:397 achievements and failures of, 4:1986 4:1808, 1810, 1818, 1983–1986
Revolution of 1917 (Russia), 4:2079, aftermath of, 4:1985–1986 political impact of, 4:1986
2183, 2211; 5:2518 anticlericalism and, 1:68, 381; preludes to, 4:1983
Bely and, 1:209 4:1718 Rothschilds and, 4:2040
Berdyayev and, 1:213 armies and, 1:96 Saint-Simonism and, 4:2081
Bolshevik lead up to, 1:267 Barbizon painters and, 1:178 suffrage and, 4:2277
civil war and, 3:1242, 1518, 1519, Belgium and, 1:200; 2:566, 662; Talleyrand and, 5:2306
1660 3:1335, 1561, 1617; 4:1983, Thiers and, 5:2310–2311
Diaghilev as emigré from, 2:655 1984, 1985–1986 Tocqueville and, 5:2316
Eurasianism and, 2:771–772, 775 Blanc and, 1:248 working class and, 5:2483
Guchkov and, 3:1660 Bonapartism and, 1:270 Revolutions of 1848, 1:291; 2:567;
Guesde’s view of, 2:1026 bourgeosie and, 1:284, 4:1987–1996, 1989, 1992
intelligentsia and, 3:1171–1172 457–458, 471 academic unemployment and,
Kuliscioff ’s support for, 3:1277 bureaucracy and, 1:321 4:1879
Lenin and, 2:522 Cabet and, 1:337 Annekes and, 1:66
Luxemburg critique of, 3:1401 Carbonari and, 1:361; 4:1979, 2130, anticlericalism and, 1:381; 4:1718,
Mensheviks and, 3:1488 2131; 5:2513 1719
Meyerhold and, 3:1495, 1496 Catholicism and, 1:387 aristocracy and, 1:81
Milyukov and, 3:1518, 1519–1520 Charles X and, 1:412, 413; 3:1387, armies and, 1:96
Nicholas and Alexandra and, 1:42; 1388; 4:1984; 5:2512 artisans and, 1:104
3:1626 cholera riots and, 2:669 Austria and, 1:141–143, 143, 262;
Pankhursts and, 4:1714, 1715 Concert of Europe and, 2:525 2:807, 808, 863; 4:1987, 1990,
conference diplomacy and, 2:662 1993–1995, 1994, 1995;
Plekhanov and, 4:1801
consolidation of, 4:1984–1985 5:2418–2419, 2510
political prisoners amnesty and,
counterrevolution and, 2:566–567, Austrian Jews and, 3:1525
959, 1081; 3:1561 Austrian students and, 5:2383
Russian Orthodox Church and,
4:2063 decline of, 4:1985 avant-garde and, 4:1706
St. Petersburg and, 3:1555 Delacroix paintings and, 2:640 Bakunin and, 1:162; 2:961
Revolutions of 1820, 4:1979–1982, development of, 4:1984 Barbizon painters and, 1:178
1980 dynamics of, 4:1983 Berlin and, 1:215–216; 2:877, 961;
Carbonari and, 1:361; 4:1979, 2130; English Swing riots and, 1:358 4:1901–1902, 1990, 1993
5:2513 France and, 1:270, 361, 457; 2:566, Bismarck and, 1:234
Carlism and, 1:366, 367 848, 848; 3:1288; 4:1982–1986, Blanc and, 1:247
Concert of Europe and, 2:525, 662 2081, 2277; 5:2306, 2310–2311, Blanqui and, 1:248
conference diplomacy and, 2:662 2316, 2483 bourgeoisie and, 1:471; 4:1989
Congress of Troppau and, French Charbonnerie and, 1:361 Britain and, 1:417
2:531–532; 3:1494 Gagern and, 2:923 Budapest and, 1:143, 310; 2:808;
counterrevolutionaries and, German demonstrations and, 1:370; 4:1990, 1994
2:565–566, 959 2:959 Burckhardt’s reaction to, 1:317, 318

2746 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

bureaucrats and, 1:324 Marx and, 3:1461, 1466 Revue de droit international et de
Cabet and, 1:338 Mazzini and, 3:1197, 1480; 4:1719, législation comparée (journal),
Carlsbad Decrees repeal and, 1:370 1796 3:1175
Mediterranean and, 3:1482 Revue de l’enseignement primaire et
cholera pandemic and, 2:669
primaire supérieur (journal),
citzens rights and, 1:459–460 Metternich and, 3:1495
classical economics and, 2:716 Michelet and, 3:1499 Revue des Deux Mondes (journal),
Comte and, 2:523 Milan and, 3:1196, 1502; 4:1990, 2:687; 3:1334
conference diplomacy and, 2:662 2002 Revue du Progès politique, social et
conflicts of, 4:1993–1995 Millet and, 3:1515 littéraire, La (journal), 1:247
counterrevolutionary measures and, Naples and, 3:1196, 1255, 1581; Revue Historique (journal), 2:1073,
2:567; 3:1681 4:2002 1074
Courbet and, 2:568 nationalism and, 1:142 Revue indépendante (journal), 4:2013
Czech national revival and, 1:261; nationalist conflicts and, 3:1605 Revue Novelle (journal), 1:390
4:1712, 1856 origins of, 4:1988–1990 Revue sociale (socialist journal),
emigrés and, 3:1112 outbreak and spread of, 4:2013
4:1990–1991 Revue Wagnérienne, La (journal),
Engels and, 2:755
1:403; 4:2294
failures and accomplishments of, Paris and, 4:1728, 1733
Rewa, maharaja of, 3:1136
4:1995 Paris barricades and, 2:1047
Rewards and Fairies (Kipling), 3:1257
feminism and, 2:803–804 peasants and, 4:1754, 1757 Reyer, Ernest, 3:1675
Fourierism and, 5:2397 Pius IX and, 4:1719, 1796 Reymont, Wladyslaw, 3:1265; 4:1756
France and, 2:567, 849, 961, 968; Poland and, 4:1809, 1818 Reynard the Fox (J. Grimm), 2:1023
3:1248, 1389; 4:1933, 1948, political Catholicism and, 1:388; Reynaud, Émile, 1:441; 3:1396, 1398
1963, 1964, 1987, 1990–1995; 4:1995 Reynier, Jean Louis-Ebenezer, 3:1321
5:2311, 2317, 2397 potato blight and, 2:1005 Reynolds, G. W. M., 2:575
Frankfurt Parliament and, 2:870–872 Prague and, 4:1856, 1859–1860 Rezanov, Nikolai, 4:2064
Frederick William III and, 2:877 Proudhon and, 4:1899 Rheims, archbishop of, 4:1719–1720
French feminists and, 2:658 Prussia and, 2:567, 877, 961; Rheingold, Das (Wagner), 3:1571,
French penal exile and, 2:780 4:1901–1902, 1987, 1990, 1674
Gagern and, 2:923, 924 1993–1994, 1995 Rheinische Zeitung (newspaper),
Prussian lawyers and, 1:285 2:754; 3:1464
German machine breaking and,
3:1412 Rhineland
public health reforms and,
4:1913–1914 Prussia and, 4:1900, 1901, 1902
Germany and, 2:567, 870, 923, 924,
961–962; 3:1412; 4:1987, realism and, 4:1946 See also Confederation of the Rhine
1990–1994, 1995 Rhineland capitalism, 1:330
Rothschilds and, 4:2040
Rhine River, 2:957, 958; 3:1320
Guizot and, 2:1030 Russian repression and, 3:1626
Alsace and Lorraine and, 1:50, 51
Haussmann and, 2:1047 Russian universities and, 5:2386
alteration of, 2:762
Herzen’s view of, 2:1065 serf emancipation and, 4:1754
canal system and, 2:757
Hugo and, 2:1093 Sicily and, 2:581; 3:1196, 1255
French Revolutionary Wars and,
Hungary and. See Hungarian Thiers and, 5:2311 3:1596
Revolution of 1848 Tocqueville and, 5:2317 international navigation of, 3:1173
Italy and, 2:961; 3:1196–1197, urban poor and, 4:1848 Leipzig battle and, 3:1320, 1322
1255, 1344; 4:1786, 1987, Venice and, 5:2403–2404 Rhode, Paul W., 5:2337
1990–1995, 2002–2003
Vienna and, 1:141, 142; 2:808, 961; Rhodes, Cecil, 4:1996–1997
Jelačić and, 3:1219–1220 3:1220, 1236, 1267; imperialist rationale of, 3:1121,
John of Austria and, 3:1236 5:2418–2419 1122
journalists roles in, 4:1869 voluntary associations and, South Africa and, 4:1996, 2222
labor movements and, 3:1287 1:117, 118 Rhodesia, 1:500; 4:1997
Ledru-Rollin and, 3:1318 Wagner and, 5:2430 Rhodes Scholarships, 4:1997
Leopold I and, 3:1335–1336 William I and, 5:2467 Rhône River, 2:757
liberal-national movements and, women socialists and, 3:1288 Rhur region, 3:1273–1274, 1294
3:1344 Revolutions of 1917 (Russia). See Ribot, Alexandre-Félix-Joseph, 3:1216
Louis I of Bavaria and, 4:1834 Revolution of 1917 Ricardo, David, 2:515; 3:1426
Louis-Napoleon and, 1:271; 3:1590, Revue blanche (journal), 3:1213, 1214 classical economics and, 2:714,
1626; 4:1993, 1995 Revue critique d’histoire et de littérature 716, 717
lower middle class and, 1:478 (journal), 2:1073 as Marx target, 3:1466

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2747

Mill (James) and, 3:1510, 1511, 1512 homosexuals and, 2:1069–1071, 1201; 4:2000–2004, 2034,
trade policy and, 4:1887; 5:2334, 1086 2185, 2247
2338, 2339, 23333 Jewish emancipation and, Carbonari and, 1:360–363; 3:1193
Ricasoli, Baron, 5:2476 3:1225–1227, 1228–1230 Cavour and, 1:390, 391, 392–393;
rice, 4:2190, 2191; 5:2335 Kadets program and, 3:1241 3:1197–1198, 1481
Richard, Fleury-François, 2:605 Lafayette and, 3:1298, 1299–1300, Charles Alberts constitution and,
Richard, Henry, 5:2435 1301 1:414; 3:1196, 1197
Richards, I. A., 1:497; 4:2259 liberal agenda of, 2:717, 812, 871, Crispi and, 2:581, 583
Richards, William Trost, 4:1864 958; 3:1341, 1345, 1464 education and, 2:724
Richardson, Dorothy, 1:214 masculinity and, 3:1470 Expedition of the Thousand and,
Richardson, John, 2:1088 monarch as source of, 2:566 2:581
Richepin, Jean, 2:1104 natural law and, 1:456 Franco-Austrian War and,
Richer, Léon, 1:127; 2:649, 651, 804; 2:866–867; 3:1198–1200, 1592
Reign of Terror’s suspension of,
4:1998–1999 Freemasonry and, 2:881
2:844, 892
Richmond, George, 1:246 Garibaldi and, 2:931–932; 3:1195,
serf emancipation and, 4:1754
Richter. See Paul, Jean 1197–1198, 1255
Richter, Eugene, 3:1347 women and. See feminism; women’s
suffrage German unification and, 4:1902
Ricord, Philippe, 4:2301
See also human rights; suffragism Giolitti and, 2:971–973
Ricordi, Giulio, 3:1677; 4:1915
Rights of Man, The (Paine), 1:415; Gladstone and, 2:977
Riddle of the Universe, The (Haeckel),
2:1000; 4:1700, 2187 international law and, 3:1174
Riding Couple (Kandinsky), 3:1244 ‘‘Right to Work’’ campaign Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and,
Rieger, František L., 5:2510, 2511 (1907–1908, Britain), 3:1296 3:1254, 1255–1256
Riego y Nuñez, Rafael del, 4:2228, right-wing movements. See languages and, 2:729
2229 conservatism; New Right; specific liberalism and, 3:1343
Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich von, 4:1755 movements Manzoni and, 3:1441
Rienzi (Wagner), 3:1571, 1674; Rigny, de (French admiral), 3:1612 Marinetti and, 2:921
5:2430 Rigoletto (Verdi), 3:1572, 1673; Mazzini and, 3:1194–1195, 1197,
Riezler, Kurt, 2:957, 967 5:2406 1479–1481
rifles, 1:95, 99 Rigsdag (Danish parliament), 2:648
monetary union and, 3:1537, 1538
Riklin, Franz, 3:1238
breechloader, 1:355; 3:1507 Mozzoni and, 3:1555
Riksdag (Swedish parliament),
British mass-produced, 2:580 Naples and, 2:581; 3:1581
1:226, 227
military tactics and, 3:1506 Riley, Jonathan, 3:1514 Napoleonic groundwork for, 3:1193
repeating, 1:20, 356 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1:65; 2:1079; papal opposition to, 1:380, 382, 388,
Rif Mountains, 3:1547 3:1529–1530; 4:2089 393; 3:1197, 1329, 1604;
Riforma, La (newspaper), 2:581 Rimbaud, Arthur, 2:939; 4:2089, 2292 4:1717, 1719, 1725, 1795, 1798
Riga, 2:817, 819 Decadence and, 2:632 Papal State and, 4:1726
population makeup of, 1:447; 2:818 symbolism and, 3:1529 Piedmont-Savoy and, 3:1195,
Riga Latvian Association, 2:820, 821 ‘‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The’’ 1197–1199, 1255; 4:1785, 1787,
Rigas Velestinlis (Rigas Pheraios), (Coleridge), 1:496, 497 1902, 2000
2:1019 press freedom and, 4:1870
Doré illustrations, 2:676
Rigault, Raoul, 1:68 problems following, 3:1199–1202
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, 2:774,
Right Leg in the Boot at Last (cartoon), proclamation of Kingdom of Italy
980; 3:1571; 4:1999–2000
5:2410 (1861) and, 1:392; 3:1197, 1198
Diaghilev and, 2:654; 4:2000
rights Revolution of 1848 failure and,
Stravinsky and, 4:2000, 2261
Britain and, 2:1001; 3:1345 2:567; 3:1197; 4:1992, 1995
Ring des Nibelungen, Der (Wagner),
British Catholics and, 3:1176 Sicilian banditry and, 3:1415–1416
3:1436, 1571, 1635, 1674;
citizenship and, 1:456, 457, 458 4:1999; 5:2431 Sicily and, 4:2175, 2176–2177;
civil society and, 1:466–467, 468 Ring of the Niebelung (Wagner), 5:2411
Committee of Public Safetys denial 3:1436, 1571, 1635, 1674; Trieste and, 4:2004; 5:2356–2357
of, 2:518 4:1999; 5:2431 Venice and, 5:2404–2405
Constants defense of, 2:545, 546 Ringstrasse (Vienna), 5:2419, 2420 Verdi and, 3:1572, 1672, 1767;
cultural minimun for, 1:498 Riquetti, Honoré-Gabriel. See 5:2406–2407
French Revolution and, 2:801–802, Mirabeau, comte de Victor Emmanuel II and,
844, 887, 888, 941 Risler, Eugénie, 2:811 5:2410–2411
Godwin on, 2:981 Risorgimento (Italian unification), women’s political influence and,
Gouges and, 2:995 1:234, 362; 3:1193, 1195–1199, 2:803, 804

2748 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

See also Kingdom of Italy Lamartine history of, 3:1304 Rolland, Romain, 4:1760,
Risorgimento, Il (journal), 1:390 as Napoleon’s protector, 3:1584 2014–2016
Ristić, Jovan, 4:2145 overthrow of, 2:893–894; 4:1701 Roman antiquities, 3:1533
Rite of Spring, The (Stravinsky), 2:654, Roman Campagna, The (Corot),
Reign of Terror and, 2:844, 892;
774, 775; 3:1573, 1642, 1643; 2:561
4:1951, 1952, 2007
4:2262 Roman Carnival Overture (Berlioz),
republicanism and, 4:1960
primitivism and, 4:1876 1:225
Sade and, 4:2074 Roman Catholic Church. See
Ritter, Gerhard, 4:2099
September Massacres and, 2:973 Catholicism; papacy
Ritter Pásmán (R. Strauss), 4:2261
sister republics and, 4:2187 Roman de l’énergie nationale, Le
Ritz, César, 4:1967
Robin Hood, 4:1821 (Barrés), 1:185
Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà, 5:2354
Robinson, James, 5:2334 Romanes, George, 4:1908
Rivas, duke de (Ángel Saavedra),
Robinson, Michael, 4:2269 Roman history, 3:1533
Robinson, Ronald, 1:498 Romania, 4:2016–2021, 2018, 2019
Rivera, Primo de, 2:949
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 3:1384 alliance system and, 1:48
rivers, 2:762, 764, 765, 766
Robison, John, 4:1779 Balkan Wars and, 1:13, 165, 313;
waterway transport and,
Rob Roy (Scott), 4:2123 4:2149
Rob Roy overture (Berlioz), 1:225
Riviera, 5:2328 Bulgaria and, 1:313
Robson, John, 3:1514
Rivière, Georges, 4:1955 Crimean War and, 2:577
Rocca, John, 4:2247
Rivière, Henri, 1:335 Eastern Question and, 2:705
Rochdale Society of Equitable
Rixdorf (Berlin suburb), 1:217 electric lighting and, 2:741, 742
Pioneers, 2:555–556
Riza, Ahmed, 3:1690; 5:2515 Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:137;
Roche, Daniel, 2:548
Rizzotto, Giuseppe, 3:1415 4:2018–2020
Rocher de Cancale (Paris restaurant),
Road Bridge at Argenteuil, The independence of, 2:530, 706, 1018;
(Monet), 3:1535 3:1173, 1689
Rochlitz, Friedrich, 3:1566
road racing, 2:602
Rocket (steam locomotive), 2:760; Mehadia women’s traditional dress,
roads, 4:1936; 5:2346, 2348, 2349,
4:1932 1:139
Rockingham, marquis of (Charles monetary system of, 3:1538
automobiles and, 1:149
Watson Wentworth), 2:839; nationalism and, 4:1993, 1994, 2020
engineers and, 2:757
5:2461 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1990,
Road to Calvary, The (Tolstoy),
Roda, Roda, 1:336 1994
4:2076, 2079
Rodenbach, Albrecht, 4:2295 Romanies and, 4:2021
Road to Power, The (Kautsky), 3:1248
Rodin, Auguste, 3:1133, 1471; Russia and, 4:2016, 2017, 2020,
robbery. See property crime
4:2008–2011, 2010 2067
Robergh, Otto, 1:482
Rilke’s ‘‘object poems’’ and, 3:1530 Russo-Turkish War and, 4:2067,
Robert, Hubert, 2:831
Rodrigues, Olinde, 1:151; 4:2081, 2068
Robert-Koch-Institute (Berlin),
2202 San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2069,
Rodzianko, Mikhail, 3:1659 2085
Robert le diable (Meyerbeer), 3:1671
Roentgen, Wilhelm, 2:594;
Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1:257; serf emancipation in, 4:1754, 2149
4:2011–2013, 2070
3:1258, 1259 trade and, 5:2335
Roerich, Nikolai, 2:655, 774, 775
Roberts, H. F., 2:653 Triple Alliance and, 2:965
Rogent i Amat, Elias, 1:182
Roberts, Morley, 2:975 universities in, 5:2380–2381
Roger, Peter Mark, 1:440
Roberts, Richard, 3:1430 Romanian National Party, 4:2019
Robespierre, Maximilien, 1:337; Rogers, William Barton, 1:23
Roi Arthur, Le (Chausson), 3:1675 Romanian Orthodox Church, 4:2018,
2:888; 4:1869, 2005–2008, 2019, 2020
2006 Roi Bombance, Le (Marinetti), 2:917
Roi d’Ys, Le (Lalo), 3:1675 Romanies (Gypsies), 2:572; 4:2021,
assassination attempt on, 4:1952 2021–2024, 2023
Roi Lear, Le (Berlioz), 1:225
Committee of Public Safety and, in Serbia, 4:2146
Roi samuse, Le (Hugo), 2:1093
3:1206 Roman law, 3:1533, 1593, 1595, 1596
Rokumeikan (Deer Cry Pavilion),
Danton and, 2:610, 611, 612, 893 3:1210 Romanones, Conde de, 4:2231–2232
David and, 2:624 Roland, Manon, 2:973; 4:1700 Romanov dynasty, 1:41, 42, 80;
execution of, 2:518, 519, 565, Roland, Pauline, 2:650, 651; 4:2047, 2049, 2063
844–845, 894; 3:1206; 4:1952, 4:2013–2014, 2279; 5:2397 amnesty and, 2:993
2007–2008 Roland de la Platière, Jean-Marie, Baltic nobility and, 2:817, 822
Fouché and, 2:836, 837, 894 2:973; 4:1700 Bolshevik overthrow of, 1:264;
Gouges’s dislike of, 2:996 Rolfe, Frederick, 5:2405 3:1273
as Jacobin, 3:1205; 4:1700 Rolla, Alessandro, 4:1698 See also specific rulers

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2749

Roman Question, 4:1719, 1722, French, 4:2252 Shelley (Percy Bysshe) and, 4:2027,
2024–2026 Friedrich and, 2:910–912; 4:1703, 2030, 2031, 2170
Leo XIII and, 3:1329, 1330, 1331 2027, 2029–2030 Slavophiles and, 4:2194, 2195
Pius IX and, 4:1795, 1798 German national culture and, spirituality and, 4:2030–2031
Roman Republic, 3:1192, 1197, 1318, 3:1523 Staël and, 4:2247
1597; 4:1718, 2034, 2188 Goethe and, 2:985; 4:2027, 2028, Stendhal and, 4:1946, 2252
creation of, 4:2001 2030 Switzerland, 4:2288
Mazzini and, 3:1480–1481 Hegel and, 4:2031 symbolism and, 4:2292
overturning of, 4:1796 Heine and, 2:1055–1057 Tchaikovsky and, 5:2307
proclamation of, 4:1724, 1725, 1796 Italian nationalism and, 2:930; Tennyson and, 5:2309
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1995, 3:1193–1194 Turner and, 2:910; 4:1703–1704
2002–2003 Kierkegaard critique of, Ukraine and, 5:2370
romans rustiques, 4:1756 3:1251–1252 on women’s superior sensibility,
Romanticism, 4:2026–2033 Lamartine and, 3:1303 2:945–946
architecture and, 4:2026, 2030 landscape design and, 4:1738, 1739, Wordsworth and, 2:543; 4:2027,
Arnold on, 1:102 1740, 1741 2029–2031; 5:2481–2482
avant-garde and, 1:142 legal theory and, 3:1314 Romantic Socialism, 4:2031
Barbizon painters and, 1:176, 178; leisure activities and, 3:1325 Romantische Schule, Die (Heine),
4:1702, 1705 liberalism and, 3:1344 2:1056
Beethoven and, 1:198 Liszt and, 3:1360 Romanzero (Heine), 2:1056
Manzoni and, 3:1441–1442 Rome, 4:2033–2038, 2034, 2036
Belinsky and, 1:207
medievalism and, 4:2030 as artistic and literary center, 3:1191
Berlin and, 1:215
melancholics and, 4:2294 as capital of Italy, 3:1199; 4:1798
Berlioz and, 1:224, 225
Michelet and, 3:1499 Corot’s art studies in, 2:560–561
Brahms and, 1:295, 296
Mickiewicz and, 3:1500–1501 economy and society of, 4:2035
Brontë sisters and, 1:301–302
Mill’s (John Stuart) contacts with, France and, 4:2003, 2004, 2033,
Byron and, 1:333 2034–2035
Carducci’s rejection of, 1:362 futurism and, 2:920
music and, 3:1360, 1569–1570;
Catholics and, 1:385 Garibaldi and, 2:931, 932; 4:2003,
4:2026, 2027, 2029
Cézanne’s early period and, 1:397 2004, 2034–2035, 2037
nationalism and, 3:1604–1605, 1673
Chateaubriand and, 1:421; 4:2028, homosexual subculture in, 2:1083
2030, 2031 nature idealization and, 2:766
nature mysticism and, 4:2029–2030 Ingres in, 3:1165
childhood in context of, 1:428, 429
Novalis and, 3:1647–1648 migration and, 3:1111
Chopin and, 1:440
opera and, 3:1671, 1673 Milan contrasted with, 3:1502
civilizaton concept and, 1:461
Paganini and, 4:1699 papal loss of, 3:1199, 1329, 1330,
Coleridge and, 1:496–497; 2:543; 1331; 4:1719, 1726, 1797, 1798
4:2027, 2029, 2031 painting and, 4:1701, 1702–1705
Poland and, 4:1808 See also Roman Question
Comte and, 2:523
political, 4:2031 political change in, 4:2033–2035
Constable and, 2:543–544; 4:1703,
primitivism and, 4:1874 pre–World War I status of, 4:2037
1704–1705, 2029
Pushkin and, 4:1919–1920 as republic, 3:1192, 1197
Croce and, 2:584
realism and, 4:1946 Revolution of 1848 and, 3:1196,
death fascination of, 2:629
1480–1481; 4:2002–2003
Decadence compared with, 2:632; Rossini and, 3:1572
Risorgimento (Italian unification)
3:1476 rural life idealization and, 4:1756,
and, 3:1198, 1676
definition of, 4:1701, 1702 1757
St. Peter’s Square, 4:1720
Delacroix and, 2:640–642, 910; Sand and, 4:2083, 2084
sculpture and, 4:1702
4:1705, 2027, 2030 Schelling and, 4:2031, 2088
urbanization of, 4:2035–2037
Disraeli and, 2:672, 674 Schinkel and, 4:2091, 2094
Victor Emmanuel II and, 4:2036,
Doré and, 2:676–678 Schlegel and, 4:2094, 2095
2037; 5:2411
emotion and, 4:2027–2029 Schleiermacher and, 4:2030, 2097
See also Papal State
Enlightenment vs., 4:2026–2027, Schubert and, 4:2026, 2027, 2029,
Rome and Jerusalem (Hess), 5:2519
2028, 2029 2106, 2107
Rome, Naples, et Florence (Stendhal),
Eurasianism and, 2:774 Scott and, 4:2123 4:2252
Fichte as influence on, 2:814 sea portrayals and, 4:2124 Romeo and Juliet (Berliot), 1:225
folklore and, 4:1756 secularization in context of, 4:2133 ‘‘Romeo and Juliet’’ (Tchaikovsky),
Frederick William IV and, 2:876–877 Shelley (Mary) and, 4:2168 5:2307

2750 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Roméo et Juliette (Gounod), 3:1672 Paganini association with, Rover bicycle, 2:601
Römische Elegien (Goethe), 2:985 4:1698–1699 rowing, 4:2241, 2243
Römisches Staatsrecht (Mommsen), Ross Island, 2:784 Rowntree, B. Seebohm, 4:1853–1854,
3:1533 Rostow, W. W., 4:1930 2213
Römisches Strafrecht (Mommsen), rotary press, 4:1866 Royal Academy (Britain), 2:543, 544;
3:1533 Rothschild, Alphonse de, 1:280 4:1703, 1863, 1864; 5:2366
Romola (G. Eliot), 2:744 Rothschild, Edmond de, 5:2520 Royal Academy (France), 2:544
Romulus, Conqueror of Acron (Ingres), Rothschild, James de, 4:2040 abolition of (1793), 2:624
3:1166 Rothschild, Lionel de, 2:733 Royal Academy of Fine Arts (San
Rondine, La (Puccini), 4:1916 Rothschild, Mayer Amschel, 4:2039 Fernando), 2:997
Ronen, Omry, 4:2181 Rothschild, Nathan Mayer, 3:1374; Royal Albert Bridge (Britain), 4:1935
Rood, Ogden, 4:2156 4:1997, 2039–2040 Royal and Catholic Army, 2:563
Room with a View, A (Forster), 2:835 Rothschilds, 1:75; 2:833, 867; Royal Cake, The: or, The Western
Roon, Albrecht von, 1:235; 2:962, 3:1231; 4:2039–2041; 5:2418 Empires Sharing China Between
963, 964; 4:1902 Neapolitan debts and, 3:1195, 1255 Them (lithograph), 1:435
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 2:740; railroad construction and, 4:1933, Royal Central Gymnastic Institute
3:1436; 5:2459 2040 (Stockholm), 4:2242
Roosevelt, Theodore, 3:1212, 1628; Rothschilds, Die (film), 4:2041 Royal Chapel of Saint Agatha
5:2459 Rothwell, Richard, 4:2168 (Barcelona), 1:181
Kipling friendship with, 3:1256 Rotterdam, 3:1616 Royal College of Chemistry (Britain),
Nobel Peace Prize and, 4:1837, 2065 Rouault, Georges, 1:153; 2:622, 796 3:1159
Portsmouth Treaty and, 4:1837 Roubaix (France), 1:201 Royal College of Physicians (Britain),
Rops, Felicien, 4:2293 Roubille, Auguste, 5:2414 2:746; 4:1879
Rorty, Richard, 3:1634–1635 Rouchon, Jean-Alexis, 4:1845 Royal College of Surgeons (London),
Rosa, Giovanni, 3:1503 Rouelle, Guillaume-François, 3:1311 3:1376
Rosa, Vincenzo, 3:1444 Rouen, 3:1153, 1411; 4:1794 Royal Commission on the Poor Law
Rosanvallon, Pierre, 4:2081–2082 Rouen Cathedral, Monet paintings of, (Britain), 5:2445
Rose, The (Yeats), 5:2509 3:1535–1536 Royal Conservatory of Music
Rose and the Cross, The (Blok), 1:250 Rouge et le Noir, Le (Stendhal), (Brussels), 1:307
Rosebery, Lord (Archibald Philip 4:2252–2253 Royal Copenhagen china, 2:647
Primrose), 5:2466 Rouget de Lisle, Claude-Joseph, Royal Corps des Ponts Chaussées,
Rosellini, Ippolito, 1:407 2:518, 891; 4:1826 2:757
Rosen, Charles, 1:198; 3:1360 Rougon-Macquart, Les (Zola), Royal Cotton Exchange (Britain),
Rosenberg, Alfred, 1:404 5:2522–2523 3:1428
Rosenberg, Léonce, 2:593 Round Dance (Schnitzler), 4:2100 Royal Court of Saxony, 5:2430
Rosenblum, Nancy, 3:1514 Rousseau, Henri, 2:738; 3:1213; Royal Dublin Society, 2:693
Rosenkavalier, Der (R. Strauss and 4:1782 Royal Empire Society (Britain), 3:1118
Hoffmannsthal), 2:1077; 3:1676 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1:169, 327; Royal Geographical Society (Britain),
Rosenthal porcelain, 1:192 2:838, 994; 4:1968, 2212; 2:598, 783, 784, 927; 5:2437
Rosetta Stone, 1:406, 407 5:2318 Royal Highness (Mann), 3:1436
Rosicrucians, 4:2086 gender ideology of, 2:942, 943, Royal Holloway College (London),
Roslin, Alexander, 1:375 945, 948 3:1377
Rosmersholm (Ibsen), 3:1108 as Malthus influence, 3:1425 Royal Institute for Experimental
Ross, Herbert, 3:1643 mechanization concerns of, 3:1411 Therapy (Frankfurt), 2:735
Ross, Robert, 5:2440 Reign of Terror and, 4:1952 Royal Institute of Fine Arts
Rossetti, Christina, 4:1864 as Robespierre influence, 4:2006 (Manchester), 1:185
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 4:1707, Romanticism and, 4:2026, 2029 Royal Institution (London), 2:1102;
1863–1864, 1865, 1865, 2046, social contract theory and, 3:1272, 4:2111
2047, 2292 1603 Royal Irish Academy, 2:693
Rossetti, William Michael, 4:1863, Rousseau, Théodore, 1:178–179, 180; Royal Irish Constabulary, 4:1814
1864, 1865 2:562; 3:1126; 4:1705 royalism. See monarchism
Rossi, Alessandro, 4:1851 Roussel, Nelly, 2:805; 4:2041–2043, Royal Italian Academy, 3:1445
Rossi, Pellegrino, 3:1196; 4:1725, 2162 Royal Jennerian Society, 3:1224
1796 Rouvier, Maurice, 1:279 Royal Marriages Act of 1772 (Britain),
Rossini, Gioachino, 3:1565, 1572, Rouvroy, Claude-Henri de. See Saint- 2:954
1661; 4:2038–2039, 2106, 2288 Simon, Henri de Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
operatic influence of, 3:1670–1671, Roux, Émile, 4:1745 (Britain), 1:96; 3:1257
1673 Rover, The (Conrad), 2:536 Royal Military School (Paris), 3:1584

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2751

Royal Navy (Britain), 1:98; 2:526, Rue Brise-Miche, Paris, 1:124 Rus, 5:2369, 2370
782; 5:2312, 2470 Rue de Rivoli (Paris), 1:451; 4:1729 Rusalka (Dvořák), 2:701
Dreadnaught battleship and, Rue Rambuteau (Paris), 4:1729 Ruse, Michael, 2:618
2:681–683 Rue Transnonain, 15 April 1834. A Ruskin, John, 3:1408; 4:1746,
German rivaly with, 3:1609–1612 Murdered Family (Daumier), 2045–2047, 2205; 5:2423
Trafalgar and, 5:2344–2345 2:850 Carlyle as influence on, 1:371
vaccination and, 3:1224 Rue Transnonain massacre (1834), on Cruikshank illustrations, 2:586
War of 1812 and, 5:2438, 2439, 5:2311 Crystal Palace vilified by, 2:590
2440 Ruffo, Fabrizio, 3:1254; 4:1755, 2187 Gaskell friendship with, 2:934
Royal Opera House (London). See rugby. See football (rugby)
Gothic Revival and, 4:1917
Covent Garden Rugby Football Association, 4:2242
Morant Bay uprising and, 1:371
Royal Palace (Athens), 4:2094 Rugby Football Union, 2:830
as Morris influence, 3:1550
Royal Palace (Madrid), 3:1412, 1414 Rugby League, 2:830
Rugby School (England), 1:102; Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1707, 1864,
Royal Red Cross, 3:1638
4:2240–2241 1865
Royal Serbian Academy, 4:2148
Ruge, Arnold, 5:2512 separate spheres ideology and, 2:943
Royal Serbian Academy of Sciences,
1:207 Ruhr region, 1:357, 445 spiritualism and, 4:2237
Royal Society of Arts (Britain), 5:2493, coal mines and, 1:85, 486–487 on Venice, 4:2046; 5:2403, 2405
2494 Krupp steel industrial complex, Ruskin, John James (father), 4:2046
Royal Society of Chemistry (London), 3:1273–1276, 1274 Ruslan and Lyudmila (Glinka),
3:1376 machine breaking and, 3:1411 2:979, 980
Royal Society of London, 1:303, 341; Ruisdael, Jacob van, 2:543 Ruslan and Lyudmila (Pushkin),
2:1102; 3:1223, 1376, 1402, Ruı́z Zorrilla, Manuel, 4:2230 4:1919
1477 Rules of the Sociological Method, The Russell, Bertrand
Royal Statistical Society (London), (Durkheim), 2:699 Frege and, 2:883
3:1376 Rum, Sultanate of, 4:2022 on intellectuals, 3:1168
Royal Tapestry Factory (Madrid), Rumania. See Romania Mill (John Stuart) as godfather of,
2:997 Rum millet, 3:1687 3:1513
Royal Theater (Berlin), 4:2092 Rump, Godtfred, 2:647 Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1805
Royal Tobacco Factory (Spain), Rumph, Stephen, 1:199 Russell, Francis, duke of Bedford, 1:29
5:2314 Runge, Philipp Otto, 1:428, 429; Russell, John (1792–1878), 1:102;
Royaume des Fées, Le (film), 3:1483 2:910 2:1002, 1005, 1007, 1008
Royer, Clémence, 2:696 runners, 4:2240 Corn Laws repeal and, 2:559; 4:1759
Royer-Collard, Pierre-Paul, 2:1029; Ruppin, Arthur, 5:2521 Russell, John, 3:1513
4:1971 rural life Russell, John Scott, 1:305
Rozanov, Vasily, 4:2183 Russia, 4:2047–2059, 2053, 2058,
artististic idealization of, 4:1706,
Rozhdestvenski, Zinovi, 4:2065 2062
RSDLP. See Social Democratic Labor
banditry and, 2:571 Adrianople and, 1:13
Constable paintings and, 2:543; advertising agency in, 4:1868
rubber, 1:21, 205
4:1705 agriculture and, 4:2151, 2257
bicycle tires of, 2:551, 600, 601;
3:1336 educational opportunity and, Albania and, 1:32, 33
2:723–725 Alexander I and, 1:37–38
Cambodian plantations and, 3:1143
Congo Free State and, 3:1336, 1337 folklore studies and, 4:1756 Alexander II and, 1:38–39, 89
contraceptives and, 4:1827 French national identity and, 3:1522 Alexander III and, 1:40–41, 89
Crystal Palace exhibit of, 2:588 gender and, 2:943 Alexandra and, 1:41–42
Goodyear process for, 2:588; 3:1160 home-based industrial workers and, alliance system and, 1:47, 48–50;
3:1148–1149 2:1013
Industrial Revolution (second) and,
1:351 migration and, 3:1110; 4:1753 anarchism and in, 1:56, 60, 161–162
Pirelli and, 3:1502, 1504 as Millet painting subject, anti-Semitism and, 1:40, 72, 75, 76,
Rubens, Peter Paul, 1:317; 2:640 3:1515–1516 77; 2:689; 3:1233, 1234, 1627,
Rubinstein, Anton, 4:1957; 5:2306 Russian predominance of, 2:1017 1628
Rubinstein brothers, 3:1575 villages and, 1:476; 4:1752, architecture and, 4:2075–2079
Rude, François, 4:2031, 2043–2044 1753–1754, 1756 aristocracy and, 1:78, 80, 81, 83, 84,
Rudin (Turgenev), 5:2365 See also Agricultural Revolution; 85, 87, 471; 4:1747
Rüdin, Ernst, 2:770 peasants; serfs, emancipation of army system of, 1:94, 97; 2:1014,
Rudolf, crown prince of Austria, rural radicalism, 1:83 1016–1017; 3:1280–1282
2:861, 864; 4:2044–2045 Rural Times (Cobbett), 1:489 art nouveau and, 1:114

