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1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html lang="en">
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="UTF-8" />
5 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
6 <title>Your HTML Page</title>
8 <!-- Link your external JavaScript file -->
9 <script src="script.js" defer></script>
10 </head>
11 <body>
12 <h4>
13 1. Write a JavaScript program to display the current day and time in the
14 following format. Sample Output : Today is : Tuesday. Current time is : 10
15 PM : 30 : 38
16 </h4>
17 <!-- Your HTML content goes here -->
18 <div id="currentDayAndTime"></div>
20 <script>
21 // Your JavaScript code goes here
22 function getCurrentDayAndTime() {
23 // Days of the week
24 const daysOfWeek = [
25 "Sunday",
26 "Monday",
27 "Tuesday",
28 "Wednesday",
29 "Thursday",
30 "Friday",
31 "Saturday",
32 ];
34 // Get current date and time
35 const currentDate = new Date();
36 const currentDay = daysOfWeek[currentDate.getDay()]; // Get day of the week
38 // Get current time
39 let hours = currentDate.getHours();
40 const ampm = hours >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
41 hours = hours % 12 || 12; // Convert 24-hour format to 12-hour format
42 const minutes = currentDate.getMinutes();
43 const seconds = currentDate.getSeconds();
45 // Format the time components with leading zeros if needed
46 const formattedTime = `${hours} ${ampm} : ${
47 minutes < 10 ? "0" : ""
48 }${minutes} : ${seconds < 10 ? "0" : ""}${seconds}`;
50 // Display the result in the element with id "currentDayAndTime"
51 const resultElement = document.getElementById("currentDayAndTime");
52 resultElement.innerHTML = `Today is: ${currentDay}. Current time is:
53 }
55 // Call the function to display the current day and time
56 getCurrentDayAndTime();

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57 </script>
59 <hr />
61 <h4>
62 2. Write a JavaScript program to print the contents of the current window.
63 </h4>
64 <script>
65 // Your JavaScript code goes here
66 function printWindowContents() {
67 window.print();
68 }
69 </script>
71 <button onclick="printWindowContents()">Print Window Contents</button>
72 <hr />
74 <h4>
75 3.Write a JavaScript program to get the current date. Expected Output
76 :mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy
77 </h4>
78 <button onclick="getCurrentDate('mm-dd-yyyy')">mm-dd-yyyy</button>
79 <button onclick="getCurrentDate('mm/dd/yyyy')">mm/dd/yyyy</button>
80 <button onclick="getCurrentDate('dd-mm-yyyy')">dd-mm-yyyy</button>
81 <button onclick="getCurrentDate('dd/mm/yyyy')">dd/mm/yyyy</button>
83 <script>
84 // Your JavaScript code goes here
85 function getCurrentDate(format) {
86 const currentDate = new Date();
88 const day = currentDate.getDate();
89 const month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1; // Months are zero-indexed, so we add
90 const year = currentDate.getFullYear();
92 // Format the date based on the provided format
93 switch (format) {
94 case "mm-dd-yyyy":
95 alert(
96 `${month < 10 ? "0" : ""}${month}-${
97 day < 10 ? "0" : ""
98 }${day}-${year}`
99 );
100 break;
101 case "mm/dd/yyyy":
102 alert(
103 `${month < 10 ? "0" : ""}${month}/${
104 day < 10 ? "0" : ""
105 }${day}/${year}`
106 );
107 break;
108 case "dd-mm-yyyy":
109 alert(
110 `${day < 10 ? "0" : ""}${day}-${
111 month < 10 ? "0" : ""
112 }${month}-${year}`
113 );
114 break;
115 case "dd/mm/yyyy":

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116 alert(
117 `${day < 10 ? "0" : ""}${day}/${
118 month < 10 ? "0" : ""
119 }${month}/${year}`
120 );
121 break;
122 default:
123 alert("Invalid date format specified.");
124 }
125 }
126 </script>
127 <hr />
128 <h4>
129 4. Write a JavaScript program to find the area of a triangle where lengths
130 of the three of its sides are 5, 6, 7.
131 </h4>
132 <button onclick="calculateAndDisplayArea()">Calculate Area</button>
134 <p id="result"></p>
136 <script>
137 // Your JavaScript code goes here
138 function calculateTriangleArea(a, b, c) {
139 // Calculate the semi-perimeter
140 const s = (a + b + c) / 2;
142 // Calculate the area using Heron's formula
143 const area = Math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));
145 return area;
146 }
148 function calculateAndDisplayArea() {
149 // Given side lengths of the triangle
150 const sideA = 5;
151 const sideB = 6;
152 const sideC = 7;
154 // Calculate the area
155 const triangleArea = calculateTriangleArea(sideA, sideB, sideC);
157 // Display the result
158 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
159 resultElement.textContent = `The area of the triangle with sides ${sideA},
${sideB}, ${sideC} is: ${triangleArea}`;
160 }
161 </script>
162 <hr />
164 <h4>
165 5. Write a JavaScript program to rotate the string 'The InfoMatrix Digital
166 Services' in right direction by periodically removing one letter from the
167 end of the string and attaching it to the front
168 </h4>
170 <p id="rotatedString"></p>
172 <script>
173 // Your JavaScript code goes here
174 function rotateString(str) {

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175 // Rotate the string to the right by removing one letter from the end and
attaching it to the front
176 const rotatedString =
177 str.charAt(str.length - 1) + str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
178 return rotatedString;
179 }
181 // Initial string
182 const originalString = "The InfoMatrix Digital Services";
184 // Display the initial string
185 document.getElementById(
186 "rotatedString"
187 ).textContent = `Original String: ${originalString}`;
189 // Rotate the string every second (adjust the interval as needed)
190 setInterval(function () {
191 // Rotate the string
192 const rotatedString = rotateString(originalString);
194 // Display the rotated string
195 document.getElementById(
196 "rotatedString"
197 ).textContent = `Rotated String: ${rotatedString}`;
199 // Update the original string for the next rotation
200 originalString = rotatedString;
201 }, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
202 </script>
203 <hr />
205 <h4>
206 6.Write a JavaScript program to determine whether a given year is a leap
207 year in the Gregorian calendar.
208 </h4>
210 <p>Enter a year to check if it's a leap year:</p>
211 <input type="number" id="yearInput" placeholder="Enter year" />
212 <button onclick="checkLeapYear()">Check</button>
214 <p id="result1"></p>
216 <script>
217 // Your JavaScript code goes here
218 function isLeapYear(year) {
219 // Leap year conditions in the Gregorian calendar
220 if ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0) {
221 return true;
222 } else {
223 return false;
224 }
225 }
227 function checkLeapYear() {
228 // Get the input year from the user
229 const inputYear = document.getElementById("yearInput").value;
231 // Check if it's a leap year
232 if (isLeapYear(inputYear)) {
233 document.getElementById(

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234 "result1"
235 ).textContent = `${inputYear} is a leap year.`;
236 } else {
237 document.getElementById(
238 "result1"
239 ).textContent = `${inputYear} is not a leap year.`;
240 }
241 }
242 </script>
244 <h4>
245 7.Write a JavaScript program to find 1st January is being a Sunday between
246 2014 and 2050?
247 </h4>
248 <ul id="sundayYears"></ul>
250 <script>
251 // Your JavaScript code goes here
252 function findSundayYears() {
253 const sundayYearsList = document.getElementById("sundayYears");
254 sundayYearsList.innerHTML = ""; // Clear previous results
256 for (let year = 2014; year <= 2050; year++) {
257 const januaryFirst = new Date(year, 0, 1); // Month is zero-indexed (0 =
259 // Check if January 1st is a Sunday (getDay() returns 0 for Sunday)
260 if (januaryFirst.getDay() === 0) {
261 const listItem = document.createElement("li");
262 listItem.textContent = year;
263 sundayYearsList.appendChild(listItem);
264 }
265 }
266 }
268 // Find and display years where January 1st is a Sunday
269 findSundayYears();
270 </script>
271 <hr />
273 <h4>
274 8. Write a JavaScript program where the program takes a random integer
275 between 1 to 10, the user is then prompted to input a guess number. If the
276 user input matches with guess number, the program will display a message
277 "Good Work" otherwise display a message "Not matched".
278 </h4>
279 <h6 id="gameTitle">Number Guessing Game</h6>
281 <button id="guessButton">Guess a Number</button>
283 <script id="gameScript">
284 // Your JavaScript code goes here
285 function playNumberGuessingGame() {
286 // Generate a random integer between 1 and 10
287 const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
289 // Prompt the user to input a guess number
290 const userGuess = prompt("Guess a number between 1 and 10:");
292 // Check if the user's guess matches the random number

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293 if (userGuess !== null) {
294 // Check if the user clicked Cancel
295 const guessNumber = parseInt(userGuess, 10);
297 if (!isNaN(guessNumber)) {
298 if (guessNumber === randomNumber) {
299 alert("Good Work! You guessed the correct number.");
300 } else {
301 alert(`Not matched. The correct number was ${randomNumber}.`);
302 }
303 } else {
304 alert("Please enter a valid number.");
305 }
306 }
307 }
309 // Assign a click event to the button to trigger the game
310 const guessButton = document.getElementById("guessButton");
311 guessButton.addEventListener("click", playNumberGuessingGame);
312 </script>
314 <hr />
315 <h4>
316 9. Write a JavaScript program to calculate days left until next Christmas.
317 </h4>
319 <p id="daysLeft"></p>
321 <script>
322 // Your JavaScript code goes here
323 function calculateDaysUntilChristmas() {
324 // Get the current date
325 const currentDate = new Date();
327 // Get the next Christmas date
328 const nextChristmas = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), 11, 25); // Month is
zero-indexed (11 = December)
330 // If Christmas has already passed this year, set it to next year
331 if (currentDate > nextChristmas) {
332 nextChristmas.setFullYear(currentDate.getFullYear() + 1);
333 }
335 // Calculate the difference in days
336 const timeDifference = nextChristmas - currentDate;
337 const daysLeft = Math.ceil(timeDifference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
339 // Display the result
340 const daysLeftElement = document.getElementById("daysLeft");
341 daysLeftElement.textContent = `Days left until Christmas: ${daysLeft} days`;
342 }
344 // Calculate and display days until Christmas when the page loads
345 calculateDaysUntilChristmas();
346 </script>
348 <hr />
350 <h4>
351 10.Write a JavaScript program to calculate multiplication and division of

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352 two numbers (input from user). a. Sample form :
353 </h4>
354 <form id="calculatorForm">
355 <label for="number1">Enter Number 1:</label>
356 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
358 <label for="number2">Enter Number 2:</label>
359 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
361 <button type="button" onclick="calculate()">Calculate</button>
362 </form>
364 <p id="result2"></p>
366 <script>
367 // Your JavaScript code goes here
368 function calculate() {
369 // Get user input
370 const number1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number1").value);
371 const number2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number2").value);
373 // Check if the input is valid
374 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
375 // Perform multiplication and division
376 const multiplicationResult = number1 * number2;
377 const divisionResult = number1 / number2;
379 // Display the results
380 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result2");
381 resultElement.textContent = `Multiplication Result: ${multiplicationResult},
Division Result: ${divisionResult}`;
382 } else {
383 alert("Please enter valid numbers.");
384 }
385 }
386 </script>
387 <hr />
389 <h4>
390 11. Write a JavaScript program to convert temperatures to and from
391 Celsius, Fahrenheit. [ Formula : c/5 = (f-32)/9 [ where c = temperature in
392 Celsius and f = temperature in Fahrenheit ] Expected Output : 60°C is 140
393 °F 45°F is 7.222222222222222°C
394 </h4>
395 <form id="converterForm">
396 <label for="temperature">Enter Temperature:</label>
397 <input type="number" id="temperature" required />
399 <label for="unit">Select Unit:</label>
400 <select id="unit" required>
401 <option value="celsius">Celsius</option>
402 <option value="fahrenheit">Fahrenheit</option>
403 </select>
405 <button type="button" onclick="convertTemperature()">Convert</button>
406 </form>
408 <p id="result3"></p>
410 <script>

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411 // Your JavaScript code goes here
412 function convertTemperature() {
413 // Get user input
414 const temperature = parseFloat(
415 document.getElementById("temperature").value
416 );
417 const unit = document.getElementById("unit").value;
419 // Check if the input is valid
420 if (!isNaN(temperature)) {
421 // Convert temperature based on the selected unit
422 let convertedTemperature;
423 let resultUnit;
425 if (unit === "celsius") {
426 convertedTemperature = (temperature * 9) / 5 + 32;
427 resultUnit = "Fahrenheit";
428 } else {
429 convertedTemperature = ((temperature - 32) * 5) / 9;
430 resultUnit = "Celsius";
431 }
433 // Display the result
434 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result3");
435 resultElement.textContent = `${temperature}°${
436 unit.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + unit.slice(1)
437 } is ${convertedTemperature.toFixed(2)} °${resultUnit}`;
438 } else {
439 alert("Please enter a valid temperature.");
440 }
441 }
442 </script>
443 <hr />
445 <h4>
446 12.Write a JavaScript program to get the website URL (loading page).
447 </h4>
448 <p id="urlDisplay"></p>
450 <script>
451 // Your JavaScript code goes here
452 function displayURL() {
453 // Get the current URL
454 const currentURL = window.location.href;
456 // Display the URL
457 const urlDisplayElement = document.getElementById("urlDisplay");
458 urlDisplayElement.textContent = `Website URL: ${currentURL}`;
459 }
461 // Call the function when the page loads
462 displayURL();
463 </script>
464 <hr />
466 <h4>
467 13. Write a JavaScript exercise to create a variable using a user-defined
468 name.
469 </h4>
470 <form id="variableForm">

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471 <label for="variableName">Enter Variable Name:</label>
472 <input type="text" id="variableName" required />
474 <label for="variableValue">Enter Variable Value:</label>
475 <input type="text" id="variableValue" required />
477 <button type="button" onclick="createVariable()">Create Variable</button>
478 </form>
480 <p id="result4"></p>
482 <script>
483 // Your JavaScript code goes here
484 function createVariable() {
485 // Get user input for variable name and value
486 const variableName = document.getElementById("variableName").value;
487 const variableValue = document.getElementById("variableValue").value;
489 // Check if the input is valid
490 if (variableName.trim() !== "") {
491 // Create an object to simulate a variable with a user-defined name
492 const userDefinedVariable = {};
493 userDefinedVariable[variableName] = variableValue;
495 // Display the result
496 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result4");
497 resultElement.textContent = `Variable ${variableName} created with value:
498 } else {
499 alert("Please enter a valid variable name.");
500 }
501 }
502 </script>
503 <hr />
505 <h4>14. Write a JavaScript exercise to get the extension of a filename.</h4>
506 <form id="extensionForm">
507 <label for="filename">Enter Filename:</label>
508 <input type="text" id="filename" required />
510 <button type="button" onclick="getFileExtension()">Get Extension</button>
511 </form>
513 <p id="result5"></p>
515 <script>
516 // Your JavaScript code goes here
517 function getFileExtension() {
518 // Get user input for filename
519 const filename = document.getElementById("filename").value;
521 // Check if the input is not empty
522 if (filename.trim() !== "") {
523 // Use a regular expression to extract the file extension
524 const fileExtension = filename.split(".").pop();
526 // Display the result
527 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result5");
528 resultElement.textContent = `File extension: ${fileExtension}`;
529 } else {

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530 alert("Please enter a valid filename.");
531 }
532 }
533 </script>
534 <hr />
536 <h4>
537 15. Write a JavaScript program to get the difference between a given
538 number and 13, if the number is greater than 13 return double the absolute
539 difference.
540 </h4>
541 <form id="differenceForm">
542 <label for="inputNumber">Enter a Number:</label>
543 <input type="number" id="inputNumber" required />
545 <button type="button" onclick="calculateDifference()">
546 Calculate Difference
547 </button>
548 </form>
550 <p id="result6"></p>
552 <script>
553 // Your JavaScript code goes here
554 function calculateDifference() {
555 // Get user input
556 const inputNumber = parseFloat(
557 document.getElementById("inputNumber").value
558 );
560 // Check if the input is valid
561 if (!isNaN(inputNumber)) {
562 // Calculate the difference
563 const difference = Math.abs(inputNumber - 13);
565 // If the number is greater than 13, return double the absolute difference
566 const result = inputNumber > 13 ? difference * 2 : difference;
568 // Display the result
569 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result6");
570 resultElement.textContent = `The calculated difference is: ${result}`;
571 } else {
572 alert("Please enter a valid number.");
573 }
574 }
575 </script>
576 <hr />
578 <h4>
579 16. Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of the two given
580 integers. If the two values are same, then returns triple their sum.
581 </h4>
582 <form id="sumForm">
583 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
584 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
586 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
587 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
589 <button type="button" onclick="computeSum()">Compute Sum</button>

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590 </form>
592 <p id="result7"></p>
594 <script>
595 // Your JavaScript code goes here
596 function computeSum() {
597 // Get user input for two integers
598 const integer1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
599 const integer2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
601 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
602 if (!isNaN(integer1) && !isNaN(integer2)) {
603 // Calculate the sum
604 const sum = integer1 + integer2;
606 // If the two values are the same, return triple their sum
607 const result = integer1 === integer2 ? sum * 3 : sum;
609 // Display the result
610 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result7");
611 resultElement.textContent = `The computed sum is: ${result}`;
612 } else {
613 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
614 }
615 }
616 </script>
617 <hr />
619 <h4>
620 17. Write a JavaScript program to compute the absolute difference between
621 a specified number and 19. Returns triple their absolute difference if the
622 specified number is greater than 19.
623 </h4>
624 <form id="differenceForm">
625 <label for="specifiedNumber">Enter a Number:</label>
626 <input type="number" id="specifiedNumber" required />
628 <button type="button" onclick="computeAbsoluteDifference()">
629 Compute Absolute Difference
630 </button>
631 </form>
633 <p id="result8"></p>
635 <script>
636 // Your JavaScript code goes here
637 function computeAbsoluteDifference() {
638 // Get user input for a specified number
639 const specifiedNumber = parseFloat(
640 document.getElementById("specifiedNumber").value
641 );
643 // Check if the input is a valid number
644 if (!isNaN(specifiedNumber)) {
645 // Calculate the absolute difference
646 const absoluteDifference = Math.abs(specifiedNumber - 19);
648 // If the specified number is greater than 19, return triple their absolute

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649 const result =
650 specifiedNumber > 19 ? absoluteDifference * 3 : absoluteDifference;
652 // Display the result
653 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result8");
654 resultElement.textContent = `The computed absolute difference is: ${result}`;
655 } else {
656 alert("Please enter a valid number.");
657 }
658 }
659 </script>
660 <hr />
662 <h4>
663 18. Write a JavaScript program to check two given numbers and return true
664 if one of the number is 50 or if their sum is 50.
665 </h4>
666 <form id="numberForm">
667 <label for="number1">Enter Number 1:</label>
668 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
670 <label for="number2">Enter Number 2:</label>
671 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
673 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumbers()">Check Numbers</button>
674 </form>
676 <p id="result9"></p>
678 <script>
679 // Your JavaScript code goes here
680 function checkNumbers() {
681 // Get user input for two numbers
682 const number1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number1").value);
683 const number2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number2").value);
685 // Check if the inputs are valid numbers
686 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
687 // Check if one of the numbers is 50 or if their sum is 50
688 const result =
689 number1 === 50 || number2 === 50 || number1 + number2 === 50;
691 // Display the result
692 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result9");
693 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
694 } else {
695 alert("Please enter valid numbers.");
696 }
697 }
698 </script>
699 <hr />
701 <h4>
702 19. Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given integer is within
703 20 of 100 or 400.
704 </h4>
705 <form id="integerForm">
706 <label for="inputNumber">Enter an Integer:</label>
707 <input type="number" id="inputNumber" required />

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709 <button type="button" onclick="checkInteger()">Check Integer</button>
710 </form>
712 <p id="result10"></p>
714 <script>
715 // Your JavaScript code goes here
716 function checkInteger() {
717 // Get user input for an integer
718 const inputNumber = parseInt(
719 document.getElementById("inputNumber").value
720 );
722 // Check if the input is a valid integer
723 if (!isNaN(inputNumber)) {
724 // Check if the integer is within 20 of 100 or 400
725 const result =
726 Math.abs(100 - inputNumber) <= 20 ||
727 Math.abs(400 - inputNumber) <= 20;
729 // Display the result
730 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result10");
731 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
732 } else {
733 alert("Please enter a valid integer.");
734 }
735 }
736 </script>
737 <hr />
738 <h4>
739 20. Write a JavaScript program to check from two given integers, whether
740 one is positive and another one is negative.
741 </h4>
742 <form id="integerForm">
743 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
744 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
746 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
747 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
749 <button type="button" onclick="checkIntegers()">Check Integers</button>
750 </form>
752 <p id="result11"></p>
754 <script>
755 // Your JavaScript code goes here
756 function checkIntegers() {
757 // Get user input for two integers
758 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
759 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
761 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
762 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
763 // Check if one integer is positive and the other is negative
764 const result =
765 (number1 > 0 && number2 < 0) || (number1 < 0 && number2 > 0);
767 // Display the result
768 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result11");

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769 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
770 } else {
771 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
772 }
773 }
774 </script>
775 <hr />
777 <h4>
778 21. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string adding "Py" in front
779 of a given string. If the given string begins with "Py" then return the
780 original string.
781 </h4>
782 <form id="stringForm">
783 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
784 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
786 <button type="button" onclick="modifyString()">Modify String</button>
787 </form>
789 <p id="result12"></p>
791 <script>
792 // Your JavaScript code goes here
793 function modifyString() {
794 // Get user input for a string
795 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
797 // Check if the input is not empty
798 if (inputString.trim() !== "") {
799 // Check if the string begins with "Py"
800 const result = inputString.startsWith("Py")
801 ? inputString
802 : "Py" + inputString;
804 // Display the result
805 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result12");
806 resultElement.textContent = `The modified string is: ${result}`;
807 } else {
808 alert("Please enter a valid string.");
809 }
810 }
811 </script>
812 <hr />
814 <h4>
815 22. Write a JavaScript program to remove a character at the specified
816 position of a given string and return the new string
817 </h4>
819 <form id="stringForm">
820 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
821 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
823 <label for="position">Enter Position to Remove:</label>
824 <input type="number" id="position" required />
826 <button type="button" onclick="removeCharacter()">
827 Remove Character
828 </button>

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829 </form>
831 <p id="result13"></p>
833 <script>
834 // Your JavaScript code goes here
835 function removeCharacter() {
836 // Get user input for a string and position
837 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
838 const position = parseInt(document.getElementById("position").value);
840 // Check if the inputs are valid
841 if (inputString.trim() !== "" && !isNaN(position)) {
842 // Check if the position is within the string length
843 if (position >= 0 && position < inputString.length) {
844 // Remove the character at the specified position
845 const result =
846 inputString.slice(0, position) + inputString.slice(position + 1);
848 // Display the result
849 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result13");
850 resultElement.textContent = `The modified string is: ${result}`;
851 } else {
852 alert("Please enter a valid position within the string length.");
853 }
854 } else {
855 alert("Please enter valid string and position.");
856 }
857 }
858 </script>
859 <hr />
861 <h4>
862 23. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string from a given string
863 changing the position of first and last characters. The string length must
864 be greater than or equal to 1.
865 </h4>
866 <form id="stringForm">
867 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
868 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
870 <button type="button" onclick="changeFirstAndLast()">
871 Change First and Last
872 </button>
873 </form>
875 <p id="result14"></p>
877 <script>
878 // Your JavaScript code goes here
879 function changeFirstAndLast() {
880 // Get user input for a string
881 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
883 // Check if the input is not empty
884 if (inputString.trim() !== "") {
885 // Check if the string length is greater than or equal to 1
886 if (inputString.length >= 1) {
887 // Change the position of the first and last characters
888 const result =

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889 inputString.charAt(inputString.length - 1) +
890 inputString.slice(1, -1) +
891 inputString.charAt(0);
893 // Display the result
894 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result14");
895 resultElement.textContent = `The modified string is: ${result}`;
896 } else {
897 alert(
898 "Please enter a string with length greater than or equal to 1."
899 );
900 }
901 } else {
902 alert("Please enter a valid string.");
903 }
904 }
905 </script>
906 <hr />
908 <h4>
909 24. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string from a given string
910 with the first character of the given string added at the front and back.
911 </h4>
912 <form id="stringForm">
913 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
914 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
916 <button type="button" onclick="addFirstCharacter()">
917 Add First Character
918 </button>
919 </form>
921 <p id="result15"></p>
923 <script>
924 // Your JavaScript code goes here
925 function addFirstCharacter() {
926 // Get user input for a string
927 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
929 // Check if the input is not empty
930 if (inputString.trim() !== "") {
931 // Get the first character of the given string
932 const firstCharacter = inputString.charAt(0);
934 // Create a new string with the first character added at the front and back
935 const result = firstCharacter + inputString + firstCharacter;
937 // Display the result
938 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result15");
939 resultElement.textContent = `The modified string is: ${result}`;
940 } else {
941 alert("Please enter a valid string.");
942 }
943 }
944 </script>
945 <hr />
947 <h4>
948 25. Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given positive number is

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949 a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 7.
950 </h4>
951 <form id="numberForm">
952 <label for="inputNumber">Enter a Positive Number:</label>
953 <input type="number" id="inputNumber" required />
955 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumber()">Check Number</button>
956 </form>
958 <p id="result16"></p>
960 <script>
961 // Your JavaScript code goes here
962 function checkNumber() {
963 // Get user input for a positive number
964 const inputNumber = parseFloat(
965 document.getElementById("inputNumber").value
966 );
968 // Check if the input is a valid positive number
969 if (!isNaN(inputNumber) && inputNumber > 0) {
970 // Check if the number is a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 7
971 const result = inputNumber % 3 === 0 || inputNumber % 7 === 0;
973 // Display the result
974 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result16");
975 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
976 } else {
977 alert("Please enter a valid positive number.");
978 }
979 }
980 </script>
981 <hr />
983 <h4>
984 26. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string from a given string
985 taking the last 3 characters and added at both the front and back. The
986 string length must be 3 or more.
987 </h4>
988 <form id="stringForm">
989 <label for="inputString">Enter a String (3 or more characters):</label>
990 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
992 <button type="button" onclick="modifyString()">Modify String</button>
993 </form>
995 <p id="result17"></p>
997 <script>
998 // Your JavaScript code goes here
999 function modifyString() {
1000 // Get user input for a string
1001 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
1003 // Check if the string length is 3 or more
1004 if (inputString.length >= 3) {
1005 // Take the last 3 characters and add them at both the front and back
1006 const lastThreeCharacters = inputString.slice(-3);
1007 const result =
1008 lastThreeCharacters + inputString + lastThreeCharacters;

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1010 // Display the result
1011 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result17");
1012 resultElement.textContent = `The modified string is: ${result}`;
1013 } else {
1014 alert("Please enter a string with length 3 or more.");
1015 }
1016 }
1017 </script>
1018 <hr />
1020 <h4>
1021 27. Write a JavaScript program to check whether a string starts with
1022 'Java' and false otherwise.
1023 </h4>
1025 <form id="stringForm">
1026 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
1027 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
1029 <button type="button" onclick="checkString()">Check String</button>
1030 </form>
1032 <p id="result18"></p>
1034 <script>
1035 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1036 function checkString() {
1037 // Get user input for a string
1038 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
1040 // Check if the string starts with 'Java'
1041 const result = inputString.startsWith("Java");
1043 // Display the result
1044 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result18");
1045 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
1046 }
1047 </script>
1048 <hr />
1050 <h4>
1051 28. Write a JavaScript program to check whether two given integer values
1052 are in the range 50..99 (inclusive). Return true if either of them are in
1053 the said range.
1054 </h4>
1055 <form id="numberForm">
1056 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
1057 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1059 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
1060 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1062 <button type="button" onclick="checkRange()">Check Range</button>
1063 </form>
1065 <p id="result19"></p>
1067 <script>
1068 // Your JavaScript code goes here

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1069 function checkRange() {
1070 // Get user input for two integers
1071 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1072 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1074 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
1075 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
1076 // Check if either of the numbers is in the range 50..99 (inclusive)
1077 const result =
1078 (number1 >= 50 && number1 <= 99) ||
1079 (number2 >= 50 && number2 <= 99);
1081 // Display the result
1082 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result19");
1083 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
1084 } else {
1085 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
1086 }
1087 }
1088 </script>
1089 <hr />
1091 <h4>
1092 29. Write a JavaScript program to check whether three given integer values
1093 are in the range 50..99 (inclusive). Return true if one or more of them
1094 are in the said range.
1095 </h4>
1096 <form id="numberForm">
1097 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
1098 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1100 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
1101 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1103 <label for="number3">Enter Integer 3:</label>
1104 <input type="number" id="number3" required />
1106 <button type="button" onclick="checkRange()">Check Range</button>
1107 </form>
1109 <p id="result20"></p>
1111 <script>
1112 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1113 function checkRange() {
1114 // Get user input for three integers
1115 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1116 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1117 const number3 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number3").value);
1119 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
1120 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2) && !isNaN(number3)) {
1121 // Check if one or more of the numbers is in the range 50..99 (inclusive)
1122 const result =
1123 (number1 >= 50 && number1 <= 99) ||
1124 (number2 >= 50 && number2 <= 99) ||
1125 (number3 >= 50 && number3 <= 99);
1127 // Display the result
1128 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result20");

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1129 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
1130 } else {
1131 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
1132 }
1133 }
1134 </script>
1135 <hr />
1137 <h4>
1138 30. Write a JavaScript program to check whether a string "Script" presents
1139 at 5th (index 4) position in a given string, if "Script" presents in the
1140 string return the string without "Script" otherwise return the original
1141 one.
1142 </h4>
1143 <form id="stringForm">
1144 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
1145 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
1147 <button type="button" onclick="checkString()">Check String</button>
1148 </form>
1150 <p id="result21"></p>
1152 <script>
1153 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1154 function checkString() {
1155 // Get user input for a string
1156 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
1158 // Check if "Script" is present at the 5th position
1159 const result =
1160 inputString.length >= 5 && inputString.slice(4, 10) === "Script"
1161 ? inputString.slice(0, 4) + inputString.slice(10)
1162 : inputString;
1164 // Display the result
1165 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result21");
1166 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
1167 }
1168 </script>
1169 <hr />
1171 <h4>
1172 31. Write a JavaScript program to find the largest of three given
1173 integers.
1174 </h4>
1175 <form id="integerForm">
1176 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
1177 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1179 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
1180 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1182 <label for="number3">Enter Integer 3:</label>
1183 <input type="number" id="number3" required />
1185 <button type="button" onclick="findLargest()">Find Largest</button>
1186 </form>
1188 <p id="result22"></p>

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1190 <script>
1191 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1192 function findLargest() {
1193 // Get user input for three integers
1194 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1195 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1196 const number3 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number3").value);
1198 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
1199 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2) && !isNaN(number3)) {
1200 // Find the largest of the three integers
1201 const largest = Math.max(number1, number2, number3);
1203 // Display the result
1204 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result22");
1205 resultElement.textContent = `The largest integer is: ${largest}`;
1206 } else {
1207 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
1208 }
1209 }
1210 </script>
1211 <hr />
1213 <h4>
1214 32. Write a JavaScript program to find a value which is nearest to 100
1215 from two different given integer values.
1216 </h4>
1217 <form id="integerForm">
1218 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
1219 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1221 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
1222 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1224 <button type="button" onclick="findNearest()">Find Nearest to 100</button>
1225 </form>
1227 <p id="result23"></p>
1229 <script>
1230 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1231 function findNearest() {
1232 // Get user input for two integers
1233 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1234 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1236 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
1237 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
1238 // Find the value nearest to 100
1239 const nearestValue = findNearestTo100(number1, number2);
1241 // Display the result
1242 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result23");
1243 resultElement.textContent = `The value nearest to 100 is: ${nearestValue}`;
1244 } else {
1245 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
1246 }
1247 }

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1249 function findNearestTo100(num1, num2) {
1250 // Calculate the absolute differences from 100
1251 const diff1 = Math.abs(num1 - 100);
1252 const diff2 = Math.abs(num2 - 100);
1254 // Determine which value is nearest to 100
1255 if (diff1 < diff2) {
1256 return num1;
1257 } else if (diff2 < diff1) {
1258 return num2;
1259 } else {
1260 // If both differences are equal, return either value
1261 return num1;
1262 }
1263 }
1264 </script>
1265 <hr />
1267 <h4>
1268 33. Write a JavaScript program to check whether two numbers are in range
1269 40..60 or in the range 70..100 inclusive.
1270 </h4>
1271 <form id="numberForm">
1272 <label for="number1">Enter Number 1:</label>
1273 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1275 <label for="number2">Enter Number 2:</label>
1276 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1278 <button type="button" onclick="checkRange()">Check Range</button>
1279 </form>
1281 <p id="result24"></p>
1283 <script>
1284 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1285 function checkRange() {
1286 // Get user input for two numbers
1287 const number1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1288 const number2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1290 // Check if the inputs are valid numbers
1291 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
1292 // Check if either of the numbers is in the range 40..60 or in the range
70..100 inclusive
1293 const result =
1294 (number1 >= 40 && number1 <= 60) ||
1295 (number1 >= 70 && number1 <= 100) ||
1296 (number2 >= 40 && number2 <= 60) ||
1297 (number2 >= 70 && number2 <= 100);
1299 // Display the result
1300 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result24");
1301 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
1302 } else {
1303 alert("Please enter valid numbers.");
1304 }
1305 }
1306 </script>
1307 <hr />

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1309 <h4>
1310 34. Write a JavaScript program to find the larger number from the two
1311 given positive integers, the two numbers are in the range 40..60
1312 inclusive.
1313 </h4>
1315 <form id="numberForm">
1316 <label for="number1">Enter Positive Integer 1 (40-60):</label>
1317 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1319 <label for="number2">Enter Positive Integer 2 (40-60):</label>
1320 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1322 <button type="button" onclick="findLargerNumber()">
1323 Find Larger Number
1324 </button>
1325 </form>
1327 <p id="result25"></p>
1329 <script>
1330 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1331 function findLargerNumber() {
1332 // Get user input for two positive integers
1333 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1334 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1336 // Check if the inputs are valid positive integers in the range 40..60 inclusive
1337 if (isValidInput(number1) && isValidInput(number2)) {
1338 // Find the larger of the two numbers
1339 const largerNumber = Math.max(number1, number2);
1341 // Display the result
1342 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result25");
1343 resultElement.textContent = `The larger number is: ${largerNumber}`;
1344 } else {
1345 alert("Please enter valid positive integers in the range 40-60.");
1346 }
1347 }
1349 function isValidInput(num) {
1350 return !isNaN(num) && num >= 40 && num <= 60 && Number.isInteger(num);
1351 }
1352 </script>
1353 <hr />
1355 <h4>
1356 35. Write a program to check whether a specified character exists within
1357 the 2nd to 4th position in a given string.
1358 </h4>
1359 <form id="stringForm">
1360 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
1361 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
1363 <label for="charToCheck">Enter a Character to Check:</label>
1364 <input type="text" id="charToCheck" maxlength="1" required />
1366 <button type="button" onclick="checkCharacter()">Check Character</button>
1367 </form>

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1369 <p id="result26"></p>
1371 <script>
1372 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1373 function checkCharacter() {
1374 // Get user input for a string and a character
1375 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
1376 const charToCheck = document.getElementById("charToCheck").value;
1378 // Check if the string has at least 4 characters and the character is a single
1379 if (inputString.length >= 4 && charToCheck.length === 1) {
1380 // Check if the specified character exists within the 2nd to 4th position
1381 const charExists = inputString.substring(1, 4).includes(charToCheck);
1383 // Display the result
1384 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result26");
1385 resultElement.textContent = `The character ${charToCheck} ${
1386 charExists ? "exists" : "does not exist"
1387 } within the 2nd to 4th position.`;
1388 } else {
1389 alert(
1390 "Please enter a string with at least 4 characters and a single character to
1391 );
1392 }
1393 }
1394 </script>
1395 <hr />
1397 <h4>
1398 36. Write a JavaScript program to check whether the last digit of the
1399 three given positive integers is same.
1400 </h4>
1401 <form id="integerForm">
1402 <label for="number1">Enter Positive Integer 1:</label>
1403 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1405 <label for="number2">Enter Positive Integer 2:</label>
1406 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1408 <label for="number3">Enter Positive Integer 3:</label>
1409 <input type="number" id="number3" required />
1411 <button type="button" onclick="checkLastDigit()">Check Last Digit</button>
1412 </form>
1414 <p id="result27"></p>
1416 <script>
1417 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1418 function checkLastDigit() {
1419 // Get user input for three positive integers
1420 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1421 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1422 const number3 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number3").value);
1424 // Check if the inputs are valid positive integers
1425 if (

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1426 isValidInput(number1) &&
1427 isValidInput(number2) &&
1428 isValidInput(number3)
1429 ) {
1430 // Check if the last digit of the three integers is the same
1431 const lastDigit1 = number1 % 10;
1432 const lastDigit2 = number2 % 10;
1433 const lastDigit3 = number3 % 10;
1435 const lastDigitsAreEqual =
1436 lastDigit1 === lastDigit2 && lastDigit2 === lastDigit3;
1438 // Display the result
1439 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result27");
1440 resultElement.textContent = `The last digits are ${
1441 lastDigitsAreEqual ? "equal" : "not equal"
1442 }.`;
1443 } else {
1444 alert("Please enter valid positive integers.");
1445 }
1446 }
1448 function isValidInput(num) {
1449 return !isNaN(num) && num > 0 && Number.isInteger(num);
1450 }
1451 </script>
1452 <hr />
1454 <h4>
1455 37. Write a JavaScript program to create new string with first 3
1456 characters are in lower case from a given string. If the string length is
1457 less than 3 convert all the characters in upper case
1458 </h4>
1459 <form id="stringForm">
1460 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
1461 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
1463 <button type="button" onclick="manipulateString()">
1464 Manipulate String
1465 </button>
1466 </form>
1468 <p id="result28"></p>
1470 <script>
1471 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1472 function manipulateString() {
1473 // Get user input for a string
1474 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
1476 // Manipulate the string according to the given conditions
1477 const manipulatedString = manipulateStringFunction(inputString);
1479 // Display the result
1480 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result28");
1481 resultElement.textContent = `The manipulated string is: ${manipulatedString}`;
1482 }
1484 function manipulateStringFunction(str) {
1485 // Check if the string length is less than 3

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1486 if (str.length < 3) {
1487 // Convert all characters to uppercase
1488 return str.toUpperCase();
1489 } else {
1490 // Convert the first 3 characters to lowercase and keep the rest unchanged
1491 return str.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() + str.substring(3);
1492 }
1493 }
1494 </script>
1495 <hr />
1497 <h4>
1498 38. Write a JavaScript program to check the total marks of a student in
1499 various examinations. The student will get A+ grade if the total marks are
1500 in the range 89..100 inclusive, if the examination is "Final-exam." the
1501 student will get A+ grade and total marks must be greater than or equal to
1502 90. Return true if the student get A+ grade or false otherwise.
1503 </h4>
1504 <form id="examForm">
1505 <label for="totalMarks">Enter Total Marks:</label>
1506 <input type="number" id="totalMarks" required />
1508 <label for="examType">Enter Exam Type (e.g., "Final-exam"):</label>
1509 <input type="text" id="examType" required />
1511 <button type="button" onclick="checkGrade()">Check Grade</button>
1512 </form>
1514 <p id="result29"></p>
1516 <script>
1517 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1518 function checkGrade() {
1519 // Get user input for total marks and exam type
1520 const totalMarks = parseInt(
1521 document.getElementById("totalMarks").value
1522 );
1523 const examType = document.getElementById("examType").value;
1525 // Check if the inputs are valid
1526 if (!isNaN(totalMarks) && examType.trim() !== "") {
1527 // Check if the student gets an A+ grade based on the specified conditions
1528 const isAPlusGrade = checkAPlusGrade(totalMarks, examType);
1530 // Display the result
1531 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result29");
1532 resultElement.textContent = `The student ${
1533 isAPlusGrade ? "gets" : "does not get"
1534 } an A+ grade.`;
1535 } else {
1536 alert("Please enter valid inputs.");
1537 }
1538 }
1540 function checkAPlusGrade(marks, examType) {
1541 // Check if the total marks are in the range 89..100 inclusive
1542 if (
1543 marks >= 89 &&
1544 marks <= 100 &&
1545 examType === "Final-exam" &&

localhost:62992/36c130dd-866f-439d-acf5-15edac5aafb3/ 26/298
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1546 marks >= 90
1547 ) {
1548 return true;
1549 }
1551 return false;
1552 }
1553 </script>
1554 <hr />
1556 <h4>
1557 39. Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of the two given
1558 integers, If the sum is in the range 50..80 return 65 other wise return 80
1559 </h4>
1561 <form id="sumForm">
1562 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
1563 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1565 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
1566 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1568 <button type="button" onclick="calculateSum()">Calculate Sum</button>
1569 </form>
1571 <p id="result30"></p>
1573 <script>
1574 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1575 function calculateSum() {
1576 // Get user input for two integers
1577 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1578 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1580 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
1581 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
1582 // Calculate the sum of the two integers
1583 const sum = number1 + number2;
1585 // Determine the result based on the sum
1586 const result = sum >= 50 && sum <= 80 ? 65 : 80;
1588 // Display the result
1589 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result30");
1590 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
1591 } else {
1592 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
1593 }
1594 }
1595 </script>
1596 <hr />
1598 <h4>
1599 40. Write a JavaScript program to check from two given integers whether
1600 one of them is 8 or their sum or difference is 8.
1601 </h4>
1602 <form id="numberForm">
1603 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
1604 <input type="number" id="number1" required />

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1606 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
1607 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1609 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumbers()">Check Numbers</button>
1610 </form>
1612 <p id="result31"></p>
1614 <script>
1615 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1616 function checkNumbers() {
1617 // Get user input for two integers
1618 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1619 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1621 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
1622 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
1623 // Check if one of the numbers is 8, or their sum or difference is 8
1624 const isEightCondition = isEight(number1, number2);
1626 // Display the result
1627 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result31");
1628 resultElement.textContent = `One of the numbers is 8, or their sum/difference
is 8: ${isEightCondition}`;
1629 } else {
1630 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
1631 }
1632 }
1634 function isEight(num1, num2) {
1635 return (
1636 num1 === 8 ||
1637 num2 === 8 ||
1638 num1 + num2 === 8 ||
1639 Math.abs(num1 - num2) === 8
1640 );
1641 }
1642 </script>
1643 <hr />
1645 <h4>
1646 41. Write a JavaScript program to check three given numbers, if the three
1647 numbers are same return 30 otherwise return 20 and if two numbers are same
1648 return 40.
1649 </h4>
1650 <form id="numberForm">
1651 <label for="number1">Enter Number 1:</label>
1652 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1654 <label for="number2">Enter Number 2:</label>
1655 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1657 <label for="number3">Enter Number 3:</label>
1658 <input type="number" id="number3" required />
1660 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumbers()">Check Numbers</button>
1661 </form>
1663 <p id="result32"></p>

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1665 <script>
1666 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1667 function checkNumbers() {
1668 // Get user input for three numbers
1669 const number1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1670 const number2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1671 const number3 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number3").value);
1673 // Check if the inputs are valid numbers
1674 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2) && !isNaN(number3)) {
1675 // Check the conditions and determine the result
1676 const result = checkNumberConditions(number1, number2, number3);
1678 // Display the result
1679 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result32");
1680 resultElement.textContent = `The result is: ${result}`;
1681 } else {
1682 alert("Please enter valid numbers.");
1683 }
1684 }
1686 function checkNumberConditions(num1, num2, num3) {
1687 if (num1 === num2 && num2 === num3) {
1688 return 30;
1689 } else if (num1 === num2 || num1 === num3 || num2 === num3) {
1690 return 40;
1691 } else {
1692 return 20;
1693 }
1694 }
1695 </script>
1696 <hr />
1698 <h4>
1699 42. Write a JavaScript program to check whether three given numbers are
1700 increasing in strict mode or in soft mode. Note: Strict mode -> 10, 15, 31
1701 : Soft mode -> 24, 22, 31 or 22, 22, 31
1702 </h4>
1703 <form id="numberForm">
1704 <label for="number1">Enter Number 1:</label>
1705 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1707 <label for="number2">Enter Number 2:</label>
1708 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1710 <label for="number3">Enter Number 3:</label>
1711 <input type="number" id="number3" required />
1713 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumberOrder()">
1714 Check Number Order
1715 </button>
1716 </form>
1718 <p id="result33"></p>
1720 <script>
1721 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1722 function checkNumberOrder() {
1723 // Get user input for three numbers
1724 const number1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number1").value);

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1725 const number2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1726 const number3 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number3").value);
1728 // Check if the inputs are valid numbers
1729 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2) && !isNaN(number3)) {
1730 // Check whether the numbers are increasing in strict mode or soft mode
1731 const orderType = checkNumberOrderType(number1, number2, number3);
1733 // Display the result
1734 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result33");
1735 resultElement.textContent = `The numbers are in ${orderType} order.`;
1736 } else {
1737 alert("Please enter valid numbers.");
1738 }
1739 }
1741 function checkNumberOrderType(num1, num2, num3) {
1742 if (num1 < num2 && num2 < num3) {
1743 return "strict";
1744 } else if (num1 <= num2 && num2 <= num3) {
1745 return "soft";
1746 } else {
1747 return "neither strict nor soft";
1748 }
1749 }
1750 </script>
1751 <hr />
1753 <h4>
1754 43. Write a JavaScript program to check from three given numbers (non
1755 negative integers) that two or all of them have the same rightmost digit.
1756 </h4>
1757 <form id="numberForm">
1758 <label for="number1">Enter Non-negative Integer 1:</label>
1759 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1761 <label for="number2">Enter Non-negative Integer 2:</label>
1762 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1764 <label for="number3">Enter Non-negative Integer 3:</label>
1765 <input type="number" id="number3" required />
1767 <button type="button" onclick="checkRightmostDigit()">
1768 Check Rightmost Digit
1769 </button>
1770 </form>
1772 <p id="result34"></p>
1774 <script>
1775 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1776 function checkRightmostDigit() {
1777 // Get user input for three non-negative integers
1778 const number1 = Math.abs(
1779 parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value)
1780 );
1781 const number2 = Math.abs(
1782 parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value)
1783 );
1784 const number3 = Math.abs(

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1785 parseInt(document.getElementById("number3").value)
1786 );
1788 // Check if the inputs are valid non-negative integers
1789 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2) && !isNaN(number3)) {
1790 // Check whether two or all three numbers have the same rightmost digit
1791 const hasSameRightmostDigit = checkRightmostDigitEquality(
1792 number1,
1793 number2,
1794 number3
1795 );
1797 // Display the result
1798 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result34");
1799 resultElement.textContent = `Two or all three numbers ${
1800 hasSameRightmostDigit ? "have" : "do not have"
1801 } the same rightmost digit.`;
1802 } else {
1803 alert("Please enter valid non-negative integers.");
1804 }
1805 }
1807 function checkRightmostDigitEquality(num1, num2, num3) {
1808 const rightmostDigit1 = num1 % 10;
1809 const rightmostDigit2 = num2 % 10;
1810 const rightmostDigit3 = num3 % 10;
1812 return (
1813 rightmostDigit1 === rightmostDigit2 ||
1814 rightmostDigit1 === rightmostDigit3 ||
1815 rightmostDigit2 === rightmostDigit3
1816 );
1817 }
1818 </script>
1819 <hr />
1821 <h4>
1822 44. Write a JavaScript program to check from three given integers that
1823 whether a number is greater than or equal to 20 and less than one of the
1824 others.
1825 </h4>
1826 <form id="numberForm">
1827 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
1828 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1830 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
1831 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1833 <label for="number3">Enter Integer 3:</label>
1834 <input type="number" id="number3" required />
1836 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumberRange()">
1837 Check Number Range
1838 </button>
1839 </form>
1841 <p id="result35"></p>
1843 <script>
1844 // Your JavaScript code goes here

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1845 function checkNumberRange() {
1846 // Get user input for three integers
1847 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1848 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1849 const number3 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number3").value);
1851 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
1852 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2) && !isNaN(number3)) {
1853 // Check whether a number is greater than or equal to 20 and less than one of
the others
1854 const isInValidRange = checkNumberValidity(number1, number2, number3);
1856 // Display the result
1857 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result35");
1858 resultElement.textContent = `One of the numbers is greater than or equal to 20
and less than one of the others: ${isInValidRange}`;
1859 } else {
1860 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
1861 }
1862 }
1864 function checkNumberValidity(num1, num2, num3) {
1865 return (
1866 (num1 >= 20 && (num1 < num2 || num1 < num3)) ||
1867 (num2 >= 20 && (num2 < num1 || num2 < num3)) ||
1868 (num3 >= 20 && (num3 < num1 || num3 < num2))
1869 );
1870 }
1871 </script>
1872 <hr />
1874 <h4>
1875 45. Write a JavaScript program to check two given integer values and
1876 return true if one of the number is 15 or if their sum or difference is
1877 15.
1878 </h4>
1879 <form id="numberForm">
1880 <label for="number1">Enter Integer 1:</label>
1881 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1883 <label for="number2">Enter Integer 2:</label>
1884 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1886 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumbers()">Check Numbers</button>
1887 </form>
1889 <p id="result36"></p>
1891 <script>
1892 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1893 function checkNumbers() {
1894 // Get user input for two integers
1895 const number1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value);
1896 const number2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value);
1898 // Check if the inputs are valid integers
1899 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
1900 // Check if one of the numbers is 15, or their sum or difference is 15
1901 const isFifteenCondition = checkFifteenCondition(number1, number2);

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1903 // Display the result
1904 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result36");
1905 resultElement.textContent = `One of the numbers is 15, or their sum/difference
is 15: ${isFifteenCondition}`;
1906 } else {
1907 alert("Please enter valid integers.");
1908 }
1909 }
1911 function checkFifteenCondition(num1, num2) {
1912 return (
1913 num1 === 15 ||
1914 num2 === 15 ||
1915 num1 + num2 === 15 ||
1916 Math.abs(num1 - num2) === 15
1917 );
1918 }
1919 </script>
1920 <hr />
1921 <h4>
1922 46. Write a JavaScript program to check two given non-negative integers
1923 that whether one of the number (not both) is multiple of 7 or 11.
1924 </h4>
1925 <form id="numberForm">
1926 <label for="number1">Enter Non-negative Integer 1:</label>
1927 <input type="number" id="number1" required />
1929 <label for="number2">Enter Non-negative Integer 2:</label>
1930 <input type="number" id="number2" required />
1932 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumbers()">Check Numbers</button>
1933 </form>
1935 <p id="result37"></p>
1937 <script>
1938 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1939 function checkNumbers() {
1940 // Get user input for two non-negative integers
1941 const number1 = Math.abs(
1942 parseInt(document.getElementById("number1").value)
1943 );
1944 const number2 = Math.abs(
1945 parseInt(document.getElementById("number2").value)
1946 );
1948 // Check if the inputs are valid non-negative integers
1949 if (!isNaN(number1) && !isNaN(number2)) {
1950 // Check whether one of the numbers (not both) is a multiple of 7 or 11
1951 const isMultipleCondition = checkMultipleCondition(number1, number2);
1953 // Display the result
1954 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result37");
1955 resultElement.textContent = `One of the numbers (not both) is a multiple of 7
or 11: ${isMultipleCondition}`;
1956 } else {
1957 alert("Please enter valid non-negative integers.");
1958 }
1959 }

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1961 function checkMultipleCondition(num1, num2) {
1962 const isMultipleOf7Or11 =
1963 num1 % 7 === 0 ||
1964 num1 % 11 === 0 ||
1965 num2 % 7 === 0 ||
1966 num2 % 11 === 0;
1967 const isBothMultiples =
1968 (num1 % 7 === 0 || num1 % 11 === 0) &&
1969 (num2 % 7 === 0 || num2 % 11 === 0);
1971 return isMultipleOf7Or11 && !isBothMultiples;
1972 }
1973 </script>
1974 <hr />
1975 <h4>
1976 47. Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given number is presents
1977 in the range 40..10000. For example 40 presents in 40 and 4000
1978 </h4>
1979 <form id="numberForm">
1980 <label for="number">Enter a Number:</label>
1981 <input type="number" id="number" required />
1983 <button type="button" onclick="checkNumberRange()">
1984 Check Number Range
1985 </button>
1986 </form>
1988 <p id="result38"></p>
1990 <script>
1991 // Your JavaScript code goes here
1992 function checkNumberRange() {
1993 // Get user input for a number
1994 const number = parseFloat(document.getElementById("number").value);
1996 // Check if the input is a valid number
1997 if (!isNaN(number)) {
1998 // Check whether the number is in the range 40 to 10000 (inclusive)
1999 const isInRange = checkNumberInRange(number);
2001 // Display the result
2002 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result38");
2003 resultElement.textContent = `The number is ${
2004 isInRange ? "present" : "not present"
2005 } in the range 40 to 10000.`;
2006 } else {
2007 alert("Please enter a valid number.");
2008 }
2009 }
2011 function checkNumberInRange(num) {
2012 return num >= 40 && num <= 10000;
2013 }
2014 </script>
2015 <hr />
2017 <h4>48. Write a JavaScript program to reverse a given string</h4>
2018 <form id="stringForm">
2019 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2020 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />

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2022 <button type="button" onclick="reverseString()">Reverse String</button>
2023 </form>
2025 <p id="result39"></p>
2027 <script>
2028 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2029 function reverseString() {
2030 // Get user input for a string
2031 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2033 // Reverse the string
2034 const reversedString = inputString.split("").reverse().join("");
2036 // Display the result
2037 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result39");
2038 resultElement.textContent = `Reversed String: ${reversedString}`;
2039 }
2040 </script>
2041 <hr />
2043 <h4>
2044 49. Write a JavaScript program to replace every character in a given
2045 string with the character following it in the alphabet
2046 </h4>
2047 <form id="stringForm">
2048 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2049 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2051 <button type="button" onclick="replaceWithNextAlphabet()">
2052 Replace with Next Alphabet
2053 </button>
2054 </form>
2056 <p id="result40"></p>
2058 <script>
2059 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2060 function replaceWithNextAlphabet() {
2061 // Get user input for a string
2062 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2064 // Replace every character with the character following it in the alphabet
2065 const replacedString = inputString.replace(
2066 /[a-zA-Z]/g,
2067 function (char) {
2068 // Determine whether the character is uppercase or lowercase
2069 const isUppercase = char === char.toUpperCase();
2071 // Calculate the character code of the next alphabet
2072 const nextCharCode = char.charCodeAt(0) + 1;
2074 // Wrap around from 'z' to 'a' or 'Z' to 'A'
2075 const newCharCode =
2076 nextCharCode > (isUppercase ? 90 : 122)
2077 ? isUppercase
2078 ? 65
2079 : 97
2080 : nextCharCode;

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2082 // Convert the character code back to a character
2083 return String.fromCharCode(newCharCode);
2084 }
2085 );
2087 // Display the result
2088 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result40");
2089 resultElement.textContent = `Result: ${replacedString}`;
2090 }
2091 </script>
2092 <hr />
2094 <h4>
2095 50. Write a JavaScript program to capitalize the first letter of each word
2096 of a given string.
2097 </h4>
2098 <form id="stringForm">
2099 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2100 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2102 <button type="button" onclick="capitalizeWords()">
2103 Capitalize Words
2104 </button>
2105 </form>
2107 <p id="result41"></p>
2109 <script>
2110 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2111 function capitalizeWords() {
2112 // Get user input for a string
2113 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2115 // Capitalize the first letter of each word
2116 const capitalizedString = inputString.replace(/\b\w/g, function (char) {
2117 return char.toUpperCase();
2118 });
2120 // Display the result
2121 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result41");
2122 resultElement.textContent = `Capitalized String: ${capitalizedString}`;
2123 }
2124 </script>
2125 <hr />
2127 <h4>
2128 51. Write a JavaScript program to convert a given number to hours and
2129 minutes
2130 </h4>
2131 <form id="minutesForm">
2132 <label for="inputMinutes">Enter Minutes:</label>
2133 <input type="number" id="inputMinutes" required />
2135 <button type="button" onclick="convertToHoursAndMinutes()">
2136 Convert
2137 </button>
2138 </form>
2140 <p id="result42"></p>

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2142 <script>
2143 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2144 function convertToHoursAndMinutes() {
2145 // Get user input for minutes
2146 const inputMinutes = parseInt(
2147 document.getElementById("inputMinutes").value
2148 );
2150 // Check if the input is a valid number
2151 if (!isNaN(inputMinutes) && inputMinutes >= 0) {
2152 // Convert minutes to hours and minutes
2153 const hours = Math.floor(inputMinutes / 60);
2154 const remainingMinutes = inputMinutes % 60;
2156 // Display the result
2157 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result42");
2158 resultElement.textContent = `Converted Time: ${hours} hours and
${remainingMinutes} minutes`;
2159 } else {
2160 alert("Please enter a valid non-negative number.");
2161 }
2162 }
2163 </script>
2164 <hr />
2166 <h4>
2167 52. Write a JavaScript program to convert the letters of a given string in
2168 alphabetical order.
2169 </h4>
2170 <form id="stringForm">
2171 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2172 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2174 <button type="button" onclick="sortAlphabetically()">
2175 Sort Alphabetically
2176 </button>
2177 </form>
2179 <p id="result43"></p>
2181 <script>
2182 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2183 function sortAlphabetically() {
2184 // Get user input for a string
2185 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2187 // Convert the letters of the string to alphabetical order
2188 const sortedString = inputString.split("").sort().join("");
2190 // Display the result
2191 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result43");
2192 resultElement.textContent = `Sorted Alphabetically: ${sortedString}`;
2193 }
2194 </script>
2195 <hr />
2197 <h4>
2198 53. Write a JavaScript program to check whether the characters a and b are
2199 separated by exactly 3 places anywhere (at least once) in a given string.

