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Ministry is1 the international journal of the

Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association
and has been published since 1928.

Association Secretary James A. Cress

Joining our prayers with His: A call Editor Willmore D. Eva
to pastoral prayer Assistant Editor for Management Julia W. Norcott
Editorial Assistant Sheila Draper
A call to join our pastoral praying with the prayers
Professional Growth and Inter-church Relations
and power of Christ Nikolaus Satelmajer
Contributing Editors: Sharon Cress, John M. Fowler,
Philip Samaan Clifford Gotdstein, Peter Prime, Joel Sarfi, Kit Watts
International Editors:
French John Graz ,
Inter-American Division Felix Cortes
Dealing with a fallen pastor? South American Division ZinaldoA. Santos
Seventh of eight articles on pastoral sexual Consulting Editors:
Ben Cfausen, Raoul Dederen, Teofilo Ferreira, Ron
misconduct Flowers, Michael Hasel, Roland Hegstad, Kathleen
Kuntaraf, Ekkehardt Mueiler, Jan Paulsen, Robert Peach,
Miroslav Kis Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Penny Shell, William Shea,
Russell Staples, Richard Tibbits, Ted Wilson, Edward,
Zinke ,,
Pastoral Assistant Editors; John C. Cress; Fredrictc
How to make your church grow Russell, Mayfaii Schwrch> Loren Seibold
International Advisors: Alejandro: Button, John ,
An interview with Pastor Wayne Cordeiro Durae, Andrews Ewoq, Pautraj Isaiah, Anthony Kent,
Ivan lylanilich,, Zaechaeus Mathema; Gabriel Maurer,
David Pendleton Ivan Orriana, David: Qsborne, Peter Roennfeldf

Pastoral Advisors: Leslie Baumgartner, 5. Peter

Campbell, Miguel A. Cerna, Jeanrie: Hartwelt, Mitchell
,28 Expository homiletics Henson, Norma Osborn, Leslie Pollard, Dan Smith,
Steve Wilisey
How to apply the content of the biblical text to the Advertising Editorial Office
hearts and lives of those who hear our preaching Ministerial Association Resource Project
.Coordinator Cathy Payne ,
Jud Lake Cover Design Harry Knox

Subscriptions: 12 issues (double issue for

July/August); United States US$29.99; Canada and
New heaven and the new earth: overseas US$31.99; airmail US$41.75; single copy
US$3.00. To order, send name, address, and payment
the home of the redeemed to Ministry Subscriptions, 1250T Old Columbia Pike,
Silver Spring, MD 20904 U.S.A.
Final article in the series on the elements of
Web site: www.mintstrymagazine.org
Seventh-day Adventist faith Circulation queries, renewals, new subscriptions,
John M. Fowler address changes: Email; norcottj@gc.advehttst,org;
phone: 301-680-6510; fax 301-680-6:502.:
To Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts.
Editorial preference is to receive manuscripts on diskette
with name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and
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How a pastor-spouse-father with a demanding correspondence to 12501 bid Columbia Pike, Silver
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Phone: 301-680-6510; fax: 301-680-6502;
in balance Email: norcottj@gc.adventist.org or
drapers@gc,adventist.org (editorial offices).
Ferdinand O. Regalado Writer's Guidelines available on request.
Ministry (ISSN 0026-5314), the international journal
of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association
2005, is published monthly (except fpr July/August,
Ritual for cleansing after hearing when a double issue will be published) by the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and printed by
gossip Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1350 N, Kings Road, Nampa,
ID 83687-3193, Member Associated Church Press.
How to clear our souls of the effects of being Standard mail postage paid at Nampa, Idaho.
exposed to hurtful conversation PRINTED IN THE U.S.A.
Vol. 77 Number!
David I. Zucker
Bible credits: Scripture quotations from NASB are from the New
American Standard Bible. Copyright 1960/1962,1963,1968,1971,
1972,1.973,1975,1.977 by The Lockman Foundation, Texts credited to
NlV are from the HotyBibJe, New International Version. Copyright
1973, 1978,1984 by the International .Bible Society. Used by permission
of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Texts credited, to NKJV .are from The New
King James Version^ Copyright 1979,1980,1982 Thomas Nelson, Inc.,
Publishers. Bible, texts credited to RSV are from th£. Revised Standard
Version of the Bible. Copyright 1946,1952,1975 by the Division of
Christian Education of the National Council of the.Churches of Christ in
the USA. Used by permission.

MINISTRY January 2005




M inistry continues to be a source of

inspiration in many ways. Two
things are on my mind. One is that John
than anywhere else in America. They all
know me as a United Church of Christ
minister who is a Seventh-day Adventist.
tion of one's previous errors. The truth
has always been a painful challenge.
That's why many can be so easily con
McVay's use of the apostle Paul as our Imam Qazwini, whose congregation is vinced to be satisfied with the safely
plumbline for bold preaching was out building the largest mosque in America, familiar, yet superficial line.
standing ("Wholly Boldness: Preaching to be dedicated this fall, regularly invites This article reminded me that as a
With the Courage of Paul," July 2004). I me to participate in various services. pastor/teacher in Takoma Park in the
would like for every soul in the pulpit Felix Lorenz, Northville, Michigan. 1980s, I called upon the General
today to be able to read it. Second, our Conference, the Review, the North
leadership has often agreed that it
would not be wise to appoint a former
embezzler or bank robber to the posi
I have no problem preaching "letting
guilt go," just as long as that does not
mean the creating of convenient absolu
American Division, and Ministry to do a
longitudinal study of young PKs' atti
tudes and perceptions toward the
tion of church treasurer. Does it seem tion from personal responsibility, the Adventism of their church employee
wise to appoint a minister who has fall truth, and corporate accountability ("PK parents. Almost twenty years later, it
en into adultery, or even serial Prodigals," James A. Cress, July 2004). appears that instead of learning the
adulteries, back into the trusted position Having attended church school ele truth from these "honest frontliners,"
of pastor ("Requiem and Resurrection mentary through seminary with the safer move is to continue to play the
for a Fallen Brother," Dwight K. Nelson, numerous multigenerational Seventh- prodigal card. This avoidance must
May 2004)? Just a thought. day Adventists, especially PKs, I am leave more preacher parents and mem
Steven Clark Good, pastor, Blythe, tempted to wonder who is "prodigal" bers than just myself with a fair amount
California, and who is proactive. What some trying of ambivalence about the integrity of
to preserve an ideal may see as youthful "the truth" we grew up hearing.
Editorial note: Dwight Nelson's arti weakness and waywardness, another Putting fingers in the air and in one's
cle was recommending our forgiveness of within the same family may see as a nec ears never has led to essential truth.
a repentant pastor, not permissive rein essary and appropriate response to very Hopefully, letting go of grief and
statement. real danger or disillusionment. guilt will not keep us from grabbing on
Perspective is everything, isn't it? to undeniable truths.

Ijust reread the article "Presenting Jesus

to Muslims: A Suggested Approach"
The prodigal story is oft called upon
to cover over and dismiss deeper and
Tim Evans, chaplain, Highland, California.

(Praban Saputro, July 2004), and won

der if there is any merit to representing
Jesus to Muslims? That is my passion. I
more disturbing realities. Unless the
church and parents want to directly
equate themselves to God the Father,
Y our magazine has been a real bless
ing to my ministry. Keep up the
good work. W
know all the local Muslim imams in this there is obvious implication here of Christian Ronalds, pastor, Rhinelander,
area, where there are more Muslims parental confession and public recogni Wisconsin.

Free Subscription cr: subscription, it's not:a mistake, Since-.1928, Ministry has been
I published for Seventh-day Adyeniistfrm^^
<: resurgence ^tikhiri^heau^ through fa'rth alone in lesus Christ.
, Wfe want to share our aspirations afid;fqith<in away thai !yvill'pf6videJns:pira(it)n: and help to you as clergy. We hope you will accept this journal as our
: ; outstretched hand to you: Look over our shoulder; ttike H*hat you riant M
ayQ:ilarjfe,toatl licensed andfor vrda

January 2005 MINISTRY


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MINISTRY January 2005

was the conviction of my heart.
This early encounter with God has had a
powerful impact on my ministry as pastor
and religion professor.
In my pastoral and teaching ministry, the
Spirit's conviction to join my poor prayers
with Christ's potent prayers led me to study
Revelation 8:3, 4. The use of the words censer,
altar, incense, prayers, throne, and smoke makes
it clear that the subject in this short passage is
about prayer. Such activity occurs in the
vicinity of the altar of incense before the

Joining pur inner veil, leading directly to God's glory.

It's wonderful to see such unmistakable
indicators of what happens to human prayer

prayers with His as it reaches into the heavenly sanctuary.

Here the curtain is pulled aside to give us a
rare glimpse of how the prayers of the saints
A call to pastoral prayer are processed. The angel, who stands by the
altar of incense, was given much incense and
instructed to offer it with the prayers of all the
saints. And he offered up this mixture upon

iagara Falls is one of the most the golden altar, and it ascended right to the
Philip Samaan
magnificent natural wonders throne of God.
in North America. It's an irre This passage in Revelation makes Christ's
sistible sight! When I first laid intercessions in the heavenly sanctuary rele
my eyes on it, not only was I vant to our pastoral intercessions for others. It
enchanted, but I was seized by the spiritual deals with two separate entities that are
insights it yielded insights that profoundly designed to become one: the incense and the
influenced my prayer life. saints' prayers. "Then another angel, having a
On my first visit, I gazed transfixed at the golden censer, came and stood at the altar.
grandeur of its mighty flow. I saw its terrific And he was given much incense, that he
torrents; I heard its howling thunder and felt should offer it with the prayers of all the
its tumultuous power. I could not pull away; I saints upon the golden altar which was before
found myself totally overwhelmed by God's the throne. And the smoke of the incense,
abundant love and power. with the prayers of the saints, ascended before
As I stood praying for guidance and for a God from the angel's hand" (NKJV).
prevailing prayer life, God vividly impressed Every time I study this passage, I am
upon my mind that the continuous irre reminded of my Niagara Falls experience. The
sistible flood of Niagara represents Christ's trickle of my prayers mixed with the flood of
prayers for me. "Yes, Lord," I said, "but this is Christ's prayers sounds like the puny prayers
about Christ's mighty prayers. What about of the saints mingled with much incense of
my weak prayers? They are like a few droplets Christ's perfect righteousness and interces
of water, at best only a trickle." Then convic sion.
tion hit me like a thunderbolt: Why not join Now I can unite my pastoral prayers with
your weak prayers to His mighty ones? the powerful prayers of my greatest Prayer
Partner, Jesus. His "much incense" makes fra
Much water and much incense grant the soiled prayers, tainted with self, that
Philip Samaan,
I always felt that my faith was feeble and come from me. Now I am irresistibly drawn to
D.Min., is professor
of religion, Southern
my prayers puny, but now the Lord was come boldly before the throne of grace,
Adventist University, directing my mind to look not at myself but knowing that my best prayers and petitions
Collegedale, to the Savior. He was telling me to rivet my must be consumed by the purging fire of
Tennessee. unsteady faith to His unstoppable faith, to Christ's perfect righteousness and be fra-
join my measly prayers with His mighty granced by the incense of His intercessions
prayers. Take the plunge, go with the flow, wafting above the mercy seat.

January 2005 MINISTRY

The emblem of His mediation "They united in silent prayer, with diffusing His sweet fragrance becomes
Even in the earthly sanctuary, the their faces toward the holy place. such an all-absorbing way of life that
burning incense was to "arise before Thus their petitions ascended with the Paul even talks of us as possessing the
God mingled with their [people's] cloud of incense, while faith laid hold aroma of Christ.
prayers. This incense was an emblem upon the merits of the promised Compare this with how John in
of the mediation of Christ." 1 The Saviour prefigured by the atoning sac Revelation 8:3 and 4 aptly describes
incense represents at least two things: rifice."3 the "much incense" of Christ's inter
Christ's perfect mediation and His cession mingling with the prayers of
perfect righteousness. "These prayers Sweet aroma all the saints and ascending as sweet-
[of ours], mingled with the incense of Paul uses similar powerful imagery smelling smoke before God.
the perfection of Christ, will ascend to depict divine human cooperation We may wonder why Jesus needs
as fragrance to the Father."2 in prayer and witness. He urges us to to pray for us and with us before God.
Here the type of Exodus 30:7 and 8 walk in the love of Christ, who "has Jesus' prayers are not to appease God
meets the antitype of Revelation 8:3 loved us and given Himself for us, an or to make Him love us as His Son
and 4. Aaron, the earthly high priest, offering and a sacrifice to God for a does. The Father's love for us is eter
was to burn incense upon the altar sweet-smelling aroma" (Eph. 5:2, nal, and His deep concern for our
salvation is inexhaustible. He loves us
with the same love by which He loves
His only Son. "The Father demon
strates His infinite love for Christ,
who paid our ransom with His blood,
by receiving and welcoming Christ's
friends as His friends. He is satisfied
with the atonement made. He is glo
before the mercy seat every morning NKJV). Here we have Paul depicting rified by the incarnation, the life,
and evening for "perpetual incense" Christ Himself as the burning sacri death, and mediation of His Son."4
before the Lord. Jesus, our heavenly fice exuding a sweet aroma before Furthermore in doing this, Christ
High Priest, with His "much incense," God. And in 2 Corinthians 2:14 and "gathers into this censer the prayers,
perpetually makes intercession for us 15, he describes us as the aroma of the praise, and the confessions of His
before the mercy seat. Christ, diffusing His sweet fragrance people, and with these He puts His
Aaron was to bum incense on the always and everywhere. own spotless righteousness. Then,
altar every morning and evening on Paul has in mind the powerful perfumed with the merits of Christ's
behalf of the people; as pastors, our analogy of a Roman triumphal pro propitiation, the incense comes up
prayers for people ascending with the cession, where a victorious general before God wholly and entirely
prayers of Jesus must be a daily expe would be welcomed by many digni acceptable. Then gracious answers are
rience, fresh every morning, carrying taries, some carrying censers brim returned."5
us through to the end of each day. ming with sweet burning incense.
This is not to be something sporadic, It is the same in passages found in Christ's prayer vigil
something that occurs now and then, Ephesians and Corinthians. Paul In Mark 14:37 we see Jesus in the
but is to be something perpetual. makes use of the imagery of burning Garden appealing to Peter by name to
Offering prayer mixed with sacrifice and burning incense, to stay awake and pray with Him.
incense on a daily basis implies not describe not only Christ's ministry Finding His three disciples asleep, He
only perpetuity but also priority. Our but also our joint role in it. We walk pointedly asked Peter: "Simon, are
utmost pastoral priority is to begin in Christ's ultimately loving act of you sleeping? Could you not watch
and conclude every day with Jesus, offering Himself as a "burning" sacri with Me one hour?" It is significant
continually breathing His spirit of fice. that Jesus mentioned neither John
prayer, so that the people of our con As pastors and parishioners we nor James by name, but only Peter. I
gregations will clearly know that we walk in Christ's victory march, diffus believe Jesus singled out Peter because
have indeed been with Jesus. ing the sweet burning incense of our of the recent experience of Jesus pray
E. G. White has described it this intimate knowledge of Him. When ing for him "that [his] faith fail not"
way: "The incense, ascending with we give ourselves to God through (Luke 22:32). Jesus wanted to engage
the prayers of Israel, represents the uniting with Jesus' intercessions, we Peter in His prayer life. He needed
merits and intercessions of Christ, His too "present [our] bodies a living sac him and the disciples to "stay here
perfect righteousness, which through rifice, holy, acceptable to God" (Rom. and watch with Me" (Matt. 26:38,
faith is imputed to His people. .. . 12:1, NKJV). Walking in His love and NKJV).

