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B.Tech. (CE/IT/CSE/CSE(AIML) - VI Semester
Soft Computing (PEC-CSD-602)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 75

Note Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four

questions from Part-B.


1. (a) What is the need of mutation? How is it implemented
in Genetic Algorithm? (1.5)
(b) Discuss the structure of s biological neuron. (1.5)
(c) Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised
learning. (1.5)
(d) What are the basic building blocks in Artificial Neural
Network? (1.5)
(e) List the properties of fuzzy sets? (1.5)
(t) Discuss advantages of Genetic Algorithm over
conventional search techniques like hill climbing. (1.5)
(g) What is the difference between Artificial Intelligence
and Computational Intelligence? (1.5)

- .003604/690/111/307 . "'~ [P.T.0.

(h) What do you understand by premature convergence to s. (a) What do you understand by a normal fuzzy set?
solution? (1.5) Define prototype of the set and convex fuzzy set.
,. :: • (i) What encoding scheme should be :used in ordering (7.5)
problems such as TSP in genetic algorithm? (1.5) (b) What is Hebbian learning? Explain. (7.5)
G) Write a brief note\m KNN algorithm for machine
. l~~g:
' •• '
<: ..·, . ,· . ..
,._ .. J. .. 2 .
. .•· .. (1.5)
6. (a) How do you create a fuzzy object in MATLAB?
Explain. (7.5)
PART-B (b) What is an expert system? Discuss the architecture of

2. (a) Explain. the different types of crossover operations in fuzzy expert system. (7.5)
binary encoding in Genetic Algorithm. (7.5)
(b) What is fuzzy relation? Discuss the different operations 7. (a) Explain the back-propagation algorithm and derive the
on fuzzy relations. , _. , , (7 .5) expressions for weight update relations. '(7.5)

(b) What are the basic elements of a fuzzy logic control
system? Give the structure of a fuzzy production rule
3.- • (a) What is the roulette wheel selection in Genetic(t
system·. (7.5)
Algorithm? lliustrate. (7.5)
(b) Write' a note on rule editor of FIS in MATLAB.

4. (a) Give De Morgan's law and Excluded middle laws for

fuzzy sets. . (7.5)
(b) What is meant by an activation function in an artificial
' , I ,, • •

neuron model? Describe the various activation

functiJ~s that ~e einpl~yed. (7 .5)

003604/690/111 /307 2 , , r; ·., .• • 003604/690/111 /307 3

r Sr. No. 009605
B.Tech. (EiC) Re-Appear-VI SEMESTER
Soft Computing (OE-603)
Max. Marks:.75-
Time: 3 Hours
Instructions: '.I,. It is compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks each) of Part -A in short
2. Answer any four questi.ons from Part-Bin detall.
3. Different sub-parts of a question are to be ~ttempted adjacent to each other.


Ql (a) What ·is the difference between Soft Computing and Conventional Artificial (1.5)
Intelligence (Al)techniques? ·
(b) Why are linearly separable problems of interest of neural network (1.5)
(c) Define Normal and sub-normal fuzzy sets (1.5)

(d) Given that x is _sweet with -S(x)=0,8and y is sweet with S(y)=0;6, Fmd-the-fuizy-{l.5l
value of "lf xis Sweet then y is sweetu.
(e) What is meant by "fuzziness of Information"?
_ (1.5)

(f) Suppose a genetic algorithm uses chromosomes of the form x = abcdefgh (1.5)
with a fixed length. How many genes will be used in a chromosome of each
(g) How are the states of the units in a Hopfield model updated? (L5)
(h} Consider a 2-input Sigmoidal unit with a bias. Find the weights so that it (1.5)
functions as AND gate. ·· '·
(i) For an-image recognition problem (such as recognizing a human in a photo), (1.5)
which architecture of neural network has been found to be better suited:for1:he
(D Give name of some popular optimization problems that can be solved using (1.5)
Genetic algorithms.

