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TEST UNITS 1-4 ENGLISH FILE ELEMENTARY 4TH EDITION ‘1)READING (__/8) text and tick A, B or C Aweek in the life of... ‘Two busy people take time to tell readers about their lives. William Jones lives in Winchester. He works in a museum in the city centr. William usually gets up at half past seven and has a shower. He makes some sandwiches for his lunch and then he has breakfast (isa and cereal) with his wit and thei son, John. Athalf past eight William drives John o school, then he goes te the museum. When William arrives he has another cup of tea and plans his day. At five olelock William closes the muscum and drives home. He usually has dinner and watches TV with his family in the evening, but on Fridays he plays football with his friends, William works from Monday to Saturday, buthe always has Sundays with his family. They get up late, have breakfast, and read the Sunday newspapers. Inthe evening, they usually goto William's parents'house for dinner. Christina Sanders isa police officer in Fort William, a small town on the west coast of Scotland, She gets up at six o'clock every morning, has a shower, and takes her two dogs for a long walk. After her breakfast of fruit and cereal, sto work. Christina works hard. Herjob isniteasy and she sed. She thinks that itis important to do exercise and have a healthy diet, She usually has fish orpasta for dinner. She hardly ever eats meat and she doesn't drink alcohol. Christina has a very good social life, Her friends often visit her in the evening and she cooks dinner for them, She doesn't have a TV, but once ortwice a month she goes tothe cinema, Christinaalso loves spor. She usually works the weekend, bbuton her days off'she always plays basketball and tennis. 1. William to work. ‘A walks JB takes the bus (M) C drives il 2. He doesn't usually in the evening. ‘A watch TV MB have dinner [JC have a shower (@j) 3. He meets his friends aweek. A once MB twice fC three times [ll 4. He on Sundays. A plays football I] B visits his parents] C works I 5. Christina has breakfast A athome [| B at work fi} C in her car 6. She never A cats fish (MJ B drinks alcohol {J C cooks Ml 7. She sees her friends after work. A often [iB hardly ever JC sometimes [il 8. She goes to the cinema, A hardly ever JB sometimes MC never 2) LISTENING:(__/5) Listen to Dan talking about his family photos Tick (7) AorB. 1 Dan hastwo sisters. A True [] B False (_] 2 LolaisDan’scousin. A True [] B False [) 3. Victor and Miranda are brother and sister. A True [1] B False [] 4 Alma is Dan’s grandmother A True ["] B False (| 5 Toby and Danare cousins A True (] B False 3) VOCABULARY (_/15) 4) GRAMMAR: A) Com the text with the words below: (__/10} have live don't teachers: works shop assistant) watch. play | Italian work Hi Maria, Do you remember me? My name's Ben Sanders, and Tm British. 1 Jn small flat in north Landon and | work as 2 {for a big computer company in central Londen. | travel to work by bus, but I often home. I stooke, but I drink a lot of coffe! ‘What else can [tell you about myself? My family live in Brighton. I ‘wo siblings, My brother works as a waiter and my siste’'s a secretary. Their names are Harry and Liz. My parents are both and they work atthe local university. love sport. 1 football and basketball a few times a month and I all the Football matches on TV. My favourite food is Mexican, Im very lucky because my brother ‘a Mexican restaurant, so Teat there when I visit my family I study in my fee time beeause one day I want to live in Italy, Please write and tell me about yourself Ben. B) Look at Paul's routine, write sentences. Don't forget to include the time (_/10) EXAMPLE He gets a al pntseen Er ©) 1, Do you usually have lunch schoo? 2. Its very cold (___) December. 3. The party is[_ Friday. 4. Ihave French classes{ _} the evening. 5. Loften go tothe cinema{__] the weekend, D) Write questions (_/5) MO“ \ ‘My surname is Pasquier. d re ie ~ PAS-QUIER 3. SC Vmanachitete 4, 2 ‘No, [don’t work for big companies. [have my own studio. 5. ’ T work six days.a.week, ‘E.JPut the words in order to make questions (_/5) 1. to theatre We the on often Saturday go eS 4 Leverbytravelplnehandly{ Ee

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