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NOVEMBER 16/2022




Gondar, Azezo sub city Ayira district

TELEPHONE: +251918252575


Table of Contents

Table of Contents....................................................................................................................................................iii
Project summary.......................................................................................................................................................v
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................1
2. Company Analysis.................................................................................................................................................2
3. Industry Analysis..............................................................................................................................................2
4. Customer Analysis................................................................................................................................................3
4.1. Location:...................................................................................................................................................3
4.2. Service & Amenities:.................................................................................................................................3
5. Competitive Analysis........................................................................................................................................3
5.1. Strength....................................................................................................................................................3
5.2. Weakness.................................................................................................................................................3
5.3. Opportunity..............................................................................................................................................4
5.4. Treat.........................................................................................................................................................4
6. Strategic Plan........................................................................................................................................................4
7. Operations Plan....................................................................................................................................................4
8. Management Team...............................................................................................................................................5
9. Financial Plan.......................................................................................................................................................5
9.1. Lodge plane...................................................................................................................................................5
9.2. Investments for land.................................................................................................................................6
9.3. Garden building costs...............................................................................................................................6
9.4. Investment costs in house buildings..........................................................................................................7
9.5. Investments in building of the five floor big buildings.............................................................................8
9.6. Investments in building aquatic recreation areas......................................................................................9
9.7. Investments in building of children refreshment areas..............................................................................9
9.8. Investments in building of wedding stages...............................................................................................9
9.9. Investments in building of indigenous and mini zoo...............................................................................10
9.10. Investments in building of roads and gardening.................................................................................10
9.11. Materials purchasing costs.................................................................................................................10
9.12. Salary for workers per year.................................................................................................................10
9.13. Total business start cost in Ethiopian Birr...........................................................................................11

10. Revenues..........................................................................................................................................................12
10.1. SERVICE REVENUES FROM.................................................................................................................12
10.2. Profit from consumables at restorant.......................................................................................................12
11. Cost profit analysis per year.............................................................................................................................13
12. Time frame and Key Milestones.......................................................................................................................14
………………………The end……..!............................................................................................................14

Project summary
Mission: To access the community luxurious life in building of the natural beauty with high emphasis to
ecological equivalence, so that contributing to make Gondar city to be the city of choice for living
Vision: The philosophy behind Fasil mole and appartama PLC is:- building human, plant, animal, and
climate safety plants in one place. Thus, the community can access recreational spaces around a living
apartment and social services at the bottom of the mound.
Objectives: Building of Fasil mole and appartama PLC complex at international standard, and making o
f it as a destination for encounters, business success, enjoyable gatherings, and grand celebrations
reasonably in cost, beauty, and service complex (Precisely, reaching an annual occupancy of 90 %).

Investment performance monitoring sheet PARTICULARS

1. Promoter/s Name: Fasil mole and appartama PLC groups
3. Promoter’s address: Gondar, city, Azezo sub city, Ayera district
Email Address:
Phone: 0918252575/ 0918097738
4. Business Name: Fasil mole and appartama private limited corporation
5. Location of project Gondar, city, Azezo sub city, Ayera district, keb.20
5. Total Level of initial investment (in birr) Br. 36,801,515
6. Type of investment and financing----------------Share contribution from shareholders
Promoters’ own equity (30%)---------------------11,040,455
Bank loan (70%)-------------------------------------25,761,061
TOTAL source of finance in birr---------------------36,801,515
7. Total jobs created / employment Local workers (permanent employees): 102
generation capacity Local workers (casual employee): 145
Foreign workers: 1
Total 247
8. Business Target Both local and international services
9. Viability of the project Throughout its life time
10 Unique /technology/ Using the latest international mole & appartama construction
scenario at providing of:

