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Stakeholder Empowerment

United Airlines: In the early 2000s, United Airlines faced a severe financial crisis that threatened its
survival. The company filed for bankruptcy and sought to restructure its debt through a cram down
deal. In this case, the stakeholders were empowered through the issuance of new equity in the
reorganized company. This allowed employees and other stakeholders to become shareholders and
have a say in the company's future. The empowerment of stakeholders in United Airlines' cram down
deal proved to be a crucial factor in the company's successful turnaround and eventual emergence
from bankruptcy.


When United Airlines was on the brink of their financial crisis, they immediately filed for
bankruptcy which allowed for transparency not only among the large stakeholders but as well as for
their members and personnel. This allowed for the employees to have a voice on their share in the
company. This made the institution more open which made them struggle through and survive the

Stakeholder Engagement

Amazon Studios are exactly what they sound like — Amazon’s television and film production
distributor. I wanted to share this stakeholder engagement example because Amazon Studios
pioneered a unique and transparent way of engaging consumers throughout the production and
filming process. While they no longer operate this way, this example still offers some great ideas and

From 2010-2018, anyone could submit scripts and concept videos online to Amazon Studios — all
reviewed by staff within 90 days (at least, that’s their stated aim). If a project moved into
development or distribution, the writer would get paid $10,000+. At the time of shutting down this
program, Amazon Studios had 20,694 movie and 6,973 TV series projects listed on their website, and
in March 2013, Amazon had over 23 films and 26 television series in active development.

Beyond the initial submission process, Amazon also set up Amazon Preview, which is an invite-only
community for giving feedback on concepts, storyboards and test footage. This process used to be
limited to boardroom executives and focus groups, but instead, it was opened up to everyday users.

Engaging users throughout the production was a smart move at the time for Amazon Studios. They
could find out what users wanted and give it to them. Plus, involving users behind the scenes with a
real chance to contribute their ideas boosted engagement, loyalty and connection to the brand.


Just as how the United Airlines opened their governance to their employess to have
transparency, the Amazon Studios opened more access in terms of how their audience can control
their selection of movies and tv series to watch. This made their buyers and users to be more engaged
in the appplication which in the end gathered many more audiences because of the accessibility. It is
a good thing because as an audience, you would want to get the freedom to choose what you watch
and not just rely on to what is popoular.

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