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Title:ECiB 60-3_05 Page:35 Date: 2022/07/04 Mon 17:19:05

Short Communication Environ. Control Biol., 60 (3), 187-190, 2022

DOI: 10.2525/ecb.60.187

Production of Doubled Haploid through Anther Culture of the Male-Fertile Lines

in the CMS System of Eggplant with the Cytoplasm of Solanum grandifolium

Md Mizanur Rahim KHAN1, Takumi MATSUYAMA1, Ichiro NAKAMURA1, Kenji URESHINO1,

Takashi ARITA2, Masaki IWAYOSHI2, Yuki OGURA-TSUJITA2 and Shiro ISSHIKI2
1 Laboratory of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903―0213, Japan
2 Vegetable and Flower Horticulture Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University, Saga 840―8502, Japan

(Received October 25, 2021; Accepted February 18, 2022)

To produce doubled haploid homozygous male-sterile line of eggplant with the cytoplasm of Solanum grandifolium,
anther culture of the male-fertile (MF) BC5 in the S. grandifolium induced CMS system was done. Anthers were cultured
in an embryo induction medium and were heated to 35℃ for 3 d in the dark and then transferred to 25℃ under a 16 h
photoperiod. After 20 d the anthers were transferred to a germination medium. The presence of pollen in the anther, number
of chromosomes in the root tip cells, size of the stomatal guard cells and pollen fertility of the regenerated plants were
investigated. The frequency of embryo formation in the MF line was 1.02%. From the embryos, one regenerated plant
showed pollen non-formation type male sterility. Root tip chromosome number and stomatal guard cell size confirmed that
the regenerated male-sterile plant is a microspore originated doubled haploid through spontaneous chromosome doubling.
The present study demonstrates the first successful production of a doubled haploid homozygous male-sterile line in a CMS
system of eggplant with the cytoplasm of S. grandifolium. Therefore, this material could be a useful breeding material for
eggplant and improve the speed of conventional breeding.

Keywords : androgenesis, cytoplasmic male sterility, homozygous, pure line, male-sterile

A pollen non-formation type promising cytoplasmic

INTRODUCTION male sterility (CMS) system of eggplant was reported to be
developed by substituting the cytoplasm of eggplant by
Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is one of the most that of ‘Taibyo VF,’ which is indicated to contain the cyto-
extensively cultivated vegetable crops worldwide belong- plasm of S. grandifolium C.V. Morton (Saito et al., 2009;
ing to the family Solanaceae. Most of the intervarietal Hasnunnahar et al., 2012). ‘Taibyo VF’ is a commercial
hybrids of eggplant are reported to have exhibited consider- rootstock hybrid cultivar between S. grandifolium and S.
able vigor in economic characters, particularly the yield melongena released by Takii & Co., Ltd. (Kyoto, Japan),
(Sambandam, 1962). For this reason, the main breeding resistant to Verticillium wilt. Backcross (BC) progeny of
method in eggplant has been F1 hybrid seed breeding. In F1 S. grandifolium induced CMS line of eggplant were segre-
hybrid breeding, first of all, homozygous pure parent lines gated into male-sterile (MS) and male-fertile (MF) types
are needed. Pure lines have traditionally been obtained (Fig. 1). Anther of the male-sterile line is completely
through 6–10 self-crossing generations (Prigge et al., devoid of pollen. Two independent dominant fertility
2012). Instead, completely homozygous, doubled haploid restorer genes were reported to control the pollen forma-
(DH) individuals can be induced from haploid cells of the tion in this CMS system. Pollen can form if plants contain
germ line in a single generation. This decreases the number the Rf gene at either or both of these loci, while recessive-
of generations needed to produce a pure line, thus reducing ness for both results in failure of pollen formation.
the costs of breeding programs (Germana, 2011). In addi- Several researchers reported on the production of hap-
tion, the fully homozygous condition of DHs makes them a loid and DH plants from anthers of eggplant (Isouard et al.,
valuable tool to facilitate the establishment of chromosome 1979; De Vaulx and Chambonnet, 1982; Salas et al., 2012).
maps, mapping of genetic markers, marker-trait associa- In contrast to the extensive application of anther culture to
tion and identification of recessive mutations, etc. (Forster common eggplant, very little information is available
et al., 2007). Currently, the DH technique is used in egg- regarding anther culture of eggplant containing the cyto-
plant for androgenesis. Generally, anther culture, isolated plasm of wild Solanum species. A DH male-fertile plant
microspore culture, and shed-microspore cultures were was reported from anther culture of the male-fertile lines
used for the induction of androgenesis. Anther culture is in S. grandifolium induced CMS system of eggplant (Khan
the most widely applied method for DH production et al., 2013) but to the best of our knowledge, there is no
because of its practical applicability. report of DH homozygous male-sterile line production of

