Simple, Compound, Complex

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Exercise 3: Transforming Compound Sentences into Complex


Here are some compound sentences for you. Your task is to transform them
into complex sentences by replacing the coordinating conjunction with a
suitable subordinating conjunction.

1. I completed my assignment and then went to play.

2. It was freezing, so I wore a jacket.

3. He is unwell, yet he helps his sister with her homework.

4. You need to practice more, or you won't perform well.

5. It was foggy, so we took the car.

6. My car ran out of gas, so I walked to the nearest gas station.

7. She was very sick, so we took her to the hospital.

8. He worked in a bookstore and studied Spanish at school.

9. You must follow the rules, or you will be penalized.

10. The bell rang and all the students gathered in the hall.

Solutions for Exercise 3

1. After I completed my assignment, I went to play.

2. It was so cold that I had to wear a jacket.

3. Although he is unwell, he helps his sister with her homework.

4. If you don't practice more, you won't perform well.

5. Since it was foggy, we took the car.

6. Because my car ran out of gas, I walked to the nearest gas station.

7. As she was very sick, we took her to the hospital.

8. He not only worked in a bookstore but also studied Spanish at school.

9. If you don't follow the rules, you will be penalized.

10. When the bell rang, all the students gathered in the hall.

Exercise 4: Transforming Sentences as Instructed

Here are some sentences for you. Transform them as per the instructions

1. If you don't go now, you'll miss the train. (Change into a simple sentence)

2. Although we were unsure, we decided to help. (Change into a compound


3. Not only did she cook dinner, but she also cleaned the house. (Change
into a compound sentence)

4. Owing to our hard work, we successfully built a prototype. (Change into a

complex sentence)

5. She's a nurse, and her duty is to take care of patients. (Change into a
simple sentence)

6. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find him. (Change into a complex


7. We went to the movies yesterday because we were bored. (Change into a

compound sentence)

8. He wanted to play, so he finished his homework quickly. (Change into a

simple sentence)
9. When he arrived at his office, he realized he had forgotten his files.
(Change into a simple sentence)

10. She hugged her friend goodbye for the last time. (Change into a
compound sentence)

Solutions for Exercise 4

1. You'll miss the train if you don't go now.

2. We were unsure, but we decided to help.

3. She cooked dinner and also cleaned the house.

4. Because we worked hard, we successfully built a prototype.

5. As a nurse, her duty is to care for patients.

6. I couldn't find him, even though I searched everywhere.

7. We were bored, so we went to the movies yesterday.

8. He finished his homework quickly to play.

9. He realized he had forgotten his files when he arrived at his office.

10. She hugged her friend and said goodbye for the last time.

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