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Design and Performance Analysis of Four Plates

Capacitive Coupler for Electric Vehicle On-Road

Wireless Charging
Kodeeswaran S, Nandhini Gayathri M, Kannabhiran A Sanjeevikumar P
2021 24th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) | 978-1-6654-2760-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/WPMC52694.2021.9700416

School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, CTiF Global Capsule, Department of

SASTRA Deemed to be University, Business Development and Technology,
Tamil Nadu, India. Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark.,,

Abstract—Electric vehicles (EVs) during parking are In this research paper, the possibilities of the dynamic
charged by a wireless power transfer method called stationary capacitive power transfer method are analyzed to decrease the
wireless charging, a more famous method. On-road EVs cost of the charging system. First, the capacitive coupler is
charging is also possible by the wireless power transfer method,
known as dynamic charging. Most of the dynamic charging
determined for arrangement 1. Here, the two transmitters are
infrastructure was developed by the Inductive Power Transfer placed along the road, and the receiver is connected parallel
(IPT) method and applied in EVs. But the difficulty of this to the road with some distance D and fixed in the vehicle.
method is high cost and more eddy current losses due to Second, the capacitive coupler is designed for arrangement 2,
inductive coils. Hence, to reduce the cost of the on-road charging which has two transmitters fixed perpendicular to the road
system, a high power capacitive dynamic charging system is and a receiver fixed between the transmitter and
proposed to promote the Capacitive Power Transfer (CPT)
method in Ev’s dynamic charging applications. This research
perpendicular to the vehicle chassis lower side. Third, the
article mainly focuses on capacitive aluminum plate design and capacitive plate is arranged vertically, the transmitter is first
comparative analysis for three different coupler arrangements. fixed perpendicular to the road, and the receiver is fixed on
The mutual capacitance of the capacitive coupler is directly the outer side of the transmitter. These three arrangements are
relative to the system’s output power, which is the main simulated in ANSYS Maxwell to find the mutual capacitance
statement of this article. The ANSYS Maxwell simulation and self-capacitance for the same dimensions. Based on the
determines the mutual capacitance and self-capacitances for the
three different arrangements to find the suitable coupler results the capacitive charging is promoted to further levels
arrangement. Based on the comparison of the simulated results, for electric vehicle dynamic charging applications.
which arrangement has high mutual capacitance is selected for
further EVs on-road wireless charging development.
Keywords—Electric vehicles, capacitive coupler, mutual
capacitance, self-capacitance, electric field, power, and efficiency.

Wireless charging for electric vehicles is a very famous
and widely adopted method. Due to simple circuits and
performance, this method has more advantages compared
with Plug-in charging. Lots of research work is going on in
terms of efficiency improvement and lowering the cost of the
wireless charging system. The inductive power transfer
method has good efficiency and better performance in both
stationary and dynamic wireless charging of EVs. While Fig 1. Capacitive wireless power transfer method.
applied in dynamic charging, the IPT method has some
problems related to misalignment between transmitter and II. THREE DIFFERENT CAPACITIVE COUPLER
receiver [1][2]. If there is more misalignment, the system ARRANGEMENT
power efficiency is significantly affected. Also, the cost to ANSYS Maxwell simulation software is used to design
implement the IPT infrastructure is high[3]. The CPT method capacitive plates. The mutual capacitance is calculated for
is applied in dynamic charging[4]. Fig. 1 shows the capacitive different receiver positions denoted as ‘a’ mm[6]. The three
wireless charging method applied in EVs. different coupler arrangement is proposed to find the suitable
The CPT system practices high-frequency electric fields setup analyzed in the ANSYS Maxwell simulation for the
to transfer power. Two pairs of aluminum plates are used to same dimensions. But the transmitter (T1 & T2) and receiver
produce the capacitive coupler. This capacitive coupler (R1 & R2) are changed at different positions[7] to achieve
provides a power flow from the transmitter to the receiver three different arrangements, as explained below. The
side. One plate is on the ground side or roadside, and another dimensions of the transmitter and receiver are taken from
is fixed on the vehicle side to transfer the power. The Table I to find suitable arrangements. The length of the
coupling capacitance depends on the area & distance between receiver is assumed to be one by a fourth of the transmitter’s
the plates and the dielectric material used [5]. The length[8].
compensation circuit used in the CPT system helps to
increase the voltage on the plates to transfer the power.

