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Agility is the ability to move or change

direction without losing any speed.

A rugby player would need agility to

move away from the players quickly.

The Illinois agility test is what is used to

test agility. The test is completed by
starting off by lying face down then
running around the cones till the end.
This is a valid test as it does test agility.
This is a reliable test if done indoors as
weather can affect results. This is a
practical test as it is cost effective and is
easy to set up as the only equipment
needed are cones, measuring tape and
a stopwatch.
Aerobic Endurance:
Aerobic endurance is the ability to
supply oxygen to the body during
physical activity for long periods of time.

A marathon runner would need aerobic

endurance as they will be running for a
long period of time.

The MSFT (Multi Stage Fitness Test) is

one of the tests used to test aerobic
endurance. The test is completed with a
20 metre gap between two cones and
the person will have to keep running
between each cones after each sound is
played. This is a valid test as it does test
aerobic endurance. This is a reliable test
if done indoors as weather can impact
results. This is a practical test as it is
cost effective and easy to set up as the
equipment needed are audio equipment
measuring tape and cones, also a group
of people can complete this test.

The FST (Forestry Step Test) is another

test used to test aerobic endurance. The
test is completed with a person going on
and off a bench for a minute. This is not
really a valid test as it is only done for a
minute. This is not really a reliable test
due to the fact that it is only done for a
minute and weather can also affect
results. This is not really a practical test
as the equipment needed are a bench
(33cm for females and 40cm for males)
and a metronome which should be
calibrated to 90bpm, also this test can
be done by one person at a time.

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