2752 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Austerlitz and, 1:132–133; 3:1586 classical learning and, 1:286 Germany and, 2:968; 4:2054, 2059,
Austria and, 1:146; 2:526, 703–705, communes in, 4:2052, 2151, 2153, 2070, 2098–2099; 5:2478
1081; 4:1995, 2054, 2067, 2070; 2195, 2196, 2257; 5:2460 Glinka and, 2:979–980; 3:1571, 1673
5:2392 communism and, 2:522 Gogol and, 2:988–989; 4:2076
Austro-Prussian War and, 1:236 Concert of Europe and, Golden Age and, 4:2181, 2183
avant-garde and, 1:157–158 2:524–527, 565 Goncharov and, 2:989–990
Bakunin and, 2:161–162 Congress of Berlin and, 2:529, Gorky and, 2:992–993
Balkan League and, 1:32 530, 705 Great Game and, 1:395
Balkan nationalism and, 1:163, 165, Congress of Vienna and, 2:532–534, Great Reforms and, 1:39, 40, 88–89;
166, 276; 2:663–664; 3:1690 565, 603, 958 2:1014–1017; 4:1767
Baltic provinces and. See Finland and Congress System and, 1:374 Greece and, 4:1982
the Baltic provinces constitutionalism and, 4:2049–2050, Greek War of Independence and,
beards worn in, 1:190 2055, 2056–2057, 2079, 2270 2:1020; 3:1494, 1612–1613,
Belinsky and, 1:207–208 Cossacks and, 2:562–563; 4:1977; 1685, 1686
5:2369–2370 Hague conference and, 2:1034
Bely and, 1:208–210; 4:2079
counterrevolutionary repression in, Herzen and, 2:1064–1066
Berdyayev and, 1:211–213
3:1625, 1626, 1660; 4:1832
Bismarck diplomacy and, 1:232, 240; historiographical view of, 3:1518
crime and, 4:2079, 2172
2:674, 965 Holy Alliance and, 2:531, 565, 1002,
Crimean War and, 1:38–39, 94, 1079–1081; 4:1970, 1971, 1973,
Black Sea control and, 1:243–244,
243–244; 2:577–580, 1007, 1985, 2228; 5:2392
278, 376; 3:1683
1014, 1015; 3:1626; 4:1975,
Blok and, 1:249–250 Hungarian nationalism and,
2048, 2051, 2149–2150, 2153,
‘‘Bloody Sunday’’ massacre in, 3:1268–1269
2196; 5:2410
4:1976, 1977, 2055, 2078–2079 imperial expansion of, 3:1116, 1120;
cultural Russification and, 1:40
Borodino and, 1:272–273 4:2051, 2172; 5:2370
Czartoryski and, 2:603–604
Boshevism and. See Bolsheviks; Soviet industrialization in, 1:331; 4:2054,
Dardanelles and, 2:577 2078–2080
Union Decadence and, 2:633
Bosphorus and, 1:278; 2:577, 705; industrial/manufacturing exhibitions
Decembrists and, 4:2050, 2236 and, 5:2493
Diaghilev and, 2:654–655; 4:2077 infant mortality rate in, 4:1829
bourgeoisie in, 1:283, 284, 471; Dostoyevsky and, 2:678–679
4:2211 intelligentsia and, 1:207–208, 212;
drinking culture of, 1:34–35 3:1168, 1170–1172; 4:1975,
Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292
dueling code of, 2:696 2050, 2052–2053, 2055
Bulgaria and, 1:312, 313;
Eastern Question and, 1:278; 2:526, international law textbooks and,
2:703–704; 4:1717
703–705, 1009 3:1175
Bund in, 313–315
education in, 1:39, 376; 2:720, 723, Japan and, 3:1209, 1210, 1212;
bureaucracy in, 1:322–323, 324 727, 1016, 1017; 4:2051–2052 4:2063–2064, 2171
cabarets in, 1:336–337 elected assemblies in, 1:290 See also Russo-Japanese War
Catherine II (the Great) and, electric power and, 2:742 Jewish emigrants from, 1:40; 3:1113
1:374–377 emigration from, 2:746; 3:1114 Jews in, 1:73, 314–315; 3:1227,
censorship in, 1:400; 2:1014, 1016; Entente Cordiale and, 2:609 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232–1233;
3:1552, 1613, 1626, 1627; 4:1808, 1978, 2055, 2057, 2257;
Ethiopia and, 1:8
4:1747, 1869, 1870, 2052, 2055 5:2519, 2520
Eurasianism and, 2:771–775
Central Asia and, 1:395–397; 3:1116 Kadets and, 3:1241–1242; 4:2057,
famine in, 4:1755, 2055, 2056
Chaadayev and, 1:399–401 2270, 2271
Finland and. See Finland and the
Chekhov and, 1:422–423 Kandinsky and, 3:1243–1246;
Baltic provinces
chemistry in, 1:426 4:2077
football (soccer) in, 2:834
child abandonment in, 5:2454–2455 France and, 4:2048, 2050–2051, Kropotkin and, 3:1272–1273
China and, 1:434; 3:1679; 4:2172 2054; 5:2306, 2374, 2417, 2440, Kutuzov and, 3:1280–1282
cholera epidemic in, 1:436, 438, 2442 labor movements in, 3:1287, 1288;
450; 2:669 Freemasons and, 2:877, 881; 3:1552 4:1976, 1978, 2078–2079;
cinema in, 1:443; 4:1824 French alliance with (1894), 1:411; 5:2485, 2486, 2489
city government and, 1:449, 450 2:526, 642, 643, 795 landed elite in, 1:469; 3:1627
city violence and, 1:449 French Revolution and, 2:887; law codification in, 4:2236
civilizing mission of, 1:462, 463, 464 4:2047–2048 Leipzig battle and, 3:1319
civil war in, 3:1242, 1518, 1519, Fundamental Laws of 1906 and, Lenin and, 3:1326–1329; 4:1974,
1660 4:1978, 2057, 2211, 2257 1976, 2049, 2054, 2077, 2079

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2753

lesbianism in, 2:1084 opera and, 2:654; 3:1575–1576, Red Cross, 4:1950
liberalism in, 4:2055 1673–1674, 1674 religiophilosophical renaissance and,
liberals failure in, 3:1349 Ottoman Empire and, 4:2086, 2164; 4:2196
literacy rate in, 1:431; 4:1868 5:2391–2392 Repin and, 1956–1958
Lithuania and, 3:1365, 1365–1368 See also Russo-Turkish War restaurants in, 4:1966
marriage age in, 4:1828 Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716, 1717 Restoration and, 4:1970, 1971, 1973
Martov and, 3:1460–1461 Paul I and, 4:1747–1748 Revolutions of 1820 and,
Marxist party in, 3:1327 Pavlov and, 4:1748–1749 4:1979–1980, 1981
See also Social Democratic Labor Pavlova and, 4:1749–1751 Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1984,
Party peasant revolts and, 1:376; 2:669; 1985, 1986
Mediterranean and, 3:1481–1482 3:1328; 4:1755, 1831–1832 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1991
Mensheviks and, 4:1976, 1977, peasants in, 4:1752, 1753–1754, Rimsky-Korsakov and, 4:1999–2000
2270; 5:2486, 2518 1823, 1831–1832 Romania and, 4:2016, 2017, 2020,
Metternich diplomacy and, 3:1492, penal exile and, 2:780–781 2067
1493, 1494, 1495 People’s Will and, 3:1326, 1614; Rothschilds and, 4:2040
Meyerhold and, 3:1495–1496 4:1767–1769, 1832 rule of law and, 4:2049, 2051
migration and, 2:646; 3:1110–1111, Plekhanov and, 4:1800–1801 Russo-Turkish War and, 1:90–92
1112 poetry and, 1:249, 337 San Stefano Treaty, 4:2068,
military colonies and, 4:2050 pogroms and, 1:76; 3:1395; 2069–2070, 2085–2086
Milyukov and, 3:1517–1520 4:1802–1804, 1803, 1978, 2055, Schlieffen Plan and, 4:2098–2099
monetary system of, 3:1538 2057; 5:2520 science and technology, 4:1749,
Montenegro and, 3:1539, 1541 police system in, 4:1815 2076–2077
Münchengrätz treaty and, Polish insurrections and, 1:162; Second International and, 4:2127
3:1560–1561 3:1264–1265, 1624; secret societies in, 1:360, 361;
multiethnic languages in, 2:724–725 4:1809–1811 4:1991, 2050
music and, 2:979–980; 3:1571 Polish territory of, 2:567, 957; secularization in, 4:2059, 2060, 2061
Muslim jadidism in, 3:1206–1208 4:1806–1807, 1808–1811, 1812, Serbia and, 1:206; 2:704–705;
Mussorgsky and, 3:1575–1576, 1817, 1933, 1976, 1984, 1985; 4:2144, 2146
1673–1674 5:2370, 2371, 2441–2442, 2511 serf conditions in, 3:1305; 4:1754
mutual aid societies in, 3:1284 political parties in, 4:1975, 1976, serf emancipation in. See under serfs,
2057 emancipation of
Napoleon and, 4:2048, 2051, 2078,
2227; 5:2440 populists and, 3:1640–1641; Shamil and, 4:2164–2165
4:1831–1832, 2052, 2053, 2132, Silver Age and, 4:2077, 2181–2183,
Napoleonic Wars and, 1:37–38, 93,
2209–2210, 2270; 5:2517 2217
272–273, 477; 2:553, 846, 895,
900–901, 901, 902–903; Portsmouth Treaty and, slave trade and, 1:308
3:1281–1282, 1492, 1493, 1586, 4:1837–1838 Slavophiles and, 1:400; 4:2048,
1588, 1599; 4:1748, 1900 post-1917 émigrés from, 3:1518, 2194–2196; 5:2365, 2459
Napoleon’s invasion/retreat from, 1520 smallpox deaths in, 4:2198
1:272; 2:603, 846, 861, Potemkin mutiny and, 4:1976 Social Democrats and, 4:1976, 2209,
902–903, 958, 1080; 3:1308, Prague Slav Congress and, 4:1861, 2270; 5:2518
1319, 1492, 1588, 1599; 4:1766 1862 socialism and, 4:2052, 2053, 2196;
national identity and, 1:400; 4:2048 professions in, 4:1880 5:2460
nationalism and, 1:400; 4:1956, prostitution regulation in, 4:1884 socialist revolutionaries and, 4:1976,
2048, 2079, 2271; 5:2307 Protestant minority in, 4:1890, 1978, 2049, 2209–2212; 5:2320,
Nechayev and, 3:1613–1614 1891, 1891 2518
newspapers and, 4:1867, 1868, Protestant missions to, 3:1527 Soloviev (Vladimir) and,
1869, 1870 psychological research tradition of, 4:2215–2217
Nicholas I and, 3:1625–1626 4:1908 Speransky and, 4:2172, 2236–2237
nihilism and, 3:1638–1641 Pushkin and, 4:1918–1920, 2075, statistical studies and, 4:2249, 2250
Nijinsky and, 3:1642–1643 2165, 2181 Stolypin and, 4:1978, 2058,
October Manifesto and, 4:1978, Quadruple Alliance and, 1:374; 2256–2257, 2271; 5:2479
1979, 2057, 2211 2:662 Stravinsky and, 3:1573; 4:2077,
Octobrists and, 3:1658–1660; radicals in, 4:1975–1978, 2053 2261–2263
4:2057, 2058, 2257 railroads and, 4:1933, 1937, 1975, strikes in, 3:1288, 1327, 1328, 1628;
Official Nationality concept of, 2064, 2172–2173; 5:2426, 2427, 4:1974, 1977–1978, 2055–2056,
3:1626; 4:2048 2478, 2479 2268; 5:2390

2754 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Struve and, 4:2270–2271 Russia and Its Crisis (Milyukov), background of, 1:434
suffrage and, 4:2279 3:1518 Congress of Berlin and, 2:529–531
Sweden and, 4:2283 Russia and the Universal Church as fin de siècle event, 2:816
(Soloviev), 4:2216
Swedish war with, 2:817 implications of Japanese victory in,
‘‘Russia before Peter the Great’’
symbolists in, 1:209, 214 1:464
(Belinsky), 5:2460
syndicalism and, 1:62 Russian Armenians, 1:87, 88–89 indemnity dispute and, 4:1837
Table of Ranks in, 1:286, 323 Russian Ballet, 1:154 Japanese alliances and, 3:1212
Tchaikovsky and, 5:2306–2307 Russian Easter Festival (Rimsky- military technologies and, 1:99;
telephone service in, 5:2308 Korsakov), 4:1999, 2000 3:1507
terrorism in, 4:2052, 2053, 2210, Russian General Oil Corporation, 1:88 Mukden battle and, 3:1507,
2211, 2256; 5:2517 Russian Imperial Geographical Society, 1556–1558, 1628; 4:2055, 2065
Three Emperors League and, 3:1272 Plekhanov and, 4:1801
2:703–704; 3:1690 Russian Juvenile Band, 3:1567 pogroms and, 1:76
tobacco and, 5:2313 Russian language, 1:40; 2:821; 3:1605 Polish nationalists and, 4:1812
Russian Literary Society, 2:679 Portsmouth Treaty and, 3:1212,
Tolstoy and, 5:2318–2320, 2319
Russian Orthodox Church, 1:381; 1628; 4:1837–1838
trade and, 5:2335, 2336, 2338,
2:772; 3:1626; 4:2059–2063; Red Cross and, 4:1950
2343, 2343
Treaty of Unkiar-Skelessi, Revolution of 1905 and,
Alexandra and, 1:41 3:1627–1628
Baltic provinces and, 2:821 Russian protests and, 1:89; 3:1552,
Triple Intervention of 1895 and,
Dostoyevsky and, 2:678 1554
Nicholas I Official Nationality policy Russia’s defeat and, 1:146; 2:704,
Turgenev and, 5:2364–2366
and, 3:1626 774; 3:1328, 1473, 1557–1558,
Turkish Armenians and, 1:92
Old Believers and, 4:2062, 2257 1628, 1691
universities and, 4:1975, 1976,
Pan-Slavism and, 4:1717 Siberia and, 4:2173
2052; 5:2378, 2379, 2385–2386,
2389–2390 Peter the Great and, 4:2059, 2060; Vladivostok and, 5:2426, 2427
5:2369 Witte and, 4:2065; 5:2479
university admittance in, 2:728
Poland and, 4:1807 Russolo, Luigi, 1:157; 2:918,
urban development and, 1:452
Russia and, 4:2048 919, 920
voluntary associations in, 1:117,
Slavophiles and, 4:2194–2195; Russo-Polish War (1792), 3:1264
118, 119
5:2459 Russo-Serbian Convention (1807),
waterway transport in, 5:2348
Tolstoy and, 5:2319 1:206
welfare initiatives in, 5:2451, 2452,
Ukraine and, 5:2369, 2372 Russo-Turkish War, 2:742; 3:1420,
‘‘Russian People and Socialism, The’’ 1685; 4:2016, 2067–2070, 2069
Westernizers in, 1:400; 2:1064; (Herzen), 2:1065; 5:2460 Abdul-Hamid and, 1:2; 3:1689
4:2048–2049, 2195–2196; Russian Revolution of 1905. See
5:2365, 2459–2460 Adrianople and, 1:12
Revolution of 1905 Alexander II and, 1:39
White government of, 4:2271 Russian Revolutions of 1917. See
wine and, 5:2475 Armenians and, 1:88, 90–92
Revolution of 1917
Witte and, 5:2478–2479 Bismarck and, 2:526, 964
Russian Social Democratic Labor
women medical students in, 2:728 Party. See Social Democratic Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:276
working class in, 5:2485, 2489 Labor Party Bulgarian massacre as factor in, 1:312
World of Art group in, 4:2181 Russian State Economy in the First Catherine II and, 1:376, 377
world’s fairs and, 5:2502–2503 Quarter of the Eighteenth Century Eastern Question and, 2:703
and the Reforms of Peter the Great Istanbul and, 3:1188
World War I and, 2:705; 4:2079
(Milyukov), 3:1518 jingoism and, 3:1234
World War II and, 4:2079
Russie et l’église universelle, La Montenegro and, 3:1541
Young Czechs and Old Czechs and, (Soloviev), 4:2216
5:2511 Nicholas I and, 3:1625
Russkoe bogatstvo (Milyukov), 3:1518
Zasulich and, 5:2517–2518 Ottoman effects of, 3:1683
Russkoe musulmantsvo (Gasprinski),
See also Moscow; Revolution of 1905; 3:1207 Red Cross and, 4:1949
Revolution of 1917; Russo- Russkoe slovo (Moscow newspaper), Russian victories and, 2:703
Turkish War; St. Petersburg; 3:1639, 1640; 4:1868 Serbia and, 3:1541, 1683
Siberia; Social Democratic Labor Russo-Japanese War, 1:49; 3:1691; See also San Stefano, Treaty of
Party; Ukraine 4:1976, 2055, 2063–2066, 2064, rustic life, 2:543
Russia and Europe (Danilevsky), 2:773 2066, 2098, 2127 Ruth (Gaskell), 2:934
Russia and Europe (Masaryk), 3:1469 army structure and, 1:95 Ruthenians, 4:1809, 2020

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2755

Rutherford, Ernest, 1:427; Sagrada Familia (Barcelona), 1:112, Saint Mark, Republic of, 5:2402, 2403
4:2070–2071 183–184; 2:935, 937–938, 938; St. Martin Canal (Paris), 4:1731
Ruy Blas (Hugo), 1:229; 2:1093 4:1826 Saint Mary’s Chapel of the Rosary
Ryan, Alan, 3:1514 Said, Edward, 1:131; 3:1169, (Venice), 3:1475
Rydberg, Johannes, 4:2285 1185, 1511 St. Patrick’s Cathedral (Dublin), 2:693
Rydberg, Viktor, 4:2286 Said, Muhammad, 4:2274, 2276 St. Paul’s Cathedral (London), 3:1378
Ryûkyûan kingdom, 3:1211 Said Pash, 2:732; 3:1337–1338 St. Petersburg, 4:2048, 2055,
Saigon, 3:138, 1137, 1141, 1143 2075–2080
Sailors’ Orphans, The: or, The Young advertising and, 2:550
Ladies’ Subscription (Bigg), 4:1852 Alexandra’s dislike of, 1:41, 42
St. Andrews University, 2:1006; Armenians in, 1:88
3:1513 Bely and, 2:774
S Saint Arnaud, Armand-Jacques,
Bloody Sunday massacre (1905) and,
2:577, 578
Saar coal fields, 1:486 2:993; 3:1627; 4:1976, 1977,
Saint Barthélemy colony, 3:1116
Saarinen, Eliel, 1:113; 5:2503 2055, 2078–2079
St. Basils Cathedral (Moscow), 4:2062
Saavedra, Ángel, 3:1414 bourgeoisie and, 1:284
St. Chads Cathedral (Birmingham),
Sabahaddin Bey, 5:2515, 2516 bureaucracy and, 1:323
Sabartès, Jaime, 4:1781 cabaret in, 1:337
Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts), 1:365
Sabine, Edward, 3:1658 Chekhov in, 1:422–423
St. Cloud (Paris), 4:1729
sabotage, industrial, 3:1412; 4:1821 child abandonment in, 5:2455
Saint-Cloud, Chàteau of, 3:1385
See also Luddism; machine breaking Czartoryski in, 2:603
Saint-Cloud Decree (1810), 2:554
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 3:1270
St. Denis Cathedral (Paris), 3:1386 Diaghilev and, 2:654, 655
Sachs, Jeffrey D., 5:2340 Saint Domingue. See Haiti electric lighting and, 2:742
Sacre, Le (David), 2:624 Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, factories and, 1:449
Sacré-Coeur Basilica (Paris), 2:737; 1:102; 3:1334
3:1405; 4:1731, 1737, 1826 founding and development of,
Sainte Lydwine de Schiedam 4:2075–2077
Sacred Books of the East (Müller), (Huysmans), 2:1104
3:1239 general strike (1905) in, 2:823
St. Étienne, 4:1736
Sacred Heart, cult of, 1:385 industrialization and, 1:40
Saint Fargeau, Lepeletier de, 4:1960
Sacre du Printemps, Le (Stravinsky), industrialization and revolution in,
St. George, Republic of, 4:2188
2:655, 774, 775; 3:1573, 1642, 4:2078–2080
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Peace of
1643; 4:2262 infant abandonment and, 1:431
(1919), 1:309
primitivism and, 4:1876 St. Giles Church (Cheadle), 4:1918 Lenin in, 3:1326–1327, 1328
Sacrilege Law (France), 3:1387; St. Helena Island, 1:93, 270; 2:779, maternity hospitals, 5:2450
4:1969, 1970 847, 903, 1099; 3:1389, 1588; migration and, 3:1111
Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François de, 4:1718, 1766 Milyukov in, 3:1518
marquis de Sade, 2:518; 3:1270; Saint-Hilaire, Étienne Geoffroy, 2:599 Moscow compared with, 3:1551,
4:1834, 1959, 2073–2075 St. Isaac Cathedral of (St. Petersburg), 1552, 1554, 1555
Sade, house of, 4:2073 4:2078 penal labor and, 2:781
Sade, Jean-Baptiste, 4:2073 Saint-Jean-d’Acre (Syria), 3:1585 pogroms and, 4:1803
Sadiq Bey, Muhammad al-, 5:2363 Saint Joan (Shaw), 4:2166, 2167 population growth of, 1:446
Sadiqi college (Tunisia), 5:2363 St. John, Ambrose, 3:1621 railroads and, 4:1933
sadism, 3:1270; 4:2073, 2162 Saint John’s Night on Bare Mountain renaming of, 4:2079
Sadko, The Tsar’s Bride (Rimsky- (Mussorgsky), 3:1575
Korsakov), 4:2000 revolutionaries in, 3:1613
Saint John the Baptist Preaching
Sadowa, Battle of (1866). See street lighting and, 2:742
(Rodin), 4:2009
Königgrätz, Battle of Saint-Jorioz, Carlo Bianco di, 5:2514 telephone service and, 5:2308
Sadullah Bey, 4:2085 ‘‘Saint Julian Hospitator’’ (Flaubert), theater in, 3:1496
Šafǎrı́k, Pavel, 4:1716–1717 2:828 voluntary associations and,
safety bicycle, 2:601 Saint-Just, Louis-Antoine-Léon de, 1:117, 119
safety lamps, 1:487 2:844–845; 4:1700, 1960, 2006, wine consumption in, 5:2475
Safvet Pasha, 4:2085 2007 working class and, 5:2485, 2489
Sagan, Carl, 2:1031 St. Leon (Godwin), 2:978 St. Petersburg Conservatory, 4:1999
Sagasta, Práxedes, 4:2230, 2231 St. Louis Olympic Games (1904), St. Petersburg Imperial Ballet School,
Saggi bibliografici di economia politica 3:1667 3:1642
(Cossa, ed.), 4:1850 St. Louis World’s Fair (1904), 1:113; St. Petersburg League of Struggle for
Saggio storico sulla rivoluzione 2:589, 653 the Emancipation of the Working
napoletana (Cuocco), 3:1192 St. Marie’s Church (Derby), 4:1918 Class, 1:266; 3:1326, 1460

2756 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

St. Petersburg State University, Salon (Paris), 2:544; 4:1946 samedi soirs, 4:2038
4:1976, 2075 avante-garde and, 1:153, 155 same-sex desire. See homosexuality and
St. Peter’s Square (Rome), 4:1720 Corot and, 2:561 lesbianism
St. Rollox chemical complex, 4:2117 Courbet and, 2:568, 569 Sammlung architektonischer Entwürfe
saints Daguerre and, 2:605 (Schinkel), 4:2093
canonization and, 1:385 Samori Empire, 1:20
Daumier and, 2:621
shrines of, 4:1788–1789 Samson et Delilah (Saint-Saëns),
Degas and, 2:634
Saint-Saëns, Camille, 3:1572, 1675; 3:1675
Delacroix and, 2:640 ‘‘Samuel Johnson’’ (Macaulay),
4:1750, 1751
of 1830s, 1:178 3:1408
Saint-Simon, Henri de, 1:151, 459,
491; 2:930; 4:2080–2082, 2200, Géricault and, 2:955 samurai (daimyo), 3:1208, 1209, 1210
2212 impressionists excluded from, San (Bushmen), 4:2219
as Comte influence, 2:522–523 3:1126, 1127–1128, 1535 sanatoriums, 5:2360–2361
feminism and, 2:803, 946 Ingres and, 3:1165 Sand, George, 1:162, 168; 2:828;
as Heine influence, 2:1056 Manet and, 3:1431, 1432, 1433 3:1662, 1680; 4:1706, 1757,
Monet and, 3:1535 2083–2085, 2084
as Herzen influence, 2:1064
rejections by, 3:1432 Chopin relationship with, 1:439;
Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1513
Renoir and, 4:1954, 1955 4:2029, 2084
Romanticism and, 4:2031
Rodin and, 4:2008, 2009 feminism and, 2:802
socialism and, 3:1286
Rude and, 4:2043 Liszt and, 3:1360
utopian socialism and, 5:2395, 2396
salon cubists, 2:590–591, 592–593 Nadar and, 3:1578
Saint-Simonism, 2:650; 3:1337;
4:2081–2082, 2202–2203, 2204 Salon d’Art Idéaliste, 4:2295 as against women’s suffrage of, 2:651
on egoism, 5:2396 Salon d’Automne (Paris), 1:399; on women’s superior sensibility,
3:1474 2:945–946
Roland and, 4:2013
avant-garde and, 1:153, 155 Sand, Karl, 1:369; 2:959
secret societies and, 4:2131
cubism and, 2:590 Sandeau, Jules, 1:168
Tristan and, 5:2357 Sandhurst. See Royal Military Academy
utopian socialism and, 5:2396 fauvism and, 2:795
Salon des Indépendants (Paris), 2:590; San Domingo, 1:14
St. Thomas’s Hospital (London), Sandžak of Novi Pazar, 3:1541
2:1102; 3:1649 3:1474
Salon des Refusés (Paris), 3:1432, San Fernando Academy (Madrid),
Saisons Russes, 4:1750 4:1781
Sakhalin Island, 4:1837, 2064, 2065 1433, 1530; 4:1707
Salonika, 1:1, 32, 163; 2:704; 3:1482 Sangiorgi, Ermanno, 3:1416
S˛akir, Bahaeddin, 5:2515 San Giuliano, marquis di (Antonio
salacious literature. See pornography Salon of the King (France), 2:640
Paternò Castello), 3:1202, 1203
Salammbô (Flaubert), 2:827, 828 salons
Sangnier, Marc, 1:389
Salandra, Antonio, 2:972; aristocratic women and, 1:469
San Ildefenso alliance (1796), 2:901
3:1202–1203 Berlin and, 1:215, 316; 2:675
sanitation, 1:251, 253
Salburger grosse Welttheater, Das Chopin’s performances in,
Berlin and, 1:218, 219
(Hofmannsthal), 2:1077 1:439, 440
Chadwick and, 1:401–402
Saleilles, Raymond, 3:1315 Durand and, 2:696
cholera and, 1:437, 438, 450; 2:658,
Salic Law, 4:2229 Enlightenment and, 4:2029
668, 669, 765
Salieri, Antonio, 4:2106 Parisian republican, 2:649
clean water’s importance and, 2:658,
Salis, Rodolphe, 1:335 Rossini and, 4:2038 667, 670
Salisbury, Lord (Robert Cecil), 1:308, Salons of the Rose + Cross, 4:2295
404; 2:1009; 5:2322, 2414 death rates and, 2:628, 644
Šaloun, Ladislav, 4:1858
program of, 2:1010–1011, 1013 Hamburg and, 2:1040
Salpêtrière Hospice (Paris), 4:1791,
Salisbury Cathedral, 4:1705 1959 London and, 3:1372, 1373, 1380;
Salle River, 3:1319 4:1911
Saltykov, Sergei, 1:375; 4:1747
Salmerón y Alonso, Nicolás, 4:2230, salvarsan, 2:736 London sewer construction and,
2231 2:758; 3:1379
Salvation Army, 1:36; 4:1886,
Salmon, André, 2:590; 4:1782 2082–2083 Madrid and, 3:1412
Salo de Cent de Barcelona, 1:182 Salvemini, Gaetano, 3:1277 municipal reforms and, 1:450, 451
Salomé (Wilde), 2:633; 3:1377; Salzburg, 2:958 Paris sewer system and, 2:1049;
5:2466 Salzburg Festival, 2:1076, 1077 4:1731, 1774
art nouveau imagery and, 1:108 Samarin, Yuri, 4:2154, 2196 slum housing and, 1:453, 454;
Beardsley illustrations, 1:109, 192, 193 Samaritaine, Le (Paris department 2:670; 4:1912
Salomé, Louise. See Andreas-Salomé, store), 2:548 water pollution and, 2:764; 4:1912,
Lou Sambre River, 486 1914

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2757

Sankey Declaration on the Rights of satire. See political satire Scandinavian Monetary Union,
Man, 5:2459 Satsuma family, 3:1210 3:1537, 1538
San Martino, Battle of (1859), 4:2003 Saturday Review (magazine), 4:2165, Scapegoat, The (Hunt), 4:1864
San Remo, 4:2125 2253 Scarborough, 4:2124
sans-culottes, 1:111; 2:844, 887, 890, Saturn’s rings, 3:1478 Scarisbrick, Charles, 4:1918
892, 893, 894; 3:1403, 1506; Saussure, Ferdinand de, 2:593 Scénes de la Vie de Bohème (Mürger),
4:1960, 1962, 2007; 5:2486 Sauvage, Henri, 5:2503 3:1577; 4:1916
San Sebastian, 4:2125, 2126 savage. See primitivism Scenes from Clerical Life (G. Eliot),
Sanskrit, 4:2022 Sava River, 1:205 2:744
San Stefano, Treaty of (1878), 1:276; Savigny, Karl von, 2:1023; 3:1314, Scenes from the Massacres at Chios
4:2068, 2069–2070, 2085–2086 1594 (Delacroix), 4:1705
Adrianople and, 1:12 Savoy. See Piedmont-Savoy Schaaffhausen, A., 1:174, 175
Armenian Question and, 1:90–92 Savoy, house of, 1:413; 2:533; Schaaffhausenschen Bankverein,
Bulgarian borders and, 1:312; 4:2000, 2002 1:175, 176
2:530–531; 3:1689; 4:2069, Savoy, The (periodical), 1:192 Schaffer, Joseph and Peter, 3:1674
2085, 2086 Saxe, Maurice de, 4:2083 Schall und Rauch (Berlin cabaret),
Congress of Berlin revision of, Saxe-Coburg, 1:200 1:335–336
2:529–530, 705 Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, 1:457 Schapiro, Leonard, 5:2460
Eastern Question and, 2:703 Saxons, 4:2018 Scharnhorst, Gerhard von, 2:958
Saxony, 2:803; 4:1987, 1995 Scharzenberg, Felix zu, 1:148; 2:962
Montenegrin borders and, 3:1541
agricultural research and, 3:1160 Schaudinn, Fritz, 4:2303
Ottoman losses under, 2:703
Congress of Berlin and, 2:533 Schauspielhaus (Berlin), 1:216; 4:2092
provisions of, 3:1689
cotton industry and, 2:554; 3:1149, Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 4:2285
Russian power and, 1:39
1153 Schéhérazade (ballet), 3:1642
Santa Creu Hospital (Barcelona),
1:112 List as U.S. consul in, 3:1357 Scheherazade (Rimsky-Korsakov),
Santafede. See Most Christian Army of Lutheran population of, 4:1892 4:1999, 2000
the Holy Faith Napoleon and, 2:957; 3:1320, 1322 Scheldt River, 3:1173
Santander, 4:2125 Prussia and, 2:958; 4:1900, 1901 Schelling, Caroline Schlegel von,
SantElia, Antonio, 1:157 Revolution of 1848 and, 2:961 3:1647; 4:2088
Santo Domingo. See Haiti women’s press restrictions in, 3:1681 Schelling, Friedrich von, 1:497;
Sappho and Socrates, or, How Is the Love Saxony-Weimer, 1:369, 370 4:1703, 2031, 2087–2089,
of Men and Women for Persons of Say, Jean-Baptiste, 4:1961 2095, 2195
Their Own Sex to Be Explained? Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne von, as Belinsky influence, 1:207
(Hirschfeld), 2:1070 3:1360 as Chaadayev influence, 1:400
Sarabia, Ramòn, 1:379 Sazonov, S. D., 3:1628 Eurasianism and, 2:772, 774
Saracco, Giuseppe, 5:2378 Sbaheddin, Ottoman prince, 3:1690 evolution and, 2:615
Sarajevo, 1:277 Scale and Scope (Chandler), 2:711 Fichte as influence on, 2:814
Francis Ferdinand assassination in, ‘‘Scandal in Bohemia, A’’ (Doyle),
Hegel and, 2:1051, 1078
1:232, 242, 277, 407; 2:705, 2:680
Hölderlin friendship with, 2:1078
861, 862, 865; 3:1628 Scandinavia
Novalis friendship with, 3:1647
Janissary settlement in, 1:273 coastal shipping and, 4:1933; 5:2348
Scherzo fantastique (Stravinsky),
World War I and, 2:527 emigrants from, 2:646
Saratoga, Battle of (1777), 3:1261 established church in, 4:1895
Scheurer-Kestner, Auguste,
Sardinia-Piedmont. See Piedmont- literacy in, 4:1868 2:684, 811
Savoy open-air museums in, 3:1564 Scheveningen, 4:2125
Sardou, Victorien, 4:1916 Protestant population of, 4:1790, Schey, Friedrich, 5:2420
Sargent, John Singer, 1:289; 5:2405 1890, 1895
Sarraut, Albert, 3:1144 Schiele, Egon, 1:153, 254;
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987 4:2089–2091, 2090; 5:2421
Sarrien, Ferdinand, 2:858
secularization in, 4:2133 Schiff, Jacob, 4:1837
Sarto, Giuseppe Melchiorre. See Pius X
sports in, 4:2245 Schiller, Friedrich, 4:2288
Sartor Resartus (Carlyle), 1:103, 370;
2:941 telephone service in, 5:2308 Schiller, Friedrich von, 1:197, 370;
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 2:1101; 3:1167, tuberculosis prevention in, 5:2361 2:678
1169 universities in, 5:2379–2380 German cultural identity and, 3:1523
Kierkegaard as influence on, 3:1253 village community in, 4:1754 Goethe friendship with, 2:985, 987
Sasun district, 1:92 wine and, 5:2475 Hölderlin and, 2:1078
sati (widow burning), 3:1134 See also Denmark; Sweden and Humboldt (Wilhelm) friendship
Satie, Erik, 815; 4:2086–2087 Norway with, 2:1097

2758 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich Schlumbohm, Jürgen, 3:1147 on spiritualism, 4:2237

von, 4:2088 Schlüter, Andreas, 4:2076, 2092 Schottengymnasium (Vienna), 1:10
Schlegel’s reviews of, 4:2095 Schmahl, Jeanne, 4:2279 Schou, Philip, 2:647
Schubert and, 4:2106 Schmidt, Auguste, 3:1681 Schouw, Joachim Frederik, 2:649
secularization view, 4:2133 Schmidt, Johannes, 2:774 Schreiber, Johann, 3:1484
Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von, Ibsen Schmidt, Johann Kaspar. See Schreiner, Olive, 1:372
as influence on, 3:1108 Stirner, Max Schreyvogel, Joseph, 5:2418
Schimmelpenninck, Rutger Jan, Schmidt, Wilhelm, 2:774
Schricker, Ivo, 2:834
4:2188, 2189 Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl, 3:1310
Schubert, Franz, 1:197; 3:1565, 1570;
Schinderhannes. See Bückler, Johannes schnapps, 1:34
4:2106–2107; 5:2418
Schindler, Alma, 3:1418 Schneider-Creusot, 5:2485, 2499,
as Dvořák influence, 2:701
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 1:215, 216, 2503
Schneider family, 1:471 Romanticism and, 4:2026, 2027,
317; 2:876; 4:1769, 2091–2094,
Schnitzer, Eduard (Emin Pasha), 2029, 2106, 2107
2:783 Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich von,
Schinkel Pavilion (Berlin), 4:2092
Schnitzler, Arthur, 3:1437; 4:1924
schizophrenia, 3:1240
4:2100–2101; 5:2421 Schubertiades, 4:2106
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von, 2:912,
Schoenberg, Arnold, 1:153, 198; Schulter, Johann Friedrich von,
985; 3:1647; 4:1703, 1769,
2:654; 4:2101–2103, 2263; 4:1723
2094–2096, 2097
5:2421 Schulze-Delitzsch, Hermann, 1:55,
Schelling and, 4:2088
atonality and, 3:1245, 1437, 1572 111; 2:556
Schlegel, Caroline von. See Schelling,
on Brahms, 1:295–296 Schumann, Clara, 4:2029
Caroline Schlegel von
as Kandinsky influence, 3:1245 Schumann, Robert, 1:209, 225;
Schlegel, Friedrich von, 1:385; 2:814,
3:1419, 1565, 1570; 4:2027,
873, 985 Mahler and, 3:1418
2029, 2107
brother August Wilhelm and, Mann and, 3:1435, 1437
Brahms and, 1:295
4:2094, 2095, 2096 opera and, 3:1676
Liszt and, 3:1571
Novalis and, 3:1647 Ravel and, 4:1944
music criticism by, 3:1566, 1570
Schelling and, 4:2088 Stravinsky and, 4:2262
Paganini as influence on, 4:1699
Schleiermacher and, 4:2097 Schola Cantorum, 2:628; 4:2087
Schumpeter, Joseph, 3:1122
Schleiden, Matthia Jakob, 1:340 Schonberg, J., 4:2143
Schurz, Carl, 2:962; 4:1987
Schleiermacher, Dorothea Schönbrunn, Treaty of (1809), 1:133;
Schwanengesang (Schubert), 4:2107
Mendelssohn-Veit, 3:1647 2:860–861; 3:1236, 1586;
5:2374 Schwann, Theodor Ambrose Hubert,
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 2:660,
Schöneberg (Berlin suburb), 1:218 1:340
1054; 3:1647; 4:2030, 2095,
Schöne Müllerin, Die (Schubert), Schwartz, Pedro, 3:1514
2096–2098; 5:2381
Schlesinger, Johann Jakob, 2:1052 4:2107 Schwarzenberg, Felix zu, 2:863
Schleswig, 4:1993, 1994 Schönerer, Georg von, 1:10, 145, 263; Schwarzenberg, Friedrich von, 4:1722
Schleswig-Holstein, 1:146; 2:952; 2:689, 1068; 3:1393, 1394 Schwarzenberg, Karl zu, 2:903;
4:1993, 1994 School for Orphan Girls (Bonvin), 3:1319, 1320, 1321
4:1947 Schwarzenberg family, 1:469
Bismarck policy and, 1:235–236, 238
School for Scandal, The (Sheridan), Schweppes soft drinks, 2:588
Danish claims and, 2:648, 963
3:1108 Schwerin, written constitution of,
Danish-German War and, 2:607,
School Law of 1842 (Sweden), 4:2285 2:959
608; 4:1902
‘‘School of 1830’’ (Barbizon painters), Schwierige, Der (Hofmannsthal),
Frankfurt Parliament and, 2:871 2:1077
Prussian annexation of, 2:964; Science and Hypothesis (H. Poincaré),
School of Fine Arts (Barcelona),
4:1902 4:1805
Schlieffen, Alfred von, 2:968; 3:1508; science and technology, 4:2107–2116
schools. See education; literacy
4:2098–2099 access to knowledge and,
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1:296;
Schlieffen Plan, 1:232; 3:1507, 1508; 4:2111–2113
4:2103–2106, 2105
4:1937, 2098–2100
cultural pessimism and, 2:631 African colonization and, 1:20;
Schliemann, Heinrich, 1:219; 4:1769
as Generation of 1898 influence, 3:1118
Schloss, Das (Kafka), 3:1242, 1243
2:950 Agassiz and, 1:22–24
Schloss Babelsberg (Potsdam), 4:2094
Schlossbrücke (Berlin), 4:2092 as Jung influence, 3:1238 Agricultural Revolution and,
Schloss Charlottenhof (Potsdam), as Mann influence, 3:1436 1:25–26, 27, 27, 28–29; 3:1164
4:2094 Rank and, 4:1938 airplanes and, 1:30–31
Schloss Glienecke (Potsdam), 4:2094 Romanticism and, 4:2028–2029, armaments and, 2:1034
Schloss Tegel estate, 4:2092 2030 armies and, 1:96, 99, 101, 217

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2759

automobiles and, 1:148–151 Pavlov and, 4:1748–1749 Corn Laws repeal campaign in, 2:558
Berlin as leading center of, photography and, 4:1770–1774 demographic change in,
1:215, 217 Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1804–1805 4:2120–2122
Bernard and, 1:227–228 positivism and, 4:1843–1844 economic changes in, 4:2117
body and, 1:251 progress and, 2:815 education in, 2:722; 4:2119–2120
Britain and, 1:350 racism and, 4:1926, 1928 emigrants from, 1:343, 346; 2:1005
Brougham and, 1:303 railroads and, 4:1934 engineers in, 2:758
Cajal and, 1:340–342 Roentgen and, 4:2011–2012, 2070 factories in, 2:792
cholera and, 1:438 Romantic view of, 4:2027 football (soccer) in, 2:831, 832,
cinema and, 1:440–443 Russia and, 4:1749 833, 834
coal mining and, 1:487–488 St. Petersburg and, 4:2076–2077 Frazer and, 2:872–873
Cockerill inventions and, 1:492–493 Second Industrial Revolution Greek Revival architecture in, 4:1769
Comte and, 2:523 and, 1:351, 355–356; Hardie and, 2:1043–1044
Crystal Palace exhibits of, 2:588 3:1156–1164 Highland vs. Lowland society in,
Curies and, 2:594–596 secularization and, 4:2133 4:2120, 2121
Cuvier and, 2:598–599 Siemens and, 4:2179–2180 housing in, 2:1089, 1090, 1091
Denmark and, 2:649 spiritualism and, 4:2238, 2239 international exhibitions in, 5:2499
de Vries and, 2:652–653 statistical reasoning and, 4:1922 joint-stock banking in, 1:172
Dreadnaught battleship and, steel and, 3:1158–1159 land agitation in, 4:1755
2:681–683, 968 subways and, 4:2271–2273 landed elite in, 3:1306; 4:2116,
economic growth and, 1:350; Sweden and, 4:2285–2286 2117, 2120
4:2115–2116 technology-to-science feedback and, literacy in, 2:720; 4:1868
Eiffel Tower and, 2:737–738 4:2113–2115 Lyell and, 3:1402
Einstein and, 2:739–740 telephones and, 5:2308 Maxwell and, 3:1477–1478
electricity and, 2:741–742; transatlantic crossing and, 1:353 newspapers and, 4:1866, 1867,
3:1161–1162 Wells and, 5:2458–2459 1868, 1869
engineers and, 2:757–761 world’s fairs and, 5:2493, 2496, Owen factory village in, 2:1088
environment and, 2:766 2497, 2499, 2500, 2503, 2505 phrenology and, 4:1775
First Industrial Revolution and, See also biology; botany; chemistry; politics and, 4:2118
2:709; 3:1152–1154 medicine; physics; zoology Poor Law and, 4:2119; 5:2452
Goethe studies and, 2:986 Science et l’hypothèse, La (H. Poincaré), potato blight in, 2:1005
Helmholtz and, 2:1057–1058 4:1805
Protestant population of, 4:1890,
Hertz and, 2:1062–1063 Science expérimentale, La (Bernard), 1890, 1893
Huxley and, 2:1101–1103 1:228
religious makeup of, 2:1002, 1006;
interplay between, 4:2108–2110 science fiction, 2:816; 5:2408, 2458
Science Museum (London), 3:1376
Kelvin and, 3:1249–1250 representation and, 2:1003
Science of Ethics, The (Stephen), 4:2254
knowledge production and, Scott and, 4:2121, 2122–2123
Science of Logic (Hegel), 2:1053
4:2110–2111 Smiles and, 4:2199–2200
Science of Mechanics, The (Mach),
Laennec and, 3:1297–1298 social issues in, 4:2119, 2122
Lavoisier and, 3:1311–1313 Science sociale movement, 5:2516 sports in, 4:2240, 2243, 2246
liberalism and, 3:1341 Scientific-Humanitarian Committee Stevenson and, 4:2254–2256
London and, 3:1376–1377 (Berlin), 2:1069, 1070, 1071, technology and, 3:1153
Luddite resistance to, 3:1391–1392 1086; 4:2163 telephone service in, 5:2308
Lumière brothers and, 3:1396–1398, Scientific Marxism, 4:2218 Union with England (1707), 2:999,
1397 scientific revolution, 4:1779 1006
machine breaking and, 3:1410–1412 ‘‘Scientific Romances’’ (Wells), universities in, 4:2119–2120;
Manchester and, 3:1430 5:2408 5:2379, 2384, 2387
Marconi and, 3:1444–1445 scientism, 4:1953, 2133 village community in, 4:1754
Maxwell and, 3:1477–1478 Scotch whisky, 5:2477 world’s fairs and, 5:2504, 2505,
Milan and, 3:1502 Scotland, 4:2116–2122; 5:2433 2506
military tactics and, 1:99; 2:1034; aristocracy in, 1:80 Scott, George, 4:2283
3:1506–1507 art nouveau and, 1:107, 112 Scott, Robert F., 2:784
Nobel and, 3:1644–1645 Carlyle and, 1:370–371 Scott, Walter, 2:930; 3:1441; 4:2030,
ocean exploration and, 3:1653–1654 church attendance in, 4:1893 2121, 2122–2124, 2253
Pasteur and, 4:1742–1744 civil marriages in, 4:1894 as Delacroix influence, 2:640

