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When we talk about human rights, we cover many things and it may sound complicated. However, things
may get easier and simpler if you can figure out what the basic philosophy which underlies human rights is.
The understanding of human rights may vary depending on the culture and traditions of a society. However,
the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is recognized and referred to as the official reference
of human rights. It gives clear definitions of rights and freedoms through articles.
In order for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be adopted and applied, the existence of an
independent state is vital. Take Syria, where humanity, in many aspects, have failed. Millions including women,
children, old people, civilians have had to immigrate to neighboring countries, in particular Turkey only to be
able to survive. Some couldn’t get out of the war and got stuck. They have had two choices; either die or live a
disadvantaged life as injured, disabled people or as people without running water, a home to sleep in, schools,
enough food supplies. Therefore, people should appreciate being part of an independent and well-organized
It is not only Syria where human rights cannot exist. There are many other problems in other parts of the
world, where there are no wars. Women are still not allowed to join some social activities in some countries,
they cannot even vote.There are still places where children are deprived of education and forced to work such
as those working at diamond mines in some parts of Africa.
Human rights abuses are often associated with developing or under-developed countries but even developed
countries may have a long way to go. Inequality in education of children, unemployment problem for the
disabled, social security problems are still waiting to be resolved. In remote parts of some developed countries,
some groups lead a simple and primitive form of life, deprived of conveniences and technologies of the modern
world. They can be regarded as disadvantaged groups of modern countries.
The world witnesses and gives examples of both good and bad practices of human rights but thinking that we
share this planet with other creatures, animals and the wild must be treated fairly. There are some experts and
organizations that have been working day and night for arrangement of animal rights and fighting for
environment. Hunting seals wildly for their furs on the Arctic, bullfighting events, sterilization of street dogs are
only some of the events that are protested. Therefore, more and more people are becoming aware of those
issues all around the world.

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