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2200 </h4>
2201 <form id="stringForm">
2202 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2203 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2205 <button type="button" onclick="checkCharacterSeparation()">
2206 Check Character Separation
2207 </button>
2208 </form>
2210 <p id="result44"></p>
2212 <script>
2213 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2214 function checkCharacterSeparation() {
2215 // Get user input for a string
2216 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2218 // Check if 'a' and 'b' are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere in the string
2219 const isSeparated = /a.{3}b|b.{3}a/.test(inputString);
2221 // Display the result
2222 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result44");
2223 resultElement.textContent = `Characters 'a' and 'b' are ${
2224 isSeparated ? "" : "not "
2225 }separated by exactly 3 places.`;
2226 }
2227 </script>
2228 <hr />
2230 <h4>
2231 54. Write a JavaScript program to count the number of vowels in a given
2232 string.
2233 </h4>
2234 <form id="stringForm">
2235 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2236 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2238 <button type="button" onclick="countVowels()">Count Vowels</button>
2239 </form>
2241 <p id="result54"></p>
2243 <script>
2244 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2245 function countVowels() {
2246 // Get user input for a string
2247 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2249 // Count the number of vowels in the string
2250 const vowelCount = (inputString.match(/[aeiouAEIOU]/g) || []).length;
2252 // Display the result
2253 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result54");
2254 resultElement.textContent = `Number of vowels: ${vowelCount}`;
2255 }
2256 </script>
2257 <hr />
2259 <h4>

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2260 55. Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given string contains
2261 equal number of p's and t's.
2262 </h4>
2263 <form id="stringForm">
2264 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2265 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2267 <button type="button" onclick="checkEqualPT()">
2268 Check Equal P's and T's
2269 </button>
2270 </form>
2272 <p id="result55"></p>
2274 <script>
2275 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2276 function checkEqualPT() {
2277 // Get user input for a string
2278 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2280 // Count the number of 'p's and 't's in the string
2281 const pCount = (inputString.match(/p/g) || []).length;
2282 const tCount = (inputString.match(/t/g) || []).length;
2284 // Check if the number of 'p's is equal to the number of 't's
2285 const areEqual = pCount === tCount;
2287 // Display the result
2288 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result55");
2289 resultElement.textContent = `The string ${
2290 areEqual ? "contains" : "does not contain"
2291 } an equal number of 'p's and 't's.`;
2292 }
2293 </script>
2294 <hr />
2295 <h4>
2296 56. Write a JavaScript program to divide two positive numbers and return a
2297 string with properly formatted commas.
2298 </h4>
2299 <form id="divisionForm">
2300 <label for="numerator">Enter Numerator:</label>
2301 <input type="number" id="numerator" required />
2303 <label for="denominator">Enter Denominator:</label>
2304 <input type="number" id="denominator" required />
2306 <button type="button" onclick="performDivision()">Divide</button>
2307 </form>
2309 <p id="result56"></p>
2311 <script>
2312 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2313 function performDivision() {
2314 // Get user input for numerator and denominator
2315 const numerator = parseFloat(
2316 document.getElementById("numerator").value
2317 );
2318 const denominator = parseFloat(
2319 document.getElementById("denominator").value

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2320 );
2322 // Check if the inputs are valid positive numbers
2323 if (
2324 !isNaN(numerator) &&
2325 !isNaN(denominator) &&
2326 numerator >= 0 &&
2327 denominator > 0
2328 ) {
2329 // Perform the division
2330 const result = numerator / denominator;
2332 // Format the result with commas
2333 const formattedResult = result.toLocaleString();
2335 // Display the result
2336 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result56");
2337 resultElement.textContent = `Result: ${formattedResult}`;
2338 } else {
2339 alert("Please enter valid positive numbers.");
2340 }
2341 }
2342 </script>
2343 <hr />
2345 <h4>
2346 57. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string of specified copies
2347 (positive number) of a given string
2348 </h4>
2349 <form id="stringCopiesForm">
2350 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2351 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2353 <label for="numCopies">Enter the Number of Copies:</label>
2354 <input type="number" id="numCopies" required />
2356 <button type="button" onclick="generateStringCopies()">
2357 Generate String Copies
2358 </button>
2359 </form>
2361 <p id="result57"></p>
2363 <script>
2364 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2365 function generateStringCopies() {
2366 // Get user input for a string and the number of copies
2367 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2368 const numCopies = parseInt(document.getElementById("numCopies").value);
2370 // Check if the inputs are valid
2371 if (!isNaN(numCopies) && numCopies >= 0) {
2372 // Generate the string copies
2373 const stringCopies = inputString.repeat(numCopies);
2375 // Display the result
2376 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result57");
2377 resultElement.textContent = `String Copies: ${stringCopies}`;
2378 } else {
2379 alert(

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2380 "Please enter a valid non-negative number for the number of copies."
2381 );
2382 }
2383 }
2384 </script>
2385 <hr />
2387 <h4>
2388 58. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string of 4 copies of the
2389 last 3 characters of a given original string. The length of the given
2390 string must be 3 and above.
2391 </h4>
2392 <form id="stringForm">
2393 <label for="originalString"
2394 >Enter a String (3 characters and above):</label
2395 >
2396 <input type="text" id="originalString" minlength="3" required />
2398 <button type="button" onclick="generateNewString()">
2399 Generate New String
2400 </button>
2401 </form>
2403 <p id="result58"></p>
2405 <script>
2406 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2407 function generateNewString() {
2408 // Get user input for the original string
2409 const originalString = document.getElementById("originalString").value;
2411 // Check if the input is valid (length must be 3 and above)
2412 if (originalString.length >= 3) {
2413 // Get the last 3 characters of the original string
2414 const lastThreeCharacters = originalString.slice(-3);
2416 // Generate the new string with 4 copies of the last 3 characters
2417 const newString = lastThreeCharacters.repeat(4);
2419 // Display the result
2420 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result58");
2421 resultElement.textContent = `New String: ${newString}`;
2422 } else {
2423 alert("Please enter a string with length 3 and above.");
2424 }
2425 }
2426 </script>
2427 <hr />
2429 <h4>
2430 59. Write a JavaScript program to extract the first half of a string of
2431 even length.
2432 </h4>
2433 <form id="stringForm">
2434 <label for="inputString">Enter a String of Even Length:</label>
2435 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2437 <button type="button" onclick="extractFirstHalf()">
2438 Extract First Half
2439 </button>

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2440 </form>
2442 <p id="result59"></p>
2444 <script>
2445 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2446 function extractFirstHalf() {
2447 // Get user input for the string
2448 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2450 // Check if the input string has an even length
2451 if (inputString.length % 2 === 0) {
2452 // Extract the first half of the string
2453 const firstHalf = inputString.slice(0, inputString.length / 2);
2455 // Display the result
2456 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result59");
2457 resultElement.textContent = `First Half: ${firstHalf}`;
2458 } else {
2459 alert("Please enter a string of even length.");
2460 }
2461 }
2462 </script>
2463 <hr />
2465 <h4>
2466 60. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string without the first
2467 and last character of a given string.
2468 </h4>
2469 <form id="stringForm">
2470 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2471 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2473 <button type="button" onclick="removeFirstAndLast()">
2474 Remove First and Last
2475 </button>
2476 </form>
2478 <p id="result60"></p>
2480 <script>
2481 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2482 function removeFirstAndLast() {
2483 // Get user input for the string
2484 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2486 // Check if the input string has at least two characters
2487 if (inputString.length >= 2) {
2488 // Remove the first and last characters
2489 const newString = inputString.slice(1, -1);
2491 // Display the result
2492 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result60");
2493 resultElement.textContent = `New String: ${newString}`;
2494 } else {
2495 alert("Please enter a string with at least two characters.");
2496 }
2497 }
2498 </script>
2499 <hr />

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2501 <h4>
2502 61. Write a JavaScript program to concatenate two strings except their
2503 first character
2504 </h4>
2505 <form id="stringForm">
2506 <label for="firstString">Enter the First String:</label>
2507 <input type="text" id="firstString" required />
2509 <label for="secondString">Enter the Second String:</label>
2510 <input type="text" id="secondString" required />
2512 <button type="button" onclick="concatenateStrings()">
2513 Concatenate (Except First Character)
2514 </button>
2515 </form>
2517 <p id="result"></p>
2519 <script>
2520 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2521 function concatenateStrings() {
2522 // Get user input for the first and second strings
2523 const firstString = document.getElementById("firstString").value;
2524 const secondString = document.getElementById("secondString").value;
2526 // Check if the input strings have at least one character each
2527 if (firstString.length > 0 && secondString.length > 0) {
2528 // Concatenate the strings (except their first character)
2529 const concatenatedString =
2530 firstString.slice(1) + secondString.slice(1);
2532 // Display the result
2533 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2534 resultElement.textContent = `Concatenated String: ${concatenatedString}`;
2535 } else {
2536 alert("Please enter at least one character for each string.");
2537 }
2538 }
2539 </script>
2540 <hr />
2542 <h4>
2543 62. Write a JavaScript program to move last three character to the start
2544 of a given string. The string length must be greater or equal to three
2545 </h4>
2546 <form id="stringForm">
2547 <label for="inputString"
2548 >Enter a String (length must be greater or equal to three):</label
2549 >
2550 <input type="text" id="inputString" minlength="3" required />
2552 <button type="button" onclick="moveLastThreeToStart()">
2553 Move Last Three to Start
2554 </button>
2555 </form>
2557 <p id="result"></p>
2559 <script>

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2560 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2561 function moveLastThreeToStart() {
2562 // Get user input for the string
2563 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2565 // Check if the input string has a length greater or equal to three
2566 if (inputString.length >= 3) {
2567 // Extract the last three characters
2568 const lastThreeCharacters = inputString.slice(-3);
2570 // Move the last three characters to the start
2571 const newString = lastThreeCharacters + inputString.slice(0, -3);
2573 // Display the result
2574 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2575 resultElement.textContent = `New String: ${newString}`;
2576 } else {
2577 alert(
2578 "Please enter a string with a length greater or equal to three."
2579 );
2580 }
2581 }
2582 </script>
2583 <hr />
2585 <h4>
2586 63. Write a JavaScript program to create a string using the middle three
2587 characters of a given string of odd length. The string length must be
2588 greater or equal to three.
2589 </h4>
2590 <form id="stringForm">
2591 <label for="inputString"
2592 >Enter a String (length must be greater or equal to three and
2593 odd):</label
2594 >
2595 <input type="text" id="inputString" minlength="3" required />
2597 <button type="button" onclick="createMiddleThreeString()">
2598 Create Middle Three String
2599 </button>
2600 </form>
2602 <p id="result"></p>
2604 <script>
2605 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2606 function createMiddleThreeString() {
2607 // Get user input for the string
2608 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2610 // Check if the input string has a length greater or equal to three and is odd
2611 if (inputString.length >= 3 && inputString.length % 2 !== 0) {
2612 // Find the middle index
2613 const middleIndex = Math.floor(inputString.length / 2);
2615 // Extract the middle three characters
2616 const middleThreeCharacters = inputString.slice(
2617 middleIndex - 1,
2618 middleIndex + 2
2619 );

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2621 // Display the result
2622 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2623 resultElement.textContent = `Middle Three Characters: ${middleThreeCharacters}
2624 } else {
2625 alert(
2626 "Please enter a string with a length greater or equal to three and odd."
2627 );
2628 }
2629 }
2630 </script>
2631 <hr />
2633 <h4>
2634 64. Write a JavaScript program to concatenate two strings and return the
2635 result. If the length of the strings are not same then remove the
2636 characters from the longer string.
2637 </h4>
2638 <form id="stringForm">
2639 <label for="firstString">Enter the First String:</label>
2640 <input type="text" id="firstString" required />
2642 <label for="secondString">Enter the Second String:</label>
2643 <input type="text" id="secondString" required />
2645 <button type="button" onclick="concatenateAndTrim()">
2646 Concatenate and Trim
2647 </button>
2648 </form>
2650 <p id="result"></p>
2652 <script>
2653 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2654 function concatenateAndTrim() {
2655 // Get user input for the first and second strings
2656 const firstString = document.getElementById("firstString").value;
2657 const secondString = document.getElementById("secondString").value;
2659 // Concatenate the strings
2660 let resultString = firstString + secondString;
2662 // Trim the longer string if their lengths are not the same
2663 if (firstString.length !== secondString.length) {
2664 const minLength = Math.min(firstString.length, secondString.length);
2665 resultString = resultString.slice(0, minLength);
2666 }
2668 // Display the result
2669 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2670 resultElement.textContent = `Result: ${resultString}`;
2671 }
2672 </script>
2673 <hr />
2675 <h4>
2676 66. Write a JavaScript program to display the city name if the string
2677 begins with "Los" or "New" otherwise return blank.
2678 </h4>

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2679 <form id="stringForm">
2680 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2681 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2683 <button type="button" onclick="displayCityName()">
2684 Display City Name
2685 </button>
2686 </form>
2688 <p id="result"></p>
2690 <script>
2691 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2692 function displayCityName() {
2693 // Get user input for the string
2694 const inputString = document
2695 .getElementById("inputString")
2696 .value.toLowerCase();
2698 // Check if the string begins with "los" or "new"
2699 if (inputString.startsWith("los")) {
2700 displayResult("Los Angeles");
2701 } else if (inputString.startsWith("new")) {
2702 displayResult("New York");
2703 } else {
2704 displayResult("");
2705 }
2706 }
2708 function displayResult(cityName) {
2709 // Display the result
2710 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2711 resultElement.textContent = `City Name: ${cityName}`;
2712 }
2713 </script>
2714 <hr />
2716 <h4>
2717 67. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string from a given string,
2718 removing the first and last characters of the string if the first or last
2719 character are 'P'. Return the original string if the condition is not
2720 satisfied.
2721 </h4>
2722 <form id="stringForm">
2723 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2724 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2726 <button type="button" onclick="createNewString()">
2727 Create New String
2728 </button>
2729 </form>
2731 <p id="result"></p>
2733 <script>
2734 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2735 function createNewString() {
2736 // Get user input for the string
2737 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;

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2739 // Check if the first and last characters are 'P'
2740 if (
2741 inputString.length >= 2 &&
2742 inputString[0].toUpperCase() === "P" &&
2743 inputString.slice(-1).toUpperCase() === "P"
2744 ) {
2745 // Remove the first and last characters
2746 const newString = inputString.slice(1, -1);
2748 // Display the result
2749 displayResult(newString);
2750 } else {
2751 // Display the original string
2752 displayResult(inputString);
2753 }
2754 }
2756 function displayResult(resultString) {
2757 // Display the result
2758 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2759 resultElement.textContent = `Result: ${resultString}`;
2760 }
2761 </script>
2762 <hr />
2764 <h4>
2765 67. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string from a given string,
2766 removing the first and last characters of the string if the first or last
2767 character are 'P'. Return the original string if the condition is not
2768 satisfied.
2769 </h4>
2770 <form id="stringForm">
2771 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2772 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2774 <button type="button" onclick="createNewString()">
2775 Create New String
2776 </button>
2777 </form>
2779 <p id="result"></p>
2781 <script>
2782 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2783 function createNewString() {
2784 // Get user input for the string
2785 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2787 // Check if the first and last characters are 'P' (case-insensitive)
2788 if (
2789 inputString.length >= 2 &&
2790 (inputString[0].toUpperCase() === "P" ||
2791 inputString.slice(-1).toUpperCase() === "P")
2792 ) {
2793 // Remove the first and last characters
2794 const newString = inputString.slice(1, -1);
2796 // Display the result
2797 displayResult(newString);
2798 } else {

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2799 // Display the original string
2800 displayResult(inputString);
2801 }
2802 }
2804 function displayResult(resultString) {
2805 // Display the result
2806 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2807 resultElement.textContent = `Result: ${resultString}`;
2808 }
2809 </script>
2810 <hr />
2812 <h4>
2813 68. Write a JavaScript program to create a new string using the first and
2814 last n characters from a given sting. The string length must be greater or
2815 equal to n.
2816 </h4>
2817 <form id="stringForm">
2818 <label for="inputString">Enter a String:</label>
2819 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
2821 <label for="nValue">Enter a value for n:</label>
2822 <input type="number" id="nValue" required />
2824 <button type="button" onclick="createNewString()">
2825 Create New String
2826 </button>
2827 </form>
2829 <p id="result"></p>
2831 <script>
2832 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2833 function createNewString() {
2834 // Get user input for the string and value of n
2835 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
2836 const nValue = parseInt(document.getElementById("nValue").value);
2838 // Check if the string length is greater or equal to n
2839 if (inputString.length >= nValue) {
2840 // Extract the first and last n characters
2841 const firstNCharacters = inputString.slice(0, nValue);
2842 const lastNCharacters = inputString.slice(-nValue);
2844 // Combine the first and last n characters to create the new string
2845 const newString = firstNCharacters + lastNCharacters;
2847 // Display the result
2848 displayResult(newString);
2849 } else {
2850 alert("Please enter a string with a length greater or equal to n.");
2851 }
2852 }
2854 function displayResult(resultString) {
2855 // Display the result
2856 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2857 resultElement.textContent = `Result: ${resultString}`;
2858 }

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2859 </script>
2860 <hr />
2862 <h4>
2863 69. Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of three elements of a
2864 given array of integers of length 3
2865 </h4>
2866 <form id="arrayForm">
2867 <label for="inputArray">Enter three integers separated by commas:</label>
2868 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
2870 <button type="button" onclick="computeSum()">Compute Sum</button>
2871 </form>
2873 <p id="result"></p>
2875 <script>
2876 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2877 function computeSum() {
2878 // Get user input for the array
2879 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
2881 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
2882 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
2884 // Check if the array has exactly three elements
2885 if (integers.length === 3) {
2886 // Compute the sum of three elements
2887 const sum = integers[0] + integers[1] + integers[2];
2889 // Display the result
2890 displayResult(sum);
2891 } else {
2892 alert("Please enter three integers separated by commas.");
2893 }
2894 }
2896 function displayResult(result) {
2897 // Display the result
2898 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2899 resultElement.textContent = `Sum of Three Elements: ${result}`;
2900 }
2901 </script>
2902 <hr />
2904 <h4>
2905 70. Write a JavaScript program to rotate the elements left of a given
2906 array of integers of length 3.
2907 </h4>
2908 <form id="arrayForm">
2909 <label for="inputArray">Enter three integers separated by commas:</label>
2910 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
2912 <button type="button" onclick="rotateLeft()">Rotate Left</button>
2913 </form>
2915 <p id="result"></p>
2917 <script>
2918 // Your JavaScript code goes here

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2919 function rotateLeft() {
2920 // Get user input for the array
2921 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
2923 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
2924 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
2926 // Check if the array has exactly three elements
2927 if (integers.length === 3) {
2928 // Rotate the elements left
2929 const rotatedArray = [integers[1], integers[2], integers[0]];
2931 // Display the result
2932 displayResult(rotatedArray);
2933 } else {
2934 alert("Please enter three integers separated by commas.");
2935 }
2936 }
2938 function displayResult(resultArray) {
2939 // Display the result
2940 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2941 resultElement.textContent = `Rotated Array: ${resultArray.join(", ")}`;
2942 }
2943 </script>
2944 <hr />
2946 <h4>
2947 71. Write a JavaScript program to check whether 1 appears in first or last
2948 position of a given array of integers. The array length must be greater or
2949 equal to 1.
2950 </h4>
2951 <form id="arrayForm">
2952 <label for="inputArray">Enter integers separated by commas:</label>
2953 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
2955 <button type="button" onclick="checkForOne()">Check for 1</button>
2956 </form>
2958 <p id="result"></p>
2960 <script>
2961 // Your JavaScript code goes here
2962 function checkForOne() {
2963 // Get user input for the array
2964 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
2966 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
2967 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
2969 // Check if the array has at least one element
2970 if (integers.length >= 1) {
2971 // Check if 1 appears in the first or last position
2972 const hasOne =
2973 integers[0] === 1 || integers[integers.length - 1] === 1;
2975 // Display the result
2976 displayResult(hasOne);
2977 } else {
2978 alert("Please enter at least one integer.");

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2979 }
2980 }
2982 function displayResult(hasOne) {
2983 // Display the result
2984 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
2985 resultElement.textContent = `Does 1 appear in the first or last position? ${
2986 hasOne ? "Yes" : "No"
2987 }`;
2988 }
2989 </script>
2990 <hr />
2992 <h4>
2993 72. Write a JavaScript program to check whether the first and last
2994 elements are equal of a given array of integers length 3.
2995 </h4>
2996 <form id="arrayForm">
2997 <label for="inputArray">Enter three integers separated by commas:</label>
2998 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3000 <button type="button" onclick="checkEquality()">Check Equality</button>
3001 </form>
3003 <p id="result"></p>
3005 <script>
3006 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3007 function checkEquality() {
3008 // Get user input for the array
3009 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3011 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
3012 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3014 // Check if the array has exactly three elements
3015 if (integers.length === 3) {
3016 // Check if the first and last elements are equal
3017 const areEqual = integers[0] === integers[2];
3019 // Display the result
3020 displayResult(areEqual);
3021 } else {
3022 alert("Please enter three integers separated by commas.");
3023 }
3024 }
3026 function displayResult(areEqual) {
3027 // Display the result
3028 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3029 resultElement.textContent = `Are the first and last elements equal? ${
3030 areEqual ? "Yes" : "No"
3031 }`;
3032 }
3033 </script>
3034 <hr />
3036 <h4>
3037 73. Write a JavaScript program to reverse the elements of a given array of
3038 integers length 3

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3039 </h4>
3040 <form id="arrayForm">
3041 <label for="inputArray">Enter three integers separated by commas:</label>
3042 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3044 <button type="button" onclick="reverseArray()">Reverse Array</button>
3045 </form>
3047 <p id="result"></p>
3049 <script>
3050 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3051 function reverseArray() {
3052 // Get user input for the array
3053 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3055 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
3056 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3058 // Check if the array has exactly three elements
3059 if (integers.length === 3) {
3060 // Reverse the elements of the array
3061 const reversedArray = integers.slice().reverse();
3063 // Display the result
3064 displayResult(reversedArray);
3065 } else {
3066 alert("Please enter three integers separated by commas.");
3067 }
3068 }
3070 function displayResult(resultArray) {
3071 // Display the result
3072 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3073 resultElement.textContent = `Reversed Array: ${resultArray.join(", ")}`;
3074 }
3075 </script>
3076 <hr />
3078 <h4>
3079 74. Write a JavaScript program to find the larger value between the first
3080 or last and set all the other elements with that value. Display the new
3081 array
3082 </h4>
3083 <form id="arrayForm">
3084 <label for="inputArray">Enter integers separated by commas:</label>
3085 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3087 <button type="button" onclick="setLargerValue()">Set Larger Value</button>
3088 </form>
3090 <p id="result"></p>
3092 <script>
3093 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3094 function setLargerValue() {
3095 // Get user input for the array
3096 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3098 // Convert the input string to an array of integers

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3099 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3101 // Check if the array has at least one element
3102 if (integers.length >= 1) {
3103 // Find the larger value between the first and last elements
3104 const largerValue = Math.max(
3105 integers[0],
3106 integers[integers.length - 1]
3107 );
3109 // Set all other elements with the larger value
3110 const newArray = => largerValue);
3112 // Display the result
3113 displayResult(newArray);
3114 } else {
3115 alert("Please enter at least one integer.");
3116 }
3117 }
3119 function displayResult(resultArray) {
3120 // Display the result
3121 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3122 resultElement.textContent = `New Array: ${resultArray.join(", ")}`;
3123 }
3124 </script>
3125 <hr />
3127 <h4>
3128 75. Write a JavaScript program to create a new array taking the middle
3129 elements of the two arrays of integer and each length 3.
3130 </h4>
3131 <form id="arrayForm">
3132 <label for="inputArray1"
3133 >Enter three integers for array 1 separated by commas:</label
3134 >
3135 <input type="text" id="inputArray1" required /><br />
3137 <label for="inputArray2"
3138 >Enter three integers for array 2 separated by commas:</label
3139 >
3140 <input type="text" id="inputArray2" required /><br />
3142 <button type="button" onclick="createMiddleArray()">
3143 Create Middle Array
3144 </button>
3145 </form>
3147 <p id="result"></p>
3149 <script>
3150 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3151 function createMiddleArray() {
3152 // Get user input for the first array
3153 const inputArray1 = document.getElementById("inputArray1").value;
3155 // Get user input for the second array
3156 const inputArray2 = document.getElementById("inputArray2").value;
3158 // Convert the input strings to arrays of integers

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3159 const array1 = inputArray1.split(",").map(Number);
3160 const array2 = inputArray2.split(",").map(Number);
3162 // Check if both arrays have exactly three elements
3163 if (array1.length === 3 && array2.length === 3) {
3164 // Create a new array with the middle elements
3165 const middleArray = [array1[1], array2[1]];
3167 // Display the result
3168 displayResult(middleArray);
3169 } else {
3170 alert(
3171 "Please enter three integers for each array separated by commas."
3172 );
3173 }
3174 }
3176 function displayResult(resultArray) {
3177 // Display the result
3178 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3179 resultElement.textContent = `Middle Elements Array: [${resultArray.join(
3180 ", "
3181 )}]`;
3182 }
3183 </script>
3184 <hr />
3186 <h4>
3187 76. Write a JavaScript program to create a new array taking the first and
3188 last elements from a given array of integers and length must be greater or
3189 equal to 1.
3190 </h4>
3191 <form id="arrayForm">
3192 <label for="inputArray">Enter integers separated by commas:</label>
3193 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3195 <button type="button" onclick="createFirstLastArray()">
3196 Create Array
3197 </button>
3198 </form>
3200 <p id="result"></p>
3202 <script>
3203 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3204 function createFirstLastArray() {
3205 // Get user input for the array
3206 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3208 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
3209 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3211 // Check if the array has at least one element
3212 if (integers.length >= 1) {
3213 // Create a new array with the first and last elements
3214 const firstLastArray = [integers[0], integers[integers.length - 1]];
3216 // Display the result
3217 displayResult(firstLastArray);
3218 } else {

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3219 alert("Please enter at least one integer.");
3220 }
3221 }
3223 function displayResult(resultArray) {
3224 // Display the result
3225 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3226 resultElement.textContent = `First and Last Elements Array: [${resultArray.join(
3227 ", "
3228 )}]`;
3229 }
3230 </script>
3231 <hr />
3233 <h4>
3234 77. Write a JavaScript program to test whether an array of integers of
3235 length 2 contains 1 or a 3.
3236 </h4>
3237 <form id="arrayForm">
3238 <label for="inputArray">Enter two integers separated by commas:</label>
3239 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3241 <button type="button" onclick="testArray()">Test Array</button>
3242 </form>
3244 <p id="result"></p>
3246 <script>
3247 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3248 function testArray() {
3249 // Get user input for the array
3250 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3252 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
3253 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3255 // Check if the array has exactly two elements
3256 if (integers.length === 2) {
3257 // Test whether the array contains 1 or 3
3258 const containsOneOrThree =
3259 integers.includes(1) || integers.includes(3);
3261 // Display the result
3262 displayResult(containsOneOrThree);
3263 } else {
3264 alert("Please enter two integers separated by commas.");
3265 }
3266 }
3268 function displayResult(containsOneOrThree) {
3269 // Display the result
3270 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3271 resultElement.textContent = `Does the array contain 1 or 3? ${
3272 containsOneOrThree ? "Yes" : "No"
3273 }`;
3274 }
3275 </script>
3276 <hr />
3278 <h4>

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3279 78. Write a JavaScript program to test whether an array of integers of
3280 length 2 does not contain 1 or a 3.
3281 </h4>
3282 <form id="arrayForm">
3283 <label for="inputArray">Enter two integers separated by commas:</label>
3284 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3286 <button type="button" onclick="testArray()">Test Array</button>
3287 </form>
3289 <p id="result"></p>
3291 <script>
3292 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3293 function testArray() {
3294 // Get user input for the array
3295 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3297 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
3298 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3300 // Check if the array has exactly two elements
3301 if (integers.length === 2) {
3302 // Test whether the array does not contain 1 or 3
3303 const doesNotContainOneOrThree =
3304 !integers.includes(1) && !integers.includes(3);
3306 // Display the result
3307 displayResult(doesNotContainOneOrThree);
3308 } else {
3309 alert("Please enter two integers separated by commas.");
3310 }
3311 }
3313 function displayResult(doesNotContainOneOrThree) {
3314 // Display the result
3315 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3316 resultElement.textContent = `Does the array not contain 1 or 3? ${
3317 doesNotContainOneOrThree ? "Yes" : "No"
3318 }`;
3319 }
3320 </script>
3321 <hr />
3323 <h4>
3324 79. Write a JavaScript program to test whether a given array of integers
3325 contains 30 and 40 twice. The array length should be 0, 1, or 2.
3326 </h4>
3327 <form id="arrayForm">
3328 <label for="inputArray">Enter integers separated by commas:</label>
3329 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3331 <button type="button" onclick="testArray()">Test Array</button>
3332 </form>
3334 <p id="result"></p>
3336 <script>
3337 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3338 function testArray() {

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3339 // Get user input for the array
3340 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3342 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
3343 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3345 // Check if the array length is 0, 1, or 2
3346 if (integers.length <= 2) {
3347 // Test whether the array contains 30 and 40 twice
3348 const contains30And40Twice =
3349 integers.includes(30) &&
3350 integers.lastIndexOf(30) !== integers.indexOf(30) &&
3351 integers.includes(40) &&
3352 integers.lastIndexOf(40) !== integers.indexOf(40);
3354 // Display the result
3355 displayResult(contains30And40Twice);
3356 } else {
3357 alert(
3358 "Please enter an array with 0, 1, or 2 integers separated by commas."
3359 );
3360 }
3361 }
3363 function displayResult(contains30And40Twice) {
3364 // Display the result
3365 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3366 resultElement.textContent = `Does the array contain 30 and 40 twice? ${
3367 contains30And40Twice ? "Yes" : "No"
3368 }`;
3369 }
3370 </script>
3371 <hr />
3373 <h4>
3374 80. Write a JavaScript program to swap the first and last elements of a
3375 given array of integers. The array length should be at least 1.
3376 </h4>
3377 <form id="arrayForm">
3378 <label for="inputArray">Enter integers separated by commas:</label>
3379 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3381 <button type="button" onclick="swapElements()">Swap Elements</button>
3382 </form>
3384 <p id="result"></p>
3386 <script>
3387 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3388 function swapElements() {
3389 // Get user input for the array
3390 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3392 // Convert the input string to an array of integers
3393 const integers = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3395 // Check if the array has at least one element
3396 if (integers.length >= 1) {
3397 // Swap the first and last elements
3398 const firstElement = integers[0];

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3399 const lastElement = integers[integers.length - 1];
3400 integers[0] = lastElement;
3401 integers[integers.length - 1] = firstElement;
3403 // Display the result
3404 displayResult(integers);
3405 } else {
3406 alert("Please enter an array with at least one integer.");
3407 }
3408 }
3410 function displayResult(swappedArray) {
3411 // Display the result
3412 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3413 resultElement.textContent = `Swapped Array: [${swappedArray.join(
3414 ", "
3415 )}]`;
3416 }
3417 </script>
3418 <hr />
3420 <h4>
3421 81. Write a JavaScript program to add two digits of a given positive
3422 integer of length two.
3423 </h4>
3424 <form id="integerForm">
3425 <label for="inputInteger">Enter a positive integer of length two:</label>
3426 <input type="text" id="inputInteger" pattern="\d{2}" required />
3428 <button type="button" onclick="addDigits()">Add Digits</button>
3429 </form>
3431 <p id="result"></p>
3433 <script>
3434 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3435 function addDigits() {
3436 // Get user input for the positive integer
3437 const inputInteger = document.getElementById("inputInteger").value;
3439 // Check if the input is a positive integer of length two
3440 if (/^\d{2}$/.test(inputInteger)) {
3441 // Extract the two digits and add them
3442 const digit1 = parseInt(inputInteger.charAt(0), 10);
3443 const digit2 = parseInt(inputInteger.charAt(1), 10);
3444 const sum = digit1 + digit2;
3446 // Display the result
3447 displayResult(sum);
3448 } else {
3449 alert("Please enter a positive integer of length two.");
3450 }
3451 }
3453 function displayResult(sum) {
3454 // Display the result
3455 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3456 resultElement.textContent = `Sum of the two digits: ${sum}`;
3457 }
3458 </script>

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3459 <hr />
3461 <h4>82. Write a JavaScript to add two positive integers without carry.</h4>
3462 <form id="integerForm">
3463 <label for="inputInteger1">Enter the first positive integer:</label>
3464 <input type="text" id="inputInteger1" pattern="\d+" required />
3466 <label for="inputInteger2">Enter the second positive integer:</label>
3467 <input type="text" id="inputInteger2" pattern="\d+" required />
3469 <button type="button" onclick="addIntegersWithoutCarry()">
3470 Add Integers Without Carry
3471 </button>
3472 </form>
3474 <p id="result"></p>
3476 <script>
3477 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3478 function addIntegersWithoutCarry() {
3479 // Get user input for the positive integers
3480 const inputInteger1 = document.getElementById("inputInteger1").value;
3481 const inputInteger2 = document.getElementById("inputInteger2").value;
3483 // Check if the inputs are positive integers
3484 if (/^\d+$/.test(inputInteger1) && /^\d+$/.test(inputInteger2)) {
3485 // Pad the smaller number with leading zeros to make their lengths equal
3486 const maxLength = Math.max(
3487 inputInteger1.length,
3488 inputInteger2.length
3489 );
3490 const paddedInteger1 = inputInteger1.padStart(maxLength, "0");
3491 const paddedInteger2 = inputInteger2.padStart(maxLength, "0");
3493 // Add the digits without carry
3494 let result = "";
3495 let carry = 0;
3496 for (let i = maxLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
3497 const digit1 = parseInt(paddedInteger1.charAt(i), 10);
3498 const digit2 = parseInt(paddedInteger2.charAt(i), 10);
3499 const sum = digit1 + digit2 + carry;
3501 result = (sum % 10) + result; // Append the digit to the result
3502 carry = Math.floor(sum / 10);
3503 }
3505 // Display the result
3506 displayResult(result);
3507 } else {
3508 alert("Please enter positive integers.");
3509 }
3510 }
3512 function displayResult(result) {
3513 // Display the result
3514 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3515 resultElement.textContent = `Sum without carry: ${
3516 result.replace(/^0+/, "") || "0"
3517 }`;
3518 }

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3519 </script>
3520 <hr />
3522 <h4>
3523 83. Write a JavaScript to find the longest string from a given array of
3524 strings.
3525 </h4>
3526 <form id="stringArrayForm">
3527 <label for="inputStringArray">Enter strings separated by commas:</label>
3528 <input type="text" id="inputStringArray" required />
3530 <button type="button" onclick="findLongestString()">
3531 Find Longest String
3532 </button>
3533 </form>
3535 <p id="result"></p>
3537 <script>
3538 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3539 function findLongestString() {
3540 // Get user input for the array of strings
3541 const inputStringArray =
3542 document.getElementById("inputStringArray").value;
3544 // Convert the input string to an array of strings
3545 const stringArray = inputStringArray.split(",");
3547 // Find the longest string
3548 const longestString = stringArray.reduce(
3549 (longest, current) =>
3550 current.length > longest.length ? current : longest,
3551 ""
3552 );
3554 // Display the result
3555 displayResult(longestString);
3556 }
3558 function displayResult(longestString) {
3559 // Display the result
3560 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3561 resultElement.textContent = `Longest String: ${longestString}`;
3562 }
3563 </script>
3564 <hr />
3566 <h4>
3567 84. Write a JavaScript to replace each character of a given string by the
3568 next one in the English alphabet. Note: 'a' will be replace by 'b' or 'z'
3569 would be replaced by 'a'.
3570 </h4>
3571 <form id="replaceForm">
3572 <label for="inputString">Enter a string:</label>
3573 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
3575 <button type="button" onclick="replaceCharacters()">
3576 Replace Characters
3577 </button>
3578 </form>

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3580 <p id="result"></p>
3582 <script>
3583 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3584 function replaceCharacters() {
3585 // Get user input for the string
3586 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
3588 // Replace each character by the next one in the English alphabet
3589 const replacedString = inputString
3590 .split("")
3591 .map((char) => {
3592 if (char >= "a" && char < "z") {
3593 return String.fromCharCode(char.charCodeAt(0) + 1);
3594 } else if (char === "z") {
3595 return "a";
3596 } else if (char >= "A" && char < "Z") {
3597 return String.fromCharCode(char.charCodeAt(0) + 1);
3598 } else if (char === "Z") {
3599 return "A";
3600 } else {
3601 return char; // Keep non-alphabetic characters unchanged
3602 }
3603 })
3604 .join("");
3606 // Display the result
3607 displayResult(replacedString);
3608 }
3610 function displayResult(replacedString) {
3611 // Display the result
3612 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3613 resultElement.textContent = `Replaced String: ${replacedString}`;
3614 }
3615 </script>
3616 <hr />
3618 <h4>
3619 85. Write a JavaScript code to divide a given array of positive integers
3620 into two parts. First element goes to first part, second element goes to
3621 second part, and third element goes to first part and so on. Now compute
3622 the sum of two parts and store into an array of size two.
3623 </h4>
3624 <form id="arrayForm">
3625 <label for="inputArray"
3626 >Enter positive integers separated by commas:</label
3627 >
3628 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3630 <button type="button" onclick="divideAndSumArray()">
3631 Divide and Sum
3632 </button>
3633 </form>
3635 <p id="result"></p>
3637 <script>
3638 // Your JavaScript code goes here

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3639 function divideAndSumArray() {
3640 // Get user input for the array of positive integers
3641 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3643 // Convert the input string to an array of positive integers
3644 const positiveIntegers = inputArray
3645 .split(",")
3646 .map(Number)
3647 .filter((num) => num >= 0);
3649 // Divide the array into two parts and compute the sum of each part
3650 const sums = positiveIntegers.reduce(
3651 (result, num, index) => {
3652 result[index % 2] += num;
3653 return result;
3654 },
3655 [0, 0]
3656 );
3658 // Display the result
3659 displayResult(sums);
3660 }
3662 function displayResult(sums) {
3663 // Display the result
3664 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3665 resultElement.textContent = `Sum of Part 1: ${sums[0]}, Sum of Part 2: ${sums[1]
3666 }
3667 </script>
3668 <hr />
3670 <h4>
3671 86. Write a JavaScript program to find the types of a given angle. i.
3672 Types of angles: 1. Acute angle: An angle between 0 and 90 degrees. 2.
3673 Right angle: An 90 degree angle. 3. Obtuse angle: An angle between 90 and
3674 180 degrees. 4. Straight angle: A 180 degree angle.
3675 </h4>
3676 <form id="angleForm">
3677 <label for="inputAngle">Enter an angle in degrees:</label>
3678 <input type="number" id="inputAngle" required />
3680 <button type="button" onclick="findAngleType()">Find Angle Type</button>
3681 </form>
3683 <p id="result"></p>
3685 <script>
3686 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3687 function findAngleType() {
3688 // Get user input for the angle
3689 const inputAngle = document.getElementById("inputAngle").value;
3691 // Convert the input to a number
3692 const angle = parseFloat(inputAngle);
3694 // Check the type of the angle
3695 let angleType;
3696 if (isNaN(angle)) {
3697 angleType = "Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.";

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3698 } else if (angle < 0 || angle > 180) {
3699 angleType =
3700 "Invalid angle. Please enter an angle between 0 and 180 degrees.";
3701 } else if (angle < 90) {
3702 angleType = "Acute angle";
3703 } else if (angle === 90) {
3704 angleType = "Right angle";
3705 } else if (angle < 180) {
3706 angleType = "Obtuse angle";
3707 } else {
3708 angleType = "Straight angle";
3709 }
3711 // Display the result
3712 displayResult(angleType);
3713 }
3715 function displayResult(angleType) {
3716 // Display the result
3717 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3718 resultElement.textContent = `Angle Type: ${angleType}`;
3719 }
3720 </script>
3721 <hr />
3723 <h4>
3724 87. Write a JavaScript program to check whether two arrays of integers of
3725 same length are similar or not. The arrays will be similar if one array
3726 can be obtained from another array by swapping at most one pair of
3727 elements.
3728 </h4>
3729 <form id="arraysForm">
3730 <label for="inputArray1"
3731 >Enter the first array of integers (comma-separated):</label
3732 >
3733 <input type="text" id="inputArray1" required />
3735 <label for="inputArray2"
3736 >Enter the second array of integers (comma-separated):</label
3737 >
3738 <input type="text" id="inputArray2" required />
3740 <button type="button" onclick="checkSimilarArrays()">
3741 Check Similarity
3742 </button>
3743 </form>
3745 <p id="result"></p>
3747 <script>
3748 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3749 function checkSimilarArrays() {
3750 // Get user input for the two arrays
3751 const inputArray1 = document.getElementById("inputArray1").value;
3752 const inputArray2 = document.getElementById("inputArray2").value;
3754 // Convert the input strings to arrays of integers
3755 const array1 = inputArray1.split(",").map(Number);
3756 const array2 = inputArray2.split(",").map(Number);

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3758 // Check if the arrays are of the same length
3759 if (array1.length !== array2.length) {
3760 displayResult("Arrays are not of the same length.");
3761 return;
3762 }
3764 // Count the number of differences between the arrays
3765 let differences = 0;
3766 for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
3767 if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {
3768 differences++;
3769 }
3770 }
3772 // Check if the arrays are similar
3773 const similar = differences === 0 || differences === 2;
3775 // Display the result
3776 displayResult(
3777 similar ? "Arrays are similar." : "Arrays are not similar."
3778 );
3779 }
3781 function displayResult(result) {
3782 // Display the result
3783 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3784 resultElement.textContent = result;
3785 }
3786 </script>
3787 <hr />
3789 <h4>
3790 88. Write a JavaScript program to check whether two given integers are
3791 similar or not, if a given divisor divides both integers and it does not
3792 divide either
3793 </h4>
3794 <form id="integersForm">
3795 <label for="inputInteger1">Enter the first integer:</label>
3796 <input type="number" id="inputInteger1" required />
3798 <label for="inputInteger2">Enter the second integer:</label>
3799 <input type="number" id="inputInteger2" required />
3801 <label for="inputDivisor">Enter the divisor:</label>
3802 <input type="number" id="inputDivisor" required />
3804 <button type="button" onclick="checkSimilarIntegers()">
3805 Check Similarity
3806 </button>
3807 </form>
3809 <p id="result"></p>
3811 <script>
3812 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3813 function checkSimilarIntegers() {
3814 // Get user input for the two integers and the divisor
3815 const integer1 = parseInt(
3816 document.getElementById("inputInteger1").value,
3817 10

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3818 );
3819 const integer2 = parseInt(
3820 document.getElementById("inputInteger2").value,
3821 10
3822 );
3823 const divisor = parseInt(
3824 document.getElementById("inputDivisor").value,
3825 10
3826 );
3828 // Check if the divisor is not 0
3829 if (divisor === 0) {
3830 displayResult("Invalid divisor. Please enter a non-zero divisor.");
3831 return;
3832 }
3834 // Check if the integers are similar
3835 const similar =
3836 integer1 % divisor === 0 &&
3837 integer2 % divisor === 0 &&
3838 (integer1 % divisor !== 0 || integer2 % divisor !== 0);
3840 // Display the result
3841 displayResult(
3842 similar ? "Integers are similar." : "Integers are not similar."
3843 );
3844 }
3846 function displayResult(result) {
3847 // Display the result
3848 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3849 resultElement.textContent = result;
3850 }
3851 </script>
3852 <hr />
3854 <h4>
3855 89. Write a JavaScript program to check whether it is possible to replace
3856 $ in a given expression x $ y = z with one of the four signs +, -, * or /
3857 to obtain a correct expression. For example x = 10, y = 30 and z = 300, we
3858 can replace $ with a multiple operator (*) to obtain x * y = z
3859 </h4>
3860 <form id="expressionForm">
3861 <label for="inputX">Enter the value of x:</label>
3862 <input type="number" id="inputX" required />
3864 <label for="inputY">Enter the value of y:</label>
3865 <input type="number" id="inputY" required />
3867 <label for="inputZ">Enter the value of z:</label>
3868 <input type="number" id="inputZ" required />
3870 <button type="button" onclick="checkExpression()">
3871 Check Expression
3872 </button>
3873 </form>
3875 <p id="result"></p>
3877 <script>

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3878 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3879 function checkExpression() {
3880 // Get user input for the values of x, y, and z
3881 const x = parseFloat(document.getElementById("inputX").value);
3882 const y = parseFloat(document.getElementById("inputY").value);
3883 const z = parseFloat(document.getElementById("inputZ").value);
3885 // Check if it is possible to replace $ with one of the four signs (+, -, * or
3886 const possible =
3887 x + y === z || x - y === z || x * y === z || x / y === z;
3889 // Display the result
3890 displayResult(possible ? "It is possible." : "It is not possible.");
3891 }
3893 function displayResult(result) {
3894 // Display the result
3895 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3896 resultElement.textContent = result;
3897 }
3898 </script>
3899 <hr />
3901 <h4>
3902 90. Write a JavaScript program to find the kth greatest element of a given
3903 array of integers
3904 </h4>
3905 <form id="arrayForm">
3906 <label for="inputArray"
3907 >Enter the array of integers (comma-separated):</label
3908 >
3909 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3911 <label for="inputK">Enter the value of k:</label>
3912 <input type="number" id="inputK" required />
3914 <button type="button" onclick="findKthGreatestElement()">
3915 Find Kth Greatest Element
3916 </button>
3917 </form>
3919 <p id="result"></p>
3921 <script>
3922 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3923 function findKthGreatestElement() {
3924 // Get user input for the array of integers and k
3925 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3926 const array = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3927 const k = parseInt(document.getElementById("inputK").value, 10);
3929 // Sort the array in descending order
3930 const sortedArray = array.sort((a, b) => b - a);
3932 // Check if k is within the array bounds
3933 if (k >= 1 && k <= array.length) {
3934 // Get the kth greatest element
3935 const kthGreatestElement = sortedArray[k - 1];

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3937 // Display the result
3938 displayResult(
3939 `The ${k}th greatest element is: ${kthGreatestElement}`
3940 );
3941 } else {
3942 // Display an error message if k is out of bounds
3943 displayResult(
3944 "Invalid value of k. Please enter a value within the array bounds."
3945 );
3946 }
3947 }
3949 function displayResult(result) {
3950 // Display the result
3951 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
3952 resultElement.textContent = result;
3953 }
3954 </script>
3955 <hr />
3957 <h4>
3958 91. Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum possible sum of some of
3959 its k consecutive numbers (numbers that follow each other in order.) of a
3960 given array of positive integers
3961 </h4>
3962 <form id="arrayForm">
3963 <label for="inputArray"
3964 >Enter the array of positive integers (comma-separated):</label
3965 >
3966 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
3968 <label for="inputK">Enter the value of k:</label>
3969 <input type="number" id="inputK" required />
3971 <button type="button" onclick="findMaxSumOfKConsecutiveNumbers()">
3972 Find Maximum Sum
3973 </button>
3974 </form>
3976 <p id="result"></p>
3978 <script>
3979 // Your JavaScript code goes here
3980 function findMaxSumOfKConsecutiveNumbers() {
3981 // Get user input for the array of positive integers and k
3982 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
3983 const array = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
3984 const k = parseInt(document.getElementById("inputK").value, 10);
3986 // Check if k is within the array bounds
3987 if (k >= 1 && k <= array.length) {
3988 let maxSum = 0;
3989 let currentSum = 0;
3991 // Calculate the sum of the first k elements
3992 for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) {
3993 currentSum += array[i];
3994 }
3996 maxSum = currentSum;

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3998 // Calculate the sum of consecutive k elements and find the maximum
3999 for (let i = k; i < array.length; i++) {
4000 currentSum = currentSum - array[i - k] + array[i];
4001 maxSum = Math.max(maxSum, currentSum);
4002 }
4004 // Display the result
4005 displayResult(
4006 `The maximum sum of ${k} consecutive numbers is: ${maxSum}`
4007 );
4008 } else {
4009 // Display an error message if k is out of bounds
4010 displayResult(
4011 "Invalid value of k. Please enter a value within the array bounds."
4012 );
4013 }
4014 }
4016 function displayResult(result) {
4017 // Display the result
4018 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4019 resultElement.textContent = result;
4020 }
4021 </script>
4022 <hr />
4024 <h4>
4025 92. Write a JavaScript program to find the maximal difference between any
4026 two adjacent elements of a given array of integers
4027 </h4>
4028 <form id="arrayForm">
4029 <label for="inputArray"
4030 >Enter the array of integers (comma-separated):</label
4031 >
4032 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
4034 <button type="button" onclick="findMaximalDifference()">
4035 Find Maximal Difference
4036 </button>
4037 </form>
4039 <p id="result"></p>
4041 <script>
4042 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4043 function findMaximalDifference() {
4044 // Get user input for the array of integers
4045 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
4046 const array = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
4048 // Check if the array has at least two elements
4049 if (array.length >= 2) {
4050 let maximalDifference = 0;
4052 // Iterate over the array and find the maximal difference between adjacent
4053 for (let i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) {
4054 const difference = Math.abs(array[i] - array[i + 1]);
4055 maximalDifference = Math.max(maximalDifference, difference);

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4056 }
4058 // Display the result
4059 displayResult(
4060 `The maximal difference between any two adjacent elements is:
4061 );
4062 } else {
4063 // Display an error message if the array has less than two elements
4064 displayResult("Array must have at least two elements.");
4065 }
4066 }
4068 function displayResult(result) {
4069 // Display the result
4070 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4071 resultElement.textContent = result;
4072 }
4073 </script>
4074 <hr />
4076 <h4>
4077 93. Write a JavaScript program to find the maximal difference among all
4078 possible pairs of a given array of integers.
4079 </h4>
4080 <form id="arrayForm">
4081 <label for="inputArray"
4082 >Enter the array of integers (comma-separated):</label
4083 >
4084 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
4086 <button type="button" onclick="findMaximalDifference()">
4087 Find Maximal Difference
4088 </button>
4089 </form>
4091 <p id="result"></p>
4093 <script>
4094 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4095 function findMaximalDifference() {
4096 // Get user input for the array of integers
4097 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
4098 const array = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
4100 // Check if the array has at least two elements
4101 if (array.length >= 2) {
4102 let maximalDifference = 0;
4104 // Iterate over all pairs of elements in the array and find the maximal
4105 for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
4106 for (let j = i + 1; j < array.length; j++) {
4107 const difference = Math.abs(array[i] - array[j]);
4108 maximalDifference = Math.max(maximalDifference, difference);
4109 }
4110 }
4112 // Display the result
4113 displayResult(

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4114 `The maximal difference among all possible pairs is: ${maximalDifference}`
4115 );
4116 } else {
4117 // Display an error message if the array has less than two elements
4118 displayResult("Array must have at least two elements.");
4119 }
4120 }
4122 function displayResult(result) {
4123 // Display the result
4124 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4125 resultElement.textContent = result;
4126 }
4127 </script>
4128 <hr />
4130 <h4>
4131 94. Write a JavaScript program to find the number which appears most in a
4132 given array of integers.
4133 </h4>
4134 <form id="arrayForm">
4135 <label for="inputArray"
4136 >Enter the array of integers (comma-separated):</label
4137 >
4138 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
4140 <button type="button" onclick="findMostFrequentNumber()">
4141 Find Most Frequent Number
4142 </button>
4143 </form>
4145 <p id="result"></p>
4147 <script>
4148 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4149 function findMostFrequentNumber() {
4150 // Get user input for the array of integers
4151 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
4152 const array = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
4154 // Create an object to store the frequency of each number
4155 const frequencyMap = {};
4157 // Iterate through the array to count the frequency of each number
4158 array.forEach((num) => {
4159 frequencyMap[num] = (frequencyMap[num] || 0) + 1;
4160 });
4162 // Find the number with the highest frequency
4163 let mostFrequentNumber;
4164 let maxFrequency = 0;
4166 for (const num in frequencyMap) {
4167 if (frequencyMap[num] > maxFrequency) {
4168 mostFrequentNumber = num;
4169 maxFrequency = frequencyMap[num];
4170 }
4171 }
4173 // Display the result

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4174 displayResult(
4175 `The most frequent number is: ${mostFrequentNumber}, with a frequency of
4176 );
4177 }
4179 function displayResult(result) {
4180 // Display the result
4181 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4182 resultElement.textContent = result;
4183 }
4184 </script>
4185 <hr />
4187 <h4>
4188 95. Write a JavaScript program to replace all the numbers with a specified
4189 number of a given array of integers.
4190 </h4>
4191 <form id="arrayForm">
4192 <label for="inputArray"
4193 >Enter the array of integers (comma-separated):</label
4194 >
4195 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
4197 <label for="targetNumber">Enter the target number to replace:</label>
4198 <input type="number" id="targetNumber" required />
4200 <label for="replacementNumber">Enter the replacement number:</label>
4201 <input type="number" id="replacementNumber" required />
4203 <button type="button" onclick="replaceNumbers()">Replace Numbers</button>
4204 </form>
4206 <p id="result"></p>
4208 <script>
4209 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4210 function replaceNumbers() {
4211 // Get user input for the array of integers, target number, and replacement
4212 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
4213 const array = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
4214 const targetNumber = parseInt(
4215 document.getElementById("targetNumber").value,
4216 10
4217 );
4218 const replacementNumber = parseInt(
4219 document.getElementById("replacementNumber").value,
4220 10
4221 );
4223 // Replace all occurrences of the target number with the replacement number
4224 const replacedArray = =>
4225 num === targetNumber ? replacementNumber : num
4226 );
4228 // Display the result
4229 displayResult(`Array with numbers replaced: [${replacedArray}]`);
4230 }

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4232 function displayResult(result) {
4233 // Display the result
4234 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4235 resultElement.textContent = result;
4236 }
4237 </script>
4238 <hr />
4240 <h4>
4241 96. Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of absolute differences
4242 of consecutive numbers of a given array of integers
4243 </h4>
4244 <form id="arrayForm">
4245 <label for="inputArray"
4246 >Enter the array of integers (comma-separated):</label
4247 >
4248 <input type="text" id="inputArray" required />
4250 <button type="button" onclick="computeSum()">Compute Sum</button>
4251 </form>
4253 <p id="result"></p>
4255 <script>
4256 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4257 function computeSum() {
4258 // Get user input for the array of integers
4259 const inputArray = document.getElementById("inputArray").value;
4260 const array = inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
4262 // Initialize sum of absolute differences
4263 let sum = 0;
4265 // Compute the sum of absolute differences of consecutive numbers
4266 for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
4267 sum += Math.abs(array[i] - array[i - 1]);
4268 }
4270 // Display the result
4271 displayResult(`Sum of absolute differences: ${sum}`);
4272 }
4274 function displayResult(result) {
4275 // Display the result
4276 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4277 resultElement.textContent = result;
4278 }
4279 </script>
4280 <hr />
4282 <h4>
4283 97. Write a JavaScript program to find the shortest possible string which
4284 can create a string to make it a palindrome by adding characters to the
4285 end of it.
4286 </h4>
4287 <form id="stringForm">
4288 <label for="inputString">Enter the string:</label>
4289 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
4291 <button type="button" onclick="findShortestPalindrome()">

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4292 Find Shortest Palindrome
4293 </button>
4294 </form>
4296 <p id="result"></p>
4298 <script>
4299 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4300 function findShortestPalindrome() {
4301 // Get user input for the string
4302 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
4304 // Find the shortest possible palindrome by iterating through the characters of
the string
4305 for (let i = 0; i < inputString.length; i++) {
4306 if (isPalindrome(inputString.substring(i))) {
4307 // If the substring starting from the current character is a palindrome,
then add the characters before it to the end of the string
4308 const palindrome =
4309 inputString +
4310 inputString.substring(0, i).split("").reverse().join("");
4311 displayResult(`Shortest palindrome: ${palindrome}`);
4312 return;
4313 }
4314 }
4316 // If the string itself is already a palindrome, then it is the shortest
possible palindrome
4317 displayResult(`Shortest palindrome: ${inputString}`);
4318 }
4320 function isPalindrome(str) {
4321 // Check if a string is a palindrome
4322 return str === str.split("").reverse().join("");
4323 }
4325 function displayResult(result) {
4326 // Display the result
4327 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4328 resultElement.textContent = result;
4329 }
4330 </script>
4331 <hr />
4333 <h4>
4334 98. Write a JavaScript program to switch case of the minimum possible
4335 number of letters to make a given string written in the upper case or in
4336 the lower case. Fox example "Write" will be write and "PHp" will be "PHP"
4337 </h4>
4338 <form id="stringForm">
4339 <label for="inputString">Enter the string:</label>
4340 <input type="text" id="inputString" required />
4342 <button type="button" onclick="switchCase()">Switch Case</button>
4343 </form>
4345 <p id="result"></p>
4347 <script>
4348 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4349 function switchCase() {
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4350 // Get user input for the string
4351 const inputString = document.getElementById("inputString").value;
4353 // Count the number of uppercase and lowercase letters
4354 let uppercaseCount = 0;
4355 let lowercaseCount = 0;
4357 for (let i = 0; i < inputString.length; i++) {
4358 if (inputString[i] >= "A" && inputString[i] <= "Z") {
4359 uppercaseCount++;
4360 } else if (inputString[i] >= "a" && inputString[i] <= "z") {
4361 lowercaseCount++;
4362 }
4363 }
4365 // Convert the string to the case with the minimum number of changes
4366 let resultString;
4367 if (uppercaseCount <= lowercaseCount) {
4368 resultString = inputString.toLowerCase();
4369 } else {
4370 resultString = inputString.toUpperCase();
4371 }
4373 // Display the result
4374 displayResult(`Switched case: ${resultString}`);
4375 }
4377 function displayResult(result) {
4378 // Display the result
4379 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4380 resultElement.textContent = result;
4381 }
4382 </script>
4383 <hr />
4385 <h4>
4386 99. Write a JavaScript program to check whether it is possible to
4387 rearrange characters of a given string in such way that it will become
4388 equal to another given string.
4389 </h4>
4390 <form id="stringForm">
4391 <label for="string1">Enter the first string:</label>
4392 <input type="text" id="string1" required />
4394 <label for="string2">Enter the second string:</label>
4395 <input type="text" id="string2" required />
4397 <button type="button" onclick="checkRearrange()">Check Rearrange</button>
4398 </form>
4400 <p id="result"></p>
4402 <script>
4403 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4404 function checkRearrange() {
4405 // Get user input for the strings
4406 const string1 = document.getElementById("string1").value;
4407 const string2 = document.getElementById("string2").value;
4409 // Sort the characters of both strings and compare them

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4410 const sortedString1 = string1.split("").sort().join("");
4411 const sortedString2 = string2.split("").sort().join("");
4413 // Check if the sorted strings are equal
4414 const isPossible = sortedString1 === sortedString2;
4416 // Display the result
4417 if (isPossible) {
4418 displayResult(
4419 "It is possible to rearrange the characters of the first string to make it
equal to the second string."
4420 );
4421 } else {
4422 displayResult(
4423 "It is not possible to rearrange the characters of the first string to make
it equal to the second string."
4424 );
4425 }
4426 }
4428 function displayResult(result) {
4429 // Display the result
4430 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4431 resultElement.textContent = result;
4432 }
4433 </script>
4434 <hr />
4436 <h4>
4437 100. Write a JavaScript program to check whether there is at least one
4438 element which occurs in two given sorted arrays of integers.
4439 </h4>
4440 <form id="arrayForm">
4441 <label for="array1">Enter the first sorted array:</label>
4442 <input type="text" id="array1" placeholder="e.g., 1, 2, 3" />
4444 <label for="array2">Enter the second sorted array:</label>
4445 <input type="text" id="array2" placeholder="e.g., 2, 3, 4" />
4447 <button type="button" onclick="checkCommonElements()">
4448 Check Common Elements
4449 </button>
4450 </form>
4452 <p id="result"></p>
4454 <script>
4455 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4456 function checkCommonElements() {
4457 // Get user input for the arrays
4458 const array1 = document
4459 .getElementById("array1")
4460 .value.split(",")
4461 .map(Number);
4462 const array2 = document
4463 .getElementById("array2")
4464 .value.split(",")
4465 .map(Number);
4467 // Initialize pointers for both arrays

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4468 let pointer1 = 0;
4469 let pointer2 = 0;
4471 // Iterate through both arrays to find common elements
4472 while (pointer1 < array1.length && pointer2 < array2.length) {
4473 if (array1[pointer1] === array2[pointer2]) {
4474 // If the elements are equal, display the result and return
4475 displayResult(
4476 "There is at least one common element in the two arrays."
4477 );
4478 return;
4479 } else if (array1[pointer1] < array2[pointer2]) {
4480 // If the element in array1 is smaller, move pointer1 forward
4481 pointer1++;
4482 } else {
4483 // If the element in array2 is smaller, move pointer2 forward
4484 pointer2++;
4485 }
4486 }
4488 // If no common element is found after iterating both arrays
4489 displayResult("There are no common elements in the two arrays.");
4490 }
4492 function displayResult(result) {
4493 // Display the result
4494 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4495 resultElement.textContent = result;
4496 }
4497 </script>
4498 <hr />
4500 <!-- --------------------------- 201 --------------------------------- -->
4501 <h4>
4502 201.Write a JavaScript program to get an object containing the parameters
4503 of the current URL
4504 </h4>
4505 <form id="expressionForm">
4506 <label for="inputX">Enter the value of x:</label>
4507 <input type="number" id="inputX" required />
4509 <label for="inputY">Enter the value of y:</label>
4510 <input type="number" id="inputY" required />
4512 <label for="inputZ">Enter the value of z:</label>
4513 <input type="number" id="inputZ" required />
4515 <button type="button" onclick="checkExpression()">
4516 Check Expression
4517 </button>
4518 </form>
4520 <p id="result"></p>
4522 <script>
4523 // Your JavaScript code goes here
4524 function checkExpression() {
4525 // Get user input for the values of x, y, and z
4526 const x = parseFloat(document.getElementById("inputX").value);
4527 const y = parseFloat(document.getElementById("inputY").value);

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4528 const z = parseFloat(document.getElementById("inputZ").value);
4530 // Check if it is possible to replace $ with one of the four signs (+, -, * or
4531 const possible =
4532 x + y === z || x - y === z || x * y === z || x / y === z;
4534 // Display the result
4535 displayResult(possible ? "It is possible." : "It is not possible.");
4536 }
4538 function displayResult(result) {
4539 // Display the result
4540 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4541 resultElement.textContent = result;
4542 }
4543 </script>
4544 <hr />
4546 <h4>
4547 202.Write a JavaScript program to group the elements of a given array
4548 based on the given function.
4549 </h4>
4550 <form id="groupForm">
4551 <label for="numberInput">Enter numbers separated by commas:</label>
4552 <input type="text" id="numberInput" placeholder="e.g., 1, 2, 3" />
4554 <button type="button" onclick="groupNumbers()">Group Numbers</button>
4555 </form>
4557 <div id="result"></div>
4559 <script>
4560 function groupElementsByFunction(arr, func) {
4561 return arr.reduce((acc, curr) => {
4562 const key = func(curr);
4563 if (!acc[key]) {
4564 acc[key] = [];
4565 }
4566 acc[key].push(curr);
4567 return acc;
4568 }, {});
4569 }
4571 function groupNumbers() {
4572 const numbersInput = document.getElementById("numberInput").value;
4573 const numbersArray = numbersInput
4574 .split(",")
4575 .map((num) => parseInt(num.trim()));
4577 const groupedByEvenOdd = groupElementsByFunction(numbersArray, (num) =>
4578 num % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd"
4579 );
4581 // Display the grouped elements
4582 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4583 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Grouped Numbers:</h2>";
4584 for (const key in groupedByEvenOdd) {
4585 if (groupedByEvenOdd.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
4586 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>${key}: ${groupedByEvenOdd[key].join(

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4587 ", "
4588 )}</p>`;
4589 }
4590 }
4591 }
4592 </script>
4593 <hr />
4595 <h4>
4596 203.Write a JavaScript program to Initialize a two dimension array of
4597 given width and height and value.
4598 </h4>
4599 <form id="arrayForm">
4600 <label for="widthInput">Width:</label>
4601 <input type="number" id="widthInput" min="1" required />
4602 <br />
4603 <label for="heightInput">Height:</label>
4604 <input type="number" id="heightInput" min="1" required />
4605 <br />
4606 <label for="valueInput">Initial Value:</label>
4607 <input type="text" id="valueInput" required />
4608 <br />
4609 <button type="button" onclick="initializeArray()">
4610 Initialize Array
4611 </button>
4612 </form>
4614 <div id="result"></div>
4616 <script>
4617 function initializeArray() {
4618 const width = parseInt(document.getElementById("widthInput").value);
4619 const height = parseInt(document.getElementById("heightInput").value);
4620 const value = document.getElementById("valueInput").value;
4622 // Initialize a 2D array
4623 const array = [];
4624 for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
4625 array[i] = [];
4626 for (let j = 0; j < width; j++) {
4627 array[i][j] = value;
4628 }
4629 }
4631 // Display the initialized array
4632 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4633 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Initialized 2D Array:</h2>";
4634 resultElement.innerHTML +=
4635 "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(array, null, 2) + "</pre>";
4636 }
4637 </script>
4638 <hr />
4640 <h4>
4641 204.Write a JavaScript program to initialize an array containing the
4642 numbers in the specified range where start and end are inclusive with
4643 their common difference step
4644 </h4>
4645 <form id="rangeForm">
4646 <label for="startInput">Start:</label>

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4647 <input type="number" id="startInput" required />
4648 <br />
4649 <label for="endInput">End:</label>
4650 <input type="number" id="endInput" required />
4651 <br />
4652 <label for="stepInput">Step:</label>
4653 <input type="number" id="stepInput" required />
4654 <br />
4655 <button type="button" onclick="initializeArray()">
4656 Initialize Array
4657 </button>
4658 </form>
4660 <div id="result"></div>
4662 <script>
4663 function initializeArray() {
4664 const start = parseInt(document.getElementById("startInput").value);
4665 const end = parseInt(document.getElementById("endInput").value);
4666 const step = parseInt(document.getElementById("stepInput").value);
4668 const array = [];
4669 for (let i = start; i <= end; i += step) {
4670 array.push(i);
4671 }
4673 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4674 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Initialized Array:</h2>";
4675 resultElement.innerHTML +=
4676 "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(array, null, 2) + "</pre>";
4677 }
4678 </script>
4680 <h4>
4681 205.Write a JavaScript program to Join all given URL segments together,
4682 then normalizes the resulting URL.
4683 </h4>
4684 <form id="urlForm">
4685 <label for="urlSegments">URL Segments:</label>
4686 <input
4687 type="text"
4688 id="urlSegments"
4689 placeholder="e.g.,, /path, ?query=value"
4690 />
4691 <br />
4692 <button type="button" onclick="normalizeURL()">Normalize URL</button>
4693 </form>
4695 <div id="result"></div>
4697 <script>
4698 function normalizeURL() {
4699 const urlSegments = document.getElementById("urlSegments").value.trim();
4701 try {
4702 // Join URL segments
4703 const joinedURL = new URL(urlSegments, "");
4705 // Normalize URL
4706 const normalizedURL = joinedURL.href;

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4708 // Display the normalized URL
4709 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4710 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Normalized URL:</h2>";
4711 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>${normalizedURL}</p>`;
4712 } catch (error) {
4713 console.error("Invalid URL:", error);
4714 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4715 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Error:</h2>";
4716 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>${error.message}</p>`;
4717 }
4718 }
4719 </script>
4720 <hr />
4722 <h4>
4723 206.Write a JavaScript program to check whether all elements in a given
4724 array are equal or not.
4725 </h4>
4726 <form id="arrayForm">
4727 <label for="arrayInput">Enter array elements separated by commas:</label>
4728 <input type="text" id="arrayInput" placeholder="e.g., 1, 1, 1" />
4729 <br />
4730 <button type="button" onclick="checkEquality()">Check Equality</button>
4731 </form>
4733 <div id="result"></div>
4735 <script>
4736 function checkEquality() {
4737 const arrayInput = document.getElementById("arrayInput").value.trim();
4738 const array = arrayInput.split(",").map((item) => item.trim());
4740 let areEqual = true;
4741 for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
4742 if (array[i] !== array[0]) {
4743 areEqual = false;
4744 break;
4745 }
4746 }
4748 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4749 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Result:</h2>";
4750 if (areEqual) {
4751 resultElement.innerHTML += "<p>All elements are equal.</p>";
4752 } else {
4753 resultElement.innerHTML += "<p>Not all elements are equal.</p>";
4754 }
4755 }
4756 </script>
4757 <hr />
4759 <h4>
4760 207.Write a JavaScript program to compute the average of an array, after
4761 mapping each element to a value using the provided function.
4762 </h4>
4763 <form id="arrayForm">
4764 <label for="arrayInput">Enter array elements separated by commas:</label>
4765 <input type="text" id="arrayInput" placeholder="e.g., 1, 2, 3" />
4766 <br />