2760 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

as Doyle influence, 2:681 seamstresses, 4:2158 Gambetta as critic of, 2:853,

football (soccer) and, 2:831 séances, 4:2237, 2238 928, 929
operatic texts based on, 3:1671 Search Decree (1819, Germany), Haussmann and, 2:1047–1050;
Scottish baronial style, 1:186 2:959 4:1729–1731
Scottish Enlightenment, 1:465; seascapes, 4:2027, 2029 Lyon and, 3:1404
4:2120, 2123 seaside resorts, 3:1324, 1325;
Lyon silk industry and, 3:1404
Mill (James) and, 3:1510 4:2124–2127; 5:2328
Offenbach and, 3:1660–1661
Scottish Football Association, 2:832 bourgeoisie and, 1:288; 4:2125;
overview of, 2:852–854;
Scottish League, 2:831 5:2328
Scottish Miners Federation, 2:1043 Mediterranean France and, 1:288,
Paris under, 4:1729–1731,
Scottish moralists, 4:2212 303
Scottish Office, 4:2118 ‘‘Season of Russian Opera’’ (Parisian
peasant vote for, 4:1755
Scouting for Boys (manual), 1:159–160 program), 2:654–655
‘‘Seasons of Russian Opera’’ (Diaghilev Pius IX and, 4:1725, 1726
‘‘Scramble for Africa.’’ See Berlin
Conference production), 2:774 press curbs and, 4:1870
Scream, The (Munch), 3:1558, 1559; Secession. See Vienna Secession prostitution and, 4:2302
4:2287 Secession style, 1:108, 112, 152–153, republicanism and, 4:1962
Scriabin, Alexander, 1:440; 2:654 154; 3:1530 revisionist view of, 3:1593
Scribe, Augustin Eugène, 3:1107 Séchelles, Marie-Jean Hérault de, secret society opposition to,
Scribners (publisher), 4:2255 4:1960 4:2131–2132
sculpture, 4:1702 Sechenov, Ivan, 4:1749, 1908 support for, 2:852
art nouveau and, 1:109, 152 Second Adventism, 4:1714 world’s fairs and, 5:2496, 2497
Berlin museum collections and, secondary schools. See education See also Crimean War; Franco-
1:219 Secondat, Charles-Louis de. See Prussian War; Napoleon III
Canova and, 1:347–349 Montesquieu, baron de Second Estate (France), 2:767, 841,
cubism and, 1:156; 2:591 Second Balkan War (1913), 1:12, 842, 886
Daumier and, 2:621 164–165, 166; 2:705; 3:1691;
Second Home Rule Bill of 1893
Denmark and, 2:647 (Britain), 2:978, 1011
Bulgaria’s losses in, 1:313; 2:705 Second Industrial Revolution. See
Doré and, 2:677
Montenegro and, 3:1541 Industrial Revolution, Second
futurism and, 2:919
Second Carlist War, 4:2231 Second International, 1:11, 205;
German expressionism and, 1:154
Second Coalition. See War of the 2:521–522; 4:2127–2129, 2267;
Matisse and, 3:1475 Second Coalition 5:2502
museums and, 1:219; 3:1562 Second Congress of the Russian anarchists expulsion from, 3:1294
Picasso and, 4:1710 Socialist Democratic Labor Party
Bolshevik/Menshevik split and,
realism and, 4:1947 (1903), 3:1328 3:1487
Renoir and, 4:1956 Menshevik-Bolshevik split at, 3:1487
Engels and, 2:756
Rodin and, 4:2008–2011 Second Empire (France), 1:44, 52,
feminism and, 2:805
Rude and, 4:2031, 2043–2044 234, 248; 2:852–854; 4:1928,
1962, 1998, 2131–2132, 2302; founding of, 3:1294
St. Petersburg and, 4:2076
Scuola di Polizia Scientifica (Italy), 5:2496, 2497 Guesde and, 2:1025–1026
4:1816 Bonapartism and, 1:269 Hardie and, 2:1044
Scutari bureaucracy and, 1:322 Luxemburg and, 3:1398, 1399, 1400
Albania and, 1:32 collapse of, 2:567, 853; 3:1592 pacifism and, 2:825; 4:1696, 1697
Montenegro and, 1:166 Courbet’s opposition to, 2:569 Plekhanov and, 4:1801
Nightingale’s nurses at, critics of, 2:852 Social Democratic Party and, 3:1399;
3:1637–1638, 1637, 1649 degeneracy theme and, 2:637 4:2127, 2128, 2129
siege of (1912–1913), 1:34, Deraismes and, 2:649 World War I and, 3:1473
163, 164 Second Land Act of 1881 (Britain),
education and, 2:721
Scythians, The (Blok), 1:250; 2:774; 2:1010
establishment of, 3:1592
4:2217 Second Law of Thermodynamics,
fall of, 2:669, 870 2:631
SDF. See Social Democratic Federation
SDLP. See Social Democratic Labor fashion and, 1:482 Second Moroccan Crisis. See Agadir
Party feminist movement and, 4:1998 Crisis
SDP. See Social Democratic Party Ferry’s opposition to, 2:810 Second Navy Law of 1900 (Germany),
‘‘Sea Dog’’ table, 2:913 Franco-Prussian War and, 3:1610
Seagull, The (Chekhov), 1:423; 3:1495 2:853–855, 867–870 Second of May, 1808, The (Goya), 2:999
Sea Lady, The (Wells), 5:2458 French Radicals and, 4:1928 Second Opium War, 3:1679–1680

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2761

Second Partition of Poland (1793), Young Italy as, 4:2001–2002, 2131; Segesser, Philipp Anton von, 4:2291
4:1900 5:2513–2514 Segu, 1:13
Second Reform Bill (Britain). See Section Française d l’Internationale Séguin, Philippe, 3:1593
Reform Act of 1867 Ouvrière. See French Socialist seignorialism, 4:1988, 1990, 1995
Second Republic (France), 1:44, Party Seine River, 4:1731
178–179, 421; 2:567; 4:1946, secularization, 4:2132–2134 bridges over, 4:1729, 1730
2136; 5:2317 conservatives’ opposition to, 2:958 Seitz, William C., 3:1537
Courbet and, 2:568; 4:1706 Directory and, 2:666 Seize Mai crisis (1877), 2:649
Daumier caricatures and, 2:621 Selected Passages from Correspondence
education and, 4:1891
feminism and, 2:803 with Friends (Gogol), 1:208;
Eiffel Tower and, 2:737 2:988
Hugo and, 2:1093 Ferry and, 2:810–812 selective breeding. See eugenics
Lamartine and, 2:849; 3:1304 French church-state separation and, self-determination. See nationalism
Louis-Napoleon and, 3:1590–1591; 4:1929–1930, 2136–2137; Self-Help (Smiles), 2:1006; 4:2199
4:1706 5:2432–2433 self-made man, 1:284; 2:1006
Millet’s paintings and, 3:1516 French intellectuals and, 3:1168 Self-Portrait (David), 2:624
overthrow of, 2:852; 3:1591 French law and, 3:1595 Self-Portrait as St. Sebastian (Schiele),
overview of, 2:849–852 French Radicals and, 4:1929 4:2090
Proudhon and, 4:1899 French Revolution and, 2:844 Self-Portrait with Black Clay Vase and
suffragism and, 4:2277–2278, 2279 Spread Fingers (Schiele), 4:2090
French school system and, 2:721,
Second Republic (Spain), 1:368 Self-Portrait with Hand to Cheek
723, 810, 856, 858, 929; 4:1891
Second Restoration. See Restoration (Schiele), 4:2089
hospitals and, 1:411
Second Serbian Uprising, 4:2142, Selfridge, Harry Gordon, 2:551
Jews and, 3:1229, 1232 Selfridges (London department store),
Kulturkampf and, 3:1278 2:551; 3:1378
Second Sex, The (Beauvoir), 4:1762
main areas of, 4:2133 Seligmann, Adelbert F., 4:1877
Second String Quartet (Schoenberg),
4:2102 museums and, 3:1561, 1562 Selim III, Ottoman emperor, 3:1420,
Second Symphony (Mahler), 3:1419 Napoleon and, 2:957; 3:1192, 1193 1683, 1685
Second Viennese School, 4:2102 nursing and, 3:1649–1650 Selimiye (Crimean hospital barracks),
papal denunciation of, 3:1199 1:278
Secret Agent, The (Conrad), 2:536
Pius IX’s war against, 4:1795, 1797 Seljuks, 4:2022
‘‘Secret Sharer, The’’ (Conrad), 2:535,
Sella, Quintino, 3:1200
536 positivism and, 4:1843–1844
Sellwood, Emily, 5:2309
secret societies, 4:2129–2132 Protestants and, 4:1893–1894, 1896
Semaines Sociales (France), 1:389
Apostles as, 4:2258 Prussian school system and, 2:966; Semana Trágica (Barcelona), 4:2231;
Black Hand as, 1:242 3:1277 5:2488
Blanqui and, 1:248 reaction to, 4:2134 semiotics, 2:593
Carbonari as, 1:359–362; Risorgimento (Italian unification) Semiramide (Rossini), 3:1670; 4:2038
4:2130–2131; 5:2513, 2514 and, 3:1193 Semmel, Bernard, 3:1514
communist groups as, 2:521, 522 of rites of passage, 4:1894 Semmelweiss, Ignac, 4:2134–2136
decline of, 1:361 Roman Question and, 4:2024 Semper, Gottfried, 1:317
in France, 4:1995, 2129–2132 in Russia, 4:2059, 2060, 2061 Semper Opernhaus (Dresden), 3:1567
Freemasons as, 2:877–882 in Serbia, 4:2141 Semyonovsky mutiny (1820), 2:1081
in Greece, 4:1981–1982 spiritualism and, 4:2239 Sen, Amartya, 3:1427
Italian nationalism and, 1:359–363; three phases of, 4:2133 Senatory Measures: Lord Morpeth
3:1193, 1194–1195, 1254 Throwing Pearls before Swine
urban church attendance and, 4:1824
(cartoon), 4:1913
in Italy, 4:2001–2002, 2129–2131; See also separation of church and state Seneca, 4:2124
5:2513–2514 secular religion, 2:523–524 Senegal
masculinity and, 3:1471 Sedan, Battle of (1870), 2:569, 810,
French enclave in, 1:19, 20, 21;
Pius IX’s condemnation of, 4:1798 854, 928, 964; 3:1507; 4:2004,
2:509, 812
in Portugal, 4:1841 2035, 2242, 2243
slave trade and, 1:13, 15
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1989, French surrender at, 2:870, 1050;
Senegal River, 2:780
1995 4:1734
Senestrey, Ignaz von, 4:1722
in Russia, 1:38; 3:1168; 4:1991, Kesselschlacht and, 3:1507 Senhouse, Roger, 4:2259
2050 Napoleon III’s command at, 3:1593 Senior, Nassau, 2:716
Second French Republic and, 2:851 Seddon, Richard John, 3:1623 Senne River, 1:305, 306
Turkish nationalism and, 3:1690 seduction theory (Freud), 2:905 Sensales, Giuseppe, 4:2174
Veri Italiani as, 5:2514 seed drill, 1:25; 2:757; 3:1305 sensational novels, 2:575

2762 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Sense and Sensibility (Austen), September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Ottoman Empire and, 1:2, 39, 206;
1:130–131 (U.S.), 2:738 3:1420, 16833
Sentimental Education (Flaubert) and, September Convention (1864), revolt of 1804 and, 1683–1684
2:827 4:1797 revolution of 1904 and, 2141–2142
separate spheres, 1:70, 418 September Laws of 1835 (France),
Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1986
bourgeoisie and, 1:472; 2:943 2:621
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1993,
civil society and, 1:467, 468 September Massacres of 1792
family life and, 3:1451, 1452, 1471 (France), 2:563, 799, 891, 973;
4:2006 Russian support for, 2:705; 3:1519,
ideology of, 2:943 1628; 4:1717, 2067
labor movements and, 2:945 September program (1914), 3:1357
September Revolution of 1868 San Stefano Treaty and, 4:2069,
masculine elite and, 3:1470 2085
(Spain), 1:59
separation of church and state suffrage in, 4:2279
Septet (Stravinsky), 4:2263
anticlericalism and, 1:68–69 trade and, 4:2147; 5:2337
septic infections, 3:1262
Belgium and, 1:204 Serbian Learned Society, 1:207
Serafim of Sarov, 4:2063
British Nonconformists and, 2:1006 Seraing textile factory (Belgium), Serbian National Organization
Concordat of 1801 and, 2:527–529 1:493; 2:791 (Bosnia), 1:276
French Revolution and. See Civil Serbia, 4:2141–2149 Serbian National Theater, 4:2148
Constitution of the Clergy Albania and, 1:32, 33; 3:1691 Serbian Orthodox Church, 1:206;
Germany and, 2:966 alliance system and, 1:48, 49; 2:663; 4:2142–2143
Giolitti’s view of, 2:972 3:1546 Serbian Revolution of 1904,
Kulturkampf and, 3:1277 assassination of Francis Ferdinand 4:2141–2142
liberals and, 2:958 and, 2:663–664, 705 Serbian Royal Academy of Sciences,
O’Connell’s belief in, 3:1655 Austria-Hungary and, 1:146, 166, 4:2148
papal denunciation of, 1:381–382; 206, 207, 242, 243, 277; 2:663, Serbo-Bulgarian War, 1:312
3:1199; 4:1798 704–705, 862, 863, 865; 3:1247, serfs, emancipation of, 4:1754,
papal infallibility doctrine and, 1546; 4:1994, 2146–2149 2149–2155, 2154
4:1896 Balkan League and, 1:32 Alexander I and, 1:38; 2:1014
political Catholicism and, Balkan Wars and, 1:2, 13, 146, 163, Alexander II and, 1:39;
1:387–388; 4:1718–1719 164–165, 166, 313; 2:704–705; 2:1015–1016
Portugal and, 4:1842 3:154, 1691 aristocracy and, 1:84; 2:1017
Protestant advocates of, 4:1895 Belgrade and, 1:205–207 Austria-Hungary and, 1:142;
See also secularization Black Hand and, 1:242–243, 277; 4:1987, 1995
separation of church and state (France, 2:705; 4:2132 Baltic provinces and, 2:819
1905), 2:540; 4:1895, Bosnia-Herzegovina and, 1:166, Belinsky advocacy of, 1:208
2136–2137 242–243, 273, 275–276, 277; civil society emergence and, 1:118
anticlericalism and, 1:69, 389 2:703, 705, 862; 4:2146, 2148 Denmark and, 2:647
Catholic political parties and, 1:389 Bulgaria and, 1:313; 4:2149 dimensions of serfdom, 4:2150–2152
Dreyfus affair as factor in, 2:685 Congress of Berlin and, 4:2144, effects of, 1:84, 476; 2:1017;
French Radicals and, 4:1929–1930 2145 3:1638; 4:1755–1756
Jaurès role in, 3:1217 Eastern Question and, 2:704–705 French Revolution and, 3:1305;
overview of, 2:858–859 Greater Serbia plan and, 1:2; 4:2148 4:1754, 2279
papacy and, 4:1721 Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:137, Hungary and, 4:1994
Waldeck-Rousseau and, 142; 2:862 Jewish economic activity and, 3:1232
5:2432–2433 hatred of Francis Ferdinand in, 2:862 Poland and, 4:1809
See also secularization independence of, 1:206; 2:530, 703, provisions and consequences of,
Separation of Mother and Child, The 1018; 3:1173, 1683, 1689 4:2153–2155
(Norton), 3:1645 Jewish emancipation in, 3:1225 Prussia and, 4:2251
Sephardic Jews, 3:1226; 5:2519 Karadjordje and, 3:1247–1248; Russia and, 1:38, 39; 2:1014,
Sepoy Mutiny, 1:499; 2:508, 706, 4:2142, 2144, 2145 1015–1016; 3:1341, 1552;
1008; 4:2137–2141 monetary system of, 3:1538 4:1754, 1975, 2049, 2051,
causes of, 4:2138–2140 Montenegro and, 1:242; 3:1539, 2149–2155, 2172–2173, 2196;
consequences of, 4:2140 1541, 1546 5:2365, 2371, 2460
Disraeli’s response to, 1:501; 2:673 nationalist movement in, 1:2, 163, serfdom foundational challenges,
East India Company and, 2:706, 166, 207, 242–243; 2:705; 4:2152–2153
1008; 3:1135 3:1247–1248, 1268; 4:1993, Siberian migration and,
racism and, 3:1120 1994, 2142–2143, 2147 4:2172–2173

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2763

Slavophiles and, 4:2196 Bloomsbury Group and, 4:2258, Shahrastani, 3:1516

Ukraine and, 5:2371 2259 Shaka (African chief), 1:17
utilitarianism and, 5:2393 body and, 1:251, 253, 254 Shakespeare, William, 1:153, 229;
Sergei Alexandrovich, grand duke of bourgeois mores of, 1:287; 4:2161 2:535; 3:1663; 4:1824–1825;
Russia, 4:1978, 2210 5:2319
colonialism and, 3:1472
serialism, Stravinsky and, 4:2261, Coleridge lectures on, 1:497
contraceptives and, 2:805, 947
2262–2263 as Delacroix influence, 2:640
double standard and, 1:469; 2:797,
Serrano y Domı́nguez, Francisco, Doré illustrations for, 2:676
798, 804, 947; 3:1471
4:2230 as Pushkin influence, 4:1919
Ellis theories on, 2:745–746, 1085
Sertürner, Friedrich, 2:686 Rossini operatic texts from, 3:1671
Enlightenment view of, 4:2029
Sérusier, Paul, 4:2294 Schlegel’s translations of, 4:2094,
Sesame and Lilies (Ruskin), 2:943 fin de siècle and, 2:816
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1:159 Fourier’s views on, 4:2202
Schubert’s works and, 4:2106
Settlement Act of 1662 (Britain), free love movement and, 2:803
Strindberg and, 4:2269
4:1819 Freudian theory and, 2:905,
Verdi operatic texts from, 3:1672
Seurat, Georges, 2:738, 795, 796, 906–907, 908; 4:1904, 1905,
Wagner and, 5:2429
941; 3:1398; 4:2155–2158, 2104, 2163, 2164
Shakhovskoi, Dmitri, 3:1241
2292 Hirschfeld theories on, 2:1069–1071
Shamil, 4:2164–2165
impressionism and, 3:1132, 1133, Krafft-Ebing theories on, 2:1085; Shandong Province, 1:292
1530; 4:1709 3:1270–1271 Shanghai, 3:1679
as Pissarro influence, 4:1794 male impotence fears and, 3:1472 Shanley, Mary Lyndon, 3:1514
pointillism and, 3:1474 Malthusian view of, 3:1425 Shape of Things to Come, The (Wells),
poster art and, 4:1845 marriage and family and, 3:1453 5:2459
Sevastopol, 1:243; 2:1007 married love and, 4:2163 sharpshooting societies, 4:1989
siege of (18541land855), 1:244; masculine ideology of, 3:1471, 1472 Shaw, George Bernard, 2:1012;
2:578, 579 4:2165–2167; 5:2445
medical construction of,
Sevastopol Stories (Tolstoy), 5:2318 on Darwinian evolution, 2:618
Seven Acts of Mercy, The (Caravaggio), Fabians and, 1:987; 4:2166, 2206;
Mill (Harriet) and, 3:1509
2:941 5:2444, 2458
Seven Lamps of Architecture, The Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1509
‘‘perversions’’ and, 4:2162–2163 as Ibsen enthusiast, 3:1109
(Ruskin), 4:1917, 2046
pornography and, 4:1833–1836 socialism and, 4:2206
Seventh Symphony (Mahler), 3:1419
Seven Weeks’ War (1866). See Austro- primitivism and, 4:1875, 1876 Wilde and, 5:2465, 2466
Prussian War Shcherbtov, Mikhail, 1:400
Roland’s view of, 4:2013
Seven Years’ War, 1:343, 375; Shchukin, Sergei, 3:1474
Romantics’ view of, 4:2026
2:706, 841 Sheehy-Skeffington, Hanna,
Roussel’s view of, 4:2041–2042, 2162 4:2280–2281
Séverine, 2:696, 697 Sade and, 4:2073–2074
Severini, Gino, 1:157, 214; 2:918 sheep, 1:26, 134; 2:505
Sand’s portrayal of, 4:2083 New Zealand farming of, 3:1623
Severn, Joan, 4:2047
Severn, Joseph, 4:2028 Schnitzler’s portrayal of, 4:2100, sheet music, 3:1566
Sévigné, Madame de, 2:994 2101 Sheffield, 2:763
sewers. See sanitation Schopenhauer’s theory on, factories and, 2:792
sewing machine, 1:483; 2:549; 4:2104–2105 football (soccer) and, 2:831
4:2158–2160 Soloviev’s (Vladimir) view of, industrial smoke, 2:765
Crystal Palace exhibit of, 2:588 4:2216–2217 Sheffield silver-plate, 3:1153
electric, 2:741 Symond on, 4:2296, 2297 Shekhtel, Fyodor, 1:114
Sex in Relation to Society (Ellis), 2:746 Weininger on, 5:2449 Shelburne, earl of (William Petty),
sex manuals, 4:2163 women’s equality and, 4:1762 2:839
sex offenders, 3:1270 women’s fashions and, 2:943, 944 Shelley, Mary, 1:333; 2:945–946;
sexology. See sexuality working class and, 4:2161–2162 4:2168, 2168–2169; 5:2480
Sexual Inversion (Ellis and Symonds), See also homosexuality and father, Godwin, and, 2:982
2:745, 948; 4:2296 lesbianism; prostitution husband, Percy Shelley, and,
sexuality, 4:2161–2164 Sezession. See Secession style 4:2168–2169, 2170
anticlericalism and, 1:70 Sforza Cesarini family, 4:2035 Romanticism and, 4:2029
aristocratic prerogatives and, 1:469 Shadow-Line, The (Conrad), 2:536 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1:333; 4:2028,
beard theory and, 1:190–191 shadow plays, 1:335 2169–2170
birth control and, 4:1827–1830, Shaftesbury, Lord (Anthony Ashley Hellenism and, 4:1769
1831 Cooper), 1:402, 429; 4:1912 on London, 3:1373

2764 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

opium use by, 2:686 shoe manufacture, 2:792; 4:2159 as outside Napoleon’s empire,
Romanticism and, 4:2027, 2030, shooting (sport), 4:2243 3:1192
2031, 2170 shopkeepers. See retail trade peasant unrest in, 4:2173–2175,
wife, Mary Shelley, and, shoplifting, 2:574, 576 2178
4:2168–2169, 2170 shopping. See consumerism Revolution of 1820 and, 1:361
Shelley, Percy Florence, 4:2169 Short History of the World, A (Wells), Revolution of 1848 and, 2:581;
Shelley, Timothy, 4:2169 5:2459 3:1196, 1255
shell shock, 1:410; 3:1507; 4:1906 Short Outline of a Croatian-Slavic Verga and, 5:2407
Shenyang. See Mukden, Battle of Orthography (Gaj), 2:924
Victor Emmanuel II and,
Shepherd, Thomas Hosmer, 2:589 shortwave radio, 3:1445
Sheptytsky, Andrii, 5:2373 Shostakovich, Dmitri, 3:1496; 4:2000
violent crime and, 2:571
Sheridan, Caroline. See Norton, Shrapnel, Henry, 1:99
See also Kingdom of the Two Sicilies;
Caroline Shrek 2 (film), 2:678
Naples; Palermo
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 3:1108, Shrewsbury, 3:1148
Sick Child, The (Munch), 3:1558,
1645; 5:2465 Shrewsbury, earl of (John Talbot),
Sherrington, Charles Scott, 1:341, 342 4:1918
Sickert, Walter Richard, 1:191
Sherwood, Mrs., 1:428 shrines, 4:1788–1789 Sickness unto Death (Kierkegaard),
Shevchenko, Taras, 4:1717; 5:2370 Shveja: The Mistress (Mussorgsky), 3:1251
Shiel, M. P., 2:633 3:1576 Siddall, Elizabeth, 4:1864
Shiga, Kiyoshi, 2:736 Siam, 3:1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, side-chain theory, 2:735–736
Shigenobu, Okuma, 3:1211 1141, 1142; 5:2500 Sidgwick, Henry, 4:2238; 5:2394
Shimmer of the Sea (ship), 2:535 Siamanto, 1:90 Sidi Mohammed, 3:1548
Shimonoseki, Treaty of (1895), 1:434; Sibelius, Jean, 3:1419 Sieg des Judentums über das
4:2170–2171 Siberia, 1:395; 4:2151, 2171–2173 Germanentum, Der (Marr),
Shingarev, Andrei, 3:1241 agricultural reforms and, 4:2257 1:71, 72
shipbuilding, 5:2350, 2351 Siège de Corinthe, Le (Rossini), 3:1671;
conquest and settlement of, 4:2172
dreadnaught battleships and, 4:2038
Dostoyevsky sentence in, 2:678
2:681–683 Siege of Corinth, The (Byron), 1:332
Japan and, 4:2063–2064
Hamburg and, 2:1040 Siegfried (Wagner), 3:1571, 1674
Kropotkin’s exploration of, 3:1272
steel and, 3:1157, 1158, 1163 Siemann, Wolfram, 2:871
Lenin’s exile in, 3:1327
Shipov, Dmitri, 3:1659 Siemens, Werner von, 1:217; 2:741;
shipping migration to, 2:746
American Civil War and, 2:1008 Polish exiles in, 4:1810, 1818 Siemens & Halske, 4:2179, 2273
Amsterdam and, 1:53 Radishchev’s exile in, 3:1552 Siemens-Martin open-hearth process,
Black Sea and, 1:243 Russian exiles in, 2:781; 4:2050, 1:485; 3:1158; 4:2115
Britain and, 3:1155 2054, 2172 Sierra Leone, 1:13–14, 19
dock workers and, 5:2485–2486 Russian migrants to, 2:646 Sieste (Matisse), 2:796
Dublin and, 2:691 Speransky and, 4:2236 Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph, 1:456;
strike suppression in, 3:1628 2:767, 768, 842; 4:2180–2181,
East India Company and, 2:705–706
Vladivostok, 4:2064; 5:2426–2427 2246
Greece and, 2:1018
See also Trans-Siberian Railroad Consulate and, 2:845–846
Hamburg and, 2:1038–1039, 1040
Sicilian Fasci, 4:2173–2175, 2178 as Napoleon supporter, 2:895; 3:1585
Manchester and, 3:1431
Sicily, 4:2175–2178, 2177 Sigl, Robert, 2:802
of meat, 2:659 Signac, Paul, 2:795; 3:1474, 1530;
navigational instruments and, Austria and, 4:2001
4:1794, 2156–2157, 2158
3:1249, 1250 banditry and, 2:571; 3:1199,
Sign of Four, The (Doyle), 2:680
New Zealand and, 3:1623–1624 1414–1416; 4:1821
Sigurd (Reyer), 3:1675
oceanic exploration and, Carbonari and, 1:360
Sikhs, 2:706; 4:2137, 2138
3:1653–1654 Crispi and, 2:581 Silas Marner (G. Eliot), 2:744; 4:1756
Scandinavia and, 4:1933; 5:2348 emigration from, 3:1199 Silesia. See Bohemia, Moravia, and
steel ships and, 3:1163 Garibaldi and, 3:1255, 1415; Silesia
Suez Canal and, 3:1338, 1482 4:2003, 2175, 2176 Silhouette, La (French journal), 2:621
telegraph use in, 3:1445 Italian unification and, 1:392; silica, 1:425
Shipping Federation (Britain), 3:1291 2:931–932; 3:1198, 1199 silk manufacture, 2:790, 791
Shirley (C. Brontë), 1:301; 2:802; literacy in, 2:724 Chinese trade and, 3:1678, 1679
3:1392, 1410 mafia and, 3:1414–1417; 4:1821, Lyon and, 3:1153, 1404, 1405
Shishtov, Treaty of (1791), 1:206 2173–2175, 2178 Pasteur disease study and, 4:1743
shock tactics, 3:1506 Naples and, 4:1980 Silk Road, 1:395

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2765

Sillon (France), 1:389 Sisters of Saint Joseph de Cluny, 1:384 colonialism and, 1:498, 499; 2:506,
‘‘Silly Novels by Lady Novelists’’ Sisters of the Good Shepherd, 4:1886 509, 509–510, 888, 1036;
(G. Eliot), 2:744 Si Votha, prince of Cambodia, 3:1141, 4:1923, 1925, 2190–2191
Silverado Squatters, The (Stevenson), 1142 consequences of, 4:2194
4:2255 Six-Day race (bicycle), 2:602 France and, 2:888, 1036; 4:1959,
Silver Age (Russia), 4:2181–2183 Six Little Piano Pieces, (Schoenberg), 2279
futurism and, 4:2182–2183 4:2103
French abolishment of, 2:843, 897,
poets of, 2:774 1649 Law Code (Russia), 4:2150
St. Petersburg and, 4:2077 Sixth Symphony (Beethoven),
galley slaves and, 2:779
Soloviev (Vladimir) and, 4:2217 3:14191.197
Sixth Symphony (Mahler), 3:1419 international conventions against,
silver coinage standard, 1:171; 3:1537 1:309; 3:1173
Silver Dove, The (Bely), 2:774 Skandalkonzert of 1913, 4:2101
Sketches by Boz (Dickens), 2:656 Napoleon’s reinstatement of, 1:498;
silver nitrate, 1:340–341 2:897, 1036
Simarro Lacabra, Luı́s, 1:341 Cruikshank illustrations, 2:585
skiing, 4:1821 Ottoman captives and, 1:206
Simfoniya, 2-ya, dramticheskaya (Bely),
Skinner, Quentin, 4:1958 race and, 4:1924–1926, 1928, 2194
Simmel, Georg, 1:220; 4:2183–2185, Sklodowska, Marie. See Curie, Marie Romanies and, 4:2021
2215; 5:2446 Skobelev, Mikhail D., 4:2068 serfdom vs., 4:2151
Simon, John, 1:325; 3:1373 Škoda works (Pilsen), 1:260 Toussaint Louverture and, 4:2192;
Simon, Jules, 2:812 Školská, Matice, 1:262 5:2332
Simon, Théodore, 2:927 Skorupski, John, 3:1514 Tunisia and, 5:2362
Simon Boccanegra (Verdi), 5:2406 Skoufas, Nikolas, 2:1019 Turners portrayal of, 5:2368
Simonis et Biolley, 1:492 Skovoroda, Grigory, 4:2216 women’s status compared with,
‘‘Simple Heart, A’’ (Flaubert), 2:827 skull study. See phrenology 2:804
Simplicissimus (German weekly), Skye, island of, 4:2121
See also antislavery movement;
3:1435 skyscrapers, 2:590, 736, 738
Atlantic slave trade; serfs,
Simpson’s in the Strand (London Slade, Henry, 4:2238
emancipation of
restaurant), 4:1966 ‘‘Slap in the Face of Public Taste, A’’
Slavery Convention of 1926, 1:309
Simrock, Fritz, 2:701 (futurist manifesto), 1:157;
Slavic-Bulgarian History
Sinan Pasha, 5:2361 (Hildendarski), 1:312
Slataper, Scipio, 5:2354
Sinclair, Isaak von, 2:1078 Slavı́n monument, 4:1858
slaughterhouses, 2:766
Sindh, 3:1134 Slavonia, 1:242
Slav Congress. See Prague Slav
Sindicato operato, Il (syndicalist Slavonic Dances (Dvořák), 2:701
newspaper), 4:2299 Slavophiles, 4:2048, 2194–2197;
slave revolts, 1:364, 365, 498; 2:890,
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 1:447–448 5:2365, 2459
Singer Company, 4:2160; 5:2499 basic tenets of, 4:2194–2196
Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead
Singer sewing machine, 2:588 Chaadayev’s influence on, 1:400;
and Dying: Typhoon Coming On
factory in Scotland, 2:792 2:772
(Turner), 5:2368
singlehood, 2:645, 947; 3:1451 Euroasianism and, 2:772
slavery, 4:2190–2194, 2191
motherhood and, 4:2042 Gaj and, 2:924
Africa and, 1:13–14, 15, 16, 37;
women as missionaries and, 3:1528 2:509; 4:2193–2194, 2219 Russian identity and, 2:772
Singspiel, 3:1673, 1674 Agassiz’s view of, 1:23 sobornost concept of, 1:212; 4:2194,
Singulari Nos (encyclical, 1834), 1:388 2196
Atlantic economy and,
Sinn Féin, 2:691; 3:1182, 1183–1184, Westernizers vs., 2:1064, 1066
1185; 4:1964
Berlin Conference on, 1:229 See also Pan-Slavism
Sin of Father Mouret, The (Zola), 1:70
Britain and, 4:2190, 2192, 2193; Sleeping Beauty, The (Tchaikovsky),
Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895),
5:2461, 2462–2463 5:2307
1:293, 434, 435; 4:1837, 2064,
British abolishment of, 1:18, 19, Diaghilev staging of, 2:655
211, 365; 2:1003 sleeping sickness, 3:1264
Sinope, Battle of (1853), 1:244; 2:577
sipahis, 4:2141, 2144 Brussels Declaration on, 1:308–309 Slovakia, 1:118, 142; 4:1993
Sipiagin, Dmitri, 4:2054 capitalist industrialism and, 2:708 Slovenia, 4:2243–2244
Sir Nigel (Doyle), 2:681 Caribbean and, 1:363, 364; Slowacki, Juliusz, 4:1808, 1818
Sisley, Alfred, 3:1126, 1128, 1534; 2:708–709, 890, 1036; 4:1925, slums, 1:453, 454, 454, 455; 2:1088;
4:1954 1927, 2190, 2191 4:2079
Sismondi, Jean-Charles Leonard de, citizenship and, 1:458 death rates in, 2:628
4:2185–2186 colonial abolishment of, 1:458, Gissing novels about, 2:974–975
sister republics, 2:666; 4:2186–2190 498, 499 London and, 3:1375

2766 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Manchester and, 3:1430 Smoke (Turgenev), 5:2365 Bund and, 1:313–315

Paris and, 2:1088; 4:1729, 1733 smoking. See tobacco Gorky and, 2:992
photographs of, 4:1772 Smolensk, 1:272 Lenin and, 3:1327, 1328
Smolenskin, Perez, 5:2519, 2520
public health problems in, 4:1912 Martov and, 3:1460–1461
Smolny Institute (St. Petersburg),
reformers and, 2:1090–1092 4:2077 Mensheviks and, 3:1487–1488
St. Petersburg and, 4:2079 smuggling, 2:512 Plekhanov and, 4:1801
typhus outbreaks and, 2:670 Smuts, Jan Christian, 1:258; 4:2224 Social Democratic Labor Party
Small, Albion, 4:2214 Smyrna, 1:90 (Sweden), 4:2284
smallpox, 4:2122, 2197–2198, Snach von Wuthenow (Fontane), 2:829 Social Democratic Party (Austria),
2197–2199 Snellman, Johan Wilhelm, 2:820 1:11; 2:1090; 3:1395
Algeria and, 1:43 Snow, John, 1:437; 4:2109, 2110 Vienna and, 5:2420, 2421
Australia and, 1:134 Snowden, Philip, 4:2208 Social Democratic Party
infant deaths from, 2:667 Snow Maiden, The (Rimsky-Korsakov), (Czechoslovakia), 1:11
London and, 3:1372 2:774; 4:1999, 2000 Social Democratic Party (Germany),
Snow Mask, The (Blok), 1:250 1:36, 61, 111; 2:967; 4:2205;
peasant victims of, 4:1751
Snow Storm: Hannibal and His Army 5:2469, 2473
Scotland and, 4:2122
Crossing the Alps (Turner), artisans and, 1:104
vaccination for, 2:628, 644; 3:1222, 4:1704; 5:2367 Bebel and, 1:194, 195; 3:1289, 1311
1223–1224, 1224; 4:2197 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Berlin subculture and, 1:219
vaccination opponents and, 4:2198 (film), 2:677
Smetana, Bedřich, 2:700, 701; Bernstein and, 1:230–231; 3:1328
snuff, 5:2313–2314, 2315
3:1673; 4:1858 Bismarck’s suppression of, 1:459;
Soames, Olave St. Clair, 1:160
Smil, Vaclav, 3:1160; 4:2115 2:966; 3:1279; 4:1903
soap, 1:15
Smiles, Samuel, 1:284; 2:1006; sobornost (Slavophile concept), 1:212; bourgeois members of, 1:290
3:1323; 4:2199–2200 4:2194, 2196 cooperatives and, 2:556
Smit, Nicolaas, 3:1423 soccer. See football founders of, 1:194
Smith, Adam, 1:465, 490; 2:515; sociability homosexual emancipation and,
3:1152; 4:1973, 2120, 2203 consumerism and, 2:547, 549 2:1070, 1071
classical economics and, 2:712–714, working class, 3:1439–1440 Kautsky’s Erfurt program and,
715, 716, 717, 718; 5:2333, See also associations, voluntary 3:1248
2334, 2338 Social Catholicism, 1:203, 387, 389 Liebknecht and, 3:1355–1356
consumption and, 2:551 social class. See class and social relations Luxemburg and, 3:1399–1400
economic liberalism and, 3:1410 social clubs. See associations, voluntary popular vote and, 2:967, 968
free trade and, 2:558, 707, 708, 716; social constructionism, 2:1082 Second International and, 3:1399;
4:1887 social contract, 3:1272, 1603 4:2127, 2128, 2129
List and, 3:1356, 1357 social Darwinism, 2:618–619, 777; women’s rights and, 3:1292–1293
Malthusian economic theory vs., 4:1811, 2213, 2303; 5:2330 working class and, 5:2484, 2485,
3:1426 anti-Semitism and, 1:76; 2:753 2487, 2490, 2492
market optimism of, 2:709 ‘‘degenerate’’ as term and, 2:636 Social Democratic Party (Latvia),
as Marx target, 3:1466 eugenics and, 1:403; 2:619; 4:2249 2:823
as Philosophic Radicals influence, German pre-World War I rhetoric Social Democratic Party (Poland),
3:1512 and, 2:968 3:1399
republicans and, 4:1961 imperialism and, 3:1120 Social Democratic Party (Romania),
Sismondi and, 4:2185, 2186 Spencer and, 3:1272; 4:2235 4:2017
as slavery opponent, 4:2192 statistical studies and, 4:2249 Social Democratic Workers Party
working class and, 5:2489 (Russia), 4:1976
sociology and, 4:2212
Social Democratische Arbeiderspartij
on transports importance, 4:1931 Young Turks and, 5:2516
(Netherlands), 3:1619
Smith, Adolphe, 5:2490 Social Democratic Federation
social insurance. See health insurance;
Smith, Anthony D., 3:1607 (Britain), 1:59, 372; 2:787, 1011
pensions; welfare
Smith, Barbara. See Bodichon, Barbara Labour Party and, 3:1295
socialism, 4:2200–2207
Leigh Social Democratic Labor Party
(Russia), 4:2049, 2054, 2209, Adler (Alfred) and, 1:9–10
Smith, Frank, 4:2083
Smith, Sydney, 1:302–303 2270; 5:2518 Amsterdam and, 1:54–55
Smith, William (geologists), 4:2113 Bolshevik-Menshevik split and, anarchism and, 1:58, 59
Smith, William Robertson (scholar), 3:1328 anarchosyndicalism and, 1:60, 61, 62
2:872 Bolsheviks and, 1:264–265, 266, anti-Semitism and, 1:76, 184; 2:689
Smithson, Harriet, 1:225 267; 2:522; 3:1328; 4:1768 Armenians and, 1:89