MINISTRY January 2005


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The words "watch" and "with Me" will share in this experience. As they
Premium art. are significant here because they refer
to the disciples staying awake for the
partake of His love they will enter
into His travail for the saving of the

More choices, purpose of sharing in Christ's prayer

vigil. It is remarkable that the Mighty
How does our priesthood as pas

-value. Intercessor, who prayed many times

for His disciples, now needs them to
join Him in His own prayer.
tors interface with His high-priestly
ministry when it comes to prayer?
Such holy participation always ensues
What an enormous privilege they from our unreserved submission to
GOOD squandered, experiencing only the
periphery of the experience they
Him. For when He sits on the throne
of our hearts, His life becomes our
Aw the world-wide leader in could have had. If they had taken life. He lives in us and ministers
Chrislim presentation art md imagery advantage of this special occasion, through us. He loves, cares, sacrifices,
they would have been braced for the affirms, and prays through us. Jesus
terrible trials just ahead of them. ever lives to intercede for us. And as
Could it be that Jesus counts on us, as He ever lives in our lives, He ever
His pastors, when He desires to share prays in and through our lives. Our
the heaviest burdens of His prayers? pastoral lives become an expression
When He does, does He find us awake of His pastoral life.
or asleep? It is our awesome privilege and
When the Chief Shepherd lays one sacred duty as pastors to serve as
of His prayer burdens upon our priests of intercession, even clothed
hearts, it is a holy calling of the high with Christ's priestly vestments. "As
est order. This is a clear indication we acknowledge before God our
that He trusts us, as undershepherds, appreciation of Christ's merits, fra
with the burdens on His heart, and grance is given to our intercessions. Oh,
that He desires to pull us close to Him who can value this great mercy and
in approaching the mercy seat. love! As we approach God through
It is interesting to note that Peter the virtue of Christ's merits, we are
and John, who failed to join Jesus in clothed with His priestly vestments. He
GOODSALT prayer at Gethsemane, describe the places us close by His side, encircling
EASTER believers (along with themselves) as us with His human arm, while with
COLLECTION priests unto God through Christ. His divine arm He grasps the throne
VOLUME 2 "You also, as living stones, are being of the Infinite. He puts His merits, as
built up a spiritual house, a holy sweet incense, in a censer in our
priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacri hands, in order to encourage our peti
fices acceptable to God through Jesus tions."7
Christ" (1 Peter 2:5, NKJV). John This priesthood of all believers was
writes about this priesthood ministry demonstrated in the experience of
in Christ, who "has made us kings Job praying for his children as well as
and priests" to His . . . Father (Rev. for his critics. He consecrated his chil
1:6, NKJV). dren to God and sacrificed and
prayed for them regularly (Job 1:4, 5).
royalty-free Priests with our High Priest In fact, Job in his priestly role was a
collections are Christ our High Priest has made us type of Jesus our High Priest praying
produced from over
11,000 high quality art pastor-priests in Him. He has for us. Job sacrificed and prayed regu
and photographic originals ordained us to offer sacrifices of larly for his children, and so did Jesus
created by award-winning artists. prayer and supplications through when He sacrificed Himself and now
Him. We are called to enter into this lives to pray for us. Moreover, God
To view and purchase visit priestly ministry of weeping with wanted Job to intercede for His three

www.goodsalt.com Jesus and sharing in His travail for

others. "Blessed are they also who
critics. "My servant Job shall pray for
you," God said to them. "For I will
weep with Jesus in sympathy with the accept him, lest I deal with you
or call (800) 805-800! world's sorrow and in sorrow for its according to your folly" (Job 42:8,
2004 GoodSalt ^nc, fS rights reserved, CD royalty-Ire
collections are for presentation use unless otiie?w^se noted sin.... All who are followers of Christ NKJV).

MINISTRY January 2005

Jesus also interceded for His critics life for the world. It would be at a
and tormentors. In a sense, Job tremendous cost: experiencing the
entered the sacred realm of Jesus' tra second death on behalf of sinful and
vail and intercessions for friend and lost humanity. Moses' offer that his
foe alike. As Christ's pastors, we stand name be blotted out of the book of
as priests before God in Christ our life was not accepted; Christ's offer
High Priest. was.
Like Job, we are called to enter on Jesus experienced the second
a regular basis into Christ's holy death; His name was blotted out from
realm of intercession for others. the book of life. And in that generous
Then there was the ministry of divine act, neither Moses' name nor
Samuel. The Israelites feared for their any name needs ever to be blotted
lives because they had refused to have out. Certainly Moses' earnest interces
God rule over them. But when the sion, flowing from a heart of love,
people asked him to pray for them, enters into that sacred realm of
Samuel said, "Moreover, as for me, far Christ's intercession for fallen
be it from me that I should sin against humanity.
the LORD in ceasing to pray for you" As shepherds under the Chief
(1 Sam. 12:19, 23, NKJV). He viewed Shepherd, let us go to Christ as we
his priestly prayers for them as so cru are. Let us stay long in the embrace of Partners in Prayer
cial that he considered it a sin against the praying Jesus. Let His compas
God not to plead for them. As pas sionate human arm encircle us and Rocky Mountain Conference is
tors, we are called to enter the realm our congregations, and let His divine looking for people with love for
of Christ's intercessions for others, arm connect us with God's throne. Christ and delight in prayer to
even when, or perhaps especially We may plunge the trickle of our make a commitment to pray for
when, they move away from God. prayers with the mighty torrents of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
His prevailing prayers. Then the in their territory, , .'..'•
Blot me out! "much incense" of His intercession The Commmitment
Perhaps the most powerful exam will join with our tainted prayers
ple of Christ's intercession is found in until they are fragrant to the nostrils T. Pray every day for the Holy
.. Spirit's power in our, ' '.;
the ministry of Moses. God wanted to of God. He is joining you in prayer
\ , 'conference. ' .'. :,;, :•• , •.-'....
destroy a stubborn Israel for their right now. We may rest in the arms of
great rebellion in worshiping the the Prince of Peace; rest in the assur 2. Focus on the heed of a dying
golden calf, and He assured Moses ance that no power can pluck us out : world for Christ and the :; ;
that He would make a new and of His hand. SB ; :°,gospel. ...-, .. " . ;. •••.''; ••••:••
mighty nation out of his seed. 3. intercede for special needs as
However, Moses did not think about they are communicated
himself but instead was consumed Editorial Note: This article is adapted throughout the prayer group.
with concern about the people. from the author's latest book, Christ's
Way to Pray: How Christ Prays for Us 4. Praise God increasingly in all
Spontaneously he began to pray to
and With Us. To obtain a copy, call 706- -circumstances of personal and
God, reviewing with Him the won ••„,.;• church life. . ,'; '"''. '•' ,,.,,;';
derful promises He had given His 935-8800, or email pgs@southern.edu.
people. He went up to the Lord on ;5. Encourage the practice of
the mountain to intervene between , ; : , much prayer by testimony and
God and the people because of their
1 Ellen G. White, Temperance (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific recruiting others to pray with
Press Pub. Assn., 1949), 43. '"• JOU. : ..;.,/ : '..'," •;" ' !.:•".; .''-
sins. In his prayer of intercession, 2 , Testimonies for the Church (Nampa, Idaho:
Moses earnestly pleaded with God: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1900), 6:467.
3 , Patriarchs and Prophets (Nampa, Idaho:
"Oh, these people have sinned a great Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1890), 353; italics sup
sin, and have made for themselves a plied.
god of gold! Yet now, if You will for 4 Testimonies, 6:364; italics supplied.
5 The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Ellen G.
give their sin but if not, I pray, blot White Comments, 6:1078.
me out of Your book which You have 6 White, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing (Nampa, Fresh ideas for developing
written" (Exod. 32:31, 32, NKJV). Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1896), 12, 13; ital your church's spiritual life
ics supplied.
In the councils of the Trinity, the 7 SDABC, Ellen G. White Comments, 6:1078; italics
Son of God volunteered to give His supplied.

January 2005 MINISTRY

Dealing with a
fallen pastor?
Editorial Note: This article is the first erring minister. The first is when his
of a further two that have been added to local church begins her care in terms of
the six by Miroslav Kis that have appeared church discipline.
in Ministry throughout 2004. The final Removal from membership is the
article will appear in the March issue of first letting go for which he must be pre
Ministry. It is almost redundant, yet it is pared. The very board that assisted him
important, to say that significant discus through many issues during his tenure
sion and study has been given to the in that congregation must now con
question of dealing effectively with "fall front their pastor's behavior as an issue.
en" pastors and especially to the question Yet this letting go must not become a
of whether or not they should ever again rejection.
be reinstated to full-fledged ministry. We Removal from membership places a
hope that his series, which Ministry does repentant sinner in a kind of ICU—the
not present as a final word, and this arti church, and the local community can intensive care unit of the church. An
cle particularly will contribute to the trust him fully again? intentional and methodical healing
dialogue that has again been agitated by How can we, fallible human beings, process must now begin in earnest. This
recent events that touch all communities discern these things? Can we ever place is the instruction of Jesus in Matthew
of Christian faith, including that of ourselves fully in the shoes of the 18:17.
Seventh-day Adventists. injured? Do we know how it feels when, The person is not to be rejected. Not
like a trusting sheep, a woman makes he but his sinful ways must be shunned.

he storm is subsiding. The dam herself vulnerable to her shepherd, and It may seem paradoxical, but our Savior
age is being assessed, and the he treats her as a hireling would—for his paid special attention to "sinners" by
two hurting families are now gin own exploitative advantage and pleas associating and eating with them. All
gerly taking their first steps to recovery. ure, perhaps, in the name of love? the while He was inviting them to a
Will the two marriages survive? Are On the other hand, can we identify higher standard of moral purity. 1
both erring parties remorseful? Are they with a truly repentant pastor, who can Christ's body must become a chan
both willing and able to release their do nothing more to regain trust, noth nel of forgiving grace as well as an
illegitimate claims on each other? Will ing more than wait and turn to some artery of enabling grace, helping the
they realize that they really don't need other professional vocation? fallen pastor to gain victory over his sin.
each other? That the worst thing that No, we may not have a satisfactory In ministering to him, the church minis
can happen now is a relapse? answer to all these questions. Yet we ters to her own wounds as well. Her
In some cases such decisions are must decide. We must act; and if we err, all-encompassing goal is to win back
made quickly, unilaterally; in others the we must err on the side of mercy and the lost (Matt. 18:15), to achieve suffi
movements are slow and painful. Only that in behalf of the victims before we cient reconciliation between the parties,
wise friendship and truly professional look at the side of the fallen pastor so that arms of full fellowship may be
advice can help, because wounds must (John 10:17). extended to all.
be properly examined and thoroughly We will first examine and evaluate But there is this other letting go that
cleaned before healing can commence. the reasons that would favor the poten comes as we face the pastor's fall on the
Yet in all this, one more perplexing tial reinstatement of the once fallen professional/vocational level. This is a sin
issue looms large. It rests heavily on the pastor. Next we must look courageous gularly painful consideration for his
pastor's mind, and dealing with it ly at factors that call us to caution, and employing organization and his col
demands wisdom beyond the human: prudence. leagues to make. It contemplates an
What are the professional prospects agonizing step. Only an insensitive legal
of the fallen brother? Letting go? ist cannot feel the emptiness that fills the
Should he ever again be entrusted The most painful aspect in the heart as this step is contemplated.
with the pastoral care for the sheep? process of healing ministry is when love Fear of self-righteous legalism and the
Will the wounds ever heal sufficiently so must let people go (Luke 15:12, 13). pain of watching a brother walking off
that the injured families, the local There are two such occasions for the become almost unbearable. If only time

