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Southern Christian College

United Church of Christ in the Philippines

Poblacion 5, Midsayap, Cotabato

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

February 7, 2024

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her
understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture.
Learning Competency:
The learner:
a. uses correct and appropriate multi-media resources when orally giving
information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events in
personal or factual recounts. EN7OL-IV-e-3.10

At least 80% of the students should be able to:
 recognize the uses of multimedia;
 express openness to sharing personal experiences through multimedia platforms; and
 utilize appropriate multimedia resources in narrating personal


1. Topic: Multimedia
2. Reference: English 7 Quarter 3 Module 1
3. Materials: Laptop, Smart TV, Powerpoint Presentation, Visual Aids, and Printed
4. Values Infused: Participation and Faith in God
5. Skills Learned: Critical Thinking, reading and speaking skills


Teacher Activity Student Activity

1. Greetings
“ Good Morning, class! “Good morning, Ma’am.”
Requesting everyone to please - The students proceed to follow the
settle down in a count of 5, 4, 3, 2, instructions.

2. Prayer
“Before we begin our class today,
let us first have a prayer. May I
request someone to lead us in
prayer.” “Let us pray…”
“Please take your seats.”
“Thank you, Ma’am.”

3. Checking of Attendance
The teacher requests that the The class monitor provides the teachers
attendance be checked by the class with an update on attendance, including
monitor. those students who were absent that day.

4. Checking of Homework
The teacher will ask the students to
present their homework for The students will present their homework
checking. for checking.

“Do you have your homeworks?”

“Please take out your homeworks “Yes, Ma’am”
and let’s try to check if your
answers are all correct.”
“Please share your answers to the The students share their answers to the
class.” class for checking.

5. Ground Rule Setting

“Let’s review our rules. Again, what
are the 5 set of classroom rules that
I want you to follow?”

“No using of mobile phones.”

“No talking with seatmates.”

"Greet your teachers as they enter the

room. “
"Raise your hand if you want to be
“Very good! Do you have any more ground
rules to add?” “If you want to go to the comfort room,
raise your hand to ask for permission and
If the students suggest additional ground answer a question from the teacher’s Pouch
rules, the teacher will only accept those that of Questions.”
are pertinent.
6. Review
“Before we proceed to our new topic, let us
“Ma’am, our last topic was about The 9
first go over what we discussed last meeting.
Types of Internet Media.”
What was our previous topic? Anyone?”

“What are The 9 Types of Internet Media?

“Social networks, Podcast, Online forums,
Give me one for each of you.”
Photo Sharing, Video-Sharing, Blogging
and Publishing Networks, Consumer
Review Networks, Social shopping
Networks, or Discussion Review.”
“Give me one example for each Internet
“Social networks/websites: Facebook”
“Podcast: Spotify”
“Online forums: Reddit, Quora, Digg”
“Photo Sharing: Instagram, Imgur, and
“Video-Sharing: YouTube”
“Blogging and Publishing Networks:
WordPress, Tumblr, Medium”
“Consumer Review Networks: Yelp,
Zomato, TripAdvisor”
“Social shopping Networks: Polyvore,
Etsy, Fancy”
“Discussion Review: Facebook, Reddit,
“Are there clarifications or questions
regarding our previous topic?”
“Yes, Ma’am/None, Ma’am.”
The teacher will only cater relevant
questions from the students.

-“Are you ready for today’s lesson, class?” - “Aye aye, Teacher!”
- “I can’t hear you!” - “Aye aye, Teacher!”

7. Motivation
“Puzzle Quest”
“Who wants to play a game? at this juncture,
I want you to group yourselves into three
separate groups.
DIRECTIONS: Each group will be given
an envelope which contains puzzle pieces.
All you have to do is to stick the pieces back
together on the illustration board to form an
image under 3 minutes. When done, paste
your pictures to the board

“Are the instructions clear, class?” “Yes, Ma’am”

“Okay, let the game begin. The time starts The students participate in the activity

“Time’s up! Let’s check your answes”

“Perfect! Let’s give ourselves a Boy Scout The students perform the Boy Scout clap
Clap. and settles down.
“ Ready, Go!”

“There are cameras, cell phones, newspaper

recordings, video and social media or
applications in the pictures.”

“We usually use this when we are bored

and we wanted to be entertained. We use
this to gather information and to watch or
listen to news.”
After the activity, the teacher will ask three
students to share their reflection with the “Multimedia, Ma’am”

“What have you notice with your work?

What have you seen?”

“Exactly! When do we usually use these


“Very good! And what do we use to gather


“From our short activity, what do you think

is our topic for today?”