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4767 <label for="mappingFunction">Mapping Function:</label>
4768 <input type="text" id="mappingFunction" placeholder="e.g., x => x * 2" />
4769 <br />
4770 <button type="button" onclick="computeAverage()">Compute Average</button>
4771 </form>
4773 <div id="result"></div>
4775 <script>
4776 function computeAverage() {
4777 const arrayInput = document.getElementById("arrayInput").value.trim();
4778 const array = arrayInput
4779 .split(",")
4780 .map((item) => parseFloat(item.trim()));
4782 const mappingFunctionString = document
4783 .getElementById("mappingFunction")
4784 .value.trim();
4785 const mappingFunction = new Function(
4786 "x",
4787 `return ${mappingFunctionString};`
4788 );
4790 const mappedArray =;
4791 const sum = mappedArray.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);
4792 const average = sum / array.length;
4794 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4795 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Result:</h2>";
4796 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>Mapped Array: [${mappedArray.join(
4797 ", "
4798 )}]</p>`;
4799 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>Average: ${average}</p>`;
4800 }
4801 </script>
4802 <hr />
4804 <h4>
4805 208.Write a JavaScript program to split values into two groups according
4806 to a predicate function, which specifies which group an element in the
4807 input collection belongs to.
4808 </h4>
4809 <form id="splitForm">
4810 <label for="arrayInput">Enter array elements separated by commas:</label>
4811 <input type="text" id="arrayInput" placeholder="e.g., 1, 2, 3" />
4812 <br />
4813 <label for="predicateFunction">Predicate Function:</label>
4814 <input
4815 type="text"
4816 id="predicateFunction"
4817 placeholder="e.g., x => x % 2 === 0"
4818 />
4819 <br />
4820 <button type="button" onclick="splitValues()">Split Values</button>
4821 </form>
4823 <div id="result"></div>
4825 <script>
4826 function splitValues() {

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4827 const arrayInput = document.getElementById("arrayInput").value.trim();
4828 const array = arrayInput
4829 .split(",")
4830 .map((item) => parseFloat(item.trim()));
4832 const predicateFunctionString = document
4833 .getElementById("predicateFunction")
4834 .value.trim();
4835 const predicateFunction = new Function(
4836 "x",
4837 `return ${predicateFunctionString};`
4838 );
4840 const trueGroup = [];
4841 const falseGroup = [];
4843 for (const element of array) {
4844 if (predicateFunction(element)) {
4845 trueGroup.push(element);
4846 } else {
4847 falseGroup.push(element);
4848 }
4849 }
4851 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4852 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Result:</h2>";
4853 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>True Group: [${trueGroup.join(
4854 ", "
4855 )}]</p>`;
4856 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>False Group: [${falseGroup.join(
4857 ", "
4858 )}]</p>`;
4859 }
4860 </script>
4861 <hr />
4863 <h4>
4864 209.Write a JavaScript program to create a function that invokes fn with a
4865 given context, optionally adding any additional supplied parameters to the
4866 beginning of the arguments.
4867 </h4>
4868 <form id="invokeForm">
4869 <label for="context">Context Object:</label>
4870 <input type="text" id="context" placeholder="e.g., window" />
4871 <br />
4872 <label for="functionName">Function Name:</label>
4873 <input type="text" id="functionName" placeholder="e.g., console.log" />
4874 <br />
4875 <label for="additionalParams"
4876 >Additional Parameters (comma-separated):</label
4877 >
4878 <input
4879 type="text"
4880 id="additionalParams"
4881 placeholder="e.g., 'Hello', 123"
4882 />
4883 <br />
4884 <button type="button" onclick="invokeFunction()">Invoke Function</button>
4885 </form>

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4887 <div id="result"></div>
4889 <script>
4890 function invokeFunction() {
4891 const context = document.getElementById("context").value.trim();
4892 const functionName = document
4893 .getElementById("functionName")
4894 .value.trim();
4895 const additionalParamsInput = document
4896 .getElementById("additionalParams")
4897 .value.trim();
4898 const additionalParams = additionalParamsInput
4899 .split(",")
4900 .map((param) => {
4901 param = param.trim();
4902 // Check if the parameter is a string or a number
4903 if (/^['"].*['"]$/.test(param)) {
4904 return param.slice(1, -1); // Remove surrounding quotes for strings
4905 } else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(param))) {
4906 return parseFloat(param); // Convert to number if possible
4907 } else {
4908 return param; // Keep as is
4909 }
4910 });
4912 // Retrieve the context object
4913 const contextObject = eval(context);
4915 // Retrieve the function from the context object
4916 const fn = contextObject[functionName];
4918 // Invoke the function with the context and additional parameters
4919 const result = fn.apply(contextObject, additionalParams);
4921 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4922 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Result:</h2>";
4923 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>${result}</p>`;
4924 }
4925 </script>
4926 <hr />
4928 <h4>
4929 210.Write a JavaScript program to create a function that invokes the
4930 method at a given key of an object, optionally adding any additional
4931 supplied parameters to the beginning of the arguments.
4932 </h4>
4933 <form id="invokeMethodForm">
4934 <label for="object">Object:</label>
4935 <input type="text" id="object" placeholder="e.g., window" />
4936 <br />
4937 <label for="methodKey">Method Key:</label>
4938 <input type="text" id="methodKey" placeholder="e.g., alert" />
4939 <br />
4940 <label for="additionalParams"
4941 >Additional Parameters (comma-separated):</label
4942 >
4943 <input
4944 type="text"
4945 id="additionalParams"
4946 placeholder="e.g., 'Hello', 123"

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4947 />
4948 <br />
4949 <button type="button" onclick="invokeMethod()">Invoke Method</button>
4950 </form>
4952 <div id="result"></div>
4954 <script>
4955 function invokeMethod() {
4956 const object = document.getElementById("object").value.trim();
4957 const methodKey = document.getElementById("methodKey").value.trim();
4958 const additionalParamsInput = document
4959 .getElementById("additionalParams")
4960 .value.trim();
4961 const additionalParams = additionalParamsInput
4962 .split(",")
4963 .map((param) => {
4964 param = param.trim();
4965 // Check if the parameter is a string or a number
4966 if (/^['"].*['"]$/.test(param)) {
4967 return param.slice(1, -1); // Remove surrounding quotes for strings
4968 } else if (!isNaN(parseFloat(param))) {
4969 return parseFloat(param); // Convert to number if possible
4970 } else {
4971 return param; // Keep as is
4972 }
4973 });
4975 // Retrieve the object
4976 const obj = eval(object);
4978 // Retrieve the method from the object
4979 const method = obj[methodKey];
4981 // Invoke the method with additional parameters
4982 const result = method.apply(obj, additionalParams);
4984 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
4985 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Result:</h2>";
4986 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>${result}</p>`;
4987 }
4988 </script>
4989 <hr />
4991 <h4>
4992 211.Write a JavaScript program to cast the provided value as an array if
4993 it's not one.
4994 </h4>
4995 <form id="castValueForm">
4996 <label for="value">Value:</label>
4997 <input type="text" id="value" placeholder="Enter a value" />
4998 <button type="button" onclick="castValue()">Cast to Array</button>
4999 </form>
5001 <div id="result"></div>
5003 <script>
5004 function castValue() {
5005 const value = document.getElementById("value").value.trim();
5006 let result;

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5008 // Check if the value is already an array
5009 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
5010 result = value;
5011 } else {
5012 // If not an array, cast it to an array
5013 result = [value];
5014 }
5016 const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
5017 resultElement.innerHTML = "<h2>Result:</h2>";
5018 resultElement.innerHTML += `<p>${JSON.stringify(result)}</p>`;
5019 }
5020 </script>
5021 <hr />
5023 <h4>212.Write a JavaScript program to chain asynchronous functions</h4>
5024 <h1>Asynchronous Function Chaining</h1>
5026 <script>
5027 function asyncFunction1() {
5028 return new Promise((resolve) => {
5029 setTimeout(() => {
5030 console.log("Async function 1");
5031 resolve();
5032 }, 1000);
5033 });
5034 }
5036 function asyncFunction2() {
5037 return new Promise((resolve) => {
5038 setTimeout(() => {
5039 console.log("Async function 2");
5040 resolve();
5041 }, 1000);
5042 });
5043 }
5045 function asyncFunction3() {
5046 return new Promise((resolve) => {
5047 setTimeout(() => {
5048 console.log("Async function 3");
5049 resolve();
5050 }, 1000);
5051 });
5052 }
5054 async function chainAsyncFunctions() {
5055 await asyncFunction1();
5056 await asyncFunction2();
5057 await asyncFunction3();
5058 }
5060 // Call the function to chain asynchronous functions
5061 chainAsyncFunctions();
5062 </script>
5063 <hr />
5065 <h4>213.Write a JavaScript program to clone a given regular expression.</h4>
5066 <script>

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5067 function cloneRegExp(regExp) {
5068 // Extract the pattern and flags from the original RegExp
5069 const pattern = regExp.source;
5070 const flags = regExp.flags;
5072 // Create a new RegExp object with the same pattern and flags
5073 return new RegExp(pattern, flags);
5074 }
5076 // Example usage:
5077 const originalRegExp = /[a-z]+/gi;
5078 const clonedRegExp = cloneRegExp(originalRegExp);
5080 console.log("Original RegExp:", originalRegExp);
5081 console.log("Cloned RegExp:", clonedRegExp);
5082 </script>
5083 <hr />
5085 <h4>
5086 214.Write a JavaScript program to get the first non-null / undefined
5087 argument.
5088 </h4>
5089 <h1>Get First Non-Null/Undefined Argument</h1>
5091 <script>
5092 function getFirstNonNullUndefined(...args) {
5093 return args.find((arg) => arg !== null && arg !== undefined);
5094 }
5096 // Example usage:
5097 const firstArg = getFirstNonNullUndefined(
5098 null,
5099 undefined,
5100 5,
5101 "Hello",
5102 true
5103 );
5104 console.log("First non-null/undefined argument:", firstArg);
5105 </script>
5106 <hr />
5108 <h4>
5109 215.Write a JavaScript program to add special characters to text to print
5110 in color in the console (combined with console.log()).
5111 </h4>
5112 <script>
5113 // Function to print colored text in the console
5114 function printColoredText(text, color) {
5115 const colors = {
5116 black: "\x1b[30m",
5117 red: "\x1b[31m",
5118 green: "\x1b[32m",
5119 yellow: "\x1b[33m",
5120 blue: "\x1b[34m",
5121 magenta: "\x1b[35m",
5122 cyan: "\x1b[36m",
5123 white: "\x1b[37m",
5124 reset: "\x1b[0m", // Reset color to default
5125 };

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5127 // Check if the specified color exists in the colors object
5128 const colorCode = colors[color] || colors.white; // Default to white if color is
not found
5130 // Print the colored text to the console
5131 console.log(`${colorCode}${text}${colors.reset}`);
5132 }
5134 // Example usage:
5135 printColoredText("This is red text", "red");
5136 printColoredText("This is blue text", "blue");
5137 printColoredText("This is green text", "green");
5138 printColoredText("This is yellow text", "yellow");
5139 printColoredText("This is magenta text", "magenta");
5140 </script>
5141 <hr />
5143 <h4>
5144 216.Write a JavaScript program to perform right-to-left function
5145 composition.
5146 </h4>
5147 <script>
5148 // Function to perform right-to-left function composition
5149 function compose(...functions) {
5150 return function (arg) {
5151 return functions.reduceRight((result, fn) => fn(result), arg);
5152 };
5153 }
5155 // Example functions
5156 function add2(x) {
5157 return x + 2;
5158 }
5160 function multiply3(x) {
5161 return x * 3;
5162 }
5164 function subtract5(x) {
5165 return x - 5;
5166 }
5168 // Example of composing functions
5169 const composedFunction = compose(subtract5, multiply3, add2);
5171 // Example usage
5172 const result = composedFunction(10);
5173 console.log("Result of composing functions:", result); // Output: ((10 + 2) * 3) -
5 = 31
5174 </script>
5175 <hr />
5177 <h4>
5178 217.Write a JavaScript program to perform left-to-right function
5179 composition
5180 </h4>
5181 <script>
5182 // Function to perform left-to-right function composition
5183 function compose(...functions) {
5184 return function (arg) {

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5185 return functions.reduce((result, fn) => fn(result), arg);
5186 };
5187 }
5189 // Example functions
5190 function add2(x) {
5191 return x + 2;
5192 }
5194 function multiply3(x) {
5195 return x * 3;
5196 }
5198 function subtract5(x) {
5199 return x - 5;
5200 }
5202 // Example of composing functions
5203 const composedFunction = compose(add2, multiply3, subtract5);
5205 // Example usage
5206 const result = composedFunction(10);
5207 console.log("Result of composing functions:", result); // Output: ((10 - 5) * 3) +
2 = 29
5208 </script>
5209 <hr />
5211 <h4>
5212 218.Write a JavaScript program that accepts a converging function and a
5213 list of branching functions and returns a function that applies each
5214 branching function to the arguments and the results of the branching
5215 functions are passed as arguments to the converging function.
5216 </h4>
5217 <script>
5218 // Function to perform left-to-right function composition
5219 function compose(...functions) {
5220 return function (arg) {
5221 return functions.reduce((result, fn) => fn(result), arg);
5222 };
5223 }
5225 // Example functions
5226 function add2(x) {
5227 return x + 2;
5228 }
5230 function multiply3(x) {
5231 return x * 3;
5232 }
5234 function subtract5(x) {
5235 return x - 5;
5236 }
5238 // Example of composing functions
5239 const composedFunction = compose(add2, multiply3, subtract5);
5241 // Example usage
5242 const result = composedFunction(10);
5243 console.log("Result of composing functions:", result); // Output: ((10 - 5) * 3) +

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2 = 29
5244 </script>
5245 <hr />
5247 <h4>
5248 219.Write a JavaScript program to group the elements of an array based on
5249 the given function and returns the count of elements in each group
5250 </h4>
5251 <script>
5252 // Function to group elements of an array based on a given function
5253 function groupBy(arr, func) {
5254 const groups = {};
5256 arr.forEach((element) => {
5257 const key = func(element);
5258 groups[key] = groups[key] ? groups[key] + 1 : 1;
5259 });
5261 return groups;
5262 }
5264 // Example array
5265 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
5267 // Example grouping function (grouping by even and odd numbers)
5268 function groupFunc(num) {
5269 return num % 2 === 0 ? "Even" : "Odd";
5270 }
5272 // Group the elements of the array based on the grouping function
5273 const groupedCounts = groupBy(numbers, groupFunc);
5275 // Output the result
5276 console.log("Grouped Counts:", groupedCounts);
5277 </script>
5278 <hr />
5280 <h4>
5281 220.Write a JavaScript program to count the occurrences of a value in an
5282 array
5283 </h4>
5284 <script>
5285 // Function to count occurrences of a value in an array
5286 function countOccurrences(arr, value) {
5287 let count = 0;
5288 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
5289 if (arr[i] === value) {
5290 count++;
5291 }
5292 }
5293 return count;
5294 }
5296 // Example array
5297 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2];
5299 // Value to count occurrences
5300 const valueToCount = 2;
5302 // Count occurrences of the value in the array

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5303 const occurrences = countOccurrences(numbers, valueToCount);
5305 // Output the result
5306 console.log(`Occurrences of ${valueToCount}: ${occurrences}`);
5307 </script>
5308 <hr />
5310 <h4>221.Write a JavaScript program to create a deep clone of an object.</h4>
5311 <h1>Deep Clone of an Object</h1>
5313 <script>
5314 // Function to deep clone an object
5315 function deepClone(obj) {
5316 if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object") {
5317 return obj;
5318 }
5320 let clone = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};
5322 for (let key in obj) {
5323 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
5324 clone[key] = deepClone(obj[key]);
5325 }
5326 }
5328 return clone;
5329 }
5331 // Example object to clone
5332 const originalObject = {
5333 name: "John",
5334 age: 30,
5335 address: {
5336 city: "New York",
5337 country: "USA",
5338 },
5339 hobbies: ["Reading", "Traveling"],
5340 };
5342 // Deep clone the object
5343 const clonedObject = deepClone(originalObject);
5345 // Modify the cloned object to verify deep cloning
5346 = "Jane";
5347 = "Los Angeles";
5348 clonedObject.hobbies.push("Cooking");
5350 // Output the original and cloned objects
5351 console.log("Original Object:", originalObject);
5352 console.log("Cloned Object:", clonedObject);
5353 </script>
5354 <hr />
5356 <h4>
5357 222.Write a JavaScript program to detect whether the website is being
5358 opened in a mobile device or a desktop/laptop.
5359 </h4>
5360 <script>
5361 // Function to detect the device type
5362 function detectDevice() {

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5363 const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
5364 const mobileKeywords = [
5365 "mobile",
5366 "iphone",
5367 "ipad",
5368 "android",
5369 "blackberry",
5370 "windows phone",
5371 ];
5373 for (let keyword of mobileKeywords) {
5374 if (userAgent.indexOf(keyword) !== -1) {
5375 return "Mobile Device";
5376 }
5377 }
5379 return "Desktop/Laptop";
5380 }
5382 // Check the device type and display the result
5383 const deviceType = detectDevice();
5384 console.log("Device Type:", deviceType);
5385 alert("Device Type: " + deviceType);
5386 </script>
5387 <hr />
5389 <h4>
5390 223.Write a JavaScript program to return the difference between two
5391 arrays, after applying the provided function to each array element of
5392 both.
5393 </h4>
5394 <script>
5395 // Function to return the difference between two arrays after applying the
provided function to each element
5396 function differenceWith(arr1, arr2, func) {
5397 const mappedArr1 =;
5398 const mappedArr2 =;
5400 return mappedArr1.filter((item) => !mappedArr2.includes(item));
5401 }
5403 // Example function to be applied to array elements
5404 function square(x) {
5405 return x * x;
5406 }
5408 // Example arrays
5409 const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
5410 const array2 = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
5412 // Calculate the difference between the arrays after squaring each element
5413 const result = differenceWith(array1, array2, square);
5415 // Output the result
5416 console.log("Difference after applying square function:", result);
5417 </script>
5418 <hr />
5420 <h4>
5421 224.Write a JavaScript program to filter out all values from an array for

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5422 which the comparator function does not return true.
5423 </h4>
5425 <script>
5426 // Function to filter out values from an array based on a comparator function
5427 function filterWithComparator(array, comparator) {
5428 return array.filter(comparator);
5429 }
5431 // Example comparator function
5432 function isEven(value) {
5433 return value % 2 === 0;
5434 }
5436 // Example array
5437 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
5439 // Filter out values from the array where the comparator function returns true
5440 const filteredArray = filterWithComparator(array, isEven);
5442 // Output the filtered array
5443 console.log("Filtered Array:", filteredArray);
5444 </script>
5445 <hr />
5447 <h4>
5448 225.Write a JavaScript program to compute the new ratings between two or
5449 more opponents using the Elo rating system. It takes an array of
5450 pre-ratings and returns an array containing post-ratings. The array should
5451 be ordered from best performer to worst performer (winner -> loser).
5452 </h4>
5453 <script>
5454 // Function to compute the new ratings using the Elo rating system
5455 function computeEloRatings(preRatings, kFactor, scores) {
5456 const postRatings = [];
5458 // Loop through each player
5459 for (let i = 0; i < preRatings.length; i++) {
5460 const ratingDifference = scores[i] - expectedScore(preRatings, i);
5461 const newRating = preRatings[i] + kFactor * ratingDifference;
5462 postRatings.push(newRating);
5463 }
5465 return postRatings;
5466 }
5468 // Function to calculate the expected score of a player
5469 function expectedScore(ratings, index) {
5470 const myRating = ratings[index];
5471 let totalSum = 0;
5473 for (let i = 0; i < ratings.length; i++) {
5474 if (i !== index) {
5475 totalSum += 1 / (1 + Math.pow(10, (ratings[i] - myRating) / 400));
5476 }
5477 }
5479 return totalSum;
5480 }

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5482 // Example input data
5483 const preRatings = [1200, 1400, 1600];
5484 const kFactor = 32; // K-Factor is a parameter in the Elo rating system
5485 const scores = [1, 0.5, 0]; // Example scores where 1 represents a win, 0.5
represents a draw, and 0 represents a loss
5487 // Compute new ratings using the Elo rating system
5488 const postRatings = computeEloRatings(preRatings, kFactor, scores);
5490 // Output the new ratings
5491 console.log("Pre-Ratings:", preRatings);
5492 console.log("Post-Ratings:", postRatings);
5493 </script>
5494 <hr />
5496 <h4>
5497 226.Write a JavaScript program to execute a provided function once for
5498 each array element, starting from the array's last element.
5499 </h4>
5500 <script>
5501 // Function to execute a provided function once for each array element, starting
from the array's last element
5502 function executeFunctionForArrayFromLast(array, callback) {
5503 for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
5504 callback(array[i], i, array);
5505 }
5506 }
5508 // Example function to be executed for each array element
5509 function processElement(element, index) {
5510 console.log(`Element at index ${index}: ${element}`);
5511 }
5513 // Example array
5514 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
5516 // Execute the function for each array element, starting from the last element
5517 executeFunctionForArrayFromLast(array, processElement);
5518 </script>
5520 <h4>
5521 227.Write a JavaScript program to iterate over all own properties of an
5522 object, running a callback for each one.
5523 </h4>
5524 <script>
5525 // Function to iterate over all own properties of an object and run a callback for
each one
5526 function iterateOverObjectProperties(obj, callback) {
5527 for (let prop in obj) {
5528 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
5529 callback(prop, obj[prop]);
5530 }
5531 }
5532 }
5534 // Example object
5535 const person = {
5536 name: "John",
5537 age: 30,
5538 city: "New York",
5539 };
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5541 // Callback function to be executed for each property
5542 function processProperty(property, value) {
5543 console.log(`${property}: ${value}`);
5544 }
5546 // Iterate over object properties and execute the callback function for each one
5547 iterateOverObjectProperties(person, processProperty);
5548 </script>
5549 <hr />
5551 <h4>
5552 228.Write a JavaScript program to invert the key-value pairs of an object,
5553 without mutating it. The corresponding inverted value of each inverted key
5554 is an array of keys responsible for generating the inverted value. If a
5555 function is supplied, it is applied to each inverted key.
5556 </h4>
5557 <script>
5558 // Function to invert the key-value pairs of an object
5559 function invertObject(obj, fn) {
5560 const invertedObj = {};
5562 for (let key in obj) {
5563 const value = obj[key];
5564 const invertedKey = typeof fn === "function" ? fn(key) : key;
5566 if (!(invertedKey in invertedObj)) {
5567 invertedObj[invertedKey] = [];
5568 }
5570 invertedObj[invertedKey].push(value);
5571 }
5573 return invertedObj;
5574 }
5576 // Example object
5577 const obj = {
5578 a: 1,
5579 b: 2,
5580 c: 1,
5581 d: 3,
5582 };
5584 // Function to apply to each inverted key (optional)
5585 function capitalizeKey(key) {
5586 return key.toUpperCase();
5587 }
5589 // Invert the key-value pairs of the object
5590 const invertedObject = invertObject(obj, capitalizeKey);
5591 console.log(invertedObject);
5592 </script>
5593 <hr />
5595 <h4>
5596 229.Write a JavaScript program to take any number of iterable objects or
5597 objects with a length property and returns the longest one.
5598 </h4>
5599 <script>

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5600 // Function to find the longest iterable object or object with a length property
5601 function findLongest(...args) {
5602 let longest = null;
5604 for (let arg of args) {
5605 if (!longest || arg.length > longest.length) {
5606 longest = arg;
5607 }
5608 }
5610 return longest;
5611 }
5613 // Example iterable objects
5614 const arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
5615 const arr2 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
5616 const str = "Hello, world!";
5617 const set = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]);
5618 const map = new Map([
5619 ["a", 1],
5620 ["b", 2],
5621 ["c", 3],
5622 ]);
5624 // Find the longest iterable object
5625 const longestObject = findLongest(arr1, arr2, str, set, map);
5626 console.log(longestObject);
5627 </script>
5628 <hr />
5630 <h4>
5631 230.Write a JavaScript program to implement the Luhn Algorithm used to
5632 validate a variety of identification numbers, such as credit card numbers,
5633 IMEI numbers, National Provider Identifier numbers etc
5634 </h4>
5635 <script>
5636 // Function to validate a number using the Luhn algorithm
5637 function luhnCheck(number) {
5638 // Convert the number to a string and remove any non-digit characters
5639 const str = String(number).replace(/\D/g, "");
5641 // Convert the string to an array of digits and reverse it
5642 const digits = str.split("").map(Number).reverse();
5644 // Initialize variables
5645 let sum = 0;
5646 let double = false;
5648 // Iterate over the digits, starting from the rightmost digit
5649 for (let digit of digits) {
5650 if (double) {
5651 // Double every second digit
5652 digit *= 2;
5653 if (digit > 9) {
5654 digit -= 9;
5655 }
5656 }
5657 // Add the digit to the sum
5658 sum += digit;
5659 // Toggle the flag to double the next digit

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5660 double = !double;
5661 }
5663 // The number is valid if the sum is divisible by 10
5664 return sum % 10 === 0;
5665 }
5667 // Test credit card numbers
5668 const creditCardNumbers = [
5669 "4539677908016808", // Valid Visa card number
5670 "4539677908016809", // Invalid Visa card number
5671 "6011313653323954", // Valid Discover card number
5672 "6011313653323955", // Invalid Discover card number
5673 ];
5675 // Validate each credit card number
5676 creditCardNumbers.forEach((number) => {
5677 const isValid = luhnCheck(number);
5678 console.log(`${number} is ${isValid ? "valid" : "invalid"}`);
5679 });
5680 </script>
5681 <hr />
5683 <h4>
5684 231.Write a JavaScript program to create an object with keys generated by
5685 running the provided function for each key and the same values as the
5686 provided object
5687 </h4>
5688 <script>
5689 // Function to create an object with keys generated by a function
5690 function createObjectWithGeneratedKeys(obj, keyFn) {
5691 const result = {};
5692 // Iterate over the keys of the provided object
5693 for (let key in obj) {
5694 // Generate a new key using the provided function
5695 const newKey = keyFn(key);
5696 // Assign the value of the original key to the new key in the result object
5697 result[newKey] = obj[key];
5698 }
5699 return result;
5700 }
5702 // Example object
5703 const originalObject = {
5704 a: 1,
5705 b: 2,
5706 c: 3,
5707 };
5709 // Function to generate new keys (adding 'new_' prefix to each key)
5710 function generateNewKey(key) {
5711 return "new_" + key;
5712 }
5714 // Create a new object with keys generated by the function
5715 const newObj = createObjectWithGeneratedKeys(
5716 originalObject,
5717 generateNewKey
5718 );
5719 console.log(newObj); // Output the new object

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5720 </script>
5721 <hr />
5723 <h4>
5724 232.Write a JavaScript program to map the values of an array to an object
5725 using a function, where the key -value pairs consist of the original value
5726 as the key and the mapped value
5727 </h4>
5728 <script>
5729 // Function to map array values to an object using a provided mapping function
5730 function mapArrayValuesToObject(arr, mapFn) {
5731 const result = {};
5732 // Iterate over the array
5733 arr.forEach((value) => {
5734 // Map the value using the provided function
5735 result[value] = mapFn(value);
5736 });
5737 return result;
5738 }
5740 // Example array
5741 const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
5743 // Function to map each value to its square
5744 function mapToSquare(value) {
5745 return value * value;
5746 }
5748 // Map array values to an object using the mapping function
5749 const mappedObject = mapArrayValuesToObject(originalArray, mapToSquare);
5750 console.log(mappedObject); // Output the mapped object
5751 </script>
5752 <hr />
5754 <h4>
5755 233.Write a JavaScript program to create a new string with the results of
5756 calling a provided function on every character in the calling string.
5757 </h4>
5758 <script>
5759 // Function to map a function to each character in a string
5760 String.prototype.mapCharacters = function (mapFn) {
5761 // Convert the string to an array of characters, map the function, and join the
result back into a string
5762 return, mapFn).join("");
5763 };
5765 // Example function to convert each character to its uppercase equivalent
5766 function toUpperCase(char) {
5767 return char.toUpperCase();
5768 }
5770 // Example string
5771 const originalString = "hello world";
5773 // Map the toUpperCase function to each character in the string
5774 const mappedString = originalString.mapCharacters(toUpperCase);
5775 console.log(mappedString); // Output the mapped string
5776 </script>
5777 <hr />

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5779 <h4>
5780 234.Write a JavaScript program to create an object with the same keys as
5781 the provided object and values generated by running the provided function
5782 for each value.
5783 </h4>
5784 <script>
5785 // Function to create an object with values generated by a provided function
5786 function mapObjectValues(obj, mapFn) {
5787 const mappedObj = {};
5788 // Iterate over the keys of the input object
5789 for (const key in obj) {
5790 // Check if the property is not inherited from prototype
5791 if (, key)) {
5792 // Apply the provided function to the value and assign it to the
corresponding key in the new object
5793 mappedObj[key] = mapFn(obj[key]);
5794 }
5795 }
5796 return mappedObj;
5797 }
5799 // Example function to double each value
5800 function doubleValue(value) {
5801 return value * 2;
5802 }
5804 // Example object
5805 const originalObject = {
5806 a: 1,
5807 b: 2,
5808 c: 3,
5809 };
5811 // Map the doubleValue function to each value in the object
5812 const mappedObject = mapObjectValues(originalObject, doubleValue);
5813 console.log(mappedObject); // Output the mapped object
5814 </script>
5815 <hr />
5817 <h4>
5818 235.Write a JavaScript program to replace all but the last number of
5819 characters with the specified mask character.
5820 </h4>
5821 <script>
5822 // Function to replace characters with mask
5823 function replaceWithMask(str, maskChar, numToShow) {
5824 if (numToShow >= str.length) {
5825 return str;
5826 }
5827 const maskLength = str.length - numToShow;
5828 const mask = maskChar.repeat(maskLength);
5829 const visibleChars = str.slice(-numToShow);
5830 return mask + visibleChars;
5831 }
5833 // Example usage
5834 const originalString = "1234567890";
5835 const maskedString = replaceWithMask(originalString, "*", 4);
5836 console.log(maskedString); // Output the masked string
5837 </script>

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5838 <hr />
5840 <h4>
5841 236.Write a JavaScript program to get the maximum value of an array, after
5842 mapping each element to a value using the provided function.
5843 </h4>
5844 <script>
5845 // Function to get the maximum value after mapping
5846 function getMaxAfterMapping(arr, mapFn) {
5847 // Map each element of the array using the provided function
5848 const mappedArray =;
5849 // Find the maximum value in the mapped array
5850 const max = Math.max(...mappedArray);
5851 return max;
5852 }
5854 // Example usage
5855 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
5856 const mapFunction = (num) => num * 2; // Double each element
5857 const maxValue = getMaxAfterMapping(array, mapFunction);
5858 console.log("Maximum value after mapping:", maxValue); // Output the maximum value
5859 </script>
5860 <hr />
5862 <h4>
5863 237.Write a JavaScript program to get the n maximum elements from the
5864 provided array. If n is greater than or equal to the provided array's
5865 length, then return the original array(sorted in descending order).
5866 </h4>
5867 <script>
5868 // Function to get the maximum value after mapping
5869 function getMaxAfterMapping(arr, mapFn) {
5870 // Map each element of the array using the provided function
5871 const mappedArray =;
5872 // Find the maximum value in the mapped array
5873 const max = Math.max(...mappedArray);
5874 return max;
5875 }
5877 // Example usage
5878 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
5879 const mapFunction = (num) => num * 2; // Double each element
5880 const maxValue = getMaxAfterMapping(array, mapFunction);
5881 console.log("Maximum value after mapping:", maxValue); // Output the maximum value
5882 </script>
5883 <hr />
5885 <h4>
5886 238.Write a JavaScript program to get the median of an array of numbers
5887 </h4>
5888 <script>
5889 // Function to get the median of an array of numbers
5890 function getMedian(arr) {
5891 // Sort the array
5892 arr.sort((a, b) => a - b);
5894 const length = arr.length;
5896 // If the array has an odd number of elements
5897 if (length % 2 !== 0) {

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5898 return arr[Math.floor(length / 2)];
5899 } else {
5900 // If the array has an even number of elements
5901 const midIndex = length / 2;
5902 return (arr[midIndex - 1] + arr[midIndex]) / 2;
5903 }
5904 }
5906 // Example usage
5907 const numbers = [7, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3];
5908 const median = getMedian(numbers);
5909 console.log("Median:", median);
5910 </script>
5911 <hr />
5913 <h4>239.Write a JavaScript program to negates a predicate function.</h4>
5914 <script>
5915 // Function to negate a predicate function
5916 function negate(predicate) {
5917 return function () {
5918 // Call the original predicate function with arguments
5919 // Convert the result to boolean and negate it
5920 return !Boolean(predicate.apply(this, arguments));
5921 };
5922 }
5924 // Predicate function example: checks if a number is even
5925 function isEven(num) {
5926 return num % 2 === 0;
5927 }
5929 // Negate the isEven function
5930 const isOdd = negate(isEven);
5932 // Test the negated function
5933 console.log(isOdd(5)); // Output: true (5 is odd)
5934 console.log(isOdd(6)); // Output: false (6 is not odd)
5935 </script>
5936 <hr />
5938 <h4>
5939 240.Write a JavaScript program to nest a given flat array of objects
5940 linked to one another recursively.
5941 </h4>
5942 <script>
5943 // Function to nest a flat array of objects recursively
5944 function nestObjects(array, parentId = null) {
5945 const nested = [];
5946 array.forEach((item) => {
5947 if (item.parentId === parentId) {
5948 const children = nestObjects(array,;
5949 if (children.length) {
5950 item.children = children;
5951 }
5952 nested.push(item);
5953 }
5954 });
5955 return nested;
5956 }

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5958 // Example flat array of objects
5959 const flatArray = [
5960 { id: 1, name: "Parent 1", parentId: null },
5961 { id: 2, name: "Child 1.1", parentId: 1 },
5962 { id: 3, name: "Child 1.2", parentId: 1 },
5963 { id: 4, name: "Parent 2", parentId: null },
5964 { id: 5, name: "Child 2.1", parentId: 4 },
5965 { id: 6, name: "Child 2.2", parentId: 4 },
5966 { id: 7, name: "Grandchild 2.2.1", parentId: 6 },
5967 ];
5969 // Nest the flat array of objects
5970 const nestedArray = nestObjects(flatArray);
5972 // Display the nested array
5973 console.log(JSON.stringify(nestedArray, null, 2));
5974 </script>
5975 <hr />
5977 <h4>
5978 241.Write a JavaScript program that will return true if the provided
5979 predicate function returns false for all elements in a collection, false
5980 otherwise
5981 </h4>
5982 <script>
5983 // Function to check if the predicate function returns false for all elements
5984 function checkPredicate(collection, predicate) {
5985 for (const element of collection) {
5986 if (predicate(element)) {
5987 return false; // Return false if predicate is true for any element
5988 }
5989 }
5990 return true; // Return true if predicate is false for all elements
5991 }
5993 // Example collection
5994 const collection1 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
5995 const collection2 = [2, 4, 5, 8, 10];
5997 // Example predicate function (returns true for even numbers)
5998 function isEven(num) {
5999 return num % 2 === 0;
6000 }
6002 // Check if the predicate function returns false for all elements in the
6003 const result1 = checkPredicate(collection1, isEven);
6004 const result2 = checkPredicate(collection2, isEven);
6006 // Display the results
6007 console.log("Result 1:", result1); // Should return true because all numbers are
6008 console.log("Result 2:", result2); // Should return false because there's an odd
6009 </script>
6010 <hr />
6012 <h4>
6013 242.Write a JavaScript program to create a function that gets the argument
6014 at index n. If n is negative, the nth argument from the end is returned.
6015 </h4>
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6016 <script>
6017 // Function to get the argument at index n
6018 function getArgumentAtIndex(n) {
6019 return function (...args) {
6020 // If n is negative, adjust index from the end
6021 const index = n < 0 ? args.length + n : n;
6022 return args[index];
6023 };
6024 }
6026 // Create functions to get the 2nd and -2nd arguments
6027 const getSecondArgument = getArgumentAtIndex(1);
6028 const getSecondFromLastArgument = getArgumentAtIndex(-2);
6030 // Example function calls with arguments
6031 console.log("First Example:");
6032 console.log(getSecondArgument("a", "b", "c", "d")); // Output: b
6033 console.log("Second Example:");
6034 console.log(getSecondFromLastArgument("x", "y", "z")); // Output: y
6035 </script>
6036 <hr />
6038 <h4>
6039 243.Write a JavaScript program to remove an event listener from an
6040 element.
6041 </h4>
6043 <button id="myButton">Click me</button>
6045 <script>
6046 // Function to handle the click event
6047 function handleClick() {
6048 console.log("Button clicked!");
6049 }
6051 // Get the button element
6052 const button = document.getElementById("myButton");
6054 // Add click event listener
6055 button.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
6057 // Function to remove event listener
6058 function removeClickListener() {
6059 // Remove click event listener
6060 button.removeEventListener("click", handleClick);
6061 console.log("Click event listener removed!");
6062 }
6064 // Call the function to remove event listener after 5 seconds
6065 setTimeout(removeClickListener, 5000);
6066 </script>
6067 <hr />
6069 <h4>
6070 244.Write a JavaScript program to move the specified amount of elements to
6071 the end of the array
6072 </h4>
6073 <script>
6074 function moveElementsToEnd(arr, count) {
6075 // Check if count is valid

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6076 if (count <= 0 || count >= arr.length) {
6077 console.log("Invalid count value");
6078 return arr; // No need to move elements
6079 }
6081 // Remove the specified number of elements from the beginning of the array
6082 const elementsToMove = arr.splice(0, count);
6084 // Add the removed elements to the end of the array
6085 arr.push(...elementsToMove);
6087 return arr;
6088 }
6090 // Example usage:
6091 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
6092 const count = 2;
6093 const result = moveElementsToEnd(array, count);
6094 console.log(result); // Output: [3, 4, 5, 1, 2]
6095 </script>
6096 <hr />
6098 <h4>
6099 245.Write a JavaScript program to add an event listener to an element with
6100 the ability to use event delegation.
6101 </h4>
6102 <script>
6103 // Function to handle the event
6104 function handleClick(event) {
6105 // Check if the event target matches the desired child element
6106 if (".child-element")) {
6107 // Perform actions specific to the child element
6108 console.log("Child element clicked:",;
6109 }
6110 }
6112 // Add event listener to a parent element
6113 const parentElement = document.getElementById("parent-element");
6114 parentElement.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
6115 </script>
6116 <hr />
6118 <h4>
6119 246.Write a JavaScript program to pick the key-value pairs corresponding
6120 to the given keys from an object
6121 </h4>
6122 <script>
6123 function pick(obj, keys) {
6124 return keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
6125 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
6126 acc[key] = obj[key];
6127 }
6128 return acc;
6129 }, {});
6130 }
6132 // Example usage:
6133 const sampleObject = {
6134 a: 1,
6135 b: 2,

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6136 c: 3,
6137 d: 4,
6138 };
6139 const keysToPick = ["a", "c"];
6141 const pickedPairs = pick(sampleObject, keysToPick);
6142 console.log(pickedPairs); // Output: { a: 1, c: 3 }
6143 </script>
6144 <hr />
6146 <h4>
6147 247.Write a JavaScript program to create an object composed of the
6148 properties the given function returns truthy for. The function is invoked
6149 with two arguments: (value, key).
6150 </h4>
6151 <script>
6152 function pickBy(obj, fn) {
6153 return Object.fromEntries(
6154 Object.entries(obj).filter(([key, value]) => fn(value, key))
6155 );
6156 }
6158 // Example usage:
6159 const sampleObject = {
6160 a: 1,
6161 b: 2,
6162 c: 3,
6163 d: 4,
6164 };
6166 // Function to check if the value is even
6167 function isEven(value) {
6168 return value % 2 === 0;
6169 }
6171 const pickedByFunction = pickBy(sampleObject, isEven);
6172 console.log(pickedByFunction); // Output: { b: 2, d: 4 }
6173 </script>
6174 <hr />
6176 <h4>
6177 248.Write a JavaScript program to filter an array of objects based on a
6178 condition while also filtering out unspecified keys.
6179 </h4>
6180 <script>
6181 function filterObjectsByCondition(array, condition, keys) {
6182 return =>
6183 Object.fromEntries(
6184 Object.entries(obj).filter(
6185 ([key, value]) => keys.includes(key) && condition(value, key)
6186 )
6187 )
6188 );
6189 }
6191 // Example usage:
6192 const data = [
6193 { name: "John", age: 30, gender: "male" },
6194 { name: "Alice", age: 25, gender: "female" },
6195 { name: "Bob", age: 40, gender: "male" },

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6196 ];
6198 // Filter objects where age is greater than 25 and only include name and age keys
6199 const filteredData = filterObjectsByCondition(
6200 data,
6201 (value, key) => (key === "age" ? value > 25 : true),
6202 ["name", "age"]
6203 );
6204 console.log(filteredData);
6205 </script>
6206 <hr />
6208 <h4>
6209 249.Write a JavaScript program to hash a given input string into a whole
6210 number.
6211 </h4>
6212 <script>
6213 function djb2Hash(input) {
6214 let hash = 5381;
6215 for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
6216 hash = (hash * 33) ^ input.charCodeAt(i);
6217 }
6218 return hash >>> 0; // Ensure the result is a positive integer
6219 }
6221 // Example usage:
6222 const inputString = "hello";
6223 const hashedValue = djb2Hash(inputString);
6224 console.log("Hashed value:", hashedValue);
6225 </script>
6226 <hr />
6228 <h4>
6229 250.Write a JavaScript program to create an array of elements, grouped
6230 based on the position in the original arrays and using function as the
6231 last value to specify how grouped values should be combined
6232 </h4>
6233 <script>
6234 function zipWith(arrays, combiner) {
6235 return arrays[0].map((_, index) =>
6236 combiner( => array[index]))
6237 );
6238 }
6240 // Example usage:
6241 const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
6242 const array2 = [4, 5, 6];
6243 const array3 = [7, 8, 9];
6245 const combinedArray = zipWith([array1, array2, array3], (...values) =>
6246 values.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0)
6247 );
6248 console.log(combinedArray); // Output: [12, 15, 18]
6249 </script>
6250 <hr />
6252 <h4>
6253 251.Write a JavaScript program to return the object associating the
6254 properties to the values of a given array of valid property identifiers
6255 and an array of values

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6256 </h4>
6257 <script>
6258 function zipObject(props, values) {
6259 return props.reduce((obj, prop, index) => {
6260 obj[prop] = values[index];
6261 return obj;
6262 }, {});
6263 }
6265 // Example usage:
6266 const properties = ["name", "age", "country"];
6267 const values = ["John", 30, "USA"];
6269 const resultObject = zipObject(properties, values);
6270 console.log(resultObject); // Output: { name: 'John', age: 30, country: 'USA' }
6271 </script>
6272 <hr />
6274 <h4>
6275 252.Write a JavaScript program to create an array of elements, grouped
6276 based on the position in the original arrays.
6277 </h4>
6278 <script>
6279 function zipArrays(...arrays) {
6280 const maxLength = Math.max( => arr.length));
6281 const result = [];
6282 for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
6283 result.push( => arr[i]));
6284 }
6285 return result;
6286 }
6288 // Example usage:
6289 const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
6290 const array2 = ["a", "b", "c"];
6291 const array3 = [true, false, true];
6293 const groupedArray = zipArrays(array1, array2, array3);
6294 console.log(groupedArray);
6295 </script>
6296 <hr />
6298 <h4>
6299 253.Write a JavaScript program to convert a given string into an array of
6300 words.
6301 </h4>
6302 <script>
6303 function stringToArrayOfWords(str) {
6304 // Using split() to split the string into an array of words
6305 return str.split(/\s+/);
6306 }
6308 // Example usage:
6309 const sentence = "Hello world! This is a test.";
6310 const wordsArray = stringToArrayOfWords(sentence);
6311 console.log(wordsArray);
6312 </script>
6313 <hr />
6315 <h4>

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6316 254.Write a JavaScript program to test a value, x, against a predicate
6317 function. If true, return fn(x). Else, return x.
6318 </h4>
6319 <script>
6320 function testValueWithPredicate(x, predicate, fn) {
6321 // Check if the predicate function returns true for the value x
6322 if (predicate(x)) {
6323 // If true, apply the provided function fn to x and return the result
6324 return fn(x);
6325 } else {
6326 // If false, return the original value x
6327 return x;
6328 }
6329 }
6331 // Example usage:
6332 const value = 10;
6334 // Define a predicate function to check if a number is even
6335 const isEven = (num) => num % 2 === 0;
6337 // Define a function to double a number
6338 const double = (num) => num * 2;
6340 // Test the value against the predicate function and apply the function if true
6341 const result = testValueWithPredicate(value, isEven, double);
6343 console.log(result); // Output: 20 (since 10 is even, it is doubled)
6344 </script>
6345 <hr />
6347 <h4>
6348 255.Write a JavaScript program that return true if the given value is a
6349 number, false otherwise.
6350 </h4>
6351 <script>
6352 function isNumber(value) {
6353 return typeof value === "number" && !isNaN(value);
6354 }
6356 // Example usage:
6357 console.log(isNumber(5)); // Output: true
6358 console.log(isNumber("5")); // Output: false
6359 console.log(isNumber("five")); // Output: false
6360 </script>
6361 <hr />
6363 <h4>
6364 256.Write a JavaScript program to create an array of elements, ungrouping
6365 the elements in an array produced by zip and applying the provided
6366 function.
6367 </h4>
6368 <script>
6369 // Define the zip function
6370 function zip(...arrays) {
6371 const length = Math.max( => arr.length));
6372 return Array.from({ length }, (_, i) => => arr[i]));
6373 }
6375 // Define the unzip function

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6376 function unzip(arr, fn) {
6377 return arr.reduce((acc, tuple) => {
6378 acc.push(fn(...tuple));
6379 return acc;
6380 }, []);
6381 }
6383 // Example usage
6384 const zippedArray = zip([1, 2, 3], ["a", "b", "c"], [true, false, true]);
6385 console.log("Zipped Array:", zippedArray);
6387 const unzippedArray = unzip(
6388 zippedArray,
6389 (num, str, bool) => `${num}-${str}-${bool}`
6390 );
6391 console.log("Unzipped Array:", unzippedArray);
6392 </script>
6393 <hr />
6395 <h4>
6396 257.Write a JavaScript program to get all unique values (form the right
6397 side of the array) of an array, based on a provided comparator function.
6398 </h4>
6399 <script>
6400 function getUniqueValuesFromRight(arr, comparator) {
6401 const uniqueValues = new Set();
6402 for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
6403 const currentValue = arr[i];
6404 let isUnique = true;
6405 for (const value of uniqueValues) {
6406 if (comparator(currentValue, value)) {
6407 isUnique = false;
6408 break;
6409 }
6410 }
6411 if (isUnique) {
6412 uniqueValues.add(currentValue);
6413 }
6414 }
6415 return Array.from(uniqueValues);
6416 }
6418 // Example usage:
6419 const array = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6];
6420 const uniqueValues = getUniqueValuesFromRight(array, (a, b) => a === b);
6421 console.log(uniqueValues); // Output: [6, 5, 4, 3]
6422 </script>
6423 <hr />
6425 <h4>
6426 258.Write a JavaScript program to get all unique values of an array, based
6427 on a provided comparator function
6428 </h4>
6429 <script>
6430 function getUniqueValues(arr, comparator) {
6431 const uniqueValues = new Set();
6432 arr.forEach((element) => {
6433 let isUnique = true;
6434 uniqueValues.forEach((value) => {
6435 if (comparator(element, value)) {

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6436 isUnique = false;
6437 }
6438 });
6439 if (isUnique) {
6440 uniqueValues.add(element);
6441 }
6442 });
6443 return Array.from(uniqueValues);
6444 }
6446 // Example usage:
6447 const array = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6];
6448 const uniqueValues = getUniqueValues(array, (a, b) => a === b);
6449 console.log(uniqueValues); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
6450 </script>
6451 <hr />
6453 <h4>
6454 259.Write a JavaScript program to get the nth element of a given array.
6455 </h4>
6456 <script>
6457 function getNthElement(arr, n) {
6458 // Check if the array is not empty and if the index is within bounds
6459 if (arr.length > 0 && n >= 0 && n < arr.length) {
6460 return arr[n];
6461 } else {
6462 return undefined; // Return undefined if index is out of bounds or array is
6463 }
6464 }
6466 // Example usage:
6467 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
6468 console.log(getNthElement(array, 2)); // Output: 3 (index starts from 0)
6469 console.log(getNthElement(array, 0)); // Output: 1
6470 console.log(getNthElement(array, 5)); // Output: undefined (index out of bounds)
6471 </script>
6472 <hr />
6474 <h4>
6475 260.Write a JavaScript program to get every element that exists in any of
6476 the two arrays once.
6477 </h4>
6478 <script>
6479 function getUniqueElements(arr1, arr2) {
6480 // Combine both arrays using the spread operator
6481 const combinedArray = [...arr1, ...arr2];
6482 // Filter out duplicate elements using Set
6483 const uniqueElements = [ Set(combinedArray)];
6484 return uniqueElements;
6485 }
6487 // Example usage:
6488 const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
6489 const array2 = [3, 4, 5];
6490 console.log(getUniqueElements(array1, array2)); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
6491 </script>
6492 <hr />
6494 <h4>

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6495 261.Write a JavaScript program to build an array, using an iterator
6496 function and an initial seed value.
6497 </h4>
6498 <script>
6499 function buildArray(iteratorFn, seedValue, length) {
6500 const result = [];
6501 let currentValue = seedValue;
6503 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
6504 result.push(currentValue);
6505 currentValue = iteratorFn(currentValue);
6506 }
6508 return result;
6509 }
6511 // Example usage:
6512 const iteratorFn = (value) => value * 2; // Iterator function doubles the value
6513 const seedValue = 1;
6514 const length = 5;
6515 console.log(buildArray(iteratorFn, seedValue, length)); // Output: [1, 2, 4, 8,
6516 </script>
6517 <hr />
6519 <h4>
6520 262.Write a JavaScript program to unflatten an object with the paths for
6521 keys.
6522 </h4>
6523 <script>
6524 function unflattenObject(flatObject) {
6525 const result = {};
6527 for (const key in flatObject) {
6528 const path = key.split(".");
6529 let current = result;
6531 for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
6532 const segment = path[i];
6533 current[segment] = current[segment] || {};
6534 current = current[segment];
6535 }
6537 current[path[path.length - 1]] = flatObject[key];
6538 }
6540 return result;
6541 }
6543 // Example usage:
6544 const flatObject = {
6545 "a.b.c": 1,
6546 "a.d.e": 2,
6547 f: 3,
6548 };
6549 console.log(unflattenObject(flatObject));
6550 // Output: { a: { b: { c: 1 }, d: { e: 2 } }, f: 3 }
6551 </script>
6552 <hr />

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6554 <h4>263.Write a JavaScript program to unescape escaped HTML characters.</h4>
6555 <script>
6556 function unescapeHTML(htmlString) {
6557 const div = document.createElement("div");
6558 div.innerHTML = htmlString;
6559 return div.textContent || div.innerText;
6560 }
6562 // Example usage:
6563 const escapedString = "&lt;p&gt;Hello &amp; world&lt;/p&gt;";
6564 console.log(unescapeHTML(escapedString));
6565 // Output: <p>Hello & world</p>
6566 </script>
6567 <hr />
6569 <h4>264.Write a JavaScript program to uncurry a function up to depth n.</h4>
6570 <script>
6571 function uncurry(fn, depth = 1) {
6572 if (depth <= 0 || typeof fn !== "function") {
6573 return fn;
6574 }
6575 return function (...args) {
6576 let result = fn;
6577 for (let i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
6578 if (typeof result === "function") {
6579 result = result(...args);
6580 } else {
6581 break;
6582 }
6583 }
6584 return result;
6585 };
6586 }
6588 // Example usage:
6589 function add(a) {
6590 return function (b) {
6591 return function (c) {
6592 return a + b + c;
6593 };
6594 };
6595 }
6597 const curriedAdd = add;
6598 const uncurriedAdd = uncurry(curriedAdd, 3); // Uncurry up to depth 3
6600 console.log(uncurriedAdd(1, 2, 3)); // Output: 6
6601 </script>
6602 <hr />
6604 <h4>
6605 265.Write a JavaScript program to create a function that accepts up to one
6606 argument, ignoring any additional arguments.
6607 </h4>
6608 <script>
6609 function unary(fn) {
6610 return function (arg) {
6611 return fn(arg);
6612 };
6613 }

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6615 // Example usage:
6616 function greet(name) {
6617 return "Hello, " + name + "!";
6618 }
6620 const unaryGreet = unary(greet);
6622 console.log(unaryGreet("Alice")); // Output: Hello, Alice!
6623 console.log(unaryGreet("Bob", "extra")); // Output: Hello, Bob!
6624 </script>
6625 <hr />
6627 <h4>
6628 266.Write a JavaScript program to check if the predicate (second argument)
6629 is truthy on all elements of a collection (first argument)
6630 </h4>
6631 <script>
6632 function truthCheck(collection, predicate) {
6633 return collection.every((item) => Boolean(item[predicate]));
6634 }
6636 // Example usage:
6637 const collection1 = [
6638 { name: "Alice", age: 30 },
6639 { name: "Bob", age: 25 },
6640 { name: "Charlie", age: 40 },
6641 ];
6643 const collection2 = [
6644 { name: "Alice", age: 30 },
6645 { name: "Bob", age: 25 },
6646 { name: "Charlie", age: undefined },
6647 ];
6649 console.log(truthCheck(collection1, "age")); // Output: true
6650 console.log(truthCheck(collection2, "age")); // Output: false
6651 </script>
6652 <hr />
6654 <h4>
6655 267.Write a JavaScript program to truncate a string up to a specified
6656 length.
6657 </h4>
6658 <script>
6659 function truncateString(str, maxLength) {
6660 if (str.length <= maxLength) {
6661 return str;
6662 } else {
6663 return str.slice(0, maxLength) + "...";
6664 }
6665 }
6667 // Example usage:
6668 const originalString =
6669 "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
6670 const maxLength = 20;
6672 console.log(truncateString(originalString, maxLength)); // Output: "Lorem ipsum
dolor s..."

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6673 </script>
6674 <hr />
6676 <h4>
6677 268.Write a JavaScript program to apply a function against an accumulator
6678 and each key in the object (from left to right)
6679 </h4>
6680 <script>
6681 function applyFunctionToObject(object, func, initialValue) {
6682 return Object.keys(object).reduce((accumulator, key) => {
6683 return func(accumulator, key, object[key]);
6684 }, initialValue);
6685 }
6687 // Example usage:
6688 const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
6690 const sumValues = (acc, key, value) => acc + value;
6691 const result = applyFunctionToObject(obj, sumValues, 0);
6693 console.log(result); // Output: 6 (1 + 2 + 3)
6694 </script>
6695 <hr />
6697 <h4>
6698 269.Write a JavaScript program to create tomorrow's date in a string
6699 representation
6700 </h4>
6701 <script>
6702 function getTomorrowsDate() {
6703 const today = new Date();
6704 const tomorrow = new Date(today);
6705 tomorrow.setDate(today.getDate() + 1);
6707 // Format the date into a string representation (e.g., "YYYY-MM-DD")
6708 const year = tomorrow.getFullYear();
6709 const month = String(tomorrow.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, "0");
6710 const day = String(tomorrow.getDate()).padStart(2, "0");
6712 return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
6713 }
6715 // Example usage:
6716 const tomorrowDate = getTomorrowsDate();
6717 console.log(tomorrowDate); // Output: "2024-01-30" (assuming today is "2024-01-29"
6718 </script>
6719 <hr />
6721 <h4>270.Write a JavaScript program to convert a string to snake case.</h4>
6722 <script>
6723 function toSnakeCase(str) {
6724 // Replace spaces with underscores and convert to lowercase
6725 return str.replace(/\s+/g, "_").toLowerCase();
6726 }
6728 // Example usage:
6729 const inputString = "Convert This String To Snake Case";
6730 const snakeCaseString = toSnakeCase(inputString);
6731 console.log(snakeCaseString); // Output: "convert_this_string_to_snake_case"

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6732 </script>
6733 <hr />
6735 <h4>
6736 271.Write a JavaScript program to convert a value to a safe integer.
6737 </h4>
6738 <script>
6739 function toSafeInteger(value) {
6740 // If the value is already a safe integer, return it
6741 if (Number.isSafeInteger(value)) {
6742 return value;
6743 }
6745 // Otherwise, return the closest safe integer value
6746 return Math.round(value);
6747 }
6749 // Example usage:
6750 console.log(toSafeInteger(3.14)); // Output: 3
6751 console.log(toSafeInteger(9007199254740992)); // Output: 9007199254740992 (safe
6752 console.log(toSafeInteger(1e21)); // Output: 1000000000000000000000
6753 </script>
6754 <hr />
6756 <h4>
6757 272.Write a JavaScript program to add an ordinal suffix to a number.
6758 </h4>
6759 <script>
6760 function addOrdinalSuffix(num) {
6761 if (typeof num !== "number" || isNaN(num)) {
6762 return NaN;
6763 }
6765 const lastDigit = num % 10;
6766 const lastTwoDigits = num % 100;
6768 if (lastTwoDigits >= 11 && lastTwoDigits <= 13) {
6769 return num + "th";
6770 }
6772 switch (lastDigit) {
6773 case 1:
6774 return num + "st";
6775 case 2:
6776 return num + "nd";
6777 case 3:
6778 return num + "rd";
6779 default:
6780 return num + "th";
6781 }
6782 }
6784 // Example usage:
6785 console.log(addOrdinalSuffix(1)); // Output: 1st
6786 console.log(addOrdinalSuffix(22)); // Output: 22nd
6787 console.log(addOrdinalSuffix(333)); // Output: 333rd
6788 console.log(addOrdinalSuffix(404)); // Output: 404th
6789 </script>
6790 <hr />

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6792 <h4>273.Write a JavaScript program to convert a string to kebab case.</h4>
6793 <script>
6794 function toKebabCase(str) {
6795 return str
6796 .replace(/[\s_]+/g, "-")
6797 .replace(/[A-Z]/g, (match) => "-" + match.toLowerCase())
6798 .replace(/^-+/g, "")
6799 .replace(/-+/g, "-");
6800 }
6802 // Example usage:
6803 console.log(toKebabCase("Hello World")); // Output: hello-world
6804 console.log(toKebabCase("camelCaseExample")); // Output: camel-case-example
6805 console.log(toKebabCase("kebab_case_example")); // Output: kebab-case-example
6806 </script>
6807 <hr />
6809 <h4>
6810 274.Write a JavaScript program to reduce a given Array-like into a value
6811 hash (keyed data store).
6812 </h4>
6813 <script>
6814 function reduceToHash(arrayLike, keyField) {
6815 return Array.from(arrayLike).reduce((hash, item) => {
6816 const key = item[keyField];
6817 hash[key] = item;
6818 return hash;
6819 }, {});
6820 }
6822 // Example usage:
6823 const arrayLike = [
6824 { id: 1, name: "John" },
6825 { id: 2, name: "Alice" },
6826 { id: 3, name: "Bob" },
6827 ];
6829 const hash = reduceToHash(arrayLike, "id");
6830 console.log(hash);
6831 </script>
6832 <hr />
6834 <h4>
6835 275.Write a JavaScript program to convert a float-point arithmetic to the
6836 Decimal mark form and It will make a comma separated string from a number
6837 </h4>
6838 <script>
6839 function convertToDecimalMark(number) {
6840 return number.toLocaleString("en-US");
6841 }
6843 // Example usage:
6844 const floatingNumber = 1234567.89;
6845 const decimalMarkString = convertToDecimalMark(floatingNumber);
6846 console.log(decimalMarkString); // Output: "1,234,567.89"
6847 </script>
6848 <hr />
6850 <h4>

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6851 276.Write a JavaScript program to create a specified currency formatting
6852 from a given number.
6853 </h4>
6854 <script>
6855 function formatCurrency(number, currency = "USD", locale = "en-US") {
6856 return new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, {
6857 style: "currency",
6858 currency: currency,
6859 }).format(number);
6860 }
6862 // Example usage:
6863 const amount = 123456.78;
6864 const formattedCurrency = formatCurrency(amount, "USD", "en-US");
6865 console.log(formattedCurrency); // Output: "$123,456.78"
6866 </script>
6867 <hr />
6869 <h4>277.Write a JavaScript program to Iterate over a callback n times.</h4>
6870 <script>
6871 function iterateNTimes(n, callback) {
6872 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
6873 callback(i);
6874 }
6875 }
6877 // Example usage:
6878 function printIndex(index) {
6879 console.log(`Iteration ${index + 1}`);
6880 }
6882 iterateNTimes(5, printIndex);
6883 </script>
6884 <hr />
6886 <h4>
6887 278.Write a JavaScript program to get removed elements of a given array
6888 until the passed function returns true
6889 </h4>
6890 <script>
6891 function removeElementsUntil(arr, func) {
6892 const removed = [];
6893 let index = 0;
6895 while (index < arr.length && !func(arr[index])) {
6896 removed.push(arr.splice(index, 1)[0]);
6897 }
6899 return removed;
6900 }
6902 // Example usage:
6903 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
6904 const isEven = (num) => num % 2 === 0;
6906 const removed = removeElementsUntil(numbers, isEven);
6907 console.log("Removed elements:", removed); // Output: [1, 3, 5]
6908 console.log("Remaining elements:", numbers); // Output: [2, 4, 6]
6909 </script>
6910 <hr />

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6912 <h4>
6913 279.Write a JavaScript program to get removed elements from the end of a
6914 given array until the passed function returns true.
6915 </h4>
6916 <script>
6917 function removeElementsFromEndUntil(arr, func) {
6918 const removed = [];
6919 let index = arr.length - 1;
6921 while (index >= 0 && !func(arr[index])) {
6922 removed.unshift(arr.pop());
6923 index--;
6924 }
6926 return removed;
6927 }
6929 // Example usage:
6930 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
6931 const isEven = (num) => num % 2 === 0;
6933 const removed = removeElementsFromEndUntil(numbers, isEven);
6934 console.log("Removed elements:", removed); // Output: [6, 4]
6935 console.log("Remaining elements:", numbers); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 5]
6936 </script>
6937 <hr />
6939 <h4>
6940 280.Write a JavaScript program to remove n elements from the end of a
6941 given array.
6942 </h4>
6943 <script>
6944 function removeElementsFromEnd(arr, n) {
6945 return arr.slice(0, -n);
6946 }
6948 // Example usage:
6949 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
6950 const n = 3;
6952 const result = removeElementsFromEnd(numbers, n);
6953 console.log("Array after removal:", result); // Output: [1, 2, 3]
6954 </script>
6955 <hr />
6957 <h4>
6958 281.Write a JavaScript program to get an array with n elements removed
6959 from the beginning from a given array
6960 </h4>
6961 <script>
6962 function removeElementsFromBeginning(arr, n) {
6963 return arr.slice(n);
6964 }
6966 // Example usage:
6967 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
6968 const n = 3;
6970 const result = removeElementsFromBeginning(numbers, n);