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2767

artisans and, 1:111, 474 Herzen and, 2:1064–1066; 5:2460 Shaw and, 4:2166
Austria and, 1:10–11 imperialism and, 3:1119–1121 Smiles and, 4:2200
Bakunin-Marx rivalry and, 1:161, 162 Italy and, 3:1201, 1202, 1203, strikes and, 4:2265, 2267–2268
Bebel and, 1:194–195 1276–1277, 1424; 4:2174; Sweden and, 4:2284
Belgium and, 1:199, 203, 204, 5:2363–2364, 2377, 2491 syndicalists and, 4:2298, 2299
205, 307 Jaurès and, 3:1214, 1215–1219 temperance movement and, 1:36
Belinsky and, 1:208 Jews and, 3:1232–1233 Tristan and, 5:2357–2358, 2397
Berdyayev and, 1:212 See also Bund Turati and, 5:2363–2364
Berlin and, 1:219 Kautsky’s popularization of, 3:1248 varieties of, 4:2205–2207
Bernstein and, 1:230–231 Kuliscioff and, 3:1276–1277 Webb and, 4:2206; 5:2443–2445
Bismarck’s repression of, 1:36, labor movements and, 3:1286–1288, Westernizers and, 5:2459
238–239; 2:966 1291, 1292, 1295 women and, 5:2488
Blanc and, 1:247–248 Lassalle and, 3:1310–1311 women’s suffrage and, 3:1293
Britain and, 1:59, 86, 372, 373; late-nineteenth-century development working class and, 1:474; 3:1294
2:1011; 3:1295, 1297, of, 4:2205
1692–1693; 4:2200–2201, World War I and, 3:1203, 1461
liberal agenda vs., 3:1349
2205–2207; 5:2490 See also First International; Marxism;
Liebknecht and, 3:1355–1356 Second International; Social
Bund and, 1:314–315; 3:1233
literary criticism and, 1:207 Democratic Party; socialist
Carpenter and, 1:372
Luxemburg and, 3:1398–1401 revolutionaries
as Catholic political challenge, 1:381,
Manchester and, 3:1430 Socialism, Christian, 4:2207–2209
388, 389
Martov and, 1460–1461 anti-Semitism of, 1:73; 3:1395
Chartism differentiated from, 1:418
Marx and, 3:1461, 1464, Austria and, 1:11, 73; 3:1393, 1395
Christian Democracy and, 4:2209
1466–1468; 4:2200, 2201, Catholicism and, 1:389
cities and, 1:449
2203–2205, 2214 Germany and, 1:189
class and, 1:474–475, 476
Mazzoni and, 3:1556 Vienna and, 5:2420, 2520
classical economists vs., 2:716,
Milan and, 3:1504 Socialism and Political Struggle
Mill’s (John Stuart) view of, 2:718 (Plekhanov), 4:1801
communism vs., 2:520, 521, 522
Morris and, 1:59, 372; 3:1551; Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
cooperatives and, 2:556
4:1865 (Engels), 2:756; 3:1462; 4:2205;
education of workers and, 2:724
Netherlands and, 3:1619 5:2395
elected representatives of, 1:290 Socialist International. See Second
Owen and, 4:2200–2201
Engels and, 2:754, 755, 756 International
pacifism and, 2:825; 3:1461; 4:1696,
Fabians and, 1:230, 372, 787–788 Socialist League (Britain), 1:59, 372;
family conditions and, 3:1450 2:651; 3:1295; 4:2205
papal opposition to, 1:381; 4:1795,
feminism and, 1:194–195; 2:805, Socialist League (Milan), 3:1556
1797, 1798
946; 3:1276, 1288, 1293; 4:1714 Socialist Party (Amsterdam), 1:54–55
Paris and, 4:1732–1733
First International and, 2:824–825 Socialist Party (Britain), 3:1297
parliamentary election wins and,
Fourier and, 4:2031, 2200, Socialist Party (France), 2:1025, 1026;
2201–2202 4:1929, 1930; 5:2491
Péguy and, 4:1760, 1761
France and, 1:247–248; 2:824, 859; French Socialist Party vs., 3:1217,
4:1929, 1930, 2127, 2128, 2129, Poland and, 1:314; 2:753; 1292
2200, 2201–2203, 2205, 2265, 4:1811–1812, 1818 Socialist Party (Italy), 1:62; 2:609,
2298, 2299 populist peasant-orientation and, 972, 973; 3:1201, 1203, 1294,
French church-state separation and, 4:1831–1832 1424; 4:2299; 5:2363, 2364
4:2137 Proudhon and, 3:1287, 1288; Kuliscioff and, 3:1276–1277
French doctor-reformers and, 1:286 4:1897–1899 Lombroso and, 3:1371
French feminism and, 1:127; republican view of, 4:1962 Malatesta and, 3:1424
2:650–651; 4:1761 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987, Mozzoni’s critique of, 3:1556
French Radicals and, 4:1929, 1930 1988, 1995
Socialist Party (Poland), 1:314;
gender ideas of, 2:946; 3:1293 Roland and, 4:2013–2014 4:1811, 1818
Germany and, 1:194–195, 230–231; Romanticism and, 4:2031 socialist realism, 1:207; 3:1496;
3:1310–1311, 1399–1400; Ruskin and, 4:2047 4:1958
4:2127, 2128, 2129, 2203, 2205; Russia and, 4:2052, 2054, 2196; socialist revolutionaries, 4:1976, 1978,
5:2473, 2489, 2490–2491 5:2460 2049, 2209–2212; 5:2320, 2518
Guesde and, 2:1025–1026 Saint-Simon and, 4:2031, 2080, Socialist Revolutionary Party (Russia),
Hamburg and, 2:1040 2081, 2082, 2200, 2202–2203 4:1768, 1976, 2209–2212

2768 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Socialist Students Association Society for the Diffusion of Useful Sofia, 2:741
(Vienna), 1:9 Knowledge, 1:303; 3:1509; soft drinks, 2:588
Socialist Workers Party (Spain), 4:1868 Sohlman, Ragnar, 3:1645
4:2231 Society for the Patriotic Museum of Soho (London neighborhood),
‘‘Social Organism, The’’ (Spencer), Bohemia, 4:1711 3:1373, 1375
4:2234 Society for the Promotion of Christian ‘‘Sohrab and Rustum’’ (Arnold), 1:102
Social Preconditions of National Knowledge, 3:1527 soil chemistry, 4:2109
Revival in Europe (Hroch), Society for the Promotion of the Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg, Les
3:1607 Gospel, 3:1527 (Maistre), 3:1422
social psychology, 2:909 Society for the Propagation of the Sokol (Prague association), 4:1856
Social Reform or Revolution? Faith, 1:384 Sokol movement, 4:2243–2244
(Luxemburg), 3:1399; 4:2205 Society for the Protection of Ancient Sokolov, Nikolai, 3:1639, 1640
Social Reform Party (Germany), Buildings, 3:1551 Sokoto Caliphate, 1:20
2:1040 Society for the Study and Cure of Solages, marquis de, 3:1216
social relations. See class and social Inembriety (Britain), 2:769 solar energy, 2:764
relations Society for the Study of the Amur soldiering. See armies
Social Rights and Duties (Stephen), Region, 5:2426 Soldiers Three (Kipling), 3:1256
4:2254 Society in America (Martineau), 3:1459 Soldini, Abbé, 3:1384
Social Science Association (Britain), Society of Charitable Economics Solemn Communion (Triquet), 1:379
2:769 (Paris), 4:1850 Solemn League and Covenant, 3:1184
social security programs. See welfare Society of Creative Musicians, 4:2102 Solferino, Battle of (1859), 1:392;
Social Statics; or, The Conditions Society of Friends (Odessa), 3:1685 2:863, 952; 3:1592; 4:1948,
Essential to Human Happiness Society of Missionaries of Africa (White 2003
(Spencer), 4:2234 Fathers), 3:1528, 1528 Red Cross founding and, 2:867;
Social System, The (Gray), 4:2201 Society of Revolutionary Republican 3:1650
social welfare. See welfare Women (France), 2:801–802 Solidaridad Catalana, 4:2231
Società Umanitaria (Milan), 3:1503 Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1:203, Solidaridad Obrera, 4:2300
Société Anonyme des Établissements 383; 4:2208 solidarism, 4:1964
John Cockerill, 1:493 Society of the Cincinnati, 3:1264 Solidarité des Femmes, La,
Société Biblique (Paris), 4:1895 Society of the Rights of Man (France), 4:1761–1762
Société des Amis des Noirs, 2:888 3:1285 Sologub, Fyodor, 4:2182
Société des Gens de Lettres, 3:1577 Society of the United Irishmen, 1:373; Solomon, Maynard, 1:198, 199
Société des Missions Evangélique 2:1000; 3:1176–1177, 1657; Solomon, Simeon, 4:1865
(Paris), 4:1895 4:2187 Soloviev, Sergei, 3:1552; 4:2215;
Société Générale (Belgium), 1:173; Sociological Review (journal), 4:2215 5:2459, 2460
3:1335 sociology, 1:220; 4:1961, 2212–2215 Soloviev, Vladimir, 1:212, 249;
Société Générale (Netherlands), 1:493 Comte and, 2:523; 4:1844 2:773–774; 4:2215–2217
Société Générale de Crédit Mobilier, consumerism and, 2:552; 4:2235 Russian symbolists and, 4:2181, 2182
1:170, 173, 174–175 criminality theories and, 2:570, 572, Slavophiles and, 4:2196
Société Générale pour Favoriser le 574; 3:1371 Solovieva, Poliksena (Allegro), 4:2183
Développement du Commerce Durkheim and, 2:698–700; 4:1844 Solvay, Ernst, 3:1160
et de l’Industrie en France, Ellis and, 2:745 Somalia, 2:783
1:174, 176 Something of Myself (Kipling), 3:1257
family studies and, 3:1450–1451
Société libre des Beaux-Arts (Brussels), ‘‘Something on William Shakespeare
fin de siècle and, 2:816
1:307 upon the Occasion of Wilhelm
Société Nationale pour Enterprises LeBon and, 3:1316–1317
Meister‘‘ (Schlegel), 4:2095
Industrielles et Commerciales, positivism and, 4:1844 Somme, Battle of (1916), 3:1185
1:174 Simmel and, 4:2183–2184, 2215 Somov, Konstantin, 4:2181
Société pour l’Amélioration du Sort de Spencer and, 4:2213, 2233 Sonata in B Minor (Liszt), 3:1360
la Femme, 2:649; 4:1998 Weber and, 4:2212, 2215; Sonata Napoleone (Paganini), 4:1698
Société Pratique des Vélocipèdes, 5:2446–4748 Sonatas (Valle-Inclán), 2:950
2:600 Sociology (Simmel), 4:2184 Sonatine (Ravel), 4:1944
Societies of the Friends of the Socrate (Satie), 4:2087 Song of the Nightingale (ballet), 3:1475
Constitution. See Jacobins Socrates, 4:2218 Songs of Experience (Blake), 1:244
Society for National Education Soddy, Frederick, 4:2070 Songs of Innocence (Blake), 1:244
(Poland), 2:753 sodomy law, 2:1082–1083, 1084 Sonne, Jorgen, 2:647
Society for Promoting Working Men’s Soeurs Vatard, Les (Huysmans), sonnet form, 4:2095
Associations, 4:2208 2:1104 Sonnets (Mickiewicz), 3:1500
Society for Psychical Research, 4:2238 Soffici, Ardengo, 2:918 Sonnets to Orpheus (Rilke), 1:65

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2769

Sonnino, Sidney, 3:1203; 5:2377 South Kensington Museum (London). Poland and, 1:315
Sophia (Divine Wisdom) concept, See Victoria and Albert Museum Repin and, 4:1958
1:249; 4:2182, 2216 South Manchurian Railway, 3:1212, St. Petersburg and, 4:2079
Sophie of Bavaria, 2:863 1557; 4:2064, 2065
Silver Age end and, 4:2183
Sophocles, 2:1078; 3:1663; 4:1770 South Pacific
Slavophilism and, 4:2196
Sorbonne. See University of Paris Gauguin paintings and, 4:1875
socialist revolutionaries and, 4:2209,
Sorby, Henry Clifton, 4:2115 Protestant missionary societies in,
2211–2212; 5:2518
Sorel, Georges, 4:1760, 2217–2218, 3:1527
2299 Third International and, 4:2128,
South Pole, race to, 2:783, 784
anarchosyndicalism and, 1:61, 62 South Slavs, 2:862, 865
view of Great Reforms in, 2:1014
Bergson critique of, 1:213, 214 Prague Slav Congress and,
4:1861–1863 Webb and, 5:2445
futurism and, 2:921
South Tyrol, 4:2004 World War II, 4:2079
Soroschinsky Fair (Mussorgsky), 3:1575
Sorrow (Van Gogh), 5:2400 South Wales Miners Federation, 5:2436 See also Russia
Southwark (London), 3:1378 Sovremennik (Russian journal), 1:208;
Sorrows of Young Werther (Goethe),
South West Africa. See Namibia 3:1639, 1640
2:983; 3:1436
Southwest Africa (Namibia), 2:506 Sower, The (Millet), 1:179; 4:1947
Sotsialistichesky vestnik (Menshevik
publication), 3:1761 Soutsos, Alexandre, 3:1666 Soyer, Alexis, 4:1966
Souvenir de Mortefontaine (Corot), Sozialdemokrat, Der (underground
Soubirous, Bernadette, 4:1788
2:562 newspaper), 1:230
Souham, 3:1321
Souvenir des environs du lac de Nemi Sozialdemokratische Partei
‘‘Soul of Man under Socialism, The’’
(Corot), 2:562 Deutschlands. See Social
(Wilde), 2:633
Souvenir de Solférino, Un (Dunant), Democratic Party (Germany)
Soult, Marshal, 2:1029
2:952; 4:1948, 1949 Sozial reform oder Revolution?
Source, The (Ingres), 3:1167
Souvenir for May Day 1907, A (Crane), (Luxemburg), 3:1399
South Africa, 4:2218–2225, 2221,
4:2201 Spad, Lisa, 2:918
2222, 2224
Souvenir of Castel Gandolfo (Corot), Spain, 4:2225–2233, 2228, 2230
British settlement colony in, 3:1115
2:561 anarchism and, 1:58–59; 3:1293;
colonial trade and, 2:505; 3:1122 4:2231; 5:2488
Souvenirs (Tocqueville), 5:2317
creation of, 1:20; 2:1011 anticlericalism and, 1:68, 69, 366,
Souvenirs d’égotisme (Stendhal),
European interests in, 1:17–18, 19 4:2253 388; 5:2488–2489
football (soccer) in, 2:834 Souvenirs d’enfance et de jeunesse architecture and, 4:2232
immigrants in, 2:504 (Renan), 4:1953 art nouveau and, 1:108, 112
indigenous population of, 2:604; Souvenirs intimes (Olivier), 4:1782 banditry in, 2:571, 572
3:1118 souversismo, 5:2491 banking and, 1:174
Kipling and, 3:1257 Soviet Communist Party, 3:14906; as Berlin Conference participant,
racial lines in, 1:500; 4:1997, 4:2212 1:221
2219–2220, 2222, 2224; 5:2489 Soviet of Workers’ Deputies, 4:1977 Bourbons and, 4:1971, 2225, 2226,
Rhodes and, 4:1996–1997, 2222 soviets, 4:1976, 1977 2228–2229, 2231–2232
slavery and, 4:2219 Soviet Union, 2:536
Cajal and, 1:340–342
Zulu and, 1:17, 18, 99; 2:1009; ballet style in, 2:655
Carbonari and, 4:2130
3:1118; 4:2219, 2220, 2223 Bely and, 1:207, 210 Caribbean and, 1:363–364, 365–366
See also Boer War Bernstein on, 1:231 Carlism and, 1:68, 83, 366–368;
South African Republic (Transvaal), Bolshevik/Menshevik definitions 2:539; 4:1763–1764, 2227,
1:18, 256–259; 3:1422; 4:1997, and, 3:1488 2229–2231
2220, 2221, 2223 communism and, 2:522 Catholicism and, 1:377, 379;
South African War. See Boer War Glinka’s musical nationalism and, 4:1766; 5:2488–2489
South America. See Latin America; 2:980 Catholic nursing care in, 3:1648
specific countries Gorky’s image in, 2:993 censorship in, 4:1869
southern Africa, 1:17–18, 19, 220; Indochina and, 3:1144–1145 child abandonment in, 5:2455
intelligentsia and, 3:1172 chocolate consumption in, 1:496
Southern Insurgents, 5:2517
Kadets banned by, 3:1242 civil wars in, 1:366, 367–368;
southern Netherlands. See Belgium
Southern Question (Italy), 3:1199, Kandinsky and, 3:1245–1246 4:2300
1256 Kropotkin’s funeral and, 3:1273 coffee in, 1:494
Southern Rhodesia, 1:21 Meyerhold and, 3:1495, 1496 colonial losses of, 2:949; 3:1116
Southey, Robert, 1:333; 3:1426; Pavlov and, 4:1749 colonies of, 1:363–366; 2:503;
4:2029, 2169 Pelletier visit to, 4:1762 4:1979, 2225, 2228, 2229, 2231

2770 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Congress of Vienna and, nineteenth-century politics in, See also Barcelona; Catalonia; Madrid
2:532–534, 534 4:2228–2232 Spanish-American War (1898), 1:181;
conservatism and, 2:540 nobility and, 3:1307 2:949; 3:1414; 4:2127, 2231
conservative-liberal system and, Ottoman Empire and, 5:2361 Spanish Civil War. See Civil War,
2:540 painting and, 4:1703 Spanish
constitutions of, 4:1996, 2227, papacy and, 4:1719, 1720 Spanish Contrabandista (Ansdell),
2228, 2229, 2232, 2278 2:572
penal exile and, 2:779
dueling code in, 2:696; 3:1472 Spanish Cycling Federation, 4:2244
Picasso and, 4:1781–1784
Spanish Gypsy, The (G. Eliot), 2:745
education in, 2:720, 723, 724–726 police system in, 4:1814
Spanish Socialist Workers Party,
emigrants from, 2:506, 747, 748 popular culture and, 4:1821 4:2231
emigrants to settlement colonies Portugal and, 4:2225 Sparks, Tryphena, 2:1045
from, 2:505 Protestant minority in, 4:1890, spas, 1:261, 288; 3:1323, 1324, 1325;
engineering projects in, 2:757 1891, 1891, 1895 5:2327–2328
Ferdinand VII and, 1:420; Radicals in, 4:1928 Spate, Virginia, 3:1537
2:808–809; 4:1763–1764, 1767 railroads and, 4:1933 SPD. See Social Democratic Party
football (soccer) and, 2:833 republicanism and, 4:1964, 2231, Special, The (periodical), 2:1086
foundling homes/hospitals in, 2300 Special Creation, doctrine of, 2:615
5:2451 Restoration in. See Restoration, specialization, 2:515
French intervention in, 2:525; Spanish special theory of relativity
4:1764, 1981, 2225–2229 Revolutions of 1820 and, 1:361; Einstein and, 2:739–740; 3:1409;
French Revolution and, 2:887 2:566, 959; 4:1979–1980, 1980, 4:1780–1781
Generation of 1898 and, 2:949–952; 1981 Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1805
4:2232 Revolutions of 1830 and, 4:1985, speciation, 3:1302
Goya and, 2:996–999; 4:1703, 1986 ‘‘Speckled Band, The’’ (Doyle), 2:680
2225, 2226 Rome and, 4:2034 Spectator, The (magazine), 4:2258
Haiti and, 5:2332 Rothschilds and, 4:2040 spectator sports. See sports
Hohenzollerns and, 2:853, 868, 964 seaside resorts in, 4:2124, 2125, Specter Watches Over Her (Gaugin),
Holy Alliance intervention in, 2:566 2126 2:939–940
ideological divide in, 1:366; 4:1763 Second International and, 4:2127 Spectre de la rose, Le (ballet), 3:1642
imperialism and, 1:499; 2:949, settlement colonies and, 2:503 spectroscopy, 1:426
1035–1036; 3:1114–1115; slavery abolishment and, 2:506 speculative rationalism, 5:2512
4:1979, 2225, 2228, 2229, 2231 slavery and, 4:2190 speed of light, 2:740
industrial/manufacturing exhibitions Speenhamland Act of 1795 (Britain),
slave trade and, 1:13
and, 5:2493 2:709
smallpox deaths in, 4:2198
Inquisition in, 4:1969, 2227 Speenhamland System (Britain),
South American independence and,
international exhibitions and, 5:2499 1:358, 359; 2:709; 4:1819, 1848,
2:525, 809
Italy and, 3:1191 spiritualism in, 4:2238
Malthusian opposition to, 3:1425
Jewish conversions in, 1:74 sports in, 4:2243, 2244 Speke, John Hanning, 2:783
Joseph Bonaparte as king of, 4:1764, strikes in, 3:1288; 4:2231, 2265, Spencer, Barbara, 2:515; 4:1887
2226, 2227–2228 2267 Spencer, George, 4:2233
labor movements and, 3:1289, 1290, suffrage in, 4:2232, 2278 Spencer, Herbert, 3:1513;
1292; 4:2299–2300; 5:2485, syndicalism and, 1:61, 62; 3:1292; 4:2233–2236; 5:2445
2488–2489 4:2266, 2267, 2298, 2299–2300 evolution theory and, 2:615–616,
landed elite in, 3:1306 syphilis in, 4:2300 777; 4:2233–2235
liberalism and, 1:366–367, 368; tea drinking in, 1:495 influence of, 4:2235
3:1343, 1347; 4:2230 telephone service in, 5:2308 Morant Bay uprising and, 1:371
Low Countries and, 1:199 tobacco and, 5:2313, 2314 as Polish positivist influence, 4:1811
maternity hospitals in, 5:2450 trade and, 5:2337 psychology and, 4:1907
monetary system of, 3:1538 Trafalgar battle and, 4:2225; social Darwinism and, 3:1272;
Morocco and, 3:1548, 1549 5:2344–2345 4:2235
Naples and, 3:1580 universities in, 5:2379, 2389 sociology and, 4:2213, 2233
Napoleon and, 2:553, 846, 902; waterway transport in, 5:2348 as Suttner influence, 4:2282
3:1599; 4:1763 welfare initiatives in, 5:2451, 2452 Webb and, 5:2444
See also Peninsular War wine and, 5:2475, 2477, 2478 Spencer, Thomas, 4:2233
Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1587 working class and, 5:2485 Spengler, Oswald, 2:774

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2771

Speransky, Mikhail, 1:38; 4:2049, stadiums, 4:2243 State and Anarchy (Bakunin), 4:2205
2172, 2236–2237 Stadtpark (Hamburg), 4:1740 State Bank of Russia, 2:1016
Speyer, Franziska, 2:735 Staël, Germaine de, 1:227; 2:945; State Hermitage Museum
Sphacteria island, 3:1612 4:2185, 2246–2248, 2247 (St. Petersburg). See Winter Palace
Spiess, Adolf, 4:2242, 2245 Constant and, 2:545, 546 stateless society. See anarchism
Spinazzola, Vittorio, 3:1502 feminism and, 2:802 Statesman’s Manual, The (Coleridge),
spinning machinery, 1:24, 492, 493; Heine rebuttal to, 2:1056 1:497
2:791; 3:1152, 1153 Lafayette and, 3:1300 States of the Church. See Papal State
riots against, 3:1410, 1411 as Leopardi influence, 3:1333 State Tretyakovsky Galerie (Moscow),
Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch) de, 2:744, 3:1575
liberalism and, 3:1343
983, 1032, 1051 Stations of the Cross, 1:385
Schlegel and, 4:2095
Spiritism, 4:2238 Statistical Society of London, 3:1426,
Spirit of the Laws, The (Montesquieu), Talleyrand and, 5:2305 1638
2:537–538 Staël von Holstein, Eric, 4:2246 statistics, 4:2248–2250
‘‘Spirit Sight’’ (Schopenhauer), 4:2237 Staffordshire, 3:1153
bell curve and, 2:652, 770; 4:1922
spiritualism, 3:491, 1491; stagecoaches, 5:2346, 2347, 2349
crime records and, 2:570; 4:1922
4:2237–2239, 2238 Stages on Life’s Way (Kierkegaard),
demographic data and, 2:643–646
art nouveau and, 1:109, 112 3:1251, 1252
Stahl, Friedrich Julius, 4:2088 de Vries and, 2:652
Doyle and, 2:681 Durkheim suicide study and, 2:699
stained glass, 1:112, 113; 4:1865
Jung and, 3:1238 eugenics and, 2:770
Morris designs, 3:1550
Kandinsky and, 3:1245 Galton curve and, 2:652, 770
Stalin, Joseph, 1:207; 2:655; 3:1208,
Owen and, 3:1693 Galton’s coefficients of correlation
1462; 4:2128
Spleen de Paris, Le (Baudelaire), 1:187 and, 2:927
Lenin and, 5:2459
Splendeurs et misères de courtisanes
Marx as influence on, 3:1461 Malthus and, 3:1426
(Balzac), 1:169
Meyerhold’s execution by, 3:1495, Maxwell’s use of, 3:1478
Spoken into the Void (Loos), 3:1381
spontaneous generation, theory of, 1496 Quetelet and, 4:1921–1922
3:1302; 4:1743, 2113 Muslims and, 4:2165 sociology and, 2:699
Spontini, Gaspare, 3:1671 Stalky & Co. (Kipling), 3:1256 zemstvos investigatons and, 4:1832
sporting clubs, 4:2241, 2244 Stambolov, Stefan, 1:312, 313 Statue of Liberty (New York City),
sports, 4:2239–2246 standardization, 3:1163, 1430 2:736
amateur, 4:2240–2241, 2242, 2245 standard of living, 2:552; 3:1164, Statute of Artificers (1563), 2:511
cycling and, 2:599–600, 601, 602; 1426 Stead, William Thomas, 1:332; 2:798;
4:1824 death rate and, 2:644 4:1697, 2083
football (soccer) and, 2:830–835; Stanford University, 2:770 steam engine, 4:1931, 2108, 2111;
3:1326 Stanhope, John Rodham Spencer, 5:2348
4:1865 coal-powered, 1:485, 493
Gaelic, 3:1182
Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 1:423; Cockerill textile manufacture and,
gymnastics and, 4:1989, 2239–2244,
3:1495–1496 1:493; 2:791
Stanislavsky method, 3:1495–1496 in Denmark, 2:647
institutionalization of, 4:2242–2244
Stanislaw II August Poniatowski, king as factory power, 2:791–792;
invention of modern, 4:2239–2242 of Poland, 2:602; 3:1265; 4:1806
leisure and, 3:1324, 1326; 4:1824 3:1152, 1153, 1157, 1410, 1427
reforms of, 4:1807 First Industrial Revolution and,
London attractions, 3:1378 Stanley, Edward. See Derby, Lord 2:709; 3:1152, 1153
masculinity and, 3:1473 Stanley, Henry Morton, 1:221, 222;
locomotives, 4:1932
New Woman and, 2:947 2:783–784
Madrid horsepower, 3:1413
racism and, 4:1927 as Leopold II’s African agent, 2:783;
thermodynamics and, 3:1161, 1250
See also Olympic Games 3:1136
Sports et divertissements (Satie), 4:2087 turbine, 3:1161
masculine image of, 3:1472
Sportsmans Sketches, A (Turgenev), steam hammer, 3:1430
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1:67
5:2365, 2460 steam press, 4:1866
‘‘Stanzas Written in Dejection, near
Spree River, 1:218 Naples’’ (Shelley), 4:2170 steamships, 1:20, 278; 3:1163;
5:2350, 2354
‘‘springtime of the peoples,’’ 4:1991 Star-Film, 3:1483
Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar, Starkov, V. V., 1:266 as battleships, 2:681–682
2:925–926; 4:1775 Starley, James and John K., 2:601; Britain and, 1:303, 304–305
Sri Lanka, 5:2313, 2336 3:1163 Brunel and, 1:303, 304–305
Stadio-Warthausen, Johann Philipp, Star Wars (film), 2:678 coal production and, 1:486
2:860 Stasov, Vladimir, 2:654; 4:1957 engineering and, 2:760

2772 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

exploration and, 2:782 ‘‘Steppe, The’’ (Chekhov), 1:423 stoichiometry, 1:424–425

Hamburg fleet of, 2:1040 Sterba, Editha and Richard, Stoke City Football Club, 1:120
immigration and, 1:353; 2:646 1:198–199 Stoker, Bram, 4:1822, 2255; 5:2464
stereophotography, 4:1772 Stolberg-Wernigerode family, 1:469
leisure travel and, 4:1824
stereoscope, 3:1398 ‘‘Stolen Bacillus, The’’ (Wells), 5:2458
oceanic exploration and, 3:1658
sterilization (germ-killing), 2:659; Stolypin, Peter, 3:1628, 1659, 1660;
as ocean liners, 3:1163 3:1358 4:1978–1979, 2058,
Opium Wars and, 1:355 sterilization (reproductive), 2:619, 2256–2258; 5:2479
Stechlin, Der (Fontane), 2:829 639, 769, 770–772, 778, 928 assassination of, 3:1660; 4:2058
steel cutlery, 3:1153 Sterling, John, 3:1513
steel production Struve and, 4:2271
Sternberg, Francis, 4:1711 Stolypin reaction, 1:89
Bessemer process of, 3:1157, 1158 Sternhell, Zeev, 2:542
Stomps, Theo J., 2:653
coke and, 1:485 stethoscope, 3:1298; 5:2359
Stonebreakers, The (Courbet), 2:568,
factories and, 2:792 Steuben, Charles de, 2:568
569; 4:1706, 1946–1947, 1956
Germany and, 2:967; 3:1158, Stevens, Thomas, 2:601
Stonecutter (Courbet), 4:1757
1273–1276 Stevens, Wallace, 1:214
Stone Guest, The (Pushkin), 4:1919
Krupp family and, 3:1273–1276, Stevenson, Frances, 3:1370
Stones of Venice, The (Ruskin), 1:371;
1275 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 4:2253,
3:1550; 4:2046
machine breaking and, 3:1412 2254–2256
Stewart, Dugald, 4:1713 Stoney, George Johnstone, 4:2113
protectionism and, 1:354 Stopes, Marie, 4:2163
Stewart, Robert. See Castlereagh,
Rhineland and, 1:330 Storia di una capinera (Verga), 5:2407
as Second Industial Revolutions basis, Storm, The (Ciot), 4:1710
Stieglitz, Alfred, 4:1772–1773
1:351; 2:709; 3:1157, Storm, Theodor, 3:1533
stigmata, 1:385
1158–1159 Storm Bell, The (feminist journal),
Stiller, Mauritz, 4:2287
Sweden and, 4:2285 Stillman, W. J., 4:1864 1:332
technology and, 1:485; 3:1152, Stine (Fontane), 2:829 Storting (Norwegian parliament),
1158; 4:2115 Stinnes, Mathias, 2:960 1:227
See also iron Stinnes family, 1:471 Story of Gösta Berling, The (Lagerlöf),
Steffeck, Carl, 3:1353 Stirner, Max (Johann Kaspar Schmidt), 4:2287
Stein, Gertrude, 1:214, 299; 4:1782 4:2203; 5:2512, 2513 Story of My Life (Sand), 4:2083, 2084
cubists and, 2:593; 4:1783–1784 Stock Exchange in St. Petersburg, The Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 2:934
Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und (Beggrov), 4:2078 Strachey, Lytton, 2:835; 3:1638;
zum, 1:323, 458; 4:2250–2252 stock exchanges, 1:354 4:2258–2259
Metternich and, 3:1493 Amsterdam, 1:53 Strachey, Richard, 4:2258
Prussian reforms of, 2:958, 1042; aristocracy and, 1:84, 85 Stracheyesque (term), 4:2259
3:1305, 1341; 4:1900 Brussels, 1:356 Stradbroke, Lord, 1:72
Stein, Leo, 3:1474 Straits Convention of 1841,
communications revolution and,
Steinberg, Leo, 4:2011 1:244, 278
Steinberg, Michael, 2:1077 Strand Magazine, 2:680
crime and, 2:571
Steinlen, Theophile-Alexandre, 1:335; Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Hamburg, 2:1039
4:1845; 5:2486 (Stevenson), 4:2255
London, 3:1374 Strasbourg, 1:50, 52
Stekel, Wilhelm, 2:906; 4:1905
Milan, 3:1503 strategy, tactics vs., 3:1505
Stenbock, Eric, 2:633
Stockholm, 4:2286 Strauss, Anna, 4:2260
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), 2:830;
3:1504; 4:1946, 2252–2253; electric lighting and, 2:741 Strauss, David Friedrich, 1:51;
5:2403 gymnastics and, 4:2242 2:743–744, 754, 1054; 3:1464;
Stephane Mallarmé (Manet), 4:2293 international exhibitions and, 5:2499 5:2512, 2513
Stephanie, princess of Belgium, 4:2045 Olympic Games and, 4:2246 Strauss, Eduard, 4:2259, 2260
Stéphanois basin (France), 1:351 riots in, 4:2284 Strauss, Johann (father),
Stephen, Leslie, 4:2253–2254 telephone service in, 5:2308 4:2259–2260, 2261; 5:2418,
Stephen, Vanessa, 4:2258 Stocking, George, 1:461 2419
Stephen, Virginia. See Woolf, Virginia Stocklet, Adolphe, 3:1261 Strauss, Johann (son), 3:1661;
Stephens, Elizabeth, 4:2236 Stockmar, Christian Friedrich von, 4:2259–2261; 5:2405, 2420
Stephens, Frederic George, 4:1863, 3:1335 Strauss, Josef, 4:2259, 2260, 2261
1865 Stockton & Darlington Railway, Strauss, Leo, 1:320
Stephenson, George, 1:304; 2:758, 1:486; 2: 764 Strauss, Richard, 1:54; 3:1643,
760; 4:1932 Stoclet Frieze (Klimt), 3:1261 1675–1676; 4:2102, 2260;
Stephenson, Robert, 1:304 Stoecker, Adolf, 1:71, 72; 2:967 5:2470

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2773

as Berlin Philharmonic conductor, Strindberg, August, 4:2268–2270, Sturgeon, William, 3:1430

1:219 2286–2287 Stürgkh, Karl, 1:11
Hoffmannsthal as libbretist for, Strindberg Feud, 4:2269 Sturm, Der (avant-garde weekly),
2:1077; 3:1675, 1676 Strindbergs Infernokris (Brandell), 1:155; 3:1309, 1381
opera and, 3:1675–1676 4:2269 Sturm Gallery (Berlin), 1:155
String Quartet in D Major Sturm und Drang, 2:983, 985
Stravinsky, Fyodor, 4:2261
(Schoenberg), 4:2102 Style Guimard, le, 2:1027, 1028
Stravinsky, Igor, 1:154; 4:1944, 2000,
String Quartet in F (Ravel), 4:1944 Styria, 3:1236
2077, 2261–2263
string quartets subconscious, 3:1238
Diaghilev and, 2:654, 655; 4:1876
amateurs and, 3:1568 Subjection of Women, The (J. S. Mill),
Rite of Spring premier and, 2:655,
Beethoven and, 1:197; 3:1568, 1570 2:804, 946, 1008; 3:1509, 1514
774, 775; 3:1573; 4:1876
Dvořák and, 2:701 Mozzoni Italian translation of,
Strawberry Hill (Walpole estate),
String Quintet in C (Schubert), 3:1555
4:2107 ‘‘Subjective Immortality’’ (Pater),
Straw Mannikin, The (Goya), 2:997
Stritt, Marie, 4:2280 4:1746
Stray Dog (St. Petersburg café),
Strossmayer, Joseph George, 4:1722 Sublime Porte. See Ottoman Empire
structuralism, 2:593 sublime, concept of the, 4:1702,
Strayed Reveller, The (Arnold), 1:102
‘‘Structure and Connexions of Nuerox, 1703–1704, 1738
Street, Berlin (Kirchner), 1:220;
The’’ (Cajal), 1:342 submarine warfare, 1:232; 3:1611;
‘‘struggle for survival.’’ See natural 5:2313
streetcars, 1:207
selection subscription banquets, 4:1963
street lighting, 1:207, 451
Struve, Gustav von, 2:961, 962 suburbs
electric, 1:446; 2:741, 742; 3:1414 Struve, Peter, 3:1171, 1241, 1518; Berlin and, 1:217, 218–219
gas, 1:445–446; 2:548, 742 4:1832, 2270–2271 bourgeois family life and,
Streghe, Le (Paganini), 4:1698 Stuart, James (author), 4:1762 3:1452–1453
Strepponi, Giuseppina, 5:2406 Stuart, James (educator), 1:372 Brussels and, 1:306
strikes, 4:2263–2268 Stuck, Franz von, 1:155; 4:2293 cemeteries in, 2:628
anarchosyndicalism and, 1:59, 61, 62 Studies in the History of Russian
Dublin and, 2:690, 691
Barcelona and, 1:183 Culture (Milyukov), 3:1518
growth of, 1:444, 452
Belgium and, 1:203 Studies in the History of the Renaissance
(Pater), 4:1746 housing and, 2:1087–1088, 1090,
Berlin and, 1:219
Studies in the Psychology of Sex (Ellis and 1092; 3:1453
Britain and, 2:1008, 1011; 3:1288, London and, 2:1088; 3:1373, 1375
1441; 4:2265, 2266 Symonds), 2:745, 746; 4:2296
Studies of a Biographer (Stephen), Parisian worker displacement to,
Chartist-led, 1:416–417; 4:2265 2:1049; 4:1732, 1733
early protests, 4:2263–2265 railroads and, 4:1936
Studies of the Greek Poets: Second Series
European-wide (1868–1873), 3:1288 (Symonds), 4:2296 subways and, 4:2272–2273
France and, 2:857; 3:1288; 4:1930, Studies on Hysteria (Freud and Breuer), working class and, 5:2484–2485
2265–2267; 5:2484, 2485, 2488, 2:905; 4:1904 subways, 4:2271–2274; 5:2502,
2491 Studies Scientific and Social (Wallace), 2503
German miners, 3:1289 5:2437 Berlin and, 1:217
Ireland and, 4:2267 Studie über Minderwertigkeit von Budapest and, 1:311
Italy and, 3:1288; 4:2174, 2266, Organen (A. Adler), 1:9 impact of, 4:2272–2273
2267–2268; 5:2485, 2488, 2491 Studio of the Moscow Art Theater,
origins of, 4:2271–2272
Milan and, 3:1504 3:1496
Paris and, 1:109–110; 2:815, 1027,
mutual aid societies and, 3:1284 Study for Summer: The Gleaners
1028; 4:1732, 1733
Paris and, 4:1733 (Millet). See Gleaners, The
Sucharda, Stanislav, 4:1858
Prague and, 4:1861 Study in Scarlet, A (Doyle), 2:680, 681
Sudan, 1:18, 19; 2:782
Study of Organ Inferiority
Russia and, 3:1288, 1327, 1328, Fashoda Affair and, 2:643, 663,
(A. Adler), 1:9
1628; 4:1974, 1977–1978, 794–795; 3:1117–1118
‘‘Study of Poetry, The’’ (Arnold),
2055–2056, 2268; 5:2390 Kitchener campaign in, 3:1258–1259
St. Petersburg and, 4:2079 Study of Sociology, The (Spencer), Mahdi and, 1:18–19; 2:734, 783
Siberia and, 4:2173 4:2233 Mehmet Ali conquest of, 2:731–732
Spain and, 3:1288; 4:2231, 2265, Stumm, Karl von, 2:960 Omdurman and, 2:734, 794;
2267 Stumpf, Carl, 1:298; 2:1099–1100 3:1125, 1668–1669, 1669
syndicalism and, 4:2263–2268, Śtúr, Ludovit, 4:1716 Südbahn rail connection, 5:2355
2298–2300; 5:2485, 2491 Sturdza, Roxandra, 2:1080 Sue, Eugène, 1:70; 2:575; 4:1941
See also general strikes Sturge, Joseph, 1:416 Suez (port), 1:18

