Kids4 Paper 4

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Sections 1st 2nd 3rd
2nd Total
3rd Final mark

NAME: _____________________________SURNAME:_____________________________


Time allowed: 1 hour
A) Read the story: “Thumbelina”
A sweet woman who had no children often said, “I would love to have a baby girl”.
A beautiful fairy heard her wish one day, and gave her a little seed to plant in a flowerpot.
When the seed turned into a tulip, the woman saw a tiny, beautiful girl
inside, no bigger than her thumb. She decided to call her “Thumbelina”.
She was so small that she had a leaf for a bed and wore petals as her
One day, an ugly frog fell in love with Thumbelina and when she was
sleeping, he took her to his lily pad in a pond. Thumbelina was very
unhappy. A bird was flying and saw how sad she looked, and said,
“Come to the south with me.”
Young Thumbelina flew away on the bird’s back. They flew over the seas
and came to a beautiful place. The bird said, “This is my home. You can
live in one of the prettiest flowers.” When Thumbelina got inside a flower,
she found a little and handsome fairy boy, as tiny as her.
He was the son of the King of flowers and he fell in love with Thumbelina. He asked her to
marry him. So Thumbelina became queen of flowers and they lived happily forever.

Thumbelina and the Fairy Prince

Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE?
AACI use
E.g. Thumbelina was a little fairy. T

1) Thumbelina lived inside a flower. ___ Thumb 1st

2) A frog fell in love with Thumbelina. ___

3) Thumbelina wanted to marry the frog. ___
4) The son of the King of flowers married Thumbelina.___
5) In the end, she became “the Queen of flowers”. ___

B) Read the story and fill in the gaps with one word from the box.

Giant Pandas 1) black and white. They are bears and they 2) in South Central

China. They 3) large, distinctive black patches around their eyes, over the ears, and across

their bodies. There is another panda called Red Panda. 4) eat grass,

honey, fish, eggs and fruit but they love 5) Bambu leaves.

1 are is am
2 living live lives AACI use
3 has have haven’t only

4 them they their 1st

5 eats eat eating



C) Tom and Bill are talking about going camping. Complete the dialogue with the
answers from the box. There are two extra answers. The first one is the example.

Tom: I want to go camping next weekend. What do you think?

Bill: 1___F__ A. Well, I don’t think so. AACI use
Tom: Are you coming with me, then?
B. Ok. I can call him this afternoon. 1st
Bill: 2______
C. “Navarro” is a good place for
Tom: Do you have a tent and a torch? camping 2nd
Bill: 3______ D. Good, I like the beach very much.
Tom: We can ask your uncle for the tent and the torch. 3rd
E. Saturday at 7 am is ok for me.
Bill: 4______ F. It’s a great idea! R
Tom: Where do you prefer to go?
G. I don’t like restaurants.
Bill: 5______
H. Of course I am, Tom.
Tom: Perfect. What time can we meet?
Bill: 6______

D) Answer the questions about you. Use full sentences.

AACI use
1. Do you like going camping? _______________________________________
2. What do you do at weekends? _______________________________________
3. How often do you play with your friends? _______________________________________

4. Where were you yesterday? _______________________________________ 3rd

5. When is your birthday? _______________________________________


E) Answer Julia´s email with the information in the chart.

… My favourite season is Spring. What’s your favourite season? Julia’s

Please, tell me all about it. favourite
Love, season
AACI use
Season : summer only
Reason: like hot weather
Activities: go on holiday to the beach
When: January
Your favourite How long: for a month 2nd
season With: my family
Yesterday: bought the plane tickets
Tomorrow: pack our bags

Dear Julia,

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