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Four Different information

which are
Science - it is called science because the problem is

Natural Light of Reason -So called UNAIDED REASON

Study of All things -It is multidimensional or holistic reliable, valid

First Cause or Highest Principle- A principle is that
from which something proceeds in any manner and objective.
o it is the

PHILO-means “To love”

Sophia- means “wisdom”

science of
Logic correct
o a branch of thinking.
philosophy that Logic
deals with the o a branch of
nature of philosophy that
thinking and deals with the
reasoning nature of
using thinking and
empirical reasoning
support and using
Ethics- it comes from the Greek word “ethos” which

empirical means character. o it is the science of correct doing.

- it is the study of what is right and what is wrong in

support and
human behavior in the pursuit of beauty and
goodness of life.

Metaphysics- it comes from the Greek words “meta”

information which means beyond and “physikon” which means


which are Aesthetics

reliable, valid o it is
and objective. derived from
o it is the the Greek
science of word
correct “aesthetikos”
thinking. which means
Logic - a branch of philosophy that deals with
the nature of thinking and reasoning using
empirical support and information which are
reliable, valid and objective.
one who is
- it is the science of correct thinking.

Two Types of Logic

perceptive of
a. Deductive Reasoning – from a general truth to
specific truth, from universal truth to particular.
things through
b. Inductive Reasoning – from a specific truth to
general truth, particular to universal.
his sensations,
Epistemology- a branch of Philosophy that concerns
with the definition of knowledge and related feelings and
concepts such as the sources and criteria of


Aesthetics- it is derived from the Greek word
“aesthetikos” which means one who is perceptive
of things through his sensations, feelings and

Principle of Identity- whatever it is and what ever is not is

not everything is what it is TYPES OF FALLACIES

Principle of Non-contradiction- Cannot be both true and Appeal to Pity- A kind of appeal to emotion in which
false at the same time someone tries to win support for an arguments

Principle of Excluded Middle- There is no middle ground Appeal to Ignorance- Whatever has not been proved
must be false and vice versa
Principle of Sufficient Reason- Nothing exist without
sufficient reason Equivocation- A logical chain of reasoning of a term
Four Fundamentals Ethical Principle or a word several times but giving particular word a
different meaning
Principle of human Dignity- the belief that all people
hold a special value that's tied solely to their Composition- that something is true of the whole
humanity form that the fact that it is true of some part of the
Principle of Beneficence- We should not engage in
any activities that run the risk of harming others Against the Person- Attemps to link the validity of a
Principle of Non-Maleficence- Actively promote the
health and well-being of others Division- something true of a thing must be also true
for the parts of true
Principle of Justice- This means being fair
Types of Bias

Correspondence Bias or attribution bias- tendency to

judge a persons personality by his or her action

Confimation bias- Tendency to look for and readily

accepts information

Conflict of Interest- occurs when an entity or

individual becomes unreliable because of aclash
between personal interest and professional duties or

Cultural Bias- tendency to judge other phenomena

based on our own cultural preferences

Framing Bias- a person’s decision is affected bythe

way information about the decision is presented or

Hindsight- Allows people to convince themselves

after an event that they had accurately predicted it
before it happened

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