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Name: Beza Ketema

ID: 10006

Submission Date: 21/3/2016

Submission to: Mr. Henok
 Comprehensive Objectives: The research has a well-defined general objective along with
specific objectives that cover a wide range of aspects related to the treatment of women
prisoners, including international and regional perspectives, national legal frameworks,
implementation at both federal and regional levels, and specific challenges faced in identified
prison administrations.

 Holistic Approach: By considering the international, regional, and national legal frameworks, the
research takes a holistic approach to understand the rights of women prisoners. This helps in
providing a comprehensive analysis and a more nuanced set of recommendations.

 Regional Focus: The specific focus on Bench-Maji, Keffa, and Sheka Zone of SNNPR, Ethiopia,
adds depth to the research by examining the situation in a specific geographical context. This
allows for a more targeted analysis and recommendations that can be contextually relevant.

 Practical Analysis: The research not only delves into legal frameworks but also assesses the
practical implementation of rights for women prisoners. This pragmatic approach helps in
identifying gaps between law and practice.

 Pioneering Contribution: The study is pioneering in addressing the double vulnerability of

imprisoned women, especially in the Ethiopian context. This novelty adds significant value to the
existing body of knowledge and literature on the subject.

 Practical Relevance: The research not only contributes theoretically but also has practical
significance by providing insights and recommendations that can directly impact the lives of
imprisoned women. It bridges the gap between theory and real-world application.

 Awareness Enhancement: The study aims to increase awareness among imprisoned women
about their rights, thereby empowering them to claim special treatments. This aspect
contributes to the broader goal of promoting human rights and dignity.

 Focused Thematic Scope: The research demonstrates a focused thematic scope by

concentrating on specific aspects of women prisoners' rights, such as health, water, food,
pregnancy, accommodation, security, and childcare. This focused approach allows for a more in-
depth analysis of these crucial aspects.

 Clear Subject Scope: By specifically addressing the needs of women prisoners who have been
convicted and sentenced criminally or are in pretrial detention, the study narrows its subject
scope. This focus provides a clear understanding of the experiences of a specific subset of
women in the prison system.

 Potential Scope Limitation: Depending on the scope of the research, there might be limitations
in fully capturing all aspects of women prisoners' rights. Ensuring a balance between depth and
breadth is crucial.
 Data Availability: The research may face challenges if there is a lack of reliable data on the
ground. Access to information, especially in prison environments, can be restricted, affecting
the depth of the analysis.
 Time and Resource Constraints: The thorough examination of international, regional, and
national frameworks, coupled with on-the-ground assessments, might be resource-intensive.
Time and funding constraints could impact the depth of the research.
 Potential Bias: There might be a potential bias in the data collection process, especially if there
is limited access to certain perspectives, such as the experiences of imprisoned women. Efforts
should be made to address this potential bias and ensure a more comprehensive
 Limited Generalizability: The focused thematic and subject scope may limit the generalizability
of the research findings. The experiences of women prisoners in other regions or under
different circumstances might not be fully represented.
 Sensitivity of the Issue: The sensitive nature of the topic, specifically the treatment of
prisoners, introduces a significant limitation. Prison administration officials may be hesitant to
provide complete information due to concerns about potential repercussions or negative
perceptions associated with their institutions.
 Reluctance of Respondents: Both prison administration officials and prisoners may exhibit
reluctance to participate willingly. Fears of reprisals, distrust, or concerns about the
consequences of disclosing certain details may hinder the openness of respondents during data
 Limited Access to Prisons: Challenges in accessing prisons and obtaining confidential
information may restrict the researchers from fully understanding the conditions within the
facilities. Restricted access can impede the ability to gather comprehensive and firsthand data,
impacting the depth of the study.
 Ethical Considerations: Implementing strict ethical guidelines in the research process to protect
the anonymity and safety of respondents, especially prisoners, can help alleviate fears of
reprisals and encourage more open communication.

 Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborating with human rights groups, legal experts, and other
stakeholders with experience in prison-related issues can provide additional perspectives and
support in overcoming challenges related to restricted access and official secrecy.

 Incorporate Qualitative Research: To address potential data limitations, the research could
incorporate qualitative methods such as interviews or surveys to gather firsthand insights from
women prisoners and prison staff.
 Collaboration with Stakeholders: Collaboration with prison administrations, human rights
organizations, and other stakeholders can enhance data access and provide a more nuanced
understanding of challenges and solutions.
 Consider Comparative Analysis: Comparing the situation in Bench-Maji, Keffa, and Sheka with
other regions or countries facing similar issues can provide a broader perspective and enrich the
 Diversify Data Sources: To address potential biases, the research could diversify its data sources
by engaging with a range of stakeholders, including imprisoned women, prison staff, human
rights organizations, and legal experts.
 Long-Term Engagement: Mizan-Tepi University could consider establishing long-term
engagement mechanisms with prison administrations and other stakeholders to ensure the
sustainability of the positive impact initiated by the research.
 Acknowledge and Address Limitations: The research should clearly acknowledge its limitations
in terms of thematic, subject, and geographical scope. This transparency is important for the
readers and researchers who may wish to build upon this study.

 Suggest Areas for Future Research: Given the specific focus, the research could suggest areas
for future research that could explore the experiences of women in other categories, such as
under-trial detainees and those held in police stations.

 Consider Comparative Analysis: While the geographical focus is practical, the research could
consider incorporating a comparative analysis with other regions or countries to provide a
broader perspective on the treatment of women prisoners.

 In conclusion, this research project offers a valuable contribution by providing a focused analysis
of the treatment and peculiar needs of women prisoners in Bench-Maji, Keffa, and Sheka Zones.
The clear delineation of thematic, subject, and geographical scope enhances the feasibility and
depth of the study. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations of generalizability and
the exclusion of certain categories of women from the study. Recommendations for future
research and potential areas of expansion can help guide further exploration in this important
area of human rights and criminal justice.

 This research project not only contributes to academic knowledge but also serves a broader
societal purpose by addressing the double vulnerability of imprisoned women. Mizan-Tepi
University's commitment to community service is evident in its initiative to shed light on the
challenges faced by this specific demographic. The study's potential to empower imprisoned
women, influence government policies, and raise awareness makes it a valuable undertaking
with far-reaching implications for the improvement of the rights and treatment of women in
prison. Efforts should be made to enhance the research's scope and mitigate potential biases,
ensuring a more comprehensive and inclusive representation of the issues at hand.

 This research project aims to comprehensively explore and address the gender-specific needs of
women prisoners in the specified regions of Ethiopia. By combining legal analysis with on-the-
ground assessments, the research seeks to identify challenges and recommend practical
solutions. The outcome of this research has the potential to contribute to the improvement of
the treatment of women prisoners, not only in the studied regions but also serving as a
reference for similar contexts globally.

 While acknowledging the anticipated limitations, the researchers plan to adopt proactive
strategies to address these challenges. The sensitivity of the topic requires a careful approach to
gain the trust of both prison administration officials and prisoners. By investing time in
explaining the significance of the research and ensuring ethical considerations, the researchers
aim to minimize reluctance and conditional cooperation. Engaging with stakeholders and
adopting alternative data sources can enhance the robustness of the study, despite potential
limitations in access to prisons and confidential information. The success of the research will
depend on a balanced and ethical navigation of these challenges to contribute valuable insights
into the treatment of women prisoners in Bench-Maji, Keffa, and Sheka Zones.

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