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Neural Correlates of Concreteness

in Semantic Categorization

Penny M. Pexman, Ian S. Hargreaves, Jodi D. Edwards, Luke C. Henry,

and Bradley G. Goodyear

& In some contexts, concrete words (CARROT) are recognized stract meanings of ambiguous and unambiguous words. Results
and remembered more readily than abstract words (TRUTH). showed that for both ambiguous and unambiguous words, ab-
This concreteness effect has historically been explained by two stract meanings were associated with more widespread cortical
theories of semantic representation: dual-coding [Paivio, A. Dual activation than concrete meanings in numerous regions associ-
coding theory: Retrospect and current status. Canadian Jour- ated with semantic processing, including temporal, parietal, and
nal of Psychology, 45, 255–287, 1991] and context-availability frontal cortices. These results are inconsistent with both dual-
[Schwanenflugel, P. J. Why are abstract concepts hard to un- coding and context-availability theories, as these theories pro-
derstand? In P. J. Schwanenflugel (Ed.), The psychology of word pose that the representations of abstract concepts are relatively
meanings (pp. 223–250). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1991]. Past ef- impoverished. Our results suggest, instead, that semantic re-
forts to adjudicate between these theories using functional mag- trieval of abstract concepts involves a network of association
netic resonance imaging have produced mixed results. Using areas. We argue that this finding is compatible with a theory
event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, we re- of semantic representation such as Barsalou’s [Barsalou, L. W.
examined this issue with a semantic categorization task that Perceptual symbol systems. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 22,
allowed for uniform semantic judgments of concrete and ab- 577–660, 1999] perceptual symbol systems, whereby concrete
stract words. The participants were 20 healthy adults. Functional and abstract concepts are represented by similar mechanisms
analyses contrasted activation associated with concrete and ab- but with differences in focal content. &

isphere activation is not necessary to support the dual-
A central issue in cognitive science concerns the manner coding theory). Processing of abstract words, however,
in which word meanings are represented in the human will be associated predominantly with activation in left
cognitive system. Important insight on this issue is pro- hemisphere language-processing regions, with no re-
vided by studies of concreteness effects: concrete words cruitment of regions in the right hemisphere.
(e.g., CARROT) are, in certain tasks, recognized and In contrast, the context-availability theory suggests that
remembered more readily than abstract words (e.g., concrete words are more easily recognized and remem-
TRUTH) (e.g., Kroll & Merves, 1986; Marschark & Paivio, bered because more contextual information is available in
1977; James, 1975). This phenomenon has been ex- memory for concrete concepts (Schwanenflugel, 1991).
plained by at least two competing theories of seman- This contextual information includes the situations and
tic representation. According to the dual-coding theory settings in which concepts are encountered. For ab-
(Paivio, 1991), concrete words are represented by both stract concepts, associated contextual information is less
verbal and visual codes, whereas abstract words are rep- readily available. Support for the context-availability the-
resented by only verbal codes. As a consequence, con- ory is provided by studies showing that the usual con-
crete words are better remembered and more quickly creteness effect is eliminated when concrete and abstract
recognized. The dual-coding theory posits that the pro- words are presented in supportive sentence contexts
cessing of concrete words will be associated with ac- (Schwanenflugel, Harnishfeger, & Stowe, 1988).
tivation both in left-lateralized language regions and Both the dual-coding and context-availability theories
in image-processing regions that are typically localized assume that the representations for concrete words in-
to the right hemisphere (although see, for instance, volve extra features (image-based coding, available con-
Fiebach & Friederici, 2003, for arguments that right hem- text) that are not present in the representations for
abstract words. As such, neither theory is compatible
with studies reporting category-specific semantic impair-
University of Calgary, Canada ments involving abstract and concrete words. That is, for

