The Analysis of Variation in Plate Geometry For Capacitive Power Transfer Pads Utilized in Electric Vehicles

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The Analysis of Variation in Plate Geometry for

Capacitive Power Transfer Pads Utilized in Electric

Noor Qasim Atiyah Dogu Cagdas Atilla Cagatay Aydin Yasir Adil Mukhlif
Electrical and Computer Electrical and Computer Electrical and Computer Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department Engineering Department Engineering Department Engineering Department
Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Science
AltÕnbaú University Altınbaş University Istanbul, AltÕnbaú University AltÕnbaú University Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract - This paper offers a 4-plate built-in power [3], [4], at the same time as in IPT systems, the coils are
capacitive coupler and the model of the system for large a manufacture of costly Litz-wire [5]. The aluminum shield is a
air-gap space capacitive power transfer (CPT). The plates cost-efficient option, which has good conductivity, small mass,
in this paper is designated in square and circle types. The and little fee, on the other hand, the majority of the accessible
four plates are coordinated perpendicularly, and CPT equipment focuses on applications which are considered as
horizontally, to save field in the electric vehicle low power applications and especially tiny distances such as 1
charging application and make comparison between mm, which create the coupling capacitances among plates in the
them. In vertical configuration, the two plates that on vary of several nF [2, 3]. The series compensated circuit
the similar region are positioned near to each other to topology is mainly used in CPT systems, where simply one
ensure a huge coupling capacitance as well as in single inductor is connected in series configuration to the plates
horizontal configuration, and a comparison is made to provide resonance. Even though the system power can be
between the arrow capacitive plates and column plates
amplified to kW levels, the system is responsive to the
and see the result of unlike sizes to uphold the coupling
capacitance value variations [4-6]. For the charging applications
among the primary and secondary sides. The circuit
of electric vehicle, an LCL three elements T-compensated
representation of the coupler is approaching,
allowing for every one of six pairing capacitors. topology as fig (1) has been presented in [7]. It can amplify the
The Double-sided LCL compensated circuit topology voltage on the metal plates to high level of voltage (e.g. kV
is utilized to resonate through the coupler and supply level) and considerably raise the power transferred.
very high voltage on the plates to transfer high power. Consequently, the system power has reach 2.4kW with the
The model that belong to the circuit of the coupler is efficiency of 90.8% through an air-gap distance of 15 cm. In
very simple to design the parameters of the [7], for reducing the cross-coupling among the plates, couples
compensation circuit. to design the specific parameter of aluminum dishes are set and alienated by 50 cm. This
values. We use Finite-element analysis to simulate arrangement is simple and proper to extract the circuit model of
the coupling capacitance and design the size of the the plates; moreover it provides additional gap between the
coupler. The circuit presentation is simulated in ANSYS plates than is required and this configuration reduces the power
to design the precise parameter values. concentration of the designated CPT system. Because of that
arrangement there may occur misalignment, and cross-coupling
Keywords – Wireless Power Transfer, Square Power Pads,
may be unavoidable, and eventually the compensation circuit
Circular Power Pads, Changing Geometry, Capacitive Power
Transfer, Electrical Vehicle cannot operate in desired fashion. In the most horrible situation,
when we rotate the plates by 90° the resulting total power will
I. INTRODUCTION be zero so to overcome this problem it is required to improve
construction of coupling. In this paper, a better built-in plate
Capacitive power transfer (CPT) equipment is a construction is offered, where the four metal plates are
substitution result to change the IPT structure. It harnesses perpendicularly and horizontally set. It can keep the coupling
electric fields to move power, instead of magnetic fields [1]. while there is horizontal and rotatory misalignment. This
The electric fields can overtake across metal barriers exclusive construction has been aforesaid in reference [8] along with [9].
generating expressive power losses. so, the CPT knowledge is on the other hand, beforehand, the cross-coupling among every
suitable for the electric vehicle charging application [2]. One pair of plates has not been careful, the exact equal circuit has
more benefit of the CPT system is its low down charge. In CPT not be resulting, and the compensation topology for the coupler
systems, metal dishes are used to form capacitors to transfer

978-1-5386-7132-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 291

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has not been calculated. In this paper firstly, the effect of
changing geometry of power pads to square and circular form of
the coupling among every pair of plates is examined. Next, the
equivalent circuit topology of the plates is accessible and an
LCL compensation circuit topology in Fig. 1 is designed to
provide resonation between the plates. In our paper we
have three sections. The first part introduces the built-in plate
construction, part two debates the compensation of LCL
topology for the coupling plates and last part presents the
construction of coupler and finally the equivalent circuit is
Fig. 3. Vertical and Horizontal Circle Power Pads

