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PRESENT Simple and continuous

A) Complete using present simple.

1. I ___________ (play) in the park every day.
2. Susie sometimes _______________ (tidy) her bedroom.
3. Carlos never _______________ (do) his homework.
4. They always _______________ (eat) at one o’clock.
5. My friend _______________ (not need) glasses.
6. They _______________ (be) great students!
7. That boy _______________ (go) to the cinema every week.
8. My sister always _______________ (use) her phone.
9. We often _______________ (play) videogames.
10. My cousin _______________ (not be) 17, she ___________ (be) 14!
11. My dog _______________ (not bark) because he ___________ (be) a baby.

12. My mum _______________ (not take) English lessons, she _______________ (take) French
13. I _______________ (have) got 3 sisters.
14. David _______________ (have) lots of homework to do.
15. Eric _______________ (not have) got brown eyes.

B) Complete using present continuous.

1. My sister ____________________ (play) the guitar at the moment.
2. Oh no! That man ____________________ (rob) the bank.
3. Shh! Mom ____________________ (do) yoga.
4. My parents ____________________ (not sleep) now, they _______________ (watch) TV.
5. I ____________________ (write) at the moment.
6. I ____________________ (watch) my favourite TV show, be quiet please!!
7. We ____________________ (wear) red clothes today.

8. My cousins ____________________ (not have) lunch right now. They _______________


C) Present simple or continuous? Decide which one fits best in each case.
1. Emma always _____________ (do) her homework on Fridays.
2. I never ___________ (cook) pizza!! I don’t like cheese.

3. It ___________ (rain) at the moment.
4. My best friend ___________ (listen) to music every day.
5. Stop shouting! The baby ___________ (sleep)
6. They ___________ (play) football now.

D) Change the sentences in C into negative form.

2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________

E) Change the sentences in C into question form.

Remember that we change the order of the sentence to make questions!

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________

F) Complete using present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. We usually ___________ (play) in the garden but today we ___________ (play) in the park
because it is a beautiful day!
2. Wow!! Susie ___________ (study) Maths today, but she never ___________ (study)! The
exam must be very difficult.

3. I always ___________ (buy) fast food, but today I ___________ (not/buy) fast food. I will
eat with my grandma!

4. Ben ___________ (visit) me every Monday, but today he ___________ (visit) his cousin
because she is ill.

G) Make questions for the following answers.

APA. DO you___________________________________? YES, I do / NO, I don’t
WAPA. WHEN do you__________________________? I play football on Sundays.
1. ___________________________________________? No, I don’t speak French.
2. ___________________________________________? I never watch TV.
3. ___________________________________________? She is sleeping now!
4. ___________________________________________? Yes, I am a teacher.
5. ___________________________________________? I am going to school.
6. ___________________________________________? She is playing with her friend.

Past simple and past

A) Classify the following verbs into regular or irregular:
Paint – go – build – listen – break – write – smile – do – watch – play – visit – eat have – see
– buy – like – swim – know – see – be – travel – bring – keep – win – speak

B) Complete using past simple.

1. I ___________ (go) to school Yesterday.
2. Kim and Tom ___________ (break) the window last week.
3. When she was young, my grandma ___________ (have) a Ferrari.
4. We ___________ (watch) Spiderman last Sunday.
5. I ___________ (listen) to a great song yesterday but I can’t remember its name.
6. My friends ___________ (eat) sandwiches at school last week.
7. Susie ___________ (see) a bear in the forest! She was terribly scared.

C) Write the past simple of the following verbs:

Play Make Sing

Run Swim Travel
See Love Write
Do Compare Like

D) Complete using past continuous.

1. I _____________________(study) at 2 o’clock.
2. They ___________________ (not go) to Buenos Aires yesterday at 8.
3. You _____________________(help) your mum 3 hours ago, right?

D) Past simple or past continuous?

1. I ___________ (have) a bad dream, while I ___________ (sleep) in the sofa.
2. She ___________ (ride) her bike, when she ___________ (break) her leg.
3. My dad ___________ (cook) dinner, while I ___________ (do) homework.
4. We ___________ (walk) to the mall, when we ___________(see) him.

