Navas - 2000 - The Use of Agar Models To Study Amphibian Thermal Ecology

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Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

The Use of Agar Models to Study Amphibian Thermal Ecology

Author(s): Carlos A. Navas and Cybele Araujo
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Jun., 2000), pp. 330-334
Published by: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 12/09/2012 16:48

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(0 3.6 g

8.6 g
5 10 15 20 25 30
Manipulation Time (sec)
FIG.1. Temperatureincreasein agar frog replicas(N = 10) aftermanipulation.The models (two sizes) were
held in one hand during a given time lapse to simulatethe expected change in body temperatureexperienced
by small anuransunder similarcircumstances.Thermocoupleswere insertedin the centerof the models, which
had initial temperaturesranging from 22 to 23 C. Regressioncurves (10-30 sec) are shown. Smallermodels
would be expected to have steeper curves.

Williams, 1991), the small size of many amphibians agar replicas do not experiencemovement or blood
makes it difficultand time consumingto obtaindirect circulation,they have been used successfully as null
measures of field body temperatures.The probes of models (total permeability)in the study of amphibian
most quick-readingfield thermometersare more than water relationships(Spotila and Berman, 1976; Wy-
a millimeterin diameter,thus inappropriateto mea- goda, 1984), and it seems reasonableto use them to
sure cloacal body temperaturesin small amphibians. estimate OTs as well. Here we discuss the validity of
An alternative,cloacalinsertionof thermocouplewire, using agar models connectedto temperaturedatalog-
requires manipulationof the animal, and for small gers to estimateBT in small amphibians.We used hy-
amphibianseven a few seconds delay may have con- lid frogs as an example, and tested the assumptions
siderable effect on body temperature(Fig. 1). The that, under similar conditions,agar models and frogs
measure of surface body temperatureswith either would: (1) have similar rates of water evaporation(2)
thermistors(Navas, 1996) or infrared probes (which show comparablegradientsof body temperature;and
do not requiremanipulationof animals)may offerthe (3) exhibit similar temperaturesin the field.
best non-invasive method. However accurate IR This study was carriedout from Januaryto Juneof
probes are expensive and require placing the sensor 1998 using several species of treefrogs in the genus
close to the animal, which can be difficult. Scinax (Hylidae). Scinax fuscovarius (BM + SE = 8.37
One alternativeto the direct measureof amphibian + 1.02 g) and S. g. ruber(5.02 + 0.63 g) were used for
body temperatureis to estimate OTs using suitable most lab experiments.In the field we used two more
models (artificialanimal replicas).If OTs match BTs species, Scinaxsp. (about2 g) and S. hiemalis(0.74 +
in amphibians,models may be used to estimate ani- 0.09 g). All four species are common in southeastern
mal field temperatures.The commonly used copper Brazilbut occur at differentelevationsand are active
models, however, may be inappropriatebecause an- at differing time of year. Scinaxfuscovariusand S. g.
urans have permeableskin and, from a thermalstand- ruberwere captured at ParqueAnhanguera,about 60
point, behave as water saturated bodies. Although km NW of Sao Paulo(SP)in the vegetationsurround-