1. Gust specific facility;
2. Many types of facilities in the same place;
3. Wild (aquatic) life preservation & exhavision
4. Quality based service price
5. Mini museum service;
6. New style weeding stages and meeting halls
7. Very distinctive library & reading areas to the
11. Duration of Project Construction/ Construction commencement July 01/2023
Preparation: Construction completion date: July 02/2026
Tentative Opening Date: September 01/2026
14. Brief description of the promoters
Fasil mole and appartama PLC is planned to be built by the one family member. This family already has the
land to take the project in to ground. This family member is equipped with knowledge and business skills
both at local, national and international educational institutions and universities respectably. Briefed lets see
one by one.
Members of the project Educational level & experience Role in this project
w/ro Dejyitnu Abitew The mother of the entire business team, Member
w/ro Dejyitnu Abitew, is the landowner
and wealthy enough to contribute to the
successful development of this project in
accordance with the Gondar city
development plan. Even though W/ro
Dejitnu Owed Large Lands, Dashed
Brewing Company Took Nearly Half of
This Family Land Without Enough
Compensation Before. The business
team therefore hopes that given the
previous situation, this family would
challenge fewer ideas in order to be
granted permission to redevelop this

Mulu Ambaye She graduated from the University of Chief manager of the
Gondar with a BSc in business project
management. She had worked as a
business officer in the Arbaya Belessa
district for more than ten years.
Throughout her working hours, she
attended various trainings on financial
management and economic modeling. so
the team believe that she can be a
promising manager of this business and
selected her as a chief manager
Yekoye Ambaye He is an expert in statistics and math. He Secretary
has been a teacher for more than ten
years, and at the moment he runs a
private business. He has too much
success in every business he has right
Dr. Abrham Ayele At the University of Gondar, he earned Technical consultant
his doctorate with honors. And he
received specialized, elite training
abroad at Stellenbosch University right
away. He also received a Gold medal for
completing his MSc, and he has been
awarded numerous projects totaling
millions of dollars.

Overall, Dr. Abrham holds the position

of associate professor and is a
researcher. He watched numerous
enterprises throughout his local and
international travels, and he decided to
plant his own mole and appartama on
their own land straight away.
Sister Abebech Ambaye She is a clinical nurse expert, and right Financial manager

now she chooses to run her own
business privately. She is good enough
financially to build such projects on her
family's land.
Fentaye Ambaye He is an international guider. Mr. Member and gust receiver
Fentaye is too crucial to this business assistance in the future
and to Gondar city as well. As we know
this Gondar city is one of the
metropolitan city of Ethiopia needing
guiders. So having this opportunity is a
ray of hope for the success of the
Mis Tadla Dinkie She is an agrarian with specialization in Gardening consultant
plant science. She will be responsible
for gardening of the project
Chalachew Ambaye He is a private business man capable of Member
contributing his finance and force for
the success of the business
Fekadu Ambaye He is a private business man capable of member
contributing his finance and force for
the success of the business

15. Brief Description of the Project

Dear respected Gondar city investment office, In this document Fasil mole and appartama PLC present to
you the business plan for the startup of " Fasil mole and appartama PLC Complex." In this project we will
not only do quick, new, and attractive international services, just as many others do, but we also pay
attention to quality service and human health. Environmental safety is the main issue for our business, and
we are standing to give safety to the community. The document describes the required investments that need
to be made (20% of all spending in the first year) in housing, infrastructure, equipment, and coverage of
variable costs like the purchase of service materials. Thorough attention is paid to the calculation of the cost
of services itself, like the purchase of consumable commodities, packed food, and other necessary
requirements to enhance good customer satisfaction. This results in an expected high profit of 86% for this
plant complex in the first year. Due to the quick and luxurious customer service, we will be able to produce

many customers, which results in a profit per month of around birr 210,000. This profit is on top of the
salary of 150,000 per month. The business plan for the “Fasil mole and appartama PLC " is a sound piece of
work and the future of it looks bright.
15. Date Signature