10 MINISTRY January 2005

could be turned back just a few months sins, did not have to leave their appoint ship, due to loss of loyalty and trust.
and, if only we had known what we ed posts of responsibility. They + Sin is sin for all believers. There is
know now, perhaps we would have remained where they were professional no distinction. What is distinguished is
risked intervening and, perchance, avert ly, still serving as spiritual leaders, and that God holds the pastor to a more
ed adultery and he could still be with us. the results of their ministry following strict accountability than is the case
Why does this step of letting go feel their forgiveness testifies to the power with a lay leader like David (James 3:1 ).8
so much like it's letting down, like aban of God's restoring grace. Thus the two priests, sons of Eli, died
doning? Why is it that love must have "Feed my lambs." "Tend my sheep." (1 Sam. 4:14-18), and adulterous priests
this harsher side?2 What reasons could "Feed my sheep" (John 21:15-17). These of whom Malachi speaks were rejected
we find to bring him back some day? were the words Peter needed most. by God (Mal. 2:1 3, 14). Ellen G. White,
1. In despair we may think of David 3 After all, who really needs this depar in writing to a fallen pastor, says, "Your
of his fall, his repentance, and forgive ture of a fallen minister, and for what guilt will be as much greater than that
ness. David learned wisdom from God's reason? Can the church afford to waste of the common sinner as your advan
dealings with him and bowed in humil such talent and experience? Are we tages of light and influence have been
ity beneath the chastisement of the realistic about the nature of the ministe greater."9
Most High. The faithful portrayal of his rial profession? Adultery is not an When a layperson succumbs to
true state by the prophet Nathan unpardonable sin, so why not forgive temptation, he automatically breaches
acquainted David with his own sins and and turn the page? What about both his covenant with his wife and his
aided him in putting them away. He pornography? One can be addicted to covenant made with God at baptism.
accepted counsel meekly and humiliat it, gain the victory over it, and his The minister's path to adultery, howev
ed himself before the Lord.4 employment may still remain unques er, is wrought with additional barriers.
After the way Nathan confronted tioned. What is the difference? As he faces the same temptation, he
David, David could see what he had not cannot avoid denying these same
been able to fathom before in the blind Consider David covenants as a lay person and, in addi
ness of his passion: Let us consider David first. tion, the covenant of ordination to a
•f He measures just how expensive •f Can we compare the restoration holy office, the pledge of responsibility
adultery is. A sexual affair cannot subsist of David, a fallen public servant, to the to his flock, and the very real promises
on its own. It needs the props and back reinstating of an erring minister? I can to the community at large.
drops provided by other sins such as not. God seems to hold firmly to the When flirting, he makes a conscious
duplicity, injustice, violence, and high terms of reference of a king versus those decision to resist the prompting of his
handed murder. It engages innocent of a priest or prophet. His decisive reac Christian conscience, but he also
bystanders as accomplices (2 Sam. tion to King Saul's usurping of Samuel's resolves to trifle with his professional
11:2-5,6, 14-27). priestly duty indicates His insistence on identity and divine calling. It is this
•f David realizes now that there is no guarding that distinction (1 Sam. denial of his pastoral identity, when he
power, no dignity, no authority on earth 15:22, 23). A king's and a priest's iden engages in actions akin to that of a
that this sin cannot bring to dust. He tities are not interchangeable, and thus hireling, that leads naturally to letting
realizes that anyone can become subject God's treatment of a king's adultery him go from his post of duty. In a very
to this sort of behavior, even him. must not be an example for the treat real sense the pastor defrocks himself.
•*• This experience exposes both ment of a pastor's adultery. The church has only to recognize it and
David's foolishness (Prov. 6:32) and his •f David was a monarch, holding an act on his choices. Adultery has altered
honesty. It also has a way of unearthing executive power (2 Sam. 8:15). When his identity. He is no more who he was
his courage. He listens quietly while one his authority all but vanished following before, and that is an enormous tragedy.
of his subjects, a junior prophet, con his adultery with Bathsheba, 6 he could In the case of Moses and Peter, the
fronts him directly; he looks in the still lead, relying on the sheer preroga issue centers on the nature of their sins.
mirror and faces his own sin squarely. tives of his office. But pastors do not Moses had an immense problem with
While his predecessor Saul tore hold such power. Even if ministers and anger (Exod. 2:11-15; Num. 20:9-11),
Samuel's robe in an effort to pretend leaders of the church may covet "kingly and Peter publicly denied his Master
that all is fine (1 Sam.15:24-31), David power," 7 Jesus placed a veto on such (Matt. 6:69-75). These are grievous sins
rends his own heart before God and the prerogatives for his disciples: "It shall indeed, yet they are not the sins of sex
prophet and bears his consequences not be so among you" (Matt. 20:26). ual infidelity, and the difference is not
with dignity (Ps. 51). Yet he is not The pastor's power is derived from a insignificant.
removed from his throne. different source than that of a political + The apostle Paul insists that sexual
2. Or perhaps we should look at leader. Thus, short of royal hegemony, infidelity is unlike any other sin, because
Moses (Num. 20:10-13) and Peter5 the fallen pastor's reinstatement faces it affects the very being, and the person
(Matt. 26:69-75), who, in spite of their an impossible challenge to his leader in his/her totality (soma). No other sin

January 2005 MINISTRY 11

produces this kind of impact and con credentials due to adultery remains a
sequences (1 Cor. 6:18). 10 former pastor for the rest of his life.
•f Moses' anger and Peter's denial During the time he may be involved in a
did not engage other people in their sin, therapy process, and assuming his
at least not as intimately or as deeply as involvement in helping all who hurt, the
sexual infidelity does. Jesus teaches that former pastor assists his own healing. As
adultery can happen even in the privacy time passes and wounds are mended,
of our minds (Matt. 5:28). Pornographic these very painful trials may equip him
obsession and a lustful look are private to reach out to others who are tempted
and solitary forms of adultery that or overcome by temptation. He may
offend God, cheapen myself, and remember the care that he and his fam
undermine my resistance to sexual ily, as well as the family of the other
involvement with my neighbor's wife. woman, received from the local church
They also inhibit my "one flesh" and the church's administrative office.
unity with my spouse. Yet, as long as Such a former pastor may also recall
they remain in the privacy of my mind, what was lacking and work to improve

RELIGIOUS my neighbor's wife is safe. In such a pri

vate exercise, I am both the perpetrator
the healing ministry for the fallen.
In the next few lines, former pastors

and the primary victim of my fantasy. share their insights from their firsthand
But once it involves another free-willed experience with adultery. Their identi
human being (somo) who trusts me ties must remain anonymous. We also
because of my professional power, must listen to the voice of experienced

NEEDED vocational covenant, and commit

ments, and I take advantage of this trust
by engaging her at this most intimate
level, my sin becomes uniquely destruc
leaders and experts.
1. Pastoral position is not a right, it is a
privilege. This is one stunning realization.
The pastoral office holds no entitlement.
Seminaries and Colleges tive. It cheapens the identity of When adultery is discovered, you will be
around the world are in Christian ministry and spoils my self- quietly relieved of your duties, and, gen
great need of quality concept and that of my neighbor's wife, tly but firmly, you may be urged to get
religious reading materials of our spouses, and so on. legal counsel. It may be suggested that
for training and educating + Peter's example must not be taken you vacate your office, and you may be
future leaders. by itself as the standard for dealing with referred to a treatment program for sex
ministers who commit adultery. While ual addiction. That is when it dawns on
You can help meet this
Peter's experience does present us with you that you are not untouchable.
challenge by donating new
insights into the possibility of repen "I was falling off a cliff in slow
or used religious books
tance, forgiveness, and the inestimable motion," remembers a Lutheran pas
(avoid story or devotional
blessings of divine compassion and a tor." "Name recognition, years of serv
books), or by helping us
forgiving community, Peter's sin was not ice, degrees, sense of a call, or talents
purchase the most urgently
hypocritical or done in secret, as is the are no guarantee for employment or
needed books through your
case with most ministers who sin sexual reinstatement."
financial contribution.
ly. They usually attempt to hide their sin 2. Sexual addiction? Upon referral for
and admit to it only after their behavior treatment of your sexual addiction, your
Please send donations to: is exposed. initial reaction will most likely be that of
In these days of compromise and irritation. "Is an affair necessarily an issue
Seminary Books moral laxity, it is preeminently important of addiction?" It was during the two
GC Ministerial Association for us to view sexual sin as something years of therapy away from his family,
In care of GC Transportation very serious, especially when it involves following the 12-step process of recov
6620 Amberton Drive a Christian minister and someone under ery, that this pastor was led to see that
Elkridge, Maryland 21075 his care. A ministry with high visibility adultery is a result of one of many forms
bears a much greater responsibility, and of sexual addiction. "I was confronted
or, if you would like to meet
this must be taken into account in the until I could identify sexual abuse as
a specific need, please call administration of discipline. something I wanted to excuse as 'errors
301 680-6511 or 301 680 6499 in judgment' or 'misunderstood inno
to find out how you can help. Lingering by cent gestures of love and care.' I was
In my view, the pastor who loses his forced to keep looking at my motives

12 MINISTRY January 2005

until I could see my behavior as full of 7. The Seventh-day Adventist Mini
deliberate acts of violence motivated by
selfishness and the desire to control and
hurt and to get back collectively at all
those who had hurt me." 12 In this light
sterial Handbook distinguishes clearly the
forgiveness of sin and re-employment in
pastoral ministry. "While violation of the
seventh commandment makes pastors
3-in-l International
an indefinite loss of pastoral employ ineligible for employment in pastoral
| Conference on Ministry
ment looked more defensible. ministry, they need and can experience
I on the campus of Andrews University
3. A call to ministry and pastoral posi God's forgiving grace and love. The
Bernen Springs, Michigan USA
tion are not the same. A sense of shame church should seek to restore and nur
and guilt may cripple any desire for ture their spiritual and family relation
involvement in the life of the church for ships." 16
years. But in time, and after healing has 8. At the time when a minister's cre
revived the sense of mission, nothing dentials are withdrawn and the pastor
should interfere with a former pastor's departs his post of duty, it is not wise to
assisting in serving those who are in make any indication about the pastor's
need, even if a pastorate is not an option. possible return to any form of church
4. Magnitude of the loss of power, work. 17 There are several reasons for this:
trust, and privacy. Few of us can appre (a) No one can be certain how much
ciate the extent of credit, trust, and damage has been or is being done, nor
power that our parishioners grant us how long and how complete the recov
upon our arrival in a congregation. ery will be.
Unfortunately, it is only when we lose (b) God desires that His ministers
that credibility and trust that we can see lead not by executive power, clever
the true dimensions of our loss. methods, or impressive charisma but
In the truest sense, the confronta much rather by example "in speech and
tions, hearings, confession, repentance, conduct, in love, in faith, in purity"
therapy; the strained relationship with (1 Tim. 4:12, RSV).
f Call to
the spouse; and indefinite loss of (c) The former pastor must put all his jjjjjjlistry
employment, excruciating though these energies to work on recovery and heal
may be, are the only way back to sanity. ing for no other reason, and from no
You feel like there is no shred of privacy other motive, than a sense of justice
left in you. But another former pastor that demands restitution for damages,
explains, "Not even time can heal that repair of relationships, and rehabilita
which is kept from the light of day." 13 tion of reputations. Often, promises and
AdvenS (logical Seminai||
5. An affair is but the "tip of an ice eagerness to turn the page create a
al Conferenfi
berg of deep unresolved emotional and pressure, and encourage impatience,
interpersonal issues of anger, loneliness,
* Biblical
that discourage the thoroughness and
performance pressures and power conscientious care so much needed for Topjigjft,
hunger." 14 In the case of clergy adultery, deep treatment of wounds and for Recent Reseaijjji,
we are never dealing only with a sexual restoration of damaged identities.
misconduct. We are responding to con Current Issues
sequences, as much as to causes. So From colleague to colleague
lies in Ministry
much more is hidden behind, and we If only I could learn the fundamental
must not take the risk of leaving any lessons from the tree of the knowledge
aspect of recovery to chance.
6. The minister's emotional and inter
of good and evil.
First is the lesson about sin. Ever since
June 22 - 27, 2005
(General Conference Session starts June 29)
personal issues must be fully restored it entered humanity, sin has never * » *
before he can engage in any form of ceased to put on an appearance of
helping service. "To these must be goodness, which inevitably proves to
(visit often for updates]
added a genuine renewal of genuine have a hidden hook of evil imbedded
biblical spirituality, irrefutable evidence of deep within it. Yet I keep being duped events@plusline.org
an improved marital relationship (if he is by its promises to the point where I feel 800 732-7587
married and his wife agrees to stay with that sin is a natural part of me.
(8:30 am EST - 5:00 pm PST)
him), and a construction of a long-term So I keep acting as if it is normal to
accountability and support system." 15 continued on page 29 Fax: 805 497-7099

January 2005 MINISTRY 13

tell people to come and be involved. The more
people involved, the stronger the church.

Pendleton: You give great emphasis to

personal devotions daily Bible study and
daily journaling. How much do these disci
plines have to do with the success of your
ministry, and what sort of program would
you recommend to other pastors?

