Written Report in Comparative Economic Planning SABADO CIELO C.

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Semester: 2nd 2024-2025

Discussant/Name: Cielo C. Sabado
Date: _______
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Room: MB 11


At the end of the lesson, the students will be to :
1. Define First World Countries;
2. Recognize the origin of concept and present beliefs of the First World after cold war;
3.Enumerate the different countries of the first world after cold war.


The term first world nations was first utilized during the Cold War to depict countries who agreed
with the Partnered Powers of the US and NATO. They leaned toward private enterprise and democracy as
their style of government for their countries. Third-world nations remained neutral, while a country in the
second world practiced communism and supported the Soviet Union.

The Cold War straightforwardly followed The Second World War and went on until the fall of the
Soviet Association in 1991. Despite the absence of direct combat between the two major world powers at the
time—the United States and the Soviet Union—tensions were high and nuclear war was feared worldwide.
The United States of America attempted to halt communism's spread because they did not want their rivals
to spread their form of government to other nations. They aligned with different countries who upheld a
majority rules government and private enterprise through the North Atlantic Deal Association (NATO),
where the law said that an assault on any part country of this association would be viewed as an assault on
all part countries.
In addition to that, the world is partitioned into various locales in view of their financial turn of
events and political steadiness. The countries of the First, Second, and Third World are names for these
areas. The expression "First World" was utilized during the Cold War to portray nations that were
strategically and monetarily aligned with the US and other Western countries.

To conclude, be that as it may, throughout the long term, the idea of First World nations has
developed and is presently used to portray nations with elevated degrees of improvement and an exclusive
requirement of living.
Lesson Proper :

The Cold War came to an end with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, marking the victory of
the United States and its capitalist ideology. The role of the big three in shaping the beliefs and concepts of
Three World Model cannot be denied. Their decisions and actions had far-reaching consequences, not just
for themselves but for the entire world. The impact of this era is still felt today, and the big three will always
be remembered as key players in one of the most defining periods in modern history.
Whoever uses the term first present reality in different implications,for the most part attempts to
portray the top finish of the development of nations. Countries with the most progressive economy, best
quality of living, the most trend setting innovation, the greatest impact on the planet. The expression "first
world" initially applied to nations that were lined up with the US and other Western countries contrary to the
previous Soviet Association. First world nations are frequently portrayed by thriving, a majority rules
system, and solidness — both political and monetary. First-world nations also tend to have free enterprise, a
high literacy rate, and the rule of law.
Furthermore, these nations have areas of strength for a base, trend setting innovation, and
exceptionally talented workforce. In addition, they have a stable political system, access to high-quality
healthcare, and an established educational system. The absolute most unmistakable First World nations
incorporate the US, Canada, Joined Realm, France, Germany, Japan, and Australia.Moreover, one of the
principal measures for a country to be viewed as a First World nation is its GDP (Gross domestic product)
per capita. Because these nations have a high GDP per capita, their citizens have a higher average income
than those in other parts of the world. This suggests a strong economy and a high standard of living.
Another significant element that separates First World nations is their high Human Development Index
(HDI). The HDI uses a country's life expectancy, education, and per capita income to assess its citizens'
overall well-being. As per the Unified Countries Improvement Program, nations with a HDI of 0.8 or more
are viewed as in the high human improvement class, which incorporates most First World countrie s. First
World nations likewise have an advanced framework, including streets, transportation, media
communications, advance technologies, and energy frameworks. This is essential for the smooth working of
a nation's economy and working on the personal satisfaction for its residents. Cities and towns in these
nations frequently have waste management systems that are well-organized, feature cutting-edge
architecture, and provide effective public services. Likewise, First World nations likewise have a stable
political framework with popularity based legislatures. These nations have deep rooted frameworks of
regulations, organizations, and guidelines that guarantee the security of common liberties and maintain law
and order. This gives its residents a feeling of safety and strength, adding to a top notch of life.
On the other hand, some critics make the case that the idea of dividing nations into three different
worlds is an outdated viewpoint. Numerous first world nations have specific socio economics that are in
outrageous neediness, which is more agent of non-industrial nations; Other third-world nations enjoy a high
level of prosperity.
Moreover, regardless of whether the possibility of first world nations was characterized by financial
abundance, mechanical headway, and political steadiness. It was accepted that these countries had the assets
and capacities to give an agreeable way of life for their residents.
To conclude, the meaning of improvement has developed over the long run, and the idea of first
world nations has become obsolete and deficient in catching the mind boggling real factors of the world.
First world countries, are often referred to as democratic and industrialized countries and they are
sometimes referred to as developed countries, have highly developed economies with strong industrial
sectors, high standards of living, and contemporary infrastructure. They are usually distinguished by high
GDP per capita, high standards of healthcare and education, low rates of poverty, and high degrees of
industrialization and innovation. Most people agree that these nations have attained a very high degree of
social and economic development.First-world nations include, among others, the United States, Canada,
Japan, Australia, and the majority of European nations. After learning about the diverse opinions held by
many people, I realized that these nations, which play significant roles in international trade and the global
economy, will affect what and how we approach the people, statuses, and cultures of a nation. However, this
does not imply that it is the entirety of truth.
Furthermore, we may argue that it is acceptable because: historical records and evidence indicate that
they are, in fact, first-world nations; they continue to hold beliefs that contribute to their wealth; and the
following factors are taken into consideration when determining what qualifies those nations as first-world
nations. A first world country cannot be defined in only one way.
World Economic Outlook Database, April 2005https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/first_world.htm?
Willton, K. (2023) What Is a First World (aka Developed or Industrialized) Country?
Eicholtz, B. (2021) Context Research Presentation – What Makes Up the Three Worlds Theory?

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