2774 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Suez Canal, 1:18, 53, 353, 390, 436; Prague and, 4:1856, 1860 superman ideal (Nietzsche), 3:1629,
2:733; 3:1482; 4:2274–2276, Prussia and, 1:290 1633–1635, 1636
2275; 5:2405 Revolutions of 1848 and, 1:141 Supplementary Convention of 1956,
British imperialism and, 3:1122 1:309
Russian first national elections and,
Disraeli shares in, 2:733 ‘‘Supplement to the Battle of the Mice
Fashoda Affair and, 2:794–795 and Frogs, A’’ (Leopardi), 3:1334
Sicily and, 4:2173–2174
French engineers and, 2:760 Supplex Libellus Valachorum (1791),
Spain and, 4:2232, 2278 4:2018
Lesseps and, 3:1337–1338 Sweden and Norway and, 3:1293; supply and demand, laws of, 2:707,
Verdi opera and, 2:733; 3:1572 4:2279, 2281, 2283 715, 718
Suez Canal Company, 2:674, 794; Switzerland and, 4:2279, 2291 suprematism, 1:157–158
4:2274, 2275, 2276
Wales and, 5:2436 Supreme Being, cult of the, 4:2007
Suez War, 4:2276 Supreme Council of India, 3:1407
working class movement for, 1:459;
Suffrages des femmes (Paris), Supreme Ruthenian Council, 4:1993
1:127, 128 surgery
Suffragiste, La (periodical), 4:1762
suffragism, 4:2276–2281, 2278;
Sufis, 2:784; 4:2164 anesthesia and, 3:491
sugar-beet farming, 1:260; 2:659, antisepsis and, 2:644; 3:1358–1359;
aristocracy and, 1:83
762, 764, 960; 4:1753 4:1744
Australia and, 1:135 sugar consumption Larrey and, 3:1307–1308
Austria and, 1:145; 2:865; 4:2281; coffee/tea drinking and, 1:494 Lister and, 3:1358–1359, 1359;
increase in, 2:659, 710 4:1744
Belgium and, 1:203, 204
trade and, 3:1151 professionalization of, 4:1877
bourgeoisie and, 1:290 Surmále, Le (Jarry), 3:1214
sugar cultivation
Britain and, 1:203, 290; 2:798; surplus value, 4:2201, 2205
Caribbean, 1:363, 364, 365, 499;
4:2276–2281, 2278, 2280; Surprise Attack, The (Vereschagin),
5:2461, 2487 1:396
Haiti and, 2:1036
as British Chartist platform, surrealism
slavery and, 4:1924–1925, 2190,
1:414–415, 418; 4:2277; 5:2487 avant-garde and, 1:153
British Corn Laws repeal campaign collage and, 2:593
Suggestions for Thought to Searchers
and, 2:558–559 Gaudı́ as influence on, 2:938
After Religious Truth
British expansion of, 1:457; 2:540, (Nightingale), 3:1637 Jarry and, 3:1214
977, 1002, 1003, 1008, 1009 suicide, 2:629, 632, 699, 816 Kandinsky and, 3:1246
British riots for, 2:1003, 1004 Suicide (Durkheim), 2:699 symbolism and, 4:2295
Fawcett and, 2:797–799 Suicide as a Social Mass Phenomenon ‘‘survival of the fittest,’’ 4:2213
France and, 1:203, 247, 271, 290; (Masaryk), 3:1469 evolution and, 2:616, 618, 619,
4:1928–1929, 1961, 1964, 1998, Suleiman Pasha, 4:2068 777, 778
2181, 2276–2281; 5:2317 sulfur mining, 4:2176 Malthusian theory and, 3:1426
French Directory and, 2:665 Sulle lagune (Verga), 5:2407 Spencer and, 4:2234, 2235
French electorate restrictions and, Sullivan, Arthur, 3:1661 Susanin, Ivan, 2:979
2:848, 851 sulphuric acid, 3:1160 Sussex chairs, 2:915
French Second Empire and, 3:1592 Sumatra, 3:1617 Sutherland, duchess of, 1:85
general strikes for, 3:1293; 4:2268 Summer Nights (Berlioz), 1:225 Suttner, Arthur Gundaccar von,
Germany and, 1:203, 459; 2:964 Summer Palace (St. Petersburg), 4:2281
Greece and, 2:1021 4:2075 Suttner, Bertha von, 4:1697, 1698,
Hamburg and, 2:1040, 1041 Sumner, William Graham, 2:619; 2281–2283
Irish Catholics and, 3:1656 4:2213, 2235 Schnitzler and, 4:2100–2101
sumptuary laws, 2:546, 548 Sutton, Robert, 1:338
Italy and, 2:972; 3:1200, 1277
sun, age of, 3:1250 Sutton and Torkington factory
landownership as basis of, 3:1305
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La (Manchester), 3:1429
liberalism and, 3:1347
Grande Jatte, A (Seurat), 2:941; Suur-Merijoki Farm (Finland), 1:113
masculine distinctions and, 3:1470 3:1132; 4:1709, 2156–2157, Suvorin, Alexei, 1:423
Mill (James) on, 3:1510 2157, 2158 Suvorov, Alexander, 3:1281; 4:1748
municipal restrictions on, 1:449 Sunday clothes, 2:550 Suzanne Sewing (Gauguin), 2:939
Naples and, 3:1581 Sunday Observance societies, 1:288 Světlá, Karolı́na, 4:1857
Netherlands and, 3:1616, 1617, Sundukian, Gabriel, 1:88 Svevo, Italo, 5:2356
1619 Sunflowers, The (Van Gogh), 5:2401 Sviatopolk-Mirsky, Nikolai I., 4:2068
New Zealand and, 3:1622–1623 Sunni Muslims, 3:1547 Svyatolpolk-Mirsky, Peter, 4:2055
peasants and, 4:1752, 1755 Suor Angelica (Puccini), 4:1916 Swahili (people), 1:16

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2775

Swain, Gladys, 4:1791 women’s suffrage and, 4:2281 radicals in, 4:1990, 2289, 2291
Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky), 4:1750; women university students in, 2:728 Red Cross and, 4:1948, 1949
5:2307 See also Norway; Stockholm republicanism and, 4:1963
Swazi, 4:2221 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1:246; 4:2268 Revolutions of 1830 and,
sweatshop labor, 1:474, 483; 3:1470; as Jung influence, 3:1238 4:1983–1986
4:2159, 2160
Swedish language, 2:819, 820 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987,
Sweden and Norway, 4:2283–2288, 1990
Swedish People at Work and Play
2284, 2286
(Strindberg), 4:2286 Sismondi and, 4:2185–2186
aging population in, 3:1662 ‘‘Swept and Garnished’’ (Kipling), sister republics and, 4:2188, 2189
agricultural workers in, 1:24 3:1257 sports in, 4:2241, 2242, 2244, 2245
banking in, 1:172 Świe˛tochowski, Aleksandr, 4:1811 suffrage in, 4:2279, 2291
Bernadotte and, 1:226–227; 2:903 Swift, Jonathan, 4:2254 telephone service in, 5:2308
chemistry in, 1:424, 425 Swift, Susie, 4:2083 trade and, 4:2290; 5:2336, 2338,
colonies and, 3:1114, 1116 swimming, 4:2240–2243, 2245; 2339
commercial policy and, 2:514 5:2328
universities in, 5:2379, 2388
Congress of Vienna and, 2:532, 534 Swimming Association of Great
welfare initiatives in, 4:1963; 5:2452
drinking culture of, 1:34, 35 Britain, 4:2242
women’s medical training in, 2:945
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1:246;
education in, 1:431; 2:720; 4:2285 women university students in, 2:728;
2:940; 5:2310
emigrants from, 2:506, 747, 748 3:1399
Swinemünde, 4:2125, 2126
established church in, 4:1895 Swoboda, Hermann, 5:2449
Swing, The (Renoir), 4:1955
Finland and, 2:817, 819 Swing riots (England), 1:357–359; Sybil (Disraeli), 1:371; 2:672
football (soccer) and, 2:834 3:1411 Sydenham Crystal Palace, 2:588–589,
France and, 5:2374 590; 4:1738
Swiss Civil War, 1:317
French Revolution and, 2:887 Sydney (Australia), 1:133, 134, 135
Swiss Croix bleue, 4:1896
Syllabus of Errors (1864), 1:6,
industrial/manufacturing exhibitions Switzerland, 4:2288–2291, 2289
381–382, 388; 3:1330
and, 5:2493 Alsace-Lorraine and, 1:51
contents of, 3:1199; 4:1719,
labor movements in, 3:1289, 1290, anarchists in, 1:57
1291 Burckhardt and, 1:315–320
First Vatican Council and, 4:1722
Leipzig battle and, 3:1319 Catholicism in, 1:377; 4:2290, 2291
Kulturkampf as reaction to, 3:1277
liberalism and, 4:2283–2284 democratization in, 4:2290–2291
on Protestantism, 4:1890
monetary union and, 3:1538 economic development in, 4:2290 Sylphides, Les (ballet), 3:1642
Napoleonic Wars and, 2:901, 903 First International in, 2:825 Sylvester Patent of 1851 (Austria),
Nobel and, 3:1644–1645 football (soccer) in, 2:833, 834 2:863
nursing in, 3:1648 France and, 2:666; 4:2288 Sylvias Lovers (Gaskell), 2:934
peaceful separation of, 3:1345; French Revolutionary Wars and, symbolic mythology, 4:2030
4:1698 2:894, 900 symbolism, 4:2292–2296
Protestant population of, 4:1890, Geneva Convention and, 2:952–953 art nouveau and, 1:109, 112
1890 as Helvetic Republic, 4:2188, 2189, Beardsley designs and, 1:192
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987 2288 Bely and, 1:209, 214
Russia and, 1:376, 377 Jewish emancipation in, 3:1225 Bergson and, 1:214
St. Petersburg and, 4:2076 Jung and, 3:1238 Blok and, 1:249
socialism and, 4:2284 labor movements and, 3:1291 Debussy musical characteristics and,
socialist party strength in, 3:1293, Lenin’s exile in, 3:1329 2:631
1294 literacy in, 2:720 Decadence and, 2:633; 4:2292–2294
sports in, 4:2241, 2242 Luxemburg in, 3:1399 Gauguin and, 2:939–941
strikes in, 4:2267–2268 Mann in, 3:1436 irrationalism and, 4:2294–2295
Strindberg and, 4:2268–2269 mesmerism in, 3:491 Klimt and, 3:1261–1262
suffrage in, 4:2279, 2281 monetary union and, 3:1538 in literature and art, 2:940; 4:2292,
Swedish-Russian War and, 2:817 Napoleonic Empire and, 2:553; 2293–2294
telephone service in, 5:2308 3:1597 Mallarmé and, 3:1529; 4:2292,
temperance movements in, 1:35, 36, peasants in, 4:1755 2293, 2294
37; 4:1896 political exiles in, 3:1113 modernism and, 3:1529
trade and, 5:2336, 2338, 2340 professions in, 4:1880 origins and context of, 4:2292
universities amd, 5:2379–2380 Protestant population of, 4:1890, Picasso and, 4:1781
welfare initiatives in, 5:2452 1890 Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1863, 1865

2776 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Russian, 2:774; 4:2181–2182 Charcot’s joints and, 1:408 Taine, Hippolyte-Adolphe, 2:689,
Schiele and, 4:2089 Ehrlich’s treatment for, 2:736 1074; 3:1132; 5:2522
Seurat and, 4:2157 fin de siècle and, 2:816 Taiping Rebellion (1851–1864),
1:434; 4:2171
theater and, 3:1496 regulation of, 4:2162, 2302–2303
Tait, Peter Guthrie, 3:1250, 1477
‘‘Symbolisme, Le’’ (Moréas), 4:2294 sexuality and, 4:2162
‘‘Symbolism in Painting: Paul Taiwan, 1:434; 4:2171
Gauguin’’ (Aurier), 2:939 Tajikistan, 1:395
British campaign in, 3:1613
Symbolist Movement in Literature, The Taj Mahal (India), 2:597
Eyptian invasion of, 2:732; Takamori, Saigô, 3:1210
(Symons), 2:633 3:1420–1421, 1613
Syme, James, 3:1358–1359 Talbot, William Henry Fox, 4:1770,
Napoleon and, 2:731; 3:1585 1771, 1771
Symonds, John Addington, 2:745;
Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty and, 1:278; Tale of the Antichrist (Soloviev), 2:774
4:1747, 2296–2297; 5:2376,
3:1560, 1561; 5:2391, 2392 Tale of Tsar Saltan, The (Rimsky-
systematicity (legal principle), 3:1315 Korsakov), 4:2000
Symons, Arthur, 2:632, 633
Système de politique positive (Comte), Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens), 1:371;
symphonic poem, 3:1360, 1568
2:524; 4:1843 2:657; 3:1586
Symphonie fantastique (Berlioz),
System of Ethics (Fichte), 2:813 Tales from the Vienna Woods (J.
‘‘System of Human Freedom’’ Strauss), 4:2260
Symphonie funebre et triomphale
(Fichte), 2:813 Tales of Belkin (Pushkin), 4:1919
(Berlioz), 1:225
System of Logic (J. S. Mill), 2:717; Tales of Hoffmann, The (Offenbach),
symphony, 3:1568
3:1513, 1514; 4:1844; 5:2394 3:1661
Beethoven and, 1:196, 197, 198;
System of Nature (Linnaeaus), 4:2285 Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de,
3:1568, 1570
System of Positive Polity (Comte), 2:524 4:1733; 5:2305–2306
Bely on, 1:209
System of Synthetic Philosophy, A Congress of Vienna and, 2:532,
Berlioz and, 1:224–225 (Spencer), 4:2233, 2234 533–534, 534, 565, 1081;
Brahms and, 1:295 System of Transcendental Idealism 3:1493; 5:2306
Mahler and, 3:1418–1419, 1572 (Schelling), 4:2088 Delacroix and, 2:640
piano arrangements of, 3:1566 Széchenyi, István, 1:117, 140; 3:1266,
divine-right monarchy and, 4:1971
Romanticism and, 4:2027 1267
as Napoleon supporter, 2:895
synapse, 1:342 diary entry of, 3:1267
Tallinn, 2:818
synchromists, 1:156 Szeklers, 4:2018
Tamassia, Arrigo, 2:1082
syndicalism, 1:56, 59, 60–62; Szela, Jakub, 4:1755
Tametomo, Kuroki, 3:1557
4:2297–2300 Szelenyi, Ivan, 3:1172
Tamworth Manifesto of 1834, 5:2322
Amiens Charter and, 4:2298–2299, Szeps, Moritz, 4:2045
Tancred (Disraeli), 2:672
Tancredi (Rossini), 3:1670; 4:2038
anarchosyndicalism and, 1:60
Tangier, 3:1545, 1548, 1549
fascism and, 1:61, 62
n marketplace, 1:19
France and, 4:2266, 2267, Tanjore, 2:706; 3:1134
2298–2299; 5:2485, 2491 T
Tannenberg, Battle of (1914), 3:1508
Italy and, 4:2266, 2267, 2298, 2299 Taaffe, Eduard von, 2:864, 865; Tannhäuser (Wagner), 3:1360, 1675;
labor movements and, 3:1292, 1297 4:2045; 5:2511 5:2430
Milan and, 3:1504 Tabarro, Il (Puccini), 4:1916 Tanzania, 1:16
Sorel and, 4:2218, 2299 Tableau de Paris (Mercier), 4:1728 Tanzimat (Ottoman reforms), 1:90,
Spain and, 1:61, 62; 3:1292; 4:2266, table d’hote, 4:1965 274; 3:1188, 1190, 1517, 1686
2267, 2298, 2299–2300 Table of Ranks (Russia), 1:286, 323 Taparelli, Massimo. See Azeglio
strikes and, 4:2263–2268, Tabouillot, Alfred von, 1:66 Tapia, Luis José Sartorius, 4:2229
2298–2300; 5:2485, 2491 Tacitus, 3:1384 ‘‘Taras Bulba’’ (Gogol), 2:988
Sweden and, 4:2284 tactics. See military tactics Tarde, Alfred de, 1:214
Wales and, 5:2436 Tactigers (Dutch literary movement), Tarde, Gabriel de, 2:552; 4:1909,
syndicat. See anarchosyndicalism; 3:1619 2214
syndicalism Taff Vale Railway Company, 3:1296 criminality theory and, 2:573–574
Synge, J. M., 5:2510 Tag- und Jahreschefte (Goethe), 2:987 Tariff Reform League (Britain), 1:405
synthetic materials, 3:1160 Tahiti, 5:2501 tariffs. See protectionism
synthetic Zionism, 5:2521 French venture in, 2:812 Tarnovsky, Ippolit, 2:1084
synthetism, 4:2294 Gauguin in, 2:939–940, 941; Tarnovsky, Veniamin, 4:2303
syphilis, 1:251, 410; 4:2293, 3:1530; 4:1710, 1874 Tarquı̂no de Quental, Antero, 4:1840
2300–2303, 2302 Tailhade, Laurent, 4:2294 Tárrida del Armol, Fernando, 1:59
Australia and, 1:134 tailors, 1:481; 2:792 Tartuffe (Molière), 4:1969

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2777

Tashkent, 1:395 Teatro Costanzi (Rome), 3:1567 Temps, Le (Paris newspaper), 2:810
Tasmania, 1:134; 2:505, 780 Teatro Real (Madrid), 3:1414 Temps viendra, Le (Rolland), 4:2015
Tassel House (first art nouveau technical schools, 1:286, 473; 2:720, Temptation of Saint Anthony, The
building), 1:109 727; 5:2382–2383, 2389 (Flaubert), 2:827, 828
Tatar, Maria, 2:1023 engineer training and, 2:759 Ten, C. L, 3:1514
Tatars, 2:562, 772–773; 3:1207, 1208 Technische Hochschulen, 5:2382 Ten Commandments, The (film),
Tate Gallery (London), 4:1865 technology. See science and technology 2:677–678
Tatiana, princess of Russia, 3:1627 Tecumseh, 5:2439, 2440 tenements, 1:454; 2:1089, 1090
Taurida Palace (St. Petersburg), Te Deum (Berlioz), 1:225 Berlin, 1:218, 219
4:2077, 2079 teetotal (origination of term), 1:36 Naples, 2:1087
Tausk, Viktor, 1:65 Teffi, Nadezhda, 4:2183 Ten Hour Bill of 1847 (Britain), 1:417
taverns, 2:547 Tegnér, Esaias, 4:2287 tennis, 3:1324; 4:2239, 2243, 2244,
Tawfik, viceroy of Egypt, 4:2275 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 1:214 2245
taxation Telefon Hirmondo, 5:2308 Tennis Court Oath of 1789 (France),
Britain and, 2:977, 1002, 1004, telegraph, 1:217; 2:576, 962; 4:2109, 2:768, 842
1007, 1012; 3:1154, 1369, 1426; 2111 Tennyson, Alfred, 2:1046;
4:1759, 1848, 1867 Crystal Palace exhibit of, 2:588 5:2309–2310
classical economics and, 2:718 electricity and, 3:1161, 1477 ‘‘Charge of the Light Brigade’’ of,
France and, 2:840, 841, 842, 847, Kelvin and, 3:1249 1:95, 244
884, 888, 896; 3:1885 on Darwinian evolution, 2:618
Marconi and, 3:1444–1445; 4:1780
Germany and, 2:968 Doré illustrations for, 2:676
railroads and, 4:1936–1937
Hobson economic theory on, 2:1075 Morant Bay uprising and, 1:371
Second Industrial Revolution and,
Italy and, 3:1200 3:1163 ‘‘Ten O’Clock’’ (Whistler), 4:2294
millet system and, 3:1517 Tenon, Jacques, 4:1790
in Serbia, 4:2147
Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1192, Tenskwatawa, 5:2439
Siemens and, 4:2179
1598; 4:1786 Tenth of March, 1820, in Cadiz, The
in Sweden, 4:2285 (engraving), 4:1980
Prussia and, 2:1042
transatlantic, 3:1249, 1444–1445, ‘‘Tenth Symphony’’ (Schubert),
for schools, 2:720 1658; 4:1937
Taylor, A. J. P., 2:962, 967, 1033 4:2107
wartime use of, 2:580; 3:1506 Ten Years of Exile (Staël), 4:2247
Taylor, Alan M., 2:515
Tel el Kebir, 2:734 Teraoka, Masami, 1:192
Taylor, Alfred, 5:2466
Telemark, 4:1821 Terek Cossacks, 2:562
Taylor, Barbara, 5:2481
fin de siècle and, 2, 815 Ter-Gukasov, A. A., 1:88
Taylor, Edgar, 2:1023
Taylor, Harriet. See Mill, Harriet telephones, 3:1449; 5:2307–2309 Ternan, Ellen, 2:657
Taylor Belgrade and, 1:207 Ternaux, Louis, 1:492
Taylor, Helen, 4:2279 football (soccer) reporting by, Terrace at Sainte-Adresse (Monet),
Taylor, Isidore-Justin-Séverin, 2:605; 2:831–832 3:1128–1129, 1129, 1535
3:1432 Industrial Revolution (second) and, Terrasse, Claude, 3:1214
Taylor, J. Hudson, 3:1527–1528 3:1157 Terrenoire steel plant (France), 1:353
Taylor, John, 3:1508, 1509, 1513 railroads and, 4:1937 Territoire de Belfort, 1:51
Taylor, Marshall (‘‘Major’’), 2:602 Terront, Charles, 2:601
Second Industrial Revolution and,
Taylor, Mary, 1:300–301 Terror, the. See Reign of Terror
Taylor, Robert, 3:1600 Terror in Russia, The (Kropotkin),
Serbia and, 4:2147
Tay Son revolution (1771), 3:1137, 3:1272
Sweden and, 4:2285 terrorism
1138 telescope, 4:2113
Tchaikovsky, Peter, 2:654, 655, 980; Alexander II assassination and, 1:39
Telescope, The (Russian journal),
3:1565, 1571, 1575; 4:1919; anarchism and, 1:57–58, 60, 171,
1:399, 400
5:2306–2307 181; 3:1497
television, 4:1780
tea. See coffee, tea, chocolate Black Hand and, 1:242–243
Telford, Thomas, 2:759
teachers temperance. See alcohol and Irish Home Rule and, 4:1741
Jews as, 3:1229 temperance Kropotkin’s argument for,
professionalization of, 4:1878 Temperance Society (Britain), 1:36 3:1272–1273
Prussian certification of, 2:723 temperature, Kelvin scale of, 3:1249 Lenin and, 3:1326, 1327
from religious orders, 2:721 Temple, Henry (father), 4:1712 Nechayev and, 3:1613–1614
women as, 2:721, 723, 724, Temple, Henry John (son). See People’s Will and, 3:1326;
727–728, 945; 3:1680; 4:1881 Palmerston, Lord 4:1767–1768, 1832
tearooms, art nouveau, 1:112 Templo Explatorio de la Sagrada in Russia, 4:2052, 2053, 2210,
Teatro alla Scala (Milan). See La Scala Familia, El. See Sagrada Familia 2211, 2256; 5:2517

2778 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

September 11, 2001, attacks and, sewing machine and, 4:2158–2160 Marinetti and, 2:917
2:738 strikes and, 4:2264; 5:2485 Meyerhold and, 3:1495–1496
Serbian Black Hand and, 1:242–243; Sweden and, 4:2285 in mid-nineteenth century,
2:705 Switzerland and, 4:2290 3:1107–1108
Tesla, Nikola, 3:1161 technology and, 4:2108 Moscow and, 3:1551
Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Hardy), women labor activists and, 3:1293 old age representation in, 3:1663
2:1045; 4:2256 peasant plays and, 4:1756
women workers and, 2:792; 3:1148;
Test Acts of 1829 (Britain), 4:1895; popular culture and, 4:1821,
5:2486, 2487
5:2457 1824–1825
See also cotton; silk manufacture;
Testem Benevolentiae (apostolic letter, Rolland and, 4:2014–2015
1899), 3:1332 Sade and, 4:2074
Thackeray, Harriet (Minny), 4:2253,
Tettenborn, Friedrich Karl von,
2254 Schinkel and, 4:2092
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 2:586; Schlegel’s translations and, 4:2094,
Tetzner, Theodor, 4:2023
4:2237 2095
Teutonic Mythology (J. Grimm), 2:1023
thagi (ritual murderers), 3:1134 Schnitzler and, 4:2100
Teutonic race, 1:403
Thailand. See Siam Serbia and, 4:2148
Texas, 1:338
Thames, Battle of the (1813), 5:2440 set design and, 1:192; 4:2092, 2294
Text-Book of Psychiatry (Krafft-Ebing),
3:1238 Thames River Shaw and, 4:2165–2167
textiles cholera/pollution link and, 1:437 Strindberg and, 4:2268–2269, 2286
Armenia and, 1:88 London and, 3:1372, 1375, 1378 symbolist movement and, 4:2292,
art nouveau and, 1:107, 108, 109, pollution and, 1:450 2295
112, 113, 152 tunnel project, 1:304 Turgenev and, 5:2365
Barcelona and, 1:180, 357 Thanks to the Dowry (Bouchot), 3:1454 Vienna and, 5:2418, 2419
Belgium and, 1:200, 201, 203; Thatcher, Margaret, 2:976 Viennese anti-Semitism and,
2:791 Thaulow, Milly, 3:1558 3:1394–1395
Berlin and, 1:217 theater Warsaw and, 5:2442
Bohemian Lands and, 1:260 Armenia and, 1:88 Wilde and, 5:2465, 2466
capitalist bourgeoisie and, avant-garde and, 1:153, 157–158 Yeats and, 5:2510
1:284, 287 Beardsley design influence on, 1:192 See also opera; operetta
Chartism and, 1:415, 416 Benavente comedies and, 2:951 Theater del Liceu (Barcelona), 1:181
child labor and, 1:430; 3:1150; Berlin and, 1:219; 3:1109 Théâtre d’Art (France), 4:2295
5:2486, 2487 Bernhardt and, 1:229–230 Théâtre de l’Oeuvre (Paris), 1:153;
Blok and, 1:250 3:1213
clothing and, 1:481; 2:549
cabarets and, 1:335–337 Théâtre des Champs-Elysées (Paris),
Continental System and, 2:554
Chekhov and, 1:423 1:154; 3:1643
cotton and, 4:2193 Théâtre du Gymnase (Menzel), 3:1490
East India Company trade in, cinema and, 3:1397
Théâtre du Peuple, 4:2015
2:705, 706 cities and, 1:445
Théâtre du Peuple, Le (Rolland), 4:2015
electric power and, 2:741 D’Annunzio and, 2:609 Théâtre Italien (Paris), 3:1671–1672;
factories and, 2:788, 791, 792 Dublin and, 2:693 4:2038
factory housing and, 2:1087 fin de siècle and, 2:815 Théâtre Libre (London), 3:1109
French manufacture of, 3:1153 Goethe and, 2:983, 984, 985 Théâtre Lyrique (Paris), 3:1672
German manufacture of, 2:960 Gogol and, 2:988 Theatrophone, 5:2308
Industrial Revolution (first) and, Gorky and, 2:993 theft. See property crime
1:24, 351 Gouges and, 2:994 theism, 4:1893
labor movements and, 5:2486 Greek tragedy and, 2:1097; 4:1769, Theism, Being Three Essays on Religion
labor reform and, 1:285 1770 (J. S. Mill), 3:1514
Herzl and, 2:1068 Theology of Feeling, 4:2030
Luddism and, 3:1392
Hofmannsthal and, 2:1076–1077 Théorie des quatre mouvements
machine breaking and, 3:1410–1412;
(Fourier), 2:803, 838; 4:2202
4:2264 Hugo and, 2:1092–1093
Théorie du pouvoir politique et religieux
machinery and, 1:24, 492, 493; Ibsen and, 3:1107, 1108–1109;
(Bonald), 1:268
3:1142, 1153, 1154, 1287 4:2287
Theory of Moral Sentiments, The
Moravia and, 1:141 Jarry and, 3:1213, 1214 (Smith), 2:712
Morris designs for, 3:1550; 4:1865 Lasker-Schüler and, 3:1309 ‘‘Theory of Population, Deduced from
Prague and, 4:1856 London and, 3:1377 the General Law of Animal
Rothschilds and, 4:2039 Madrid and, 3:1414 Fertility, A’’ (Spencer), 4:2234

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2779

Theory of the Four Movements (Fourier), Third Partition of Poland (1795), Renan and, 4:1953
2:803, 838; 4:2202 4:1900 republicanism and, 4:1961, 1962,
Theory of the Leisure Class (Veblen), Third Reform Bill (Britain). See Reform 1964
2:552 Act of 1884 sports and, 4:2243
theosophy, 3:1245; 4:2295; 5:2509 Third Reich. See Nazism suffrage and, 4:2278
Theravada Buddhism, 3:1137, 1138 Third Republic (France), 2:567–568;
Thiers and, 5:2310–2311
Thérèse de Lisieux (‘‘Little Flower’’), 4:1953, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1998,
vaccination requirements and,
1:385; 4:2134 2137, 2198, 2243, 2278;
Thérèse Raquin (Zola), 5:2522 5:2310–2311, 2432, 2491,
2498–2499, 2500 Waldeck-Rousseau and, 5:2432
Theresian Quarter (Trieste), 5:2354
anticlericalism and, 1:69; 2:540; world’s fairs and, 5:2498–2499,
Thermidor, 4:1961
3:1649–1650; 4:1795 2500
Thermidorian Reaction (1794), 2:837,
‘‘third sex’’ theory, 5:2375–2376
844–845 anti-Semitism and, 2:689
Third Symphony (Beethoven),
Thermidorians, 2:665, 894 Barrès and, 1:184–185
1:197, 198
thermodynamics, 1:426; 2:652; Boulangism and, 1:184–185,
Third Symphony (Mahler), 3:1419
3:1160–1161; 4:1780, 2108 281, 282
Thirty Days War (1897). See Greco-
Kelvin and, 3:1249–1250, 1478 Caillaux and, 1:338–340 Turkish War
Maxwell and, 3:1478 Caribbean colonies and, 1:365 Thirty-Nine Articles (Anglican),
Planck and, 4:1799 Catholic political activity and, 3:1621
as rebuke to progress, 2:631 1:388, 389 Thomas, Ambroise, 3:1675
two laws of, 3:1250, 1478 Charcot and, 1:407, 410 Thomas, Clément, 4:1735, 1737
Theseus and the Minotaur (Canova), church-state separation and, 2:529; Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist, 3:1158;
1:347 4:2137; 5:2432 4:2113
Thessaly, 1:2; 2:530, 1022; 4:2085 conservatism and, 2:540–542; Thomas, William, 3:1514
‘‘They’’ (Kipling), 3:1257 4:1737 Thomas à Kempis, 1:385
They Did Not Expect Him (Repin), degeneracy theme and, 2:239 Thomas Aquinas, 1:214; 3:1332
4:1957 Deraismes and, 2:649 Thomas-Gilchrist converter, 1:485
Thierry, Augustin, 3:1441; education and, 2:721, 723 Thompson, Benjamin (Count
4:2080–2081 Eiffel Tower and, 2:737 Rumford), 4:2111
Thiers, Louis-Adolphe, 1:492; 2:540, Thompson, William, 2:803; 3:1693;
fall of (1940), 2:929
1030; 3:1664; 4:1932; 4:2201
feminist movement and, 4:1998
5:2310–2311 Thomson, Charles, 3:1142
Ferry and, 2:810–813
Bonapartism and, 1:270, 271 Thomson, James, 3:1249
Franco-Prussian War and, 2:870; Thomson, John, 4:1772; 5:2490
liberalism and, 3:1344 3:1593 Thomson, Joseph John, 1:427;
Louis-Philippe and, 3:1389 Freemasonry and, 2:881 4:2070, 2071, 2113
Paris Commune and, 4:1735–1736, Gambetta and, 2:928, 929 Thomson, William. See Kelvin, Lord
1737 Hugo and, 2:195 Thorbecke, Johan Rudolf, 3:1343,
press censorship and, 4:1870 intellectuals and, 3:1168–1169 1617
Third French Republic and, 2:855, labor movements, 5:2491 Thoré, Théophile, 1:180
928; 4:1734 Thoreau, Henry David, 4:2029
lawyers and, 4:1879
Thieu-Tri, 3:1140 thorium, 2:594, 595
Leo XIII relations with, 3:1331
Thimonnier, Barthélemy, 4:2158, Thornton, Marianne, 2:835
liberalism and, 3:1346
2159 Thornton, Robert John, 1:246
Things As They Are (Godwin). See Michel’s critique of, 3:1497
Thorvaldsen, Bertel, 2:647; 4:1702
Caleb Williams national identity and, 3:1522
‘‘Thoughts of a Modern Pole’’
Thinker, The (Rodin), 3:1471; 4:2009 overview of, 2:854–859
(Dmowski), 4:1812
Third Class Carriage, The (Daumier), Paris Commune and, 2:855;
Thoughts on Man (Godwin), 2:982
2:621, 623 4:1735–1737
Thoughts on the Cause of the Present
Third Coalition. See War of the Third Paris reconstruction resumption Discontents (Burke), 1:327
Coalition during, 4:1731–1732 Thoughts on the Education of Daughters
Third Estate (France), 2:767–768, Poincaré (Raymond) and, (Wollstonecraft), 5:2479
841, 842, 886; 4:2180 4:1805–1806 ‘‘Thoughts on the Improvement of the
Third Home Rule Bill of 1914 press curbs and, 4:1870 Races of Our Cultivated Plants’’
(Britain), 3:1184 proclamation of, 2:810, 870, 928, (de Vries), 2:652
Third International, 4:2128–2129; 929; 4:1734 Thouret, Michel-Augustin, 4:1790
5:2364 public health programs and, Thrace
Third of May, The (Goya), 2:999 4:1914–1915 Bulgaria and, 1:312, 313

2780 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

First Balkan War and, 1:163, 164 timber, 1:81; 2:505, 710 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 2:603; 3:1357;
Russo-Turkish War and, 1:12 Timbuctoo (Tennyson), 5:2309 4:2213; 5:2316–2318, 2448
Second Balkan War and, 1:313 Timbuktu, 2:782 on French peasantry, 4:1756
‘‘Thrawn Janet’’ (Stevenson), 4:2255 Time (Russian journal), 2:678 Guizot as influence on, 2:1030
3-D process, 3:1398 Time and Free Will (Bergson), 1:213 in Manchester, 1:454
‘‘three-body problem,’’ 4:1804 Time Machine, The (Wells), 5:2458 Mill (John Stuart) reviews of, 3:1513
three-class suffrage, 4:2278 timepieces, 3:1323–1324; 4:2290
Montesquieu as influence on, 2:537
‘‘Three Conversations on War, Times of London, 4:1823, 1864,
O’Connell’s Irish Catholic
Progress, and the End of History’’ 1866, 1867, 1871
movement and, 3:1657
(Soloviev), 4:2217 Hardie obituary in, 2:1044
revolutionary age and, 1:317; 3:1342
Three Dancers in a Diagonal Line on price of, 4:1867
on voluntary associations,
the Stage (Degas), 2:635 Times Roman typeface, 4:1867
1:115–116, 117, 119, 120
Three Emperors League, 1:48, 146; Timofejewena, Raissa, 1:9
Tofani, Oswaldo, 2:695
2:526, 705 Tintern Abbey (Wales), 4:2030
Togo, Heihachiro, 3:1557–1558;
disintegration of, 3:1690 ‘‘Tintern Abbey’’ (Wordsworth),
San Stefano Treaty and, 2:703 4:2030; 5:2482
Togoland, 1:20, 222; 2:967
Three Essays on Religion (J. S. Mill), Tippecanoe, Battle of (1811), 5:2439
Toilers of the Sea, The (Hugo), 2:1094
4:1844 Tippu Tip (Hamed bin Muhammad),
toilets, 1:219, 251, 253, 450, 453
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality 1:16–17
Tokugawa family, 3:1208, 1209,
(Freud), 2:906; 4:1905, 2163; Tipu Sultan, 3:1134
1210; 4:2064
5:2376 tires, 1:149; 2:551, 600, 601; 3:1336
Tiresias and Other Poems (Tennyson), Tokyo (Edo), 3:1208, 1210
Three Faces of Fascism (Nolte), 2:686 Tolentino, Battle of (1815), 3:1254
‘‘Three Meetings’’ (Soloviev), 4:2216 5:2310
Tirol, 2:958 toll roads, 5:2346
Three Pieces for the Piano, The Tolpuddle Martyrs of 1834 (Britain),
(Schoenberg), 4:2102 Tirpitz, Alfred von, 1:232; 2:967, 968;
5:2312–2313, 2353 5:2462
Three Sisters (Chekhov), 1:423; 3:1551 Tolstoy, Alexei, 4:2076, 2079
‘‘Three Students, The’’ (Doyle), 2:680 British naval rivalry and,
3:1609–1611 Tolstoy, Leo, 1:423; 3:1215; 4:2165,
Three Tales (Flaubert), 2:827, 828 2217; 5:2318–2320, 2319
threshing machines, 1:25; 2:757 Tirpitz Plan, 5:2312
Tirtoff, Romain de. See Erté Freemasonry and, 2:878, 881
riots against, 1:357, 358–359; Goncharov as influence on, 2:989
3:1411 Tischbein, Johann Heinrich (the
Elder), 2:984 portrayal of Kutuzov by, 3:1282
Thule-Gesellschaft, 2:1032
Tisdall, Caroline, 1:156 Repin’s portrait of, 4:1957
Thurn und Taxis, Prince, 1:85
Tisza, István, 2:864 Rolland’s biography of, 4:20
Thurnwald, Richard, 2:770
Tisza, Kálmán, 2:864 Ruskin and, 4:2047
Thus Spoke Zarasthustra (Nietzsche),
3:1631, 1632, 1633–1634, 1635, Titanic (ocean liner), 3:1163, 1445; Spencer and, 4:2235
1636 4:2083 Tchaikovsky and, 5:2307
‘‘Tithonus’’ (Tennyson), 5:2309 Tombeau de Couperin, Le (Ravel),
Thyrza (Gissing), 2:975
Titian, 2:543; 3:1433 4:1944
Thyselius, Carl, 4:2284
Tito, Ettore, 5:2405 Tom Brown’s School Days (Hughes),
Thyssen family, 1:471; 3:1159
Titov, Vladimir, 2:772 1:428
Tianjin, 3:1678, 1679, 1680
Tkachev, Peter, 2:1065; 3:1613; Tomlinson, Charles, 4:2114
Tianjin, Treaties of (1858), 3:1579,
4:2052, 2053 Tomomi, Iwakura, 3:1210
‘‘To a Skylark’’ (Shelley), 4:2170 Tomon, Thomas de, 4:2078
Tibet, 1:49; 2:597
‘‘To a Wealthy Man who Promised a Tom Sawyer (Twain), 2:676
Ticino, 4:2288, 2291
Second Subscription to the Tone, Theobald Wolfe, 3:1176
tidal studies, 3:1658
Dublin Municipal Gallery if It
Tieck, Friedrich, 1:216; 2:912 Tone, Wolfe, 4:2187
Were Proved the People Wanted
Tieck, Ludwig, 3:1647; 4:2095 Tonio Kröger (Mann), 3:1436, 1437
Pictures’’ (Yeats), 5:2510
Tietz family, 2:551 Tonkin, 3:143, 1141, 1142
tobacco, 5:2313–2316
Tiflis, 1:88 Tönnies, Ferdinand, 1:64; 2:698–699;
Austrian tax on, 3:1502 4:2212–2213, 2214, 2215
Tilak, Bal Gangadar, 3:1136
Tillett, Ben, 3:1296 Caribbean production of, 2:709 Tono-Bungay (Wells), 5:2458
Till Eulenspiegel (R. Strauss), 3:1643 European consumption of, 2:710 Ton That Thuyet, regent of Vietnam,
Tilsit, Treaties of (1807), 1:38, 226, Java and, 3:1617 3:1141
272; 2:553, 817, 846, 876, 1042; slavery and, 4:2190–2193 Tooke, Horne, 1:244
3:1599; 4:2250 trade and, 3:1151 Too True to Be Good (Shaw), 4:2167
TIM (Louis Mitelberg), 2:622 women smokers and, 2:947 Topkapi Palace, 3:1190
Timar system (Ottoman), 3:1420 Töchter-Institut (Milwaukee), 1:67 topology, 4:1804

