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Company Policy
Schindler India Pvt. Ltd.
Mumbai 400 076 Effective Date 01-04-2021
Sabbatical Policy

Version 1.00


2.0 SCOPE 2

Earlier Versions: Version Prepared Reviewed Approved

Version Release Date Date 07-04-21 07-04-21 07-04-21

V1 01-04-2021 Signature Original Signed Original Signed Original Signed

Name Rupam Singh Sheetal Shah Ashok Ramachandran

Original signed document, document history and versions are filed by HR

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This presentation is the intellectual property of Schindler India Pvt. Ltd. It may be only used for internal purposes. It must not be
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Leave Rules and Regulations Page 2 of 6

0.0 Process Owner

Human Resources
1.0 Purpose
a. As a commitment to the benefit of our employees, it is our endeavor to provide
adequate leaves for the wellbeing of our employees.

b. Sabbatical Leave is an unpaid leave which may be granted for a specified period of time
to employees who wish to pursue personal or educational goals. Approval is
discretionary and may be based on a number of factors, including that the employee
has demonstrated a valid reason for the leave and the leave is consistent with the best
interests of the company.

2.0 Scope
 The policy covers all Full-Time Employees of Schindler India Pvt. Ltd. in all locations in
India only
 The policy is not applicable to unionized workmen, Trainees, DETs, FTCs, temporary staff
and any other off role employees
 The policy does not cover employees in any of Schindler India affiliates, Joint Ventures,
Distributors and or its group companies in India or other geographies
3.0 Eligibility
An employee is eligible to apply for sabbatical leave after completion of at least 3 years of
continuous service from the latest hire date with the company, provided that the employee
has been rated ‘Meets expectation’ or above for a minimum of two times of a three-
performance year in the performance appraisal immediately preceding the application.
Sabbatical leave may be granted at Management’s discretion and is not an entitlement.

In addition to the above mentioned criteria, the following situations will determine
eligibility of employee to avail this benefit:

• Have worked at Schindler India as an Intern and convert to an eligible employee, with no
break in service from internship(full time internship) to eligible employee status, your
internship time will count towards your sabbatical eligibility.
• Have worked at Schindler India as a temporary employee or independent contractor. This
time will not count toward your three years of active continuous service as a regular
• Leave Schindler India and are rehired as a regular employee, your prior years of service
will not count toward your three years of active, continuous service.

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This presentation is the intellectual property of Schindler India Pvt. Ltd. It may be only used for internal purposes. It must not be
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Leave Rules and Regulations Page 3 of 6

• Transfer from working in another country within Schindler Group that did not offer
sabbaticals to India with no breaks in service, your time in the previous country will count
towards your service eligibility. However, eligibility will be only after completing 1 full
Performance Review Cycle with Schindler India.

While the prime moto is to extend mutually beneficial arrangements to the eligible
employees and the organization, they will be governed by the business situation and legal
framework applicable from time to time.

4.0 Approval Process

An employee needs to apply for the sabbatical leave request at least three months before
the employee wishes to go on a leave. The request should be made to the immediate line
manager through an email that includes a clear statement of purpose of the leave, as well
as the schedule of absence. For Band D and above, the leave request should be initiated 6
months in advance. The levels of approval required as mentioned in the table below for
ease of reference & understanding:

Unit L1 Approval L2 Approval

KG – Field Operations Branch Manager & RHR RVP & HR Head
KG – Head Office Line Manager & BHR/RHR MTM & HR Head
KW Line Manager & BHR MTM & HR Head
CRD Line Manager & BHR MTM & HR Head

The determination of whether to grant sabbatical leave in any given situation is within
management's discretion and is made on a case-by-case basis. The line manager is responsible
for checking the balance status of leaves, overtime and extra hours before the sabbatical can
be approved. After approval has been granted, the sabbatical is entered in the Attendance
Management System by the respective HR Partner.

Employees granted sabbatical leave will be required to exhaust all their leave entitlements,
thereby no such leave entitlement would be granted upon their return to work. The Sabbatical
Leave will start once all the Privilege Leave & Sick Leave/Casual Leave accrued up to the
application date have been exhausted. Any SL/CL utilized in excess will be adjusted against the
PL. Accrual of leaves will not be permitted during the period of Sabbatical Leave.

5.0 Planning and Timing - The annual planning of the sabbatical is to be carried out at the
beginning of the year together with the MTM. The superior hereby takes the needs of the
employee into consideration as well as checks the business situation. In consultation with their
superior, the employee is responsible for handover of the work to a team member or

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This presentation is the intellectual property of Schindler India Pvt. Ltd. It may be only used for internal purposes. It must not be
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Leave Rules and Regulations Page 4 of 6

replacement during the sabbatical. Managers should establish a deputy at an early stage so
that a smooth handover is possible.

