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1. Give one example sentence for each of the following and place the relevant example part
within a bracket.5

i. Finite TP Complement

ii. CP Complement

iii. PP Complement

iv. PP Adjunct

v. NP Complement

vi. NP Adjunct

vii. Adjunct Clause

viii. Finite Complement Clause

ix. Functional Phrase

x. Gerund Subject

2. Identify the parts-of-speech of each of the words in the given sentence below. Write the pair
(each word: parts-of-speech) separately. 10

From the unveiling of Shanti Van' in Bhuj in memory of the Gujarat earthquake victims to the
permanent commissioning of the first indigenously developed aircraft carrier INS- Vikrant and
the upcoming inauguration of the Central Vista project in the national capital. PM Narendra Modi
has been on a spree to launch projects vital for growth as well as national security and also
laying foundation for what potentially can be the campaign plank for 2024 Lok Sabha polls
meant to assert that the government has delivered what it had promised.

3. Identify the different types of phrases (CP, TP. VP. NP. PP. AP) for the following sentences
and write them separately (on the answer sheet). 10
i. She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

ii. The instancy and convenience of online shopping has grown exponentially.

iii. Indian equity bulls may find the going tough if a slew of derivatives data is on point.
iv. The Indian textile industry is one of the largest industries in the world, with a large raw
material base and manufacturing strength across the value chain.

v. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday that Kyiv troops have
recaptured from Russian forces several settlements in the Kharkiv region in the country's

4. Identify the different types of clauses (finite, non-finite, complement, adjunct, main,
subordinate) in the following sentences. Write them separately (on the answer sheet). 10

i. They know that we will love it.

ii. I will go so that they can study for the examination.

iii. They have booked tickets to visit my parents.

iv. I would be quite keen to try anything like that.

v. We merely want to live in peace with the entire world, to trade with them, and to learn from
their culture so that the products of our toil may be used for our schools and our roads.

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable terms (as discussed in this course). 10

i. Lexical category words are generally.......... class words whereas functional category words
are ......... class words.

ii. The........... of a phrase is its obligatory component.

iii. In X-bar schema, complements are in the relation with X-single bar and

adjuncts are in the relation with X-single bar.

iv. In X-bar schema, a branching node has maximum ......... branch(es).

V. A complement is whereas an adjunct is .......... for a structure to be a


vi. A(n).......... verb takes three arguments whereas a(n).......... verb takes only one.

6. Explain, with five different types of example sentences, the difference in the formation of
Yes-No and Wh (content) question sentences in English. 5
1. List any five theta roles with one example (sentence) for each and circle the phrase that
represent the respective theta role. 5

2. List the three binding principles with two examples for each. 3

3. List the five case relations (as discussed in this course) with their respective source of
assignment. Give one (sentence) example for each of them. 5

4. Identify the phrases and their types (NP, VP. PP. TP, CP) for each of the following sentences
separately. 5

1. They will sing a song in the afternoon at the bank of the Ganges.

2. I am anxious for you to receive the best treatment.

3. The chairman has resigned from the board

4. Nobody could believe that Sam was working for the government

5. Inflation is threatening to undermine the growth of the economy

6. He has never been known to be rude to anyone

7. Language is the universal and recognizable part of human behaviour

8. PM Narendra Modi is on a three-day visit to Bali to attend the G20 Leaders' Summit

9. The bright red ball that slipped from my hands bounced directly into a muddy puddle.

10. I wonder whether I could trouble you for a pen and some paper.

5. Draw X-bar tree(s) (using the phrase markers CP,TP, VP, PP,NP) for the following sentences.

i. We are trying to help you.

ii. The child found a puppy in the garden
iii. Will the boy sleep?
iv. We will go to the mall to watch a movie.
V. They know that she is intelligent.
6. Identify clauses and their types (finite, non-finite complement adjunct) for each of the
following sentences

1. They will contact us as soon as they have some information regarding our case

2. John may wonder if the rumours about Fred will affect him.

3. Mary has booked tickets to celebrate his birthday.

4. I want to study for the examination so that I can obtain good marks

5. I walk to keep myself healthy.

7. Give one example (English sentence) for each of the following and circle the relevant part(s).
1. Anaphor (reflexive)

il Emphatic particle (reflexive)

iii. Non-finite complement clause

iv. Finite adjunct clause

8. List, with appropriate examples, all the possible Case relations for the following pronominal
forms. 2
i. You ii. Him iii. Her iv. It

9. Distinguish the following concepts with appropriate examples. 3

I. Argument vs adjunct Unit 1: Constituencies, constructions and relations

ii. Specifier vs complement - Words: type and category

o Parts of speech
iii. Complement vs adjunct o Forms and functions
o Lexical and functional
o Semantic and grammatical
o Meaning and grammar

- Phrase: Forms, functions and types

o Noun phrase, verb phrase, preposition phrase, etc.
o Lexical phrase and functional phrase

- Clause: Forms, functions and types

o Finite and non-finite
o Main and subordinate
o Complement and adjunt

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