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2781

Torberg, Friedrich, 4:2101 tourism, 5:2325–2332, 2330 Canada and, 1:344

Tories, 1:82, 86; 5:2320–2323, automobiles and, 1:149 capitalist principles and, 1:350
2412, 2457, 2471 British bourgeoisie and, 1:288 Caribbean colonialism and, 1:364
Burke and, 1:326 cycling and, 2:600, 602 China and, 3:1678–1680
Castlereagh and, 1:373–374 Grand Tour and, 5:2326–2327, 2329 Chinese restrictions and, 1:433, 434;
Catholic emancipation and, 2:1003 leisure and, 3:1324; 4:1824 3:1678, 1679
Chamberlain (Joseph) and, 1:405 Mediterranean towns and, cholera transmission and, 2:669
as Conservative party, 2:537, 540 1:288, 303 cities and, 1:445, 446, 452
Corn Laws and, 2:559, 672, 715, photography and, 4:1772 Cobden-Chevalier Treaty and,
1004–1005; 4:1759, 1889 Rome and, 4:2033, 2035 1:491–492
Curzon and, 2:597–598 seaside resorts amd, 4:2124–2126; colonial, 2:505; 3:1151, 1154–1155
Disraeli and, 2:672–674, 1008–1009 5:2328 colonial restrictions and, 2:504–505
imperialism and, 2:589 spas and, 5:2327–2328 commercial policy and, 2:512–517
jingoism and, 3:1234–1235 Switzerland and, 4:2291 consumerism and, 2:546, 547,
Peel and, 2:540, 559, 672, syphilis transmission and, 4:2303 551–552; 3:1151–1152
1004–1005; 4:1758–1759 vacations and, 3:1324–1325; 4:1824 East India Company and, 2:705–706
Pitt and, 2:1001 Venice and, 5:2405 flows of trade and, 5:2335–2336
Salisbury and, 2:1010–1011 Tour of Flanders, 4:2245
Germany and, 2:967
split in, 2:672 Tour of Italy, 4:2245
globalization and, 3:1151–1152,
trade policies and, 2:517; 4:1889 Tourzel, marquise de, 3:1385
1155, 1537–1538; 5:2342, 2343
Ulster Unionists and, 3:1181, 1184 Toussaint Louverture, 1:364–365;
2:1036; 4:2192; 5:2332–2333, Hamburg and, 2:1038–1040
Torlonia family, 4:2035
2333 imperialism and, 3:1115, 1120,
Torno al casticismo, En (Unamuno),
Tout, Thomas Frederick, 2:1073 1122, 1123, 1124
Törnqvist, Egil, 4:2269 Tovey, Donald Francis, 1:295 India’s imbalance and, 3:1135, 1136
torpedo, 5:2312 Towards Democracy (Carpenter), 1:372 internal trade effects and,
Torquato Tasso (Goethe), 2:985 Towards International Government 5:2340–2342
Torrens, Robert, 2:515; 4:1887 (Hobson), 2:1076 Japan and, 3:1209–1212
Torrents of Spring, The (Turgenev), Tower of London, 3:1375 List theories on, 3:1356, 1357
4:2265 towns. See cities and towns London and, 3:1372, 1374
Torrijos, José Marı́a, 4:2229 Trachenberg Plan (1813), 3:1319, Manchester and, 3:1427,
Tor under der Tod, Der 1320 1428–1429, 1430–1431
(Hofmannsthal), 2:1077 track and field, 4:2245 markets and, 3:1447–1449
Tosca (Puccini), 3:1677; 4:1916 Tractarianism (Oxford Movement),
Mediterranean and, 3:1482
Tosca, La (Sardou), 4:1916 2:1006; 4:1917, 2046
monetary unions and, 3:1537–1538
Toscanini, Arturo, 3:1418, 1435 Manning and, 3:1440
Napoleon and, 1:106, 272, 303;
Toshimichi, Ôkubo, 3:1210 Newman and, 3:1620–1621; 4:1918
2:553–554, 846, 902;
Totatitätsideal, 3:1533 tractors, 1:25; 3:1161
3:1586–1587, 1599
Totemism and Exogamy (Frazer), Tracts for the Times (Oxford
New Zealand and, 3:1623–1624
2:872 Movement), 3:1440, 1620
Tracts on the Popery Laws (Burke), oceanic exploration and,
Toulon, 3:1482
1:327 3:1653–1654
siege of (1793), 2:900; 3:1584
trade and economic growth, policy factors and, 4:1888–1889
Toulouse, 4:1736
5:2333–2344, 2339, 2341, 2343 protectionism and, 1:354–355;
Toulouse-Lautrec, Charles de, 5:2323
African colonialism and, 1:13–22, 43, 2:513–515; 4:1887–1889
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 1:335;
205, 220–222, 222, 499 road and waterway transport and,
2:550, 815; 5:2323–2325,
Amsterdam and, 1:53–55 5:2346–2350
2324, 2400
Balkan Orthodox merchants and, Serbia, and, 4:2147; 5:2337
absinthe depictions by, 1:3
3:1684–1685 Suez Canal and, 3:1338
Daumier as influence on, 2:622
Belgrade and, 1:206 Sweden and, 4:2285
Picasso and, 4:1781
Bismarck’s protectionism and, 1:239 Switzerland and, 4:2290; 5:2336
poster art and, 4:1845, 1846
Tour de France, 2:602; 4:1824, 2245 Black Sea access and, 1:243, 278 tariffs and, 5:2337, 2340
Tourettes symdrome, 1:408 Britain and, 3:1147, 1154–1155 trade policy and, 5:2338–2349
Touring Club Ciclistico Italiano, British colonies and, 2:999; transportation/communication
5:2331 3:1154–1155 innovations and, 1:353–354
Touring Club de France, 5:2330–2331 British interests in China and, Trieste and, 5:2354–2355
touring clubs, 5:2330 3:1578–1579, 1678–1680 Venice and, 5:2402, 2403, 2405

2782 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Zollverein and, 5:2524–2526 airplanes and, 1:29–31 See also automobile; railroads;
See also free trade Amsterdam and, 1:53–54 shipping; steamboats; subways;
trade policy. See commercial policy Belgium and, 1:201 telegraph; telephones
Trades Union Congress (Britain), Belgrade and, 1:206–207 Trans-Siberian Railroad, 3:1628;
2:1008, 1012; 3:1290, 1295, Berlin and, 1:217 4:1936, 2064, 2172–2173;
1296; 4:2266 5:2426, 2427, 2478, 2503
Britain and, 1:303–305
Trade Union Act of 1913 (Britain), Transvaal. See South African Republic
business firms and, 1:329–330
3:1296 Transvaal Committee, 3:1182
canals and, 5:2347–2348, 2350
trade unions. See labor movements; transvestism, 2:1084; 3:1270
capitalist markets and, 1:353–354
syndicalism coining of term, 2:1069
Trafalgar, Battle of (1805), 2:554, Central Asia and, 1:395, 407 Transvestites, The (Hirschefeld),
846; 3:1586; 4:2225; cities and, 1:452 2:1069
5:2344–2345, 2344–2345, 2345, as colonialism facilitation, Transylvania, 1:137, 141; 4:2017,
2438 1:499, 500 2018, 2019
Nelson and, 2:901, 1002; 3:1615 consumerism and, 2:548 Trapani, 4:2177
Trafalgar Square (London), 1:59; crime and, 2:576 Trauma of Birth, The (Rank), 4:1938
3:1375, 1376 electricity and, 2:741–742 Traumdeutung, Die (Freud), 2:905,
Traffics and Discoveries (Kipling), engineers and, 2:757–758 906; 4:1905
3:1257 environment and, 2:763–764 Travail, Le (Zola), 5:2523
Trafford Park (Manchester), 3:1431 exploration and, 2:782 Travailleurs de la mer, Les (Hugo),
Tragic Duel, A: The Death of Monsieur food distribution and, 2:659 2:1094
Harry Alis (Tofani), 2:695 football (soccer) and, 2:831–832 travel. See explorers; tourism; travel
Tragic Week (Barcelona, 1909), writing
as immigration facilitator, 2:646, 749
1:181–182, 183 travel guides, 5:2326, 2329
India and, 2:706; 3:135
Trahison des clercs, La (Benda), 3:1169 Travellers Club (London), 1:185
Training in Christianity Industrial Revolution (second) and,
Travels and Discoveries in Northern
(Kierkegaard), 2:648 1:351; 3:1163–1164
and Central Africa (Barth), 2:782
Traité de l’association domestique innovations in, 1:353 Travels in America (Chateaubriand),
agricole (Fourier), 2:838; 4:2202 international organizations and, 1:421
Traité des dégénérescences physiques, 1:352–353 Travels in Icaria (Cabet), 2:521
intellectuelles, et morales de l’espèce leisure and, 3:1324, 1325–1326; Travels in North America (Lyell),
humaine (Morel), 2:636, 637 4:1824 3:1402
Traité élémentaire de chimie London and, 3:1372, 1373, 1374 Travels in the Interior of Africa (Park),
(Lavoisier), 1:424; 3:1312 Marconi and, 3:1444–1445 2:782
Trakl, Georg, 3:1309, 1310 Milan and, 3:1502, 1504 Travels in West Africa (M. Kingsley),
Hölderlin as precursor of, 2:1079 military tactics and, 3:1506 2:783
Trampusch, Emilie, 4:2260 military uses of, 2:580 travel writing
transatlantic cable, 3:1249, Netherlands and, 3:1617 African exploration and, 2:782, 783
1444–1445, 1653; 4:1937 newspapers and, 4:1866 Chateaubriand and, 1:420–421
transatlantic crossing New Zealand and, 3:1624 Galton and, 2:927
immigrants and, 1:353 Portugal and, 4:1840 Humboldt (Alexander) and, 2:1096,
meat shipments, 2:659 roadways and, 4:1936; 5:2346, 1097
steamships and, 1:304–305 2348, 2349, 2350–2352 Travemünde, 4:2125
transcendentalism, 1:497; 2:813; seaside resorts and, 4:2124, 2125 Traviata, La (Verdi), 3:1572, 1673;
4:2088 5:2406
Serbia and, 4:2147
transcendental phenomenology, 1:299 Treachery of the Blue Books (Wales;
South Africa and, 4:2222
Transformations and Symbols of the 1847), 5:2434
Libido (Jung), 3:1239 stagecoaches and, 5:2346, 2347,
Treason of the Clerks, The (Benda),
Transformations of Patriarchy in the 2349
West, 1500–1900 (Miller), steam power and, 4:2108 Treasure Island (Stevenson), 4:2255
3:1451–1452 Suez Canal and, 4:2274–2276, 2275; treasury bill, 1:161
Translation and Harmony of the Four 5:2405 treaties. See international law: key
Gospels, A (Tolstoy), 5:2319 Sweden and, 4:2285 word
transmutation, 2:614, 615 tourism and, 5:2328–2331 Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism
transportation and communications, transatlantic, 1:304–305, 353; (Maxwell), 3:1249, 1478
5:2346–2352 2:659; 3:1249, 1444–1445, Treatise on Instrumentation and
Africa and, 1:20, 21 1653–1654; 4:1937 Modern Orchestration (Berlioz),
Agricultural Revolution and, 1:28 waterways and, 5:2346–2350 1:225

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2783

Treatise on Natural Philosophy (Kelvin Crispi’s foreign policy aims and, Tsakalof, Athanasios, 2:1019
and Tait), 3:1250 2:583 Tsarskoye Selo lyceum (St.
Treatise on the Origin of Language Italy and, 3:1200, 1202–1203 Petersburg), 4:1918
(Herder), 2:1060 Romania and, 2:965; 4:2017 Tschermak von Seysenegg, Erich,
Treffz, Jetty, 4:2261 Triple Entente, 1:49, 50; 2:704; 2:653; 3:1486
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 1:71–72; 3:1203, 1277; 4:1801 Tschudi, Hugo von, 1:219
2:619, 959; 3:1533; Triple Intervention of 1895, 1:434; Tsushima, Battle of (1905), 3:1558,
5:2352–2354, 2524 4:2064 1628
conservative nationalism and, 3:1605 Tripoli, 3:1420 Tsvetayeva, Marina, 1:250; 4:2183
Trendelenburg, Friedrich Adolf, 2:660 Tripolitania, 3:1546, 1691 Tswana, 4:2220
Trent, 3:1198, 1199 Trip to the Moon (film), 1:441 tuberculosis, 2:667; 5:2359–2361
Trentham Park (Staffordshire), 1:186 Triquet, Jules Octave, 1:379 Berlin and, 1:218
Trentino, 2:902; 3:1203 Tristan, Flora, 2:650, 939, 943; Bohemian Lands and, 1:261
Trento, 3:1203 3:1288; 5:2357–2359, 2358, death rate from, 2:644
Trepov, Fyodor, 4:1768; 5:2517 2397 Dublin deaths from, 2:690
Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), 1:287 Tristan und Isolde (Wagner), 3:1571, Koch’s tuberculin and, 3:1263;
Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 2:930 1674, 1675, 1676; 5:2431 5:2359, 2361
Treves, Claudio, 5:2364 Trittico, Il (Puccini), 4:1916 London and, 3:1372, 1554
Trezzini, Domenico, 4:2075, 2076 ‘‘Triumph of Life, The’’ (Shelley), modern concepts of, 5:2359–2360
Trial, The (Kafka), 3:1242, 1243 4:2170 Moscow and, 3:1554
trial by jury, 1:39; 3:1341 ‘‘Triumph of the Holy See and Church Paris and, 4:1732–1733
Trial of French Colonialism, The (Ho), against the Assaults of
3:1144 peasant victims of, 4:1751
Innovators’’ (799), 4:1719
‘‘trial of the thirteen’’ (France), 2:810 public health and, 1:450; 2:628;
Trocadéro Palace (Paris), 5:2499,
triangle trade, 4:2191 5:2361
2500, 2505
Trianon Tariffs of 1810, 2:553 Troeltsch, Ernst, 4:2215; 5:2446 treatment of, 5:2360–2361
Triat (French gymnastics leader), Trois Gymnopédies (Satie), 4:2086 Tübingen seminary, 2:1051, 1078;
4:2241 4:2087–2088
Trois morceaux en forme de poire
Tribuna, La (Italian daily), 4:1868 (Satie), 4:2087 TUC. See Trades Union Congress
Tribune des femmes (women’s Trois Sarabandes (Satie), 4:2086 Tucker, Paul Hayes, 3:1537
newspaper), 4:2013 Trois urnes, Les (Gouges), 2:996 Tu-Duc, king of Vietnam,
Tribune des peuples, La (journal), 3:1140–1141
Trollope, Anthony and Rose, 4:2237
3:1500 Tuileries, 2:732, 1047; 3:1385, 1446;
Tropical South Africa (Galton), 2:927
tricolor (French Revolutionary flag), 4:1727, 1728, 1729
Troppau Conference (1820). See
2:842, 855, 887; 3:1387 Congress of Troppau French revolutionaries attack on,
tricolor (Italian flag), 3:1192, 1196, Troppau Protocol (1820), 2:531–532; 3:1386
1606 4:1971, 1981 massacres (1792) at, 1:412; 2:844
tricycles, 2:601 Troppmann, Jean-Baptiste, 2:575 Paris Commune burning of, 4:1736
Trier, pilgrimage to, 4:1788 Trotsky, Leon, 1:267, 267; 3:1172, Tukolor Empire, 1:20
Trieste, 1:145; 3:1482; 4:2004; 1208; 4:2128, 2210 Tull, Jethro, 1:25; 2:757
5:2354–2357, 2355, 2402, 2403 anti-Semitism and, 1:76 Tunis, 5:2497
Austria and, 2:958; 3:1198 Bolshevik-Menshevik split and, Tunisia, 2:582, 812; 3:1116;
economic activity and, 3:1195 3:1487 5:2361–2363
German nationalism and, 2:961 Turandot (Puccini), 4:1916–1917
on Guchkov, 3:1659
Italy and, 3:1199, 1203 Turati, Filippo, 2:971; 3:1276, 1277,
Revolution of 1905 and, 4:1974,
John of Austria and, 3:1236 1504, 1556; 5:2363–2364
1976, 1977
Trikoupis, Harilaos, 2:1021 turbine engine, 2:682
‘‘Trout’’ Quintet (Schubert), 4:2106
Trinidad, 4:2225 Turco in Italia, Il (Rossini), 3:1670;
Trovatore, Il (Verdi), 3:1572, 1673;
Trinity Church (Berlin), 4:2097 4:2038
Trinity College (Cambridge), 3:1477 Turgenev, Ivan, 1:208; 2:535, 828,
Troy, excavation of, 4:1769
Trinity College (Dublin), 2:693 830; 5:2364–2366
Troyens, Les (Berlioz), 1:225
Trinity College (Oxford), 3:1620 Gissing compared with, 2:975
Troyer, John, 1:211
Triomphe de la Raison, Le (Rolland), Troyon, Constant, 1:178 Goncharov as influence on, 2:989
4:2015 Trubetskoy, Nikolai, 2:775 intelligentsia and, 3:1168
Tripe, Linnaeus, 4:1772 Trudoviki, 4:2057 nihilist portrayal by, 3:1639
Triple Alliance, 1:48, 239; 2:526, 965 True Principles of Pointed or Christian peasant portrayal by, 2:1015
Bulgaria and, 1:166 Architecture (Pugin), 4:1917 as Westernizer, 5:2365, 2459, 2460
creation of, 3:1545 Truth and Reality (Rank), 4:1939 Zola and, 5:2365, 2523

2784 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Turgeneva, Asya, 1:209 Two Fundamental Principles of Ethics UGT. See Unión General de
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, 2:842; (Schopenhauer), 4:2104 Trabajadores
3:1384; 4:1931 Two Scenes of the Indian Mutiny in Uhde, William, 2:590, 591
Turian, Bedros, 1:90 1857 (Atkinson), 4:2139 Ujedinjenje ili smrt (Union or Death),
Turin, 4:1797, 2003, 2130 Two Sicilies. See Kingdom of the Two 4:2148–2149
economic activity and, 3:1195 Siciles Ujest, duke of. See Hohenlohe-
electric lighting and, 2:741 Two Sources of Morality and Religion, Ohringen, Christian-Kraft von
Naples contrasted with, 3:1581 The (Bergson), 1:213 Ukraine, 4:2271; 5:2369–2373,
as Piemont-Savoy capital, 4:1785, Two-Thirds Law (France), 2:665 2372
1787 ‘‘Two Voices, The’’ (Tennyson), Cossacks and, 2:562–563
Turkestan, 1:395, 396–397 5:2309 Gogol and, 2:988
Turkic dialects, 1:395, 396 Tydfil, Merthyr, 3:1295 Habsburg Monarchy and, 1:137, 142
Turkic people, 3:1207, 1208 Tylor, Edward, 2:873 Kadets and, 3:1241
Turkish Armenians, 1:89–92 Tyninghame House (Haddington, nationalism and, 1:447
Turkish Bath, The (Ingres), 3:1167 Scotland), 2:1091
Pan-Slavism and, 4:1716, 1717
Turkish Straits, 4:2085, 2086 typhoid, 1:251, 450; 2:667
pogroms in, 1:40; 4:1802, 1803
Turkmenistan, 1:395 Berlin and, 1:218
Prague Slav Congress and, 4:1861,
Turm, Der (Hofmannsthal), 2:1077 sanitation and, 2:766; 4:1912
Turnen, 4:2241–2242, 2243 typhus, 2:667, 668; 4:1912, 1913
railroads, 4:1933
Turner, J. M. W., 2:763; factors in spread of, 2:669–670
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987
4:1703–1704, 1704, 1707, 2027, Tyrkova, Ariadna, 3:1241
separatists movements in, 1:39
2029, 2046; 5:2366–2368, 2367, Tyrol, 3:1235–1236
2403, 2404 Tyrolena Revolt (1809), 3:1235–1236 Stolypin and, 4:2257
Constable contrasted with, 2:543; Tyrš, Miroslav (Friedrich Emanuel trade and, 5:2340
4:1704–1705 Tirsch), 4:1856, 2244 See also Crimea
Friedrich’s importance compared Tytherly (Queenswood), Hampshire, Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 5:2370
with, 2:910 4:2200–2201 ulema, 5:2515, 2516
Turner, Richard, 1:36 Tzigane (Ravel), 4:1945 Ulm, Battle of (1805), 1:132; 2:846,
turnips, 1:26 901; 5:2374–2375
Turnovo Constitution of 1879 Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich, 2:1070, 1082,
(Bulgaria), 1:312 1085–1086; 4:2297;
turnpikes, 5:2346 5:2375–2377
n Ulster, 2:1009–1010
Turn-Vereins, 1:457
Turpin, Dick, 4:1821 U Belfast riots, 3:1183
Turpitudes sociales (Pissarro), 4:1794 Orange Order and, 3:1176–1177
Ubangi, 1:13, 15
Turreau, Louis-Marie, 2:563 Überbretti (Berlin cabaret), 1:335 Unionists and, 3:1181, 1184
Tuscany, 1:392; 2:533, 536; 4:1970, Über das Geistige in der Kunst Ulster Volunteer Force, 3:1184–1185
1994, 2000–2003 (Kandinsky), 1:155 ultramontanism, 1:381–384, 388
Austrian Habsburg rule of, 3:1191, ‘‘Uber den Fleis in Mehreren Maistre and, 3:1421
1193 Gelehrten Sprachen’’ (Herder), Manning and, 3:1441
Napoleonic Empire and, 3:1193, 2:1060 papal infallibility and, 4:1721, 1722
1599 Über den nervösen Charakter (A. Pius IX and, 4:1795
Revolution of 1848 and, 3:1196 Adler), 1:9 Ultras (Spain), 4:2228, 2229
Risorgimento (Italian unification) Über die letzten Dinge (Weininger), Ulyanov, Alexander, 3:1326; 4:1768,
and, 3:1198, 1592 5:2449 2054
Tussaud, Madame, 1:288; Uber die Neuere Deutsche Literature. Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich. See Lenin,
3:1561–1562 Fragmente (Herder), 2:1061 Vladimir
Twain, Mark, 1:219, 278; 2:676 Übermensch (superman), 3:1629, Ulysses (Joyce), 2:691, 694; 4:1833;
Twardowski, Kazimierz, 1:298, 299 1633–1635 5:2356
Twelve, The (Blok), 1:250 Ubu enchaı̂né (Jarry), 1:153 ‘‘Ulysses’’ (Tennyson), 5:2309, 2310
twelve-tone music, 3:1245, 1437, Ubu roi (Jarry), 1:153, 154; 3:1213, Umanità Nuova (Italian anarchist
1572; 4:2101, 2102–2103, 2103 1214 newspaper), 3:1425
XX, Les (artists’ association), 1:307 Ubu sur la butte (Jarry), 1:153; 3:1214 Umberto I, king of Italy, 1:362;
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Ucciali, Treaty of (1889), 1:7–8 3:1441; 5:2377–2378
Sea (Verne), 3:1116; 5:2408, Uganda, 1:21; 2:1068; 3:1528 assassination of, 3:1201
2497 Uganda Crisis of 1903, 5:2521 Umbria, 3:1193; 4:1724
Two-and-a-Half International, 4:2128 ‘‘Ugly Duckling, The’’ (Andersen), Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de,
Two Foscari, The (Byron), 1:333 2:648 2:950–951; 4:2232

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2785

Unbestechliche, Der (Hofmannsthal), Union of French Sporting and Athletic chemistry and, 1:426, 427; 3:1160
2:1077 Societies, 4:2245 Chinese treaty and, 3:1579, 1679
Unbound Prometheus, The (Landes), Union of Gymnastic Societies (France), cholera and, 1:436
2:709; 3:1153 4:2243
cinema and, 1:441; 3:1396
Uncle Vanya (Chekhov), 1:423 Union of Liberation (Russia), 3:1627;
coal production and, 1:486
Uncommercial Traveller, The 4:2055, 2270
(Dickens), 2:657 Union of Parliaments, 4:2118 Coca-Cola and, 2:688
unconscious, 3:1239; 4:1905 Union of Polish Youth, 2:753 Constitution, 4:2290
underground. See subway Union of 17 October (Russia). See consumerism in, 2:552
Underground group, 4:2273 Octobrists Continental System and, 2:553, 554
Understanding Human Nature Union of Socialist Workers, 1:109 corporations in, 1:330, 355; 2:711
(A. Adler), 1:10 Union of South Africa, 4:2224–2225 cotton and, 1:18, 329
Under the Greenwood Tree (Hardy), Union of Unions (Russia), 4:1976 Cuba and, 1:366
2:1045 Union or Death. See Black Hand cycling and, 2:600, 601, 602
Under Western Eyes (Conrad), 2:536 Unitarians, 2:1002; 3:1407, degeneration studies in, 2:638
Undine (Tchaikovsky), 5:2307 1458–1459, 1513; 4:1893 department stores in, 2:551
Une Baignade, Asnières (Seurat), Unitary Socialist Party (Italy), 5:2364
Dickens tours of, 2:656, 657
4:2155–2156 United Committee for the Prevention
Doré exhibition tour of, 2:677
Unemployed of London: Inscription on of the Demoralization of the
the Gates, West Indies Docks Native Races by the Liquor drinking culture in, 1:32
(engraving), 2:1010 Traffic, 1:37 Dvořák in, 2:701
unemployment, 1:351; 2:101, 1011 United Diet of 1847 (Prussia), 1:234; economic growth rate of, 1:331
British Poor Law and, 4:1819–1820 2:877 Einstein’s move to, 2:740
of professionals, 4:1879 United Irishmen. See Society of the engineering projects in, 2:760
welfare initiatives and, 5:2454 United Irishmen eugenics and, 2:619, 769, 770–771
unemployment insurance, 1:356; United Kingdom. See Great Britain evolution theory and, 2:618
2:1012; 4:1915 United Kingdom of the Netherlands, feminism in, 2:804, 806
UNESCO, 1:298 1:199
First International in, 2:825
‘‘Unfinished Symphony’’ (Schubert), United Nations, 1:309
football (soccer) in, 2:830, 834
4:2107 Human Development Index, 5:2334
Fourierism in, 2:838; 4:2202;
Unger, Franz, 3:1485 United Nations Charter, 5:2459
Uniate Church, 4:2018, 2019; United Presbyterian Church, 4:2118
Freudian analysis in, 2:909
5:2369, 2372, 2372–2373 United Provinces of Italy, 4:1985
United Services College, 3:1256 Geneva Convention and, 2:952
Austria-Hungary and, 1:138, 145;
United States German Forty-Eighters in, 2:962
advertising and, 4:1868 German relations and, 2:968
Lithuania and, 4:1808
unification, Italian. See Risorgimento Agassiz and, 1:23–24; 2:618 Gorky’s travels in, 2:993
unified field theory, 2:740 airplane and, 1:30, 31 Greek Revival style in, 4:1769
uniformitarianism, 2:615 anarchism and, 1:57 Hague conference and, 2:1034
Union des Droites, 2:540 Annekes in, 1:66–67 Haiti and, 2:1037
Union des Sociétés Francaise de antislavery movement and, hashish use in, 2:687
Gymnastique, 1:118 4:2192–2193 immigrants to, 2:504–505, 506, 507,
Union Fraternelle du Commerce et de Australian colonies compared with, 646, 647, 747, 747, 750–752,
lIndustrie, 1:389 1:135 960; 3:1112, 1114; 4:2285, 2287
Unión General de Trabajadores, automobile industry in, 1:149; immigration policies of, 1:353; 2:750
4:2231, 2300 5:2352 imperialism and, 3:1116, 1120, 1124
Union Générale (Lyon), 3:1405 Barbizon painting and, 1:177 impressionist school in,
Unionist Party (Croatia), 2:925 Berlin Conference delegation from, 3:1131–1132
Unionists (Belgium), 1:200 1:221, 222 Industrial Revolution in, 1:329
Unionists (Britain), 1:405; 2:1010,
Britain’s colonial loss of, 1:498; intellectuals and, 3:1168
1011; 3:1181, 1184, 1348;
2:1000 international law and, 3:1174, 1175
4:1742; 5:2322–2323
British trade with, 3:1155 Irish Fenians in, 2:1009
Union of Belgian Athletic Sports
Societies, 4:2245 Cabet utopian colonies in, 1:338 Irish immigrants in, 1:351; 2:1005
Union of Brest of 1596, 5:2369, Canada and, 1:346 Italian immigrants in, 3:1199
2372 capitalism and, 1:328 Japan and, 4:2063, 2064, 2065, 2066
Union of Cities (Russian Catholic liberalism in, 3:1332 Japanese treaties with, 3:1209–1210,
organization), 3:1242 Chateaubriand in, 1:420, 421 1211

2786 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Kipling in, 3:1256 Spanish exports to, 1:180 German government-supported,

Kościuszko in, 3:1264, 1265 spiritualism and, 4:2237 1:355
Kossuth’s reception in, 3:1269 Talleyrand in, 5:2305 German nationalism and, 2:960
Lafayette and, 3:1300, 1301 telephone service and, 5:2307–2308 German restraints and, 1:369; 2:969
Leopold II’s Congo colony and, temperance movement in, 1:37 German student liberal activists and,
3:1336 tobacco and, 5:2313 2:959
List in, 3:1357 Tocqueville on, 1:115–116; German student nationalists and,
Lithuanian immigrants in, 5:2316–2317 1:369
3:1367–1368 trade and, 5:2335, 2336, 2337, Greek students and, 2:1018
mafia and, 3:1417 2340, 2342 history as discipline of, 2:1072, 1073,
Mahler in, 3:1418 voluntary associations in, 1:115–116, 1074
Mann’s move to, 3:1434, 119 Jewish students at, 3:1229
1435–1436 wages in, 2:752, 752 London and, 3:1377
Martineau in, 3:1459 War of 1812 and, 2:846; physics studies in, 4:1778–1779
Masaryk and, 3:1469 5:2438–2441 professional training in,
monetary unions and, 3:1538 women’s rights and, 1:67 4:1876–1877, 1878, 1879, 1880,
Monroe Doctrine and, 3:1174 worker immigrants to, 1:353 1881
musical scene in, 3:1566 world’s fairs in, 2:589; 5:2493, Prussia and, 4:1972
Napoleon and, 5:2439 2495, 2496, 2499, 2500, 2502, Prussian influence on, 4:1900
neoconservatives in, 2:536 2503, 2504 reforms of, 5:2386–2390
Offenbach’s tour of, 3:1661 World War II and, 1:232 Russia and, 4:1975, 1976, 2052;
‘‘old’’ vs. ‘‘new’’ immigrants to, See also American Revolution; Civil 5:2378, 2379, 2385–2386,
2:750 War, American 2389–2390
Olympic Games and, 3:1667, 1668 Universal Congress for the Russian Great Reforms and, 2:1016,
Owenite community in, Amelioration of the Condition of 1017
3:1692–1693, 1693 the Blind and Deaf-Mute (Paris, Scotland and, 2:1006; 4:2119–2120;
Paine and, 4:1700, 1701 1878), 5518 5:2379, 2384, 2387
Universal Exposition (Paris). See students from colonies at, 3:1524
Panama Canal and, 3:1338
Exposition Universalle Sweden and, 4:2285
Pavlova’s tours of, 4:1750
universal male suffrage. See suffragism types of, 5:2381–2386
peasant immigrants in, 4:1756
Universal Panama Interoceanic Canal women’s admittance to, 1:372;
photography and, 4:1770, Company, 3:1338
1772–1773 2:625, 626, 728, 816, 945, 1016;
Universal Peace Congress, 4:1695, 3:1377, 1399
phrenology and, 4:1776 1699, 2282
phylloxera origination in, 4:1777 Universities Mission (Nyasaland),
Universal Postal Union, 1:352 2:783
Pre-Raphaelite influence in, 4:1864 Università Commerciale Luigi University College (Dublin), 2:693
psychoanalysis in, 4:1905 Bocconi, 3:1502 University College (London), 3:1377;
railroads and, 1:329, 353 Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1:307 4:1844
Romanies and, 4:2023 universities, 5:2378–2391, 2385 University Decree (Germany, 1819),
Romanticism in, 4:2029 admissions to, 2:728 2:959
Russian Jewish immigrants in, 1:40; amateur sports and, 4:2240–2241, University Extension Program
4:1804 2242 (Britain), 1:372
Russo-Japanese War mediation by, Amsterdam and, 1:54 University Law of 1819 (Germany),
3:1212; 4:2065 British extension program and, 1:372 1:369
Second International and, 4:2127 bureaucrats from, 1:322, 323–324; University of Aberdeen, 2:1006
September 11, 2001, terrorist attack 2:726 University of Amsterdam, 2:652
on, 2:738 chemistry chairs and, 1:425 University of Athens, 5:2380
skyscrapers in, 2:736, 738 class and, 2:728; 3:1512 University of Barcelona, 1:182, 341
slavery abolishment and, 1:18, 19, Dublin and, 2:693 University of Basel, 3:1238
365, 458, 499; 2:506 economics as discipline in, 3:1510 Burckhardt and, 1:316, 317,
slavery in, 4:1927, 2190–2194 examinations and, 4:1877 319, 320
slave trade and, 1:13, 308 first British nonsectarian, 1:303; University of Belgrade, 1:207; 4:2148
Slovak immigrants in, 1:119 3:1512 University of Berlin, 1:215; 5:2381
social insurance and, 1:356 first British physics laboratory and, Burckhardt and, 1:316, 317
sociology in, 4:2215 3:1250 Einstein and, 2:740
Spain and, 4:2231 French reforms and, 2:666 Fichte as rector of, 2:814

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2787

Hegel professorship at, 2:1053 University of Naples, 5:2379 Urbi et Orbi (Bryusov), 1:249
Hertz and, 2:1062 University of Paris (Sorbonne), 1:214; Urmson, J. O., 3:1514
historiography and, 2:1072 4:2215; 5:2381 Urning, 5:2376
Humboldt and, 2:958 Charcot and, 1:408 Urrah ibn Sharik, 3:1517
Koch professorship at, 3:1263, 1264 Curies and, 2:595–596 Uruguay, 2:834, 931; 5:2500
Durkheim and, 2:698 Ussher, James, 2:615
Schlegel and, 4:2096
Guizot and, 2:1029, 1030 U.S. Steel, 1:330
Schleiermacher and, 4:2096, 2097
Michelet and, 3:1498–1499 Ussuri Cossacks, 2:562
Virchow and, 5:2426
Poincaré (Henri) and, 4:1804 usury, 3:1582
Young Hegelians and, 5:2512 utilitarianism, 5:2392–2394
University of Bologna, 1:362 University of Prague, 1:261; 3:1408
University of Saragossa, 5:2389 Bentham and, 1:210–211; 5:2392,
University of Bonn, 4:2095
University of Strasbourg, 3:1270; 2393–2394
Helmholtz and, 2:1057
4:1743 Carlyle critique of, 1:371
Mann’s open letter to, 3:1435
University of Toulouse, 3:1215 Chadwick and, 1:401
University of Bordeaux, 2:698
University of Cambridge. See University of Toronto Press, 3:1514 Cobbett critique of, 1:489
Cambridge University University of Tübingen, 3:1356 education and, 3:1511–1512
University of Christiana, 3:1560 University of Turin, 3:1371 Mill (James) and, 3:1510, 1511
University of Coimbra, 4:1840 University of Valencia, 1:341 Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1514
University of Dorpat, 1:40 University of Vienna, 1:10 O’Connell and, 3:1654–1655
University of Edinburgh, 1:371; Brentano and, 1:298 origins of, 5:2392–2393
2:1006; 4:1712–1713 Freud and, 1:410; 2:904 Utilitarianism (J. S. Mill), 3:1513;
Doyle and, 1:371; 2:679, 680 Klimt paintings for, 3:1260 5:2394
Maxwell and, 3:1477 Krafft-Ebing and, 3:1270 Utopia (More), 1:26, 337; 2:520
Mill (James) and, 3:1510 Mach and, 3:1408, 1409 utopian socialism, 4:2200;
University of Giessen, 1:425 Masaryk and, 3:1468, 1469 5:2395–2398
University of Glasgow, 2:1006; Mendel and, 3:1485 Cabet and, 1:337–338
5:2387 communism and, 2:520, 521, 522
Mesmer and, 3:1490
Kelvin and, 3:1249, 1250 University of Vilnius, 3:1500 features of, 5:2395–2396
Lister and, 3:1358 University of Wales, 5:2435 feminism and, 2:803
University of Göttingen, 1:497; 2:687 University of Warsaw, 5:2380, 2442 Fourierists and, 1:247, 248, 459;
Grimm brothers and, 2:1023, 1024 University of Würzburg, 1:298 2:838–839; 4:2201–2202;
Koch and, 3:1262 University of Yurev, 1:40 5:2396
student activism at, 2:959 University of Zurich, 2:740 Morris and, 3:1559
University of Graz, 3:1270 t, 3:1399 Owen and, 2:650; 3:1284, 1286,
Mach and, 3:1408 University Statute of 1863 (Russia), 1692–1693, 1693
University of Halle, 4:2096, 2097 2:1016 populists and, 4:1831–1832
University of Heidelberg, 2:1053 Unkiar-Skelessi, Treaty of (1833), Saint-Simon and, 4:2081
Helmholtz and, 2:1057 1:278; 3:1560, 1561; secret societies and, 4:2131
student activism and, 2:969 5:2391–2392 women’s rights and, 5:2487
University of Jena, 1:369; 4:2088 Straits Convention (1841) Utrecht, Peace of (1713), 1:308
Fichte professorship at, 2:813, 814, abrogating, 1:278 Utrillo, Maurice, 1:335
1078 Unknown Woman, An (Blok), 1:250 Utrillo, Miquel, 1:335
Haeckel professorship at, 2:1031, unmarried adults. See singlehood Uvarov, Sergei, 4:2048
1032 Unofficial Committee (Russia), 1:38 Uzbekistan, 1:395
Marx and, 3:1464 Unseating the Pope (cartoon), 4:1725 Uzès, duchesse d (Marie-Clémentine
Schelling and, 2:1051 Unteraar Glacier, 1:22 de Rochechouart-Mortemart),
University of Königsberg, 2:1057 Unter den Linden (Berlin), 2:742 1:280
University of Leipzig, 2:735; 3:1468, Unto This Last (Ruskin), 4:2047
1532–1533; 4:1908; 5:2507 Unwiederbringlich (Fontane), 2:829
Goethe studies at, 2:982 Uomo delinquente, L’ (Lombroso),
University of Lille, 4:1742 2:638; 3:1371; 4:2023 n
University of London, 1:287; 3:1377; Upper Silesian coalfields, 1:351,
5:2384–2385, 2387 486–487 V
as democratizing institution, 1:303; Uppsala University, 1:425 vacations, 3:1324–1325; 4:1824
3:1512 Urabi, Ahmad, 2:734 vaccination
University of Moscow. See Moscow uranium, 2:594, 595 immunology and, 2:735–736;
University urbanization. See cities and towns 4:1743