6.0 Duration of Sabbatical - Manager needs to do the initial validations of the pre-requisites
and approve the leave. Approval of sabbatical leave will be given for a minimum period of 60
days or a specified period of time up to a maximum of 1 year. In certain circumstances (and
only for the purpose of pursuing educational opportunities), approval may be given for a
period up to 2 years subject to clearance of all the documents with reference to the
educational opportunity. Once approval has been given, the period of the leave may not be
varied without further approval. In special cases where employees wish to apply for extension
of the approved sabbatical leave period must inform the line manager and HR POC minimum
of 15 days prior to the end date of the sabbatical leave. However, an employee can request
an extension of the approved sabbatical leave period for a maximum period of 1 year from
the time the sabbatical leave is taken. Any extension over and above the period of that 1 year
would not be approved. However, the purpose of such an extension must be clearly defined
and the approval of that extension will be at the discretion of the management. Any
employee who has already been granted approval for sabbatical leave up to 2 years for
education purpose is not eligible for an extension. If the employer or employee terminates
the employment relationship during the sabbatical, the period of notice shall not begin until
the end of the sabbatical.

7.0 Return to Work from Sabbatical

Sabbaticals are offered to employees in order to reward them for their past contributions
and to refresh them so that they can make additional valuable contributions to Schindler
India following their sabbatical. It is anticipated and expected that employees who take a
sabbatical will return to work at Schindler India following the sabbatical. If the employees
go on a sabbatical leave for less than 90 days, the managers will have to absorb the
employees in the same role. However, if the employees go on a sabbatical leave exceeding
90 days, the employees will have to accept the role provided by the organization which
would be a suitable position for which they are qualified at that time.

Employees may apply for any of the roles which are available as per the Internal Job Posting
Policy of the company.

8.0 Terms and Conditions of Service

8.1. An employee on once using this benefit will be eligible to go on sabbatical again only upon
the completion of 3 years from the previous return to work date. Employees can avail a
maximum of 3 sabbaticals in their entire tenure with the organization. All other terms and
conditions will remain the same.

8.2. Insurance Coverage-

Employees who are on authorized Sabbatical Leave will continue to be covered by the
company’s medical insurance during the leave period. Coverage under GTL (Group Term Life

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Leave Rules and Regulations Page 5 of 6

Insurance Policy) & GPA (Group Personal Accident Policy), will continue during the Sabbatical
Leave period.

Employees will be eligible for critical care benefits during the Sabbatical Leave period.

8.3. Frequency-

Continuity of service for the sabbatical period is considered for the purpose calculating
eligibility for Long Service Awards and Gratuity settlement at the time of employee’s separation
from the company.

9.0 The Effect of a Sabbatical on Your Pay and Benefits - The points below summarize the
effect a sabbatical has on your pay and benefits:
 During Sabbatical Leave, it is Leave Without Pay (Without Exceptions)
 All regular benefits – Gratuity, Insurance and Medical Benefits in which you are
participating when your sabbatical begins will continue as if you were actively at work
 During Sabbatical Leave, Provident Fund account will receive no contribution from
Schindler India
 If any Schindler India-paid holidays fall during your sabbatical, your sabbatical will not
be extended by that number of days
 Similarly, even if the weekends fall during your sabbatical, your sabbatical will not be
extended by that number of days

Please note, that the purpose of a sabbatical is to provide you with extended time away from
work in addition to any other company time off in order to rejuvenate and then return to work.

10.0 Approved reason for availing Sabbatical Leave(Not Restricted to):

10.1 Maternity/Paternity Leave – Maternity Leave will be applicable during the period of
sabbatical. An employee can avail for this leave over and above the assigned 6 months
maternity leave. The employee can avail for a sabbatical leave for a maximum of another 6
months in case of maternity leave.

10.2 Disability – If an employee becomes temporarily disabled, the employee can avail
sabbatical leave only if the employee falls under the eligibility criteria. The duration of the leave
would be a minimum of 60 days and maximum of 1 year. This sabbatical leave would be at the
discretion of the management.

10.3 Accident – If an employee is injured due to an accident occurred unexpectedly and

requires medical rest or attention, the employee can avail a sabbatical for a minimum of 60
days and maximum of 1 year. This sabbatical leave would be at the discretion of the
management and over and above the Accident Leave Policy of Schindler India.

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This presentation is the intellectual property of Schindler India Pvt. Ltd. It may be only used for internal purposes. It must not be
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Leave Rules and Regulations Page 6 of 6

10.4 Mental Wellness – If an employee who is not performing well as the employee is disturbed
due to personal or professional reasons and needs a break, the employee can avail the
sabbatical leave only if the employee falls under the eligibility criteria. The duration of the leave
would be a minimum of 60 days and maximum of 1 year. This sabbatical leave would be at the
discretion of the management and on the recommendation of a recognized medical

10.5 POSH – If an employee who is under trial under the POSH policy needs a break, the
employee can avail the sabbatical leave only if the employee falls under the eligibility criteria.
The duration of the leave would be a minimum of 60 days and maximum of 1 year. This
sabbatical leave would be at the discretion of the management.

The policy is at the discretion of the management and can be subject to change/withdrawal
from time to time.

In case of amendment, the revised policy will be applicable to employees who are on
Sabbatical Leave on the mentioned Date of Change.

In case of withdrawal of policy, employees who are on Sabbatical Leave will be covered as
per guidelines of the last policy in effect in the organization governing administration of
Sabbatical Leave.

This is a print-out of an on-line document and is for temporary use only. If in doubt, refer to the online document!

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