978-1-6654-2760-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

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Parameters Design Name Design Values Parameters Design Name Design Values
lt Transmitter length 1200 mm lr Receiver length 300 mm
wt Transmitter width 300 mm wr Receiver width 300 mm
tt Transmitter thickness 2 mm tr Receiver thickness 2 mm
Distance between Air-gap between
D 100 mm dc 20 mm
transmitter plates transmitter and receiver

A. Arrangement 1- Two transmitters and two receivers along B. Arrangement 2- Two transmitters outside and two
to the road receivers inside
Fig. 2(a) shows the transmitter and receiver positions for In this arrangement, the two transmitters are placed
arrangement 1. Here, the transmitter length (lt) is taken as outside, and two receivers are placed inside the transmitter,
1200 mm, and width (wt) is taken as 300 mm. There are two as shown in Fig. 3 (a). The dimensions for the transmitter and
transmitters (T1 & T2) are fixed along the road with spacing receiver are taken from table 1, the same as the above
(S) is 100 mm. The receiver plate (R1 & R2) is taken in a discussion. The transmitter plate is excited by the primary
square shape, and it is fixed in the vehicle with dimensions source voltage, whereas the receiver plate is excited by
300 mm×300 mm. The distance between transmitter and secondary voltage. Here, the transmitter plate is arranged at a
receiver (D) is taken as 100 mm. This arrangement helps to distance (D) of 100 mm, and the receiver plates are arranged
charge the vehicle with no disturbance while running. The with an air gap distance (dc) is 20 mm. The lower receiver is
front view of this arrangement 1 is shown in Fig. 2 (b). arranged 20 mm air gap distance from the lower transmitter,
and the upper receiver is arranged for the same 20 mm air gap
from the upper transmitter. So, the air gap between the two
receivers is 60 mm obtained from the remaining air gap. The
top view of the capacitive plate is shown in Fig. 3 (b).
C. Arrangement 3- Two transmitters inside and two
receivers outside
In this arrangement 3, the two transmitters are placed
inside, and the receiver plate is placed outside the transmitter,
(a) as shown in Fig. 4 (a). All the plates are arranged in parallel
to each other. The length and width of the plate are the same
as the above two arrangements. And also, the air gap between
the transmitter and receiver plate is 20 mm. The lower
receiver is placed with an air gap 20 mm from, the lower
transmitter, and the upper receiver is placed 20mm above the
upper transmitter. The distance between the two transmitters
is taken as (D) 100 mm. The top view of arrangement 3 is
Fig 2. Arrangement 1- two transmitters and two receivers along with road (a) shown in Fig. 3(b).
3D view (b) Front view with dimensions.

(a) (a)

(b) (b)
Fig 3. Arrangement 2- two transmitters outside and two receivers inside (a) Fig 4. Arrangement 3- two transmitters inside and two receivers
3D View (b) top view. outside (a) 3D view (b) top view.