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6971 console.log("Array after removal:", result); // Output: [4, 5, 6]
6972 </script>
6973 <hr />
6975 <h4>
6976 282.Write a JavaScript program to get the symmetric difference between two
6977 given arrays, using a provided function as a comparator.
6978 </h4>
6979 <script>
6980 function symmetricDifferenceWith(arr1, arr2, comparator) {
6981 const diff1 = arr1.filter((x) => !arr2.some((y) => comparator(x, y)));
6982 const diff2 = arr2.filter((x) => !arr1.some((y) => comparator(x, y)));
6983 return diff1.concat(diff2);
6984 }
6986 // Example usage:
6987 const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
6988 const arr2 = [3, 4, 5, 6];
6990 const comparator = (a, b) => a === b; // Example comparator function
6992 const result = symmetricDifferenceWith(arr1, arr2, comparator);
6993 console.log("Symmetric difference:", result); // Output: [1, 2, 5, 6]
6994 </script>
6995 <hr />
6997 <h4>
6998 283.Write a JavaScript program to get the symmetric difference between two
6999 given arrays, after applying the provided function to each array element
7000 of both.
7001 </h4>
7002 <script>
7003 function symmetricDifferenceBy(arr1, arr2, fn) {
7004 const set1 = new Set(;
7005 const set2 = new Set(;
7007 const diff1 = arr1.filter((x) => !set2.has(fn(x))).map(fn);
7008 const diff2 = arr2.filter((x) => !set1.has(fn(x))).map(fn);
7010 return diff1.concat(diff2);
7011 }
7013 // Example usage:
7014 const arr1 = [1.2, 2.3, 3.4];
7015 const arr2 = [3.5, 4.6, 5.7];
7017 const result = symmetricDifferenceBy(arr1, arr2, Math.floor);
7018 console.log("Symmetric difference:", result); // Output: [1, 2, 4, 5]
7019 </script>
7020 <hr />
7022 <h4>
7023 284.Write a JavaScript program to get the symmetric difference between two
7024 given arrays.
7025 </h4>
7026 <script>
7027 function symmetricDifference(arr1, arr2) {
7028 const set1 = new Set(arr1);
7029 const set2 = new Set(arr2);

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7031 const diff1 = arr1.filter((x) => !set2.has(x));
7032 const diff2 = arr2.filter((x) => !set1.has(x));
7034 return diff1.concat(diff2);
7035 }
7037 // Example usage:
7038 const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
7039 const arr2 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
7041 const result = symmetricDifference(arr1, arr2);
7042 console.log("Symmetric difference:", result); // Output: [1, 2, 6, 7]
7043 </script>
7044 <hr />
7046 <h4>
7047 285.Write a JavaScript program to get the sum of the powers of all the
7048 numbers from start to end (both inclusive).
7049 </h4>
7050 <script>
7051 function sumOfPowers(start, end, power) {
7052 let sum = 0;
7053 for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
7054 sum += Math.pow(i, power);
7055 }
7056 return sum;
7057 }
7059 // Example usage:
7060 const start = 1;
7061 const end = 5;
7062 const power = 2;
7064 const result = sumOfPowers(start, end, power);
7065 console.log("Sum of powers:", result); // Output: 55 (1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2
= 55)
7066 </script>
7067 <hr />
7069 <h4>
7070 286.Write a JavaScript program to generate all permutations of a string
7071 (contains duplicates).
7072 </h4>
7073 <script>
7074 function permuteStringWithDuplicates(str) {
7075 const permutations = [];
7077 // Helper function to recursively generate permutations
7078 function generatePermutations(current, remaining) {
7079 if (remaining.length === 0) {
7080 permutations.push(current);
7081 return;
7082 }
7084 const uniqueChars = new Set();
7085 for (let i = 0; i < remaining.length; i++) {
7086 if (!uniqueChars.has(remaining[i])) {
7087 uniqueChars.add(remaining[i]);
7088 generatePermutations(
7089 current + remaining[i],

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7090 remaining.slice(0, i) + remaining.slice(i + 1)
7091 );
7092 }
7093 }
7094 }
7096 generatePermutations("", str);
7097 return permutations;
7098 }
7100 // Example usage:
7101 const str = "aab";
7102 const result = permuteStringWithDuplicates(str);
7103 console.log("Permutations:", result);
7104 </script>
7105 <hr />
7107 <h4>
7108 287.Write a JavaScript program to perform stable sorting of an array,
7109 preserving the initial indexes of items when their values are the same. Do
7110 not mutate the original array, but returns a new array instead.
7111 </h4>
7112 <script>
7113 function stableSort(array) {
7114 // Create an array of objects containing both the original value and its index
7115 const indexedArray =, index) => ({ value, index }));
7117 // Custom comparator function to sort the indexedArray
7118 const comparator = (a, b) => {
7119 if (a.value === b.value) {
7120 return a.index - b.index; // Preserve the original index if values are equal
7121 }
7122 return a.value - b.value; // Otherwise, sort by value
7123 };
7125 // Sort the indexedArray using the custom comparator
7126 indexedArray.sort(comparator);
7128 // Extract and return the sorted values from the indexedArray
7129 return{ value }) => value);
7130 }
7132 // Example usage:
7133 const array = [4, 2, 1, 3, 2];
7134 const sortedArray = stableSort(array);
7135 console.log("Original Array:", array);
7136 console.log("Stable Sorted Array:", sortedArray);
7137 </script>
7138 <hr />
7140 <h4>
7141 288.Write a JavaScript program that takes a variadic function and returns
7142 a closure that accepts an array of arguments to map to the inputs of the
7143 function
7144 </h4>
7145 <script>
7146 function spreadOver(fn) {
7147 return function (argsArr) {
7148 return fn(...argsArr);
7149 };

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7150 }
7152 // Example usage:
7153 function sum(a, b, c) {
7154 return a + b + c;
7155 }
7157 const spreadSum = spreadOver(sum);
7158 const result = spreadSum([1, 2, 3]);
7159 console.log("Result:", result); // Output: 6
7160 </script>
7161 <hr />
7163 <h4>
7164 289.Write a JavaScript program to split a multiline string into an array
7165 of lines.
7166 </h4>
7167 <script>
7168 function splitLines(str) {
7169 return str.split("\n");
7170 }
7172 // Example usage:
7173 const multilineString = `Line 1
7174 Line 2
7175 Line 3`;
7177 const linesArray = splitLines(multilineString);
7178 console.log(linesArray);
7179 </script>
7180 <hr />
7182 <h4>
7183 290.Write a JavaScript program to get the highest index at which value
7184 should be inserted into array in order to maintain its sort order, based
7185 on a provided iterator function.
7186 </h4>
7187 <script>
7188 function findHighestIndex(arr, value, iteratorFn) {
7189 return arr.findIndex((el, idx) => {
7190 const result = iteratorFn(value, el);
7191 return result < 0 || (result === 0 && idx === arr.length - 1);
7192 });
7193 }
7195 // Example usage:
7196 const numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
7197 const value = 35;
7199 // Define the iterator function
7200 function compareFn(a, b) {
7201 return a - b; // Ascending order comparison
7202 }
7204 const highestIndex = findHighestIndex(numbers, value, compareFn);
7205 console.log("Highest index:", highestIndex);
7206 </script>
7207 <hr />
7209 <h4>

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7210 291.Write a JavaScript program to get the highest index at which value
7211 should be inserted into array in order to maintain its sort order
7212 </h4>
7213 <script>
7214 function findHighestIndex(arr, value) {
7215 let left = 0;
7216 let right = arr.length - 1;
7217 let result = -1;
7219 while (left <= right) {
7220 const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);
7222 if (arr[mid] <= value) {
7223 result = mid;
7224 left = mid + 1;
7225 } else {
7226 right = mid - 1;
7227 }
7228 }
7230 return result + 1; // Add 1 to get the index for insertion
7231 }
7233 // Example usage:
7234 const numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
7235 const value = 35;
7237 const highestIndex = findHighestIndex(numbers, value);
7238 console.log("Highest index:", highestIndex);
7239 </script>
7240 <hr />
7242 <h4>
7243 292.Write a JavaScript program to get the lowest index at which value
7244 should be inserted into array in order to maintain its sort order.
7245 </h4>
7246 <script>
7247 function findLowestIndex(arr, value) {
7248 let left = 0;
7249 let right = arr.length - 1;
7250 let result = arr.length; // Set to array length as default
7252 while (left <= right) {
7253 const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);
7255 if (arr[mid] >= value) {
7256 result = mid;
7257 right = mid - 1;
7258 } else {
7259 left = mid + 1;
7260 }
7261 }
7263 return result; // The lowest index for insertion
7264 }
7266 // Example usage:
7267 const numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
7268 const value = 35;

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7270 const lowestIndex = findLowestIndex(numbers, value);
7271 console.log("Lowest index:", lowestIndex);
7272 </script>
7273 <hr />
7275 <h4>
7276 293.Write a JavaScript program to sort the characters of a string
7277 Alphabetically.
7278 </h4>
7279 <script>
7280 function sortStringAlphabetically(str) {
7281 // Convert the string to an array of characters, sort them, then join back into
a string
7282 return str.split("").sort().join("");
7283 }
7285 // Example usage:
7286 const inputString = "hello";
7287 const sortedString = sortStringAlphabetically(inputString);
7288 console.log("Original string:", inputString);
7289 console.log("Sorted string:", sortedString);
7290 </script>
7291 <hr />
7293 <h4>
7294 294.Write a JavaScript program to get an array of elements that appear in
7295 both arrays
7296 </h4>
7297 <script>
7298 function commonElements(array1, array2) {
7299 // Filter the elements of array1 that also exist in array2
7300 const common = array1.filter((element) => array2.includes(element));
7301 return common;
7302 }
7304 // Example usage:
7305 const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
7306 const arr2 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
7308 const commonElementsArray = commonElements(arr1, arr2);
7309 console.log("Common Elements:", commonElementsArray); // Output: [3, 4, 5]
7310 </script>
7311 <hr />
7313 <h4>
7314 295.Write a JavaScript program to randomize the order of the values of an
7315 array, returning a new array.
7316 </h4>
7317 <script>
7318 function shuffleArray(array) {
7319 // Create a copy of the original array
7320 const newArray = array.slice();
7322 // Implement Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm
7323 for (let i = newArray.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
7324 const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
7325 [newArray[i], newArray[j]] = [newArray[j], newArray[i]]; // Swap elements
7326 }
7328 return newArray;

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7329 }
7331 // Example usage:
7332 const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
7333 const randomizedArray = shuffleArray(originalArray);
7334 console.log("Original Array:", originalArray);
7335 console.log("Randomized Array:", randomizedArray);
7336 </script>
7337 <hr />
7339 <h4>
7340 296.Write a JavaScript program to create a shallow clone of an object
7341 </h4>
7342 <script>
7343 // Using object spread syntax
7344 function shallowCloneObject(obj) {
7345 return { ...obj };
7346 }
7348 // Using Object.assign()
7349 function shallowCloneObject(obj) {
7350 return Object.assign({}, obj);
7351 }
7353 // Example usage:
7354 const originalObject = { a: 1, b: { c: 2 } };
7355 const clonedObject = shallowCloneObject(originalObject);
7357 console.log("Original Object:", originalObject);
7358 console.log("Cloned Object:", clonedObject);
7360 // Modifying the cloned object to demonstrate shallow cloning
7361 clonedObject.a = 3;
7362 clonedObject.b.c = 4;
7364 console.log("Modified Cloned Object:", clonedObject); // Note: Modification
affects nested object
7365 console.log("Original Object (unchanged):", originalObject);
7366 </script>
7367 <hr />
7369 <h4>
7370 297.Write a JavaScript program to serialize a cookie name-value pair into
7371 a Set-Cookie header string.
7372 </h4>
7373 <script>
7374 function serializeCookie(name, value, options = {}) {
7375 const { expires, maxAge, domain, path, secure, httpOnly } = options;
7376 let cookieStr = `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
7378 if (expires instanceof Date) {
7379 cookieStr += `; Expires=${expires.toUTCString()}`;
7380 }
7381 if (typeof maxAge === "number") {
7382 cookieStr += `; Max-Age=${maxAge}`;
7383 }
7384 if (domain) {
7385 cookieStr += `; Domain=${domain}`;
7386 }
7387 if (path) {

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7388 cookieStr += `; Path=${path}`;
7389 }
7390 if (secure) {
7391 cookieStr += `; Secure`;
7392 }
7393 if (httpOnly) {
7394 cookieStr += `; HttpOnly`;
7395 }
7397 return cookieStr;
7398 }
7400 // Example usage:
7401 const cookieName = "user";
7402 const cookieValue = "john_doe";
7403 const options = {
7404 expires: new Date( + 86400000), // Expires in 1 day (86400000
7405 domain: "",
7406 path: "/",
7407 secure: true,
7408 httpOnly: true,
7409 };
7411 const setCookieHeader = serializeCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, options);
7412 console.log(setCookieHeader);
7413 </script>
7414 <hr />
7416 <h4>
7417 298.Write a JavaScript program to hash the input string into a whole
7418 number
7419 </h4>
7420 <script>
7421 function hashString(input) {
7422 let hash = 5381;
7423 for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
7424 hash = (hash * 33) ^ input.charCodeAt(i);
7425 }
7426 return hash >>> 0; // Convert to unsigned 32-bit integer
7427 }
7429 // Example usage:
7430 const inputString = "hello";
7431 const hashedNumber = hashString(inputString);
7432 console.log(hashedNumber);
7433 </script>
7434 <hr />
7436 <h4>
7437 299. Write a JavaScript program to get a random element from an array.
7438 </h4>
7439 <script>
7440 function getRandomElement(array) {
7441 const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length);
7442 return array[randomIndex];
7443 }
7445 // Example usage:
7446 const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

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7447 const randomElement = getRandomElement(myArray);
7448 console.log(randomElement);
7449 </script>
7450 <hr />
7452 <h4>
7453 300.Write a JavaScript program to run a given array of promises in series
7454 </h4>
7455 <script>
7456 async function runPromisesInSeries(promises) {
7457 const results = [];
7458 for (const promise of promises) {
7459 const result = await promise;
7460 results.push(result);
7461 }
7462 return results;
7463 }
7465 // Example usage:
7466 const promise1 = new Promise((resolve) =>
7467 setTimeout(() => resolve("result 1"), 1000)
7468 );
7469 const promise2 = new Promise((resolve) =>
7470 setTimeout(() => resolve("result 2"), 2000)
7471 );
7472 const promise3 = new Promise((resolve) =>
7473 setTimeout(() => resolve("result 3"), 1500)
7474 );
7476 const promises = [promise1, promise2, promise3];
7478 runPromisesInSeries(promises)
7479 .then((results) => console.log(results))
7480 .catch((error) => console.error(error));
7481 </script>
7482 <hr />
7484 <!-- -------------------- 101 -200 ------------------ -->
7485 <!-- Question 101 -->
7486 <h3>Question 101:</h3>
7487 <p>
7488 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given string contains only
7489 Latin letters and no two uppercase and no two lowercase letters are in
7490 adjacent positions.
7491 </p>
7493 <!-- Answer 101 -->
7494 <script>
7495 function isValidString(str) {
7496 for (let i = 0; i < str.length - 1; i++) {
7497 if (
7498 (str[i] >= "a" &&
7499 str[i] <= "z" &&
7500 str[i + 1] >= "a" &&
7501 str[i + 1] <= "z") ||
7502 (str[i] >= "A" &&
7503 str[i] <= "Z" &&
7504 str[i + 1] >= "A" &&
7505 str[i + 1] <= "Z")
7506 ) {

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7507 return false;
7508 }
7509 }
7510 return true;
7511 }
7512 </script>
7514 <!-- Question 102 -->
7515 <h3>Question 102:</h3>
7516 <p>
7517 Write a JavaScript program to find the number of inversions of a given
7518 array of integers. Note: Two elements of the array a stored at positions i
7519 and j form an inversion if a[i] > a[j] and i < j.
7520 </p>
7522 <!-- Answer 102 -->
7523 <script>
7524 function countInversions(arr) {
7525 let count = 0;
7526 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
7527 for (let j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
7528 if (arr[i] > arr[j]) {
7529 count++;
7530 }
7531 }
7532 }
7533 return count;
7534 }
7535 </script>
7537 <!-- Question 103 -->
7538 <h3>Question 103:</h3>
7539 <p>
7540 Write a JavaScript program to find the maximal number from a given
7541 positive integer by deleting exactly one digit of the given number.
7542 </p>
7544 <!-- Answer 103 -->
7545 <script>
7546 function findMaximalNumber(num) {
7547 const numStr = num.toString();
7548 let maxNum = 0;
7550 for (let i = 0; i < numStr.length; i++) {
7551 const updatedNum = parseInt(numStr.slice(0, i) + numStr.slice(i + 1));
7552 maxNum = Math.max(maxNum, updatedNum);
7553 }
7555 return maxNum;
7556 }
7557 </script>
7559 <!-- Question 104 -->
7560 <h3>Question 104:</h3>
7561 <p>
7562 Write a JavaScript program to find two elements of the array such that
7563 their absolute difference is not greater than a given integer but is as
7564 close to the said integer.
7565 </p>

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7567 <!-- Answer 104 -->
7568 <script>
7569 function findClosestElements(arr, target) {
7570 // Implementation goes here...
7571 }
7572 </script>
7574 <!-- Question 105 -->
7575 <h3>Question 105:</h3>
7576 <p>
7577 Write a JavaScript program to find the number of times to replace a given
7578 number with the sum of its digits until it converts to a single-digit
7579 number.
7580 </p>
7582 <!-- Answer 105 -->
7583 <script>
7584 function countDigitSumReplacementSteps(num) {
7585 // Implementation goes here...
7586 }
7587 </script>
7589 <!-- Question 106 -->
7590 <h3>Question 106:</h3>
7591 <p>
7592 Write a JavaScript program to divide an integer by another integer as long
7593 as the result is an integer and return the result.
7594 </p>
7596 <!-- Answer 106 -->
7597 <script>
7598 function divideIntegers(dividend, divisor) {
7599 // Implementation goes here...
7600 }
7601 </script>
7603 <!-- Question 107 -->
7604 <h3>Question 107:</h3>
7605 <p>
7606 Write a JavaScript program to find the number of sorted pairs formed by
7607 its elements of a given array of integers such that one element in the
7608 pair is divisible by the other one.
7609 </p>
7611 <!-- Answer 107 -->
7612 <script>
7613 function countSortedPairs(arr) {
7614 // Implementation goes here...
7615 }
7616 </script>
7618 <!-- Question 108 -->
7619 <h3>Question 108:</h3>
7620 <p>
7621 Write a JavaScript program to create the dot products of two given 3D
7622 vectors. Note: The dot product is the sum of the products of the
7623 corresponding entries of the two sequences of numbers.
7624 </p>
7626 <!-- Answer 108 -->

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7627 <script>
7628 function calculateDotProduct(vector1, vector2) {
7629 // Implementation goes here...
7630 }
7631 </script>
7633 <!-- Question 109 -->
7634 <h3>Question 109:</h3>
7635 <p>
7636 Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of all prime numbers between 1
7637 and a given integer.
7638 </p>
7640 <!-- Answer 109 -->
7641 <script>
7642 function sortPrimeNumbers(limit) {
7643 // Implementation goes here...
7644 }
7645 </script>
7647 <!-- Question 110 -->
7648 <h3>Question 110:</h3>
7649 <p>
7650 Write a JavaScript program to find the number of even values in sequence
7651 before the first occurrence of a given number.
7652 </p>
7654 <!-- Answer 110 -->
7655 <script>
7656 function countEvenValuesBeforeNumber(sequence, targetNumber) {
7657 // Implementation goes here...
7658 }
7659 </script>
7660 <!-- Question 111 -->
7661 <h3>Question 111:</h3>
7662 <p>
7663 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given string contains only
7664 Latin letters and no two uppercase and no two lowercase letters are in
7665 adjacent positions.
7666 </p>
7668 <!-- Answer 111 -->
7669 <script>
7670 function isValidString(str) {
7671 // Implementation goes here...
7672 }
7673 </script>
7675 <!-- Question 112 -->
7676 <h3>Question 112:</h3>
7677 <p>
7678 Write a JavaScript program to find the number of inversions of a given
7679 array of integers. Note: Two elements of the array a stored at positions i
7680 and j form an inversion if a[i] > a[j] and i < j.
7681 </p>
7683 <!-- Answer 112 -->
7684 <script>
7685 function countInversions(arr) {
7686 // Implementation goes here...

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7687 }
7688 </script>
7690 <!-- Question 113 -->
7691 <h3>Question 113:</h3>
7692 <p>
7693 Write a JavaScript program to find the maximal number from a given
7694 positive integer by deleting exactly one digit of the given number.
7695 </p>
7697 <!-- Answer 113 -->
7698 <script>
7699 function findMaximalNumber(num) {
7700 // Implementation goes here...
7701 }
7702 </script>
7704 <!-- Question 114 -->
7705 <h3>Question 114:</h3>
7706 <p>
7707 Write a JavaScript program to find two elements of the array such that
7708 their absolute difference is not greater than a given integer but is as
7709 close to the said integer.
7710 </p>
7712 <!-- Answer 114 -->
7713 <script>
7714 function findClosestElements(arr, target) {
7715 // Implementation goes here...
7716 }
7717 </script>
7719 <!-- Question 115 -->
7720 <h3>Question 115:</h3>
7721 <p>
7722 Write a JavaScript program to find the number of times to replace a given
7723 number with the sum of its digits until it converts to a single-digit
7724 number.
7725 </p>
7727 <!-- Answer 115 -->
7728 <script>
7729 function countDigitSumReplacementSteps(num) {
7730 // Implementation goes here...
7731 }
7732 </script>
7734 <!-- Question 116 -->
7735 <h3>Question 116:</h3>
7736 <p>
7737 Write a JavaScript program to find all the possible options to replace the
7738 hash in a string (Consists of digits and one hash (#)) with a digit to
7739 produce an integer divisible by 3. For a string "2*0", the output should
7740 be : ["210", "240", "270"]
7741 </p>
7743 <!-- Answer 116 -->
7744 <script>
7745 function replaceHashForDivisibleBy3(str) {
7746 const results = [];

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7747 for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
7748 const replacedStr = str.replace("#", i);
7749 if (parseInt(replacedStr) % 3 === 0) {
7750 results.push(replacedStr);
7751 }
7752 }
7753 return results;
7754 }
7755 </script>
7757 <!-- Question 117 -->
7758 <h3>Question 117:</h3>
7759 <p>
7760 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given matrix is an identity
7761 matrix. Note: In linear algebra, the identity matrix, or sometimes
7762 ambiguously called a unit matrix, of size n is the n × n square matrix
7763 with ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere. [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0],
7764 [0, 0, 1]] -> true [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]] -> false
7765 </p>
7767 <!-- Answer 117 -->
7768 <script>
7769 function isIdentityMatrix(matrix) {
7770 for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
7771 for (let j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) {
7772 if (
7773 (i === j && matrix[i][j] !== 1) ||
7774 (i !== j && matrix[i][j] !== 0)
7775 ) {
7776 return false;
7777 }
7778 }
7780 return true;
7781 }
7783 // Implementation goes here...
7784 }
7785 </script>
7787 <!-- Question 118 -->
7788 <h3>Question 118:</h3>
7789 <p>
7790 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given number is in a given
7791 range.
7792 </p>
7794 <!-- Answer 118 -->
7795 <script>
7796 function isNumberInRange(number, rangeStart, rangeEnd) {
7797 return number >= rangeStart && number <= rangeEnd;
7798 }
7799 </script>
7801 <!-- Question 119 -->
7802 <h3>Question 119:</h3>
7803 <p>
7804 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given integer has an
7805 increasing digits sequence.
7806 </p>

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7808 <!-- Answer 119 -->
7809 <script>
7810 function hasIncreasingDigitsSequence(number) {
7811 const digits = number.toString().split("").map(Number);
7812 for (let i = 1; i < digits.length; i++) {
7813 if (digits[i] <= digits[i - 1]) {
7814 return false;
7815 }
7816 }
7817 return true;
7818 }
7819 </script>
7821 <!-- Question 120 -->
7822 <h3>Question 120:</h3>
7823 <p>
7824 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a point lies strictly inside a
7825 given circle. Input: Center of the circle (x, y) Radius of circle: r Point
7826 inside a circle (a, b)
7827 </p>
7829 <!-- Answer 120 -->
7830 <script>
7831 function isPointInsideCircle(centerX, centerY, radius, pointX, pointY) {
7832 const distance = Math.sqrt(
7833 Math.pow(pointX - centerX, 2) + Math.pow(pointY - centerY, 2)
7834 );
7835 return distance < radius;
7836 }
7837 </script>
7839 <!-- Question 121 -->
7840 <h3>Question 121:</h3>
7841 <p>
7842 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given matrix is lower
7843 triangular or not.
7844 </p>
7846 <!-- Answer 121 -->
7847 <script>
7848 function isLowerTriangular(matrix) {
7849 for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
7850 for (let j = i + 1; j < matrix[i].length; j++) {
7851 if (matrix[i][j] !== 0) {
7852 return false;
7853 }
7854 }
7855 }
7856 return true;
7857 }
7858 </script>
7860 <!-- Question 122 -->
7861 <h3>Question 122:</h3>
7862 <p>
7863 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given array of integers
7864 represents either a strictly increasing or a strictly decreasing sequence.
7865 </p>

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7867 <!-- Answer 122 -->
7868 <script>
7869 function isStrictSequence(arr) {
7870 const increasing = arr.every(
7871 (num, index) => index === 0 || num > arr[index - 1]
7872 );
7873 const decreasing = arr.every(
7874 (num, index) => index === 0 || num < arr[index - 1]
7875 );
7877 return increasing || decreasing;
7878 }
7879 </script>
7881 <!-- Question 123 -->
7882 <h3>Question 123:</h3>
7883 <p>
7884 Write a JavaScript program to find whether the members of a given array of
7885 integers are a permutation of numbers from 1 to a given integer.
7886 </p>
7888 <!-- Answer 123 -->
7889 <script>
7890 function isPermutation(arr, n) {
7891 const sortedArr = arr.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b);
7892 const expectedArray = Array.from({ length: n }, (_, i) => i + 1);
7894 return JSON.stringify(sortedArr) === JSON.stringify(expectedArray);
7895 }
7896 </script>
7898 <!-- Question 124 -->
7899 <h3>Question 124:</h3>
7900 <p>
7901 Write a JavaScript program to create the value of NOR of two given
7902 booleans.
7903 </p>
7905 <!-- Answer 124 -->
7906 <script>
7907 function logicalNor(x, y) {
7908 return !(x || y);
7909 }
7910 </script>
7912 <!-- Question 125 -->
7913 <h3>Question 125:</h3>
7914 <p>
7915 Write a JavaScript program to find the longest string from a given array.
7916 </p>
7918 <!-- Answer 125 -->
7919 <script>
7920 function findLongestString(arr) {
7921 return arr.reduce(
7922 (longest, current) =>
7923 current.length > longest.length ? current : longest,
7924 ""
7925 );
7926 }

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7927 </script>
7928 <!-- Question 126 -->
7929 <h3>Question 126:</h3>
7930 <p>
7931 Write a JavaScript program to get the largest even number from an array of
7932 integers.
7933 </p>
7935 <!-- Answer 126 -->
7936 <script>
7937 function largestEvenNumber(arr) {
7938 const evenNumbers = arr.filter((num) => num % 2 === 0);
7939 return Math.max(...evenNumbers);
7940 }
7941 </script>
7943 <!-- Question 127 -->
7944 <h3>Question 127:</h3>
7945 <p>
7946 Write a JavaScript program to reverse the order of the bits in a given
7947 integer.
7948 </p>
7950 <!-- Answer 127 -->
7951 <script>
7952 function reverseBits(num) {
7953 return parseInt(num.toString(2).split("").reverse().join(""), 2);
7954 }
7955 </script>
7957 <!-- Question 128 -->
7958 <h3>Question 128:</h3>
7959 <p>
7960 Write a JavaScript program to find the smallest round number that is not
7961 less than a given value.
7962 </p>
7964 <!-- Answer 128 -->
7965 <script>
7966 function smallestRoundNumber(value) {
7967 while (value % 10 !== 0) {
7968 value++;
7969 }
7970 return value;
7971 }
7972 </script>
7974 <!-- Question 129 -->
7975 <h3>Question 129:</h3>
7976 <p>
7977 Write a JavaScript program to find the smallest prime number strictly
7978 greater than a given number.
7979 </p>
7981 <!-- Answer 129 -->
7982 <script>
7983 function isPrime(num) {
7984 if (num <= 1) return false;
7985 for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num); i++) {
7986 if (num % i === 0) return false;

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7987 }
7988 return true;
7989 }
7991 function smallestPrimeGreaterThan(value) {
7992 let currentNum = value + 1;
7993 while (!isPrime(currentNum)) {
7994 currentNum++;
7995 }
7996 return currentNum;
7997 }
7998 </script>
8000 <!-- Question 130 -->
8001 <h3>Question 130:</h3>
8002 <p>
8003 Write a JavaScript program to find the number of even digits in a given
8004 integer.
8005 </p>
8007 <!-- Answer 130 -->
8008 <script>
8009 function countEvenDigits(num) {
8010 const numStr = Math.abs(num).toString();
8011 return numStr.split("").filter((digit) => digit % 2 === 0).length;
8012 }
8013 </script>
8014 <!-- Question 131 -->
8015 <h3>Question 131:</h3>
8016 <p>
8017 Write a JavaScript program to create an array of prefix sums of the given
8018 array.
8019 </p>
8021 <!-- Answer 131 -->
8022 <script>
8023 function prefixSums(arr) {
8024 let sum = 0;
8025 return => (sum += num));
8026 }
8027 </script>
8029 <!-- Question 132 -->
8030 <h3>Question 132:</h3>
8031 <p>
8032 Write a JavaScript program to find all distinct prime factors of a given
8033 integer.
8034 </p>
8036 <!-- Answer 132 -->
8037 <script>
8038 function distinctPrimeFactors(num) {
8039 const factors = [];
8040 for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num); i++) {
8041 while (num % i === 0) {
8042 if (!factors.includes(i)) {
8043 factors.push(i);
8044 }
8045 num /= i;
8046 }

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8047 }
8048 if (num > 1 && !factors.includes(num)) {
8049 factors.push(num);
8050 }
8051 return factors;
8052 }
8053 </script>
8055 <!-- Question 133 -->
8056 <h3>Question 133:</h3>
8057 <p>
8058 Write a JavaScript program to check whether a given fraction is proper or
8059 not.
8060 </p>
8062 <!-- Answer 133 -->
8063 <script>
8064 function isProperFraction(numerator, denominator) {
8065 return numerator < denominator && numerator >= 0 && denominator > 0;
8066 }
8067 </script>
8069 <!-- Question 134 -->
8070 <h3>Question 134:</h3>
8071 <p>
8072 Write a JavaScript program to change the characters (lower case) in a
8073 string where a turns into z, b turns into y, c turns into x, ..., n turns
8074 into m, m turns into n, ..., z turns into a.
8075 </p>
8077 <!-- Answer 134 -->
8078 <script>
8079 function transformString(str) {
8080 const transformed = str.replace(/[a-z]/g, (char) =>
8081 String.fromCharCode(219 - char.charCodeAt(0))
8082 );
8083 return transformed;
8084 }
8085 </script>
8087 <!-- Question 135 -->
8088 <h3>Question 135:</h3>
8089 <p>
8090 Write a JavaScript program to remove all characters from a given string
8091 that appear more than once.
8092 </p>
8094 <!-- Answer 135 -->
8095 <script>
8096 function removeDuplicates(str) {
8097 const charCount = {};
8098 let result = "";
8100 for (const char of str) {
8101 charCount[char] = (charCount[char] || 0) + 1;
8102 if (charCount[char] === 1) {
8103 result += char;
8104 }
8105 }

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8107 return result;
8108 }
8109 </script>
8111 <!-- Question 136 -->
8112 <h3>Question 136:</h3>
8113 <p>
8114 Write a JavaScript program to replace the first digit in a string (should
8115 contain at least one digit) with $ character.
8116 </p>
8118 <!-- Answer 136 -->
8119 <script>
8120 function replaceFirstDigit(str) {
8121 return str.replace(/\d/, "$");
8122 }
8123 </script>
8125 <!-- Question 137 -->
8126 <h3>Question 137:</h3>
8127 <p>
8128 Write a JavaScript program to test whether a given integer is greater than
8129 15. Return the given number, otherwise return 15.
8130 </p>
8132 <!-- Answer 137 -->
8133 <script>
8134 function checkNumber(num) {
8135 return num > 15 ? num : 15;
8136 }
8137 </script>
8139 <!-- Question 138 -->
8140 <h3>Question 138:</h3>
8141 <p>
8142 Write a JavaScript program to reverse the bits of a given 16 bits unsigned
8143 short integer.
8144 </p>
8146 <!-- Answer 138 -->
8147 <script>
8148 function reverseBitsShortInteger(num) {
8149 return parseInt(
8150 num.toString(2).padStart(16, "0").split("").reverse().join(""),
8151 2
8152 );
8153 }
8154 </script>
8156 <!-- Question 139 -->
8157 <h3>Question 139:</h3>
8158 <p>
8159 Write a JavaScript program to find the position of a rightmost round
8160 number in an array of integers. Returns 0 if there are no round numbers.
8161 </p>
8163 <!-- Answer 139 -->
8164 <script>
8165 function rightmostRoundNumberPosition(arr) {
8166 for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

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8167 if (arr[i] % 10 === 0) {
8168 return i + 1;
8169 }
8170 }
8171 return 0;
8172 }
8173 </script>
8175 <!-- Question 140 -->
8176 <h3>Question 140:</h3>
8177 <p>
8178 Write a JavaScript program to check whether all the digits in a given
8179 number are the same or not.
8180 </p>
8182 <!-- Answer 140 -->
8183 <script>
8184 function areAllDigitsSame(num) {
8185 const digits = num.toString().split("");
8186 return digits.every((digit) => digit === digits[0]);
8187 }
8188 </script>
8190 <!-- Question 141 -->
8191 <h3>Question 141:</h3>
8192 <p>
8193 Write a JavaScript program to find the number of elements which present in
8194 both of the given arrays.
8195 </p>
8197 <!-- Answer 141 -->
8198 <script>
8199 function commonElementsCount(arr1, arr2) {
8200 const set1 = new Set(arr1);
8201 const set2 = new Set(arr2);
8202 return [...set1].filter((item) => set2.has(item)).length;
8203 }
8204 </script>
8206 <!-- Question 142 -->
8207 <h3>Question 142:</h3>
8208 <p>
8209 Write a JavaScript program to simplify a given absolute path for a file in
8210 Unix-style.
8211 </p>
8213 <!-- Answer 142 -->
8214 <script>
8215 function simplifyAbsolutePath(path) {
8216 const parts = path.split("/");
8217 const result = [];
8219 for (const part of parts) {
8220 if (part === "..") {
8221 result.pop();
8222 } else if (part && part !== ".") {
8223 result.push(part);
8224 }
8225 }

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8227 return "/" + result.join("/");
8228 }
8229 </script>
8231 <!-- Question 143 -->
8232 <h3>Question 143:</h3>
8233 <p>
8234 Write a JavaScript program to sort the strings of a given array of strings
8235 in the order of increasing lengths. Note: Do not change the order if the
8236 lengths of two strings are the same.
8237 </p>
8239 <!-- Answer 143 -->
8240 <script>
8241 function sortStringsByLengths(arr) {
8242 return arr.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length);
8243 }
8244 </script>
8246 <!-- Question 144 -->
8247 <h3>Question 144:</h3>
8248 <p>
8249 Write a JavaScript program to break an address of a URL and put its parts
8250 into an array.
8251 </p>
8253 <!-- Answer 144 -->
8254 <script>
8255 function breakUrlAddress(url) {
8256 return url.split("/");
8257 }
8258 </script>
8260 <!-- Question 145 -->
8261 <h3>Question 145:</h3>
8262 <p>
8263 Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum integer n such that 1 + 2 +
8264 ... + n <= a given integer.
8265 </p>
8267 <!-- Answer 145 -->
8268 <script>
8269 function maxNForSumLessThanEqual(a) {
8270 let n = 1;
8271 while ((n * (n + 1)) / 2 <= a) {
8272 n++;
8273 }
8274 return n - 1;
8275 }
8276 </script>
8278 <!-- Question 146 -->
8279 <h3>Question 146:</h3>
8280 <p>
8281 Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of cubes of all integers
8282 from 1 to a given integer.
8283 </p>
8285 <!-- Answer 146 -->
8286 <script>

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8287 function sumOfCubes(n) {
8288 return ((n * (n + 1)) / 2) ** 2;
8289 }
8290 </script>
8292 <!-- Question 147 -->
8293 <h3>Question 147:</h3>
8294 <p>
8295 Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of all digits that occur in
8296 a given string.
8297 </p>
8299 <!-- Answer 147 -->
8300 <script>
8301 function sumOfDigitsInString(str) {
8302 return str
8303 .replace(/\D/g, "")
8304 .split("")
8305 .reduce((sum, digit) => sum + parseInt(digit), 0);
8306 }
8307 </script>
8309 <!-- Question 148 -->
8310 <h3>Question 148:</h3>
8311 <p>
8312 Write a JavaScript program to swap two halves of a given array of integers
8313 of even length.
8314 </p>
8316 <!-- Answer 148 -->
8317 <script>
8318 function swapArrayHalves(arr) {
8319 const mid = arr.length / 2;
8320 return [...arr.slice(mid), ...arr.slice(0, mid)];
8321 }
8322 </script>
8324 <!-- Question 149 -->
8325 <h3>Question 149:</h3>
8326 <p>
8327 Write a JavaScript program to change the capitalization of all letters in
8328 a given string.
8329 </p>
8331 <!-- Answer 149 -->
8332 <script>
8333 function changeCapitalization(str) {
8334 return str
8335 .split("")
8336 .map((char) =>
8337 char === char.toUpperCase()
8338 ? char.toLowerCase()
8339 : char.toUpperCase()
8340 )
8341 .join("");
8342 }
8343 </script>
8345 <!-- Question 150 -->
8346 <h3>Question 150:</h3>

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8347 <p>
8348 Write a JavaScript program to swap pairs of adjacent digits of a given
8349 integer of even length.
8350 </p>
8352 <!-- Answer 150 -->
8353 <script>
8354 function swapAdjacentDigits(num) {
8355 const digits = num.toString().split("");
8356 for (let i = 0; i < digits.length; i += 2) {
8357 const temp = digits[i];
8358 digits[i] = digits[i + 1];
8359 digits[i + 1] = temp;
8360 }
8361 return parseInt(digits.join(""));
8362 }
8363 </script>
8364 <!-- Question 151 -->
8365 <h3>Question 151:</h3>
8366 <p>
8367 Write a JavaScript program to compare two objects to determine if the
8368 first one contains equivalent property values to the second one.
8369 </p>
8371 <!-- Answer 151 -->
8372 <script>
8373 function compareObjects(obj1, obj2) {
8374 const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1);
8375 const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);
8377 if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) {
8378 return false;
8379 }
8381 for (const key of keys1) {
8382 if (obj1[key] !== obj2[key]) {
8383 return false;
8384 }
8385 }
8387 return true;
8388 }
8389 </script>
8391 <!-- Question 152 -->
8392 <h3>Question 152:</h3>
8393 <p>Write a JavaScript program to copy a string to the clipboard.</p>
8395 <!-- Answer 152 -->
8396 <script>
8397 function copyToClipboard(str) {
8398 const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
8399 textarea.value = str;
8400 document.body.appendChild(textarea);
8402 document.execCommand("copy");
8403 document.body.removeChild(textarea);
8404 }
8405 </script>

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8407 <!-- Question 153 -->
8408 <h3>Question 153:</h3>
8409 <p>
8410 Write a JavaScript program to convert a comma-separated values (CSV)
8411 string to a 2D array.
8412 </p>
8414 <!-- Answer 153 -->
8415 <script>
8416 function csvToArray(csvString) {
8417 return csvString.split("\n").map((row) => row.split(","));
8418 }
8419 </script>
8421 <!-- Question 154 -->
8422 <h3>Question 154:</h3>
8423 <p>
8424 Write a JavaScript program to convert a comma-separated values (CSV)
8425 string to a 2D array of objects. The first row of the string is used as
8426 the title row.
8427 </p>
8429 <!-- Answer 154 -->
8430 <script>
8431 function csvToObjectArray(csvString) {
8432 const rows = csvString.split("\n");
8433 const titles = rows.shift().split(",");
8434 return => {
8435 const values = row.split(",");
8436 const obj = {};
8437 titles.forEach((title, i) => (obj[title] = values[i]));
8438 return obj;
8439 });
8440 }
8441 </script>
8443 <!-- Question 155 -->
8444 <h3>Question 155:</h3>
8445 <p>
8446 Write a JavaScript program to convert an array of objects to a
8447 comma-separated values (CSV) string that contains only the columns
8448 specified.
8449 </p>
8451 <!-- Answer 155 -->
8452 <script>
8453 function objectsToCsv(objects, columns) {
8454 const csvArray = =>
8455 => obj[col]).join(",")
8456 );
8457 return csvArray.join("\n");
8458 }
8459 </script>
8461 <!-- Question 156 -->
8462 <h3>Question 156:</h3>
8463 <p>
8464 Write a JavaScript program to target a given value in a nested JSON
8465 object, based on the given key.
8466 </p>

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8468 <!-- Answer 156 -->
8469 <script>
8470 function getValueByKey(obj, key) {
8471 for (const prop in obj) {
8472 if (prop === key) {
8473 return obj[prop];
8474 } else if (typeof obj[prop] === "object") {
8475 const result = getValueByKey(obj[prop], key);
8476 if (result !== undefined) {
8477 return result;
8478 }
8479 }
8480 }
8481 }
8482 </script>
8484 <!-- Question 157 -->
8485 <h3>Question 157:</h3>
8486 <p>
8487 Write a JavaScript program to converts a specified number to an array of
8488 digits.
8489 </p>
8491 <!-- Answer 157 -->
8492 <script>
8493 function numberToDigits(num) {
8494 return Array.from(String(num), Number);
8495 }
8496 </script>
8498 <!-- Question 158 -->
8499 <h3>Question 158:</h3>
8500 <p>
8501 Write a JavaScript program to filter out the specified values from a
8502 specified array. Return the original array without the filtered values.
8503 </p>
8505 <!-- Answer 158 -->
8506 <script>
8507 function filterValues(arr, valuesToFilter) {
8508 return arr.filter((value) => !valuesToFilter.includes(value));
8509 }
8510 </script>
8512 <!-- Question 159 -->
8513 <h3>Question 159:</h3>
8514 <p>
8515 Write a JavaScript program to combine the numbers of a given array into an
8516 array containing all combinations.
8517 </p>
8519 <!-- Answer 159 -->
8520 <script>
8521 function combineNumbers(arr) {
8522 const combinations = [];
8523 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
8524 for (let j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
8525 combinations.push([arr[i], arr[j]]);
8526 }

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8527 }
8528 return combinations;
8529 }
8530 </script>
8532 <!-- Question 160 -->
8533 <h3>Question 160:</h3>
8534 <p>
8535 Write a JavaScript program to extract out the values at the specified
8536 indexes from a specified array.
8537 </p>
8539 <!-- Answer 160 -->
8540 <script>
8541 function extractValuesAtIndexes(arr, indexes) {
8542 return => arr[index]);
8543 }
8544 </script>
8546 <!-- Question 161 -->
8547 <h3>Question 161:</h3>
8548 <p>
8549 Write a JavaScript program to generate a random hexadecimal color code.
8550 </p>
8552 <!-- Answer 161 -->
8553 <script>
8554 function randomHexColor() {
8555 return "#" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);
8556 }
8557 </script>
8559 <!-- Question 162 -->
8560 <h3>Question 162:</h3>
8561 <p>
8562 Write a JavaScript program to remove non-printable ASCII characters from a
8563 given string.
8564 </p>
8566 <!-- Answer 162 -->
8567 <script>
8568 function removeNonPrintableCharacters(str) {
8569 return str.replace(/[^ -~]/g, "");
8570 }
8571 </script>
8573 <!-- Question 163 -->
8574 <h3>Question 163:</h3>
8575 <p>
8576 Write a JavaScript program to convert the length of a given string in
8577 bytes.
8578 </p>
8580 <!-- Answer 163 -->
8581 <script>
8582 function stringLengthInBytes(str) {
8583 return new Blob([str]).size;
8584 }
8585 </script>

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8587 <!-- Question 164 -->
8588 <h3>Question 164:</h3>
8589 <p>
8590 Write a JavaScript program to replace the names of multiple object keys
8591 with the values provided.
8592 </p>
8594 <!-- Answer 164 -->
8595 <script>
8596 function replaceKeysWithValues(obj, keyValues) {
8597 for (const key in keyValues) {
8598 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
8599 obj[keyValues[key]] = obj[key];
8600 delete obj[key];
8601 }
8602 }
8603 }
8604 </script>
8606 <!-- Question 165 -->
8607 <h3>Question 165:</h3>
8608 <p>
8609 Write a JavaScript program to return the minimum-maximum value of an
8610 array, after applying the provided function to set comparing rule.
8611 </p>
8613 <!-- Answer 165 -->
8614 <script>
8615 function minMaxWithRule(arr, compareFunction) {
8616 return [Math.min(...arr), Math.max(...arr)].sort(compareFunction);
8617 }
8618 </script>
8620 <!-- Question 166 -->
8621 <h3>Question 166:</h3>
8622 <p>
8623 Write a JavaScript function that returns true if the provided predicate
8624 function returns true for all elements in a collection, false otherwise.
8625 </p>
8627 <!-- Answer 166 -->
8628 <script>
8629 function allTrue(collection, predicateFunction) {
8630 return collection.every(predicateFunction);
8631 }
8632 </script>
8634 <!-- Question 167 -->
8635 <h3>Question 167:</h3>
8636 <p>
8637 Write a JavaScript program to split values of two given arrays into two
8638 groups. If an element in the filter is truthy, the corresponding element
8639 in the collection belongs to the first group; otherwise, it belongs to the
8640 second group.
8641 </p>
8643 <!-- Answer 167 -->
8644 <script>
8645 function splitArraysByFilter(collection, filter) {
8646 return collection.reduce(

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8647 (result, value, index) => {
8648 filter[index] ? result[0].push(value) : result[1].push(value);
8649 return result;
8650 },
8651 [[], []]
8652 );
8653 }
8654 </script>
8656 <!-- Question 168 -->
8657 <h3>Question 168:</h3>
8658 <p>
8659 Write a JavaScript program to remove specified elements from the left of a
8660 given array of elements.
8661 </p>
8663 <!-- Answer 168 -->
8664 <script>
8665 function removeLeftElements(arr, count) {
8666 return arr.slice(count);
8667 }
8668 </script>
8670 <!-- Question 169 -->
8671 <h3>Question 169:</h3>
8672 <p>
8673 Write a JavaScript program to remove specified elements from the right of
8674 a given array of elements.
8675 </p>
8677 <!-- Answer 169 -->
8678 <script>
8679 function removeRightElements(arr, count) {
8680 return arr.slice(0, -count);
8681 }
8682 </script>
8684 <!-- Question 170 -->
8685 <h3>Question 170:</h3>
8686 <p>
8687 Write a JavaScript program to extend a 3-digit color code to a 6-digit
8688 color code.
8689 </p>
8691 <!-- Answer 170 -->
8692 <script>
8693 function extendColorCode(colorCode) {
8694 return colorCode.length === 3
8695 ? colorCode
8696 .split("")
8697 .map((char) => char.repeat(2))
8698 .join("")
8699 : colorCode;
8700 }
8701 </script>
8703 <!-- Question 171 -->
8704 <h3>Question 171:</h3>
8705 <p>Write a JavaScript program to get every nth element in a given array.</p>

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8707 <!-- Answer 171 -->
8708 <script>
8709 function getEveryNthElement(arr, n) {
8710 return arr.filter((_, index) => (index + 1) % n === 0);
8711 }
8712 </script>
8714 <!-- Question 172 -->
8715 <h3>Question 172:</h3>
8716 <p>
8717 Write a JavaScript program to filter out the non-unique values in an
8718 array.
8719 </p>
8721 <!-- Answer 172 -->
8722 <script>
8723 function filterNonUniqueValues(arr) {
8724 return arr.filter(
8725 (value, index, array) =>
8726 array.indexOf(value) === array.lastIndexOf(value)
8727 );
8728 }
8729 </script>
8731 <!-- Question 173 -->
8732 <h3>Question 173:</h3>
8733 <p>
8734 Write a JavaScript program to filter out the non-unique values in an
8735 array, based on a provided comparator function.
8736 </p>
8738 <!-- Answer 173 -->
8739 <script>
8740 function filterNonUniqueValuesWithComparator(arr, comparator) {
8741 return arr.filter(
8742 (value, index, array) =>
8743 array.findIndex((item) => comparator(value, item)) ===
8744 array.lastIndexOf(value)
8745 );
8746 }
8747 </script>
8749 <!-- Question 174 -->
8750 <h3>Question 174:</h3>
8751 <p>
8752 Write a JavaScript program to dcapitalize the first letter of a string.
8753 </p>
8755 <!-- Answer 174 -->
8756 <script>
8757 function dcapitalizeFirstLetter(str) {
8758 return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1);
8759 }
8760 </script>
8762 <!-- Question 175 -->
8763 <h3>Question 175:</h3>
8764 <p>
8765 Write a JavaScript program to create a new array out of the two supplied
8766 by creating each possible pair from the arrays.

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8767 </p>
8769 <!-- Answer 175 -->
8770 <script>
8771 function createPossiblePairs(arr1, arr2) {
8772 return arr1.flatMap((item1) => => [item1, item2]));
8773 }
8774 </script>
8776 <!-- Question 176 -->
8777 <h3>Question 176:</h3>
8778 <p>
8779 Write a JavaScript program that will return true if the string is y/yes or
8780 false if the string is n/no.
8781 </p>
8783 <!-- Answer 176 -->
8784 <script>
8785 function isYesOrNo(str) {
8786 const lowerStr = str.toLowerCase();
8787 return lowerStr === "y" || lowerStr === "yes";
8788 }
8789 </script>
8791 <!-- Question 177 -->
8792 <h3>Question 177:</h3>
8793 <p>
8794 Write a JavaScript program to find every element that exists in any of the
8795 two given arrays once, using a provided comparator function.
8796 </p>
8798 <!-- Answer 177 -->
8799 <script>
8800 function findUniqueElementsWithComparator(arr1, arr2, comparator) {
8801 return arr1
8802 .concat(arr2)
8803 .filter(
8804 (value, index, array) =>
8805 array.slice(0, index).every((item) => !comparator(value, item)) &&
8806 array.slice(index + 1).every((item) => !comparator(value, item))
8807 );
8808 }
8809 </script>
8811 <!-- Question 178 -->
8812 <h3>Question 178:</h3>
8813 <p>
8814 Write a JavaScript program to measure the time taken by a function to
8815 execute.
8816 </p>
8818 <!-- Answer 178 -->
8819 <script>
8820 function measureExecutionTime(func) {
8821 const startTime =;
8822 func();
8823 const endTime =;
8824 return endTime - startTime;
8825 }
8826 </script>

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8828 <!-- Question 179 -->
8829 <h3>Question 179:</h3>
8830 <p>Write a JavaScript program to convert a value to a safe integer.</p>
8832 <!-- Answer 179 -->
8833 <script>
8834 function toSafeInteger(value) {
8835 const safeInt = Math.round(Number(value));
8836 return Number.isSafeInteger(safeInt) ? safeInt : 0;
8837 }
8838 </script>
8840 <!-- Question 180 -->
8841 <h3>Question 180:</h3>
8842 <p>
8843 Write a JavaScript program to filter out the element(s) of a given array,
8844 that have one of the specified values.
8845 </p>
8847 <!-- Answer 180 -->
8848 <script>
8849 function filterElementsByValues(arr, valuesToFilter) {
8850 return arr.filter((value) => !valuesToFilter.includes(value));
8851 }
8852 </script>
8854 <!-- Question 181 -->
8855 <h3>Question 181:</h3>
8856 <p>
8857 Write a JavaScript program to find all elements in a given array except
8858 for the first one. Return the whole array if the array's length is 1.
8859 </p>
8861 <!-- Answer 181 -->
8862 <script>
8863 function getAllExceptFirst(arr) {
8864 return arr.length > 1 ? arr.slice(1) : arr;
8865 }
8866 </script>
8868 <!-- Question 182 -->
8869 <h3>Question 182:</h3>
8870 <p>
8871 Write a JavaScript program to get the sum of a given array, after mapping
8872 each element to a value using the provided function.
8873 </p>
8875 <!-- Answer 182 -->
8876 <script>
8877 function sumAfterMapping(arr, mappingFunction) {
8878 return, value) => sum + value, 0);
8879 }
8880 </script>
8882 <!-- Question 183 -->
8883 <h3>Question 183:</h3>
8884 <p>
8885 Write a JavaScript program to get a random number in the specified range.
8886 </p>

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8888 <!-- Answer 183 -->
8889 <script>
8890 function getRandomNumberInRange(min, max) {
8891 return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
8892 }
8893 </script>
8895 <!-- Question 184 -->
8896 <h3>Question 184:</h3>
8897 <p>
8898 Write a JavaScript program to get a random integer in the specified range.
8899 </p>
8901 <!-- Answer 184 -->
8902 <script>
8903 function getRandomIntegerInRange(min, max) {
8904 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
8905 }
8906 </script>
8908 <!-- Question 185 -->
8909 <h3>Question 185:</h3>
8910 <p>
8911 Write a JavaScript program to get an array of given n random integers in
8912 the specified range.
8913 </p>
8915 <!-- Answer 185 -->
8916 <script>
8917 function getArrayOfRandomIntegers(n, min, max) {
8918 return Array.from({ length: n }, () =>
8919 getRandomIntegerInRange(min, max)
8920 );
8921 }
8922 </script>
8924 <!-- Question 186 -->
8925 <h3>Question 186:</h3>
8926 <p>
8927 Write a JavaScript program to create a function that invokes each provided
8928 function with the arguments it receives and returns the results.
8929 </p>
8931 <!-- Answer 186 -->
8932 <script>
8933 function invokeFunctions(...functions) {
8934 return function (...args) {
8935 return => func(...args));
8936 };
8937 }
8938 </script>
8940 <!-- Question 187 -->
8941 <h3>Question 187:</h3>
8942 <p>
8943 Write a JavaScript program to get a sorted array of objects ordered by
8944 properties and orders.
8945 </p>

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8947 <!-- Answer 187 -->
8948 <script>
8949 function sortArrayOfObjects(arr, orders) {
8950 return arr.sort((a, b) => {
8951 for (const order of orders) {
8952 const prop = order[0];
8953 const sortOrder = order[1] === "asc" ? 1 : -1;
8954 if (a[prop] < b[prop]) return -sortOrder;
8955 if (a[prop] > b[prop]) return sortOrder;
8956 }
8957 return 0;
8958 });
8959 }
8960 </script>
8962 <!-- Question 188 -->
8963 <h3>Question 188:</h3>
8964 <p>
8965 Write a JavaScript program to pad a string on both sides with the
8966 specified character, if it's shorter than the specified length.
8967 </p>
8969 <!-- Answer 188 -->
8970 <script>
8971 function padString(str, length, char) {
8972 const padding = char.repeat(Math.max(0, length - str.length));
8973 return (
8974 padding.slice(0, Math.floor(padding.length / 2)) +
8975 str +
8976 padding.slice(Math.ceil(padding.length / 2))
8977 );
8978 }
8979 </script>
8981 <!-- Question 189 -->
8982 <h3>Question 189:</h3>
8983 <p>
8984 Write a JavaScript program to remove the key-value pairs corresponding to
8985 the given keys from an object.
8986 </p>
8988 <!-- Answer 189 -->
8989 <script>
8990 function removeKeyValues(obj, keysToRemove) {
8991 for (const key of keysToRemove) {
8992 delete obj[key];
8993 }
8994 }
8995 </script>
8997 <!-- Question 190 -->
8998 <h3>Question 190:</h3>
8999 <p>
9000 Write a JavaScript program to create an array of key-value pair arrays
9001 from a given object.
9002 </p>
9004 <!-- Answer 190 -->
9005 <script>
9006 function objectToArrayOfArrays(obj) {

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9007 return Object.entries(obj);
9008 }
9009 </script>
9010 <!-- Question 191 -->
9011 <h3>Question 191:</h3>
9012 <p>
9013 Write a JavaScript program to create an object from the given key-value
9014 pairs.
9015 </p>
9017 <!-- Answer 191 -->
9018 <script>
9019 function createObjectFromKeyValuePairs(keyValuePairs) {
9020 return Object.fromEntries(keyValuePairs);
9021 }
9022 </script>
9024 <!-- Question 192 -->
9025 <h3>Question 192:</h3>
9026 <p>
9027 Write a JavaScript program to get a customized coalesce function that
9028 returns the first argument that returns true from the provided argument
9029 validation function.
9030 </p>
9032 <!-- Answer 192 -->
9033 <script>
9034 function getCustomizedCoalesce(validationFunction) {
9035 return (...args) => args.find(validationFunction);
9036 }
9037 </script>
9039 <!-- Question 193 -->
9040 <h3>Question 193:</h3>
9041 <p>
9042 Write a JavaScript program to change a function that accepts an array into
9043 a variadic function.
9044 </p>
9046 <!-- Answer 193 -->
9047 <script>
9048 function arrayToVariadicFunction(func) {
9049 return (...args) => func(args);
9050 }
9051 </script>
9053 <!-- Question 194 -->
9054 <h3>Question 194:</h3>
9055 <p>
9056 Write a JavaScript program to remove falsey values from a given array.
9057 </p>
9059 <!-- Answer 194 -->
9060 <script>
9061 function removeFalseyValues(arr) {
9062 return arr.filter(Boolean);
9063 }
9064 </script>
9066 <!-- Question 195 -->

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9067 <h3>Question 195:</h3>
9068 <p>
9069 Write a JavaScript program to split values into two groups. If an element
9070 in filter is truthy, the corresponding element in the collection belongs
9071 to the first group; otherwise, it belongs to the second group.
9072 </p>
9074 <!-- Answer 195 -->
9075 <script>
9076 function splitValuesIntoTwoGroups(collection, filter) {
9077 return collection.reduce(
9078 (result, value, index) => {
9079 filter[index] ? result[0].push(value) : result[1].push(value);
9080 return result;
9081 },
9082 [[], []]
9083 );
9084 }
9085 </script>
9087 <!-- Question 196 -->
9088 <h3>Question 196:</h3>
9089 <p>Write a JavaScript program to curry (curries) a function.</p>
9091 <!-- Answer 196 -->
9092 <script>
9093 function curry(func) {
9094 return function curried(...args) {
9095 if (args.length >= func.length) {
9096 return func(...args);
9097 } else {
9098 return function (...moreArgs) {
9099 return curried(...args, ...moreArgs);
9100 };
9101 }
9102 };
9103 }
9104 </script>
9106 <!-- Question 197 -->
9107 <h3>Question 197:</h3>
9108 <p>
9109 Write a JavaScript program to perform a deep comparison between two values
9110 to determine if they are equivalent.
9111 </p>
9113 <!-- Answer 197 -->
9114 <script>
9115 function deepEqual(a, b) {
9116 if (a === b) return true;
9118 if (
9119 typeof a !== "object" ||
9120 typeof b !== "object" ||
9121 a === null ||
9122 b === null
9123 )
9124 return false;
9126 const keysA = Object.keys(a);

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9127 const keysB = Object.keys(b);
9129 if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return false;
9131 for (const key of keysA) {
9132 if (!keysB.includes(key) || !deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;
9133 }
9135 return true;
9136 }
9137 </script>
9139 <!-- Question 198 -->
9140 <h3>Question 198:</h3>
9141 <p>
9142 Write a JavaScript program to get an array of function property names from
9143 own (and optionally inherited) enumerable properties of an object.
9144 </p>
9146 <!-- Answer 198 -->
9147 <script>
9148 function getFunctionPropertyNames(obj, includeInherited = false) {
9149 const propertyNames = [];
9151 for (const key in obj) {
9152 if (typeof obj[key] === "function") {
9153 propertyNames.push(key);
9154 }
9155 }
9157 if (includeInherited) {
9158 const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
9159 if (prototype) {
9160 propertyNames.push(...getFunctionPropertyNames(prototype, true));
9161 }
9162 }
9164 return propertyNames;
9165 }
9166 </script>
9168 <!-- Question 199 -->
9169 <h3>Question 199:</h3>
9170 <p>
9171 Write a JavaScript program to retrieve a set of properties indicated by
9172 the given selectors from an object.
9173 </p>
9175 <!-- Answer 199 -->
9176 <script>
9177 function retrievePropertiesBySelectors(obj, selectors) {
9178 const result = {};
9179 selectors.forEach((selector) => {
9180 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(selector)) {
9181 result[selector] = obj[selector];
9182 }
9183 });
9184 return result;
9185 }
9186 </script>

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9188 <!-- Question 200 -->
9189 <h3>Question 200:</h3>
9190 <p>
9191 Write a JavaScript program to convert an integer to a suffixed string,
9192 adding am or pm based on its value.
9193 </p>
9195 <!-- Answer 200 -->
9196 <script>
9197 function convertIntegerToSuffixedString(integer) {
9198 const suffix = integer < 12 ? "am" : "pm";
9199 return integer % 12 || 12 + suffix;
9200 }
9201 </script>
9202 <!-- ----------------------------- 401 ----------------------- -->
9204 <h4>401.Write a JavaScript program to write a JSON object to a file</h4>
9205 <script>
9206 const fs = require("fs");
9208 // Sample JSON object
9209 const jsonObject = {
9210 name: "John Doe",
9211 age: 30,
9212 city: "New York",
9213 };
9215 // Convert JSON object to a string
9216 const jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
9218 // File path where you want to write the JSON data
9219 const filePath = "output.json";
9221 // Write JSON data to file
9222 fs.writeFile(filePath, jsonString, (err) => {
9223 if (err) {
9224 console.error("Error writing JSON to file:", err);
9225 return;
9226 }
9227 console.log("JSON data has been written to", filePath);
9228 });
9229 </script>
9230 <hr />
9232 <h4>401.Write a JavaScript program to write a JSON object to a file.</h4>
9233 <script>
9234 // Sample JSON object
9235 const jsonObject = {
9236 name: "John Doe",
9237 age: 30,
9238 city: "New York",
9239 };
9241 // Convert JSON object to a string
9242 const jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
9244 // Create a Blob object with JSON string
9245 const blob = new Blob([jsonString], { type: "application/json" });

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9247 // Create a temporary URL for the Blob
9248 const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
9250 // Create a link element
9251 const link = document.createElement("a");
9253 // Set link's href attribute to the temporary URL
9254 link.href = url;
9256 // Set link's download attribute to specify the filename
9257 = "data.json";
9259 // Append the link to the document body
9260 document.body.appendChild(link);
9262 // Click the link programmatically to trigger the download
9265 // Cleanup: remove the link and revoke the URL
9266 document.body.removeChild(link);
9267 URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
9268 </script>
9269 <hr />
9271 <h4>
9272 402.Write a JavaScript program to convert the values of RGB components to
9273 a color code.
9274 </h4>
9275 <script>
9276 // Function to convert decimal to hexadecimal
9277 function decimalToHex(decimal) {
9278 const hex = decimal.toString(16);
9279 return hex.length === 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
9280 }
9282 // Function to convert RGB components to a color code
9283 function rgbToColorCode(red, green, blue) {
9284 // Convert each RGB component to hexadecimal
9285 const redHex = decimalToHex(red);
9286 const greenHex = decimalToHex(green);
9287 const blueHex = decimalToHex(blue);
9289 // Concatenate the hexadecimal values
9290 const colorCode = "#" + redHex + greenHex + blueHex;
9292 return colorCode;
9293 }
9295 // Example usage:
9296 const red = 255;
9297 const green = 165;
9298 const blue = 0;
9300 const colorCode = rgbToColorCode(red, green, blue);
9301 console.log(colorCode); // Output: #ffa500
9302 </script>
9303 <hr />
9305 <h4>403.Write a JavaScript program to generate a UUID in a browser.</h4>
9306 <script>