D 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19:8, pp. 1407–1419
instance, patients with deep dyslexia tend to show an semantic representations for abstract words are, in some
enhanced concreteness effect: greater impairment read- way, impoverished (lacking image-based information,
ing abstract words than concrete words (e.g., Katz & lacking available context). Yet the finding that abstract
Goodglass, 1990; Coltheart, 1980). In contrast, other pa- words generate greater activation in certain regions sug-
tients exhibit a reverse concreteness effect, with greater gests that a different approach may be required to
impairment for reading and defining concrete words capture activity associated with the semantic represen-
than abstract words (Breedin, Saffran, & Coslett, 1994; tations for abstract words. Kiehl et al. suggested that
Sirigu, Duhamel, & Poncet, 1991; Warrington & Shallice, abstract words might be processed by a neural pathway
1984; Warrington, 1981). This double dissociation sug- in the right hemisphere and concrete words primarily
gests that there may be functional and structural dif- in the left hemisphere (this is essentially opposite to
ferences in the neural representation of concrete and the claims made by Binder, Westbury, et al., 2005).
abstract concepts ( Warrington, 1981). Noppeney and Price reasoned that their results could
Further, past efforts to determine the neural corre- support the view that concrete and abstract concepts
lates of the concreteness effect in the healthy brain and are associated with separate neural substrates for repre-
to resolve the theoretical debate between dual-coding sentation and/or for retrieval. Grossman et al. noted that
and context-availability theories have produced remark- abstract concepts differ from concrete concepts in that
ably inconsistent results (see Table 1 for a summary of abstract concepts are not associated with a stable set of
the literature that compares activation for concrete and perceptual features. Also, the meanings of abstract con-
abstract concepts). A small number of these studies have cepts are captured through complex associations with
claimed that their results are consistent with the dual- other concepts (see also Crutch & Warrington, 2005).
coding theory and are inconsistent with the context- As such, Grossman et al. argued that the features of
availability theory. Binder, Westbury, McKiernan, Possing, abstract concepts ‘‘have a distributed neural representa-
and Medler (2005) argued that a left-lateralized network tion and these features must be gathered together and
of brain regions is associated with processing of abstract integrated in order to establish a coherent concept un-
concepts, whereas a bilateral network is associated with derlying a word’’ (p. 945). Grossman et al. further sug-
processing of concrete concepts. Similarly, Sabsevitz, gested that this neural integration process is associated
Medler, Seidenberg, and Binder (2005) reported more with activity predominantly in association cortices.
extensive right hemisphere activation for concrete con- One source of the variability observed in previous
cepts than for abstract concepts. Sabsevitz et al. (2005) studies could be the tasks used (see Table 1 for exam-
argued that their results provided evidence against the ples). Although a certain degree of semantic coding
context-availability theory because they observed greater must be involved in each of these tasks, the processing
activation for abstract words than for concrete words in required to make a response varies considerably. This
several left-lateralized regions. may account for some of the differences in the patterns
The results of other studies have been taken as sup- of activation observed across these studies. It has been
port for both dual-coding and context-availability theo- suggested that the lexical decision task (LDT) can be
ries. Fiebach and Friederici (2003) reported that concrete performed on the basis of visual (orthographic) familiar-
words generated more activation in the left basal tem- ity of the stimuli, with only superficial semantic pro-
poral lobe than did abstract words. They argued that this cessing (Balota, Paul, & Spieler, 1999; Balota, Ferraro, &
region has been associated with mental imagery (e.g., Connor, 1991). As such, it may not be appropriate to
Farah, 2000), and thus, activation here supports the dual- draw strong conclusions about semantic representation
coding theory. Further, Fiebach and Friederici reported on the basis of LDT performance. Further, in many of
that abstract words generated more activation in the left the semantic decision tasks that have been used, two
inferior frontal gyrus, an area associated with strategic or three words are presented on each trial, making it
selection of semantic knowledge (e.g., Thompson-Schill, difficult to determine what these tasks tell us about
D’Esposito, Aguirre, & Farah, 1997). This finding was semantic processing of single-word stimuli. In the pres-
taken as support for the context-availability theory. ent study, we designed a task that required uniform
The results of several other studies involve a pattern semantic judgments of single words. We presented both
whereby no neural regions showed greater activation concrete and abstract words as stimuli in this task.
for concrete than for abstract words (e.g., Noppeney A second variable that was uncontrolled in all of the
& Price, 2004; Grossman et al., 2002; Kiehl et al., 1999; previous studies on the representation of concrete and
Perani et al., 1999). Instead, abstract words were asso- abstract words is semantic ambiguity. Most words are am-
ciated with greater activation in several regions. These biguous. Truly unambiguous words, or words that have
results are not consistent with either dual-coding or only one referent, are actually quite rare, yet the stimu-
context-availability theories because neither of these li used in some of the previous studies (e.g., Binder,
predict that abstract words should be associated with Westbury, et al., 2005) appear to be largely unambigu-
greater activation than concrete words. Indeed, both ous. If there are differences in the neural correlates of
dual-coding and context-availability theories assume that concreteness for semantically ambiguous words and

1408 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 19, Number 8

Table 1. Authors, Tasks, and Peak Coordinates for Reviewed Studies

Concrete > Abstract Abstract > Concrete

Authors Task Region Coordinates (x, y, z) Region Coordinates (x, y, z)

Binder, Westbury, et al. (2005) Lexical Decision L angular gyrus 37, 74, 26 L precentral gyrus 48, 9, 25
R angular gyrus 52, 58, 22 48, 7, 40
54, 48, 33 L inferior frontal gyrus 46, 18, 4
R middle temporal gyrus 49, 49, 14 39, 15, 14
L middle frontal gyrus 28, 25, 48 35, 27, 7
38, 19, 42 L inferior frontal sulcus 48, 22, 17
L posterior cingulate gyrus 5, 35, 38 47, 33, 8
9, 45, 13 L superior temporal gyrus 44, 12, 16
7, 37, 36 54, 4, 9
R posterior cingulate gyrus 5, 35, 38
L precuneus 12, 62, 24
3, 74, 31
R precuneus 6, 68, 30
11, 54, 35
3, 62, 41
Sabsevitz et al. (2005) Semantic Similarity Decision L parahippocampal gyrus 27, 22, 20 L superior temporal gyrus 49, 6, 14
25, 37, 12 L superior temporal sulcus 46, 29, 3
L inferior temporal gyrus 57, 49, 14 63, 51, 12
L fusiform gyrus 45, 52, 15 L middle temporal gyrus 59, 47, 3
R hippocampus/amygdala 21, 5, 14 R middle temporal gyrus/sulcus 46, 9, 17
R hippocampus 25, 14, 18 47, 13, 9
R parahippocampal gyrus 26, 26, 16 47, 1, 16
L angular/superior occipital gyrus 28, 79, 36 L inferior frontal gyrus 43, 22, 5
31, 66, 31 50, 15, 9
38, 73, 41 L superior frontal gyrus 9, 49, 33
Pexman et al.

