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Artificial intelligence



1. artificial intelligence: the study of how to produce machines that have some of the qualities that
the human mind has, such as the ability to understand language, recognize pictures, solve
problems, and learn
2. artificial language: a language that has been created for a particular purpose, rather than one
that has developed naturally as a way for people to communicate
3. computer science: the study of computers and how they can be used
4. data capture: any method of collecting information and then changing it into a form that can be
read and used by a computer
5. database: a large amount of information stored in a computer system in such a way that it can
be easily looked at or changed
6. information technology: the science and activity of using computers and other electronic
equipment to store and send information
7. technical support: an advice service provided, usually over the phone, to help people who have
problems using a computer
8. virtual memory: space that can be used on the hard drive of a computer to store information
temporarily so that there is more memory available when it is needed by software

Discussion questions:

1. What do you understand as Artificial Intelligence?

2. What are some benefits or potential positives of AI?
3. What are some risks or potential dangers of AI?
4. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about artificial intelligence technology? Why?
5. One often mentioned risk is that AI (or robots) will take over people’s jobs; what do you think
about this argument?
6. How would you feel about having a robotic colleague?
7. What kinds of jobs do you think robots can do already?
8. Which jobs are considered as “safe” from robots?
9. If robots really did take over all (or most) jobs, what do you think would happen?
10. From before the industrial revolution economists and other experts have been predicting that at
some point machines (now robots) will take over all jobs and people will have no need to work
so hard and therefore we will all have more leisure time. What do you think of this statement?
11. Do you think that robots could become more intelligent than humans? Why / why not?
12. What jobs would you rather have robots do instead of humans?
13. In what tasks will humans always be better than robots?
14. How is artificial intelligence helping us today?
15. Will robots ever control the world? How?
16. How would you like artificial intelligence to help you?
17. What would our life be like without artificial intelligence?
18. What movies have you seen about artificial intelligence?
19. What will artificial intelligence be like in 100 years from now?


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