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Story Telling

The Cat And The Fox

Shalom Bapak/Ibu and my friend…

Hello Every One My name is Odilia …..
And now I want to tell you an animal story telling with the title is “ A Cat and Fox”
Hope You enjoy it!
Mc : One day, a cat and a fox were discussing about a hound
A cat said : “ I really hate hounds! they are a nasty animals!
They hunt and kill us”
Fox : Yes, if you know, I hate hounds more than you!.

Mc : Replied Fox angrily, then they bot discussed about some tricks!
How to get away from a hound, a cat asked fox

Cat : Mm.., Fox, did you have a trick to save yourself from hounds?
Fox : “ A trick? I have a lot of tricks!”
Mc : Answer Fox arrogantly.
Cat : Waw, what’s your tricks?”
Fox : That’s Very easy I can hide behind a thick bushes, I can ran away, and I can hide
behind a burrow. “ Then you what’s your trick?
How many tricks do you have?
Mc : Asked Fox to a cat
“Mm… I just have a one trick”
Mc : Answer Cat calmly
Fox : What? You just have a one trick? Hahahaha poor you!
How can you just have a one trick ? What’s your trick?
Mc : But before cat answered the question, Suddenly, a hound appeared beside them
Cat : Ugh, … I show you what’s my trick because the hound is coming. Bye..bye!”
Mc : Then, Cat ran up and climb to a tree beside her. But friends, do you know what the
fox doing? A Fox tried all his tricks but all his tricks is failed. So a hound can beat
him easly. Fortunately, a cat can save herself. A cat said to hearself proudly.
Cat : Hahahaha ! My one trick is better then all his tricks!!”
Mc : So ledies and gentlemen, what is the morral volue of this story?
The moral volue is : we must to have a knowledge from this story, we all know
that hounds can’t climb. So, cat try the trick to climb at the tree
Close : So ledies and gentlemen, this is the end of this story. I’m sorry if I have a bad
pronunciation thanks for attention good bye, and see you!

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