How to make Cordeiro: Daily devotions are very, very

important. It is the heartbeat of our church. I
once saw something in the Journal of the

your church grow: American Medical Association. It stated that the

health of the twenty-first-century person will
be determined not by what people can get
David Pendleton interviews doctors to do for them but by what doctors
can get people to do for themselves! How true.
Pastor Wayne Cordeiro As a pastor and teacher, I want people to
develop a self-feeding program. I want people
to be mentored by the Holy Spirit, because
one day, I as a pastor will be gone. Programs
David Pendleton: Dr. Cordeiro, your will be gone, and services will be over. But if I
church is the fastest growing church in can get everyone in our church to have a
Hawaii, and one of the fastest growing church vibrant, daily, ongoing relationship with Jesus
es in the United States; from a handful of Christ, where they feed on the Scriptures, the
members about eight years ago to over 10,000 Lord can take me home and things will keep
attendees each weekend. What is the primary right on going.
reason for such unprecedented growth? To me, the personal devotions part is
absolutely critical. And we hammer on that
Wayne Cordeiro: Honestly, there is not all the time. Journaling comes out of
really a single key; there are several. The first is Deuteronomy chapter 17, where God
that we are completely devoted to welcoming required the kings to write and read the Word
the hand of the Lord on our ministry. Without daily "write for himself a copy of this law in
M/s>77e Cordeiro is His hand, without His pleasure, we are dead in a book" the Bible says in order that they
senior pastor of New the water. We must do everything in such a might not sin against the Lord. Not just read
Hope Christian way that we delight the heart of God. but write. When you write what the Holy
Fellowship and The second is that it is my heart's desire to Spirit is telling you, you are saying that you
chancellor of Pacific speak the gospel in the language of the peo intend to apply to your life what you are read
Rim Bible College. ple, in a way they can understand. I do so ing, what the Lord is speaking to your heart.
without compromising the gospel. A lot of I encourage people to take notes in a jour
times, churches answer questions that nal. It helps them to summarize what the Holy
nobody is asking. I try to find out where peo Spirit is saying. For example, if we are in a
ple are hurting and speak to the hurts using physics class, some student will be taking
the gospel. notes, and others will not. You can opt out of
Look at Jesus. He always met people's taking notes. However, when the tests come
needs. Whether it was the woman caught in (and they will), guess who will fare better?
adultery or the woman putting a couple of Much of the time Christians rise and fall
pennies in the offering plate, He spoke to peo based not on what they heard but on the tests
ple where they were. Everything He said was they have faced. Taking notes prepares you for
David A. Pendleton,
LLD, is a Seventh-day
connected to everyday life. So we at New Hope the tests in life. You weave into your life scrip
Adventist minister, try to connect the gospel with everyday life. tural principles. A lot of us don't fare well on
and a member of the The third is doing church as a team, where the tests. We are fair-weather Christians. We
Hawaii House of we involve everyone. It is not a "come and see are not prepared for storms. But by taking
Representatives. church." It's an "equip and send church." We notes and weaving Scripture into the fabric of

14 MINISTRY January 2005

who you are, you will fare much bet leaders over 1,000s, 100s, 50s, and
ter in the storms. 10s. David used similar groupings.
The smallest of 10 is what we call the
Pendleton: In your writings and basic building block of a fractal sys
in your speaking to other pastors, you tem. It is one person overseeing a
use the word "leadership" a lot. What group of four. Now you might think,
key leadership principles were behind "Hey, that's five, not ten!" Right, but
the rapid growth of New Hope? what I do is put an invisible "X" next
to each of the people that signifies
Cordeiro: Leadership alone is not their spouse, and now there is a total
enough to take our churches into of ten. You see, fractals is not just
what God has for us. It must be about a team, but a team consisting of
linked with the word "spiritual." I am healthy interpersonal relationships.
not firstly a leader who happens to The concept is that I serve these
shepherd people. I am first a shep four and their relationships so they
herd who happens to lead people. are better able to do well. When they
But I also use the word with those do, then the ministry does excellent
who are serving in our church. And
for that, the definition of a leader is
ly. My goal is to live for their success.
Each of those four will have their own
White, The Fields
simply this: a servant who takes ini fractal, another group of ten. by Joseph A. Becker
tiative to serve. We are all servants, Ephesians 4 reminds pastors to
but we must take the initiative to "go attend to the equipping of the saints.
first" when serving is needed. For Often a pastor tries to do it all, to
example, if there was a piece of paper have as many as possible help him do
on the ground, out of ten people who ministry. With fractals, a pastor helps
pass by, perhaps eight will walk right others do the work of ministry. Each
by the need to pick it up. A leader of these individuals have their own
takes the initiative to pick it up. A fractals and on down the line.
leader goes first and does something.
You see chairs, for example, that need Pendleton: What advice do you
to be stacked. You take the initiative have for pastors regarding time man
to do the task. agement and prioritizing. And how
In heaven's account you are a do you balance family and a demand Decorate your office, church
leader, even though you may not ing ministry?
have a prestigious office or impressive
foyer, lobby, or any other well
name tag. Leadership is servanthood Cordeiro: Balance in life is not traveled space with a limited
in action. Servant leadership is static. Balance and static are not nec
emphasized very much at New Hope. essarily synonymous. You have to be
edition 18"x24" print signed
We define it biblically, not in terms of led by the Holy Spirit. If you have a by the Artist.
the surrounding corporate culture. balance beam, you balance it by hold
ing it directly in the middle and not
Pendleton: You have written moving. But in life there is always
about "fractals." What do you mean going to be movement. includes shipping for US
by that? There will be times that the Holy
Spirit may put His finger on your
Cordeiro: A fractal is a simple pat family. He will "weight" your home includes shipping outside the US
tern that can be repeated and life to alert you to a battlefront that is
reiterated again and again. It's actual forming. But with the weight on one
ly a mathematical term. For our usage, end of the balance beam, you are "out
it's a group of ten. It comes from of balance." So what do we do to get GENERAL CONFERENCE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION
Exodus 18, where Jethro said to it back in balance? 12501 OldColumbiaPike-SilverSpring,MD-20904
Moses, "If you don't stop trying to do You move the fulcrum, or the cen tel 301-680-6508 • fax 301-680-6502
everything yourself, you will wear ter balance point, toward the side Payment options: Visa/Mastercard, Check, Cash or
both yourself out as well as the peo that is weighted. Let's use the fulcrum Money Order (US Funds only)
ple." Jethro instructed him to appoint to depict your heart and attention.

January 2005 MINISTRY 15

When the Holy Spirit puts His finger
Think Christian TV is boring? on an area that needs your attention,
you simply follow His lead by moving
your time and heart toward it. You
simply follow His leading and attend
to what He is asking you to attend to.
When you do this consistently, you
the maintain a Spirit-led, balanced life.

Channel Pendleton: You preach nearly

every weekend. If you aren't preach
ing at New Hope, you are preaching
elsewhere. And when you preach at
New Hope, it is five times every week
end. What sermon preparation and
sermon delivery advice would you
share with pastors?

Cordeiro: My daily devotions con

tribute a lot to my sermons. Ninety-
five percent of what I preach comes
from my journals, where I have mined
1 NET 2005 :QpUg,;Batpel0ri March 4-M ."
'' "'f' •-'' ,4 ll),f» -"'' »"''*|S;- the Scriptures on a regular daily basis.
That way the Scriptures are always
"fresh bread" for me. The best time-
management program for pastors is to
do their devotions daily and to jour
nal daily. You can find more about
journaling at <http://www.eNew
;;^ ; hope.org>
Another thing I do is to take a two-
or three-day retreat every seven
is easy to get.. weeks. There I plan out my sermon
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• Unlimited 2 year technical support and equipment
replacement ready to plant a new one from practi
• Better picture and digital audio quality cally nothing here on this island. Now
• Easiest system to install and complete installation kit you have over 10,000 attendees on
• Delivered in 7-10 days ,„,, •, any given Sunday. Pioneering a new
• Pre-programmed with 8 Adventist channels:Add Qthfer
church is fundamentally different
; channetefor FREE (KUIL Fox affiliate?WVGN CBS aimiiatf 1 from accepting a call to an already
'• '"•' People's Network;etc}.; •"«' ..'-f-'--"" •" : " '='"""""""' *'•"'" '"'"• "f*. established church. What advice
• SABrtyi,e»yers;-Get"8''Adyenis;ttha'finelsj-ibrfyxstir?, ^;*;••. would you give to someone contem
h ^djsJ^Fjee^ iflstira;eii9^ '*"';> plating planting a new church?

Cordeiro: Both are valid. You need

16 MINISTRY January 2005

the ongoing ministry of saints being are being saved? How many out-
equipped to save the lost, and you reaches have you had into the
also need to expand the ongoing min community this year? What percent
istry of saints being equipped to save age of the church is actually feeding
the lost. I think each requires a bit of themselves on the Word of God? You
a different gifting. have to keep count of how many are
A pioneering pastor needs to be being baptized.
more entrepreneurial, more innova Sometimes pastors, for fear of look
tive, and more imaginative. Taking ing bad in the eyes of their church
over a church requires more adminis peers, are satisfied to hold on to what
trative, shepherding gifts. And quite they have. They are maintaining but
often the gifts needed to start a new are not increasing their impact in the
ministry are not the same gifts need community. There is fear of failing or
ed to sustain a ministry. You need being rejected, so they end up doing
different kinds of gifts for different nothing that poses a risk.
kinds of situations. We need to be willing to take risks.
So a pioneer pastor needs to be C. T. Studd once said, "The gamblers
able to shift gears. Some cannot make for gold are many, but the gamblers
that shift. For some it is better to start for God are so few. Where are the
their own church. For others it is to gamblers for God?" When I read that,
pastor an already established church. I remember writing on the margin of
Both are equally valid and needed. the page, "Lord, I will be a gambler
for You." Planning on attending
Pendleton: Encouraging other People take risks on the stock mar
pastors is a major ministry of yours. ket and in business start-ups. But it
the upcoming General
You have the Hawaii Leadership seems that when it comes to God, pas Conference Session
Practicum. You have the Doing tors are often the most conservative of
Church presented at Team confer all. Yet the Lord says, "If you risk
in St. Louis? We'll be
ences. You write books and speak everything on Me, I will reward you there with a boatload
extensively at pastoral conferences 30, 60, even 100 fold!" I don't know of
and consult with churches. What are any other investment where you can
of useful ideas and
the pitfalls that need to be carefully receive that sort of return. And when resources for pastors
avoided by pastors as they proceed God says it, you know it's true.
through a lifetime of ministry, and The other thing pastors need to
and lay/ leaders. From
what do you see as the biggest chal avoid is envy and pride. They want to sermon outlines
lenges holding pastors back from learn, but denominational pride may
reaching their full ministry potential? keep them from learning from anoth
and study helps to
er pastor. We need to be willing to counseling aids and
Cordeiro: A pitfall that needs to learn from one another, even across
be avoided, but is religiously accept denominational lines. Heaven rejoic
personal inspiration,
able, is maintaining what you have. es when we do so. they're all aboard
You can get satisfied with doing only
what is simply expected of you. You Pendleton: Who have been your
(and in stacks of more
can minister for a whole lifetime like most outstanding mentors? Aside than two and seven).
that. Many do. However, if you are from Jesus Christ, who have been
going to make a real impact in your those who have most influenced and
We'll leave the door
lifetime, you have to do more than shaped your ministry? open for you.
The Lord says to occupy until He Cordeiro: I have many mentors. I
comes. That word is a military term. have what you would call contempo Booths #637-722
Some pastors feel that if people are rary mentors. These are people who are
still coming to church every week alive today who I can call or email or (Just look for the big boat)
end, things are OK. I say, we have to sit with. Some of them you may www.ministerialassociation.com
look to the fruit. How many new peo know. I will sit with Bill Hybels, Rick
ple are coming? How many marriages continued on page 29

January 2005 MINISTRY 17

approaches to expository preaching.
It is important to note that while all these
works emerged from the framework of the
Traditional Homiletic, the distinguishing fea
ture that sets them apart is the emphasis they
put on expository methodology: describing
expository preaching, its assumptions about
Scripture, the role of hermeneutics and exege
sis, and their intentional focus on such
emphases as application philosophy. Other
traditionalists advocate preaching from the
biblical text, but lack this emphasis on expos
itory methodology.

While there is no unanimity among this
expository group in all things, they do share a
common belief articulated by David Bass:

"There are not, strictly speaking, several kinds
of preaching (topical, expository, textual) or
many kinds of sermons (doctrinal, lectionary,
life situation, relational, etc.); there is only
one: [and that is] expositional." Only this kind
of preaching is worthy of the name because in

ecent publications on homiletics it "the truth of a Scripture text is explained
Jud Lake
have identified four paradigms, and applied to the lives of the hearers."6 As
each with its own outcome for lis such, the significant body of literature emerg
tening congregations: (1) the ing from these expository homileticians sug
Traditional Homiletic under gests the existence of what I call the
standing truth through explanation; (2) the Expository Homiletic, the fifth major para
Kerygmatic Homiletic encountering the digm characterizing the contemporary
presence of God; (3) the New Homiletic homiletical landscape.7
experiencing faith and meaning; and (4) the
Postliberal Homiletic engaging the local Eight reasons to embrace the
cultural-linguistic community. 1 The purpose Expository Homiletic
of this article is to introduce a fifth homileti- The literature of the Expository Homiletic
cal paradigm that focuses on helping has much to offer Seventh-day Adventist
congregations understand and experience the preachers and others who value the Bible as
power of the biblical text in its context.2 the Word of God. I suggest eight reasons why
This homiletical approach began in 1980 we need to embrace the writings of this
with the publishing of Haddon Robinson's important homiletical paradigm.
Biblical Preaching: The Development and First, it capitalizes on the biblical model of
Delivery of Expository Messages3 considered by preaching advocated by the apostle Paul:
editors of the journal Preaching to be "one of "Preach the Word!" (2 Tim. 4:2. NKJV).
the most influential homiletics texts ever Commenting on this verse, Ellen G. White
published."4 Robinson laid the theoretical has urged ministers to "speak in sincerity and
foundation by defining expository preaching deep earnestness, as a voice from God
as "the communication of a biblical concept, expounding the Sacred Scriptures."8 This hap
derived from and transmitted through a his pens only when the preacher is "rightly
torical, grammatical, and literary study of a dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15,
JudLake, 77). D., passage in its context, which the Holy Spirit NKJV; cf. Neh. 8:8, NKJV).
D.Min., is professor
first applies to the personality and experience Second, it holds to a high view of Scripture
of preaching and
of the preacher, then through the preacher, and thus stresses the centrality of the biblical
pastoral theology,
Southern Adventist applies to the hearers."5 text during the preaching of the sermon.
University School of During the 1980s and 1990s, expository Renowned expositor John Stott writes: "It is
Religion, Collegedale, theorists built upon this foundation, provid my contention that all true Christian preach
Tennessee. ing works of their own that developed their ing is expository preaching. ... To expound