Q2 (a) Find the resultoffollowinginteival arithmetic operations: (5)

(p) What is meant by partial membership of an element in a fuzzy set ? (5)
( c) What is a Fuzzy lattice? Take a suitable example to show the operations. (5)


Q3 (a) · A 3-input neuron is trained to output a zero when the input is •110 and a one
when the input is 111. After genllralization, the output will be zero when ~nd
only when the input is? · ·
(b) A 4-input neuron has weights 1, 2, 3 and 4. The transfer f'Qnction is linear with (5)
the con.swnt of proportionality being equal to 2. The inputs are 4, 10, ·5 ana 20
respectively. What will be the output?
(c) Elaborate on the different Paradigms of Learning (5)
Q4 Write short notes on : (7)
Applications of Neural Networks.
Genetic Algorithms vs Traditional algorithms (8)

QS (a) What are the capabilities of a Single layer assochlt:i~ neural networks? f7)
Discuss with few example appli~tions.
(b) Discuss the analogy between biological and artificial neural network. (8)

Q6 Consider A(x)={(xl,0.1),(x2,0.2),(x3,0.3),(x4,0.4)}
B(x)= {(xl,o ..;n,(x2,0.3),(x3,0.4),(x4,0.5)} .
(a) Justify Law of excluded Middle and De-Morgan's law on the above sets. (7)
(b) perform the following operations on the above sets. (8)
(i) Union, Intersection, A2 and complement of A(x)
(ii) . The Algebraic sum and the bounded·sum of A(x)-and Bfx)

Q7 Explain the architecture' and training algorithm of Back Propagation network. (-1-5)
Describe the main feature of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and explain the various
operators defined for using GA using suitable exainples.


Explain the working of a fuzzy Controller. Design a • Total Pages: 4

(b) Roll No . ..................... .
system that models the tip .value to be given 4 ·r1: a
Lunch depending on the quality of food served and
service offered. Consider the rating of food and service December 2022
on a scale of 1 to 10. (10) MCA-111 SEMESTER
Soft Computing (MCA-20-205)
7. Implement logical OR function with bipolar inputs and target
using ADALINE network. (15) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 75

Instructions :
1. It is compulsory to answer all the questions ( 1.5 marks
each) of Part-A in short.
2. Answer any four questions from Part-B in detail.
3. Different sub-parts of a question are tq be attemptf:d
adjacent to each other.


1. (a) Define the terms Soma, Axon. (1)

(b) State the importance of Genetic Algorithms. (1)

(c) What is the importance of activation function in ANN?


(d) Define Artificial Neural Network. (1)

(e) List Similarities and Differences between Fuzzy Logic

and Boolean logic. (1)

(t) Compare Biological Neuron and Artificial Neuron on

the criteria of size and complexity. (1)

602303/140/111/193 4 602303/140/111/193 '\\"\ [P.T.O.


(g) Highlight the differences between crossover and
mutation operation performed in Genetic algoriAns. ·•
(c) •
Obtain the output of the neuron with inputs given as
[x 1 x2 x3] = (0.8 0.6 0.4] and weights as [w1 w2 w3]
(1) = [0.1 0.3 - 0.2] and bias = 0.35. (5)

(h) What is the building block of a perception? (1) Find Output for following Activation Functions:
(i) Binary Sigmoidal.
(i) List down few applications of Fuzzy Logic. (1)
(ii) Bipolar Sigmoidal.
(j) What is meant by Core and support of a Fuzzy set?
4. (a) What do you understand by "Hard Computing"? (5)
(b) What are the different types of hybrid Systems that can
PART-B be designed using the Principal Constituents of Soft
Computing? Explain each in brief. (10)
2. (a) Briefly discuss the application areas of Genetic
Algorithm. (5) 5. (a) Explain different methods used for selecting individuals
for reproduction. Justify the statement; GA are used to
(b) Compare and Contrast Genetic Algorithms and
solve optimization problems. (10)
traditional Algorithms.· (5)
(b) Maximize f(x) = x2 for one generation where x can
(c) Consider P = {a, b, c, d}, Q = {l, 2, 3, 4} and (5)
hace binary values in the range (0, 31]. . ( 10)
U = { (a, 0.0), (b, 0.8), (c, 0.6), (d, 1.0)}
6. (a) Consider two fuzzy ·sets as : (5)
V = { (1, 0.2), (2, 1.0),(3, 0.8), (4, 0.0)} .
for fuzzy set ~A: µA ={1(6Q..:.x) I / 8} + 1
W = {(l, 0), (2, 0.4), (3, 1.0), (4, 0.8)}
For fuzzy set ~B: µB = {1(40-x) I/ 8} + 1
Detennine the implication relation : Perform
If p is U then q is V else q is W. (i) Union.
(ii) square of fuzzy set ~B.
3. (a) What is Reinforcement learning? How is it different
(iii) Algebraic -Difference (A-B).
from the other two ways of learning in a neural network?
(iv) Complement of fuzzy set ~A.
(v) Bounded sum of the two fuzzy sets.
(b) Compare Feed-forward and Feedback networks. (5)
602303/140/111/193 2 602303/140/111/193 3
Roll No TotalPages 3

