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1. Please could you state your full name for the court.

2. What is your current occupation?

3. Mr Silverwood, when did you write your witness statement?

4. Where did you write your witness statement?

5. When did you write your witness statement?

6. At the time you made your witness statement, were the events still fresh in your

7. Was your recollection at the time you wrote your witness statement significantly
better than it is today?

8. Your honour, may the witness refresh his memory by referring to his witness


9. Mr Silverwood, can you confirm your address?

10. How long have you lived there?

11. Who is your neighbour?

12. Who do you live with in your house?

13. Mr Silverwood, I would like to draw your attention to the evening of November the
7th 2023, Can you tell us who was home with you that night?

14. What were you doing that evening?

15. What did you eat or drink that evening?

16. How was your evening that night?

17. Where was that noise coming from?

18. How long did it go on for?

19. What happened once It stopped?

20. What happened after that?

21. What time did you hear the doorbell ring?

22. What were you and your wife doing when the doorbell rang?

23. So, it was in the evening, you and your wife were preparing for bed and what
happened next?

24. Your honour may the plan exhibit be handed to Mr Silverwood

25. Your Honour, I ask that copies of Exhibit 1 be provided

26. Mr Silverwood, for the jury, can you indicate where you were standing?

27. Mr. Silverwood, using the plan in front of you, can you please indicate where you
were standing when passing through the gap?

28. How close was Mr Levitt

29. Who was at the door at that time of night?

30. What did he say to you?

31. What did you do after the exchange with Mr Levitt’s brother?

32. what happened when you went back outside?

33. What transpired then?

34. What happened when he pushed you against the car?

35. Did he allow you to pass at that point?

36. How many times did he punch you?

37. What happened after he punched you?

38. Were you taken to the hospital?

39. What injuries did you suffer as a result of that punch?

40. At any point Mr Silverwood, did you make any physically aggressive actions toward
Mr Levitt?
 In EIC, for prosecution witness, do NOT bring up his previous

1. Can you demonstrate where Mr Levitt was standing on the plan

2. What was he doing?
3. How did you feel?
4. What happened next?
5. How hard did he push you?

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