18 MINISTRY January 2005

Scripture is to bring out of the text tion, interpretation, or application of 20 sermon forms or designs that can
what is there and expose it to view. a single dominant idea supported by be applied to various genre in
The expositor prizes open what... is other ideas, all drawn from one pas Scripture: nine deductive designs,
obscure, unravels what is knotted and sage or several passages of Scripture."13 five inductive designs, and six narra
unfolds what is tightly packed. The Expository homileticians have fol tive designs. 18 As such, the caricature
opposite of exposition is 'imposition/ lowed this single-idea approach "three points and a poem for every
which is to impose on the text what consistently over the years because sermon" finds no place in the think
is not there. .. . Whether it is long or they believe those who listen to ser ing of these expository homileti
short, our responsibility as expositors mons search for unity and order. cians.
is to open it up in such a way that it These homileticians teach preachers Seventh, this expository homiletic
speaks its message clearly, plainly, to extract an idea from God's Word provides effective strategies for applying
accurately, relevantly, without addi and make that idea the central idea of the ancient text to the contemporary
tion, subtraction, or falsification. In the sermon. This practice has a suc audience. For example, discussions of
expository preaching the biblical text cessful track record and has proven audience relevance, dynamic illustra
is neither a conventional introduc itself as the best approach for engag tion, and careful application are
tion to a sermon on a largely different ing exposition.14 found frequenting its books. The con
theme, nor a convenient peg on Fifth, this expository paradigm teach viction is that authentic expository
which to hang a ragbag of miscella es the Christ-centered nature of Scripture preaching should convey biblical
neous thoughts, but a master which and thus emphasizes that all exposi truth while avoiding pedantic expla
dictates and controls what is said.'" tory preaching should be Christ- nation or oral commentary. Thus,
A longtime teacher of expositors, centered. Seventh-day Adventists one will find helpful ideas on how to
Walter Kaiser, is known for this believe in the importance of uplifting explain and apply Scripture in such a
hyperbolical statement: "Preach a Christ in the sermon. Foundational to way that it engages contemporary
topical sermon only once every five the Adventist understanding of what audiences.
years and then immediately . . . is at the heart of good preaching is the Eighth, this expository paradigm
repent and ask God's forgiveness!"10 concept that "Christ crucified, Christ places stress on the role of the Holy Spirit
Kaiser's point is that congregations ascended into the heavens, Christ and prayer during the preparation and
need a steady diet of preaching "guid coming again, should soften, gladden, preaching of the sermon. The convic
ed by God's Word in its origins, and fill the mind of the minister of tion of many in this paradigm is that
production, and proclamation." 11 the gospel that he will present these when the biblical text is faithfully
Such preaching will move us away truths to the people in love and deep expounded, the Holy Spirit will
from topical preaching, in which the earnestness."15 anoint the expositor with a special
sermon is governed by a topic, 12 to Bryan Chapell's Christ-Centered empowerment that carries his or her
expository preaching, in which the Preaching: Redeeming the Expository delivery beyond natural abilities. 19
sermon is governed by the inspired Sermon is fast becoming an evangelical This is true, of course. But in contrast
text. classic on this subject. In two remark to this rather limited view of the role
Third, this expository homiletic able chapters16 he sets forth a Christ- of the Spirit in preaching, there is the
stresses the importance of careful exege centered methodology for preaching conviction that in each sermon expe
sis through which the biblical text is the expository sermon that resonates rience, ministers should "plead with
accurately understood. In the various with the Adventist understanding of God to imbue them with His Spirit,
expository volumes, one will find an the great controversy. He writes: "A and enable them to lift up Christ as
abundance of practical helps that aid passage retains its Christocentric the sinner's only hope."20 This prayer
us in analyzing the historical- focus, and a sermon becomes Christ- encompasses the whole of the
cultural, literary, grammatical, centered, not because the preacher preaching experience. What a differ
semantic, and theological contexts of finds a slick way of wedging a refer ence this can make in our preaching!
Scripture. Moreover, one will find ence to Jesus' person or work into the
helpful suggestions on how to use message but because the sermon iden Preach biblically! Preach
this exegetical data creatively in tifies a function this particular text better
expository preaching. legitimately serves in the great drama By embracing the Expository
Fourth, this homiletic is ideational in of the Son's crusade against the ser Homiletic and implementing its prin
nature. Haddon Robinson makes the pent."17 ciples in our pulpits, we can preach
following unforgettable statement in Sixth, this expository homiletic better, and preach biblically. Then our
Biblical Preaching: "A sermon should emphasizes creativity in sermon form. congregations will hear text-centered,
be a bullet, not buckshot." By this he For instance, expository scholar audience-focused, Christ-centered,
means that a sermon "is the explana Harold Bryson provides examples of Spirit-filled sermons that impact their

January 2005 MINISTRY 19

lives and deepen their knowledge of
The following two groups of books represent some of the best thinking on
preaching in the Expository Homiletk. The first group consists of printers that
Scripture. The result will be churches
provide a biblical philosophy of preaching and instruction on how to do it. The that grow and flourish because God's
second group focuses on specific aspects of expository preaching. Word accomplishes its purpose (Isa.
55:10, 11). m
Bryan Chapel), Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon (Grand Rapids: 1 For discussion of these four paradigms, see Robert S.
Baker, 1994), Here's an exceedingly helpful volume that emphasizes the Christ-centered nature Reid, "Faithful Preaching: Preaching Epistemes, Faith
of expository preaching. In addition to: setting forth a clear method for preaching Christ from Stages, and Rhetorical Practice," Journal of Communication
the Scriptures, this volurne provides a biblical approach to application and illustration. Fresh, and Religion 21 (1998): 164-199; Lucy Atkinson Rose,
"Preaching in the Round-Table Church," (Ph.D. disserta
crisp, and contemporary, this textbook is a must-read for the expositor. : , tion, Emory University, 1994); and Judson S. Lake, "An
Wayne McDill, '$hei.J2. Essential Skills for Great Preaching (Nashville, Tenn.-. Sroadman & Evaluation of Haddon Robinson's Homiletical Method:
Hblman, 1994). A solid and comprehensive textbook by a seasoned expository homitetician, An Evangelical Perspective," (Th.D. dissertation,
University of South Africa, 2003), 20-44.
McDill explains 12 specific skills preachers can use in preparing engaging biblical sermons. Two
2 This article is based on chapter two in my doctoral dis
exceptionally helpful features are clear definitions of homiletical terms and worksheets for sertation, and a chapter I contributed to a festschrift in
applying the 12 skills. honor of Norman Gulley. See "The Birth of a New
Homileticai Paradigm," in The Cosmic Battle for Planet
Michael J. Quicke, 360 Degree Preaching: Hearing, Speaking, and tiring the Word (Grand
Earth: Essays in Honor of Norman Gulley, Ron du Preez and
Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003). This recent and noteworthy text broadens expository theory by Jiri Moskala, eds. (Bemen Springs, Mich.: Seventh-day
incorporating insights from the Cither homitetieal paradigms and thus shows how expository Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University,
preaching can be, relevant to this, postmodern generation. Quicke writes: "What postmodern 2003), 187-209.
3 Robinson recently released the revised second edition
listeners need is not less Bible but more lived-out Bible,, not worked-up sermons but: wOrked-out
(Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980, 2001).
.sermons" (140). A holistic approach highly recommended: ... : , , , '•'•'•. ,':• • 4 See "1999 Book of the Year," Preaching (January/February
HaddOn W. Robinson, Biblical Preaching: The Development arid delivery of Expository Messages, 2000), 6.
5 Robinson, 21. See also Lake, "An Evaluation of Haddon
second edition (Grand Rapids; Baker Academic, 200T), This is the best place to start for, those
Robinson's Homiletical Method," 128-155.
seeking a beginning textbook on expository preaching. Robinson is a founding father of the , , 6 David M. Bast, "Why Preach?" The Reformed Review 39/3
Expository Homiletic and no recent preaching textbook has been used as widely as this one in (Spring 1986), 175, 176.
Bible colleges and seminaries. It is worth returning to again and again. 7 See Mark A. Howell, "Hermeneutical Bridges and
Homiletical Methods: A Comparative Analysis of the
Jerry Vines and Jim Shaddix, Power in the Palpit: How to Prepare and Deliver Expository Sermons New Homiletic and Expository Preaching Theory 1970-
(Chicago: Moody, 199?):, This book serves as a revision, expansion, and update of jerry Vine's 1995," (Ph.D. dissertation, Southeastern Baptist
previous works on expository sermon preparation and delivery. It is a veritable encyclopedia full Theological Seminary, 1999), 26, 109ff; and Lake, "The
of helpful information, fresh insights, and practical guidelines on relevant expository preaching. Birth of a New Homiletical Paradigm," 195, notes 33, 34.
8 Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers (Washington, D.C.:
Review & Herald Pub. Assn., 1948), 147.
Specific aspects of expository preaching 9 John Stott, Between Two Worlds: The Art of Preaching in the
Twentieth Century (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,1982), 125,
Daniel M,, Doriani, Putting the Truth to Work: The Theory and Practice of Biblical Application 126.
(Phillipsburg, N. J.: P&R Publishing, 2001). This is the best volume to date on the theory and 10 Walter Kaiser, Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical
practice of applying Scripture to the contemporary world. It fills the gap between biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids: Baker,
1981), 19.
interpretation and real-fife application. A must-read for the expositor.
11 Ibid.
Scott). Duvall and J. Daniel Hays, Grasping Cod's Word: A Hands-OnApproach to Reading, 12 This is not to disparage evangelistic-thematic (or biblical-
Interpreting, and Applying the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zohdervan, 2001). This: is a thorough yet thematic) preaching, a very important practice in
Seventh-day Adventism. There is a place for preaching on
practical work on the essential components of biblical interpretation and application. Excellent
the great topical themes of Scripture (Holy Spirit, Second
as a first read in biblical hermeneutics. , Coming, Sabbath, etc), but the "regular diet" for our con
Michaef Fafaarez, Preaching That Changes Lives (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2002); This is a gregations should be lectio continua, the systematic expo
sition of Scripture passages in their God-given context.
powerful volume on expository preaching that, in addition to providing a step-by-step guide,
13 Robinson, 35.
addresses the issues of life change and prayer. One appendix contains a "Prayer Guide for 14 Ibid., 57, 58; for an apologetic of ideatsonal preaching,
Preaching." Don't be without this book in your library! see Keith Willhite and Scott M. Gibson, eds. The Big Idea
Sidney Greidanus, The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching of Biblical Preaching: Connecting the Bible to People (Grand
Rapids: Baker, 1998), which serves as a festschrift to
Biblicat Literature (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988). A more advanced text that discusses the Haddon Robinson.
relationship of hermeneutics to homiietics. The book includes chapter-by-chapter instructions 15 White, Testimonies for the Church (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific
for preaching from various biblical genres, ft's ah excellent reference work for the expositor. Press Pub. Assn., 1948), 4:399,400.
16 Bryan Chapell, Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the
Walter C. Kaiser, Preaching, and Teaching From the Old Testament: A Guide for the Church
Expository Sermon (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994), 263-311.
(Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003). This book contains excellent guidelines for preaching 17 Ibid., 293.
expository Serrnons from the Old Testament,by;a front-ranking:did Testament scholar and 18 Harold Bryson, Expository Preaching: The Art of Preaching
preacher. Any minister Serious about pleaching the whole counsel of Cod will cherish this book. Through a Book of the Bible (Nashville: Broadman and
Holman, 1995), 339-372; see also Donald Hamilton,
Walter L, Uefeld; 'New Testamefit Exposition: From Text to Sermon (Gratid SapidS: 2ohdervan, Homiletica! Handbook (Nashville: Broadman and
1984)1 this is a more advanced:and time-tested volume wtt excellent Counsel orj preaching Hoirnan, 1992), 32-116, for discussion of various forms
expository sermons from :the: ,New TestamentIt, is,especia%:helpfurinexegettag,and applying for expository sermons.
19 For an unforgettable study on this subject, see Tony
the text, structuring the sermon, and preaching from difficult texts. It's essential reading for ;
Sargent, The Sacred Anointing: The Preaching of Dr. Martyn
expounding the New Testament , Lloyd-Jones (Wheaton, II!.: Crossway Books, 1994).
20 White, Gospel Workers, 155.

20 MINISTRY January 2005


New heaven and the new earth:

the home of the redeemed
Seventh-day Adventkt Statement covenantal relationship with God,
of faith #26, The Millennium and the God's promise to him was not limited
End of Sin. The millennium is the thou to the possession of Canaan. The
sand-year reign of Christ with His saints in covenant foresaw a definite point in
heaven between the first and second res
JOHN, redemptive history when Abraham
urrections. During this time the wicked would enter "the city which has foun
dead will be judged; the earth will be dations, whose builder and maker is
utterly desolate, without living human God" (Heb. 11:10).
inhabitants, but occupied by Satan and The Old Testament prophecies pre
his angels. At its close Christ with His dict the removal of sin and injustice
saints and the Holy City will descend from when the earth would be "full of the
heaven to earth. The unrighteous dead knowledge of the Lord as the waters
will then be resurrected, and with Satan come like a thief, and then the heavens cover the sea" (Isa. 11:9). In that age of
and his angels will surround the city; but will pass away with a loud noise, and the divine order, the earth would yield its
fire from Cod will consume them and elements will be dissolved with fire, and abundance, the wilderness would
cleanse the earth. The universe will thus the earth and the works that are upon it become like Eden (Isa. 51:3), "the
be freed of sin and sinners forever. (Rev. will be burned up.. .. But according to desert shall rejoice and blossom," and
20; 1 Cor. 6:2, 3; ]er. 4:23-26; Rev. 21:1- his promise we wait for new heavens "the burning sand shall become a pool"
5;Mal. 4:1; Ezek. 28:18, 19.) and a new earth in which righteousness (Isa. 35:1, 7). Peace shall characterize all
Seventh-day Adventist Statement dwells" (3:10-13). The apostle John relationships: "the wolf and the lamb
of Faith #27, The New Earth. On the takes the last two chapters of Revelation shall feed together, the lion shall eat
new earth, in which righteousness dwells, to explain the establishment of the new straw like the ox;... They shall not hurt
Cod will provide an eternal home for the heavens and the new earth. or destroy" (Isa. 65:25).
redeemed and a perfect environment for The future home of the saints is thus No citizen of that new age will say, "I
everlasting life, love, joy, and learning in the consummative focus of the am sick" (Isa. 33:24). There will be no
His presence. For here God Himself will Scriptures. The Bible begins with the death, and "God will wipe away all
dwell with His people, and suffering and creation of the earth and the disruption tears" (Isa. 25:8). Above all, God's peo
death will have passed away. The great of God's purpose by the entrance of sin. ple will "abide in peaceful habitation, in
controversy will be ended, and sin will be The Bible closes with the destruction of secure dwellings, and in quiet resting
no more. All things, animate and inani sin, the restoration of the created order, places" (Isa. 32:18). God will be their
mate, will declare that God is love; and He and the establishment of the new heav King (Zech. 14:16) and rule the earth in
shall reign forever. Amen. (2 Peter 3:13; en and the new earth. righteousness.
Isa. 35; 65:7 7-25; Matt. 5:5; Rev. 21:1-7; To the Bible writers, the coming new Isaiah specifically spoke of the cre
22:1-5; 11:15.) heaven and the new earth is an absolute ation of "new heavens and a new earth"
reality. It is not a pie-in-the-sky Utopia. (Isa. 65:1 7; 66:22). Daniel saw in the

he new heaven and the new Nor is it a theological myth. Scripture multimetal image of Daniel 2 and the
earth" is the expression the Bible portrays history as God's venue of march of world powers across history
employs four times to describe redemptive action. That history, linear in from his time to the establishment of
the future home of the redeemed. character, is moving toward its eschato- God's kingdom on this earth. Babylon,
In Isaiah the phrase summarizes the logical fulfillment. Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the
divine promise for the last days: "For Two questions need to be raised: divided status of the world since Rome
behold, I create new heavens and a new What does the Bible say about the hope (represented by various parts of the
earth; and the former things shall not and reality of the new earth? What are image) successively pass across the
be remembered or come into mind" the characteristics of the new earth? stage. The last days of human history
(Isa. 65:1 7; cf. 66:22}} were portrayed as unstable as the union
In 2 Peter the apostle posits the new The new earth in the Old of iron and clay. Such a confused and
creation in connection with end-time Testament chaotic order of human history would
events: "But the day of the Lord will When Abraham was called to a be brought to a swift close by God who

