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GRADES 1 to 12 School Motiong National High Grade Level 10


LOG Teacher Mrs. Annaliza Jacer-Dela Learning Mathematics
Cruz Area
Dates and Time February 19-20, 2024 Quarter 3rd
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
combinatorics and probability.
B. Performance The learner is able to use precise counting technique and
Standard probability in formulating conclusions and making decisions.
C. Learning
Competencies  The learner differentiates permutation from combination of n
Write the LC code objects taken r at a time.
for each
II. CONTENT Difference between Permutation and Combination
A. References
1. Curriculum Guide pp. 57
2. Teacher’s Guide
3. Learners Material pp. 291-317
4. Textbook pages
5. Additional materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Activity 4: Differentiate Me!
lesson or presenting A. Construct a table with 2 columns
the new lesson B. The first column is for the Permutation and the Second
Column is the Combination
C. Write all the characteristics of the Permutation on the first
column, and combination on the second column then give
one example for each terms
D. Below your table, write the difference between permutation
and combination based on your answers.
B. Establishing a Did you find the difference between permutation and combination
purpose for the lesson based on its characteristics?
 Let’s have another activity.
C. Presenting Activity 5: Put Some Order Here
examples/instances of Study the tasks or activities below, and then answer the
the new lesson. questions that follow.
1. Choosing 5 questions to answer out of 10 questions in a test
2. Opening a combination lock
3. Winning in a contest
4. Selecting 7 people to form a Student Affairs Committee
5. Entering the PIN (Personal Identification Number) of your
ATM card
6. Selecting 3 posters to hang out of 6 different posters

A. In which tasks/activities above is order or arrangement
B. In which tasks/activities is order NOT important?
D. Discussing the new Did you correctly identify the given?
concepts and
practicing new skills Now let’s discuss the answers.
Numbers 2,3, and 5 belongs to Letter A, these are the
tasks/activities in which order or arrangement is important while
numbers 1, 4, and 6 belongs to Letter B, in which order or
arrangement is NOT important.

For letter A, these tasks/activities are examples of Permutation

while the tasks/activities in Letter B are examples of

If the order or arrangement matters then it is a Permutation, but if

it does NOT, then it is a combination.
E. Discussing the new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery Activity 6: Think and Explain
(Leads to formative
assessment 3) 1. With our current grading system for the list of academic
awardees, where do you think it belongs? Is it an example of
permutation or combination or both? Explain your answer.
G. Finding practical Think of a life situation where in permutations and combinations
application of are visible.
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalization
and abstraction about How can you identify if the given tasks/activities is an example
the lesson of permutation or combination?
If the order or arrangement matters then it is a
Permutation, but if it does NOT, then it is a combination.

I. Evaluating learning Quiz 4. Identify Me!

Identify if the given task/activity is an example of a
permutation or combination. Write P if it is a Permutation and C
if it is a Combination.

1. Determining top 3 winners in a Science Quiz Bee

2. Choosing 2 household chores to do before dinner
3. Picking 6 balls from a basket of 12 balls
4. Forming a committee of 5 members from 20 people
5. Forming plate numbers of vehicles
6. Selecting fruits to make a salad
7. Selecting 10 questions to answer out of 15 questions in a
8. Assigning telephone numbers to homes
9. Selecting posters to hang in the walls of your room
10. Selecting 5 basketball players out of 10 team members for
the different position

J. Additional activities
for application or
IV. Remarks
Carried ( Y / N ) : ______________
Not Carried ( Y / N ) : _______________
Reason : __________________________

V. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Prepared by: Reviewed and Checked by:


Teacher MT-II, Subject Coordinator


Secondary School Principal IV

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