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9307 function generateUUID() {
9308 // Generate random bytes
9309 const buffer = new Uint8Array(16);
9310 crypto.getRandomValues(buffer);
9312 // Set version (4) and variant (2)
9313 buffer[6] = (buffer[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40;
9314 buffer[8] = (buffer[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
9316 // Convert buffer to UUID string
9317 const hexCodes = Array.from(buffer).map((byte) =>
9318 byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")
9319 );
9320 const uuid = [
9321 hexCodes.slice(0, 4).join(""),
9322 hexCodes.slice(4, 6).join(""),
9323 hexCodes.slice(6, 8).join(""),
9324 hexCodes.slice(8, 10).join(""),
9325 hexCodes.slice(10).join(""),
9326 ].join("-");
9328 return uuid;
9329 }
9331 // Example usage:
9332 const uuid = generateUUID();
9333 console.log(uuid); // Output: a29b6144-8c60-4efb-a6f3-c3aebef5fd7d
9334 </script>
9335 <hr />
9337 <h4>
9338 404.Write a JavaScript program to generate a UUID in Node.JS. Use crypto
9339 API to generate a UUID, compliant with RFC4122 version 4.
9340 </h4>
9341 <script>
9342 const crypto = require("crypto");
9344 function generateUUID() {
9345 const buffer = crypto.randomBytes(16);
9347 // Set version (4) and variant (2)
9348 buffer[6] = (buffer[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40;
9349 buffer[8] = (buffer[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
9351 const uuid = [
9352 buffer.toString("hex", 0, 4),
9353 buffer.toString("hex", 4, 6),
9354 buffer.toString("hex", 6, 8),
9355 buffer.toString("hex", 8, 10),
9356 buffer.toString("hex", 10),
9357 ].join("-");
9359 return uuid;
9360 }
9362 // Example usage:
9363 const uuid = generateUUID();
9364 console.log(uuid); // Output: a29b6144-8c60-4efb-a6f3-c3aebef5fd7d
9365 </script>
9366 <hr />

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9368 <h4>
9369 405.Write a JavaScript program that will return true if the provided
9370 predicate function returns true for at least one element in a collection,
9371 false otherwise
9372 </h4>
9373 <script>
9374 function some(collection, predicate) {
9375 // Iterate over each element in the collection
9376 for (const element of collection) {
9377 // If the predicate function returns true for any element, return true
9378 if (predicate(element)) {
9379 return true;
9380 }
9381 }
9382 // If no element satisfies the predicate, return false
9383 return false;
9384 }
9386 // Example usage:
9387 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
9389 // Predicate function to check if a number is even
9390 function isEven(num) {
9391 return num % 2 === 0;
9392 }
9394 // Check if there is at least one even number in the array
9395 console.log(some(numbers, isEven)); // Output: true
9396 </script>
9397 <hr />
9399 <h4>
9400 406.Write a JavaScript program to check if two given numbers are
9401 approximately equal to each other.
9402 </h4>
9403 <script>
9404 function some(collection, predicate) {
9405 // Iterate over each element in the collection
9406 for (const element of collection) {
9407 // If the predicate function returns true for any element, return true
9408 if (predicate(element)) {
9409 return true;
9410 }
9411 }
9412 // If no element satisfies the predicate, return false
9413 return false;
9414 }
9416 // Example usage:
9417 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
9419 // Predicate function to check if a number is even
9420 function isEven(num) {
9421 return num % 2 === 0;
9422 }
9424 // Check if there is at least one even number in the array
9425 console.log(some(numbers, isEven)); // Output: true
9426 </script>

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9427 <hr />
9429 <h4>
9430 407.Write a JavaScript program to convert a 2D array to a comma-separated
9431 values (CSV) string.
9432 </h4>
9433 <script>
9434 function arrayToCSV(arr) {
9435 return => row.join(",")).join("\n");
9436 }
9438 // Example usage:
9439 const twoDArray = [
9440 ["Name", "Age", "City"],
9441 ["John", 30, "New York"],
9442 ["Alice", 25, "Los Angeles"],
9443 ["Bob", 35, "Chicago"],
9444 ];
9446 const csvString = arrayToCSV(twoDArray);
9447 console.log(csvString);
9448 </script>
9449 <hr />
9451 <h4>
9452 408.Write a JavaScript program to create a function that accepts up to n
9453 arguments, ignoring any additional arguments.
9454 </h4>
9455 <script>
9456 function acceptUpToN(...args) {
9457 return args.slice(0, n);
9458 }
9460 // Example usage:
9461 function sumUpToThree(a, b, c) {
9462 const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = acceptUpToN(a, b, c);
9463 return arg1 + arg2 + arg3;
9464 }
9466 console.log(sumUpToThree(1, 2, 3)); // Output: 6
9467 console.log(sumUpToThree(1, 2, 3, 4)); // Output: 6 (ignores the fourth argument)
9468 </script>
9469 <hr />
9471 <h4>
9472 409.Write a JavaScript program to decode a string of data which has been
9473 encoded using base-64 encoding
9474 </h4>
9475 <script>
9476 function decodeBase64(encodedString) {
9477 return atob(encodedString);
9478 }
9480 // Example usage:
9481 const encodedString = "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"; // "Hello World!"
9482 const decodedString = decodeBase64(encodedString);
9483 console.log(decodedString); // Output: "Hello World!"
9484 </script>
9485 <hr />

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9487 <h4>
9488 410.Write a JavaScript program to evaluate the binomial coefficient of two
9489 integers n and k.
9490 </h4>
9491 <script>
9492 // Function to calculate the factorial of a number
9493 function factorial(n) {
9494 if (n === 0 || n === 1) {
9495 return 1;
9496 } else {
9497 return n * factorial(n - 1);
9498 }
9499 }
9501 // Function to calculate the binomial coefficient
9502 function binomialCoefficient(n, k) {
9503 if (k < 0 || k > n) {
9504 return 0;
9505 } else {
9506 return factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k));
9507 }
9508 }
9510 // Example usage:
9511 const n = 5;
9512 const k = 2;
9513 const result = binomialCoefficient(n, k);
9514 console.log(`C(${n}, ${k}) = ${result}`);
9515 </script>
9516 <hr />
9518 <h4>
9519 411. Write a JavaScript program that will return true if the bottom of the
9520 page is visible, false otherwise.
9521 </h4>
9522 <script>
9523 function isBottomVisible() {
9524 // Viewport height
9525 const windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
9527 // Total height of the document
9528 const fullHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
9530 // Vertical scroll position
9531 const scrollPosition =
9532 window.scrollY ||
9533 window.pageYOffset ||
9534 document.documentElement.scrollTop;
9536 // Check if the bottom of the page is visible
9537 return windowHeight + scrollPosition >= fullHeight;
9538 }
9540 // Example usage:
9541 window.addEventListener("scroll", function () {
9542 if (isBottomVisible()) {
9543 console.log("Bottom of the page is visible");
9544 } else {
9545 console.log("Bottom of the page is not visible");
9546 }

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9547 });
9548 </script>
9549 <hr />
9551 <h4>
9552 412.Write a JavaScript program to create a base-64 encoded ASCII string
9553 from a String object in which each character in the string is treated as a
9554 byte of binary data.
9555 </h4>
9556 <script>
9557 function stringToBase64(str) {
9558 // Using btoa() function to convert the string to base-64
9559 return btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
9560 }
9562 // Example usage:
9563 const originalString = "Hello, world!";
9564 const base64String = stringToBase64(originalString);
9565 console.log("Base64 encoded string:", base64String);
9566 </script>
9567 <hr />
9569 <h4>
9570 413.Write a JavaScript program to capitalize the first letter of a string
9571 </h4>
9572 <script>
9573 function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) {
9574 // Check if the string is not empty
9575 if (str.length === 0) {
9576 return str;
9577 }
9578 // Capitalize the first letter and concatenate it with the rest of the string
9579 return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
9580 }
9582 // Example usage:
9583 const originalString = "hello, world!";
9584 const capitalizedString = capitalizeFirstLetter(originalString);
9585 console.log("Capitalized string:", capitalizedString);
9586 s;
9587 </script>
9588 <hr />
9590 <h4>
9591 414.Write a JavaScript program to capitalize the first letter of every
9592 word in a string.
9593 </h4>
9594 <script>
9595 function capitalizeEveryWord(str) {
9596 // Split the string into words
9597 const words = str.split(" ");
9598 // Capitalize the first letter of each word
9599 const capitalizedWords =
9600 (word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)
9601 );
9602 // Join the capitalized words back into a single string
9603 return capitalizedWords.join(" ");
9604 }
9606 // Example usage:

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9607 const originalString = "hello world, how are you?";
9608 const capitalizedString = capitalizeEveryWord(originalString);
9609 console.log("Capitalized string:", capitalizedString);
9610 </script>
9611 <hr />
9613 <h4>
9614 415.Write a JavaScript program to chunk an array into smaller arrays of a
9615 specified size.
9616 </h4>
9617 <script>
9618 function chunkArray(array, size) {
9619 const chunkedArray = [];
9620 for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i += size) {
9621 const chunk = array.slice(i, i + size);
9622 chunkedArray.push(chunk);
9623 }
9624 return chunkedArray;
9625 }
9627 // Example usage:
9628 const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
9629 const chunkSize = 3;
9630 const chunkedArray = chunkArray(originalArray, chunkSize);
9631 console.log("Chunked Array:", chunkedArray);
9632 </script>
9633 <hr />
9635 <h4>
9636 416.Write a JavaScript program to clamp a number within the inclusive
9637 range specified by the given boundary values a and b.
9638 </h4>
9639 <script>
9640 function clamp(number, min, max) {
9641 return Math.max(min, Math.min(number, max));
9642 }
9644 // Example usage:
9645 const num = 5;
9646 const min = 1;
9647 const max = 10;
9648 const clampedNum = clamp(num, min, max);
9649 console.log("Clamped Number:", clampedNum); // Output: 5
9651 // Testing with values outside the range
9652 console.log("Clamped Number:", clamp(15, min, max)); // Output: 10 (max)
9653 console.log("Clamped Number:", clamp(-5, min, max)); // Output: 1 (min)
9654 </script>
9655 <hr />
9657 <h4>
9658 417.Write a JavaScript function that reverse a number. Example x = 32243;
9659 Expected Output : 34223
9660 </h4>
9661 <script>
9662 function reverseNumber(num) {
9663 const reversed = parseInt(num.toString().split("").reverse().join(""));
9664 return reversed * Math.sign(num);
9665 }

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9667 // Example usage:
9668 const x = 32243;
9669 const reversedX = reverseNumber(x);
9670 console.log("Reversed Number:", reversedX); // Output: 34223
9671 </script>
9672 <hr />
9674 <h4>
9675 418.Write a JavaScript function that checks whether a passed string is
9676 palindrome or not? A palindrome is word, phrase, or sequence that reads
9677 the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run
9678 </h4>
9679 <script>
9680 function isPalindrome(str) {
9681 // Remove non-alphanumeric characters and convert to lowercase
9682 const cleanStr = str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, "");
9683 // Compare the clean string with its reverse
9684 return cleanStr === cleanStr.split("").reverse().join("");
9685 }
9687 // Test the function
9688 const testString1 = "madam";
9689 console.log(testString1 + " is a palindrome:", isPalindrome(testString1)); //
Output: true
9691 const testString2 = "nurses run";
9692 console.log(testString2 + " is a palindrome:", isPalindrome(testString2)); //
Output: true
9694 const testString3 = "hello";
9695 console.log(testString3 + " is a palindrome:", isPalindrome(testString3)); //
Output: false
9696 </script>
9697 <hr />
9699 <h4>
9700 419.Write a JavaScript function that generates all combinations of a
9701 string. Example string : 'dog' Expected Output : d,do,dog,o,og,g
9702 </h4>
9703 <script>
9704 function allCombinations(str) {
9705 const result = [];
9707 // Recursive function to generate combinations
9708 function generateCombinations(prefix, remaining) {
9709 // Add the current prefix to the result
9710 result.push(prefix);
9712 // Loop through the remaining characters
9713 for (let i = 0; i < remaining.length; i++) {
9714 // Generate combinations with the current character removed
9715 generateCombinations(prefix + remaining[i], remaining.slice(i + 1));
9716 }
9717 }
9719 // Start the recursive process
9720 generateCombinations("", str);
9722 return result;
9723 }
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9725 // Test the function
9726 const inputString = "dog";
9727 console.log(
9728 'All combinations of "' + inputString + '":',
9729 allCombinations(inputString)
9730 );
9731 </script>
9732 <hr />
9734 <h4>
9735 420.Write a JavaScript function that returns a passed string with letters
9736 in alphabetical order. Example string : 'webmaster' Expected Output :
9737 'abeemrstw'
9738 </h4>
9739 <script>
9740 function sortStringAlphabetically(str) {
9741 // Split the string into an array of characters, sort them alphabetically, and
join them back into a string
9742 return str.split("").sort().join("");
9743 }
9745 // Test the function
9746 const inputString = "webmaster";
9747 console.log("Sorted string:", sortStringAlphabetically(inputString));
9748 </script>
9749 <hr />
9751 <h4>
9752 421.Write a JavaScript function that accepts a string as a parameter and
9753 converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case.
9754 Example string : 'the quick brown fox' Expected Output : 'The Quick Brown
9755 Fox '
9756 </h4>
9757 <script>
9758 function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) {
9759 // Split the string into an array of words
9760 let words = str.split(" ");
9762 // Iterate over each word in the array
9763 for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
9764 // Capitalize the first letter of each word
9765 words[i] = words[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + words[i].slice(1);
9766 }
9768 // Join the capitalized words back into a single string
9769 return words.join(" ");
9770 }
9772 // Test the function
9773 const inputString = "the quick brown fox";
9774 console.log("Capitalized string:", capitalizeFirstLetter(inputString));
9775 </script>
9776 <hr />
9778 <h4>
9779 422.Write a JavaScript function that accepts a string as a parameter and
9780 find the longest word within the string. Example string : 'Web Development
9781 Tutorial' Expected Output : 'Development'
9782 </h4>
9783 <script>

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9784 function findLongestWord(str) {
9785 // Split the string into an array of words
9786 let words = str.split(" ");
9788 // Initialize variables to store the longest word and its length
9789 let longestWord = "";
9790 let maxLength = 0;
9792 // Iterate over each word in the array
9793 for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
9794 // Check if the current word's length is greater than the maxLength
9795 if (words[i].length > maxLength) {
9796 // If so, update the maxLength and longestWord variables
9797 maxLength = words[i].length;
9798 longestWord = words[i];
9799 }
9800 }
9802 // Return the longest word
9803 return longestWord;
9804 }
9806 // Test the function
9807 const inputString = "Web Development Tutorial";
9808 console.log("Longest word:", findLongestWord(inputString));
9809 </script>
9810 <hr />
9812 <h4>
9813 423.Write a JavaScript function that accepts a string as a parameter and
9814 counts the number of vowels within the string. Note : As the letter 'y'
9815 can be regarded as both a vowel and a consonant, we do not count 'y' as
9816 vowel here. Example string : 'The quick brown fox' Expected Output : 5
9817 </h4>
9818 <script>
9819 function countVowels(str) {
9820 // Convert the string to lowercase to make the comparison case-insensitive
9821 str = str.toLowerCase();
9823 // Define a string containing all vowels
9824 const vowels = "aeiou";
9826 // Initialize a counter for vowels
9827 let vowelCount = 0;
9829 // Loop through each character of the string
9830 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
9831 // Check if the current character is a vowel
9832 if (vowels.includes(str[i])) {
9833 // If it's a vowel, increment the vowel count
9834 vowelCount++;
9835 }
9836 }
9838 // Return the total count of vowels
9839 return vowelCount;
9840 }
9842 // Test the function
9843 const inputString = "The quick brown fox";

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9844 console.log("Number of vowels:", countVowels(inputString));
9845 </script>
9846 <hr />
9848 <h4>
9849 424.Write a JavaScript function that accepts a number as a parameter and
9850 check the number is prime or not. Note : A prime number (or a prime) is a
9851 natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1
9852 and itself.
9853 </h4>
9854 <script>
9855 function isPrime(num) {
9856 // Check if the number is less than 2
9857 if (num < 2) {
9858 return false; // Numbers less than 2 are not prime
9859 }
9861 // Loop from 2 to the square root of the number
9862 for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num); i++) {
9863 // Check if the number is divisible by any integer between 2 and its square
9864 if (num % i === 0) {
9865 return false; // If it's divisible, it's not prime
9866 }
9867 }
9869 // If the number is not divisible by any integer between 2 and its square root,
it's prime
9870 return true;
9871 }
9873 // Test the function
9874 const num = 17;
9875 console.log(num + " is prime?", isPrime(num)); // Output: true
9876 </script>
9877 <hr />
9879 <h4>
9880 425.Write a JavaScript function which accepts an argument and returns the
9881 type. Note : There are six possible values that typeof returns: object,
9882 boolean, function, number, string, and undefined.
9883 </h4>
9884 <script>
9885 function getType(value) {
9886 return typeof value;
9887 }
9889 // Test the function
9890 console.log(getType({})); // Output: object
9891 console.log(getType(true)); // Output: boolean
9892 console.log(getType(function () {})); // Output: function
9893 console.log(getType(123)); // Output: number
9894 console.log(getType("Hello")); // Output: string
9895 console.log(getType(undefined)); // Output: undefined
9896 </script>
9897 <hr />
9899 <h4>
9900 426.Write a JavaScript function which returns the n rows by n columns
9901 identity matrix.

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9902 </h4>
9903 <script>
9904 function identityMatrix(n) {
9905 let matrix = [];
9906 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
9907 let row = [];
9908 for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
9909 if (i === j) {
9910 row.push(1);
9911 } else {
9912 row.push(0);
9913 }
9914 }
9915 matrix.push(row);
9916 }
9917 return matrix;
9918 }
9920 // Test the function
9921 console.log(identityMatrix(3));
9922 </script>
9923 <hr />
9925 <h4>
9926 427.Write a JavaScript function which will take an array of numbers stored
9927 and find the second lowest and second greatest numbers, respectively.
9928 Sample array : [1,2,3,4,5] Expected Output : 2,4
9929 </h4>
9930 <script>
9931 function findSecondLowestAndGreatest(arr) {
9932 if (arr.length < 2) {
9933 return "Array length should be at least 2";
9934 }
9936 // Sort the array in ascending order
9937 arr.sort(function (a, b) {
9938 return a - b;
9939 });
9941 let secondLowest = arr[1];
9942 let secondGreatest = arr[arr.length - 2];
9944 return [secondLowest, secondGreatest];
9945 }
9947 // Test the function
9948 let sampleArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
9949 console.log(findSecondLowestAndGreatest(sampleArray)); // Output: [2, 4]
9950 </script>
9951 <hr />
9953 <h4>
9954 428.Write a JavaScript function which says whether a number is perfect.
9955 According to Wikipedia : In number theory, a perfect number is a positive
9956 integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is,
9957 the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself (also known
9958 as its aliquot sum). Equivalently, a perfect number is a number that is
9959 half the sum of all of its positive divisors (including itself). Example :
9960 The first perfect number is 6, because 1, 2, and 3 are its proper positive
9961 divisors, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Equivalently, the number 6 is equal to half

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9962 the sum of all its positive divisors: ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 ) / 2 = 6. The next
9963 perfect number is 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14. This is followed by the perfect
9964 numbers 496 and 8128
9965 </h4>
9966 <script>
9967 function isPerfectNumber(num) {
9968 if (num <= 1) {
9969 return false;
9970 }
9972 let sum = 1; // Initialize sum of divisors as 1 (since 1 is always a divisor)
9974 // Find all proper divisors and add them to the sum
9975 for (let i = 2; i * i <= num; i++) {
9976 if (num % i === 0) {
9977 sum += i;
9978 if (i !== num / i) {
9979 sum += num / i;
9980 }
9981 }
9982 }
9984 // If the sum of divisors is equal to the number itself, it's a perfect number
9985 return sum === num;
9986 }
9988 // Test the function
9989 console.log(isPerfectNumber(6)); // Output: true
9990 console.log(isPerfectNumber(28)); // Output: true
9991 console.log(isPerfectNumber(496)); // Output: true
9992 console.log(isPerfectNumber(8128)); // Output: true
9993 console.log(isPerfectNumber(10)); // Output: false
9994 </script>
9995 <hr />
9997 <h4>
9998 429.Write a JavaScript function to compute the factors of a positive
9999 integer
10000 </h4>
10001 <script>
10002 function findFactors(num) {
10003 if (num <= 0) {
10004 return "Number must be positive";
10005 }
10007 const factors = [];
10008 for (let i = 1; i <= Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num)); i++) {
10009 if (num % i === 0) {
10010 factors.push(i);
10011 if (num / i !== i) {
10012 factors.push(num / i);
10013 }
10014 }
10015 }
10017 // Sort the factors in ascending order
10018 factors.sort((a, b) => a - b);
10020 return factors;
10021 }

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10023 // Test the function
10024 console.log(findFactors(12)); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12]
10025 console.log(findFactors(15)); // Output: [1, 3, 5, 15]
10026 console.log(findFactors(28)); // Output: [1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28]
10027 </script>
10028 <hr />
10030 <h4>
10031 430.Write a JavaScript function to convert an amount to coins. Sample
10032 function : amountTocoins(46, [25, 10, 5, 2, 1]) Here 46 is the amount. and
10033 25, 10, 5, 2, 1 are coins. Output : 25, 10, 10, 1
10034 </h4>
10035 <script>
10036 function amountToCoins(amount, coins) {
10037 if (amount <= 0 || coins.length === 0) {
10038 return "Invalid input";
10039 }
10041 coins.sort((a, b) => b - a); // Sort coins in descending order
10043 const result = [];
10044 let remainingAmount = amount;
10046 for (let i = 0; i < coins.length; i++) {
10047 const currentCoin = coins[i];
10048 while (remainingAmount >= currentCoin) {
10049 result.push(currentCoin);
10050 remainingAmount -= currentCoin;
10051 }
10052 }
10054 return result;
10055 }
10057 // Test the function
10058 console.log(amountToCoins(46, [25, 10, 5, 2, 1])); // Output: [25, 10, 10, 1]
10059 </script>
10060 <hr />
10062 <h4>
10063 431.Write a JavaScript function to compute the value of b n where n is the
10064 exponent and b is the bases. Accept b and n from the user and display the
10065 result
10066 </h4>
10067 <script>
10068 function computePower(base, exponent) {
10069 return Math.pow(base, exponent);
10070 }
10072 // Example usage:
10073 const base = parseFloat(prompt("Enter the base:"));
10074 const exponent = parseInt(prompt("Enter the exponent:"));
10076 if (!isNaN(base) && !isNaN(exponent)) {
10077 const result = computePower(base, exponent);
10078 console.log(`${base}^${exponent} = ${result}`);
10079 } else {
10080 console.log("Invalid input. Please enter valid numbers.");
10081 }

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10082 </script>
10083 <hr />
10085 <h4>
10086 432.Write a JavaScript function to extract unique characters from a
10087 string. Example string : "thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog" Expected
10088 Output : "thequickbrownfxjmpsvlazydg"
10089 </h4>
10090 <script>
10091 function extractUniqueCharacters(str) {
10092 const uniqueChars = new Set(str);
10093 return [...uniqueChars].join("");
10094 }
10096 // Example usage:
10097 const inputString = "thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog";
10098 const result = extractUniqueCharacters(inputString);
10099 console.log(result); // Output: "thequickbrownfxjmpsvlazydg"
10100 </script>
10101 <hr />
10103 <h4>
10104 433.Write a JavaScript function to get the number of occurrences of each
10105 letter in specified string
10106 </h4>
10107 <script>
10108 function countLetterOccurrences(str) {
10109 const occurrences = {};
10111 for (let char of str) {
10112 if (occurrences[char]) {
10113 occurrences[char]++;
10114 } else {
10115 occurrences[char] = 1;
10116 }
10117 }
10119 return occurrences;
10120 }
10122 // Example usage:
10123 const inputString = "hello world";
10124 const result = countLetterOccurrences(inputString);
10125 console.log(result);
10126 </script>
10127 <hr />
10129 <h4>
10130 434.Write a function for searching JavaScript arrays with a binary search.
10131 Note : A binary search searches by splitting an array into smaller and
10132 smaller chunks until it finds the desired value.
10133 </h4>
10134 <script>
10135 function binarySearch(arr, target) {
10136 let left = 0;
10137 let right = arr.length - 1;
10139 while (left <= right) {
10140 const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);

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10142 if (arr[mid] === target) {
10143 return mid; // Element found, return its index
10144 } else if (arr[mid] < target) {
10145 left = mid + 1; // Continue searching in the right half
10146 } else {
10147 right = mid - 1; // Continue searching in the left half
10148 }
10149 }
10151 return -1; // Element not found
10152 }
10154 // Example usage:
10155 const arr = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19];
10156 const target = 11;
10157 const index = binarySearch(arr, target);
10158 console.log(index); // Output: 5 (index of target element in the array)
10159 </script>
10160 <hr />
10162 <h4>
10163 435.Write a JavaScript function that returns array elements larger than a
10164 number.
10165 </h4>
10167 <script>
10168 function elementsLargerThan(arr, number) {
10169 return arr.filter((item) => item > number);
10170 }
10172 // Example usage:
10173 const array = [1, 5, 10, 15, 20];
10174 const number = 10;
10175 const result = elementsLargerThan(array, number);
10176 console.log(result); // Output: [15, 20]
10177 </script>
10178 <hr />
10180 <h4>
10181 436.Write a JavaScript function that generates a string id (specified
10182 length) of random characters. Sample character list :
10183 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
10184 </h4>
10185 <script>
10186 function generateRandomId(length) {
10187 const characters =
10188 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
10189 let result = "";
10190 const charactersLength = characters.length;
10191 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
10192 result += characters.charAt(
10193 Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)
10194 );
10195 }
10196 return result;
10197 }
10199 // Example usage:
10200 const idLength = 8;
10201 const randomId = generateRandomId(idLength);

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10202 console.log(randomId); // Output: something like "j4rD9e2S"
10203 </script>
10204 <hr />
10206 <h4>
10207 437.Write a JavaScript function to get all possible subset with a fixed
10208 length (for example 2) combinations in an array. Sample array : [1, 2, 3]
10209 and subset length is 2 Expected output : [[2, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [3, 2,
10210 1]]
10211 </h4>
10212 <script>
10213 function getSubsets(arr, subsetLength) {
10214 const subsets = [];
10216 function generate(subset, index) {
10217 if (subset.length === subsetLength) {
10218 subsets.push(subset);
10219 return;
10220 }
10221 for (let i = index; i < arr.length; i++) {
10222 generate(subset.concat(arr[i]), i + 1);
10223 }
10224 }
10226 generate([], 0);
10227 return subsets;
10228 }
10230 // Example usage:
10231 const array = [1, 2, 3];
10232 const subsetLength = 2;
10233 const result = getSubsets(array, subsetLength);
10234 console.log(result); // Output: [[1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]]
10235 </script>
10236 <hr />
10238 <h4>
10239 438.Write a JavaScript function that accepts two arguments, a string and a
10240 letter and the function will count the number of occurrences of the
10241 specified letter within the string. Sample arguments : '',
10242 'o' Expected output : 2
10243 </h4>
10244 <script>
10245 function countOccurrences(str, letter) {
10246 // Initialize count to 0
10247 let count = 0;
10248 // Loop through each character in the string
10249 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
10250 // Check if the current character matches the specified letter
10251 if (str[i] === letter) {
10252 // If it matches, increment the count
10253 count++;
10254 }
10255 }
10256 // Return the count of occurrences
10257 return count;
10258 }
10260 // Example usage:
10261 const string = "";

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10262 const letter = "o";
10263 const occurrences = countOccurrences(string, letter);
10264 console.log(occurrences); // Output: 2
10265 </script>
10266 <hr />
10268 <h4>
10269 439.Write a JavaScript function to find the first not repeated character.
10270 Sample arguments : 'abacddbec' Expected output : 'e'
10271 </h4>
10272 <script>
10273 function firstNonRepeatedCharacter(str) {
10274 // Create an object to store the frequency of each character
10275 const frequency = {};
10277 // Loop through each character in the string and update its frequency
10278 for (let char of str) {
10279 frequency[char] = (frequency[char] || 0) + 1;
10280 }
10282 // Loop through the string again to find the first character with frequency 1
10283 for (let char of str) {
10284 if (frequency[char] === 1) {
10285 return char; // Return the first non-repeated character
10286 }
10287 }
10289 // If no non-repeated character is found, return null
10290 return null;
10291 }
10293 // Example usage:
10294 const inputString = "abacddbec";
10295 const result = firstNonRepeatedCharacter(inputString);
10296 console.log(result); // Output: 'e'
10297 </script>
10298 <hr />
10300 <h4>
10301 440.Write a JavaScript function to apply Bubble Sort algorithm. Note :
10302 According to wikipedia "Bubble sort, sometimes referred to as sinking
10303 sort, is a simple sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly stepping
10304 through the list to be sorted, comparing each pair of adjacent items and
10305 swapping them if they are in the wrong order". Sample array : [12, 345, 4,
10306 546, 122, 84, 98, 64, 9, 1, 3223, 455, 23, 234, 213] Expected output :
10307 [3223, 546, 455, 345, 234, 213, 122, 98, 84, 64, 23, 12, 9, 4, 1]
10308 </h4>
10309 <script>
10310 function bubbleSort(arr) {
10311 const len = arr.length;
10312 let swapped;
10314 do {
10315 swapped = false;
10316 for (let i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
10317 if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {
10318 // Swap elements
10319 const temp = arr[i];
10320 arr[i] = arr[i + 1];
10321 arr[i + 1] = temp;

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10322 swapped = true;
10323 }
10324 }
10325 } while (swapped);
10327 return arr;
10328 }
10330 // Example usage:
10331 const array = [
10332 12, 345, 4, 546, 122, 84, 98, 64, 9, 1, 3223, 455, 23, 234, 213,
10333 ];
10334 const sortedArray = bubbleSort(array);
10335 console.log(sortedArray); // Output: [1, 4, 9, 12, 23, 64, 84, 98, 122, 213, 234,
345, 455, 546, 3223]
10336 </script>
10337 <hr />
10339 <h4>
10340 441.Write a JavaScript function that accept a list of country names as
10341 input and returns the longest country name as output. Sample function :
10342 Longest_Country_Name(["Australia", "Germany", "United States of America"])
10343 Expected output : "United States of America"
10344 </h4>
10345 <script>
10346 function longestCountryName(countryNames) {
10347 let longestName = "";
10349 for (let i = 0; i < countryNames.length; i++) {
10350 if (countryNames[i].length > longestName.length) {
10351 longestName = countryNames[i];
10352 }
10353 }
10355 return longestName;
10356 }
10358 // Example usage:
10359 const countries = ["Australia", "Germany", "United States of America"];
10360 const longest = longestCountryName(countries);
10361 console.log(longest); // Output: "United States of America"
10362 </script>
10363 <hr />
10365 <h4>
10366 442.Write a JavaScript function to find longest substring in a given a
10367 string without repeating characters
10368 </h4>
10369 <script>
10370 function longestSubstringWithoutRepeating(str) {
10371 let maxLength = 0;
10372 let longestSubstring = "";
10373 let currentSubstring = "";
10375 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
10376 const char = str[i];
10377 const charIndex = currentSubstring.indexOf(char);
10379 if (charIndex !== -1) {
10380 maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, currentSubstring.length);

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10381 currentSubstring = currentSubstring.slice(charIndex + 1);
10382 }
10384 currentSubstring += char;
10385 }
10387 // Check for the last substring
10388 maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, currentSubstring.length);
10390 // Get the longest substring
10391 longestSubstring = str.slice(str.length - maxLength);
10393 return longestSubstring;
10394 }
10396 // Example usage:
10397 const str = "abcabcbb";
10398 console.log(longestSubstringWithoutRepeating(str)); // Output: "abc"
10399 </script>
10400 <hr />
10402 <h4>
10403 443.Write a JavaScript function that returns the longest palindrome in a
10404 given string. Note: According to Wikipedia "In computer science, the
10405 longest palindromic substring or longest symmetric factor problem is the
10406 problem of finding a maximum-length contiguous substring of a given string
10407 that is also a palindrome. For example, the longest palindromic substring
10408 of "bananas" is "anana". The longest palindromic substring is not
10409 guaranteed to be unique; for example, in the string "abracadabra", there
10410 is no palindromic substring with length greater than three, but there are
10411 two palindromic substrings with length three, namely, "aca" and "ada". In
10412 some applications it may be necessary to return all maximal palindromic
10413 substrings (that is, all substrings that are themselves palindromes and
10414 cannot be extended to larger palindromic substrings) rather than returning
10415 only one substring or returning the maximum length of a palindromic
10416 substring.
10417 </h4>
10418 <script>
10419 function longestPalindrome(str) {
10420 if (str.length <= 1) return str;
10422 let maxLength = 1;
10423 let start = 0;
10425 // Create a 2D array to store whether substrings are palindromes
10426 const dp = Array.from({ length: str.length }, () =>
10427 Array(str.length).fill(false)
10428 );
10430 // All substrings of length 1 are palindromes
10431 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
10432 dp[i][i] = true;
10433 }
10435 // Check for substrings of length 2
10436 for (let i = 0; i < str.length - 1; i++) {
10437 if (str[i] === str[i + 1]) {
10438 dp[i][i + 1] = true;
10439 start = i;
10440 maxLength = 2;

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10441 }
10442 }
10444 // Check for substrings of length > 2
10445 for (let len = 3; len <= str.length; len++) {
10446 for (let i = 0; i < str.length - len + 1; i++) {
10447 const j = i + len - 1;
10449 if (str[i] === str[j] && dp[i + 1][j - 1]) {
10450 dp[i][j] = true;
10451 start = i;
10452 maxLength = len;
10453 }
10454 }
10455 }
10457 return str.substr(start, maxLength);
10458 }
10460 // Example usage:
10461 const str = "bananas";
10462 console.log(longestPalindrome(str)); // Output: "anana"
10463 </script>
10464 <hr />
10466 <h4>
10467 444.Write a JavaScript program to pass a 'JavaScript function' as
10468 parameter
10469 </h4>
10470 <script>
10471 // Define a function that takes another function as a parameter
10472 function higherOrderFunction(callback) {
10473 // Call the function passed as parameter
10474 callback();
10475 }
10477 // Define a function to be passed as a parameter
10478 function myFunction() {
10479 console.log("Hello from myFunction!");
10480 }
10482 // Call the higher-order function and pass myFunction as a parameter
10483 higherOrderFunction(myFunction);
10484 </script>
10485 <hr />
10487 <h4>445.Write a JavaScript function to get the function name.</h4>
10488 <script>
10489 function getFunctionName(func) {
10490 // If the function has a name property, return it
10491 if ( {
10492 return;
10493 }
10494 // If the function was created using a function declaration, return the name of
the variable it was assigned to
10495 if (func.toString().startsWith("function")) {
10496 return func.toString().split(" ")[1];
10497 }
10498 // If the function was created using a function expression, return the name of
the variable it was assigned to

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10499 if (func.toString().startsWith("()")) {
10500 return func.toString().split(" ")[1];
10501 }
10502 // If the function is an arrow function, it has no name
10503 return "Anonymous Function";
10504 }
10506 // Example usage:
10507 function myFunction() {
10508 // Function body
10509 }
10511 const anotherFunction = function () {
10512 // Function body
10513 };
10515 const arrowFunction = () => {
10516 // Function body
10517 };
10519 console.log(getFunctionName(myFunction)); // Output: myFunction
10520 console.log(getFunctionName(anotherFunction)); // Output: anotherFunction
10521 console.log(getFunctionName(arrowFunction)); // Output: Anonymous Function
10522 </script>
10523 <hr />
10525 <h4>
10526 446.Write a JavaScript program to calculate the factorial of a number. In
10527 mathematics, the factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n!, is
10528 the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. For example,
10529 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
10530 </h4>
10531 <script>
10532 function factorial(n) {
10533 if (n === 0) {
10534 return 1;
10535 } else {
10536 return n * factorial(n - 1);
10537 }
10538 }
10540 // Example usage:
10541 const number = 5;
10542 console.log(`The factorial of ${number} is: ${factorial(number)}`);
10543 </script>
10544 <hr />
10546 <h4>
10547 447.Write a JavaScript program to find the greatest common divisor (gcd)
10548 of two positive numbers.
10549 </h4>
10550 <script>
10551 function gcd(a, b) {
10552 // Ensure a is greater than or equal to b
10553 if (b === 0) {
10554 return a;
10555 } else {
10556 return gcd(b, a % b);
10557 }
10558 }

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10560 // Example usage:
10561 const num1 = 24;
10562 const num2 = 36;
10563 console.log(
10564 `The greatest common divisor of ${num1} and ${num2} is: ${gcd(
10565 num1,
10566 num2
10567 )}`
10568 );
10569 </script>
10570 <hr />
10572 <h4>
10573 448.Write a JavaScript program to get the integers in range (x, y).
10574 Example : range(2, 9) Expected Output : [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
10575 </h4>
10576 <script>
10577 function range(x, y) {
10578 // Ensure x is less than y
10579 if (x >= y) {
10580 return [];
10581 }
10583 const result = [];
10584 for (let i = x + 1; i < y; i++) {
10585 result.push(i);
10586 }
10587 return result;
10588 }
10590 // Example usage:
10591 const x = 2;
10592 const y = 9;
10593 console.log(`Range between ${x} and ${y}:`, range(x, y));
10594 </script>
10595 <hr />
10597 <h4>
10598 449.Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum of an array of integers.
10599 Example : var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Expected Output : 21
10600 </h4>
10601 <script>
10602 function sumArray(array) {
10603 return array.reduce((sum, current) => sum + current, 0);
10604 }
10606 // Example usage:
10607 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
10608 console.log("Sum of the array:", sumArray(array));
10609 </script>
10611 <h4>
10612 450.Write a JavaScript program to compute the exponent of a number. Note :
10613 The exponent of a number says how many times the base number is used as a
10614 factor. 8 2 = 8 x 8 = 64. Here 8 is the base and 2 is the exponent.
10615 </h4>
10616 <script>
10617 function computeExponent(base, exponent) {
10618 return Math.pow(base, exponent);

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10619 }
10621 // Example usage:
10622 const base = 8;
10623 const exponent = 2;
10624 console.log("Result:", computeExponent(base, exponent));
10625 </script>
10626 <hr />
10628 <h4>
10629 451.Write a JavaScript program to get the first n Fibonacci numbers. Note
10630 : The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
10631 13, 21, 34, . . . Each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two
10632 </h4>
10633 <script>
10634 function getFibonacciNumbers(n) {
10635 let fibonacci = [0, 1];
10636 for (let i = 2; i < n; i++) {
10637 fibonacci.push(fibonacci[i - 1] + fibonacci[i - 2]);
10638 }
10639 return fibonacci.slice(0, n);
10640 }
10642 // Example usage:
10643 const n = 10;
10644 console.log("First", n, "Fibonacci numbers:", getFibonacciNumbers(n));
10645 </script>
10646 <hr />
10648 <h4>
10649 452.Write a JavaScript program to check whether a number is even or not
10650 </h4>
10651 <script>
10652 function isEven(number) {
10653 return number % 2 === 0;
10654 }
10656 // Example usage:
10657 const number = 7;
10658 if (isEven(number)) {
10659 console.log(number, "is even.");
10660 } else {
10661 console.log(number, "is not even.");
10662 }
10663 </script>
10664 <hr />
10666 <h4>
10667 453.Write a JavaScript program for binary search. Sample array :
10668 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] console.log(l.br_search(5)) will return '5'
10669 </h4>
10670 <script>
10671 Array.prototype.binarySearch = function (target) {
10672 let low = 0;
10673 let high = this.length - 1;
10675 while (low <= high) {
10676 const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
10677 const midValue = this[mid];

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10679 if (midValue === target) {
10680 return mid;
10681 } else if (midValue < target) {
10682 low = mid + 1;
10683 } else {
10684 high = mid - 1;
10685 }
10686 }
10688 return -1; // Not found
10689 };
10691 // Example usage:
10692 const arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
10693 console.log(arr.binarySearch(5)); // Output: 5
10694 </script>
10695 <hr />
10697 <h4>
10698 454.Write a merge sort program in JavaScript. Sample array :
10699 [34,7,23,32,5,62] Sample output : [5, 7, 23, 32, 34, 62]
10700 </h4>
10701 <script>
10702 function mergeSort(arr) {
10703 if (arr.length <= 1) {
10704 return arr;
10705 }
10707 const mid = Math.floor(arr.length / 2);
10708 const left = arr.slice(0, mid);
10709 const right = arr.slice(mid);
10711 return merge(mergeSort(left), mergeSort(right));
10712 }
10714 function merge(left, right) {
10715 let result = [];
10716 let leftIndex = 0;
10717 let rightIndex = 0;
10719 while (leftIndex < left.length && rightIndex < right.length) {
10720 if (left[leftIndex] < right[rightIndex]) {
10721 result.push(left[leftIndex]);
10722 leftIndex++;
10723 } else {
10724 result.push(right[rightIndex]);
10725 rightIndex++;
10726 }
10727 }
10729 return result
10730 .concat(left.slice(leftIndex))
10731 .concat(right.slice(rightIndex));
10732 }
10734 // Example usage:
10735 const arr = [34, 7, 23, 32, 5, 62];
10736 const sortedArr = mergeSort(arr);
10737 console.log(sortedArr); // Output: [5, 7, 23, 32, 34, 62]
10738 </script>

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10739 <hr />
10741 <h4>
10742 455.Write a JavaScript program that accept two integers and display the
10743 larger.
10744 </h4>
10745 <script>
10746 function displayLarger(num1, num2) {
10747 if (num1 > num2) {
10748 return num1;
10749 } else {
10750 return num2;
10751 }
10752 }
10754 // Example usage:
10755 const num1 = 10;
10756 const num2 = 20;
10757 const largerNumber = displayLarger(num1, num2);
10758 console.log("The larger number is:", largerNumber);
10759 </script>
10760 <hr />
10762 <h4>
10763 456.Write a JavaScript conditional statement to find the sign of product
10764 of three numbers. Display an alert box with the specified sign. Sample
10765 numbers : 3, -7, 2 Output : The sign is –
10766 </h4>
10767 <script>
10768 function findProductSign(num1, num2, num3) {
10769 // Calculate the product of the three numbers
10770 const product = num1 * num2 * num3;
10772 // Check the sign of the product
10773 let sign;
10774 if (product > 0) {
10775 sign = "positive";
10776 } else if (product < 0) {
10777 sign = "negative";
10778 } else {
10779 sign = "zero";
10780 }
10782 // Display an alert box with the sign
10783 alert("The sign is " + sign);
10784 }
10786 // Example usage:
10787 const num1 = 3;
10788 const num2 = -7;
10789 const num3 = 2;
10790 findProductSign(num1, num2, num3);
10791 </script>
10792 <hr />
10794 <h4>
10795 457.Write a JavaScript conditional statement to sort three numbers.
10796 Display an alert box to show the result. Sample numbers : 0, -1, 4 Output
10797 : 4, 0, -1
10798 </h4>

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10799 <script>
10800 function sortNumbers(num1, num2, num3) {
10801 let sortedNumbers;
10803 // Check the relationships between the numbers and sort them accordingly
10804 if (num1 >= num2 && num1 >= num3) {
10805 if (num2 >= num3) {
10806 sortedNumbers = [num1, num2, num3];
10807 } else {
10808 sortedNumbers = [num1, num3, num2];
10809 }
10810 } else if (num2 >= num1 && num2 >= num3) {
10811 if (num1 >= num3) {
10812 sortedNumbers = [num2, num1, num3];
10813 } else {
10814 sortedNumbers = [num2, num3, num1];
10815 }
10816 } else {
10817 if (num1 >= num2) {
10818 sortedNumbers = [num3, num1, num2];
10819 } else {
10820 sortedNumbers = [num3, num2, num1];
10821 }
10822 }
10824 // Display the sorted numbers in an alert box
10825 alert("Sorted numbers: " + sortedNumbers.join(", "));
10826 }
10828 // Example usage:
10829 const num1 = 0;
10830 const num2 = -1;
10831 const num3 = 4;
10832 sortNumbers(num1, num2, num3);
10833 </script>
10834 <hr />
10836 <h4>
10837 458.Write a JavaScript conditional statement to find the largest of five
10838 numbers. Display an alert box to show the result. Sample numbers : -5, -2,
10839 -6, 0, -1 Output : 0
10840 </h4>
10841 <script>
10842 function findLargest(num1, num2, num3, num4, num5) {
10843 let largest = num1;
10845 // Compare the remaining numbers with the current largest
10846 if (num2 > largest) {
10847 largest = num2;
10848 }
10849 if (num3 > largest) {
10850 largest = num3;
10851 }
10852 if (num4 > largest) {
10853 largest = num4;
10854 }
10855 if (num5 > largest) {
10856 largest = num5;
10857 }

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10859 // Display the largest number in an alert box
10860 alert("The largest number is: " + largest);
10861 }
10863 // Example usage:
10864 const num1 = -5,
10865 num2 = -2,
10866 num3 = -6,
10867 num4 = 0,
10868 num5 = -1;
10869 findLargest(num1, num2, num3, num4, num5);
10870 </script>
10871 <hr />
10873 <h4>
10874 459.Write a JavaScript for loop that will iterate from 0 to 15. For each
10875 iteration, it will check if the current number is odd or even, and display
10876 a message to the screen. Sample Output : "0 is even" "1 is odd" "2 is
10877 even" …….
10878 </h4>
10879 <script>
10880 // Loop from 0 to 15
10881 for (let i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
10882 // Check if the current number is even or odd
10883 if (i % 2 === 0) {
10884 console.log(i + " is even");
10885 } else {
10886 console.log(i + " is odd");
10887 }
10888 }
10889 </script>
10890 <hr />
10892 <h4>
10893 <pre>
10894 460.Write a JavaScript program which compute, the average marks of the following
students Then, this average is used
10895 to determine the corresponding grade.
10896 Student Name Marks
10897 David 80
10898 Vinoth 77
10899 Divya 88
10900 Ishitha 95
10901 Thomas 6</pre
10902 >
10903 </h4>
10904 <script>
10905 // Function to compute the average marks
10906 function computeAverage(marks) {
10907 let totalMarks = 0;
10908 for (let i = 0; i < marks.length; i++) {
10909 totalMarks += marks[i];
10910 }
10911 return totalMarks / marks.length;
10912 }
10914 // Function to determine the grade based on average marks
10915 function determineGrade(average) {
10916 if (average >= 90) {
10917 return "A";

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10918 } else if (average >= 80) {
10919 return "B";
10920 } else if (average >= 70) {
10921 return "C";
10922 } else if (average >= 60) {
10923 return "D";
10924 } else {
10925 return "F";
10926 }
10927 }
10929 // Object containing student names and their marks
10930 const studentMarks = {
10931 David: 80,
10932 Vinoth: 77,
10933 Divya: 88,
10934 Ishitha: 95,
10935 Thomas: 68,
10936 };
10938 // Compute average marks
10939 const marksArray = Object.values(studentMarks);
10940 const averageMarks = computeAverage(marksArray);
10942 // Determine grade
10943 const grade = determineGrade(averageMarks);
10945 // Output average marks and grade
10946 console.log("Average marks:", averageMarks);
10947 console.log("Grade:", grade);
10948 </script>
10949 <hr />
10951 <h4>
10952 461.Write a JavaScript program which iterates the integers from 1 to 100.
10953 But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the
10954 multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both
10955 three and five print "FizzBuzz".
10956 </h4>
10957 <script>
10958 for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
10959 // Check if the number is a multiple of both 3 and 5
10960 if (i % 3 === 0 && i % 5 === 0) {
10961 console.log("FizzBuzz");
10962 }
10963 // Check if the number is a multiple of 3
10964 else if (i % 3 === 0) {
10965 console.log("Fizz");
10966 }
10967 // Check if the number is a multiple of 5
10968 else if (i % 5 === 0) {
10969 console.log("Buzz");
10970 }
10971 // If none of the above conditions are met, print the number itself
10972 else {
10973 console.log(i);
10974 }
10975 }
10976 </script>

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10978 <h4>
10979 462.According to Wikipedia a happy number is defined by the following
10980 process : "Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the
10981 sum of the squares of its digits, and repeat the process until the number
10982 equals 1 (where it will stay), or it loops endlessly in a cycle which does
10983 not include 1. Those numbers for which this process ends in 1 are happy
10984 numbers, while those that do not end in 1 are unhappy numbers (or sad
10985 numbers)". Write a JavaScript program to find and print the first 5 happy
10986 numbers.
10987 </h4>
10988 <script>
10989 // Function to compute the sum of the squares of the digits of a number
10990 function sumOfSquares(n) {
10991 let sum = 0;
10992 while (n > 0) {
10993 const digit = n % 10;
10994 sum += digit * digit;
10995 n = Math.floor(n / 10);
10996 }
10997 return sum;
10998 }
11000 // Function to check if a number is a happy number
11001 function isHappyNumber(num) {
11002 // Use a set to keep track of seen numbers to detect cycles
11003 const seen = new Set();
11004 while (num !== 1 && !seen.has(num)) {
11005 seen.add(num);
11006 num = sumOfSquares(num);
11007 }
11008 return num === 1;
11009 }
11011 // Function to find and print the first n happy numbers
11012 function findFirstNHappiness(n) {
11013 const happyNumbers = [];
11014 let num = 1;
11015 while (happyNumbers.length < n) {
11016 if (isHappyNumber(num)) {
11017 happyNumbers.push(num);
11018 }
11019 num++;
11020 }
11021 return happyNumbers;
11022 }
11024 // Print the first 5 happy numbers
11025 const first5HappyNumbers = findFirstNHappiness(5);
11026 console.log(
11027 "The first 5 happy numbers are:",
11028 first5HappyNumbers.join(", ")
11029 );
11030 </script>
11031 <hr />
11033 <h4>
11034 463.Write a JavaScript program to find the armstrong numbers of 3 digits.
11035 Note : An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum
11036 of the cubes of its digits is equal to the number itself. For example, 371
11037 is an Armstrong number since 3**3 + 7**3 + 1**3 = 371.

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11038 </h4>
11039 <script>
11040 // Function to check if a number is an Armstrong number of 3 digits
11041 function isArmstrongNumber(num) {
11042 const digits = num.toString().split("");
11043 const numDigits = digits.length;
11044 let sum = 0;
11046 // Calculate the sum of cubes of digits
11047 for (let digit of digits) {
11048 sum += Math.pow(parseInt(digit), numDigits);
11049 }
11051 // Check if the sum equals the number itself
11052 return sum === num;
11053 }
11055 // Function to find and return Armstrong numbers of 3 digits
11056 function findArmstrongNumbers() {
11057 const armstrongNumbers = [];
11058 for (let i = 100; i < 1000; i++) {
11059 if (isArmstrongNumber(i)) {
11060 armstrongNumbers.push(i);
11061 }
11062 }
11063 return armstrongNumbers;
11064 }
11066 // Find and print Armstrong numbers of 3 digits
11067 const armstrongNumbers = findArmstrongNumbers();
11068 console.log(
11069 "Armstrong numbers of 3 digits:",
11070 armstrongNumbers.join(", ")
11071 );
11072 </script>
11073 <hr />
11075 <h4>
11076 464.Write a JavaScript program to construct the following pattern, using a
11077 nested for loop. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
11078 </h4>
11079 <script>
11080 // Function to construct the pattern
11081 function constructPattern(rows) {
11082 // Iterate through each row
11083 for (let i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {
11084 let pattern = "";
11085 // Print '*' based on the current row number
11086 for (let j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
11087 pattern += "* ";
11088 }
11089 console.log(pattern);
11090 }
11091 }
11093 // Number of rows for the pattern
11094 const numberOfRows = 5;
11096 // Construct and print the pattern
11097 constructPattern(numberOfRows);

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11098 </script>
11099 <hr />
11101 <h4>
11102 465.Write a JavaScript program to compute the lowest common divisor (LCD)
11103 of two positive integers
11104 </h4>
11105 <script>
11106 // Function to compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) using Euclidean algorithm
11107 function gcd(a, b) {
11108 // Base case: if b is 0, then GCD is a
11109 if (b === 0) {
11110 return a;
11111 } else {
11112 // Recursive call: GCD(a, b) = GCD(b, a % b)
11113 return gcd(b, a % b);
11114 }
11115 }
11117 // Function to compute the lowest common divisor (LCD) using GCD
11118 function lcd(a, b) {
11119 // LCD = (a * b) / GCD(a, b)
11120 return (a * b) / gcd(a, b);
11121 }
11123 // Example usage
11124 const num1 = 12;
11125 const num2 = 18;
11126 console.log(
11127 `The lowest common divisor of ${num1} and ${num2} is: ${lcd(
11128 num1,
11129 num2
11130 )}`
11131 );
11132 </script>
11133 <hr />
11135 <h4>
11136 466.Write a JavaScript program to sum the multiples of 3 and 5 under 1000.
11137 </h4>
11138 <script>
11139 function sumMultiples() {
11140 let sum = 0;
11141 for (let i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
11142 // Check if the number is a multiple of 3 or 5
11143 if (i % 3 === 0 || i % 5 === 0) {
11144 sum += i;
11145 }
11146 }
11147 return sum;
11148 }
11150 // Calculate and display the sum of multiples of 3 and 5 under 1000
11151 console.log("Sum of multiples of 3 and 5 under 1000:", sumMultiples());
11152 </script>
11153 <hr />
11155 <h4>
11156 467.. Write a JavaScript function to convert a number from one base to
11157 another. Note : Both bases must be between 2 and 36. Test Data :

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11158 console.log(base_convert('E164',16,8));
11159 console.log(base_convert(1000,2,8)); "160544" "10"
11160 </h4>
11161 <script>
11162 function base_convert(number, from_base, to_base) {
11163 if (typeof number !== "string") {
11164 // Convert the number to a string in its original base
11165 number = parseInt(number).toString(from_base);
11166 }
11168 // Convert the number from its original base to base 10
11169 let base_10_number = parseInt(number, from_base);
11171 // Convert the number from base 10 to the target base
11172 let result = base_10_number.toString(to_base);
11174 return result;
11175 }
11177 // Test cases
11178 console.log(base_convert("E164", 16, 8)); // Output: "160544"
11179 console.log(base_convert(1000, 2, 8)); // Output: "10"
11180 </script>
11181 <hr />
11183 <h4>
11184 468.Write a JavaScript function to convert a binary number to a decimal
11185 number. Test Data : console.log(bin_to_dec('110011'));
11186 console.log(bin_to_dec('100')); 51 4
11187 </h4>
11188 <script>
11189 function bin_to_dec(binary) {
11190 // Convert binary string to decimal number using parseInt
11191 let decimal = parseInt(binary, 2);
11192 return decimal;
11193 }
11195 // Test cases
11196 console.log(bin_to_dec("110011")); // Output: 51
11197 console.log(bin_to_dec("100")); // Output: 4
11198 </script>
11199 <hr />
11201 <h4>
11202 469.Write a JavaScript function to convert a decimal number to binary,
11203 hexadecimal or octal number. Test Data : console.log(dec_to_bho(120,'B'));
11204 console.log(dec_to_bho(120,'H')); console.log(dec_to_bho(120,'O'));
11205 "1111000" "78" "170"
11206 </h4>
11207 <script>
11208 function dec_to_bho(decimal, type) {
11209 if (type === "B") {
11210 // Convert decimal to binary using toString
11211 return decimal.toString(2);
11212 } else if (type === "H") {
11213 // Convert decimal to hexadecimal using toString
11214 return decimal.toString(16);
11215 } else if (type === "O") {
11216 // Convert decimal to octal using toString
11217 return decimal.toString(8);

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11218 } else {
11219 return "Invalid type";
11220 }
11221 }
11223 // Test cases
11224 console.log(dec_to_bho(120, "B")); // Output: "1111000"
11225 console.log(dec_to_bho(120, "H")); // Output: "78"
11226 console.log(dec_to_bho(120, "O")); // Output: "170"
11227 </script>
11228 <hr />
11230 <h4>
11231 470.Write a JavaScript function to generate a random integer. Test Data :
11232 console.log(rand(20,1)); console.log(rand(1,10)); console.log(rand(6));
11233 console.log(rand()); 15 5 1 0
11234 </h4>
11235 <script>
11236 function rand(min = 0, max = 10) {
11237 // If only one argument is provided, set it as the maximum value
11238 if (arguments.length === 1) {
11239 max = min;
11240 min = 0;
11241 }
11242 // Generate a random integer within the specified range
11243 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
11244 }
11246 // Test cases
11247 console.log(rand(20, 1)); // Output: Random integer between 20 and 1 (inclusive)
11248 console.log(rand(1, 10)); // Output: Random integer between 1 and 10 (inclusive)
11249 console.log(rand(6)); // Output: Random integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive)
11250 console.log(rand()); // Output: Random integer between 0 and 10 (inclusive)
because no range is provided
11251 </script>
11252 <hr />
11254 <h4>
11255 471.Write a JavaScript function to format a number up to specified decimal
11256 places. Test Data : console.log(decimals(2.100212, 2));
11257 console.log(decimals(2.100212, 3)); console.log(decimals(2100, 2)); "2.10"
11258 "2.100" "2100.00"
11259 </h4>
11260 <script>
11261 function decimals(number, decimalPlaces) {
11262 // If the number is an integer, convert it to a float to format decimals
11263 if (Number.isInteger(number)) {
11264 number = parseFloat(number.toFixed(decimalPlaces));
11265 } else {
11266 number = parseFloat(number.toFixed(decimalPlaces));
11267 }
11268 return number.toFixed(decimalPlaces);
11269 }
11271 // Test cases
11272 console.log(decimals(2.100212, 2)); // Output: 2.10
11273 console.log(decimals(2.100212, 3)); // Output: 2.100
11274 console.log(decimals(2100, 2)); // Output: 2100.00
11275 </script>
11276 <hr />

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11278 <h4>
11279 472.Write a JavaScript function to find the highest value in an array.
11280 Test Data : console.log(max([12,34,56,1]));
11281 console.log(max([-12,-34,0,-56,-1])); 56 0
11282 </h4>
11283 <script>
11284 function max(array) {
11285 return Math.max(...array);
11286 }
11288 // Test cases
11289 console.log(max([12, 34, 56, 1])); // Output: 56
11290 console.log(max([-12, -34, 0, -56, -1])); // Output: 0
11291 </script>
11292 <hr />
11294 <h4>
11295 473.Write a JavaScript function to find the lowest value in an array. Test
11296 Data : console.log(min([12,34,56,1]));
11297 console.log(min([-12,-34,0,-56,-1])); 1 -56
11298 </h4>
11299 <script>
11300 function min(array) {
11301 return Math.min(...array);
11302 }
11304 // Test cases
11305 console.log(min([12, 34, 56, 1])); // Output: 1
11306 console.log(min([-12, -34, 0, -56, -1])); // Output: -56
11307 </script>
11308 <hr />
11310 <h4>
11311 474.Write a JavaScript function to get the greatest common divisor (gcd)
11312 of two integers. Note : According to Wikipedia - In mathematics, the
11313 greatest common divisor (gcd) of two or more integers, when at least one
11314 of them is not zero, is the largest positive integer that divides the
11315 numbers without a remainder. For example, the GCD of 8 and 12 is 4. Test
11316 Data : console.log(gcd_two_numbers(12, 13));
11317 console.log(gcd_two_numbers(9, 3)); Output : 1 3
11318 </h4>
11319 <script>
11320 function gcd_two_numbers(x, y) {
11321 if (y === 0) {
11322 return x;
11323 } else {
11324 return gcd_two_numbers(y, x % y);
11325 }
11326 }
11328 // Test cases
11329 console.log(gcd_two_numbers(12, 13)); // Output: 1
11330 console.log(gcd_two_numbers(9, 3)); // Output: 3
11331 </script>
11332 <hr />
11334 <h4>
11335 475.Write a JavaScript function to find the GCD (greatest common divisor)
11336 of more than 2 integers. Test Data :

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11337 console.log(gcd_more_than_two_numbers([3,15,27]));
11338 console.log(gcd_more_than_two_numbers([5,10,15,25])); Output : 3 5
11339 </h4>
11340 <script>
11341 function gcd_more_than_two_numbers(arr) {
11342 const gcdOfTwo = (x, y) => {
11343 if (y === 0) {
11344 return x;
11345 } else {
11346 return gcdOfTwo(y, x % y);
11347 }
11348 };
11350 if (arr.length < 2) {
11351 throw new Error("Array must contain at least two integers");
11352 }
11354 let result = arr[0];
11355 for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
11356 result = gcdOfTwo(result, arr[i]);
11357 }
11359 return result;
11360 }
11362 // Test cases
11363 console.log(gcd_more_than_two_numbers([3, 15, 27])); // Output: 3
11364 console.log(gcd_more_than_two_numbers([5, 10, 15, 25])); // Output: 5
11365 </script>
11366 <hr />
11368 <h4>
11369 476.Write a JavaScript function to get the least common multiple (LCM) of
11370 two numbers. Note : According to Wikipedia - A common multiple is a number
11371 that is a multiple of two or more integers. The common multiples of 3 and
11372 4 are 0, 12, 24, .... The least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers is
11373 the smallest number (not zero) that is a multiple of both. Test Data :
11374 console.log(lcm_two_numbers(3,15)); console.log(lcm_two_numbers(10,15));
11375 Output : 15 30
11376 </h4>
11377 <script>
11378 function lcm_two_numbers(a, b) {
11379 const gcd = (x, y) => {
11380 while (y !== 0) {
11381 let temp = y;
11382 y = x % y;
11383 x = temp;
11384 }
11385 return x;
11386 };
11388 // Calculate LCM using the formula
11389 return Math.abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b);
11390 }
11392 // Test cases
11393 console.log(lcm_two_numbers(3, 15)); // Output: 15
11394 console.log(lcm_two_numbers(10, 15)); // Output: 30
11395 </script>
11396 <hr />

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11398 <h4>
11399 477.Write a JavaScript function to get the least common multiple (LCM) of
11400 more than 2 integers. Test Data :
11401 console.log(lcm_more_than_two_numbers([100,90,80,7]));
11402 console.log(lcm_more_than_two_numbers([5,10,15,25])); Output : 25200 150
11403 </h4>
11404 <script>
11405 // Function to calculate the least common multiple (LCM) of more than two numbers
11406 function lcm_more_than_two_numbers(arr) {
11407 // Function to calculate the LCM of two numbers
11408 const lcm_two_numbers = (a, b) => {
11409 const gcd = (x, y) => {
11410 while (y !== 0) {
11411 let temp = y;
11412 y = x % y;
11413 x = temp;
11414 }
11415 return x;
11416 };
11417 return Math.abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b);
11418 };
11420 // Iterate through the array to calculate the LCM of all numbers
11421 let result = arr[0];
11422 for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
11423 result = lcm_two_numbers(result, arr[i]);
11424 }
11426 return result;
11427 }
11429 // Test cases
11430 console.log(lcm_more_than_two_numbers([100, 90, 80, 7])); // Output: 25200
11431 console.log(lcm_more_than_two_numbers([5, 10, 15, 25])); // Output: 150
11432 </script>
11433 <hr />
11435 <h4>
11436 478.Write a JavaScript function to find out if a number is a natural
11437 number or not. Note : Natural numbers are whole numbers from 1 upwards :
11438 1, 2, 3, and so on ... or from 0 upwards in some area of mathematics: 0,
11439 1, 2, 3 and so on ... No negative numbers and no fractions. Test Data :
11440 console.log(is_Natural(-15)); console.log(is_Natural(1));
11441 console.log(is_Natural(10.22)); console.log(is_Natural(10/0)); Output :
11442 false true false false
11443 </h4>
11444 <script>
11445 function is_Natural(num) {
11446 return Number.isInteger(num) && num >= 0;
11447 }
11449 // Test Data
11450 console.log(is_Natural(-15)); // Output: false
11451 console.log(is_Natural(1)); // Output: true
11452 console.log(is_Natural(10.22)); // Output: false
11453 console.log(is_Natural(10 / 0)); // Output: false
11454 </script>
11455 <hr />