R angular gyrus 36, 60, 32

42, 69, 31
R angular/supramarginal gyrus 45, 47, 42
L inferior/orbital frontal gyrus 22, 26, 9

L inferior/middle frontal gyrus 42, 39, 12

Table 1. (continued )

Concrete > Abstract Abstract > Concrete

Authors Task Region Coordinates (x, y, z) Region Coordinates (x, y, z)

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

L middle frontal gyrus 37, 27, 19

L superior frontal gyrus 19, 8, 52
L subcallosal gyrus 11, 18, 12
R inferior/orbital frontal gyrus 27, 26, 7
37, 35, 8
R middle frontal gyrus 28, 10, 46
45, 31, 14
43, 45, 6
L posterior cingulate/isthmus 14, 54, 15
R posterior cingulate/isthmus 6, 52, 9
1, 62, 26
Fiebach and Friederici (2003) Lexical Decision L basal temporal 27, 41, 4 L inferior frontal gyrus 46, 23, 7
Grossman et al. (2002) Pleasantness Decision – L posterolateral temporal 60, 32, 12
52, 68, 4
L prefrontal 24, 44, 12
R medial frontal 16, 36, 4
R posterolateral temporal 56, 32, 16
Kiehl et al. (1999) Lexical Decision – R superior temporal gyrus 56, 11, 0
Noppeney and Price (2004) Synonymy Decision – L inferior frontal gyrus 54, 21, 6
L anterior temporal pole 51, 18, 27
51, 9, 24
L middle temporal gyrus/ 60, 42, 6
superior temporal gyrus
Perani et al. (1999) Lexical Decision – L inferior frontal gyrus 44, 14, 4
L superior temporal gyrus 58, 8, 16
Volume 19, Number 8

R inferior frontal gyrus 52, 20, 12

R temporal pole 42, 16, 36
R parieto-occipital junction 40, 70, 36
R anterior cingulate gyrus 6, 16, 40
R amygdala 30, 4, 8

L = left hemisphere; R = right hemisphere.

semantically unambiguous words, this could be another nym (i.e., two distinct, unrelated meanings) or a poly-
source of variability in the results of previous studies semous word (two related meanings); (2) inadmissible
investigating concreteness effects. In the present study, due to being a proper name (e.g., JACK), a heterophone
our goal was to control this variability, in order to pro- (e.g., LEAD), or a colloquialism; and crucially, (3) wheth-
vide new insight about the representation of concrete er the two dominant meanings of the ambiguous words
and abstract word meanings, by contrasting patterns of could be categorized as either concrete–concrete (e.g.,
neural activation produced when concrete and abstract EARTH), concrete–abstract (e.g., GRAVE), or abstract–
meanings are generated by ambiguous and unambigu- abstract (e.g., REASON). In cases where an ambiguous
ous words. word had more than two meanings, the raters made
The task used in the present study was a semantic their categorization decision based upon the two dom-
categorization task and the decision category we se- inant meanings of the concept (as indexed by the pro-
lected was ‘‘consumable’’ (i.e., is it edible/drinkable or duction frequency of each meaning in the Gilhooly and
not?). Our interest was in activation associated with Logie norms). The results of these independent cate-
semantic processing of concrete and abstract meanings gorizations were compared. In cases of disagreement, a
and not in the activation associated with complicated third rater provided arbitration.
decision-making strategies. The consumable decision The rating process thus yielded three categories of
category seemed an appropriate choice because it was ambiguous stimuli (concrete–concrete items, concrete–
not so novel or obscure that participants would need to abstract items, and abstract–abstract items). Membership
consider each stimulus word in an analytic way or reason within these categories was then further constrained by
extensively about the stimuli in order to respond (Hino, incorporating more stringent categorical definitions using
Pexman, & Lupker, 2006; Medin, Goldstone, & Gentner, the mean concreteness ratings provided in Gilhooly and
1993). Also, this decision category was broad enough to Logie (1980). Each concept was assigned a concrete-
allow a large number of stimuli to be presented, thus ness difference score reflecting the absolute difference
increasing the power of our design. in mean rated concreteness between the dominant and
subordinate meanings. For the concrete–concrete and
abstract–abstract categories, it was important that domi-
METHODS nant and subordinate meanings be relatively close in con-
creteness. Therefore, all items with an absolute difference
Participants score greater than or equal to 1 standard deviation (M =
Participants were 20 healthy adults (12 women and 8 0.68, SD = 0.48 and M = 0.62, SD = 0.48, respectively)
men, mean age 26.5 years, SD = 4.5) who were paid for were excluded from the concrete–concrete ambiguous
participation. This study was reviewed and approved by and abstract–abstract ambiguous categories. These ex-
the University of Calgary Research Ethics Board and all cluded items had one concrete and one abstract mean-
participants gave written informed consent prior to im- ing, and we included a set of 36 of these items as fillers
aging. All participants were right-handed, had normal or in the experiment.
corrected-to-normal vision, and were monolingual native In selecting stimuli, the objective was a stimulus set
English speakers. None of the participants reported any that was large enough to allow an event-related design
history of psychological or developmental disorders, neu- (as many words in each category as possible), while at
rological impairments or trauma, and none were taking the same time controlling as many lexical and semantic
any prescription medications. factors as possible across word categories. We decided
that the most important variable to be equated across
word categories was consumability. The stimulus cate-
gory items were to be presented on the ‘‘no’’ trials in
Our goal was to select four categories of word stimuli to the semantic categorization task and filler items were to
be presented in the semantic categorization task: (1) am- be presented on the ‘‘yes’’ trials in the semantic cate-
biguous words with two concrete meanings (concrete– gorization task.1 The ‘‘no’’ trial items should have low
concrete ambiguous), (2) ambiguous words with two consumability ratings and the ‘‘yes’’ trial items should
abstract meanings (abstract–abstract ambiguous), (3) un- have high consumability ratings. Also, across categories,
ambiguous words with one concrete meaning (concrete the stimuli should be equally typical nonmembers of the
unambiguous), and (4) unambiguous words with one consumable decision category; that is, there might be
abstract meaning (abstract unambiguous). The stimulus a tendency for concrete items to be perceived as some-
selection process is described next. what more consumable than abstract items (one can
In order to develop categories of ambiguous words always try to eat concrete things, but cannot even try to
whose two dominant meanings varied in concreteness, eat abstract things), and by collecting a priori ratings,
two raters independently categorized all 387 ambiguous we were able to select items in a way that limited this
words from the Gilhooly and Logie (1980) norms. Each bias. As such, a separate group of 16 participants was
word was rated in terms whether it was: (1) a true homo- asked to complete a ratings task using a 6-point scale

