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The Result of Common Physics


Coupled pendulum experimental analysis

Department: Materials and Optoelectronic Science


Name: 丁于恩

Professor: Yi-Hsin Chen

Experiment date:2023.10.25

Based on the analysis of the two images, it is evident that when

pendulum A swings to the right, pendulum B swings to the left,

and this pattern continues. This aligns with the anti-phase stable

mode: when two pendulums oscillate in opposite directions,

they are in anti-phase motion. In this scenario, they can attain a

stable anti-phase mode, where the trajectories of the blue and

red points remain symmetrical, maintaining a stable pattern.

(Slightly disturbed for about 0.5 sec.)

Analysis of the images shows that when pendulum A swings to

the right, pendulum B swings to the left, and this pattern

continues. This is consistent with the anti-phase stable mode:

when two pendulums oscillate in opposite directions, they are in

anti-phase motion. In this scenario, they can attain a stable anti-

phase mode, where the trajectories of the blue and red points

remain symmetrical, maintaining a stable pattern. Shorter

metronome synchronization time.


a: When the metronome's frequency is higher than 168, the

system can rapidly synchronize and no longer exhibit anti-

phase behavior. If it initially starts in the anti-phase, it will

continue to maintain the anti-phase. Once in-phase or anti-

phase synchronization occurs, it will persist in that phase.

This phenomenon can be attributed to the resonance

characteristics of the system. When the driving frequency

exceeds the system's natural frequency, the system can

quickly synchronize because the driving frequency is

sufficiently close to the system's natural frequency,

allowing the system to reach a state of resonance. Once

synchronization is achieved, the system will maintain either

in-phase or anti-phase status because it represents a stable

equilibrium state. If the system initially begins in the anti-

phase, once it synchronizes with the high-frequency

metronome, it will continue to maintain the anti-phase

status because resonance encourages it to stay in that

state.This phenomenon typically occurs under specific

resonance conditions where the difference between the

system's natural frequency and the external driving

frequency is very small.

b. Nonlinear Effects: In certain cases, the system's response may

be influenced by nonlinear effects. This can lead to the

system switching between phases, transitioning from in-

phase to anti-phase, and then back to in-phase. If there are

multiple vibrational subsystems or pendulums in the

system, their coupling between each other may be

nonlinear. This implies that the amplitudes and frequencies

of the pendulums may not follow simple linear

relationships but could depend on the amplitudes and

phases of the vibrations. Such nonlinear coupling can result

in transitions between in-phase and anti-phase oscillations.

Small External Disturbances: Even when the metronome's

frequency fluctuates within a certain range, minor external

disturbances can lead to continuous switching between in-

phase and anti-phase for the system. These disturbances

may originate from factors such as temperature variations,

wind, or mechanical vibrations.

Nonuniformity: If there are small nonuniformities in the

system's construction or components, these

nonuniformities can result in variations between in-phase

and anti-phase modes. For example, variations in the

pendulum's length, mass distribution, or support structure

may not be entirely uniform

5. Nonlinear Coupling Effects: When the two pendulums are

coupled to the water bottles, nonlinear effects may arise.

This means that the motion of the pendulums is no longer

as simple as that of linear pendulums but is influenced by

nonlinear forces. This can result in a slightly longer

synchronization time, as nonlinear coupling effects can

lead to more complex motion patterns in the system.

Variations in Properties: Differences in the mass and properties

of the water bottles and the base plate can lead to non-

uniform coupling effects with the two pendulums. This

non-uniformity may contribute to a longer synchronization

time, as one of the pendulums might experience stronger

damping or interference due to these variations.

Initial Conditions: The initial conditions can have an impact on

the synchronization time. If the initial positions or initial

velocities of the two pendulums are not exactly the same, it

might take them a longer time to reach a synchronized

Mass and Length of Pendulums: The mass and length of the

pendulums can also affect the synchronization time.

Pendulums with different masses or lengths may respond

differently to external disturbances, which can influence

the time required for synchronization.

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