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11457 <h4>
11458 479.Write a JavaScript function to test if a number is a power of 2. Test
11459 Data : console.log(power_of_2(16)); console.log(power_of_2(18));
11460 console.log(power_of_2(256)); Output : true false true
11461 </h4>
11462 <script>
11463 //479 Function to test if a number is a power of 2
11464 function power_of_2(n) {
11465 return n && (n & (n - 1)) === 0;
11466 }
11468 // Test Data
11469 console.log(power_of_2(16)); // Output: true
11470 console.log(power_of_2(18)); // Output: false
11471 console.log(power_of_2(256)); // Output: true
11472 </script>
11473 <hr />
11475 <h4>
11476 480.Write a JavaScript function to round a number to a given decimal
11477 places. Test Data : console.log(precise_round(12.375,2));
11478 console.log(precise_round(-10.3079499, 3));
11479 console.log(precise_round(10.49999,0));
11480 console.log(precise_round(10.49999,2)); Output : 12.38 -10.308 10 10.50
11481 </h4>
11482 <script>
11483 //480 Function to round a number to a given decimal places
11484 function precise_round(number, decimals) {
11485 return Number(number.toFixed(decimals));
11486 }
11488 // Test Data
11489 console.log(precise_round(12.375, 2)); // Output: 12.38
11490 console.log(precise_round(-10.3079499, 3)); // Output: -10.308
11491 console.log(precise_round(10.49999, 0)); // Output: 10
11492 console.log(precise_round(10.49999, 2)); // Output: 10.50
11493 </script>
11494 <hr />
11496 <h4>
11497 481.Write a JavaScript function to check whether a value is an integer or
11498 not. Note : Integer - A number which is not a fraction; a whole number.
11499 Test Data : console.log(is_Int(23)); console.log(is_Int(4e2));
11500 console.log(is_Int(NaN)); console.log(is_Int(23.75));
11501 console.log(is_Int(-23)); Output : true true false false true
11502 </h4>
11503 <script>
11504 //481 Function to check whether a value is an integer or not
11505 function is_Int(n) {
11506 return Number.isInteger(n);
11507 }
11509 // Test Data
11510 console.log(is_Int(23)); // Output: true
11511 console.log(is_Int(4e2)); // Output: true
11512 console.log(is_Int(NaN)); // Output: false
11513 console.log(is_Int(23.75)); // Output: false
11514 console.log(is_Int(-23)); // Output: true
11515 </script>
11516 <hr />

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11518 <h4>
11519 482. Write a JavaScript function to check to check whether a variable is
11520 numeric or not. Test Data : console.log(is_Numeric(12));
11521 console.log(is_Numeric('abcd')); console.log(is_Numeric('12'));
11522 console.log(is_Numeric(' ')); console.log(is_Numeric(1.20));
11523 console.log(is_Numeric(-200)); Output : true false true false true true
11524 </h4>
11525 <script>
11526 //482 Function to check whether a variable is numeric or not
11527 function is_Numeric(n) {
11528 return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
11529 }
11531 // Test Data
11532 console.log(is_Numeric(12)); // Output: true
11533 console.log(is_Numeric("abcd")); // Output: false
11534 console.log(is_Numeric("12")); // Output: true
11535 console.log(is_Numeric(" ")); // Output: false
11536 console.log(is_Numeric(1.2)); // Output: true
11537 console.log(is_Numeric(-200)); // Output: true
11538 </script>
11539 <h4>
11540 483. Write a JavaScript function to calculate the sum of values in an
11541 array. Test Data : console.log(sum([1,2,3]));
11542 console.log(sum([100,-200,3])); console.log(sum([1,2,'a',3])); Output : 6
11543 -97 6
11544 </h4>
11545 <script>
11546 //483 Function to calculate the sum of values in an array
11547 function sum(arr) {
11548 return arr.reduce((total, current) => {
11549 return total + (isNaN(current) ? 0 : Number(current));
11550 }, 0);
11551 }
11553 // Test Data
11554 console.log(sum([1, 2, 3])); // Output: 6
11555 console.log(sum([100, -200, 3])); // Output: -97
11556 console.log(sum([1, 2, "a", 3])); // Output: 6
11557 </script>
11558 <hr />
11560 <h4>
11561 484. Write a JavaScript function to calculate the product of values in an
11562 array. Test Data : console.log(product([1,2,3]));
11563 console.log(product([100,-200,3])); console.log(product([1,2,'a',3]));
11564 Output : 6 -60000 6
11565 </h4>
11566 <script>
11567 function product(arr) {
11568 return arr.reduce((acc, curr) => {
11569 return acc * (isNaN(curr) ? 1 : curr);
11570 }, 1);
11571 }
11573 // Test Data
11574 console.log(product([1, 2, 3])); // Output: 6
11575 console.log(product([100, -200, 3])); // Output: -60000
11576 console.log(product([1, 2, "a", 3])); // Output: 6

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11577 </script>
11578 <hr />
11580 <h4>
11581 485. Create a Pythagorean function in JavaScript. Note : The Pythagorean
11582 Theorem tells us that the relationship in every right triangle is : c 2 =
11583 a2 + b2 , where c is the hypotenuse and a, b are two legs of the triangle.
11584 Test Data : console.log(pythagorean_theorem(2, 4));
11585 console.log(pythagorean_theorem(3, 4)); Output : 4.47213595499958 5
11586 </h4>
11587 <script>
11588 function pythagorean_theorem(a, b) {
11589 return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
11590 }
11592 // Test Data
11593 console.log(pythagorean_theorem(2, 4)); // Output: 4.47213595499958
11594 console.log(pythagorean_theorem(3, 4)); // Output: 5
11595 </script>
11596 <hr />
11598 <h4>
11599 486. Write a JavaScript program to evaluate binomial coefficients. Note :
11600 Binomial coefficient : According to Wikipedia - In mathematics, binomial
11601 coefficients are a family of positive integers that occur as coefficients
11602 in the binomial theorem. They are indexed by two nonnegative integers; the
11603 binomial coefficient indexed by n and k. Under suitable circumstances the
11604 value of the coefficient is given by the expression : Arranging binomial
11605 coefficients into rows for successive values of n, and in which k ranges
11606 from 0 to n, gives a triangular array called Pascal's triangle. Test Data
11607 : console.log(binomial(8,3)); console.log(binomial(10,2)); Output : 56 45
11608 </h4>
11609 <script>
11610 function binomial(n, k) {
11611 if (k < 0 || k > n) return 0;
11612 if (k === 0 || k === n) return 1;
11613 let numerator = 1;
11614 for (let i = n; i > Math.max(k, n - k); i--) {
11615 numerator *= i;
11616 }
11617 let denominator = 1;
11618 for (let i = 1; i <= Math.min(k, n - k); i++) {
11619 denominator *= i;
11620 }
11621 return numerator / denominator;
11622 }
11624 // Test Data
11625 console.log(binomial(8, 3)); // Output: 56
11626 console.log(binomial(10, 2)); // Output: 45
11627 </script>
11628 <hr />
11630 <h4>
11631 487. Write a JavaScript function that Convert an integer into a Roman
11632 Numeral in javaScript
11633 </h4>
11634 <script>
11635 function integerToRoman(num) {
11636 const romanNumerals = {

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11637 M: 1000,
11638 CM: 900,
11639 D: 500,
11640 CD: 400,
11641 C: 100,
11642 XC: 90,
11643 L: 50,
11644 XL: 40,
11645 X: 10,
11646 IX: 9,
11647 V: 5,
11648 IV: 4,
11649 I: 1,
11650 };
11652 let roman = "";
11654 for (let key in romanNumerals) {
11655 while (num >= romanNumerals[key]) {
11656 roman += key;
11657 num -= romanNumerals[key];
11658 }
11659 }
11661 return roman;
11662 }
11664 // Test Data
11665 console.log(integerToRoman(23)); // Output: XXIII
11666 </script>
11667 <hr />
11669 <h4>
11670 488. Write a JavaScript function that Convert Roman Numeral to Integer
11671 </h4>
11672 <script>
11673 function romanToInteger(roman) {
11674 const romanNumerals = {
11675 M: 1000,
11676 CM: 900,
11677 D: 500,
11678 CD: 400,
11679 C: 100,
11680 XC: 90,
11681 L: 50,
11682 XL: 40,
11683 X: 10,
11684 IX: 9,
11685 V: 5,
11686 IV: 4,
11687 I: 1,
11688 };
11690 let result = 0;
11692 for (let i = 0; i < roman.length; i++) {
11693 if (
11694 i < roman.length - 1 &&
11695 romanNumerals[roman[i]] < romanNumerals[roman[i + 1]]
11696 ) {

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11697 result -= romanNumerals[roman[i]];
11698 } else {
11699 result += romanNumerals[roman[i]];
11700 }
11701 }
11703 return result;
11704 }
11706 // Test Data
11707 console.log(romanToInteger("XXIII")); // Output: 23
11708 </script>
11709 <hr />
11711 <h4>
11712 489. Write a JavaScript function to create a UUID identifier. Note :
11713 According to Wikipedia - A universally unique identifier (UUID) is an
11714 identifier standard used in software construction. A UUID is simply a
11715 128-bit value. The meaning of each bit is defined by any of several
11716 variants. For human-readable display, many systems use a canonical format
11717 using hexadecimal text with inserted hyphen characters. For example :
11718 de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014
11719 </h4>
11720 <script>
11721 function generateUUID() {
11722 return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(
11723 /[xy]/g,
11724 function (c) {
11725 var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0,
11726 v = c === "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
11727 return v.toString(16);
11728 }
11729 );
11730 }
11732 // Test Data
11733 console.log(generateUUID()); // Output: a UUID identifier
11734 </script>
11735 <hr />
11737 <h4>
11738 490. Write a JavaScript function to round a number to a specified number
11739 of digits and strip extra zeros (if any). Test Data : var a = -4.55555;
11740 console.log(result); -4.5556 var a = 5.0001000; console.log(result);
11741 5.0001
11742 </h4>
11743 <script>
11744 function roundAndStrip(num, digits) {
11745 return parseFloat(num.toFixed(digits)).toString();
11746 }
11748 // Test Data
11749 console.log(roundAndStrip(-4.55555, 4)); // Output: -4.5556
11750 console.log(roundAndStrip(5.0001, 4)); // Output: 5.0001
11751 </script>
11752 <hr />
11754 <h4>
11755 491. Write a JavaScript function to make currency math (add, subtract,
11756 multiply, division etc.). Test Data : n1 = '$40.24', n2 = '$21.57';

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11757 </h4>
11758 <script>
11759 function currencyMath(n1, n2) {
11760 const num1 = parseFloat(n1.replace("$", ""));
11761 const num2 = parseFloat(n2.replace("$", ""));
11762 return {
11763 add: (num1 + num2).toFixed(2),
11764 subtract: (num1 - num2).toFixed(2),
11765 multiply: (num1 * num2).toFixed(2),
11766 divide: (num1 / num2).toFixed(2),
11767 };
11768 }
11770 // Test Data
11771 const { add, subtract, multiply, divide } = currencyMath(
11772 "$40.24",
11773 "$21.57"
11774 );
11775 console.log(`Addition: $${add}`);
11776 console.log(`Subtraction: $${subtract}`);
11777 console.log(`Multiplication: $${multiply}`);
11778 console.log(`Division: $${divide}`);
11779 </script>
11780 <hr />
11782 <h4>
11783 492. Write a JavaScript function to calculate the nth root of a number.
11784 Test Data : console.log(nthroot(64, 2)); 8 console.log(nthroot(64, -2));
11785 0.125
11786 </h4>
11787 <script>
11788 function nthRoot(number, n) {
11789 return Math.pow(number, 1 / n);
11790 }
11792 // Test Data
11793 console.log(nthRoot(64, 2)); // Output: 8
11794 console.log(nthRoot(64, -2)); // Output: 0.125
11795 </script>
11796 <hr />
11798 <h4>
11799 493. Write a JavaScript function to calculate degrees between 2 points
11800 with inverse Y axis. Test Data : console.log(pointDirection(1, 0, 12, 0));
11801 0 console.log(pointDirection(1, 0, 1, 10)); 90
11802 </h4>
11803 <script>
11804 function pointDirection(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
11805 // Calculate the angle from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in radians
11806 let angleRad = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
11808 // Convert radians to degrees
11809 let angleDeg = angleRad * (180 / Math.PI);
11811 // Adjust angle for inverse Y-axis
11812 angleDeg = angleDeg < 0 ? angleDeg + 360 : angleDeg;
11814 return angleDeg;
11815 }

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11817 // Test Data
11818 console.log(pointDirection(1, 0, 12, 0)); // Output: 0
11819 console.log(pointDirection(1, 0, 1, 10)); // Output: 90
11820 </script>
11821 <hr />
11823 <script>
11824 // 494. JavaScript function to round up an integer value to the next multiple of 5
11825 function int_round5(num) {
11826 return Math.ceil(num / 5) * 5;
11827 }
11829 // Test Data
11830 console.log(int_round5(32)); // Output: 35
11831 console.log(int_round5(137)); // Output: 140
11832 </script>
11834 <script>
11835 // 495. JavaScript function to convert a positive number to negative number
11836 function pos_to_neg(num) {
11837 return -Math.abs(num);
11838 }
11840 // Test Data
11841 console.log(pos_to_neg(15)); // Output: -15
11842 </script>
11844 <script>
11845 // 496. JavaScript function to cast a square root of a number to an integer
11846 function sqrt_to_int(num) {
11847 return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num));
11848 }
11850 // Test Data
11851 console.log(sqrt_to_int(17)); // Output: 4
11852 </script>
11854 <script>
11855 // 497. JavaScript function to get the highest number from three different numbers
11856 function highest_of_three(num1, num2, num3) {
11857 return Math.max(num1, num2, num3);
11858 }
11860 // Test Data
11861 console.log(highest_of_three(-5, 4, 2)); // Output: 4
11862 </script>
11864 <script>
11865 // 498. JavaScript function to calculate the percentage (%) of a number
11866 function percentage(num, percent) {
11867 return (num * percent) / 100;
11868 }
11870 // Test Data
11871 console.log(percentage(1000, 47.12)); // Output: 471.2
11872 </script>
11874 <script>
11875 // 499. JavaScript function to convert an angle from degrees to radians
11876 function degrees_to_radians(degrees) {

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11877 return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
11878 }
11880 // Test Data
11881 console.log(degrees_to_radians(45)); // Output: 0.7853981633974483
11882 </script>
11884 <script>
11885 // 500. JavaScript function to convert radians to degrees
11886 function radians_to_degrees(radians) {
11887 return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
11888 }
11890 // Test Data
11891 console.log(radians_to_degrees(0.7853981633974483)); // Output: 45
11892 </script>
11893 <hr />
11895 <!-- ---------------------------------------- 601 - 756 ---------------------------
11896 <!-- Question 601 -->
11897 <h3>Question 601:</h3>
11898 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get the difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours.<
11900 <!-- Answer 601 -->
11901 <script>
11902 function diff_to_GMT(dt) {
11903 const offsetInMinutes = dt.getTimezoneOffset();
11904 const offsetInHours = offsetInMinutes / 60;
11905 const sign = offsetInHours > 0 ? '+' : '-';
11906 const hours = Math.abs(Math.floor(offsetInHours));
11907 const minutes = Math.abs(offsetInMinutes % 60);
11909 return `${sign}${hours}.${minutes}`;
11910 }
11911 </script>
11913 <!-- Question 602 -->
11914 <h3>Question 602:</h3>
11915 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get the timezone offset in seconds.</p>
11917 <!-- Answer 602 -->
11918 <script>
11919 function timezone_offset_in_seconds(dt) {
11920 return dt.getTimezoneOffset() * 60;
11921 }
11922 </script>
11924 <!-- Question 603 -->
11925 <h3>Question 603:</h3>
11926 <p>Write a JavaScript function to add specified years to a date.</p>
11928 <!-- Answer 603 -->
11929 <script>
11930 function add_years(dt, years) {
11931 return new Date(dt.getFullYear() + years, dt.getMonth(), dt.getDate(),
dt.getHours(), dt.getMinutes(), dt.getSeconds());
11932 }
11933 </script>
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11935 <!-- Question 604 -->
11936 <h3>Question 604:</h3>
11937 <p>Write a JavaScript function to add specified weeks to a date.</p>
11939 <!-- Answer 604 -->
11940 <script>
11941 function add_weeks(dt, weeks) {
11942 return new Date(dt.getTime() + weeks * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
11943 }
11944 </script>
11946 <!-- Question 605 -->
11947 <h3>Question 605:</h3>
11948 <p>Write a JavaScript function to add specified months to a date.</p>
11950 <!-- Answer 605 -->
11951 <script>
11952 function add_months(dt, months) {
11953 return new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth() + months, dt.getDate(),
dt.getHours(), dt.getMinutes(), dt.getSeconds());
11954 }
11955 </script>
11957 <!-- Question 606 -->
11958 <h3>Question 606:</h3>
11959 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in minutes between two dates.</p>
11961 <!-- Answer 606 -->
11962 <script>
11963 function get_time_difference_in_minutes(dt1, dt2) {
11964 const diffInMilliseconds = Math.abs(dt2 - dt1);
11965 return Math.floor(diffInMilliseconds / (60 * 1000));
11966 }
11967 </script>
11968 <!-- Question 607 -->
11969 <h3>Question 607:</h3>
11970 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in hours between two dates.</p>
11972 <!-- Answer 607 -->
11973 <script>
11974 function diff_hours(dt1, dt2) {
11975 const diffInMilliseconds = Math.abs(dt2 - dt1);
11976 return Math.floor(diffInMilliseconds / (60 * 60 * 1000));
11977 }
11978 </script>
11980 <!-- Question 608 -->
11981 <h3>Question 608:</h3>
11982 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in days between two dates.</p>
11984 <!-- Answer 608 -->
11985 <script>
11986 function diff_days(dt1, dt2) {
11987 const diffInMilliseconds = Math.abs(dt2 - dt1);
11988 return Math.floor(diffInMilliseconds / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
11989 }
11990 </script>
11992 <!-- Question 609 -->
11993 <h3>Question 609:</h3>

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11994 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in weeks between two dates.</p>
11996 <!-- Answer 609 -->
11997 <script>
11998 function diff_weeks(dt1, dt2) {
11999 const diffInMilliseconds = Math.abs(dt2 - dt1);
12000 return Math.floor(diffInMilliseconds / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
12001 }
12002 </script>
12004 <!-- Question 610 -->
12005 <h3>Question 610:</h3>
12006 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in months between two dates.</p>
12008 <!-- Answer 610 -->
12009 <script>
12010 function diff_months(dt1, dt2) {
12011 const diffInMonths = (dt2.getFullYear() - dt1.getFullYear()) * 12 +
(dt2.getMonth() - dt1.getMonth());
12012 return Math.abs(diffInMonths);
12013 }
12014 </script>
12016 <!-- Question 611 -->
12017 <h3>Question 611:</h3>
12018 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get time differences in years between two dates.</p>
12020 <!-- Answer 611 -->
12021 <script>
12022 function diff_years(dt1, dt2) {
12023 const diffInYears = dt2.getFullYear() - dt1.getFullYear();
12024 return Math.abs(diffInYears);
12025 }
12026 </script>
12028 <!-- Question 612 -->
12029 <h3>Question 612:</h3>
12030 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get the week start date.</p>
12032 <!-- Answer 612 -->
12033 <script>
12034 function get_week_start_date(dt) {
12035 const dayOfWeek = dt.getDay();
12036 const startOfWeek = new Date(dt);
12037 startOfWeek.setDate(dt.getDate() - dayOfWeek);
12038 return startOfWeek;
12039 }
12040 </script>
12042 <!-- Question 613 -->
12043 <h3>Question 613:</h3>
12044 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get the week end date.</p>
12046 <!-- Answer 613 -->
12047 <script>
12048 function get_week_end_date(dt) {
12049 const dayOfWeek = dt.getDay();
12050 const endOfWeek = new Date(dt);
12051 endOfWeek.setDate(dt.getDate() + (6 - dayOfWeek));
12052 return endOfWeek;

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12053 }
12054 </script>
12056 <!-- Question 614 -->
12057 <h3>Question 614:</h3>
12058 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get the month start date.</p>
12060 <!-- Answer 614 -->
12061 <script>
12062 function get_month_start_date(dt) {
12063 return new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), 1);
12064 }
12065 </script>
12067 <!-- Question 615 -->
12068 <h3>Question 615:</h3>
12069 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get the month end date.</p>
12071 <!-- Answer 615 -->
12072 <script>
12073 function get_month_end_date(dt) {
12074 return new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth() + 1, 0);
12075 }
12076 </script>
12078 <!-- Question 616 -->
12079 <h3>Question 616:</h3>
12080 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether an `input` is a string or not.</p>
12082 <!-- Answer 616 -->
12083 <script>
12084 function is_string(input) {
12085 return typeof input === 'string';
12086 }
12087 </script>
12088 <!-- Question 617 -->
12089 <h3>Question 617:</h3>
12090 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a string is blank or not.</p>
12092 <!-- Answer 617 -->
12093 <script>
12094 function is_Blank(str) {
12095 return str.trim() === '';
12096 }
12097 </script>
12099 <!-- Question 618 -->
12100 <h3>Question 618:</h3>
12101 <p>Write a JavaScript function to split a string and convert it into an array of words.<
12103 <!-- Answer 618 -->
12104 <script>
12105 function string_to_array(str) {
12106 return str.split(' ');
12107 }
12108 </script>
12110 <!-- Question 619 -->
12111 <h3>Question 619:</h3>

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12112 <p>Write a JavaScript function to extract a specified number of characters from a
12114 <!-- Answer 619 -->
12115 <script>
12116 function truncate_string(str, num) {
12117 return str.slice(0, num);
12118 }
12119 </script>
12121 <!-- Question 620 -->
12122 <h3>Question 620:</h3>
12123 <p>Write a JavaScript function to convert a string in abbreviated form.</p>
12125 <!-- Answer 620 -->
12126 <script>
12127 function abbrev_name(str) {
12128 const words = str.split(' ');
12129 const firstName = words[0];
12130 const lastName = words.length > 1 ? words[1][0] + '.' : '';
12131 return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
12132 }
12133 </script>
12135 <!-- Question 621 -->
12136 <h3>Question 621:</h3>
12137 <p>Write a JavaScript function to hide email addresses to protect from unauthorized
12139 <!-- Answer 621 -->
12140 <script>
12141 function protect_email(email) {
12142 const atIndex = email.indexOf('@');
12143 const username = email.slice(0, atIndex);
12144 const protectedEmail = username.length > 2 ? username.slice(0, 2) + '...' +
email.slice(atIndex) : email;
12145 return protectedEmail;
12146 }
12147 </script>
12149 <!-- Question 622 -->
12150 <h3>Question 622:</h3>
12151 <p>Write a JavaScript function to parameterize a string.</p>
12153 <!-- Answer 622 -->
12154 <script>
12155 function string_parameterize(str) {
12156 return str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '-');
12157 }
12158 </script>
12160 <!-- Question 623 -->
12161 <h3>Question 623:</h3>
12162 <p>Write a JavaScript function to capitalize the first letter of a string.</p>
12164 <!-- Answer 623 -->
12165 <script>
12166 function capitalize(str) {
12167 return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
12168 }
12169 </script>
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12171 <!-- Question 624 -->
12172 <h3>Question 624:</h3>
12173 <p>Write a JavaScript function to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string.<
12175 <!-- Answer 624 -->
12176 <script>
12177 function capitalize_Words(str) {
12178 return str.replace(/\b\w/g, (char) => char.toUpperCase());
12179 }
12180 </script>
12182 <!-- Question 625 -->
12183 <h3>Question 625:</h3>
12184 <p>Write a JavaScript function that takes a string with lower and upper case letters and
converts upper case letters to lower case, and lower case letters to upper case.</p>
12186 <!-- Answer 625 -->
12187 <script>
12188 function swapcase(str) {
12189 return str.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, (char) => {
12190 return char === char.toUpperCase() ? char.toLowerCase() : char.toUpperCase()
12191 });
12192 }
12193 </script>
12195 <!-- Question 626 -->
12196 <h3>Question 626:</h3>
12197 <p>Write a JavaScript function to convert a string into camel case.
12198 Test Data :
12199 console.log(camelize("JavaScript Exercises"));
12200 make question and answer in html format and give implementation answer also
console.log(camelize("JavaScript exercises"));
12201 console.log(camelize("JavaScriptExercises"));
12202 "JavaScriptExercises"
12203 "JavaScriptExercises"
12204 "JavaScriptExercises"
12205 </p>
12207 <!-- Answer 626 -->
12208 <script>
12209 <script>
12210 function camelize(str) {
12211 return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, (match, index) => index === 0 ?
match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase()).replace(/\s+/g, '');
12212 }
12213 </script>
12214 <!-- Question 627 -->
12215 <h3>Question 627:</h3>
12216 <p>Write a JavaScript function to uncamelize a string.</p>
12218 <!-- Answer 627 -->
12219 <script>
12220 function uncamelize(str, separator = ' ') {
12221 return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, match => `${separator}${match.toLowerCase()}`)
12222 }
12223 </script>

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12225 <!-- Question 628 -->
12226 <h3>Question 628:</h3>
12227 <p>Write a JavaScript function to concatenate a given string n times (default is 1).</p>
12229 <!-- Answer 628 -->
12230 <script>
12231 function repeat(str, n = 1) {
12232 return str.repeat(n);
12233 }
12234 </script>
12236 <!-- Question 629 -->
12237 <h3>Question 629:</h3>
12238 <p>Write a JavaScript function to insert a string within a string at a particular
position (default is 1).</p>
12240 <!-- Answer 629 -->
12241 <script>
12242 function insert(original, insertStr, position = 1) {
12243 return original.slice(0, position) + insertStr + original.slice(position);
12244 }
12245 </script>
12247 <!-- Question 630 -->
12248 <h3>Question 630:</h3>
12249 <p>Write a JavaScript function to humanize a number with the correct suffix such as 1st,
2nd, 3rd, or 4th.</p>
12251 <!-- Answer 630 -->
12252 <script>
12253 function humanize_format(number) {
12254 if (typeof number !== 'number') return 'Invalid input';
12255 const suffix = (number % 100 >= 11 && number % 100 <= 13) ? 'th' : {1: 'st', 2:
'nd', 3: 'rd'}[number % 10] || 'th';
12256 return `${number}${suffix}`;
12257 }
12258 </script>
12260 <!-- Question 631 -->
12261 <h3>Question 631:</h3>
12262 <p>Write a JavaScript function to truncate a string if it is longer than the specified
number of characters. Truncated strings will end with a translatable ellipsis sequence
("…") (by default) or specified characters.</p>
12264 <!-- Answer 631 -->
12265 <script>
12266 function text_truncate(str, length, ending = '…') {
12267 return length === undefined || str.length <= length ? str : str.slice(0, length)
+ ending;
12268 }
12269 </script>
12270 <!-- Question 632 -->
12271 <h3>Question 632:</h3>
12272 <p>Write a JavaScript function to chop a string into chunks of a given length.</p>
12274 <!-- Answer 632 -->
12275 <script>
12276 function string_chop(str, length) {
12277 if (length === undefined || length <= 0) return ['Invalid length'];
12278 return length >= str.length ? [str] : str.match(new RegExp(`.{1,${length}}`, 'g'
)) || [];
12279 }
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12280 </script>
12282 <!-- Question 633 -->
12283 <h3>Question 633:</h3>
12284 <p>Write a JavaScript function to count the occurrence of a substring in a string.</p>
12286 <!-- Answer 633 -->
12287 <script>
12288 function count(str, substr, caseSensitive = true) {
12289 const flags = caseSensitive ? 'g' : 'gi';
12290 return (str.match(new RegExp(substr, flags)) || []).length;
12291 }
12292 </script>
12294 <!-- Question 634 -->
12295 <h3>Question 634:</h3>
12296 <p>Write a JavaScript function to escape an HTML string.</p>
12298 <!-- Answer 634 -->
12299 <script>
12300 function escape_HTML(str) {
12301 return str.replace(/[&<>"']/g, match => ({
12302 '&': '&amp;',
12303 '<': '&lt;',
12304 '>': '&gt;',
12305 '"': '&quot;',
12306 "'": '&#39;'
12307 }[match]));
12308 }
12309 </script>
12311 <!-- Question 635 -->
12312 <h3>Question 635:</h3>
12313 <p>Write a JavaScript function that can pad (left, right) a string to get to a
determined length.</p>
12315 <!-- Answer 635 -->
12316 <script>
12317 function formatted_string(pad, value, side) {
12318 return side === 'l' ? (pad + value).slice(-pad.length) : (value + pad)
.substring(0, pad.length);
12319 }
12320 </script>
12322 <!-- Question 636 -->
12323 <h3>Question 636:</h3>
12324 <p>Write a JavaScript function to repeat a string a specified times.</p>
12326 <!-- Answer 636 -->
12327 <script>
12328 function repeat_string(str, count) {
12329 return count > 0 ? str.repeat(count) : 'Error in string or count.';
12330 }
12331 </script>
12333 <!-- Question 637 -->
12334 <h3>Question 637:</h3>
12335 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get a part of a string after a specified character.<
12337 <!-- Answer 637 -->
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12338 <script>
12339 function subStrAfterChars(str, char, inclusive = false) {
12340 const index = str.indexOf(char);
12341 return index !== -1 ? str.substring(index + (inclusive ? 0 : 1)) : str;
12342 }
12343 </script>
12345 <!-- Question 638 -->
12346 <h3>Question 638:</h3>
12347 <p>Write a JavaScript function to strip leading and trailing spaces from a string.</p>
12349 <!-- Answer 638 -->
12350 <script>
12351 function strip(str) {
12352 return str.trim();
12353 }
12354 </script>
12355 <!-- Question 639 -->
12356 <h3>Question 639:</h3>
12357 <p>Write a JavaScript function to truncate a string to a certain number of words.</p>
12359 <!-- Answer 639 -->
12360 <script>
12361 function truncate(str, numWords) {
12362 const words = str.split(' ');
12363 return words.slice(0, numWords).join(' ');
12364 }
12365 </script>
12367 <!-- Question 640 -->
12368 <h3>Question 640:</h3>
12369 <p>Write a JavaScript function to alphabetize a given string.</p>
12371 <!-- Answer 640 -->
12372 <script>
12373 function alphabetize_string(str) {
12374 return str.split('').sort().join('');
12375 }
12376 </script>
12378 <!-- Question 641 -->
12379 <h3>Question 641:</h3>
12380 <p>Write a JavaScript function to remove the first occurrence of a given 'search string'
from a string.</p>
12382 <!-- Answer 641 -->
12383 <script>
12384 function remove_first_occurrence(str, search) {
12385 const index = str.indexOf(search);
12386 return index !== -1 ? str.slice(0, index) + str.slice(index + search.length) :
12387 }
12388 </script>
12390 <!-- Question 642 -->
12391 <h3>Question 642:</h3>
12392 <p>Write a JavaScript function to convert ASCII to Hexadecimal format.</p>
12394 <!-- Answer 642 -->
12395 <script>

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12396 function ascii_to_hexa(str) {
12397 return str.split('').map(char => char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).join('');
12398 }
12399 </script>
12401 <!-- Question 643 -->
12402 <h3>Question 643:</h3>
12403 <p>Write a JavaScript function to convert Hexadecimal to ASCII format.</p>
12405 <!-- Answer 643 -->
12406 <script>
12407 function hex_to_ascii(str) {
12408 return str.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(hex => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)))
12409 }
12410 </script>
12412 <!-- Question 644 -->
12413 <h3>Question 644:</h3>
12414 <p>Write a JavaScript function to find a word within a string.</p>
12416 <!-- Answer 644 -->
12417 <script>
12418 function search_word(str, word) {
12419 const regex = new RegExp(word, 'g');
12420 const occurrences = str.match(regex) || [];
12421 return `'${word}' was found ${occurrences.length} times.`;
12422 }
12423 </script>
12425 <!-- Question 645 -->
12426 <h3>Question 645:</h3>
12427 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check if a string ends with specified suffix.</p>
12429 <!-- Answer 645 -->
12430 <script>
12431 function string_endsWith(str, suffix) {
12432 return str.endsWith(suffix);
12433 }
12434 </script>
12436 <!-- Question 646 -->
12437 <h3>Question 646:</h3>
12438 <p>Write a JavaScript function to escape special characters (&, <, >, ', ") for use in
12440 <!-- Answer 646 -->
12441 <script>
12442 function escape_html(str) {
12443 const escapeMap = {
12444 '&': '&amp;',
12445 '<': '&lt;',
12446 '>': '&gt;',
12447 "'": '&#39;',
12448 '"': '&quot;'
12449 };
12450 return str.replace(/[&<>'"]/g, match => escapeMap[match]);
12451 }
12452 </script>
12453 <!-- Question 647 -->

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12454 <h3>Question 647:</h3>
12455 <p>Write a JavaScript function to remove non-printable ASCII chars.</p>
12457 <!-- Answer 647 -->
12458 <script>
12459 function remove_non_ascii(str) {
12460 return str.replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/g, '');
12461 }
12462 </script>
12464 <!-- Question 648 -->
12465 <h3>Question 648:</h3>
12466 <p>Write a JavaScript function to remove non-word characters.</p>
12468 <!-- Answer 648 -->
12469 <script>
12470 function remove_non_word(str) {
12471 return str.replace(/\W/g, ' ');
12472 }
12473 </script>
12475 <!-- Question 649 -->
12476 <h3>Question 649:</h3>
12477 <p>Write a JavaScript function to convert a string to title case.</p>
12479 <!-- Answer 649 -->
12480 <script>
12481 function sentenceCase(str) {
12482 return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function (txt) {
12483 return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();
12484 });
12485 }
12486 </script>
12488 <!-- Question 650 -->
12489 <h3>Question 650:</h3>
12490 <p>Write a JavaScript function to remove HTML/XML tags from a string.</p>
12492 <!-- Answer 650 -->
12493 <script>
12494 function strip_html_tags(str) {
12495 return str.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
12496 }
12497 </script>
12499 <!-- Question 651 -->
12500 <h3>Question 651:</h3>
12501 <p>Write a JavaScript function to create a Zerofilled value with an optional +, - sign.<
12503 <!-- Answer 651 -->
12504 <script>
12505 function zeroFill(num, width, sign) {
12506 const paddedNum = num.toString().padStart(width, '0');
12507 return sign ? sign + paddedNum : paddedNum;
12508 }
12509 </script>
12511 <!-- Question 652 -->
12512 <h3>Question 652:</h3>

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12513 <p>Write a JavaScript function to test case-insensitive (except special Unicode
characters) string comparison.</p>
12515 <!-- Answer 652 -->
12516 <script>
12517 function compare_strings(str1, str2) {
12518 return str1.localeCompare(str2, undefined, { sensitivity: 'base' }) === 0;
12519 }
12520 </script>
12522 <!-- Question 653 -->
12523 <h3>Question 653:</h3>
12524 <p>Write a JavaScript function to create a case-insensitive search.</p>
12526 <!-- Answer 653 -->
12527 <script>
12528 function case_insensitive_search(str, searchTerm) {
12529 const regex = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'i');
12530 return regex.test(str) ? 'Matched' : 'Not Matched';
12531 }
12532 </script>
12534 <!-- Question 654 -->
12535 <h3>Question 654:</h3>
12536 <p>Write a JavaScript function to Uncapitalize the first character of a string.</p>
12538 <!-- Answer 654 -->
12539 <script>
12540 function Uncapitalize(str) {
12541 return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1);
12542 }
12543 </script>
12545 <!-- Question 655 -->
12546 <h3>Question 655:</h3>
12547 <p>Write a JavaScript function to Uncapitalize the first letter of each word of a
12549 <!-- Answer 655 -->
12550 <script>
12551 function unCapitalize_Words(str) {
12552 return str.replace(/\b[A-Z]/g, function (match) {
12553 return match.toLowerCase();
12554 });
12555 }
12556 </script>
12557 <!-- Question 656 -->
12558 <h3>Question 656:</h3>
12559 <p>Write a JavaScript function to capitalize each word in the string.</p>
12561 <!-- Answer 656 -->
12562 <script>
12563 function capitalizeWords(str) {
12564 return str.toUpperCase();
12565 }
12566 </script>
12568 <!-- Question 657 -->
12569 <h3>Question 657:</h3>
12570 <p>Write a JavaScript function to uncapitalize each word in the string.</p>

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12572 <!-- Answer 657 -->
12573 <script>
12574 function unCapitalizeWords(str) {
12575 return str.toLowerCase();
12576 }
12577 </script>
12579 <!-- Question 658 -->
12580 <h3>Question 658:</h3>
12581 <p>Write a JavaScript function to test whether the character at the provided (character)
index is upper case.</p>
12583 <!-- Answer 658 -->
12584 <script>
12585 function isUpperCaseAt(str, index) {
12586 return str.charAt(index) === str.charAt(index).toUpperCase();
12587 }
12588 </script>
12590 <!-- Question 659 -->
12591 <h3>Question 659:</h3>
12592 <p>Write a JavaScript function to test whether the character at the provided (character)
index is lower case.</p>
12594 <!-- Answer 659 -->
12595 <script>
12596 function isLowerCaseAt(str, index) {
12597 return str.charAt(index) === str.charAt(index).toLowerCase();
12598 }
12599 </script>
12601 <!-- Question 660 -->
12602 <h3>Question 660:</h3>
12603 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get humanized number with the correct suffix such as
1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th.</p>
12605 <!-- Answer 660 -->
12606 <script>
12607 function humanize(number) {
12608 const suffixes = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"];
12609 const remainder = number % 100;
12610 const suffix = suffixes[(remainder - 20) % 10] || suffixes[remainder] ||
12611 return number + suffix;
12612 }
12613 </script>
12615 <!-- Question 661 -->
12616 <h3>Question 661:</h3>
12617 <p>Write a JavaScript function to test whether a string starts with a specified string.<
12619 <!-- Answer 661 -->
12620 <script>
12621 function startsWith(str, prefix) {
12622 return str.startsWith(prefix);
12623 }
12624 </script>
12626 <!-- Question 662 -->

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12627 <h3>Question 662:</h3>
12628 <p>Write a JavaScript function to test whether a string ends with a specified string.<
12630 <!-- Answer 662 -->
12631 <script>
12632 function endsWith(str, suffix) {
12633 return str.endsWith(suffix);
12634 }
12635 </script>
12637 <!-- Question 663 -->
12638 <h3>Question 663:</h3>
12639 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get the successor of a string.</p>
12641 <!-- Answer 663 -->
12642 <script>
12643 String.prototype.successor = function () {
12644 const validChars = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;
12645 let str = this;
12646 if (!str.match(validChars)) return str;
12648 let i = str.length - 1;
12649 let carry = 1;
12650 let result = '';
12652 while (i >= 0) {
12653 const char = str[i];
12654 if (char.match(validChars)) {
12655 let code = char.charCodeAt(0) + carry;
12656 carry = Math.floor(code / 10);
12657 code %= 10;
12658 result = String.fromCharCode(code + '0'.charCodeAt(0)) + result;
12659 } else {
12660 result = char + result;
12661 }
12662 i--;
12663 }
12665 if (carry > 0) {
12666 while (carry > 0) {
12667 result = String.fromCharCode((carry % 10) + '0'.charCodeAt(0)) + result;
12668 carry = Math.floor(carry / 10);
12669 }
12670 }
12672 return result;
12673 };
12674 </script>
12675 <!-- Question 664 -->
12676 <h3>Question 664:</h3>
12677 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get a unique GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) of the
specified length, or 32 by default.</p>
12679 <!-- Answer 664 -->
12680 <script>
12681 function guid(length = 32) {
12682 const characters = 'abcdef0123456789';
12683 let result = '';
12684 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {

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12685 result += characters[Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)];
12686 }
12687 return result;
12688 }
12689 </script>
12691 <!-- Question 665 -->
12692 <h3>Question 665:</h3>
12693 <p>Write a JavaScript program to test if the first character of a string is uppercase or
12695 <!-- Answer 665 -->
12696 <script>
12697 function isFirstCharUppercase(str) {
12698 return str[0] === str[0].toUpperCase();
12699 }
12700 </script>
12701 <!-- Question 665 -->
12702 <h3>Question 665:</h3>
12703 <p>Write a JavaScript program to test if the first character of a string is uppercase or
12705 <!-- Answer 665 -->
12706 <script>
12707 function isFirstCharUppercase(str) {
12708 return str[0] === str[0].toUpperCase();
12709 }
12711 // Example usage
12712 const testString1 = "Hello";
12713 const testString2 = "world";
12715 console.log(`Is "${testString1}" starts with uppercase?
12716 console.log(`Is "${testString2}" starts with uppercase?
12717 </script>
12719 <!-- Question 666 -->
12720 <h3>Question 666:</h3>
12721 <p>Write a JavaScript program to check a credit card number.</p>
12723 <!-- Answer 666 -->
12724 <script>
12725 function isValidCreditCard(cardNumber) {
12726 // Implementation goes here...
12727 }
12729 // Example usage
12730 const creditCardNumber = "1234-5678-9012-3456";
12731 console.log(`Is "${creditCardNumber}" a valid credit card number?
12732 </script>
12734 <!-- Question 667 -->
12735 <h3>Question 667:</h3>
12736 <p>Write a pattern that matches e-mail addresses.</p>
12738 <!-- Answer 667 -->
12739 <script>
12740 function isValidEmail(email) {

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12741 const emailPattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'
12742 return emailPattern.test(email);
12743 }
12745 // Example usage
12746 const testEmail = "";
12747 console.log(`Is "${testEmail}" a valid email address? ${isValidEmail(testEmail)}`);
12748 </script>
12750 <!-- Question 668 -->
12751 <h3>Question 668:</h3>
12752 <p>Write a JavaScript program to search a date within a string.</p>
12754 <!-- Answer 668 -->
12755 <script>
12756 function findDateInString(inputString) {
12757 const datePattern = /\b\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}\b/g;
12758 return inputString.match(datePattern);
12759 }
12761 // Example usage
12762 const testString = "Meeting on 12/31/2022 and 01/15/2023";
12763 console.log(`Dates found in "${testString}": ${findDateInString(testString)}`);
12764 </script>
12766 <!-- Question 669 -->
12767 <h3>Question 669:</h3>
12768 <p>Write a JavaScript program that works as a trim function (string) using regular
12770 <!-- Answer 669 -->
12771 <script>
12772 function customTrim(inputString) {
12773 return inputString.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
12774 }
12776 // Example usage
12777 const testStringWithSpaces = " This is a test string. ";
12778 console.log(`Original string: "${testStringWithSpaces}"`);
12779 console.log(`After custom trim: "${customTrim(testStringWithSpaces)}"`);
12780 </script>
12782 <!-- Question 670 -->
12783 <h3>Question 670:</h3>
12784 <p>Write a JavaScript program to count the number of words in a string.</p>
12786 <!-- Answer 670 -->
12787 <script>
12788 function countWords(inputString) {
12789 const trimmedString = inputString.trim();
12790 const wordsArray = trimmedString.split(/\s+/);
12791 return wordsArray.length;
12792 }
12794 // Example usage
12795 const testStringWithWords = "This is a test string.";
12796 console.log(`Number of words in "${testStringWithWords}":
12797 </script>
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12799 <!-- Question 671 -->
12800 <h3>Question 671:</h3>
12801 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is an IP value or not.</p>
12803 <!-- Answer 671 -->
12804 <script>
12805 function isIPAddress(value) {
12806 const ipAddressPattern = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}
12807 return ipAddressPattern.test(value);
12808 }
12810 // Example usage
12811 const testIPAddress = "";
12812 console.log(`Is "${testIPAddress}" a valid IP address? ${isIPAddress(testIPAddress)}
12813 </script>
12814 <!-- Question 672 -->
12815 <h3>Question 672:</h3>
12816 <p>Write a JavaScript function to count the number of vowels in a given string.</p>
12818 <!-- Answer 672 -->
12819 <script>
12820 function countVowels(inputString) {
12821 const vowels = 'aeiouAEIOU';
12822 let count = 0;
12824 for (let char of inputString) {
12825 if (vowels.includes(char)) {
12826 count++;
12827 }
12828 }
12830 return count;
12831 }
12833 // Example usage
12834 const testStringWithVowels = 'United States';
12835 console.log(`Number of vowels in "${testStringWithVowels}":
12836 </script>
12838 <!-- Question 673 -->
12839 <h3>Question 673:</h3>
12840 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a valid URL or not.</p>
12842 <!-- Answer 673 -->
12843 <script>
12844 function isValidURL(value) {
12845 try {
12846 new URL(value);
12847 return true;
12848 } catch (error) {
12849 return false;
12850 }
12851 }
12853 // Example usage
12854 const testURL = '';
12855 console.log(`Is "${testURL}" a valid URL? ${isValidURL(testURL)}`);
12856 </script>
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12858 <!-- Question 674 -->
12859 <h3>Question 674:</h3>
12860 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is alphanumeric or not.<
12862 <!-- Answer 674 -->
12863 <script>
12864 function isAlphanumeric(value) {
12865 const alphanumericPattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;
12866 return alphanumericPattern.test(value);
12867 }
12869 // Example usage
12870 const testAlphanumeric = 'abc123';
12871 console.log(`Is "${testAlphanumeric}" alphanumeric?
12872 </script>
12874 <!-- Question 675 -->
12875 <h3>Question 675:</h3>
12876 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a time string or not.<
12878 <!-- Answer 675 -->
12879 <script>
12880 function isTimeString(value) {
12881 const timePattern = /^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$/;
12882 return timePattern.test(value);
12883 }
12885 // Example usage
12886 const testTimeString = '15:45';
12887 console.log(`Is "${testTimeString}" a valid time string?
12888 </script>
12890 <!-- Question 676 -->
12891 <h3>Question 676:</h3>
12892 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a US ZIP code or not.<
12894 <!-- Answer 676 -->
12895 <script>
12896 function isUSZipCode(value) {
12897 const usZipCodePattern = /^\d{5}(?:-\d{4})?$/;
12898 return usZipCodePattern.test(value);
12899 }
12901 // Example usage
12902 const testUSZipCode = '12345';
12903 console.log(`Is "${testUSZipCode}" a valid US ZIP code? ${isUSZipCode(testUSZipCode)
12904 </script>
12906 <!-- Question 677 -->
12907 <h3>Question 677:</h3>
12908 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a UK Post Code or not.<
12910 <!-- Answer 677 -->
12911 <script>
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12912 function isUKPostCode(value) {
12913 const ukPostCodePattern = /^[A-Z]{1,2}\d[A-Z\d]? \d[A-Z]{2}$/;
12914 return ukPostCodePattern.test(value);
12915 }
12917 // Example usage
12918 const testUKPostCode = 'SW1A 1AA';
12919 console.log(`Is "${testUKPostCode}" a valid UK Post Code?
12920 </script>
12922 <!-- Question 678 -->
12923 <h3>Question 678:</h3>
12924 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a Canada Post Code or
12926 <!-- Answer 678 -->
12927 <script>
12928 function isCanadaPostCode(value) {
12929 const canadaPostCodePattern = /^[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXY]\d[A-Z] \d[A-Z]\d$/;
12930 return canadaPostCodePattern.test(value);
12931 }
12933 // Example usage
12934 const testCanadaPostCode = 'K1A 0B1';
12935 console.log(`Is "${testCanadaPostCode}" a valid Canada Post Code?
12936 </script>
12938 <!-- Question 679 -->
12939 <h3>Question 679:</h3>
12940 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a social security
number or not.</p>
12942 <!-- Answer 679 -->
12943 <script>
12944 function isSocialSecurityNumber(value) {
12945 const ssnPattern = /^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/;
12946 return ssnPattern.test(value);
12947 }
12949 // Example usage
12950 const testSSN = '123-45-6789';
12951 console.log(`Is "${testSSN}" a valid Social Security Number?
12952 </script>
12954 <!-- Question 680 -->
12955 <h3>Question 680:</h3>
12956 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a hexadecimal value or
12958 <!-- Answer 680 -->
12959 <script>
12960 function isHexadecimal(value) {
12961 const hexPattern = /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/;
12962 return hexPattern.test(value);
12963 }
12965 // Example usage
12966 const testHexValue = '1A2F';

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12967 console.log(`Is "${testHexValue}" a valid hexadecimal value?
12968 </script>
12970 <!-- Question 681 -->
12971 <h3>Question 681:</h3>
12972 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a hex color value or
12974 <!-- Answer 681 -->
12975 <script>
12976 function isHexColor(value) {
12977 const hexColorPattern = /^#?([0-9A-Fa-f]{3}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{6})$/;
12978 return hexColorPattern.test(value);
12979 }
12981 // Example usage
12982 const testHexColor = '#1a2F4c';
12983 console.log(`Is "${testHexColor}" a valid hex color value?
12984 </script>
12986 <!-- Question 682 -->
12987 <h3>Question 682:</h3>
12988 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value represents a domain or
12990 <!-- Answer 682 -->
12991 <script>
12992 function isDomain(value) {
12993 const domainPattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/;
12994 return domainPattern.test(value);
12995 }
12997 // Example usage
12998 const testDomain = '';
12999 console.log(`Is "${testDomain}" a valid domain? ${isDomain(testDomain)}`);
13000 </script>
13002 <!-- Question 683 -->
13003 <h3>Question 683:</h3>
13004 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is HTML or not.</p>
13006 <!-- Answer 683 -->
13007 <script>
13008 function isHTML(value) {
13009 const htmlPattern = /<\/?[a-z][\s\S]*>/i;
13010 return htmlPattern.test(value);
13011 }
13013 // Example usage
13014 const testHTML = '<p>This is a paragraph.</p>';
13015 console.log(`Does the string contain HTML? ${isHTML(testHTML)}`);
13016 </script>
13018 <!-- Question 684 -->
13019 <h3>Question 684:</h3>
13020 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check if a given value contains alpha, dash, and
13022 <!-- Answer 684 -->

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13023 <script>
13024 function containsAlphaDashUnderscore(value) {
13025 const pattern = /^[a-zA-Z-_]+$/;
13026 return pattern.test(value);
13027 }
13029 // Example usage
13030 const testString = 'alpha-Dash_123';
13031 console.log(`Does "${testString}" contain alpha, dash, and underscore?
13032 </script>
13034 <!-- Question 685 -->
13035 <h3>Question 685:</h3>
13036 <p>Write a JavaScript function to print an integer with commas as thousands separators.<
13038 <!-- Answer 685 -->
13039 <script>
13040 function thousandsSeparators(number) {
13041 return number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
13042 }
13044 // Example usage
13045 const testNumber = 1234567;
13046 console.log(`Formatted number: ${thousandsSeparators(testNumber)}`);
13047 </script>
13049 <!-- Question 686 -->
13050 <h3>Question 686:</h3>
13051 <p>Here is a sample HTML file with a submit button. Now modify the style of the
paragraph text through JavaScript code.</p>
13053 <!-- Answer 686 -->
13054 <script>
13055 function js_style() {
13056 const paragraph = document.getElementById('text');
13057 = 'Arial, sans-serif';
13058 = '20px';
13059 = 'blue';
13060 }
13061 </script>
13063 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 686 -->
13064 <p id='text'>JavaScript Exercises - InfoMatrix</p>
13065 <div>
13066 <button id="jsstyle" onclick="js_style()">Style</button>
13067 </div>
13068 <!-- Question 687 -->
13069 <h3>Question 687:</h3>
13070 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get the values of the First and Last name from the
following form.</p>
13072 <!-- Answer 687 -->
13073 <script>
13074 function getFormvalue() {
13075 const firstName = document.getElementById('form1').elements['fname'].value;
13076 const lastName = document.getElementById('form1').elements['lname'].value;
13077 alert(`First Name: ${firstName}\nLast Name: ${lastName}`);
13078 }
13079 </script>

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13081 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 687 -->
13082 <form id="form1" onsubmit="getFormvalue()">
13083 First name: <input type="text" name="fname" value="David"><br>
13084 Last name: <input type="text" name="lname" value="Beckham"><br>
13085 <input type="submit" value="Submit">
13086 </form>
13088 <!-- Question 688 -->
13089 <h3>Question 688:</h3>
13090 <p>Write a JavaScript program to set the background color of a paragraph.</p>
13092 <!-- Answer 688 -->
13093 <script>
13094 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
13095 const paragraph = document.createElement('p');
13096 paragraph.textContent = 'This is a paragraph.';
13097 = 'lightblue';
13098 document.body.appendChild(paragraph);
13099 });
13100 </script>
13102 <!-- Question 689 -->
13103 <h3>Question 689:</h3>
13104 <p>Here is a sample html file with a submit button. Write a JavaScript function to get
the value of the href, hreflang, rel, target, and type attributes of the specified link.
13106 <!-- Answer 689 -->
13107 <script>
13108 function getAttributes() {
13109 const link = document.getElementById('w3r');
13110 const href = link.getAttribute('href');
13111 const hreflang = link.getAttribute('hreflang');
13112 const rel = link.getAttribute('rel');
13113 const target = link.getAttribute('target');
13114 const type = link.getAttribute('type');
13116 alert(`Href: ${href}\nHreflang: ${hreflang}\nRel: ${rel}\nTarget: ${target}
\nType: ${type}`);
13117 }
13118 </script>
13120 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 689 -->
13121 <p><a id="w3r" type="text/html" hreflang="en-us" rel="nofollow" target="_self" href="">InfoMatrix</a></p>
13122 <button onclick="getAttributes()">Click here to get attributes value</button>
13124 <!-- Question 690 -->
13125 <h3>Question 690:</h3>
13126 <p>Write a JavaScript function to add rows to a table.</p>
13128 <!-- Answer 690 -->
13129 <script>
13130 function insert_Row() {
13131 const table = document.getElementById('sampleTable');
13132 const newRow = table.insertRow(-1);
13133 const cell1 = newRow.insertCell(0);
13134 const cell2 = newRow.insertCell(1);
13135 cell1.textContent = 'New Row Cell 1';
13136 cell2.textContent = 'New Row Cell 2';

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13137 }
13138 </script>
13140 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 690 -->
13141 <table id="sampleTable" border="1">
13142 <tr>
13143 <td>Row1 cell1</td>
13144 <td>Row1 cell2</td>
13145 </tr>
13146 <tr>
13147 <td>Row2 cell1</td>
13148 <td>Row2 cell2</td>
13149 </tr>
13150 </table>
13151 <br>
13152 <input type="button" onclick="insert_Row()" value="Insert row">
13154 <!-- Question 691 -->
13155 <h3>Question 691:</h3>
13156 <p>Write a JavaScript function that accepts row, column, (to identify a particular cell)
and a string to update the content of that cell.</p>
13158 <!-- Answer 691 -->
13159 <script>
13160 function changeContent() {
13161 const table = document.getElementById('myTable');
13162 const row = prompt('Enter the row number:');
13163 const col = prompt('Enter the column number:');
13164 const content = prompt('Enter the new content:');
13166 if (row >= 0 && col >= 0) {
13167 table.rows[row].cells[col].textContent = content;
13168 } else {
13169 alert('Invalid row or column number.');
13170 }
13171 }
13172 </script>
13174 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 691 -->
13175 <table id="myTable" border="1">
13176 <tr>
13177 <td>Row1 cell1</td>
13178 <td>Row1 cell2</td>
13179 </tr>
13180 <tr>
13181 <td>Row2 cell1</td>
13182 <td>Row2 cell2</td>
13183 </tr>
13184 <tr>
13185 <td>Row3 cell1</td>
13186 <td>Row3 cell2</td>
13187 </tr>
13188 </table>
13189 <form>
13190 <input type="button" onclick="changeContent()" value="Change content">
13191 </form>
13193 <!-- Question 692 -->
13194 <h3>Question 692:</h3>
13195 <p>Write a JavaScript program that creates a table, accepts row and column numbers from

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the user, and inputs row-column number as content (e.g. Row-0 Column-0) of a cell.</p>
13197 <!-- Answer 692 -->
13198 <script>
13199 function createTable() {
13200 const rows = prompt('Enter the number of rows:');
13201 const cols = prompt('Enter the number of columns:');
13202 const table = document.getElementById('myTable');
13204 for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
13205 const row = table.insertRow(i);
13206 for (let j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
13207 const cell = row.insertCell(j);
13208 cell.textContent = `Row-${i} Column-${j}`;
13209 }
13210 }
13211 }
13212 </script>
13214 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 692 -->
13215 <style type="text/css">
13216 body {margin: 30px;}
13217 </style>
13218 <form>
13219 <input type="button" onclick="createTable()" value="Create the table">
13220 </form>
13221 <table id="myTable" border="1"></table>
13223 <!-- Question 693 -->
13224 <h3>Question 693:</h3>
13225 <p>Write a JavaScript program to remove items from a dropdown list.</p>
13227 <!-- Answer 693 -->
13228 <script>
13229 function removecolor() {
13230 const select = document.getElementById('colorSelect');
13231 const selectedIndex = select.selectedIndex;
13232 if (selectedIndex !== -1) {
13233 select.remove(selectedIndex);
13234 } else {
13235 alert('Please select an item to remove.');
13236 }
13237 }
13238 </script>
13240 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 693 -->
13241 <form>
13242 <select id="colorSelect">
13243 <option>Red</option>
13244 <option>Green</option>
13245 <option>White</option>
13246 <option>Black</option>
13247 </select>
13248 <input type="button" onclick="removecolor()" value="Select and Remove">
13249 </form>
13251 <!-- Question 694 -->
13252 <h3>Question 694:</h3>
13253 <p>Write a JavaScript program to count and display the items of a dropdown list in an
alert window.</p>

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13255 <!-- Answer 694 -->
13256 <script>
13257 function getOptions() {
13258 const select = document.getElementById('mySelect');
13259 const optionsCount = select.options.length;
13260 let optionsList = '';
13262 for (let i = 0; i < optionsCount; i++) {
13263 optionsList += `${i + 1}. ${select.options[i].text}\n`;
13264 }
13266 alert(`Total items: ${optionsCount}\n\nItems:\n${optionsList}`);
13267 }
13268 </script>
13270 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 694 -->
13271 <form>
13272 Select your favorite Color :
13273 <select id="mySelect">
13274 <option>Red</option>
13275 <option>Green</option>
13276 <option>Blue</option>
13277 <option>White</option>
13278 </select>
13279 <input type="button" onclick="getOptions()" value="Count and Output all items">
13280 </form>
13281 <style>
13282 #output {
13283 margin-top: 20px;
13284 padding: 10px;
13285 border: 1px solid #ccc;
13286 }
13287 #rectangularShape {
13288 width: 100px;
13289 height: 50px;
13290 background-color: lightblue;
13291 margin-top: 20px;
13292 }
13293 #circle {
13294 width: 100px;
13295 height: 100px;
13296 background-color: lightcoral;
13297 border-radius: 50%;
13298 margin-top: 20px;
13299 }
13300 </style>
13301 </head>
13302 <body>
13304 <!-- Question 695 -->
13305 <h3>Question 695:</h3>
13306 <p>Write a JavaScript program to calculate the volume of a sphere.</p>
13308 <!-- Answer 695 -->
13309 <script>
13310 function calculateSphereVolume(radius) {
13311 const volume = (4 / 3) * Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 3);
13312 return volume.toFixed(2);
13313 }

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13315 const radius = 5;
13316 const sphereVolume = calculateSphereVolume(radius);
13318 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Volume of the sphere with radius
${radius} units: ${sphereVolume} cubic units`;
13319 </script>
13321 <!-- Output Container for Question 695 -->
13322 <div id="output"></div>
13324 <!-- Question 696 -->
13325 <h3>Question 696:</h3>
13326 <p>Write a JavaScript program to display a random image (clicking on a button) from the
following list.</p>
13328 <!-- Answer 696 -->
13329 <script>
13330 const images = [
13331 { src: "", width:
240, height: 160 },
13332 { src: "", width: 320,
height: 195 },
13333 { src: "", width:
500, height: 343 }
13334 ];
13336 function displayRandomImage() {
13337 const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length);
13338 const randomImage = images[randomIndex];
13339 const output = document.getElementById('output');
13341 output.innerHTML = `<img src="${randomImage.src}" alt="Random Image" width="
${randomImage.width}" height="${randomImage.height}">`;
13342 }
13343 </script>
13345 <!-- Output Container for Question 696 -->
13346 <div>
13347 <button onclick="displayRandomImage()">Display Random Image</button>
13348 <div id="output"></div>
13349 </div>
13351 <!-- Question 697 -->
13352 <h3>Question 697:</h3>
13353 <p>Write a JavaScript program to highlight the bold words of the following paragraph on
mouse over a certain link.</p>
13355 <!-- Answer 697 -->
13356 <script>
13357 function highlightBoldWords() {
13358 const paragraph = document.getElementById('paragraphToHighlight');
13359 const boldWords = paragraph.getElementsByTagName('strong');
13361 for (let i = 0; i < boldWords.length; i++) {
13362 boldWords[i].style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
13363 }
13364 }
13365 </script>
13367 <!-- Additional HTML for Question 697 -->
13368 <p id="paragraphToHighlight">
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13369 We have just started this section for the users (beginner to intermediate) who want
to work with various JavaScript
13370 problems and write scripts online to test their JavaScript skill.
13371 </p>
13372 <a href="#" onmouseover="highlightBoldWords()">On mouse over here bold words of the
following paragraph will be highlighted</a>
13374 <!-- Question 698 -->
13375 <h3>Question 698:</h3>
13376 <p>Write a JavaScript program to get the width and height of the window (any time the
window is resized).</p>
13378 <!-- Answer 698 -->
13379 <script>
13380 function getWindowDimensions() {
13381 const width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth ||
13382 const height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight ||
13384 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Window Width: ${width}px, Window
Height: ${height}px`;
13385 }
13387 window.addEventListener('resize', getWindowDimensions);
13388 getWindowDimensions(); // Initial call to display dimensions
13389 </script>
13391 <!-- Output Container for Question 698 -->
13392 <div id="output"></div>
13394 <!-- Question 699 -->
13395 <h3>Question 699:</h3>
13396 <p>Write a JavaScript program to draw the following rectangular shape.</p>
13398 <!-- Answer 699 -->
13399 <div id="rectangularShape"></div>
13401 <!-- Question 700 -->
13402 <h3>Question 700:</h3>
13403 <p>Write a JavaScript program to draw a circle.</p>
13405 <!-- Answer 700 -->
13406 <div id="circle"></div>
13408 <!-- JavaScript for Drawing Shapes -->
13409 <script>
13410 Drawing the rectangular shape
13411 const rectangularShape = document.getElementById('rectangularShape');
13412 = '100px';
13413 = '50px';
13414 = 'lightblue';
13416 Drawing the circle
13417 const circle = document.getElementById('circle');
13418 = '100px';
13419 = '100px';
13420 = 'lightcoral';
13421 = '50%';
13422 </script>
13423 <style>