Pexman et al. 1411

(where 1 = ‘‘not at all representative of the category’’ this frequency mismatch. As a result, 29 of the 36 con-
and 6 = ‘‘highly representative of the category’’) and crete unambiguous items were from Binder, Westbury,
were directed to rate all stimuli in terms of the degree to et al. and 7 were from the MRC Database (Wilson, 1988;
which each concept was consumable. These participants Coltheart, 1981), 32 of the 36 abstract unambiguous
made ratings for the stimulus category items and also for items were from Binder, Westbury, et al. and 4 were
the filler items. We also considered it important to en- from the MRC Database. The small frequency differences
sure that ambiguous and unambiguous words were, in that remained were not significant, that is, the mean fre-
fact, perceived as such. An additional group of 20 par- quencies of the concrete–concrete ambiguous category
ticipants was asked to rate all items (the ‘‘no’’ trials and the abstract–abstract ambiguous category were not
stimuli, plus 27 nonwords) in terms of how many mean- significantly different [t(70) = 0.31, p = .76], and the
ings each stimulus had (using a scale from 0 to 2, where mean frequencies of the concrete unambiguous cate-
0 = no meanings, 1 = one meaning, and 2 = two or gory and the abstract unambiguous category were not
more meanings; Hino & Lupker, 1996). The results of significantly different [t(70) = 1.27, p = .20]. Following
these ratings tasks are reported by category in Table 2. the stimulus selection process, there were a total of 180
In the stimulus selection process, we next considered ‘‘no’’ trial stimuli (nonconsumables; see Appendix A).
the relative dominance of the ambiguous words’ mean- There were also 150 ‘‘yes’’ trial stimuli (consumables).
ings. That is, ambiguous words were selected such that
the categories of ambiguous stimuli had equivalent
Acquisition of Behavioral Data
meaning dominance, as measured by the production
frequency of the words’ dominant meanings. The mean All stimuli were presented to participants in the MR scan-
production frequency of the dominant meaning of items ner using a rear-mounted LED projector display system
in the concrete–concrete ambiguous category was 18.13 (Avotec, Stuart, FL). Trial sequences were generated and
(SD = 9.54) and for items in the abstract–abstract am- presented using Presentation (Neurobehavioral Systems,
biguous category was 17.38 (SD = 8.08) (Gilhooly & Albany, CA), running on an Intel Pentium III 700-MHz per-
Logie, 1980). Finally, we matched the stimulus catego- sonal computer located outside the magnet room. Seman-
ries as much as possible for printed frequency (Kučera & tic categorization responses and response latencies were
Francis, 1967). This matching was possible for the ambig- recorded from a two-button MR-compatible StimSelect
uous word categories but was more difficult to achieve response pad (Compumedics Neuroscan, El Paso, TX).
for the unambiguous word categories. We wanted to use Participants first completed 16 practice trials and were
items from the Binder, Westbury, et al. (2005) study in given verbal feedback if they responded incorrectly to
our unambiguous stimulus categories, as this would fa- any of the practice items. Using an event-related func-
cilitate comparison to the present study. The abstract tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study design,
and concrete items used in the Binder, Westbury, et al. stimuli were presented for 1000 msec with a randomized
study differed somewhat in mean frequency, according intertrial interval (ITI) of 4000 ± 2000 msec. This vari-
to the frequency measure we used. We replaced some of able ITI was used in order to sample different points
the Binder, Westbury, et al. items in order to mitigate along the hemodynamic response function during image

Table 2. Mean Characteristics (Standard Deviations in Parentheses) for Stimulus Categories

Concrete–Concrete Abstract–Abstract Concrete Abstract
Concrete Abstract Ambiguous Ambiguous Unambiguous Unambiguous
Number of stimuli 72 72 36 36 36 36
Mean concreteness 5.56 (0.43) 3.42 (0.41) 5.39 (0.46) 3.82 (0.43) 5.73 (0.47) 3.02 (0.49)
(Gilhooly &
Logie, 1980)
Rated consumability 1.41 (0.18) 1.09 (0.12) 1.39 (0.20) 1.06 (0.11) 1.44 (0.22) 1.11 (0.17)
Rated ambiguity 1.39 (0.16) 1.30 (0.20) 1.64 (0.17) 1.48 (0.24) 1.14 (0.20) 1.12 (0.18)
Printed frequency 49.01 (60.30) 57.38 (66.07) 69.91 (69.36) 73.19 (80.19) 28.11 (39.77) 39.39 (40.05)
(Kučera &
Francis, 1967)
Syllabic length 1.63 (0.68) 1.92 (0.85) 1.33 (0.47) 1.81 (0.92) 1.91 (0.73) 2.02 (0.77)
Printed length 5.72 (1.54) 5.97 (1.38) 5.28 (1.28) 6.25 (1.57) 6.17 (1.58) 5.69 (1.14)