January 2005 MINISTRY 21

"will set up a kingdom which shall never and of the close of the age?'" Col. 3:14); "we suffer with him in order
be destroyed" (Dan. 2:44). The answer depicts both the condi that we may also be glorified with him"
tion of the earth and the certainty of the (Rom. 8:17). Thus Paul's eschatological
The Gospels and the Kingdom return of Jesus. The present age will hope consists not just in the prospect of
Jesus began His ministry with the continue with its social, political, moral, divine glory (Rom. 5:2; 8:18, 21) or in
proclamation that the time had come and religious disorder. The conflict the receipt of immortality (1 Cor. 15:53,
and the kingdom of Cod was at hand between good and evil will rage in all its 54), but in the ultimate joy of being with
(Mark 1:14, 15). That the kingdom had intensity and diversity, even as the Christ.
both a present reality and a future ful gospel of the kingdom is preached in all The apostle thus anticipates a per
fillment is clear from such passages as the world, and the world order is con petual and glorious fellowship with the
Luke 17:20, 21 ("The kingdom of God fronted with the redemptive message Lord. The Pauline perspective of cosmic
is in the midst of you.") and Matthew and the impending collapse of the age. restoration provides a clue that the
12:28 ("If it is by the Spirit of Cod that The time of the Second Coming is divine-human fellowship is to be antici
I cast out demons, then the kingdom of not known, but the event is certain: pated in the renewed earth, as is
God has come upon you."). Christ will come "in clouds with great evident from Romans 8:18-21. There
Jesus is more than an announcer of power and glory" (Mark 13:26); "as the Paul asks his readers to discount "the
the kingdom: He is the content and the lightning flashes and lights up the sky sufferings of this present time." They
medium of that kingdom. Through His from one side to the other, so will the are nothing compared to the glory
person and His ministry, God's reign Son of man be in his day" (Luke 17:24). awaiting the believer.
was established forever. Through Him The interim between now and the The whole created order had been
alone we enter God's kingdom. Parousia is to be used by the disciples in subject to the futility of this age of sin,
The kingdom present also points to a life of preparedness (Matt. 25:1-13) and the entire creation "waits with
the kingdom future. The future aspect and proclamation, in order that the eager longing"—literally "stands on tip
of God's kingdom is illustrated in the eschatological kingdom does not take toe"—for the moment of cosmic
Lord's Prayer: "Thy kingdom come." If them unawares. liberation. The created order "will be set
the kingdom were wholly limited only free from its bondage to decay and
to the present, the prayer would lose Paul and the new earth obtain the glorious liberty of the chil
much of its force and meaning, espe Paul's understanding of the return of dren of God." Toward this freeing, "the
cially in view of the fact that Jesus told Christ is invariably related to his grasp whole creation has been groaning in
the disciples that He Himself would of what Christ accomplished in His travail together until now."
bring the kingdom when He returns incarnate state. The connection What is this cosmic liberation in
with power (Mark 9:1; cf. Matt. 16:28). between the Incarnation and the Paul's thinking? Since the corruption of
The looking forward to, the prepar Second Coming is reinforced by the use the earth is not merely ethical in char
ing for, and the praying for the kingdom of the word epiphaneia, "appearing," to acter, it must be taken to mean that the
certainly indicate not just a present real describe both events. motif is a reference to decay and dishar
ity but a future fulfillment. Viewed from In 2 Timothy 1:10, Paul attributes to mony so apparent around the earth.
this angle, Jesus' promise of the eschato- the epiphaneia of Christ the abolition of Just as the mortal body must put on
logical banquet in which the elect from death, and bringing in of life and immortality, just as corruption must be
the four corners of the world will sit with immortality, through the gospel. The swallowed by incorruption, just as
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob must epiphaneia will occur a second time in death must give way to life (1 Cor.
inevitably mean the gathering of the the "appearing of the glory of our great 15:50-54), so the cosmic decay and dis
redeemed of all ages at a point in time God and Savior Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13; order must be excised in order that a
to inherit the earth (Matt. 8:11; Luke cf 1 Tim. 6:14; 2 Tim. 4:1, 8), at which renewed and transformed earth and
13:28, 29; cf. Luke 22:16, 18; 22:29). time the resurrection decree of Christ heaven may become the eternal home
The Gospels further teach that just as will bring about the eschatological of the redeemed humanity.
the kingdom came into the world by dethroning of death. With the subjuga
the direct intervention of God in human tion of death, immortality will become The new earth in other
history through the Incarnation, so will the heritage of the redeemed. Victory epistles
the future kingdom come through a would be final (1 Cor. 15:51-57). In keeping with its theme of the
similar act in the return of Jesus in his Paul is also certain that the Second "better" and the "heavenly," the book
tory. Witness the eschatological dis Coming will provide the long-awaited of Hebrews directs the Christian to the
courses of Jesus (Matt. 24, 25; Mark 13; opportunity for eternal fellowship "with certainty of a future rest and a future
Luke 21) in reply to the disciples' ques Christ": "we shall always be with the city that God has prepared (Heb. 4:1 -8;
tion, "Tell us, when will this be and Lord" (1 Thess. 4:17); "we might live 11:10, 16). The city that God has pre
what will be the sign of your coming with him" (1 Thess. 5:10; cf Phil. 1:23; pared is a motif by which the author of

22 MINISTRY January 2005

Hebrews reinforces the future certainty used to emphasize newness. Neos signi and the end'" (Rev. 21:1 -6).
of the Christian reward. fies "what was not there before," "what What precedes the creation of the
The heroes of faith are said to have has only just risen or appeared," "what new heaven and the new earth? The
seen from afar the eschatological city. is new and distinctive," "what is new in closing chapters of the book of
Abraham "looked forward to the city" time or origin." Revelation indicate that the new earth is
(Heb. 11:10). The saints of the Old Kainos carries the import of "what is God's finale. Logic demands and inspi
Testament realized perfectly well that new in nature," "different from the ration records that certain other last-day
they were "strangers and exiles on the usual, impressive, better than the old, events precede the creation of the
earth." This earth was not their home, superior in value or attraction."2 In other home of the redeemed: the Second
and in faith, they saw "from afar" "a words, Neos denotes something new in Coming, the gathering of the saints, the
homeland," "a better country, that is, a time or origin, something that is brand millennial reign in heaven, the descend
heavenly one" (Heb. 11:13-16). The new; kainos something new in quality or ing of the Holy City, and the final
future inheritance of the saints is thus character, new in terms of radical renew destruction of Satan, sin, and sinners.
neither an eschatological riddle nor a al. The use of kainos, therefore, (For events connected with millennium,
theological striptease; it is a reality, visi "suggests fresh life rising from the decay see box. on page 24)
ble to the eyes of faith, understandable and wreck of the old world." 3 The annihilation of "the wicked" is
to the mind of the regenerate person. Clearly, what is emphasized is renew accomplished by an eschatological
In his forceful statement on the final al and continuity. The fires that will judgment of fire (Rev. 20:13-16). The
conflagration of the universe, Peter destroy this evil age will act as a purify fire that consumes Satan and the sin
says: "But the day of the Lord will come ing agent to renew the heavens and the ners purifies the earth.
like a thief, and then the heavens will earth. The emerging cosmos is not a
pass away with a loud noise, and the creation ex nihilo, but a cosmos in har Characteristics of the new
elements will be dissolved with fire, and mony with God's eternal purposes, earth
the earth and the works that are upon it prepared to be the home of God's Using scriptural data, can we now
will be burned up ... the heavens will redeemed. paint a mosaic of the new age? Such an
be kindled and dissolved, and the ele attempt is both possible and essential, if
ments will melt with fire! But according Revelation and the new earth only to complete the content of the
to his promise we wait for new heavens The book of Revelation speaks direct Christian hope. Without falling into the
and a new earth in which righteousness ly of the new earth as being real, trap of materialistic literalism or slipping
dwells" (2 Peter 3:10-13). Monuments concrete, and eternal: "Then 1 saw a into the tendency to dismiss everything
of men will give way to the mighty pro new heaven and a new earth; for the heavenly as symbolic, we should find it
nouncements of God's judgment. first heaven and the first earth had possible to understand the characteris
Fiery judgment is a familiar biblical passed away, and the sea was no more. tics of the new earth.
picture associated with the Day of the And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, Cod's action. The new heaven and
Lord (Isa. 13:9-13; 29:6; 30:30; 65:12; coming down out of heaven from God, the new earth will be the result of God's
66:15, 16; Dan. 7:9-11; Nahum 1:5, 6; prepared as a bride adorned for her hus activity. Human genius has no part in
1 Cor. 3:13; 2 Thess. 1:7, 8; Heb. 12:29; band; and I heard a loud voice from the the conception or the consummation of
1 Peter 1:7). But what role does fire play throne saying, 'Behold, the dwelling of the eternal kingdom. Four times in
in the cosmic convulsions Peter foresaw? God is with men. He will dwell with Revelation 21:5-8, the prophet argues
Will there be annihilation or renewal? them, and they shall be his people, and that the initiative and the fulfillment of
The question is whether there is an God himself will be with them; he will the eternal home fully rest with God.
irreconcilable break between the old wipe away every tear from their eyes, It is the One who sits upon the
and the new, so that the old is com and death shall be no more, neither throne—the symbol of sovereignty of
pletely destroyed and the new is a result shall there be mourning nor crying nor the entire created order—who swears
of creation ex nihilo. Or did Peter fore pain any more, for the former things by His authority: "Behold I make all
see the idea of change, a qualitative have passed away.' And he who sat things new." Further, the prophet was
newness, a radical transformation, a upon the throne said, 'Behold, I make all told to put the promise down in writ
purging process? things new.' Also he said, 'Write this, for ing, "for these words are trustworthy
The word for "new" used in these words are trustworthy and true.' and true." The Alpha and the Omega,
Revelation 21:1 helps to clarify the And he said to me, 'It is done! I am the the Beginning and the End, God
issue. Two Greek words are commonly Alpha and the Omega, the beginning Himself has promised this eternal "her-

January 2005 MINISTRY

itage" to the overcomer. clysmic judgment of God, a transformed mine, says the Lord of hosts, my special
Cod's victory. God's creation of the and recreated cosmos will emerge. This possession on the day when I act" (Mal.
new earth will victoriously conclude the "final inauguration of the new age is 3:17). "It is this new situation which is
great controversy between Christ and accompanied by a renovation of all the key to the other symbols of new
Satan. The struggle between the "chris- nature."4 ness: the Holy City, the bride, the death
tic" and the "antichristic" forces, with Cod with humans. In the new earth, of death, the water of life, the sonship
all their complexity, subtlety, and mag God will be with humans. Revelation of the conquerors." 5
nitude dominate redemptive history. repeats the promise three times (Rev. End of the old. In the new earth, the
When that history reaches its climax at 21:3, 4). Perhaps it is in this declaration former things will pass away and "shall
the end-time, the great controversy will that we ought to locate the essential not be remembered or come into
end, and God's new age will begin. newness of the eternal kingdom. The mind" (Rev. 2:5; Isa. 65:17). "Former"
How can we be sure of this? The biblical presentation of the new earth suggests an association with sin: All the
reality of victory was affirmed at the throbs with the single most important consequences of the Fall will disappear.
Cross by the Lamb, and it is the Lamb idea that God would be the dynamic of "God ... will wipe away every tear from
that dominates the book of last things: that order. their eyes" (Rev. 21:4): Every emotional
Revelation. He is the source of ultimate This earth, where Eden stood, where scar will be healed by the Ruler of the
triumph. Satan injected his venom in the pristine new earth, so that there will be no more
Cod's renewal. The newness of the purity of creation, where God pro "mourning nor crying nor pain" (Rev.
new order is a result of God's renewal claimed His law and affirmed His 21:4). In the new earth neither the
and transformation of the cosmos. We covenant, where the lonely cross effec helplessness of infancy nor the terror of
have already seen how kainos, used in 2 tively crushed Satan, this earth will aging will be a problem to its inhabi
Peter and Revelation 21, rules out the become the site of God's throne. God tants (Isa. 65:20). "Death [itself] shall be
idea of annihilation. Out of the cata shall be with His people, "They shall be no more" (Rev. 21:4). "Every trace of

Revelation 21 and 22 describe the establishment of the new heaven arid the new earth as God's finale in the movement
of esehatologicai events. But before this, cornes the milienniurn, as mentioned'in Revelation 19 and 20. These two chapters
constitute one long narrative that describes Christ's second coming (Rev. 19:11 ^21) to be followed by the thousand-year
reign of Christ with His saints. It is important to note the events associated with the millennium; before, during, and
after in order to understand the biblical scheme of the last-day events culminating in God's finale.

