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Haryana Public Service Commission
Bays No. 1-10, BlockJi, Sector-,1, Panchkula

This corrigendum is in continuation of Advertisement No. 10 of 2022

published on 10.05.2022 for the posts of Hydrologist and Geophysicist in Public Heath
Engineering Department Haryana
It is informed that the minimum and maximum age Iimit for the said
posts was 20 arld 40 respectively as mentioned in the Advertisement. However, now the

Gor.t., vide its notification dated 13.04.2022, has amended the minimum age limit for
the said posts to be "eighteen" and the maximum rge to be "forty two"'
The candidates who wish to apply now, can apply through online mode from
27 .02.2024 to 04.03.2024 upto I 1 :5 5 P.M. and application fees can be deposited through Net
Banking, Debit Card and Credit Card upto I l:55 P.M. of closing date i.e.04.03.2024.
It is clarified that the candidates who had applied earlier in response to
Advertisement No. 1012022 need not apply again The eligibility of such candidates on account
of educational qualifications etc. will be determined as on 06.06.2022 (closing date) as per
Advertisement No. 10/2022 and the eligibility of such candidates on account of age will be

determined on or before the first day of the month next preceding the last date of the

submission oiapplication to the Commission as per Advt. No. 10/2022.

The educational qualifications of the new applicant against this Corrigendum
will be determined on the last date ofthe submission ofthe application to the Commission i.e.

04.03 .2024.

The age ofthe new applicant against this corrigendum will be determined on

or before the first day ofthe month next preceding the last date of submission i.e. 01.02.2024.

Other terms & conditions as mentioned in the advertisement No. l0/2022

(available on the Commission's website) will remain unchanged. The advertisement
already issued vide No. 1012022 may be treated to have been amended to the above

oatea: li f
oz/:o2,1 Secretary
Haryana Public Service Commission

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