E) Complete using past simple or continuous.

Yesterday ___________ ( a special day! It ___________ ( my birthday!! I

___________ (3.wake) up very early in the morning and while I ___________ (4.have) dinner
with my sister, my mom ___________ (5.make) a birthday cake. While we ___________
( TV, mom ___________ (7.susprise) me and ___________ (8.give) me my present:
football boots! They ___________ (9. be) amazing!!!

My friends ___________ (10.arrive) later. When they ___________ (11.see) me, I

___________(12.wear) my new boots. Then, we ___________ (13. play) when a big dog
___________ ___________ (14. steal) the ball. While we ___________ (15. walk) to its house, I
___________ (16.find) $100!!

When we ___________ (17.arrive) to the owner’s house, the dog ___________ (18.bite) my
football. The owner ___________ (19. give) us a new ball, it was better than the old one!!
It ___________ (receive) lots of presents!!!

F) Complete using past simple or past continuous. Pay attention, you may need the
affirmative, negative or interrogative form.

It was a wet afternoon in September. It ___________ (rain) and Charles ___________ (study)
for a test. His parents ___________ (not/be) at home, he was alone. He ___________ (be)
hungry but he ___________ (not/want) to go to the shop because the rain was too heavy,
so he ___________ (decide) to cook some chips.
While he ___________ (cook), the phone ___________ (ring). He ___________ (answer). While
he ___________ (talk) on the phone, he ___________ (smell) smoke. He ___________ (run) to
the kitchen when he ___________ ___________ (see) fire!!!

What ________ Charles _____ (do) after that?

G) Answer the following questions.

1. What did you do yesterday? _________________________________________.
2. What time did you go to bed last night? ______________________________.
3. Did you do play any sport last week? _________________________________.
4. Did you read a book last week? ______________________________________.
5. Who did you talked to yesterday? ____________________________________.
6. Where did you travel last year? _______________________________________.
7. When did you visit your best friend? ___________________________________.
8. Were you sad yesterday? ____________________________________________.

H) Make questions for the following answers.

1. _______________________________________? I went to the park.
2. _______________________________________? No, she didn’t study.
3. _______________________________________? She was cooking when I arrived.
4.________________________________________? They travelled last week.

Zero conditional
A) Match the sentences.
1. If I am angry… a. I study
2. When the day is sunny… b. I don’t go to school.
3. If I have a fever… c. I shout.
4. When I have an exam… d. He visits his friends.
5. If dad is sad… e. My dad takes me to the park.
B) Complete the sentences so they are true. Use present simple.
1. If people eat too much, they ________________________________________.
2. I go to the doctor if __________________________________________________.
3. My mom is angry if __________________________________________________.
4. When I am tired, ____________________________________________________.
5. When I finish my homework, __________________________________________.

C) Complete using the correct pair of verbs. Remember to put them into the present

watch/like - die/not water - miss/take - take/rain - not eat/get

1. If people ___________, they ___________ hungry.
2. When she ___________ a movie, she ___________ eating popcorn.
3. If I ___________ the buss, I ___________ a taxi
4. I always ___________ my umbrella when it ___________.

5. The plants ___________ if you ___________ them.

A) Write the TENSE of the following sentences. Then, change them into their negative form.
0. I love running  Present simple. I DON’T love running.
1. She went to the park. 
2. You always do what you say. 
3. She was swimming at 10 o’clock. 
4. He goes to the doctor. 
5. They drove too fast! 
6. She liked pizza with pineapple when she was young 
7. They are sleeping now. 

B) Choose 3 sentences to make APA questions.

1. __________________________________________________________?
2. __________________________________________________________?
3. __________________________________________________________?
C) Choose 3 sentences to make WAPA questions.
1. __________________________________________________________?
2. __________________________________________________________?
3. __________________________________________________________?