We are fortunate to have this business plan to establish the Fasil mole and appartama complex in Gondar,
Ethiopia's heroic and historical capital from 1632 to 1855 because we are lucky to serve different gusts from all
round the world. Thousands of tourists from any corner of the globe come to Gondar each year to visit the many
natural and man-made attractions present in and around Gondar city. The present of Atse Fasiledes castle, which
remains the longest and most referenced governmental palace for 45 years at a time in a non-colonized east
African country, takes the main share of tourists in Gondar. In Gondar there are many castles, churches, bathing
areas, bridges etc. built at different times and the city is also full of natural attractions like Amba-Giorgis strategic
places, Denbia plane areas, Semien mountain national parks, walia ibex and Chilada monkeys, Lake Tana and its
shore attractions, Gorgora town, Fogera swampy areas etc.
If anyone comes to visit Ethiopia today, it’s true naturally that he will be in Gondar district tomorrow. The
presence of these opportunities exposes the Gonderians to visitors from every corner of the country. As usual in
Ethiopian culture, Gondar city is known for its reception of gusts. However, there are significant issues with
infrastructure, such as international standard lodges in Gondar, particularly nowadays. Based on the number of
tourists coming to Gondar, it is possible to call Gondar an international city. Tourists may want to rest silently;
some of them may want campfires, visits to Ethiopian endemic birds, colorful fishes; the Ethiopian known fish,
Tilapia niloticus; Tourists may want to visit the full Ethiopian traditional wearing, logistics materials and listen to
the different kinds of Ethiopian songs. Ethiopian youths may prefer to read books in silence, especially if they are
seated between green areas. However, such infrastructures are not present in Gondar. So this project's main aim is
building and accessing of these attractive and important infrastructures all together at one place in Gondar-city.
The few direct and immediate outcomes of this project will be;-
1. It increases the attractiveness and profile of the city.
2. It creates new international reference sites called “Fasil mole and appartama akababi” for the city
3. It gives extra-comfort for the foreign and local community
4. It keeps the environment healthy.
5. It attracts foreign currency.
6. It creates jobs, especially for the local community.
7. It contributes to the success of the development of the Gebeta-lehager project at Gorgora port .
It is automatically sure that the initiative will be succeed and be profitable because of the following opportunities.
There is availability of enough land to construct it. The land's close proximity to University of Gondar and
Gondar's Ats-Tewodros International Airport offers huge potential for local and foreign tourists. Another major
asset to our project is the Gorgora national project, which gives the gusts a break. The lack of competitors in

Gondar city presents another chance to realize the project because this building complex is new in kind,
particularly in northwest Ethiopia especially in providing of animal haunts, colour full ponds and swimming

2. Company Analysis
Fasil mole and appartama PLC will be unique in various services and selling especially among competitor
companies in Gondar, Ethiopia. There will be strong care not to bother customers with high service fee.
Actually payments will be service quality based.
Service type Fee in ETB
Public entrance to colour full fish ponds in the guarden 5
VIP entrance 10
Public Swimming 50
VIP swimming 100
Museum visiting 10
Weeding stage rent 1000/day
Meeting hall 500/day
Campfire stages 200/day
Student campfire 1000/day
Living rooms 1st level 400/month
Living rooms 2st level 3500/month
Public reading rooms 50/day
Library entrance 10/day
Individual reading room 100/day
3. Industry Analysis
Currently, there are no moles and apartamas providing multidirectional services in Gondar city at all.
All of them are almost missing managed. The surroundings around them are too difficult to get
refreshment. Not only do these, but also all of the common living areas in Gondar city not have services
like banking, super markets, restaurants etc... The following facilities will make Fasil mole and appartama
PLC unique of the rests.
1. Gust specific facility; 2. Many types of facilities in the same place; 3. Forest & environmental
health; 4. Wild life preservation & exhavision 5. Quality based service price 6. Museum in

