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Why there is no such thing as “freedom”

 MOTIVATION = I really want to talk about the concept of freedom and how it might not exist in the way we
traditionally think. it entails investment-organizations like BlackRock and Vanguard, but also families like the
rothschilds, and the WorldEconomicForum.


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I’m going to talk about “Why there is no such thing as freedom” the things I’ll be mentioning are subjects like:
 Investment groups as BlackRock and Vanguard
 The School System that unobstrusively became indoctrinated because of people like John D. Rockefeller
 Rothschilds that are controlling the world
 WorldEconomicForum, Central Bank and the Richest people meeting at the Round Table

The Reason I chose this subject was because: I got inspired by Iman Gadzhi and Luke Belmar to talk about this
subject because they’ve been making videos about these subjects that influence the world and uncover secrets
about corruption, propaganda and Indoctrination in the world for a couple of years now, and because it’s an
interesting topic if you wan’t to know more about unnoticed corruption in the world

Let’s start with BlackRock and Vanguard. BlackRock and Vanguard are two of the largest and most reputable asset
management companies globally. They manage trillions of dollars in assets and are subject to rigorous regulatory
oversight. These companies invest in companies that are involved with fossil fuels, arms industries and Human
Rights Violations in Eastern countries. They are also involved in huge deforestation-projects in amazonian-like
forests which means they will take profit in every companies’ share that goes down because of Stock-shortening
which basically means if a company’s stock goes down BlackRock and Vanguard can buy the shares for a lower
price and then sell it once the stock of that company goes up (which is somehow completely legal) this also is the
case for other companies like companies in 3rd-world countries, if tragedy happens BlackRock and Vanguard profit
from it and so in a way control what happens to companies in the world

Now let’s talk about the School System and our lifestyle and how it unobstrusively became indoctrinated. Let me ask
you a question that im going to give an awnser to myself. It’s now just normal to eat breakfeast, but if I told you
people around 100y ago wouldn’t, would you believe me? The awnser is no but it’s true but the real reason people
started eating breakfeast is because companies wanted to boost the amount of sales in meats. Now mostly
elementary schools push kids to eat breakfeast in the morning, and drink unfiltered water that is the main cause of
loss of testosterone which leads to hormonial-imbalance, and loss of strength of your Immune system because of
micro-organisms that live in that unfiltered water. Also the school system became indoctrinated over the last 200
years because of some rules. The real reason why school is mandatory is because people like John D. Rockefeller
wanted a massive a mass education system designed to teach obedience. Like Rockefeller said “I want a nation of
workers, not one of thinkers” what he meant by saying this is that people need to obey what them is learned from a
young age. Now the school-systems around the world teach those things unnoticed.

Let’s also talk about the Rotchschilds. The Rothschilds became one of the richests families in the world due to their
success on their ability to establish a network of communication and cooperation among the different branches of
their banking business. They became known for their discretion, financial acumen, and connections with royalty and
governments. The Rothschilds facilitated international transactions and loans, and they were involved in financing
various infrastructure projects. The Rothschilds gained control over America’s money supply trough Alexander
Hamilton when the family established a central bank in the U.S. named the First Bank of the United States, which
received a 20-year charter from Congress in 1791. When Congress refused to renew the charter in 1812, the
Rothschilds threatened the U.S. with a "most disastrous war" with Britain. The U.S. stood firm. Following through on
their threat, a second war broke out between the U.S. and Britain. The British war effort was financed by the
Rothschilds. When the war ended in 1815, U.S. finances were in shambles. By 1816, Congress passed a bill
authorizing a second Rothschild-dominated central bank with a 20-year charter. Named the Second Bank of
America, this bank gave the Rothschilds control of the American money supply again. The Rothschilds' domination
of the world's financial markets continues to this day. And now the Central Bank is trying to digitalize money because
it would give the Rothschilds even more power over the money you earn. Which means obey or we take your money
in a short and disastruous way.

And now the WorldEconomicForum the WorldEconomicForum is a yearly gathering of CEO’s of the biggest
companies in the world, International Politicians, Intelectuals and Journalists. The World Economic Forum says the
Forum stands for improving the state of the world. But truly they are controlling the world. The Forum made in 2020
a list of things that they wanted to accomplish before 2030. Some of those things are good willed like: ending
poverty. But they are also controlling it, the Forum want the following to be like more people using bikes instead of
cars, creating a left-wing capatalistic system, and no more benzine-powered cars to be accomplished before 2030.
Which means they are litteraly forging a future in which they have control over humanity

In conclusion Freedom is just a concept and not a reality, and sadly we cannot do anything about it because of the
power they have.

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