1412 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 19, Number 8

acquisition and allow greater detectability of responses Extraction Tool; Smith, 2002); spatial smoothing using a
in the signal (Birn, Cox, & Bandettini, 2002). All partic- Gaussian kernel of full-width half-maximum 6 mm; and
ipants completed four runs of the semantic categoriza- mean-based intensity normalization of all volumes by the
tion task. Three of the four runs contained 82 trials (45 same factor. For all runs and participants, time-series
‘‘no’’ trials and 37 ‘‘yes’’ trials), with a total scan dura- statistical analyses for each stimulus category were then
tion of 7 min 4 sec, and one run contained 84 trials (45 carried out using FILM (FMRIB’s Improved Linear Model)
‘‘no’’ trials and 39 ‘‘yes’’ trials), with a total scan dura- with local autocorrelation correction (Woolrich, Ripley,
tion of 7 min 13 sec. The order of the runs was random- Brady, & Smith, 2001). Registration to high-resolution
ized across participants. images was carried out using FLIRT (FMRIB’s Linear Im-
A trial was considered an error and was excluded from age Registration Tool; Jenkinson et al., 2002; Jenkinson
the latency analysis if the categorization latency was lon- & Smith, 2001). Higher-level contrasts of planned com-
ger than 2500 msec or shorter than 250 msec, or if the parisons of the stimuli in the critical categories (‘‘no’’
categorization response was incorrect. Mean latencies trials) across participants were carried out using FLAME
and error percentages for the behavioral data are pre- (FMRIB’s Local Analysis of Mixed Effects) Stage 1 only
sented in Table 3. (i.e., without the final MCMC-based stage) (Woolrich,
Behrens, Beckmann, Jenkinson, & Smith, 2004; Beckmann,
Jenkinson, & Smith, 2003). These comparisons included:
Acquisition of fMRI Data
(1) both categories of concrete stimuli (concrete–concrete
Images were acquired using a 3-Tesla General Electric ambiguous and concrete unambiguous) versus both cate-
MR scanner, equipped with an eight-channel phased ar- gories of abstract stimuli (abstract–abstract ambiguous and
ray head coil (Signa Excite; GE Healthcare, Waukesha, abstract unambiguous); (2) concrete–concrete ambiguous
WI). The MR sequence for functional imaging was a two- versus abstract–abstract ambiguous; and (3) concrete un-
shot gradient-recalled echo-planar imaging (EPI) T2*- ambiguous versus abstract unambiguous. In each of these
weighted sequence, with whole head coverage (96  comparisons, response latencies were included as cova-
96 matrix, zero-filled to 128  128, FOV = 24 cm, TE = riates in order to statistically remove the effects of latency
30 msec, TR = 1500 msec, flip angle = 60, 24 oblique/ differences from comparisons. Z (Gaussianized T/F) sta-
axial slices, 5 mm thick). High-resolution T1-weighted tistic images were thresholded at p = .05 with a cluster
images (0.94  0.94  2.00 mm) were collected using size of at least 12 contiguous voxels, resulting in a cor-
a 3-D inversion recovery-prepped anatomical MRI se- rected p value of .01 (Forman et al., 1995). Registration to
quence to anatomically register the functional data. standard space (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988) was carried
Image analyses were carried out using FEAT (FMRI Ex- out using FLIRT ( Jenkinson et al., 2002; Jenkinson &
pert Analysis Tool) Version 5.4, part of FSL (FMRIB’s Smith, 2001).
Software Library, Images were cor-
rected for head motion during postprocessing using the
intramodal motion correction tool MCFLIRT ( Jenkinson, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Bannister, Brady, & Smith, 2002; Jenkinson & Smith,
2001). Prior to image analysis, image data were recon- Behavioral Data
structed and subjected to high-pass temporal filtering Response latencies for the semantic categorization task
(Gaussian-weighted LSF straight line fitting, with sigma— were examined to test for effects of concreteness. There
25.0 sec). The following prestatistics processing was ap- were too few response errors to warrant analyses of er-
plied: slice-timing correction using Fourier-space time- ror data. Response latencies were analyzed in compar-
series phase-shifting; nonbrain removal using BET (Brain isons with subjects (t1) and, separately, items (t2) treated
as random factors. Overall, semantic categorization la-
tencies were faster to abstract words than to concrete
Table 3. Mean Semantic Categorization Response Latencies words [t1(19) = 4.23, p < .001; t2(142) = 2.88, p <
and Error Percentages (Standard Deviations in Parentheses) .005].2 When ambiguous and unambiguous stimuli were
for Stimulus Categories
considered separately, the same effects were observ-
Stimulus Category Latency (msec) Error (%) ed. Response latencies were significantly faster for the
abstract–abstract ambiguous stimulus category than
Concrete 674.19 (52.82) 0.84 (1.25)
for the concrete–concrete ambiguous stimulus category
Abstract 651.56 (40.40) 0.35 (1.30) [t1(19) = 2.77, p < .05; t2(70) = 2.23, p < .05]. Similarly,
Concrete–concrete ambiguous 672.27 (82.73) 0.42 (1.02) response latencies were significantly faster for the ab-
stract unambiguous stimulus category than for the con-
Abstract–abstract ambiguous 650.28 (73.76) 0.00 (0.00) crete unambiguous stimulus category [t1(19) = 3.35,
Concrete unambiguous 676.17 (70.67) 1.25 (1.68) p < .005; t2(70) = 1.96, p = .05]. In the context of this
Abstract unambiguous 652.05 (89.03) 0.70 (1.53)
task, these reverse concreteness effects likely reflect
a modest decision bias. That is, despite our efforts to