“Very Good! Our topic for today is about

The teacher will present the objectives to the

“These are the objectives for today's session,

class. These are the goals I expect you to
meet during this time frame.”

At least 80% of the students will be able
 recognize the uses of multimedia;
 express openness to sharing
personal experiences through
multimedia platforms; and
 utilize appropriate
multimedia resources in
narrating personal
“This morning, we will discuss all about

"Before we begin our new lesson, we will
have a short activity that will allow you to
become acquainted with our new topic."

“Word Search Challenge”

With the groups you had earlier, each of
you will have your own puzzle. There are 5
hidden words in the puzzles. Your task is to
cross them off the puzzle using chalk.

Time Limit: 3 minutes

“Time’s up! Let’s check your answers.”

“What are the 5 hidden words? “Text, Graphics, Animation, Audio, and

Have you ever found yourself bored during “Yes. I entertain myself by using gadgets”
the pandemic? What did you do?

“What do you open in your gadgets?” “Apps or Multimedia”

“Do you see these things on your gadgets?” “Yes, Ma’am”

“If yes, those are called multimedia.”

Excellent Answers!
“To sum up our two activities, our topic is
going to be all about Multimedia. Please
listen carefully and do not hesitate to ask
questions.” “Yes, Ma’am.”

Today, we will watch a short clip about
Multimedia. Please watch attentively.


“What did you learn in the video clip?” “Multimedia”

“Multimedia is made up of 2 words, what “Multi meaning multiple and media

are these? and what does it mean?” meaning means of communication”

“What is Multimedia?” “communication that combines multiple

forms of media”

“What are these media that are combined?” “Text, Graphics, Animation, Audio, and

“Multimedia is used in what 4 ways?” “Business, Recreation, Entertainment,


“In the last part of the video, the usage of “Give Information, Instruction, and
multimedia was shared. What are those?” Explanation; and narrate events or personal

“Very good!”
“Let us be aware that in multimedia, it is a
matter of give and take. If multimedia can
give you information, instruction, and
explanation, you can also use it to share
your own personal ideas, events or recounts.
The multimedia resources, particularly
internet media are effective platform for us
to share information and personal
experiences and recounts.”

“Do you understand the topic, class?” “Yes, Ma’am”

“Let’s test your knowledge”


Directions: In a ½ crosswise, since we have

low internet connectivity, pretend that you
are writing a blog in one of the Blogging and
Publishing Networks, the WordPress. The students participates in the activity.

Create a blog about your experiences during

online pandemic that strengthened your faith
in God. Word count is 100 minimum, 200
“Did you attend church services online or
through TV or radio? If yes, please share.”

“Are the Instructions clear, class?” “ Yes, Ma’am”

Time Limit: 10 minutes

The teacher will let the first 2 students to

share their experiences in class.

The students will reflect on their responses
in relation to the discussion.

“What is multimedia?” “A form of communication that combines

multiple forms of media”

“What forms of media does it combine?” “Text, Graphics, Animation, Audio, and

“What are the usage of Multimedia?” “It provides Information, Instruction, and
Explanation; and allows us to narrate
events or personal recount.”

“In your recent activity where you wrote a “WordPress is the appropriate website to
blog, why did you write on WordPress use because it is a site for blogging.”
instead of YouTube? Spotify?”

“During the pandemic, did multimedia “Yes. The internet allowed me to

strengthen your relationship with God? If strengthen my relationship with God.
yes, in what way?” Eventhough going to church was limited, I
was still able to go to church every Sunday
through online.”
“Very Good! Amidst any crisis, the
Filipino faith will never cease but
continue to
strengthen through the use of

“True or False”

DIRECTIONS: In a ¼ sheet of paper,

Read each statements carefully. Write
“true” if the statement is correct and
“false” if it is not.
____1. Multimedia provides information and
allows us to narrate events.
____2. Multimedia is a single form of media. Answer:
____3. Multimedia combines Text, Graphics, 1. true
Animation, Videos, and Audio 2. false
____4. Blogging and Publishing Networks 3. true
allow us to create vlogs and upload 4. false
videos. 5. false
____5. Podcasts allows us to review 6. false
products. 7.true
____6. Multimedia does not include Print 8. true
media. 9. false
____7. “Multi” means multiple. 10. false
____8. Social networks allow us to interact
and connect with friends.
____9. Online Forums are internet media
that provide audio.
____10. Blogging and Publishing Networks
are for creating and reading blogs.

Directions: In a ½ crosswise, draw a Concept Map about the Six Areas of Oral Language.



No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

No. of learners who required additional activities for remediation.

Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the

No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did this work?

What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help

me solve?

What innovations or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to

share with another teacher.

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by: Noted:


Cooperating Teacher Principal- I

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