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Total Yield/New Recipe Amount

Menu Senin : Nasi, bistik sapi wortel buncis, buah potong

Sop Bakso

1 porsi : 250gr 30 porsi: 7500 gr

1 porsi 30 porsi
NO Ingredients QTY Unit % QTY Unit
1 daging sapi 100 gr 40 3000 gr
2 gula merah 1 gr 0.4 30 gr
3 kecap manis 1 gr 0.4 30 gr
4 kaldu sapi 114 ml 45.6 3420 gr
5 bawang bombay 6 gr 2.4 180 gr
6 bawang putih 2 gr 0.8 60 gr
7 bawang merah 5 gr 2 150 gr
8 jahe 1 gr 0.4 30 gr
9 wortel 10 gr 10 300 gr
10 buncis 10 gr 10 300 gr
total 250 gr 112 total 7500 gr

NASI 1 porsi : 100gr 30 porsi : 3000gr

NO Ingredients QTY Unit % QTY Unit
1 Beras 100 gr 40 3000 gr
total 100 gr 40 total 3000 gr
1 porsi : 80gr 1 porsi : 2400gr
NO Ingredients QTY Unit % QTY Unit
1 melon 40 gr 50 1200 gr
2 semangka 40 gr 50 1200 gr
total 80 gr 100 total 2400 gr

Yield Test
NO Ingredients APQ EPQ Yield %
Bistik sapi wortel buncis
1 daging sapi 3000 2800 94
2 gula merah 30 30 100
3 kecap manis 30 30 100
4 kaldu sapi 3420 3000 87.1
5 bawang bombay 180 170 94.4
6 bawang putih 60 50 83.3
7 bawang merah 150 130 86.6
8 jahe 30 20 66.6
wortel 300 250 83.3
buncis 300 270 90
9 beras 3000 2900 96.6
buah potong
10 melon 1200 800 66.6
11 semangka 1200 900 75
AP Weight (kg) 3
AP Price per kg 118,000
AP Cost Rp. 354000

Trim Weight x Trim Price Per kg

Fat 0.2 kg Rp -
Bones 0 kg
Useable Trim 0.1 kg Rp 15,000
Other 0 kg Rp -
Total Trim Weight 0.3 kg (1) Total Trim Value

Fabricated Weight in kg (EP weight)

Fabricated Cost (EP Cost)
Fabricated Cost per kg (EPC kg)
Cost Factor
Yield %
How many portions in the fabricated weight 100
What is the cost of 1 100 gr portion?
= Trim Value
Rp -
Rp -
Rp 1,500
Rp -
Rp 1,500

Rp 116,500
Rp 43,148
gr 27
Rp 4,315

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