lodge; 7. Tourist campfire and student campfire 8. New style weeding stages and meeting halls
and 9. Very distinctive reading areas
So this Lodge frankly didn’t have any competitor there in Gondar city.
4. Customer Analysis
Our customers will be both local and foreigners. As our service will be favorable for local and foreigners
we can get more customers. Our lodge is strategic to attract customers. The following factors are some
of the advantages making our lodge will be the best choice of all.
4.1. Location: the location of our lodge is just near to university of Gondar, Atse Tewodros Airport
and Gorgora grand project. This gives huge opportunity to serve in country and foreign customers in
4.2. Service & Amenities: as it is said from the beginning, our lodge will be unique in kind in
providing of different services at one place at one time. So we will be full to fulfill customers
satisfaction and comfort
5. Competitive Analysis
For the sake of analyzing of the current and future computitives, it is better to understand the expected SWOT

5.1. Strength
 Providing of many types of facilities in the same place
 Establishment of quality based service price
 Green gardening & so that safe ecology and environmental health
 Presence of wild life preservation & exhavision which is too attractive to all society
 Presence of mini museum which is new in Ethiopia
 Tourist campfire and student campfire companion
 New style weeding stages and meeting halls and
 Very distinctive reading areas which promotes the local youth positivity
5.2. Weakness
 Weakness may be only unable to get our own water source. However, the PLC will try all its best
to get it too

5.3. Opportunity
 Availability of our own land and Ethiopian land administration proclamation allowing land
owners to have a right of doing investment on their own land is the great opportunity
 Close proximity location of the plant to the university of Gondar, Gondar airport and starting up
of Gorgora grand project is another opportunity.
 We expect the Gondar land administration permission may be another promotion opportunity
5.4. Treat
For the time we consider that there is almost no strong threat for our project.
6. Strategic Plan
This exists of 3 parts:
6.1. Marketing:
Ourp roject exactly will attract customers/guests by providing many kinds of quality services once.
Optimization of prices according to the service standard is key to attract customers as it allows to
them to be served according to what they want. Our message is “anyone can have rights to be served
in our lodge based on his choice.”
6.2. Distribution: our project will be open to all community present in anywhere.
6.3. Revenue management: Our mole and appartama pricing system will be timely. Actually the
prices cut-off will be based on the lodges minimum profit standard. Revenue and adverment
management will be controlled online and one can be capable of knowing services about the service
using his phone and thus, it will be too nice to customers not to bother about price issue.
7. Operations Plan
The number, quality and operational plan of Fasil mole and appartama PLC will be indicated in the
following table. Each and every daily, weekly, monthly and annual activity of every employee will be
documented. Broachers will be prepared according to the work type and every staff will be guided
accordingly. The business team will know information directly from the financial manager.

Job Type Number Minimum Quality Responsibility

Chief Manager (CM) 1 BSc in management Control of the overall activity
Finance Manager (FM) 1 BSc in management Follow financial flow & report CM
Designer 1 BSc in architect Design permanent& timely decors
Health technician 2 MD doctor Treat staff members

Logistics coordinator 2 Diploma in financing Order & control daily consumables
Accountant 2 BSc in mathematics Audit the overall finance flow
Guider 4 diploma in guidance Assist foreign guests
Guest receptor 2 diploma in language Receive any customers at the gate
Sanitation & room coordinator 6 grade 12 Control the overall sanitation of the lodge daily
children playing area controller 6 grade 10 Control materials and area safety
Waiters (female) 20 grade 6 Give the ordered services for guests
Librarist 6 grade 6 Give the ordered services for guests
Circus band 12 can play guitar well Refresh customers
Guards inside the lodge 15 has a legal gun Keep the security of the lodge
Guards at the gate 20 has legal gun Keep the security of the lodge
contract and daily workers 145 Variable type Doing Different kinds of timely work