Events before the millennium

The Second Coming., Revelation 19:11 -21 clearly places the second coming of Christ as taking place before the millenni
um. Revelation 19:19, 20 describe that during the Second Cbm^
wicked and their human leaders represented by the beast and the false prophets/ are destroyed, but the captain of evil.
Satan, symbolized by^he^d^ thousand years.
The gathering of the saints. The Second Coming also marks the gathering of the saints. At the command of the return
ing Jesus, the dead in Christ rise to join the living saints who ascend to meet Him in thfe clouds (T Thess. 4:16,17). The
initial destination of the saints is heaven not earth to be with Christ for a thousand years. Thus the first resurrection that
awakens the saints from the dead arid initiates the translation of the living saints, ensures the great gathering of the believ
ers to be with Christ for the millennial reign in heaven (Rev. 20:6). Christ does not establish His kingdom of glory ori this
earth at this time; instead the earth remains a wasteland, desolate and chaotic (Jer. 4:23-25).

Events during the millennium

Christ in heaven with the redeemed. At His second coming, Christ takes home with Him the living and the resurrected
saints; The saints are pronounced "blessed and holy" and over them the second death, which is the eternal punishment
for sin, has no p^w^ (Rev, 20:6),' " :. :\ .',. ^ ,... . •••'.
^' ^Sdints reigawith^hrisia His followers
,''power o\>er the n'aMb^
What does it mean to reign with Christ? Whjfe^
that to reign With Christ would include some kind of participation in Christ's governance and judgment process over satan-
ic forces and those who cast their lot with them. For after the millennium comes the resurrection of the wicked (Rev. 20:5)

24 MINISTRY January 2005

the curse . . . [will be] swept away." 6 no more and perfect health shall char of God." 7
Righteousness forever. In the new acterize the inhabitants: "The leaves of Fulfilling activity. The new earth will
earth, harmony and righteousness will the tree [of life] were for the healing of be a place of fruitful and fulfilling activi
characterize land and life (2 Peter 3:13). the nations" (Rev. 22:2; cf Ps. 46:4). ty: "They shall build houses and inhabit
With the abolition of the curse upon the Life of worship. Worship and service them; they shall plant vineyards and eat
earth (Rev. 22:3; cf Gen. 3:16-19), cre of God will be the dominant occupa their fruit" (Isa. 65:21). The new earth
ation will be freed from its bondage and tion of the redeemed in the new earth: will be no place to sit through all eterni
decay (Rom. 8:18-22). The desolate will "his servants shall worship him; they ty strumming a golden harp, or of
be transformed like the Garden of Eden shall see his face, and his name shall be floating around on little white clouds, or
(Isa. 30:23; 35:1, 2, 7; 65:17; 66:22; on their foreheads" (Rev. 22:3, 4). The to lead an ethereal, vaporized existence
Hosea 1:10; 2:18; Zech. 8:12). covenantal promise that the redeemed of a disembodied spirit.
Unfairness and injustice of this life will be shall be His people, with God's law writ No, the new earth will be a real place
a forgotten phenomena: "They shall not ten on their hearts, will become a with satisfying activity open to the
build and another inhabit; they shall not reality: absolute and joyful obedience saints—not just physical work, but
plant and another eat" (Isa. 65:21, 22). to God's will shall be the accepted opportunities to probe the mysteries of
Work will have its dignity and fulfill norm of the universe (Exod. 19:5, 6; Jer. God's love: "There, immortal minds will
ment: "They shall not labor in vain" (Isa. 31:33; Ezek. 34:30; 2 Cor. 6:16; Heb. contemplate with never-failing delight
65:23). Peace will characterize the envi 8:10; Ezek. 36:26; Isa. 2:2; Micah 4:1; the wonders of creative power, the mys
ronment: "The wolf and the lamb shall jer. 3:17;Zeph. 3:9). teries of redeeming love. . . . There the
feed together, the lion shall eat straw In short, the new life will be theo- grandest enterprises may be carried for
like the ox; ... They shall not hurt or centric: Our existence "will be marked ward, the loftiest aspirations reached,
destroy" (Isa. 65:25). "A little child shall by perfect knowledge of God, perfect the highest ambitions realized; and still
lead them" (Isa. 11:6). Sickness will be enjoyment of God, and perfect service continued on page 30

and the total annihilation of all evil forces, including Satan (20:10-15).
It is this participation in the judgment process of the wicked that Paul spoke of as the privilege of the saints (1 Cor, 6:2,
3), The millennial judgment does not decide the question of who is lost and saved. God has already decided that issue and
those who are to be saved are resurrected in the first resurrection> and others rise up in the second resurrection to receive
the wages of their rebellion against God.
The review of the judgment process during the millennium is to provide the saints absolute satisfaction with God's jus
tice. No question on the fate of any who are lost will remain after this process.
Sofon bound on earth. Revelation 20:1-3 speaks of Satan bound and left on this earth to brood over his evil designs and
schemes. The binding is not literal. With all the living and resurrected saints taken to heaven, with all the wicked slain at
the Second Coming, there is no one on earth for Satan to tempt and deceive—the primary occupation of Satan since he
entered the Garden of Eden.
A chain of circumstances binds Satan, however, for a thousand years, after which the return of the saints from heaven
and the resurrection of the wicked will release him for a little while (Rev. 20:3).

Events at the end of millennium

The second resurrection. At the end of the millennium, "the rest of the dead"—that is, the wicked—will be resurrected.
This resurrection is not unto salvation, but unto condemnation (John 5:29) and judgment.
Satan's release and final onslaught. The second resurrection bringing the wicked to life releases Satan from his bondage
of inactivity, and he springs to action again, leading the wicked against "the camp of the saints and the beloved city [the
New Jerusalem]" (Rev. 20:9), which, with Christ and the saints, has by now descended from heaven. Gathering the wicked,
the evil one attacks New Jerusalem (Rev. 20:8, 9), hoping that what he could not accomplish by stealth and deceit
throughout human history can now be achieved by sheer force.
judgment and destruction. But the attempt of satanic forces and the rebellious wicked does not succeed. God pronounces
His judgment against evil, and fire from heaven destroys the wicked (Rev. 20:9), Satan comes under the full penalty of
God's law and is finally destroyed.
The new heaven and the new earth. The cataclysmic judgment of fire at the end of the millennium will destroy not only
the evil forces, but also will cleanse and purify this earth. Peter's unmistakable prophecy will be fulfilled (2 Peter 3:10-13).
John anticipates the same outcome: "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had
passed away" (Rev. 21:1).

January 2005 MINISTRY 25

fear of drowning in the sea of conflicting roles
and goals tortured me.
As I look back, I realize that I simply sur
vived and moved on to another assignment
without getting answers. Only recently did I
stumble upon Richard J. Foster's Freedom of
Simplicity, which gave me the help I needed.
Foster suggests that to experience freedom
from the entanglement of conflicting roles,
we must "live in the Center."3 In effect, he's
suggesting that every aspect of a pastor's life,
whether chairing a board meeting or reading
a story to your five-year-old child, must be

Pastoral life
God-centered. "Gardening was no longer an
experience outside of my relationship with
God I discovered God in the gardening.

in the center
Swimming was no longer just good exercise
it became an opportunity for communion
with God. God in Christ had become the

Living in the Center
n his book, Under the Unpredictable Plant, What does it mean to live life in the
Ferdinand 0.
Regalado Eugene Peterson told how his own Center? How can a pastor-spouse with such
daughter awoke him to the realization demanding work both in the church and at
that he was neglecting family obliga home practice life in the Center?
tions because of his busyness in pastoral 1. Living in the Center means viewing all
ministry. "I was sitting in the living room aspects of our lives in relation to God. This is
after supper on a Tuesday evening in June holistic living. There is a tendency for us to
when she came to me asking me to read a dichotomize our lives into two separate
book to her. I told her that I couldn't because realms: the secular and the spiritual.
I had a meeting at the church. She said, 'This We tend to think that helping our wife
is the thirty-eighth night in a row that you wash the dishes or helping her do the laundry
have not been home.'"1 is not part of our ministry because we assume
Or how about this? "We dash here and that it is not part of our sacred duty. It's out
there desperately trying to fulfill the many side the scope of our job description as a
obligations that press in upon us. We jerk pastor. Any menial work not included in our
back and forth between business commit pastoral portfolios is viewed as unsanctified or
ments and family responsibilities. While we irreligious. Note these words, however: "The
are busy responding to the needs of child or greater part of our Saviour's life on earth was
spouse, we feel guilty about neglecting the spent in patient toil in the carpenter's shop at
demands of work. When we respond to the Nazareth. Ministering angels attended the
pressures of work, we fear we are failing our Lord of life as He walked side by side with
family."2 peasants and laborers, unrecognized and
Perhaps you can relate to Peterson's por unhonored. He was as faithfully fulfilling His
trayal? You find yourself torn between family mission while working at His humble trade as
obligation and pastoral work. Which one when He healed the sick or walked upon the
should you choose? storm-tossed waves of Galilee. So in the hum
Ferdinand 0.
I remember when I was teaching full time blest duties and lowliest positions of life, we
Regalado, Ph.D., is
in college, while at the same time I was pas- may walk and work with Jesus."5
assistant professor of
Old Testament toring a local church near our university on One of my students in a Bible class I taught
studies, Adventist weekends. In addition, I was a freshman hus wrote what she felt about the class and the
University of the band and a neophyte father to my newborn teacher. She indicated that she valued the
Philippines, Cavite, daughter. I wanted to be a perfect husband- teacher very much, not so much for the
Philippines. father and a competent teacher-pastor, and things he taught but more on the life that he

26 MINISTRY January 2005

lived, especially when she often saw thing how gladly they would under wife, with his son, and with his God.
her professor hanging a basketful of take it! But because they can serve But the story speaks volumes to all of
clothes on the clothesline. only in little things, they think them us pastors. We should not wait until
Because of what my student wrote, selves justified in doing nothing. In the same tragedy strikes us before we
I realized that doing the seemingly this they err. A man may be in the begin to change our personal and
ordinary task becomes a medium of active service of God while engaged pastoral reference point from one
extraordinary witnessing. in the ordinary, everyday duties that is arbitrarily divided to one that
2. Living in the Center means consid while felling trees, clearing the operates from the Center.
ering every aspect of a pastor's life both ground, or following the flow. The If we could do counseling and pas-
at home and at the church as worship. mother who trains her children for toring with our church members, we
The apostle Paul admonishes us, "So Christ is as truly working for God as is should do the same for and with our
whether you eat or drink or whatever the minister in the pulpit."6 family members. Our work as pastors
you do, do it all for the glory of God" 3. Living in the Center means extend should not be confined to the church
(1 Cor. 10:31, NIV). "Whatever you ing our pastoral ministry even into our but equally include to our own home.
do" these are important words. own homes. It is a great Christian para In doing this, we will indeed be living
Again, they include all the mundane dox when we are very soft-spoken and in the Center. W
tasks of a pastor in the home life and tender to our counselee in the church,
in the church life. If ever there is an while we shout and bicker at our chil 1 Eugene H. Peterson, Under the Unpredictable Plant: an
invitation for us to speak on an occa dren and wife at home. If we are Exploration in Vocational Holiness (Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 1994), 35.
sion that would conflict with our patient and understanding to our 2 Richard J. Foster, Freedom of Simplicity (San
regular family day, we should not parishioners, we should also be Francisco: Harper and Row, 1981), 77.
worry when we feel obliged to say no. patient and understanding to our 3 Ibid., 78.
4 Ibid., 80.
In my Filipino culture, it is difficult to family members. At times when we 5 Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ (Nampa, Idaho:
say no. At times, out of extreme don't behave as a pastor to our homes, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1892), 81, 82.
politeness, we consent even if it's our influence with our children and 6 Ellen White, Prophets and Kings (Nampa, Idaho:
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1917), 219.
against our will. But living in the our wife will be compromised. Our 7 Larry Burkett, "Overcoming Being Overly
Center calls for us to say "No" in such children would look at us as phari- Committed," in Profiles of Success, ed. Ronnie
a situation. saical and hypocritical. Belanger and Brian Mast (North Brunswick, N.J.:
Bridge-Logos Publishers, 1999), 185.
Our definition of worship is typi Larry Burkett tells this story: "Evan
cally limited to singing praise songs was the pastor of a large evangelical
or going to church. But when we view church and spent almost every wak
worship as more than just a celebra ing moment there. Although his
tion of God's presence as honoring family was having problems, he prid Come surf the
Him with our lifestyle as well, our ed himself on never allowing those Ministry wave!
outlook will change. Paul reminds us problems to interfere with his min continued from page 4
to "offer your bodies as living sacri istry activities.
fices holy and pleasing to God this "Then one Sunday morning the in touch with other Seventh-day
is your spiritual act of worship" (Rom. local police chief called. The pastor's Adventist magazine publications.
12:1, NIV). From the biblical perspec 16-year-old son had been arrested for This section of the site has been
tive, worship encompasses the whole drug possession, again. The previous made available by the General
life, whether we are spending our day his wife had suffered an emotion Conference office of Archives and
time giving Bible studies or playing al breakdown and had been commit Statistics. They deserve our sincere
basketball with our kids. Everything ted to the psychiatric ward at a local thanks for providing us with this service
we do in our life is done because we hospital. As Evan hung up the phone as well as creating a way of placing
love God and desire to honor and that Sunday morning, he realized his Ministry online, as described in number
worship Him. whole life was a lie. He was in 3 above. It is actually their site to which
Spending time with family is con bondage to his own ego and pride. He you or I are directed when clicking on
sidered an act of worship. But many would have counseled any busi- either "Online Archives" or "Ministerial
feel guilty for doing otherwise. nessperson in the same situation to Collection."
"Because they [people] are not con drop the business and get his or her MinistryMagazine.org's final button
nected with some directly religious life straightened out."7 is, of course, a way of returning or going
work, many feel that their lives are Thankfully, the story of Evan does to the homepage of the Ministerial
useless, that they are doing nothing not end there. He was able to recover Association, of which Ministry Magazine
for the advancement of God's king from that problem. He was able to and its site are a part.
dom. If they could do some great redeem his relationships with his Come surf the Ministry wave! M

