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SEMESTER 2 2022/2023

Guideline for Industrial Training Student

1. Physical supervision is carried out with the Industry Supervisor and students at the company
registered in the eLI system. Any agreement related to appointment date or which medium to
be used for communication must be made between Faculty Supervisor (PF), Industrial Supervisor (PI)
and Student.
2. Date for Student’s Project Monitoring and Preliminary Internship Report submission is between
17th April - 28th April 2023.
3. Date for Industrial Training Supervision (Assessment) is between 3rd July - 14th July 2023.
4. Student must fill in your personal details in both Industrial Supervisor Assessment Form and Faculty
Supervisor Assessment Form (in Word documents *.docx) which can be downloaded from AUTHOR, then
re-upload the files to the assigned Individual Assignment tab before 15 May 2023.
5. PF will send the Industrial Supervisor Assessment Form (with student’s detail) to PI through direct email.
PI must return the completed form (with the score) via the same medium, i.e., direct email to PF.
Student must update the latest and correct email address of PI to PF.
6. Before the assessment week begins, student must:
(a) Arrange a meeting date and time between both supervisors for you to present your industrial
training project/work.
(b) Fill in your personal details in both Industrial Supervisor Assessment Form and Faculty Supervisor
Assessment Form
(c) Prepare project presentation slide for assessment meeting in (a). Presentation supported by
video, voice slideshow, images, etc. is also allowed based on student’s creativity.
(d) Report all industrial training activities into e-logbook and upload the drafts into Individual
Activities (in AUTHOR) for the period of industrial training commencement date until the
meeting date that has been agreed in (a).
(e) Prepare and complete Industrial Training Final Report and upload the file into AUTHOR.
7. After Industrial Training completion, student must:
(a) Remind PI to complete the Industrial Supervisor Assessment Form and return it via email to PF
on or before 21st July 2023.
(b) Upload a copy of Industrial Training Final Report, presentation slide or video into AUTHOR.
(c) Confirm that e-logbook document that is to be uploaded into AUTHOR must contain 24 weeks log
and the following items:
i. Logbook cover page (can be downloaded from e-LI system)
ii. Industrial Training Completion Declaration Letter (can be downloaded from AUTHOR)
and must be signed and stamped by PI. Company stamp is also accepted.
iii. Confirmation of Assessment by Faculty Supervisor Form (apply this from PF).
iv. Official sick leave letter or certificate (if any)
8. Student is encouraged to share your working experiences in the Industrial Training Final Report. This
sharing is important to get the transition overview of the company.
9. Refer to Student’s Industrial Training Checklist in Attachment 1 for all items to be completed before,
during and after industrial training completion.

Additional Information:

1. Students who commence the training later than the faculty expected date or change company must
complete and submit the Industrial Training Final Report similar with other students (no time extension).
If you have any problem related to the report, kindly contact your PF.
2. Ensure that PI or representative attends the presentation meeting.
3. A complete e-logbook must be submitted at the end of Industrial Training period. Ensure that the logbook
has been signed (by industrial supervisor) and stamped (by industrial supervisor or company) before
submitting it to faculty supervisor.

It is hoped that this guide will help in making the supervision a success. If you have any issues, please
contact our Industrial Training Coordinator, Dr. Muhaini Othman at +6019 7462388 or drop an email to , or Industrial Training Coordinator (BIC), Dr. Cik Feresa Mohd Foozy at +6017 2890749 or
email to .

Thank you and best regards,

Industrial Training Committee

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
5 Mac 2023


SEMESTER 2 2022/2023

Before Industrial Training Assessment

1 Update industrial supervisor’s latest email address to faculty supervisor.

2 Fill in your personal details in both Industrial Supervisor Assessment Form and Faculty
Supervisor Assessment Form and upload the forms into AUTHOR (15th May 2023)
3 Arrange an appointment date (meeting) between faculty supervisor, industrial
supervisor and student; and set the meeting platform (22nd May - 2nd Jun 2023)
4 Complete an Industrial Training Final Report (before 19th - 30th Jun 2023)
5 Submit a softcopy of Industrial Training Final Report to industrial supervisor.
6 Update training activities into e-logbook up to the meeting date and upload the draft
of e-logbook into AUTHOR (before presentation date)
7 Prepare presentation slide or video.

During Industrial Training Assessment

1 Ensure industrial supervisor is present during the presentation (the meeting).

2 Perform Industrial Training report presentation.
3 Submit presentation slide or video to faculty supervisor.

After Industrial Training Assessment

1 Ensure that industrial supervisor has completed the Industrial Supervisor Assessment Form
received via email, and return it via email to faculty supervisor on or before 21st July 23.

2 Upload a complete 24 weeks e-logbook into AUTHOR including the cover page,
Industrial Training Completion Declaration Letter, Confirmation of Assessment by
Faculty Supervisor Form, Work-From-Home permission letter from your company and
sick leave letter (if any) (21st - 25th Aug 2023)
3 Upload copy of the required documents into AUTHOR.

Industrial Training Committee

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

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