ing small to medium sized ponds. This type of habitat olution +0.2 C at 20 C), and those obtained from di-
is similar to that of Scinax sp., a species found at Cam- rect measurements of frogs. The more appropriate
pos do Jordao, 1800 m, about 280 km NE of SP. Scinax model size was used for each species. We placed at
hiemalis, a winter specialist, was found in Atibaia least five agar models in typical microhabitats and
(1200 m), about 62 km North of SP, in forested areas programmed the data-loggers to take one reading ev-
with slow running streams. ery 15 min. To characterize microhabitats, animals
Agar models were made in two sizes (3.187 + 0.179 from each species were located by visual inspection
g and 8.735 ? 0.216 g) from alginate molds made between 1800 and 6000 h. Some individuals were fol-
from frozen individuals of S. g. ruber and S. fuscovar- lowed after sunrise to identify daytime retreat sites.
ius. Smaller models can be made but are more fragile. For each frog observed we took note of time of day,
To make models we anesthetized and killed frogs by distance to the closest water body, substrate type, and
prolonged immersion in urethane 30%, and froze height above floor level. The typical microhabitats for
them (-80 C) in a typical posture. We made the al- each species were: (1) S. fuscovarius N = 38, litter and
ginate molds by immersing the frozen frogs into fluid soil, perching height (h+) = 9.2 + 3.0 cm; (2) S. g.
alginate, which had been previously poured into a ruber,N = 42, twigs and leaves, h+ = 52.3 + 8.2 cm;
small plastic container. After hardening, alginate (3) S. hiemalis,N = 70, leaves and twigs, h+ = 15.9 +
molds were filled with liquid agar (lOg/L). To avoid 1.8 cm; and 4) Scinax sp., Campos do Jordao, N = 32;
boring into agar and damaging the models, we placed leaves, h+ = 89.4 + 10.5 cm.
temperature sensors in the center of the model before After placing the agar models in the field, we
the agar solidified. looked for visible animals to obtain data on field body
To compare the rates of water loss between models temperatures. We performed most measures of surface
and frogs we used 10 individuals (five S. r. ruberand body temperature using a Raynger ST2 infrared ther-
five S. fuscovarius) and 10 agar models, five of each mometer applied at less than 1 cm from the animal.
size. We placed each frog or model inside a perforated A sample of the two larger species (S. g. ruber and S.
cylindrical plastic container (4 cm tall X 2 cm diam- fuscovarius) was measured with a Barnardt 115 ther-
eter). Each container was then fitted into an airtight mocouple thermometer quickly applied to the lateral
Plexiglas chamber (9 cm tall X 6 cm diameter) con- part of the body of the animal (for details see Navas,
taining 10 g of dry silica gel. Relative humidity equil- 1996). Despite the large number of animals detected
ibrated at about 56%, as monitored with a Stowaway in the field (N > 200), reliable data on body temper-
RH data logger located inside the chamber. The cham- ature were obtained for only 87 frogs. These numbers
ber was opened every 15 min and the inner container illustrate the difficulties of using a direct measure ap-
weighed to the nearest 0.001 g and returned to the proach to study the thermal ecology of small amphib-
chamber. The experiment continued until the model ians (many animals escaped or could not be measured
or the frog lost 10% of its initial mass. We did not within 10 sec).
detect among experiments differences in relative hu- The agar models produced a temperature data set
midity or temperature (ANOVA: RH, F,,,8 = 0.724, P that was much larger than that obtained for real ani-
= 0.406; Temperature: Fl1,, = 3.977, P = 0.061). mals; therefore we paired each datum of frog body
A test of thermal gradients was performed with five temperature with a temperature reading taken from
small and five large agar models. Each model was an agar model. To pair data we chose the agar model
fitted with 5 thermocouples (0.1 mm diameter) as fol- that was closest to a given measured frog, and select-
lows: 1 mm under the dorsal surface, 1 mm above the ed the temperature reading that best matched the time
ventral surface, 1 mm inside the model at the place of day at which the temperature of that frog had been
corresponding to the cloaca in frogs, 1 mm inside the measured. This procedure generated a data matrix in
model "mouth", and in the center of the model. These which each frog temperature had a corresponding
models were placed outdoors and their temperatures temperature obtained from a model. These two sets of
recorded every 10 min over two hours, a period that data were compared using correlation and ANOVA.
was large enough to involve significant air tempera- To test for consistency on temperature data obtained
ture fluctuations (14.8 to 20.6 C). A second set of ex- using different sensors, we compared temperature
periments compared the temperature increase of ani- readings from thermocouples and HOBO data loggers
mals and small models under brief exposures to a with those obtained from high precision mercury
heating source (150 W incandescent light bulb placed thermometers (used as reference). In a test measuring
50 cm above). We placed three thermocouples at the water temperature from 0 to 50 C, HOBO loggers re-
anterior, posterior, and dorsal positions of the models, corded temperatures up to 5 C different from those of
as described before. We anesthesized frogs by immer- mercury thermometers. Within 5 and 35 C, however,
sion in a solution of urethane 30% for 20 min, and temperatures measured with thermocouples, HOBO
then placed three thermocouples, one in the mouth, a data loggers, and thermistors, were statistically indis-
second in the cloaca, and the third under the dorsal tinguishable (ANOVA, F3,16 = 0.167, P = 0.918; Barlett
skin at the central part of the back. Temperatures were test for homogeneity of variances, x2 = 0.084, df = 3,
measured at room conditions and after heating epi- P = 0.994). The mean temperatures within this range
sodes of varying lengths, namely 1, 5, 10, and 15 min, were (N = 45): mercury thermometer 17.7 - 1.36 C
in that order. Models and frogs were allowed to attain (Mean + SE); thermocouple: 18.5 + 1.33 C; HOBO1:
room temperature between measurements. 18.39 + 1.43 C, and HOBO2:19.0 + 1.42 C.
The field test compared the temperatures obtained Both agar models and frogs lost water with time
from agar models connected to HOBO data loggers (F,462
= 9.604, P = 0.02). The rates of water loss, as
connected to high accuracy temperature sensors (On- indicated from the comparison of slopes, were com-
set Computer Corporation, accuracy +0.4 C and res- parable in frogs and models (ANCOVA, F,,41^P <