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III. CIRCUIT MODEL FOR CALCULATING THE MUTUAL (CT 1T 2 + C T 1R1 + CT 1R 2 ).V T 1 − C T 1R1.V R1 − C T 1R 2 .V R 2 = I 1 jω
CAPACITANCE − C T 1T 2 .V T 1 − C T 2 R1.V R1 − C T 2 R 2 .V R 2 = − I 1 jω
− C .V + (C + + ). − . = jω
The coupling capacitances formed by each plate are shown  T 1R1 . T 1 − T 1R1. CT+2 R(1 C R1+R 2 V R1 +C R1R 2 )V. R 2 =I 2
− C T 1R 2 V T 1 C R1R 2 V R1 C T 1R 2 C T 2 R 2 C R1R 2 V R 2 − I 2 jω
in Fig. 5(a)-(c)[3]. The dc value is very small compared to the (1)
distance D; therefore, the capacitance CT1R1 and CT2R2 values I1 and I2 are the current supplied to the plates on primary
are small compared to CT1T2 and CR1R2[9]. The cross-coupling and secondary sides, respectively, and the angular frequency
capacitances CT1R2, CT2R1 are formed by the plates T1-R2 and ω = 2πfs, the ac input, and output source frequency is fs, and
T2-R1, so it is normally small compared to CT1T2 and CR1R2. it is 1MHz for this model.
However, these capacitances are not neglected but used in the There are four equations derived as mentioned in (1), and
circuit model to find the capacitances[10]. The circuit model any three equations are independent. The voltage and current
formed by capacitances is shown in Fig. 6[1]. The coupling equations are derived from equation (1). The VR1 and VR2 is
capacitances CT1T2 and CR1R2 are used to calculate the eliminated for the simplification from the first two equations
equivalent capacitances on the primary and secondary sides. of (1), and the resultant equation is,
The capacitance CT1T2 and CR1R2 calculated corresponding to [CT 2 R 2(CT 1T 2 + CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2) + CT 1T 2CT 1R 2].VT 1
the dc value, and therefore, the misalignment problem not
− (CT 1R1CT 2 R 2 − CT 1R 2CT 2 R1).VR1 = (CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R 2). I 1 jω
occurred which means resonance of the coupler not
penetrating to misalignment[11]. [CT 2 R1(CT 1T 2 + CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2) + CT 1T 2CT1R1].VT 1
The capacitance value is calculated based on the voltage − (CT1R1CT 2R 2 − CT1R 2CT 2R1).VR 2 = (CT1R1 + CT 2 R1). I 1 jω
applied to V1 and V2 to the plates. The voltage applied in (2)
plates 1, 2, 3, and 4 is VT1, VT2, VR1, and VR2. The reference Since VA = VPA and VB = VPC-VPD, the relationship between
voltage and current VA, IA, and VB is expressed as,
V 1 = I 1.
 (CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2).(CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2) 
jω CT 1T 2 +
 CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2 
 CT 1R1CT 2 R 2 − CT 2 R1CT 1R 2 
+ V 2. 
 CT 1T 2 (CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2) + (CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2).(CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2) 

Similarly, using last two equations from (1), VB, IB, and VA
is expressed as,
(a) V 2 = I 2.
 (CT 1R1 + CT 2 R1).(CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R 2) 
jω CR1R 2 +
 CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2 
 CT 1R1CT 2 R 2 − C T 2 R1CT 1R 2 
+ V 1. 
 CR1R 2 (C T 1R1 + CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2 ) + (CT 1R1 + CT 2 R1).(CT 1R 2 + C T 2 R 2 
From equation (3) and (4), the capacitances CA, CB and CM is
(b) found as,
(CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2).(CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2)
CA = CT 1T 2 +
CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2
(CT 1R1 + CT 2 R1).(CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R 2) (5)
CB = CR1R 2 +
CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R1 + CT 1R 2

CT 1R1.CT 2 R 2 − CT 2 R1.CT 1R 2 CM 1.CM 2
CM = =
Fig 5. Six Coupling Capacitances formed by the plates (a) arrangement CT 1R1 + CT 1R 2 + CT 2 R1 + CT 2 R 2 CM 1 + CM 2
1 (b) arrangement 2 (c) arrangement 3. Therefore, (3) and (4) can be written as,
 1 CM
V 1 = I 1. jωCA + V 2. CA (6)
 1 CM
V 2 = I 2. + V 1.
 jωCB CB
Moving the current to LHS of the equations, the current
I 1 = jωCA.V 1 − jωCM .V 2 (7)
I 2 = jωCB.VB − jωCM .V 1

Fig 6. Simplified Universal Circuit model of three arrangements.
The six coupling capacitors are calculated from the
ANSYS Maxwell simulation, and by substituting the values
voltage is applied on plate T2, and therefore VT2=0 V; VT1 =
in equation (5), the mutual capacitance and self-capacitances
265 V; VR1 = 270 V, and VR2 = 0 V is applied in the plates T1,
were calculated[13]. After the calculation, the voltage and
T2, R1 & R2, respectively [12]. Plate T2 is selected as a
current values were obtained from (6) & (7) to predict the
reference. Therefore VT2=0 V, V1=VT1, and V2 = VR1-VR2.
efficiency value of the proposed system.
The KCL is applied, and the equations are,

