Elc Writing

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The effective ways for student to prevent cyber threats during online learning do awareness
about cyber threats is choose a strong password and backup data to avoid loss of data.
Firstly,effective way for students to prevent cyber threats during online learning is do
awareness about cyber threats.Student representive can work with the teachers to conduct
regular cyber safety awareness programmes.Students can be more alert about what happen
on surroundings them.Other than that,they also need to backup their data twice a
month.This way can help them to keep data safe from scammers.
Next,the effective way for students to prevent cyber threats during online learning is
student need to secure the device to avoid getting scams by using the different
application.Student can use unique passwords.Moreover, student can use multifactor
aunthentication whenever possible so that it is not easy for outsiders to open our own
personal things.Last,student also need to keep from disseminate to the public about
personal information so that our data will not be stolen.
Lastly,the effective way for students to prevent cyber threats during online learning is
student should avoid using public networks or public device such as computers at cyber
cafe.This way to prevent outsiders from using our data. Last but not least,tell students to use
virus protection.It is because nowadays cyber threats can entrance our data from the virus.
Conclusion,how important it is for students to improve their knowledge about how to
avoid cyber threats during the online learning so that students will not be one of the victims
of cyber threats.

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