25 0*

a) 20 ?0 / ?
0)0 0
c, 15 @0 %'.
e? e
10 O)~
U. 0 *


12 16 20 24

Agar model temperature (?C)

FIG. 2. Bivariate plot and regression line showing the relationship between agar model temperature and
frog temperature in the field. Data of frog temperature were coupled with the temperature readings from the
agar models that were close in time and space to the real frogs measured (see text for explanations).

0.001). Agar models showed small thermal gradients evation winter specialist) during 10 nights of their
in field tests. The gradients were caused by dorsal peak calling season (February and June respectively).
temperatures only (Scheffe's post-hoc test, P < 0.001), The estimated temperatures were: S. fuscovarius, N =
which were higher than those measured at any other 698, 22.5 + 0.37 C (Mean + SE), Maximum = 27.1 C,
position of the model (central, ventral, anterior, and Minimum = 18.6 C; S. hiemalis N = 243, 12.3 + 0.82
posterior). The differences among dorsal and other C, Maximum = 22.3 C, Minimum = 7.1 C.
temperatures ranged from 1.2 to 1.5 C, whereas other Our data suggest that the overall thermal properties
positions exhibited a maximum average difference of of frogs and agar models are similar. As a result, frogs
only 0.2 C. The effects of artificial radiation on agar and agar models exhibit comparable temperatures in
models and immobilized frogs were virtually identi- the field. We conclude that agar models are appropri-
cal; no interaction involving type (models vs. frogs), ate to estimate the ranges of field body temperatures
time of exposure, and thermocouple position was of small amphibians with "typical" skin permeability.
found to be significant (ANOVA, P > 0.9 for all inter- Departure from the latter assumption (frogs with re-
action terms). At any given thermocouple position the duced skin permeability because of a waxy secretion)
maximum difference in temperature increase between may cause actual body temperatures to be higher than
models and frogs was 0.13 C. those predicted from our models. For such "water
The body temperatures of the 87 frogs measured in proof" species, copper models may be more appro-
the field matched those of agar models. The difference priate. When dealing with species that are active in
between the two data sets was undistinguishable from humid environments, materials other than agar may
zero (mean difference = -0.271 + 0.17 C; t = -1.565, be suitable. For example, in a 48 h test carried out in
df = 86; P = 0.121); furthermore, data on frog and the humid and shaded montane-forest environments
model temperatures were highly correlated (Fig. 2; r used by S. hiemalis we found differences lower than
= 0.93, F1 85 = 551.9, P < 0.001). For heuristic purposes 0.8 C among mean temperatures obtained with plas-
we used the agar model method to estimate and com- tic, plaster, copper, foam, and agar models positioned
pare the activity temperatures of S. fuscovarius (a low sidewise in the field.
elevation summer specialist) and S. hiemalis (a mid el- Some cautions with our method are necessary. A

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sors are available for each data logger, a used model son with "typical" frogs. Herpetologica 47:328-
can be easily replaced by a new, fully hydrated agar 335.
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Acknowledgement.-Financial support to carry out Accepted: 30 January 2000.
this research came from a FAPESP research grant to
C.A. Navas (95/9378-6) and a scientific training FA-
PESP fellowship to C. Araujo. We thank H. Lillywhite
and two anonymous reviewers for insightful com-
Journal Vol.34, No. 2, pp. 334-340,2000
of Herpetology,
ments on the manuscript. Permit to collect animals
Copyright2000Societyfor the Studyof Amphibiansand Reptiles
was granted by IBAMA-Brazil.

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