B. The model and Circuit of the Plates

Here is coupling capacitance among every two pair, as shown

in Fig. 4. The air gap d is a large amount than the plate space
Ds in electric vehicle charging applications, so C14 and C23
are much smaller than C12 and C34. The cross-couplings of
C14 and C24 are generated by the rim effect of P1---P3 and
Fig. 1. LCL-compensated Capacitive Power Transfer System P2--- P4, so they are commonly smaller than C12 and C34.
However, they cannot be neglected in a precise model of the
circuit. The consequential circuit model of the 4-plate
II. THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR-PLATE AND CIRCUIT MODEL perpendicular construction is shown in Fig. 5. The tantamount
input capacitances of the plates from the primary and
A. Square and Circle Plate Structure secondary side are known as C/pri and C/sec , respectively,
which are fundamentally specified by C12 and C34. Since
Fig. 2,3 clarify the construction and size of the plates. Both the C12 and C34 are mainly determined by the distance Ds, and
three-size sight and face sight are accessible. The XYZ axis is they are not related on the way to the misalignment between
displayed in the figure. The plates are planned to be symmetric the primary and secondary side, so, resonance of this coupler
as of the primary to the secondary side. P3 and P4 are is not sensitive to the misalignment.
embedded on the ground as the power transmitter. P1 and P2
are installed on the truck as the power receiver. In Fig. 2,3 P1
and P4 are dissimilar than P2 and P3. Consequently, the
coupling among P1 and P4 cannot be discarded by P2 and P3.
The plate form does not have an effect on coupling, therefore
each plates are planned to be rectangular and circular to make
simpler the analysis. In the functional application, the plates
can be planned to several form to in shape the fitting on the
truck. The only standard is to keep the region of the plates to
transfer appropriate power. The length of P1 and P4 is l1, the
length of P2 and P3 is l2, the distance of P1-P2 and P3-P4 is d ,
and the distance of P2-P3 is Ds, which is the space between the
primary and secondary side. The depth of all the plates is u.

Fig. 4. Coupling Capacitors in the Plates.

In Fig. 5, two independent voltage sources V1 and V2 are

functional on the plates to derive the linkage among the input
and output. All the capacitors match to the couplings in Fig. 4.
The voltage on every plate is known as Vp1, Vp2, Vp3, and Vp4,

Fig. 2. Vertical and Horizontal Square Power Pads


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A lossy coupled CPT system is planned in this part. To

make simpler the procedure, the capacitive coupler is planned
to be asymmetric, and the size are determined as o1 = o1 =30
cm, o2 = o2 = 20cm, ƒg= 15 cm, and ƒx= 2 cm.

Finite element analysis by Maxwell shown in Fig. 6 is

additionally used to simulate the coupling capacitances among
the plates. As shown in Table 1, the equivalent capacitances in
Fig. 5 are calculated according to the type of power pads and
the geometry that we use. The values of Table 1 represents the
mutual capacitance among every pair of plates and
Fig. 5. Circuit Model of the Coupling Capacitors the coupling coefficient of each power pads that we use.
It is appeared as we know that when the coupling coefficient
F1 = F12 +(F13 + F14) y (F23 + F24) F13 + F14 + ƒ close to 1 means the power pads transfer sufficient power and
F23 + F24 ƒ in this simulation it's obvious that the circular one can
F2 = F34 +(F13 + F23) y (F14 + F24)F13 + F14 + (1)
F23 + F24 transfer maximum power.
FPƒ= F24F13 ί F14F23F13 + F14 + F23 + F24
Power pads C1(pf) C2(pf) CM(pf) Kc
The relation between voltage and current can be defined in Square horizontal 9.9 9.9 4.3 0.434
Square vertical 11.9 11.9 5.5 0.46
(2) Circle horizontal 6.6 6.6 5.3 0.803
Circle vertical 7.9 7.9 6.3 0.7974

like to that of the coils, the capacitive coupling coefficient kc

of the plates is known as with the parameters from (1), as
KC= (3)

ξ‫ͳܥ͵ʹܥ‬Ͷ െ ‫ʹܥ͵ͳܥ‬Ͷ

ඥ‫ʹͳܥ‬ሺ‫ͳܥ‬Ͷ ൅ ‫ ͵ͳܥ‬൅ ‫ʹܥ‬Ͷ ൅ ‫͵ʹܥ‬ሻ ൅ ሺ‫ͳܥ‬Ͷ ൅ ‫͵ͳܥ‬ሻሺ‫ʹܥ‬Ͷ ൅ ‫͵ʹܥ‬

ξ‫ͳܥ͵ʹܥ‬Ͷ െ ‫ʹܥ͵ͳܥ‬Ͷ (4)


Fig. 6. Simulation ANSYS for Circle Power Pads

For the horizontal construction in )igV2 3 the plates at
the same plane are located with 15 cm of aperture, as a result
the coupling capacitance C12 and C34 are together close up to As we see in Fig.6 it shows the simulation of power pads
zero. Cross-coupling capacitances C13 and C24 are also close of vertical configuration of circular design and if we compare
up to zero. As a result, the capacitive coupling coefficient is it with the other simulation of power pads for the square
kC1. (horizontal and vertical) referred in (10) it is seen that the
circle power pads is more efficient in power transfer than the
For the vertical structure shown in FigV. 2 3 the plate other power pads and if we analyse the E field-V diagram it
distance Ds is much smaller than the air gap distance Ds so C12 shows us the energy transfer in the medium is much larger
and C34 are much larger than C14 and C23. As a result, the than the other E-V performance for the other power pads
capacitive coupling coefficient L$, that define as it is a lossy
coupledCPT system.


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performed by Maxwell. In future work, we can use another
material and other shapes to avoid the misalignment and to
improve the transfer of power.

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