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Basic User

The students…

CAN understand stories and brief texts with a certain degree of difficulty and retell
them orally or by writing simple sentences.
CAN ask and answer questions about themselves and others.
CAN produce coherent stretches of language, oral or written, about daily situations,
descriptions of people and places, and their own favourite activities.
CAN briefly describe activities that took place in the past and talk about plans for the
near future.
CAN account for their choices by explaining reasons.


By the end of the course the students should be able to understand and
produce the following in addition to the contents listed in the previous
Kids syllabi.

*The expressions in bold represent what the students are meant to produce; the rest is

Functions Exponents *
Expressing frequency How often do you play sports?
I always play sports
How often does he swim?
He never swims but he often runs
Does she always cook?
She sometimes does/cooks.

Expressing dates When’s (Halloween)?

On (October 31st)

Asking and answering about actions at the What are you doing?
moment of speaking (present continuous) I'm/he-she is / we-you –they are …ing.
Are you playing (tennis)?
Yes, I am / No, I’m not
Is he / she (swimming)?
Yes, he / she is / No, he / she isn't

Talking about the past (verb to be) Were you (at the restaurant) on (Saturday)?
Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t.
Were you (hungry)?
Yes, I was/ no, I wasn’t
Was it (windy)?
Yes, it was / No, it wasn’t
He/she was at…
He/she wasn’t at …

Talking about the past and asking about past They (lived) (in Germany)
events and activities (simple past – regular We (went) (to Egypt).
and irregular verbs) He didn’t (go to school).
Did (he play football)?
Yes, he did / No, he didn’t.
Where did (he live)?
What did (you eat for breakfast)?

Talking about plans for the future and asking What (are you) going to do (next Saturday)?
and answering questions about the future We’re going to (play tennis).
(going to future) Are you going to (play in the club)?
Yes, we are / No, we aren’t.

Talking about what people want What do you want to do?

I want to (play tennis).
What does (he) want to do?
(He) wants to (study French)
They don’t want to (go to the beach).

Describing and comparing people and She’s weaker than me. I’m stronger than
animals (comparatives and superlatives) him.
Which is the biggest animal on earth?
The whale is the biggest animal on earth
Who’s the tallest in the classroom?
Is (Peter) taller than (Tim)?

Talking about health What’s the matter?

(I)(have) a (headache).

Expressing obligation and prohibition (You) must (tidy your room)

(must/mustn’t) (You) mustn’t (run in the corridors)

Expressing quantity Is there any (sugar)?

Yes, there is some.
No, there isn’t any.
How much sugar is there?
There is some.
There isn’t any.
Are there any (lemons)?
Yes, there are some.

No, there aren’t any.
How many lemons are there?
There are some
There aren’t any.


This list does not provide an exhaustive register of all the words which can be taught at
the level and could appear in our exams; therefore it is meant to be open and flexible
although all the Lexical Areas should be covered

Lexical Areas Vocabulary

School subjects French, Geography, History, Maths, English, Science, Art Music, PE,
ICT, etc.

School objects calculator, folder, ruler, pencil, pen, rubber, book, paper,
sharpener, dictionary, diary, bag, etc.
Countries Spain, France, China, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Morocco, USA,
Italy, etc
Feelings angry, brave, tired, happy, sad, kind, etc
Food and drink popcorn, juice, strawberries, apples, bananas, oranges, pears,
peaches, carrots, tomatoes, cheese, ham, ice cream, peanuts,
chocolate, milkshake.
Leisure time activities play the guitar, send e-mails, listen to music, going shopping,
and sports playing sports, watch films, go out alone, go to pop concerts, play
video games, etc.
Places in town museum, shop, restaurant, café, bank, church, cinema, theatre,
library, zoo, park, swimming pool, sports centre, police station,
castle, airport, bridge, market, tower, train station, etc.
Things in a house cooker, printer, shower, sofa, picture, lamp, fridge, dishwasher,
washing machine, CD player, television, video, computer, printer,
phone, etc.
Clothes jumper, jacket, jeans, belt, watch, ring, wristband, earrings,
rucksack, etc.
Holiday things tent, torch, map, camera, toothbrush, etc
Jobs bus driver, artist, hairdresser, doctor, teacher, detective,
footballer, singer, film star, scientist, fortune teller, office worker,
housewife, cleaner, reporter, lawyer, vet, builder, etc.
Weather windy, foggy, rainy, snowy, etc
Comparative adjectives bigger, colder, higher, hotter, longer, lower, shorter, smaller,
wider, etc.
Superlative adjectives biggest, coldest, highest, hottest, longest, lowest, shortest,
smallest, widest, etc.
Technology notebook, camera, computer, e-reader, games console, laptop,
mobile phone, MP3 player, etc.
The media newspaper, TV, film, radio, etc.
Health a cold, a sore throat, a cough, flu, stomach ache, temperature, etc.
Adjectives old, young, strong, weak, pretty, ugly, brave, scared, sporty,

friendly, wise, trendy, lucky, funny, clever, silly, cruel, kind, fat,
thin, poor, rich, etc.
Irregular verbs go/went, say/said, give/gave, have/had, get/got, make/made,
see/saw, write/wrote, eat/ate, etc.
Animals Revision of all items previously taught
Toys Revision of all items previously taught
Transport Revision of all items previously taught
The world around us Revision of all items previously taught
Parts of the body Revision of all items previously taught
Colours Revision of all items previously taught
Seasons Revision of all items previously taught
Family and friends Revision of all items previously taught

The students will be guided to produce a brief text (paragraph or email) of about 40 words,
giving information about themselves, their families, a famous person, their town or city,
bedrooms, animals, about their school and friends, their routines, holidays, etc, and simple
descriptions of events in the past or the future.

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