2788 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Jenner and, 3:1222, 1223–1224, as Matisse influence, 3:1474 Vendée uprising (1793), 2:563, 565,
1224 postimpressionism and, 3:1536; 844, 892, 893, 1095; 4:1755,
opponents of, 4:2198 4:1709 1951, 1960
Pasteur and, 4:1742, 1744, 1745 symbolism and, 4:2294 Napoleon and, 3:1599
rabies and, 3:1263; 4:1744 Toulouse-Lautrec and, 5:2323, Vendémiaire, 2:563
2400 Vendôme Column (Paris), 1:270;
smallpox and, 2:628, 644; 3:1153,
Van Gogh, Vincent (uncle), 5:2399 2:569; 4:1729, 1736
1223; 4:2197, 2197–2198
Van Houten chocolate, 1:496 venereal disease, 4:2161, 2162
tuberculosis and, 5:2361
vacuum cleaners, 2:741 Van Praet, Jules, 3:1335 male fear of, 3:1471, 1472
vaginal sponge, 4:1827, 1829 van’t Hoff, Jacobus Hendricus, 1:426; prostitutes and, 4:1883, 1884, 1885
Vaihinger, Hans, 1:9 2:652, 653 rubber condoms as protection
Vaillant, Auguste, 1:57 ‘‘Va pensiero’’ (Verdi), 3:1672 against, 4:1827
Vaillant, Édouard-Marie, 2:685; Vaquette de Gribeauval, Jean-Baptiste, See also Contagious Diseases Acts of
3:1217; 4:2298 3:1340 1864, 1866, and 1869; syphilis
Vaincus, Les (Rolland), 4:2015 Varennes, royal family’s capture at, Venetia, 1:392; 2:533, 866,
Vaı̈sse (Lyonnais prefect), 3:1404 3:1385, 1386, 1403, 1446, 1447 867, 962
Valadier, Joseph, 4:2033 variation, analysis of, 4:1922 Austria and, 2:864; 3:1198
Val d’Aosta (Brett), 4:1864 Varlet, Jean, 2:974 Lombardy and, 3:1193
Valdemars, Krišjanis, 2:820 Varna, 1:278; 2:577 Metternich and, 3:1494
valence, theories of, 1:427 Varoujan, Daniel, 1:90 Risorgimento (Italian unification)
Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri de, 2:561 Vatican. See Catholicism; papacy; and, 3:1198–1199
Valenciennes basin, 486 Papal State Venetian Accademia, 1:347
Valentine Rescuing Sylvia from Proteus Vatican Archives, 3:1332 Venetian Republic, 4:2001, 2004;
(Hunt), 4:1864 Vatican Council, First (1870), 1:382, 5:2354, 2402
Valéry, Paul, 1:187, 214; 3:1213 388; 2:966; 3:144, 1164, 1277; Venetsianov, Alexei, 2:1015
Valle-Inclán, Ramón Marı́a del, 2:950; 4:2134 Venezia nische Epigramme (Goethe),
4:2232 papal infallibility and, 4:1719, 2:985
Vallette, Alfred, 3:1213 1722–1723, 1795, 1798 Venezuela, 5:2500
Vallette, Marguerite Eymery Pius IX and, 4:1722, 1795, 1798 Venice, 4:2000, 2003; 5:2402–2405,
(Rachilde), 2:632; 3:1213 Vatican Council, Second 2404
Valley of Fear, The (Doyle), 2:680 (1962–1965), 4:1794 Austria and, 3:1192, 1584, 1597;
Vallon, Annette, 5:2481 Vatican Decrees in Their Bearing on 4:1994–1995, 2004; 5:2355,
Valmy, Battle of (1792), 2:844, 891, Civil Allegiance, The (Gladstone), 2356, 2402–2404
899; 3:1338; 4:1900 4:1896 Italian unification with, 3:1199
Valperga (Shelley), 4:2168–2169 Vattel, Emmerich von, 2:953; 3:1173, Mediterranean and, 3:1481, 1482
Valses nobles et sentimentales (Ravel), 1175
4:1944 Murano glass-thread spinning,
Vaugeois, Henri, 1:4 3:1202
Valtat, Louis, 2:796 Vaughan, Diana, 2:881
Value, Price, and Profit (Marx), Napoleon and, 1:133; 3:1192
Vaux, Clotilde de, 2:523
3:1462 opera house in, 3:1565–1566
Vauxcelles, Louis, 1:156; 2:795
Van Beveren, Edmond, 1:203 Vazem, Yakaterina, 4:1750 as republic, 3:1191
Vanda (Dvořák), 2:701 Veblen, Thorstein, 2:552; 4:2235 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1990
Van der Kemp, Johannes, 3:1527 Vega, Garcilaso de la, 2:951 Ruskin on, 4:2046; 5:2403, 2405
Vandervelde, Emile, 1:204 Veit, Dorothea, 4:2095 tobacco use in, 5:2314
Van Diemens Land. See Tasmania Veith, Gustav, 5:2419 Victor Emmanuel II and, 5:2411
Vanemuine Society (Tartu), 2:821 Vekhi (Struve), 4:2271 Venice, 1840 (Turner), 5:2404
Vaneyev, A. A., 1:266 Vekhi controversy, 3:1171 Venizelos, Eleuthérios, 3:1345
Van Gogh, Theo, 5:2400, 2401 Velázquez, Diego Rodrı́guez de Silva, Venstre (Norway), 3:1345
Van Gogh, Vincent, 4:1709; 2:999; 4:2225 Ventre législatif, Le (Daumier), 2:621
5:2399–2402, 2401 Ventura, Gioacchino, 4:1718
Velde, Henry van de, 1:108, 109,
absinthe depictions by, 1:3 152, 485 Venus Italica (Canova), 1:348
Doré folio engravings and, 2:677 Velestinlis, Rigas, 3:1685 Venus of Urbino (Titian), 3:1433
as fauve influence, 2:795 Vellay, Julie, 4:1793 Vêpres siciliennes, Les (Verdi), 3:1678;
Gauguin and, 2:939 Vélo-Auto (journal), 2:602 5:2406
as German expressionism influence, vélocipède, 2:599–600 Vera Kommissarzhevskaya Theater,
1:154 Vélocipède Illustré, Le (trade journal), 1:250
Japanese art forms as influence on, 2:600 Verband deutscher Arbeitervereine,
3:1210 velodromes, 2:601, 602 3:1311

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2789

Verdi, Giuseppe, 2:732; 3:1565; Vestnik Evropy (journal), 3:1552 Disraeli and, 2:673
4:2039; 5:2405–2407 Vetsera, Mary, 4:2045 early reign of, 5:2412
Italian unification and, 3:1572, Veuillot, Louis, 1:388 as Empress of India, 2:674; 3:1135
1672, 1676 Veuve Clicquot, 5:2476
European royal relatives of, 1:200;
La Scala and, 3:1504 Viaduc deEstaque, Le (Braque), 2:797
2:873; 3:1627
opera and, 3:1567, 1672–1673, Viaggio a Reims, Il (Rossini), 3:1671;
4:2038 fin de siècle death of, 2:816
1676; 4:1915
Viang Chan, 3:1142 gender roles and, 2:946
Rossini and, 3:1572
Viardot-Garcia, Pauline, 5:2365 gerontocracy and, 3:1664
on Strauss (Johann), 4:2260
Via Santa Lucia (Naples), 3:1582 Golden Jubilee of, 2:742
Verdier, Daniel, 2:517; 4:1889
Vicalvarada, 4:2229 as ‘‘Grandmother of Europe,’’
Verdun, fall of (1792), 2:891
Vichy, 5:2327, 2328 5:2414–2415
Vereeniging, Peace of (1902), 1:258
Vichy regime, 3:1477; 4:2303 Great Exhibition of 1851 and,
Vereschagin, Vasili, 1:396
Vick, Brian, 2:871 2:587
Véret, Désirée, 5:2397
Vico, Giambattista, 2:584, 1062; Hanover and, 2:969
Verga, Giovanni, 4:1756;
3:1499; 4:2212 imperialism and, 1:435
Victoire Marie Louise, duchess of
Vergennes, Charles Gravier de, 3:1384 leisure travel and, 1:288
Kent, 5:2411
Vergniaud, Pierre-Victurnien, 2:973; Leopold I as uncle of, 3:1335
Victor Amadeus II, duke of Savoy. See
4:1952 liberalism and, 3:1345
Victor Amadeus III
Verguin, Emanuel, 3:1159 Victor Amadeus III, king of Sardinia, marriage of, 2:946; 3:1335
Verhaegen, Arthur, 4:2209 1:411–412; 4:1786 opium trade and, 3:1678
Verhaeren, Émile, 4:2295 Victor Emmanuel I, king of Sardinia- Palmerston and, 4:1713
Veri Italiani, 5:2514 Piedmont, 1:413; 3:1193; 4:1786 Peel confrontation with,
verismo, 3:1671, 1677; 5:2407–2408 Victor Emmanuel II, king of Italy, 4:1758–1759
Vérité, La (Zola), 5:2524 4:2003; 5:2409–2411, 2410 Russian royal family and, 1:41
Verklärte Nacht (Schoenberg), 4:2102
Catholicism and, 1:380 Scotland and, 4:2121
Verlaine, Paul, 1:3; 2:939, 940;
Cavour and, 1:391, 392 son Edward VII and, 2:729–730,
4:1845, 2292
Charles Albert and, 1:413, 414; 1011
Vernadsky, Vladimir, 2:775
3:1197 taste for coca-seeped wine of, 2:688
Verne, Jules, 1:29; 3:1161;
5:2408–2409, 2497 France and, 5:2410, 2497 Tennyson and, 5:2309
Vernet, Carle, 2:955 Garibaldi and, 2:932; 3:1197, 1198; trade and, 5:2339
Verona Conference (1822), 1:308 4:2004; 5:2410–2411 widowhood of, 5:2414
Verro, Bernardino, 4:2174 Giolitti and, 2:972 William II and, 5:2415, 2468
Versailles, 1:270, 452; 2:964; 4:1726 papacy and, 4:1725 world’s fairs and, 5:2494, 2496
Estates-General meeting at, Papal State invasion and, 4:2004 Victoria and Albert Museum
2:767–768; 3:1385 Piedmont-Savoy and, 4:1786 (London), 2:588; 3:1376, 1562,
Louis XVI and, 3:185, 1384 Risorgimento (Italian unification) 1563
Louis-Philippe museum at, 3:1389 and, 3:198, 1197, 1198 Victoria Cross, 2:579; 5:2413
National Assembly at (1871), Rome and, 4:2036, 2037; 5:2411 Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena, queen of
4:1735, 1736, 1737 son Umberto I and, 3:1201; 5:2377 Spain, 4:2231
royal court at, 4:1726 Victor Emmanuel III, king of Italy, Victoria Mesmerises (cartoon), 5:2339
storming of, 2:843 3:1201 Victorian culture, 5:2411
women’s march on (1789), 4:1728 Victoria (Australia), 1:133, 134, 135 beards and, 1:191
Versailles Conference (1919), 3:1144 Victoria, empress consort of Germany, British aristocracy and, 1:86
Verses about the Beautiful Lady (Blok), 2:873, 875 Carlyle and, 1:371
1:249 Victoria, princess of Great Britain,
Darwinian evolutions impact and,
Verstraete, Theodoor, 4:1948 5:2414, 2468
2:614, 618
Versuch, die Metamorphose der Pflanzen Victoria, queen of Great Britain,
death and, 2:629
zu erklären (Goethe), 2:986 1:135; 2:1006; 3:1638;
5:2411–2416, 2413, 2414, 2415, degeneration theories and, 2:636
‘‘Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden’’
2471 family portrait, 2:1001
(Mendel), 3:1486
Albert as husband of, 3:1335; Gladstone and, 2:976–979
Verve (magazine), 3:1475
Verviers woolen industry, 1:492–493; 5:2412–2414, 2413 sexuality and, 4:2161, 2259
2:791 background and childhood of, sports and, 4:2240
Vessil Pasha, 4:2068 5:2411–2412 typhus epidemic and, 2:670
Vestiges of the Natural History of death of, 2:1011 utilitarianism and, 1:211
Creation (Chambers), 2:777 Diamond Jubilee of, 2:1012 voluntary associations and, 1:119

2790 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Victoria of Hanover. See Victoria, Jewish community in, 3:1525–1526 Vienna Congress. See Congress of
queen of Great Britain Jewish cultural role in, 3:1231, 1234 Vienna
Victoria Regia (water lily), 2:589 Jews in, 4:2102 Vienna Conservatory, 3:1418
Victorine, Mme., 1:481 Vienna Philharmonic, 3:1418
Klimt and, 3:1260–1262
Victory (Conrad), 2:536 Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 4:1938
labor movements and, 3:1288
Victory over the Sun (futurist opera), Vienna Secession, 1:152–153;
1:157–158 Loos and, 3:1381–1382 3:1260–1261, 1381, 1530;
Vidocq, François-Eugène, 2:575 Lueger as mayor of, 3:1233, 4:2295; 5:2421
Vie, La (Picasso), 4:1782 1392–1395 Vienna Sezession Gallery. See Vienna
Vie de Beethoven, La (Rolland), 4:2015 Mach and, 3:1408, 1409 Secession
Vie de Henry Brulard (Stendhal), Mahler in, 3:1418, 1419 Vienna Workshops for Handicrafts,
4:2253 Mesmer and, 3:1490 1:112, 153
Vie de Jésus, La (Renan), 2:688; migration and, 3:1111, 1113 Vienna World’s Fair (1873), 2:589;
4:1892, 1953–1954; 5:2399 modern painting and, 3:1530 5:2498
Vie de Napoléon (Stendhal), 4:2252 music and, 3:1565, 1568 Viennese Novellettes (Schnitzler), 4:2100
Vie de Rancé, La (Chateaubriand), Viennese Waltz, 4:2261; 5:2418
Napoleon in, 2:901, 902
1:421 Vie parisienne, La (Offenbach), 3:1660
New Market, 5:2417
Vie de Rossini (Life of Rossini; Vier ernste Gesante (Brahms), 1:296
Stendhal), 4:2252 Offenbach operetta productions in, Vierhaus, Rudolf, 4:1940
Vie d’un simple, La (Guillaumin), 3:1661 Vies de Haydn, de Mozart et de
4:1756 opera and, 3:1673 Métastase (Stendhal), 4:2252
Vie internationale, La (journal), 1:205 Ottoman threat to, 3:1690 Vietnam. See Indochina
Vielé-Griffin, Francis, 4:2294 population growth of, 1:446; 2:1087 View at Narni (Corot), 2:561
Vien, Joseph-Marie, 2:623 psychoanalysis and, 4:1905 View from My Window, Eragny
Vienamese Communist Party, public art museum in, 4:1825 (Pissarro), 4:1794
3:1144–1145 railroads and, 4:1933; 5:2418 View of Shrewsbury Across the Severn
Vienna, 5:2416–2422, 2419 Revolution of 1848 and, 1:141, 142; (watercolor), 3:1148
Adler (Alfred) and, 1:8–10 2:808, 961; 3:1220, 1236, 1267; View of the Altes Museum, A (Laurens),
Adler (Victor) and, 1:10–11 4:1990, 1994, 2002; 4:2093
advertising and, 2:550 5:2418–2419 View of the Elevated Mountain at the
anti-Semitism in, 1:73, 75, 77; Champ de la Reunion for the
Rothschilds and, 4:2040, 2041
2:816, 1067; 3:1233, Festival of the Supreme Being, 20
Rudolf (crown prince) and, 4:2045
1393–1395, 1418; 4:2045; Prairial, Year 2 of the French
Schiele and, 4:2089, 2091; 5:2421 Republic (8 June 1794), 2:896
5:2420, 2421–2422 Schnitzler and, 4:2100; 5:2421 View of the Kremlin and the Kamenny
art nouveau and, 1:112, 152–153; Schubert and, 4:2106; 5:2418 Bridge in Moscow (Alekseev),
2:815; 3:1530
socialism and, 1:9–10 3:1553
Beethoven in, 1:195–196, 197–198;
Strauss (Johann) and, 4:2260–2261; View on the Stour near Dedham
5:2420 (Constable), 2:544
Berlin as cultural rival to, 1:215 Vignon, Mme., 1:481
subway in, 4:2272
bourgeois culture and, 1:288 Vigny, Alfred de, 2:1050; 3:1577;
telephone service in, 5:2308
Brahms in, 1:295–296 4:2028
Trieste and, 5:2355, 2356
Brentano and, 1:298 Vikelas, Dimitros, 3:1666, 1667
university admittance in, 2:728
Budapest as dual capital with, 1:309 Vikova-Kuneticka, Bozena, 4:2281
urban redevelopment and, 1:452;
cabarets in, 1:336 Villafranca, Peace of (1859), 1:392;
child abandonment in, 5:2455 4:2003
voluntary associations and, 1:117 village community, 1:476; 4:1752,
Christian Socialism in, 5:2420, 2520
world’s fair (1873) and, 2:589; 1753–1754
consumerism in, 2:548
5:2498 idealization of, 4:1756
counterrevolution and, 2:567
See also University of Vienna Village Near Beauvais, A (Corot),
electric lighting in, 2:741 Vienna, Congress. See Congress of 2:562
as fin de siécle cultural center, Vienna Villain, Raoul, 3:1218, 1219
2:1067; 3:1418, 1419 Vienna, siege of (1683), 1:206 Villa Reale Chiatamone (Naples),
fin de siècle mood of, 2:815 Vienna, Treaty of (1815), 3:1227 4:2092
football (soccer) in, 2:834 Vienna, Treaty of (1864), 2:648 Villèle, Joseph, 2:847
Freud and, 2:904–909; 4:1904 Vienna 1900, 5:2421 Villeneuve, Pierre-Charles de, 3:1615;
Herzl in, 2:1967–1968 Vienna Academy of Fine ARts, 1:152 5:2344–2345
Hoffmannsthal and, 2:1076 Vienna Circle, 3:1409; 5:2421 Villermé, Louis-René, 1:247,
housing in, 2:1090 Vienna Coinage Treaty (1857), 1:171 285–286, 438; 4:1910

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2791

Villette (C. Brontë), 1:301 vocational schools, 5:2381 Vorontsov, Vasily, 4:2054
Villi, Le (Puccini), 4:1915, 1916 vodka, 1:34, 35, 37 vorticism, 1:214
Villiers, de, 2:745, 746 Vodou, 2:1036 Vosges Mountains, 1:51
Villon, Jacques, 1:156 Vogel, Julius, 3:1623 voting rights. See suffragism; women’s
Vilnius, 3:1366, 1367, 1368 Voice from the Factories (Norton), suffrage
Vinaver, Maxim, 3:1241 3:1646 Vovelle, Michel, 2:629; 3:1584
Vincennes (Paris prison), 4:2074 Voices from Russia (anthology), 2:1066 Vow of Louis XIII, The (Ingres),
Vindex: Social and Legal Studies in Voix des femmes, La (feminist 3:1165, 1166; 4:1705
Man-Manly Love (Ulrichs), newspaper), 2:650; 3:1288 Voyage dans la lune, Le (Offenbach),
2:1085–1086 Voix intérieures, Les (Hugo), 2:1093 3:1661
Vindication of Natural Society (Burke), Vojvodina, 1:242 Voyage dans le Levant (Forbin), 2:605
1:326 Völkerpsychologie, 5:2507 Voyage en Amérique (Chateaubriand),
Vindication of the Rights of Man, A völkisch movement, 1:10 1:421
(Wollstonecraft), 5:2480 Volksgeist, 3:1523; 4:1756 Voyage en Icarie (Cabet), 1:337;
Vindication of the Rights of Women Volkslieder (Herder), 2:1061 4:2203; 5:2397
(Wollstonecraft), 2:802, Volkspark movement (Germany), Voyage en Orient (Lamartine), 3:1303
945–946, 995, 1000; 5:2480 4:1738, 1740–1741 Voyage musical au pays du passé
Vinet, Alexandre, 4:1895, 2136 Volksschules, 2:723 (Rolland), 4:2015
vineyards. See wine Volksverein für das Katholische Voyage musical en Allemagne et en
Vinius, Andrei, 2:781 Deutschland, 5:2474 Italie (Berlioz), 1:225
Vin Mariani (wine seeped in coca Vollard, Ambroise, 2:591, 634; Voyage of the Beagle, The, 2:617
leaves), 2:687–688 3:1474 Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans
Vinogradov, Pavel, 3:1518 Volney, comte de (Constantin- lancienne France (Nodier and
Violin and Palette (Braque), 2:592, 592 François Chasseboeuf), 4:1909 Taylor), 2:605
violin virtuosity, 3:1566; Volta, Alessandro, 1:424–425; Voyange dans la lune, La (film), 3:1483
4:1698–1700 4:1780, 2114 voyeurism, 3:1270
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène, 4:1917, 2030; Voltaic Pile, 4:1780, 2114 Vremya (Russian journal), 2:678
5:2422–2424 Voltaire, 1:28, 103, 169, 327, 411, Vrubel, Mikhail, 3:1551
as Gaudı́ influence, 2:935 432; 3:1323, 1339, 1489; ‘‘Vues cinématographiques, Les’’
Virchow, Rudolf, 2:1069; 3:1277; 4:1968, 2030, 2047; 5:2393 (Méliès), 3:1483
4:1882, 1913–1914; Catholic response to, 1:385 Vuillard, Édouard, 1:153; 5:2323
5:2425–2426 vulcanization, 3:1160; 4:1827
on Holy Roman Empire, 2:957
Virgil, 1:246 Vulpius, Christiane, 2:985
as intellectual, 3:1167
Virginibus Puerisque (Stevenson), Vyšehrad (Czech national cemetery),
4:2255 on need for Paris’s urban renewal,
Virgin Mary. See Marian devotion 4:1727
Virgin Soil (Turgenev), 5:2365 on Prussia, 3:1506
virtue, republicanism and, voluntary associations. See associations,
voluntary n
4:1958–1959, 1960, 1961, 2007
Vision After the Sermon: Jacob Vonckist revolt (1789), 4:2187 W
Wrestling with the Angel Von der Klassifikation der psychischen
Phänomene (Brentano), 1:299 Wachau, 3:1321, 1322
(Gauguin), 2:939, 940
Von Deutscher Art un Kunst ‘‘Wacht am Rhein, Die’’ (song),
Vision of Judgment, The (Byron), 1:333
(anthology), 2:1061 2:960–961
‘‘Vision of Sin, The’’ (Tennyson),
‘‘Von deutscher Baukunst’’ (Goethe), Waddington, William Henry,
2:983 2:530, 811
Visions of the Daughters of Albion
Von Erkennen und Empfinden der Waffen nieder!, Die (Suttner), 4:1698,
(Blake), 1:244
Menschlichen Seele (Herder), 2282
Vistula Land, 4:1810, 1811
2:1061 wages
vitalism, 1:228; 2:660
‘‘vital spirit’’ theory, 2:615 Von Ratibors family, 1:4699 classical economics and, 2:714,
Vitoria, Battle of (1813), Von Stephany brothers, 4:2242 715, 717
4:2227–2228 Vooruit, 2:556 of female teachers, 2:724
Vivante, Angelo, 5:2356–2357 Voprosy zhizni (Russian journal), 1:212 married women and, 2:802, 804,
Vivian Grey (Disraeli), 2:672 Voraces, Les, 3:1404 942, 946
Viviani, René, 2:697, 859, 1084 Vor dem Sturm (Fontane), 2:829 men’s vs. women’s, 2:805, 944, 945;
Vlachs (Cincars), 4:2146 Vorlesungen, über dramatische Kunst 3:1470–1471
Vladivostok, 4:2064; 5:2426–2427 und Literatur (A. W. Schlegel), Moscow and, 3:1554
Vlaminck, Maurice de, 1:153; 2:796, 4:1769 United States vs. European countries,
797; 4:1875 Voronikhin, Andrei, 4:2077 2:752, 752

2792 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Wages, Price, and Profit (Marx), Waldeck-Rousseau, René, 1:339; Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido
3:1462 2:685, 858, 1026; 3:1216; (Jung), 3:1239
Wagner, Cosima, 1:403; 3:1360, 1361 5:2432–2433 Wanghia, Treaty of (1844), 3:1579
Wagner, Eva, 1:404 Waldeck-Rousseau Law. See Law of Wann-Chlore (Balzac), 1:167
Wagner, Friedrich, 5:2429 Associationsn of 1884 Wannsee (Berlin suburb), 1:219
Wagner, Johanna, 5:2429 Walden, Herwarth, 1:155; 3:1309 War and Peace (Tolstoy), 2:881;
Wagner, Otto, 1:153 Walden Pond, 4:2029 3:1282; 5:2318, 2319, 2320
Wagner, Richard, 1:10, 11; 3:1565; Waldersee, Alfred von, 1:294 War between Serbia and Bulgaria, The:
5:2429–2432, 2430 Waldeyer, Wilhelm, 1:341; 2:735 Serbian Artillery Crossing the Ploca
anti-Semitism and, 2:1067; 5:2429, Waldstein, Johann von, 2:790 Mountains (Schonberg), 4:2143
2430 Wales, 5:2433–2437, 2435, 2436 Ward, Mrs. Humphrey (Mary Augusta
artistic vision of, 3:1108 Anglican disestablishment in, Ward), 4:1844
Baudelaire essay on, 1:188 2:1012–1013 Ward, William, 4:1852
Berlioz friendship with, 1:225 banking in, 1:172 warfare
Brahms and, 1:295 English crown and, 2:999 antisepsis and, 4:1743
as Chamberlain (Houston) influence, football (soccer) and, 2:832, 834 ‘‘cabinet wars’’ and, 2:1033
1:403, 404 gender balance in, 5:2435–2436 cholera epidemics and, 2:669
Chopin’s influence on, 1:440 housing and, 2:1089 Congress of Vienna’s approach to,
degeneration and, 2:638, 816 industrialization and, 1:350 2:661–662, 1033
as Dvořák influence, 2:701 liberalism in, 5:2434–2435, 2436 diplomatic alternative to, 2:661–664
German music and, 3:1571 Lloyd George and, 3:1368–1369 Geneva Convention and, 2:952–953;
Methodists in, 2:1002 3:1175
Gesamtkunstwerk and, 1:108, 112
mining in, 5:2433, 2436, 2436 Hague conferences and,
Liszt’s promotion of, 3:1360, 1361
Nonconformists in, 2:1006; 5:2433, 2:1033–1035
Louis II’s patronage of, 3:1383
2434 imperialism and, 2:1033; 3:1118
Mahler and, 3:1418–1419
population of, 5:2433, 2434, 2435 imperialist defeats and, 3:1473
Mann as devotee of, 3:1435, 1436
representation and, 2:1003 international law and, 3:1175
music dramas of, 3:1571
urban population of, 2:1087 levée en masse and, 3:1338–1340
Nazism and, 5:2431
Walker, Elizabeth, 2:751 loser indemnity payment and, 4:1837
Nietzsche’s view of, 3:1635, 1675
Walking Man, The (Rodin), 4:2009 Marinetti’s political futurism and,
Offenbach’s aesthetic vs., 3:1661 Walks in Rome (Stendhal), 4:2252 2:921
operas of, 1:191; 3:1360, Walküre, Die (Wagner), 3:1571, 1674 medical services and, 3:1307–1308,
1382–1383, 1435, 1567, 1571, Wallace, Alfred Russel, 2:616; 4:2206; 1637–1638
1674–1675, 1676, 1677; 4:1915 5:2437–2438 Moltke’s theory of, 3:1532
operatic influence of, 3:1675 Wallachia, 3:1420, 1689 protectionist trade and, 4:1888
Renoir and, 4:1955 Wallas, Graham, 5:2444 Red Cross and, 4:1948–1949
Revolutions of 1848 and, 2:961 Wallon, Henri-Alexandre, 2:856
social Darwinist view of, 2:619
Rimsky-Korsakov and, 4:1999 Wallonia, 1:199–200, 201, 202,
twentieth-century transformation of,
Romanticism and, 4:2027 203, 204
Schopenhauer’s influence on, Walpole, Robert, 4:2030
Walter, John, 4:1867 typhus epidemics and, 2:668, 669
Walther, Otto, 5:2360 See also armies; militarism; military
on Strauss (Johann), 4:2260 tactics; pacifism; specific wars
Walt Whitman: A Study (Symonds),
symbolists and, 4:2294 War Hawks (U.S.), 5:2439
See also Bayreuth Festival War in History (military journal),
Waltz (Ravel), 4:1944–1945
Wagner, Siegfried, 3:1675 waltzes, 4:2260, 2261; 5:2418, 2420 4:2099
Wagram, Battle of (1809), 2:846, 902; Wanderer above a Sea of Fog War in Sight Crisis (1875), 1:239
3:1586 (Friedrich), 2:911 War of 1805, 4:2051; 5:2374–2375
Wahhabi, 3:1420 ‘‘Wanderer’’ Fantasy (Schubert), 4:2106 War of 1812, 2:553, 846;
rebellion of 1811–1813, 2:732 Wanderers, 4:1956–1957 5:2438–2441
Wahlverwandeschaften, Die (Goethe), Wandering Jew, The (Sue), 1:70; 4:1941 War of 1859. See Franco-Austrian War
2:987 Wanderings of Oisin, The (Yeats), War of Greek Independence. See Greek
Wailly, Charles de, 4:1727 5:2509 War of Independence
Waitangi, Treaty of (1840), 3:1622 ‘‘Wanders Nachtlieder’’ (Goethe), War of the Dnepr Estuary, 1:243
Walachia, 4:2016, 2019, 2021 2:984 War of the First Coalition
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987, Wanderungen durch die Mack (1792–1797), 2:860, 899–900
1990, 1993 Brandenburg (Fontane), War of the Fourth Coalition (1813),
Walbrook, Anton, 2:655 2:828–829 1:38; 2:903

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2793

War of the Second Coalition Napoleon’s defeat at, 1:270; 2:847, Protestant ethic and, 4:1892;
(1799–1801), 2:860, 895, 903, 1002, 1099; 3:1387, 1388, 5:2446–2447
900–901; 5:2374 1588; 4:1968; 5:2442–2443, sociology and, 4:2212, 2215;
Paul I and, 4:1748 2457 5:2446–2447, 2448
War of the Spanish Succssion, 3:1191 Prussia and, 4:1900 Stephen and, 4:2254
War of the Third Coalition Wellington and, 2:1002 Weber, Wilhelm, 2:1062
(1805–1807), 1:37–38; 2:603, Waterloo Cup Coursing Meeting, The Webern, Anton von, 4:2102, 2263
860, 901–902; 3:1586–1587; (Ansdell), 1:72 Webster, James, 1:198
5:2374 waterway transport, 5:2346–2350 Wedding (Berlin district), 1:219
War of the Two Brothers, 4:1839 Watson, John B., 4:1908 Wedding, The (Léger), 2:590
War of the Worlds, The (Wells), 5:2459 Watt, James, 1:485; 2:758, 760; Wedekind, Franz, 1:65, 336; 2:633
‘‘Warren Hastings’’ (Macaulay), 3:1408 3:1153; 4:2108, 2115 Wedgwood, Josiah, 2:547, 548, 550;
Warsaw, 5:2441–2442 Watt & Boulton engines, 2:760 3:1153; 4:2111, 2115
child abandonment in, 5:2455 Wattignies, Battle of (1793), 2:900; Wedgwood family, 2:547, 548, 613,
Chopin in, 1:439 3:1506 617
Kościuszko uprising in, 3:1265 Watt steam engine, 3:1152 Wedgwood pottery, 2:547, 548;
migration and, 3:111 Waverly (Scott), 4:2030, 2123 3:1153
railroads, 4:1933 Waverly overture (Berlioz), 1:225 Wednesday Psychological Society
rebuilding of, 4:1807 wave theory of light, 2:739; 4:1780 (Vienna), 1:8; 2:906, 907
waxwork museums, 3:1561–1562, Weg ins Freie, Der (Schnitzler),
Russian occupation of, 4:1810
1564 4:2100, 2101
Russian restrictions in, 1:40
Way to the Open, The (Schnitzler), Weg zur Macht, Der (Kautsky), 3:1248
as Russian territory, 4:1808 4:2100, 2101
See also Grand Duchy of Warsaw Weib im Konflikt mit den socialen
WCTU. See Womans Christian Verhältnissen, Das (Anneke), 1:66
Warsaw positivists, 5:2442 Temperance Union Weierstrass, Karl, 2:1099
Wars of German Unification. See Wealth of Nations (Smith), 2:515, 712,
German unification weights and measures, 3:1173
713, 717; 3:1410, 1426; 4:1887, Weihaiwei (China), 1:292
Wars of Liberation (1813–1815), 2186, 2203
4:1900 Weill, Georges, 4:2081
weapons. See armament; rifless
Wars of Liberation from Napoleon Weimar Republic, 1:189; 5:2446
Weavers, The (Hauptmann), 3:1411
monument (Berlin), 4:2092 Bernstein’s posts in, 1:231
Wartburg Castle, 2:959 Chamberlain (Houston) movement
art nouveau and, 1:107, 108, 112
Wartburg Festival (1817), 1:369 against, 1:404
machine breaking and, 3:1410, 1411
Washington, George, 1:420; 3:1299 Goethe and, 2:984, 985
mechanization of, 1:24, 493; 2:791;
Canova statue of, 1:347 homosexual rights movement and,
3:1153, 1154, 1405
Paine open letter on, 4:1701 2:1071
Silesian rebellion (1844) and, 3:1287
Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland? Mann and, 3:1435
steam-powered loom and, 3:1157
(anthem), 4:1826 Prussia and, 4:1899
See also textiles
Wassermann Test, 4:2303 Weinberg, Wilhelm, 2:770
Webb, Beatrice Potter, 1:134; 2:788;
waste disposal. See sanitation Weininger, Otto, 5:2448–2450
4:2206; 5:2443–2446, 2445,
Waste Land, The (T. S. Eliot), 2:657 Weir of Hermiston (Stevenson),
watchmaking. See clocks and watches 4:2256
Webb, Philip, 3:1550
water Weitling, Wilhelm, 4:2203
Webb, Sidney, 2:787, 788; 4:2206;
elements comprising, 3:1312 Weitsch, Friedrich Georg, 2:1096
5:2444, 2445, 2458
filtration of, 4:2109–2110 Weber, Alfred, 4:2215 Weizmann, Chaim, 5:2521
London supply of, 3:1373 Weber, Carl Maria von, 3:1570, 1673, welfare, 1:291; 5:2450–2456
Paris supply of, 2:1049; 4:1731 1674; 5:2429 as British bureaucratic function,
power from, 2:790–799; 3:15021 Weber, Eugen, 1:101, 462; 3:1522 1:324–325
See also drinking water Weber, F. C., 4:2076 British ‘‘New Liberalism’’ and,
water contamination. See pollution; Weber, Frans, 1:298 2:1012
sanitation Weber, Marianne Schnitger, 5:2446 British Poor Law and, 1:211; 2:714,
Waterlilies (Monet), 3:1133 Weber, Max, 1:220; 2:698; 3:1316; 1003; 4:1819–1820
Waterloo (1815), 1:357, 407; 2:524, 4:1875; 5:2446–2448 bureaucracy and, 1:324–325
565; 4:2039, 2124; 5:2367, capitalism defined by, 1:349; 5:2447 Catholic organizations and, 1:383,
2442–2443, 2457 on German power-politics, 2:967 387, 389, 438
Clausewitz and, 1:477 on intellectuals, 3:1169 Chadwick and, 1:401, 402
Leipzig battle compared with, Protestant-capitalism thesis of, Chamberlain (Joseph) and, 1:405
3:1319 4:1892, 1893 child services and, 1:431

2794 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

classical economists and, 2:715, Fabians and, 2:787 cultural differences and, 2:508
716, 717 socialism and, 4:2206 Goncharov as, 2:990
Danish system of, 2:648 Verne and, 5:2408 Greek university students and,
‘‘deserving poor’’ and, 5:2450–2451 Webb and, 5:2445 2:1018–1019
factory paternalism and, 2:793 Welsh, Freddie, 5:2435 Herzen and, 2:1064, 1066
family life and, 3:1456 Welsh, Jane Baillie. See Carlyle, Jane imperialism and, 3:1115, 1120, 1124
free markets and, 2:709 Welsh Istanbul and, 3:1186–1187
Hobson’s economic theory and, Welsh Football Association, 2:832 Japan and, 3:1209, 1210, 1211
2:1075 Welsh language, 5:2435–2436 liberalism linked with, 3:1342
industrialization and, 1:356; 2:709 Welsh Rugby Union, 5:2435 missionaries as, 3:1527, 1528
Krupp steelworks and, 3:1275 Welt, Die (Zionist weekly), 2:1068 Ottoman Empire and, 3:1420
Malthusian view of, 2:715; Weltpolitik, 2:967–998
Russia and, 1:400; 2:1064;
3:1425–1426 Weltraetsel, Die (Haeckel), 2:1032 4:2048–2049, 2195–2196;
Weltschmerz, 4:2028 5:2365, 2459–2460
municipal government and, 1:450
Wenceslas, Saint, 4:1858
outdoor relief and, 4:2119; 5:2454, Slavophiles vs., 2:772, 1064, 1066;
Wenceslas Square (Prague), 4:1858,
2462 4:2195–2196; 5:2459
poverty and, 4:1847–1854 Turgenev and, 5:2365, 2459, 2460
Wendel family, 1:471
Protestant advocates of, 4:1896 Vietnam and, 3:1144
Wenlock Games, 3:1667
public initiatives (1870–1914) and, Westinghouse electric company, 2:742
Wentworth, Charles Watson. See
5:2451–2454 Westminster (London), 1:186; 3:1378
Rockingham, marquis of
state-sponsored, 1:239, 291, 321, Westminster, cardinal-archbishop of,
Werefkin, Marianne von, 1:155;
356, 459; 2:540, 966, 2450, 3:1440–1441
2453; 3:1664, 1664–1665; Westminster, duke of, 1:85; 3:1373
Werfel, Franz, 4:1859
4:1851, 1854, 1915 Westminster Abbey
Werner, Alfred, 1:426
Switzerland and, 4:1963; 5:2452 Darwin buried in, 2:617
Wernicke, Carl, 1:408
unemployment insurance and, 1:356; Werther (Massenet), 3:1675 Dickens buried in, 2:657
2:1012; 4:1915 Wesen des Christentums, Das Kelvin buried in, 3:1250
use of (1815–1914), 5:2454–2456 (Feuerbach), 2:744, 754; 4:2133; Kipling buried in, 3:1257
working class and, 5:2490, 2491 5:2512 Livingstone buried in, 2:783
See also charity; health insurance; Wesley, Charles, 2:1002 Lyell buried in, 3:1402
pensions Wesley, John, 2:1001; 4:1895 Westminster Review, 2:743, 744, 1102;
welfare state, 5:2451, 2452 Wesley, Richard, 5:2457 3:1513; 4:1746; 5:2394
Wellesley, Arthur. See Wellington, Wesselényi, Miklós, 3:1266 Spencer and, 4:2234, 2235
duke of Wessex Poems and Other Verses (Hardy), Westöstlicher Diwan (Goethe), 2:987
Wellesley, Richard Colley, 2:954; 2:1045 Westphal, Karl, 2:1070, 1082
3:1134 West Africa Westphalia. See Kingdom of Westphalia
Wellington (New Zealand), 3:1624 British ‘‘Indirect Rule’’ in, 2:508 Westphalia, Peace of (1648), 2:532
Wellington, duchess of, 1:481 European interests in, 1:15–22; West Prussia, 2:961
Wellington, duke of (Arthur Wellesley), 3:1118 Wet, Christiaan Rudolf de, 1:257
1:97; 2:577; 5:2457–2458 French imperialism in, 3:1115, 1116 wetland drainage, 2:762
as Brontë sisters hero, 1:300 Portuguese colonies in, 2:509 wet nurses, 1:431; 4:1829
Catholic emancipation and, 1:381; Weyrother, Franz von, 1:132
slave trade and, 1:12–14, 15
5:2321, 2322, 2457 whaling, 2:766
Westbrook, Harriet, 4:2169, 2170
Cruikshank caricatures of, 2:586 Whampoa, Treaty of (1844), 3:1579
West End (London), 1:85; 2:548,
What I Believe (Tolstoy), 5:2319
on George IV, 2:955 551; 3:1373, 1375, 1378
What Is a Nation? (Renan), 1:51;
as member of Parliament, 2:1003, Western Armenians. See Turkish
3:1522; 4:1953
1005; 4:1758 Armenians
What Is Art? (Tolstoy), 5:2319
Napoleonic Wars and, 2:902, 903, Westernizers, 5:2459–2460
What Is Property? (Proudhon), 1:56
1002; 4:1900 Bakunin and, 2:161–162, 1064
What Is the Third Estate? (Sieyès),
Peninsular War and, 4:1764, 1765, Belinsky and, 1:207–208; 2:1064 2:767, 842; 4:2180
1766, 1839, 2227–2228 British in India as, 2:673 What Is to Be Done? (Chernyshevsky),
Waterloo and, 5:2442–2443, 2457 Chaadayev’s influence on, 1:400 3:1613, 1640; 4:1831, 2052
world’s fair (1851) and, 5:2494 colonizers as, 2:508, 509; 3:1115, What Is to Be Done? (Lenin), 1:265;
Wells, H. G., 3:1214; 4:1905; 1120, 1124 2:522; 3:1171, 1328, 1460
5:2458–2459 concept of civilization and, What Should People Know about the
air flight and, 1:30 1:461–464 Third Sex? (Hirschfeld), 2:1070

