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21 Feb 2024

Paths to
Transformation and

To keep ignorance and selfish desires from

bringing lower level rebirth, the Hindus
provided a guide to the paths (marga) of
transformation appropriate for the person
following the model of Bhagavad Gita.

21 Feb 2024

Knowledge that helps a person resolve

immediate problems is one kind of
enlightenment, while knowledge that dispels
the root of ignorance to solve all problems in
one strike is another kind of enlightenment.

As humankind boldly marches forward

expanding its frontiers of knowledge, the
realization is dawning that the more we
discover and learn, the more there is yet to be

21 Feb 2024

The Bhagavad Gita aims at the second kind

of enlightenment by destroying darkness of
ignorance that has enveloped the soul since
endless times.
The purpose of the Bhagavad Gita, above
everything else, is to impart Brahma Vidya,
“The science of knowing the Absolute Truth”.

The Bhagavad Gita is not content with providing

a lofty philosophical understanding; it also
describes clear‐cut techcniques for implementing
spiritual precepts for everyday life.
These techniques of applying science of
spirituality in our lives are termed “Yog” (derived
from Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means to unite
and “Yoga” is it English pronunciation).

21 Feb 2024

The Path of Meditation (Dhayana Yoga)

This path is realized through meditation, looking
inward to find the true self. AUM is the sound used in
meditation for it is considered sacred and said to
encompass all sounds. The letters have meaning‐A is
the waking state, U is the dreaming state and M
symbolizes the deep sleep state which is blissful and
unified. Forms of meditation are called yoga.

21 Feb 2024

The Path of Liberating Knowledge (Jnana Yoga)

 Jnana Yoga, often referred to as the “Path of
Knowledge,” is one of the four primary paths of
yoga. Rooted in profound philosophical inquiry.
 Jnana Yoga encourages seekers to explore the
nature of reality, self, and the universe through the
lens of wisdom and discernment. This path
recognizes that true knowledge is the key to
liberation and self‐realization.

The Path of Action \Path of Good Works (Karma-

 Path of Selfless Action
 Karma Yoga stands as a powerful path that teaches
us that selfless actions are not only a means of
serving others but also a transformative journey
toward spiritual awakening. It is a path of purity,
where individuals strive to purify their hearts and
minds, transcending the ego’s limitations, and
ultimately realizing their unity with the Divine.

21 Feb 2024

The Path of Devotion (Bhakti- Yoga)

Bhakti Yoga, often referred to as the “Path of

Devotion,” .
 Rooted in unwavering love, devotion, and
surrender, Bhakti Yoga is a heartfelt journey
towards oneness with the Divine. It recognizes
that the purest form of devotion can lead to the
ultimate union with the Supreme.

Represents different forms of Brahman. The role of these gods and

goddesses, therefore, is to help people find the universal God.
1. Hindu God Brahma is the creator of
the universe. The Vedas are attributed
to Brahma. Not to be confused with
Brahman who is the supreme being.
Brahma forms one of the Hindu Trinity
known as "Trimurti" together with
Vishnu and Shiva.

21 Feb 2024

2. Vishnu is the preserver and protector of

creation. This God is the embodiment of mercy
and goodness. Vishnu is the self‐existent, all‐
pervading power that preserves the universe
and maintains cosmic order.

3. The God of the yogis, the destroyer of the world.

Shiva is responsible for change in the form of
death and destruction. All that has a beginning
by necessity must have an end. The power of
destruction associated with Lord Shiva has great
purifying power.

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