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13424 #output {
13425 margin-top: 20px;
13426 padding: 10px;
13427 border: 1px solid #ccc;
13428 }
13429 #intersectingRectangles {
13430 position: relative;
13431 width: 200px;
13432 height: 200px;
13433 background-color: lightblue;
13434 }
13435 #rightAngledTriangle {
13436 width: 0;
13437 height: 0;
13438 border-left: 50px solid transparent;
13439 border-bottom: 50px solid lightcoral;
13440 margin-top: 20px;
13441 }
13442 #movetoDiagram {
13443 position: relative;
13444 width: 200px;
13445 height: 100px;
13446 margin-top: 20px;
13447 }
13448 #diagonalCircles {
13449 position: relative;
13450 width: 200px;
13451 height: 200px;
13452 margin-top: 20px;
13453 }
13454 .circle {
13455 position: absolute;
13456 width: 20px;
13457 height: 20px;
13458 border-radius: 50%;
13459 }
13460 </style>
13461 </head>
13462 <body>
13464 <!-- Question 701 -->
13465 <h3>Question 701:</h3>
13466 <p>Write a JavaScript program to draw two intersecting rectangles, one of which has
alpha transparency.</p>
13468 <!-- Answer 701 -->
13469 <div id="intersectingRectangles">
13470 <div style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 50px; width: 100px; height: 100px;
background-color: lightcoral;"></div>
13471 <div style="position: absolute; top: 25px; left: 75px; width: 100px; height: 150px;
background-color: lightblue; opacity: 0.7;"></div>
13472 </div>
13474 <!-- Question 702 -->
13475 <h3>Question 702:</h3>
13476 <p>Write a JavaScript program to draw the following right-angled triangle.</p>
13478 <!-- Answer 702 -->
13479 <div id="rightAngledTriangle"></div>
13481 <!-- Question 703 -->
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13482 <h3>Question 703:</h3>
13483 <p>Write a JavaScript program to draw the following diagram [use moveto() function].</p>
13485 <!-- Answer 703 -->
13486 <canvas id="movetoDiagram" width="200" height="100"></canvas>
13488 <!-- Question 704 -->
13489 <h3>Question 704:</h3>
13490 <p>Write a JavaScript program to draw the following diagram [diagonal, white to black
13492 <!-- Answer 704 -->
13493 <div id="diagonalCircles"></div>
13495 <!-- Question 705 -->
13496 <h3>Question 705:</h3>
13497 <p>Write a JavaScript program to list the properties of a JavaScript object.</p>
13499 <!-- Answer 705 -->
13500 <script>
13501 var student = {
13502 name: "David Rayy",
13503 sclass: "VI",
13504 rollno: 12
13505 };
13507 const properties = Object.keys(student).join(',');
13508 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = properties;
13509 </script>
13511 <!-- Output Container for Question 705 -->
13512 <div id="output"></div>
13514 <!-- Question 706 -->
13515 <h3>Question 706:</h3>
13516 <p>Write a JavaScript program to delete the rollno property from the following object.
Also, print the object before or after deleting the property.</p>
13518 <!-- Answer 706 -->
13519 <script>
13520 var student2 = {
13521 name: "David Rayy",
13522 sclass: "VI",
13523 rollno: 12
13524 };
13526 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Before deletion:
13527 delete student2.rollno;
13528 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += `<br>After deletion:
13529 </script>
13531 <!-- Output Container for Question 706 -->
13532 <div id="output"></div>
13534 <!-- JavaScript for Drawing Shapes -->
13536 <!-- Answer 702 -->
13537 <script>
13538 const rightAngledTriangle = document.getElementById('rightAngledTriangle');

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13539 = '0';
13540 = '0';
13541 = '50px solid transparent';
13542 = '50px solid lightcoral';
13543 </script>
13545 <!-- Answer 703 -->
13546 <script>
13547 const movetoDiagram = document.getElementById('movetoDiagram');
13548 const ctx = movetoDiagram.getContext('2d');
13549 ctx.beginPath();
13550 ctx.moveTo(20, 20);
13551 ctx.lineTo(20, 80);
13552 ctx.lineTo(150, 80);
13553 ctx.lineTo(20, 20);
13554 ctx.stroke();
13555 </script>
13557 <!-- Answer 704 -->
13558 <script>
13559 const diagonalCircles = document.getElementById('diagonalCircles');
13560 const circleCount = 5;
13562 for (let i = 0; i < circleCount; i++) {
13563 const circle = document.createElement('div');
13564 const percentage = (i / (circleCount - 1)) * 100;
13565 const color = `rgb(${percentage}%, ${percentage}%, ${percentage}%)`;
13567 circle.className = 'circle';
13568 = `${percentage}%`;
13569 = `${percentage}%`;
13570 = color;
13571 diagonalCircles.appendChild(circle);
13572 }
13573 </script>
13574 <style>
13575 #output {
13576 margin-top: 20px;
13577 padding: 10px;
13578 border: 1px solid #ccc;
13579 }
13580 </style>
13581 </head>
13582 <body>
13584 <!-- Question 707 -->
13585 <h3>Question 707:</h3>
13586 <p>Write a JavaScript program to get the length of a JavaScript object.</p>
13588 <!-- Answer 707 -->
13589 <script>
13590 var student = {
13591 name: "David Rayy",
13592 sclass: "VI",
13593 rollno: 12
13594 };
13596 const objectLength = Object.keys(student).length;
13597 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Length of the object: ${objectLength}

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13598 </script>
13600 <!-- Output Container for Question 707 -->
13601 <div id="output"></div>
13603 <!-- Question 708 -->
13604 <h3>Question 708:</h3>
13605 <p>Write a JavaScript program to display the reading status of the books.</p>
13607 <!-- Answer 708 -->
13608 <script>
13609 var library = [
13610 {
13611 author: 'Bill Gates',
13612 title: 'The Road Ahead',
13613 readingStatus: true
13614 },
13615 {
13616 author: 'Steve Jobs',
13617 title: 'Walter Isaacson',
13618 readingStatus: true
13619 },
13620 {
13621 author: 'Suzanne Collins',
13622 title: 'Mockingjay: The Final Book of The Hunger Games',
13623 readingStatus: false
13624 }
13625 ];
13627 library.forEach(book => {
13628 const { title, author, readingStatus } = book;
13629 const status = readingStatus ? 'already read' : 'not read yet';
13630 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += `${title} by ${author} -
13631 });
13632 </script>
13634 <!-- Output Container for Question 708 -->
13635 <div id="output"></div>
13637 <!-- Question 709 -->
13638 <h3>Question 709:</h3>
13639 <p>Write a JavaScript program to get the volume of a Cylinder with four decimal places
using object classes.</p>
13641 <!-- Answer 709 -->
13642 <script>
13643 class Cylinder {
13644 constructor(radius, height) {
13645 this.radius = radius;
13646 this.height = height;
13647 }
13649 getVolume() {
13650 const volume = Math.PI * Math.pow(this.radius, 2) * this.height;
13651 return volume.toFixed(4);
13652 }
13653 }
13655 const cylinder = new Cylinder(3, 5);

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13656 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Volume of the cylinder:
13657 </script>
13659 <!-- Output Container for Question 709 -->
13660 <div id="output"></div>
13662 <!-- Question 710 -->
13663 <h3>Question 710:</h3>
13664 <p>Write a Bubble Sort algorithm in JavaScript.</p>
13666 <!-- Answer 710 -->
13667 <script>
13668 const bubbleSort = arr => {
13669 let swapped;
13670 do {
13671 swapped = false;
13672 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
13673 if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {
13674 [arr[i], arr[i + 1]] = [arr[i + 1], arr[i]];
13675 swapped = true;
13676 }
13677 }
13678 } while (swapped);
13680 return arr;
13681 };
13683 const sampleData = [6, 4, 0, 3, -2, 1];
13684 const sortedData = bubbleSort(sampleData);
13685 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Sorted Data: [${sortedData.join(', ')
13686 </script>
13688 <!-- Output Container for Question 710 -->
13689 <div id="output"></div>
13691 <!-- Question 711 -->
13692 <h3>Question 711:</h3>
13693 <p>Write a JavaScript program which returns a subset of a string.</p>
13695 <!-- Answer 711 -->
13696 <script>
13697 const getSubsets = str => {
13698 const subsets = [];
13699 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
13700 for (let j = i + 1; j <= str.length; j++) {
13701 subsets.push(str.substring(i, j));
13702 }
13703 }
13704 return subsets;
13705 };
13707 const subsets = getSubsets('dog');
13708 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Subsets: [${ => `"
${subset}"`).join(', ')}]`;
13709 </script>
13711 <!-- Output Container for Question 711 -->
13712 <div id="output"></div>
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13714 <!-- Question 712 -->
13715 <h3>Question 712:</h3>
13716 <p>Write a JavaScript program to create a Clock.</p>
13718 <!-- Answer 712 -->
13719 <script>
13720 const updateClock = () => {
13721 const now = new Date();
13722 const hours = now.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0');
13723 const minutes = now.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
13724 const seconds = now.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0');
13726 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
13727 };
13729 setInterval(updateClock, 1000);
13730 </script>
13732 <!-- Output Container for Question 712 -->
13733 <div id="output"></div>
13734 <style>
13735 #output {
13736 margin-top: 20px;
13737 padding: 10px;
13738 border: 1px solid #ccc;
13739 }
13740 </style>
13741 </head>
13742 <body>
13744 <!-- Question 713 -->
13745 <h3>Question 713:</h3>
13746 <p>Write a JavaScript program to calculate the area and perimeter of a circle.</p>
13748 <!-- Answer 713 -->
13749 <script>
13750 class Circle {
13751 constructor(radius) {
13752 this.radius = radius;
13753 }
13755 calculateArea() {
13756 return Math.PI * Math.pow(this.radius, 2);
13757 }
13759 calculatePerimeter() {
13760 return 2 * Math.PI * this.radius;
13761 }
13762 }
13764 const userRadius = parseFloat(prompt('Enter the radius of the circle:'));
13765 const circle = new Circle(userRadius);
13767 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `
13768 Area of the circle: ${circle.calculateArea().toFixed(2)} <br>
13769 Perimeter of the circle: ${circle.calculatePerimeter().toFixed(2)}
13770 `;
13771 </script>
13773 <!-- Output Container for Question 713 -->

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13774 <div id="output"></div>
13776 <!-- Question 714 -->
13777 <h3>Question 714:</h3>
13778 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of JavaScript objects.</p>
13780 <!-- Answer 714 -->
13781 <script>
13782 var library = [
13783 {
13784 title: 'The Road Ahead',
13785 author: 'Bill Gates',
13786 libraryID: 1254
13787 },
13788 {
13789 title: 'Walter Isaacson',
13790 author: 'Steve Jobs',
13791 libraryID: 4264
13792 },
13793 {
13794 title: 'Mockingjay: The Final Book of The Hunger Games',
13795 author: 'Suzanne Collins',
13796 libraryID: 3245
13797 }
13798 ];
13800 const sortedLibrary = library.sort((a, b) => a.libraryID - b.libraryID);
13802 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Sorted Library:
13803 </script>
13805 <!-- Output Container for Question 714 -->
13806 <div id="output"></div>
13808 <!-- Question 715 -->
13809 <h3>Question 715:</h3>
13810 <p>Write a JavaScript function to print all the methods in a JavaScript object.</p>
13812 <!-- Answer 715 -->
13813 <script>
13814 const all_properties = obj => {
13815 return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
13816 };
13818 const arrayMethods = all_properties(Array);
13819 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Methods in Array Object:
[${ => `"${method}"`).join(', ')}]`;
13820 </script>
13822 <!-- Output Container for Question 715 -->
13823 <div id="output"></div>
13824 <style>
13825 #output {
13826 margin-top: 20px;
13827 padding: 10px;
13828 border: 1px solid #ccc;
13829 }
13830 </style>
13831 </head>

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13832 <body>
13834 <!-- Question 716 -->
13835 <h3>Question 716:</h3>
13836 <p>Write a JavaScript function to parse a URL.</p>
13838 <!-- Answer 716 -->
13839 <script>
13840 function parseURL(url) {
13841 const parser = new URL(url);
13842 const result = {
13843 protocol: parser.protocol,
13844 host:,
13845 hostname: parser.hostname,
13846 port: parser.port,
13847 pathname: parser.pathname,
13848 search:,
13849 hash: parser.hash
13850 };
13852 return result;
13853 }
13855 const exampleURL = "
13856 const parsedURL = parseURL(exampleURL);
13858 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Parsed URL:
${JSON.stringify(parsedURL, null, 2)}`;
13859 </script>
13861 <!-- Output Container for Question 716 -->
13862 <div id="output"></div>
13864 <!-- Question 717 -->
13865 <h3>Question 717:</h3>
13866 <p>Write a JavaScript function to retrieve all the names of an object's own and
inherited properties.</p>
13868 <!-- Answer 717 -->
13869 <script>
13870 function getAllPropertyNames(obj) {
13871 const propertyNames = [];
13872 for (let key in obj) {
13873 propertyNames.push(key);
13874 }
13875 return propertyNames;
13876 }
13878 const exampleObject = {
13879 prop1: 'value1',
13880 prop2: 'value2'
13881 };
13883 const inheritedProperties = getAllPropertyNames(Object.prototype);
13885 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Own Properties:
${getAllPropertyNames(exampleObject)} <br>
13886 Inherited Properties: ${inheritedProperties}`;
13887 </script>

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13889 <!-- Output Container for Question 717 -->
13890 <div id="output"></div>
13892 <!-- Question 718 -->
13893 <h3>Question 718:</h3>
13894 <p>Write a JavaScript function to retrieve all the values of an object's properties.</p>
13896 <!-- Answer 718 -->
13897 <script>
13898 function getAllPropertyValues(obj) {
13899 const propertyValues = [];
13900 for (let key in obj) {
13901 propertyValues.push(obj[key]);
13902 }
13903 return propertyValues;
13904 }
13906 const exampleObject2 = {
13907 prop1: 'value1',
13908 prop2: 'value2'
13909 };
13911 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Property Values:
13912 </script>
13914 <!-- Output Container for Question 718 -->
13915 <div id="output"></div>
13917 <!-- Question 719 -->
13918 <h3>Question 719:</h3>
13919 <p>Write a JavaScript function to convert an object into a list of `[key, value]` pairs.
13921 <!-- Answer 719 -->
13922 <script>
13923 function objectToList(obj) {
13924 return Object.entries(obj);
13925 }
13927 const exampleObject3 = {
13928 prop1: 'value1',
13929 prop2: 'value2'
13930 };
13932 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Object as List:
${JSON.stringify(objectToList(exampleObject3), null, 2)}`;
13933 </script>
13935 <!-- Output Container for Question 719 -->
13936 <div id="output"></div>
13938 <!-- Question 720 -->
13939 <h3>Question 720:</h3>
13940 <p>Write a JavaScript function to get a copy of the object where the keys have become
the values and the values the keys.</p>
13942 <!-- Answer 720 -->
13943 <script>
13944 function swapKeysAndValues(obj) {
13945 const swappedObject = {};

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13946 for (let key in obj) {
13947 swappedObject[obj[key]] = key;
13948 }
13949 return swappedObject;
13950 }
13952 const exampleObject4 = {
13953 prop1: 'value1',
13954 prop2: 'value2'
13955 };
13957 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Swapped Object:
${JSON.stringify(swapKeysAndValues(exampleObject4), null, 2)}`;
13958 </script>
13960 <!-- Output Container for Question 720 -->
13961 <div id="output"></div>
13963 <!-- Question 721 -->
13964 <h3>Question 721:</h3>
13965 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether an object contains a given property.</p>
13967 <!-- Answer 721 -->
13968 <script>
13969 function hasProperty(obj, property) {
13970 return obj.hasOwnProperty(property);
13971 }
13973 const exampleObject5 = {
13974 prop1: 'value1',
13975 prop2: 'value2'
13976 };
13978 const checkProperty = 'prop1';
13980 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Object has property '${checkProperty}
': ${hasProperty(exampleObject5, checkProperty)}`;
13981 </script>
13983 <!-- Output Container for Question 721 -->
13984 <div id="output"></div>
13986 <!-- Question 722 -->
13987 <h3>Question 722:</h3>
13988 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether a given value is a DOM element.</p>
13990 <!-- Answer 722 -->
13991 <script>
13992 function isDOMElement(value) {
13993 return value instanceof Element;
13994 }
13996 const exampleElement = document.getElementById('output');
13998 document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = `Is it a DOM Element?
13999 </script>
14001 <!-- Output Container for Question 722 -->
14002 <div id="output"></div>
14003 <style>
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14004 #output {
14005 margin-top: 20px;
14006 padding: 10px;
14007 border: 1px solid #ccc;
14008 }
14009 </style>
14010 </head>
14011 <body>
14013 <!-- Question 723 -->
14014 <h3>Question 723:</h3>
14015 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value type is boolean or not.
14017 <!-- Answer 723 -->
14018 <script>
14019 function isBoolean(value) {
14020 return typeof value === 'boolean';
14021 }
14023 const exampleBoolean = true;
14025 document.getElementById('output723').innerHTML = `Is it a boolean?
14026 </script>
14028 <!-- Output Container for Question 723 -->
14029 <div id="output723"></div>
14031 <!-- Question 724 -->
14032 <h3>Question 724:</h3>
14033 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value type is error or not.<
14035 <!-- Answer 724 -->
14036 <script>
14037 function isError(value) {
14038 return value instanceof Error;
14039 }
14041 const exampleError = new Error('This is an error');
14043 document.getElementById('output724').innerHTML = `Is it an error?
14044 </script>
14046 <!-- Output Container for Question 724 -->
14047 <div id="output724"></div>
14049 <!-- Question 725 -->
14050 <h3>Question 725:</h3>
14051 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value type is NaN or not.</p>
14053 <!-- Answer 725 -->
14054 <script>
14055 function isNaNValue(value) {
14056 return typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value);
14057 }
14059 const exampleNaN = NaN;

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14061 document.getElementById('output725').innerHTML = `Is it NaN?
14062 </script>
14064 <!-- Output Container for Question 725 -->
14065 <div id="output725"></div>
14067 <!-- Question 726 -->
14068 <h3>Question 726:</h3>
14069 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value type is null or not.<
14071 <!-- Answer 726 -->
14072 <script>
14073 function isNull(value) {
14074 return value === null;
14075 }
14077 const exampleNull = null;
14079 document.getElementById('output726').innerHTML = `Is it null? ${isNull(exampleNull)}
14080 </script>
14082 <!-- Output Container for Question 726 -->
14083 <div id="output726"></div>
14085 <!-- Question 727 -->
14086 <h3>Question 727:</h3>
14087 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value is number or not.</p>
14089 <!-- Answer 727 -->
14090 <script>
14091 function isNumber(value) {
14092 return typeof value === 'number' && !isNaN(value);
14093 }
14095 const exampleNumber = 42;
14097 document.getElementById('output727').innerHTML = `Is it a number?
14098 </script>
14100 <!-- Output Container for Question 727 -->
14101 <div id="output727"></div>
14103 <!-- Question 728 -->
14104 <h3>Question 728:</h3>
14105 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value is object or not.</p>
14107 <!-- Answer 728 -->
14108 <script>
14109 function isObject(value) {
14110 return value !== null && typeof value === 'object';
14111 }
14113 const exampleObject = { key: 'value' };
14115 document.getElementById('output728').innerHTML = `Is it an object?
14116 </script>

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14118 <!-- Output Container for Question 728 -->
14119 <div id="output728"></div>
14121 <!-- Question 729 -->
14122 <h3>Question 729:</h3>
14123 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value type is a pure JSON
object or not.</p>
14125 <!-- Answer 729 -->
14126 <script>
14127 function isPureJSONObject(value) {
14128 return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor ===
14129 }
14131 const exampleJSONObject = { key: 'value' };
14133 document.getElementById('output729').innerHTML = `Is it a pure JSON object?
14134 </script>
14136 <!-- Output Container for Question 729 -->
14137 <div id="output729"></div>
14139 <!-- Question 730 -->
14140 <h3>Question 730:</h3>
14141 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value is RegExp or not.</p>
14143 <!-- Answer 730 -->
14144 <script>
14145 function isRegExp(value) {
14146 return value instanceof RegExp;
14147 }
14149 const exampleRegExp = /[a-z]/;
14151 document.getElementById('output730').innerHTML = `Is it a RegExp?
14152 </script>
14154 <!-- Output Container for Question 730 -->
14155 <div id="output730"></div>
14157 <!-- Question 731 -->
14158 <h3>Question 731:</h3>
14159 <p>Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value type is char or not.<
14161 <!-- Answer 731 -->
14162 <script>
14163 function isChar(value) {
14164 return typeof value === 'string' && value.length === 1;
14165 }
14167 const exampleChar = 'a';
14169 document.getElementById('output731').innerHTML = `Is it a char?
14170 </script>

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14172 <!-- Output Container for Question 731 -->
14173 <div id="output731"></div>
14175 <!-- Question 732 -->
14176 <h3>Question 732:</h3>
14177 <p>Write a JavaScript function to check whether given value types are the same or not.<
14179 <!-- Answer 732 -->
14180 <script>
14181 function areValueTypesSame(...values) {
14182 const firstType = typeof values[0];
14183 return values.every(value => typeof value === firstType);
14184 }
14186 const exampleValues = [42, 'Hello', true];
14188 document.getElementById('output732').innerHTML = `Are value types the same?
14189 </script>
14191 <!-- Output Container for Question 732 -->
14192 <div id="output732"></div>
14193 <style>
14194 #output {
14195 margin-top: 20px;
14196 padding: 10px;
14197 border: 1px solid #ccc;
14198 }
14199 </style>
14200 </head>
14201 <body>
14203 <!-- Question 733 -->
14204 <h3>Question 733:</h3>
14205 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Quick sort.</p>
14207 <!-- Answer 733 -->
14208 <script>
14209 function quickSort(arr) {
14210 if (arr.length <= 1) {
14211 return arr;
14212 }
14214 const pivot = arr[0];
14215 const left = [];
14216 const right = [];
14218 for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
14219 arr[i] < pivot ? left.push(arr[i]) : right.push(arr[i]);
14220 }
14222 return quickSort(left).concat(pivot, quickSort(right));
14223 }
14225 const exampleArrayQuickSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];
14227 document.getElementById('output733').innerHTML = `Quick Sort Result:
14228 </script>
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14230 <!-- Output Container for Question 733 -->
14231 <div id="output733"></div>
14233 <!-- Question 734 -->
14234 <h3>Question 734:</h3>
14235 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Merge sort.</p>
14237 <!-- Answer 734 -->
14238 <script>
14239 function mergeSort(arr) {
14240 if (arr.length <= 1) {
14241 return arr;
14242 }
14244 const middle = Math.floor(arr.length / 2);
14245 const left = arr.slice(0, middle);
14246 const right = arr.slice(middle);
14248 return merge(mergeSort(left), mergeSort(right));
14249 }
14251 function merge(left, right) {
14252 let result = [];
14253 let leftIndex = 0;
14254 let rightIndex = 0;
14256 while (leftIndex < left.length && rightIndex < right.length) {
14257 if (left[leftIndex] < right[rightIndex]) {
14258 result.push(left[leftIndex]);
14259 leftIndex++;
14260 } else {
14261 result.push(right[rightIndex]);
14262 rightIndex++;
14263 }
14264 }
14266 return result.concat(left.slice(leftIndex), right.slice(rightIndex));
14267 }
14269 const exampleArrayMergeSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];
14271 document.getElementById('output734').innerHTML = `Merge Sort Result:
14272 </script>
14274 <!-- Output Container for Question 734 -->
14275 <div id="output734"></div>
14277 <!-- Question 735 -->
14278 <h3>Question 735:</h3>
14279 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Heap sort.</p>
14281 <!-- Answer 735 -->
14282 <script>
14283 function heapSort(arr) {
14284 let len = arr.length;
14286 for (let i = Math.floor(len / 2); i >= 0; i--) {
14287 heapify(arr, i, len);
14288 }

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14290 for (let i = len - 1; i > 0; i--) {
14291 [arr[0], arr[i]] = [arr[i], arr[0]];
14292 heapify(arr, 0, i);
14293 }
14295 return arr;
14296 }
14298 function heapify(arr, index, heapSize) {
14299 let largest = index;
14300 const left = 2 * index + 1;
14301 const right = 2 * index + 2;
14303 if (left < heapSize && arr[left] > arr[largest]) {
14304 largest = left;
14305 }
14307 if (right < heapSize && arr[right] > arr[largest]) {
14308 largest = right;
14309 }
14311 if (largest !== index) {
14312 [arr[index], arr[largest]] = [arr[largest], arr[index]];
14313 heapify(arr, largest, heapSize);
14314 }
14315 }
14317 const exampleArrayHeapSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];
14319 document.getElementById('output735').innerHTML = `Heap Sort Result:
14320 </script>
14322 <!-- Output Container for Question 735 -->
14323 <div id="output735"></div>
14325 <!-- Question 736 -->
14326 <h3>Question 736:</h3>
14327 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Insertion sort.</p>
14329 <!-- Answer 736 -->
14330 <script>
14331 function insertionSort(arr) {
14332 for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
14333 let currentVal = arr[i];
14334 let j = i - 1;
14336 while (j >= 0 && arr[j] > currentVal) {
14337 arr[j + 1] = arr[j];
14338 j--;
14339 }
14341 arr[j + 1] = currentVal;
14342 }
14344 return arr;
14345 }
14347 const exampleArrayInsertionSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];

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14349 document.getElementById('output736').innerHTML = `Insertion Sort Result:
14350 </script>
14352 <!-- Output Container for Question 736 -->
14353 <div id="output736"></div>
14355 <!-- Question 737 -->
14356 <h3>Question 737:</h3>
14357 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using the Selection sort
14359 <!-- Answer 737 -->
14360 <script>
14361 function selectionSort(arr) {
14362 const len = arr.length;
14364 for (let i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
14365 let minIndex = i;
14367 for (let j = i + 1; j < len; j++) {
14368 if (arr[j] < arr[minIndex]) {
14369 minIndex = j;
14370 }
14371 }
14373 [arr[i], arr[minIndex]] = [arr[minIndex], arr[i]];
14374 }
14376 return arr;
14377 }
14379 const exampleArraySelectionSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];
14381 document.getElementById('output737').innerHTML = `Selection Sort Result:
14382 </script>
14384 <!-- Output Container for Question 737 -->
14385 <div id="output737"></div>
14387 <!-- Question 738 -->
14388 <h3>Question 738:</h3>
14389 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Shell sort.</p>
14391 <!-- Answer 738 -->
14392 <script>
14393 function shellSort(arr) {
14394 const len = arr.length;
14395 let gap = Math.floor(len / 2);
14397 while (gap > 0) {
14398 for (let i = gap; i < len; i++) {
14399 let temp = arr[i];
14400 let j = i;
14402 while (j >= gap && arr[j - gap] > temp) {
14403 arr[j] = arr[j - gap];
14404 j -= gap;
14405 }
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14407 arr[j] = temp;
14408 }
14410 gap = Math.floor(gap / 2);
14411 }
14413 return arr;
14414 }
14416 const exampleArrayShellSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];
14418 document.getElementById('output738').innerHTML = `Shell Sort Result:
14419 </script>
14421 <!-- Output Container for Question 738 -->
14422 <div id="output738"></div>
14424 <!-- Question 739 -->
14425 <h3>Question 739:</h3>
14426 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Bubble sort.</p>
14428 <!-- Answer 739 -->
14429 <script>
14430 function bubbleSort(arr) {
14431 const len = arr.length;
14433 for (let i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
14434 for (let j = 0; j < len - 1 - i; j++) {
14435 if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {
14436 [arr[j], arr[j + 1]] = [arr[j + 1], arr[j]];
14437 }
14438 }
14439 }
14441 return arr;
14442 }
14444 const exampleArrayBubbleSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];
14446 document.getElementById('output739').innerHTML = `Bubble Sort Result:
14447 </script>
14449 <!-- Output Container for Question 739 -->
14450 <div id="output739"></div>
14452 <!-- Question 740 -->
14453 <h3>Question 740:</h3>
14454 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Cocktail shaker sort.</p>
14456 <!-- Answer 740 -->
14457 <script>
14458 function cocktailShakerSort(arr) {
14459 let swapped;
14460 do {
14461 swapped = false;
14462 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
14463 if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {

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14464 [arr[i], arr[i + 1]] = [arr[i + 1], arr[i]];
14465 swapped = true;
14466 }
14467 }
14468 if (!swapped) break;
14469 swapped = false;
14470 for (let i = arr.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
14471 if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {
14472 [arr[i], arr[i + 1]] = [arr[i + 1], arr[i]];
14473 swapped = true;
14474 }
14475 }
14476 } while (swapped);
14478 return arr;
14479 }
14481 const exampleArrayCocktailShakerSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];
14483 document.getElementById('output740').innerHTML = `Cocktail Shaker Sort Result:
14484 </script>
14486 <!-- Output Container for Question 740 -->
14487 <div id="output740"></div>
14489 <!-- Question 741 -->
14490 <h3>Question 741:</h3>
14491 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Comb sort.</p>
14493 <!-- Answer 741 -->
14494 <script>
14495 function combSort(arr) {
14496 const shrinkFactor = 1.3;
14497 let gap = arr.length;
14498 let swapped = true;
14500 while (gap > 1 || swapped) {
14501 if (gap > 1) {
14502 gap = Math.floor(gap / shrinkFactor);
14503 }
14505 swapped = false;
14506 let i = 0;
14508 while (i + gap < arr.length) {
14509 if (arr[i] > arr[i + gap]) {
14510 [arr[i], arr[i + gap]] = [arr[i + gap], arr[i]];
14511 swapped = true;
14512 }
14514 i++;
14515 }
14516 }
14518 return arr;
14519 }
14521 const exampleArrayCombSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];

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14523 document.getElementById('output741').innerHTML = `Comb Sort Result:
14524 </script>
14526 <!-- Output Container for Question 741 -->
14527 <div id="output741"></div>
14528 <style>
14529 #output743, #output744, #output745, #output747, #output748, #output750,
#output751 {
14530 margin-top: 20px;
14531 padding: 10px;
14532 border: 1px solid #ccc;
14533 }
14534 </style>
14535 </head>
14536 <body>
14538 <!-- Question 742 -->
14539 <h3>Question 742:</h3>
14540 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Gnome sort.</p>
14542 <!-- Answer 742 -->
14543 <script>
14544 function gnomeSort(arr) {
14545 let index = 0;
14547 while (index < arr.length) {
14548 if (index === 0 || arr[index] >= arr[index - 1]) {
14549 index++;
14550 } else {
14551 [arr[index], arr[index - 1]] = [arr[index - 1], arr[index]];
14552 index--;
14553 }
14554 }
14556 return arr;
14557 }
14559 const exampleArrayGnomeSort = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5];
14561 document.getElementById('output742').innerHTML = `Gnome Sort Result:
14562 </script>
14564 <!-- Output Container for Question 742 -->
14565 <div id="output742"></div>
14567 <!-- Question 743 -->
14568 <h3>Question 743:</h3>
14569 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Counting sort.</p>
14571 <!-- Answer 743 -->
14572 <script>
14573 function countingSort(arr) {
14574 const max = Math.max(...arr);
14575 const min = Math.min(...arr);
14576 const countArray = Array(max - min + 1).fill(0);
14578 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
14579 countArray[arr[i] - min]++;
14580 }
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14582 let sortedIndex = 0;
14583 for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) {
14584 while (countArray[i - min] > 0) {
14585 arr[sortedIndex++] = i;
14586 countArray[i - min]--;
14587 }
14588 }
14590 return arr;
14591 }
14593 const exampleArrayCountingSort = [4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7];
14595 document.getElementById('output743').innerHTML = `Counting Sort Result:
14596 </script>
14598 <!-- Output Container for Question 743 -->
14599 <div id="output743"></div>
14601 <!-- Question 744 -->
14602 <h3>Question 744:</h3>
14603 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Flash sort.</p>
14605 <!-- Answer 744 -->
14606 <script>
14607 function flashSort(arr) {
14608 const length = arr.length;
14609 if (length === 0) {
14610 return arr;
14611 }
14613 const max = Math.max(...arr);
14614 const min = Math.min(...arr);
14615 const range = max - min + 1;
14617 if (range === 0) {
14618 return arr;
14619 }
14621 const buckets = new Array(range);
14622 const sortedArray = new Array(length);
14624 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
14625 const index = Math.floor(((arr[i] - min) / range) * (length - 1));
14626 if (!buckets[index]) {
14627 buckets[index] = [];
14628 }
14629 buckets[index].push(arr[i]);
14630 }
14632 let k = 0;
14633 for (let i = 0; i < range; i++) {
14634 if (buckets[i]) {
14635 const sortedBucket = flashSort(buckets[i]);
14636 for (let j = 0; j < sortedBucket.length; j++) {
14637 sortedArray[k++] = sortedBucket[j];
14638 }
14639 }

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14640 }
14642 return sortedArray;
14643 }
14645 const exampleArrayFlashSort = [4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7];
14647 document.getElementById('output744').innerHTML = `Flash Sort Result:
14648 </script>
14650 <!-- Output Container for Question 744 -->
14651 <div id="output744"></div>
14653 <!-- Question 745 -->
14654 <h3>Question 745:</h3>
14655 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Pancake sort.</p>
14657 <!-- Answer 745 -->
14658 <script>
14659 function pancakeSort(arr) {
14660 const flip = (arr, i) => {
14661 let start = 0;
14662 while (start < i) {
14663 [arr[start], arr[i]] = [arr[i], arr[start]];
14664 start++;
14665 i--;
14666 }
14667 };
14669 const findMaxIndex = (arr, n) => {
14670 let maxIndex = 0;
14671 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
14672 if (arr[i] > arr[maxIndex]) {
14673 maxIndex = i;
14674 }
14675 }
14676 return maxIndex;
14677 };
14679 const pancakeSortHelper = (arr, n) => {
14680 for (let currSize = n; currSize > 1; currSize--) {
14681 const maxIndex = findMaxIndex(arr, currSize);
14682 if (maxIndex !== currSize - 1) {
14683 flip(arr, maxIndex);
14684 flip(arr, currSize - 1);
14685 }
14686 }
14687 };
14689 pancakeSortHelper(arr, arr.length);
14690 return arr;
14691 }
14693 const exampleArrayPancakeSort = [4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7];
14695 document.getElementById('output745').innerHTML = `Pancake Sort Result:
14696 </script>

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14698 <!-- Output Container for Question 745 -->
14699 <div id="output745"></div>
14701 <!-- Question 746 -->
14702 <h3>Question 746:</h3>
14703 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Bogosort.</p>
14705 <!-- Answer 746 -->
14706 <script>
14707 function isSorted(arr) {
14708 for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
14709 if (arr[i] < arr[i - 1]) {
14710 return false;
14711 }
14712 }
14713 return true;
14714 }
14716 function bogosort(arr) {
14717 while (!isSorted(arr)) {
14718 for (let i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
14719 const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
14720 [arr[i], arr[j]] = [arr[j], arr[i]];
14721 }
14722 }
14723 return arr;
14724 }
14726 const exampleArrayBogosort = [4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7];
14728 document.getElementById('output746').innerHTML = `Bogosort Result:
14729 </script>
14731 <!-- Output Container for Question 746 -->
14732 <div id="output746"></div>
14734 <!-- Question 747 -->
14735 <h3>Question 747:</h3>
14736 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of numbers, using the bucket sort
14738 <!-- Answer 747 -->
14739 <script>
14740 function bucketSort(arr) {
14741 const max = Math.max(...arr);
14742 const min = Math.min(...arr);
14743 const bucketSize = 5;
14745 const bucketCount = Math.floor((max - min) / bucketSize) + 1;
14746 const buckets = new Array(bucketCount).fill().map(() => []);
14748 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
14749 const bucketIndex = Math.floor((arr[i] - min) / bucketSize);
14750 buckets[bucketIndex].push(arr[i]);
14751 }
14753 arr.length = 0;
14754 for (let i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) {
14755 buckets[i].sort((a, b) => a - b);

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14756 arr.push(...buckets[i]);
14757 }
14759 return arr;
14760 }
14762 const exampleArrayBucketSort = [4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7];
14764 document.getElementById('output747').innerHTML = `Bucket Sort Result:
14765 </script>
14767 <!-- Output Container for Question 747 -->
14768 <div id="output747"></div>
14770 <!-- Question 748 -->
14771 <h3>Question 748:</h3>
14772 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of objects, ordered by properties and
14774 <!-- Answer 748 -->
14775 <script>
14776 function orderByPropertiesAndOrders(arr, props, orders) {
14777 return arr.sort((a, b) => {
14778 for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
14779 const prop = props[i];
14780 const order = orders[i] === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;
14782 if (a[prop] < b[prop]) return -1 * order;
14783 if (a[prop] > b[prop]) return 1 * order;
14784 }
14785 return 0;
14786 });
14787 }
14789 const exampleArrayObjectsSort = [
14790 { name: 'John', age: 30 },
14791 { name: 'Alice', age: 25 },
14792 { name: 'Bob', age: 35 }
14793 ];
14795 const sortedObjects = orderByPropertiesAndOrders(exampleArrayObjectsSort, ['age', '
name'], ['asc', 'desc']);
14797 document.getElementById('output748').innerHTML = `Objects Sort Result:
14798 </script>
14800 <!-- Output Container for Question 748 -->
14801 <div id="output748"></div>
14803 <!-- Question 750 -->
14804 <h3>Question 750:</h3>
14805 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of objects, ordered by a property, based
on the array of orders provided.</p>
14807 <!-- Answer 750 -->
14808 <script>
14809 function orderByPropertyAndOrders(arr, prop, orders) {
14810 return arr.sort((a, b) => {
14811 const order = orders.indexOf(a[prop]) - orders.indexOf(b[prop]);

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14812 return order;
14813 });
14814 }
14816 const exampleArrayObjectsSort2 = [
14817 { name: 'John', age: 30 },
14818 { name: 'Alice', age: 25 },
14819 { name: 'Bob', age: 35 }
14820 ];
14822 const sortedObjects2 = orderByPropertyAndOrders(exampleArrayObjectsSort2, 'name', ['
Bob', 'Alice', 'John']);
14824 document.getElementById('output750').innerHTML = `Objects Sort Result:
14825 </script>
14827 <!-- Output Container for Question 750 -->
14828 <div id="output750"></div>
14830 <!-- Question 751 -->
14831 <h3>Question 751:</h3>
14832 <p>Write a JavaScript program to sort the characters in a string alphabetically.</p>
14834 <!-- Answer 751 -->
14835 <script>
14836 function sortStringAlphabetically(str) {
14837 return str.split('').sort().join('');
14838 }
14840 const exampleStringSort = 'hello';
14842 document.getElementById('output751').innerHTML = `String Sort Result:
14843 </script>
14845 <!-- Output Container for Question 751 -->
14846 <div id="output751"></div>
14847 <style>
14848 #output752, #output753, #output754, #output755, #output756 {
14849 margin-top: 20px;
14850 padding: 10px;
14851 border: 1px solid #ccc;
14852 }
14853 </style>
14854 </head>
14855 <body>
14857 <!-- Question 752 -->
14858 <h3>Question 752:</h3>
14859 <p>Write a JavaScript program to find the lowest index at which a value should be
inserted into an array in order to maintain its sorting order, based on the provided
iterator function.</p>
14861 <!-- Answer 752 -->
14862 <script>
14863 function findLowestIndexWithIterator(arr, value, iterator) {
14864 let low = 0;
14865 let high = arr.length;
14867 while (low < high) {

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14868 const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
14869 if (iterator(arr[mid]) < iterator(value)) {
14870 low = mid + 1;
14871 } else {
14872 high = mid;
14873 }
14874 }
14876 return low;
14877 }
14879 const exampleArray752 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
14880 const valueToInsert752 = 6;
14881 const iteratorFunction752 = (x) => x * 2;
14883 const indexToInsert752 = findLowestIndexWithIterator(exampleArray752,
valueToInsert752, iteratorFunction752);
14885 document.getElementById('output752').innerHTML = `Lowest Index to Insert:
14886 </script>
14888 <!-- Output Container for Question 752 -->
14889 <div id="output752"></div>
14891 <!-- Question 753 -->
14892 <h3>Question 753:</h3>
14893 <p>Write a JavaScript program to find the index of a given element in a sorted array
using the binary search algorithm.</p>
14895 <!-- Answer 753 -->
14896 <script>
14897 function binarySearch(arr, target) {
14898 let low = 0;
14899 let high = arr.length - 1;
14901 while (low <= high) {
14902 const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
14904 if (arr[mid] === target) {
14905 return mid;
14906 } else if (arr[mid] < target) {
14907 low = mid + 1;
14908 } else {
14909 high = mid - 1;
14910 }
14911 }
14913 return -1;
14914 }
14916 const exampleArray753 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
14917 const targetElement753 = 5;
14919 const indexOfElement753 = binarySearch(exampleArray753, targetElement753);
14921 document.getElementById('output753').innerHTML = `Index of Element:
14922 </script>
14924 <!-- Output Container for Question 753 -->

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14925 <div id="output753"></div>
14927 <!-- Question 754 -->
14928 <h3>Question 754:</h3>
14929 <p>Write a JavaScript program to find the lowest index at which a value should be
inserted into an array in order to maintain its sorting order.</p>
14931 <!-- Answer 754 -->
14932 <script>
14933 function findLowestIndex(arr, value) {
14934 let low = 0;
14935 let high = arr.length;
14937 while (low < high) {
14938 const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
14939 if (arr[mid] < value) {
14940 low = mid + 1;
14941 } else {
14942 high = mid;
14943 }
14944 }
14946 return low;
14947 }
14949 const exampleArray754 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
14950 const valueToInsert754 = 6;
14952 const indexToInsert754 = findLowestIndex(exampleArray754, valueToInsert754);
14954 document.getElementById('output754').innerHTML = `Lowest Index to Insert:
14955 </script>
14957 <!-- Output Container for Question 754 -->
14958 <div id="output754"></div>
14960 <!-- Question 755 -->
14961 <h3>Question 755:</h3>
14962 <p>Write a JavaScript program to find the highest index at which a value should be
inserted into an array in order to maintain its sort order.</p>
14964 <!-- Answer 755 -->
14965 <script>
14966 function findHighestIndex(arr, value) {
14967 let low = 0;
14968 let high = arr.length;
14970 while (low < high) {
14971 const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
14972 if (arr[mid] <= value) {
14973 low = mid + 1;
14974 } else {
14975 high = mid;
14976 }
14977 }
14979 return low - 1;
14980 }
14982 const exampleArray755 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
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14983 const valueToInsert755 = 6;
14985 const indexToInsert755 = findHighestIndex(exampleArray755, valueToInsert755);
14987 document.getElementById('output755').innerHTML = `Highest Index to Insert:
14988 </script>
14990 <!-- Output Container for Question 755 -->
14991 <div id="output755"></div>
14993 <!-- Question 756 -->
14994 <h3>Question 756:</h3>
14995 <p>Write a JavaScript program to check if a numeric array is sorted or not.</p>
14997 <!-- Answer 756 -->
14998 <script>
14999 function isSorted(arr) {
15000 for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
15001 if (arr[i] < arr[i - 1]) {
15002 return false;
15003 }
15004 }
15005 return true;
15006 }
15008 const exampleArray756 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 4];
15010 const isArraySorted756 = isSorted(exampleArray756);
15012 document.getElementById('output756').innerHTML = `Array is Sorted:
15013 </script>
15015 <!-- Output Container for Question 756 -->
15016 <div id="output756"></div>
15018 // --------------------------------- 501 - 600 -----------------------------------------
15020 <h4>
15021 501. Write a JavaScript function for the Pythagorean theorem. According to
15022 Wikipedia : In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem, also known as
15023 Pythagoras' theorem, is a relation in Euclidean geometry among the three
15024 sides of a right triangle. It states that the square of the hypotenuse
15025 (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of
15026 the other two sides. The theorem can be written as an equation relating
15027 the lengths of the sides a, b and c, often called the "Pythagorean
15028 equation". Test Data : console.log(pythagorean(4, 3)); 5
15029 </h4>
15030 <script>
15031 // 501. JavaScript function for the Pythagorean theorem
15032 function pythagorean(a, b) {
15033 return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
15034 }
15036 // Test Data
15037 console.log(pythagorean(4, 3)); // Output: 5
15038 </script>
15039 <hr />
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15041 <script>
15042 // 502. JavaScript function to check if a number is a power of two
15043 function isPower_of_two(num) {
15044 return (num & (num - 1)) === 0 && num !== 0;
15045 }
15047 // Test Data
15048 console.log(isPower_of_two(64)); // Output: true
15049 console.log(isPower_of_two(94)); // Output: false
15050 </script>
15051 <hr />
15053 <h4>503. Write a JavaScript function to limit a value inside a certain range.
15054 Note : If the value is higher than max it will return max. and if the value is smaller
than min it will return the
15055 min.
15056 Test Data :
15057 console.log(value_limit(7, 1, 12));
15058 7
15059 console.log(value_limit(-7, 0, 12));
15060 0
15061 console.log(value_limit(15, 0, 12));
15062 12
15063 </h4>
15064 <script>
15065 // JavaScript function to limit a value inside a certain range
15066 function value_limit(value, min, max) {
15067 return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
15068 }
15070 // Test Data
15071 console.log(value_limit(7, 1, 12)); // Output: 7
15072 console.log(value_limit(-7, 0, 12)); // Output: 0
15073 console.log(value_limit(15, 0, 12)); // Output: 12
15074 </script>
15075 <hr>
15077 <script>
15078 // 504. JavaScript function to check if a number is a whole number or has a decimal
15079 function number_test(num) {
15080 return Number.isInteger(num) ? "It is a whole number." : "Number has a decimal
15081 }
15083 // Test Data
15084 console.log(number_test(25.66)); // Output: "Number has a decimal place."
15085 console.log(number_test(10)); // Output: "It is a whole number."
15086 </script>
15088 <script>
15089 // 505. JavaScript function to print an integer with commas as thousands separators
15090 function thousands_separators(num) {
15091 return num.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
15092 }
15094 // Test Data
15095 console.log(thousands_separators(1000)); // Output: "1,000"
15096 console.log(thousands_separators(10000.23));// Output: "10,000.23"
15097 console.log(thousands_separators(100000)); // Output: "100,000"
15098 </script>
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15100 <script>
15101 // 506. JavaScript function to create random background color
15102 function random_bg_color() {
15103 const randomColor = '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);
15104 = randomColor;
15105 }
15107 // Call the function to change the background color
15108 random_bg_color();
15109 </script>
15111 <script>
15112 // 507. JavaScript function to count the digits of an integer
15113 function count_digits(num) {
15114 return num.toString().length;
15115 }
15117 // Test Data
15118 console.log(count_digits(12345)); // Output: 5
15119 </script>
15121 <script>
15122 // 508. JavaScript function to calculate the combination of n and r
15123 function combinations(n, r) {
15124 function factorial(num) {
15125 if (num === 0 || num === 1) return 1;
15126 return num * factorial(num - 1);
15127 }
15128 return factorial(n) / (factorial(r) * factorial(n - r));
15129 }
15131 // Test Data
15132 console.log(combinations(6, 2)); // Output: 15
15133 console.log(combinations(5, 3)); // Output: 10
15134 </script>
15136 <script>
15137 // 509. JavaScript function to get all prime numbers from 0 to a specified number
15138 function primeFactorsTo(num) {
15139 const primes = [];
15140 for (let i = 2; i <= num; i++) {
15141 let isPrime = true;
15142 for (let j = 2; j <= Math.sqrt(i); j++) {
15143 if (i % j === 0) {
15144 isPrime = false;
15145 break;
15146 }
15147 }
15148 if (isPrime) primes.push(i);
15149 }
15150 return primes;
15151 }
15153 // Test Data
15154 console.log(primeFactorsTo(5)); // Output: [2, 3, 5]
15155 console.log(primeFactorsTo(15)); // Output: [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
15156 </script>
15158 <!-- Other tasks -->

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15160 <script>
15161 // 510. JavaScript function to show the first twenty Hamming numbers
15162 function hammingNumbers() {
15163 let hamming = [1];
15164 let i2 = 0, i3 = 0, i5 = 0;
15165 let next_mult_of_2 = 2, next_mult_of_3 = 3, next_mult_of_5 = 5;
15167 for (let i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
15168 let next_ham = Math.min(next_mult_of_2, next_mult_of_3, next_mult_of_5);
15169 hamming.push(next_ham);
15171 if (next_ham === next_mult_of_2) {
15172 i2++;
15173 next_mult_of_2 = hamming[i2] * 2;
15174 }
15175 if (next_ham === next_mult_of_3) {
15176 i3++;
15177 next_mult_of_3 = hamming[i3] * 3;
15178 }
15179 if (next_ham === next_mult_of_5) {
15180 i5++;
15181 next_mult_of_5 = hamming[i5] * 5;
15182 }
15183 }
15184 return hamming;
15185 }
15187 console.log(hammingNumbers()); // Output: First 20 Hamming numbers
15188 </script>
15190 <script>
15191 // 511. JavaScript function to subtract elements from one another in an array
15192 function subtractElements(arr) {
15193 return arr.reduce((acc, curr) => acc - curr);
15194 }
15196 // Test Data
15197 console.log(subtractElements([10, 5, 3])); // Output: 2
15198 </script>
15200 <script>
15201 // 512. JavaScript function to calculate the divisor and modulus of two integers
15202 function calculateDivMod(a, b) {
15203 return { divisor: Math.floor(a / b), modulus: a % b };
15204 }
15206 // Test Data
15207 console.log(calculateDivMod(10, 3)); // Output: { divisor: 3, modulus: 1 }
15208 </script>
15210 <script>
15211 // 513. JavaScript function to calculate the extended Euclid Algorithm or extended GCD
15212 function extendedEuclid(a, b) {
15213 if (a === 0) {
15214 return { gcd: b, x: 0, y: 1 };
15215 } else {
15216 const result = extendedEuclid(b % a, a);
15217 return { gcd: result.gcd, x: result.y - Math.floor(b / a) * result.x, y:
result.x };

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15218 }
15219 }
15220 // Test Data
15221 console.log(extendedEuclid(30, 18)); // Output: { gcd: 6, x: 1, y: -1 }
15222 </script>
15224 // 515. Calculate Lanczos approximation gamma
15225 function gammaLanczos(x) {
15226 var p = [
15227 0.99999999999980993,
15228 676.5203681218851,
15229 -1259.1392167224028,
15230 771.32342877765313,
15231 -176.61502916214059,
15232 12.507343278686905,
15233 -0.13857109526572012,
15234 9.9843695780195716e-6,
15235 1.5056327351493116e-7
15236 ];
15237 var g = 7;
15238 if (x < 0.5) return Math.PI / (Math.sin(Math.PI * x) * gammaLanczos(1 - x));
15239 x -= 1;
15240 var a = p[0];
15241 var t = x + g + 0.5;
15242 for (var i = 1; i < p.length; i++) {
15243 a += p[i] / (x + i);
15244 }
15245 return Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.pow(t, x + 0.5) * Math.exp(-t) * a;
15246 }
15248 // 516. Add two complex numbers
15249 function addComplex(c1, c2) {
15250 return {real: c1.real + c2.real, imag: c1.imag + c2.imag};
15251 }
15253 // 517. Subtract two complex numbers
15254 function subtractComplex(c1, c2) {
15255 return {real: c1.real - c2.real, imag: c1.imag - c2.imag};
15256 }
15258 // 518. Multiply two complex numbers
15259 function multiplyComplex(c1, c2) {
15260 return {
15261 real: c1.real * c2.real - c1.imag * c2.imag,
15262 imag: c1.real * c2.imag + c1.imag * c2.real
15263 };
15264 }
15266 // 519. Divide two complex numbers
15267 function divideComplex(c1, c2) {
15268 var denominator = c2.real * c2.real + c2.imag * c2.imag;
15269 return {
15270 real: (c1.real * c2.real + c1.imag * c2.imag) / denominator,
15271 imag: (c1.imag * c2.real - c1.real * c2.imag) / denominator
15272 };
15273 }
15275 // 520. Check if input is an array
15276 function isArray(input) {
15277 return Array.isArray(input);

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15278 }
15280 // 521. Clone an array
15281 function arrayClone(arr) {
15282 return arr.slice(0);
15283 }
15285 // 522. Get the first n elements of an array
15286 function first(arr, n = 1) {
15287 return arr.slice(0, n);
15288 }
15290 // 523. Get the last n elements of an array
15291 function last(arr, n = 1) {
15292 return arr.slice(Math.max(arr.length - n, 0));
15293 }
15295 // Testing the functions
15296 console.log(gammaLanczos(5)); // Example of using Lanczos approximation
15297 console.log(addComplex({real: 1, imag: 2}, {real: 2, imag: 3})); // {real: 3, imag: 5}
15298 console.log(subtractComplex({real: 4, imag: 5}, {real: 1, imag: 2})); // {real: 3, imag:
15299 console.log(multiplyComplex({real: 1, imag: 2}, {real: 2, imag: 3})); // {real: -4,
imag: 7}
15300 console.log(divideComplex({real: 5, imag: 3}, {real: 2, imag: 1})); // {real: 2.2, imag:
15301 console.log(isArray('InfoMatrix')); // false
15302 console.log(isArray([1, 2, 4, 0])); // true
15303 console.log(arrayClone([1, 2, 4, 0])); // [1, 2, 4, 0]
15304 console.log(arrayClone([1, 2, [4, 0]])); // [1, 2, [4, 0]]
15305 console.log(first([7, 9, 0, -2])); // 7
15306 console.log(first([], 3)); // []
15307 console.log(first([7, 9, 0, -2], 3)); // [7, 9, 0]
15308 console.log(first([7, 9, 0, -2], 6)); // [7, 9, 0, -2]
15309 console.log(first([7, 9, 0, -2], -3)); // []
15310 console.log(last([7, 9, 0, -2])); // -2
15311 console.log(last([7, 9, 0, -2], 3)); // [9, 0, -2]
15312 console.log(last([7, 9, 0, -2], 6)); // [7, 9, 0, -2]
15315 <p><strong>524. Join all elements of the array into a string:</strong></p>
15316 <pre>
15317 var myColor = ["Red", "Green", "White", "Black"];
15318 var joinedWithComma = myColor.join(",");
15319 var joinedWithPlus = myColor.join("+");
15321 console.log(joinedWithComma); // "Red,Green,White,Black"
15322 console.log(joinedWithComma); // "Red,Green,White,Black"
15323 console.log(joinedWithPlus); // "Red+Green+White+Black"
15324 </pre>
15326 <p><strong>525. Insert dashes between each two even numbers:</strong></p>
15327 <pre>
15328 function insertDashes(num) {
15329 var numStr = num.toString();
15330 var result = numStr[0];
15331 for (var i = 1; i < numStr.length; i++) {
15332 if (numStr[i - 1] % 2 === 0 && numStr[i] % 2 === 0) {
15333 result += '-' + numStr[i];
15334 } else {
15335 result += numStr[i];
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15336 }
15337 }
15338 return result;
15339 }
15341 console.log(insertDashes(025468)); // "0-254-6-8"
15342 </pre>
15344 <p><strong>526. Sort the items of an array:</strong></p>
15345 <pre>
15346 var arr1 = [ 3, 8, 7, 6, 5, -4, 3, 2, 1 ];
15347 arr1.sort(function(a, b) {
15348 return a - b;
15349 });
15350 console.log(arr1.join(',')); // "-4,-3,1,2,3,5,6,7,8"
15351 </pre>
15353 <p><strong>527. Find the most frequent item of an array:</strong></p>
15354 <pre>
15355 var arr1 = [3, 'a', 'a', 'a', 2, 3, 'a', 3, 2, 4, 9, 3];
15356 var freqMap = {};
15357 var maxFreq = 0;
15358 var mostFreqItem;
15360 arr1.forEach(function(item) {
15361 freqMap[item] = (freqMap[item] || 0) + 1;
15362 if (freqMap[item] > maxFreq) {
15363 maxFreq = freqMap[item];
15364 mostFreqItem = item;
15365 }
15366 });
15368 console.log(mostFreqItem + " ( " + maxFreq + " times )"); // "a ( 5 times )"
15369 </pre>
15371 <p><strong>528. Swap the case of each character in a string:</strong></p>
15372 <pre>
15373 function swapCase(str) {
15374 var swapped = '';
15375 for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
15376 var char = str[i];
15377 if (char === char.toUpperCase()) {
15378 swapped += char.toLowerCase();
15379 } else {
15380 swapped += char.toUpperCase();
15381 }
15382 }
15383 return swapped;
15384 }
15386 console.log(swapCase('The Quick Brown Fox')); // "tHE qUICK bROWN fOX"
15387 </pre>
15389 <p><strong>529. Print the elements of a nested array using nested for loops:</strong><
15390 <pre>
15391 var a = [
15392 [1, 2, 1, 24],
15393 [8, 11, 9, 4],
15394 [7, 0, 7, 27],

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15395 [7, 4, 28, 14],
15396 [3, 10, 26, 7]
15397 ];
15399 for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
15400 console.log("row " + i);
15401 for (var j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) {
15402 console.log(" " + a[i][j]);
15403 }
15404 }
15405 </pre>
15407 <p><strong>530. Find the sum of squares of a numeric vector:</strong></p>
15408 <pre>
15409 function sumOfSquares(arr) {
15410 return arr.reduce(function(sum, num) {
15411 return sum + (num * num);
15412 }, 0);
15413 }
15415 console.log(sumOfSquares([1, 2, 3, 4])); // 30 (1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2)
15416 </pre>
15418 <p><strong>531. Compute the sum and product of an array of integers:</strong></p>
15419 <pre>
15420 function sumAndProduct(arr) {
15421 var sum = arr.reduce(function(acc, num) {
15422 return acc + num;
15423 }, 0);
15424 var product = arr.reduce(function(acc, num) {
15425 return acc * num;
15426 }, 1);
15427 return { sum: sum, product: product };
15428 }
15430 console.log(sumAndProduct([1, 2, 3, 4])); // { sum: 10, product: 24 }
15431 </pre>
15433 <p><strong>532. Add items to an array and display them:</strong></p>
15434 <pre>
15435 var items = [];
15437 function addItem(item) {
15438 items.push(item);
15439 console.log("Items: " + items.join(', '));
15440 }
15442 addItem('apple');
15443 addItem('banana');
15444 addItem('orange');
15445 </pre>
15447 <p><strong>533. Remove duplicate items from an array (ignore case sensitivity):</strong>
15448 <pre>
15449 function removeDuplicates(arr) {
15450 var uniqueArray = arr.filter(function(item, index, self) {
15451 return self.indexOf(item.toLowerCase()) === index;
15452 });
15453 return uniqueArray;

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15454 }
15456 var colors = ["Red", "red", "Green", "blue", "Green", "yellow", "Yellow"];
15457 console.log(removeDuplicates(colors)); // ["Red", "Green", "blue", "yellow"]
15458 </pre>
15460 <p><strong>534. Display colors using ordinal numbers:</strong></p>
15461 <pre>
15462 var color = ["Blue ", "Green", "Red", "Orange", "Violet", "Indigo", "Yellow "];
15463 var o = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"];
15465 for (var i = 0; i < color.length; i++) {
15466 var ordinal = (i + 1) % 10;
15467 var suffix = (ordinal <= 3) ? o[ordinal] : o[0];
15468 console.log((i + 1) + suffix + " choice is " + color[i]);
15469 }
15470 </pre>
15472 <p><strong>535. Find leap years in a given range of years:</strong></p>
15473 <pre>
15474 function findLeapYears(startYear, endYear) {
15475 var leapYears = [];
15476 for (var year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++) {
15477 if ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || (year % 400 === 0)) {
15478 leapYears.push(year);
15479 }
15480 }
15481 return leapYears;
15482 }
15484 console.log(findLeapYears(2000, 2024)); // [2000, 2004, ..., 2020, 2024]
15485 </pre>
15487 <p><strong>536. Shuffle an array:</strong></p>
15488 <pre>
15489 function shuffleArray(arr) {
15490 for (var i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
15491 var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
15492 var temp = arr[i];
15493 arr[i] = arr[j];
15494 arr[j] = temp;
15495 }
15496 return arr;
15497 }
15499 var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
15500 console.log(shuffleArray(myArray));
15501 </pre>
15503 <p><strong>537. Perform a binary search:</strong></p>
15504 <pre>
15505 function binarySearch(arr, key) {
15506 var low = 0;
15507 var high = arr.length - 1;
15508 while (low <= high) {
15509 var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
15510 if (arr[mid] === key) {
15511 return mid;
15512 } else if (arr[mid] < key) {
15513 low = mid + 1;

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15514 } else {
15515 high = mid - 1;
15516 }
15517 }
15518 return -1;
15519 }
15521 var items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9];
15522 console.log(binarySearch(items, 1)); // 0
15523 console.log(binarySearch(items, 5)); // 4
15524 </pre>
15526 <p><strong>538. Compute the sum of each individual index value from two given arrays:<
15527 <pre>
15528 function sumArrays(arr1, arr2) {
15529 var maxLength = Math.max(arr1.length, arr2.length);
15530 var result = [];
15531 for (var i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
15532 var sum = (arr1[i] || 0) + (arr2[i] || 0);
15533 result.push(sum);
15534 }
15535 return result;
15536 }
15538 var array1 = [1, 0, 2, 3, 4];
15539 var array2 = [3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13];
15540 console.log(sumArrays(array1, array2)); // [4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13]
15541 </pre>
15543 <p><strong>539. Find duplicate values in a JavaScript array:</strong></p>
15544 <pre>
15545 function findDuplicates(arr) {
15546 var duplicates = {};
15547 var result = [];
15548 arr.forEach(function(item) {
15549 if (duplicates[item]) {
15550 duplicates[item]++;
15551 } else {
15552 duplicates[item] = 1;
15553 }
15554 });
15555 for (var key in duplicates) {
15556 if (duplicates[key] > 1) {
15557 result.push(key);
15558 }
15559 }
15560 return result;
15561 }
15563 var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 7, 8, 8, 3];
15564 console.log(findDuplicates(myArray)); // [2, 3, 8]
15565 </pre>
15567 <p><strong>540. Flatten a nested array:</strong></p>
15568 <pre>
15569 function flatten(arr, shallow) {
15570 var flat = [];
15571 arr.forEach(function(item) {
15572 if (Array.isArray(item) && !shallow) {

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15573 flat = flat.concat(flatten(item));
15574 } else {
15575 flat.push(item);
15576 }
15577 });
15578 return flat;
15579 }
15581 console.log(flatten([1, [2], [3, [[4]]], [5, 6]])); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
15582 console.log(flatten([1, [2], [3, [[4]]], [5, 6]], true)); // [1, 2, 3, [[4]], 5, 6]
15583 </pre>
15585 <p><strong>541. Compute the union of two arrays:</strong></p>
15586 <pre>
15587 function union(arr1, arr2) {
15588 var unionArr = arr1.concat(arr2.filter(function(item) {
15589 return arr1.indexOf(item) === -1;
15590 }));
15591 return unionArr;
15592 }
15594 console.log(union([1, 2, 3], [100, 2, 1, 10])); // [1, 2, 3, 10, 100]
15595 </pre>
15597 <p><strong>542. Find the difference of two arrays:</strong></p>
15598 <pre>
15599 function difference(arr1, arr2) {
15600 var diff = arr1.filter(function(item) {
15601 return arr2.indexOf(item) === -1;
15602 }).concat(arr2.filter(function(item) {
15603 return arr1.indexOf(item) === -1;
15604 }));
15605 return diff;
15606 }
15608 console.log(difference([1, 2, 3], [100, 2, 1, 10])); // ["3", "10", "100"]
15609 console.log(difference([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, [2], [3, [[4]]], [5, 6]])); // ["6"]
15610 console.log(difference([1, 2, 3], [100, 2, 1, 10])); // ["3", "10", "100"]
15611 </pre>
15613 <p><strong>543. Remove null, 0, "", false, undefined, and NaN values from an array:<
15614 <pre>
15615 function cleanArray(arr) {
15616 var cleanedArray = arr.filter(function(item) {
15617 return item !== null && item !== 0 && item !== "" && item !== false && item !==
undefined && !isNaN(item);
15618 });
15619 return cleanedArray;
15620 }
15622 var sampleArray = [NaN, 0, 15, false, -22, '', undefined, 47, null];
15623 console.log(cleanArray(sampleArray)); // [15, -22, 47]
15624 </pre>
15626 <p><strong>544. Sort an array of objects by title value:</strong></p>
15627 <pre>
15628 var library = [
15629 { author: 'Bill Gates', title: 'The Road Ahead', libraryID: 1254},
15630 { author: 'Steve Jobs', title: 'Walter Isaacson', libraryID: 4264},

