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"Young Goodman Brown"

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"Young Goodman Brown"

Identify and discuss three symbols used in the short story

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's short tale "Young Goodman Brown," numerous symbols

contribute to the story's general topic. Three distinguished symbols are the pink ribbons, the

forest, and the black mass. First, the pink ribbon by Goodman Brown's wife Faith symbolizes

purity and innocence (Hawthorne, 1864). When Faith is seen wearing the ropes, it represents her

virtue and her role as a symbol of goodness in Goodman Brown's life. But when she finds the

pink line in the woods after her encounter with the devil, it shows her loss of Faith and

innocence. This is symptomatic of Goodman Brown's greed and deceit. Second, the forest

symbolizes the unknown and darkness of human nature (Hawthorne, 1864). This represents the

moral wilderness Goodman Brown enters, where he encounters evil and is tempted to submit to

it. Emphasizing the association with the devil and his evil, they describe this forest as a place

where no church has ever met. In the woods, Goodman Brown’s faith is tested and ultimately


Lastly, the black mass represents the collection of evil and the communion of sin

(Hawthorne, 1864). It is a satanic ritual where the devil and his followers, together with

respected individuals of the community, come collectively to worship and partake in sinful acts.

The black mass symbolizes the perversion of religion and the corruption of society. It shows the

hidden darkness under the floor of apparently virtuous individuals and highlights the subject

matter of the inherent evil in humanity.

These symbols work together to emphasize the evil theme of the story and the inherent

temptation of human nature. The loss of conscience signifies the presence of darkness and the

perversion of religion. Through these symbols, Hawthorne explores the moral complexity and

the struggle between good and evil for the human soul.


Hawthorne, N. (1864). Young Goodman Brown. Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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