1-4B English File Elementary

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ENGLISH LE ELEMENTARY (UNITS 148) MID-TERM TEST GRAMMAR. __/40 1 Complete the sentences. __/5 points Example: He's from Tokyo. he a student? ‘Are in our class?" ‘No, I'm not.” 1 2 3 Where are from?’ ‘We're from Egypt.’ 4 ‘Is Anita Hungarian?’ “Yes, is 5. The food isn't Italian, 's Spanish 2 Choose the correct word. _/10 points Example: My/Iname is Jake. What's your / you email address? They / Their mother is from Brazil Paris are / is the capital of France, Her / His name is Laura. She's Italian Are / Is Julian and Anna from Switzerland? Is lan Rankin a Scottish / Scotland writer? Are they very good teachers / teachers very good? ‘The notebooks are cheap / cheaps. 9 Ihave / am thirsty. 10 They have expensives / expensive phones. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.__/10 points Example: It doesn't rain (not rain) a lot in Egypt 11 (speak) Russian and Polish. 2 Alan and Tom (study) at the university 3 She (read) a magazine every weekend, 4 Gabriela (not play) the guitar 5 We (not have) a car. 6 your phone (have) a good camera? eaLIVEWORKSHEETS 7 you (speak) Russian?’ "Yes, | do.’ 8 Ethan____ (work) ina hotel? 9° Sunita (live) near you?’ ‘No, she doesn't.” 10 What your parents, (do)? 4 Order the words to make questions. _/10 points Example: your / live / do / parents / where Where do your parents live? 1 car! what / of / does / kind / she / have 2 2 tennis / your / play / does / wife 2 3 are / many / students / the class / in / how 2 4 doctors / uniforms / do / wear 5 your /laptop / you / use / do/ when 5 Choose the correct word or phrase. __/5 points Example: Jane is my brothers’ / brother's wife. That's my parents / parents’ house. He's my teachers’ / teacher's husband. Ike James but | don't like Jam J Jame's friend, It's the pen of Sergio / Sergio’s pen. ‘These are my children’s / childrens’ books. VOCABULARY __/20 1) Match the questions and the answers. There are TWO extra options. —/10 points Example: Who is your favourite actor? Brad Pitt eaLIVEWORKSHEETS Inashop 27 years old Jazz Because | like it Brad Pitt Inthe afternoon 'm an administrator ‘'m fine, thanks. When do you study English? Why do you play football? What kind of music do you like? What do you do? How old are you? Choose the odd one out. Then, write three more words to complete the category. __/5 points {mother | aunt wife brother 2.scissors | wallet | umbrella | pen 3.thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixty 4.Turkish | German | France | Japanese S.school | pilot | nurse — | actor Select the correct word to complete the sentences. __/2,5 points Example: Hamry finishes school at 4 o'clock. goes does finishes 1 Alicia the housework every day. 21 the dog for a walk twice a day. 3 They pizza at the weekend. 4 Jacob a shave in the morning, 5 We. Up late on Saturdays. Select the correct option to complete the sentences. Example: What colour is your bike?’ ‘It's blue.” blue new old —/2,5 points eaLIVEWORKSHEETS My father has a laptop. Where are the sandwiches? I'm Celia's old, She's 103 this year. 1 2 3 Can you close the windows? We're 4 5. The opposite of empty is READING. __/10 41 Read the text and tick (v) A, B, or C. Alicia Stevens Alicia is Irish. She's 31 years old. Alicia speaks English and German and she’s a doctor in a hospital in Dublin. She works at night during the week and at the weekend. She drinks a lot of coffee. How many hours does she work? 60 hours a week. Alicia's job is difficult but she loves it because she helps people. Alicia isn't married. She lives with her sister, Esther, and they go to the gym together on Tuesdays. Jean-Pierre Chalvet Jean-Pierre is 26 years old and he's from France. He speaks four languages and his ‘American accent is very good. What does Jean-Pierre do? He's an actor and he lives in Los Angeles but he also travels a lot for his work. He doesn't do a lot of exercise because he loves his car and in his free time he drives around the city. What car does he have? I's small, black and very fast! Mariana Romero and Rosa Diaz Mariana and Rosa are 22 years old. They/re friends and they live in a small lat with Rosa's brother, Jorge. On Sundays they eat together and listen to jazz music. They don't goto the cinema because its expensive, The two women are hairdressers in a salon in Acapulco, Mexico. They wear a pink uniform and work from Monday to Saturday. Mariana likes her job but Rosa doesn't want to be a hairdresser. What does she want to do? She loves animals so in the evenings Rosa studies to be a vet at college. Example: Alicia is from Ireland. ATnue vB False 0 C Doesn't say 1 Alicia loves her job. A True 1 B False | C Doesn't say 2 Esther is married. A True (8 False © Doesn't say eaLIVEWORKSHEETS 3. Jean-Pierre speaks Russian A True |B False {i C Doesn't say 4 Jean-Pierre travels a lot. A True 0B False {) C Doesnt say 5 He has a big car. A True 0B False () C Doesnt say 6 Mariana and Rosa go to the cinema. A True 0B False {) C Doesnt say 7 Mariana and Rosa work on Sundays. A True 0B False 1) C Doesn't say 8 Mariana likes her job. ATue — B False © Doesnt say © LISTENING _/10 1 Cooper and Jenny meet in a café in Sydney, Australi conversation. Tick (v) A, B, or C. Listen to their 1A Cooperis a waiter. ©) B Jenny is a waitress. | © Cooper and Jenny are friends. 2. A Cooper is from Sydney. © B Jenny is Australian. © Cooper is Scottish, 3. A Jenny doesn't like Edinburgh. 1 B Jenny likes Sydney. © © Jenny's brother likes Sydney. ©) 4A Cooper is @ student B Jenny studies French © Cooper is a journalist. 5 A Jenny's brother works in the evenings. B Jenny's brother works in the café Jenny's brother and Cooper are friends eaLIVEWORKSHEETS WRITING __/20 1 Write a personal profile. Answer these questions. (75-100 words) 1. What's your name? Where do you live? What do you do? Where do you work? When do you work? How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What do the people in your family do? What do you do in your free time? eaLIVEWORKSHEETS

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