Corresponding author : Shiro Isshiki,

e-mail : isshiki@cc.saga-u.ac.jp

Vol. 60, No. 3 (2022) ( 35 )187

Title:ECiB 60-3_05 Page:36 Date: 2022/07/04 Mon 17:19:05


Fig. 1 Development of the cytoplasmic substitution line of eggplant containing the cytoplasm of Solanum grandifolium by continuous
backcrossing. Progenies were selected in the two directions of male-fertile and sterile types during backcrossing.

this CMS system through anther culture. Therefore, in the addition, pollen formation ability and pollen stainability of
present study, our main goal is to produce DH homozy- the regenerated plants were investigated.
gous male-sterile line, through anther culture of the MF To investigate the number of chromosomes in the root
line in the CMS system of eggplant containing the cyto- tip cells, roots were cut approximately 1 cm from the tips
plasm of S. grandifolium. and pretreated with 0.05% colchicine for 2.5 h at 20℃ and
kept in the mixture of acetic acid and ethyl alcohol
MATERIALS AND METHODS (1:3 v/v) before hydrolyzing at 60℃ for 10 min in 1N
HCL. The root tips were then stained with leucobasic
S. melongena ‘Uttara’ and the MF line of BC5 prog- fuchsine for 20 min and placed separately on a glass slide
eny containing the cytoplasm of S. grandifolium were used with the addition of a drop of 45% acetic acid on them. A
as plant materials. Cytoplasmic substitution line of egg- coverslip was placed over the root tip and gentle pressure
plant was previously developed (Hasnunnahar et al., 2012) was applied to the coverslip to smear the root tip. The num-
by continuous backcrossing of an interspecific hybrid ber of chromosomes in the root tip cells was observed and
‘Taibyo VF’ (S. grandifolium⫻S. melongena) with recur- counted under a microscope. The size of stomatal guard
rent pollen parent S. melongena ‘Uttara’ (Fig. 1). cells was measured from 5 well-expanded leaves of each
Anthers of the MF line containing microspores at the plant. Three samples of epidermal cells were collected
uninucleate stage were selected for culture. The unopened from the lower surface (abaxial side) by using the nail var-
flower buds were sterilized with 70% ethanol for 10 s and nish technique. A small area of the abaxial side of the
then with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min. leaves was covered with a thin layer of clear nail polish
They were then rinsed 3 times in sterile water. After sterili- and left to dry. A piece of scotch tape was firmly attached
zation of the unopened flower buds, anthers were cultured to one end of the nail polish and the polish was carefully
in an embryo induction medium and were heated to 35℃ pulled off the leaf by the tape. Each peel with tape was
for 3 d in a dark and then transferred to 25℃ under a placed on microscope slides, then covered with a cover
16 h photoperiod. Embryo induction medium consists of glass and observed under a microscope. Guard cells were
Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with randomly selected, and their length and width were meas-
3% sucrose, 0.3% gellan gum, 1% charcoal, 10 mg/L ured in units of an ocular micrometer that were calibrated
AgNO3, 0.1 mg/L both of 2,4-D and kinetin. The medium with a calibration slide.
was adjusted to pH 5.8. After 20 d the anthers were trans- To investigate pollen formation ability, anthers from
ferred to a germination medium and cultured in the same freshly opened flowers were squashed in acetocarmine and
temperature and photoperiod condition. Germination examined for the presence of pollen. Anthers from 5 flow-
medium consists of MS medium supplemented with 3% ers were examined for each plant material. The plant which
sucrose, 0.3% gellangum supplemented with 0.1 mg/L did not produce any pollen was defined as MS and the
kinetin. The embryos derived from anthers were trans- plant which produce pollen was defined as MF. To investi-
planted to a hormone-free regeneration medium until roots gate pollen stainability, pollen grains from freshly opened
appeared. Regeneration medium consists of MS medium flowers were extracted from the anthers by dissection and
supplemented with 3% sucrose and 0.8% agar. The regen- then smeared in 1% acetocarmine to assess their staining
erated plants were transplanted in a plastic pot filled with ability following Singh (2002). At least 500 pollen grains
vermiculite. For ploidy determination, the number of chro- per flower were observed in five flowers per plant for
mosomes in the root tip cells and the size of the stomatal assessing pollen fertility.
guard cells were investigated in the regenerated plants. In

188( 36 ) Environ. Control Biol.