Pexman et al. 1413

match concrete and abstract word categories for rated word categories) revealed that the stimuli with abstract
consumability, faster response latencies to words with meanings were associated with significantly greater ac-
abstract meanings suggest that these words were still tivity compared to stimuli with concrete meanings in an
perceived as somewhat less consumable than were extensive network of regions including the left middle
words with concrete meanings. As mentioned, in the and superior temporal gyri, the left inferior frontal gyrus
analyses of imaging data (reported next), we statistically and left inferior frontal lobule, the left medial frontal
controlled for these latency differences. gyrus, the left precentral gyrus, the left superior parietal
lobule, the left inferior occipital gyrus, the posterior cin-
gulate cortex, the right inferior temporal gyrus, the right
fMRI Data
supramarginal gyrus, the right inferior parietal lobule,
For all contrasts, significant regions of activation, z scores, the right postcentral gyrus, and bilaterally in the middle
and corresponding Talairach coordinates are presented in frontal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus (see Figure 1).
Table 4. The reverse contrast showed no significant activity.
Planned contrasts testing the overall effect of concrete- Similarly, planned contrasts testing the effect of
ness (collapsing across ambiguous and unambiguous concreteness for ambiguous stimuli (abstract–abstract

Table 4. Areas of Significant Activation in Contrasts between Stimulus Categories

Contrast Region(s) of Activation Brodmann’s Area (BA) Z Score Talairach Coordinates (x, y, z)
Abstract > Concrete Left Superior Parietal Lobule 7 3.6 (3.3) 30, 58, 58
Right Inferior Parietal Lobule 40 3.5 (3.0) 38, 44, 50
Right Postcentral Gyrus 40 3.1 (2.7) 54, 30, 48
Left Inferior Frontal Lobule 7 2.9 (2.7) 42, 66, 46
Left Superior Frontal Gyrus 8 3.1 20, 26, 44
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus 6 2.7 (2.7) 44, 6, 42
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus 6 2.7 (2.7) 40, 14, 42
Right Supramarginal Gyrus 40 3.5 (2.9) 46, 42, 36
Left Precuneus 7 [2.7] 22, 64, 30
Left Middle Temporal Gyrus 39 3.5 (3.2) 52, 66, 24
Right Middle Temporal Gyrus 39 3.2 (3.1) 40, 72, 26
Posterior Cingulate 31 3.4 0, 52, 26
Medial Frontal Gyrus 10 (3.2) 6, 48, 16
Left Precentral Gyrus 43 3.2 58, 6, 10
Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45 3.6 56, 20, 6
Left Superior Temporal Gyrus 39 [2.6] 48, 52, 6
Medial Frontal Gyrus 10 (3.0) 2, 54, 4
Left Superior Temporal Gyrus 13 3.2 (3.1) 56, 36, 6
Left Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 3.7 (3.4) 48, 16, 6
Left Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 4.4 (3.7) 56, 36, 6
Left Inferior Occipital Gyrus 19 3.3 [2.9] 46, 86, 6
Right Inferior Temporal Gyrus 37 3.2 (2.9) 66, 46, 8
Right Inferior Temporal Gyrus 21 2.7 60, 10, 14
Left Medial Frontal Gyrus 11 2.8 [2.7] 2, 54, 14
Left Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 3.3 52, 2, 32
Concrete > Abstract Not significant

Z scores in parentheses are those for contrasts involving ambiguous word categories (abstract–abstract ambiguous vs. concrete–concrete ambig-
uous) and Z scores in brackets are those for contrasts involving unambiguous word categories (abstract unambiguous vs. concrete unambiguous).

1414 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 19, Number 8

Figure 1. Contrast map
showing areas of significantly
greater activity for the
abstract stimulus conditions
compared to the concrete
stimulus conditions.

Figure 2. Contrast map

showing areas of significantly
greater activity for the
abstract–abstract ambiguous
stimulus condition compared
to the concrete–concrete
ambiguous stimulus condition.

Figure 3. Contrast map

showing areas of significantly
greater activity for the abstract
unambiguous stimulus
condition compared to the
concrete unambiguous
stimulus condition.