January 2005 MINISTRY 27


Impacted by

ost history is written from the president spouse, knew how to inspire
male perspective. Perhaps young families to team ministry.
that is why we often validate Marjorie Hanhardt, secretary to three
their contributions more than we do or four presidents, showed grace and
the women in our midst. Recognizing skill as the one who really ran Florida
that about two thirds of our world Conference, and her stepdaughter,
membership is female compared with Annabelle Owens, always gives far
the paucity of their representation in more than she receives. Minon Hamm
elected positions or even governing taught spirituality integrated in the
committees, I am reflecting on some of workplace and she models what she
those women who have impacted my believes. Patty Mitchell, PK, friend,
ministry. I hope you will be encouraged pastor's spouse for more than 40 years,
to recall and affirm those whose "her- and a genuine Christian individual.
story" have blessed your life. Recount and Kathy Turner, and Caring saints, Merlo Bock affirmed individuality and
their faithfulness, tell their stories, honor creative leaders, plus some of the best behind-the-scene nurture as well as gra
their ministry. cooks in Georgia. Rosetta Baldwin, cious hospitality and friendship.
Mary Cress, my Mother's love for heroic example of Christlike service. Sarojini Chedalawada proved that a
her Lord, her family, and her church South Atlantic Conference has named a life of faithful, consistent service will
demonstrated a practical, common school in her honor; heaven will proba always impact others for eternity. Kit
sense approach to team ministry and bly rename New Jerusalem's Main Street Watts, champion of women in min
general fun in the parsonage. Ann for her. Evelyn M. M. Lindberg gave me istry. Pastor, editor, creative genius,
Wyatt defies all mother-in-law jokes the opportunity to prove my determina friend, and fellow dog lover. Marie
and gave me the great gift of a talent tion to write. True friend and example to Spongier, Ellen Bresee, Jeanne
ed, thinking partner in marriage and hundreds of Southern College students. Zachary, and Margarida Sarli, each
ministry. Sharon's skills in ministry, After three years of Greek, Leona affirmed powerful ministry by pastoral
management, mission, and merriment Running convinced me also to study spouses. Marge Cray leads by example
affirm that two are better than one. Life Hebrew. Her vision for seminary stu even as she faithfully followed her
must be fun; Sharon is! dents far exceeds my capabilities. spouse's numerous ventures. Hazel
Johnnie Kelly and Virginia Cherry Sisters-in-law Pamela Keele Cress, Lynn Cordon raised caring for pastors and
nurtured me during my Mom's serious Bandell Cress, and Eulita Wyatt their families to an art form and her
illness, and Mae Poole and Etta Heisey each demonstrate in their own story literally inspires. Penny Shell,
Wright (her daughter, Julia Norcott, professions that pastor's spouses are not director of La Sierra University's
serves as Ministry's managing editor) stamped from the same cookie-cutter. Women's Resource Center models car
grandparented we three PKs. Margaret And Deanna Wyatt consistently ing ministry and successful advocacy for
Fuller, secretary to GC presidents, nur demonstrates love, tolerance, and women pastors. Phyllis Ware,
tured my newly-baptized Mom. And unique creativity. Nieces /ana Cress and Secretary-Treasurer of Central States,
speaking of presidential secretaries, Meredith Cress are a delight, maybe served an extended term as interim
Annette Stephens was encouraging me too much like Uncle Jim, and typically conference president.
long before we came to Washington. ready for any adventure. Gloria Massenburg, my faithful and
Maxine Leonhardt, best friend and Corea Cemer believed anyone could outstanding administrative secretary,
surrogate Mom who, except for being serve Jesus and by her example and encourages my ministry every day. Judy
female, would have been union treasur partnership, she instilled in Sharon and Thomas, business leader and philan
er. Many of us know Maxine held such me our love for evangelism. Vinna thropist with a vision for creative
responsibility without the title. Mary Mansell inspired confidence and pro ventures and cross-denominational sup
Anderson, Clara Camp, Phyllis vided an example when we were rough port for ministers worldwide, /ad Cress,
Carmen, fane King, Loa Cayle Larson, from the patch interns. Bernice our niece who will graduate, marry, and
Joyce Lemon, Pat Penno, Naomi Sigler Carubba, along with her conference- enter Adventist ministry this year, n

28 MINISTRY January 2005

Fallen pastor not only does he not have any more And there you stand. No rights, no
blankets, but he unfortunately has to expectations, just grace—at the thresh
continued from page 13
take off 99 from your history, because old of healing, back at home. H
sin, and I give it not only a visa or a he needs to go to the neighboring dis
1 See Marlin Jeschke, Disdplmg m the Church (Scottsdale, Pa.'
place of residence in me and in my trict where your colleague "needs" his Herald Press, 1988), 74-89.
behavior but citizenship. It must not be help. Thus in one instant you are dis 2 Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church (Nampa, Idaho:
so. Sin is an intruder, a life-sapping par covered naked, under the floodlights, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1948), 5:683
3 Tim LaHaye, If Ministers Fall, Can They Be Restored? (Grand
asite. My sinfulness is not my true and in full view of your wife, your chil Rapids: Zondervan, 1990), 107, 116-118.
identity. It is but a tragic caricature of dren, your church, your fellow pastors, 4 White, 683.
5 LaHaye, 115, 119.
God's image in me. and your community. Not even a fig 6 Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets (Nampa, Idaho. Pacific
Christ at His death on the cross took leaf to cover you! 7
Press Pub. Assn., 1958), 727-745.
, Life Sketches (Nampa, Idaho. Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
with Him my sin and left it there in the Except for the Father's voice: "Bring 1915), 386; Testimonies for the Church (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific
tomb on the morning of the resurrec quickly the best robe, and put it on Press Pub. Assn., 1948), 232, 233.
8 Dr Jimmy Draper quoted by LaHaye, 134.
tion. "Therefore do not let sin reign in him. . . ." God has but one robe, and 9 Ellen G. White, Letter written in 1886, see also LaHaye, 128.
10 See a more extensive discussion in Ministry, 76, No 3: 10-12,
your mortal body that you should obey no sins are hidden beneath it as there 19.
its lusts" (Rom. 6:12, NASB). are under the devil's blanket. Under His 11 Anonymous, "A Lutheran Pastor," Pastoral Psychology journal,
In fact, I have found that sin has robe, sins and sinful habits are revealed 39, No. 4 (1991): 259-264.
12 Pastoral Psychology journal, ibid.
nothing good to offer. There is no peace and extracted, however painful that 13 Anonymous, "Sexual Addiction" Pastoral Psychology journal,
in it when I'm restless, no wisdom when process may be. 39, No. 4 (1991) 265-268.
14 Judith Karman, "Healing the Wounded Pastor in a
I need counsel, no boldness when I'm At times it might even feel like an Dysfunctional World," Fuller Focus, 11, (Winter 1993): 23.
15 Stanley J Grenz and Roy D. Bell, Betrayal of Trust (Downer's
discouraged. Adultery is no solution to amputation without the benefit of Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1995), 172.
the problem when my marriage does anesthesia. But the benefits of being 16 Seventh-day Adventist Minister's Handbook (Silver Spring, Md.
not answer my needs. justified in God's sight and brought to The Ministerial Association: General Conference of Seventh-
day Adventists,1997), 56,
My female congregant does not need live a sanctified life are eternal. 17 Grenz, 172
to hear about my marital issues in order
to encourage her to open her heart. Sin
is perfectly impotent for good.
How to make your the past through their books.
The second lesson is about the devil. A But the greatest of these are biblical
long time ago I read somewhere that the church grow mentors. Men and women speak to me
devil has 99 blankets. He tempts you, but continued from page 17 from the past through inspired
you resist. He does not give up until he Scripture I can sit with David and
convinces you that he will cover your sin Warren, Jack Hayford, or John learn about leadership. I sit often with
hermetically so that no one will be able Maxwell. They have helped me in my Solomon, who has taught me so
to see it; it's just between him (the father writing or thinking through various much about how to develop wisdom.
of lies) and you. issues. I have sat with Paul, who constantly
And so in time you may give in. You I also have what I call literary men encourages me in the areas of being
come home, your spouse is cheerful tors. They are those I may never meet, creative in reaching the lost. When
and loving. You stand to preach; elo except through their books. For you do your devotions, you can ben
quence and insights at maximum. example, I may read Max Lucado or efit from the wisdom of the ages. You
Everything seems to continue to go Philip Yancey, or some other great can have wisdom beyond your years
well. You feel you are well covered, but thinker. I will mentor under them as you minister in the twenty-first
your resistance is weaker for every next through their writings. century!
temptation. After 40 blankets you feel a The third category of mentors is The people of God are surpassingly
weight, but by now the habit has con historical mentors Mother Teresa or precious. They deserve to be led well,
quered your will. At 80 or 90 blankets other great saints of yesteryear: and I am so glad the Lord has not left
you seek for temptation yourself. Then Hudson Taylor, David Livingstone, us to do the task alone. He told me
comes the 100th sin. George Mueller, and Jim Elliot. I have that He'd be with me every step of the
At this point, the devil comes and read their books. They are no longer way... and you know something? He
very compassionately informs you that alive, but they still mentor me from has done exactly that, n

January 2005 MINISTRY 29

Third, the city has no temple. No
Ritual for Cleansing After Hearing Gossip structure is needed in the new earth to
symbolize divine presence. Divinity
Himself has come to stay with humani
ty, and what need is there for a temple
or of a sun or moon, for that matter?
£!^!:i^ The presence of God transcends the
^£::eaMii^;§^iW^ material, making it secondary.
^u;|js1|$^ For all its glory, radiance, and its
l^(;tr<^rjr^^ theocentric nature, however, the new
Jerusalem is a city conceived by the
Cross, and the book of Revelation
|r|«p^ie^|^^ would have us never forget it: The city
s*d^||!f|<liaja^ is the bride of the Lamb; its foundations
^^ji|^^J||i|FuJi^ carry the names of the apostles of the
W*yv<:.y;afa4c€;f|e:|j^ Lamb; and the city's lamp is the Lamb!
^^$^:|^:$e||^ Eternity receives its illumination from
$(!^^P!Ji^ a hill far away, where the light of heav
^^'"'iv'^$ii^p^b)ac^^ en overwhelmed the darkness of the
evil one, and lit the lamp of redemp
i:^F|ie:-^e||^v^iS§;:i|^pigJ|i^ tion. New Jerusalem is the city of the
redeemed: They will "follow the Lamb
wherever he goes" (Rev. 14:4).
;r^a^i8fi||^^i^':i^a^i§; Si Finally, the city pulsates with life
e";^^|^s|iiE^^;a1tra;^|||y^^ (Rev. 22:1-5). The river of the water of
jlpalllliJlale^^tlli^ll^ali^J^r^^ life is there. The tree of life with 12 kinds
ai^::t|iie|§:^^a||iliS|^|w^stifi|^^ of fruits, is there also, and its leaves are
e^|r^it|^;||^^|ifp|!r|^|^ for the health of the inhabitants. Face-
i^:''cte|r^|:^;;i||rl0i|Jr|; to-face fellowship with God and the
;f|y:;^|;0?jp}igs|;;;<aj^ Lamb are possible there. The restoration
—-•''it^:- ;-u*ij3i^;^|^:||§^^s|ig);^|^3^ of the dignity and domain of humanity,
!fci(!i^!^|!^.:jS(^j^'?i!^?^ with the redeemed reigning "for ever
^:^fB|i£^|^^Ji^|iE^^^ and ever" (Rev. 22:1-5) is the reason
this place exists!
To God be the glory! H

John M. Fowler, Ed.D., is an associate

director of the Department of Education
at the General Conference of Seventh-day
Heaven and Earth emphasize that in God's scheme of the Adventists, and a contributing editor of
eschaton, humanity has no participato Ministry.
continued from page 25
ry role.
there will arise new heights to sur Second, the city is beyond human 1 All Scripture passages, unless otherwise stated, are
mount, new wonders to admire, new comprehension (Rev. 21:9-15). Its radi from the Revised Standard Version.
2 Gerhard Kittel, ed., Theological Dictionary of the New
truths to comprehend, fresh objects to ance springs from the glory of God. It Testament, 10 vols. (Grand Rapids, Mich.:
call forth the powers of mind and soul has four gates, one on each side as if to Eerdmans, 1964-1976), 3:447.
and body." 8 invite humans to contemplate the reali 3 Henry B. Swete, The Apocalypse of St. John (Grand
Rapids, Mich.: Eeidmans, 1908), 275.
New Jerusalem. The new earth would ty that God's metropolis gathers saints 4 F. F. Brace, Boo* of the Acts (Grand Rapids, Mich.:
house the city of God. "And I saw the from all corners of the earth: The city of Eerdmans, 1977), 91.
5 P. S. Minear, / Saw a New Earth (Washington: Corpus
holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down God has no segregated entrance! The
Books, 1968), 273.
out of heaven from God, prepared as a city is a perfect cube, reminiscent of the 6 Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy Between Christ
bride adorned for her husband" (Rev. Holy of Holies where all dimensions and Satan (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
21:2). were equal. Its walls are adorned with 1950), 674.
7 John Calvin, Isaiah, 4 vols., tr. William Pringle
Several points may be noted. First, precious jewels. Its gates are made of (Grand Rapids, Midi.: Eerdmans, 1948), 4: 404.
the city descends from heaven, as if to pearl and its streets of pure gold. 8 White, 677.

30 M N I S T R Y January 2005
_ January 22, 2 0 0.5 ,—.


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