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Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is used to calculate the
coupling capacitances of the proposed three different
arrangement setups. The capacitances formed by every plate
are calculated, which directly gives the six coupling
capacitances value[14]. These values are substituted in
equation (5) to get the self-capacitances CA, CB, and mutual
capacitance CM[15]. Fig. 7-9 shows the simulation diagram
for the proposed work in 3D view[16]. Two long plates are
working as transmitted, whereas short plates are working as
a receiver. In Fig. 7, the long plates are placed on X-axis, and (a)
the short plates are placed on the Z-axis with a distance (D)
of 100 mm. Fig. 8 and 9 show the long plate and short plates
in the y-axis. But the receiver plates are arranged 20 mm air
gap from the transmitter for both arrangements.
Let us consider the receiver moving along the transmitter
position from [-200 mm, 1200 mm], in which the negative
position means the receiver extends beyond the left edge of
the transmitter. Also, considering the length of the transmitter
and receiver, a position larger than the size of the receiver that
is 900 mm, means the receiver extends beyond the right edge
of the transmitter[8]. The same condition is considered for all (b)
three setups, and the results are tabulated in Tables 2, 3, and Fig 8. Arrangement 2. (a) Simulation Diagram (b) electric field emission.


(b) (b)
Fig 7. Arrangement 1. (a) Simulation Diagram (b) electric field emission Fig 9. Arrangement 3. (a) Simulation Diagram (b) electric field emission.


a [mm]
(pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF)
-200 18.39 10.41 2.18 2.16 10.40 3.93 4.12 24.68 10.22
0 17.69 15.07 2.30 2.26 15.19 2.78 6.43 26.40 11.49
200 17.61 16.14 2.27 2.24 16.32 2.33 6.99 26.85 11.58
400 17.74 16.48 2.27 2.23 16.75 2.32 7.18 27.17 11.75
600 17.72 16.53 2.29 2.24 16.68 2.35 7.17 27.16 11.79
800 17.56 15.74 2.28 2.25 15.89 2.44 6.78 26.60 11.48
1000 17.93 13.02 2.25 2.26 13.06 3.32 5.39 25.58 10.97
1200 18.79 7.55 2.07 2.04 7.53 4.50 2.74 23.58 9.29

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a [mm]
(pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF)
-200 59.82 31.30 0.61 0.59 31.43 33.46 15.38 75.81 49.45
0 48.70 82.78 0.56 0.54 82.87 33.73 41.13 90.39 75.42
200 47.68 85.14 1.19 1.12 85.44 33.92 42.06 90.90 77.14
400 47.60 85.41 1.23 1.10 85.91 34.07 42.25 91.01 77.48
600 47.60 85.79 1.14 1.08 86.01 34.24 42.39 91.10 77.74
800 47.61 85.97 1.06 1.12 85.76 34.27 42.39 91.08 77.74
1000 54.26 58.57 0.59 0.54 58.79 33.65 29.06 83.88 63.28
1200 65.38 4.66 0.59 0.59 4.77 33.45 2.06 68.03 36.10


a [mm]
(pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF)
-200 75.14 3.54 22.65 22.68 3.54 7.17 9.56 88.24 20.27
0 73.98 3.31 49.78 49.55 3.31 1.50 23.18 100.47 27.99
200 75.37 2.92 51.87 51.74 2.93 0.90 24.44 102.73 28.26
400 74.97 2.88 51.67 51.61 2.89 0.85 24.38 102.23 28.11
600 75.08 2.89 51.86 51.71 2.91 0.86 24.44 102.42 28.21
800 74.98 2.98 51.45 51.51 2.97 0.98 24.25 102.21 28.20
1000 74.65 3.61 36.86 36.82 3.64 4.16 16.61 94.88 24.39
1200 75.97 3.50 9.12 9.10 3.49 10.13 2.81 82.28 16.43

Fig 10. Calculated capacitance result at different receiver positions (a)
mutual capacitance CM (b) self-capacitance CA (c) self-capacitance CB.

Fig. 10 (a)- (c) shows the calculated capacitance value at

different receiver positions. For all three arrangements, when
the receiver position is between [-200 mm, 0 mm], the
receiver moves towards the transmitter, increasing the
capacitances. When the position is in the range [0 mm, 900
mm], the receiver overlaps the transmitter, and capacitances
are essentially constant. When the position is in the range
[900 mm, 1200 mm], the receiver moves away from the
transmitter, decreasing the capacitances. By comparing the
capacitances from above, Fig. 9 shows that arrangement 2 has
high mutual capacitance compared to other remaining
arrangements. So, arrangement 2 is selected for further
(b) development of capacitive dynamic charging for EVs.

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