Pexman et al. 1415

ambiguous stimuli vs. concrete–concrete ambiguous stimu- Notably, the activation observed for abstract stimuli in
li) indicated that the ambiguous stimuli with abstract inferior occipital and inferior temporal regions suggests
meanings showed significantly greater activity compared that visual processing was recruited to make semantic
to the ambiguous stimuli with concrete meanings in an decisions about abstract concepts. One explanation
extensive network of regions, largely the same regions for this result is the notion that semantic processing
reported in the contrast above. In addition, this contrast is grounded in the perceptual system (e.g., Sim & Kiefer,
produced significant activation in the medial frontal gyrus 2005; Barsalou, Simmons, Barbey, & Wilson, 1999). We
(see Figure 2). The reverse contrast showed no signifi- consider this possibility more extensively in the latter
cant activity. part of the following section.
The parallel contrast with the unambiguous stimulus
categories (abstract unambiguous stimuli vs. concrete un-
ambiguous stimuli) revealed significantly greater activation
for abstract stimuli compared to concrete stimuli in sev- In the present study, behavioral results showed that
eral regions: left precuneus, left superior temporal gyrus, response latencies were somewhat faster for abstract
left medial frontal gyrus, and left inferior occipital gyrus than for concrete words. This was true for unambiguous
(see Figure 3). The reverse contrast was not significant. stimuli (with only one concrete or one abstract mean-
Thus, for both ambiguous and unambiguous stimuli, ing) and also for ambiguous stimuli (with two concrete
abstract meanings were associated with greater activation meanings or two abstract meanings). We attributed this
than were concrete meanings. This result is inconsistent latency difference to the fact that the abstract stimuli
with both dual-coding and context-availability theories of were perceived to be slightly less consumable, hence,
semantic representation because both of those theories were easier to classify as ‘‘nonconsumables’’ in our se-
suggest that the representations for abstract meanings are mantic categorization task, than were the concrete stimu-
impoverished relative to those of concrete meanings. In- li. We statistically controlled for this latency difference
stead, the present results suggest that the meanings of in the analyses of the imaging data. Notably, results of
abstract concepts recruit a network of cortical regions those analyses indicated that abstract words were as-
that is bilateral in the case of ambiguous stimuli and more sociated with more widespread cortical activation than
left lateralized in the case of unambiguous stimuli. Many were the concrete words. Our results are consistent with
of these regions have previously been implicated in se- those of a number of other studies showing that there
mantic processing. For instance, left middle and superior were no cortical areas with greater activation for con-
temporal gyri have been implicated in semantic retrieval crete relative to abstract words (Noppeney & Price,
(Martin & Chao, 2001; Perani et al., 1999; Pugh et al., 2004; Grossman et al., 2002; Kiehl et al., 1999; Perani
1996). Medial frontal activation has previously been asso- et al., 1999).
ciated with semantic processing (Harris et al., 2006), The fact that, in the present study, abstract word mean-
especially the process of inhibiting inappropriate seman- ings were associated with more widespread cortical acti-
tic features during semantic search (Chou et al., 2006). vation suggests that abstract concepts are represented in
It has been argued that parietal regions may be the as- a network of regions tied to semantic processing, includ-
sociation cortex, involved in integration of processes ing temporal, parietal, and frontal areas. These results are
like attention, spatial representation, and working mem- not consistent with the notion that the representations
ory (Culham & Kanwisher, 2001). Further, Chou et al. of abstract concepts activate less visual semantic informa-
(2006; also Koenig et al., 2005) proposed that semantic tion than do the representations of concrete concepts,
integration processes can be localized to the inferior and thus, do not support the dual-coding theory. These
parietal lobule. Activation in the posterior cingulate and results are also not consistent with the notion that ab-
precuneus region, seen here with abstract word mean- stract concepts activate less contextual information, and
ings, has been tied to associative semantics (Noppeney thus, do not support the context-availability theory.
& Price, 2003; Cappa, Perani, Schnur, Tettamanti, & Fazio, Certainly, there are limitations to the present study.
1998). We would not claim that, in controlling for both con-
The supramarginal gyrus has been implicated in lexical– creteness and ambiguity, we have dealt with all of the
semantic processing (Binder, Medler, Desai, Conant, & factors that are likely to be important for neural repre-
Liebenthal, 2005), and our results thus suggest that ex- sentation of semantics. There is evidence, for instance,
tensive lexical–semantic processing was associated with that different categories of concrete concepts are repre-
the abstract–abstract ambiguous stimuli. Ruby and Decety sented in different neural regions (e.g., Kiefer, 2005;
(2004) argued that the right postcentral gyrus and the Damasio, Grabowski, Tranel, Hichwa, & Damasio, 1996;
inferior parietal lobule are part of a network of cortical Martin, Wiggs, Ungerleider, & Haxby, 1996). Further, in
areas (other areas in the network include the frontopolar our stimulus set, the unambiguous words had lower
cortex, portions of which were also active in these con- mean frequency than the ambiguous words. This mis-
trasts) that participate in semantic processing, specifically match in mean frequency that is present for the ambig-
cognition about the self/other distinction. uous and unambiguous stimuli in the present study

