Brown Simple Minimalist Reading Journal Cover

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My Business

Week Experience

A u b r e y B . A n g el es
Yvon n e
2 A B M B D r u c k er
MARCH 22, 2023

In the first day of our business week, Monday ( May

22, 2023), this day was our planning day altogether
with my group mates. We've decided that we should
have a tent to sell our products, buy some of our
ingredients at the early time and to do canvassing on
prices so that we know how much our expenses would
be. I was excited that time since it was my first time
to experience selling hotdog sandwich in a large
number of crowd. Even though it was one of our
performance task, I looked forward to it as if we're in
a real life situation where in my business partners
are my group mates too. After class, three of us
decided to go in the public market of Tarlac to find
our ingredients. We managed to buy one of the main
ingredients which is the hotdog buns and some
condiments which was the ketchup and mayonnaise.
The day ended exhausting for me sin
ce we did search
the market for the cheapest price as
much as possible
in every product we bought and it's
which is 12 noon to 1 pm. It was rea ring afternoon
lly hot since the
sun is up and the temperature is ov

MARCH 23, 2023

On our second day of our business week we made alot of

progress on making our business. We cutted designs and
made tarpapel that we will use in decorating our booth.
Our group did market our products through the crowd by
doing classroom to classroom promotions. Luckily, we have
137 pre orders from different students! But the problem is
that our budget is only limited for few orders. We also
struggled and felt frustrated that time since we doesn't
have an available tent at that time. However, one of my
groupmates had successfully borrowed a tent which made
our major problem resolved. On the afternoon, we did
bought all the ingredients we made from the public
market. We ended up buying 100 pcs of hotdogs which
results to 100 orders to be made for tomorrow. It was
really challenging since we walked so far to the point that
my feet starts to felt burning sensation due to the high
temperature and heat from the sun.
We managed to end the day by getting all the groceries
done and complete and buy all the things we needed with
our limited budget. At night, I was really nervous since we
don't know if those people who pre ordered will really get
their hotdog sandwiches.


MARCH 23, 2023

On the very first actual day of our business launching at

the school court I woke up earlier than the usual. I leave
the house at 5:45 am to help my group mates to cook
hotdogs and cut the buns. We finished preparing our main
ingredients by 7:30 am and we hurriedly went to the
school court and prepared our booth. I was assigned to
serve but I'm quite nervous and can't function well due to
nervousness so I requested to change roles as one of the
delivery personnel in our hotdog sandwich business. It
was really a struggle holding a tray with bunch of hotdogs
because I might trip and waste all the sandwiches if ever I
made a mistake. I enjoyed the day even though I was really
tired going up and down on the stairs of the school
buildings we've been through. We're delightful since we
have sold a hundred of hotdog sandwiches in a period of
hours. We profited about P500 plus estimated.
After that, we went to the market again to buy new
ingredients. We increased our stocks from 100 only to 140
because our budget has increased due to the profit we got.
And again, the sun is so hot that I ended up having tan
lines from 2 days of roaming around the market while it's
afternoon. I slept early that day feeling happy because of
the success of our business.


MARCH 25, 2023

In the last day of our business week I leave our house at

5:45 again and I bought lettuce along the way. And like
yesterday, we cut hotdogs and buns and we came a bit late
since we made 40 additional orders so that took time in
cooking. As we arrived the booth we're surprised that our
group mates have gotten 44 orders around 8 am. As we
arrived, I noticed that we caught the crowd's attention
which was really great for our business. Alot of students
came to our booth to reserve and purchase our products.
At such early time, the 140 hotdogs are sold. We're sold out
even before recess have started. I felt so happy and
thankful that time since our business grew in just a day.
And with that, we started counting and computing our
overall income and our revenue was totalled about P5,010
meaning that our invested money increased to 56%.
From P2,800 we made P5,010 in just 2 days. We mad
profit of P2,210 and divided it equally so each of
us got
P170 from the profit and returned the P200 we hav
invested. It was a really fun week even though with
struggles and all. I realized that being on the bus
industry do take alot of risk and patience. This task
this subject will be a lesson and guide to me in
future if I would start a business.


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