Will and be going to

A) Complete using future simple (will/won’t).
1. I ___________ (help) you tomorrow, I promise.
2. I think I ___________ (go) camping next summer.
3. I ___________ (not/buy) the tickets for the concert if I don’t study.
4. We ___________ (win) the match.
5. He ___________ (not/come) next weekend.
6. ___________ we ___________ (live) in Mars in 100 years?

B) Write 6 predictions about 2030. You can use the following verbs if you want.
live – study – be – travel – eat – sleep – dance
2. _____________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________________.
6. _____________________________________________________________________.
C) Look at the pictures and complete with the correct form of going to.

1. Ben is going to go fishing. 5. Kim _____________to go surfing.

2. He ___________________ sunbathe. 6. She ___________________ have a picnic.
3. He __________________ to make 7. He __________________ to find shells.
sandcastles. 8. He _________________ to go camping.
4. He _________________ to swim.

D) Going to. Use the prompts to complete the sentences.

0. They/ not work.  They are not going to work._________________________ ___________

1. Anna / go to the beach. ________________________________________________________

2. Jack / go surfing? _____________________________________________________________
3. Lily and Anna / not travel to Buenos Aires. ________________________________________
4. Tom / stay in the hotel. __________________________________________________________
5. Lily / not go fishing. ______________________________________________________________
6. They / eat seafood. _____________________________________________________________

E) Complete using will or going to.

1. My sister _____________________ (study) in Neuquén next year.
2. If you’re hungry, I _____________________(make) you a sandwich.
3. One day, I _____________________ (be) rich.

4. We _____________________ (go) to the cinema next Saturday. Do you want to come with
5. Oh, no! My mom _____________________ (be) very angry if she sees the broken window.

F) Answer the following questions.

1. What are you going to do tomorrow? ____________________________________________.
2. Where will you live in 20 years? ___________________________________________________.
3. Will you get married? ____________________________________________________________.
4. Where are you going to celebrate your birthday? _________________________________

G) Make questions for the following answers.

1._________________________________________________? I will visit my friend.

2. _________________________________________________? She’s going to go to the beach this

3. _________________________________________________? No, I won’t take pictures, I promise.

4. _________________________________________________? They are going to meet outside the


Comparatives and superlatives

A) Complete with the comparative form of the adjectives.
Adjective Comparative

B) Choose the comparative form of the adjectives.

1. Canada is bigger/more big/biggest than China.

2. This supermarket is expensiver/more expensive/ expensivest than the other one.

3. My computer is gooder/better/more good than my dad’s computer.

4. Horror movies are interestinger/more interesting/most interesting than comedies.

5. My city is beautifuler/most beautiful/ more beautiful than yours!

6. Playing cards is boringer/more boring/boringest than playing videogames.

C) Read the chart and complete using comparatives

Henry Molly Sam

Fast ☼ ☼☼ ☼☼☼
Intelligent ☼☼☼ ☼☼ ☼☼
Strong ☼☼ ☼☼ ☼☼
popular ☼ ☼☼☼ ☼

1. Henry is ____________________________ Molly. (Intelligent)

2. Sam is _____________________________ Molly. (Intelligent)
3. Sam is _____________________________ Henry. (Strong)
4. Molly is _____________________________ Sam. (Popular)
5. Sam is _____________________________ Molly. (Fast)
6. Molly is _____________________________ Henry (Fast)
7. Henry is _____________________________ Sam. (Popular)

D) Complete with the superlative form of the adjectives.

Adjective Superlative

E) Complete using the superlative form of the adjectives.

1. I am the _________________ (short) player in my football team.

2. July is the _________________ (cold) month in my country.

3. Jim is the _________________ (happy) boy I know.

4. Who is the _________________ (famous) singer in your country?

5. Spring is the _________________ (good) season of the year.

6. This dress was the _________________ (expensive).

7. Betty is the _________________ (intelligent) girl in my class.

F) Comparative or superlative?
1. Tom is _________________ (young) in my family.

2. The car is _________________ (comfortable) bike.

3. Sam is _________________ (tall) tom. They are both 1,8 metres tall.

4. My cat is _________________ (fat) than yours.

5. Football is _________________ (popular) sport in the country.

6. Max is _________________ (short) Charles.

7. This picture is _________________ (beautiful) as that one, they are equally great!

G) Write 5 sentences comparing your family and friends. Use both, comparatives and
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________.
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________.

