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A Semi-Detailed LESSON PLAN in ARTS 1

Demonstrators: Aldaya, Ma. Analiza A.

Lagarde, Carina Mae S.
Toquero, Ribiemar E.

DLP No.: 1 Learning Area: ARTS Grade Level: 1 Quarter: 1st
40 mins
Learning Explains that ART is all around and is created by different Code:
Competency/is: people. A1EL-Ia
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be ART is all around and created by different people
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify Arts and how it is created (Discussion, Analysis).
Skills Create artwork using an art tool/ material (Application).
Attitudes Express willingness and love for the Arts (Generalization).

2. Content/Topic ARTS (Alampat)

Arts Around Me
3. Learning
MELC -Arts p.274
Teaching Guide – Yunit 1: Pagsiuna sa Alampat o Pagdibuho
Materials /
Picture, Drawing, Art Materials
4. Procedures(indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Introductory Prayer: Let us all stand for our prayer.
Activity In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
(3 minutes)
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.

Greetings: Good morning, class! How are you this evening? That’s good to hear. Who is absent
today, class? Excellent! Everyone is present. Before we start our discussion, I have prepared
some classroom rules.
1. Listen to your teacher.
2. Raise your hand if you want to answer.
3. Be kind and respectful.
Is it understood, class? Great!

Before we proceed to our proper discussion, I will introduce to you a song. Do you know the song
“Are you sleeping, brother John?”. So we are going to use the tune of that song. I will sing first and
after that you need to follow me. Are we clear? So good to hear that.

Tune: Are You Sleeping, Brother John?

Circle (4x), Line and line, shape and shape,
Color blue and orange, color red and yellow,
That’s an Art (2x)
(Repeat 2x)

So based on the song, what are the shapes and colors that are being mentioned in the song?
Yes, Carina. Wonderful! Carina said that circle is one of the shapes being mentioned in the song.
What else? Yes, Grant. Awesome! Grant said that line is also mentioned and it is the most basic
How about colors? What colors are mentioned in the song?
Yes, Sedanto. Very good! Color blue is one of the colors mentioned in the song. What else? Yes,
Justine. Amazing! Color red in also mentioned. Is there any other color mentioned in the song?
Yes, Grant. Excellent! yellow is also mentioned.

Do you know what I am holding, class? Yes, it’s a lollipop. Have you eaten a lollipop, class? Wow!
So what is the shape of the lollipop? Yes, Jyluh. Fantastic. The shape of the lollipop is circle. How
about the color of the lollipop? Yes, Elle. Excellent! The color of the lollipop is red. So this morning,
we are going to learn about Arts around us!


4.2 Discussion What can you say about the picture?Yes, Analiza.
Great job! The picture has colors and shapes. It has mountain, sun, and flowers.
What is the shape of the mountain? Yes, Ribiemar. Amazing! The shape of the mountain is
How about its color? Yes, Carina. Amazing! The colors of the mounatin are white, gray, or brown.
What is the shape of the Sun? Yes, Julia. Fantastic! The shape of the Sun is circle. Okay, make a
circle using your hands. Wonderful!
How about its color? Yes, Elle. Excellent! The color of the sun is yellow.

How about the flowers? Do you know what flower is this?

Great job! That is a sunflower.
Have you seen it at home or anywhere?
Very good!

So this time, I want you to look around and observe the surroundings.
So what did you observe from our surroundings? Yes, Grant.
4.3 Analysis
Fantastic! Grant said that he observed the chairs, tables, notebooks, and colorful designs.
(5 minutes)
We see different lines or shapes and colors around us. Everything that we see is what we called
Art. With shapes and colors , we can create and see Arts.
4.4 Abstraction Do: Show a printed picture/ drawing sketch to the learners.
(5 minutes)
What is being shown in the picture? Yes, Ana. Very good. A house and its surroundings are being
shown in the picture.
What have you observed?
Yes, it has no colors.
I want volunteers to go in front and color the sketch.

Nice going, class!

Everything that we see, our surroundings and we are works of Art.
Every one of us, you and I can create beautiful Art.

Art Activity: Arts Around Me

I want you to get a clean bond paper and your coloring materials. Form a line and move quitely.
Follow me outside and do not break the line.
So this time, I will give you 3 minutes to observe the surroundings. After that, we will go back

Draw what you see that you like the most.

Are we clear? So you have 5 minutes to finish it.

Are you done, class?

Okay, pass your paper in front.
4.5 Application
(5 minutes)
Indicator Points
The artwork was made based on the surrounding
observed. Creativity and craftsmanship were 10
exceptionally shown.
The artwork was made based on the surrounding
observed. But limited creativity and craftmanship 8
were shown.
The artwork made was NOT based on the
surroundings observed. NO creativity and 5
craftmanship were shown.

5. Assessment
(5 minutes) This time I want you to trace the broken lines and color it. You may get one activity sheet and
pass. You have 5 minutes to finish the activity. Are we clear, class? Great! You may now start.




Are you done, class? Okay, pass you papers quitely.

Okay, class. Again, what makes our surroundings beautiful?
Yes, Ana. Awesome! Arts make our surroundings beautiful.
Can you give me an Art that can be found in your surroundings? Yes, Carina. Very good! A flower
is a beautiful art.
Everything that we see in our surroundings are made from Art. We can create beautiful art.

7. Assignment Do you have any questions, class? So, for your assignment, I want you to draw your house and
color it. Do this in a clean bond paper.
Let us stand up for our closing prayer.

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.

Goodbye, class! See you next meeting.


Shalla Mar Z. Quindo-Munez


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