May. 2019
M.Tech. (CE) -
II SEMESTER (Reappear)
Soft Computing (MCSE -17-102)

Time:3 Hours) [Max.Marks 75

I is compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks
each) of Part-A in short.

Answer any four questions from Part-B in detail.

3 Different sub-parts of a question are to be attempted

adjacent to each other

1. a) Explain various types of architectures of ANN. (1.5)
b) Why do require an activation function of a neuron as
differentiable. (1.5)
(c)Why do we require soft computing techniques. (1.5)
(d) What do you mean by discrete and continuous
associative memory (1.5)
e) What are different types of learning in ANN. (1.5)

41821/120/111/430 P.T.O.
crisp set, explain. (1.5) 5. (a) Consider the following fuzzy set A on
(f) A fuzzy set is a super set of
U = {a, b, c, d, e}
(g) Why do we devised extension principle. (1.5)
A = {0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.5. 0.9}
(h) How will you interpret a fuzzy rule. (1.5) Find (i) Level set of A.
i) What are fuzzy numbers. (1.5) (ii) alpha-cuts of set A.
What is lattice of fuzzy numbers. (1.5) (iii) Fuzzy cardinality of A. (9)
(b) How can you synthesis a fuzzy set from a given set

of crisp sets and corresponding alpha values? 6)


2 (a) Explain how a biological neuron is modelled as 6. (a) Apply Max-Min Composition of R followed by S,
computational mechanism. (10) where R and S are two fuzzy relations on UxV and
(b) State Hebb's leaning rule and give learning algorithms VxW respectively.
for Hebb net. (5)
(0.8 0.2 0.5 (0.5 O.1
3. (a) Explain the architecture and the working of McCulloch
R=0.3 0.0 0.9 S=0.6 0.9
Pitts Neuron net to implement the XOR
operations 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.4
(b) Derive the derivation for a single neuron network (b) What are the linguistic variables, explain with help of
Delta-Rule formula. (10) an example?
4. (a) What are associative memories, give learning algorithm 1. (a) Give algorithm for fuzzy inference mechanism. (8)
for Bi-directional Auto Associative (b) Give various operation which you can perform on
Memory (BAM)?
(7) fuzzy numbers? 7)
(b) Develop a
perceptron model to implement an AND
operation, where inputs and outputs are taken as
binary values.

41821/120/111/430 2
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks:60
Note: 1. lt is
compulsory to answer the questions of Part -1. Limit your answers within 20-40
word in this part.
Answer any four questions from Part -2 in detail.
Different parts of the same question are to be attempted adjacent to each other.

Q1 (a) Write the axioms related to t-norm.
(b) Define Alpha-cut. (2)
(c) Describe the concept of attractors. (2)
(d) Describe Gaussian signal function. (2)
(e) Write the axioms related to t-conorm.
()What are the implementation issues of GA.
1 (g) Describe Supervised learning.
(h) Differentiate Bio-logical and Artificial neuron. (2)
0) Differentiate Artificial Inteligence and Artificial Neural Network (2)
0) Explain the significance of Hidden-layer. (2)


Q2 Design fuzzy set to express human age and compute membership function; (10)
also evaluate arithmetic operator "+" and "-"on membership functions.

Q3 Describe back propagation in brief. Take a 2-2-2 (input-hidden-output) neural

network and derive equation for weight connection using back propagation. (10)

Q4 Encode the following vectors in associative memory and retrieve the

associated pattern and compute the hamming distance with the following (10)

Q5 What kind of problems can be solved using Genetic Algorithms (GA)? Describe (10)
how TSP (traveling salesman problem) can be solved using GA.

Q6 Describe Neuro-Fuzzy system, its reasoning and controls in detail. (10)

Q7 Describe the applications of Soft Computing in "Image Processing" and (10)

Robotics and Sensors

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