8. Management Team
The management team of Fasil mole and appartama complex will build from the professional managers,
business owners and financial experts. The Chief Manager, finance manager, and logistics coordinator
of the lodge will have high rank positions here. For example new staff will be recruited and employed
by the committee (Chief Manager, finance manager, and logistics coordinator) evaluation.
9. Financial Plan
9.1. Lodge plane
Gust reception garden, Children refreshment area, wedding stages, different fish ponds and aquatic habitats,
a flower garden and plant seedling area, four swimming ponds, public restaurant, VIP restaurant, quality bed
rooms, and a mini museum will be present in the lodge (See table:1 for more detail).
Table 01: facilities present in Megabi Abitew Lodge complex and required areas per facility
No Facilities Area of land needed in m2
1 Gust reception garden 10m*10m = 100 m2
2 2 Children refreshment area 300 m2 each = 600m2
3 4 Wedding stages 200 m2 each = 800 m2
4 6 Aquatic recreation areas 300 m2 each = 1800 m2
5 Flower garden & seedling area 10m*50m = 1000 m2
6 4 Swimming ponds 300 m2 each = 1200 m2
7 Public restaurant 10m*50m = 500 m2
9 Quality 11 circular houses & corridor 11*30m2 +20 = 530m2

living One G+4bulding & corridor 24m*15m +100 = 460 m2
10 Museum 20m*15m = 300 m2
11 Meeting halls 100m2 Present at the top of G+4bulding
12 Investments in building of forest areas and mini zoo 30m*70m=2100 m2
13 Parking 10m*70=700 m2
14 Green areas through the lodge 1000 m2
15 Roads through the lodge 300 m2
16 Fence round the lodge 900 m2
Total 10,000 m2
9.2. Investments for land
This logy industry needs 10,000m2 land (table 01). It is not needed to buy land for Fasil mole and appartama; as
we are requesting investment allowance on our own land. Actually this is the biggest opportunity to the success of
this lodge industry too.
9.3. Garden building costs
The land scape of Fasil mole and appartama PLC will be rectangular and the total area of the lodge will be
12100m2 (300mX401m) and the whole area will be fenced with a 2m long block building. At each of the 10m
apart one supporting colon having 4 iron roads will be needed. So 2 sides of 401m length = 802m and
2sides*300m width = 600meter. ((802m+600m/10)*4)=560 iron roads are needed. The thickness of the iron roads
will be 12mm and thus, its cost in the current Ethiopian market is 1500ETB. Again a 50cm long by 50 cm wide
block will also be used to build all the fences except the four main gates and 8 mini gates around the lodge. Thus,
8 blocks will be used per one meter. 100kg cement and 500kg sand will be used per 10 meter long building. So a
total of (1400m*100kg/10m=14000kg cement and (1400m*500kg)/10m =70000 kg sand will be needed. On the
top of the fence a wire gear will be used to prevent the over fence jumping of robbers and animals. So the total
required investment for fencing will be as follows (table -02).
Table 02: construction cost of fencing
Item Calculation Required cost in ETB
Iron roads (8mm diameter) 560 iron roads*1500 ETB 840000
Blocks (400m long*8blocket) 300m 56000
wide*8blocker)= 5600blocks*10ETB
Cement 14000kg cement*5ETB 70,000
Sand 70000 sand*10 70000
Doors )4main doors*20000)+4mini 120,000

Labor force 10ETB per square meter*12000m2 120,0000
Total 1,213,000
9.4. Investment costs in house buildings
Fasil mole and appartama PLC will build 11 circular, two floored houses (ground +1) each with a diameter of
12m and a five floor (ground +4) big building at the main gate of the lodge. This big building will have 16m long
base and as much as possible, the design will be similar to Atse Fasile castle present in Gondar town. At the top
end of this big building, there will be a stage and thus, large sessions like public meeting, weeding ceremonies etc.
can be held well in visiting of all round areas from the high level (see table 03 fo more detail). Lifts will be
equipped to climb up the building and a campfire cam be made at top of this big building too. Construction will
be plastered with designed stones and color will be somewhat greyish and to similarize it with Atse Fasil’s castle.
Table 03: construction costs of 11 circular G+1 houses
Costs for construction of circular G+1 houses
area of the floor 28.26 m2
distance between each colons 2 m
total required colon 14 colons
Number of irons in 1 colon 16 Iron roads
costs of 1 colon irons 32000 ETB
costs for all 14 colons iron 452160 ETB
Iron roads used at the base 50 Roars
costs of iron roads for base 100000 ETB
iron roads used at the slab 200 Roads
costs of iron roads for slab 400000 ETB
Cement for 1 colon 10 quintal
total required cement for all colons 141.3 quintal
cement for base filling 20 quintal
cement for slab concrete 40 quintal
wall building 200 quintal
total cement need for 1 house 401.3 quintal
costs of cement per quintal including transport 850 ETB