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2795

wheat. See grain whooping cough, 2:667 will, the, 4:2103, 2104–2105
Wheaton, Henry, 3:1175 Whydah (African trading port), Willemfonds (Belgium), 1:202
Wheeler, Anna, 2:650, 803; 3:1288; 1:14, 15 Willette, Adolphe, 1:335
4:2201 Why I Am a Communist (Cabet), William I, emperor of Germany and
When We Dead Awaken (Ibsen), 2:521 king of Prussia, 1:234, 235;
3:1107, 1109 ‘‘Why We Paint Ourselves: A Futurist 3:1394, 1533; 5:2325,
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Forster), Manifesto’’ (Larionov and 2467–2468
2:835 Zdanevich), 1:157 alliance system and, 1:48
Where Do We Come From? What Are Wide Streets Commission (Dublin), anarchist assassination attempts on,
We? Where Are We Going? 2:691 2:966
(Gauguin), 1:152; 2:941 Widowers’ Houses (Shaw), 4:2165 Austro-Prussian War and, 1:147, 148
Whewell, William, 3:1477, 1654 widows, 1:287; 5:2452, 2455 Bismarck and, 1:238–239, 240;
Whigs, 1:416; 2:1004; 4:1984; Wiehl, Antonı́n, 4:1858 2:962–963, 963, 964
5:2321, 2367, 2385, 2412, 2457, Wielopolski, Aleksandr, 4:1809
brother Frederick William IV and,
2460–2462 Wiener Werkstätte, 1:112, 153, 336;
Brougham and, 1:302, 303 3:1260, 1261
German unification and, 2:964;
Corn Laws repeal and, 2:559, 1005; Wieniawski, Henri, 4:1700
3:1383; 4:1902
4:1759 Wiese, Leopold von, 4:2215
gerontocracy and, 3:1664
Fox and, 2:1001 Wigram, Clive, 3:1136
Wilberforce, Samuel, 2:614, 1102; Krupp and, 3:1274
liberalism and, 3:1343, 1347, 1348
4:1896 Menzel painting of, 3:1489
newspapers and, 4:1872
Wilberforce, William, 1:36; 2:510; as regent, 2:962
parliamentary reform and, 2:1001
5:2462–2463 son Frederick III and, 2:874, 966
Pitt and, 2:101 William II, emperor of Germany and
Wild Duck, The (Ibsen), 3:1108
Poor Law and, 4:1819–1820 Wilde, Jane, 5:2464 king of Prussia, 2:966–969, 1068;
trade policies and, 2:517 Wilde, Oscar, 2:951; 4:2182, 2255; 5:2467, 2468–2470, 2469
William IV and, 5:2461, 2471 5:2464–2466, 2465 accession to throne of, 1:240;
See also Liberal Party Beardsley’s illustrations and, 1:109, 2:966
Whirlpool, The (Gissing), 2:975 192, 193 alliance system and, 1:48, 49;
whiskey. See alcohol and temperance censorship and, 3:1377 2:663, 664
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, cigarette smoking and, 5:2315 authoritarianism of, 2:862
1:109, 191; 4:1874, 2294 Bismarck and, 5:2468, 2474
Decadence and, 2:632, 633
Whitbread, Samuel, 5:2461 Bismarck’s dismissal by, 1:233,
degeneration and, 2:639
Whitbread brewery, 1:284 240–241; 2:663, 967
fin de siècle and, 2:816
White Army (anti-Bolshevik), 3:1520;
hashish reference by, 2:687 on Boxer Rebellion, 1:292
homosexuality of, 2:241, 633, 1070, British policies and, 2:1013
Whiteboys, 3:1657
Whitechapel (London), 3:1373, 1375, 1084; 3:1184; 4:2258, 2297; cabaret satire of, 1:336
1376 5:2465–2466 Chamberlain’s (Houston) racial
white-collar crime, 2:571 as Ibsen enthusiast, 3:1109 theories and, 1:403
white-collar workers, 1:352, 355, 473; Pater and, 4:1746, 1747 conservatism of, 2:874, 967
4:1879 Yeats and, 5:2509 Eulenburg affair and, 2:1071, 1084
White Company, The (Doyle), 2:681 Wilde, William, 5:2464 father, Frederick III, and, 2:873, 874
White Fathers (Society of Missionaries Wilhelm Braumüller (publisher), Herzl and, 5:2521
of Africa), 3:1528, 1528 5:2449 Moroccan Crises and, 3:1545, 1549
Whitehall Mystery, The: Discovering the Wilhelmina, queen of the Netherlands, musical taste of, 1:219
Mutilated Trunk (engraving), 2:576 3:1619 naval buildup and, 3:1609, 1610
Whitehead, Alfred North, 1:214 Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship popularity of, 3:1347
White Horse, The (Gauguin), 2:941 (Goethe), 2:985, 987; 4:2095
Prussia and, 4:1903
Whiteley, William, 3:1378 Carlyle translation, 1:370
Rudolf (crown prince) and, 4:2045
White Mountain, Battle of (1620), Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Goethe),
Russia and, 3:1628
1:259 2:985, 987; 4:2095
Whites (Polish moderates), 4:1809 Wilhelm Meisters theatralische Sendung technical colleges and, 5:2382
white slave trade, 4:1884 (Goethe), 2:984 Tirpitz and, 3:1610; 5:2312
White Terror of 1815 (France), Wilhelmstrasse (Berlin), 1:217 Victoria and, 5:2415, 2468, 2471
2:565, 847 Wilhelm Tell (Schiller), 4:2288 World War I and, 1:232; 2:663, 664
Whitman, Walt, 1:372; 4:2296, 2297 Wilhelm zu Wied, prince of Albania, World War II and, 1:232
Wholesale Salvation (social reform 1:34 William III, king of Great Britain,
programs), 4:2083 Wilkinson, James, 5:2440 3:1407

2796 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

William IV, king of Great Britain, France and, 1:34, 35; 2:762; 4:1777 Wolzogen, Ernst Ludwig von,
5:2470–2471 industrialization and, 2:549 1:335–336; 4:2102
reform and, 2:1003 pasteurization of, 4:1743 Woman Combing Her Hair (Degas),
Victoria as successor to, 5:2411–2412 1:252
phylloxera and, 4:1776–1778
Whigs and, 5:2461, 2471 Woman Drinking Absinthe (Picasso), 1:3
Winnower, The (Millet), 3:1515;
William IX, prince of Hesse-Kassel, Woman of No Importance, A (Wilde),
4:2039 5:2465
Winnowers, The (Courbet), 1:25
William I, king of the Netherlands, Woman: Past, Present, and Future
Winter, Ernst, 2:576
1:173, 493; 3:1617; 4:1984, 1986 (Bebel), 1:194–195
Winter Games (Olympics), 3:1668
Belgian Revolution of 1830 and, Woman’s Christian Temperance
Winter Palace (St. Petersburg),
1:200; 3:1335, 1617 Union, 1:37
4:2075, 2077, 2078, 2079
William II, king of the Netherlands, woman suffrage. See women’s suffrage
Wir (literary group), 2:1067
3:1617 Woman’s Work and Womans Culture
Wireless Telegraph and Signal
William V, prince of Orange, 3:1616, (Butler), 1:332
Company, 3:1444; 4:1780
1617 Woman’s World (magazine), 5:2464
Wisconsin Woman Suffrage
Williams, David, 5:2433 Woman with the Hat (Matisse), 1:153
Association, 1:67
Williams, Eric, 2:708–709, 710 women
‘‘Wish House, The’’ (Kipling), 3:1257
Williams, Tennessee, 4:2269 Wissenschaftslehre (Fichte system), as absinthe drinkers, 1:3
William Shakespeare (Hugo), 2:1094 2:813, 814 Anti-Corn Law League and, 2:558
Williamson, Alexander, 1:426 ‘‘Witch of Atlas, The’’ (Shelley), aristocratic prerogatives of, 1:469
Williamson, Jeffrey, 2:514, 710; 4:2170 art nouveau and, 1:108
3:1151; 5:2338–2339, 2340 With the Flow (Huysmans), 2:1104 automobiles compared with, 1:149
Williamson, Mary, 2:770 Witkowitz (Moravia-Silesia), 1:260 bathing costumes of, 4:2124
William Tell (Rossini), 3:1661, 1671; Witte, Sergei, 1:40–41; 3:1627, 1628; in Belgian workforce, 1:201
4:2038, 2288 4:1837, 1978, 2054, 2055, 2056, Berlin salons and, 1:215
William Tell (Schiller), 3:1523 2173, 2257; 5:2478–2479 birth control and, 2:947; 4:1827,
Willich, Henriette von, 4:2097 Russo-Japanese War and, 4:2065; 1829, 2041, 2042, 2161–2162,
Willis, Le (Puccini), 4:1915 5:2479 2163
Wills, William, 2:782 Wittelsbach dynasty, 3:1382–1383
Will Therapy (Rank), 4:1939 body and, 1:251, 253, 255
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 2:873; 3:1253;
Wilmersdorf (Berlin suburb), 1:218 Bosnian Muslim, 1:274, 276
4:2104; 5:2449
Wilson, Daniel, 1:282 bourgeois roles of, 1:287, 288–290,
Wittgenstein, Paul, 4:1945
Wilson, E. O., 2:1031 445, 472; 2:549
Witt-Schlumberger, Marguerite de,
Wilson, Edmund, 3:1257 4:2279 Boxer Rebellion and, 1:292
Wilson, James, 1:160; 2:558 Witty, Calvin, 2:600 British improvement societies and,
Wilson, Woodrow, 3:1144 Witwatersrand gold mines, 1:256–257 2:769
Wiltshire, 3:1410 Wives and Daughters (Gaskell), 2:934 British Industrial Revolution and,
‘‘Winckelmann’’ (Pater), 4:1746 Woe from Wit (Griboyedov), 1:208 1:352, 371
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 1:347; Wöhler, Friedrich, 2:687; 3:1160; Catholicism and, 1:379, 383, 384,
4:1746, 1769 4:2109 385, 387
Wind among the Reeds, The (Yeats), Wolf, Eric, 4:1756 child abandonment by, 5:2454–2455
5:2509 Wolf, Hugo, 3:1418, 1571 civilizing missions of, 1:463
Windischgrätz, Alfred zu, 1:142; Wolf, Julius, 3:1538 civil society and, 1:466, 467
2:808, 961; 4:1860; 5:2419 Wolfenden Committee (Britain), clothing and, 1:481–484; 2:548, 943
Windscheid, Bernhard, 3:1315 2:746
Windsor, house of, 4:2118 as coal miners, 1:488
Wolfers, Philippe, 1:109
Windsor—Royal Lodge, 3:1602 as consumers, 2:549
Wolff, Christian, 4:1907
Windthorst, Ludwig, 1:238; convicts in Brixton prison, 2:573
Wolff, Kurt, 3:1243
5:2471–2475 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 1:320 couture fashion and, 1:481–483
Center Party leadership by, 1:388, Wolffsohn, David, 5:2521 crime and, 2:573, 574
393; 2:966 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1:244; 4:1962; cycling and, 2:601
Kulturkampf opposition by, 3:1279 5:2479–2481, 2480 Decadent representations of, 2:632
wine, 5:2475–2478 daughter, Mary Shelley, and, 4:2168; as Degas subjects, 2:634
Algeria and, 1:47 5:2480 as domestic servants, 3:1374
Catalonia and, 1:180, 182 feminism and, 2:802, 945, 995, in Dublin workforce, 2:691
coca mixed with, 2:687–688 1000; 5:2481 education of, 1:286–287; 2:625,
distilled spirits vs.1.34 Godwin’s memoir for, 2:981 626, 721, 723, 724, 725, 726,
as drinking water alternative, 2:658 Wolstoneholme, Elizabeth, 1:331–332 727, 728, 801, 929; 4:1891

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2797

emigration reasons for, 3:1114 Pre-Raphaelites and, 4:1864, 1865, See also feminism; gender; women’s
eugenics societies and, 2:770, 771 1865 suffrage
exclusion from associations of, 1:116 professional barriers for, 4:1881 Women Carrying Jeanne Deroin in
exclusion from citizenship of, 1:458, as professionals, 2:728 Triumph (illustration), 2:651
458–459 propriety and, 3:1438–1439 Women in the Garden (Monet), 1:482
as explorers, 2:783 prostitution and, 4:1882–1886, Women of Algiers in Their Apartment
2301 (Delacroix), 2:640
as factory workers, 1:350, 351, 352,
Women’s March on Versailles (1789),
371, 401, 475; 2:789, 792, 945; Protestantism and, 4:1891
3:1148 psychology of, 4:1909
women’s movement. See feminism
as femme fatale, 4:2292–2293 Red Cross service and, 3:1650 women’s rights. See feminism
fertility decline and, 2:645–646 reform societies and, 1:119 Women’s Rights (France), 4:2279
food riots and, 5:2488 reproductive rights and, Women’s Rights Convention (Seneca
Freemasonry and, 2:881, 882, 882 4:2041–2042 Falls, N.Y., 1848), 2:804
French family law and, 3:1595; 4:1761 republicanism and, 4:1961–1962 Women’s Social and Political Union
French Radicals and, 4:1929 Revolutions of 1848 and, (Britain), 2:798, 805, 1044;
French Revolution and, 2:888, 897 4:1991–1992, 1995 4:1714, 2280
Gauguin paintings of, 2:939–940, Romanticism and, 4:2029 Women’s Solidarity, 4:1761–1762
941 Saint-Simonian view of, 4:2081 women’s suffrage, 1:67, 290;
German political protest and, 2:959 in science, 2:594–596 2:805–806, 947; 4:2276,
Hardy’s portrayals of, 2:1046 in Second Industrial Revolution 2278–2281, 2278, 2280
idealization of, 1:287 workforce, 1:352 Australia and, 1:136
impressionist painting and, 3:1128, sewing and, 4:2158, 2159 Britain and, 1:115, 332; 2:625, 626,
1131–1132, 1543–1545 797–799, 805–806, 806, 947,
sewing machine and, 4:2158–2160
Islamic customs and, 1:396–397 1008, 1044
sexuality and, 4:2161, 2164
British militant tactics for, 1:115;
Jewish role of, 3:1230 sports and, 4:2241, 2245–2246
2:805–806, 1012; 4:1714, 1715,
Jewish schools for, 3:1229 strikes and, 4:2266; 5:2488 1761
labor movements and, 3:1288, as subjects of sexualized anticlerical Finland and, 2:823, 947
1292–1294, 1293 writing, 1:70 France and, 1:127–128; 2:650–651,
labor protectionist laws for, 1:285, supposed superior sensibility of, 697; 4:1761, 1929, 1998, 2279
288; 2:944; 3:1276, 1556 2:945–946 French women’s long-time denial of,
as lawyers, 2:726 as teachers, 2:721, 723, 724, 2:650
leisure activities of, 3:1325 727–728, 945; 3:1680 Germany and, 1:129, 189; 2:675
lesbianism and, 2:1082–1088; as telephone operators, 5:2308 Greek denial of, 2:1021
4:21636 temperance movements and, Italy and, 3:1277, 1555–1556
libraries for, 3:1352 1:36, 37
labor movements and, 3:1292
literacy and, 2:723, 724; 3:1363; as textile workers, 2:647
Mill (Harriet Taylor) on, 3:1509
4:2119, 2148 tobacco use by, 5:2314, 2315, 2315 Mill (John Stuart) advocacy of,
literacy rates (by country, tourism and, 5:2326–2331 2:1008
1800–1914), 3:1363 universities and, 2:728, 945, 1016; Netherlands and, 3:1616, 1619,
London occupations of, 3:1374 3:1377, 1399; 5:2385, 2387, 1620
as Lueger supporters, 3:1395 2388, 2390 New Zealand as first to grant, 3:1623
markets and, 3:1447–1448 utopian socialism and, 1:338; 4:1831 politique de l’assaut strategy for,
maternity hospitals for, 5:2450 Vietnam and, 3:1138 4:1998
as mediums, 4:2237, 2238 voluntary associations and, 1:120 Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1992
as missionaries, 3:1528 Weininger on, 5:2449 socialist support for, 3:1293
as monarchs, 1:367 welfare initiatives and, 5:2450, 2451, Suttner and, 4:2282
musical performance and, 3:1568 2454 United States and, 1:67
as nurses, 2:945; 3:1637–1638, as white-collar workers, 1:473 Wales and, 5:2436
1648–1650; 4:1881 in workforce, 2:697, 943, 944–945, Wollstonecraft on, 5:2480, 2481
old-age pensions and, 3:1664, 1665 947; 3:1470, 1471 Wonderful Adventures of Nils, The
peace movements and, 2:1034; in working class, 5:2487–2488, 2488 (Lagerlöf), 4:2287
4:1696, 1698 working class rights movement and, Wonderful Visit, The (Wells), 5:2458
piano playing by, 1:439 1:459 Wondrous Tale of Alroy, The (Disraeli),
pornography and, 4:1834 writing as acceptable occupation for, 2:672
poster images of, 4:1846 1:130 wood. See timber

2798 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Wood, Roger, 3:1486 Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory communism and, 2:521, 522
Woodcraft Indians (youth group), (film), 1:441; 4:1824 components of, 1:473–475
1:159 Workers’ Opposition (Russia), 1:62 consumerism and, 2:549–550, 555
woodcut prints, 1:246; 3:1489; 4:1823 Workers’ Question and Christianity,
cooperatives and, 1:247; 2:555–557
Munch and, 3:159, 1558 The (Ketteler), 4:2208–2209
criminality and, 2:572
Japan and, 1:109, 111, 192 Workers’ Union (Tristan), 5:2358, 2397
workhouses, 1:351, 359, 415; 4:1848; Crystal Palace at Sydenham and,
Wood Demon, The (Chekhov), 1:423
5:2450, 2454 2:589
Woodlanders, The (Hardy), 2:1045
Chadwick test and, 1:401 death rates of, 2:628
Woodside, Alexander, 3:1137
disease and, 3:1649 diet of, 2:658–659
Woodville, R. Caton, 4:1739
wool as Malthus proposal, 2:715 disease and, 2:668, 670
Australia and, 1:134, 135; 2:505 New Poor Law and, 4:1820, 1848 diversity and change in,
working class, 1:473–475; 5:2491–2492
Belgian manufacture of, 1:201,
492–493; 2:791 5:2483–2493, 2486 Dublin and, 2:691
British factories and, 2:791; 3:1149 Action Française and, 1:5 education and, 1:431; 2:723–726
French machine breaking and, Amsterdam socialists and, 1:55 factory paternalism and, 1:446;
3:1411 anarchism and, 1:56, 58, 59 2:793
machine breaking and, 4:2264 anti-Corn Laws movement and, factory towns and, 1:446
New Zealand export of, 3:1623 2:558, 559, 560 First Industrial Revolutions effects
Woolf, Leonard, 4:2258; 5:2445 art nouveau housing for, 1:109 on, 1:350–351
Woolf, Virginia, 1:299; 2:835, 989; Bakunin’s vs. Marx’s tactics and, First International and, 3:1289
4:1905, 2253, 2258, 2259; 1:162 French feminism and, 2:650–651
5:2445, 2459 Barcelona conditions and, French Radicals and, 4:1929, 1930
Woolfall, David Burley, 2:834 1:181, 183 French sans-culottes as, 1:111;
Woolner, Thomas, 4:1863, 1864 baths and spas and, 5:2327, 2328 2:844, 887, 890, 893
Woolwich. See Royal Military Academy in Belgium, 1:201–202, 203 furniture and, 2:912–913
Wordsworth, Dorothy, 4:2029; as Berlin subculture, 1:219, 220 gender ideology and, 2:943, 944;
5:2481, 2482 3:1741; 5:2483–2484
Bohemian Lands impoverishment of,
Wordsworth, William, 1:102, 428; in Hamburg, 2:1041
2:1078; 3:1512; 5:2327, housing and, 2:1087–1089,
British capitalism and, 2:1006–1007
2481–2483 1090–1092
British education reformists and,
as Coleridge influence, 1:496, 497 Leftists and Rightists, 5:2488–2489
on Ladies of Llangollen, 2:1084 leisure and, 1:288; 3:1323, 1324,
British Labour Party and, 3:1297
on Malthus’s heartlessness, 3:1426 1325, 1326; 4:1824
British Methodists as, 2:1002
Mill (John Stuart) and, 3:1513 Lenin and, 3:1327, 1328, 1329,
British suffrage expansion and,
Romanticism and, 2:543; 4:2027, 1401
2:1008, 1009
2029–2031; 5:2481–2482 Leo XIII’s concern for,
British unrest and, 2:1010, 1011
workday/workweek, 1:285, 288, 401; 3:1331–1332; 4:1720
2:793 in Brussels, 1:305, 307
in Budapest, 1:310 libraries and, 3:1352
leisure and, 4:1824 in London, 3:1374, 1374
Cabet and, 1:337–338
Owen reforms and, 3:1692 lower-middle-class alliance with,
capitalism and, 1:352, 356; 2:716
Ten Hour Bill and, 1:417; 4:1824 1:472–473
workers. See labor; labor movement; Catholicism and, 1:382, 383, 387,
389, 394 Luddism and, 3:1391–1392
working class machine breaking and, 3:1410–1412
Workers’ Accident Insurance Institute Center Party (Germany) and, 1:394
Chartism and, 1:416–417, 418; in Manchester, 3:1428, 1430
(Prague), 3:1242
2:559, 1003; 3:1286, 1390, marriage and family and,
Workers and Employers Luxembourg
1657–1658 3:1455–1456
Commission, 1:247
workers’ associations child labor advocacy and, 2:708 Marxism and, 3:1382, 1464
Christian Socialism and, children and, 1:431 Mazzini and, 3:1481
4:2208–2209 cholera conspiracy theories and, Menshevik view of, 3:1488
Revolutions of 1848 and, 4:1987, 1991 2:669 Milan and, 3:1504
Roland and, 4:2013 Christian Socialism and, 4:2208; in Moscow, 3:1553–1554
Workers’ Brotherhood (Germany), 5:2488 museum visits by, 3:1563
3:1287 city life and, 1:447–449, 450, 452, naturalist portrayal of, 4:1947
Workers in the Dawn (Gissing), 453, 455 newspapers and, 4:1866, 1867,
2:974–975 Combination Acts and, 2:510–511 1868, 1870–1871, 1872

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2799

new womanhood and, 2:947 World League for Sexual Reform, Bulgaria and, 1:313
Owen reforms and, 3:1692 2:1071 Caillaux’s arrest and, 1:339
in Paris, 4:1727–1728, 1732–1733, World of Art, The (St. Petersburg Canada and, 1:346–347
1733, 1734 journal), 2:654; 4:1957, 1958
casualties of, 1:101
Paris Commune and, 4:1736 World of Art group, 4:2181
Chamberlain (Houston) propaganda
World Prohibition Federation, 1:37
parliamentarian demands of, 2:567 and, 1:404
World’s Columbian Exposition
pensions and, 3:1664–1665 Charcot’s hysteria theories and, 1:410
(Chicago, 1893), 2:589; 4:2009;
in Poland, 4:1811, 1812 5:2503 China and, 1:435
police and, 4:1814, 1815, 1817 World Set Free, The (Wells), 5:2459 Clemenceau and, 1:480
prostitution and, 4:1883, 1884, world’s fairs, 2:589; 5:2493–2506 colonial troops and, 1:501
1885, 1886 art nouveau exhibitions, 1:108, Concert of Europe’s obsolescence
realist portrayal of, 4:1946–1947 111, 113 and, 2:527, 565
rights movements and, 1:459 Barcelona (1888), 1:182–183 cubism and, 2:593
seaside resorts and, 4:2125, 2126 Budapest (1896), 1:310, 311 curbs on liberal ideals and,
Second Industrial Revolution and, colonial exhibits and, 2:815 3:1349–1350
1:352 electricity and, 2:742, 815 Curie (Marie and Irène) medical
Second International and, 3:1294 food pavilions in, 4:1967 work in, 2:596
separate spheres ideology and, 2:943 impact of, 5:2504–2506 Curzon and, 2:598
sexuality and, 4:2161–2162 imperialism and, 4:1875 Czech independence and, 1:263–264
shopkeeping and, 1:472–473 Krupp steel displays at, 3:1274 D’Annunzio and, 2:609–610
Smiles’s view of, 4:2199–2200 London, 5:2496, 2496, 2498 declaration of, 2:664
sociability and, 3:1439–1440 See also Great Exhibition of 1851 degeneracy labels and, 2:639
socialism and, 1:474; 3:1294 Milan and, 3:1502 Delcassé and, 2:643
solidarity and, 5:2484–2486 Paris and. See Exposition Universelle Diaghilev and, 2:655
state-sponsored social insurance and, primitive artifacts and, 4:1875 diplomatic breakdown and, 2:664
1:356, 459 World’s Woman’s Christian Dreadnaught and, 2:683
strikes and, 4:1930, 2266; 5:2484, Temperance Union, 1:37 dueling cultures effect of, 2:696
2485, 2488 World War I Eastern Question and, 2:704–705
in Switzerland, 4:2290–2291 absinthe ban and, 1:4, 37 Egypt and, 2:734
syndicalism and, 1:56, 59, 61, 62 Action Française and, 1:5 Eurasianism and, 2:775
temperance movements and, 1:36 Adler (Victor) and, 1:11 events leading to, 1:240, 278;
tobacco use by, 5:2314 African colonialism and, 1:22 2:663–664, 861–862, 968–969;
tourism and, 5:2328, 2329 aircraft and, 1:31 3:1546
travel and, 4:1824 alcohol production and, 1:37 fin de siècle as era prior to, 2:817
typhus epidemic and, 2:670 alliance system as factor in, 1:47–50, Forster and, 2:836
university students and, 5:2387 146, 232; 2:527, 968–969 Francis Joseph and, 2:862, 863, 865
urban housing of, 2:1087; 4:1912 anarchosyndicalism and, 1:62 French approach to, 2:859
vaccination opposition and, 4:2198 armies and, 1:93, 101 French feminism and, 2:697
in Vietnam, 3:1143 assassination of Francis Ferdinand Freud and, 2:908
welfare initiatives for, 5:2451–2454, and, 1:207, 242–243, 277; Geneva Convention and, 2:953
2456 2:663–664, 862, 865, 961; German ‘‘encirclement’’ fears and,
women in workforce from, 3:1628; 4:2149 1:48, 49; 2:526, 527;
5:2487–2488, 2488, 2491 Australian troops and, 1:136 3:1545–1546, 1549
See also labor movements Austria-Hungary and, 1:146; 2:862, German Mitteleuropa aims and,
Working-Class International (France), 863, 865, 968–969; 3:1203 2:960
3:1292 automobile and, 1:151; 5:2352 German naval weakness and, 3:1611
Working Men’s Association, 4:2277 Balkan Wars as prelude to, 1:163, German political rhetoric and,
Works (Fichte), 2:814 166; 2:663, 704–705 2:968–969
workshops, factories vs., 2:788–789,
Belgian neutrality and, 1:199, 205 German weapons and, 1:99
Bergson and, 1:214–215 German women’s movement and,
Works of Love (Kierkegaard), 3:1251,
1252 Bernstein and, 1:231 1:189
World as Will and Representation, The Bethmann Hollweg’s view of, 1:232; Guesde and, 2:1026
(Schopenhauer), 4:2029, 2103, 2:969 Hague Conventions and, 2:1035
2104 Bosphorus and, 1:278 historical views of, 2:1033
World Court, 4:1697 Britain and, 2:1013 Hoffmannsthal and, 2:1076, 1077

2800 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

India and, 1:501 seaside resorts and, 4:2126 Wrongs of Women, The
Ireland and, 3:1185 Second International and, 4:2128 (Wollstonecraft), 5:2480
Italian politics and, 2:921, 972 Shaw’s opposition to, 4:2167 WSPU. See Women’s Social and
Italy and, 2:609–610; 3:1202–1203, Political Union
shell-shock cases and, 1:410; 3:1507;
1277 Wuchale, Treaty of (1889). See Ucciali,
Treaty of
Japan and, 1:434 socialist revolutionaries and,
Wulz, Giuseppe, 5:2355
Jaurès and, 3:1214, 1218 4:2211
Wundt, Wilhelm, 2:1099; 3:1238;
Kadets and, 3:1242, 1519 Spain and, 4:2232 4:1908, 1909; 5:2506–2508
Kandinsky and, 3:1245 submarine warfare and, 3:1611 on Schopenhauer, 4:2104
Kipling and, 3:1257 Suez Canal and, 4:2276 Wupper, Die (Lasker-Schüler), 3:1309
Kitchener and, 3:1258 Switzerland and, 4:2291 Württemberg, 1:236, 369
Kropotkin and, 3:1273 syndicalism and, 4:2299 List as U.S. consul in, 3:1357
Kuliscioff and, 3:1277 Tirpitz and, 5:2312–2313 Napoleon and, 2:901, 957
Lasker-Schüler and, 3:1309 Triple Alliance and, 3:1202–1203 Prussia and, 2:867, 964; 4:1901
Lenin and, 3:1329 Tunisia and, 5:2363 written constitution of, 1:457; 2:959
List and, 3:1357 Turkestan and, 1:397 Wuthering Heights (E. Brontë), 1:301,
Lloyd George and, 3:1370 Vietnamese troops in, 3:1144 302
Mann and, 3:1435 wine industry and, 5:2478 Wyndham Act of 1903 (Britain),
masculine response to, 3:1473 women’s suffrage activists and, 2:1011; 3:1181
mass deaths and, 2:628, 629 2:798, 806–807
military tactics and, 1:100–101 women’s suffrage and, 4:1714
military technology and, 3:1507, working class and, 5:2492 n
1508 Zasulich and, 5:2518
Milyukov and, 3:1519 World War II, 2:817 X
modernism and, 3:1531 airplanes and, 1:31 Xanthos, Emmanuel, 2:1019
monarchs toppled by, 2:568 Einstein and, 2:740 X Club, 4:2233
Montenegro and, 3:1541 Geneva Conventions and, 2:953 xenophobia, 1:433, 440; 2:685, 859
nationalist rhetorics and, 3:1606 Mann and, 3:1435, 1436 Xhosa, 4:2219, 2221
New Zealand troops in, 3:1624 Maurras and, 3:1477 Xiamen, 3:1679
nurses and, 3:1650 Xieng Khouang, 3:1142
Planck and, 4:1800
Ottoman Empire and, 1:92, 166 x-rays, 2:594, 596; 3:1398; 4:1804,
Rothschilds and, 4:2041
pacifists and, 3:146, 1425; 4:16981 2012, 2070
Russia and, 4:2079
patriotism and, 4:1826 World Zionist Organization, 2:685
Péguys death in, 4:1761 Worringer, Wilhellm, 1:155
photography and, 4:1773–1774 Worshipful Society of Apothecaries n
Planck and, 4:1799 (London), 3:1376
Plekhanov and, 4:1801 Worship of Bacchus, The (Cruikshank),
pogroms and, 4:1803 2:587 Yaik Cossacks, 2:562
Poincaré (Raymond) and, 4:1805, Worth, Charles Frederick, 1:481–483 Yalu, Battle of the (1904), 4:2065,
1806 Wounded Cuirassier (Géricault), 2:955 2171
Poland and, 2:753; 4:1819 Wounds of Armenia (Abovian), 1:88 yangwu yundong movement, 1:435
Portugal and, 4:1842–1843 wound treatment, 3:1358 Yanina, Albania and, 1:32
Prague and, 4:1861 Wozzeck (Berg), 3:1676 Yearbook for Psychoanalytic and
protectionist propaganda and, 2:515 Wrangel, Ferdinand, 2:819 Psychopathological Investigations,
psychoanalysis and, 4:1906 Wrangel, Friedrich von, 2:961 2:906
Red Cross and, 3:1650 Wrangel, Peter, 4:2271 Yearbook for Sexual Intermediate Types
Wren, Christopher, 2:757 (Hirschfeld, ed.), 2:1071, 1086
Romania and, 4:2017
Wright, Frances (Fanny), 3:1288, Yeats, William Butler, 1:246; 3:1183;
Rothschilds and, 4:2041
1300 4:1742, 1746; 5:2310,
Russia and, 3:1519, 1628; 4:2079 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1:192; 5:2422 2509–2510
Russian-French alliance and, 1:41 Wright brothers (Orville and Wilbur), Yekaterinburg (Russia), 1:42
Russian royal family and, 1:42 1:29, 30, 31; 3:1163; Yellow Book, The (avant-garde
Russian withdrawal from, 2:522 4:2114–2115 periodical), 1:192; 2:633
Schiele and, 4:2090–2091 writing. See literacy; literature yellow journalism, 4:1872
Schlieffen Plan and, 3:1508; Writings on the Poor Laws (Bentham), ‘‘Yellow Peril,’’ 4:2172
4:2099 4:1847–1848 Yellow Sound (Kandinsky), 3:1245

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2801

Yellow Submarine, The (Max graphics), Armenian Question and, 1:92 Zauberflöte, Die (Mozart), 3:1673,
1:192 Austria-Hungary and, 1:146 1674; 4:2092; 5:2417
Yeni Camii (Istanbul), 3:1189 Balkans and, 2:704–705 Zdanevich, Ilya, 1:157
Yesenin, Sergei, 4:2183 Zealand, 2:647
Balkan Wars and, 1:163, 164
Yevgeny Onegin (Pushkin), 1:208 Zeit Constantins des Grossen, Die
Bulgaria and, 1:313
Yiddish language, 1:314, 447; 3:1113, (Burckhardt), 1:317
Germany and, 1:278 Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie
1366, 1368, 1526
Ymagier, L’ (art journal), 3:1213 Istanbul and, 3:1190 (journal), 1:426
Yokohama, 3:1209, 1210 jadidism and, 3:1207 Zelanti, 2:539
Yorck von Wartenburg, Paul, 2:660 Jaurès’s support for, 3:1217 Zelmira (Rossini), 4:2038
York, 4:1853 revolution of 1908 and, 3:1691 Zemlinsky, Alexander von, 4:2101
Yorkshire, 1:445 Youth (Tolstoy), 5:2318 Zemlinsky, Mathilde von, 4:2102
Luddite rebellion in, 3:1392, 1410 youth gangs, 2:575 Zemlya Volya. See Land and Liberty
wool industry in, 3:1149 Ypsilantis, Alexander, 2:1019; Zemo of Citium, 1:55
4:1981–1982 Zemp, Joseph, 4:2291
worker housing in, 2:1089
Ysaye, Eugène-Auguste, 1:307 Zemstvo Octobrists, 3:1660
Yorkshire Miners’ Associations, 3:1288
Yuan Ming Yuan (Beijing palace), zemstvos, 1:39; 2:1014, 1016, 1017;
Yoruba, 1:15
3:1680 3:1518; 4:1975, 2051, 2270
Youmans, Edward L., 4:2233
Yugoslavia, 1:207; 2:610, 972 Octobrists and, 3:1658–1659
Young, Arthur, 1:358
Young, Brigham, 1:338 See also Serbia radical statisticians and, 4:1832
Young, Robert, 2:617 YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Zemtsov, Mikhail, 4:2076
Association), 1:36 Zeno’s Conscience (Svevo), 5:2356
Young, Thomas, 1:407
Zentrum. See Center Party
Young America, 5:2514
Zeppelins, 3:1163
Young Czechs and Old Czechs,
Zetkin, Clara, 2:805, 946; 3:1293
4:1469, 1712, 1859, 1860; n Zhelyabov, Andrei, 4:1832
Young England, 2:672 Z Zhukovsky, Vasily, 1:249; 2:979
Zigeuner, Die (Grellmann), 4:2022
Young Estonia, 2:822 Zabaldone di pensieri (Leopardi), 3:1333 Zigeunerbaron, Der (Strauss), 4:2261
Young Europe, 3:1195, 1480; 4:2016, Zabern, 2:968 Zigeuner-Buch (Dillmann), 4:2023
2131 zadrugas, 4:2141, 2147 Zille, Heinrich, 1:219
Young Finnish Party, 2:822 Zagreb, 2:924, 925; 3:1220 Zimmerman, A. A., 2:601
Young Germany, 2:754 Zaionchkovsky, Peter A., 2:1014 Zionism, 3:1233, 1366; 5:2518–2522
Young Girl at Her Toilet (Corot), Zaitsev, Varfolomei, 3:1639, 1640 anti-Semitism and, 1:76, 77
4:1707 Zambezi River, 2:783
Austrian origin of, 3:1526
Young Girls at the Piano (Renoir), Zamore et Mirza (Gouges), 2:994
4:1955–1956 Bund’s aims contrasted with,
Zamoskvoreche (Moscow
Young Hegelians, 2:754; 3:1463, 1:313, 314
neighborhood), 3:1553
1464; 4:2203; 5:2511–2513 Dreyfus affair as impetus for, 2:685
Zamoyski, Andrzej, 4:1809
Younghusband, Francis Edward, 2:597 Zanardelli, Giuseppe, 2:971; 3:1201; Herzl and, 1:76, 77; 2:1066, 1067,
Young Ireland, 3:1656; 5:2514 5:2363–2364 1068–1069; 5:2518, 2520–2521
Young Italy, 1:361, 414; Zanzibar, 1:16, 17; 2:783; 4:2191 Jewish emancipation and, 3:1227
5:2513–2514 slave trade ban and, 1:308, 309 Nordau and, 2:638
Garibaldi and, 2:930 Zapiski iz myortogo doma Zipernowsky, Károly, 2:741
Mazzini and, 3:1194–1195, 1480; (Dostoyevsky), 2:678 Zipes, Jack, 2:1023
4:1989, 2001–2002, 2131; Zapiski iz podpolya (Dostoyevsky), ziqiang yungdong movement, 1:435
5:2513–2514 2:678 Zoetrope, 1:441
Young Ladies of the Village (Courbet), Zaporozhet, P. K., 1:266 Zoist, The (journal), 3:1491
2:568 Zaporozhian Cossacks, 5:2370 Zola, Émile, 2:830; 4:1730;
Young Medardus (Schnitzler), 4:2100 Zappas Games (Athens), 3:1666 5:2522–2524, 2523, 2524
Young Russia, 4:2052 Zaragoza, siege of, 4:1764 Cézanne friendship with, 1:397,
Young Spartans Exercising (Degas), Zaragoza Medical Faculty, 1:341 398, 399
2:634 Zarathustra (Nietzsche concept), Crystal Palace and, 2:590
Young Törless (Musil), 3:1574 3:1629, 1632, 1633–1634 Degas friendship with, 2:634
Young Turks, 3:1682, 1689; zarzuela, 3:1414 degeneration and, 2:638, 650, 816
5:2514–2516 Zastoupil, Lynn, 3:1514 on department stores, 1:289; 2:548
Abdul-Hamid II and, 1:1; 3:1690, Zasulich, Vera, 1:264, 265; Dreyfus defense by, 1:480; 2:684,
1691 4:1767–1768, 1832; 685, 685, 858; 3:1168, 1216;
Albania and, 1:32 5:2517–2518 5:2523–2524

2802 E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4

Flaubert and, 2:827; 5:2523 founding of, 2:960; 3:1538 Zulu kingdom, 1:17, 18, 99; 4:2219,
Gissing compared with, 2:975 Hamburg and, 2:1040 2220, 2223
Goncourt brothers as influence on, liberals and, 3:1346 Britain and, 2:1009; 3:1118
2:991 List’s approval of, 3:1357 military tactics and, 1:99
Huysmans and, 2:1104 Prussian diplomacy for, 4:1901 Zumalacárregui y de Imaz, Tomás de,
on impressionist painting, 3:1132 Zoloto v lazuri (Bely), 1:209 4:2229
Zongli Yamen (Chinese ministry), Zum ewigen Frieden (Kant), 2:953
as intellectual, 3:1167
1:435 Zur Geschichte der Religion und
on leisure activities, 3:1323, 1325
zoology Philosophie in Deutschland
as Manet defender, 3:1433; 4:1708 (Heine), 2:1056
Agassiz comparative, 1:22–23
naturalism and, 4:2292; Zurich
5:2522–2524 Cuvier taxonomy, 2:598–599;
3:1563 Brentano in, 1:298–299
obscenity battle and, 4:1833 Burckhardt in, 1:317
degeneration and, 2:238
Pissarro and, 4:1793 female teachers in, 2:724
Haeckel and, 2:1031–1032
publisher of works of, 4:1955 Jung in, 3:1238–1240
Huxley and, 2:1101–1102
realism and, 2:991 psychoanalysis and, 4:1905
Lamarck and, 3:1301, 1302–1303
as Sand critic, 4:2084 women medical students in, 2:728
natural selection and, 2:617
sexual anticlericalism and, 1:70 Zoonomia (E. Darwin), 2:777 Zurich Psychoanalytic Association,
Suez Canal opening and, 4:2274 Zorn, Anders Leonard, 4:1948 3:1240
Turgenev and, 5:2365, 2523 Zoroaster, 3:1634 Zwanzigste Jahrhundert, Das (journal),
Zöllner, Carl Friedrich, 4:2238 Zorrilla, José, 2:951 3:1435
Zollverein, 1:171, 487; 2:505, 512; Zouaves, 4:1726 Zweig, Stefan, 3:1629
5:2524–2526 Zuber, Terence, 4:2099 Zwölfjährige Jesus im Tempel, Der
conservatives and, 2:540 Zulian, Girolamo, 1:347 (Liebermann), 3:1353

E U R O P E 1 7 8 9 TO 1 9 1 4 2803

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