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The gun industry and Hollywood.

https://features.hollywoodreporter.com/the-gun-industrys-lucrative- The NRA and the entertainment
industry interact publicly as
mortal enemies. But as the
number of weapons shown in
movies and TV steadily
increases — and stars like Matt
Damon and Angelina Jolie make
fortunes wielding guns
onscreen — a co-dependence
that keeps both churning is
revealed: “making the liberal
bias a lot of money”

Scott Johnson, May 2021.

Burnished* by the low light of glass-walled displays*, they seem like

ancient artifacts, but the objects here are beloved contemporary icons.
One case houses the massive Smith & Wesson Model 29 wielded by

Clint Eastwood's "Dirty Harry" Callahan in the 1973 film Magnum Force.
In another rests the Beretta 92F used by Bruce Willis in Die Hard. All the
great shoot-'em-up classics — The Bourne Identity, Pulp Fiction, The Wild
Bunch — are here. This exhibit, celebrating cinema, isn't in Hollywood;
it's thousands of miles away, in a museum at the headquarters of the
National Rifle Association in Fairfax, Va.

The NRA is proud of its "Hollywood Guns" exhibit. […] The exhibit
highlights the sometimes uneasy but fruitful partnership between the
gun industry and Hollywood, where firearms are an integral part of life
and storytelling. Meanwhile, gun manufacturers say that there's no
better way to brand, market and sell a weapon than to get it placed in a
big Hollywood production. And most of the time, it's free — product
placement at its finest.

You could be forgiven for doubting the cozy partnership between the
two industries. After all, in a speech earlier this year to the
organization's members, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre repeatedly lashed
out* at Hollywood for societal ills* ranging from violence to political
gridlock* and squarely blamed it for "dousing* our kids with reckless*,
gratuitous, irresponsible gunplay." From the NRA's point of view,
Hollywood is full of out-of-touch liberals who try to foment public
hysteria in an effort to push gun control on America. Meanwhile, scores
of movie stars, including prominent gun-control advocates such as Matt
Damon and Liam Neeson who lambast* real-world firearm violence,
have made fortunes wielding guns onscreen.

We're talking about a lot of guns onscreen. Since 9/11, America's

obsession with everything spy, terrorism and war-related has grown —
and the content the population consumes increasingly reflects that. A
2015 report published by The Economist concluded that gun violence in
movies had tripled since 1985. And an analysis undertaken
by THR found that the number of gun models pictured in big box-office
movies between 2010 and 2015 was 51 percent higher than it had been
a decade earlier, suggesting that the public's appetite to see guns in
entertainment is on the rise. (In the real world, research shows that the
number of new gun owners is declining, while owners are buying record
numbers of guns.)

Simply put, two industries that position themselves as mortal enemies

have a lucrative, symbiotic relationship.

* burnished = poli - *display = vitrine - lash out = fustiger - political gridlocks = barages politiques - * to douse = alimenter
reckless = irresponsible - * to lambast = vilipender -

Rédiger en français une synthèse du document en suivant les lignes directrices des
questions ci-dessous.

Introduction :
A. Présentez le document.
B. Quel est le thème abordé dans le document ? Résumez-le en une phrase.
Développement :
C. Présentez la relation entre le marché des armes à feu et Hollywood en explicitant :
-les intérêts que chacune des deux parties présentent l’une pour l’autre.
-les prises de position de chacune des deux parties par rapport à l’autre.
- en quoi l’évolution du cinéma et des armes à feux ces dernières années illustre a relation entre les deux
Conclusion :
D. Quel est le ton et l’éventuelle prise de position de l’article ?

Vous pouvez ajouter des connaissances culturelles pour expliciter certains points si nécessaire.

Ce document est un article publié par : « the hollywood reporter » écrit par Scott
Johnson en mai 2021.
Dans son article il aborde la relation entre la NRA et Hollywood et étudie la place des
armes au cinéma.
Cette relation ambiguë entre ces derniers est symbolisée par la présence du musée
des armes d’Hollywood exposé au siège de la NRA.
Sur le plan politique la NRA accuse Hollywood d’être en faveur des lois et des
restrictions sur le port d’armes. La NRA accuse aussi ces derniers d’êtres
responsables de la propagation de la violence. Hollywood s’affiche également
comme l’ennemi politique de la NRA.
En revanche, dans les faits, on remarque que c’est un partenariat lucratif pour les
deux camps.
Depuis le 11/09, on constate également une augmentation de l’engouement du
public pour la violence et les armes à feu au cinéma.

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