H) Complete the text. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Humans and chimps: a comparison

Chimpanzees live in the forests of central Africa. They’re much 1) __________________

(good) than humans at climbing trees, but on the ground, humans
are 2) __________________ (fast). Chimps walk on their hands and feet. Their arms
are 3) __________________ (long) than their legs.

Humans are 4) __________________ (big) and 5) __________________ (heavy) than chimps

and they’re 6) __________________ (tall) too. But chimps are much 7) __________________
(strong) than humans. They hunt 8) __________________ (small) animals for food. Chimps
are intelligent animals, but humans are 9) __________________ (intelligent).

I) Write questions using the words in brackets. Use the comparative form of the
adjective. Then answer the questions.

0. (large / an African elephant / an Indian elephant)

Which is larger, an African elephant or an Indian elephant?

An African elephant is larger than an Indian elephant.

1) (intelligent / a chimpanzee / a dog)

2) (cold / Tierra del Fuego / Buenos Aires)
3) (fattening / fruit / butter)
4) (heave / gold / silver)

J) Complete using superlative adjectives. Include THE.

1. July is__________________ (dry) month in southern Spain. It hardly ever rains.

2. One World Trade Center is__________________ (tall) building in New York.
3. She is__________________ (healthy) person I know.
4. Egypt is one of __________________ (ancient) civilizations.
5. He was__________________ (fast) runner in 2017.
6. What month is__________________ (hot) in Scotland?
7. She described her year in Singapore as__________________ (amazing) experience of her
8. What is__________________ (bad) neighbourhood in London?
9. It was__________________ (slow) car on the circuit.
10. We sell__________________ (big) and most perfect apples.

K) Complete the email. Use the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in
Hi Mario
I’m really looking forward to your visit next month. August is definitely 1) __________________
(good) month to come. Are you flying to Heathrow Airport or Gatwick Airport? Gatwick
is 2) __________________ (far) from house than Heathrow, but I can come and meet you.
We can get the train or the bus to house. The train is 3) __________________ (fast) than the
bus, but it’s 4) __________________ (expensive).
I went to London Zoo last weekend. It isn’t 5) __________________ (big) zoo in the UK, but
it’s 6) __________________ (old) and probably 7) __________________ (famous) too. It wasn’t
my first visit. When I was 8) __________________ (young), I went with my parents. But it’s very
different now. It’s 9) __________________ (modern) – and the animals look 10) _____________
(happy) too! For me, 11) __________________ (interesting) animals were the giant spiders.
They’re 12) __________________ (large) than a hand!
Email me soon!

Present perfect
A) Write the past participle of the following verbs.

B) Complete with the present perfect form.

1. I ____________________ (play) the guitar.
2. We ____________________ (not/eat) sushi.
3. She ____________________ (visit) Hawaii.
4. We ____________________ (not/write) letters for ages.
5. My sister ____________________ (not/use) cell phones yet.
6. I ____________________ (be) in love.

7. My parents ____________________ (not be) to Paris but they ____________________ (travel)

to London several times.
8. Kim ____________________ (eat) all the cake.
9. My grandparents ____________________ (live) in Cipolletti for 50 years.
10. Some cats ____________________ (be) to the vet.
11. I ____________________ (not break) any bones yet.
12. _____________ you ____________ (win) a competition?
13. How long _________you ___________ (know) your best friend?

C) Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever read a romantic book? __________________________________.
2. What is the best movie you have ever seen? ____________________________.
3. What is the best present you have ever received? _______________________

D) Change the sentences into question form.

1. They have been to Paris  __________________________________________?
2. He has studied a lot  ______________________________________________?
3. I have seen that movie  ___________________________________________?
4. We have won a competition  _____________________________________?

E) Present perfect or past simple? If there’s no time reference, use present perfect.
1. I _________________ (play) videogames yesterday.
2. My grandma _________________ (travel) around the world.
3. We _________________ (not/eat) Tai food.
4. They _________________ (win) a competition in 2018.
5. Tommy _________________ (have) an exam last week.