costs of a single blocket INCLUDING TRANSPORT COST 25 ETB
costs of roofing per meter square 2500 ETB
total costs for Roofing 90000 ETB
costs for construction wood with transportation 80000 ETB
finishing materials per m2 2000
total m2 of 1 house 216
total costs for finishing of 1 house 432000
9.5. Investments in building of the five floor big buildings
Costs for construction of G+4 building at the gate of the lodge
area of the floor 360 m2
distance between each colons 2 m
total required colon 40 colons
Number of irons in 1 colon 80 Iron roads
costs of 1 colon irons 160000 ETB
costs for all 14 colons iron 6400000 ETB
Iron roads used at the base 66 Roars
costs of iron roads for base 132000 ETB
iron roads used at the slab 100 Roads
costs of iron roads for slab 200000 ETB
Cement for 1 colon 15 quintal
total required cement for all colons 600 quintal
cement for base filling 70 quintal
cement for slab concrete 100 quintal
Cement for wall building 100 quintal
total cement need for 1 house 870 quintal
costs of cement per quintal including transport 850 ETB
costs of a single locket INCLUDING TRANSPORT COST 20 ETB

costs of roofing per meter square 240 ETB
total costs for Roofing 600,000 ETB
costs for construction wood with transportation 80000 ETB
finishing materials per m2 1000
total m2 of 1 house 2550 ETB
total costs for finishing of 2550000
9.6. Investments in building aquatic recreation areas
cost per m2
Activity Total m2 Number of ponds in ETB Total cost
For Digging 20 6 200 24000 ETB
For construction 20 6 500 60000 ETB
Buying of fish 6000 ETB
TOTAL 90,000 ETB
9.7. Investments in building of children refreshment areas
cost per m2 in
Activity Total m2 Number ETB Total cost
Leveling and furnishing of the ground 300 2 200 120000
Multy-play system for children 4 50000 200000
Outdoor playground & planting 4 80000 320000
Total 640000
9.8. Investments in building of wedding stages
cost per m2 in Total
Activity Total m2 Number ETB cost
Leveling and furnishing of the ground 200 4 200 160000 ETB
Construction of wall 180 4 100 72000 ETB
Roofing 200 4 100 80000 ETB
Finishing and decoring 380 4 50 76000 ETB
TOTAL 388000 ETB

9.9. Investments in building of indigenous and mini zoo

Activity Total m2 Number cost per Total cost

m2 in ETB
fencing and preparing of the ground 2100 1 10 21000 ETB
Planting of trees & plants 2100 1 10 21000 ETB
building of animals habitat 1000 1 100 100000 ETB
Buying of animals 100 500 50000 ETB
Total 192000 ETB