Title:ECiB 60-3_05 Page:37 Date: 2022/07/04 Mon 17:19:06


Table 1 Response of anther culture of three male-fertile (MF) lines of eggplant with the cytoplasm
of Solanum grandifolium.
Plant materials No. of Frequency of Frequency of Ploidy
anthers embryo regenerated
cultured formation (%) plants (%) Haploid Diploid

Male-fertile BC5 394 1.02 0.51 0 2

S. melongena ‘Uttara’ 560 0.36 0 ― ―


Fig. 2 Embryoid and regenerated plant formation of a doubled haploid homozygous male-sterile (MS) plant from anther culture of male-
fertile (MF) line of eggplant with the cytoplasm of Solanum grandifolium. Thirty-seven days after anther culture (A), 80 d after anther
culture (B) 140 d after anther culture (C).

MF line of eggplant was 2n ⫽ 24 (Table 2). Root tip cells

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of both the regenerated plants have 24 chromosomes
(Table 2). The length and width of the stomatal guard cells
The MF BC5 plant showed lower pollen stainability of these doubled haploids were almost similar to its mother
with acetocarmine and pollen germination ability than S. plant and S. melongena ‘Uttara.’ Thus, from the root tip
melongena ‘Uttara.’ The frequency of embryo formation in chromosome number and stomatal guard cell size, it is con-
the MF line was 1.02% and in the S. melongena ‘Uttara’ firmed that both of the regenerated plants are diploid.
was 0.36% (Table 1, Fig. 2). The frequency of embryo for- Lower frequency of embryo formation in S. melongena
mation from anther culture in the cytoplasmic substitution ‘Uttara’ might be due to genotypic variation to anther cul-
lines containing the cytoplasms of S. anguivi and S. grandi- ture response. Plant donor genotype is one of the most
folium was reported 0.39% and 0.26%, respectively (Khan important factors affecting androgenic capacity. There is
et al., 2013). Higher embryo formation in our study might variation in the androgenic response among genotypes in
be due to supplemented AgNO3 in embryo induction eggplant exposed to the same set of inductive and cultural
medium as reported in the past (AboShama and Atwa, conditions (Rotino et al., 1987; Başay et al., 2011). In gen-
2019; Buyukalaca et al., 2004). Previous studies on egg- eral, genotype, developmental stage of the microspore and
plant anther culture reported maximal responses of 14.2 different culture conditions are the three main factors that
embryos (Başay et al., 2011) and 3.67 embryos/100 prevent many species from being deviated to androgenesis
anthers with the most responsive of the genotypes used (Salas et al., 2012).
(Alpsoy and Seniz, 2007). Compared to common eggplant Investigation of pollen formation ability revealed that
low frequency of embryo formation obtained in the present among the two regenerated plants, anthers of the regener-
study might be due to lower pollen stainability of the ated plant No.1 was smaller in size and did not contain any
anther donor MF line of BC5 progeny. pollen. However, anthers of the regenerated plant No.2
From the embryos, two plants were regenerated were normal in size and contain the substantial amount of
(Table 1). Chromosome numbers of the original diploid pollen. As we obtained male-sterile plant from anther cul-

Table 2 Characteristics of the regenerated plants obtained from anther culture of the male-fertile BC5 of eggplant with
the cytoplasm of Solanum grandifolium.
Male- Pollen Stomatal guard cell size (mm) Chromosome
Plant materials fertile/male- stainability number in the
sterile (%) Length Width root tip cells
S. melongena ‘Uttara’ MF 95.5⫾1.01 a 18.68⫾0.45 a 13.8⫾0.30 a 2n ⫽ 24
Male-fertile BC5 MF 55.18⫾3.71 b 19.33⫾0.35 a 13.44⫾0.24 a 2n ⫽ 24
Regenerated plant No.1 MS ― 19.25⫾0.31 a 13.17⫾0.25 a 2n ⫽ 24
Regenerated plant No.2 MF 64.14⫾1.40 b 20.03⫾0.36 a 14.72⫾0.30 a 2n ⫽ 24
Values represent the mean⫾SE, and those with the same letters within a column are not significantly different accord-
ing to Tukey’s HSD tests (P ⬍ 0.05).

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Title:ECiB 60-3_05 Page:38 Date: 2022/07/04 Mon 17:19:08


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