6. I _________________ (not/swim) I a lake.

F) Circle the mistakes and correct them.

1. I have see a tiger in my life. ______________________________________________
2. You not have done your homework yet. _________________________________
3. Sue haven’t travelled around the world. _________________________________
4. We has play Monopoli several times in our life. ___________________________

5. They haven’t climbed the Everest? _______________________________________

G) Complete the following sentences with the correct present perfect forms.

1. Mrs Snow ______________ (make) a fantastic cake.

2. Debbie ______________ (buy) a new bike.
3. I ______________ (not feed) my little dog yet.
4. Sally and Jenny ______________ (get) a new CD player.
5. Chris ______________ (not find) wood for a raft.
6. The pupils ______________ (not do) their homework.
7. Nick can't play football today. He ______________ (have) an accident with his bike.
8. Liz ______________ (not finish) her homework yet.
9. ________Julia _________ (be) to school today?
10. What ____________ you ______________ (make) for lunch today, Mum?
11. Bill ______________ (tidy up) his room, but he ______________ (not wash) the dishes yet.
12. Sandra ______________ (buy) a lot of things for her birthday party, but
she ______________ (not decorate) her house.

Objective and subjective
Subjective objective Subjective objective
pronouns pronouns
I He
You She
We it
A) Replace the names by subjective pronouns in the sentences
1. My family and I went to the park yesterday.
2. Susie is sleeping.
3. My cat has never eaten a mouse.
4. My neighbours like travelling together.
5. My friend and my brother will help me.

6 Charles doesn’t like reading.

B) Look at the sentences and complete using objective pronouns.

1. Can you see Elsa?  Can you see __________?
2. Emma is helping Nick.  Emma is helping __________.
3. The girl is reading a letter.  The girl is reading __________.
4. Mum loves me and you.  Mum loves __________.
5. Look at the boys!  Look at __________.
6. This is a gift for you and Anna.  This is gift for __________.

7. I am talking, listen to _______.

C) Choose the correct option.

1. I met …. at the party but …. didn't recognize ….

 a. him, he, me b. he, him, I c. he, him, me
2. I think I have seen …. before.  a. she b. her c. hers
3.You shouldn't have done this to ….  a. I b. me c. we
4. Where could …. have gone at this hour of the night?  a. she b. her c. hers

5. He took …. with ….  a. them, him b. they, he c. them, he
6. What is …. doing there?  a. she b. her c. hers
7. Why don't you listen to ….?  a. they b. them c. their
8. No one would have done this except ….  a. he b. him c. his
9. I saw you and …. there.  a. she b. her

Possessive adjectives

Susan has got a cat.

It is HER cat.
The cat is HERS.
It is Susan’s cat.
A) Complete the following sentences.
1. You have got a bike. It is __________ bike. The bike is __________.
2. Tommy has got a doll. It is __________ doll. The doll is __________.
3. You have got boat. It is __________ boat. The boat is __________.
4. I have got a book. It is __________ book. The book is __________.
5. Susie has got a computer. It is __________ computer. The computer is __________.
6. My cat has got a bed. It is __________ bed.
7. We have got a dog. It is __________ dog. The dog is __________.
8. Susie and Tommy have got a kite. It is __________ kite. The kite is _________.

B) Choose the correct option.

1. Have you lost .… marbles?  a. your b. yours
2. This is my bag. Which one is .…?  a. your b. yours
3. My composition is better than ……  a. your b. yours
4. She is taller than ….  a. he b. his c. him
5. I have invited all of ….to my party.  a. they b. them c. their
6. I have never had the opportunity to meet any one of ….  a. them b. their
7. We went to …. native place last week.  a. our b. ours
8. Who is at the door? It must be ….  a. her b. hers
9. Whose book is this? It must be ….  a. her b. hers
10. My dog is white. …. is black.  a. Their b. Theirs
11. No one loves you more than ….  a. I b. me
12. She is a friend of ….  a. my b. mine


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