9.10. Investments in building of roads and gardening

cost per m2 in Total
Activity Total m2 Number ETB cost ETB
Leveling of the ground & asphalting 300 1 200 60000 ETB
Planting of trees & plants 300 8 100 240000 ETB
total 300000 ETB
9.11. Materials purchasing costs
Item Amount price/item total price
bed 100 10,000 1000000 ETB
Television 100 10,000 1000000 ETB
house phone 85 2500 212500 ETB
table /different type 100 2500 250000 ETB
chair 200 1000 200000 ETB
showering sandals 100 100 10000 ETB
bed sheet 350 1000 350000 ETB
blanket 200 2500 500000 ETB
amplifier 4 10000 40000 ETB
shelf 10 10000 100000 ETB
Total 3662500 ETB
9.12. Salary for workers per year
Numbe salary per
Job type r Sex minimum Quality year in ETB Remark
Chief Manager 1 any BSc in management 216000 Foreign
Finance Manager 1 any BSc in management 180000 local
Designer 1 any BSc in architect 180000 local
Health technician 2 any MD doctor 180000 local

Logistics coordinator 1 any Diploma in financing 132000 local
Accountant 1 any BSc in mathematics 180000 local
Guider 1 any diploma in guidance 12000 local
Guest receptor 2 Female diploma in language 12000 local
Bed room coordinator 2 Female grade 12 60000 local
children playing area controller 2 any grade 10 60000 local
waiters 20 female grade 6 60000 local
waiter 20 male grade 6 60000 local
Circus group 4 male can play guitar well 60000 local
Guards inside the lodge 15 male has a legal gun 60000 local
Guards at the gate and outside
the lodge 20 male has legal gun 60000 local
contract and daily workers 10 any timely estimated 300000 local
Total 103 1812000
9.13. Total business start cost in Ethiopian Birr
purpose of cost Total cost in ETB
Costs for construction of circular G+1 houses 10741500
Costs for construction of circular G+5 building at the gate of the lodge 20792915
1.5. Investments in building of fish ponds 84600
1.6. Investments in building of children refreshment areas 640000
Investments in building of wedding stages 388000
Investments in building of mini zoo 192000
1.9. Investments in building of roads and gardening 300000
2. Costs to purchase materials 3662500
Grand total 36,801,515 birr

10. Revenues
Fee in
Service type customers per total cost in
day ETB/day Revenue/year
Public entrance to lodge 5 200 1000 360000
VIP entrance 10 70 700 252000
Public Swimming 50 100 5000 1800000
VIP swimming 100 20 2000 720000
Museum visiting 10 50 500 180000
Weeding stage rent 1000 1 1000 360000
Meeting hall 1000 1 1000 360000
Tourist campfire 2000 1 2000 720000
Student campfire 1000 1 1000 360000
Living rooms 1st level 4000 - - 3600000
living rooms 2nd level 3500 - - 2700000
Public reading room 50 80 4000 1440000
Individual reading room 100 25 2500 900000
Total service revenue per Br
day 38,200.00 Br 13752000
10.2. Profit from consumables at restorant
Estimated net profit in
Sells type
ETB/day revenue/year
Food 5000 1800000
Soft drinks 1000 360000
Alcoholic drinks 5000 1800000
Milk 200 72000
Juice type 200 72000
Water 200 72000
Annual Tax 300,000

TOTAL 11600 4176000

11. Cost profit analysis per year

Total consumable costs Br Total service Br
in ETB 13,715,000 revenue 13,752,000
Total logistics costs in Br Br
ETB 720,000 Total cost for consumable materials 4,176,000
Total labour cost 1,812,000
Tax 300,000

Br Br
Sub total 16,547,000 17,928,000.00
Profit Br 1,381,000.00

Br Br
Total 17,928,000.00 Total 17,928,000.00
Remember: this cost benefit analysis is done based only on variable costs without considering the investment
cost. This means the basic construction cost which is birr 36,801,515 will be returned at
36801515/1381000=26.64845402 year.

12. Time frame and Key Milestones

Location selection Ayera district, Azezo sucity, Gondar, Ethiopia
License Will be given by Gondar city Administration
Building protocol Will have 3 phase, fencing, gate buildings and full lodge, &gardening and
finishing (all will started on 01/07/2023 and finished 01/07/202027
Staff trainings One month prior to opening of lodge
opening 01/09/2027

………………………The end……..!


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