1416 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 19, Number 8

prevents us from drawing strong conclusions about the of a stable focal referent. Furthermore, both theories
impact of ambiguity on cortical activity. The issue of how contend that the lack of stable focal features for abstract
ambiguity per se influences neural representation of se- concepts leads to a complicated distributed representa-
mantics should be addressed in future research. tion that requires integration in order for the coherent
Our results suggest that the representations of ab- activation of meaning.
stract meanings are not impoverished versions of rep- The Perceptual Symbol Systems account also offers
resentations for concrete meanings but, instead, are an explanation as to why the current results differ from
characterized by more extensive activation in the se- those found by Binder, Westbury, et al. (2005). Our imag-
mantic network. Does any current theory of semantic ing results were different than those reported by Binder,
representation fit this characterization? Very few cog- Westbury, et al., despite the fact that most of the items
nitive theories have considered representation of ab- within the current concrete unambiguous and abstract
stract meanings. One exception is the Perceptual Symbol unambiguous categories were taken from the Binder,
Systems’ view of Barsalou and Wiemer-Hastings (2005) Westbury, et al. study. A crucial difference between the
and Barsalou (1999). Barsalou proposed that semantic present study and that reported by Binder, Westbury,
knowledge is grounded in sensorimotor experience: et al. is the task used. Barsalou and Wiemer-Hastings
Knowledge is acquired through sensorimotor experi- (2005) argued that abstract concepts may generate less se-
ence and retrieval of that knowledge involves simulation mantic activation in tasks that can be performed with only
or partial reenactment of the sensory, motor, and men- shallow semantic processing, such as LDT. Abstract con-
tal states implicated at encoding. Semantic knowledge cepts are usually instantiated in rich, but highly specific,
is thus represented in terms of simulators. Activation for guiding contexts (e.g., the abstract concept OPTIMISM
a particular concept involves activating a subset of the can be instantiated in the context of describing the traits
knowledge that is represented in a simulator and run- of a friend, or in assessing the financial future of a cor-
ning a simulation that reenacts some of what is known poration). When an abstract concept is presented in iso-
about that concept. This theory is proposed to explain lation, no specific context of instantiation is highlighted,
semantic representation for both concrete and abstract initiating competitive activity across numerous relevant
concepts. Barsalou and Wiemer-Hastings argued that contexts. Barsalou and Wiemer-Hastings argued that
there are similarities in the representations of concrete the lack of an individual context immediately asserting
and abstract concepts. Both are represented in terms of dominance for abstract concepts may lead to decisions
situational content (the settings in which they have been based upon the processing of word associations (cued
experienced), but the focal content within those situa- by the presentation of a word stimulus), not the activa-
tions differs. Situational content for concrete concepts is tion of semantic representations that constitute abstract
largely about individual, spatially circumscribed objects, conceptual meaning. Thus, in an LDT, the more focal
whereas the situational content for abstract concepts is semantic representations of concrete concepts are more
distributed across many focal topics, including physical, likely to be active, providing the standard concreteness
mental, and interpersonal events. Barsalou and Wiemer- advantage in behavioral data, whereas the shallow pro-
Hastings argued that these different types of content all cessing of abstract meanings would lead to limited acti-
have sensorimotor properties that can be partially re- vation observed in the imaging data. In tasks that require
enacted by simulators. The distributed nature of the more extensive semantic processing, such as semantic
focal content for abstract concepts, however, is likely to categorization, the representations for abstract concepts
lead to more complex representations. That is, because are more likely to be fully activated and activation of
the meanings of abstract concepts lack a unitary focal a complex and distributed system of representation
referent, the representations of abstract meanings are is observed. A number of studies have demonstrated
proposed to be more complex and more likely to be that the behavioral effects observed in LDT can be very
distributed across different types of content: ‘‘abstract different than the behavioral effects observed in se-
concepts often depend critically on multiple pieces of mantic categorization (e.g., Hino et al., 2006; Piercey
information distributed across a situation, [and] com- & Joordens, 2000). Given that behavioral results vary
plex relations are needed to coordinate them’’ (p. 150). across these tasks, it is perhaps not surprising that im-
This account seems a good fit for the results of the aging results also vary. Because the present semantic
present study. If, relative to concrete concepts, abstract categorization task depends more heavily on semantic
concepts draw upon a greater number of content areas processing than does LDT, we would argue that the pres-
in order to establish a coherent meaning, then the great- ent results may provide a more direct examination of
er cortical activity observed in a number of semantic semantic representation.
processing regions could result from the activation of The results of the present study provide new insight
these distributed associations. Barsalou’s account is com- about how the meanings of concrete and abstract con-
patible with that offered by Grossman et al. (2002), as cepts are represented in the brain. The mixed results
both attribute the differences in representation between produced in previous studies (see Table 1) seem, in part,
concrete and abstract concepts to the presence or lack to be attributable to the variety of tasks used in those

Pexman et al. 1417

studies. Our findings suggest that, although ambiguity Barsalou, L. W., Simmons, W., Barbey, A. K., & Wilson, C. D.
might influence the extent to which observed activation (1999). Grounding conceptual knowledge in modality-
specific systems. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7, 84–91.
is bilateral, the mixed results produced in previous Barsalou, L. W., & Wiemer-Hastings, K. (2005). Situating
studies are likely not attributable to stimulus ambiguity. abstract concepts. In D. Pecher & R. A. Zwaan (Eds.),
That is, regardless of stimulus ambiguity, we observed Grounding cognition: The role of perception and action
that the meanings of abstract concepts invoked more in memory, language, and thinking (pp. 129–163).
activation than did the meanings of concrete concepts in Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Beckmann, C., Jenkinson, M., & Smith, S. M. (2003).
a distributed network of association areas. Further, there General multi-level linear modeling for group analysis
were no cortical areas that were activated more strongly in fMRI. Neuroimage, 20, 1052–1063.
for concrete concepts than for abstract concepts. This Binder, J. R., Medler, D. A., Desai, R., Conant, L. L., &
pattern of activation is best accounted for by a theory Liebenthal, E. (2005). Some neurophysiological constraints
that captures representations for abstract concepts as on models of word naming. Neuroimage, 27, 677–693.
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processing concrete and abstract concepts. Journal of
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Acknowledgments Birn, R. M., Cox, R. W., & Bandettini, P. A. (2002). Detection
This research was supported by a research grant to P. M. P. versus estimation in event-related fMRI: Choosing the
from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council optimal stimulus timing. Neuroimage, 15, 252–264.
(NSERC) of Canada. Breedin, S. D., Saffran, E. M., & Coslett, H. B. (1994).
Reversal of the concreteness effect in a patient with
Reprint requests should be sent to Penny M. Pexman, Depart- semantic dementia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 11,
ment of Psychology, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive 617–660.
NW, Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4, or via e-mail: pexman@ Cappa, S. F., Perani, D., Schnur, T., Tettamanti, M., & Fazio, F. (1998). The effects of semantic category and
knowledge type on lexical–semantic access: A PET Study.
Neuroimage, 8, 350–359.
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