Short Forms of Pitman's Shorthand

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2) Short Forms of Pitman’s Shorthand

Short Form Symbol Short Form Symbol Short Form Symbol

be our or hour myself
it and himself
do should itself
which your much
the year United States
to whose New York
two or too large largest
but thank or thanked especial or especially

who I or eye language or owing

have how young
think why anything
them beyond nothing
was you something
shall with quite
usual/ly when could
come what that
give or given would without
him me sent
thing owing wished
lord has or as inform-ed
we his or is never, November
for several satisfactory
a or an those respect-ed
of this expect-ed
on thus inspect-ed-ion
had because January
different or difference special or specially February
wish speak together
put subject or subjected altogether
to be first insurance
owe most people
can influence belief, believe or
go influenced tell
ought next till
in or any all deliver, delivered or
being though call
doing themselves called
having ourselves equal or equally or cold

Going as is build or building(able-to)

are is as Dr., doctor

Short Form Symbol Short Form Symbol Short Form Symbol
dear representative hand
during behalf under
truth advantage yard
principal, principally or gentleman word
liberty gentlemen immediate
member remember or cannot school
number or numbered told schooled
chair tried spirit
cheer trade or toward certificate
care third knowledge
description difficult acknowledge
surprise difficulty character
surprised balance wonderful or
nor(or in our) balanced rather or writer
near responsible-ility therefore
own great interest
owner guard commercial-ly
more gold inscribe-d
remark or remarked information inscription
remarkable public, publish or instructive
Mr. or mere publication instruction
sure object or objected circumstance
pleasure objection signify-ied-icant
larger organize or organized significance
largely organization govern-ed
everything satisfaction government
over investigation advertise-d-ment
however yesterday regular
respectful-ly whether probable-ly-ility
from important or importance individual-ly
very improve, improved or prospect
they are impossible whatever
their or there child whenever
been chaired sufficient-ly-cy
general or generally cheered danger
with in accord or financial-ly
according(according to)
southern cared mortgage-d
northern particular neglect-ed
opinion opportunity practice(s)e-ed
represent or short university
Short Form Symbol Short Form Symbol Short Form Symbol
English inconvenience-t-ly becoming
exchange-d distinguish-ed welcome
familiar-ity Income nevertheless
telegram become

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