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15631 { author: 'Suzanne Collins', title: 'Mockingjay: The Final Book of The Hunger Games'
, libraryID: 3245}
15632 ];
15634 function sortByTitle(arr) {
15635 arr.sort(function(a, b) {
15636 var titleA = a.title.toUpperCase();
15637 var titleB = b.title.toUpperCase();
15638 if (titleA < titleB) {
15639 return -1;
15640 }
15641 if (titleA > titleB) {
15642 return 1;
15643 }
15644 return 0;
15645 });
15646 return arr;
15647 }
15649 console.log(sortByTitle(library));
15650 </pre>
15652 <p><strong>545. Find a pair of elements whose sum equals a specific target number:<
15653 <pre>
15654 function findPair(numbers, target) {
15655 var indices = [];
15656 for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
15657 for (var j = i + 1; j < numbers.length; j++) {
15658 if (numbers[i] + numbers[j] === target) {
15659 indices.push(i, j);
15660 return indices;
15661 }
15662 }
15663 }
15664 return indices;
15665 }
15667 var numbers = [10, 20, 10, 40, 50, 60, 70];
15668 var target = 50;
15669 console.log(findPair(numbers, target));
15670 </pre>
15672 <p><strong>546. Retrieve the value of a given property from all elements in an array:<
15673 <pre>
15674 function getProperty(arr, prop) {
15675 return {
15676 return item[prop];
15677 });
15678 }
15680 var sampleArray = [NaN, 0, 15, false, -22, '', undefined, 47, null];
15681 console.log(getProperty(sampleArray, '15')); // [15, -22, 47]
15682 </pre>
15684 <p><strong>547. Find the longest common starting substring in a set of strings:</strong>
15685 <pre>
15686 function longestCommonStartingSubstring(arr) {
15687 if (arr.length === 0) return '';

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15688 var firstStr = arr[0];
15689 for (var i = 0; i < firstStr.length; i++) {
15690 for (var j = 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
15691 if (firstStr[i] !== arr[j][i]) {
15692 return firstStr.slice(0, i);
15693 }
15694 }
15695 }
15696 return firstStr;
15697 }
15699 console.log(longestCommonStartingSubstring(['go', 'google'])); // "go"
15700 </pre>
15702 <p><strong>548. Fill an array with values (numeric, string with one character) on
supplied bounds:</strong></p>
15703 <pre>
15704 function numStringRange(start, end, step) {
15705 var arr = [];
15706 if (typeof start === 'number' && typeof end === 'number') {
15707 for (var i = start; i <= end; i += step) {
15708 arr.push(i);
15709 }
15710 } else if (typeof start === 'string' && typeof end === 'string') {
15711 for (var charCode = start.charCodeAt(0); charCode <= end.charCodeAt(0); charCode
+= step) {
15712 arr.push(String.fromCharCode(charCode));
15713 }
15714 }
15715 return arr;
15716 }
15718 console.log(numStringRange('a', 'z', 2)); // ["a", "c", "e", "g", "i", "k", "m", "o", "
q", "s", "u", "w", "y"]
15719 </pre>
15721 <p><strong>549. Merge two arrays and remove all duplicate elements:</strong></p>
15722 <pre>
15723 function mergeArray(arr1, arr2) {
15724 var merged = arr1.concat(arr2);
15725 var unique = merged.filter(function(item, index) {
15726 return merged.indexOf(item) === index;
15727 });
15728 return unique;
15729 }
15731 var array1 = [1, 2, 3];
15732 var array2 = [2, 30, 1];
15733 console.log(mergeArray(array1, array2)); // [3, 2, 30, 1]
15734 </pre>
15736 <p><strong>550. Remove a specific element from an array:</strong></p>
15737 <pre>
15738 function removeArrayElement(arr, elem) {
15739 return arr.filter(function(item) {
15740 return item !== elem;
15741 });
15742 }
15744 console.log(removeArrayElement([2, 5, 9, 6], 5)); // [2, 9, 6]
15745 </pre>
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15747 <p><strong>551. Check if an array contains a specific element:</strong></p>
15748 <pre>
15749 function contains(arr, elem) {
15750 return arr.includes(elem);
15751 }
15753 var arr = [2, 5, 9, 6];
15754 console.log(contains(arr, 5)); // true
15755 </pre>
15757 <p><strong>552. Empty an array while keeping the original:</strong></p>
15758 <pre>
15759 function emptyArray(arr) {
15760 arr.length = 0;
15761 }
15763 var originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
15764 var copiedArray = originalArray.slice();
15765 emptyArray(originalArray);
15766 console.log(originalArray); // []
15767 console.log(copiedArray); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
15768 </pre>
15770 <p><strong>553. Get the nth largest element from an unsorted array:</strong></p>
15771 <pre>
15772 function nthLargest(arr, n) {
15773 if (n > arr.length || n < 1) return null;
15774 var sorted = arr.slice().sort(function(a, b) {
15775 return b - a;
15776 });
15777 return sorted[n - 1];
15778 }
15780 console.log(nthLargest([43, 56, 23, 89, 88, 90, 99, 652], 4)); // 89
15781 </pre>
15783 <p><strong>554. Get a random item from an array:</strong></p>
15784 <pre>
15785 function getRandomItem(arr) {
15786 return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
15787 }
15789 var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
15790 console.log(getRandomItem(myArray));
15791 </pre>
15793 <p><strong>555. Create a specified number of elements with pre-filled numeric value
15794 <pre>
15795 function arrayFilled(length, value) {
15796 return Array(length).fill(value);
15797 }
15799 console.log(arrayFilled(6, 0)); // [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
15800 console.log(arrayFilled(4, 11)); // [11, 11, 11, 11]
15801 </pre>
15803 <p><strong>556. Create a specified number of elements with pre-filled string value

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15804 <pre>
15805 function arrayFilled(length, value) {
15806 return Array(length).fill(value);
15807 }
15809 console.log(arrayFilled(3, 'default value')); // ["default value", "default value", "
default value"]
15810 console.log(arrayFilled(4, 'password')); // ["password", "password", "password", "
15811 </pre>
15813 <p><strong>557. Move an array element from one position to another:</strong></p>
15814 <pre>
15815 function move(arr, fromIndex, toIndex) {
15816 arr.splice(toIndex, 0, arr.splice(fromIndex, 1)[0]);
15817 return arr;
15818 }
15820 console.log(move([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 0, 2)); // [20, 30, 10, 40, 50]
15821 console.log(move([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], -1, -2)); // [10, 20, 30, 50, 40]
15822 </pre>
15824 <p><strong>558. Filter false, null, 0, and blank values from an array:</strong></p>
15825 <pre>
15826 function filterArrayValues(arr) {
15827 return arr.filter(Boolean);
15828 }
15830 console.log(filterArrayValues([58, '', 'abcd', true, null, false, 0])); // [58, "abcd",
15831 </pre>
15833 <p><strong>559. Generate an array of specified length, filled with integer numbers,
increasing by one from starting position:</strong></p>
15834 <pre>
15835 function arrayRange(start, length) {
15836 return Array.from({ length: length }, (_, i) => start + i);
15837 }
15839 console.log(arrayRange(1, 4)); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
15840 console.log(arrayRange(-6, 4)); // [-6, -5, -4, -3]
15841 </pre>
15843 <p><strong>560. Generate an array between two integers of 1 step length:</strong></p>
15844 <pre>
15845 function rangeBetween(start, end) {
15846 return Array.from({ length: Math.abs(end - start) + 1 }, (_, i) => start < end ?
start + i : start - i);
15847 }
15849 console.log(rangeBetween(4, 7)); // [4, 5, 6, 7]
15850 console.log(rangeBetween(-4, 7)); // [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
15851 </pre>
15853 <p><strong>561. Find the unique elements from two arrays:</strong></p>
15854 <pre>
15855 function difference(arr1, arr2) {
15856 var combined = arr1.concat(arr2);
15857 return Array.from(new Set(;
15858 }

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15860 console.log(difference([1, 2, 3], [100, 2, 1, 10])); // ["1", "2", "3", "10", "100"]
15861 console.log(difference([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, [2], [3, [[4]]],[5,6]])); // ["1", "2", "3",
"4", "5", "6"]
15862 console.log(difference([1, 2, 3], [100, 2, 1, 10])); // ["1", "2", "3", "10", "100"]
15863 </pre>
15865 <p><strong>562. Create an array of arrays, ungrouping the elements produced by zip:<
15866 <pre>
15867 function unzip(arr) {
15868 return arr[0].map((_, i) => => row[i]));
15869 }
15871 console.log(unzip([['a', 1, true], ['b', 2, false]]));
15872 console.log(unzip([['a', 1, true], ['b', 2]]));
15873 // Expected Output:
15874 // [["a","b"],[1,2],[true,false]]
15875 // [["a","b"],[1,2],[true]]
15876 </pre>
15878 <p><strong>563. Create an object from an array, using the specified key and excluding it
from each value:</strong></p>
15879 <pre>
15880 function indexOn(arr, keyFunc) {
15881 return arr.reduce((acc, obj) => {
15882 const key = keyFunc(obj);
15883 const { [key]: omit, } = obj;
15884 return { ...acc, [key]: rest };
15885 }, {});
15886 }
15888 console.log(indexOn([ { id: 10, name: 'apple' }, { id: 20, name: 'orange' } ], x =>;
15889 // Expected Output:
15890 // {"10":{"name":"apple"},"20":{"name":"orange"}}
15891 </pre>
15893 <p><strong>564. Check whether an input is a date object or not:</strong></p>
15894 <pre>
15895 function isDate(input) {
15896 return input instanceof Date && !isNaN(input);
15897 }
15899 console.log(isDate("October 13, 2014 11:13:00")); // false
15900 console.log(isDate(new Date(86400000))); // true
15901 console.log(isDate(new Date(99,5,24,11,33,30,0))); // true
15902 console.log(isDate([1, 2, 4, 0])); // false
15903 </pre>
15905 <p><strong>565. Get the current date with a specified separator:</strong></p>
15906 <pre>
15907 function curDay(separator) {
15908 const today = new Date();
15909 const day = today.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
15910 const month = (today.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
15911 const year = today.getFullYear();
15912 return `${month}${separator}${day}${separator}${year}`;
15913 }
15915 console.log(curDay('/')); // "11/13/2014"
15916 console.log(curDay('-')); // "11-13-2014"

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15917 </pre>
15919 <p><strong>566. Get the number of days in a month:</strong></p>
15920 <pre>
15921 function getDaysInMonth(month, year) {
15922 return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();
15923 }
15925 console.log(getDaysInMonth(1, 2012)); // 31
15926 console.log(getDaysInMonth(2, 2012)); // 29
15927 console.log(getDaysInMonth(9, 2012)); // 30
15928 console.log(getDaysInMonth(12, 2012)); // 31
15929 </pre>
15931 <p><strong>567. Get the month name from a particular date:</strong></p>
15932 <pre>
15933 function monthName(date) {
15934 const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', '
August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
15935 return months[date.getMonth()];
15936 }
15938 console.log(monthName(new Date("10/11/2009"))); // "October"
15939 console.log(monthName(new Date("11/13/2014"))); // "November"
15940 </pre>
15942 <p><strong>568. Compare dates (greater than, less than, or equal to):</strong></p>
15943 <pre>
15944 function compareDates(date1, date2) {
15945 if (date1.getTime() === date2.getTime()) {
15946 return "Date1 = Date2";
15947 } else if (date1 > date2) {
15948 return "Date1 > Date2";
15949 } else {
15950 return "Date2 > Date1";
15951 }
15952 }
15954 console.log(compareDates(new Date('11/14/2013 00:00'), new Date('11/14/2013 00:00')));
15955 console.log(compareDates(new Date('11/14/2013 00:01'), new Date('11/14/2013 00:00')));
15956 console.log(compareDates(new Date('11/14/2013 00:00'), new Date('11/14/2013 00:01')));
15957 // Output:
15958 // "Date1 = Date2"
15959 // "Date1 > Date2"
15960 // "Date2 > Date1"
15961 </pre>
15963 <p><strong>569. Add specified minutes to a Date object:</strong></p>
15964 <pre>
15965 function addMinutes(date, minutes) {
15966 return new Date(date.getTime() + minutes * 60000);
15967 }
15969 console.log(addMinutes(new Date(2014,10,2), 30).toString());
15970 // Output:
15971 // "Sun Nov 02 2014 00:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
15972 </pre>
15974 <p><strong>570. Test whether a date is a weekend:</strong></p>
15975 <pre>

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15976 function isWeekend(dateString) {
15977 const date = new Date(dateString);
15978 const dayOfWeek = date.getDay();
15979 return dayOfWeek === 0 || dayOfWeek === 6 ? "weekend" : undefined;
15980 }
15982 console.log(isWeekend('Nov 15, 2014'));
15983 console.log(isWeekend('Nov 16, 2014'));
15984 console.log(isWeekend('Nov 17, 2014'));
15985 // Output:
15986 // "weekend"
15987 // "weekend"
15988 // undefined
15989 </pre>
15991 <p><strong>571. Get difference between two dates in days:</strong></p>
15992 <pre>
15993 function dateDiffInDays(dateString1, dateString2) {
15994 const date1 = new Date(dateString1);
15995 const date2 = new Date(dateString2);
15996 const diffInMs = Math.abs(date2 - date1);
15997 return Math.floor(diffInMs / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
15998 }
16000 console.log(dateDiffInDays('04/02/2014', '11/04/2014'));
16001 console.log(dateDiffInDays('12/02/2014', '11/04/2014'));
16002 // Output:
16003 // 216
16004 // -28
16005 </pre>
16007 <p><strong>572. Get the last day of a month:</strong></p>
16008 <pre>
16009 function lastDay(year, month) {
16010 return new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
16011 }
16013 console.log(lastDay(2014, 0));
16014 console.log(lastDay(2014, 1));
16015 console.log(lastDay(2014, 11));
16016 // Output:
16017 // 31
16018 // 28
16019 // 31
16020 </pre>
16022 <p><strong>573. Calculate 'yesterday day':</strong></p>
16023 <pre>
16024 function yesterday(dateString) {
16025 const date = new Date(dateString);
16026 date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);
16027 return date.toString();
16028 }
16030 console.log(yesterday('Nov 15, 2014'));
16031 console.log(yesterday('Nov 16, 2015'));
16032 console.log(yesterday('Nov 17, 2016'));
16033 // Output:
16034 // "Fri Nov 14 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
16035 // "Sun Nov 15 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"

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16036 // "Wed Nov 16 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
16037 </pre>
16039 <p><strong>574. Get the maximum date from an array of dates:</strong></p>
16040 <pre>
16041 function maxDate(dateArray) {
16042 return new Date(Math.max.apply(null, => new Date(date))));
16043 }
16045 console.log(maxDate(['2015/02/01', '2015/02/02', '2015/01/03']));
16046 // Output:
16047 // "2015/02/02"
16048 </pre>
16050 <p><strong>575. Get the minimum date from an array of dates:</strong></p>
16051 <pre>
16052 function minDate(dateArray) {
16053 return new Date(Math.min.apply(null, => new Date(date))));
16054 }
16056 console.log(minDate(['2015/02/01', '2015/02/02', '2015/01/03']));
16057 // Output:
16058 // "2015/01/03"
16059 </pre>
16061 <p><strong>576. Return the number of minutes in hours and minutes:</strong></p>
16062 <pre>
16063 function timeConvert(minutes) {
16064 const hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
16065 const remainingMinutes = minutes % 60;
16066 return `${minutes} minutes = ${hours} hour(s) and ${remainingMinutes} minute(s).`;
16067 }
16069 console.log(timeConvert(200));
16070 // Output:
16071 // "200 minutes = 3 hour(s) and 20 minute(s)."
16072 </pre>
16074 <p><strong>577. Get the amount of days of a year:</strong></p>
16075 <pre>
16076 function daysOfAYear(year) {
16077 return new Date(year, 11, 31).getDate();
16078 }
16080 console.log(daysOfAYear(2015)); // 365
16081 console.log(daysOfAYear(2016)); // 366
16082 </pre>
16084 <p><strong>578. Get the quarter (1 to 4) of the year:</strong></p>
16085 <pre>
16086 function quarterOfTheYear(date) {
16087 const month = date.getMonth();
16088 return Math.floor(month / 3) + 1;
16089 }
16091 console.log(quarterOfTheYear(new Date(2015, 1, 21))); // 2
16092 console.log(quarterOfTheYear(new Date(2015, 10, 18))); // 4
16093 </pre>

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16095 <p><strong>579. Count the number of days passed since the beginning of the year:<
16096 <pre>
16097 function daysPassed(date) {
16098 const startOfYear = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 0);
16099 const diff = date - startOfYear;
16100 const oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
16101 return Math.floor(diff / oneDay);
16102 }
16104 console.log(daysPassed(new Date(2015, 0, 15))); // 15
16105 console.log(daysPassed(new Date(2015, 11, 14))); // 348
16106 </pre>
16108 <p><strong>580. Convert a Unix timestamp to time:</strong></p>
16109 <pre>
16110 function convertUnixTimestamp(timestamp) {
16111 const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);
16112 return date.toLocaleDateString();
16113 }
16115 console.log(convertUnixTimestamp(1486932600)); // "2/12/2017"
16116 console.log(convertUnixTimestamp(1611840000)); // "1/28/2021"
16117 </pre>
16119 <p><strong>581. Calculate age:</strong></p>
16120 <pre>
16121 function calculateAge(birthDate) {
16122 const today = new Date();
16123 const diff = today - birthDate;
16124 const ageDate = new Date(diff);
16125 return Math.abs(ageDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);
16126 }
16128 console.log(calculateAge(new Date(1982, 11, 4))); // 39
16129 console.log(calculateAge(new Date(1962, 1, 1))); // 59
16130 </pre>
16132 <p><strong>582. Get the day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros:</strong></p>
16133 <pre>
16134 function dayOfMonth(date) {
16135 return ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2);
16136 }
16138 const d = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16139 console.log(dayOfMonth(d)); // "01"
16140 </pre>
16142 <p><strong>583. Get a textual representation of a day (three letters, Mon through Sun):<
16143 <pre>
16144 function shortDays(date) {
16145 const days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
16146 return days[date.getDay()];
16147 }
16149 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16150 console.log(shortDays(dt)); // "Sun"
16151 </pre>

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16153 <p><strong>584. Get a full textual representation of the day of the week (Sunday through
16154 <pre>
16155 function longDays(date) {
16156 const days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', '
16157 return days[date.getDay()];
16158 }
16160 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16161 console.log(longDays(dt)); // "Sunday"
16162 </pre>
16164 <p><strong>585. Get ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week (1 to 7):<
16165 <pre>
16166 function ISONumericDate(date) {
16167 return date.getDay() || 7;
16168 }
16170 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16171 console.log(ISONumericDate(dt)); // 7
16172 </pre>
16174 <p><strong>586. Get English ordinal suffix for the day of the month (st, nd, rd, or th):
16175 <pre>
16176 function ordinalSuffix(date) {
16177 const day = date.getDate();
16178 if (day > 3 && day < 21) return 'th';
16179 switch (day % 10) {
16180 case 1: return 'st';
16181 case 2: return 'nd';
16182 case 3: return 'rd';
16183 default: return 'th';
16184 }
16185 }
16187 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16188 console.log(ordinalSuffix(dt)); // "st"
16189 </pre>
16191 <p><strong>587. Get ISO-8601 week number of year (weeks starting on Monday):</strong><
16192 <pre>
16193 function ISO8601WeekNo(date) {
16194 const oneJan = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
16195 const difference = date - oneJan;
16196 const dayOfYear = Math.ceil(difference / 86400000);
16197 const weekNo = Math.ceil((dayOfYear + oneJan.getDay() + 1) / 7);
16198 return weekNo;
16199 }
16201 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16202 console.log(ISO8601WeekNo(dt)); // 44
16203 </pre>
16205 <p><strong>588. Get a full textual representation of a month (such as January or June):<
16206 <pre>
16207 function fullMonth(date) {

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16208 const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', '
August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
16209 return months[date.getMonth()];
16210 }
16212 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16213 console.log(fullMonth(dt)); // "November"
16214 </pre>
16216 <p><strong>589. Get a numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros (01 through
16217 <pre>
16218 function numericMonth(date) {
16219 return ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
16220 }
16222 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16223 console.log(numericMonth(dt)); // "11"
16224 </pre>
16226 <p><strong>590. Get a short textual representation of a month, three letters (Jan
through Dec):</strong></p>
16227 <pre>
16228 function shortMonths(date) {
16229 const months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct'
, 'Nov', 'Dec'];
16230 return months[date.getMonth()];
16231 }
16233 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16234 console.log(shortMonths(dt)); // "Nov"
16235 </pre>
16237 <p><strong>591. Get a full numeric representation of a year (4 digits):</strong></p>
16238 <pre>
16239 function fullYear(date) {
16240 return date.getFullYear();
16241 }
16243 const dt = new Date(2015, 10, 1);
16244 console.log(fullYear(dt)); // 2015
16245 </pre>
16247 <p><strong>592. Get a two-digit representation of a year:</strong></p>
16248 <pre>
16249 function shortYear(date) {
16250 return ('' + date.getFullYear()).slice(-2);
16251 }
16253 const dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);
16254 console.log(shortYear(dt)); // "89"
16255 </pre>
16257 <p><strong>593. Get lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem:</strong></p>
16258 <pre>
16259 function lowercaseMeridiem() {
16260 const date = new Date();
16261 const hours = date.getHours();
16262 return hours < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm';
16263 }

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16265 console.log(lowercaseMeridiem()); // "pm" (example)
16266 </pre>
16268 <p><strong>594. Get uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem:</strong></p>
16269 <pre>
16270 function uppercaseMeridiem() {
16271 const date = new Date();
16272 const hours = date.getHours();
16273 return hours < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM';
16274 }
16276 console.log(uppercaseMeridiem()); // "PM" (example)
16277 </pre>
16279 <p><strong>595. Swatch Internet time (000 through 999):</strong></p>
16280 <pre>
16281 function internetTime(date) {
16282 const hours = date.getUTCHours();
16283 const minutes = date.getUTCMinutes();
16284 const seconds = date.getUTCSeconds();
16285 const beats = Math.floor((hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds + 36) / 86.4);
16286 return ('00' + beats).slice(-3);
16287 }
16289 const dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);
16290 console.log(internetTime(dt)); // 812
16291 </pre>
16293 <p><strong>596. Get 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros:</strong></p>
16294 <pre>
16295 function hoursWithZeroes(date) {
16296 const hours = date.getHours() % 12 || 12;
16297 return ('0' + hours).slice(-2);
16298 }
16300 const dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);
16301 console.log(hoursWithZeroes(dt)); // "12"
16302 </pre>
16304 <p><strong>597. Get 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros:</strong></p>
16305 <pre>
16306 function hoursWithoutZeroes(date) {
16307 return date.getHours();
16308 }
16310 const dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);
16311 console.log(hoursWithoutZeroes(dt)); // 0
16312 </pre>
16314 <p><strong>598. Get minutes with leading zeros (00 to 59):</strong></p>
16315 <pre>
16316 function minutesWithLeadingZeros(date) {
16317 const minutes = date.getMinutes();
16318 return ('0' + minutes).slice(-2);
16319 }
16321 const dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);
16322 console.log(minutesWithLeadingZeros(dt)); // "00"
16323 </pre>

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16325 <p><strong>599. Get seconds with leading zeros (00 through 59):</strong></p>
16326 <pre>
16327 function secondsWithLeadingZeros(date) {
16328 const seconds = date.getSeconds();
16329 return ('0' + seconds).slice(-2);
16330 }
16332 const dt = new Date(1989, 10, 1);
16333 console.log(secondsWithLeadingZeros(dt)); // "00"
16334 </pre>
16336 <p><strong>600. Get Timezone:</strong></p>
16337 <pre>
16338 function getTimezone() {
16339 const date = new Date();
16340 return date.toString().match(/\(([^)]+)\)$/)[1];
16341 }
16343 console.log(getTimezone()); // "India Standard Time" (example)
16344 </pre>
16346 // ---------------------------- 300 - 400 -------------------------
16348 <p><strong>301. Run a function in a separate thread using Web Worker:</strong></p>
16349 <pre>
16350 // Worker.js
16351 self.onmessage = function(e) {
16352 const result = longRunningFunction(;
16353 self.postMessage(result);
16354 };
16356 // Main JavaScript file
16357 const worker = new Worker('Worker.js');
16358 worker.postMessage(data);
16359 worker.onmessage = function(e) {
16360 console.log(; // Result from the longRunningFunction
16361 };
16362 </pre>
16364 <p><strong>302. Round a number to a specified amount of digits:</strong></p>
16365 <pre>
16366 function roundNumber(num, digits) {
16367 return Number(num.toFixed(digits));
16368 }
16370 console.log(roundNumber(3.14159, 2)); // 3.14
16371 </pre>
16373 <p><strong>303. Reverse the order of characters in a string:</strong></p>
16374 <pre>
16375 function reverseString(str) {
16376 return str.split('').reverse().join('');
16377 }
16379 console.log(reverseString('hello')); // "olleh"
16380 </pre>
16382 <p><strong>304. Create an object composed of properties for which a given function
returns falsey:</strong></p>
16383 <pre>

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16384 function pickBy(object, predicate) {
16385 return Object.fromEntries(
16386 Object.entries(object).filter(([key, value]) => !predicate(value, key))
16387 );
16388 }
16390 const obj = { a: 1, b: null, c: undefined, d: 0 };
16391 console.log(pickBy(obj, (value, key) => value == null)); // { a: 1, d: 0 }
16392 </pre>
16394 <p><strong>305. Filter array keeping elements where predicate returns false:</strong><
16395 <pre>
16396 function reject(array, predicate) {
16397 return array.filter(element => !predicate(element));
16398 }
16400 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
16401 console.log(reject(numbers, x => x % 2 === 0)); // [1, 3, 5]
16402 </pre>
16404 <p><strong>306. Apply a function against an accumulator and each element in the array,
returning an array of successively reduced values:</strong></p>
16405 <pre>
16406 function reduceRight(array, func, initialValue) {
16407 let accumulator = initialValue;
16408 for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
16409 accumulator = func(accumulator, array[i], i, array);
16410 }
16411 return accumulator;
16412 }
16414 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
16415 const sum = reduceRight(numbers, (acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0);
16416 console.log(sum); // 15
16417 </pre>
16419 <p><strong>307. Redirect to a specified URL:</strong></p>
16420 <pre>
16421 // JavaScript
16422 window.location.href = '';
16424 // HTML
16425 &lt;meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=''" /&gt;
16426 </pre>
16428 <p><strong>308. Create a function that invokes the provided function with its arguments
arranged according to the specified indexes:</strong></p>
16429 <pre>
16430 function rearg(func, indexes) {
16431 return (...args) => func( => args[index]));
16432 }
16434 const reargedFunction = rearg((a, b, c) => [a, b, c], [2, 0, 1]);
16435 console.log(reargedFunction(1, 2, 3)); // [3, 1, 2]
16436 </pre>
16438 <p><strong>309. Get an array of lines from the specified file:</strong></p>
16439 <pre>
16440 // Assuming a function fetchFileLines() is defined elsewhere
16441 fetchFileLines('filename.txt')
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16442 .then(lines => console.log(lines))
16443 .catch(error => console.error(error));
16444 </pre>
16446 <p><strong>310. Mutate the original array to filter out the values specified, based on a
given iterator function:</strong></p>
16447 <pre>
16448 function pull(array, ...values) {
16449 const pullSet = new Set(values);
16450 let index = 0;
16451 for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
16452 if (!pullSet.has(array[i])) {
16453 array[index++] = array[i];
16454 }
16455 }
16456 array.length = index;
16457 return array;
16458 }
16460 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
16461 pull(array, 2, 4);
16462 console.log(array); // [1, 3, 5]
16463 </pre>
16465 <p><strong>311. Mutate the original array to filter out the values specified. Returns
the removed elements:</strong></p>
16466 <pre>
16467 function pullAt(array, ...indexes) {
16468 const removed = [];
16469 indexes.sort((a, b) => a - b);
16470 let pullOffset = 0;
16471 indexes.forEach((index, i) => {
16472 const adjustedIndex = index - pullOffset++;
16473 removed.push(array.splice(adjustedIndex, 1)[0]);
16474 });
16475 return removed;
16476 }
16478 const array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
16479 const removed = pullAt(array, 1, 3);
16480 console.log(array); // ['a', 'c']
16481 console.log(removed); // ['b', 'd']
16482 </pre>
16484 <p><strong>312. Convert an asynchronous function to return a promise:</strong></p>
16485 <pre>
16486 function promisify(asyncFunction) {
16487 return function(...args) {
16488 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
16489 asyncFunction(...args, (error, result) => {
16490 if (error) {
16491 reject(error);
16492 } else {
16493 resolve(result);
16494 }
16495 });
16496 });
16497 };
16498 }

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16500 // Usage example:
16501 const readFileAsync = promisify(fs.readFile);
16502 readFileAsync('example.txt', 'utf8')
16503 .then(data => console.log(data))
16504 .catch(error => console.error(error));
16505 </pre>
16507 <p><strong>313. Convert a number in bytes to a human-readable string:</strong></p>
16508 <pre>
16509 function bytesToSize(bytes) {
16510 const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
16511 if (bytes === 0) return '0 Byte';
16512 const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
16513 return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2)) + ' ' + sizes[i];
16514 }
16516 console.log(bytesToSize(1024)); // 1 KB
16517 </pre>
16519 <p><strong>314. Return the singular or plural form of the word based on the input
16520 <pre>
16521 function pluralize(number, word) {
16522 return number === 1 ? word : word + 's';
16523 }
16525 console.log(pluralize(1, 'apple')); // apple
16526 console.log(pluralize(3, 'apple')); // apples
16527 </pre>
16529 <p><strong>315. Perform left-to-right function composition:</strong></p>
16530 <pre>
16531 function compose(...fns) {
16532 return value => fns.reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), value);
16533 }
16535 const add5 = x => x + 5;
16536 const multiplyBy2 = x => x * 2;
16537 const divideBy3 = x => x / 3;
16539 const composedFunction = compose(add5, multiplyBy2, divideBy3);
16540 console.log(composedFunction(6)); // ((6 / 3) * 2) + 5 = 9
16541 </pre>
16543 <p><strong>316. Perform left-to-right function composition for asynchronous functions:<
16544 <pre>
16545 async function composeAsync(...fns) {
16546 return async value => {
16547 for (const fn of fns) {
16548 value = await fn(value);
16549 }
16550 return value;
16551 };
16552 }
16554 const add5Async = async x => x + 5;
16555 const multiplyBy2Async = async x => x * 2;
16556 const divideBy3Async = async x => x / 3;

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16558 const composedAsyncFunction = await composeAsync(add5Async, multiplyBy2Async,
16559 console.log(await composedAsyncFunction(6)); // ((6 / 3) * 2) + 5 = 9
16560 </pre>
16562 <p><strong>317. Calculate how many numbers in the given array are less or equal to the
given value using the percentile formula:</strong></p>
16563 <pre>
16564 function percentile(array, value) {
16565 const count = array.reduce((acc, num) => num <= value ? acc + 1 : acc, 0);
16566 return count / array.length;
16567 }
16569 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
16570 console.log(percentile(numbers, 3)); // 0.6
16571 </pre>
16573 <p><strong>318. Group the elements into two arrays, depending on the provided function's
truthiness for each element:</strong></p>
16574 <pre>
16575 function partition(array, predicate) {
16576 return array.reduce((acc, curr) => {
16577 if (predicate(curr)) {
16578 acc[0].push(curr);
16579 } else {
16580 acc[1].push(curr);
16581 }
16582 return acc;
16583 }, [[], []]);
16584 }
16586 const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
16587 const isEven = num => num % 2 === 0;
16588 console.log(partition(numbers, isEven)); // [[2, 4], [1, 3, 5]]
16589 </pre>
16591 <p><strong>319. Create a function that invokes fn with partials appended to the
arguments it receives:</strong></p>
16592 <pre>
16593 function partialRight(fn, ...partials) {
16594 return (...args) => fn(...args, ...partials);
16595 }
16597 const greet = (greeting, name) => `${greeting}, ${name}!`;
16598 const greetGoodMorning = partialRight(greet, 'Good morning');
16599 console.log(greetGoodMorning('John')); // "Good morning, John!"
16600 </pre>
16602 <p><strong>320. Create a function that invokes fn with partials prepended to the
arguments it receives:</strong></p>
16603 <pre>
16604 function partial(fn, ...partials) {
16605 return (...args) => fn(...partials, ...args);
16606 }
16608 const greet = (greeting, name) => `${greeting}, ${name}!`;
16609 const greetGoodMorning = partial(greet, 'Good morning');
16610 console.log(greetGoodMorning('John')); // "Good morning, John!"
16611 </pre>
16613 <p><strong>321. Parse an HTTP Cookie header string and return an object of all cookie

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name-value pairs:</strong></p>
16614 <pre>
16615 function parseCookie(cookie) {
16616 return cookie.split(';').reduce((acc, curr) => {
16617 const [key, value] = curr.trim().split('=');
16618 acc[key] = value;
16619 return acc;
16620 }, {});
16621 }
16623 const cookieString = 'name=John; age=30; role=admin';
16624 console.log(parseCookie(cookieString)); // { name: "John", age: "30", role: "admin" }
16625 </pre>
16627 <p><strong>322. Create a function that invokes the provided function with its arguments
16628 <pre>
16629 function mapArgs(fn, mapper) {
16630 return (...args) => fn(;
16631 }
16633 const add = (a, b) => a + b;
16634 const doubleMapper = x => x * 2;
16635 const addDoubles = mapArgs(add, doubleMapper);
16636 console.log(addDoubles(1, 2)); // 6 (1 * 2 + 2 * 2 = 6)
16637 </pre>
16639 <p><strong>323. Get the nth element from a given array:</strong></p>
16640 <pre>
16641 function getNthElement(arr, n) {
16642 return arr[n];
16643 }
16645 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
16646 console.log(getNthElement(array, 2)); // 3
16647 </pre>
16649 <p><strong>324. Convert a NodeList to an array:</strong></p>
16650 <pre>
16651 function nodeListToArray(nodeList) {
16652 return Array.from(nodeList);
16653 }
16655 const nodeList = document.querySelectorAll('p');
16656 const arrayFromNodeList = nodeListToArray(nodeList);
16657 console.log(arrayFromNodeList); // Array of p elements
16658 </pre>
16660 <p><strong>325. Get the index of the function in an array of functions which executed
the fastest:</strong></p>
16661 <pre>
16662 async function fastestFunctionIndex(...functions) {
16663 const results = await Promise.allSettled( => fn()));
16664 const executionTimes = => (result.status === 'fulfilled') ?
result.value : Infinity);
16665 return executionTimes.indexOf(Math.min(...executionTimes));
16666 }
16668 const func1 = async () => {
16669 await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
16670 return 1;
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16671 };
16672 const func2 = async () => {
16673 await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 50));
16674 return 2;
16675 };
16676 const func3 = async () => {
16677 await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 200));
16678 return 3;
16679 };
16681 fastestFunctionIndex(func1, func2, func3).then(index => {
16682 console.log('Index of the fastest function:', index);
16683 });
16684 </pre>
16686 <p><strong>326. Get the n minimum elements from the provided array. If n is greater than
or equal to the provided array's
16687 length, then return the original array(sorted in ascending order):</strong></p>
16688 <pre>
16689 function getNMinimumElements(arr, n) {
16690 return arr.slice(0, Math.max(n, 0)).sort((a, b) => a - b);
16691 }
16693 const array = [4, 2, 8, 1, 6];
16694 console.log(getNMinimumElements(array, 3)); // [1, 2, 4]
16695 </pre>
16697 <p><strong>327. Get the minimum value of an array, after mapping each element to a value
using the provided function:</strong></p>
16698 <pre>
16699 function minMappedValue(arr, mapper) {
16700 return Math.min(;
16701 }
16703 const array = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
16704 const mapper = x => x * 2;
16705 console.log(minMappedValue(array, mapper)); // 4
16706 </pre>
16708 <p><strong>328. Create a new object from the combination of two or more objects:<
16709 <pre>
16710 function mergeObjects(...objects) {
16711 return Object.assign({}, ...objects);
16712 }
16714 const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
16715 const obj2 = { c: 3 };
16716 const obj3 = { d: 4, e: 5 };
16718 console.log(mergeObjects(obj1, obj2, obj3)); // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5 }
16719 </pre>
16721 <p><strong>329. Compare two objects to determine if the first one contains equivalent
property values to the second one,
16722 based on a provided function:</strong></p>
16723 <pre>
16724 function compareObjects(obj1, obj2, comparer) {
16725 const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1);
16726 const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);
16727 if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) {

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16728 return false;
16729 }
16730 return keys1.every(key => comparer(obj1[key], obj2[key]));
16731 }
16733 const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
16734 const obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
16735 const comparer = (a, b) => a === b;
16737 console.log(compareObjects(obj1, obj2, comparer)); // true
16738 </pre>
16740 <p><strong>330. Create a new object from the specified object, where all the keys are in
16741 <pre>
16742 function convertKeysToLowerCase(obj) {
16743 return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) =>
[key.toLowerCase(), value]));
16744 }
16746 const obj = { Name: 'John', Age: 30 };
16747 console.log(convertKeysToLowerCase(obj)); // { name: "John", age: 30 }
16748 </pre>
16750 <p><strong>331. Get the last element from a given array:</strong></p>
16751 <pre>
16752 function getLastElement(arr) {
16753 return arr[arr.length - 1];
16754 }
16756 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
16757 console.log(getLastElement(array)); // 5
16758 </pre>
16760 <p><strong>332. Join all elements of an array into a string and return this string. Uses
a separator and an end separator:</strong></p>
16761 <pre>
16762 function joinArrayWithSeparators(arr, separator = ',', endSeparator = separator) {
16763 return arr.join(separator) + endSeparator;
16764 }
16766 const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
16767 console.log(joinArrayWithSeparators(array)); // "1,2,3,4,5"
16768 console.log(joinArrayWithSeparators(array, '-', '.')); // "1-2-3-4-5."
16769 </pre>
16771 <p><strong>333. Check if the provided argument is a valid JSON:</strong></p>
16772 <pre>
16773 function isValidJSON(jsonString) {
16774 try {
16775 JSON.parse(jsonString);
16776 return true;
16777 } catch (error) {
16778 return false;
16779 }
16780 }
16782 const jsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';
16783 console.log(isValidJSON(jsonString)); // true
16784 console.log(isValidJSON('{name: "John", age: 30}')); // false
16785 </pre>
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16787 <p><strong>334. Check if a given string is uppercase or not:</strong></p>
16788 <pre>
16789 function isUpperCase(str) {
16790 return str === str.toUpperCase();
16791 }
16793 console.log(isUpperCase('HELLO')); // true
16794 console.log(isUpperCase('Hello')); // false
16795 </pre>
16797 <p><strong>335. Return true if the specified value is undefined, false otherwise:<
16798 <pre>
16799 function isUndefined(value) {
16800 return value === undefined;
16801 }
16803 console.log(isUndefined(undefined)); // true
16804 console.log(isUndefined(null)); // false
16805 </pre>
16807 <p><strong>336. Check if the given argument is a symbol:</strong></p>
16808 <pre>
16809 function isSymbol(value) {
16810 return typeof value === 'symbol';
16811 }
16813 console.log(isSymbol(Symbol())); // true
16814 console.log(isSymbol('abc')); // false
16815 </pre>
16817 <p><strong>337. Check if the given argument is a string:</strong></p>
16818 <pre>
16819 function isString(value) {
16820 return typeof value === 'string';
16821 }
16823 console.log(isString('Hello')); // true
16824 console.log(isString(123)); // false
16825 </pre>
16827 <p><strong>338. Return 1 if the array is sorted in ascending order, -1 if it is sorted
in descending order, or 0 if it is not sorted:</strong></p>
16828 <pre>
16829 function checkArraySorting(arr) {
16830 const ascending = JSON.stringify(arr.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b)) ===
16831 const descending = JSON.stringify(arr.slice().sort((a, b) => b - a)) ===
16832 if (ascending) return 1;
16833 if (descending) return -1;
16834 return 0;
16835 }
16837 console.log(checkArraySorting([1, 2, 3, 4])); // 1
16838 console.log(checkArraySorting([4, 3, 2, 1])); // -1
16839 console.log(checkArraySorting([1, 3, 2, 4])); // 0
16840 </pre>

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16842 <p><strong>339. Return true if an object looks like a Promise, false otherwise:</strong>
16843 <pre>
16844 function isPromiseLike(obj) {
16845 return obj !== null && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') &&
typeof obj.then === 'function';
16846 }
16848 console.log(isPromiseLike(Promise.resolve())); // true
16849 console.log(isPromiseLike({ then: () => {} })); // true
16850 console.log(isPromiseLike({})); // false
16851 </pre>
16853 <p><strong>340. Get a boolean determining if the passed value is primitive or not:<
16854 <pre>
16855 function isPrimitive(value) {
16856 return Object(value) !== value;
16857 }
16859 console.log(isPrimitive(123)); // true
16860 console.log(isPrimitive('Hello')); // true
16861 console.log(isPrimitive([1, 2, 3])); // false
16862 console.log(isPrimitive({ key: 'value' })); // false
16863 </pre>
16865 <p><strong>341. Check if the provided integer is a prime number or not:</strong></p>
16866 <pre>
16867 function isPrime(num) {
16868 if (num <= 1) return false;
16869 for (let i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(num); i++) {
16870 if (num % i === 0) return false;
16871 }
16872 return true;
16873 }
16875 console.log(isPrime(7)); // true
16876 console.log(isPrime(10)); // false
16877 </pre>
16879 <p><strong>342. Check if the provided value is an object created by the Object
16880 <pre>
16881 function isObjectByConstructor(value) {
16882 return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Object;
16883 }
16885 console.log(isObjectByConstructor({})); // true
16886 console.log(isObjectByConstructor(new Object())); // true
16887 console.log(isObjectByConstructor([])); // false
16888 </pre>
16890 <p><strong>343. Check if a value is object-like:</strong></p>
16891 <pre>
16892 function isObjectLike(value) {
16893 return value !== null && typeof value === 'object';
16894 }
16896 console.log(isObjectLike({})); // true
16897 console.log(isObjectLike(null)); // false
16898 </pre>

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16900 <p><strong>344. Get a boolean determining if the passed value is an object or not:<
16901 <pre>
16902 function isObject(value) {
16903 return value !== null && typeof value === 'object';
16904 }
16906 console.log(isObject({})); // true
16907 console.log(isObject(null)); // false
16908 </pre>
16910 <p><strong>345. Check if a given argument is a number:</strong></p>
16911 <pre>
16912 function isNumber(value) {
16913 return typeof value === 'number' && !isNaN(value);
16914 }
16916 console.log(isNumber(123)); // true
16917 console.log(isNumber('abc')); // false
16918 </pre>
16920 <p><strong>346. Return true if the specified value is null, false otherwise:</strong><
16921 <pre>
16922 function isNull(value) {
16923 return value === null;
16924 }
16926 console.log(isNull(null)); // true
16927 console.log(isNull(123)); // false
16928 </pre>
16930 <p><strong>347. Check if a string is lowercase or not:</strong></p>
16931 <pre>
16932 function isLowerCase(str) {
16933 return str === str.toLowerCase();
16934 }
16936 console.log(isLowerCase('hello')); // true
16937 console.log(isLowerCase('Hello')); // false
16938 </pre>
16940 <p><strong>348. Check if the given argument is a function:</strong></p>
16941 <pre>
16942 function isFunction(value) {
16943 return typeof value === 'function';
16944 }
16946 console.log(isFunction(() => {})); // true
16947 console.log(isFunction('abc')); // false
16948 </pre>
16950 <p><strong>349. Return true if the given number is even, false otherwise:</strong></p>
16951 <pre>
16952 function isEven(num) {
16953 return num % 2 === 0;
16954 }
16956 console.log(isEven(4)); // true

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16957 console.log(isEven(7)); // false
16958 </pre>
16960 <p><strong>350. Return true if a value is an empty object, collection, map, set, or has
no enumerable properties:</strong></p>
16961 <pre>
16962 function isEmpty(value) {
16963 return value == null || (typeof value === 'object' && Object.keys(value).length ===
16964 }
16966 console.log(isEmpty({})); // true
16967 console.log(isEmpty([])); // true
16968 console.log(isEmpty('')); // true
16969 console.log(isEmpty(null)); // true
16970 console.log(isEmpty(123)); // false
16971 </pre>
16973 <p><strong>351. Check if the first numeric argument is divisible by the second one:<
16974 <pre>
16975 function isDivisible(num, divisor) {
16976 return num % divisor === 0;
16977 }
16979 console.log(isDivisible(10, 2)); // true
16980 console.log(isDivisible(10, 3)); // false
16981 </pre>
16983 <p><strong>352. Check if a given number is even or not:</strong></p>
16984 <pre>
16985 function isEven(num) {
16986 return num % 2 === 0;
16987 }
16989 console.log(isEven(4)); // true
16990 console.log(isEven(7)); // false
16991 </pre>
16993 <p><strong>353. Determine if the current runtime environment is a browser:</strong></p>
16994 <pre>
16995 function isBrowser() {
16996 return typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined';
16997 }
16999 console.log(isBrowser()); // true (in a browser)
17000 console.log(isBrowser()); // false (in Node.js)
17001 </pre>
17003 <p><strong>354. Check if the given argument is a native boolean element:</strong></p>
17004 <pre>
17005 function isBoolean(value) {
17006 return typeof value === 'boolean';
17007 }
17009 console.log(isBoolean(true)); // true
17010 console.log(isBoolean('true')); // false
17011 </pre>
17013 <p><strong>355. Check if the provided argument is array-like (i.e., is iterable):<

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17014 <pre>
17015 function isArrayLike(value) {
17016 return typeof value !== 'function' && value !== null && typeof value !== 'undefined'
&& typeof value.length === 'number';
17017 }
17019 console.log(isArrayLike([])); // true
17020 console.log(isArrayLike({ length: 5 })); // true
17021 console.log(isArrayLike('hello')); // true
17022 console.log(isArrayLike(() => {})); // false
17023 </pre>
17025 <p><strong>356. Check if a given string is an anagram of another string (case-
insensitive, ignores spaces, punctuation and special characters):</strong></p>
17026 <pre>
17027 function isAnagram(str1, str2) {
17028 const formatString = str => str.replace(/[^\w]/g, '').toLowerCase();
17029 return formatString(str1) === formatString(str2);
17030 }
17032 console.log(isAnagram('listen', 'silent')); // true
17033 console.log(isAnagram('hello', 'world')); // false
17034 </pre>
17036 <p><strong>357. Return true if the given string is an absolute URL, false otherwise:<
17037 <pre>
17038 function isAbsoluteURL(url) {
17039 const pattern = /^(?:\w+:)\/\//;
17040 return pattern.test(url);
17041 }
17043 console.log(isAbsoluteURL('')); // true
17044 console.log(isAbsoluteURL('/path/to/resource')); // false
17045 </pre>
17047 <p><strong>358. Check if the provided value is of the specified type:</strong></p>
17048 <pre>
17049 function isType(value, type) {
17050 return typeof value === type;
17051 }
17053 console.log(isType('hello', 'string')); // true
17054 console.log(isType(123, 'number')); // true
17055 console.log(isType(true, 'boolean')); // true
17056 </pre>
17058 <p><strong>359. Get a list of elements that exist in both arrays, using a provided
comparator function:</strong></p>
17059 <pre>
17060 function intersectionWith(arr1, arr2, comparator) {
17061 return arr1.filter(a => arr2.some(b => comparator(a, b)));
17062 }
17064 console.log(intersectionWith([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], (a, b) => a === b)); // [2, 3]
17065 </pre>
17067 <p><strong>360. Get a list of elements that exist in both arrays, after applying the
provided function to each array element of both:</strong></p>
17068 <pre>
17069 function intersectionBy(arr1, arr2, iteratee) {

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17070 const set = new Set(;
17071 return arr1.filter(item => set.has(iteratee(item)));
17072 }
17074 console.log(intersectionBy([1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [3.4, 2.5, 1.6], Math.floor)); // [1.1, 2.2,
17075 </pre>
17077 <p><strong>361. Get a list of elements that exist in both arrays:</strong></p>
17078 <pre>
17079 function intersection(arr1, arr2) {
17080 return arr1.filter(value => arr2.includes(value));
17081 }
17083 console.log(intersection([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4])); // [2, 3]
17084 </pre>
17086 <p><strong>362. Create an n-dimensional array with a given value:</strong></p>
17087 <pre>
17088 function createNDArray(dimensions, value) {
17089 if (dimensions.length === 0) return value;
17090 const result = [];
17091 for (let i = 0; i < dimensions[0]; i++) {
17092 result.push(createNDArray(dimensions.slice(1), value));
17093 }
17094 return result;
17095 }
17097 console.log(createNDArray([3, 3], 0)); // [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
17098 </pre>
17100 <p><strong>363. Initialize and fill an array with the specified values:</strong></p>
17101 <pre>
17102 function initializeArray(length, value) {
17103 return Array.from({ length }, () => value);
17104 }
17106 console.log(initializeArray(5, 1)); // [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
17107 </pre>
17109 <p><strong>364. Initialize an array containing numbers in the specified range (in
reverse), where start and end are inclusive with their common difference step:</strong><
17110 <pre>
17111 function initializeArrayRange(start, end, step = 1) {
17112 return Array.from({ length: Math.floor((end - start) / step) + 1 }, (_, index) =>
end - index * step);
17113 }
17115 console.log(initializeArrayRange(5, 1)); // [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
17116 </pre>
17118 <p><strong>365. Get all elements of an array except the last one:</strong></p>
17119 <pre>
17120 function getAllExceptLast(arr) {
17121 return arr.slice(0, -1);
17122 }
17124 console.log(getAllExceptLast([1, 2, 3, 4])); // [1, 2, 3]
17125 </pre>

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17127 <p><strong>366. Get all indices of val in an array. If val never occurs, returns []:<
17128 <pre>
17129 function getAllIndices(arr, val) {
17130 return arr.reduce((acc, item, index) => (item === val ? [...acc, index] : acc), []);
17131 }
17133 console.log(getAllIndices([1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5], 2)); // [1, 4]
17134 </pre>
17136 <p><strong>367. Check if the given number falls within the given range:</strong></p>
17137 <pre>
17138 function isInRange(num, range) {
17139 const [min, max] = range.sort((a, b) => a - b);
17140 return num >= min && num <= max;
17141 }
17143 console.log(isInRange(5, [1, 10])); // true
17144 console.log(isInRange(15, [1, 10])); // false
17145 </pre>
17147 <p><strong>368. Get the number of times a function is executed per second. "hz" is the
unit for hertz, the unit of frequency defined as one cycle per second:</strong></p>
17148 <pre>
17149 function hz(fn) {
17150 const start =;
17151 let count = 0;
17152 while ( - start < 1000) {
17153 fn();
17154 count++;
17155 }
17156 return count;
17157 }
17159 console.log(hz(() => console.log('Hello World!')));
17160 </pre>
17162 <p><strong>369. Calculate the Hamming distance between two values:</strong></p>
17163 <pre>
17164 function hammingDistance(str1, str2) {
17165 let distance = 0;
17166 for (let i = 0; i < str1.length; i++) {
17167 if (str1[i] !== str2[i]) distance++;
17168 }
17169 return distance;
17170 }
17172 console.log(hammingDistance('karolin', 'kathrin')); // 3
17173 </pre>
17176 <p><strong>370. Get the native type of a value:</strong></p>
17177 <pre>
17178 function getNativeType(value) {
17179 return value === null ? 'null' : value === undefined ? 'undefined' :;
17180 }
17182 console.log(getNativeType('hello')); // string
17183 console.log(getNativeType(123)); // number
17184 console.log(getNativeType(null)); // null
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17185 </pre>
17187 <p><strong>371. Get a string of the form HH:MM:SS from a Date object:</strong></p>
17188 <pre>
17189 function formatTime(date) {
17190 const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
17191 const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
17192 const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
17193 return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
17194 }
17196 console.log(formatTime(new Date())); // "15:25:45"
17197 </pre>
17199 <p><strong>372. Initialize an array containing numbers in the specified range:</strong><
17200 <pre>
17201 function initializeArrayRange(start, end, step) {
17202 if (step === 1) throw new Error('Step cannot be 1.');
17203 const arr = [];
17204 for (let i = start; i <= end; i *= step) {
17205 arr.push(i);
17206 }
17207 return arr;
17208 }
17210 console.log(initializeArrayRange(1, 100, 2)); // [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
17211 </pre>
17213 <p><strong>373. Calculate the greatest common divisor between two or more numbers:<
17214 <pre>
17215 function gcd(...numbers) {
17216 const _gcd = (x, y) => (!y ? x : gcd(y, x % y));
17217 return numbers.reduce((a, b) => _gcd(a, b));
17218 }
17220 console.log(gcd(8, 12, 16)); // 4
17221 </pre>
17223 <p><strong>374. Remove HTML/XML tags from string:</strong></p>
17224 <pre>
17225 function removeTags(str) {
17226 return str.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
17227 }
17229 console.log(removeTags('<p>Hello <b>world</b>!</p>')); // "Hello world!"
17230 </pre>
17232 <p><strong>375. Get the standard deviation of an array of numbers:</strong></p>
17233 <pre>
17234 function standardDeviation(arr) {
17235 const mean = arr.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0) / arr.length;
17236 const variance = arr.reduce((acc, val) => acc + (val - mean) ** 2, 0) / arr.length;
17237 return Math.sqrt(variance);
17238 }
17240 console.log(standardDeviation([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); // 1.4142135623730951
17241 </pre>

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17243 <p><strong>376. Get n random elements at unique keys from array up to the size of array:
17244 <pre>
17245 function getRandomElements(arr, n) {
17246 return arr
17247 .map((value) => ({ value, sort: Math.random() }))
17248 .sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort)
17249 .slice(0, n)
17250 .map((item) => item.value);
17251 }
17253 console.log(getRandomElements([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2)); // [2, 3] (example)
17254 </pre>
17256 <p><strong>377. Remove elements from an array for which the given function returns
17257 <pre>
17258 function filterFalsy(arr, fn) {
17259 return arr.filter((item) => fn(item));
17260 }
17262 console.log(filterFalsy([0, 1, '', 'hello', null, true], Boolean)); // [1, 'hello',
17263 </pre>
17265 <p><strong>378. Log the name of a function:</strong></p>
17266 <pre>
17267 function logFunctionName(fn) {
17268 console.log(;
17269 }
17271 logFunctionName(function myFunction() {}); // "myFunction"
17272 </pre>
17274 <p><strong>379. Convert a string from camelcase:</strong></p>
17275 <pre>
17276 function fromCamelCase(str) {
17277 return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1').toLowerCase();
17278 }
17280 console.log(fromCamelCase('helloWorld')); // "hello world"
17281 </pre>
17283 <p><strong>380. Get the human-readable format of the given number of milliseconds:<
17284 <pre>
17285 function formatMilliseconds(ms) {
17286 const seconds = Math.floor(ms / 1000) % 60;
17287 const minutes = Math.floor(ms / (1000 * 60)) % 60;
17288 const hours = Math.floor(ms / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24;
17289 const days = Math.floor(ms / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
17290 return `${days}d ${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s`;
17291 }
17293 console.log(formatMilliseconds(1000000000)); // "11d 13h 46m 40s"
17294 </pre>
17296 <p><strong>381. Iterate over all own properties of an object in reverse, running a
callback for each one:</strong></p>
17297 <pre>
17298 function iterateReverse(obj, callback) {

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17299 const keys = Object.keys(obj).reverse();
17300 keys.forEach((key) => callback(key, obj[key]));
17301 }
17303 const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
17304 iterateReverse(obj, (key, value) => console.log(`${key}: ${value}`));
17305 </pre>
17307 <p><strong>382. Take a function as an argument, then make the first argument the last:<
17308 <pre>
17309 function switchArguments(fn) {
17310 return function(...args) {
17311 return fn(...args.slice(1), args[0]);
17312 };
17313 }
17315 const subtract = (a, b) => a - b;
17316 const subtractWithSwitchedArgs = switchArguments(subtract);
17317 console.log(subtractWithSwitchedArgs(5, 3)); // -2
17318 </pre>
17320 <p><strong>383. Flatten an object with the paths for keys:</strong></p>
17321 <pre>
17322 function flattenObject(obj, path = '') {
17323 return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
17324 const fullPath = path ? `${path}.${key}` : key;
17325 if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && obj[key] !== null) {
17326 Object.assign(acc, flattenObject(obj[key], fullPath));
17327 } else {
17328 acc[fullPath] = obj[key];
17329 }
17330 return acc;
17331 }, {});
17332 }
17334 const nestedObj = {
17335 a: {
17336 b: {
17337 c: 1,
17338 d: 2
17339 },
17340 e: 3
17341 },
17342 f: 4
17343 };
17345 console.log(flattenObject(nestedObj));
17346 </pre>
17348 <p><strong>384. Flatten a given array up to the specified depth:</strong></p>
17349 <pre>
17350 function flattenArray(arr, depth = 1) {
17351 return arr.reduce((acc, item) => {
17352 if (Array.isArray(item) && depth > 0) {
17353 acc.push(...flattenArray(item, depth - 1));
17354 } else {
17355 acc.push(item);
17356 }
17357 return acc;

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17358 }, []);
17359 }
17361 console.log(flattenArray([1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]], 2)); // [1, 2, 3, [4], 5]
17362 </pre>
17364 <p><strong>385. Get the last key that satisfies the provided testing function, otherwise
undefined is returned:</strong></p>
17365 <pre>
17366 function findLastKey(obj, predicate) {
17367 const keys = Object.keys(obj).reverse();
17368 return keys.find((key) => predicate(obj[key]));
17369 }
17371 const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };
17372 console.log(findLastKey(obj, (value) => value % 2 === 0)); // "d"
17373 </pre>
17375 <p><strong>386. Get the first key that satisfies the provided testing function.
Otherwise, return undefined:</strong></p>
17376 <pre>
17377 function findFirstKey(obj, predicate) {
17378 const keys = Object.keys(obj);
17379 return keys.find((key) => predicate(obj[key]));
17380 }
17382 const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };
17383 console.log(findFirstKey(obj, (value) => value % 2 === 0)); // "b"
17384 </pre>
17386 <p><strong>387. Generate an array containing the Fibonacci sequence, up until the nth
17387 <pre>
17388 function fibonacci(n) {
17389 const sequence = [0, 1];
17390 for (let i = 2; i < n; i++) {
17391 sequence.push(sequence[i - 1] + sequence[i - 2]);
17392 }
17393 return sequence.slice(0, n);
17394 }
17396 console.log(fibonacci(10)); // [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
17397 </pre>
17399 <p><strong>388. Calculate the factorial of a number:</strong></p>
17400 <pre>
17401 function factorial(n) {
17402 if (n === 0 || n === 1) return 1;
17403 let result = 1;
17404 for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
17405 result *= i;
17406 }
17407 return result;
17408 }
17410 console.log(factorial(5)); // 120
17411 </pre>
17413 <p><strong>389. Escape a string to use in a regular expression:</strong></p>
17414 <pre>
17415 function escapeRegExp(str) {
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17416 return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
17417 }
17419 const input = 'Escaping [special] characters in (regex)';
17420 const regex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp('['), 'g');
17421 console.log(input.replace(regex, '\\[')); // "Escaping \[special\] characters in (regex)
17422 </pre>
17424 <p><strong>390. Check if the parent element contains the child element:</strong></p>
17425 <pre>
17426 function isChildOf(parent, child) {
17427 return parent.contains(child);
17428 }
17430 const parent = document.getElementById('parent');
17431 const child = document.getElementById('child');
17432 console.log(isChildOf(parent, child)); // true or false
17433 </pre>
17435 <p><strong>391. Remove elements in an array until the passed function returns true:<
17436 <pre>
17437 function removeUntil(arr, fn) {
17438 while (!fn(arr[0])) {
17439 arr.shift();
17440 }
17441 return arr;
17442 }
17444 const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
17445 console.log(removeUntil(arr, (x) => x > 2)); // [3, 4, 5]
17446 </pre>
17448 <p><strong>392. Remove elements from the end of an array until the passed function
returns true:</strong></p>
17449 <pre>
17450 function removeFromEndUntil(arr, fn) {
17451 while (!fn(arr[arr.length - 1])) {
17452 arr.pop();
17453 }
17454 return arr;
17455 }
17457 const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
17458 console.log(removeFromEndUntil(arr, (x) => x > 3)); // [1, 2, 3]
17459 </pre>
17461 <p><strong>393. Get the distance between two given points:</strong></p>
17462 <pre>
17463 function distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2) {
17464 const [x1, y1] = point1;
17465 const [x2, y2] = point2;
17466 return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2);
17467 }
17469 console.log(distanceBetweenPoints([1, 2], [4, 6])); // 5
17470 </pre>
17472 <p><strong>394. Get the difference between two given arrays:</strong></p>
17473 <pre>
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17474 function arrayDifference(arr1, arr2) {
17475 const set = new Set(arr2);
17476 return arr1.filter((item) => !set.has(item));
17477 }
17479 console.log(arrayDifference([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4])); // [1]
17480 </pre>
17482 <p><strong>395. Invoke the provided function after wait milliseconds:</strong></p>
17483 <pre>
17484 function delay(fn, wait, ...args) {
17485 return setTimeout(fn, wait, ...args);
17486 }
17488 delay(console.log, 1000, 'Delayed message');
17489 </pre>
17491 <p><strong>396. Convert a given angle from degrees to radians:</strong></p>
17492 <pre>
17493 function degreesToRadians(degrees) {
17494 return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
17495 }
17497 console.log(degreesToRadians(90)); // 1.5707963267948966
17498 </pre>
17500 <p><strong>397. Assign default values for all properties in an object that are
17501 <pre>
17502 function assignDefaults(obj, defaults) {
17503 for (const key in defaults) {
17504 if (, key) && obj[key] ===
undefined) {
17505 obj[key] = defaults[key];
17506 }
17507 }
17508 return obj;
17509 }
17511 const obj = { a: 1, b: undefined };
17512 console.log(assignDefaults(obj, { a: 0, b: 2, c: 3 })); // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
17513 </pre>
17515 <p><strong>398. Deep flatten an array:</strong></p>
17516 <pre>
17517 function deepFlatten(arr) {
17518 return arr.reduce((acc, val) => Array.isArray(val) ? acc.concat(deepFlatten(val)) :
acc.concat(val), []);
17519 }
17521 console.log(deepFlatten([1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]])); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
17522 </pre>
17524 <p><strong>399. Get the current URL:</strong></p>
17525 <pre>
17526 const currentURL = window.location.href;
17527 console.log(currentURL);
17528 </pre>
17530 <p><strong>400. Create an element from a string (without appending it to the document):<

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17531 <pre>
17532 function createElementFromString(str) {
17533 const template = document.createElement('template');
17534 template.innerHTML = str.trim();
17535 return template.content.firstChild;
17536 }
17538 const elementString = '<div>Hello World</div>';
17539 const element = createElementFromString(elementString);
17540 console.log(element); // <div>Hello World</div>
17541 </pre>
17545 </body>
17546 </html>

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